That's usually the sign of a shitty / poorly argued message. I felt underwhelmed by the docu, the guy was giving off a Mr. Burns vibe toward the end, strangely upbeat about ostensibly terrifying news. The spooky music didn't really help.
That's just Dr. Ardis's personality. He's light-hearted and likes to joke around. I've watched videos of Dr. Ardis speaking out against the numerous amount of vaccine injections when babies are born, and about the dangers of Remdesivir from like 4 months ago.
I trust Dr. Zelenko, who developed the Zelenko protocol which probably saved countless lives from covid or "venon" poisoning. Zelenko is the one who has revealed that they are on big pharma's hit-list.
Worth noting that nobody, afaik, has successfully synthesised snake venom. So where did the (millions of gallons of) venom come from? And how did they pump it into the water? And why wasn't it degraded by the chlorine (and fluoride)?
Also, how did [they] sneak the venom onto our Mediterranean island, whose coastline is continually monitored because of the huge American naval base here?
As nobody yet posted what Jordan Sather wrote, let me do it:
"Let the hit pieces begin re: "Watch the Water"
Notice how the MSM is tying Q into it just because of the title, even though Stew Peters' doc has nothing to do with Q
Notice how Watch the Water is being released right as the Cabal wants to force us into more COVID lockdowns to steal the 2022 midterms, making COVID truthers look crazy
I'll be damned if Watch the Water isn't part of a massively sensationalized fear porn psy-op.
Helluva lot easier ways to redpill people about COVID than "iT's SnAkE VeNoM".
Have fun sharing unverified, circumstantial speculation around if you want. I'm done with this topic on Telegram for now."
Then he posted the following:
Via Ashley Everly, Toxicologist:
“They did not share proof. They shared coincidences, misinterpretations of research, and actually lied by omission.
This snake venom-LIKE ( important word that people are missing ) enzyme that was found to be elevated in khovid patients…
Is made BY THE HUMAN BODY NATURALLY. We literally have genes that produce this enzyme.
They are omitting this fact, leading people to believe that this enzyme is not naturally present in the body and that it was rather developed from snake venom and put in our bodies without our consent.
This natural enzyme is elevated in patients who have chronic illnesses like atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.
Who is at greatest risk of dying of the vid? Those who are chronically ill.
This enzyme (sPLA2-IIA) is actually very important, beneficial, and critical for the immune system to function properly and helps kill pathogenic bacteria.
Makes sense why it would be elevated in people with chronic illness… chronic pathogenic infections, chronic toxicity, etc.
Expression of this enzyme is upregulated when a patient starts to suffer a cytokine storm. Cytokine storms can happen when the innate immune system is responding too strongly and cannot trigger the adaptive immune system response to initiate. sPLA2-IIA helps coordinate / connect the innate and adaptive immune systems and initiate an adaptive response.
This particular enzyme can also be measured and used as a biomarker for SEPSIS. What do hospital patients die of, more than anything else? Sepsis.
Why are they not sharing this information? Why are they just saying it’s from snake venom and not including the fact that this is naturally synthesized by the body?”
Just another wild goose chase to distract & discredit us."
It might look crazy to an uneducated person who types gibberish on the internet.
But IMO it makes Truthers look more Truthful, always searching for answers, always connecting more dots, always sharing more info. That is what science is. Accumulating more research, and reviewing it with peers, and bringing the most important stuff to the top of discussion.
I think we're well beyond the point of no return for Truthers actually caring what other people think about their psyche. That's what it takes to be a Truther, moving beyond what other people think in their pea-brained heads.
Watching these folks try and deal with this is like watching a sitcom. You realize the normies are in hard cognitive dissonance land, because they cannot hold 2, or get this, even 3 conflicting viewpoints without having a serious brain meltdown.
I too was a bit skeptical of this Watch The Water video. Did I go online to make a fool out of myself by writing gibberish? No. I found 80% of the video worthwhile and informative, able to be followed up on with further research. 20% of the video was high speculation, which can be appreciated, if you are smart enough to tell the difference between facts and opinions, two things which all people utilize.
But then I did more research, and found snake venom is widely used in medicine. And there are several articles connecting the dots on snake venom and COVID-19. There are mainstream news articles about it.
The serious question is this - why does the virus/vaccine contain HIV and snake venom analogs? Red flag, very concerning and worth investigation.
"Making Truthers Look Crazy" - sounds like gatekeeping doesn't it? Who sets the bar for what makes Truthers look smart? Lol...
Here is a guy doing more research rather than complaining from a mountaintop - u/ghost_of_aswartz/
FWIW, I'm no doctor or scientist, but my dad was pre-diabetic and was doing injections in his belly to prevent him from becoming diabetic. The injections were not insulin, but rather something derived from Gila monster venom. I imagine it was synthesized, but I kind of doubt that they could just dump stuff like this into a city's water supply. The fact that people can use those self-tests to have tap water test positive just proves how lousy those junk tests are and how they are a waste of money.
He is a chiropractor for crying out loud. They base their entire treatment on the 'anti-germ' theory of disease. Daniel Palmer (originator of chiropractic) based chiropractic on that theory.
Don't throw the baby out with the venom water. I think people need to forget about the delivery theory because he doesn't know, he just suspected water for 2 very weak reasons anyway. But continue to focus on the venom evidence. A year ago my sister working in a hospital during one of the actual deadly outbreaks (most cases have just been flu but a few rare cases have definitely been something suspicious) called me telling me something was wrong with their blood. They were all young patients and their blood looked like it had been exposed to snake venom. She literally said this to me last year and the posts I made about it are still here and searchable. I for one think we should continue down the venom trail. Forget about the water for now.
The rest of the bible's teaching on angels contradicts your poor interpretation of Gen 6.
No biblical support elsewhere that angels, fallen demons or otherwise, can have sexual relations with humans. Jesus suggest otherwise when he teaches about angels not having any ability to enter marriage (which implies inability to procreate)
Secondly, demons (fallen angels) are never called "sons of God" ever in the bible.
Thirdly, God's anger in Gen 6 is towards humans, not demons. Wouldn't have God sent a spiritual form of "flood" to judge the demons first since they would have initiated the evil in the earth?
The only reason this demon-seed view is popular is because it captures the human imagination so easily
I didn’t give you an interpretation so I’m not sure why you said my interpretation is poor, I simply told you to read your bible. You filled in the rest.
I’m terribly sorry to contradict you but let’s have a look at your ‘thirdly’ statement;
‘You say, Gods anger in Gen 6 is towards humans not demons. Wouldn’t have God sent a spiritual form of flood to judge demons first since they would have initiated the evil in the Earth?’
EXACTLY...! And that’s EXACTLY what God did. How do we know this? In 1 Peter 3:18-20 the Bible says
(18) For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the spirit. (19) After being made alive, He went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits - (20) to those who were disobedient long ago while God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built.
So, Jesus Christ’s very first act upon being resurrected from the dead was to visit the 200 fallen angels (imprisoned spirits) and proclaim His victory. You question why God didn’t flood the Earth to remove the angels/demons when verse 20 above tells you that’s EXACTLY what He did and why - “to those who were disobedient long ago while God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built.
I do not think Peter could have spelled this out much clearer.
I was pretty sure biblically demons are separate from fallen angels, in that the fallen calamity known as Lucifer would be the one who created them.
But then again, I don't subscribe to the Bible anyway as it is an incredibly fallible resource for any teaching. The fact that it is so open to interpretation as you put it is inherently proof enough to that point.
So in genesis it talks about the "sons of men" taking wives from the "daughters of men". Many have theorized that this is satan's fallen angels taking wives and having children with them, the "nephelim". The fallen Angel's would therefore have DNA of some kind.
I'm not saying any of this is absolute truth, just sharing the knowledge that I have acquired to add to the understanding of the people or sources that would say things similar.
That was a Jewish belief and got some traction in church history, but its 100% reading into the text what's not there. It's actually the weakest of 3 major views on who the "sons of God" were (not sons of men).
Yet, it's in the KJV Genesis Chapter 6, specifically verses 1-7.
The Bible has many conundrums, missing books, it's a compilation with missing chapters, which may have shed some light - but, IMHO, understanding these issues are just "bonus points", as our salvation is not based on a comprehensive test on the Bible, but rather in our faith in Christ.
I totally agree. I like researching Nephilim and Biblical topics like it because I crave to have a deeper understanding of the Bible, but one does not need to know that stuff to be saved. You just have to believe that God loved you so much that he sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for your sins.
There are many things in the bible that I understand completely, and have not yet implemented perfectly. Like love your enemies. I'm not too worried about the stuff I dont, but I do enjoy the mental exercise of looking into any of Gods word, and I pray the Holy Spirit would illuminate the text for me. Maybe some day.
You are correct friend and your interpretation spot on. 1 Peter 3:18-20 specifically describes Jesus’ first act after resurrection to visit those fallen angels from Gen 6 that cohabitated with human women and had children by them.
You are right. Stay with your gut - there are those trying to lead you astray on this thread. Reread Gen 6 and the immediate following story of Noah and the flood. The read 1 Peter 3:18-20 which sums it all up for you. May God bless you friend!
If anyone wants to check this podcast out, it is very informative. Most of what he says is unsure to me. He has put some things together for me. It is very interesting at least to consider. I havent found it to be blasphemous.
He's not physical?! Why do people who don't know what the Bible has to say comment about things covered in the Bible?
Isaiah 14:16 talking about Lucifer: They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;
What I can’t stop thinking about is how intensely this is argued. Why? How many theories have we all heard over the years? Does it matter to me if it’s snake venom or some other concoction in the vaxx? Not really because I’m still not taking it. The water theory is one I’d discard anyway. I realize we don’t want to be feeding a false narrative but why so much backlash? Is there something else going on?
Exactly. Also, what about the LUCIFERase inside the moderna shots! They aren't trying to hide certain aspects about this and if we fully believe they are satanists, which I certainly do, then this type of thinking may not be too far off.
