If u had been taking the flu shot and this year ur skipping which i agree with, just be mindful, you may get the flu, have zinc ready, and vitamin c,d taken daily i think. Be outside even if its in ur car if it gets to cold. Just do not stay indoors.
Had the flu shot every year when I was in USAF, got flu every year w/o fail. Never got the shot after getting out, got it only once last 20 years. At least I think it was flu ... no violent puking though like in the AF.
Never gotten the flu shot. Had the flu once, that I know of, in 20 years, too.
Wash hands, and stay away from sick folk. Heck, even my wife did someone's makeup who later that day said they had the flu. We never got it. We prayed that out of our home that time.
You should probably consider Nutritional Therapy. Go to the website of the Nutritional Therapy Association and look for a practitioner either near you or someone who can do a long-distance consult. It's easy! They will guide you to good health without medicines.
This is true. And theres an easy way to test this for ourselves. Make sure to go outside 20-30 min a day, adjust for the season. In the hot summer we go out earlier and need less time. For fall and spring we can go out whenever., its easy. Winter in LV is ok so we can still get some sun D. But for anyone in snowy/cold just dress warm and still go outside and take a vit D supplement for sure. We still take D supplements but based on how much we are outdoors. I cant say enough about the difference noticeably since being deliberate about this.
Also when my kids had a cold Ive taken them in the direct sun. The cold clears up within day or 2, its fascinating to see. Try it if you get a cold/sick anything--get out in direct sun, it will blow your mind. Ive set up a lounge chair all comfy and laid my little ones on it for 20 min and theyre better next day.
My daughter just came down with a cold last night and I will be attempting this today. So different from the way my parents raised us and my MIL raised my husband. When I was little, if we were sick, we wouldn’t dream of going outside. My daughter and I are going to have a picnic out on the outdoor patio and play a game out in the sunshine and hopefully her cold goes away quickly. Hopefully it keeps me from getting sick too. 😬
I hope your daughter feels better. And yeah going outside was the opposite of what we'd think growing up too...and tho we dont go out to play hard or anything but just focused on 20 min direct sun exposure either pushing a little one in stroller, laying a blanket in front yard and yep us too have a picnic! Or we just lay down and take in Gods sunlight for that set time (but not long) and it feels great. I think the fresh air too is beneficial. I hope it helps you guys and the cold just goes far away quick whatever works
Handy rule of thumb for when the sun is strong enough to stimulate the body to produce vitamin D.
If your shadow is longer than your measured height it's too weak - no vit D production. In other words, the sun must be from 45° to 90° in the sky for you to be producing vitamin D
I used to sit outside in a chair all curled up in a blanket when I was sick with colds as a kid. It always made me feel better and gave me more energy, it truly does help!
Vit D3 levels are hard to raise if you consume any wheat...not gluten, but wheat. Cut out wheat in any form and your Vit D3 will shoot up quickly. Also….Wheat disrupts sun sourced Vit D3 assignment so it’s less available.
My grandmother was on a huge amount of Vitamin D, she was in a nursing home at 93, and she caught Covid (they said) and expected her to die within a few days from it, but she never even showed a symptom. She was already on her way out too, showing all the signs of 'end of life' but Covid was literally nothing to her.
So true. I never questioned basic vaccines, just didn't like the flu vax because the one time I took it I got sick. I thought, "why not just take my chances rather than be 100% sure I am going to get sick?" Now I am glad I didn't take the flu shot.
I think vaccines are like anything else they corrupt. Real scientists invented vaccines for the right reason. The cabal just infiltrated like they do with everything.
My mother used to make me get the flu shot every year when I was a teen. I got violently ill every year. She would claim it would have been worse had I not gotten the flu shot. Me, barely able to pick up my head, and violently vomiting, would ask "How much worse can this be??? Death?" When I got older I started refusing to get the flu shot. Haven't had such a bad flu since. Sure, I've gotten sick, but nowhere NEAR what it would be when I got the flu vax. After hearing many many stories of parents who's children suffered irreversible side effects due to the regular recommended childhood vaxs, I decided not to vax my child. It doesn't make sense that they tell you to stay away from a lot of types of seafood while pregnant because of the high mercury levels but then as soon as your child exits the womb, fill them up with enough mercury for a 500lb man.
I’m the same. I was vaccinated as a child and had various boosters and other vaccines as an adult working in the medical field. Now I don’t trust any of the vaccines.
Don't get their vaccines. C'mon folks. These people are evil and have been evil for decades. Don't take their shit! They didn't just start wanting to kill us and/or profit off our sickness until we're dead... This has been their "MO" for decades.
I've only gotten one of those ... I was as sick as a dog that year :-) ... never again. That 99% of the reason I don't want a damn thing to do with the jab ... I couldn't care less what level of genius these people think they are that make that shit ... they are doing nothing but gambling when they make those annual concoctions.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn that they've been spiking those flu shots with other garbage just to see what it does after seeing this COVID fiasco.
I used to take the flu shot every year. Now, I'm worried if there was CRAP in those shots. Taking NAC once a day for a week to cover me. Apparently it breaks down Graphene Oxide.
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a supplement form of cysteine. Your body doesn’t make it and it’s not found in foods, but it still plays an important role. Like cysteine, NAC bonds with glutamine and glycine to form glutathione, a powerful antioxidant. Glutathione performs many functions throughout your body, such as helping to maintain your immune system
FWIW, I've been following the whole COVID thing since October of 2019 - well before it ever "hit" the rest of world and was still a nothingburger in China.
From what I've gathered, and what I've come to believe, this Anon is pretty much correct.
There was never a pandemic from a virus released from a lab. There was the creation of the "spike protein" in the lab, and it needed a vector to be released. I believe there could have been several vectors, but originally - at least in the US - it was put into the 2019 flu vaccine shot. I also believe it was probably in many of the testing swabs, masks, etc - along with graphene oxide (now in the COVID vaccine).
