I've had a suspicion that DeSantis is a RINO honey trap. From the second he even hinted he might run, the RINOs have thrown themselves at him in a desperate bid to siphon votes away from Trump. They put RINOs all through his campaign team up to and including his campaign manager. They've had the RINO donors throwing themselves at him. FauxNews is slobbering on themselves trying to fellate the guy. And now, they're talking about using the exact same corrupt tactics to rig the primary elections that we've seen out of the Democrats for the last decade.
Our gut instinct is to look at this as clear corruption because that's what it is. But it's also exposing to the world that the GOP establishment, the RINOs, are just as much the enemy as the Dems are. For those older voters and for the independents who don't follow politics all that closely, this is a big wake-up call.
Trump is the only candidate who is actually running a proper campaign. He's the only one actually addressing any issues. He's the only one putting forward even the outline of a plan to fix major problems in the country. He's the only option on the table right now who's not running a campaign solely predicated on "I'm not Trump."
I think DeSantis, wittingly or unwittingly, is a huge RINO honey trap and it's going to help Trump in the end.
Interesting thoughts. Prior to DeSantis entering the '24 ring, it was generally assumed he'd be the top candidate for '28 and '32 (and there was a lot of talk about him being veep candidate in 24). Now that he's in, he's crashing and burning and has essentially killed his chances in the future for the Trump base, unless you're right.
DeSantis does seem to be getting RINOs to expose themselves.
Same, and if there's any truth to this report I'll actually get out and campaign against him. Not even for Trump necessarily (I don't really want to deal with the violence my area will bring upon me for that, Adolf Whitmer will have me hanged if I defend myself) but against DeSantis.
Great post. I also believe this is all pushing the normies to understand the realities of the uniparty.
One issue. DeSantis is an unwitting accomplice in this. He is a deep state hack. Follow the wives. Look at his career from his Ivy League education through the Navy Jag office. Notice the back pedaling he does in Florida. He is as deep state as any republican.
If I end up being wrong I will admit to it happily. But Id rather be wrong and not trust him now than to trust him and lose my freedom later because of it.
But during an interview with Morgan set to air this week, DeSantis called Putin a “a gas station with a bunch of nuclear weapons,” repeating a similar line he had used in early March to describe the Russian leader. Both lines echoed a 2014 quip from then-Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in which he said, “Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country.”
Yup. Anyone can be indicted for any reason they want. It doesn't mean they have a case. They can just make up some bullshit to get an indictment, and they suddenly can't run for office. After the primary drop the charges.
This will just bump up trump even higher and may destroy the republican party. The RNC is dominated by the country club Republicans, who always stab us in the back.
Probability is increasing that we will see a MAGA Party run by Trump in 2024 after they screw him out of the Republican nomination. It has been suspected for some time that there will be 3 or 4 candidates in the 2024 General Election in order to split the Electoral college enough to keep Trump below 270, and this is how you do it. RINO, Trump, Independent, and Dem will likely be the four candidates.
The cabal ran this exact play in 1824 and 1924 as well.
The result of this would be POTUS selection by the House of Rep (each state delegation gets 1 vote) and VP selection by the Senate (each state gets one vote). The votes will be from members at the time of the vote, NOT the new members from the 2024 election from my understanding.
This is starting to look like the death of the uni-party. Maybe that's part of the plan - no party. Run on your credentials, and no more fake candidates.
Watch for this. There have been some breadcrumbs circulating that there are several things that DeSantis is indictable for. Talk about major comedic blowback if this happens. I think I better go get some more popcorn.
A DeSantis presidency never made sense. It was pure image from the beginning. No substance. No ideas. No notion on what needs to change. He nibbles around decades old Florida legislative issues when he needs a polling boost, but he's political mist, all form and no substance. The literal definition of "pussyfooting around."
I'd wait 72 hours until making a decision that this is genuine or fake.
If no other unbiased sources speak up about this, then I'll write it off as a hoax.
We all really need to vet the information better. Peddling fake news just to satisfy our biases and egos is a massive dishonorable disservice to the Great Awakening.
Write-ins would have to be counted by hand? In the most voted on election in history? And it wouldn't even require costly and time consuming legislative changes?
Very, very, very interesting...and exciting. I'm so happy I'm scheduled to work the elections!
David Niño Rodriguez
BREAKING NOW: Reports emerging that Team DeSantis is lobbying for a RULE CHANGE at the RNC that would BAN ANYONE UNDER INDICTMENT from receiving the nomination..