Whew, that really puts my mind at ease! Now I can clearly stop worrying that the 2020 elections were stolen, since multiple people are tearing that idea to shreds. Clearly everyone in this community who thinks the election was stolen has just fallen for a psyop, and none of those in this community who disagree are shills. /s
I can see several compelling reasons to believe the snake venom theory, and several compelling reasons not to believe it. I haven't made a decision yet on which side of the argument I come down on, I'm keeping an open mind as more information comes out.
The tone of your post came across as derisive and extremely dismissive of anyone who might possibly choose to believe Dr. Ardis, or even be open minded about the things he's said. Nice job of responding to sarcasm with ad hominem attacks though.
The problem is that the shills have already succeeded in their jobs with the entire snake venom topic. They have convinced a huge percentage of people on this board that Dr. Ardis is saying that the bad guys are putting snake venom into the water supply. I watched the Stew Peters interview and a couple of subsequent interviews and while perhaps I missed something, I don't remember that being said at all. What I do remember him saying over and over and over again is that the CDC is monitoring 600+ municipal waste water systems for detectable levels of specific man-made versions of certain active proteins that are found in snake venom so that they can track the progress of their evil plans. His contention is not that they are putting snake venom itself into anything, but that they are 'infecting' people with synthetic versions of certain toxic proteins that are found in snake venom and cause some of the deadly effects such as clotting, cell necrosis, anti-coagulation, neurotoxicity, etc. He believes they have been using a variety of methods to get these various proteins into people, including nasal swabs during testing, the clot shots, Remdesivir, etc.
He also contends that the virus itself has been engineered to, along with all of the other genetic modifications, have spike proteins that are homologous in structure to some of these toxic venom proteins and that bind to the nicotine acetylcholinic (sp?) receptors just like some snake venoms do, and that is why it causes many of the same deadly symptoms as snake venoms. Also because of the mRNA from the clot shots incorporating itself into the genetic structure, the body then begins to produce some of these toxic snake venom proteins itself. He cited a lot of data and observations about how many of the common symptoms of COVID infection, clot shots, Remdesivir treatment, etc are exactly the same as symptoms caused by certain snake venoms (krait, cobra, rattlesnake). His theory is that these proteins are intentionally being used to kill people the same way a snake bite would kill them, only much more slowly. The virus and the approved CDC treatments are simply methods to get the proteins into the body without anyone being the wiser, as well as being able to blame all the deaths on the virus.
I have no idea whether his theory is correct or not, but I see enough plausibility to keep an open mind for the time being. More information will come out, and eventually we will know one way or the other. But I'm far beyond the point where I'm sick and tired of seeing so many people fall for the shill tactics of "they're putting snake venom in the water supply" and then ridiculing and belittling anyone who listened carefully to what Dr. Ardis actually said in multiple interviews and hasn't yet dismissed his words.
I apologize for reacting the way I did when your post triggered my sarcasm genes (roughly 98.7% of my genome).
Well, it depends on the avenue. You could argue (probably incorrectly but for the sake of argument, I'm going to let this slide) that there is venom in the vaccines.
That'd be bad.
You cannot argue venom is in the water supply because consumption would not create any notable reaction to the degree we are seeing.
Exactly what I said yesterday. This means either these "patriots" are not really on our team, they're naive or they're more worried about how they will be portrayed in the media. I don't give a shit but getting sick and tired of people like Cates or Sather being held up as smarter than the rest of us.
I warned you! I warned you! But you didn't listen to me, oh no. You know, didn't ya, oh no, it's just a harmless little bunny, isn't it? Well, it's always the same, I always say the same thing, no one listens. 🐰🦷
Not just this video...Why are we arguing about what's real news and what's not, and why are we not demanding every nation's leader turn over ALL of their Covid-19 related documents? Especially the ones before February 2020.
This whole site has been losing that critical thinking skill lately. Out of 10 stickies, about half of them will be completely untrue, a couple will be stupid memes, and you'll get maybe one or two that are actually newsworthy.
Maybe there's a lot of backlash because it's so over the top absurd? I don't like this logic some people follow that if lots of people say it's not true it must be true. There are plenty of things in the world that are just stupid and untrue and lots and lots of people are going to jump in and say they're stupid and untrue. It doesn't make them suddenly be true.
Also keep in mind that the debunkers love to show how stupid we are so they're going to gravitate to the most absurd claims when debunking. Honestly, it makes it far more likely to be true when they are not actively debunking it.
Maybe- my point was regardless of what Dr. Ardis said, it doesn’t change what I’m doing. So I listened and am able to not get emotional about it. One important point you made was if we go ass over teacups into a new idea, then we are possibly being set up. Excellent point!!! Absolutely! My ONLY significant point was asking WHY is this EVERYWHERE IMMEDIATELY. His video came out and there was an immediate counter and now I can think of 10 well known interviewers who have weighed in on both sides. It’s like Gasoline was poured onto this idea. I’m standing back and asking not for an answer but just to raise the flag on questioning why this is so intense.
Not sure it's all shilling. A lot is questioning part of it that are far fetched and frankly very hard to believe. The whole poisoned water supply with this is off the charts and logistically almost impossible without being noticed.
Not really that impossible. You know about fluoride, right? Chemicals are added into municipal water supplies all the time. All they have to do is give it a code name and train a technician how to do it. Also doesn't mean its happening in all places or added in large quantities. Just trace amounts is all it would take to make enough people sick to look like an outbreak. Nursing homes anyone?
Fluoride in controlled amounts is specifically added.
Controlled being the key word. Transparently so.
Also, venom would not cause a reaction in almost any case when consumed. As someone outlined elsewhere, various venoms are added to certain drinks in other cultures.
We're not talking about just a single local municipality water supply we're talking about thousands of them in the US alone. Logistically it's not possible without someone noticing.
As an industrial water treatment specialist this is far more plausible than you can even imagine. Consider the FDA has just authorized Remdesivir as the ONLY Covid19 treatment including for children. This, this is the protocol for all hospitals to follow.
Now imagine your EPA who oversees federal safe drinking water standards simply mandating another ‘additive’ [such as fluoride] to be used effective Jan 2019 etc
and viola...! They could even place the additive into something like ammonium sulfate, which is something most every municipal water treatment facility uses already for microbial control.
Now, is this being done? I have no idea and it would seem far-fetched to me but who knows? What would be far simpler is to do this perhaps into a bottled water company that you control. When I watched the documentary the first thing I thought about was that crazy meeting where Trump was fumbling around 2-handed with that bottle of Fiji water that the media crucified him over. Remember how he was drinking it with both hands and not really holding it, but clamping it between his hands?
This movie is getting crazier by the day and I don’t know what to believe anymore, except that Jesus is my Lord and Savior and I must trust HIS plan.
Seriously? That's literally what everyone says about any conspiracy when they have no substantive counterargument.
Where have you been the last 2 years? You realize there really is a satanic cabal that controls the world, right?
They are openly committing genocide and the world's governments are not only allowing it, but facilitating it. And you're telling me they couldn't pull off a subtle poisoning of a few local municipal water stations without getting in trouble?
So you're sold on the video of a chiropractor telling you how everything went down without questioning anything. That's what I'm getting from your purely emotional response.
I've watched 4-5 of his interviews so far, and I have some formal training in chemistry and pharma so I'm already familiar with a lot of the research he is presenting. For example, I know for a fact already that snake venom is commonly used in medicine. I learned that a long time ago, as well as the fact they use these molecules to develop novel drugs.
I've been questioning the covid narrative since day 1, and this theory clicks all pieces into place. Is he 100% right about all of it? Maybe not, but he's definitely onto something and I'll be looking at who backs him up and who goes after him because that seems to be very telling.
Because it gives them something to talk about that isn't how awful the inflation is or how inept the Democrats are. Democrats have basically lost most of the issues sane people care about, which leaves them screaming racism/inequality at everything or attacking their opponents.
because people are asking questions about the nuts and bolts of this theory and being given dismissive answers instead of information. when you ask questions and someone acts like you are prosecuting them instead of... asking questions... it's usually not a good sign imo.
I've watched this twice now and made hubby watch. While there are some plausible connections, we came away with too many questions on putting it in the water to make sense and be legitimate. Our opinions, of course, but me thinks this chiropractor and Stew are up to something else. Stew hates Q and the Q reference title is his way to discredit.
It's clear that Stew set us up. The question is whether Dr Ardis was in on it, or if Ardis was also set up. If Ardis is genuine, the venom aspect deserves investigation, potentially useful as a therapeutic and forensic guide.
Stew’s presentation of it is too theatrical and focuses on water too much. Dr. Ardis went on Ann vandersteel to clear up the water issue. Talked about how cdc tests the waste water in hundreds of locations and says they are testing the water with pcr tests and therefore in his opinion it’s in the water because they are testing and finding it in the water. Now you see others coming out saying do not drink city water and taking it to a new level.
Dr. Ardis did an interview with Mike Adam’s and Ann Vandersteel that goes into more depth and more sourcing than the short stew Peter’s video. I would recommend to watch those interviews as opposed to just the stew video.
I watched Dr Ardis on Steel Report and Patriot Streetfighter. They make Stew Peters look bad by comparison, either click-baity sensationalist or Alex Jones' style controlled opposition.
You shouldn't drink city water regardless. Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland and worsens your critical thinking ability. (among hundreds of other toxins in the water)
So all of a sudden you trust the FDA (revolving door w/big pharma), that they're just philanthropically adding an industrial byproduct into the water to.. better our health? Are you serious?
Portland used to be amazing btw. It's only in the last generation or so that things went to shit.
Explain what, the correlation of no fluoride to batshit crazy antifa?
Some of the OG leftist ideals are good and line up with this- like obsessing over healthy ingredients, distrust of large corporations, favoring farm-to-table restaurants, shit like that.
