The disappointment isn't the 2024 announcement. The disappointment was the lead up to this "being one of the most important days in the history of our country" and not even feeling remotely close like this was that.
I get Clandestine's sentiment and in an initial reaction I feel the same.
Not just that, but he didn't address the election fraud of 2022 nor did he address 2020. In fact, he flat out told us that Biden would complete his full 4 year term. In other words, he's conceded the 2020 election and his whole spiel about "you will all be very happy very soon, I will be back in the WH sooner than you think" was full of crap. Never seen such a low energy speech either.
Basically, there is no calvary. This was a message to us that we have to suck it up until 2024. That's how I read it. And you can shout disinfo at me until you're blue in the face (heh) but that dog don't hunt after 2 years of watching Biden et. al. lay waste to our country.
I don't see it that way. It was a message to the middle. He has us on lock (and that's ok). He has to get the 'middle left' on his side. While fraud is apparent, the left does not believe so. Telling them something they dont wanna hear is not gonna get them on his side. He knows these next couple of years are gonna make everyone suffer including the left. Therefore he has to be tolerable enough for them to turn to.
The Dem base is ill prepared for whats coming. Likely deep recession if not worse, mass unemployment, people without food, gas shortages etc. Not a single lefty I know has even next week's cereal in their pantry let alone what they will need for whats likely going to hit us. They WILL turn on the Dems. That's not even in question.
So Clandestine is spot on but in the wrong way. Trump is a fan of Sun Tzu and that's precisely why he didn't tell his base what they ALREADY knew and the left what they would reject outright.
What purpose what it have served to give up the goods on the fraudsters? Would that have persuaded the media to cover him in good light? Would have the media magically seen the error of their ways and in turn devoted their airtime to demanding a fair election? How about their base? We all know the answer.
So why did he promote his announcement as possibly a "great historical event"? Easy. He needed all eyes on him while he gave a docile, focused, rarely seen, middle of the road and agreeable side of him. The opposite of what the media has portrayed him to be. Why did the media show up in such big numbers? Easy. They recognize the election was stolen yet again and they were hoping to hear some real scandalas shit. They would have spun it the next day just as their handlers would have demanded but .. they still wanted to hear it. Instead they showed their base exactly what they have been avoiding for the past 6 years, with great success, a logical and reasonable Trump.
Clandestine is just pissed because he broadcasted his predictions as if he knew more than you or I knew. Only problem is that he had a bunch of followers hanging on his every word and now they are calling him out and likely unfollowing his ass. He'll post some shit in a couple days talking about his latest theory on Trump's latest 'Sun Tzu' move that included capturing the left with tonight's speech. You watch.
Bottom line is that we all wanna see them pay for what they have done these past 6 years and we didn't get that. What the movement did get however was the likely best move.
Satisfaction delayed but I beleive we'll still get justice.
And there are those who will be in shackles while being escorted into FEMA camps putting a spin on how Trump is a genius and this is all part of his plan to wake up some sleeping faction of lefties. “He had to show them” you’ll say.
Folks, the elections in some places have 129%+ turnout or registered voters and even > 100% of county populations (which are legally impossible). If space force or any miltary people are watching by now there is ample evidence of the acts and this whole thing could be dismantled. I’m all for a great storybook ending where the good guys win…..but I’m no longer a fucking fool. I’m turning this shit off like I did the NFL 6 years ago.
Heck if "turning this shit off" and getting mad someone else didn't do something about it keeps the shackles off. I shall be off'ing everything and wait to be dissapointed.
The answer to all of this is right in Clandestine’s post and everyone is missing it (including him). This is the weakest Trump has ever looked and he portrayed himself that way during the speech. He was somber, low energy, defeatist. Sun Tzu says- appear weak when you are strong. This speech is plausible deniability for the shit that is about to go down. It keeps him out of it. In this speech, he is giving up- so people can’t say he is behind a coup or a dictator or whatever. We are extremely close to shit hitting the fan. And he may have been right that it won’t be totally fixed until 2024. But that line was like a gut punch and he knows it. He’s not dumb, he is never low energy and he would only leave us hanging like this for a short amount of time in my opinion.
You cant talk about things sometimes..... it was always obvious he was gonna do this. Its super frustrating watching the pace of unraveling evil but he was never meant to be a saviour just a vessel.
It was the same thing he did to us Jan 6. He told everyone to be there for something fucking huge. The only thing huge was the trap. Didn’t fall for it this time.
I don’t think anyone not on lithium would choose to describe the Kennedy assassination as “disappointing.” 😄 What, was Pearl Harbor a “tiff”, and 9/11 “a real bummer”?
OK, you enjoy semantics. You like bait ‘n’ switch word play. There’s certainly no hyperbole calling Trump announcing a run for President the most disappointing moment in the history of American politics.
Yeah, I think people looking forward to eight years of JFK and then eight years of RFK as President only to have both of them shot and killed was a bigger disappointment in American politics than Trump announcing he is running for President in 2024.
Perhaps Trump knows more than us, as history isn’t finished. If Trump does win in 2024, his announcement could very well be an important or decisive day in American political history. However, a claim like that is obviously hype and subjective so it’s strange to me that people would read so much into it, especially from Trump, who always describes things as the biggest and the best. Remember, he’s not just not racist, he’s probably the least racist person in all of America. He literally hypes everything like this all the time. It’s part of his strategy and attitude and natural tendency to lean towards positive, big, bold thinking.
I feel 100% the same way. This puffery bullshit comes on the heels of another OVERT stolen Election, talk of WW3, massive financial grift. So much for some
Bullshit Secret Op. fuking bullshit. We’ve been scammed
How long has he even been around? Feels like less than a year.
I've only been an anon for a couple of years, and this sort of "letdown" only became normal for me this year. I stopped treating basic deltas as gospel and started looking at the situation in a practical way, at a high level. Put yourself in the shoes of a white hat leader.
I think we can all agree: all the shit they were planning to drop on Trump has to be dumped on Biden. Market crash. Hyperinflation. Vaccine mandates. World War 3. etc. Americans must see the government go "full retard" and betray them in the worst way possible in order to wake up. We're partway through that process.
Secondly, we need more awakening. You can see signs of it everywhere. The Chapelle speech on SNL exposing Hollywood's exploitation of blacks. The GME apes exposing the SEC. The lawsuits gradually working their way through the courts exposing vaccine/pharma genocide. This will take time, and white hats are giving us space to experience the general trauma of the Great Reset while still keeping the skeleton of the economy intact.
Putting a bunch of Republicans in power never fixed anything and won't fix anything now. We have enough to spin up committees in the House and that's what matters. We won only what's needed for the next phase of the operation.
"You have all the tools you need."
We needed the House in order to spin up investigations, perform hearings, and increase the Awakening. That's it. Leaving the Dems in power with their latest stolen elections is part of the plan and they will continue us down the path of controlled retardation. The destruction Biden is overseeing is only halfway done.
The only tiny ray of hope I have in all of this is that Trump surely would not nuke his own base's morale the way he just did unless he was wrapping up. He's made no missteps for years and it would be weird to, seemingly intentionally, trip up this hard for no fucking reason. I'm still fucking pissed at the hype for that speech though.
