Exactly. People keep forgetting this. I think the play here is for Trump to win and the Dems lose their shit and have the “threat to democracy” card get reversed uno’d on them. Everyone will see them acting like children. Meanwhile shit starts getting hot globally and financially bring us to the precipice.
Constitutionally, it is supposed to prevent a hostile Congress from refusing to certify an inbound POTUS, based on the assumption that the incoming Congress aligns with the new POTUS.
Which it generally should, at least leaning that direction in theory.
You wouldn't catch me voting for, say, Trump and then voting for Haley Stevens or one of the other Michigan hags like Slotkin.
Honestly if one pays attention to the county maps from 2016 and 2020, the majority should be held in both houses of Congress AND the electoral college should go red 9/10 times.
I'm slightly leaning towards Harris initially winning an obviously stolen election (Huge Trump victories in non-Dominion states, Harris winning swing states via the same shenanigans from 2020 in key, corrupt counties).
But I can absolutely see the Trump victory/Dems refuse to certify angle.
The only reason I'm leaning slightly toward the former is because more people would be woken up (I think?).
I'm not so sure. They're doing the suppression polling again, including acknowledging the pseudo-poll in the Vegas betting odds. Big money is being poured in to make those look more even than they would organically be. It's clear the big money intends to cheat again and is counting on it being successful.
To our credit, we've got patriot eyes literally everywhere. When shenanigans are happening, the cell phones are coming out, stuff is being posted to social media and instantly boosted around the world on the internet. It's forcing local precincts to act to correct or else be exposed as part of the fraud. Sunlight is a seriously effective disinfectant. If we think about what this means, We the People are the cavalry, and we've rode in to save the day. We the People are putting in the votes. We the People are securing the vote.
The electronic fraud is the big variable here. By nature, it's impossible to observe. It's just electrons flowing from circuit to circuit... we'll see if the wizards and warlocks have counterspells in place for that kind of black sorcery.
Yep it's why we were told this week or last the DOD has made it possible for troops to fire on citizens. We were told long ago laws would be prelifted for our military to deal with those who wish to do us harm. That was a Q proof 7 years later.
I didn't know about the sharp spikes on the white house fence..............too busy I guess watching the "happenings" at the Capitol with the "exercise" and all.
i think the plan is for them to actually do the reverse Jan 6th and try to play it off as democratic, which will break so many normies' brains out of the matrix once and for all!!
I been saying Space Force was implemented for cybersecurity and they will be watching votes. Some people don’t believe me. It is what it is, the plan moves forward without them.
Absolutely! I’ve been banking on Space Force coming through with the 2024 election protection AND the proof that they stole 2020. Trump said they have it all. Let’s see what happens.
I've been reading the deltas yet again. 11/3 to J6.
I was never a datefagger, but believed deltas would matter at the end for all to see.
We will soon find out.
How do you catch a dangerous animal???? Traps, snares and the like. I guess Space Force has used electronic traps, and routines in programming to snare the culprits when they originally wrote the code or refreshed it to change votes.
Wouldn't it be funny if the early voting push that's causing them to have to reprogram the Dominion fraud machines was actually a Whitehat operation with Whitehat computer code that undoes the fraud code🤣🤣🤣
This has never happened before, in the history of the world.
I keep having to repeat like a mantra "nothing can stop what's coming, nothing can stop what's coming..." because I fear having to live without Trump as the winner until January 20.
Plus I'm autistic--we live in fear of a lot of things. We're natural introverts.
I said it before, I'll say it again:
If Donald Trump is not sworn into office by 11:59:59 PM Eastern on January 20, 2025, we are officially in the danger zone.
If Donald Trump is not in office after October 28, 2025, my patience will run out, I'm declaring the Q operation a failure, I will publicly admit I have been fooled, I will delete my entire account a week later, and the country will be lost.
Why October 28? One, that's the eighth anniversary of the first Q drop, and two, in 2019, Q said this:
You’ve got this! WE’VE got this. I’m hoping you’re saved, as well? I am calm, a few butterflies now and then. I’m excited at what the future brings. I feel like I’ve missed something my whole life. I’ll be 55 next weekend so it’s soon or never. I fully trust God to bring us through the Storm. You’ve got us, even when the internet is down. We will find each other if it gets really bad. I love you and everyone here. Idk why but I have tears sneaking up on me. What a boob!