Stew seems to have made it very theatrical and dramatic, but the research is there. Watch Ardis' interview with the health ranger. It's way more in depth.
I watched Ardis on Patriot Streetfighter and on Ann Vandersteel. Both of them make me think that Stew was undermining the best points, and highlighting the weakest. And the title makes me think it was intentional. I haven't watched Stew, and I know a lot of people here like him, but seeing the same guest on 3 different shows gives me a bad impression of Stew.
I certainly agree this all needs more investigation because there are things that are true like the peptides in the spike protein. I really want some trustworthy, anti-jab docs to weigh in. I also have a hard time believing Stew Peters and Mike Adams would risk their reputations on a complete hoax. Information warfare is an understatement.
Not at all. Chiropractors are good at what they do. Every profession has hacks in the ranks, including MDs. Even if this guy is wrong it doesn't condemn the profession.
Aside from first aid from bleeding, a chiropractor will heal you much more comprehensively from a car accident than an MD or even a good PT.
They didn’t have to go to medical school, they didn’t need to perform rotations, they don’t have the legal authority to prescribe medication or provide life saving care, they are not doctors. They can have their own little section of medical science but they are not medical doctors, simple as that.
You can say the same thing about dentists, pharmacists and chemists, and even osteopaths before they were consolidated into The Match. The AMA has historical and institutionalized hatred against chiropractors which is entirely undeserved. Any licensed MD can sign up with a lame (and abusive) insurance company to get a fire hose of patients aimed at them, but chiropractors have to go out and prove their value every day. If they didn't heal, they wouldn't be in business. MDs only have to prove themselves in school.
I'm not pooh-pooh'ing MDs. But right now the worst subsect of the MD profession is being highlighted and exposed: hierarchy-focused and pharma-controlled order followers. There are plenty of good doctors, but by and large they haven't done their job to lead us out of the problem as their own institutions have subverted their ability to do good. As a consequence, other professions have stepped up. It's not a bad thing.
Dentists aren’t doctors either, neither are pharmacists you’re right. Chiropractors have to earn their keep because studies have shown that their work is largely similar to prescribing a placebo.
the same medical doctors that will put you on remdesivir and ventilate you while refusing ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine? you mean those medical professionals with that kind of training? keep putting these "just following orders" faggots on a pedestal.
It’s not a pedestal, it’s a fact. A handyman is not an electrician unless they’ve completed an apprenticeship, a vet tech is not an veterinarian, a sign holder for a construction crew is not an engineer… these are facts.
You’re a faggot that worships big pharma foot soldiers. Medical malpractice kills how many per year? That’s some life saving care they provide. The only lives they save are the black gunshot victims.
You are correct that they aren't medical doctors. They're still technically doctors though, if they've completed chiropractic school and are certified. It's the highest degree in that field, so that's technically a doctorate. Similar to academic doctorates, or how technically lawyers have a doctorate, it's just a law doctorate (Dr in something that is abbreviated as JD, I forget). But it doesn't make sense to call them doctors. I fall on the side that chiropractors shouldn't be referred to as Dr day to day, even though they have a doctorate. I still do think that chiropractors can be useful in certain situations though. I've had some things fixed with a chiropractor that other options didn't fix.
I am indebted to Dr Ardis for convincing so many people to avoid the hospital, but to, instead, contact a Frontline Doctor...and if they do get refuse Remesdevir. He also convinced people to get a Medical Directive notarized ahead of time, refusing Remesdevir, the ventilator and any form of vaccine (cuz hospitals were ignoring the verbal refusals). He gave us sources for getting scripts for Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and for pharmacies to fill the prescriptions. He shared detailed studies and data, which convinced many to avoid the jab, despite financial risk. So, I am giving him some space on the snake venom topic...waiting to see.
Dr Ardis is on the Covid-19 International Committee. He receives all the reviews, studies, and medical articles related to Covid 19. He scours the NIH website, as well as the websites of the AMA, the medicare websites, and all the others, too, then travels around the country warning the they can take control of their own medical care. Pretty heroic. Probably saved a lot of lives by waking us to truth. He works along side medical doctors by assisting with research and being their mouth piece. He works with Dr Peter McCullough and Dr Simone Gold.
Not a single study cited because they’ve been done and proven it’s largely equivalent to prescribing a placebo. Next you’re going to tell me acupuncture is the cure to Covid lol
the trouble is that nowadays, it's hard to know who should be followed any more... we're getting sick to death of eating popcorn.... this movie needs to end!
Look it wasn't about "the water" this whole time, that's not the story the follow up interviews the guy does after releasing emphasize this. He wants people who can look at patents and study this stuff to study this in particular. It's a guarantee hit or miss. But from the sounds of it, the ones looking into it are going to be getting hits. They found another type of venom used by rattlesnake from the guy who told him, "if you got bit by a snake would you use antivenom."
Their arguments back are classic misinformation tactics. Say the most inane close to truth parts out of context and only 25% accurately, and it will set the "vibe" of "useless dumb discredited info" like oh boy another one of THESE videos.
They have attacked conspiracy videos at their core for decades. People stopped making them, got discouraged. The phenomenon over the last few years would be interesting because youtube has cleaned a lot of them up. That's when the censorship ramped up. Now they got it down to a social science to discredit. They know what to do, this is a campaign. It's spy vs spy. Accuracy is less important than convincing people their government is not their friend, that the government is an enemy. But it's not just enemy, there are some friends left, but they don't know about the enemy either. It's up to us to spread awareness of the enemy before it's too late.
Ardis only thinks it's in water some where because of down stream tests. He did not want to make the focus on how it got in the water but that venom is the key to understanding covid. He could have thought through how it got in the waste water and suggested a number of options. The shilling on the contamination of water is missing his main point and maybe that is intentional? Stew seems to have influenced the "watch the water" direction, probably as a shock title to draw attention. In another video he explains this and that he hoped to encourage research out of his presentation with Stew. What is most humiliating for me, as one who's promoted this board, is this misdirected attention and general trashing of all Ardis has said because of how the coof may have ended up in waste water... Perhaps we should all be reevaluating how a venom may get into people instead of circling back and back and back on how venom couldn't get into our water. What do I know though, I'm not a hydraulovenomologist.
I watched this documentary and two hour long interviews with Mike Adams and another that was stickied here earlier today.
The water bit is just a theory he has. Its not the point of what he's saying.
Covid-19 has all the symptoms of snake venom. Its treatments (the ones that work like hcq and ivermectin) are all the same that would be used to treat snake venom. Monoclonal anti-bodies are essentially anti-venom.
Remdesivir has similar effects on the body as snake venom. So if you're dying of covid and they give you Remdesivir, it exacerbates your covid symptoms.
The Mike Adams interviews are very good. He goes in depth on research and patents involving snake toxins, vaccines, and the companies surrounding the covid treatment products pushed by MSM.
Early DNA sequencing of covid found that snake DNA was the most closely matching, where bat DNA was like 3rd down the line. It makes sense that they'd want to distract us from the real source they used to create covid - snakes, not bats. Its also a dead give away that covid is designed in a lab.
Personally I think Ardis is onto something huge. I think he nailed it. Maybe there's a few holes but for one guy to hunt all this down is impressive. Lots of things about covid suddenly make sense. This is why Covid is so hard to pin down and why the symptoms make no sense. And why super spreader events don't really super spread.
If they vax is turning you into a spike protein factory, then yes maybe the proteins are the same as the proteins in snake venom. So mRNA vax are altering your DNA to have some snake DNA.
This Will Sommer person's opinion isn't worth shit. He obviously "heard" about the documentary and didn't bother to watch any of it. I'd suggest watching Mike Adams' interviews. He has part 1 and 2 of 3 out on Brighteon.
Gotta try to make us Q believers look crazy by lying about anything they can. Im not buying the whole tainted water thing because who the fuck drinks tap water. They would have to put snake venom in bottled water for it cause a "pandemic"
I do not believe in this snake theory at this time,
But it hilarious that the shills do not even research the smallest of things before they shill. Its not the Snakes Blood. 🤡🤡🤡🤡
The snake connection in the lab is plausible and warrants some digging to verify his claims about the enzymes and reactions.
But the water delivery stuff is fluffy nonsense.
Also this reeks of amateur propaganda. I am always skeptical when someone calls a single video interview set to cheesy music a "documentary" - there is nothing documented but 1 news clip (about Ardis claims) and the guy talking about his own God-inspired theory, so there is no bombshell journalism award here. A couple of citations would lend it some credibility but instead it's all hype and very little substance.
While I'm intrigued by the venom connection in the vax and remdesivir, the video is a bit cooky for me.
Also worth noting Q doesn't mention the words snake, venom, or viper even one time.
It wasn't about the water the guy even says so himself yesterday he released news segments and it was the interviewer who took hold to that more. The researcher guy only wanted to talk about what we were poisoned with, was a venom. Which sounds crazy but it doesn't matter how it got in, it's about what we do about it now.
Basically he opens the door to critique his theory. He also said the purpose was to do this by people who can check patents and check and observe the legitimacy. It's a matter of time until we see this scientifically debated.
He had me the most when he pointed out that they did block medicine that treats venom. That the alleged cure they offer is the poison that bypasses the "virus" thru the lungs to breach brain blood barrier, and inside that 15 sequence HIV bit are the spike proteins, that was the gain of function that they attached the venom too. The whole thing is not venom. The whole thing is a virus. The part that's killing us is the venom. He focuses on that. The delivery mechanism is irrelevant and that's why the focus never goes past that, that's when "spike protein" info dropped in and talked about widely for like a month and then the spike protein word was never used again for many many more months until now. That spike protein was the "fangs" if you will. The bite was the vaccinations. The fear was being poisoned by water/food/other that led to people going to hospitals to get murdered. "you can die at any time folks! Just when you think you can't take it anymore scared or too sick (because they targeted specific organs to get worse and if you're vulnerable there you're always told to follow up with doctor) doctor says "well we better play it safe, here take vaccine it works! It works so well here's a chart showing you when you should go get more. Once you got those, there are theses ones and these ones. Oh no sick again? well go to the hospital and they will treat you with fluids and start you on redmesivir, the only approved treatment for Covid19, if this doesn't "cure" you then you can try other medications. Who knew that most no one recovers past day 9 of this drug and then you die.