EXACTLY. Sun Tzu never said anything about plying disinfo against your own people. This argument of "disinformation" has risen here to cult-like status. Anything that comes out of Trump's mouth that people don't understand or don't agree with is just disinfo for the bad guys. Really? How long are people going to cling to that?
It's pretty obvious that when you use use public disinformation to confuse your enemy, your own people will hear it, too. Your top generals may know the truth, but you can't share your top-secret strategies with all your soldiers.
Me too. I'm fairly sure that he is ensuring he is distanced from the stuff going on in the background, but at some point that starts to sound like rationalisation and I feel like we're entering echo-chamber territory.
He’s spot on about the optics. His entire base have been waiting for solutions, for him to grow this so much for announcing a run is gonna leave so many people salty and it’s understandable
We have been kicked in the guts for two years…and picked ourselves up to fight again and again…no one running could have thought that things were solved…I am so disheartened that the people RUNNING FOR OFFICE didn’t have shit locked down and gamed out.
WTF is going on? I’ve been watching Charlie Kirk all week…and I think that’s what really did me in. All the talk of a path…and not enough forceful talk of BS.
So the plan is…we ballot harvest the F&@& out of swing states…cheat “legally” and take control…do you think we are going to have great people running again in two years…some of the people who have lost this round do not have trust funds and simply need to get a job to survive now…we have lost some amazing talent.
Do we think we’re going to get another round of amazing talent in two years? Do we want people who haven’t held a job other than electioneering in four years to run?
The Ds have shown it’s not about the policy or the candidate. In PA the voters or the CCP literally voted for a dead man, and a brain dead man…on the same ballot. It’s ONLY about the ballots…who can get more. Frankly, we may be in the majority of “voters”…but I can’t believe we are in the “majority of bodies older than 18”. The Ds win that every time.
Yeah. Trump himself for months has been STRONGLY hinting he would be back 'before 2024' - and some 'insiders' were talking about he will get 6 more years - as in something big was coming before Jan 2023 where he gets back in.
Maybe it will still happen with all these cases coming - but the 'most historic announcement in US history' was not supposed to simply be 'Im running again'.
Q posts imply military action. Reposting Q posts is implying military action. While the campaign speech was fine, it was not anything resembling military action.
So this seems like a really egotistical and stupid move right now. Why wouldn't he wait until the runoff is over? I am seriously dooming right now and feel like our country is fooked. But then I think about Obama/Bush misinformation team up today. Is it possible that he did this to troll? Maybe all the hype was to try and make them think he was going to tell the world about something damning but instead announced he's running? Just trying to make sense of things.
But then I think about Obama/Bush misinformation team up
I have to believe O and W are all prepared to talk about disinformation from what they thought Trump was going to drop tonight. They have it all sketched out and ready to go. Now what are they going to talk about?
Perhaps Trump made them expend some ammo with all the hype.
Trump wouldn't drop info and announce in the same speech. Now that he has announced and it is out of the way, game on. He has all the info he needs to drop bomb after bomb from now until 24.
And when it comes to big bombs, things like the election thieves were caught, etc. I don't think that will come from him. I think it will come from those who can actually prosecute it. As of now, the military is the only way. (Although there is that huge court case that was stickied tonight).
Trump can't prosecute the fraud. Only the courts or the military can. If neither of them do, as we have hoped, then I am not sure what options exist, other than We The People rising up like Brazil.
There have been zero examples of massive Protests for the 2022 fraud. Perhaps the J6 has played its role and scared everyone from practicing their first amendment right.
We only have rights if we use them. If we don't use them. Those rights are lost.
The only one who “spent their ammo” is Donald Trump. How many of his rabid followers did he lose today? Millions? tTens of millions? Nobody wanted this except for the straight-up cult-of-personality Trump cultists.
How many voters did the Democrats lose today? I’d say zero, but in reality, they probably printed out another 10,000 at Runbeck today. 🤷♂️
I don't know. At Trump's last rally speech (Ohio, I think?), he said he was really, really, really considering 2024, or at least alluded to it heavily. He was letting everyone know he was going to announce his run.
Then he held back and said, tonight's not my night, it's JD's night and it's all of these other wonderful candidate's nights. He then proceeded to name dozens of natuonwide candidates to give them the spotlight one last time before the midterms.
He did all of this after barnstorming the country and bringing out the millions you speak of either in person or via livestream, all to focus on winning the midterms. Not to benefit his own run in 24.
We all new his announcement was coming. He initially planned it for the night of the election and then bumped it back a week once it became clear counts would be delayed.
In just that one week the entire msm and rino establishment sought to divide Trump and his base and declare that DeSantis was the champ and Trump was the chump. He had to announce sooner rather then later to squelch all that BS. Plus, he had his daughter's wedding to fit in and I am sure he wanted to be part of that experience.
Just because we all wanted some huge drop tonight, if we are really honest, his announcement to run in 24 was the most obvious topic for the night.
The election of 2022 still needs to be sorted out and there is still the possibility it will be resolved. It won't be officially over for another month.
And here's the thing, what Trump did for the MAGA candidates nationwide was HUGE. It really was a Red Wave despite what the MSM says. Republicans had 5 or 6 Million more votes than democrats. That is historic. And in my opinion, it's also very strong evidence of widespread fraud.
I think I saw a post that said 83% of election day voters in AZ were republican, yet the vote tallies for those votes came in at 50/50? 🤔
Your reasoning is logical and I think you are right that he can truly drop some bombs, now that he's announced his run. I do wonder why he didn't address fixing our elections beforehand and the amount of cheating that is happening, but I think that his speech was intended for those who are not battle weary (normies). There was plenty of information out there that this was going to be his messaging, but it got built-up that it was finally going to be the big reveal due to the 'Historic' tag line. Now everyone who thought it was time are rightfully disappointed. I personally don't think that reveal or anything to do with catching massive election fraud will come from Trump because those that already hate him wouldn't care and the media would spin it as a dangerous conspiracy theory. Also, what if Trump didn't announce his run and went off to enjoy the fruits of his labor? What would everyone say, then? The fact that this was broadcast on CNN and other normie outlets was an attempt to gain voters and he had to appear cool, calm and collected. Now, I really want to know what is going on behind the scenes to give him the confidence that he won't lose to cheaters, again? He must know something, but his avoidance of the topic was noticeable and seemed intentional, which is why I believe he was speaking to the normie/ Tim Pool-types who don't believe there was/is election fraud.
Oh, I couldn’t agree more that the Red Tsunami was real. And was almost entirely repelled by Democrat fraud gone nuclear. Trump gets a great deal of credit for that.
So great. And it will sadly NEVER be replicated. Nobody’s falling for that “just vote even harder and we’ll get ‘em” nonsense ever again. The Q Crew voters are now either done, or too embarrassed to admit it yet. The Republican Party is now beset by rivalries that didn’t exist a week ago, and whoever or whatever you want to blame for this, it’s massive. And the undefeated Democrat Fraud Juggernaut will be twice as shameless in 2024.
Yes, the Red Tsunami was absolutely real. But anyone who now dares claim this fact in public better get ready for the unhinged and undamaged totalitarian media to absolutely destroy you as an “election denier.” Whatever the consequences of telling the truth two years ago, the media are nothing if not emboldened to continue to lie and destroy twice as hard now.
