With the JFK Files coming out soon, I wanted to pass along this little piece of paper that has recently surfaced in my circle. More in the comments.

No, this is not a random internet find.
I have held this in my hands, and it is in a very safe place right now, among other items from this very infamous day. This, along the other items, have recently surfaced...long hidden from us all who should have known about their existence still.
For my own safety due to doxxing purposes, I cannot show any other images as it'll make it easy enough to track me down in the right hands. If push comes to shove, I can give some proofs to the MOD team, but I much rather not dox myself at this time.
In saying this, once the time is right, and hopefully very soon, I can not only share any and all images, but even give you the location of it's final resting place for you to go see everything in person. It also comes with a very cool story to tell, and I will gladly share it once I don't have to worry about getting doxxed.
They stole the body and did the autopsy in Washington.
And they broke Texas law. IIRC
Indeed, they wasted zero time covering their tracks. It's heartbreaking to see some of JFK's blood splatter on one of the items.
If they only released the Warrent commission report and autistic dug into it,we could prove lots of fukery. I've skimmed it, myself and read some books on it. None of the big names on the commission ever met. It was all kids fresh out of law school that wrote it,and they were very intimidated by Hoover.
Let's see what Trump releases tomorrow. I'm hopeful this time is going to be much different, with MOABS being thrown instead of redacted black pages.
I too, would love to go through that report!
This is a good read as well.
Thank you fren! I'm trying to wrap up a project today, so i will make sure to save these links you gave for some reading material later tonight. I have a feeling my weekend just got booked LOL.
Their are also several very good books. One of them was written by a car salesman who was hit in the face by a concrete chip,from a bullet hitting the curb, fired from the grassy hill. After that happened to him he spent the rest of his life,investigating it...
My guess is Jackie's suit.
Jackie's suit is at the National Archives and per Caroline's request will not be available to view until 2103. I knew Jackie requested 100 years after the assassination prior to her death.
Great, I'll be 144! 🙄
Gee, I wonder why 100 years? 🤔
Hope you young 'uns get the real story, although I wouldn't hold my breath..... :(
If Doge hadn't mucked it up you could've still been collecting social security at that age ;-)
Social Security was surely fucked up........ but NOT by DOGE. Where is your information coming from?
And still receiving Social Security benefits 😂
At least my 116 year old kid will have some extra monthly money! 🤣
At 144 & beyond you will still draw SS
Not if doge has anything to say about it!
Here's hoping....
100 years after assassination is 2063
That would have been remarkable, but sadly It's not. Its decoration that was on the lincoln.
So he didn't have a body double?
That was back before they just sent the same doctor everywhere to do every autopsy that needs massaging.
You mean like morning joe scarboroughs coroner?
Michael Baden
John John, is that you? 😁
Of course not lol, but i am a fan of John John.
He's dead. Per Q.
He might be, but your reasoning doesn’t hold water.
“”Define 'game theory'. Why must DISINFORMATION be provided?”” - Q
Q answered "no" to the question of - is JFK Jr alive? 2611
It's not my reasoning. It is a direct reply from Q. Either Q told the truth or he lied to me.
Again, not my reasoning. 2611
“”Again””, Q directly said disinformation is necessary.
Because of that I highly discourage you from thinking everything Q said is written in stone, but you do you!
JFK Jr. is dead. I hate to be the one to break it to you.
Is there other posts you believe to be lies. I ask because, if Q is a liar, why are you here? What would be the point of this community? Why would anyone ever link to a Q drop?
There are some that I see who it seems to embrace the disinformation angle so that they can ignore posts to fit their belief system. Which is, (I will quote an old rocker) worthless and weak.
Again. Zero evidence Kennedy is alive. And zero is less than some. It is even less than a wish. This time zero is equal to a Q post.
Let’s get one thing Straight, “John John is that you” was humor.
Now that I’ve spelt that out we can move to my point, WHICH IS, Q Has in-fact told us and billions of others things that are not factual. Does that make the Q team liars? Well,,,, I guess that depends on how much of a Pauli Anna you are.
I don’t know you personally, but I’m going to assume you know this all too well and are just playing the role you were assigned. For everyone else who’s new to this place and stumbled into it I bet this place is blowing your mind, WELCOME, damn glad to have you!
It says "not certified" at the top.
Of course. Do you think they'd certify their own coverup?
and "600" Pennsylvania Avenue -
God bless you Patriot.
Only a family member should have this document. If you have it, how did you get it?
My family had a short stint with the Kennedy family that I didn't know about for the longest of time. I'm Noone special, so don't think I'm "someone in the know"
Since this document was made in Texas, that only applies to deaths within the last 25 years. I looked it up. Since this incident happened prior to the last 25 years it is conceivable that this certificate could be held by someone other than immediate family.
