How exactly do you see a $1.7 billion market cap company purchasing a $40 billion market cap company? And if that was the goal why bother having spent all the money creating Truth Social when you could have just bought Twitter and used it?
Not really, why would Twitter possibly merge with someone 23 times smaller than them, controlled by a man they banned from their platform, and where most of the users hold the same political beliefs? That would be like the Communists and the Nazi's merging their state run broadcasting companies in 1938.
Twitter jumped up 50% on the Musk news, to around $50. DWAC is down now in the low $40’s. I’m no expert, but I would imagine they each would retain their current value, plus DWAC would get something like a 50% boost.
You've lost or gained nothing if you haven't sold. I'm sure you didn't buy just to hold for a few months. You probably had a longer term plan. Hold for a few years, 5 years, 10 years. It's easy to get caught in the emotional roller coaster of the volatility of the markets, but remember that this is a medium to longer term plan because you truly believe in the project and the person behind the project. And the short term ups and downs don't mean a thing, especially knowing that volatility is completely normal and that this is a new company still in beta. Go check out Amazon stock in it's early days and you'll feel much better about your situation.
Twadle jumped because of Elon's buying.. Offers for 9.x % will change the price... Many limit sellers may now hold. That has little to do with the demand for DWAC. (I a nobody still think DWAC is a buy)
What is the typical behavior of an alien who has earned citizenship legally?
How do those who have achieved something legally view those who take short cuts?
Fear not if your heart is true, because truth will prevail!
I don't think that's true... LinkedIn was a founded in 2002, while Twitter was founded in 2006. LinkedIn also has different base features and goals of the site that are very different from Twitter. Not to mention that they function very differently in the end, aside from the basics of all social media of posting, replying, liking, messaging, etc. It wouldn't make any sense if LinkedIn's systems were built from Twitter code base, especially since Twitter wouldn't have a code base until at least 4 years after LinkedIn started. As a programmer myself, it would probably be a bigger hassle to take an original code base to build something different vs building that something different from scratch.
I'm betting joint venture. Truth will do the Facebook stuff and Twiiter will be Truth's "messanger" In other words, it will still fully be twiiter as it was but it also have a Truth account attacked to it. Private message on truth will be a DM on FB & post on Truth will be a tweet & vica versa. This will FORCE the normies to already have a truth account. :P lol It seems too brilliant so it must be. It's only fair too, this way Elon is not just helping the cause of free speech but he will profit from it. It's only right.
Vanguard is #2 and BlackRock is #3 Tesla shareholders. Behind only Musk.
That said, I am starting to think these companies were siezed a while back and all of the land and property they have snapped up has been to safeguard it while this shit show continues. Just a theory.
Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Alsaud, who in 2011 invested $300 million in the social network, now owns 34.9 million shares of Twitter’s common stock, according to a new regulatory filing
Ewww. Imagine that being blared out from loudspeakers in Minneapolis, five times a day: "BARR-AAAAHKHU SUKKKSS MORE! BARR-AAAAHKHU SUKKKSS MORE!!" No wonder the poor Muslim slaves want to blow themselves to pieces...
The most likely scenario is that they are trying to rebrand themselves, now that we have seen @Jack’s contrite tweets and the initial success of Truth Social.... Twitter needs a revamp using a name that only Normies would believe.....
People are forgetting that Tesla almost went bankrupt in 2018 and it was bailed out by none other than George Soros to the tune of $35 Million. Is it possible he flipped? Anything is possible is this day and age, but I'm not going to get excited about it.
My gut and I hope I am right. We will have several sites all uncensored with their own style / feel etc. If all the truth that needs to come out is only through Truth Social then I would be worried but these moves and countermoves with Elon leave me still trusting the plan. Broad exposure. The only way.
Yeah, if we get our accounts unsuspended on twitter that would be nice especially if they merge and twitter becomes a free speech zone along with TS. I don't have an android or Iphone so it will possibly be a while for a TS account.
Starlink is literally an ISP, internet service provider. It will only create a "hookup" or an "on ramp" to the internet, just like any other internet service provider. Only difference is that Starlink is using new satellite technology to deliver Internet to anyone in range with a receiver. It's just like cable or fiber or DSL, where there's a way to deliver the information over an internet connection.
The type of infrastructure that runs Twitter would be more like server farms in various regions of the world all working together to always keep Twitter the website and all it's services accessible to anyone connected to the internet. There's all sorts of very technical stuff that goes on with these server farms to keep them all syncing, and running, balancing server loads and directing website or other traffic, etc. These server farms also have an ISP, which is separate, and then gets them connected to the broader internet where anyone can connect.