And Trump not announcing in Ohio? All I can say is that if there was any possibility that there was a worse time to announce a 2024 campaign than right in the middle of having your party’s hard-won victories stolen right in front of their faces… it would have been then. So, what, were there truly no other sane, decent options available besides those two?!?
Something is just really, really wrong, with everything… and bizarrely, that feeling is now the only thing that gives me any hope. But I’ll get over that; it’s just residual delusion.
There are lots of emotions right now and we're all dealing with them in different ways. We all deserve to process them and deal with them in our own personal ways. Each person will deal with them in different ways.
I wrote a post about ten months ago on this topic for times like these. It was cathartic for me and I think it may have helped a few frens too. Personally, it helped me understand how to win battles and ultimately this global information war.
It may help you and others feeling the same way. I don't know. I hope so. Whether it does or not I wish you peace and understanding. Hold the line.
Q said potus needs to be insulated… him coming out saying i have info and military needs to arrest now doesnt make him insulated… it makes him the target… he is gonna play the innocent one just trying to rerun… when its time and the military pounces… thats when it will happen… and trump will be unaware… optics wise..
Nothing will fix/stop the cheating… the whole system needs an overhaul. No matter how many numbers come out to vote R, D’s take the vote by .8% everytime.
Q said military is the only way… and it will happen when they think enough of the public is on board…
So stop date faggin, focus on u and your loved ones, and just be prepped as best as possible
Yeah but it still doesn’t make sense that Trump would be the one to make these types of announcements. I would think if military is the only way, then it would be military making the announcement. And then Trump responding to it along with everyone else.
Yeah, totally… except for what I just said. If Trump is supposed to eventually play the shocked “Who? Me? What? Involved in the military-led takedown of the entire Deep State?!?” card, a) gosh, nobody’s going to believe that, nor should they, and b) he’s instead gone comically out of his way, repeatedly, to give the exact opposite impression.
All this straw grasping reminds me that plastic straws are being systematically outlawed state-by-state, but even though paper straws are a miserable abomination that everybody hates, Democrats don’t have to worry about voters ever tossing them out over any tyrannical abuses, cuz they can fix any election they want.
Aanyways, I sincerely do appreciate the laudable effort to give me some continued hope, but you and I both know, deep down, that that particular bit of desperate logic just doesn’t fly.
How many damn times do we have to sit here and expect all the info to be spoon-fed to us immediately? Seriously?!? He said "great historical event" meaning in the future we will look at this as a great historical event. When things happen, it's hard for us to see the ramifications right away. Those ramifications still have to HAPPEN!
How many times have things happened, seemingly innocuous or miniscule, that turn out to be a massive win or a huge turn in the right direction? Some of you have no faith in the guy, even after all we've been through.
And frankly, it's PATHETIC.
I'm not saying I'm hyped. I'm not saying I know why he said it's a "great historical event". All I'm saying is we've been through this SO MANY TIMES, and still we all whine and bitch and moan like hungry infants.
People forget how everyone used to flip out over Trump. Remember when he first announced the Muslim ban? Everyone said he ruined his campaign, then his poll numbers went up. This kind of thing would happen over and over again. Remember when everyone said him shit-talking Kim Jong Un over Twitter would start a war, then he signed a peace deal instead?
There are people who like to micro-manage and criticize Trump. They act as if they could do what he does, and better, but meanwhile they wouldn’t have made any of his counter-intuitive moves that were so successful. And they never go back and admit they were wrong. Instead they take on Trump’s win as their own after the fact and go right back to nitpicking his current negotiation.
Honestly I have to agree. Motivation is the key to winning. I’m with Trump till the end but motivated I’m not. We knew he was gonna announce but we we’re hoping for something more …
I'm curious though, did he hype up his statement more than usual? Or more that TODAY was a big deal. That could be referring to something completely different... I hope...
Yeah I watched the announcement. Honestly guys, trumps just one guy. He was very low energy.
Something is up. He’s usually roaring to go. So idk, maybe it’s to hide the Supreme Court thing, or maybe his team told him to act more civil and that will help others you scared to come to you?
Idk but it’s almost like you know something is up when your kids who are normally noisy are very quiet. This seems to be the very quiet part.
Trump is first and foremost a businessman. His pressers are handled like a business PR environment. His speeches in other countries are presented with diplomatic sensibilities to working toward mutually beneficial outcomes. His rallies are like employee motivational conferences. He has a keen sense of who his audience is and what he is there for and presents appropriately according to the venue. Always has.
“Trump is a student of Sun Tzu but I’m mad and this move doesn’t make sense to my angry brain right now so I’m throwing the last thing I said out the window.”
I'm not thinking that. We all want this over yesterday. But looking around, it's pretty clear the Great Awakening has only just started to reach the normies. As Trump implied tonight, there's still a way to go if you feel you have to show, rather than tell.
Interesting that Clandestine notes Trump as a student of Sun Tzu while also having such a narrow minded take.
How can you bring up Sun Tzu and not also note the strategic importance of misdirecting your enemies in order to mortally strike them? If we all know it’s a misdirection, it’s probably a shitty misdirection.
I’m not saying that’s what’s happening. I’m just making an observation. Where the hell would we jump ship to?
It seems to me that many White Hat moves are initially introduced to the public as wins for the Black Hats, but then those wins consistently seem to deteriorate into losses for them. To me this almost seems like a strategy to get them into the public eye. Jussie Smollett was like this. Hydroxychloroquine. Zelensky phone call. Avenatti. Even the Mueller Report. The corporate media tries to amplify the initial win and downplay the later loss, and they do that fairly well, but this contrast is also what triggers awakening, because each new story gives more people a chance to experience that flip. And for each person, the story flip that finally woke them up is different, so that’s why they keep setting up the same pattern over and over again. Corporate media keeps taking the bait because that’s their fuel to keep the charade going, but the more they keep the charade going, the more people wake up, and once people see through one charade, others follow. When revealing the truth means showing how many lies people believe in, how else could this be accomplished? There wouldn’t be a way to select one lie to expose that would effectively dismantle all the others since this process seems to be so subjective, and it has to work through each person’s individual psychological defenses and financial/social incentives.
I shut it off after he said Biden would serve out his full 4 years and that it would make it easier for us to win 2024 when America "wakes up" to Biden's awful term. That completely contradicts his statements about fixing 2020. It's also completely tone deaf considering how easily they keep stealing elections. It's one thing to play Sun Tzu and confuse your enemies, it's another thing entirely to completely demoralize your base and lie to them.
Newsfash: We were crushed by Gen Z voting so they could kill their children. There is no waking up. This argument that "it has to get just a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiitle bit worse" so normies wake up is bullshit. The worse it gets, the more they will crave for daddy government to save them. C'mon guys...
But we will never again have anything remotely like that Red Tsunami coalition that truly did deliver the tidal wave of votes last Tuesday. Now can anyone even imagine someone ever pushing that “we just got to keep voting even harder” nonsense again? We knew ’it was a lie, but we still hoped against hope our votes would be protected. Never again.
It takes like fifteen minutes to vote every two years. It’s not this huge effort.