Direct Quote from the picture above:
exactly "Multiple gunshot wounds of the head & neck." "Shot by a high powered rifle."
Even the word multiple was interesting to see. That's certainly more than 1 & probably more than 2.
How many is Oswald supposed to have fired?
Entrance wound to the front of the neck. That fact alone ends any conversation about Oswald being the gunmen.
That must have been the first shot when he grabbed his throat and Jackie leaned toward him to look at it.
That ends the “magic bullet” theory
"Back, and to the left "
Exactly. How do they know it was a high powered rifle?
Hand guns produce different wound cavities than rifles. Mostly because of projectile velocity. Handgun rounds don't come close to rifle rounds in terms of velocity and pounds of force.
Perhaps.... But wounds also depend on range. A nearby pistol can create more damage than a distant rifle. Remember that you can load a rifle.for subsonic velocities...
If they recovered the projectile.then they know the caliber, but not the load or the weapon. There is no chance that they would have been able to match ballistics and projectile striations that quickly back then.
True, there are lots of variables. When a round is traveling at about 2,000 fps and contacts flesh a phenomenon occurs called hydrostatic shock. Essentially the flesh expands so fast that elasticity is overcome and the flesh shreds instead of flexes and returns to shape to some degree. There are basically no handguns, of that time anyway, that send a round that exceeds that 2,000fps threshold. Rifles, with "necked" cartridges and more powder regularly achieve the 2,000fps threshold. Though the round that Oswald allegedly used was a 6.5x52 carcano and at that distance it would have been right at that threshold whereas a round from a pistol, even just feet away, would bit have caused hydrostatic shock. For sure there are lots of variables like you said.
One bullet can cause multiple wounds. One entry, one exit.
More than one exit if the bullet fragments inside the body, though the fragments don't typically have the momentum to make an exit wound.
Approved fren
Thank you Props <3
We have the best mods! <3
We do indeed! It still amazes me how GAW has survived all the attacks over the last few years, with little hiccups at best. We have the best!
The amount of modmail activity and mass-faggotry deportation going on a daily basis is mind blowing! Definitely keeping this V-8 engine humming along thanks to all the hard work by GAW staff.
I couldn't even imagine the amount of grief that has to be dealt with behind the scenes on the daily. It takes a special anon to have the mindset to deal with it every single day, and I do appreciate it very much that we have a few who took on the challenge here.
Appreciate it fren.
Moderating GAW can be stressful sometimes.
Thanks for all you do, props.
I've taken the risk and stickied it for now, but I've changed your flair to show that this is a single source right now.
Are you happy with the sticky?
Thank you fren! I wasn't expecting a sticky, as you covered the "why", but i do greatly appreciate it! It won't hurt my fee fees if it gets taken down either.
BTW, Big Mike, I see that you deleted your previous account. Is that correct? Was this for anonymity reasons. Just asking for a fren.
Thank you for your efforts.
The MEME lords of GAW!
Yes, that's correct. Here is a copy/paste answer from the same question another fren here asked:
I got deep in some rabbit hole, especially Tesla. I started making some decent progress on one of the files, and things started getting strange and weird at home. I got spooked, deleted everything that I had connections to it and took a few months off to gather myself. It's a long, strange story, but I'm back and in good health.
You are welcome fren.
What a timeline huh!
My body and soul is ready for the April showers to begin!
Hey, mods.
Do we perhaps need a 'Disclosure' flair, of a JFK flair, or sumtin?
I've often wondered about a conversation I once had with my late cousin, a Captain in the Merchant Marines. One night over a few sips of bourbon, he told me that he had taken Oswald as a passenger on his ship when he defected to the USSR. They had a chance meeting on the deck of his ship one night where Oswald bragged that he was going to get himself a "Russian bride". My cousin told him "You're a fairly good-looking fella - maybe you should get an American bride" ... an idea that apparently did not impress the young fella. Shortly after making that remark we went on to another subject. I didn't think too much about it at the time. We were a bit tipsy, but certainly not drunk by any stretch.
After he passed, I mulled over that off-hand comment and began to formulate an opinion, because I'm delusional that way :) My cousin and I did not really form a relationship until after he retired since he was always at sea when I visited them. His wife would hail him on their Ham radio base station every morning around 9 am Texas time. When he came into port every few months she'd drive to meet him in Galveston or New Orleans or Gulfport and bring him back to their farm. He had about 2000 acres, a couple of hundred cattle, and owned several buildings in the small community. Their home was paneled in genuine mahogany that he'd brought back from the Phillipines, but he preferred the solitude of the farm over city life. She finally tired of driving all that distance and bought herself a Cessna which was parked at the farm.... she was cool before it was cool.
After retiring from a long career at sea, he would sometimes tell me of his travels - much of it in the East China or South China sea... a Captain so experienced he once bragged that he could (almost) navigate the straits of Taiwan blindfolded. We would sit in the semi-darkness of his "man cave" behind the garage and have long talks about all sorts of subjects. I admired him for his skills as a farmer and a MM Captain - at the age of 80 the man once built a large Quonset hut to house his Dodge Ram flatbed farm truck with only the help of one hired hand. The man could fabricate dang near anything... and I relished those visits.
During the Vietnam war, he was rarely home. I later discovered he was most likely carrying Agent Orange and other herbicides to ports afar to support the war effort. Considering his accumulated assets I've come to believe he was in cahoots with the See Eye Aye somehow... which could explain how Oswald came to be a passenger on one of his voyages. Far fetched? Perhaps.
It's a long shot, but a relative has given me permission to examine his ship's logs and records which are stored "in the barn" - that Quonset hut he built. If I ever get back there before I pass, I might just have to rummage around those old boxes in the barn.
My wife is the only other person I've told... until tonight. I'm studying for my Ham radio operator's license and even considered taking his old call sign from the FCC (which I still remember well). I will not muddy his memory by revealing his identity for obvious reasons. I don't need or want a visit from the spooks.
That's a great story, thanks for sharing! Let us know if you do get the opportunity to rummage through his things. That'll be interesting if you find those Oswald ties.
I'm curious to know if he ever unloaded herbicides (poison) in Okinawa, where I was stationed for two years... but I'd be shocked if there were any mentions of Lee Oswald by name on the records of the ship.
They probably told him to register his name as "Pat C."
🥁 tsh
This is a most fascinating story, do let us know, (if you can), should you learn anything new.
Curious if you were there at the same time. If so, I presume neither of you talked about it.
Hope you get to examine those logs!
I suppose it is possible that we were there at the same time(s), but he would've put in at the port of Naha, while I was patrolling the ammo dump several miles away... the ship logs might reveal something, but they are about 1500 miles away from my current domicile - a trip I'm not yet prepared to make just yet.
Sounds like you didn't share war stories, can't say as I blame you, it was an ugly time.
I hope someday you can and that you learn more about things when you do.
You are correct - we didn't talk much about war stories... and I didn't press him for more info. Now I almost wish I would have. Oh, well....I'll probably see him on The Other Side.
I'm sure you will and you will have plenty of time to talk then.
God bless you, Citizen_Patriot!
Yes! That could be a very good find if you get the chance to make it there. I've prepared my mind for the info dump we're awaiting for...i'm expecting mind-numbing Truths that'll take anons quite some time to dig through.
I suspect you'll be let down..."i'm expecting mind-numbing Truths..." From what I'm reading about the release....huge let down. I hope my reading is wrong. It hasn't been since the day of the assassination..
Great stories on this thread !
My family recently buried a disabled Marine Corps veteran that we had the honor of adopting after his kids abandoned him. He went to his grave swearing Oswald did not shoot Kennedy. He knew this because he was good friends with Oswald’s gunny from basic. He said Oswald was not able to pass basic rifle. Our friend spent 20 years in the Corp and we recently discovered he spent time in Angola with the see eye aye. He had a top security clearance. He was NBC for aircraft carriers. I believe everything he told us, even the real Gulf of Tonkin incident.
Geez, with that wording it sounds like your family buried him alive. "He went to his grave swearing..."
A Marine until the very end!!!
It wasn't Oswald. Malcolm Wallace's prints were found on another gun found on the 6th floor. Wallace was "supposedly" LBJ's hitman.
That was a great post and a great guy.
+1 for interesting post as Pres. Trump announced release of JFK files
it looks like originally the address, as typed, left off the 1 in 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. and someone wrote it in on here https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth339493/
Glad you mentioned it. I wondered why someone would list the FTC HQ address on such a document.
Great catch Malachi! The "I" on I600 does not match the numerical "1" in the rest of the document.
thanks Joys1Daughter, it will be interesting to see what’s in the JFK files tomorrow!
Yes, indeed!
Is there any other difference (s)
I did not notice any on the paperwork, however, “Multiple gunshot wounds of the head & neck” does not = magic bullet theory to me
Please note that this is currently our only source, it's a single source post.
Understood. If needed, I can provide more sauce in modmail on this.
I'm happy to just let it be marked as single source.
It wouldn't help the anons any if you explained it to us privately anyway.
Did you have an account here previously and delete it ?
Correct, it's me, the OG BigMikesSaggyBaggins.
Nice to see you back man. Cheers! 🍻
Usually you give the new guy a housewarming gift... not the other way around!
Not that you're the "new guy" but you know what I mean
Lol, thanks man. It's weird having the handshake again, and no pepe, but It's good to be back in the fight. It's also good to see a lot of the same faces still here, plus many new ones!
