Your goal as a moderator on this site is to ensure the best user experience. In our best interest, we can agree that we desire freedom of speech and the freedom to discuss whatever topics we deem necessary to the Great Awakening.
When us anons here are discontent with your moderation policies, it is of your best interest, and the best interest of the board, to reconsider your practices. Whether you disagree with the nature of the content, the source of the content, or the relevancy to Q or the Great Awakening (to a reasonable degree,) you should not be so quick to remove topics of discussion.
Thank you.
If this site was a free for all I suspect many of us would not be here. I know I wouldn't bother. The speech here is free within the parameters established for the group. (Which seems fairly broad in my personal experience.)
This site doesn't pretend to be anything goes. We all knew this coming in. Why then do certain users keep bringing this issue up? If you want a different experience START YOUR OWN PLATFORM. Simple. Problem solved.
^ This
"Start your own platform" will always be pretty silly to say after we spent years hearing that from leftists, but you're more or less totally correct that statement aside.
I expect some amount of gatekeeping, lest invasion like every hobby that has been taken over by the alphabet mafia before attempting to force out original people in the hobby.
Gatekeeping is good. So long as rules are clearly outlined, anyway.
That alone should tell you something. Its why Ive mostly stopped posting here minus some threads asking for prayers. Stuck to /pol on 4chan.
after a few years there its easy to navigate /pol/
Despite the AI training models, bots, leftist trannies, discord brigading, glowies/Fedbot posting, just absolute're not going to find many other places like it. It's the epicenter of information warfare, for a reason, the same reason Q started posting there in the first place. Certainly not for everyone, but the honesty is nice, once you train you mind to filter out all of the garbage.
You are 100% spot on. It requires a fairly strong pattern recognition skill to be able to filter through the slide threads and other garbage to find the worthwhile stuff.
There are some days I can't stomach it, because the jannies are slow to delete threads (due to being compromised)....but still very much worth browsing. /pol/ is so blackpilled most days but sometimes you find a thread that gives you a bit of hope. Always great to see people defending Q and all of the shills come out like clockwork.
Since you have no posts, perhaps the mods should give you that final push to help you on your way?
Frog. Yes. We hear you. But. When the Overton window touches on your favourite subject matter, when it's time for ISRAEL FOR LAST, you shall be unleashed. Not until then.
Place charges just under the turret
Censorship is never a good thing.
Allowing a forum to focus on certain topics while excluding others is not necessarily censorship for several reasons:
Freedom of Association: Just as individuals have the right to associate with whomever they choose, forum organizers have the right to determine the focus and scope of discussions within their platform. This is a fundamental aspect of freedom of association.
Defined Scope: Forums often have defined purposes or topics of interest that they cater to. By limiting discussions to certain topics, they maintain clarity and relevance within their community.
Quality and Focus: Limiting topics can help maintain the quality and focus of discussions within the forum. It allows participants to delve deeply into specific subjects without distractions or off-topic discussions.
Respect for Participants: Participants join forums with certain expectations about the content and discussions they will encounter. By adhering to specific topics, forum administrators respect the preferences and interests of their audience.
Practical Considerations: Hosting discussions on all conceivable topics can be unwieldy and impractical. Forums have finite resources, including moderation capacity and server space, which may necessitate focusing on specific topics.
Technology is great, isn’t it? 😉
I’ve used AI in the past and have stated I do several times. Most people can figure it out
I’m not faulting you, my fren. We need to leverage the tech. 👍
Your wink had me thinking otherwise, but if not, yes, we should utilize AI to educate ourselves while also knowing that it may be full of false information.
How about I start posting porn, would that be okay with you, since you're against censorship?
If ALL topics were allowed here it would be a 'general discussion' forum.
Porn is never a good thing
Agreed, but we can't just throw the censorship card when a certain topic is not allowed.
If there is some relevance to a Q post, and the image is properly censored ( ie all the people posting the epstien and hunter stuff) than that makes sense, even though I tend to disagree with that. This site is for connecting dots right?
A blatant triple X throw down doesn't belong here. The interwebs has other armpits and assholes for that stuff.
Here's your censorship is never a good thing post. YOU ARE BEING CURATED. NOT CENSORED.
never? I for one am glad I dont have to deal with the nazis and tranny posts from voat.
If there is zero censorship this board would be completely overrun with enemy shills. The cabal would end discussions by overwhelming them with trash posts and comments.