None of the people refusing to vote are actually gonna go 1776 like they claim. They are amped up and talking tough on the Internet. So when they say this, remember, they are now just a guy who is NOT voting AND not going 1776, which is even more pathetic.
That’s literally the opposite of any (pre-mass-election-fraud) election strategy that has ever succeeded, but yeah, I’m sure this fool-em-disappoint-them-and-humiliate-them-over-and-over-again-and-keep-expecting-record-turnout-and-support strategy is going to be a winner… because Trump. 👍 🤪
Then go put into practice whatever you think the solution should be. I’m not sure how you think complaining on the Internet solves anything. Why don’t you run for President and show everyone how it should be done? Or if you believe it’s time for 1776, then does that mean everyone can expect to see you on the news this week, storming your local government buildings and media stations with your totally-not-pacified militia that you surely have been assembling in the past two years of not trusting the plan, right?
Or is that NOT going to happen and you are another guy not taking action into your own hands while trying to tell everyone else on the Internet to take action into their own hands?
People have been bitching about Q and the plan for years now, yet where is their alternative? What have they accomplished? There is no alternative. Their entire strategy is to nitpick Q until the Q supporters (who they claim are idiots) rise up and lead the 1776 revolution for them. Makes perfect sense, right? All the true patriots who see through Q can’t make a move until the idiots who follow Q rise up and lead their 1776 militias.
Clandestine has been black pilling lately no matter this post. In fact, I stopped subscribing to his channel because he was getting so fricking depressing.
I mean look, DJT talks big - that's part of who he is. I too was hoping for YUGE news but figured it would be him announcing a 2024 run.
He yanks chains and he gave the DIMS, MSM and RINOs a big old yank last night.
How can anyone cite Sun Tzu and not get the idea of “appear weak when you are strong”. He is goading them with a fuck you. This is a big red laser pointer to the DS cat and they will run after it. Like they always do. Meanwhile folks get more and more pissed off and trundle ever closer to the precipice. We were told that he had to be hands off, that prosecutions when they occur cannot be seen to involve him. What he is doing now is drawing them on and on to expose every last one of them. I’m not saying the DS hasn’t gained some ground, this is an ongoing moving situation with multiple variables in play every hour. Moves and counter moves. There’s bound to be stuff happening that doesn’t go the White hats way and they have to reassess, recalibrate and react. This battle is now drawing out the deep deep embeds in the media, those who were ostensibly MAGA who would wait til it was the most vital time and shiv you in the kidneys. We all want the big Hollywood denouement, but rather than a movie I’d suggest this is more like one of those role playing stories that you could get as a teen, where you make a choice on a plot line in each page that drives the story to this way or that. We turn the page, choose to go on or just give in. To me I have no choice but to listen to my gut which has said to me about GEOTUS since day 1 “cometh the hour cometh the man”. He was picked for this fight by God Himself, and this is on Gods timeline not our imperfect impatient one. God Bless
I hope that’s not supposed to be a defense of Trump. Because it’s effectively a defenestration of Trump, whose seductive and cheap promises were nothing but a narcotic to patriotic self-determination.
President Trump started the speech with, "America's comeback starts right now" which was the most important part of the speech. I felt what most did, a letdown, but after dwelling on this it is more optics and as another anon said, protects him from the fraudulent FBI/Unselect J6 committee. I believe with the posts of late we will see the military to take control of our situation in front of the public. This also separates POTUS from the military optics. Why else would the talk of the NG in 14+ states, etc. Just a thought.
After sleeping and thinking it over. I'm going to go out and say the "great historical event" will be a future proves past type of thing.
"America's comeback starts right now" this statement is a very good light, but the issue with the black-pill some anons might be feeling (including myself a little) is the fact that he made that type of statement back in 2015/2016 and look where we are now, It's crazy we thought Obama was the worse and look at right now, and it's only going to get 100x worse.
Overall, this was for the normies, and it would have done all of us here at GAW better if we didn't even know about this event, or tuned it out.
Different people are motivated in different ways. Some people need so.eone to make them feel safe. Some people need to see him behave a little more traditional. Trump shouldnt be all over the news putting people on blast. He has to change things up a bit. Or the media will chew him appart. "See, hes the same old Drumpf"
Unbelievable how many of you cry babies are ready to jump ship!! Trump and team are masters at 5D chess and if you all don't step back and let this settle and add a little dose of wisdom to your deeper understanding of what is going on here I say who wants you on our team anyhow? You know you can not take these things at face value! This is a freaking brilliant strategy. See if you can stop bitching look enough to see why it's so perfect. Just saying.
Unpopular take: Biggest winner tonight was DeSantis. He has remained above the fray while Trump has made unforced errors taking pot shots. This has to be the biggest anti-climatic announcement for President ever. Even TRUMP talked about his announcement and how happy everyone would be. Completely sucked the air out of it for weeks. And now, on the heels of Arizona being stolen...? So weird and disappointing.
The disappointment isn't the 2024 announcement. The disappointment was the lead up to this "being one of the most important days in the history of our country" and not even feeling remotely close like this was that.
I get Clandestine's sentiment and in an initial reaction I feel the same.
Not just that, but he didn't address the election fraud of 2022 nor did he address 2020. In fact, he flat out told us that Biden would complete his full 4 year term. In other words, he's conceded the 2020 election and his whole spiel about "you will all be very happy very soon, I will be back in the WH sooner than you think" was full of crap. Never seen such a low energy speech either.
Basically, there is no calvary. This was a message to us that we have to suck it up until 2024. That's how I read it. And you can shout disinfo at me until you're blue in the face (heh) but that dog don't hunt after 2 years of watching Biden et. al. lay waste to our country.
I don't see it that way. It was a message to the middle. He has us on lock (and that's ok). He has to get the 'middle left' on his side. While fraud is apparent, the left does not believe so. Telling them something they dont wanna hear is not gonna get them on his side. He knows these next couple of years are gonna make everyone suffer including the left. Therefore he has to be tolerable enough for them to turn to.
The Dem base is ill prepared for whats coming. Likely deep recession if not worse, mass unemployment, people without food, gas shortages etc. Not a single lefty I know has even next week's cereal in their pantry let alone what they will need for whats likely going to hit us. They WILL turn on the Dems. That's not even in question.
So Clandestine is spot on but in the wrong way. Trump is a fan of Sun Tzu and that's precisely why he didn't tell his base what they ALREADY knew and the left what they would reject outright.
What purpose what it have served to give up the goods on the fraudsters? Would that have persuaded the media to cover him in good light? Would have the media magically seen the error of their ways and in turn devoted their airtime to demanding a fair election? How about their base? We all know the answer.
So why did he promote his announcement as possibly a "great historical event"? Easy. He needed all eyes on him while he gave a docile, focused, rarely seen, middle of the road and agreeable side of him. The opposite of what the media has portrayed him to be. Why did the media show up in such big numbers? Easy. They recognize the election was stolen yet again and they were hoping to hear some real scandalas shit. They would have spun it the next day just as their handlers would have demanded but .. they still wanted to hear it. Instead they showed their base exactly what they have been avoiding for the past 6 years, with great success, a logical and reasonable Trump.
Clandestine is just pissed because he broadcasted his predictions as if he knew more than you or I knew. Only problem is that he had a bunch of followers hanging on his every word and now they are calling him out and likely unfollowing his ass. He'll post some shit in a couple days talking about his latest theory on Trump's latest 'Sun Tzu' move that included capturing the left with tonight's speech. You watch.
Bottom line is that we all wanna see them pay for what they have done these past 6 years and we didn't get that. What the movement did get however was the likely best move.
Satisfaction delayed but I beleive we'll still get justice.
And there are those who will be in shackles while being escorted into FEMA camps putting a spin on how Trump is a genius and this is all part of his plan to wake up some sleeping faction of lefties. “He had to show them” you’ll say.
Folks, the elections in some places have 129%+ turnout or registered voters and even > 100% of county populations (which are legally impossible). If space force or any miltary people are watching by now there is ample evidence of the acts and this whole thing could be dismantled. I’m all for a great storybook ending where the good guys win…..but I’m no longer a fucking fool. I’m turning this shit off like I did the NFL 6 years ago.
Heck if "turning this shit off" and getting mad someone else didn't do something about it keeps the shackles off. I shall be off'ing everything and wait to be dissapointed.
This👆🏻👆🏻!! PM sent.
The answer to all of this is right in Clandestine’s post and everyone is missing it (including him). This is the weakest Trump has ever looked and he portrayed himself that way during the speech. He was somber, low energy, defeatist. Sun Tzu says- appear weak when you are strong. This speech is plausible deniability for the shit that is about to go down. It keeps him out of it. In this speech, he is giving up- so people can’t say he is behind a coup or a dictator or whatever. We are extremely close to shit hitting the fan. And he may have been right that it won’t be totally fixed until 2024. But that line was like a gut punch and he knows it. He’s not dumb, he is never low energy and he would only leave us hanging like this for a short amount of time in my opinion.
Well I certainly hope you're right.
You cant talk about things sometimes..... it was always obvious he was gonna do this. Its super frustrating watching the pace of unraveling evil but he was never meant to be a saviour just a vessel.
Hype from Trump didn't bother me.
People buying into the hype and attempting to suppress people who knew what it was going to be did though. That's not his fault, not really.
It was the same thing he did to us Jan 6. He told everyone to be there for something fucking huge. The only thing huge was the trap. Didn’t fall for it this time.
48 hour rule
How long until that gets stretched out to 2 years, though?
Even joking the answer to that will receive wrath
That's where I'm at.
I've never seen Clandestine be negative. Something is up.
He’s always spoken what I’ve thought
He’s still doing it.
Most likely answer: He’s simply honest.
This is the single most disappointing moment in American political history.
It’s historic.
Well I'll give you that I guess. It was monumentally disappointing.
He responded to Kash Truth w/ a hint of urgency re: election integrity >> ‘24 announcement. Throw us a bone dawg…
More disappointing than the assassination of JFK?
I don’t think anyone not on lithium would choose to describe the Kennedy assassination as “disappointing.” 😄 What, was Pearl Harbor a “tiff”, and 9/11 “a real bummer”?
OK, you enjoy semantics. You like bait ‘n’ switch word play. There’s certainly no hyperbole calling Trump announcing a run for President the most disappointing moment in the history of American politics.
Well why don’t you go ahead and type up your list, and we can compare? 🤣
Yeah, I think people looking forward to eight years of JFK and then eight years of RFK as President only to have both of them shot and killed was a bigger disappointment in American politics than Trump announcing he is running for President in 2024.
Perhaps Trump knows more than us, as history isn’t finished. If Trump does win in 2024, his announcement could very well be an important or decisive day in American political history. However, a claim like that is obviously hype and subjective so it’s strange to me that people would read so much into it, especially from Trump, who always describes things as the biggest and the best. Remember, he’s not just not racist, he’s probably the least racist person in all of America. He literally hypes everything like this all the time. It’s part of his strategy and attitude and natural tendency to lean towards positive, big, bold thinking.
I feel 100% the same way. This puffery bullshit comes on the heels of another OVERT stolen Election, talk of WW3, massive financial grift. So much for some Bullshit Secret Op. fuking bullshit. We’ve been scammed
Not just “on the heels”.
The demons were literally stealing elections as he spoke!
I can't believe he basically gave him rally speech here. So sad.
On J6, after being an hour late leaving everyone waiting in the freezing cold, he gave the same rally speech from a week before. Low energy.
Maybe the shots got to his mind
Agreed, and I hate to say it... but it was a letdown.
I don't think he meant jump ship as in go somewhere else. I think it means go nowhere. Become so dispirited the base just dissolves. That's my fear.
How long has he even been around? Feels like less than a year.
I've only been an anon for a couple of years, and this sort of "letdown" only became normal for me this year. I stopped treating basic deltas as gospel and started looking at the situation in a practical way, at a high level. Put yourself in the shoes of a white hat leader.
I think we can all agree: all the shit they were planning to drop on Trump has to be dumped on Biden. Market crash. Hyperinflation. Vaccine mandates. World War 3. etc. Americans must see the government go "full retard" and betray them in the worst way possible in order to wake up. We're partway through that process.
Secondly, we need more awakening. You can see signs of it everywhere. The Chapelle speech on SNL exposing Hollywood's exploitation of blacks. The GME apes exposing the SEC. The lawsuits gradually working their way through the courts exposing vaccine/pharma genocide. This will take time, and white hats are giving us space to experience the general trauma of the Great Reset while still keeping the skeleton of the economy intact.
Putting a bunch of Republicans in power never fixed anything and won't fix anything now. We have enough to spin up committees in the House and that's what matters. We won only what's needed for the next phase of the operation.
"You have all the tools you need."
We needed the House in order to spin up investigations, perform hearings, and increase the Awakening. That's it. Leaving the Dems in power with their latest stolen elections is part of the plan and they will continue us down the path of controlled retardation. The destruction Biden is overseeing is only halfway done.
Were going to change his name to RINOClandestine.
Didn't Sun Tzu say to confuse the enemy and look like you are weakest when you are strongest?
Pretty sure that doesn't overlap with demoralising your own support though.
The only tiny ray of hope I have in all of this is that Trump surely would not nuke his own base's morale the way he just did unless he was wrapping up. He's made no missteps for years and it would be weird to, seemingly intentionally, trip up this hard for no fucking reason. I'm still fucking pissed at the hype for that speech though.
We are being separated wheat from chaff. Even "insignificant" anons KeK
At this rate there won't be much wheat left to win even a fair election.
You can do more with one seed than a million husks
Well, the Democrats can certainly do more with one crooked operation than we can with a million voters.
Then get out of the pile of "we" you are in and find a "we" pile that knows what's up and isn't burnt.
Don't put up with stress and confusion too long. It makes people old and hunched over.
Not if your solution is to vote harder.
EXACTLY. Sun Tzu never said anything about plying disinfo against your own people. This argument of "disinformation" has risen here to cult-like status. Anything that comes out of Trump's mouth that people don't understand or don't agree with is just disinfo for the bad guys. Really? How long are people going to cling to that?
It's pretty obvious that when you use use public disinformation to confuse your enemy, your own people will hear it, too. Your top generals may know the truth, but you can't share your top-secret strategies with all your soldiers.
Considering all the infiltration by all the sleepers, is there a way to give disinfo to the enemy without giving it to your own people?
Sun tzu didn't write anything about an information war. New war = new strategies.
Also don't forget:
Yeah, I'm somehow both hopeful and demoralized
Me too. I'm fairly sure that he is ensuring he is distanced from the stuff going on in the background, but at some point that starts to sound like rationalisation and I feel like we're entering echo-chamber territory.
Thank you! Spot on!
I have no idea what the plan is but Trump is smart. There is a reason why he did this in this way.
I'm sure there is, but it's a bitter pill to swallow.
He’s spot on about the optics. His entire base have been waiting for solutions, for him to grow this so much for announcing a run is gonna leave so many people salty and it’s understandable
Yeah. Not just Trump, but everyone around hyping this up as a 'most important event in history' was fucking deceptive.
Everyone knew he was running. They made it sound like the storm was coming.
Yeah, I'm looking at you Kash and Boris.
and Flynn, and Gregg Phillips. unless there was military arrests happening today behind the scenes this was not historic in the slightest.
We have been kicked in the guts for two years…and picked ourselves up to fight again and again…no one running could have thought that things were solved…I am so disheartened that the people RUNNING FOR OFFICE didn’t have shit locked down and gamed out.
WTF is going on? I’ve been watching Charlie Kirk all week…and I think that’s what really did me in. All the talk of a path…and not enough forceful talk of BS.
So the plan is…we ballot harvest the F&@& out of swing states…cheat “legally” and take control…do you think we are going to have great people running again in two years…some of the people who have lost this round do not have trust funds and simply need to get a job to survive now…we have lost some amazing talent.
Do we think we’re going to get another round of amazing talent in two years? Do we want people who haven’t held a job other than electioneering in four years to run?
The Ds have shown it’s not about the policy or the candidate. In PA the voters or the CCP literally voted for a dead man, and a brain dead man…on the same ballot. It’s ONLY about the ballots…who can get more. Frankly, we may be in the majority of “voters”…but I can’t believe we are in the “majority of bodies older than 18”. The Ds win that every time.
Oh, thanks for the reminder. I gotta check and see if I can still return Kash’s children’s book I ordered.
The Q reposts we’re hell of a hype.
Yeah. Trump himself for months has been STRONGLY hinting he would be back 'before 2024' - and some 'insiders' were talking about he will get 6 more years - as in something big was coming before Jan 2023 where he gets back in.
Maybe it will still happen with all these cases coming - but the 'most historic announcement in US history' was not supposed to simply be 'Im running again'.
Q posts imply military action. Reposting Q posts is implying military action. While the campaign speech was fine, it was not anything resembling military action.
Guess we are waiting for 2025 now for big things.
So this seems like a really egotistical and stupid move right now. Why wouldn't he wait until the runoff is over? I am seriously dooming right now and feel like our country is fooked. But then I think about Obama/Bush misinformation team up today. Is it possible that he did this to troll? Maybe all the hype was to try and make them think he was going to tell the world about something damning but instead announced he's running? Just trying to make sense of things.
I have to believe O and W are all prepared to talk about disinformation from what they thought Trump was going to drop tonight. They have it all sketched out and ready to go. Now what are they going to talk about?
Perhaps Trump made them expend some ammo with all the hype.
Trump wouldn't drop info and announce in the same speech. Now that he has announced and it is out of the way, game on. He has all the info he needs to drop bomb after bomb from now until 24.
And when it comes to big bombs, things like the election thieves were caught, etc. I don't think that will come from him. I think it will come from those who can actually prosecute it. As of now, the military is the only way. (Although there is that huge court case that was stickied tonight).
Trump can't prosecute the fraud. Only the courts or the military can. If neither of them do, as we have hoped, then I am not sure what options exist, other than We The People rising up like Brazil.
There have been zero examples of massive Protests for the 2022 fraud. Perhaps the J6 has played its role and scared everyone from practicing their first amendment right.
We only have rights if we use them. If we don't use them. Those rights are lost.
Right! And he has two years for the MSM to burn through their ammo. They will run out by the election, ppl are tired of the J6 BS.
The only one who “spent their ammo” is Donald Trump. How many of his rabid followers did he lose today? Millions? tTens of millions? Nobody wanted this except for the straight-up cult-of-personality Trump cultists.
How many voters did the Democrats lose today? I’d say zero, but in reality, they probably printed out another 10,000 at Runbeck today. 🤷♂️
“Spent ammo”
I don't know. At Trump's last rally speech (Ohio, I think?), he said he was really, really, really considering 2024, or at least alluded to it heavily. He was letting everyone know he was going to announce his run.
Then he held back and said, tonight's not my night, it's JD's night and it's all of these other wonderful candidate's nights. He then proceeded to name dozens of natuonwide candidates to give them the spotlight one last time before the midterms.
He did all of this after barnstorming the country and bringing out the millions you speak of either in person or via livestream, all to focus on winning the midterms. Not to benefit his own run in 24.
We all new his announcement was coming. He initially planned it for the night of the election and then bumped it back a week once it became clear counts would be delayed.
In just that one week the entire msm and rino establishment sought to divide Trump and his base and declare that DeSantis was the champ and Trump was the chump. He had to announce sooner rather then later to squelch all that BS. Plus, he had his daughter's wedding to fit in and I am sure he wanted to be part of that experience.
Just because we all wanted some huge drop tonight, if we are really honest, his announcement to run in 24 was the most obvious topic for the night.
The election of 2022 still needs to be sorted out and there is still the possibility it will be resolved. It won't be officially over for another month.
And here's the thing, what Trump did for the MAGA candidates nationwide was HUGE. It really was a Red Wave despite what the MSM says. Republicans had 5 or 6 Million more votes than democrats. That is historic. And in my opinion, it's also very strong evidence of widespread fraud.
I think I saw a post that said 83% of election day voters in AZ were republican, yet the vote tallies for those votes came in at 50/50? 🤔
Your reasoning is logical and I think you are right that he can truly drop some bombs, now that he's announced his run. I do wonder why he didn't address fixing our elections beforehand and the amount of cheating that is happening, but I think that his speech was intended for those who are not battle weary (normies). There was plenty of information out there that this was going to be his messaging, but it got built-up that it was finally going to be the big reveal due to the 'Historic' tag line. Now everyone who thought it was time are rightfully disappointed. I personally don't think that reveal or anything to do with catching massive election fraud will come from Trump because those that already hate him wouldn't care and the media would spin it as a dangerous conspiracy theory. Also, what if Trump didn't announce his run and went off to enjoy the fruits of his labor? What would everyone say, then? The fact that this was broadcast on CNN and other normie outlets was an attempt to gain voters and he had to appear cool, calm and collected. Now, I really want to know what is going on behind the scenes to give him the confidence that he won't lose to cheaters, again? He must know something, but his avoidance of the topic was noticeable and seemed intentional, which is why I believe he was speaking to the normie/ Tim Pool-types who don't believe there was/is election fraud.
Oh, I couldn’t agree more that the Red Tsunami was real. And was almost entirely repelled by Democrat fraud gone nuclear. Trump gets a great deal of credit for that.
So great. And it will sadly NEVER be replicated. Nobody’s falling for that “just vote even harder and we’ll get ‘em” nonsense ever again. The Q Crew voters are now either done, or too embarrassed to admit it yet. The Republican Party is now beset by rivalries that didn’t exist a week ago, and whoever or whatever you want to blame for this, it’s massive. And the undefeated Democrat Fraud Juggernaut will be twice as shameless in 2024.
Yes, the Red Tsunami was absolutely real. But anyone who now dares claim this fact in public better get ready for the unhinged and undamaged totalitarian media to absolutely destroy you as an “election denier.” Whatever the consequences of telling the truth two years ago, the media are nothing if not emboldened to continue to lie and destroy twice as hard now.
And Trump not announcing in Ohio? All I can say is that if there was any possibility that there was a worse time to announce a 2024 campaign than right in the middle of having your party’s hard-won victories stolen right in front of their faces… it would have been then. So, what, were there truly no other sane, decent options available besides those two?!?
Something is just really, really wrong, with everything… and bizarrely, that feeling is now the only thing that gives me any hope. But I’ll get over that; it’s just residual delusion.
I agree w most of your post but despite everything I am still going to vote in 2024.
There are lots of emotions right now and we're all dealing with them in different ways. We all deserve to process them and deal with them in our own personal ways. Each person will deal with them in different ways.
I wrote a post about ten months ago on this topic for times like these. It was cathartic for me and I think it may have helped a few frens too. Personally, it helped me understand how to win battles and ultimately this global information war.
It may help you and others feeling the same way. I don't know. I hope so. Whether it does or not I wish you peace and understanding. Hold the line.
Q said potus needs to be insulated… him coming out saying i have info and military needs to arrest now doesnt make him insulated… it makes him the target… he is gonna play the innocent one just trying to rerun… when its time and the military pounces… thats when it will happen… and trump will be unaware… optics wise.. Nothing will fix/stop the cheating… the whole system needs an overhaul. No matter how many numbers come out to vote R, D’s take the vote by .8% everytime. Q said military is the only way… and it will happen when they think enough of the public is on board… So stop date faggin, focus on u and your loved ones, and just be prepped as best as possible
Dude spent days “re-truthing” Q shit!
So please stop it with this “insulated” nonsense.
Yeah but it still doesn’t make sense that Trump would be the one to make these types of announcements. I would think if military is the only way, then it would be military making the announcement. And then Trump responding to it along with everyone else.
Yeah, totally… except for what I just said. If Trump is supposed to eventually play the shocked “Who? Me? What? Involved in the military-led takedown of the entire Deep State?!?” card, a) gosh, nobody’s going to believe that, nor should they, and b) he’s instead gone comically out of his way, repeatedly, to give the exact opposite impression.
All this straw grasping reminds me that plastic straws are being systematically outlawed state-by-state, but even though paper straws are a miserable abomination that everybody hates, Democrats don’t have to worry about voters ever tossing them out over any tyrannical abuses, cuz they can fix any election they want.
Aanyways, I sincerely do appreciate the laudable effort to give me some continued hope, but you and I both know, deep down, that that particular bit of desperate logic just doesn’t fly.
1000% agreed.
I agree completely.
Jump ship to what/whom?
Jumping off and never voting again.
Fool me twice….oh you know the thing.
I think what he means is some people will not vote in 2024, because of the fraud in 2016/18/20/22 etc.
To a colony of Trappist monks on the Outer Hebrides.
Stop waiting for a savior. Make yourself a badass.
I am badass. I just don’t flaunt it. Been there done that.
How many damn times do we have to sit here and expect all the info to be spoon-fed to us immediately? Seriously?!? He said "great historical event" meaning in the future we will look at this as a great historical event. When things happen, it's hard for us to see the ramifications right away. Those ramifications still have to HAPPEN!
How many times have things happened, seemingly innocuous or miniscule, that turn out to be a massive win or a huge turn in the right direction? Some of you have no faith in the guy, even after all we've been through.
And frankly, it's PATHETIC.
I'm not saying I'm hyped. I'm not saying I know why he said it's a "great historical event". All I'm saying is we've been through this SO MANY TIMES, and still we all whine and bitch and moan like hungry infants.
People forget how everyone used to flip out over Trump. Remember when he first announced the Muslim ban? Everyone said he ruined his campaign, then his poll numbers went up. This kind of thing would happen over and over again. Remember when everyone said him shit-talking Kim Jong Un over Twitter would start a war, then he signed a peace deal instead?
There are people who like to micro-manage and criticize Trump. They act as if they could do what he does, and better, but meanwhile they wouldn’t have made any of his counter-intuitive moves that were so successful. And they never go back and admit they were wrong. Instead they take on Trump’s win as their own after the fact and go right back to nitpicking his current negotiation.
Honestly I have to agree. Motivation is the key to winning. I’m with Trump till the end but motivated I’m not. We knew he was gonna announce but we we’re hoping for something more …
I'm curious though, did he hype up his statement more than usual? Or more that TODAY was a big deal. That could be referring to something completely different... I hope...
Republican in-fighting was fantastic for the primaries in 2015 and 2016. Trump soaked up a bunch of attention from that in-fighting.
Yeah I watched the announcement. Honestly guys, trumps just one guy. He was very low energy.
Something is up. He’s usually roaring to go. So idk, maybe it’s to hide the Supreme Court thing, or maybe his team told him to act more civil and that will help others you scared to come to you?
Idk but it’s almost like you know something is up when your kids who are normally noisy are very quiet. This seems to be the very quiet part.
Trump is first and foremost a businessman. His pressers are handled like a business PR environment. His speeches in other countries are presented with diplomatic sensibilities to working toward mutually beneficial outcomes. His rallies are like employee motivational conferences. He has a keen sense of who his audience is and what he is there for and presents appropriately according to the venue. Always has.
“Trump is a student of Sun Tzu but I’m mad and this move doesn’t make sense to my angry brain right now so I’m throwing the last thing I said out the window.”
Is Trump a stable genius or not, bro? Take a nap.
I'm not thinking that. We all want this over yesterday. But looking around, it's pretty clear the Great Awakening has only just started to reach the normies. As Trump implied tonight, there's still a way to go if you feel you have to show, rather than tell.
The only Great Awakening that happened this week was all those patriots realizing they had been had.
You simply cannot honestly pretend otherwise.
The sheep are going to follow the “strong horse”. Trump isn’t even a lame duck.
It breaks my heart, but all we needed to see was results. Instead we got regurgitation.
Agree. The whining is hard to read.
Interesting that Clandestine notes Trump as a student of Sun Tzu while also having such a narrow minded take.
How can you bring up Sun Tzu and not also note the strategic importance of misdirecting your enemies in order to mortally strike them? If we all know it’s a misdirection, it’s probably a shitty misdirection.
I’m not saying that’s what’s happening. I’m just making an observation. Where the hell would we jump ship to?