Starlink could never have the necessary bandwidth a server farm needs in order to transfer all the data needed for millions of active users at once. Starlink can work well for an individual house and the internet needs of a few people in one place, Especially compared to the current versions of satellite internet, but the lag and bandwidth limitations that come with connecting to a satellite would never work well for series server hosting. Starlink is essentially very good for getting high-speed internet to places where cable and fiber internet are not well suited, for people who until starlink wouldn't have proper highspeed internet In a remote location.
You know I read this whole thing. You have no idea what you’re talking about. I suggest you do a little more research. And then to expand your thinking as well. I don’t wanna discuss the technical aspect of distributed cloud computing or mesh networks with as it seems you know very little about both of these subjects.
Do you think Space X does classified work for the military? Do you truly think Global high latency DSL is the goal and purpose of a mesh satellite network? What is the quantum internet?
Twitter has said that there's nothing that could make them put Trump back on, cowards that they are. Unless Elon owned 51% of the whole company it probably won't happen.
7/11 was three times the size of Speedway based on sales ($17.76 billion in sales compared to $6.31 billion for Speedway's parent Marathon). The right financing for DWAC to buy Twitter is basically the value of Twitter plus the premium, minus $1.7 billion for what DWAC has. In other words, if you can afford to buy Twitter you don't need the equity DWAC has.
A free market runs better when there are a variety of sources for one product.
I don’t believe there is a merger in the future for these two companies. That would create the opposite (conservative) control of speech than we have now.
However, it may be that Musk and Trump have been in contact and have the same basic beliefs in free speech.
I speculated the exact same thing a few days ago.
DWAC has a major hint in the name.
I see dwac purchasing twatter, merging and the entire infrastructure being under ths TS name.
If TS is built exactly like twatter, then it can easily just be rebranded.
Special Acquisition Corporation
How exactly do you see a $1.7 billion market cap company purchasing a $40 billion market cap company? And if that was the goal why bother having spent all the money creating Truth Social when you could have just bought Twitter and used it?
Excellent question!
Donald Trump works in mysterious ways. No reason to stop trusting him now.
All your Twitters are belong to us.
Asset forfeiture.
That merely changes who owns the assets, it doesn't destroy their value. DWAC is not getting tens of billions of dollars in forfeited Twitter assets.
Merger not acquisition. That makes much more sense.
Not really, why would Twitter possibly merge with someone 23 times smaller than them, controlled by a man they banned from their platform, and where most of the users hold the same political beliefs? That would be like the Communists and the Nazi's merging their state run broadcasting companies in 1938.
$DWAC price target if Twitter does merge with it? Any idea?
In the words of the famous DFV... "No specific price target, just up."
DFV, definitely one of the stars of this Show. He got all the best lines.
Imagine of they become public utilities though....
I'm not into stocks, but can a public utility even be traded?
Private companies can act as public utilities while being publicly traded. Off the top of my head, PG&E is an example of this.
And NV Energy
Ok. Thanks. Wasn't sure.
Curious how it'll apply, legally, to digital communications though.
Love some Erin Brockovich!!
TO THE MOON!!!! 🚀🌜
Twitter jumped up 50% on the Musk news, to around $50. DWAC is down now in the low $40’s. I’m no expert, but I would imagine they each would retain their current value, plus DWAC would get something like a 50% boost.
By not getting in first thing in the morning on Day 1, it looks like I basically DONATED 10 grand to Truth Social.
Oh well
Na. Just hang tight. The best is yet to come. Such a small # of dwac shares out there. If it nears the market cap of Twitter you'll be a millionaire.
From your fingertips to God's ears, PF
You've lost or gained nothing if you haven't sold. I'm sure you didn't buy just to hold for a few months. You probably had a longer term plan. Hold for a few years, 5 years, 10 years. It's easy to get caught in the emotional roller coaster of the volatility of the markets, but remember that this is a medium to longer term plan because you truly believe in the project and the person behind the project. And the short term ups and downs don't mean a thing, especially knowing that volatility is completely normal and that this is a new company still in beta. Go check out Amazon stock in it's early days and you'll feel much better about your situation.
I'm the long term, buy and hold guy
Long term plan is hold til it reaches my original price, then sell to recoup, then wait for a dip to rebuy
I encourage you to look into Dollar Cost Averaging. This is for both buying and selling to take profits.
Absolutely, thanks
Good advice beats downvoting anytime ;)
Don't feel bad I bought 100 shares at 63 a couple weeks ago lol.
Twadle jumped because of Elon's buying.. Offers for 9.x % will change the price... Many limit sellers may now hold. That has little to do with the demand for DWAC. (I a nobody still think DWAC is a buy) What is the typical behavior of an alien who has earned citizenship legally?
How do those who have achieved something legally view those who take short cuts? Fear not if your heart is true, because truth will prevail!