Trump talked about a celebration July 4th 2025 to 2026. I dont think you'll have to wait until October.
I'd also give up if not complete by July 4th 2025.
It's hard being ahead of everyone else. We're tired and want confirmation.
Ehhh, this is going off into ridiculousness imo. I have a certain liberty with the Scriptures and nature of reality but not to this degree. I think the miracles in the Scriptures are acts of God suspending His natural laws, and the miracles done outside His will (black magic, etc) are just people who have been given supernatural gifts by God but who used them for evil.
When this dude can convert lead into gold I'll be more willing to hear him out. Until then, he's just musing.
Bingo, said this to all my peoples who seek me out for conspiracy theory info… if wizards/warlocks stopped the steal in 2016, why did they let the steal happen in 2020…. We didnt know then, but we know now… we had to wake up more people to bring phase three into focus… accountability…. Military tribunals.. with out the people, we have civil war, which would have happened in 2020…. It had to be this way…. Stay comfy frens
I was thinking today. And I'm sure most here agree. I'm ready for hangings.
Specifically Brennan, and Obama.
Followed by HRC. Dead or not already, irrelevant.
But how would everyday uninformed Americans feel about public execution?
It makes us and 45 look bad.
We're still not united. We believe crimes against humanity and their crimes against children unite all.
We still haven't hit that point, or the precipice. We're still, "showing" the people.
Awaiting some crazy shit post 11/5.
It's far from over.
I think anons forget this. I’ve heard sooooo many time that Trump won because of muh-electoral college. F-that shit. The machines were jammed by the WH/Q-team.
I saw the looks on their faggot MSM faces when the cheat / swap didn’t materialize.
It will happen again!!!!
They will try to prevent him from taking office. That’s their only possibility at this point.
As a former technical intel analyst, I believe this is a strong probability. Our satellite capability is very impressive and the "White Hats" have full spectrum dominance. They re not invincible, but what can be done via satellite and ground based operations is nothing short of amazing. I wouldn't be surprised if they can jam and override all terrestrial broadcast and cable systems at the same time and insert their own programming. We may get to see that.
If Trump winds in a huge Reagan-style landslide, and the Dems don't certify it or try hard to not certify, that will not cause the people to unite--it will simply cause the lefties to bleat "It was stolen, don't certify it!"
The only thing that unifies us is crimes against children, right? How do we get to that?
My answer is that Harris/Walz must win every single state and some absurd popular vote percentage, like 68.7%. In that moment of stunned silence across the country where even the lefties are scratching their heads, Space Force steps in and proves the steal.
By doing this, it allows Space Force (and other military components like the Military Courts) to become involved. Most importantly, the question can be asked, "Is this what happened in 2020?" And, "Who is behind this?"
And as Trump is inaugurated, the whole country will now be following the discovery of the Satanic Cabal, and the child and adult trafficking, etc. And the MSM culprits will have been taken down so that they can no longer spread misinformation as the truth comes out. And we get there because there was total agreement that Harris/Walz could not possibly win in a huge landslide.
This is my hope, anyway. I realize there are many other paths... but I can't think of one that fosters more unity. There are still tens and tens of millions of true-blue Dems who are blind.
The left doesn't care about crimes against children. They murder babies. They're so evil and brainwashed, they toe the party line regardless. We can't coexist with these demons.
I think there are many who do not equate babies in the womb with children. In fact, most... that's why they are okay with abortion. But children... that's different in their eyes.
"Fetus" apparently is just a Latin word for "unborn baby". Time to educate folks that the left is just obsessed with killing unborn babies that are unable to tell them "no, please don't kill me".
The day before the election in 2016, the media was reporting HRC had a 99% chance of winning the election. They knew the fix was in, electronic vote fraud would be used to steal the election. However, Trump won!
HRC lost because military intel stepped in and prevented the steal. This is why the Chinese virus was released for the election in 2020. Put the drop boxes in place. Democrats knew the electronic vote fraud was circumvented in the prior election. Q asked us, "Is this about the virus OR THE ELECTION?"
