President Trump today made a surprise visit to ARLINGTON DIGITAL CEMETERY and requested that GAW's mods restore any banned account to full military honors and status. If you wish to re-join GAWs ranks and participate with distinction, pls send a brief modmail requesting reinstatement. THANK YOU!
Sidebar = LIFE

Golden comment brother
If you intentionally and persistently.... not forgetting consistently cause 'havoc' by spreading lies and insulting members and continue to try and divide us you deserve the Ban...Unfortunately, some people are not 'redeemable'...IMO
edit: I forgot to add that I've got no time for shills/doomers/fedbois and Glowies...
There were a few we said NO to.
Lol....Thank God For that... I Do believe in 2nd chances but some "people" take it too far...
Do you guys shadow ban too? Asking for a friend, bc it seems you do sometimes
No. And it is not technically even possible. We're a .WIN. We can't go into the code and ghost certain users. We don't have access to do that because we aren't allowed to see the code. All we can do is use the mod tools our JIDF overlords give us.
How about a better system that can actually retrieve your user name/password bc the one in place does not work
Selectively allowing some "crazy" posts, whilst disrespecting users determined to be "crazy" (but the bad kind of crazy), and making posts (and stickying them) that cause division despite claiming to be for deterring division... 🍿
That includes MOST of the malcontents that could possibly try to put the genie back into the bottle. When disinformation shows up..I ask myself, WHAT IS THE DAMN GOAL???? Answer is always: DISCONTENT AND OBFUSCATION OF RELEVANT FACTS...
Back to our regularly scheduled programming!!!
Have you ever in your lifetime seen a president of the United States of America ever do this? This, as a former color guard midshipman, brings tears to my eyes. We would march in Mardi Gras parades with the colors. We were taught to ALWAYS respect and love this flag. How did we forget? Its not the party it represents, its the spirit of the American people, of this country.
Oh, that's you, BTW.
I’m but a simpleton riding on the back of the work done by people like yourself. But it brings tears to my eyes too.
This is the innate love of country that our leader SHOULD have, and yet Trump made me realize he’s the first and only President in our lifetimes (so far) to do so.
Couldn’t have said it any better
No gold fringes or darkened stars back then!
A man who fights for the love of his country, and gets crapped on for it every single day for 6 years and counting.... Something else.
I got banned for being anti-Q. So stopped that behavior because I’m a patriot. Mods are great.
I got banned for 2 days for a sarcastic post. It was pretty cool.
It's definitely weird to be "anti-Q", as the message is a positive one even if you don't believe in an overall plan.
That's what I don't understand about Patriots win. You have to fight a war on multiple fronts sometimes, and you have varying platoons or squads or legions or whatever you want to call it at any point.
We have people everywhere, fighting this battle from different points of assault. It's weird to be against the other groups within your team.
Yeah, that's why I will keep unhelpful opinions to myself. It's all about winning, nothing else matters.
Was banned for 14 day shilling. Once I knew there was such a thing I simply didn’t say that anymore.
I was accused of forum sliding by someone who threatened to kick my ass right after the steal. I admit that is kind of what I was doing. I just didn’t realize it. I repented.
Probably because I was pissing and moaning and getting topics derailed. I thought it might have been on GAW, maybe it was on PDW.
It's all about winning. Keep unhelpful opinions to ourselves. Lesson learned.
Please make it real: I miss my LQdy Frens u/BQnita and u/Undine53 !🙏🏻💐
Kind of you to say so :)
I missed you, LQdy, where were you? So glad to have you back!🤗💐
u/Mary911 shall also be happy you’re back!🤓
Shes been back. She was only gone for 7 days.
I messaged her, never got an answer. So I was snubbed but didn’t ever saw any others of her then omnipresent (excellent) contributions? u/BQnita, if you read this, please tell me: have I been annoying?
Yea, she's not banned. I just checked now.
Well, I do miss her.
We miss her too. She just disappeared one day. We'd love her to come back.
And yes, you're being annoying
Stop being so sensitive bro.
Kind of you to say so, thanks :)
Sanity is not a requirement to be a heavy lifter around here.
u/Bqnita was banned? What why?
Her latest posts and comment shows 1 month ago.
I didn't ban her, and her account isn't in a ban status.
I hope she is OK.
Not sure, but she disappeared before July.🥺
calling evspra
I miss Evspra. Best mod
That's a name I haven't seen in a while.
The comments are so funny! It's like everyone from Federal (pound me in the ass) Q jail commiserating about their charges. "What you in for, Anon?"
"They say I called Q a LARP, but I was framed I tell ya! Left my laptop open and fell asleep while my friend next door was over... he must'a did it! Goddamn commie liberal!"
"Wow, your neighbor huh? Damn shame." (aside to younger frog) "They're already taking bets. He won't make it outta the showers tonight."
*"First time?"
I never knew that there was an Arlington Digital Cemetery.
It's on the same rack as GAW, six feet below our server :D
It is in one of the hidden corridors underneath the Amphitheater, across from the Tomb Guard Quarters.
