"French President Macron addressed all Europeans to prepare for war with Russia.
This was broadcast live across the continent.
Europe will not accept capitulation of Ukraine to Russia under the guise of "peace negotiations."
Americans must decide whose side we are on."
🧠 These people are STUPID!
"We will not accept stopping killing young lives in the namme of peace negotiations. The meat grinder needs to keep grinding, if we need the money printers to keep printing"
plus the EU needs the cover of war to reset all their debt and crimes in addition to more dead humans. its a win-win for them, the elites will hide in their bunkers. islam will win in the end in the EU, cuz the muslim invaders won't be sent to the front lines.
Exactly! They won't be conscripted, only native, white Europeans will be. All part of the plan.
EXACTLY the same play as ww2. They sent all the good men to die in the snow and ice of Russia and then without any good men at home, they had the place all to themselves.
Keep looking...who keeps doing this?
👆👆👆 And WWI! It surely doesn’t end there!
Definitely not. 👉🏻🛑👈🏻 (What shape is that?)
¿¿an… octagon??
This is interesting if you like symbology
SATAN and his disciples, top of the pyramid
Who? How about Rev 2:9er's?
Not only that, but they will be activated to destroy Europe from within.
That was my first thought. Kill off all the native population is what they want to do.
It's only been 75 years since their cities were bombed to rubble.......
Maybe they forgot?
Paris avoided . But "Viva La Revolution" Pass the Popcorn
It would help them clear out the whites so they can fully hand the countries over to Muslims.
What if they had a war & we didn't show up? 🤔😮
Let's find out !
If I had to choose between Russia and the Euroweenies over who has more shared values, Russia wins hands down.
I'm starting to see why my ancestors GTFO of Europe last century.
Yeah, Russia hands down.
After seeing the Ramadan thing at Castle Windsor fuck Europe until they get rid of Islam
“You, Rope”
Leave NATO now ------ may prevent a war.
It will definitely stop a war.
So sick and tired of these faggot bullies talking tough & picking fights they can't win because they think we have their back.
Time they grow up and become responsible for their own actions.
I hope President Trump do not support this crap
So now I'm praying for that clause that was broken & it cancel any obligation. 🙏🙏🙏
President Trump is in control of NATO, this is the best position to manage it. If he walks away, the war-hawks will fill the vacuum and many more people will die.
When the US walks away NATO will be broke and dissolve.
The US has always been the Warhawk.
Never have I heard just NATO doing anything alone or with another country... it's always "US and NATO forces"
Well spotted.
Now --- replace "NATO" with "Bankers"
As my wife said, we have had to liberate France twice; fuck that!
The EU will keep fighting to the last Ukranian. It doesn't have to make sense. It only has to make money for the few people at the top.
They think because the kidnapping and forcing Ukraine men to fight worked, it will work in the rest of Europe.
Do all these military aged male migrants make sense now?
The Muslims won't be drafted. They'll rebuild.
It's impressive how the the globalist have created the image that Russia is the boogeyman. Attempting to hold on to the Cold War threat for so many decades. But the soviets are long gone.
It has been NATO aggression that caused the war in Ukraine. They broke the agreement that there would be no expansion.
It really amazes me how many average citizens are thirsty for war. But they are never willing to sign up to fight. 🤔
Meanwhile, the “Soviets” WERE part of the globalists, and were explicitly sent into Russia and funded by them during the Bolshevik Revolution.
And if you dig deep enough. You find that throughout history, Russia has been invaded over and over and over again. The truth is, they just want the invasions to stop. This isn't an excuse for the heinous crimes that the Soviets did. It's just what happens when you push a country too far. If the world would leave them the fuck alone, many of these problems with Russia would go away.
I live in Russia, an American who moved here. One of my favorite things about it is the deep cultural identity as the capable warriors who just wanted to be left alone.
It seems to me that the globalists have retreated from the USA and regrouped in Europe.
Yep. Like MTG said every tv show and movie features Russia as the boogeyman. Always the evil ones trying to destroy the world. Now they are adding in White supremicist nationalist.
Jesus said "Blessed are the peacemakers"(Matthew 5:9) therefore cursed are the warmongers. They cannot win.
Well you should know we are not sending our children to die for you.
I will stand by the nations that want peace, not boots on the ground.
Plus EU involved themselves in stealing our 2020 election , so the EU can fuck off
Slogans and hot air is all they have.
I side with Switzerland this time. Stay home and watch it on the TeeVee.
Switzerland is where the root of all the problems are, it’s the globalist headquarters. How else do you think they have managed to never be invaded or occupied during two major world wars and other large scale regional conflicts the last couple centuries.
As far as the meat grinder and the muslim invaders goes, have another look at the Kalergi plan.
Cuz they allow gun ownership
Switzerland not only allows gun ownership, their people are mandated by government to be armed, and trained to use firearms.
The problem, unaddressed by the Kalergi plan, is the matter of organ/ bone marrow transplants. It's very difficult to find a match in mixed races: https://www.sbs.com.au/news/article/why-mixed-race-minorities-struggle-to-find-life-saving-transplant-matches/l2axfktow
...the bloodlines of Basel
King David whom God said was a man after his own heart said "I am for peace, but when I speak they are for war"(Psalms 120:7).
So Europe is gonna fall on its face in front of Russia and we're gonna step in to save them yet once again?
Spoiler alert. Russians aren’t the baddies this time around.
Russians aren’t Soviets this time around.
100% correct statement. o7
Well, technically, the Russians weren’t the ‘baddies’ that time round either. That title went to a different country that, in retrospect, seem to be the ‘goodies’ fighting off the globalists war machine. Hope that makes sense.
Q said something about up is down, left is right or something like that.
everything is inverted I see that WWII redo was the whole idea behind COVD. Something Bigly is brewing.
We can't talk about that here. The you know who will get upset if you use that word. Shhhh.
It’s always funny when people insist that there are certain things that can’t be discussed here while people are discussing it.
There are topics that are off limits, and they have been clearly stated and explained as to why they are off limits.
So we can talk about the Jewish dual citizen thing now?
Revisionism can be a b*tch.
Neither the Germans and the Russians were "good" in WW2, this is painfully obvious. Both were socialists who perpetuated genocide. The Nazis also worshipped the demon Odin. I wouldn't call Odin worshippers who follow Marxist economics and perpetuate genocide "goodies" just because their ol' stopped clock was right twice a day.
thhe nazis werent marxist tho
Nazis were national socialists, which was Hitler's own flavor of Marxist economics. If you actually read Mein Kampf or listen to Hitler's speeches he was clearly a believer of Marxist ideas primarily influenced by philosophers like Hegel. The Nazis conducted communist-style purges (Night of the Long Knives), established a state-run labor union and Hitler even admired the Soviet planned economy, stating: “The German economy, however, will learn to understand the new economic tasks, or it will prove itself to be incapable of continuing to survive in these modern times in which the Soviet state sets up a gigantic plan”. Hitler was most definitely a collectivist.
Yes and no.
I hope not. They can save themselves. A good place to start is not starting any shit to begin with.
Just as Zelensky is emboldened when the US sides with him it's the same thing w/Macron, but Macron has extra leverage because the we are still entangled in NATO, and because of that we have to defend them.
But, we really don't have to. I'm not concerned at all.
Europe is weak because of their dependence on the US. They haven't been grown-up nations for generations, if ever. They can't do anything on their own.
Are we really expected to defend them from their actions? Europe initiates a war m, in "defense" of a non-NATO country, why is that now the US's responsibility to step in? We shouldn't be responsible for saving you from your own stupidity.
That’s what they hope will happen. I just don’t see it—unless it’s a nuclear threat.
Can’t wait for Trump to eviscerate Macron next before the world.
They couldn't get a war between the US and Russia, so they're going this route??
Yes, and because of NATO it will drag us into the bullshit. Can't wait to withdraw from that
Something a lot of people don't know - we could withdraw today and still be in NATO for the 1 year exit period. Including Article 5. The NATO treaty requires a 1 year period for anyone leaving NATO (and it is an official treaty).
The Cabal and it's puppets are begging for WW3.
This looks scripted, so Trump can pull out of N.A.T.O. He has to bring a lot of our troops home and this gives him the excuse. This has to be done before the partial bankruptcy, and reorganization can begin. We are bankrupt because of all the graft, and stealing from the American people. We will start anew with the gold back treasury note.
Even the liberal Pew Foundation grudgingly admits this. Partly why Russiamis becoming a target. The numbers in Europe are the inverse of Russias
These politicians/puppets are completely out of their minds! 😖
I am against liberal democracies and war.
People can stop worrying about the NATO treaty dragging us into WWIII. Do you think Trump would set the world on fire because of a treaty? He'd ignore it before he'd do that. Which is worse? Breaking a treaty or setting the world on fire? If you had to pick one?
I cannot believe the French & Germans support this if it means boots on the ground and money wasted! We know this will only lead to more lives lost, money wasted, people demoralized and the DS getting rich and powerful. This is unsustainable. The question is how awake are the people. Same ugly play, just from a different angle.
The 'precipice' could be coming to the horizon. I've thought this at least 20 times through the years.;)
Nuclear always feels like the wake up call of wake up calls.
The Europeans are panicked
War is profitable for the people who want the war. What do we always say here? All wars are banker's wars. If a war starts, a country will have to take on a lot of debt in order to finance it, regardless if they are already nearly bankrupt. The citizens get scared and mostly won't push back on the new debt because - we have to win!
Even if the country is broke, the DS inside that country knows bankers will finance them, they will get kickbacks, and some other country will end up financing their rebuild. There will also be fewer people who require government welfare/services so that govt's costs will go down. Many of the patriots in that country will end up dead, meaning the govt will have fewer "problems" to deal with.
And the big one - historically we the USA get sucked in and end up spending a majority of the money to process the war and the rest of the world gets off easy.
Where the fuck was he all these years? Who’s side was France on??
this is a moment to shake the NATO tree - hard. Let the Europeans fight it out with one another, point fingers at the 'hippy' Trump. kek Let us not pay the tab. Let's show Europe how hot it can get without the USA, and our large umbrella.
Purse strings cut
Russia DID NOT break the Minsk agreement! POS, you did!
We should probably convince Turkey to leave NATO with us... this is insane
India might be needed as well to be a check on the remaining NATO states
Since we unknowingly paid for the overthrow of Ukraine, one would believe that we should make things right by not going along with Europe’s plans. We need to remove ourselves from theater and straighten up our own government and country.
Give Europe away to muslim invaders, BUT RUSSIA is the problem?!?
This level of war-mongering is insanity.
WHERE WERE THESE European "leaders" over the past three years?? It was not the all out Armageddon then that they are claiming NOW, when the US was providing the vast majority of the $ and equipment!!!
Why didn't Europe build up their deterrence with Peace through Strength LONG before now??
Why do I think this European “war posturing” is all smoke and mirrors? Are they planning to try to kill off the last remaining European men in this war, so the Muslims can go ahead and take over? Or are they just puffing their chests for the media?
Miss Bockbeer is not addressing Europeans ... she is addressing people with TDS.
If you wanne see a useless cunt, there it is.
As for Macron, he doens't even know what a cunt is, and is a knight in the order of the intestine.
When looking at a map, you'll see Moldova, Romania, and Kaliningrad.
It is clear to see why the elections there were trashed by the court, based on a lie.
EU tries to get Moldova into NATO and EU. This way, Transnistria becomes a flashpoint.
A Russian Enclave in the middle of the EU, like a splinter in the mind.
I happen to think this grandstanding is primarily for internal purposes, to bring about this political integration, which is unlawful, due to several referendum no's. But what do they care. See: Acts of the Congress of Vienna 1813-1815.
Depleted both in terms of hardware and manpower. The EU NATO countries could not sustain a war. But, it is an ideal position to bring about the total property grab they need: You'll own nothing.
So, as the elites of the WEF concluded they lost globally, they are still deeply EU entrenched. The deep state if you will, has permeated into all kinds of social institutions.
As can be gleaned from the Values and Norms discussions during the 2002-2006 era, in general, there is not one particular value/culture the people of the EU can rally behind. As Barbara Spectre once said: "they need to learn to be diverse, and we Jews will take the lead". it signals that there is a strong resistance towards assimilation, and no amount of insistence has changed that, despite celebrating the winning of the battle at Badr (Ramadan) in Westminster Abbey. The language, culture, and thoughts on social and legal norms are too diverse.
the problem is the subversive nature of mass-immigraton. History shows that immigration has always played a part, and mass-immigration is disruptive. Even if it is thinkable that this can be stopped or even reversed by mandatory emigration, and would require some sort of cooperation between EU member states, the deep-state has permeated in such a way, it is almost impossible to get it made into law, let alone executed.
Something else is needed. Something very painful. It won't be pretty.
"Addressing all Europeans?" Do the words "Napoleon complex" ring a bell?
Oh, and you Germans -- you mustn't wait for the new government. They might decide that war isn't a very good idea. Start rattling those sabers right now! After all, look how well it turned out last time!
Oh, wait...
What would happen if China, Russia, and the US ally together for the purpose of deterring WW3.
We could say, "Europe, we three superpowers are against WW3. We cannot allow this insane path forward. So, we three will stand against you in every way imaginable."
Would that deter them?
I would fight alongside my Russian and Chinese brothers against that shit. Fuckers been trying to rule earth for a long period of time. Denazify Europe.
Is Macron an antichrist?
Many signs seem to point to yes.
Observe his commands at your peril.