Absolutely, voat was nothing but stormfags and fat people hate non sense. I remember the posts talking about how Hill was better than Trump because Trump was overweight
From the varying topics on here that I never even read I think they allow a pretty wide berth. I've raised my eyebrows in the past but if I'm honest it has been pretty liberal in the true sense of the word.
That is correct. So how come some posts are removed with a moderator saying because it is not Q related?
I'm saying nothing...
That's how they win...
Yep, they have the power and they let you know it. I've lost count how many times I've been banned.
I'm skimming your mod notes and we've lost track of how many times you deserved to be "vacation'd" and weren't.
We make notes on most everything we see, even if it's not ban worthy. That way, whatever mod that see a stray BS comment can see the 'history' of what the mod team collectively noticed about that user.
Almost every frog has a note; sometimes it just says, "Seriously knows the Q drops" or whatever. It's not always negative.
Every frog needs to go outside now and then. It's not a big deal. The frogs that get perma-banned are the ones that endure the process without evolving off the things that get them touched in the first place.
Side Bar is clear. Mods do fine in my book.
At the end who really cares that much? Good folks on this board. Mods are pretty liberal on topics.
This green laser thing really got everyones panties in a bunch, didn't it? kek
It must be true then!
Not really 'panties in a bunch' as much as it was an excellent, almost perfect example of how this overall "Awakening" community in general can itself be fucking retarded from time to time.
though the flat earther stuff is for the birds
"Birds aren't real" 😉 jk...
Playing this song while browsing GAW today.
Ps. Over target with the royals
But, but, but, muh sidebar. Sidebar is a joke, loosely written criteria, undefined, can be interpreted any way that suits/serves the admin. Case in point, “fringe conspiracy theories” don’t have numerous government patents documenting their existence. State and local governments do not implement legislation to ban the usage of technology that is just a “fringe conspiracy theory”. But anything can be shut down here under the guise of “fringe conspiracy theory”. Nevermind the fact the “Q movement” is considered one of the biggest fringe conspiracy theories, probably by most of the population. Why aren’t there actual “rules” defined, instead of a “sidebar”? The “sidebar” is a tool, engineered to justify shutting down anything an admin doesn't agree with. How better to build the perfect safe space echo chamber to perfectly stroke your ego, and caress your fefes. Clearly defined “rules” do not allow the wiggle room of interpretation by the power trip admins, yeah thats a real thing. Is it really too much work to maintain a running list of sites/sources that are deemed forbidden? No its not. AwakenING, its currently in progress, its a journey, a pursuit for truth. AwakenED, is the end result, when the truth will be known, which will happen eventually. You will then be able to look back to see very clearly what was actual truth, and use your finely honed anon super powers to research and figure out why was I suppressed, and by whom. The journey never really ends, the mission, conditions and destination just changes. See y’all at the debriefing.
Amen!!! If people disagree with the content as Q related or GAW related content, let the people decide. Let the users deport shills and report people instead of immediately deleting or banning people. Makes the mods look like they're infiltrated by eff bee eye or others, for censorship. If I get banned for this comment, we have our answer.
Edit to add, we are here to discuss GAW, Q, and saving the world, one autistic post at a time. If it's tangential to sharing information that could help somebody, and it follows the rules, the posts should be left up. It drives people away from this site that are patriotic, because of the occasional overreach of some of the mods. Yes, we can go somewhere else or form our site, but we came here for a reason. Keep that reason alive.
Yes, but
I'm also going to sticky a comment about moderating. Here goes:
Moderators have two jobs that cannot both co-exist and that are counter-opposed to one another. Yes, absolutely, we are responsible for the long-term health of the discussion on this board. We WANT hardcore participation, we turn ourselves inside out for it. But GAW will be proper fucked if we allow unwanted species to multiply freely—and here I mean the low-effort, low-info tards. Whatever you're hunting or trying to attract, you put 'bait' that attracts your target. To us, this is high-quality content. That's what we like to read, and that is the exact audience that Q chose in the first place. You were chosen for a reason.
Therefore, here on GAW, above all else, the mod focus is to target and encourage only the highest of high-effort, high-info posters who post real, provable, and research-backed comments and posts.
BUT mods ALSO have the unenviable task of weeding out the dreck, the driftwood, the casuals that through their effort levels demonstrate that they don't belong on GAW, they belong in Telegram groups, posting about how "rIDiCuLoUs" the lunar landers look and how Elon Musk can't break the firmanment.
Now, and I cannot stress this enough, but... screw every single one of these faggots.
It's an unpopular tactic even among our most dedicated users, but, the herd must be thinned, and mods also understand that they have to remove the dead weight and the lazy, here on GAW, as well.