If military intel could circumvent the electronic vote fraud in 2016, they can do it again. I'm not sure how the demons will try to cheat this year but I am sure Space Force is focused on it very closely.
Doesn't mean the Whitehat military didn't have the capability then. Space Force's creation among many things I think.just allowed them to consolidate the Whitehat operation with greater OpSec IMO. The Whitehat version of the NSA.
I would lean towards IF there's a Nov 5th election day Trump loses but not really. They will fraud the election so blatantly because they have no choice. Early voting has absolutely fucked their machine cheating plans completely because a double digit percentage of Trump voters have already voted. Can they still 3am in mail in ballots? Sure can! But again, too many Trump voters have already cast their ballots. Check and mate. Now, what happens after they (MSM) declares Harris the winner? Well, that part of the plan will be the most interesting. I would spit ball we will see the biggest military operation on US soil in our history. I think the US and the rest of the world will be shown the evidence very quickly of the 2024 theft BUT also the 2020 evidence and this is where the military comes in. They will be needed to assist in making mass arrests and quelling riots. The storm is NOT here yet. The storm comes next week.
My view is this: If the Marxists/cabal/Kaz Mafia actually thought they had their 2024 election steal all wrapped up with a bow on top, (A) they wouldn't keep trying to kill GEOTUS and (B) they wouldn't have been compelled to replace Biden with another candidate (who turned out to be even worse). This is what helps keep me comfy AF. :-)
They "jammed" it by Wikileaks threatening to blame Israel for 9/11. I discuss this in one of my earlier popular posts, which you can find on my profile here.
I've come across all few of your posts, as I casually browse here.
We are of the same stance and almost age if you're born in 81.
Who turned you onto the zionsit element? Just curious.
I'm older than you by 4 years if 81 is your yob. A vet, and been at this since 96.
Most here don't know of dawson, rivero etc.
I'm just curious who clued you in on the Z.
Zionism pops up to anyone investigating conspiracy research, because most of the big conspiracies trace back to Jews. Zionism is just one tiny branch, by the way - communism is just as big and just as bad, and traces back to... you guessed, the Jews. Nor am I suggesting that all Jews are all bad - they're the stars of the Bible. I'm just saying they're the stars of the movie and you have to study them deeply to understand anything, not just about conspiracies, but also reality.
I've only been into conspiracy research since FBIanon in 2015 summer (google "filetype:pdf fbianon". I took it from there.
Ryan Dawson is a polymath limited hangout who knows 100x more about 9/11 than I do but also spouts nonsense to sow confusion in the truth community. He thinks Hanji actually flew the Pentagon flight, and he thinks fires brought down WTC 7 (I'm speaking roughly - he might quibble with my restatement). As far as I know, he's the ONLY person in the truth community he believes that bullshit. Like most excellent truthers, he lives outside of the United States, and he probably gets an anonymous $10,000+ check every month to bias his coverage in a certain direction (emphasize this, ignore that, etc.).
Don't know Rivero.
Who clued me onto Zionism? I mean, it's one of the first things any conspiracy buff encounters. The first document was, again, FBIanon. I read "9/11 was Mossad" and spit out my coffee, laughing. It took three months of painful, deep research to realize that, although FBIanon told some jokes, this was not one of them. I actually think FBIanon and Q are part of the same operation, since they both started on 4chan.
Interesting that they chose a picture of Italy from outer space under the Space Force logo. They had all kinds of (cyber) proof that Italy was involved in the 2020 steal. Mike Lindell was showing it within two weeks of the 2020 steal.
Trump has been moving around a lot and squeezing in as many rallies as possible. So what happens after election day? I'm guessing the final tallies won't be known for a week or so in the swing states. My fear is there is a lot of time between election day and inauguration day. I think that will be the most dangerous time if he wins. Yes, there's talk about the Dems not certifying, etc but my concern is another attempt on his life. The Dems have big money and can buy anything. My hope is Trump stays nice and safe that entire period. He can do video interviews but I think he needs to forego unnecessary public events. His inauguration day needs to be extreme secure and I think he should use any time he has to get his personal security teams involved because I just don't trust the USSS. Not after Butler and who knew about his planned golf outing in FL when that idiot was waiting for him to come into range? Way too close for comfort and we've heard nothing about both attempts. I pray to God he stays safe and secure.