It seems to me that many White Hat moves are initially introduced to the public as wins for the Black Hats, but then those wins consistently seem to deteriorate into losses for them. To me this almost seems like a strategy to get them into the public eye. Jussie Smollett was like this. Hydroxychloroquine. Zelensky phone call. Avenatti. Even the Mueller Report. The corporate media tries to amplify the initial win and downplay the later loss, and they do that fairly well, but this contrast is also what triggers awakening, because each new story gives more people a chance to experience that flip. And for each person, the story flip that finally woke them up is different, so that’s why they keep setting up the same pattern over and over again. Corporate media keeps taking the bait because that’s their fuel to keep the charade going, but the more they keep the charade going, the more people wake up, and once people see through one charade, others follow. When revealing the truth means showing how many lies people believe in, how else could this be accomplished? There wouldn’t be a way to select one lie to expose that would effectively dismantle all the others since this process seems to be so subjective, and it has to work through each person’s individual psychological defenses and financial/social incentives.
The fuck is up with everyone commenting before the speech is even over?
I shut it off after he said Biden would serve out his full 4 years and that it would make it easier for us to win 2024 when America "wakes up" to Biden's awful term. That completely contradicts his statements about fixing 2020. It's also completely tone deaf considering how easily they keep stealing elections. It's one thing to play Sun Tzu and confuse your enemies, it's another thing entirely to completely demoralize your base and lie to them.
Well put. Thanks. I'm short on words I'm so pissed
Newsfash: We were crushed by Gen Z voting so they could kill their children. There is no waking up. This argument that "it has to get just a liiiiiiiiiiiiiiitle bit worse" so normies wake up is bullshit. The worse it gets, the more they will crave for daddy government to save them. C'mon guys...
We weren’t crushed by anything but fraud.
But we will never again have anything remotely like that Red Tsunami coalition that truly did deliver the tidal wave of votes last Tuesday. Now can anyone even imagine someone ever pushing that “we just got to keep voting even harder” nonsense again? We knew ’it was a lie, but we still hoped against hope our votes would be protected. Never again.
It takes like fifteen minutes to vote every two years. It’s not this huge effort.
None of the people refusing to vote are actually gonna go 1776 like they claim. They are amped up and talking tough on the Internet. So when they say this, remember, they are now just a guy who is NOT voting AND not going 1776, which is even more pathetic.
That’s literally the opposite of any (pre-mass-election-fraud) election strategy that has ever succeeded, but yeah, I’m sure this fool-em-disappoint-them-and-humiliate-them-over-and-over-again-and-keep-expecting-record-turnout-and-support strategy is going to be a winner… because Trump. 👍 🤪
Then go put into practice whatever you think the solution should be. I’m not sure how you think complaining on the Internet solves anything. Why don’t you run for President and show everyone how it should be done? Or if you believe it’s time for 1776, then does that mean everyone can expect to see you on the news this week, storming your local government buildings and media stations with your totally-not-pacified militia that you surely have been assembling in the past two years of not trusting the plan, right?
Or is that NOT going to happen and you are another guy not taking action into your own hands while trying to tell everyone else on the Internet to take action into their own hands?
People have been bitching about Q and the plan for years now, yet where is their alternative? What have they accomplished? There is no alternative. Their entire strategy is to nitpick Q until the Q supporters (who they claim are idiots) rise up and lead the 1776 revolution for them. Makes perfect sense, right? All the true patriots who see through Q can’t make a move until the idiots who follow Q rise up and lead their 1776 militias.
He just J'baited J6 comm. Their move.
Yeah how are those patriots doing? They've been in jail, denied their rights (human and otherwise) for how long now...?
The lawn was fine.
Clandestine has been black pilling lately no matter this post. In fact, I stopped subscribing to his channel because he was getting so fricking depressing.
I mean look, DJT talks big - that's part of who he is. I too was hoping for YUGE news but figured it would be him announcing a 2024 run.
He yanks chains and he gave the DIMS, MSM and RINOs a big old yank last night.
How can anyone cite Sun Tzu and not get the idea of “appear weak when you are strong”. He is goading them with a fuck you. This is a big red laser pointer to the DS cat and they will run after it. Like they always do. Meanwhile folks get more and more pissed off and trundle ever closer to the precipice. We were told that he had to be hands off, that prosecutions when they occur cannot be seen to involve him. What he is doing now is drawing them on and on to expose every last one of them. I’m not saying the DS hasn’t gained some ground, this is an ongoing moving situation with multiple variables in play every hour. Moves and counter moves. There’s bound to be stuff happening that doesn’t go the White hats way and they have to reassess, recalibrate and react. This battle is now drawing out the deep deep embeds in the media, those who were ostensibly MAGA who would wait til it was the most vital time and shiv you in the kidneys. We all want the big Hollywood denouement, but rather than a movie I’d suggest this is more like one of those role playing stories that you could get as a teen, where you make a choice on a plot line in each page that drives the story to this way or that. We turn the page, choose to go on or just give in. To me I have no choice but to listen to my gut which has said to me about GEOTUS since day 1 “cometh the hour cometh the man”. He was picked for this fight by God Himself, and this is on Gods timeline not our imperfect impatient one. God Bless
45 said we gotta endure moar pain. Shit's gonna get worse. So, we're not at the precipice yet.
I hope that’s not supposed to be a defense of Trump. Because it’s effectively a defenestration of Trump, whose seductive and cheap promises were nothing but a narcotic to patriotic self-determination.
You are starting to sound like Ben Shapiro.
I wouldn’t know. How do you?
President Trump started the speech with, "America's comeback starts right now" which was the most important part of the speech. I felt what most did, a letdown, but after dwelling on this it is more optics and as another anon said, protects him from the fraudulent FBI/Unselect J6 committee. I believe with the posts of late we will see the military to take control of our situation in front of the public. This also separates POTUS from the military optics. Why else would the talk of the NG in 14+ states, etc. Just a thought.
After sleeping and thinking it over. I'm going to go out and say the "great historical event" will be a future proves past type of thing.
"America's comeback starts right now" this statement is a very good light, but the issue with the black-pill some anons might be feeling (including myself a little) is the fact that he made that type of statement back in 2015/2016 and look where we are now, It's crazy we thought Obama was the worse and look at right now, and it's only going to get 100x worse.
Overall, this was for the normies, and it would have done all of us here at GAW better if we didn't even know about this event, or tuned it out.
I feel the speech was driven more towards the newly awakened peeps last night
Sun Tzu also said: Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak.
Something to consider.
Different people are motivated in different ways. Some people need so.eone to make them feel safe. Some people need to see him behave a little more traditional. Trump shouldnt be all over the news putting people on blast. He has to change things up a bit. Or the media will chew him appart. "See, hes the same old Drumpf"
Unbelievable how many of you cry babies are ready to jump ship!! Trump and team are masters at 5D chess and if you all don't step back and let this settle and add a little dose of wisdom to your deeper understanding of what is going on here I say who wants you on our team anyhow? You know you can not take these things at face value! This is a freaking brilliant strategy. See if you can stop bitching look enough to see why it's so perfect. Just saying.
Unpopular take: Biggest winner tonight was DeSantis. He has remained above the fray while Trump has made unforced errors taking pot shots. This has to be the biggest anti-climatic announcement for President ever. Even TRUMP talked about his announcement and how happy everyone would be. Completely sucked the air out of it for weeks. And now, on the heels of Arizona being stolen...? So weird and disappointing.
Ooh, you know it’s election season when the “Trump is making unforced errors” talking point returns!