Several challenges went out today, for instance, from the DEW thread, and the results in modmail have been predictable.
I'll say it again, for anyone in the back: GAW is an elite research board, not a digital daycare for low-effort, low-info fuckwits. If you happen to wander on the field, you have two choices—move the ball forward, help our narrative win, -OR- be prepared to be handed a Bud Light and moved to the nosebleeds where you belong.
We are weaponized autists. We do not forgive. We do not forget. You cannot out-work or out-lift us. We will win ever single time because we are more devoted, dedicated, and well-informed than our enemies. Expect us.
Just wondering whether GAW's custom style could be changed to make down voting a post easier than it is now. I love the animation on the upvoat and everything else about three custom styling here, but there's no reason to hide the down vote. The community would hopefully be able to do a better job collectively keeping the retards at bay with a convenient DV button.
Unfortunately this is enforced at the WIN level. You can only turn it on or off.
Pardon my confusion. Then who designed our upvote button with the WWG1WGA animation? It wasn't one of us? You're saying we could not just design a new button?
I believe community styles being turned on removes the down vote button and entirely
Yes, exactly, but my suggestion is to change our custom style so that it has a downvote button.
That's a whole lot of mod-speak for "be quiet, dissent is illegal"
THIS message should be received as, "A top senior mod has reviewed your post history. How would you advise us to update our message so as that GAW can increase its appeal to users like you? Please give us your deepest thoughts in a modmail, ASAP?"
Thank you. We sincerely look FW to hearing from you.
Meh, It doesn't really matter to me personally. I lurk here more often than not and I'm kinda stupid anyway. I have one thing I'm good at and its not really useful here. But one thing I do know.
u/xchainlinkx is wrong, and u/catsfive is wrong. Your mindset and mentality is not compatible with the majority of the people here, and we are lucky that the rules are seemingly only enforced on the handshakes. The rules are too strict, but the complaints are too schizo so nothing ever gets done because neither side admits they are being dorks about it.
Maybe get an actual feedback form going? And don't poo-poo it, as much as you hate Google you certainly use it daily in ways you may not realize.
The handshakes are the returning tards, so, yes.
This is a FIRE post that makes me glad the word LEAD is in your role. Thank you for your service Catsfive, not just to this board but to this great nation and to the planet we as a nation protect from the wiles of the Devil.
Even rallies are rife with low-information autists who want to take anyone who will listen down some meaningless rabbithole concerning issues we have already dealt with etc. This one kid at a rally, he was on-point and he was correct but he would just nottttt shut the ffffffffffuck up in line, rattling off Law of War Manual this and Fake News that.... like dude we know. We all know. But he wasn't even properly informed, he was making logical mistakes in the way he was presenting the information to the point that he just made everything he was talking about sound stupid asf to an outside observer not already familiar with the material.
It is good to get rid of some of the silliness and the "DiD yOu kNoW tHeY can sEe eVeRyThInG oN yOuR pHoNe ScReEn?"
Happy to see this development.
I got banned previously after disagreeing with a Biden clone person…
They were allowed to insult me, and when I responded in kind I’m the one who gets banned.
Ban the obvious shill topics. It’s smart. Trust your discernment.
'discernment' is what it's all about, don't always agree with the mods, but I think there is a method to their madness and i learn a lot from 'what' is banned here & pondered over. God is planning this & will present what we need, when we need it, regardless of mods, censorship, etc
If this is an elite research board, then I want the dogmatic Christian rhetoric banned as well.
I don't want to read "it says so in the bible so it's the truth" on this board anymore. I don't want to read "you made one mistake, you will go to hell forever" anymore.
I think we can all agree that this type of rhetoric does not belong on this board.
Scripture is cited frequently on the Q boards. Q themselves, as posting was done by more than one person, described what is going on as a war between God and Satan. By Q, the Bible is treated as the immutable word of God, therefore it is fully within what is permissible on the board as defined by the very purpose of this board.
Secondly, to say that the Bible is false and has nothing to do with how the world should run is due to the effort of the Cabal. For example, the Rothschilds funded the expedition of Darwin.
The founders of modern science and mathematics did so, and were able to come to such groundbreaking discoveries because they operated on the fundamental belief that the universe was created by God who made consistent laws that govern how the universe functions. These constants allowed them to accurately predict things decades and centuries before science caught up to the math based solely on the on the assumed fact that things must be such a way because God made order in the universe.
One of the greatest examples of this is the science of oceanography. The sole reason the field of science exists is because one man was intrigued by two verses in the Bible that mentioned currents within the ocean. He was intrigued and dedicated his life to investigating these two verses. He joined the navy, used the resources he gained, and found the currents within the ocean. One of these verses is in Job, one of the oldest books in the entire Bible.
Many other such things are hidden in the Bible like verses about the "fountains of the deep" being opened during the great flood. Recent studies have found deep ocean fresh water springs. Through the discovery of ringwoodite, a rock that stores water, it has been discovered that our entire hydrological cycle may be wrong because water may be forced up out of fountains of the deep, both on land and in the ocean, and that the Earth has much larger reserves of fresh water than previously thought.
I could go on, but if you really want to dig into the staggering amount of places where the Bible shares things regarding how the universe functions thousands of years before established science could ever touch on it, I suggest you listen to this study series:
Um... what are these verses? Let me guess, Psalm 8:8 and Ecclesiastes 1:6? Those are pretty tenuous mentions, frog, and hardly amount to the scientific treatise you are implying
I wouldn't call it tenuous when Matthew Maury, the founder of oceanography credited the Bible as his direct inspiration for launching his study of the ocean. It is, or at least was, on a plaque outside a building that he did research in or taught in, can't recall perfectly.
Yes, I am aware of the source but consider the censorship war we're in. You often won't find much information in the middle ground when one side tries to bury it to protect their satanic view and the other are those researching what is said in the Bible and defending it's validity. It is a war or spiritual powers and principalities, as Q says.
How did you reach the following conclusion:
"By Q, the Bible is treated as the immutable word of God"
Don't attach Q to dogmatic nonsense. The bible itself is full of contradictions to begin with and the rest of this discussion will just be a waste of time.
Read through what I said again and consider the parts I mentioned about science. There are so many more things that the authors writing at the time would never have been able to tell unless directed by the Holy Spirit to write them. For example, God asks if Job can loose the bonds of the Pleiades or the belt of Orion. Both of those are, and are the only two known examples in existence that I'm aware of, constellations that are gravitationally linked. How is it that the one who recorded the book could have known that? The same goes for the foundains of the deep.
Going into other science, the Law of Entropy doesn't exclude biological processes just because it's convenient for the theory of evolution. In the process that would be required for the random formation of cells from nothing, water is a byproduct as demonstrated in laboratory experiments. Interestingly enough, the product, at that stage, is water soluable and would be immediately be undone without a protective cellular membrane that could only develop in an entirely different process.
Going further, if the big bang did occur, the distribution of mass within the solar system wouldn't be possible with the planets made of lighter gasses being further out than the core solid worlds like Earth. Beyond that, theories can't account for the force of rotation within creation and how one of the gas giants spins in the opposite direction from everything else. The current theory of how the moon formed is equally ridiculous and has changed at least five times over the years, each without any true evidence beyond hypothetical. Speaking of which, the lunar dust layer on the moon forms at a constant and measurable rate. If the moon were in fact millions of years old, the lander would have been buried in it when it landed.
Also, if the world and universe were billions or millions of years old, our sun would be in a later stage of life. As such, it exhibits the traits of a young star with much more fuel left unburned.
Another fun fact is that soft tissue is routinely discovered in the fossilized remains of dinosaurs. If they were millions of years old, that wouldn't be the case. They would only be that way if they were a matter of thousands of years old, consistent with the description of them being described as coexisting with man in the Bible as well as in ancient accounts from places like Egypt that describe flying lizards that lived in marshes that existed at the time (yes, backed up by geological evidence when the climate of the region was different). Though, as dinosaur is a relatively new term, I should point to the original word used to describe such creatures. Dragons.
All this and more points to one fact. That the Law of Entropy was not violated either by biological processes OR stellar forces. More advanced things cannot, and never have, come from less complex things. For things to become more complex or ordered both energy and instruction must be inserted into the equation from an outside source.
For example, when dogs were bred, it was discovered that genetic data was lost whenever a new breed is achieved. A short-legged dog isn't short-legged because new genetics were introduced. It's because the genes for long legs are broken and can no longer be expressed.
What appear as contradictions are, in many cases, simply two or more sets of data for which a common connection and/or purpose has not been found or discovered, whether the Bible or any other field.
For example, one might posit that the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are contradictory, until one comes to realize that they serve a mutual common purpose of maintaining the systems of the body, together.
"The Bible is full of contradictions" premises a particular perspective on the bible, one that sees X and Y as contradictions. But it needs to be acknowledged that it is the perspective (aka the 'understanding') that makes or defines these 'contradictions'.
