CO2 causes brain-damage. She loves her mask with that dead space for all her exhale to be inhaled again. You could say she loves her excretory system. I wonder if she likes smelling her own shi%?
Also.. "It's nearly impossible to explain to people who haven't lived it". What? The scamdemic? The whole planet lived through it except new babies and those who are dead now! Or does she mean her potentially damaged brain? Thank God we can't understand that one. Ugh.
I actually worked for a funeral home during that time and put people into body bags from nursing homes and private residences. Said it was a hoax then and still say it to this day.
When you have to bribe the public with free beer, pot, hot wings, lap dances, money, cars, and a plethora of other incentives in return for jabs, it should be fairly obvious it's not an actual pandemic.
Knew out the gate this shit was hyped up to the max. Similar to the "terror alert" red, yellow, green traffic light scale the MSM used for years following 9/11. Its all fear and control. Social engineering at its finest... err, worst.
When the big box stores like Walmart, Home Depot ... can stay open, but smaller stores, gyms, churches... must close, you're dealing with a scam and not a true pandemic.
Free doughnut for every death shot. Krispy Cream hasn't been good in over ten years. I don't see the appeal for the free doughnuts but they were wrapped around the building.
Did you see the picture circulating with masks on the car vents. Always knew there was a percentage of the population with zero sense but we really found out in 2020.
She thinks the 1.1 million fake death number is big. Even if it were real, it isn't. That is over what 3 years. around 3 million people die in the US per year every year. So 9 million people died during that time frame. Why hasn't she been terrified her whole life?
Very easy to manufacture 1.1 million deaths using the 9 million that die each year.
I'm still waiting to see the first body in the street lying there because COVID-19 struck it. The COVID-19 lie is perpetuated by cell phones and televisions. Eliminate those devices and COVID-19 disappears. Why I do I say that? No dead bodies in the streets. How can you have a pandemic without dead bodies?
Prior to Auschwitz and the other death camps, the Nazis established a policy of direct medical killing: that is, killing arranged within medical channels, by means of medical decisions, and carried out by doctors and their assistants. The Nazis called this program “euthanasia.” Since, for them, this term camouflaged mass murder, I have throughout this book enclosed it within quotation marks when referring to that program. The Nazis based their justification for direct medical killing on the simple concept of “ife unworthy of life” (lebensunwertes Leben). While the Nazis did not originate this concept, they carried it to its ultimate biological, racial, and “therapeutic” extreme.
Of the five identifiable steps by which the Nazis carried out the principle of “life unworthy of life,” coercive sterilization was the first. There followed the killing of “impaired” children in hospitals; and then the killing of “impaired” adults, mostly collected from mental hospitals, in centers especially equipped with carbon monoxide gas. This project was extended (in the same killing centers) to “impaired” inmates of concentration and extermination camps and, finally, to mass killings, mostly of Jews, in the extermination camps themselves. In part I, I discuss the first four steps, in relation to the Nazis’ overall biomedical vision and as a prelude to Auschwitz and the other death camps.
The initial reluctance to vaccinate evidently reflected a programmatic contradiction in Nazi health policy: the contrast between “racial hygiene” ideas that aimed at optimizing hereditary biology on the one hand; and a prevention policy on the other, which envisaged population and defense policy goals. More than ever, vaccination raised the question of how the “national body” should actually be understood and treated. Therefore, in the discussions since 1933, medical considerations have by no means been in the foreground. Rather, it was about the weighting of the needs of the "national comrade" compared to the requirements of the "national body" as well as threatening dangers from which the "national community" had to be protected. Answers to these questions seemed more urgent than ever “in view of the […] low risk of smallpox” 64 and the growing criticism of vaccination, as observed by the Reich Ministry of the Interior. Interior Minister Wilhelm Frick therefore assumed at the beginning of 1934 that a "revision of the vaccination law [...] would probably bring the conscience clause" 65. 66 This revision also makes sense because it takes “a far-reaching popular feeling into account” 67 so that previous measures against vaccination opponents “should be lifted as soon as possible” 68.
Such considerations formed the starting point of a commission in the Reich Ministry of the Interior, which worked on a revision of compulsory vaccination in March 1934. In this meeting, Johannes Breger from the Reich Health Office summed up the fundamental dilemma. If the motto used to be that possible damage to the individual was “the price” “with which the German people pay for their protection against smallpox” 69, then after the “seizure of power” one had to “check whether it corresponded to state ethics to demand such a sacrifice”. An examination is all the more urgent because "a large part of the German population rejects compulsory vaccination", as Ministerial Director Arthur Gütt from the Ministry of the Interior added. His colleague von Kapff took another step further, when he stylized the compulsory vaccination as a touchstone of the National Socialist world view: "Should the compulsory vaccination continue", "the majority of the people will doubt that in medical policy [...] National Socialist principles are decisive". Kapff received support from the President of the Dresden State Health Office, Weber, who saw “limited voluntariness” as a contemporary answer to the vaccination question. After all, “the conditions today are very different than they used to be. Thanks to the education of the National Socialist government, the people's views had changed so that more could be achieved voluntarily than previously with repeated forced vaccinations. Not all members of the commission could agree with this view. From Hamburg, Professor Paschen protested that the state was carelessly giving up its powers. Vaccination should “not be left to the discretion of the individual” but should “be enforced by law”.
