I'm ready to say patriots are not in control. Down vote me, kick me off this board, I don't care. This needs to be said.
My wife got the jab couple weeks ago because her company said, Get the jab, or walk. She's in the pharma industry earning top bucks. We're near retirement. We need her job. My company, a bit smaller, still very large, in the thousands, federal contractor, just announced today: Get proof of jab by Dec. 8, or face the consequences. So what now? I take the jab, knowing it will (eventually) kill me, or if I'm lucky I get a placebo-numbered vial?
Q said: Enjoy the show.
I say: This is a shitshow.
Q said: Trust the plan.
I say: This is a fucked plan, that forces us against our will to take a vaccine that's not been properly tested and all the data so far that I'm seeing says it will do me more harm than good.
Patriots say: Hold the line.
I say: What line, how can I hold any line?
Natural immunity FROM WHAT ? the flu ?? I hate this line of thinking because it assumes Covid is real, and can be measured. I’d don’t believe that is the case.
“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?
Matthew 6:25 NKJV
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Matthew 6:34 NKJV
I'm so disappointed with how many people are getting the vaccine because they don't want to lose some money. I just think that a person's priorities where money comes before their health and the health of their loved ones is seriously flawed.
This type of thing is why so many normies think we're just LARPing. We talk a big game about how the vaccine will kill people, sterilize people, cause permanent damage, etc.... but as soon as we have to put our money where our mouth is, we cave. It leads people to believe that we don't REALLY think the vaccine is dangerous, we just like to play pretend on the internet.
Like COVID itself, I think the vaccine is dangerous for some and not so much for others. I know lots of people who’ve had the jab with no consequence at all...yet. Time will tell. I’m not getting it but I’m retired and for now, my income is a given. I don’t have to make a tough decision. It’s a rock and a hard place for those who have families to feed and bills to pay. I think you may be over simplifying things. I won’t judge or presume to know better than that which someone deems necessary for their situation.
I just got the comply by Dec. 8th notification also. Let the games begin. But I certainly wont cave to infringement on civil and human right tyrannical "mandates". Ill file a lawsuit if they actually fire me and find work somewhere else. Live without fear and desperation and we pave our own way. Call their bluff. Im interested to see how this plays out.
My husband's company gave them a date of November 1. Let's see if they keep moving it. Several people are talking to a lawyer right now. Including my spouse. Should be interesting.
My date with my government contractor is October 15th. I won't be getting the vaccine and am also looking for a vaccine-free private sector position. I carry the insurance and my position is a well-compensated niche role, so in all likelihood, I will have to find a whole new occupation with less pay. My husband is panicking a little, but is actually more incensed than anything. We both know it won't stop at getting the vaccine... then the booster and another booster, and on and on until they kill as many of us as they can. Isn't that the while idea, depopulation?
This is my dream job and sad that I will be let go.
Prayers for all who are in this current situation. WWG1WGA
Yep. I got a few cards to play. You could always try a religious exemption. Even if it doesn't work you can use that as a way to claim money later when vaccines go tits up.
Also get a covid antibody test. That will help if you need it later on for a lawsuit. I just don't want to cuck out. Think that alot of people doing that.
Well stated. Exact same boat, except my wife doesn’t have a big job, but I do (medical, federal contractor as well). Mandate date for me is 11/15. Take Jab or go on unpaid leave til 12/31. Last chance to get jabbed by then, or gone. Took kids out of public school in the last two years because they are a disaster. I have the health ins (wife w health issues), 401k, two private school tuitions. I want to continue to hold the line (have been) and I want to trust the plan (have been), and I do not want the jab, period. I have ivermectin in house, and not horsepaste from the feed store, I’m ready if anyone in the house gets the coof. It’s literally a life altering decision, with a disastrous outcome either way. Take the jab and keep the job, but risk the long term side effects and illness that is sure to come (and what get another one every six months), or let them fire me and be out of work. Early 50s here, good shape and healthy, but anywhere I go in my industry it will be the same story. Fuck these assholes to hell and back.
