I believe God makes a distinction between the sinner which we all are and the wicked. That said, God has used wicked men that changed their ways and turned to him. I don’t hold much hope for old Klouse for he sits at the table of Satan himself. That said not even the contract with the devil can stand next to the power of Christ or lord.
Although I tend to agree with you, there was Manasseh, soon of righteous Hezekiah. He was the worst kind Israel ever had--so much so that the streets ran with blood in his day and, at the very end of his life, he repented.
The way I figure it, if I had been raised by his parents instead of mine, there is a greater likelihood that I would be like him, much like the Palestinians. But for the grace of God, there go I.
To whom much is given, much is required. If prayer moves the hand of God, then failure to pray will, at the very least, be held to our account.
Absolutely- case in point with Saul who was by all accounts a wicked and awful human being who saw the truth of Christ and became Paul- one of the strongest examples of Christianity through the ages.
I like to imagine a day where we are stunned by who we meet in The Kingdom. Eternity is truly an unimaginable thing to behold, even more so eternally separated from one's Maker. When i Selah on these things for more than a minute, i do not wish hell upon anyone. Constantly i wish God would change my tongue because i know later on today i'll be spouting out profanities as usual. At this point i just hope He would change me, i dont really pray for him to do it anymore. The book of James comes to mind.
I've been told that some that we absolutely expect to see there will not be while some of those we are sure we'd never see there will be. I think that in a lot of cases, we'll be surprised. Only God knows for sure.
Pointing out that Michelle Obama very convincingly appears to be a man is one thing.
Hoping he continues encouraging child mutilation to hide his own mistakes and ends up facing eternal damnation, instead of repenting of encouraging extreme child abuse is unchristian.
There likely still need to be extreme legal consequences for what he’s done, but that doesn’t mean we should hope for unrepentance and the destruction of his soul.
It’s a fine line, and very easy to cross and lose track of, especially in times like these.
I can't pray for a man's death, but I can pray that there's a computer mix-up at the hospital and every proctologist in the building is scheduled for at least 3 appointments with Klaus while he's there.
But if that man not only prayed but schemed, bribed, connived and committed all manner of fraud, evil and deceit over decades, along with a great many other psychopathic entities, to maim, poison, sicken, disable and mass murder you, me and millions of our human family, while heading up one of the most nefarious organisations on earth, can we at least not wish him well in hell? Asking for a friend.
Only if you'd like the same for yourself because all of us are sinners and are due the same penalties that you are wishing onto Klaus. As humans, we place sin on a spectrum from not soooo bad like telling a lie to horrid like sadisticly murdering babies. I see nowhere in the Bible where God measures sin on a spectrum. Sin is sin and the punishment is death.
Except when sin is negated by you belief in Christ Jesus and accept him has your God and Savior. Declare it and receive it. He doesn’t expect perfection but worship of one true and living God. He died for the forgiveness- we are forgiven …..let NWO king sort it out with his maker. Won’t he be surprised when it ain’t the devil.
Yep. Spotted that. Clearly somebody somewhere sometime did some clever staging of that image. Could have been from his camp - symbolic comms - or ours - “here is how evil hides in plain sight”. Either way, the best explanation for how these psychotic shitsticks thrive and prosper at humanity’s expense has to be demonic. Ideology, psychopathology and even twisted religiosity just don’t go far enough.
It's got to the time now we have to realise that Demons aren't going to manifest as little red horned goblins with pointy ears, forked tongues and flicky tails brandishing pitchforks. His mother's Stygian swamp of a womb merely splat out a human fleshsack for the incubus to inhabit for his time masquerading on Earth.
@catsfive Why are you posting this unsubstantiated rumor?
Where's the sauce? Tons of other posts are saying that it is not true.
There's a serious problem here on GA of people posting stuff that isn't true just because an X feed or obscure news site says it is so.
We can't keep doing that.
I think this site needs a rule, news must come with sauce.
Proverbs 24 - Saying 28
17Do not gloat when your enemy falls;
when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice,
18or the Lord will see and disapprove
and turn his wrath away from them.
The Apostle Paul comes to mind. He sent hundreds of believers to be killed by the Romans...and yet God changed his heart and Paul ended up writing 3/4 of the New Testament. I pray for Hilary, Schwab, etc...because seeing these people changed by the living Jesus would be an amazing testimony to the fact of Jesus resurrection. The most important thing to God is the saving of humanity from the separation of hell. God created the world so that He could have a relationship with mankind...
Chuckle... but, that said... I'm a work-in-progress, still having trouble dealing with that hurdle of "Love thy enemy" - particularly when they're genocidal psychopaths. Yes, in my heart I wonder what kind of temptations and perhaps horrors people like this must have had to try to (unsuccessfully) withstand to become so utterly evil in this life, am thankful I've never been faced with such attacks. Calling out vipers who've sowed iniquity as being profane and wicked is the "kindest" I can muster at present.