Pretty quickly, the original "virus" weakened, but became the rationale to make people themselves into walking virus factories by taking the jab. Thus, the vaccinated are actually the vectors for new, unknown, virus outbreaks. For the northern hemisphere, they're seeing things get unusually ugly for summer time (still overblown, but relatively speaking, unusual). Things will likely get very ugly this winter flu season. In addition, those jabbed have weaker immune systems and will have to get "boosters" just to try and fend off short term problems, which will in turn weaken their systems more, which will require more big pharma, etc, etc, until they are likely killed by it.
This is a really dangerous situation. The Cabal is working on an extinction level event, and aside from immediately stopping mass vaccinations, there's not much that can be done except strengthening your own immune system and staying abreast of research from people that don't want to see humans exterminated.
Summer of '20 I read through a survey where 750 people wrote in to tell their stories about if they had Cov19, how they recovered, if they hadn't had it, basically anything related to the topic.
After a few hours of reading through it all, I had came to one clear conclusion: The people who had received the flu shot prior were the people who got hit the hardest with Cov19.
Just as a follow-up, sounds like the early non-establishment medical consensus is that 75% of those jabbed will die within 3 years. I've heard this a bit, but today's Stew Peters interview supports this notion - from Trump's own doctor.
This is what I believe and it should be it's own post. Shame that it is buried under advice about how to fight colds and what medicine to take like this is a Web MD forum
Take your mask off (they are not effective anyway)
Do not take the vax (it is the poisonous bioweapon of the cabal designed to kill you)
Avoid close proximity to vaccinated people (especially newly vaxed people)
Read your Bible, pray, trust God and follow Jesus (this world is on a collision course with hell - we must recognize that we need God in our life. He wins.)
It is to my understanding that germ theory states that disease is caused by microscopic "organisms" which include bacteria and viruses. And that these multiply in infected individuals, and those infected individuals can then spread those bacteria and viruses to others.
I think we've all observed one person getting sick with something, and then spreading that to others in close proximity who then get sick.
It's hard to summarize in an accurate manner, but start by looking into pasteur vs bechamp when "germ theory" was first being published. Bechamps "terrain theory" surmises that disease is primarily from a weakened or compromised immune system that no longer fights off bacterial, parasitic, or fungal infections.
Sounds similar to germ theory until you look into it and realize that viruses can not be transferred from one organism to another without being injected directly into the blood. Viruses are basically a natural process of cells shedding waste, they're not "alive." In other words, germ theory is a hoax because people don't transmit illnesses to each other like we're told, except in a case of bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infections for obvious reasons.
Also it's important to note that there are two times in the year most people get sick: "flu season", and "allergy season." It can certainly appear that illnesses spread during times where most people naturally "get sick" or "detox."
Some thoughts:
That seems to be why ivermectin is so effective- it’s neutralising parasites. HCQ has been proven to be an effective antifungal. And there are many proven antibacterials such as colloidal silver, echinacea, oregano oil, olive leaf extract, even honey.
You are confusing viruses and bacteria. Viruses are little more than DNA packages which need other organisms in order to reproduce. Bacteria are one-celled life forms that can survive on their own and multiply on their own as long as they have access to water, nutrients, etc. In general, I always heard "germs" in reference to bacteria, not viruses. So germ theory is not a hoax, no matter what viruses are or do.
Look into terrain theory. From what I understand it is the belief that bacteria/viruses do not cause disease themselves. They are merely attracted to an already dysfunctional/diseased tissue and they will replicate there, but it is not these bacteria/viruses themselves causing the pathogenesis. I'm not sure I believe it either, but I have seen some doctors who do. Since 90-99% of everything we learned in school is bullshit, I would actually probably lean on the side of germ theory also being bullshit as well, just statistically. God bless all my fellow Patriots. WWG1WGA!
The situation you question is due to "bio-resonance" between people that co-exist within similar toxic environments, similar air, food, water, etc. This situation is exacerbated in the winter months when people don't get outdoors, fresh air, etc. nearly as often. Greater alcohol consumption during colder months is also a major contributor.
If you step back and think it though, you'll note that the vast majority of the time, this did NOT happen, where only one person in a family, office, school, etc. was ill.
Germ theory is complete hoax beginning to end. Contagion is a myth. Viruses don't exist (as defined by mainstream medicine) and have never been "isolated". Bacteria are scavengers, clean-up crews. There have been over 70 studies, primarily undertaken from 1900-1950, that have attempted to prove contagion by "alleged viruses" or bacteria. All of them failed miserably. This is why you can't find any studies after 1950 even attempting to prove "human to human transmission".
You can waste your time reading modern studies where scientists inject various toxic cocktails into rats, guinea pigs, mice, etc. and buy it if you like. But the simple truth is, when you inject ANYTHING into the bloodstream and sterile environment of the body, it causes problems. That's why they vax us.
But you'll never find any studies with "sick people" infecting "healthy people" via sneezing on each other, coughing on each other, ingesting a sick person's saliva/mucous, sharing silverware, drinking/eating from same glasses/plates, etc. It never works, never has, and they don't even try anymore. Precisely because, contagion is a myth and germ theory is a hoax.
Chicken pox and measles are a different story entirely. These are childhood upgrade events that are POSITIVE in nature and BENEFIT the child through their entire lifetime. This is a classic example of bio-resonance. One hundred years ago, women were wise to host "chicken pox parties". Establishment medicine destroyed this motherly wisdom, as with everything else.
When I was growing up in the 50's my mom had all of us eat off of each other's plates so we would all come down with Chicken pox, Mumps or the Measles at the same time (I was one of 6 kids). She wanted to make sure we all got it when we were younger rather than go sterile from mumps or measles at an older age or to be sicker later on. All of these are typically easy to get over when you are a kid. I never heard of anyone dying from them at the time I was growing up but I suspect there may have always been a rare person who did. So I never understood the reason to vax for these kids illnesses. Was it to keep them from being sick for a week to 10 days so a working mom or dad wouldn't have to stay home with them?
My mom said she wouldn't have even known that I got Chicken pox when I was 2 because I got a very mild form of it. Two spots on my butt that I walked around scratching.
I had all those diseases as a kid and am completely immune for life now. No need for any vax for these shots and for all purposes no need for any boosters bc the shots for them don't always work.