Homeschooling would save you the tuition. If your kids are old enough to stay home alone, they are old enough to use the curriculum mostly without oversight. My parents did it for me and my sister. I've never set foot in a school in my life. And my parents weren't hovering over me while we did our schoolwork, either. Just a thought. Best of luck.
Also remember we are watching a movie. I dont believe anyone has been kicked out yet. Tomorrow would just be the start of the exit process. The military takes a while to process discharges. Have faith much love
I just can't imagine it, even if we are "watching a movie," just what if we are moving beyond the precipice that, had we not been complacent and acted, we could have helped to correct all of this? I mean, this is absolutely insane that this is being allowed to happen.
And he also told us that the they would release about 60% of the truth to the public because couldn't handle knowing. "The truth would put many in the hospital."
Many of us anons implored Q to release it all so the evil would never happen again. And Q tOld us that if all of the compromised members of Congress were arrested there would only be maybe 20% remaining. So, hence the retirements and resignations.
Hope I remembered all of that correctly... didn't take time to look up dates and post numbers
Yes absolutely I think what u said is correct. I guess there are mant ways to look at things. But anyone that knows me on here, know I live in faith hope and love.
Me, too! I don't believe that POTUS or Q Team would lead us down the garden path and I've prayed that one of his plans was to have the military switch vaccines for placebos. POTUS told us many times that the military would do the roll out of the shipments.
I believe that POTUS created Operation Warp Speed as a plan to negate closure of our economy, lock down our freedoms and cut down pharma's plans to develop an even more deadly vaccine.
Just my 2 cents.
Madonna also said not everyone is coming to the future in that sick performance.
The congruence and the coincidences to Q being a similar operation as the Bolshevik revolution is eye opening. I have no idea what the hell is going on anymore, although I do hope that we will stand together and kill this tyranny. I never expected clean, but if Q is allowing our service members and important pieces of our society to get the death jab, this is a horrendous plan. My whole fucking family got the vaccine.
If you can prove you need one for medical/hygiene reasons, you can have one. Black dudes would get really bad bumps after shaving, there is a chance of them becoming infected.
I am told because blacks have such tightly curly beards with such thick whiskers, they get ingrown hair horribly, and shaving can give some black men horrible follicle irritation. Its a genetic thing or something.
The whole reason the army bans beards is entirely due to the fact they can interfere with gasmasks. That and some operators like pilots need to fit their oxygen masks. Before WW1 it was common for armies everywhere to sport some epic facial hair.
Thanks. I guess things have changed.
Really feel for them. The guy is right, its very hard to throw away a chunk of
your life.
Don't see why they can give exceptions for the shaving but not for something
that could really mess you up (shot)...
Amazing how the military that is supposed to be saving us is being destroyed from within before our very eyes.
People say this is a movie, but how long can we keep saying that? These things are clearly happening, unless this young man is a liar/actor, but I mean come on.
You don't think the Military needs to be pushed to the precipice, too? They're us. There's no one in the Military that didn't sign up from the People.
Whatever we need to be shown, so do they. Same fight.
The only difference is that the Military Courts have a different Jurisdiction that will eventually come into play when the full scope of the D5 is revealed.
Thinking this is why President Trump created the Space Force. All of these good patriotic, freedom-loving Soldiers will be moved there shortly. We can hope and pray so.
Saying a prayer for him that this video doesn't get him in trouble. I think we are witnessing the "fundamental transformation" of America a-la Hussein, et. al. There are upcoming deadlines for many American citizens that will leave shortages in all areas.....meanwhile the tsunami of unvaxed, unvetted invaders continue to be welcomed. I can't comprehend how this makes sense to any body with a low IQ. How can it even be argued as acceptable?
They think the income protected by vaxxing is security? How secure is it when you are deathly I'll and the only room you see is your hospital bedroom. There is no security when your body falls apart except in jesus.
It uses a adenovirus vector and is DNA. But, that DNA goes to the nucleus of the cell to direct the cell to make mRNA to make spike protein. So, although the mechanisms are different, the end result is the same.
Yes, they do. A good majority of Black men have this exemption as if shaved, their facial hair gets ingrown and it’s more than “bumps”. It’s painful and a total distraction. Imagine being in a firefight and having complete distraction from oozing, burning ingrown facial hair? Anyway, it’s realy no big deal for morale or anything.