Don't want that treatment? Well it's not approved with insurance, doctors say no. You have to fight for it. They did. States differed on what they could do. It just so happens to be that president Trump got mocked for basically saying "hey these anti-venom drugs are proven to help". Then got torn to shreds by big media. Only to have this resurface and said "see the dots? now connect them. does this prove a conspiracy? the conspiracy of every one of those companies and government? He alleges anyone who promoted these, and that promotion goes deep. The government spent millions on advertising to us, billions I think.
@fynn_fan (Researcher who has been censored several times studying the real effects of Covid and the Vaccines) saying its definitely not complete snake venom (very complicated and expensive to make). Refers to Jikky's thread about the possibility of the video being used to discredit snake venom peptides which are in Covid spike proteins
Jikky knows his shit. He discovered the 19 letter gene sequence Moderna patent in SARS-Cov-2. He's been kicked off twitter several times for revealing truth and has had to make a "Fan" account.
Here's a deep dive of threads of him exploring the snake venom peptides in the spike proteins.
Well this really interesting...
Was #WatchTheWater an attempt to discredit the presence of "snake venom" peptides in the spike protein?
Its trying to bury that the virus was man-made and strong evidence points around neurotoxin (sequence for same peptides as found in snake venom) in SARS-Cov-2 spike proteins
Now anyone trying to study that area will be called a conspiracy theorist who believes that Covid is snake poison. Its a essentially a comm to also cut off any funding for anyone studying that part of Covid.
Homology to neurotoxin peptides in the Spike adjacent to the Gp-120 inserts.
Now anyone trying to study that area will be called a conspiracy theorist who believes that Covid is snake poison. Its a essentially a comm to also cut off any funding for anyone studying that part of the virus.
Red pill news/Zac Paine is doing and interview with the venom theory guy on Saturday, with phone-in for questions.
The water angle was idiot-tier misunderstanding, so was the waste water being tested with PCR... because that test is duff, doesnt work anyway, its tuned to SARS1 and triggers with Flu and common cold. Why the CDC would bother is purely theatrical. The insinuation is that the water treatment works have "outgoing" water (cleaned) and that is where it could be laced with venom. But the theory still fails because it would be too dilute, or impossible to control the effect if not. It would also be traceable and people could test their water and find it and that alone would be a smoking gun - they arent that stupid.
Remdesivir IS terrible though, we know that much, and the vax induced protein production could also have a portion dedicated to venom proteins. (The whole vax mechanism was alarm bells anyway - why would you want to produce a toxin in inside yourself? that is crazy on its face)
having said all that, I did consider another angle - that the vax makes people immune to snake venom. Maybe it kills some people, and we know it doesn't prevent "the flu" but maybe it makes you resistant to venom.
later they could go wild with spraying or contaminating food parcels with high doses of venom. The vaxxed would be immune but the unvaxed (dissidents generally) would die on the spot as they had not become immune.
Taking a poison in low doses actually makes you resistant to poison (some poisons)
If you accept that part of the "Great Awakening" is bringing others onboard with our cause, then we want to avoid traps that keep the left's narrative going, like, "...conservatives are a bunch of crazies sharing conspiracies on social media." I think what was shared in this interview is, by any measure, premature.
Well, if you've been anywhere near this board, or PW, you'd see how many posts there have been spreading this message far and wide. Of course, I used "we" collectively, and not intending to single anyone in particular out. Only that "we" need to be extraordinarily careful what hills "we" decide to die on. The left will capitalize on anything and everything they can.
You are correct, of course, but I should point my defense...that I did not "...slam pedes." The only thing I said was a general comment that I believed we were premature (in so many words) in giving the left ammo to be used against us. Plus, as Ardis pointed out in a subsequent interview, the "Watch The Water" thing was Stew's idea. This is highly suspect in my opinion.
I think it's very interesting the number of negative comments, and downvotes, thrown around here on this message board when people are just sharing opinions -- even mild ones at that. I think many here tread the thin line of wanting to ban free speech...even though they claim to be advocates of it.
I hate to be in a position of always defending myself. I did not say that I was against the downvoting. I just said it was interesting when all I did was share an opinion about how I felt with respect to the interview, and all the flak and downvoting that came afterwards. Was what I said that controversial? Holy cow, it took me ten seconds to type my first post, and I've had to spend a lot more than that responding. If I'd known, I'd kept my mouth shut. <-- THIS is the downside to flak after expressing an opinion. Next time, I'll think twice.
I don't comment often on this board, or over on PW, but, generally speaking, folks agree with me and upvote. So it's surprising to me when, all of a sudden, here come the downvotes.
Theatrical, it discredits certain aspects but also opens up avenues of research for some. Even if a few people start to dig into it, it may make people start to question things.
Honestly, I think that doc was intentional disinformation to make discussing the issues surrounding remdesivir taboo.
Poisoning the water supply with snake venom to the point that it would cause a worldwide pandemic is unlikely.
What's more likely is that our medical institutions pushed a covid treatment protocol that would kill the patient and pad death statistics in order to keep the pandemic going.
While remdesivir and cobra venom cause similar issues, it's easy to discount the dangerous treatment protocol if a bunch of "qanons" claim remdesivir is really snake venom.
We need to be careful and not just believe anything that references a qpost.
This is the thing is it not? Certain people cannot help themselves and use perfectly legitimate discoveries as a means to promote their own spin donned in religious connotations.
Of course this will be cause to beat down on it. What else can you expect. There can be only one spin-doctor-performer: that is the MSN and its masters.
Your a shill that doesn't like the truth. Did we watch the same review. It was an analogy to a snake which represents Satan. His findings are proven scientifically. Just like fake news to poo poo it away and make it look ridiculous, that is how these vipers have gotten away with so many crimes because it sounded outrageous. NO one would think to imagine the crimes that have been perpetuated on children and all us. Oh let's look over here or there not at the real problem. NCSWIC God won.
Yeah I'm not sold on it being in the water, but would like to know how people who didn't get the jab got sick, unless it was the normal flu bug. However, when my daughter & I got sick, we both lost our sense of smell & taste for a short time. Mine came back in about a week or so, took my daughter a little longer, though I did take Ivermectin after a few days of being sick because I had to wait for it to arrive in mail. Daughter took it a week or so after I did. Believe that's why I got better before she did even though she got sick before I did.
This entire thing is a CIA op put forth by a CIA slappy to make us look stupid. Stop with the snake blood. We have plenty of evidence to hang the evil fucks for crimes against humanity without crackpot theories.
No one said the "blood" of snakes is used.
the whole 'theory' is like a game of Telephone or the Whisper Game, where each person who repeats the message [potentially] distorts the meaning.
That's usually the sign of a shitty / poorly argued message. I felt underwhelmed by the docu, the guy was giving off a Mr. Burns vibe toward the end, strangely upbeat about ostensibly terrifying news. The spooky music didn't really help.
That's just Dr. Ardis's personality. He's light-hearted and likes to joke around. I've watched videos of Dr. Ardis speaking out against the numerous amount of vaccine injections when babies are born, and about the dangers of Remdesivir from like 4 months ago.
I trust Dr. Zelenko, who developed the Zelenko protocol which probably saved countless lives from covid or "venon" poisoning. Zelenko is the one who has revealed that they are on big pharma's hit-list.
Worth noting that nobody, afaik, has successfully synthesised snake venom. So where did the (millions of gallons of) venom come from? And how did they pump it into the water? And why wasn't it degraded by the chlorine (and fluoride)?
Also, how did [they] sneak the venom onto our Mediterranean island, whose coastline is continually monitored because of the huge American naval base here?
Askin for a fren'.
careful with logical skepticism on hot topics like these that once again eventually poison the well (pun not intended, snakes are not poisonous).
Kidnapped children rescued from underground tunnels in Central Park 2.0.
As nobody yet posted what Jordan Sather wrote, let me do it:
"Let the hit pieces begin re: "Watch the Water"
Notice how the MSM is tying Q into it just because of the title, even though Stew Peters' doc has nothing to do with Q
Notice how Watch the Water is being released right as the Cabal wants to force us into more COVID lockdowns to steal the 2022 midterms, making COVID truthers look crazy
I'll be damned if Watch the Water isn't part of a massively sensationalized fear porn psy-op.
Helluva lot easier ways to redpill people about COVID than "iT's SnAkE VeNoM".
Have fun sharing unverified, circumstantial speculation around if you want. I'm done with this topic on Telegram for now."
Then he posted the following:
Via Ashley Everly, Toxicologist:
“They did not share proof. They shared coincidences, misinterpretations of research, and actually lied by omission.
This snake venom-LIKE ( important word that people are missing ) enzyme that was found to be elevated in khovid patients…
Is made BY THE HUMAN BODY NATURALLY. We literally have genes that produce this enzyme.
They are omitting this fact, leading people to believe that this enzyme is not naturally present in the body and that it was rather developed from snake venom and put in our bodies without our consent.
This natural enzyme is elevated in patients who have chronic illnesses like atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, and cancer.
Who is at greatest risk of dying of the vid? Those who are chronically ill.
This enzyme (sPLA2-IIA) is actually very important, beneficial, and critical for the immune system to function properly and helps kill pathogenic bacteria.
Makes sense why it would be elevated in people with chronic illness… chronic pathogenic infections, chronic toxicity, etc.