Exactly. We're living in an inverted reality. Establishment medicine is at peak inversion now. None of these so-called "diseases" are harmful in any way. There are several studies proving that children who get them are far healthier adults across the board.
The "reason" for all these vaccines is to cause long-term health issues and lifelong customers of the pharma industry - plain and simple.
Mainstream medicine labels everything a "disease", when in fact, these symptoms (aka bumps/pox) are signs of healing in every regard.
Your mom was intuitively wise. Hopefully you[ll pass this wisdom on to all you know.
Flus are detoxification events. When the body detoxes, it recruits all energies to perform the detox as quickly as possible. So rather than 10-days, 2/3/4 weeks of "detoxing", while still maintaining a relatively normal lifestyle, the body saps all your energy which forces you to rest.
Unfortunately, this thing labeled "ConVid-1984" is a bit more complex. Nobody likes the explanation I believe is most accurate but I'll share it anyway. This "disease" is actually a re-balancing and alignment event. Those that are weak, in poor health, breathe too shallowly, lack proper sleep and/or live a life of non-stop activity are the most likely to "get sick". In short, they need more oxygen, relaxation and presence in their lives. If you evaluate the symptoms carefully, you'll see that this "illness" forces them to get exactly this.
If you're interested in reading a good book on the topic, you can find Dr. Tom Cowan's "The Contagion Myth" on alternative book platforms. Everything is explained in great detail.
This. This is exactly why, when Covid was first announced, I tried to get it myself so I could give it to my wife and kids and we would be done with the whole thing.
Guess what?? I couldn't even catch a case. It took a few months before I realized there was no pandemic.
My mom had a chicken pox party in 1987, my brother got it and they got together all the cousins, set up Atari, or coleco however that's spelled and let us all hang out, I was six... All I really remember after that was calamine lotion and oatmeal baths😒 thanks mom.
The idea that the body is a deterministic system, like a car, and that the outcomes of this system are purely dependent on physical inputs (ignoring the mind completely).
This leads to beliefs like that the body will fall apart unless you take it to a mechanic; that health is not something you create; that you need to get injected with health from the outside, and that you desperately need doctors for survival.
None of these ideas are true, and they are in fact highly detrimental.
This is probably the book the anon is basing because it uses the same terminology. For example the first chapter of this books is: Part 1: EXPOSING THE GERM THEORY
I think we've all observed one person getting sick with something, and then spreading that to others in close proximity who then get sick.
This is addressed in this last book around page 69. Search for "when these aboriginal peoples first met the European colonists? Didn’t they begin to suffer from infectious disease".
"An estimated two million seamen died of scurvy during those years. These are the centuries where people are first crossing the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Pacific, and the problem incident to all of those voyages was that you were going to be at sea continuously, probably for more than three months, at some stage in the voyaging. That would be the period when scurvy would make itself apparent because everybody on the ship would be living on preserved foods. In preserved food there are no vitamins, so a variety of nutritional diseases would be likely: lack of vitamin B1 would cause beriberi; no vitamin B3 would cause pellagra; and vitamin C, of course, scurvy."
Scurvy was thought to be infectious because "all" sailors where getting it. Until someone discovered that it was "environmental".
I'm not completely sold on the idea that all disease is the result of environmental factors, which the author states may be poor nutrition, toxins, electromagnetic fields, and resonant frequencies. A big hole for me is the Native American population that was decimated before the arrival of the Pilgrims. That spanned a whole continent, but the author blames it on disrupted salt trade.
But I do agree with eating healthier and avoiding unnecessary EMF.
That is what most concerns me about this "vaccine" it alters your immune response in general(NOT Nature made) not like the old ones that target a specific and I mean a very specific thing. It has not been tested for the medium, let alone long term.
For all I know it could start triggering long lost diseases within our dna that humans haven't dealt with in thousands of years (the dna fragments are still in our dna, passed down, our dna has a chunk of nothing but, long dead virus bits). NOT saying this is happening or even could but, "for all I know." No flu shot for me, ever again do not trust that they havent or wont be using mrna in those as well.
For instance, people with the virus that causes shingles, it seems to be activating and people are popping up with shingles.
Thank you, glad to know my putting one and one together in my thinking and comparing some of the complaints to "activated bad shit you already have that your normal immune system usually keeps at bay for you" wasn't adding up to fifteen. Cancer is a scary one, I had not even thought that far into it.
Yet another virus that tons have in their system but, usually only pops up from time to time in SOME people (usually if they are long term stressed or worn out/immunity is down) papillomavirus as well (could lead to cancer) though, I have not seen any reports directly on that one but, would not dismiss it, at this rate.
So all the vaccinated will possibly die from a common cold? Good thing then there is a cure. Hydrochloroxin. For the rest of their lives the vaccinated will have to take the Trump cure, or die.
Look into the studies on mRNA coronavirus vaccinations prior to this global experiment on people. All of the animal test subjects died after being re-exposed to coronaviruses in the wild in the last test on ferrets. Over 80% died in the test on (dogs? if I recall, maybe rats...). It's not good, and because of the nature of the mRNA "vaccine" - your body creates the spike proteins. It's not clear there's a way to stop this process... Essentially, it appears inevitable you'll die if you get jabbed - maybe in the first few months, but most certainly within 3 years.
I think NAC breaks the spike protein, and there were some hamsters dying from the ravaging spike proteins. NAC was the only thing that saved them.
Someone linked this site recently, might be worthwhile saving it as it has various substances that either block or destroy the graphene oxide which is conected to the spike proteins
Apparently I'm the only person in the world who paid attention in high school.
Viruses die off if they become too deadly, evolutionary pressure is to be less lethal.
The more deadly a virus is, the less it will spread. The more sick a person is, the less likely they are to go out and spread it. The virus will only go so far, that's why ebola outbreaks are small
Point number 1 is moot if you have leaky vaccines. If the vaccine only reduces symptoms, it not only sets up for things like ADE but it changes the evolutionary pressure to allow a virus to become more transmissable and more deadly. Mareks disease is the perfect example.