Like this fukin MATTERS?!! I suppose checking 35-10 in a bloody battle matters, huh? These guys got a helluva LOT more to worry about than facial hair. Carry on soldier.
Do not get the vaxx you are more valuable to the people of the US as a civilian with extraordinary skills that will be in demand. The vaxx is poison that will kill you.
Some men, especially black men get accessed ingrown hairs from shaving closely. The military gives them exemptions to let their facial hair grow. Or religious exemptions.
Funny though, my SIL said he met with his chaplain today as part of his religious exemption process to try to get out of the vaccine— and the chaplain told him no ones religious exemptions are getting approved.
I know when I was in there were certain exemptions for the beard with a shaving profile because of the facial breakout but they still had to keep it close, not a full grown beard like this guy.
For years we've had the "religious exemption" This even extended to combatants in WW2 who weren't allowed to fight for religious reasons, and the military always accommodated them. This extended to my uncle who was a pastor and was assigned as a medic and did not ever see combat. The state is under foreign occupation, and people need to resist. What's the point of having a country now, what's the point of having nice "benefits" when there is NOTHING LEFT. No freedoms, no pursuit of happiness, lockdowns forever. Your money is worthless. Your money won't mean anything when hyper inflation kicks in and we don't kill off this parasite once and for all. It's only going to get worse!
My husband is active duty and has been counseled again today after having to see virtually everyone in the chain of command and he’s sticking to his guns.
Do not submit to tyranny under any circumstances.
Of coarse that’s your choice but we won’t, even if we have to move into a smaller home and have less. We will not.
I can relate. I’m in the Navy, we have until Nov 28th to be fully “vaccinated” so we would need our second dose by the 14th of Nov to meet that timeframe. I’ve already voiced I’m not getting it, along with maybe 50 others so far though I expect some to give in to the fear mongering going on. I’ve been in for ten years now and other than this I’ll be out of a job and home for me and my family. I have some money saved up but not enough to last very long. Unless something happens prior these are going to be some rough times ahead.
(quick disclaimer: I'm not in the military, just a civilian puke who never served. Doubt anyone would confuse me for military, but stolen valor and all.)
It's funny. I get why some people are complying. People with courage I couldn't even imagine. But some part of me, some small voice, just keeps screaming that I have to draw a line here.
So far I've been lucky. The company I work for hasn't even approached me about vaccines or testing, probably because they don't wanna get sued by the Texas labor board, but the Biden admin's trying awfully hard to put them between a rock and a hard place.
I wanna say I wont cave, but Given my track record, who the hell knows.
If I come out the other side of this with my self respect intact, but sans jobs, anybody in NE Texas got use for a slightly used '83 low-level retail grunt? I make a great cup of coffee and I'm willing to earn my way.
If he was a true Patriot, he'd pay that price because once we have brought this current regime to heel, the benefits issues will be rectified. HOWEVER, his long term health complications from a "vaccine" won't be. Those will stay with him until death. Hopefully that death won't be premature, but all the current TRUE research points to a different outcome for these "vaxxed" people.
God I really wish they would all grow a spine and say fuck this and start to fight now. That's probably strong language those are all very good patriots But if you don't like something and you have the power fight back if Enough of them fight back what are they gonna do put the whole military out
Things like this certainly puts the "patriots in control" to the test...
I'm ready to say patriots are not in control. Down vote me, kick me off this board, I don't care. This needs to be said.
My wife got the jab couple weeks ago because her company said, Get the jab, or walk. She's in the pharma industry earning top bucks. We're near retirement. We need her job. My company, a bit smaller, still very large, in the thousands, federal contractor, just announced today: Get proof of jab by Dec. 8, or face the consequences. So what now? I take the jab, knowing it will (eventually) kill me, or if I'm lucky I get a placebo-numbered vial?
Q said: Enjoy the show. I say: This is a shitshow.
Q said: Trust the plan. I say: This is a fucked plan, that forces us against our will to take a vaccine that's not been properly tested and all the data so far that I'm seeing says it will do me more harm than good.