Expression of this enzyme is upregulated when a patient starts to suffer a cytokine storm. Cytokine storms can happen when the innate immune system is responding too strongly and cannot trigger the adaptive immune system response to initiate. sPLA2-IIA helps coordinate / connect the innate and adaptive immune systems and initiate an adaptive response.
This particular enzyme can also be measured and used as a biomarker for SEPSIS. What do hospital patients die of, more than anything else? Sepsis.
Why are they not sharing this information? Why are they just saying it’s from snake venom and not including the fact that this is naturally synthesized by the body?”
Just another wild goose chase to distract & discredit us."
"Making Truthers Look Crazy"
It might look crazy to an uneducated person who types gibberish on the internet.
But IMO it makes Truthers look more Truthful, always searching for answers, always connecting more dots, always sharing more info. That is what science is. Accumulating more research, and reviewing it with peers, and bringing the most important stuff to the top of discussion.
I think we're well beyond the point of no return for Truthers actually caring what other people think about their psyche. That's what it takes to be a Truther, moving beyond what other people think in their pea-brained heads.
Watching these folks try and deal with this is like watching a sitcom. You realize the normies are in hard cognitive dissonance land, because they cannot hold 2, or get this, even 3 conflicting viewpoints without having a serious brain meltdown.
I too was a bit skeptical of this Watch The Water video. Did I go online to make a fool out of myself by writing gibberish? No. I found 80% of the video worthwhile and informative, able to be followed up on with further research. 20% of the video was high speculation, which can be appreciated, if you are smart enough to tell the difference between facts and opinions, two things which all people utilize.
But then I did more research, and found snake venom is widely used in medicine. And there are several articles connecting the dots on snake venom and COVID-19. There are mainstream news articles about it.
The serious question is this - why does the virus/vaccine contain HIV and snake venom analogs? Red flag, very concerning and worth investigation.
"Making Truthers Look Crazy" - sounds like gatekeeping doesn't it? Who sets the bar for what makes Truthers look smart? Lol...
Here is a guy doing more research rather than complaining from a mountaintop - u/ghost_of_aswartz/
Snakes ARE venomous. Which just means the poison is injected with fangs.
If you eat it and you die, it's poison.
If it bites you and you die, it's venom.
Should watch a few of the videos. The water part is covered.
FWIW, I'm no doctor or scientist, but my dad was pre-diabetic and was doing injections in his belly to prevent him from becoming diabetic. The injections were not insulin, but rather something derived from Gila monster venom. I imagine it was synthesized, but I kind of doubt that they could just dump stuff like this into a city's water supply. The fact that people can use those self-tests to have tap water test positive just proves how lousy those junk tests are and how they are a waste of money.
He is a chiropractor for crying out loud. They base their entire treatment on the 'anti-germ' theory of disease. Daniel Palmer (originator of chiropractic) based chiropractic on that theory.
Don't throw the baby out with the venom water. I think people need to forget about the delivery theory because he doesn't know, he just suspected water for 2 very weak reasons anyway. But continue to focus on the venom evidence. A year ago my sister working in a hospital during one of the actual deadly outbreaks (most cases have just been flu but a few rare cases have definitely been something suspicious) called me telling me something was wrong with their blood. They were all young patients and their blood looked like it had been exposed to snake venom. She literally said this to me last year and the posts I made about it are still here and searchable. I for one think we should continue down the venom trail. Forget about the water for now.
Here, this might make you feel better.
duper's delight probably.
Exactly. Or that we are being given Satan’s DNA.
I wonder about Jordan.
Satan doesn't have DNA....He's a spirit...he is not physical.
... a spirit
... often working 1st in our heads, that we 2nd misuse our minds, eyes and tongues and then 3rd acting out with our hands, legs and the whole body.
Read literally the first book of the Bible
The rest of the bible's teaching on angels contradicts your poor interpretation of Gen 6.
No biblical support elsewhere that angels, fallen demons or otherwise, can have sexual relations with humans. Jesus suggest otherwise when he teaches about angels not having any ability to enter marriage (which implies inability to procreate)
Secondly, demons (fallen angels) are never called "sons of God" ever in the bible.
Thirdly, God's anger in Gen 6 is towards humans, not demons. Wouldn't have God sent a spiritual form of "flood" to judge the demons first since they would have initiated the evil in the earth?
The only reason this demon-seed view is popular is because it captures the human imagination so easily
I didn’t give you an interpretation so I’m not sure why you said my interpretation is poor, I simply told you to read your bible. You filled in the rest.
I’m terribly sorry to contradict you but let’s have a look at your ‘thirdly’ statement;
‘You say, Gods anger in Gen 6 is towards humans not demons. Wouldn’t have God sent a spiritual form of flood to judge demons first since they would have initiated the evil in the Earth?’
EXACTLY...! And that’s EXACTLY what God did. How do we know this? In 1 Peter 3:18-20 the Bible says
(18) For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the spirit. (19) After being made alive, He went and made proclamation to the imprisoned spirits - (20) to those who were disobedient long ago while God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built.
So, Jesus Christ’s very first act upon being resurrected from the dead was to visit the 200 fallen angels (imprisoned spirits) and proclaim His victory. You question why God didn’t flood the Earth to remove the angels/demons when verse 20 above tells you that’s EXACTLY what He did and why - “to those who were disobedient long ago while God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built.
I do not think Peter could have spelled this out much clearer.
I was pretty sure biblically demons are separate from fallen angels, in that the fallen calamity known as Lucifer would be the one who created them.
But then again, I don't subscribe to the Bible anyway as it is an incredibly fallible resource for any teaching. The fact that it is so open to interpretation as you put it is inherently proof enough to that point.
So in genesis it talks about the "sons of men" taking wives from the "daughters of men". Many have theorized that this is satan's fallen angels taking wives and having children with them, the "nephelim". The fallen Angel's would therefore have DNA of some kind.
I'm not saying any of this is absolute truth, just sharing the knowledge that I have acquired to add to the understanding of the people or sources that would say things similar.
Blessings fren.
That was a Jewish belief and got some traction in church history, but its 100% reading into the text what's not there. It's actually the weakest of 3 major views on who the "sons of God" were (not sons of men).
Yet, it's in the KJV Genesis Chapter 6, specifically verses 1-7.
The Bible has many conundrums, missing books, it's a compilation with missing chapters, which may have shed some light - but, IMHO, understanding these issues are just "bonus points", as our salvation is not based on a comprehensive test on the Bible, but rather in our faith in Christ.
If I am wrong, that's on me.
I totally agree. I like researching Nephilim and Biblical topics like it because I crave to have a deeper understanding of the Bible, but one does not need to know that stuff to be saved. You just have to believe that God loved you so much that he sent his son Jesus to die on the cross for your sins.
Awesome guys! Spot on.
@hodar & gwgh83
There are many things in the bible that I understand completely, and have not yet implemented perfectly. Like love your enemies. I'm not too worried about the stuff I dont, but I do enjoy the mental exercise of looking into any of Gods word, and I pray the Holy Spirit would illuminate the text for me. Maybe some day.
@smartbaum you are correct "sons of God" my fault. The dangers of texting on lunch break.
I havent heard any stronger arguments as to who they were, but I haven't exhaustively studied the subject either.
Thank you again for the correction.
You are correct friend and your interpretation spot on. 1 Peter 3:18-20 specifically describes Jesus’ first act after resurrection to visit those fallen angels from Gen 6 that cohabitated with human women and had children by them.
You are right. Stay with your gut - there are those trying to lead you astray on this thread. Reread Gen 6 and the immediate following story of Noah and the flood. The read 1 Peter 3:18-20 which sums it all up for you. May God bless you friend!
If anyone wants to check this podcast out, it is very informative. Most of what he says is unsure to me. He has put some things together for me. It is very interesting at least to consider. I havent found it to be blasphemous.
I enjoyed it.
Blessings frens, God wins.
He's not physical?! Why do people who don't know what the Bible has to say comment about things covered in the Bible?
Isaiah 14:16 talking about Lucifer: They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;
Ya, where is the Jordan in this post?
Precisely! Which is why this interview became a 100% more realistic than when I listened to it, and it was 100% logical then!
What I can’t stop thinking about is how intensely this is argued. Why? How many theories have we all heard over the years? Does it matter to me if it’s snake venom or some other concoction in the vaxx? Not really because I’m still not taking it. The water theory is one I’d discard anyway. I realize we don’t want to be feeding a false narrative but why so much backlash? Is there something else going on?
This usually happens when we are over the target. Right?
Bingo. My conclusion is that this makes even more sense logically. If this is a spiritual war, why wouldn’t they use elements representing satan?
Exactly. Also, what about the LUCIFERase inside the moderna shots! They aren't trying to hide certain aspects about this and if we fully believe they are satanists, which I certainly do, then this type of thinking may not be too far off.
Whew, that really puts my mind at ease! Now I can clearly stop worrying that the 2020 elections were stolen, since multiple people are tearing that idea to shreds. Clearly everyone in this community who thinks the election was stolen has just fallen for a psyop, and none of those in this community who disagree are shills. /s
I can see several compelling reasons to believe the snake venom theory, and several compelling reasons not to believe it. I haven't made a decision yet on which side of the argument I come down on, I'm keeping an open mind as more information comes out.
The tone of your post came across as derisive and extremely dismissive of anyone who might possibly choose to believe Dr. Ardis, or even be open minded about the things he's said. Nice job of responding to sarcasm with ad hominem attacks though.
The problem is that the shills have already succeeded in their jobs with the entire snake venom topic. They have convinced a huge percentage of people on this board that Dr. Ardis is saying that the bad guys are putting snake venom into the water supply. I watched the Stew Peters interview and a couple of subsequent interviews and while perhaps I missed something, I don't remember that being said at all. What I do remember him saying over and over and over again is that the CDC is monitoring 600+ municipal waste water systems for detectable levels of specific man-made versions of certain active proteins that are found in snake venom so that they can track the progress of their evil plans. His contention is not that they are putting snake venom itself into anything, but that they are 'infecting' people with synthetic versions of certain toxic proteins that are found in snake venom and cause some of the deadly effects such as clotting, cell necrosis, anti-coagulation, neurotoxicity, etc. He believes they have been using a variety of methods to get these various proteins into people, including nasal swabs during testing, the clot shots, Remdesivir, etc.