It's related to the idea of a material universe, from which consciousness somehow paradoxically arises, so that consciousness is an illusion while everything unfolds according to dead-matter principles of physics.
This leads to the idea that the body is a deterministic system, like a car, and that the outcomes of this system are purely dependent on physical inputs (ignoring the mind completely).
This leads to beliefs like that the body will fall apart unless you take it to a mechanic; that health is not something you create; that you need to get injected with health from the outside, and that you desperately need doctors for survival.
None of these ideas are true, and they are in fact highly detrimental (i.e. you need doctors because you believe this).
Fundamentally, germ theory contains a grain of truth (viruses and bacteria are found where there's illness) but the relationship is much less causal than we think (a virus does not directly cause illness, instead its presence is an opportunity to enter a disease process which the person and their body accepts or rejects).
How did the Black Plague kill 1/3 of people? Why not everyone? Why did it not affect many who were directly exposed and cared for those who were infected and ended up dead?
Superior immune systems? Determinism? Genes? Or does a person's mental state play a role here?
How is the universe constructed? Does the tail wag the dog (matter creates consciousness), or does the dog wag the tail (consciousness creates matter)?
Reminds me of a video someone recently sent to me, which was blessedly succinct, and well explained. I swear I can barely stand watching videos after the last 18 months, too many people drag them out, I'd rather just read.
Yup. I'm am not looking forward to this winter at all. This is why we should be stocking up on supplies now, and be ready to hunker down for a few months.
Yep I’ve been thinking this since they first pushed the vaccine - wait until fall when the flu season hits. Folks will be dropping like flies. It’s sad because I have no idea how we will continue as a nation without divine intervention.
Soooo…. All of these govt boot kickers are getting their shots, could very well die from the next bug they get, and the powers think that WE will somehow change our minds and get a shot because of this? Wtf are they on? Drunk as fuck.
It's related to the idea of a material universe, from which consciousness somehow paradoxically arises, so that consciousness is an illusion while everything unfolds according to dead-matter principles of physics. This is a highly cynical (and false) understanding.
This leads to the idea that the body is a deterministic system, like a car, and that the outcomes of this system are purely dependent on physical inputs (ignoring the mind completely).
This leads to beliefs like that the body will fall apart unless you take it to a mechanic; that health is not something you create; that you need to get injected with health from the outside, and that you desperately need doctors for survival.
None of these ideas are true, and they are in fact highly detrimental. People then need doctors because they believe this.
My friend has been worried since this all began that the vax would have the “antidote” for the next virus they leak. So only the sheep remain. Hoping he is wrong and that white hats really are in control right now!
This makes sense. (Explained specifically in the link below) The mRNA anitbodies only look for one specific virus CV19 and then subordinates your normal immune systems (broad-spectrum) antibodies that would attack ANY virus or variant. So when any variant other than the CV19 shows up... this new mRNA antibodies not only DO NOT attack the new variant but stop your own immune system from attacking it also. Thus the variant runs rampent and you can die.
This: Dr. Peter McCullough, an American professor of medicine and vice-chief of internal medicine at Baylor University
Oh come on. They’re not trying to kill us with this “vaccine” (it’s not a vaccine), they’re just trying to funnel Billions in tax payer dollars to pharma companies with zero liability so politicians can take a cut under the table. The corrupt want power and money, not the death of their subjects (though they don’t mind if we do die, they don’t actively pursue it on purpose with no benefit)
Have you not seen the Georgia Guidestones; read Stanley Johnson's book, or listened any hundreds of times one of the Cabal openly talks about their desires to depopulate? Gates has been banging on about it for 11 years and in 2011 specifically said he wanted to do so via vaccines. How much more do you want - they've actively been warning us for a decade.
I was thinking the same thing. Usually get the flu vaccine every year but this year I think I will pass. Don't trust anything anymore.
If u had been taking the flu shot and this year ur skipping which i agree with, just be mindful, you may get the flu, have zinc ready, and vitamin c,d taken daily i think. Be outside even if its in ur car if it gets to cold. Just do not stay indoors.
Yep I don’t get the shot or the flu.
Had the flu shot every year when I was in USAF, got flu every year w/o fail. Never got the shot after getting out, got it only once last 20 years. At least I think it was flu ... no violent puking though like in the AF.
Never gotten the flu shot. Had the flu once, that I know of, in 20 years, too.
Wash hands, and stay away from sick folk. Heck, even my wife did someone's makeup who later that day said they had the flu. We never got it. We prayed that out of our home that time.
Same, never had a flu shot, haven't had the flu in 20+ years.
Same same
4 decades here. Ive had the flu maybe twice .... got over with no problems and lots of chicken soup:)
I don't even remember if I've ever gotten a flu shot. Haven't had the flu in years either.
Vitamin d too. Thats the big one
You should probably consider Nutritional Therapy. Go to the website of the Nutritional Therapy Association and look for a practitioner either near you or someone who can do a long-distance consult. It's easy! They will guide you to good health without medicines.
Drink bone broth (grass fed) and get good restful sleep. God helps those that help themselves.
This is true. And theres an easy way to test this for ourselves. Make sure to go outside 20-30 min a day, adjust for the season. In the hot summer we go out earlier and need less time. For fall and spring we can go out whenever., its easy. Winter in LV is ok so we can still get some sun D. But for anyone in snowy/cold just dress warm and still go outside and take a vit D supplement for sure. We still take D supplements but based on how much we are outdoors. I cant say enough about the difference noticeably since being deliberate about this.
Also when my kids had a cold Ive taken them in the direct sun. The cold clears up within day or 2, its fascinating to see. Try it if you get a cold/sick anything--get out in direct sun, it will blow your mind. Ive set up a lounge chair all comfy and laid my little ones on it for 20 min and theyre better next day.