The Twitter movement because of his buy was my point.
DWAC is on sale at a discount. Buy the dips.
Random fun fact about LinkedIn. LinkedIn was built using Twitters platform and code!
I don't think that's true... LinkedIn was a founded in 2002, while Twitter was founded in 2006. LinkedIn also has different base features and goals of the site that are very different from Twitter. Not to mention that they function very differently in the end, aside from the basics of all social media of posting, replying, liking, messaging, etc. It wouldn't make any sense if LinkedIn's systems were built from Twitter code base, especially since Twitter wouldn't have a code base until at least 4 years after LinkedIn started. As a programmer myself, it would probably be a bigger hassle to take an original code base to build something different vs building that something different from scratch.
Interesting. That's why they are equally woke lol.
I use it, unfortunately, but for business reasons.
Hopefully DWAC obtains it
I'm betting joint venture. Truth will do the Facebook stuff and Twiiter will be Truth's "messanger" In other words, it will still fully be twiiter as it was but it also have a Truth account attacked to it. Private message on truth will be a DM on FB & post on Truth will be a tweet & vica versa. This will FORCE the normies to already have a truth account. :P lol It seems too brilliant so it must be. It's only fair too, this way Elon is not just helping the cause of free speech but he will profit from it. It's only right.
Plus the added pleasure of seeing fackbook fail
Odds are 50/50 because it either WILL happen or it WON'T happen.
The odds are 0. Precisely nothing IET17 has speculated over the years has manifested. This will not be the one that does.
Binary Probability Chad
Talk to the hand - you don't know me, fool. Sorry, had a flash-back to that time I was on the Jerry Springer Show...
But only a ten percent chance of that.
The second biggest Twitter shareholder is bin Salman at 5%.
Collectively, globalist investment corps like BlackRock and Vangaurd own the rest of the pie.
Sauce? Because if they did I dont think Musk and bin Salman would be considered the top 2 shareholders.
Vanguard is #2 and BlackRock is #3 Tesla shareholders. Behind only Musk.
That said, I am starting to think these companies were siezed a while back and all of the land and property they have snapped up has been to safeguard it while this shit show continues. Just a theory.
Edit for sauce:
Upvoted for sauce.
We were speaking of Twitter not Tesla. bin Salman took control of 5% when they arrested Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal .
Just thought it might be important that 2 of the top 3 shareholders of Elons company were ALSO Vangaurd and BlackRock.....
The sauce was for my own statement not Laurabranigan1.
very interesting
What happened to alwaleed?
Asset seizure
He be smokin'. His real name is "Prince Allah Weed Been-Token". No, really.
Barry smoked the dopey prince’s pole.
Oooohhh! Big Mike gonna get angry when he finds out.
Ewww. Imagine that being blared out from loudspeakers in Minneapolis, five times a day: "BARR-AAAAHKHU SUKKKSS MORE! BARR-AAAAHKHU SUKKKSS MORE!!" No wonder the poor Muslim slaves want to blow themselves to pieces...
Trump needs to make one more Tweet... Just sayin'.
DWAC way down, very good time to buy before it explodes.
Elon Musk......!! FFS.....!
Why can’t people research the guy......
The most likely scenario is that they are trying to rebrand themselves, now that we have seen @Jack’s contrite tweets and the initial success of Truth Social.... Twitter needs a revamp using a name that only Normies would believe.....
People are forgetting that Tesla almost went bankrupt in 2018 and it was bailed out by none other than George Soros to the tune of $35 Million. Is it possible he flipped? Anything is possible is this day and age, but I'm not going to get excited about it.
Might be that Musk is trying to beat DWAC in the twitter stakes ? It may be a blocking move. Perhaps they never teamed up as some thought.
My gut and I hope I am right. We will have several sites all uncensored with their own style / feel etc. If all the truth that needs to come out is only through Truth Social then I would be worried but these moves and countermoves with Elon leave me still trusting the plan. Broad exposure. The only way.
That’s if you can get on TS. I was called a shill for complaining about the roll out, but I’m still pissed. I don’t care what you call me.
Yeah, if we get our accounts unsuspended on twitter that would be nice especially if they merge and twitter becomes a free speech zone along with TS. I don't have an android or Iphone so it will possibly be a while for a TS account.
Why do people think 9.2% is a majority shareholding?
Plurality is the proper term.
Dan Bongino did a pretty good breakdown on why it was a big deal a few days ago. It’s worth checking out
Dude, people don’t know jack shit about anything whatsoever in general. I’ve learned to not be surprised.
Elon is not on our side. Elon wants brain chips. He is part of the A.I plan to control the planet.
17 to 1.
what? like Starlink, yo mean?