IMO, the theologies developed around the Bible have many contradictions, but that's a limitation of the theologies (aka the perspective/understanding) not the scripture itself.
That said, "truth" is (obviously) transcendent. The Bible is a text that expresses the 'truth', and I think it has to be recognized that the expression is not prefect in the sense that it covers all the bases. The scripture itself directly speaks to this fact itself in numerous places. Paul himself recognize the limitations of what he understood, and wrote about.
Answers to your "contradictions". If you are truly interested in research and truth have a look.
Q literally told us to 'read the Bible' and 'it will be Biblical'. it's part of the syllabus. that being said, yes there's a lot of fluff, but that just helps to discern that poster's slant, which is always beneficial.
That doesn't mean the bible is the immutable word of God.
How do you reconcile being gay being against the word of God, but Trump being very pro-gay?
just because he allowed it, doesn't mean he promotes it, he is just a man who picks his battles, follows the law
And once you 'read the Bible' you realize it IS the Word of God. it's a code that improves the serious reader...helps us to 'heal' like Q said to do, so why would we not just follow Q's directions and READ the Bible & discuss our findings. you know; BE the Autists...guess I just think that would be the last things is want monitored here, it's part of the puzzle...
So does the bible make a distinction then between promoting it and just accepting it?
I have never seen a post saying if you make one mistake you will go to hell forever. If you want to attack Christians try being accurate first.
Oh wow, YOU haven't seen a post like that. That is really meaningful because you read ALL the posts on this board!
I've been pushing back against the dogmatic Christians on this board and some absolutely state this.
Maybe try to show an example instead of creating a straw man.
How is it a straw men to say that you did not read all the posts on this board?
Here is your straw man:
you made one mistake, you will go to hell forever" anymore.
I believe this statement is made up. prove me wrong.
I don't care what you believe. How is what YOU believe more important than what I've read on this board?
You can look through my post history and look for the discussion with your dogmatic friends yourself "fren".
As always, deport faggots. Q said pray. But your mod team also agrees that faggotry from any angle is not tolerated.
Not to derail the thread... Q said:
When it comes to non religious anons, that sentence confirms all are welcome. Basically puts the "All" in WWG1WGA.
And in regards to the endless prayer chat and request threads. They all seem to have forgotten these very clear instructions:
NO. And also, fuck this. With a ten foot pole.
The Bible addresses public versus private prayer in Matthew 6:5-6, where Jesus advises against praying pretentiously in public to gain attention, suggesting instead to pray in private, where the Father, who sees in secret, will reward openly. This teaching emphasizes sincerity in prayer over the desire for public recognition. It encourages believers to foster a personal, intimate relationship with God, rather than treating prayer as a means to display piety.
Nobody here cares about your piety. If you have Bible knowledge that's relevant to the post at hand, post it. If you want the rest of us to kiss your Christian ass, prepare for long, and then very VERY long vacations.
I warn you, I know the Bible backwards and forwards (and GOD WINS, in BOTH directions). Do not tempt the lord your mods.
Yup I agree with that assessment. A lot of them just turn into a competition for who can display the most piety. Matthew 6:5-8 is pretty clear. God already knows "these things you have need of". No real need for posting about it.
And remember SpAcE LaSeRs first showed up after 9/11 as a crazy theory to poison the actual legitimate theories.
I got banned the other day for talking about what would put 99% of people in hospital. I talked about alien abductions and implants (and there's some pretty good evidence for it) and the mod that banned me didn't even want to give me his or her name. So I was banned by someone anonymous...
13 days ago, reptillians, COME ON, frog
If you don’t like the mods, no one is forcing you to be here or post here. I don’t think “best user experience” is the point of this site. If you’re discontented then maybe it’s not for you.
So like all the liberals you’re saying “If you don’t like it go make your own board”
By the way, gab dot ai is amazing
We don't actually like 'reaching out and touching' users here, or topics or posts, even. In fact, we don't mod with doing that in mind at all. We mod with the idea that we drive high expectations from our userbase and expect high-effort, high-info participation at all times. The most important thing most users overlook when gauging their level of commitment and participation to GAW is that mods look at comment quality and post scores IMMENSELY before taking action with any particular user. Low effort? No posts? We absolutely 100% don't mind a permanent vacation in those instances. We have YET to ban a low-effort 'casual' here and thought, a few weeks later, "Gee, I really miss u/XXXXXX."
The mods have bosses, too—we work for our high-effort, highest-info posters and commenters. Period. EVERY single action we take is to facilitate and make smoother and easier the work that our researchers do. Period. We see researchers get shit on all the time over on PDW. We don't want that here. If you're a high-effort poster? You are THE BOSS in the minds of the mod team, and we will do everything in our power to ensure that your posts and comments get recognized and stickied and get the attention your hard work deserves.
This is not a "free speech" zone. This is not a "fringe conspiracy site." This is not a place to complain about "censorship" when you post fringe conspiracies that get removed by the moderation team.
For those who cannot view the sidebar, here are the important bits:
We moderators reserve the right to curate high quality discussions centered on Q research.
65 posts containing "Great Awakening".
Why cant we stay true to the site name and what Q told us? Great Awakening includes all information, spiritual, religious, and political.
Q research board that cant discuss the Great Awakening? Id be leaving, and your feedback is telling you to just take the L.
Ironic how this place turned into a cult around Q. Like, we got it, trust the plan. But there is more to the GA than simply hanging all the pedophiles. What about the Great Awakening in food, medicine, science, history, religion, mind, aliens, bigfoot, etc etc? We can't talk about those, though. I get auto-censored ("Sorry, we encountered an error. Please try again later") if I post something that isn't relatable to Q. No wonder it's easy to pick on the anons. They fall for the same hivemind trap the left does. No, it's not all about Q. It's not all about Trump.
We the People want free speech. We the People want to be able to discuss flat earth so we can bury it in its own BS day after day after day. We the People want to be able to discuss hidden and forgotten history. We the People want to talk about hypothetical and unconfirmed things. But no, everyone must stay on topic (except this small list of people who get the Panera Bread treatment).
The whole purpose of this board is to be a Q board.
And yes, the board should stay on topic. It shouldn't just be a free-for-all where people come to dump whatever supposed "truth" they think they've uncovered.
For example, discussing flat Earth provides no value to this board, regardless of whether it's to push it or debunk it. It simply doesn't help us awaken normies to do this.
The idea that it would be oh-so-great to have free speech on here so we can argue all the bad ideas away reminds me of one of Trump's responses to Hillary: "sounds good, doesn't work".
And ultimately, there is no "we the people" here. It's a forum graciously run for free by a team of volunteers, with rules on what can and can not be discussed. That is what it always was, what it currently is, and what it always will be.
Q has always said "There are no coincidences".
To me, this means that we are not dealing in random; that everything is connected. With some digging, those connections show themselves. A forum called the "Great Awakening" should allow for this evidence to be presented and debated. Whether a fren believes what the dig shows them is a different thing. Cognitive dissonance requires sauce to be persuaded.
There is a straight line from the Cabal to theories about the the earth's shape, to ancient religions, to pedophilia and modern sex crimes (ancient religious practices), abortion (child sacrifice repackaged), Freemasonry, who "Columbia" is, why a statue of her is on top of the Capitol Rotunda, and why there are cities and an entire geographical region named after her. Pick a modern societal concern that has DS/leftie support, and you'll find an ancient explanation that gives God the middle finger.
These connections aren't irrelevant or random, frens. They might be old, but they actually explain much of what we're seeing today (see above). Modern society's laws don't apply to our very old enemy, who still operate as they have for 1000's of years; the language has just been manipulated. This is what Q means by a 'spiritual battle'. These aren't just some old families, there are devils and demons here too. I know: all of this sounds like fiction, especially to people burned out on religion, but Q believes it, acts on it, and that's good enough for me. There is too much emphasis placed on what normies will think, at any rate. Using that as the standard is pointless.
Most importantly, these connections show why governments of any sort can't be trusted, and how deep and wide the lying is (part of Q's purpose). It's a paper octopus, but a huge one with hundreds of tentacles. Some of those tentacles look like censorship and the labeling of discussions as "silly" or "unproven" or "fringe".
One cannot stand on cognitive dissonance and then claim to be awakened. If there are no coincidences, then all connections are relevant, and need to be understood.
But there are coincidences, so if Q meant that literally, then Q is insane.
So the only possibility, save for us concluding that Q was full of shit, is that Q didn't mean that literally.
The art is in determining what is worth exploring and what is bullshit designed to distract us or lead us down false paths. It's perfectly possible to make false claims appear true, and we aren't immune from that. Lines need to be drawn to prevent the board as a whole from succumbing to cabal psyops.
Further, the intro text on this forum concludes with "WE ARE THE PUBLIC FACE OF Q. OUR MISSION IS TO RED-PILL NORMIES."
So it absolutely matters what normies think if our goal is to wake them up. Esoteric shit can be discussed elsewhere, rather than diluting a forum that's meant to be approachable to people whose minds are just beginning to open.
Someone who has just started their journey to awakening is not going to stay here if we're talking about flat Earth or some other wildly esoteric shit. True or not, these theories being present here don't help us achieve our stated goal.
Much respect to the mods. Your job is tough. But "Q" is about as fringe as it gets. The lamestream considers Q as "the conspiracy theory to unite them all" -- Does not compute for me.
The Q clock
What the lamestream considers as 'conspiracy theory' is irrelevant and invalid.
If Q is at the center, which it is on this board, then it's not fringe. The boards standard is what defines the board, not the lamestream.
There are theories and topics that are not only fringe, but off-topic to the subject of the board, with is the Q operation: its origins, execution, outcomes and legacy.
When the media attacks something, it's very often true.
When the media gives you a list of "permitted conspiracies", you should probably ignore all of them.
Q, at it's very basic, is an extremely benign theory. It's nowhere near implausible. It's frankly more believable than most other ones out there. "Donald Trump, upon becoming president, instructed the military to run a strategic operation disseminating hidden information directly to the US public using an anonymous account online".
This, as well as the actual things Q said are not that far out there, and the idea that Q is military is perfectly reasonable. When it gets "fringe" is when we start going into anon's interpretations of Q posts that get quite out there regarding double meanings and such.
And the thing is, it doesn't matter what the mainstream thinks. If we based our views on the mainstream, none of us would be here to begin with. What matters is waking up normies. And some shit is diametrically opposed to that mission.
The normies believe what the mainstream tells them. How do ppl not understand this?
If fringe conspiracy theories are to be silenced in this space, in this time (by which so many fringe conspiracy theories have been proven correct), then the Internet is truly dead.
It’s ONE THING for moderators we won’t name to “censor” a topic if it’s popping up too much and a bit on the “fringe” of Q/threads which aren’t research/discussion oriented….
JUST LIKE THE “FLAT EARTHERS”™️ (there’s that giant earth sized conspiracy that penetrated the net and used to smear all conspiracy theorists)
WHILE ALSO…. GET THIS…. RAPIDLY PARTICIPATING/STICKYING THREADS ON BIG FOOTS AND ALIENS! KEK (note, nothing against big foot and giants I am sure there’s more to that than meets the eye! And nothing against flat earthers either! Wonder what type of massive “as big as the earth is actually flat” conspiracies there really ARE out there!? (Aliens, cures, dna, God real, hidden history etc)
I mean what kind of THE STORM wouldn’t involve a little geo-engineering? You think these walking wannabe Gods really drew the line at massively altering and weaponizing the weather! Laughable! Besides the proof is in the pudding! Totally Q related and research/discussable refer to thread! Gates/Epstein, Flynn/nanotech, Q weather references etc
This one isn't a conspiracy, it's just a hard requirement for anything to exist.
Yes you know what I mean. But don’t you find it impressive that Q who bases everything on FACTS and TRUTH is literally TELLING US the plan itself will not succeed if not for prayer, that God and Satan and Evil itself are at literal war?
Q seems to have his plate full with saving the world, why does he make it so IMPORTANT to the plan that a SPIRITUAL WARFARE is taking place and that our SOULS are literally at stake?
Doesn’t sound like after school religious biblical story time to me…
The billion soul harvest is coming and Satan was trying to kill them so there would be no one left to save. It’s very biblical
I do, and I agree with your point, I just felt compelled to point that out.
I's say it's also particularly interesting if Q is indeed military intelligence, as they seem to be. The idea that military intelligence would be telling us that they are fighting literal demons in a spiritual war is incredibly interesting. I'd say there's definitely something there, kek
Exactly and Q has told us prayer is REAL and CRUCIAL to the plan….
Really Q? My thoughts and prayers are crucial to the plan?
What does Q know that I don’t I wonder everyday lol imagine the combined minds of Q team and the tech/other realms they fight in and with….
People may not like it, but if we want the board to not just devolve into a bunch of irrelevant junk posts, this kind of outright dismissal of certain things is how it needs to be.
Probably Best to send through modmail fren.
What is reasonable degree for you
To be fair, mods should not lay intentional traps. PSA: don't react to flat earth threads and the like, as they are traps to catch unwary commentors.
Growth can be a silly thing. We often don't even realize it while it happens. Yet we come out shiner we can then look back and be aware of where it happened.
Mods have a tough job
Silly: having or showing a lack of common sense or judgment; absurd and foolish. "another of his silly jokes"
Growth is anything BUT silly!