My daughter just came down with a cold last night and I will be attempting this today. So different from the way my parents raised us and my MIL raised my husband. When I was little, if we were sick, we wouldn’t dream of going outside. My daughter and I are going to have a picnic out on the outdoor patio and play a game out in the sunshine and hopefully her cold goes away quickly. Hopefully it keeps me from getting sick too. 😬
I hope your daughter feels better. And yeah going outside was the opposite of what we'd think growing up too...and tho we dont go out to play hard or anything but just focused on 20 min direct sun exposure either pushing a little one in stroller, laying a blanket in front yard and yep us too have a picnic! Or we just lay down and take in Gods sunlight for that set time (but not long) and it feels great. I think the fresh air too is beneficial. I hope it helps you guys and the cold just goes far away quick whatever works
Handy rule of thumb for when the sun is strong enough to stimulate the body to produce vitamin D.
If your shadow is longer than your measured height it's too weak - no vit D production. In other words, the sun must be from 45° to 90° in the sky for you to be producing vitamin D
how much skin should be exposed? short sleeves? shorts?
Shorts and t-shirt exposure of skin yields MDR vit D in 15 minutes, my memory.
I used to sit outside in a chair all curled up in a blanket when I was sick with colds as a kid. It always made me feel better and gave me more energy, it truly does help!
Vit D3 levels are hard to raise if you consume any wheat...not gluten, but wheat. Cut out wheat in any form and your Vit D3 will shoot up quickly. Also….Wheat disrupts sun sourced Vit D3 assignment so it’s less available.
Take magnesium with D as it will boost the absorption.
If that means avoiding whiskey, I‘ve got a real dilemma here.
Yes, D and zinc.
My grandmother was on a huge amount of Vitamin D, she was in a nursing home at 93, and she caught Covid (they said) and expected her to die within a few days from it, but she never even showed a symptom. She was already on her way out too, showing all the signs of 'end of life' but Covid was literally nothing to her.
Get out in the Sun, no covid!
Look into what Robert F. Kennedy has been saying. It now seems very likely he's been right all along.
He is coming to my church next week to talk! Excited to hear!
Awesome! I'm glad he's still active!
So true. I never questioned basic vaccines, just didn't like the flu vax because the one time I took it I got sick. I thought, "why not just take my chances rather than be 100% sure I am going to get sick?" Now I am glad I didn't take the flu shot. I think vaccines are like anything else they corrupt. Real scientists invented vaccines for the right reason. The cabal just infiltrated like they do with everything.
My mother used to make me get the flu shot every year when I was a teen. I got violently ill every year. She would claim it would have been worse had I not gotten the flu shot. Me, barely able to pick up my head, and violently vomiting, would ask "How much worse can this be??? Death?" When I got older I started refusing to get the flu shot. Haven't had such a bad flu since. Sure, I've gotten sick, but nowhere NEAR what it would be when I got the flu vax. After hearing many many stories of parents who's children suffered irreversible side effects due to the regular recommended childhood vaxs, I decided not to vax my child. It doesn't make sense that they tell you to stay away from a lot of types of seafood while pregnant because of the high mercury levels but then as soon as your child exits the womb, fill them up with enough mercury for a 500lb man.
I’m the same. I was vaccinated as a child and had various boosters and other vaccines as an adult working in the medical field. Now I don’t trust any of the vaccines.
Don't get their vaccines. C'mon folks. These people are evil and have been evil for decades. Don't take their shit! They didn't just start wanting to kill us and/or profit off our sickness until we're dead... This has been their "MO" for decades.
You’re absolutely right, pede! I think most vaccines are poison, except maybe tetanus.
I've only gotten one of those ... I was as sick as a dog that year :-) ... never again. That 99% of the reason I don't want a damn thing to do with the jab ... I couldn't care less what level of genius these people think they are that make that shit ... they are doing nothing but gambling when they make those annual concoctions.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn that they've been spiking those flu shots with other garbage just to see what it does after seeing this COVID fiasco.
I used to take the flu shot every year. Now, I'm worried if there was CRAP in those shots. Taking NAC once a day for a week to cover me. Apparently it breaks down Graphene Oxide.
N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is a supplement form of cysteine. Your body doesn’t make it and it’s not found in foods, but it still plays an important role. Like cysteine, NAC bonds with glutamine and glycine to form glutathione, a powerful antioxidant. Glutathione performs many functions throughout your body, such as helping to maintain your immune system
Never had the flu shot once in my life and I've only gotten the flu once.
So glad I'm officially out of the NG so nobody can mandate a single vax to me ever again.
Weren't they talking about adding the vaxx to the flu vaccine? Like a booster?
They want to make the flu shot with mRNA technology, too. No thanks. Never getting one again.
FWIW, I've been following the whole COVID thing since October of 2019 - well before it ever "hit" the rest of world and was still a nothingburger in China.
From what I've gathered, and what I've come to believe, this Anon is pretty much correct.
There was never a pandemic from a virus released from a lab. There was the creation of the "spike protein" in the lab, and it needed a vector to be released. I believe there could have been several vectors, but originally - at least in the US - it was put into the 2019 flu vaccine shot. I also believe it was probably in many of the testing swabs, masks, etc - along with graphene oxide (now in the COVID vaccine).
Pretty quickly, the original "virus" weakened, but became the rationale to make people themselves into walking virus factories by taking the jab. Thus, the vaccinated are actually the vectors for new, unknown, virus outbreaks. For the northern hemisphere, they're seeing things get unusually ugly for summer time (still overblown, but relatively speaking, unusual). Things will likely get very ugly this winter flu season. In addition, those jabbed have weaker immune systems and will have to get "boosters" just to try and fend off short term problems, which will in turn weaken their systems more, which will require more big pharma, etc, etc, until they are likely killed by it.
This is a really dangerous situation. The Cabal is working on an extinction level event, and aside from immediately stopping mass vaccinations, there's not much that can be done except strengthening your own immune system and staying abreast of research from people that don't want to see humans exterminated.
Summer of '20 I read through a survey where 750 people wrote in to tell their stories about if they had Cov19, how they recovered, if they hadn't had it, basically anything related to the topic.
After a few hours of reading through it all, I had came to one clear conclusion: The people who had received the flu shot prior were the people who got hit the hardest with Cov19.
Didn't the US Army put out a statement about any soldier that got the 2017-2018 flu shot may be more susceptible to getting COVID-19 complications?