Even fewer people possess the capability to design something like Starlink....
Starlink is literally an ISP, internet service provider. It will only create a "hookup" or an "on ramp" to the internet, just like any other internet service provider. Only difference is that Starlink is using new satellite technology to deliver Internet to anyone in range with a receiver. It's just like cable or fiber or DSL, where there's a way to deliver the information over an internet connection.
The type of infrastructure that runs Twitter would be more like server farms in various regions of the world all working together to always keep Twitter the website and all it's services accessible to anyone connected to the internet. There's all sorts of very technical stuff that goes on with these server farms to keep them all syncing, and running, balancing server loads and directing website or other traffic, etc. These server farms also have an ISP, which is separate, and then gets them connected to the broader internet where anyone can connect.
Starlink could never have the necessary bandwidth a server farm needs in order to transfer all the data needed for millions of active users at once. Starlink can work well for an individual house and the internet needs of a few people in one place, Especially compared to the current versions of satellite internet, but the lag and bandwidth limitations that come with connecting to a satellite would never work well for series server hosting. Starlink is essentially very good for getting high-speed internet to places where cable and fiber internet are not well suited, for people who until starlink wouldn't have proper highspeed internet In a remote location.
You know I read this whole thing. You have no idea what you’re talking about. I suggest you do a little more research. And then to expand your thinking as well. I don’t wanna discuss the technical aspect of distributed cloud computing or mesh networks with as it seems you know very little about both of these subjects.
Do you think Space X does classified work for the military? Do you truly think Global high latency DSL is the goal and purpose of a mesh satellite network? What is the quantum internet?
Not saying it's non-trivial but I'm sure there are people out there that could help if paid enough money. Google/Apple/Amazon/Gab?/etc. employees.
Ahh, I see, I was thinking network infrastructure rather than content distribution and management.
When I was a puppy, IRC didn't need the complications that twitter built onto it.
I don't know the odds for it happening. But I do know that there is a lot of money to be made if it does happen.
Twitter has said that there's nothing that could make them put Trump back on, cowards that they are. Unless Elon owned 51% of the whole company it probably won't happen.
Exactly. However, if Elon waves enough cash in their faces they might be swayed.
Imagine the soy-tinged Salt!
Soy sauce
A better question is if Elon can get his hands on Discovery via possession of the Code Base.
What happens when the hashtag keys are shown that demonstrate Twitter was doing all sorts of hidden shit?
To speculative! I don’t buy any of it.
Trump owning Twitter will finish off the lefties. It'll be like the end of fucking Mars Attacks when all the aliens' heads explode lol
I’m not so sure they are working together, though they could be. Guess I’m just suspicious
"Acquisition Company", I wonder what its going to acquisition.
Probably not an entity with $38 BILLION higher market cap.
Possible i suppose with the right financing. 7/11 bought out speedway for a 28billion dollar deal.
7/11 was three times the size of Speedway based on sales ($17.76 billion in sales compared to $6.31 billion for Speedway's parent Marathon). The right financing for DWAC to buy Twitter is basically the value of Twitter plus the premium, minus $1.7 billion for what DWAC has. In other words, if you can afford to buy Twitter you don't need the equity DWAC has.
Very true, guess we'll see how this plays out.
Or they trying to slow the Trump Train .... I don’t trust Elon
The merger is something I might be interested in.
I posted a theory on this. It involves Musk (9%) and Saudi Crown Prince bin Salman (%5) selling their combined shares to DWAC, totaling 14% ownership.
LMAO. Me thinks this was in the makings quite some time ago. Gotta love it!!!
Word on TS is 45 not going to get his Twitter Account back. ?
A free market runs better when there are a variety of sources for one product. I don’t believe there is a merger in the future for these two companies. That would create the opposite (conservative) control of speech than we have now.
However, it may be that Musk and Trump have been in contact and have the same basic beliefs in free speech.
Just my 2¢.
Let’s add CNN to that too.
Tons of infrastructure for America’s Voice News/ RSBN/OAN/
Owning stocks doesn't necessarily give you the right to move policy.
However, musk didn't buy in just to lose his money to idiots running a company into the ground
A SPAC has to have a single, specific purpose. DWAC is for Truth Social. Twitter doesn't fit in here anywhere except as an EXTREME threat to Truth.
Does it? Not sure on the specifics here personally but Digital World Acquisition sounds like more than 1 outfit imo
Yes. If you're going to invest in a SPAC, might want to understand what that is first.
"nooo man DWAC is dying!!"
lmao yeah just wait and enjoy the show!
I posted this idea yesterday, and I give it a big chance say 75%
Twitter being absorbed into TRUTH social? humm
IMHO this is fucking retarded.