There's no way 45 wins in a landslide and 2020 goes un addressed. Nothing is gained.
Think mirror. It's going to be flipped on them. Trump has always flipped their plays against them for all to see.
There will be no certification if 45 wins. They passed that in 2022, now calling for 1/5th to invoke a deliberation.
Something we haven't accounted for will play out.
I expect no clear winner tues or Wed, and lawfare to play out.
Too much left unsolved with a clear win.
I wish it weren't so, but we still haven't reached the precipice.
It's far from over.
So.... Plus plus plus is Adm. Rogers? I always bounced back and forth with +++; whether or not they were in the know. Some of the stuff they said on Truth seemed whacked out, but i can't even remember what. Kek.
Some speculate it might be Rogers. I'm doubtful though, based on what +++ has told us about his past. The bottom half of this image is a separate post from the top half, I combined them for visual effect. See my other comment for links to both.
Who runs the account is unknown. It has been on TS since day one, r/t'd by Trump, he associates (possibly in person) with Gen Flynn and Gregg Phillips, close friends with Pastor Dave Bryan and Dr David Martin. He has revealed quite a bit about his past, intriguing to say the least. He's was a remote viewer who was involved in the death of Satanist Anton Lavey and the rescue of his daughter.
I've followed closely for a long time, with skepticism at first. No red flags yet. No datefagging, no bogus claims, no grifting. Worth watching IMO, some others here would agree.
You'll find several posts about him if you check my history.
One things for sure, we are about to find out if we are crazy conspiracy theorists or not in about 5 days. We are literally going to see if we have a country or not and if Q is real and if there was a plan. This is both exciting af and scary as hell because there won’t be grey area left
Exactly. People keep forgetting this. I think the play here is for Trump to win and the Dems lose their shit and have the “threat to democracy” card get reversed uno’d on them. Everyone will see them acting like children. Meanwhile shit starts getting hot globally and financially bring us to the precipice.
I'm starting to lean towards landslide victory and the democrats not certifying the election as part of the show.
I can't wrap my head around how Iran/Israel plays out if Trump wins though. The optics are confusing. Or how the economic collapse occurs.
I figured an election stolen would cause the economic crash.
A landslide victory will come with big coattails. The new Congress gets sworn in on January 3rd, the Dems will be powerless to stop certification.
Add into the mix they changed the Electoral Count Act to make the V.P. As truly powerless as Pence claimed to be.
TYVM. I didn’t realize the new Congress is sworn in before the pres cert.
Combat tactics Mr Ryan.
Constitutionally, it is supposed to prevent a hostile Congress from refusing to certify an inbound POTUS, based on the assumption that the incoming Congress aligns with the new POTUS.
Which it generally should, at least leaning that direction in theory.
You wouldn't catch me voting for, say, Trump and then voting for Haley Stevens or one of the other Michigan hags like Slotkin.
Honestly if one pays attention to the county maps from 2016 and 2020, the majority should be held in both houses of Congress AND the electoral college should go red 9/10 times.
Yes, saving Israel for last is confusing,
Agreed. I’ve been awaiting and curious about if/when the economic collapse occurs.
I can't either QA, on either count.
I'm slightly leaning towards Harris initially winning an obviously stolen election (Huge Trump victories in non-Dominion states, Harris winning swing states via the same shenanigans from 2020 in key, corrupt counties).
But I can absolutely see the Trump victory/Dems refuse to certify angle.
The only reason I'm leaning slightly toward the former is because more people would be woken up (I think?).
I'm not so sure. They're doing the suppression polling again, including acknowledging the pseudo-poll in the Vegas betting odds. Big money is being poured in to make those look more even than they would organically be. It's clear the big money intends to cheat again and is counting on it being successful.