Found it! It's called viral interference! https://archive.ph/3hXaN
Just as a follow-up, sounds like the early non-establishment medical consensus is that 75% of those jabbed will die within 3 years. I've heard this a bit, but today's Stew Peters interview supports this notion - from Trump's own doctor.
But Patriots are in control and it's a movie right?
If not then we screwed so I choose to believe it's a movie.
Maybe patriots are in control. But if they're not, then God is always in control. And God is a good guy, generally. :)
Not in the Old Testament!
This is what I believe and it should be it's own post. Shame that it is buried under advice about how to fight colds and what medicine to take like this is a Web MD forum
My prescription:
Some of us don’t have a choice for your third bullet point. Just gonna have to stock up on HCQ and Ivermectin.
And Ivermectin is in a shortage. And the price doubled ... wholesale price is around $80 right now for 20 tabs (1 box).
Horse tubes are cheap…
Not to mention bacterial pneumonia from mask wearing it is going to be a dark winter for sure. God bless and stay safe.
I'm going to need some clarification on this one.
It is to my understanding that germ theory states that disease is caused by microscopic "organisms" which include bacteria and viruses. And that these multiply in infected individuals, and those infected individuals can then spread those bacteria and viruses to others.
I think we've all observed one person getting sick with something, and then spreading that to others in close proximity who then get sick.
Which part of germ theory is the hoax?
It's hard to summarize in an accurate manner, but start by looking into pasteur vs bechamp when "germ theory" was first being published. Bechamps "terrain theory" surmises that disease is primarily from a weakened or compromised immune system that no longer fights off bacterial, parasitic, or fungal infections.
Sounds similar to germ theory until you look into it and realize that viruses can not be transferred from one organism to another without being injected directly into the blood. Viruses are basically a natural process of cells shedding waste, they're not "alive." In other words, germ theory is a hoax because people don't transmit illnesses to each other like we're told, except in a case of bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infections for obvious reasons.
Also it's important to note that there are two times in the year most people get sick: "flu season", and "allergy season." It can certainly appear that illnesses spread during times where most people naturally "get sick" or "detox."
Didn't Daniel Palmer, father of chiropractic, put forth the anti-germ theory of disease?? Scientists used to believe in 'spontaneous generation' also.
Some thoughts: That seems to be why ivermectin is so effective- it’s neutralising parasites. HCQ has been proven to be an effective antifungal. And there are many proven antibacterials such as colloidal silver, echinacea, oregano oil, olive leaf extract, even honey.
You are confusing viruses and bacteria. Viruses are little more than DNA packages which need other organisms in order to reproduce. Bacteria are one-celled life forms that can survive on their own and multiply on their own as long as they have access to water, nutrients, etc. In general, I always heard "germs" in reference to bacteria, not viruses. So germ theory is not a hoax, no matter what viruses are or do.
Look into terrain theory. From what I understand it is the belief that bacteria/viruses do not cause disease themselves. They are merely attracted to an already dysfunctional/diseased tissue and they will replicate there, but it is not these bacteria/viruses themselves causing the pathogenesis. I'm not sure I believe it either, but I have seen some doctors who do. Since 90-99% of everything we learned in school is bullshit, I would actually probably lean on the side of germ theory also being bullshit as well, just statistically. God bless all my fellow Patriots. WWG1WGA!
The situation you question is due to "bio-resonance" between people that co-exist within similar toxic environments, similar air, food, water, etc. This situation is exacerbated in the winter months when people don't get outdoors, fresh air, etc. nearly as often. Greater alcohol consumption during colder months is also a major contributor.
If you step back and think it though, you'll note that the vast majority of the time, this did NOT happen, where only one person in a family, office, school, etc. was ill.
Germ theory is complete hoax beginning to end. Contagion is a myth. Viruses don't exist (as defined by mainstream medicine) and have never been "isolated". Bacteria are scavengers, clean-up crews. There have been over 70 studies, primarily undertaken from 1900-1950, that have attempted to prove contagion by "alleged viruses" or bacteria. All of them failed miserably. This is why you can't find any studies after 1950 even attempting to prove "human to human transmission".
You can waste your time reading modern studies where scientists inject various toxic cocktails into rats, guinea pigs, mice, etc. and buy it if you like. But the simple truth is, when you inject ANYTHING into the bloodstream and sterile environment of the body, it causes problems. That's why they vax us.
But you'll never find any studies with "sick people" infecting "healthy people" via sneezing on each other, coughing on each other, ingesting a sick person's saliva/mucous, sharing silverware, drinking/eating from same glasses/plates, etc. It never works, never has, and they don't even try anymore. Precisely because, contagion is a myth and germ theory is a hoax.
Chicken pox and measles are a different story entirely. These are childhood upgrade events that are POSITIVE in nature and BENEFIT the child through their entire lifetime. This is a classic example of bio-resonance. One hundred years ago, women were wise to host "chicken pox parties". Establishment medicine destroyed this motherly wisdom, as with everything else.
When I was growing up in the 50's my mom had all of us eat off of each other's plates so we would all come down with Chicken pox, Mumps or the Measles at the same time (I was one of 6 kids). She wanted to make sure we all got it when we were younger rather than go sterile from mumps or measles at an older age or to be sicker later on. All of these are typically easy to get over when you are a kid. I never heard of anyone dying from them at the time I was growing up but I suspect there may have always been a rare person who did. So I never understood the reason to vax for these kids illnesses. Was it to keep them from being sick for a week to 10 days so a working mom or dad wouldn't have to stay home with them?
My mom said she wouldn't have even known that I got Chicken pox when I was 2 because I got a very mild form of it. Two spots on my butt that I walked around scratching.
I had all those diseases as a kid and am completely immune for life now. No need for any vax for these shots and for all purposes no need for any boosters bc the shots for them don't always work.
Exactly. We're living in an inverted reality. Establishment medicine is at peak inversion now. None of these so-called "diseases" are harmful in any way. There are several studies proving that children who get them are far healthier adults across the board.
The "reason" for all these vaccines is to cause long-term health issues and lifelong customers of the pharma industry - plain and simple.
Mainstream medicine labels everything a "disease", when in fact, these symptoms (aka bumps/pox) are signs of healing in every regard.