Patriots say: Hold the line. I say: What line, how can I hold any line?
i'm with you, but do not get that shot. Let them fire you.
This I won’t do it fire me, they all act like having natural immunity is nothing.
Natural immunity FROM WHAT ? the flu ?? I hate this line of thinking because it assumes Covid is real, and can be measured. I’d don’t believe that is the case.
The vid, flu, colds all of it, I trust my body and it’s natural immunity to fight off this crap!
I agree with this sentiment 100%.
Sometimes it's not that easy. I'm in the same boat. But I'm scrambling for a private sector position.
“Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? Matthew 6:25 NKJV https://bible.com/bible/114/mat.6.25.NKJV
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Matthew 6:34 NKJV https://bible.com/bible/114/mat.6.34.NKJV
I'm so disappointed with how many people are getting the vaccine because they don't want to lose some money. I just think that a person's priorities where money comes before their health and the health of their loved ones is seriously flawed.
This type of thing is why so many normies think we're just LARPing. We talk a big game about how the vaccine will kill people, sterilize people, cause permanent damage, etc.... but as soon as we have to put our money where our mouth is, we cave. It leads people to believe that we don't REALLY think the vaccine is dangerous, we just like to play pretend on the internet.
Especially when the benefits that a lot of people look forward to receiving (Fed government) will clearly not exist soon on the current course.
If you are thinking of getting this vaccine to keep your job, you are a slave.
Also, you can still get shit canned after you get the vaccine.
Especially once they find out you are a delta variant carrier and all the vaxxers health insurance doubles.
Lose money or lose your life…
Hope $45k/yr is fucking worth it.
Lol that's before taxes!
wont last a year.
Like COVID itself, I think the vaccine is dangerous for some and not so much for others. I know lots of people who’ve had the jab with no consequence at all...yet. Time will tell. I’m not getting it but I’m retired and for now, my income is a given. I don’t have to make a tough decision. It’s a rock and a hard place for those who have families to feed and bills to pay. I think you may be over simplifying things. I won’t judge or presume to know better than that which someone deems necessary for their situation.
Because food and shelter ARE indeed free+
I just got the comply by Dec. 8th notification also. Let the games begin. But I certainly wont cave to infringement on civil and human right tyrannical "mandates". Ill file a lawsuit if they actually fire me and find work somewhere else. Live without fear and desperation and we pave our own way. Call their bluff. Im interested to see how this plays out.
Dec 8 is Q's last post
Interesting coincidence there. Its also the "line" drawn in the sand for federal contractors to comply or lose our jobs, as they say.
My husband's company gave them a date of November 1. Let's see if they keep moving it. Several people are talking to a lawyer right now. Including my spouse. Should be interesting.
November 8th is our date to November 22nd for completion.
My date with my government contractor is October 15th. I won't be getting the vaccine and am also looking for a vaccine-free private sector position. I carry the insurance and my position is a well-compensated niche role, so in all likelihood, I will have to find a whole new occupation with less pay. My husband is panicking a little, but is actually more incensed than anything. We both know it won't stop at getting the vaccine... then the booster and another booster, and on and on until they kill as many of us as they can. Isn't that the while idea, depopulation?
This is my dream job and sad that I will be let go.
Prayers for all who are in this current situation. WWG1WGA
Yep. I got a few cards to play. You could always try a religious exemption. Even if it doesn't work you can use that as a way to claim money later when vaccines go tits up.
Also get a covid antibody test. That will help if you need it later on for a lawsuit. I just don't want to cuck out. Think that alot of people doing that.
Well stated. Exact same boat, except my wife doesn’t have a big job, but I do (medical, federal contractor as well). Mandate date for me is 11/15. Take Jab or go on unpaid leave til 12/31. Last chance to get jabbed by then, or gone. Took kids out of public school in the last two years because they are a disaster. I have the health ins (wife w health issues), 401k, two private school tuitions. I want to continue to hold the line (have been) and I want to trust the plan (have been), and I do not want the jab, period. I have ivermectin in house, and not horsepaste from the feed store, I’m ready if anyone in the house gets the coof. It’s literally a life altering decision, with a disastrous outcome either way. Take the jab and keep the job, but risk the long term side effects and illness that is sure to come (and what get another one every six months), or let them fire me and be out of work. Early 50s here, good shape and healthy, but anywhere I go in my industry it will be the same story. Fuck these assholes to hell and back.