The objection of the army medical inspector Anton Waldmann weighed more heavily. A personal decision of the "comrade" when vaccinating would contradict "the leader's principle" and thus increase the risk of epidemics "among the people", which "in the event of a future war forced upon us [...] would prevent the army from freedom of movement". At the end of the meeting, these military-political reasons led to the realization that there were still reservations about the abolition of compulsory vaccination. The commission therefore did not come to a conclusive conclusion, from which an important finding can be gained: in 1933 there was no concept ready for a main instrument of modern population policy. After the "seizure of power", an unusually open discussion was held about the modern precautionary measures70. The fact that the self-responsibility of the “national comrade” was an important argument, and that state coercion was even seen as a contradiction to National Socialist ethics, shows two things: the programmatic contradictions of health policy and the ambiguity about the legitimacy of state coercion vis-à-vis “national comrades”. One could summarize that vaccination mutated into a litmus test for the “consent dictatorship” 71 in the early phase of the “Third Reich”. After all, when it came to vaccinations, it was the “completely normal Germans” who one wanted to win for the “National Community”.
Academic medicine, as part of the overall university structure, was an important focus for Nazi organizational therapy. The “disease" to be cured was what Josef Goebbels, Hitler’s propaganda minister, called “flabby intellectualism,” and what the education and culture minister, Bernhard Rust, called“disastrous concepts of liberty and equality,” or what one educational reformer identified as “any autonomy and freedom of the teacher.” Even before the Nazis, German universities had been bastions of conservative or reactionary political thought which tended to deify the concept of the state. But the Nazis made clear that they wanted something more. As Bavarian professors were told by their new minister of culture: “From now on, it will not be your job to determine whether something is true, but whether it is in the spirit of National Socialist revolution.” Universities were to become (in the words of one historian) “intellectual frontier fortresses” and “bodies of troops”; professors were to develop “trooplike cooperation.”52
There’s only one problem: the Nazis didn’t actually issue a vaccine mandate. In fact, Republicans would have found much to like in the Third Reich’s vaccine policy, which was very much in line with their current recommendations: above all, it relaxed requirements for compulsory vaccination that had been in place in Germany for decades at that point, and went with a voluntary approach instead.
What a shame. So much hope and potential when we are young, and some people eagerly follow the slippery slope.
I never give up hope, but unless you're still close there's not much one can do to rescue one like her.
I recognized someone I knew in high school, who recently was photographed with Adam Schiff. She has no clue who he really is. A few years ago I wouldn't have either, but my path has led me to very different social circles.
For the first year i carried copies of the Warning on every box of masks that Clearly stated the mask does NOT stop a virus. Their 'look' after reading was priceless. I suspect this one can not Read.
It's interesting that the mask heads broke off into two groups.
The "go along to get along" group gave up masking as soon as new herd consensus was reached on it.
The "forever maskers" believed the earlier arguments made by health authorities and still see deaths coming in high (even though deaths aren't being amplified by media), generally realize the vaccines don't work, and have moved on from wearing any masks to only wearing higher grade masks and monitoring air quality. Many distrust health authorities now.
I actually have more respect for the forever maskers. They're at least willing to own their reasoning and act on it in the face of broad scientific unacceptance. If you're going strictly off cabal data and summaries I think the forever maskers argument may even be logically sound.
I think forever maskers will come around eventually. They'll keep getting sick even though they mask, and after they've been sick X times they just won't be able to stick to their guns any longer.
Something to note of girls like this, and this is coming from a girl: even if they aren't wearing a mask, if a girl has her hair in those lazy, ugly, messy, top-of-the-head hair buns, they should never be approached. I've only ever seen crazy leftist women wear their hair like this, but real conservative women take great care in the placement of their hair; whether it's down or up it's always clean and neat.
No offense to any fellow conservative women on here who, on the off chance, wear their hair like this, but I've literally never seen any of my conservative women friends wear their hair like this.
I heard that if you run a hose from your vehicles exhaust and connect it to the engines intake that it runs super clean and the engine never breaks down cause it's a closed system. Her logic probably...