Now that's one helluva an olive branch C5!
Redemption and acceptance for those humble enough to simply ask.
Wait... so you’re saying there’s a chance that the Earth is flat? [ insert Hillary jail bars GIF here ]
KEK! I kid, I kid, I’m kidding! I’m totally not being serious...
Just illustrating...
Thanks pede!
How many of these banned users are there??
We get a ton of shills, the paid & the neckbeard kind.
So far about a dozen, and it's only been 20 or so minutes!
What ever happened to that Norman guy (amazing contributions from him) and Asperia / Inspra who used to be a mod?
Yes! Thank you Fren.
I couldn't remember the correct spelling.
After that debacle, didn't Evspra choose to exile themself?
Generally, I enjoyed anon's candor and contributions.
He also did tons of design work here. He's the reason this place looks so good.
Now that I got the correct spelling, there is a lot of sauce as to what publicly went down with Evspra a year ago. 😢
Yeah, sadly the same argument/rift continues today but in other forms. Anons trusting and defending to the death any PAYtriot streams/sources still goes on sadly.
IMO Evspra was proven correct about the whole George News fiasco
He initially gave me Alfred E Neuman, but maybe had to change it since I "borrowed" the Mad Magazine mascot and didn't own it.
Yeah I don't recall the events just the name
Yes, u/Norman_F_Dixon and
u/NotExpertBread aka u/ExpertBread
They have been missed.
Norman is a genius! Miss those contributions.
Lol, I made a big stink with the mods when he was banned, probably almost got myself banned...lol
Norman has actually been unbanned for a long time.
I know.
and wasn’t he was banned because of next level, brilliant sarcasm? I never thought he said anything offensive or over the top at all.
That is how I read his comments, as sarcasm
Reinstated. Old account is gone. Deleted and the name can not be used again.
Thanks for the reinstatement mod team.
He's dealing with a health issue that reoccurred, so everyone please lift him up in prayer!! 🙏🙌
You are so welcome Mary! Phish is a sweetie with a big heart! Praying for God's total healing and hoping all of our family here will keep him in their prayers! 🙏🙌💕
Bless you dear Mary! 😘
Thanks for the tip. Maybe others of the missing need a little recharge too.
What happened? What did I miss?
I listened to Del Bigtree today and he addresses the hate and support he got for having Alex Jones on the program but decided to air it anyway. He makes a good point. We shouldn't be afraid to hear from others just because they believe something we don't.
Please bring back the banned people. We don't need a safe space where everyone agrees.
He's not banned either. Check his comments
Reconciliation is always good, imo. I apologize preemptively for being a curmudgeon with a short fuse for superstition, urban myths, and conspiracies that might make us look like Qtards instead of Qstars.
Qstars = funny material man!
Hey, this is how to beat the bad labels, get there first with a good one.
NOTE: MODS CHECK NOTES BEFORE UNBANNING (meaning that we are unlikely to have another problem with Flat Earth/chemtards, who will continue to frolic and thrive on https://conspiracies.WIN). Thank you.
You don't believe in chemtrails?
You may THINK you have seen the SUN…..
Have you really ever seen it SHINE?
Best Is Yet To Come
So what exactly is the great awaking per the moderators?
See sidebar pls. Public face, blah blah blah
but bro the firmament and fake moon landing because they couldnt breach the glass dome!
I wonder how many actually do this
So far about two dozen
A silent bow.
Mods please let us know if we need to delete a post with a direct message. Some of us are learning and may not be as clear when a post not a q post.
We do appreciate our hard working mods.
OK, noted.
I know you don’t hear thank you a lot so I want you know you guys are appreciated and this is my go to place for news.
Well done. I think there's probably some refugees at the donald...er... patriots.win
It's good to be forgiving for the Patriots - as opposed to the true trolls and shills.
I don't keep up with all the heat, but I did see a couple nice folks banned in that recent Flat (Scorched) Earth ban hammer event that I sure hope didn't get run off permanently.
thank you.
How can you tell if you are banned or not? People were able to see my comments but not my posts.
This reminds me of when I stopped being a Bernie bro and wanted to join The Donald on Reddit back in 2017. I had to disavow Bernie Sanders and the left. Those were fun times
Put the potato down!
Is the two more weeks autoban in effect in minecraft asking for a friend not a two week ban?
Occasionally. Let's keep the dooming down to a dull roar!
am I banned?
Voat never did this stuff at qrv
Am I still banned?
I guess all the new bans for people posting things on other boards, has not gone to plan.
What are you even talking about, that was epic LULz
If we are notified by other moderators of incivil behavior on other .WINs, you WILL be banned here!
This is in the sidebar. I'm curious how often this happens. I think that's what this person is referencing but I have never seen that play out so I'm just curious lol
Yes, people over on conspiracies dot win have been banned from here, for posts they made there.
Please don’t turn this into another conspiracy clone. Conspiracies posted here should be slightly related to the Q movement if not directly related.
Strawman statement