It's the fight you've been chosen to participate in. If you don't stand to, we'll all perish under tyranny
Yep. If you take the jab you cucked out.
Homeschooling would save you the tuition. If your kids are old enough to stay home alone, they are old enough to use the curriculum mostly without oversight. My parents did it for me and my sister. I've never set foot in a school in my life. And my parents weren't hovering over me while we did our schoolwork, either. Just a thought. Best of luck.
Thanks for the tip.
You let your wife get it? You need to get it too or shame on you! Machiavelli would be proud...
Yep. Beta cucktard move getting the jab. Also wife can still get shitcanned. Especially once they find out vaxxed are carrying a biological weapon.
Hope im wrong
Also remember we are watching a movie. I dont believe anyone has been kicked out yet. Tomorrow would just be the start of the exit process. The military takes a while to process discharges. Have faith much love
and if the gov't shuts down many functions shut down or slow down. one would be personnel actions, which would probably be slowed down.
Yes very true. Didnt even think of that.
I just can't imagine it, even if we are "watching a movie," just what if we are moving beyond the precipice that, had we not been complacent and acted, we could have helped to correct all of this? I mean, this is absolutely insane that this is being allowed to happen.
Thank you. Perfect timing. God bless, fren.
Praying you are right u/Slechta5614... 🙏
But, remember Q did say
"The end won't be for everyone."
Yes very true. Wasnt there a 4-6% reference or was that actually not Q
I believe both were attributed to Q.
And he also told us that the they would release about 60% of the truth to the public because couldn't handle knowing. "The truth would put many in the hospital."
Many of us anons implored Q to release it all so the evil would never happen again. And Q tOld us that if all of the compromised members of Congress were arrested there would only be maybe 20% remaining. So, hence the retirements and resignations.
Hope I remembered all of that correctly... didn't take time to look up dates and post numbers
Blessings to you!
Yes absolutely I think what u said is correct. I guess there are mant ways to look at things. But anyone that knows me on here, know I live in faith hope and love.
Me, too! I don't believe that POTUS or Q Team would lead us down the garden path and I've prayed that one of his plans was to have the military switch vaccines for placebos. POTUS told us many times that the military would do the roll out of the shipments.
I believe that POTUS created Operation Warp Speed as a plan to negate closure of our economy, lock down our freedoms and cut down pharma's plans to develop an even more deadly vaccine. Just my 2 cents.
Madonna also said not everyone is coming to the future in that sick performance.
The congruence and the coincidences to Q being a similar operation as the Bolshevik revolution is eye opening. I have no idea what the hell is going on anymore, although I do hope that we will stand together and kill this tyranny. I never expected clean, but if Q is allowing our service members and important pieces of our society to get the death jab, this is a horrendous plan. My whole fucking family got the vaccine.
I don't know man. This is way out of control.
I remember reading about that...praying for your family!
Three of our children and other family members have taken it as well.
Yes faith is all u need. Fear or faith thw choice is yours
What if the shots are switched out. Of the patriots are in. Onteol that's the only way tjey could do it. This is heinous.
Its been quite awhile since I was in, but does the Army allow beards now?
If you can prove you need one for medical/hygiene reasons, you can have one. Black dudes would get really bad bumps after shaving, there is a chance of them becoming infected.
Yeah but not that long
He'd have to be SF or attached to an SF team
That was the case 20 years ago. They openly embrace homo and trans lifestyles. I can only assume the rules have relaxed.
black dudes would get bumps? wtf
i'm white and get really bad shaving rashes. which is why i keep a beard. my skin cant take razors.
I am told because blacks have such tightly curly beards with such thick whiskers, they get ingrown hair horribly, and shaving can give some black men horrible follicle irritation. Its a genetic thing or something.