Your mom was intuitively wise. Hopefully you[ll pass this wisdom on to all you know.
Flus are detoxification events. When the body detoxes, it recruits all energies to perform the detox as quickly as possible. So rather than 10-days, 2/3/4 weeks of "detoxing", while still maintaining a relatively normal lifestyle, the body saps all your energy which forces you to rest.
Unfortunately, this thing labeled "ConVid-1984" is a bit more complex. Nobody likes the explanation I believe is most accurate but I'll share it anyway. This "disease" is actually a re-balancing and alignment event. Those that are weak, in poor health, breathe too shallowly, lack proper sleep and/or live a life of non-stop activity are the most likely to "get sick". In short, they need more oxygen, relaxation and presence in their lives. If you evaluate the symptoms carefully, you'll see that this "illness" forces them to get exactly this.
If you're interested in reading a good book on the topic, you can find Dr. Tom Cowan's "The Contagion Myth" on alternative book platforms. Everything is explained in great detail.
Cheers to your mom!
This. This is exactly why, when Covid was first announced, I tried to get it myself so I could give it to my wife and kids and we would be done with the whole thing.
Guess what?? I couldn't even catch a case. It took a few months before I realized there was no pandemic.
My mom had a chicken pox party in 1987, my brother got it and they got together all the cousins, set up Atari, or coleco however that's spelled and let us all hang out, I was six... All I really remember after that was calamine lotion and oatmeal baths😒 thanks mom.
Awesome. Agree entirely
The idea that the body is a deterministic system, like a car, and that the outcomes of this system are purely dependent on physical inputs (ignoring the mind completely).
This leads to beliefs like that the body will fall apart unless you take it to a mechanic; that health is not something you create; that you need to get injected with health from the outside, and that you desperately need doctors for survival.
None of these ideas are true, and they are in fact highly detrimental.
He is probably talking about the theory that cold, flu etc... are not caused by "infection" but by "environmental" factors. For example:
This guy died last year of Cancer. All of his published papers were purged after this.
Specifically about Covid you have: https://theinfectiousmyth.com/book/CoronavirusPanic.pdf
Another book is:
The Contagion Myth. http://stateofthenation.co/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/The_Contagion_Myth_Why_Viruses_Including_Coronavirus_Are_Not_the_Cause_of_Disease_by_Thomas_S._Cowan_Sally_Fallon_Morell.pdf
This is probably the book the anon is basing because it uses the same terminology. For example the first chapter of this books is: Part 1: EXPOSING THE GERM THEORY
This is addressed in this last book around page 69. Search for "when these aboriginal peoples first met the European colonists? Didn’t they begin to suffer from infectious disease".
The book uses "scurvy" as an example to this. You can go to another source, for example: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/scurvy-disease-discovery-jonathan-lamb
"An estimated two million seamen died of scurvy during those years. These are the centuries where people are first crossing the Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, and the Pacific, and the problem incident to all of those voyages was that you were going to be at sea continuously, probably for more than three months, at some stage in the voyaging. That would be the period when scurvy would make itself apparent because everybody on the ship would be living on preserved foods. In preserved food there are no vitamins, so a variety of nutritional diseases would be likely: lack of vitamin B1 would cause beriberi; no vitamin B3 would cause pellagra; and vitamin C, of course, scurvy."
Scurvy was thought to be infectious because "all" sailors where getting it. Until someone discovered that it was "environmental".
This was a fascinating read. Thank you.
I'm not completely sold on the idea that all disease is the result of environmental factors, which the author states may be poor nutrition, toxins, electromagnetic fields, and resonant frequencies. A big hole for me is the Native American population that was decimated before the arrival of the Pilgrims. That spanned a whole continent, but the author blames it on disrupted salt trade.
But I do agree with eating healthier and avoiding unnecessary EMF.
Kinda makes sense, but I pray that this anon is wrong.
That is what most concerns me about this "vaccine" it alters your immune response in general(NOT Nature made) not like the old ones that target a specific and I mean a very specific thing. It has not been tested for the medium, let alone long term. For all I know it could start triggering long lost diseases within our dna that humans haven't dealt with in thousands of years (the dna fragments are still in our dna, passed down, our dna has a chunk of nothing but, long dead virus bits). NOT saying this is happening or even could but, "for all I know." No flu shot for me, ever again do not trust that they havent or wont be using mrna in those as well. For instance, people with the virus that causes shingles, it seems to be activating and people are popping up with shingles.
I am seeing more friends who were jabbed get herpes on their face or in their mouth outbreaks. Know of two already who had this happen.
You will find this video relevant. Dr. Ryan Cole, pathologist at the America's Frontline Doctors summit:
The vaccine messes with the immune system. Leads to an increase in viruses and cancers.
Thank you, glad to know my putting one and one together in my thinking and comparing some of the complaints to "activated bad shit you already have that your normal immune system usually keeps at bay for you" wasn't adding up to fifteen. Cancer is a scary one, I had not even thought that far into it.
Yet another virus that tons have in their system but, usually only pops up from time to time in SOME people (usually if they are long term stressed or worn out/immunity is down) papillomavirus as well (could lead to cancer) though, I have not seen any reports directly on that one but, would not dismiss it, at this rate.
So all the vaccinated will possibly die from a common cold? Good thing then there is a cure. Hydrochloroxin. For the rest of their lives the vaccinated will have to take the Trump cure, or die.
Look into the studies on mRNA coronavirus vaccinations prior to this global experiment on people. All of the animal test subjects died after being re-exposed to coronaviruses in the wild in the last test on ferrets. Over 80% died in the test on (dogs? if I recall, maybe rats...). It's not good, and because of the nature of the mRNA "vaccine" - your body creates the spike proteins. It's not clear there's a way to stop this process... Essentially, it appears inevitable you'll die if you get jabbed - maybe in the first few months, but most certainly within 3 years.
Do you happen to have a link to this research? I keep seeing and hearing about this but really want to confirm it by reading it myself.
I think NAC breaks the spike protein, and there were some hamsters dying from the ravaging spike proteins. NAC was the only thing that saved them.