To our credit, we've got patriot eyes literally everywhere. When shenanigans are happening, the cell phones are coming out, stuff is being posted to social media and instantly boosted around the world on the internet. It's forcing local precincts to act to correct or else be exposed as part of the fraud. Sunlight is a seriously effective disinfectant. If we think about what this means, We the People are the cavalry, and we've rode in to save the day. We the People are putting in the votes. We the People are securing the vote.
The electronic fraud is the big variable here. By nature, it's impossible to observe. It's just electrons flowing from circuit to circuit... we'll see if the wizards and warlocks have counterspells in place for that kind of black sorcery.
One thought I had is patriots are making it look close so that more people go vote
Exactly. This is my prediction and, to me, the only thing that makes sense.
They are going to try and orchestrate a colour revolution and get their asses handed to them.
Yep it's why we were told this week or last the DOD has made it possible for troops to fire on citizens. We were told long ago laws would be prelifted for our military to deal with those who wish to do us harm. That was a Q proof 7 years later.
Ah I just remembered them upgrading the white house fence with those sharp spikes last week
I didn't know about the sharp spikes on the white house fence..............too busy I guess watching the "happenings" at the Capitol with the "exercise" and all.
yep here is the sauce
Per BADLANDS it’s purple per General Flynn.
i think the plan is for them to actually do the reverse Jan 6th and try to play it off as democratic, which will break so many normies' brains out of the matrix once and for all!!
That would be fun to watch.
They set legal precedent for 4 years.
I been saying Space Force was implemented for cybersecurity and they will be watching votes. Some people don’t believe me. It is what it is, the plan moves forward without them.
Yes, it's CYBERspace Force.
Shhh...Don't tell them...(/s)
Absolutely! I’ve been banking on Space Force coming through with the 2024 election protection AND the proof that they stole 2020. Trump said they have it all. Let’s see what happens.
What was the deal with the space craft (resembled a shuttle) was up in orbit for like 900 days?
That was Space Force doing reconnaissance for the 2020 election among other things, if i’m not mistaken. They truly do have it all.
It was recently sent back up...
I've been reading the deltas yet again. 11/3 to J6. I was never a datefagger, but believed deltas would matter at the end for all to see. We will soon find out.
Me, too ... it's important to refresh our memories..
that's absolutely the case, they already captured everything that went on with the 2020 steal.
they pulled the capabilities from the other services to do it, too.
Admiral Rogers.
How do you catch a dangerous animal???? Traps, snares and the like. I guess Space Force has used electronic traps, and routines in programming to snare the culprits when they originally wrote the code or refreshed it to change votes.
Wouldn't it be funny if the early voting push that's causing them to have to reprogram the Dominion fraud machines was actually a Whitehat operation with Whitehat computer code that undoes the fraud code🤣🤣🤣
I was wondering if they were deleting the fraud because they knew their algorithm wouldn’t work with turnout so high
I'm scared.
But it's normal to fear the unknown.
This has never happened before, in the history of the world.
I keep having to repeat like a mantra "nothing can stop what's coming, nothing can stop what's coming..." because I fear having to live without Trump as the winner until January 20.
Plus I'm autistic--we live in fear of a lot of things. We're natural introverts.
I said it before, I'll say it again:
If Donald Trump is not sworn into office by 11:59:59 PM Eastern on January 20, 2025, we are officially in the danger zone.
If Donald Trump is not in office after October 28, 2025, my patience will run out, I'm declaring the Q operation a failure, I will publicly admit I have been fooled, I will delete my entire account a week later, and the country will be lost.
Why October 28? One, that's the eighth anniversary of the first Q drop, and two, in 2019, Q said this:
You’ve got this! WE’VE got this. I’m hoping you’re saved, as well? I am calm, a few butterflies now and then. I’m excited at what the future brings. I feel like I’ve missed something my whole life. I’ll be 55 next weekend so it’s soon or never. I fully trust God to bring us through the Storm. You’ve got us, even when the internet is down. We will find each other if it gets really bad. I love you and everyone here. Idk why but I have tears sneaking up on me. What a boob!
Saved in Christ Jesus, yeah. I guess I was just hoping THIS wasn't the end.
I'm not as old as you, but I'm in my 40s.
I would say if Kamala is inaugurated and not immediately arrested then the operation is a failure.
That’s the final straw. We know they cheated last time, we know they’ll try this time too. If they pull it off again, what are we waiting for?
Get outside your comfort zone every now and then, it helps out. I've been doing it the past three years, now I just keep smelling THEIR fear.
They shouldn't have gone after the children. THEY SHOULD NOT HAVE GONE AFTER THE CHILDREN.
They always overreach.
Trump talked about a celebration July 4th 2025 to 2026. I dont think you'll have to wait until October. I'd also give up if not complete by July 4th 2025. It's hard being ahead of everyone else. We're tired and want confirmation.
Oh, that's true, I forgot about that! Nice!
I agree. However, it’s been such a shit show the last 4 yrs. It’s either true or something worse will happen. The past 4 yrs has not been normal.
+++ is my favorite social media account to follow. Always interesting, truthful and exciting!
I should go make a truth and a x account. I got off both a year or so ago. Things getting spicy.
Mine, too! He knows.
Thank you for posting this, what I believe is a very important account.
I keep going back to that post. Exciting times!
That's not a Q post, if that's what you mean, but yes the logic tracks quite well 😁
I know, I meant the TS post. +++ fascinates me. I was rewatching a Dr. Martin video he recommended a while back earlier this morning.
Ah ok. I thought you meant it was a Q post.
Here’s an older post and podcast I referenced, in case you’re interested!
Ty! I'm playing it now
Ehhh, this is going off into ridiculousness imo. I have a certain liberty with the Scriptures and nature of reality but not to this degree. I think the miracles in the Scriptures are acts of God suspending His natural laws, and the miracles done outside His will (black magic, etc) are just people who have been given supernatural gifts by God but who used them for evil.
When this dude can convert lead into gold I'll be more willing to hear him out. Until then, he's just musing.
I feel like most people on here do not realize that this is not a real Q post.
None of the comments suggest that is the case. Think you underestimate this community.
Bingo, said this to all my peoples who seek me out for conspiracy theory info… if wizards/warlocks stopped the steal in 2016, why did they let the steal happen in 2020…. We didnt know then, but we know now… we had to wake up more people to bring phase three into focus… accountability…. Military tribunals.. with out the people, we have civil war, which would have happened in 2020…. It had to be this way…. Stay comfy frens
I was thinking today. And I'm sure most here agree. I'm ready for hangings. Specifically Brennan, and Obama. Followed by HRC. Dead or not already, irrelevant. But how would everyday uninformed Americans feel about public execution? It makes us and 45 look bad. We're still not united. We believe crimes against humanity and their crimes against children unite all. We still haven't hit that point, or the precipice. We're still, "showing" the people. Awaiting some crazy shit post 11/5. It's far from over.
I think anons forget this. I’ve heard sooooo many time that Trump won because of muh-electoral college. F-that shit. The machines were jammed by the WH/Q-team.
I saw the looks on their faggot MSM faces when the cheat / swap didn’t materialize.
It will happen again!!!! They will try to prevent him from taking office. That’s their only possibility at this point.
As a former technical intel analyst, I believe this is a strong probability. Our satellite capability is very impressive and the "White Hats" have full spectrum dominance. They re not invincible, but what can be done via satellite and ground based operations is nothing short of amazing. I wouldn't be surprised if they can jam and override all terrestrial broadcast and cable systems at the same time and insert their own programming. We may get to see that.
Ohhhhhh, Space Force (using Peppermint Patty's voice).
My take is the opposite from the other comments.
If Trump winds in a huge Reagan-style landslide, and the Dems don't certify it or try hard to not certify, that will not cause the people to unite--it will simply cause the lefties to bleat "It was stolen, don't certify it!"
The only thing that unifies us is crimes against children, right? How do we get to that?
My answer is that Harris/Walz must win every single state and some absurd popular vote percentage, like 68.7%. In that moment of stunned silence across the country where even the lefties are scratching their heads, Space Force steps in and proves the steal.
By doing this, it allows Space Force (and other military components like the Military Courts) to become involved. Most importantly, the question can be asked, "Is this what happened in 2020?" And, "Who is behind this?"