The whole reason the army bans beards is entirely due to the fact they can interfere with gasmasks. That and some operators like pilots need to fit their oxygen masks. Before WW1 it was common for armies everywhere to sport some epic facial hair.
Ingrown hairs. It's a common problem. Their hair tends to be very coarse and curly and that causes ingrown hairs.
I knew a black student back in college who talked to me about that problem. Shaving made him break out in bumps. So it goes.
If I shave my face right now it would look like a Starcrunch.
Yes, a job I had required shaving and many black men got exemptions from doctors. Definitely not in the military but it’s a thing.
Yes that’s true.
When black guys shave (not all of course), the hair tends to be ingrown when it grows back. Nasty skin infections often ensue.
Thanks. I guess things have changed. Really feel for them. The guy is right, its very hard to throw away a chunk of your life. Don't see why they can give exceptions for the shaving but not for something that could really mess you up (shot)...
He's basically going to play russian roulette for money.
good catch
The military allows for religious and medical reasons
Thanks, you're right. Didn't think about that...
That was my first thought too.
Amazing how the military that is supposed to be saving us is being destroyed from within before our very eyes.
People say this is a movie, but how long can we keep saying that? These things are clearly happening, unless this young man is a liar/actor, but I mean come on.
You don't think the Military needs to be pushed to the precipice, too? They're us. There's no one in the Military that didn't sign up from the People.
Whatever we need to be shown, so do they. Same fight.
The only difference is that the Military Courts have a different Jurisdiction that will eventually come into play when the full scope of the D5 is revealed.
Thinking this is why President Trump created the Space Force. All of these good patriotic, freedom-loving Soldiers will be moved there shortly. We can hope and pray so.
Knowing the evil we are dealing with he is going to get the jab and they will discharge him the day before his 8 years is up over his tik tok
This was my thought also. Hopefully if anything he just gets verbally reprimanded.
Saying a prayer for him that this video doesn't get him in trouble. I think we are witnessing the "fundamental transformation" of America a-la Hussein, et. al. There are upcoming deadlines for many American citizens that will leave shortages in all areas.....meanwhile the tsunami of unvaxed, unvetted invaders continue to be welcomed. I can't comprehend how this makes sense to any body with a low IQ. How can it even be argued as acceptable?
A significant portion of the population is retarded.
Completely this ☝🏼
They think the income protected by vaxxing is security? How secure is it when you are deathly I'll and the only room you see is your hospital bedroom. There is no security when your body falls apart except in jesus.
I thought the J & J shot was also an RNA-modifying drug, just not the same way the others do?
We know a J&J official said kids should not take it RE: the PV video.
If kids shouldn't take it no one should. Not safe for them it's not safe for anyone.
This is from ZH...
100% correct. It uses double stranded DNA that tells your cells to make mRNA, which starts the spike proteins production. It too, is new technology.
I read the other day it was an RNA Vax!
It uses a adenovirus vector and is DNA. But, that DNA goes to the nucleus of the cell to direct the cell to make mRNA to make spike protein. So, although the mechanisms are different, the end result is the same.
That was what I thought, but I wanted to hear it from someone else; thanks.
You're welcome fren.
Yeah, they can still trim them closely if they can't shave. There are inexpensive trimmers available on the market.
Yes, they do. A good majority of Black men have this exemption as if shaved, their facial hair gets ingrown and it’s more than “bumps”. It’s painful and a total distraction. Imagine being in a firefight and having complete distraction from oozing, burning ingrown facial hair? Anyway, it’s realy no big deal for morale or anything.
Hhmmm...wasn’t aware of that. Surprising imo?
Like this fukin MATTERS?!! I suppose checking 35-10 in a bloody battle matters, huh? These guys got a helluva LOT more to worry about than facial hair. Carry on soldier.
They give service members medical shave chits for this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudofolliculitis_barbae
I definitely agree that everyone should be given the option though. Really no harm in it as long as it's nearly trimmed.
The same military that is "the only way"?
Makes you wonder...
Doom much?
This is fucking CRIMINAL
"Dont mess with these people". That begs for more questions who wants to start
Backup Video Link:
Archived Tweet:
To the generals, lt generals, lt sargents, majors and all the good men left in the military alike.