Somehow I can't see old Klaus there turning into a modern day Paul, but then the good Lord does work miracles. "One Love" for the "hopeless sinners who have hurt all mankind" (Bob Marley reference) and all that. It's in God's hands how He chooses to judge the beasts, but I'm not about to call evil good either.
Wow Saul/ Paul , you’re right but you’re also better then me ,, I have issues with these demons, and wish then destruction , but I need to remember the transformation power that our Lord walks in , thanks Fren !
God takes care of accountability. I don't need to stain myself with directing anything at all towards him. He's playing a role, just like every one of us.
It would be interesting to learn in 6-12 months time if there was some code in those announcements:
in hospital = arrested, indictment unsealed, waiting for a trial,
died of turbo cancer = found guilty, in prison for life, we won’t see them anymore,
died suddenly = executed.
It’s like when all these bastards were saying the famous formula:
I got covid, I’m grateful to be vaccinated, …
could be a code for:
I got arrested, being interviewed. I hope my deep state colleagues can clean up the mess around as if I was vaccinated=protected. Then I will need to isolate for some time until the dust settles.
There is a special place in hell reserved for this man...unless of course, he repents...highly unlikely I would say...nonetheless I would not miss him a bit...what profits a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul?
If he dies and goes to Hell then he is only going back where he came from. He is truly a DEMON in the very real and literal sense. They are brazen now about being among us. They took their masks off when they forced us to put them on.
Father God, I boldly pray of thanks that the evil deeds of this man have helped awaken your people to the truth and the enemies’ lies. I pray that you turn his head to Your light & Son, Jesus Christ, & let his soul be saved. I pray that you take him swiftly & peacefully from this earth and take the destruction that he had for our harm to use for our good and for Your glory. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
Yes I think that might be what we want ….but it is best not to condemn even your worst enemy to hell. Instead it’s best to take the high ground forgive and pray for his soul so as not to effect yours. Keep praying for his soul - let God do the rest.
I pray that he sees the error of his ways faced with death and accepts Jesus Christ as his lord and savior.
These are the words of someone who is a true believer in the God of the scriptures.
Yep! This! I can't pray for ill towards a man who is as sinful as I am esp when I have been forgiven much
I believe God makes a distinction between the sinner which we all are and the wicked. That said, God has used wicked men that changed their ways and turned to him. I don’t hold much hope for old Klouse for he sits at the table of Satan himself. That said not even the contract with the devil can stand next to the power of Christ or lord.
If Manasseh could repent after sawing Isaiah in half with a wooden saw, Klaus may not be a hopeless case yet 🤷♂️
One versus many does not look very good for the likes of Klaus, but.
Even if you say the many and not just the one instance, by sheer volume Klaus Schwab is magnitudes more effective at destroying lives.
Oh I agree. Just saying I can't know the state of his heart is all. I can make a damn good educated guess 😆 but in the end it's between him and God
Yup, but unfortunately/fortunately we will never know how that exchange goes.
Although I tend to agree with you, there was Manasseh, soon of righteous Hezekiah. He was the worst kind Israel ever had--so much so that the streets ran with blood in his day and, at the very end of his life, he repented. The way I figure it, if I had been raised by his parents instead of mine, there is a greater likelihood that I would be like him, much like the Palestinians. But for the grace of God, there go I. To whom much is given, much is required. If prayer moves the hand of God, then failure to pray will, at the very least, be held to our account.
You're still called to pray for those who persecute you
Absolutely- case in point with Saul who was by all accounts a wicked and awful human being who saw the truth of Christ and became Paul- one of the strongest examples of Christianity through the ages.
Amen! God's make quite clear that to be forgiven, we must be ready to forgive.
I like to imagine a day where we are stunned by who we meet in The Kingdom. Eternity is truly an unimaginable thing to behold, even more so eternally separated from one's Maker. When i Selah on these things for more than a minute, i do not wish hell upon anyone. Constantly i wish God would change my tongue because i know later on today i'll be spouting out profanities as usual. At this point i just hope He would change me, i dont really pray for him to do it anymore. The book of James comes to mind.
😂😂😂 facts
Though I think the main problem of the tongue is when we tear people down unjustly, not so much dropping F bombs, it's the intent.
Lol i know He doesn't like that course talk tho.
I've been told that some that we absolutely expect to see there will not be while some of those we are sure we'd never see there will be. I think that in a lot of cases, we'll be surprised. Only God knows for sure.
This is the way.
Since he is standing in front of a 666 symbol, I very much doubt this is going to happen.
Christ told us "Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you."
Condemning them to hell is not praying for them, and it is not loving. That is God's judgment to make, not ours.
How about I pray that the hospital food contains crickett flour?
He will feed ze bugs, and we will like it.
Yes that’s good and I pray that since it’s Gods judgement that it is done according to this man’s deeds and soon , like I pray he sees God today !
Yes… When I say that I’m going to pray that God loves you as much as he loves me…
That means that that person’s going to go through hell before they ever make it to Heaven. It’s more of a threat than a blessing.
I know, I’m not supposed to think this way, but I did have to learn a lot of hard lessons before. I finally had a good solid walk with the Lord.
So I’m praying today, that Klaus Schwab is loved by God as much as God loves me. 😂😂😂
It really is the way to go.
Lashon Hara is way underemphasized in the church.
Pointing out that Michelle Obama very convincingly appears to be a man is one thing.
Hoping he continues encouraging child mutilation to hide his own mistakes and ends up facing eternal damnation, instead of repenting of encouraging extreme child abuse is unchristian.
There likely still need to be extreme legal consequences for what he’s done, but that doesn’t mean we should hope for unrepentance and the destruction of his soul.
It’s a fine line, and very easy to cross and lose track of, especially in times like these.
Wholeheartedly agree!
You’re too funny lol , so solid of you !
I'll allow it. And the people said it together.....AMEN
u/WTP_1776 had the right idea about how to pray for Klaus Schwab.
I'd say that would be a very fair wish. After all, he's pushing that stuff so HE must like it.
Beat me to it Yeshua....
The Bible also mentions "blasphemy against the Holy Spirit," i.e., t he unforgivable sin. This man is a walking example of the damned.
What god/the gods do with a man's soul is up to them. That doesn't concern me.
Our job is to send those souls to heaven or hell as quickly as possibly.
The best way to show respect to life as well as your enemy is by not prolonging their suffering.
Kill them swiftly.
I can't pray for a man's death, but I can pray that there's a computer mix-up at the hospital and every proctologist in the building is scheduled for at least 3 appointments with Klaus while he's there.
But if that man not only prayed but schemed, bribed, connived and committed all manner of fraud, evil and deceit over decades, along with a great many other psychopathic entities, to maim, poison, sicken, disable and mass murder you, me and millions of our human family, while heading up one of the most nefarious organisations on earth, can we at least not wish him well in hell? Asking for a friend.
Only if you'd like the same for yourself because all of us are sinners and are due the same penalties that you are wishing onto Klaus. As humans, we place sin on a spectrum from not soooo bad like telling a lie to horrid like sadisticly murdering babies. I see nowhere in the Bible where God measures sin on a spectrum. Sin is sin and the punishment is death.
Yeah, probably why I lapsed all those years ago… Too absolutist. Even pedantic. Nuance counts.
Except when sin is negated by you belief in Christ Jesus and accept him has your God and Savior. Declare it and receive it. He doesn’t expect perfection but worship of one true and living God. He died for the forgiveness- we are forgiven …..let NWO king sort it out with his maker. Won’t he be surprised when it ain’t the devil.
Think of looking out in the world, mountains and valleys (of righteousness and wickedness).
We look at a horizontal line comparing mankind with themselves.
When you compare mankind to God, it’s like viewing the earth from the sun, the mountains and valleys appear the same.
To attain heaven, you must have righteousness that is as high as the sun, not high mountains.
If you can’t do it, you deserve hell and death, but no matter how high the mountain or low the valley, Christ can cover that distance.
And there we have the post of the day. Congratulations.
The dude is kinky he'd probably enjoy it.
Sans lube, I would expect.
"The chart says he is due for a proctectomy, then it is to be handed to him in a jar? Ok."
Remdisivr and a ventilator..stat
And the 17 covid boosters he's behind on.
God will forgive him if he truly repented. God is faithful and just.
Therefore, we have to forgive because we will be digging two graves if we don't.
Whether or not this true, look how purposefully aligned the WEF 666 is with him.
Yep. Spotted that. Clearly somebody somewhere sometime did some clever staging of that image. Could have been from his camp - symbolic comms - or ours - “here is how evil hides in plain sight”. Either way, the best explanation for how these psychotic shitsticks thrive and prosper at humanity’s expense has to be demonic. Ideology, psychopathology and even twisted religiosity just don’t go far enough.
It's got to the time now we have to realise that Demons aren't going to manifest as little red horned goblins with pointy ears, forked tongues and flicky tails brandishing pitchforks. His mother's Stygian swamp of a womb merely splat out a human fleshsack for the incubus to inhabit for his time masquerading on Earth.
As much as I wish this were true, it isn't.
Fake & Ghey.
Just ruined my morning !
sorry :( rest assured, klaus will eventually get what is coming
Yes , TY Fren !
@catsfive Why are you posting this unsubstantiated rumor? Where's the sauce? Tons of other posts are saying that it is not true. There's a serious problem here on GA of people posting stuff that isn't true just because an X feed or obscure news site says it is so. We can't keep doing that. I think this site needs a rule, news must come with sauce.
Whoever prays for condemnation risks their own judgement.
What about those who pray for a little bit of justice, for a change ?
Proverbs 24 - Saying 28 17Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when they stumble, do not let your heart rejoice, 18or the Lord will see and disapprove and turn his wrath away from them.
Let's hope all his scandals come out after his death.
Klaus will now be wearing a "ankle support device" do to fall 😉😉 u/#correct
The Apostle Paul comes to mind. He sent hundreds of believers to be killed by the Romans...and yet God changed his heart and Paul ended up writing 3/4 of the New Testament. I pray for Hilary, Schwab, etc...because seeing these people changed by the living Jesus would be an amazing testimony to the fact of Jesus resurrection. The most important thing to God is the saving of humanity from the separation of hell. God created the world so that He could have a relationship with mankind...
...this upcoming week, drastic events
Somehow the following comes to mind ---
Ezekiel 21:25 “And thou, profane wicked prince of Israel, whose day is come, when iniquity shall have an end,”
What a kind thing to do , to give him his own scripture . Bless your heart ;)
Chuckle... but, that said... I'm a work-in-progress, still having trouble dealing with that hurdle of "Love thy enemy" - particularly when they're genocidal psychopaths. Yes, in my heart I wonder what kind of temptations and perhaps horrors people like this must have had to try to (unsuccessfully) withstand to become so utterly evil in this life, am thankful I've never been faced with such attacks. Calling out vipers who've sowed iniquity as being profane and wicked is the "kindest" I can muster at present.
Somehow I can't see old Klaus there turning into a modern day Paul, but then the good Lord does work miracles. "One Love" for the "hopeless sinners who have hurt all mankind" (Bob Marley reference) and all that. It's in God's hands how He chooses to judge the beasts, but I'm not about to call evil good either.
Wow Saul/ Paul , you’re right but you’re also better then me ,, I have issues with these demons, and wish then destruction , but I need to remember the transformation power that our Lord walks in , thanks Fren !
God takes care of accountability. I don't need to stain myself with directing anything at all towards him. He's playing a role, just like every one of us.
It would be interesting to learn in 6-12 months time if there was some code in those announcements:
in hospital = arrested, indictment unsealed, waiting for a trial,
died of turbo cancer = found guilty, in prison for life, we won’t see them anymore,
died suddenly = executed.
It’s like when all these bastards were saying the famous formula:
could be a code for:
There is a special place in hell reserved for this man...unless of course, he repents...highly unlikely I would say...nonetheless I would not miss him a bit...what profits a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his soul?
If he dies and goes to Hell then he is only going back where he came from. He is truly a DEMON in the very real and literal sense. They are brazen now about being among us. They took their masks off when they forced us to put them on.
Father God, I boldly pray of thanks that the evil deeds of this man have helped awaken your people to the truth and the enemies’ lies. I pray that you turn his head to Your light & Son, Jesus Christ, & let his soul be saved. I pray that you take him swiftly & peacefully from this earth and take the destruction that he had for our harm to use for our good and for Your glory. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
Hope he enters a “new phase” like the queen.
Thanks for inspiring me to say a prayer, OP.
I chose the only prayer Jesus taught His followers to say, a prayer said to Our Father.
I focused on just 4 words and on saying them with a child's trusting, "Dad Knows Best" heart:
"Thy will be done".
yes, this is THE prayer.
It's also the prayer that's in the Q-Source (common material between Matthew and Luke😇
This is the opposite of what we’re called to do. I pray that he will confess, repent, and be saved.
One of the hardest things for me about being a Christian.
love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.
I hope this prick dies a painful death. I also hope when it's over he sees himsself in hell burning for an eternity.
Lord, now do Soros
Don"t they have one of them live forever chips for him ??
I can't pray for that
But I can hope it is a "We're all MAGA republicans today" hospital
Prayers that God will not take this fellow without his buddies, like Soros, so he will not be alone.
I mean, I think we should be praying for his repentance and conversion
Yes I think that might be what we want ….but it is best not to condemn even your worst enemy to hell. Instead it’s best to take the high ground forgive and pray for his soul so as not to effect yours. Keep praying for his soul - let God do the rest.
Even hell is gonna be like “fuck off, we’re full”
May he recieve, right now, in the exact same quality and measure of what he gave to the world for his entire life so far.
You NEVER pray for someone’s condemnation to hell. It will redound to you