And as Trump is inaugurated, the whole country will now be following the discovery of the Satanic Cabal, and the child and adult trafficking, etc. And the MSM culprits will have been taken down so that they can no longer spread misinformation as the truth comes out. And we get there because there was total agreement that Harris/Walz could not possibly win in a huge landslide.
This is my hope, anyway. I realize there are many other paths... but I can't think of one that fosters more unity. There are still tens and tens of millions of true-blue Dems who are blind.
The left doesn't care about crimes against children. They murder babies. They're so evil and brainwashed, they toe the party line regardless. We can't coexist with these demons.
I think there are many who do not equate babies in the womb with children. In fact, most... that's why they are okay with abortion. But children... that's different in their eyes.
Let's hope so.
"Fetus" apparently is just a Latin word for "unborn baby". Time to educate folks that the left is just obsessed with killing unborn babies that are unable to tell them "no, please don't kill me".
I too brace for a 'stunning' Trump loss at first. It just seems too easy this time... even easier than with Hidin' Biden.
You might be right. Or, it could be that the milhasbeen made to look weekwhen it is indeed very strong.
Need to revisit the drops fren, and think twice before trashing the men and women of the US military.
This is why Trump wins all 50 states this time.
The day before the election in 2016, the media was reporting HRC had a 99% chance of winning the election. They knew the fix was in, electronic vote fraud would be used to steal the election. However, Trump won!
HRC lost because military intel stepped in and prevented the steal. This is why the Chinese virus was released for the election in 2020. Put the drop boxes in place. Democrats knew the electronic vote fraud was circumvented in the prior election. Q asked us, "Is this about the virus OR THE ELECTION?"
If military intel could circumvent the electronic vote fraud in 2016, they can do it again. I'm not sure how the demons will try to cheat this year but I am sure Space Force is focused on it very closely.
by mailitin votes
I think I’ll just wait 3 more days and see what happens.
I suspect Trump will win bigly.
"I don't need no fans to cool my ass, I just use my super breath"
Jam on it...a Jam on it!
But Space Force wasn't around in 2016..
Doesn't mean the Whitehat military didn't have the capability then. Space Force's creation among many things I think.just allowed them to consolidate the Whitehat operation with greater OpSec IMO. The Whitehat version of the NSA.
I would lean towards IF there's a Nov 5th election day Trump loses but not really. They will fraud the election so blatantly because they have no choice. Early voting has absolutely fucked their machine cheating plans completely because a double digit percentage of Trump voters have already voted. Can they still 3am in mail in ballots? Sure can! But again, too many Trump voters have already cast their ballots. Check and mate. Now, what happens after they (MSM) declares Harris the winner? Well, that part of the plan will be the most interesting. I would spit ball we will see the biggest military operation on US soil in our history. I think the US and the rest of the world will be shown the evidence very quickly of the 2024 theft BUT also the 2020 evidence and this is where the military comes in. They will be needed to assist in making mass arrests and quelling riots. The storm is NOT here yet. The storm comes next week.
My view is this: If the Marxists/cabal/Kaz Mafia actually thought they had their 2024 election steal all wrapped up with a bow on top, (A) they wouldn't keep trying to kill GEOTUS and (B) they wouldn't have been compelled to replace Biden with another candidate (who turned out to be even worse). This is what helps keep me comfy AF. :-)
They "jammed" it by Wikileaks threatening to blame Israel for 9/11. I discuss this in one of my earlier popular posts, which you can find on my profile here.
I've come across all few of your posts, as I casually browse here. We are of the same stance and almost age if you're born in 81. Who turned you onto the zionsit element? Just curious. I'm older than you by 4 years if 81 is your yob. A vet, and been at this since 96. Most here don't know of dawson, rivero etc. I'm just curious who clued you in on the Z.
Hey buddy.
Born in 81.
Zionism pops up to anyone investigating conspiracy research, because most of the big conspiracies trace back to Jews. Zionism is just one tiny branch, by the way - communism is just as big and just as bad, and traces back to... you guessed, the Jews. Nor am I suggesting that all Jews are all bad - they're the stars of the Bible. I'm just saying they're the stars of the movie and you have to study them deeply to understand anything, not just about conspiracies, but also reality.