He also contends that the virus itself has been engineered to, along with all of the other genetic modifications, have spike proteins that are homologous in structure to some of these toxic venom proteins and that bind to the nicotine acetylcholinic (sp?) receptors just like some snake venoms do, and that is why it causes many of the same deadly symptoms as snake venoms. Also because of the mRNA from the clot shots incorporating itself into the genetic structure, the body then begins to produce some of these toxic snake venom proteins itself. He cited a lot of data and observations about how many of the common symptoms of COVID infection, clot shots, Remdesivir treatment, etc are exactly the same as symptoms caused by certain snake venoms (krait, cobra, rattlesnake). His theory is that these proteins are intentionally being used to kill people the same way a snake bite would kill them, only much more slowly. The virus and the approved CDC treatments are simply methods to get the proteins into the body without anyone being the wiser, as well as being able to blame all the deaths on the virus.
I have no idea whether his theory is correct or not, but I see enough plausibility to keep an open mind for the time being. More information will come out, and eventually we will know one way or the other. But I'm far beyond the point where I'm sick and tired of seeing so many people fall for the shill tactics of "they're putting snake venom in the water supply" and then ridiculing and belittling anyone who listened carefully to what Dr. Ardis actually said in multiple interviews and hasn't yet dismissed his words.
I apologize for reacting the way I did when your post triggered my sarcasm genes (roughly 98.7% of my genome).
Well, it depends on the avenue. You could argue (probably incorrectly but for the sake of argument, I'm going to let this slide) that there is venom in the vaccines.
That'd be bad.
You cannot argue venom is in the water supply because consumption would not create any notable reaction to the degree we are seeing.
Exactly what I said yesterday. This means either these "patriots" are not really on our team, they're naive or they're more worried about how they will be portrayed in the media. I don't give a shit but getting sick and tired of people like Cates or Sather being held up as smarter than the rest of us.
Yes absolutely, there is snake blood in the vaccines and everyone who took it will grow scales.
And fangs.
I warned you! I warned you! But you didn't listen to me, oh no. You know, didn't ya, oh no, it's just a harmless little bunny, isn't it? Well, it's always the same, I always say the same thing, no one listens. 🐰🦷
Will you just Shut-UP!! Right!! Chaaaaaarge!!!! 🩸 🩸 🩸 Retreat!!!
They may be using reverse psychology because it sounds so insane.
People need to get that critical thinking skill working and question this BS video and start asking questions.
Not just this video...Why are we arguing about what's real news and what's not, and why are we not demanding every nation's leader turn over ALL of their Covid-19 related documents? Especially the ones before February 2020.
This whole site has been losing that critical thinking skill lately. Out of 10 stickies, about half of them will be completely untrue, a couple will be stupid memes, and you'll get maybe one or two that are actually newsworthy.
Maybe there's a lot of backlash because it's so over the top absurd? I don't like this logic some people follow that if lots of people say it's not true it must be true. There are plenty of things in the world that are just stupid and untrue and lots and lots of people are going to jump in and say they're stupid and untrue. It doesn't make them suddenly be true.
Also keep in mind that the debunkers love to show how stupid we are so they're going to gravitate to the most absurd claims when debunking. Honestly, it makes it far more likely to be true when they are not actively debunking it.
Maybe- my point was regardless of what Dr. Ardis said, it doesn’t change what I’m doing. So I listened and am able to not get emotional about it. One important point you made was if we go ass over teacups into a new idea, then we are possibly being set up. Excellent point!!! Absolutely! My ONLY significant point was asking WHY is this EVERYWHERE IMMEDIATELY. His video came out and there was an immediate counter and now I can think of 10 well known interviewers who have weighed in on both sides. It’s like Gasoline was poured onto this idea. I’m standing back and asking not for an answer but just to raise the flag on questioning why this is so intense.
Lol why is this one little documentary getting shilled on so hard?
Because people REALLY want to know what water to watch, when that single phrase could have been some of that nessisary disinformation from the get go.
Or, watch the water, as in this crazy conspiracy theory about water is gonna come out, watch out for it.
Who knows.
Not sure it's all shilling. A lot is questioning part of it that are far fetched and frankly very hard to believe. The whole poisoned water supply with this is off the charts and logistically almost impossible without being noticed.
Not really that impossible. You know about fluoride, right? Chemicals are added into municipal water supplies all the time. All they have to do is give it a code name and train a technician how to do it. Also doesn't mean its happening in all places or added in large quantities. Just trace amounts is all it would take to make enough people sick to look like an outbreak. Nursing homes anyone?
Fluoride in controlled amounts is specifically added.
Controlled being the key word. Transparently so.
Also, venom would not cause a reaction in almost any case when consumed. As someone outlined elsewhere, various venoms are added to certain drinks in other cultures.
We're not talking about just a single local municipality water supply we're talking about thousands of them in the US alone. Logistically it's not possible without someone noticing.
As an industrial water treatment specialist this is far more plausible than you can even imagine. Consider the FDA has just authorized Remdesivir as the ONLY Covid19 treatment including for children. This, this is the protocol for all hospitals to follow.
Now imagine your EPA who oversees federal safe drinking water standards simply mandating another ‘additive’ [such as fluoride] to be used effective Jan 2019 etc and viola...! They could even place the additive into something like ammonium sulfate, which is something most every municipal water treatment facility uses already for microbial control.
Now, is this being done? I have no idea and it would seem far-fetched to me but who knows? What would be far simpler is to do this perhaps into a bottled water company that you control. When I watched the documentary the first thing I thought about was that crazy meeting where Trump was fumbling around 2-handed with that bottle of Fiji water that the media crucified him over. Remember how he was drinking it with both hands and not really holding it, but clamping it between his hands?
This movie is getting crazier by the day and I don’t know what to believe anymore, except that Jesus is my Lord and Savior and I must trust HIS plan.
Seriously? That's literally what everyone says about any conspiracy when they have no substantive counterargument.
Where have you been the last 2 years? You realize there really is a satanic cabal that controls the world, right?
They are openly committing genocide and the world's governments are not only allowing it, but facilitating it. And you're telling me they couldn't pull off a subtle poisoning of a few local municipal water stations without getting in trouble?
So you're sold on the video of a chiropractor telling you how everything went down without questioning anything. That's what I'm getting from your purely emotional response.
I've watched 4-5 of his interviews so far, and I have some formal training in chemistry and pharma so I'm already familiar with a lot of the research he is presenting. For example, I know for a fact already that snake venom is commonly used in medicine. I learned that a long time ago, as well as the fact they use these molecules to develop novel drugs.
I've been questioning the covid narrative since day 1, and this theory clicks all pieces into place. Is he 100% right about all of it? Maybe not, but he's definitely onto something and I'll be looking at who backs him up and who goes after him because that seems to be very telling.
It connects the dots in a way normies will understand, and they're ready to listen to well reasoned presentations.
Because it gives them something to talk about that isn't how awful the inflation is or how inept the Democrats are. Democrats have basically lost most of the issues sane people care about, which leaves them screaming racism/inequality at everything or attacking their opponents.
because people are asking questions about the nuts and bolts of this theory and being given dismissive answers instead of information. when you ask questions and someone acts like you are prosecuting them instead of... asking questions... it's usually not a good sign imo.
I've watched this twice now and made hubby watch. While there are some plausible connections, we came away with too many questions on putting it in the water to make sense and be legitimate. Our opinions, of course, but me thinks this chiropractor and Stew are up to something else. Stew hates Q and the Q reference title is his way to discredit.
It's clear that Stew set us up. The question is whether Dr Ardis was in on it, or if Ardis was also set up. If Ardis is genuine, the venom aspect deserves investigation, potentially useful as a therapeutic and forensic guide.
Stew’s presentation of it is too theatrical and focuses on water too much. Dr. Ardis went on Ann vandersteel to clear up the water issue. Talked about how cdc tests the waste water in hundreds of locations and says they are testing the water with pcr tests and therefore in his opinion it’s in the water because they are testing and finding it in the water. Now you see others coming out saying do not drink city water and taking it to a new level.
Dr. Ardis did an interview with Mike Adam’s and Ann Vandersteel that goes into more depth and more sourcing than the short stew Peter’s video. I would recommend to watch those interviews as opposed to just the stew video.
I watched Dr Ardis on Steel Report and Patriot Streetfighter. They make Stew Peters look bad by comparison, either click-baity sensationalist or Alex Jones' style controlled opposition.
You shouldn't drink city water regardless. Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland and worsens your critical thinking ability. (among hundreds of other toxins in the water)
I like to think there's some guy named Lot there unknowingly keeping the place from burning sulfur.
So all of a sudden you trust the FDA (revolving door w/big pharma), that they're just philanthropically adding an industrial byproduct into the water to.. better our health? Are you serious?
Portland used to be amazing btw. It's only in the last generation or so that things went to shit.
Explain what, the correlation of no fluoride to batshit crazy antifa?
Some of the OG leftist ideals are good and line up with this- like obsessing over healthy ingredients, distrust of large corporations, favoring farm-to-table restaurants, shit like that.
Yeah the Mike Adams interview is good. Parts 1 and 2 are out but not part 3 yet. Here they are:
Part 1:
Part 2:
The interview with Mike Adam's the Health Ranger was good too,,, I watched 1&2, I think there's a third also
Stew seems to have made it very theatrical and dramatic, but the research is there. Watch Ardis' interview with the health ranger. It's way more in depth.