I simply mean I often look back and laugh. God grows us in amazing ways right:)
Agreed, and most mods are reasonable people. But there is no need to make fake threads and then ass-blast innocent bystanders. This happened to me, and luckily some saner heads intervened and reversed the ban, so I am in favor of mods in general.
Re read last message.
God bless fren. Jesus Christ is KING 👑
Best is yet to come!
They seem to take issue with datefagging, particularly those of the 14 day variety…what’s up with that?
That one I agree with. Mainly because date fagging never works out and it has a tendency to discourage people. Q told us there were no prophets. He also told us "future proves past". We don't know the future and we certainly don't know the dates when things will go down. Simply put we are to "trust the plan" not try and predict events of the plan on some imaginary timeline.
Well said. Thanks Fren!
Just that 2 MOAR weeks is a running joke.
We get jokes, but, we suggest that in the overall interest of your account's health that this humour be deployed wisely. :)
your acount
Is that specific to me? Or do you mean it more generally like: one's account?
Just to be clear.
😂😂😂 xxx more weeks!
like Bill Cooper used to say on his broadcasts "If you don't like what i'm saying, go start your own radio show"
There's a whole lot of people who frequent this board who are not "us".
I was curious what type of speech the OP thought should be allowed here that isn't, so I checked some past comments.
PSA to mods: thank you for deleting 99% of the bullshit comments like this before I have to see them.
Jew hatred is not on-topic for Q. Go post wherever stormfront retards post.
well said
I support the mods because whenever I deport a stormfag, a racist, a misogynist, or a retard they get nuked in minutes
That is enough for me
Upvote x 1000
Thanks, but also note that banning something true, will get it accepted by the masses. If this is really the mods plan, they hide it well ;)
If there is a constant flood of posts on a certain topic with not much to back it up, then we should do something about that.
But I really don't see the issue when we talk about something "fringe" here every now and then.
We allow most things, TBH
The slow creep to becoming right-wing Reddit continues…
I prefer the content on here to be somewhat vetted. Not a fan of grifters. I like when someone highlights some Q post with some deltas and it relates to something prominent in the news.
Just a for instance, but real raw news articles read like fan fiction for someone who wants to hear how the deep state is being beaten back/rooted out.
Psh. There have always been guardrails here.
This is the second time I’ve been within the scope of a “hey guys, focus” point.
There is such a thing as stay-on-topic. This is primarily a research board about a certain letter. Doesn’t mean you’re wrong, it means you’re in the wrong forum, and off-topic.
Evspra banning George comes to mind.
But I didn't care then and barely care now. Frankly, bad ideas should be debated and mocked, not censored. This is how we rid this site of Dom Lucre's nonsense.
Their job is not to give us a good expirance.
Their job is to help all of us win the victory against globalhomo.
If someone feelings get hurt, so be it.
We are at war, we need to be on a war footing.
Explain how censoring certain discussions "helps" us win against the globohomos.
Flat earth BS makes us all look bad.
I understand the mods are trying to strike a balance but the topic of DEWs has long since been relevant and we know there's sketchiness involved with these fires. We are not meant to be 100% an introduction for normies- not at all. The circumstances around them are supposed to do that.
Per previous comment, it’s not necessarily that it’s wrong, BUT it isn’t a topic that is typically engagable with by unawakened minds, and discredition by proxy is a thing.
I.e. whether correct or stupid, it’s too far off the path to hold credibility with most audiences.
This site has maintained a great deal of credibility during a time when all federal agencies are on the warpath for anything that doesn't support their narrative and where there have been numerous attempts to discredit us.
Take a look at what pdw has become when the mods don't reign things in from time to time.
“Optics matter.”
It makes us look like fruitcakes to normal people. And it wastes our time.
Our job is to wake up as many as possible as fast as we can. Same as a war were the job is to kill as many of the enemy the fastest....
Hash it out on the conspiracy boards and then if you get proof of any thing show it to a mod and ask permission....
By all means you can start and moderate you own win.....
Sounds like you are trying to divide us. Tsk tsk, pbman. We need to unite and NOT turn into what we are fighting against !
We need reasonable limits, otherwise the commies will flood us with flat earth bullshit.
We need to be strategic and focus on winning topics.
We will find out about other stuff after we win.
Exactly! Thank you for speaking out. It probably got you a strike, or put you in a reply ban. But the mods on here have become the very people this site warns us about.
Off topic mostly, but kind of user-experience related. I literally don't know how else or where to get my question answered. I've been a member here for about a year now, and whenever I start my own topic, it is NEVER seen by anyone. No views. Why is this? What am I doing wrong?