This is so sad. I hope she doesn’t have children because they learn behavior from their parents and this isn’t normal, especially after all the real information has been pouring out!
I'll be traveling overseas in the coming months, first time in an airport or on an airplane since covid started, so I'm curious to see just how many stupid people I'll see still wearing masks (maybe even double masks!). I certainly won't wear one, as they're not required anymore anyway, but if I hear one peep from either staff or randos about it...
She can't come to terms with what she's seeing. Most people have determined that covid was overblown and moved on with their lives. Her realization that nothing has changed with Covid itself, is at odds with how everyone around her is living. Her common sense is at odds with her beliefs. Which will win in the end I wonder? Will she ever realize she was lied too? Will she ever be able to admit it to herself?
She got THAT right.
It's the only thing she said that made sense.
CO2 causes brain-damage. She loves her mask with that dead space for all her exhale to be inhaled again. You could say she loves her excretory system. I wonder if she likes smelling her own shi%?
Everybody likes their own brand.
I doubt the brain in this one is in any danger.
Also.. "It's nearly impossible to explain to people who haven't lived it". What? The scamdemic? The whole planet lived through it except new babies and those who are dead now! Or does she mean her potentially damaged brain? Thank God we can't understand that one. Ugh.
Programming locked in. Converted to Read Only Setting.
I actually worked for a funeral home during that time and put people into body bags from nursing homes and private residences. Said it was a hoax then and still say it to this day.
When you have to bribe the public with free beer, pot, hot wings, lap dances, money, cars, and a plethora of other incentives in return for jabs, it should be fairly obvious it's not an actual pandemic.
Knew out the gate this shit was hyped up to the max. Similar to the "terror alert" red, yellow, green traffic light scale the MSM used for years following 9/11. Its all fear and control. Social engineering at its finest... err, worst.
100%.....and don't forget the vax lottery! All bullshit.
When the big box stores like Walmart, Home Depot ... can stay open, but smaller stores, gyms, churches... must close, you're dealing with a scam and not a true pandemic.
Masks are allowed to come down to nibble on trail mix on an airplane. THEN IMMEDIATELY BACK UP because Science.
The virus cannot find you if you are seated at a table in a restaurant.
But if you get up to go to the bathroom you're in trouble.
And don't even think about not following the arrows on the floor in the aisles of the grocery....all hell will break loose if you go the wrong way!
We know a teenager who got it at school in exchange for fruit snacks. FRUIT SNACKS!
Free doughnut for every death shot. Krispy Cream hasn't been good in over ten years. I don't see the appeal for the free doughnuts but they were wrapped around the building.
Meanwhile I'd bet $1000 that she texts while she drives on a regular basis.
"Safety" only matters when there is an opportunity to virtue signal.
She probably virtue signals and drives
Well, she clearly virtue signals while she flies and while she walks, so the odds are in your favor there.
F***ing KEK. 🤣
Drives alone with mask on to virtue signal.
Did you see the picture circulating with masks on the car vents. Always knew there was a percentage of the population with zero sense but we really found out in 2020.
I hope she uses turn signals in addition to her virtue signals.
She wears her mask in her car. When she's the ONLY one in the car.
So easily brainwashed and fear-based. Perfect for the obedient worker slaves the NWO was hoping for.
And the first ones to be lined up and shot when they're no longer useful idiots.
Oh but touche. They've already lined up and been shot.
Lead or the jab?
Does it matter?
Either way death is imminent, so good point lol
Indeed. I guess one is just a little slower-acting.
Lol true
It's always fatties. They'll do anything to avoid reducing their consumption.
She thinks the 1.1 million fake death number is big. Even if it were real, it isn't. That is over what 3 years. around 3 million people die in the US per year every year. So 9 million people died during that time frame. Why hasn't she been terrified her whole life?
Very easy to manufacture 1.1 million deaths using the 9 million that die each year.
How are these people so blind?
she has been terrified her whole life...
You cant fix stupid
Often times stupid is a self correcting problem. The ranks of Darwin Award recipients is swelling amongst the ranks of the "vaxxed"
Stupid is one thing. This is mass formation psychosis....
Drs killed more people than covid did
Follow the money.
I'm still waiting to see the first body in the street lying there because COVID-19 struck it. The COVID-19 lie is perpetuated by cell phones and televisions. Eliminate those devices and COVID-19 disappears. Why I do I say that? No dead bodies in the streets. How can you have a pandemic without dead bodies?
Everybody died in the hospital.
Hospitals are the new death camps.
Death Care, not Health Care.
From: The Nazi Doctors: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide
Also: "Vaccination as biopolitics and social practice from the German Empire to the Federal Republic"
Now back to Lifton:
Bonus round: "You Know Who Else Opposed Vaccine Mandates? Hitler." — Jacobin Magazine, archived
Someone is definitely lying. Can you see?
From the POV of these people- "died suddenly" fits the bill
Has anyone seen news of one person that died in their home with COVID? I'd think that would be mandatory
Yes. A couple of years ago, Alex's father-in-law died at home, apparently from covid.
compare that death toll to communism, and then ask yourself who remembers that...
Masks NEVER worked.
COVID itself was a scam.
A subset of the vaccines is deliberately harmful.
I've seen this a few times. It's like a strange mixture of stockholm syndrome, ptsd, and virtue signaling.
victim complex drama queens. avoid these people.
She's a dick.
And her outfit is atrocious
Ironically, the more she covers up, the better she looks
Yep ... definitely sounds vaccinated ...
What a shame. So much hope and potential when we are young, and some people eagerly follow the slippery slope.
I never give up hope, but unless you're still close there's not much one can do to rescue one like her.
I recognized someone I knew in high school, who recently was photographed with Adam Schiff. She has no clue who he really is. A few years ago I wouldn't have either, but my path has led me to very different social circles.
For the first year i carried copies of the Warning on every box of masks that Clearly stated the mask does NOT stop a virus. Their 'look' after reading was priceless. I suspect this one can not Read.
remember FREE krispy kreme donuts for proof of vaxx? LOL
imagine being this dumb & scared. i doubt she's had any real guidance in her life.
she needs a lot of help & that face mask aint it.
lots still do. i watched half a dozen people in 90+ degree weather walk into a grocery store with face masks on. a couple were driving with them on...
no proof that C19 even exists. if it does, why is it impossible to find? but, the pay outs from jabs to doctors are all over the place...
money trails, but no trail of the "virus" ever existing. how do you know you have it? my doctor told me. suuuree. my free test kit told me. suuureee.
We all remember, honey. We are choosing to move on from your mass psychosis.
Apparently she’s afraid of an ear infection too.
It's interesting that the mask heads broke off into two groups.
The "go along to get along" group gave up masking as soon as new herd consensus was reached on it.
The "forever maskers" believed the earlier arguments made by health authorities and still see deaths coming in high (even though deaths aren't being amplified by media), generally realize the vaccines don't work, and have moved on from wearing any masks to only wearing higher grade masks and monitoring air quality. Many distrust health authorities now.
I actually have more respect for the forever maskers. They're at least willing to own their reasoning and act on it in the face of broad scientific unacceptance. If you're going strictly off cabal data and summaries I think the forever maskers argument may even be logically sound.
I think forever maskers will come around eventually. They'll keep getting sick even though they mask, and after they've been sick X times they just won't be able to stick to their guns any longer.
Really sad. A lot of people driven right over the edge into mental illness.
There is a pandemic alright. A pandemic of mental illness. Unfortunately, a mask won’t protect her.
“Where are all the real men?” Lol
Enjoy knitting sweaters for your cats lady.
I can't feel sorry for her--it's people like her that make it oppressive for all of us.
Something to note of girls like this, and this is coming from a girl: even if they aren't wearing a mask, if a girl has her hair in those lazy, ugly, messy, top-of-the-head hair buns, they should never be approached. I've only ever seen crazy leftist women wear their hair like this, but real conservative women take great care in the placement of their hair; whether it's down or up it's always clean and neat.
No offense to any fellow conservative women on here who, on the off chance, wear their hair like this, but I've literally never seen any of my conservative women friends wear their hair like this.
I heard that if you run a hose from your vehicles exhaust and connect it to the engines intake that it runs super clean and the engine never breaks down cause it's a closed system. Her logic probably...
Fear, is a habit created and maintained by the things people do to feel 'safe'
Few people will give up the things that make them feel 'safe' once they have become a habit.....
cute diaper
Real men wear their wives' thongs on their face lol
This is so sad. I hope she doesn’t have children because they learn behavior from their parents and this isn’t normal, especially after all the real information has been pouring out!
I'll be traveling overseas in the coming months, first time in an airport or on an airplane since covid started, so I'm curious to see just how many stupid people I'll see still wearing masks (maybe even double masks!). I certainly won't wear one, as they're not required anymore anyway, but if I hear one peep from either staff or randos about it...
She can't come to terms with what she's seeing. Most people have determined that covid was overblown and moved on with their lives. Her realization that nothing has changed with Covid itself, is at odds with how everyone around her is living. Her common sense is at odds with her beliefs. Which will win in the end I wonder? Will she ever realize she was lied too? Will she ever be able to admit it to herself?
There's no common sense here.
I guess she's on a diet too, because obesity can also kill you.