I watched Ardis on Patriot Streetfighter and on Ann Vandersteel. Both of them make me think that Stew was undermining the best points, and highlighting the weakest. And the title makes me think it was intentional. I haven't watched Stew, and I know a lot of people here like him, but seeing the same guest on 3 different shows gives me a bad impression of Stew.
I certainly agree this all needs more investigation because there are things that are true like the peptides in the spike protein. I really want some trustworthy, anti-jab docs to weigh in. I also have a hard time believing Stew Peters and Mike Adams would risk their reputations on a complete hoax. Information warfare is an understatement.
Daily reminder that chiropractors are doctors the same way that McDonald’s burger flippers are chefs.
Not at all. Chiropractors are good at what they do. Every profession has hacks in the ranks, including MDs. Even if this guy is wrong it doesn't condemn the profession.
Aside from first aid from bleeding, a chiropractor will heal you much more comprehensively from a car accident than an MD or even a good PT.
They didn’t have to go to medical school, they didn’t need to perform rotations, they don’t have the legal authority to prescribe medication or provide life saving care, they are not doctors. They can have their own little section of medical science but they are not medical doctors, simple as that.
You can say the same thing about dentists, pharmacists and chemists, and even osteopaths before they were consolidated into The Match. The AMA has historical and institutionalized hatred against chiropractors which is entirely undeserved. Any licensed MD can sign up with a lame (and abusive) insurance company to get a fire hose of patients aimed at them, but chiropractors have to go out and prove their value every day. If they didn't heal, they wouldn't be in business. MDs only have to prove themselves in school.
I'm not pooh-pooh'ing MDs. But right now the worst subsect of the MD profession is being highlighted and exposed: hierarchy-focused and pharma-controlled order followers. There are plenty of good doctors, but by and large they haven't done their job to lead us out of the problem as their own institutions have subverted their ability to do good. As a consequence, other professions have stepped up. It's not a bad thing.
Dentists aren’t doctors either, neither are pharmacists you’re right. Chiropractors have to earn their keep because studies have shown that their work is largely similar to prescribing a placebo.
Ha, ha! There's a job at the AMA's PR dept, waiting for you.
the same medical doctors that will put you on remdesivir and ventilate you while refusing ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine? you mean those medical professionals with that kind of training? keep putting these "just following orders" faggots on a pedestal.
It’s not a pedestal, it’s a fact. A handyman is not an electrician unless they’ve completed an apprenticeship, a vet tech is not an veterinarian, a sign holder for a construction crew is not an engineer… these are facts.
You’re a faggot that worships big pharma foot soldiers. Medical malpractice kills how many per year? That’s some life saving care they provide. The only lives they save are the black gunshot victims.
Yea they just may be better than medical doctors after the shit show of the last two years.
But they’re not medical doctors. Make all the rationalizations you want, he’s still a glorified masseuse
You are correct that they aren't medical doctors. They're still technically doctors though, if they've completed chiropractic school and are certified. It's the highest degree in that field, so that's technically a doctorate. Similar to academic doctorates, or how technically lawyers have a doctorate, it's just a law doctorate (Dr in something that is abbreviated as JD, I forget). But it doesn't make sense to call them doctors. I fall on the side that chiropractors shouldn't be referred to as Dr day to day, even though they have a doctorate. I still do think that chiropractors can be useful in certain situations though. I've had some things fixed with a chiropractor that other options didn't fix.
I am indebted to Dr Ardis for convincing so many people to avoid the hospital, but to, instead, contact a Frontline Doctor...and if they do get refuse Remesdevir. He also convinced people to get a Medical Directive notarized ahead of time, refusing Remesdevir, the ventilator and any form of vaccine (cuz hospitals were ignoring the verbal refusals). He gave us sources for getting scripts for Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, and for pharmacies to fill the prescriptions. He shared detailed studies and data, which convinced many to avoid the jab, despite financial risk. So, I am giving him some space on the snake venom topic...waiting to see.
Dr Ardis is on the Covid-19 International Committee. He receives all the reviews, studies, and medical articles related to Covid 19. He scours the NIH website, as well as the websites of the AMA, the medicare websites, and all the others, too, then travels around the country warning the they can take control of their own medical care. Pretty heroic. Probably saved a lot of lives by waking us to truth. He works along side medical doctors by assisting with research and being their mouth piece. He works with Dr Peter McCullough and Dr Simone Gold.
So, all these reasons is why he is an expert.
But he’s still not a medical doctor.
Read this -->
Not a single study cited because they’ve been done and proven it’s largely equivalent to prescribing a placebo. Next you’re going to tell me acupuncture is the cure to Covid lol
I dont trust stew Peter's. The things he says are always too good to be true.
the trouble is that nowadays, it's hard to know who should be followed any more... we're getting sick to death of eating popcorn.... this movie needs to end!
Apparently you haven't been following along. This was not Stew's research that was brought to light.
Look it wasn't about "the water" this whole time, that's not the story the follow up interviews the guy does after releasing emphasize this. He wants people who can look at patents and study this stuff to study this in particular. It's a guarantee hit or miss. But from the sounds of it, the ones looking into it are going to be getting hits. They found another type of venom used by rattlesnake from the guy who told him, "if you got bit by a snake would you use antivenom."
Their arguments back are classic misinformation tactics. Say the most inane close to truth parts out of context and only 25% accurately, and it will set the "vibe" of "useless dumb discredited info" like oh boy another one of THESE videos.
They have attacked conspiracy videos at their core for decades. People stopped making them, got discouraged. The phenomenon over the last few years would be interesting because youtube has cleaned a lot of them up. That's when the censorship ramped up. Now they got it down to a social science to discredit. They know what to do, this is a campaign. It's spy vs spy. Accuracy is less important than convincing people their government is not their friend, that the government is an enemy. But it's not just enemy, there are some friends left, but they don't know about the enemy either. It's up to us to spread awareness of the enemy before it's too late.
Ardis only thinks it's in water some where because of down stream tests. He did not want to make the focus on how it got in the water but that venom is the key to understanding covid. He could have thought through how it got in the waste water and suggested a number of options. The shilling on the contamination of water is missing his main point and maybe that is intentional? Stew seems to have influenced the "watch the water" direction, probably as a shock title to draw attention. In another video he explains this and that he hoped to encourage research out of his presentation with Stew. What is most humiliating for me, as one who's promoted this board, is this misdirected attention and general trashing of all Ardis has said because of how the coof may have ended up in waste water... Perhaps we should all be reevaluating how a venom may get into people instead of circling back and back and back on how venom couldn't get into our water. What do I know though, I'm not a hydraulovenomologist.
Or if the swabs have venom on them..,
I watched this documentary and two hour long interviews with Mike Adams and another that was stickied here earlier today.
The water bit is just a theory he has. Its not the point of what he's saying.
Covid-19 has all the symptoms of snake venom. Its treatments (the ones that work like hcq and ivermectin) are all the same that would be used to treat snake venom. Monoclonal anti-bodies are essentially anti-venom.
Remdesivir has similar effects on the body as snake venom. So if you're dying of covid and they give you Remdesivir, it exacerbates your covid symptoms.
The Mike Adams interviews are very good. He goes in depth on research and patents involving snake toxins, vaccines, and the companies surrounding the covid treatment products pushed by MSM.
Early DNA sequencing of covid found that snake DNA was the most closely matching, where bat DNA was like 3rd down the line. It makes sense that they'd want to distract us from the real source they used to create covid - snakes, not bats. Its also a dead give away that covid is designed in a lab.
Personally I think Ardis is onto something huge. I think he nailed it. Maybe there's a few holes but for one guy to hunt all this down is impressive. Lots of things about covid suddenly make sense. This is why Covid is so hard to pin down and why the symptoms make no sense. And why super spreader events don't really super spread.
If they vax is turning you into a spike protein factory, then yes maybe the proteins are the same as the proteins in snake venom. So mRNA vax are altering your DNA to have some snake DNA.
This Will Sommer person's opinion isn't worth shit. He obviously "heard" about the documentary and didn't bother to watch any of it. I'd suggest watching Mike Adams' interviews. He has part 1 and 2 of 3 out on Brighteon.
where's part 3? =D
P3 just came out
Gotta try to make us Q believers look crazy by lying about anything they can. Im not buying the whole tainted water thing because who the fuck drinks tap water. They would have to put snake venom in bottled water for it cause a "pandemic"
Doesn't Jordan Sather believe blue haired bird aliens are interacting with humans. And you say tainted vaxx is unbelievable.
He got buddy buddy with Corey Goode at some point, can't remember exactly when. You ever read.that guy's story?
It's entertaining, I'll give it that. But eventually I just stopped caring.
Sometimes it be like that.
hahaha I know for real. I tuned him out a while ago.
I do not believe in this snake theory at this time, But it hilarious that the shills do not even research the smallest of things before they shill. Its not the Snakes Blood. 🤡🤡🤡🤡
The snake connection in the lab is plausible and warrants some digging to verify his claims about the enzymes and reactions.
But the water delivery stuff is fluffy nonsense.
Also this reeks of amateur propaganda. I am always skeptical when someone calls a single video interview set to cheesy music a "documentary" - there is nothing documented but 1 news clip (about Ardis claims) and the guy talking about his own God-inspired theory, so there is no bombshell journalism award here. A couple of citations would lend it some credibility but instead it's all hype and very little substance.
While I'm intrigued by the venom connection in the vax and remdesivir, the video is a bit cooky for me.
Also worth noting Q doesn't mention the words snake, venom, or viper even one time.
It wasn't about the water the guy even says so himself yesterday he released news segments and it was the interviewer who took hold to that more. The researcher guy only wanted to talk about what we were poisoned with, was a venom. Which sounds crazy but it doesn't matter how it got in, it's about what we do about it now.
Basically he opens the door to critique his theory. He also said the purpose was to do this by people who can check patents and check and observe the legitimacy. It's a matter of time until we see this scientifically debated.