I've only been into conspiracy research since FBIanon in 2015 summer (google "filetype:pdf fbianon". I took it from there.
Ryan Dawson is a polymath limited hangout who knows 100x more about 9/11 than I do but also spouts nonsense to sow confusion in the truth community. He thinks Hanji actually flew the Pentagon flight, and he thinks fires brought down WTC 7 (I'm speaking roughly - he might quibble with my restatement). As far as I know, he's the ONLY person in the truth community he believes that bullshit. Like most excellent truthers, he lives outside of the United States, and he probably gets an anonymous $10,000+ check every month to bias his coverage in a certain direction (emphasize this, ignore that, etc.).
Don't know Rivero.
Who clued me onto Zionism? I mean, it's one of the first things any conspiracy buff encounters. The first document was, again, FBIanon. I read "9/11 was Mossad" and spit out my coffee, laughing. It took three months of painful, deep research to realize that, although FBIanon told some jokes, this was not one of them. I actually think FBIanon and Q are part of the same operation, since they both started on 4chan.
Please keep in touch.
Interesting that they chose a picture of Italy from outer space under the Space Force logo. They had all kinds of (cyber) proof that Italy was involved in the 2020 steal. Mike Lindell was showing it within two weeks of the 2020 steal.
The time has come to electrify the border fence. Try to climb it=shock. Try to cut it=massive shock.
it's a trap
Trump has been moving around a lot and squeezing in as many rallies as possible. So what happens after election day? I'm guessing the final tallies won't be known for a week or so in the swing states. My fear is there is a lot of time between election day and inauguration day. I think that will be the most dangerous time if he wins. Yes, there's talk about the Dems not certifying, etc but my concern is another attempt on his life. The Dems have big money and can buy anything. My hope is Trump stays nice and safe that entire period. He can do video interviews but I think he needs to forego unnecessary public events. His inauguration day needs to be extreme secure and I think he should use any time he has to get his personal security teams involved because I just don't trust the USSS. Not after Butler and who knew about his planned golf outing in FL when that idiot was waiting for him to come into range? Way too close for comfort and we've heard nothing about both attempts. I pray to God he stays safe and secure.
There's no way 45 wins in a landslide and 2020 goes un addressed. Nothing is gained. Think mirror. It's going to be flipped on them. Trump has always flipped their plays against them for all to see. There will be no certification if 45 wins. They passed that in 2022, now calling for 1/5th to invoke a deliberation. Something we haven't accounted for will play out. I expect no clear winner tues or Wed, and lawfare to play out. Too much left unsolved with a clear win. I wish it weren't so, but we still haven't reached the precipice. It's far from over.
So.... Plus plus plus is Adm. Rogers? I always bounced back and forth with +++; whether or not they were in the know. Some of the stuff they said on Truth seemed whacked out, but i can't even remember what. Kek.
Some speculate it might be Rogers. I'm doubtful though, based on what +++ has told us about his past. The bottom half of this image is a separate post from the top half, I combined them for visual effect. See my other comment for links to both.
How to Trap Wild Animals: Capture, Relocate, and Coexist
What was the relevance of this account? How did it gain initial attraction/validicy?
Who runs the account is unknown. It has been on TS since day one, r/t'd by Trump, he associates (possibly in person) with Gen Flynn and Gregg Phillips, close friends with Pastor Dave Bryan and Dr David Martin. He has revealed quite a bit about his past, intriguing to say the least. He's was a remote viewer who was involved in the death of Satanist Anton Lavey and the rescue of his daughter.
I've followed closely for a long time, with skepticism at first. No red flags yet. No datefagging, no bogus claims, no grifting. Worth watching IMO, some others here would agree.
You'll find several posts about him if you check my history.
One things for sure, we are about to find out if we are crazy conspiracy theorists or not in about 5 days. We are literally going to see if we have a country or not and if Q is real and if there was a plan. This is both exciting af and scary as hell because there won’t be grey area left
Yes but have the DS learned by now and put in unforeseen counter measures that is the question :/
Go back and read the drops, the answer to your question is obvious. Trust the plan.
Prayed 2016 Did not Pray 202
lots of doom posts....