This is exactly why I will not donate to WIN RED. If this passes, you can be sure there will be a third party. This is why Ronna McDaniel should have been removed.
Sounds like complete horse shit to me.
This is the guy that is into all that Nesara/gesara nonsense isn't it.
I remember seeing him on with some right dodgy Paytriots .
Don't recall their names a little fat bald English guy and another English guy with glasses who was going to 'interview Q' as he was 'in the know'
Arseoles the lot of them
The past about "follow this Twitter profile for more updates" rubs me the wrong way and casts shade on the entire post. It sounds like a Paytriot operation to get more follows on a profile for additional clicks and eyeballs, and income down the line.
Plus, rumors about this rule change started a few days ago, with no further news happening between then and now. The fact that Trump did not, and still did not, comment about this makes this rumor very uncreditable
That never works. It just splits the ticket and the bigger party wins. That's how Bill Clinton took office back in 92 when Ross Perot ran and split the GOP ticket.
I think daddy Bush was sunk when he said "read my lips, no new taxes...." Came back to bite him. Everything that ole Ross said came to fruition and where we are at today.
I was 7 years old at the time, and even then it seemed simple. I recall my dad explaining it to me: "He said he wouldn't raise taxes, and then he raised taxes, I'm voting for Ross Perot."
"Why should we stick with a brand that will only work to cheat us?"
Because that's the only way to win. You think they aren't going to try to cheat him if he runs 3rd party? This exact question has been brought up to Trump before. He won't do it. Better to take over the GOP than to split the ticket. In which case they don't even have to cheat to win. Whether we like it or not, this is a 2 party system. Maybe after some major reforms in the future this would work. But until the swamp is completely drained. This is the only way.
An independent nation needs independent thinkers to actually pay attention to actions. Not relying on others for.... well everything to be totally frank. The parties of the parties are parties to the con that is our current state of affairs.
"Never give up the con..." is the first rule of "Conclub"
Except, the republican party will lose if they fail Trump again, by our hand, because we will will force them to lose by whatever means necessary. We are not playing the uni-party game of "lesser of two evils" anymore. They still owe the American public our rightful president from 2020- they better deliver.
2024 could be a 4-way split between Ron DeSantis, Joe Biden, RFK JR., and President Trump. In this scenario, President Trump barely wins the 270 votes needed for election.
If it weren't DeSantis pushing it, you can damn sure bet that either Mitt or Ronna would have been! They didn't support him when he was president, why would they start now? Fucking brainstems will do anything to keep him out of office.
This could boomerang on the deep state when the sealed indictments come out. Trump is found not guilty and the deep state have no one who can run on their controlled opposition ticket.
I understand that. I was pointing out that changing legislation in regard to running, was kind of an underhanded/CYA thing to do.
In light of that, trying to change the RNC rules, is in the same vein and not surprising. Ron (and the people backing him), will go to any lengths, shady or otherwise, to try and keep Trump sidelined and ram RDS into the nomination.
I don't understand the downvote, (if it was you), as I was basically agreeing with you that he's an asshole.
- At this point this info remains as nothing more than a RUMOR put forth by a few conspicuous users who are visible in the MAGA movement, possibly includingNino Rodriguez and Juan O. Savin- I am not sure if they are the source or just have helped spread the word but anything from their camp needs to be taken with a grain of salt and held back for further scrutiny and/or corroboration by *credible sources like Jon Solomon or a RAV reporter- Even Gateway Pundit could give this a boost of legitimacy! But as it stands there has been exactly ZERO other news coverage of this supposed "report emerging" about DeSantis camp lobbying the GOP leadership for a rule change about the candidates to block any candidate with an "indictment."
That's SO very vague also. Just any INDICTMENT?!? CURRENT OR FORMER, DOES THAT MATTER? What about civil or criminal - any distinctions there? Would Pence now be taken out of the race also, despite his favorable status (like Ronny D) with donors? And Ronny himself doesn't have any civil litigation going on presently? - or is he the plaintiff in all of it? No one is SUING HIM OR HIS OFFICE - not Disney, not a pro- LGBT group, no one?
Oh well it doesn't matter really because none of this jives AT ALL.
Can you imagine what would happen if the GOP threw in a rule like this to try and keep Trump out? Mark Elias and Perkins Coie would be working OVERTIME along with every Dem State AG to charge EVERY REPUBLICAN RUNNING AT ANY LEVEL from the Senate down to school boards! ESPECIALLY ANYONE WITH MAGA TIES! THEY WOULD REMOVE EVERY MAGA POLITICIAN from the 2024 race almost INSTANTLY, and probably go further than that. Is the GOP Leadership REALLY GONNA make all those candidates suffer just over Trump? Seems VERY unlikely.
I do think its POSSIBLE that GOP finds a way to support DeSantis for the nomination over Trump, but they seem pretty tethered to doing things in a "traditionally corrupt" way - debates stuffed with partisans toward one candidate in the audience like when Rubio and Cruz were up against Trump and Rubio kept getting ovations for almost nothing. Blocking out media coverage and silencing any support from their personalities- FOX already did this. Restricting access to donors and $, or maybe preventing a certain candidate from participating in debates or giving him limited coverage and time during the session, for some dubious and made up reasons.
That's the type of stuff I see GOP trying, but they wont be as blatant as the DNC will be in their shutting the door on RFK jr.
Regardless, I do think we end up in a 3 or 4 candidate race in 2024 - DeSantis (maybe) Biden RFK Jr and Trump. I think Trump gets the GOP nomination but of they somehow screw him out of it and gove it to DeSantis he will run Independently. I think the same for RFK, who has views I like and others that are shockingly bad - but, if you watched his interview on Glenn Greenwald you can at least say of him that he is willing to change his mind, if he hears new information about a topic that he wasnt aware of beforehand. That willingness to change your view based on the evidence you have available is a VERY IMPORTANT and almost MANDATORY trait when it comes to ANY politician we are going to elect as President of the USA - now and in the future as well.
Has the DNC even ACKNOWLEDGED RFK as a candidate?? If they do, which I have doubts about, they will try to give him the Bernie treatment of course.
Concerning Bernie, I'd like to quote the brilliant Peter Navarro on War Room recently: " I mean, WHAT A PUSSY."
RFK Jr isn't of the same er, constitution. I don't think he will take it lying down like that, nor put in to support whoever the DNC masters annoint as the party candidate - especially if its Biden.
We could have Trump AND RFK Jr running as Independents BOTH, I really think it will be just one or the other though. Nonetheless its possible!
Has a write in candidate( ever gotten a plurality? 80 million, 100 million votes!??
If the RNC wants to do this, go right ahead. Seriously, do it. Were that to happen Trump would likely lead an open revolt against the RNC. If they tried to screw Trump the RNC would forever be dead to me. If they think MAGA doesn't matter or that we will just quietly roll over and vote for whatever puppet they feel like installing, then they can do it and see what happens.
The concept of "political parties" must be destroyed. They are a purposefully created contrivance designed as an easy path for Controlled Opposition. If you have 100 Senators for example, you should have 100 opinions, not 2.
Perhaps this is an intentional white hat operation to show the fraud of political parties.
So: The Lion Party, then? Or MAGA Party or whatever name Trump decides on. Maybe it's time to kick the GOP to the curb and start anew without the herd of RINOs we've had to deal with since forever.
Trump is popular enough to pull this off, assuming the Cheat is kept down to merely epic levels. Big assumption, I know, but that's true whether or not we go with a new third party. On the other hand, splitting the vote 3 ways (plus the usual micro-parties) WOULD require something even closer to actual vote-counting integrity than with merely 2 major parties.
This is damned stupid.
You have to be extremely short-sighted to not see this is handing the 'Rats an easy way to veto any candidate they don't like.
I've had a suspicion that DeSantis is a RINO honey trap. From the second he even hinted he might run, the RINOs have thrown themselves at him in a desperate bid to siphon votes away from Trump. They put RINOs all through his campaign team up to and including his campaign manager. They've had the RINO donors throwing themselves at him. FauxNews is slobbering on themselves trying to fellate the guy. And now, they're talking about using the exact same corrupt tactics to rig the primary elections that we've seen out of the Democrats for the last decade.
Our gut instinct is to look at this as clear corruption because that's what it is. But it's also exposing to the world that the GOP establishment, the RINOs, are just as much the enemy as the Dems are. For those older voters and for the independents who don't follow politics all that closely, this is a big wake-up call.
Trump is the only candidate who is actually running a proper campaign. He's the only one actually addressing any issues. He's the only one putting forward even the outline of a plan to fix major problems in the country. He's the only option on the table right now who's not running a campaign solely predicated on "I'm not Trump."
I think DeSantis, wittingly or unwittingly, is a huge RINO honey trap and it's going to help Trump in the end.
DeSantis was invited to the Bush Ranch with Jeb to fundraise. DeSantis working with traitor family #1.
Interesting thoughts. Prior to DeSantis entering the '24 ring, it was generally assumed he'd be the top candidate for '28 and '32 (and there was a lot of talk about him being veep candidate in 24). Now that he's in, he's crashing and burning and has essentially killed his chances in the future for the Trump base, unless you're right.
DeSantis does seem to be getting RINOs to expose themselves.
He won't get my vote - ever!
Same, and if there's any truth to this report I'll actually get out and campaign against him. Not even for Trump necessarily (I don't really want to deal with the violence my area will bring upon me for that, Adolf Whitmer will have me hanged if I defend myself) but against DeSantis.
Sick of backstabbing.
Your vote wont matter anyways.
Great post. I also believe this is all pushing the normies to understand the realities of the uniparty.
One issue. DeSantis is an unwitting accomplice in this. He is a deep state hack. Follow the wives. Look at his career from his Ivy League education through the Navy Jag office. Notice the back pedaling he does in Florida. He is as deep state as any republican.
If I end up being wrong I will admit to it happily. But Id rather be wrong and not trust him now than to trust him and lose my freedom later because of it.
Your 110% on target bro.
For th Repubs he is.
For the Dems, RFK,Jr is putting forth some solid ideas to help this country.
But, he's a Kennedy, and after his Uncle's and father's assassinations, the Dems said no more Kennedys in the White House.
National Unity ticket?
Yup. Anyone can be indicted for any reason they want. It doesn't mean they have a case. They can just make up some bullshit to get an indictment, and they suddenly can't run for office. After the primary drop the charges.
Exactly. "You can indict a ham sandwich."
Though, of course, when the Uniparty controls the court system (and they do) their candidates have nothing to worry about.
For which reason, I think this "rumor" is 100% bullshit clickbait.
It's nonsense. An indictment is nothing more than something with a social stigma. Legally, it means nothing about guilt or innocence.
I think if they tried it Trump would sue. Me personally, true or not, I'm not much concerned about it. Nothing can stop what is coming.
This will just bump up trump even higher and may destroy the republican party. The RNC is dominated by the country club Republicans, who always stab us in the back.
Destroy the Uniparty!
Let's all go independent.
That would be wild.
We could have Trump win as president after running as an Independent.
Or as MAGA party.
We just need to take back the republican party, from the globalhomo rinos.
Probability is increasing that we will see a MAGA Party run by Trump in 2024 after they screw him out of the Republican nomination. It has been suspected for some time that there will be 3 or 4 candidates in the 2024 General Election in order to split the Electoral college enough to keep Trump below 270, and this is how you do it. RINO, Trump, Independent, and Dem will likely be the four candidates.
The cabal ran this exact play in 1824 and 1924 as well.
1824 Election (stolen from Andrew Jackson): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1824_United_States_presidential_election
1924 Election (failed steal attempt on Coolidge?): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1924_United_States_presidential_election
The result of this would be POTUS selection by the House of Rep (each state delegation gets 1 vote) and VP selection by the Senate (each state gets one vote). The votes will be from members at the time of the vote, NOT the new members from the 2024 election from my understanding.
1824, 1924, 2024........THOSE are SOME numbers.
Let's see:
Biden claims 80 million votes. Trump: 70 million. That a 150 million voters.
If and when they would do so, the others will have no path to the 271 unless they all throw their support behind some solution.
It would be a major boomerang.
hehe...I think it's going to be Trump 100M votes, Biden 105M votes, candidate 3 with 17M votes, candidate 4 with 17M votes.
-the American People (after realizing there are only 150M registered voters and 239M votes just got "cast")
Total votes cast in 2020 was 156 million. Even so, there was something screwy because President Trump got more votes than he did in 2016.
We saw how that worked out.
What's even more damned stupid is meatball thinking we'd ever embrace him when he's the one trying fuck the magnificent orange man.
The RNC is the 75 million that voted for Trump. NOT the fucking few hundred Rinos that think they own it.
Destruction of the old guard ....
It would be perfectly feasible to start a new party with new infrastructure.
This is starting to look like the death of the uni-party. Maybe that's part of the plan - no party. Run on your credentials, and no more fake candidates.
Amen, but I think if you add about 25 mil, you're closer to the real number GEOTUS received.
IMHO DJT got no fewer than 125 million actual legit votes, Biden around 25 M.
Would not be surprising at all to learn Trump won the so-called "popular vote" in 2020 by 100 million votes.
No doubt!
I agree. It was not even close.
What would be hilarious, DeSantis getting indicted real quick for something..lol
Watch for this. There have been some breadcrumbs circulating that there are several things that DeSantis is indictable for. Talk about major comedic blowback if this happens. I think I better go get some more popcorn.
A DeSantis presidency never made sense. It was pure image from the beginning. No substance. No ideas. No notion on what needs to change. He nibbles around decades old Florida legislative issues when he needs a polling boost, but he's political mist, all form and no substance. The literal definition of "pussyfooting around."
This is an overt declaration of war against the voice of the people. That makes DeSantis (and his puppet masters) our enemy.
Seems like they going all in with a pair of Jokers...
-Joe Biden (after going all in with a pair of Jokers)
How about some actual conformation rather than one post?
"While the reports are unconfirmed, several social media users are reacting. Neither DeSantis nor his team has issued a statement yet."
Trial balloon.
I'd wait 72 hours until making a decision that this is genuine or fake.
If no other unbiased sources speak up about this, then I'll write it off as a hoax.
We all really need to vet the information better. Peddling fake news just to satisfy our biases and egos is a massive dishonorable disservice to the Great Awakening.
Best comment this week.
But I'm biased. I read "David Nino R...." and I am immediately skeptical, especially if there are no other <disconnected> sources.
A bunch of social media accounts spreading around 'unconfirmed reports' does NOT equal multiple sources.
So that's..... a bunch of social media accounts are spreading the (mis/dis/unconfirmed/rumored) information....
I'll wait.
Let's try a quick search on Freespoke
yeah.... nothing. I'll wait 48 hours.
Everyone will write their name in for DJT if he is refused the nomination.
But will dominion machines read write ins? I mean they can't count, so...
Write-ins would have to be counted by hand? In the most voted on election in history? And it wouldn't even require costly and time consuming legislative changes?
Very, very, very interesting...and exciting. I'm so happy I'm scheduled to work the elections!
A broken toilet at 3am has destroyed every write in ballot. -CNN
David Niño Rodriguez @ninoboxer BREAKING NOW: Reports emerging that Team DeSantis is lobbying for a RULE CHANGE at the RNC that would BAN ANYONE UNDER INDICTMENT from receiving the nomination..
Can't BEAT them.. CHEAT them..
Join @CBKNEWS121 for more updates
Lobbying, not a set in stone.
It is a 48 hour rule here. I'd wait until we have signs that this will not go the way we wanted before getting concerned...
Bullshit, PDJT is in control and it's ridiculous to think otherwise.🙄
Right. Trump is the one person who doesn’t need the RNC.
This is exactly why I will not donate to WIN RED. If this passes, you can be sure there will be a third party. This is why Ronna McDaniel should have been removed.
They fixed that election too.
Yes, definitely.
So, what do we name the new party?
MAGA Party or Eagle Party.
The KAG Party, lion logo.
The Bigly Party. Our official color is orange.
American Republican.
The Republican name is too good to lose. Has a strong history of standing up for the little folk.
Sounds like complete horse shit to me. This is the guy that is into all that Nesara/gesara nonsense isn't it. I remember seeing him on with some right dodgy Paytriots . Don't recall their names a little fat bald English guy and another English guy with glasses who was going to 'interview Q' as he was 'in the know' Arseoles the lot of them
The past about "follow this Twitter profile for more updates" rubs me the wrong way and casts shade on the entire post. It sounds like a Paytriot operation to get more follows on a profile for additional clicks and eyeballs, and income down the line.
Plus, rumors about this rule change started a few days ago, with no further news happening between then and now. The fact that Trump did not, and still did not, comment about this makes this rumor very uncreditable
They need to start a new party!
Party politics are over.
Agreed. I find not party with representatives, senators, president, VP, within the Constitution.
And all the parties do is pursue their agendas versus only doing what the Constitution sets out and not exceeding their powers and authorities.....
I agree.
That never works. It just splits the ticket and the bigger party wins. That's how Bill Clinton took office back in 92 when Ross Perot ran and split the GOP ticket.
I think daddy Bush was sunk when he said "read my lips, no new taxes...." Came back to bite him. Everything that ole Ross said came to fruition and where we are at today.
I was 7 years old at the time, and even then it seemed simple. I recall my dad explaining it to me: "He said he wouldn't raise taxes, and then he raised taxes, I'm voting for Ross Perot."
Yup, my parents too!
We might not have a choice.
The UniParty is not going to let Trump win.
He might be forced to abandon the R brand.
Why should we stick with a brand that will only work to cheat us?
"Why should we stick with a brand that will only work to cheat us?"
Because that's the only way to win. You think they aren't going to try to cheat him if he runs 3rd party? This exact question has been brought up to Trump before. He won't do it. Better to take over the GOP than to split the ticket. In which case they don't even have to cheat to win. Whether we like it or not, this is a 2 party system. Maybe after some major reforms in the future this would work. But until the swamp is completely drained. This is the only way.
We will see what happens.
I still think they will find a way to lock Trump out of the nomination.
That's exactly where this is headed.
Red vs. Blue
An independent nation needs independent thinkers to actually pay attention to actions. Not relying on others for.... well everything to be totally frank. The parties of the parties are parties to the con that is our current state of affairs.
"Never give up the con..." is the first rule of "Conclub"
Except, the republican party will lose if they fail Trump again, by our hand, because we will will force them to lose by whatever means necessary. We are not playing the uni-party game of "lesser of two evils" anymore. They still owe the American public our rightful president from 2020- they better deliver.
It was also a boon to Reagan when John Andersen took votes from Carter in 1980.
2024 could be a 4-way split between Ron DeSantis, Joe Biden, RFK JR., and President Trump. In this scenario, President Trump barely wins the 270 votes needed for election.
Quick. Indict all the candidates.
If it weren't DeSantis pushing it, you can damn sure bet that either Mitt or Ronna would have been! They didn't support him when he was president, why would they start now? Fucking brainstems will do anything to keep him out of office.
Who does this POS think he is?
Does he honestly think people will vote for him?
His ego is beyond measure.
And this affordable housing ruse is a huge part of the cabal agenda to turn suburban America into communist shitholes like the cities.
I didn't know that one.
Thanks for the info.
This could boomerang on the deep state when the sealed indictments come out. Trump is found not guilty and the deep state have no one who can run on their controlled opposition ticket.
Who is this asshole to change any rules?
Well, he got legislation passed that lets him run and continue to be Governor, so this should come as no surprise! What a weasel! 🐹
That's in his state. This is not.
I understand that. I was pointing out that changing legislation in regard to running, was kind of an underhanded/CYA thing to do.
In light of that, trying to change the RNC rules, is in the same vein and not surprising. Ron (and the people backing him), will go to any lengths, shady or otherwise, to try and keep Trump sidelined and ram RDS into the nomination.
I don't understand the downvote, (if it was you), as I was basically agreeing with you that he's an asshole.
I agree.
oh, you pigs... and of course this was their intention all along
doesn't matter - every last one of us will write him in if we have to, not that it will matter anyway
- At this point this info remains as nothing more than a RUMOR put forth by a few conspicuous users who are visible in the MAGA movement, possibly including Nino Rodriguez and Juan O. Savin - I am not sure if they are the source or just have helped spread the word but anything from their camp needs to be taken with a grain of salt and held back for further scrutiny and/or corroboration by *credible sources like Jon Solomon or a RAV reporter - Even Gateway Pundit could give this a boost of legitimacy! But as it stands there has been exactly ZERO other news coverage of this supposed "report emerging" about DeSantis camp lobbying the GOP leadership for a rule change about the candidates to block any candidate with an "indictment."
That's SO very vague also. Just any INDICTMENT?!? CURRENT OR FORMER, DOES THAT MATTER? What about civil or criminal - any distinctions there? Would Pence now be taken out of the race also, despite his favorable status (like Ronny D) with donors? And Ronny himself doesn't have any civil litigation going on presently? - or is he the plaintiff in all of it? No one is SUING HIM OR HIS OFFICE - not Disney, not a pro- LGBT group, no one?
Oh well it doesn't matter really because none of this jives AT ALL.