He had me the most when he pointed out that they did block medicine that treats venom. That the alleged cure they offer is the poison that bypasses the "virus" thru the lungs to breach brain blood barrier, and inside that 15 sequence HIV bit are the spike proteins, that was the gain of function that they attached the venom too. The whole thing is not venom. The whole thing is a virus. The part that's killing us is the venom. He focuses on that. The delivery mechanism is irrelevant and that's why the focus never goes past that, that's when "spike protein" info dropped in and talked about widely for like a month and then the spike protein word was never used again for many many more months until now. That spike protein was the "fangs" if you will. The bite was the vaccinations. The fear was being poisoned by water/food/other that led to people going to hospitals to get murdered. "you can die at any time folks! Just when you think you can't take it anymore scared or too sick (because they targeted specific organs to get worse and if you're vulnerable there you're always told to follow up with doctor) doctor says "well we better play it safe, here take vaccine it works! It works so well here's a chart showing you when you should go get more. Once you got those, there are theses ones and these ones. Oh no sick again? well go to the hospital and they will treat you with fluids and start you on redmesivir, the only approved treatment for Covid19, if this doesn't "cure" you then you can try other medications. Who knew that most no one recovers past day 9 of this drug and then you die.
Don't want that treatment? Well it's not approved with insurance, doctors say no. You have to fight for it. They did. States differed on what they could do. It just so happens to be that president Trump got mocked for basically saying "hey these anti-venom drugs are proven to help". Then got torn to shreds by big media. Only to have this resurface and said "see the dots? now connect them. does this prove a conspiracy? the conspiracy of every one of those companies and government? He alleges anyone who promoted these, and that promotion goes deep. The government spent millions on advertising to us, billions I think.
Will sounds afraid.
@fynn_fan (Researcher who has been censored several times studying the real effects of Covid and the Vaccines) saying its definitely not complete snake venom (very complicated and expensive to make). Refers to Jikky's thread about the possibility of the video being used to discredit snake venom peptides which are in Covid spike proteins
Jikky knows his shit. He discovered the 19 letter gene sequence Moderna patent in SARS-Cov-2. He's been kicked off twitter several times for revealing truth and has had to make a "Fan" account.
Here's a deep dive of threads of him exploring the snake venom peptides in the spike proteins.
Well this really interesting... Was #WatchTheWater an attempt to discredit the presence of "snake venom" peptides in the spike protein?
Why? What is the story they are trying to bury?
Its trying to bury that the virus was man-made and strong evidence points around neurotoxin (sequence for same peptides as found in snake venom) in SARS-Cov-2 spike proteins
Now anyone trying to study that area will be called a conspiracy theorist who believes that Covid is snake poison. Its a essentially a comm to also cut off any funding for anyone studying that part of Covid.
Homology to neurotoxin peptides in the Spike adjacent to the Gp-120 inserts.
Now anyone trying to study that area will be called a conspiracy theorist who believes that Covid is snake poison. Its a essentially a comm to also cut off any funding for anyone studying that part of the virus.
Beware the Jordan Sather
Venom not blood.
Sorry. Jordan Sather resent it. It's from Will Sommer.
Uneducated Idiot. This person is a slave.
guess this will push me towards believing the venom people.
not always sure about JS, where he gets his ideas from.
Also would explain why President Trump read the snake poem multiple times...
I don't care what the claims are if they are backed up by evidence. I haven't seen the documentary yet. Watching it now.
Red pill news/Zac Paine is doing and interview with the venom theory guy on Saturday, with phone-in for questions.
The water angle was idiot-tier misunderstanding, so was the waste water being tested with PCR... because that test is duff, doesnt work anyway, its tuned to SARS1 and triggers with Flu and common cold. Why the CDC would bother is purely theatrical. The insinuation is that the water treatment works have "outgoing" water (cleaned) and that is where it could be laced with venom. But the theory still fails because it would be too dilute, or impossible to control the effect if not. It would also be traceable and people could test their water and find it and that alone would be a smoking gun - they arent that stupid.
Remdesivir IS terrible though, we know that much, and the vax induced protein production could also have a portion dedicated to venom proteins. (The whole vax mechanism was alarm bells anyway - why would you want to produce a toxin in inside yourself? that is crazy on its face)
having said all that, I did consider another angle - that the vax makes people immune to snake venom. Maybe it kills some people, and we know it doesn't prevent "the flu" but maybe it makes you resistant to venom.
later they could go wild with spraying or contaminating food parcels with high doses of venom. The vaxxed would be immune but the unvaxed (dissidents generally) would die on the spot as they had not become immune.
Taking a poison in low doses actually makes you resistant to poison (some poisons)
Nice take. Could be done. They own all the "phood" companies.
Don’t forget…snake venom requires refrigeration as does the vaxx. Coinkydink?
We just handed the left more ammo against us, on a silver platter...
If you accept that part of the "Great Awakening" is bringing others onboard with our cause, then we want to avoid traps that keep the left's narrative going, like, "...conservatives are a bunch of crazies sharing conspiracies on social media." I think what was shared in this interview is, by any measure, premature.
Are "we" Stew Peters? Are "we" spreading the rumors on social media?
Well, if you've been anywhere near this board, or PW, you'd see how many posts there have been spreading this message far and wide. Of course, I used "we" collectively, and not intending to single anyone in particular out. Only that "we" need to be extraordinarily careful what hills "we" decide to die on. The left will capitalize on anything and everything they can.
You are correct, of course, but I should point my defense...that I did not "...slam pedes." The only thing I said was a general comment that I believed we were premature (in so many words) in giving the left ammo to be used against us. Plus, as Ardis pointed out in a subsequent interview, the "Watch The Water" thing was Stew's idea. This is highly suspect in my opinion.
I think it's very interesting the number of negative comments, and downvotes, thrown around here on this message board when people are just sharing opinions -- even mild ones at that. I think many here tread the thin line of wanting to ban free speech...even though they claim to be advocates of it.
I hate to be in a position of always defending myself. I did not say that I was against the downvoting. I just said it was interesting when all I did was share an opinion about how I felt with respect to the interview, and all the flak and downvoting that came afterwards. Was what I said that controversial? Holy cow, it took me ten seconds to type my first post, and I've had to spend a lot more than that responding. If I'd known, I'd kept my mouth shut. <-- THIS is the downside to flak after expressing an opinion. Next time, I'll think twice.
I don't comment often on this board, or over on PW, but, generally speaking, folks agree with me and upvote. So it's surprising to me when, all of a sudden, here come the downvotes.
Yeah, don't forget shills and useful idiots post misinformation here and wherever they can.
This snake venom stuff was stickied here. It's more than just shills and useful idiots posting this stuff.
More easily discredited crazy talk from the "qanons."
They are owning us.
Theatrical, it discredits certain aspects but also opens up avenues of research for some. Even if a few people start to dig into it, it may make people start to question things.
Honestly, I think that doc was intentional disinformation to make discussing the issues surrounding remdesivir taboo.
Poisoning the water supply with snake venom to the point that it would cause a worldwide pandemic is unlikely.
What's more likely is that our medical institutions pushed a covid treatment protocol that would kill the patient and pad death statistics in order to keep the pandemic going.
While remdesivir and cobra venom cause similar issues, it's easy to discount the dangerous treatment protocol if a bunch of "qanons" claim remdesivir is really snake venom.
We need to be careful and not just believe anything that references a qpost.
Ok but are there elements of truth here?
Monoclonal antibodies to treat snake venom
Link between covid destruction of organs and enzyme in rattlesnake venom.
This is very important info as the destruction of organs in some people and treatments.
I do not believe the whole theory can be dismissed because there is some truth there. I also don't believe in jumping on the whole theory.
I never would have researched if it had not become such a 'thing"
Hopefully a lot of people will watch the inverviews and understand that this demonic asshole is blatantly lying about the entire thing.
This is the thing is it not? Certain people cannot help themselves and use perfectly legitimate discoveries as a means to promote their own spin donned in religious connotations.
Of course this will be cause to beat down on it. What else can you expect. There can be only one spin-doctor-performer: that is the MSN and its masters.
Scottymar10 at the 28 second mark “Venomtech is developing venom derived.... with Charles River who acquired Exploa Biolabs....” Maybe there is something to this bite?
Uses a strawman argument for some reason. It's scared that ee might look into what is actually in the water. Probably.
Your a shill that doesn't like the truth. Did we watch the same review. It was an analogy to a snake which represents Satan. His findings are proven scientifically. Just like fake news to poo poo it away and make it look ridiculous, that is how these vipers have gotten away with so many crimes because it sounded outrageous. NO one would think to imagine the crimes that have been perpetuated on children and all us. Oh let's look over here or there not at the real problem. NCSWIC God won.
Featherweight in heavyweight fight throws sucker punch after bell.
Aggregating news is not 'digging', it's "holding water".
Dig your own well with help from your frens.
This whole thing is becoming like 9/11. When researches got good info out, all of a sudden there were a million fake other theories.
Similar to jfk assassination. Just when folks are waking up, flood the field with multiple plausible theories.
Yeah I'm not sold on it being in the water, but would like to know how people who didn't get the jab got sick, unless it was the normal flu bug. However, when my daughter & I got sick, we both lost our sense of smell & taste for a short time. Mine came back in about a week or so, took my daughter a little longer, though I did take Ivermectin after a few days of being sick because I had to wait for it to arrive in mail. Daughter took it a week or so after I did. Believe that's why I got better before she did even though she got sick before I did.
This entire thing is a CIA op put forth by a CIA slappy to make us look stupid. Stop with the snake blood. We have plenty of evidence to hang the evil fucks for crimes against humanity without crackpot theories.
Did you watch the interview?
Venom not blood. They can't even smear properly anymore.
The dude literally made an effort to make a distinction too
anons need to look at the more in-depth Dr Ardis interview with Ann Vandersteel, which shows the scientific papers on what is being done with venom that led him to the theory, then make up their minds.