Someone linked this site recently, might be worthwhile saving it as it has various substances that either block or destroy the graphene oxide which is conected to the spike proteins
https://katrinah.com/nutrition-protocol-to-neutralize-graphene-oxide/ Black Seed Oil has also been mentioned as a blocker/destroyer so best stock up on all these as they might be in short supply.
This is tragic but honestly the vaxholes get what they fucking deserve and I’ll lmfao at them.
Evolutionary biology would agree with OP
This doctor agrees with OP:
Yep... I think they are going to release something that attacks the spike protein inside of this virus and the vaccine.
Apparently I'm the only person in the world who paid attention in high school.
Viruses die off if they become too deadly, evolutionary pressure is to be less lethal.
The more deadly a virus is, the less it will spread. The more sick a person is, the less likely they are to go out and spread it. The virus will only go so far, that's why ebola outbreaks are small
Point number 1 is moot if you have leaky vaccines. If the vaccine only reduces symptoms, it not only sets up for things like ADE but it changes the evolutionary pressure to allow a virus to become more transmissable and more deadly. Mareks disease is the perfect example.
Germ theory is a hoax, but colds and flus are real? Am I missing something here?
It's related to the idea of a material universe, from which consciousness somehow paradoxically arises, so that consciousness is an illusion while everything unfolds according to dead-matter principles of physics.
This leads to the idea that the body is a deterministic system, like a car, and that the outcomes of this system are purely dependent on physical inputs (ignoring the mind completely).
This leads to beliefs like that the body will fall apart unless you take it to a mechanic; that health is not something you create; that you need to get injected with health from the outside, and that you desperately need doctors for survival.
None of these ideas are true, and they are in fact highly detrimental (i.e. you need doctors because you believe this).
Thanks that makes a little more sense. I’m just not familiar with this.
Fundamentally, germ theory contains a grain of truth (viruses and bacteria are found where there's illness) but the relationship is much less causal than we think (a virus does not directly cause illness, instead its presence is an opportunity to enter a disease process which the person and their body accepts or rejects).
How did the Black Plague kill 1/3 of people? Why not everyone? Why did it not affect many who were directly exposed and cared for those who were infected and ended up dead?
Superior immune systems? Determinism? Genes? Or does a person's mental state play a role here?
How is the universe constructed? Does the tail wag the dog (matter creates consciousness), or does the dog wag the tail (consciousness creates matter)?
Reminds me of a video someone recently sent to me, which was blessedly succinct, and well explained. I swear I can barely stand watching videos after the last 18 months, too many people drag them out, I'd rather just read.
Is this post referring to ADE (antibody dependent enhancement)?
Yup. I'm am not looking forward to this winter at all. This is why we should be stocking up on supplies now, and be ready to hunker down for a few months.
Yep. Holding on to my job to wait for higher, better paid positions to open up.
I'm sure I'll get blamed for their weak immune systems though.
Yep I’ve been thinking this since they first pushed the vaccine - wait until fall when the flu season hits. Folks will be dropping like flies. It’s sad because I have no idea how we will continue as a nation without divine intervention.
Epsilon variant
How many have to die before we get help?
Soooo…. All of these govt boot kickers are getting their shots, could very well die from the next bug they get, and the powers think that WE will somehow change our minds and get a shot because of this? Wtf are they on? Drunk as fuck.
In this scenario there are placebos for them, they think at least. I mean Boris Johnson has been photographed getting three...
Heard this theory back 6 months or so ago. It was here numerous times though I believe it came from a doctor initially.
Cold and flu season in the US is from October to April. When was the max deployment?
There's some reason for sure that they are pushing this so hard that cannot simply be dreams of wiping covid out.
Cytokine storm. Make the body attack itself.
It's related to the idea of a material universe, from which consciousness somehow paradoxically arises, so that consciousness is an illusion while everything unfolds according to dead-matter principles of physics. This is a highly cynical (and false) understanding.
This leads to the idea that the body is a deterministic system, like a car, and that the outcomes of this system are purely dependent on physical inputs (ignoring the mind completely).
This leads to beliefs like that the body will fall apart unless you take it to a mechanic; that health is not something you create; that you need to get injected with health from the outside, and that you desperately need doctors for survival.
None of these ideas are true, and they are in fact highly detrimental. People then need doctors because they believe this.
My friend has been worried since this all began that the vax would have the “antidote” for the next virus they leak. So only the sheep remain. Hoping he is wrong and that white hats really are in control right now!
So, "vaxxed" people are gonna drop like flies, or "unvaxxed"?
Those anons really know who to pull me from my daily hopium fix, down to horror-movie plot lines, back up to hopium in a matter of a few posts.
How long does it take for a conspiracy to become fact again?
Im the southern hemisphere the vax is rolling out and its winter...
If I was going to try to kill people with a bio weapon this would be a good option. Yku may be right sir.
Just the like Spanish Flu
This makes sense. (Explained specifically in the link below) The mRNA anitbodies only look for one specific virus CV19 and then subordinates your normal immune systems (broad-spectrum) antibodies that would attack ANY virus or variant. So when any variant other than the CV19 shows up... this new mRNA antibodies not only DO NOT attack the new variant but stop your own immune system from attacking it also. Thus the variant runs rampent and you can die.
This: Dr. Peter McCullough, an American professor of medicine and vice-chief of internal medicine at Baylor University
Oh come on. They’re not trying to kill us with this “vaccine” (it’s not a vaccine), they’re just trying to funnel Billions in tax payer dollars to pharma companies with zero liability so politicians can take a cut under the table. The corrupt want power and money, not the death of their subjects (though they don’t mind if we do die, they don’t actively pursue it on purpose with no benefit)
Have you not seen the Georgia Guidestones; read Stanley Johnson's book, or listened any hundreds of times one of the Cabal openly talks about their desires to depopulate? Gates has been banging on about it for 11 years and in 2011 specifically said he wanted to do so via vaccines. How much more do you want - they've actively been warning us for a decade.
They already got caught intentionally infecting people in Africa with diseases while saying they where 'vaccinating' them from other things.
If you think it's that innocent, check this out: