I read this and felt overwhelmed.....
Even if I was fully vaccinated, I would admire the unvaccinated because they withstood the greatest pressure I've ever seen, even from partners, parents, children, friends, colleagues and doctors.
People capable of such personality, courage, and criticality are undoubtedly the best of mankind. They are everywhere, in all ages, stages of education, states and imaginations. They are of a special kind, they are the soldiers that every army of light wants in its ranks. They are the parents every child wants and the children every parent dreams of. They are beings that rise above the average of their society, they are the essence of the people who have built all cultures and conquered horizons. They are there, next to you, they look normal, but they are superheroes.
They did what others couldn't, they were the tree that endured the hurricane of insults, discrimination and social exclusion. And they did it because they thought they were alone, and believed they were the only ones.
Banned from their family's table at Christmas, they never saw anything so cruel. They lost their jobs, their careers had sunk, they were out of money... but they didn't care. They suffered immense discrimination, condemnation, betrayal and humiliation...but they carried on.
Never before in humanity has there been such a "casting", now we know who are the best on planet earth. Women, men, old, young, rich, poor, of all races or religions, the unvaccinated, the chosen ones of the invisible ark, the only ones who could resist when everything collapsed.
That's you, you passed an unimaginable test that many of the toughest Marines, Commandos, Green Berets, Astronauts and Geniuses could not pass.
You are made of the material of the greatest that ever lived, the heroes born of ordinary people who glow in the dark.
(copied)Enoch Farage,[from GAB purebloodrus]
Thanks Fren, but don’t make us heroes for we might be the few remaining soon.
I know plenty of good people who took the jab, knowing it may harm them, to continue being able to feed and keep warm their families. 👉🏻These are heroes.
I was just lucky enough that my situation fits my stubbornness.🙏🏻
I'm not gonna give up on the "hero" label, I'd like a little bit of hero label. My wife was gonna get the clotshot just because of all that pressure. I convinced her otherwise, but it took a lot to fight all of the horseshit society has been flinging her way.
Kept my fiancé from getting it after many stressful debates between us following pressure from both our jobs. We are in our 20’s and many of our friends had horrible side effects, some permanent. She now sees the light.
well done.
here in Houston some held out and are now within their medical field profession absolutely cleaning up from employment and lawsuits now that the CDC backed off its recommendations and all.
their fortitude is astounding - especially the ones that found ways to stay in rotation and not walk. their fortitude is a light to others that now have loved ones tucked up bad
i keep hearing about 18 year olds just completely cratered off just one dose. it’s bad
All anecdotal but the amount of cancers and “unexplained” medical issues I’m hearing about through friends and family is astounding.
My fiancé had several breakdowns from the stress but I stayed firm. Even gave an ultimatum that “if she gets something she doesn’t want to keep a job she doesn’t need I’ll have to reconsider the relationship”. Very tough conversations but I was simply speaking from my principles. If you don’t want something, don’t get it no matter who is asking.
Like I said, she’s now come full circle and is the most vocal person I know about all this BS. It’s been fun to see the confidence bloom in her!
that’s a beautiful redpill win there.
i wish more people understood the more you stick to your tune the more those than can change their minds respect you.
Congrats. I've kept my kids from the death jab, but my wife got it to keep her job.
Your pain is shared. Many in this boat unfortunately
Yeah, we ended up never having to do it ourselves, but she was going to 'get it over with, they're going to make us anyway" and after many explainations that its ILLEGAL to force us to, she finally agreed.
She still expresses frustration that she needs it to make doing certain things easier, but we'll live until the psychosis of this country is righted.
My wife is a "medical professional" ie medical "degree" yet when I asked basic questions about the pandemic response, masks, vaccines, she shuts down and shorts out. Reason and common sense didn't work, neither did any other method I tried. I work for the gubmint and managed to avoid all tests, jabs, and masks, even under threat of losing my job.
Same here. I like to think I wouldn't have caved if my situation were different, if I had a family relying on me, but I don't know.
Believing something is right is not changed by circumstances for those of courage. You cannot protect your family when you are disabled or dead, unless your sacrifice ensured their safety. Heroes are all around us, the circumstances that bring them to their moments are numerous, but none are always heroes. There are times in our lives where we are heroes for the day. Try to make it every day. Always fight for what is right, cement your morals in every facet of your life and know the difference between what hill you are willing to die on. We are all heroes that resisted overwhelming pressure to take their poison. The ones that took it were not villains, they were victims. Even the vicious attackers of the unvaxxed were unwitting pawns in a war they did not know they were fighting. They showed their true colors, so they will receive different treatment from the pure victims, but humility may give them a reprieve. Their penance will be required for us to embrace them as brothers and sisters again. The pure victims should receive our full support and aid.
It's not my commentary, I can't write as well as the author.
No problem, Fren.🙏🏻
Well said Penisse. I was lucky also. I have friends that had to do it. I pray for them often.
Some of them, maybe many of them, will die fairly soon. What happens to their families then?
The point is they should have known the injections were poison; mass bioweapons. It was obvious from the start. The tsunami of fear porn and the blatantly fake science behind "covid" were absolutely clear indicators.
If people didn't get it about the cabal and depopulation and impovrishment of the masses and enslavement - by 2019 - they are living below the natural selection red line. Many of them are being selected and many more will be selected.
The point is that the "vaccines" were an obvious bioweapon and if you took it into your body willingly then you failed the test of natural selection.
Nature is implacable.
I have a former boss, who is salt of the Earth kind of person, but his company forced him to get the vax. He had just adopted 3 children with 1 biological. He had to keep his job.
We met for lunch and he jokingly chided me by saying "I know you didn't get the jab, since you suspect everyone". I looked him in the eye and said, "no way was I going to let them inject me with that poison". His eyes told me all I needed to know. I could see he knew what I was referring to and that he was a damned man. It has to be pretty scary to know you are a dead man walking.
Respectfully disagree. Nothing was obvious about the vaccines in the beginning. President Trump, through Operation Warp Speed said they were "beautiful" and encouraged everyone to get the vax. Lots of my friends and family took the vax because it was easier to trust Trump than do their own research. I don't blame Trump. He did what had to be done. But I just don't think anything was as obvious as you state....and certainly not to the normies who just wanted to get back to life as usual.
The point of this whole thing is to stop listening to external “savior” figures and begin listening to your own intuition. To trust your own immune system. To trust that God has provided you with everything you need.
Those looking for “solutions” from anyone, including Trump, are leaving themselves exposed to people with nefarious intentions.
What was very obvious from the beginning was that zero clinical trials were performed. It seemed more people should have been suspicious about long term side effects. The minute the vaccine mandates started to keep your job? That’s when sinister and evil came to my mind.
My friends regularly offered to make me appointments and drive me to the health dept and clinics (I drive and have vehicle) for the jab so I wouldn't 'miss out' on the shots if they ran out. Crazy. Who takes the Beta form of anything? Dont buy first model year of cars, software, medicine, New Coke, and now add 'wonderful', warp speed vaccines. 'Wait and see' is almost always the better choice. Nobody died from not being first in line for an IPhone 23 or whatever they're up to now.
Truth, I am actually a little surprised by the other comments. I believe the true courage was with those that gave up that job, honestly I don't know how someone could work for a company that would do such a thing to begin with. I believe there is a serious lacking in people putting a company culture before the salary.
Totally agree. We were able to help some on sites like "jobs without jabs" but could not help some very close to us because though they knew the jabs were poison they could not wait out the outcome. Our faith and provision could have seen them through but they wanted their independence. I get it. Now I just pray.
This was Australia. Could not leave. Some people chose to do any work to tide them over until the madness settled. They won.
That was my biggest concern too, like DONT YOU FUCKERS SEE THE PROBLEM HERE?? I can’t believe I grew up in the same country as those pathetic bootlickers..
This is so much how I felt then and still do now.
All it did was help identify to all of us who NOT to trust in our lives. I get that may be a tough pill to swallow for some, but these are the types that would sell you and your family out in a nanosecond if it meant protecting themselves.
No they don't, because they have beer. They get to sit there all smug while they watch the unjabbed get denied. It validated their horrible decision for them in their mind. It made receiving the death jab worth it for them.
You're the first person to mention nanobots...
Hey, are those like Transformers, but really small? I'd watch that show 🤗
I’m proud of my son who was one of the only ones who stood firm to his management even though he was sure he would be fired from his job (that he loves).
He gave them stats showing the jab was more dangerous to his age group (20s) than Covid.
He had his resume ready to send out.
They backed down when push came to shove. And have since given him a promotion and a raise.
His leadership qualities stood out above the crowd.
That sort of reminds me of Joker in Full Metal Jacket in a nail biting scene he pushes back and doesn't back down on the relentless verbally abusive Drill Instructor, but after that instead of punishment he got promoted to squad leader.
Thank u, they promoted him from crew leader to project manager (over several crews). He had lined up a fast food job to get by - which he would have hated but he was not about to destroy his health.
Unfortunately, his fiancé got the jab (before they met), as she was convinced she was protecting her parents. She regrets it now, and knows the truth. We are just hoping they will be able to have babies 😞
Out of approximately 100 people who work for the same company as my husband only five (he was one, he led the charge), refused the jab. I can't hate on the others though. They mostly had young families to support, and I'm sure the pressure on them was enormous. I'm just grateful that my children, and children in law also refused to cave. Nearly all of my extended family, including siblings are vaxxed and boosted, and that makes me very sad.
Damn straight.
You know who else had families to support? All the people with "non-essential" jobs. And the sheep are a big reason a lot of those people are still out of jobs. Sheep who took the jab now get to reap the whirlwind.
They believed the lies that these vaccines were safe and effective. Nobody's saying they made an intelligent choice.
Right??? My husband and I both refused the vaxx. We were both willing to lose our jobs because we want to be there for our son, and our other one on the way. We were both laid off back in 2020 due to COVID and not enough work after being eSsEnTiAl eMpLoYeEs during the "worst part" of the scamdemic. We survived. Now they threatened our jobs because of the vaxx??? They can shove it. We will survive.
That’s right! You can’t support your family from 6 feet under when you’re DEAD from the death jab.
Not everyone has unlimited opportunities or money to live off for extended periods of time. That's it.
Hell yeah!
This needs more upvotes.
You would be surprised at what you can survive. Sometimes I just think about the miracle that I am still alive and I am grateful.
Truth. Reality is that you only know, if you know. Interestingly, I’m thinking a large*ish percentage of peeps here know.
True. Most people got the shot out of fear and did not demonize those who refused. There were a few people who I told I didn't have the shot (why I was going to socially distance) and said they didn't care one way or the other.
However, there was a very vocal group who did, and those people, I do not feel sorry for.
And some didn't think it could possibly be so bad; after all, they are accustomed to getting jabs.
I feel empathy for them.
Guess they will soon know never to trust the government.
Never. Ever. Ever.
That's the difference between a warrior and a solider. A solider follows orders, a warrior follows their heart.
I don't yield to any man, government, system, or idealology that I disagree with, an i will always fight vehemently for what I believe is right.
And the only person I take a knee for is GOD.
That's a beautiful sentence right there.
Order followers are worse than order givers.
I disagree. The order followers are not aware of what they are doing when they are executing a task, unless you are talking about concentration camp guards. The ones giving the orders know why they are giving the orders and are truly culpable. I'll posit an example: say you are a cop and an APB goes out for a certain "criminal". Your APB says "suspected of crime X". You seek out this person and arrest them and bring them in for booking. Let's say that this "criminal" was targeted by a corrupt politician or political party and framed, of course you knew nothing about this in the course of your duties and why would you, you are not a player in the corruption. In all scenario's, the order givers are aware of the corrupt nature of their orders, and only some of the order followers may be aware.
Check out this video about order followers and let me know what you think.
He oversimplifies what the definition of following orders means. He is apparently not a member of any organization with a structure and if he is, they must have a very different definition of hierarchy. As I often find these days, we have a problem with people categorizing a complex issue into neat little oversimplified tidbits of talking points to sway an audience into agreeing with them. No one, and I mean NO ONE can force you to do anything against your will when it is an action that you are performing. LEO's, military, medical community, teachers etc are not forced to do anything against their will. They can be pressured, blackmailed, extorted, threatened and conned into doing something against their will, but they cannot be truly forced. Even with a gun to your head, you have a choice. It is a shitty choice, but a choice nonetheless. As a 29 year veteran and active member of the DoD, I cannot be bribed, forced, pressured or extorted/blackmailed into doing anything that goes against my moral code, regardless of the consequences. It is possible that I can be tricked or conned into doing something wrong, but not knowingly and the retaliation that I would embrace would be ten fold. Every person is an individual that makes their own choices and has their own moral code. In reality, the majority of LEO's and military have a strong sense of morality. The few exceptions are publicized and paraded through the propaganda machine in a manner surprisingly similar to the anti-gun rhetoric that the elites have been feeding us. The funny part is that most people here recognize the anti-gun propaganda and false flag nonsense almost instantly, but a lot miss the anti military and law enforcement propaganda and join the crowd in the anarchists mantra. When the shit hits the fan, you will find that we are standing shoulder to shoulder with the majority of LEO's and military. Why do you think the destruction of law enforcement and military is so crucial to them? Is it because they will follow the Cabal orders without question and round us all up for the final solution? No, it is because they know that they are a huge threat to their plan.
Thanks, you make great points. Orders are necessary to maintain order.... on many levels. Also nothing is black and white and everything is nuanced.
We all wish for simple delineations between good and evil. That is why fairy tales, fantasy, movies and classic books are so popular. Clarity is rarely ever achieved and why it is so prized when it is found.
Jeremiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it?
Proverbs 3:5-7
5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
7 Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear the Lord, and depart from evil.
Not vaccinated. But not patting myself on the back for it either. Thank God for everything, including this site and all the digging I did after Trump had the election stolen, finding x22report.com, etc. I feel blessed, but depressed. About the vaccine situation.
You’re not alone fren, I fought at the front lines only for my country to fall to pedophile protecting faggots. I nearly lost everything fighting in the front lines.
Be strong.
Resisting bullying and peer pressure as a kid has greatly helped me during this time. I don't care what others think of me, therefore I won't fall for their guilt traps or their pleas to force me to get the clot shot. Being stubborn has its upsides.
Amen fren. I always felt that those people were pathetic automatons, and would laugh at them constantly when they’d shove their mob mentality crap on me. This has continued to serve me well in my 50+ years on this Earth. Taking ego and herd feelings consideration out of every decision makes even difficult decisions much easier, regardless of the sociopath label that gets hilariously heaped on me 😂
Haha oh man.. your last sentence reminds me how my ex girlfriend said I “have zero empathy”
If not giving a shit about societies rules, but only following God's rule makes me a sociopath, I will wear the title proudly.
Let' s consider all the reasons why people have taken the jab.
You could go on ad nauseam. NOT one will say: I sold out.
But that is what they are saying. They sold themselves for what? That is even worse: for trinkets.
I do not hate these people. But I do concede that we, as the ones having held the line, are indeed the heroes.
The next test will be worse.
God bless, patriots!
Those that said "We did not know," had better be standing up now and suing the hell out of the pharmacy or grocery store that didn't tell them and properly inform their consent. Or "We did not know" excuse is just a phrase.
Most won't. Especially if they get sick and are unable to fight.
"The next test will be worse."
Forgiveness is the final test perhaps? I am still not there, perhaps you've nudged me closer with your incite cause ain't nuttin harder...
What is a hero?
It is a person who does something righteous, that the average person is afraid to do.
By that definition, the pure bloods ARE heros.
We stood up to the scum of the Earth, using every tactic of fraud, coercion, and violence to get us to bend the knee.
We told them to fuck off.
Still, risky move if that was a gun. Without your health you have nothing
The future will belong to freeblood men and women who held strong in the face of tyranny and told it drink a nice tall glass of shut the fuck up.
They changed the definition of “vaccine” to fit their evil agenda. People needs to see through this, merely by the massive pieces of circumstance evidence.
Brought to you by Pfizer Experimental gene therapy.
Inspiring text. There are indeed heroes among us. Without the unvaxxed who knows what would have happened, what realm of chaos we would suffer… I was blessed with the ability to say no to the vax easily but others suffered harder battles.
We all have different thresholds.
It wasn’t that hard. Really. I didn’t struggle at all with the decision. It was easy. I just committed myself to not getting it, and dealing with the repercussion as they came. Luckily enough people at my work were clearly never going to get it, we are mostly veterans and not limp wristed pussies. It was clear to management that the 2/3 of the company was willing to walk out the door on a moments notice, so they didn’t even bother. In fact they made it clear that vaccine was not mandatory.
It’s my blood. It doesn’t belong to Bill Gates or Biden or any globalist retard. What do we have left as men, if we willingly give up the ownership of our own blood? Nothing. We have nothing left. And even worse, we would be fucking future generations of Americans. Children would be born into a globalist vaccine program, and would never know the freedom that we had, that we gave up willingly. The entire western world would be cursed forever into handing over control of their own blood. Our generation would be cursed with disgust by every next generation. How could we be so stupid and weak they would say.
The CDC and FDA and Congress and the head of Pfizer didn’t get it. And it reminded me of the Chernobyl series instantly. When the miner tosses the respirator mask at the nuclear physicist, and says “If it worked, you would be wearing them.”
That phrase is all you need to red pill people.
If the vaccine worked, the CDC and FDA and politicians would have all gotten them. Pretty obvious.
They’ve already.been doing this to kids for generations
I’ve said. FUCK YOU to the schools. But we’re the ONLY ONES
Well said! Your blood, like your mind and heart, is free—not someone else's slave.
Freebloods shall rule the world of the future.
I was/am the last holdout at work.
I'd love them to come to me and just say"we're sorry".
Never going to happen, so I'll privately enjoy my "hero" moment for a spell.
Then back to it.
Same here at the fire department. Mind boggling they all gave in. And still no discussion of the horseshittedness of it all.
Shout out to Jesus Christ for helping me weather this storm. Quit my job of 15 years and took a 60% pay cut to start my own business and couldn’t be happier. God is good.
Astronauts are fake lying fucks, but the rest is good.
"wE LoSt ThE tEcHnOlOgY tO gO bAcK tO tHe MoOn1!" God damned faggots.
Yeh, I find it hilarious they "allegedly" went to the moon using slide rules and computers with less power than a Casio digital watch and yet with all the tech we have today it's a no go? We can allegedly go to Mars but the moon is a no go?
Fkin clowns.
Exactly. Fucking retarded.
No, they're not. NASA is just run by cowards now.
We ain’t heroes. We’re just stubborn, and in my case also have total faith in Jesus. I don’t need man’s money to be successful and happy. The world wants you on your knees. And I will be, but for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
I do feel bad for those who knew it was wrong to take the shot and did so anyways for their livelihoods. But, that’s still a weak point. And I don’t like weak points. But the people I do care for.
And also to the original author. He mentioned the ark and religion(s). Almost stopped reading there. There is only one God.
I pray this prayer daily for my son, daughter and other family members who took the shot. This prayer was said to be given to a man of faith by Jesus in December 2020. I trust in Jesus to heal them.
Matthew Hopkins @MattHopkins_au · Aug 15 Two kinds of people in the world of #covid. Those that did their research and those that are the research. #unvaccinated
Well, I don't really think of being non-vaxed as heroic, but standing firm to one's principles and beliefs is a good trait. For some, like me, it was much easier than for other people. Others are rather gullible and trusting (of the wrong people). Many in society don't want to face reality. Others succumb to manipulation of their fears or their egos. In that sense I suppose these character traits many pure bloods have is admirable, but I wouldn't put us in the same league of courage as our brave military. I personally don't feel as if I was brave, just steadfastly holding onto my convictions. Those who had more at stake - jobs/income, dependent family, etc - have been brave through this ordeal. I've never cared what anyone else thinks or says about me. And I've always been hypersensitive to the "red flags" in life - occurrences that make you pause and delve further into understanding what's really going on.
For those who have shunned me or have been condescending towards me, I just thank God that He showed me who they truly are. It's reality that, while unpleasant, I feel is important. Wheat from the tares. Much is going to change in my interpersonal relationships going forward. This message to the unvaccinated is taken in the spirit it was intended - with appreciation.
Thanks for that. We were just being ourselves.
Lol this is the best reply. It is definitely a shared personality trait.
I'm a pure-blood/non-mask-wearing (ever) soldier. But I credit the BRAVE men and women who truly gave EVERYTHING (their lives) for this great country.
Yes, I know many of the wars were unjust (Banker wars), but not all of them, even many gave their lives because of their belief in freedom. These people gave me the courage to stand up to tyranny. I'm still standing (waiting for the new batch of (fill in 3 letter agency ___) TRAITORS to attack me. Bring it you fucking traitorous motherfuckers, bring in on.
One day, this same message will ring true, not for a shot, but for those proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ. Hold fast. This was but a taste for what is to come.
My parents, in-laws and a kid got vaxxed despite my protests. I had to move from DC because we were professionally threatened over the vax. I’ve watched friends have medical emergencies right in front of me. I’ve got friends and loved ones with sudden, terminal cancers and others who have died recently. I’ve lost or become estranged from friends. I’ve wached good friends jab themselves to keep their jobs. I don’t feel like a hero. I was just fortunate enough to be able to withstand the onslaught. I feel More like a survivor.
So incredibly sorry. Same. It stinks.
I still tear up when I come across an old friend and they share that they are vaccinated. They do not have a clue what they've done to themselves.
We are just people who are willing to see. That's all.
This was a nice commentary, and I do believe that those who lost their jobs and careers were extremely courageous and experienced the greatest of sacrifices, but I do believe that all of us who refused are heroes in a sense. If you want to use a "hero roster," then yes, the job losers should be at the top. That sacrifice was immense.
In the big picture, I believe the most important aspect of this ongoing debacle are the long lasting attitudes of many that still remain towards the unvaccinated. Yes, the ostracism, criticism, and avoidance has decreased quite a bit, but there are memories that will never be forgotten...especially the comments, the attitudes, and the anger displayed when that question was asked, "Are you vaccinated?" ANY explanation was normally met with disbelief, and more often than not, anger, and this is still occurring to some degree.
Regardless, we still need to feel proud about dodging many bullets because we chose to do research and chose to share and continue to share that research here on GAW.
it was a "make a stand" moment that many failed and may God have mercy on their souls🙏
sorry three posts today and next one twenty two hours ago...looked at wrong profile before👍
i see six from today and others from yesterday and back👍
I had it pretty easy, with little to no pressure but I would have NEVER gotten the shot, even if they threatened to fire me. I don't consider myself a hero at all. I did manage to ensure that none of my children (two adults, one teen) got the jab, even though they all have their heads in the sand... they trusted my judgement and advise, and for that I am grateful.
Heroes aren't supposed to think of themselves as such. So you're right on track. You are a hero to those whose lives you saved.
Since many tried telling me that I didn't have a choice in this decision, I decided that this stage was going to have to be painful for them. So yes...I am undefeated. I am baron Pureblood and you WILL address me as such. On the wall here I have my ... Certificate Of Victory ID. It was ALWAYS non-negoitable. You wanted me to die, and you damn well better hope you learned something from all this.
We’re from over and we’re not heroes. I’ll start putting labels on when I see public hangings happening for these pedophile protecting motherfuckers. For everyone who hasn’t succumbed to this scam, you’re all warriors.
In the future, when we are the last resort in a disaster, I pray there is a blood center worthy of our blood. Right now, I see a time when "I'm a pureblood" when entering a blood center will induce embarrasment to the medicos there...
This, plus it was global. I don't care what anyone else says. This is how you KNOW it was, and is The Mark of The Beast.
I think the vaccines are setting the stage for the Mark of the Beast, but this was just a trial run, in my opinion.
As children were forced to get it by their parents and had no choice in the matter, it doesn't fit the definition. The choice is going to be the Mark or a beheading, not the Mark or possible unemployment.
That's nice, but my family just thinks it's because I'm terminally stupid.
They're the ones who are terminal, anon.
Well thank you..
Thank you so much and God bless you. All my family except my mom two sisters and a brother in law didn’t get the jab because one of my sisters and I insisted to them not to get it. Thanks God they listened, my entire family did it. Who knows what is going to happened to them. I hope nothing but I have a bad feeling about this, unless President Trump get some antidote for the jab. I pray for them every day and believe or not some of them still wearing mask. Bummer 😔
Wow, I never knew I was so great just for remaining a freeblood...still just seems like simple common sense, really. If the govt is peeing all over themselves begging and cajoling, threatening and bribing you to do something, you can bet your sweet bippy it's not gonna be good for you.
Thanks for sharing, OP, that put a smile on my muzzle-free face!