If your higher ranking generals aren't with you then they are against you; you may have to break rank on this but you CANNOT let the commies win.
Your going to have to do something very uncomfortable very soon but that will save America and the world in the long run.
In the mean time you can take placebos with your medical staff while shit gets underway.
Godspeed, the world once again depends on you to do the right thing; not the easy thing.
Would this connect to the RED FLAG GUN statute that got lost in the current NDAA?
Do not get the vaxx you are more valuable to the people of the US as a civilian with extraordinary skills that will be in demand. The vaxx is poison that will kill you.
Think of this as the military switching from [their] side to OURS...
They'll have no one to protect them.
United Republican Army, Oo-Rah!
Appear woke when you are strong.....this movie is gonna get real dark, it's simply the only way to wake people up permanently.
Did it not occur to you that this might be a fake?
What the hell is this soldier doing with a full beard?🤨
Some men, especially black men get accessed ingrown hairs from shaving closely. The military gives them exemptions to let their facial hair grow. Or religious exemptions.
Funny though, my SIL said he met with his chaplain today as part of his religious exemption process to try to get out of the vaccine— and the chaplain told him no ones religious exemptions are getting approved.
I know when I was in there were certain exemptions for the beard with a shaving profile because of the facial breakout but they still had to keep it close, not a full grown beard like this guy.
If ever there was a time for mutiny
For years we've had the "religious exemption" This even extended to combatants in WW2 who weren't allowed to fight for religious reasons, and the military always accommodated them. This extended to my uncle who was a pastor and was assigned as a medic and did not ever see combat. The state is under foreign occupation, and people need to resist. What's the point of having a country now, what's the point of having nice "benefits" when there is NOTHING LEFT. No freedoms, no pursuit of happiness, lockdowns forever. Your money is worthless. Your money won't mean anything when hyper inflation kicks in and we don't kill off this parasite once and for all. It's only going to get worse!
My husband is active duty and has been counseled again today after having to see virtually everyone in the chain of command and he’s sticking to his guns.
Do not submit to tyranny under any circumstances. Of coarse that’s your choice but we won’t, even if we have to move into a smaller home and have less. We will not.
I can relate. I’m in the Navy, we have until Nov 28th to be fully “vaccinated” so we would need our second dose by the 14th of Nov to meet that timeframe. I’ve already voiced I’m not getting it, along with maybe 50 others so far though I expect some to give in to the fear mongering going on. I’ve been in for ten years now and other than this I’ll be out of a job and home for me and my family. I have some money saved up but not enough to last very long. Unless something happens prior these are going to be some rough times ahead.
(quick disclaimer: I'm not in the military, just a civilian puke who never served. Doubt anyone would confuse me for military, but stolen valor and all.)
It's funny. I get why some people are complying. People with courage I couldn't even imagine. But some part of me, some small voice, just keeps screaming that I have to draw a line here.
So far I've been lucky. The company I work for hasn't even approached me about vaccines or testing, probably because they don't wanna get sued by the Texas labor board, but the Biden admin's trying awfully hard to put them between a rock and a hard place.
I wanna say I wont cave, but Given my track record, who the hell knows.
If I come out the other side of this with my self respect intact, but sans jobs, anybody in NE Texas got use for a slightly used '83 low-level retail grunt? I make a great cup of coffee and I'm willing to earn my way.
He posted this last week, there's already a part 3.
He got shot 1 after being told he'd lose all benefits.
If he was a true Patriot, he'd pay that price because once we have brought this current regime to heel, the benefits issues will be rectified. HOWEVER, his long term health complications from a "vaccine" won't be. Those will stay with him until death. Hopefully that death won't be premature, but all the current TRUE research points to a different outcome for these "vaxxed" people.
Better to lose a job than lose your life
Was just thinking this.....
I wonder... should we really be putting that much credence in tektak videos? We know where tunktip came from...
God I really wish they would all grow a spine and say fuck this and start to fight now. That's probably strong language those are all very good patriots But if you don't like something and you have the power fight back if Enough of them fight back what are they gonna do put the whole military out
"Home of the brave" lolololol