Can you imagine what would happen if the GOP threw in a rule like this to try and keep Trump out? Mark Elias and Perkins Coie would be working OVERTIME along with every Dem State AG to charge EVERY REPUBLICAN RUNNING AT ANY LEVEL from the Senate down to school boards! ESPECIALLY ANYONE WITH MAGA TIES! THEY WOULD REMOVE EVERY MAGA POLITICIAN from the 2024 race almost INSTANTLY, and probably go further than that. Is the GOP Leadership REALLY GONNA make all those candidates suffer just over Trump? Seems VERY unlikely.
I do think its POSSIBLE that GOP finds a way to support DeSantis for the nomination over Trump, but they seem pretty tethered to doing things in a "traditionally corrupt" way - debates stuffed with partisans toward one candidate in the audience like when Rubio and Cruz were up against Trump and Rubio kept getting ovations for almost nothing. Blocking out media coverage and silencing any support from their personalities- FOX already did this. Restricting access to donors and $, or maybe preventing a certain candidate from participating in debates or giving him limited coverage and time during the session, for some dubious and made up reasons.
That's the type of stuff I see GOP trying, but they wont be as blatant as the DNC will be in their shutting the door on RFK jr.
Regardless, I do think we end up in a 3 or 4 candidate race in 2024 - DeSantis (maybe) Biden RFK Jr and Trump. I think Trump gets the GOP nomination but of they somehow screw him out of it and gove it to DeSantis he will run Independently. I think the same for RFK, who has views I like and others that are shockingly bad - but, if you watched his interview on Glenn Greenwald you can at least say of him that he is willing to change his mind, if he hears new information about a topic that he wasnt aware of beforehand. That willingness to change your view based on the evidence you have available is a VERY IMPORTANT and almost MANDATORY trait when it comes to ANY politician we are going to elect as President of the USA - now and in the future as well.
Has the DNC even ACKNOWLEDGED RFK as a candidate?? If they do, which I have doubts about, they will try to give him the Bernie treatment of course.
Concerning Bernie, I'd like to quote the brilliant Peter Navarro on War Room recently: " I mean, WHAT A PUSSY." 😁🤣
RFK Jr isn't of the same er, constitution. I don't think he will take it lying down like that, nor put in to support whoever the DNC masters annoint as the party candidate - especially if its Biden.
We could have Trump AND RFK Jr running as Independents BOTH, I really think it will be just one or the other though. Nonetheless its possible!
Has a write in candidate( ever gotten a plurality? 80 million, 100 million votes!??
Buckle up all. This one is gonna be CRAZY.
Are we witnessing the death of the Republican party?
I hope not.
Just the death of Democrats pretending to be Republican.
Calling it now: DJT & RFK jr will unite and run as independents.
If the RNC wants to do this, go right ahead. Seriously, do it. Were that to happen Trump would likely lead an open revolt against the RNC. If they tried to screw Trump the RNC would forever be dead to me. If they think MAGA doesn't matter or that we will just quietly roll over and vote for whatever puppet they feel like installing, then they can do it and see what happens.
RNC is already pretty dead to me. Trump is the only thing going for it.
The concept of "political parties" must be destroyed. They are a purposefully created contrivance designed as an easy path for Controlled Opposition. If you have 100 Senators for example, you should have 100 opinions, not 2.
Perhaps this is an intentional white hat operation to show the fraud of political parties.
Past time for secession.
Can you imagine if this passes?
There won't be anyone left to vote for :)
Not really. President Tucker Carlson has a nice ring to it.
MAGA party time!
"Mom said you have to take my Presidential run seriously or else you're grounded from driving the car."
Well, now we know who DeSantis really is!
Trump needs to start the MAGA party.
New MAGA Party who?
So: The Lion Party, then? Or MAGA Party or whatever name Trump decides on. Maybe it's time to kick the GOP to the curb and start anew without the herd of RINOs we've had to deal with since forever.
Trump is popular enough to pull this off, assuming the Cheat is kept down to merely epic levels. Big assumption, I know, but that's true whether or not we go with a new third party. On the other hand, splitting the vote 3 ways (plus the usual micro-parties) WOULD require something even closer to actual vote-counting integrity than with merely 2 major parties.
Words matter, folks...lion sounds exactly like lyin', so that's out. Dead. Forget about it.
Not doing a third party 16 mos. before an election anyway. Trump will find a way to wrangle the Republican party under control.
Bring it Ron
wow. SOB !