But why delete it?
I got deep in some rabbit hole, especially Tesla. I started making some decent progress on one of the files, and things started getting strange and weird at home. I got spooked, deleted everything that I had connections to it and took a few months off to gather myself. It's a long, strange story, but I'm back and in good health.
It would be great to hear about this story at some time! I've only been here 3-4 years and I learn something new every day here... Thanks!
Well welcome back fren! We did miss you!
Ah! Yes! 🍻
I know why you are asking. Something similar to this user name has been around longer than a handshake account. Did the original owner set up a new account but make it real similar to look the same? Or did somebody else pick a similar name to try to look like a familiar account?
Yep, that's what I'm wondering. The original account has been around here a while and just noticed it was deleted
I love this place. Thanks for this. I have never seen this
My Criminal Law professor was G. Robert Blakey, who was the Chief Counsel on the 1977 US House Committee on Assassinations which reopened the Warren Commission findings and did probably the best work on the JFK assassination conspiracy. I've talked at length with him about his investigation and findings.
Whittled down for brevity:
(1) they had several Army enlisted men try to replicate firing three shots over 7 seconds at that same distance and angle of a target moving away from them. All the very average marksmen easily made the three shots with accuracy. They concluded that Oswald could have made those shots.
(2) they could find compelling evidence for a second gunman, whether on the grassy knoll or elsewhere. He said they began every part of the investigation needing to prove a conspiracy before confirming its existence.
(3) they think Oswald was the sole shooter, and there was no such thing as a magic bullet that changed directions in midair. He hated the Oliver Stone movie.
(4) But he said with certainty that THERE WAS A CONSPIRACY between the New Orleans and Chicago mobs and that the CIA was complicit in it, knew about it, abetted it. The CIA feared JFK because JFK had recently told colleagues that he wanted to dismantle the CIA which had become ineffective and insubordinate to the presidency. The mob wanted revenge because they helped JFK defeat Nixon by cooking the results in Illinois, and then JFK went and appointed RFK as his Attorney General who promptly went hard after the mob (my professor wrote the RICO act for the sole purpose of stopping the mob). My professor has heard the wiretaps where Chicago and New Orleans mobsters decide to have JFK killed.
(5) Jack Ruby was a low level mob flunky who ran a mob bar. He was diagnosed with terminal cancer and he was promised that his wife would get ownership of the bar if he killed Oswald in the police station. He knew it was a suicide mission. It is unknown if Ruby really had cancer or if he was duped by a mob doctor.
I hope all this comes out today after all.
I find it interesting that he didn’t take into consideration JFK’s head snapping back from the second shot (Zapruder film.)
I now really want to know what Dorothy Kilgallen found out that got her killed 😢
I'm really curious, has anyone else seen this before?
Is is supposed to be different than the 1/18/64 filed version? What am I missing?
its not different and has been online since 2013
That’s exactly what I thought. This is the same doc before being filed and time stamped.
Look at the cause of death, and injury description...both in the middle section of the form.
Does say not certified so does that mean its an interim certificate?
I suspect these files will lead back to one group of people. As will Epstein's. As will RFK's. As will 9/11's. And on and on.
What Is an Inquest in Court and How Does the Process Work?
LegalClarity Team Published Feb 8, 2025
An inquest is a legal process crucial for investigating deaths that are sudden, unexplained, or suspicious. It uncovers facts and ensures transparency in situations needing clarity. This article delves into the purpose, procedures, and outcomes of inquests.
not sure about this source, other option was wiki https://legalclarity.org/what-is-an-inquest-in-court-and-how-does-the-process-work/
There are also coming of age inquests. It goes back to english law when an heir sues out his livery and shows he can handle his own affairs. This is one of the presumpsons the State holds against we the people, that we have not come of full age and thus need our affairs "administered". US Code literally defines a person as a "born alive infant at any stage of development". https://uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?req=granuleid:USC-prelim-title1-section8&num=0&edition=prelim
multiple gun shot wounds to head and neck... hmmm...
Looks like wrong address?
Why is the address wrong?
Nice username
Can you say anything about why the first lady lunged onto the back of the car?
I'd only be able to say what everyone else saw. The first lady rushed to the back of the Lincoln to grab the nearest SS agent for help. I wasn't there, or even born yet, so I only have the original footage to go off of for this question.
I appreciate your taking the time to comment. That makes more sense than grabbing pieces of his head, a very weird postulation that's been spread around. Thanks for sharing this bit. It's fascinating how long these secrets have successfully been kept. I was a baby when this happened, but it never occurred to me that he was hit by his VP.
Is this verified? I dont understand how this vould be real and say multiple gunshot wounds, given what is the official coverup
OP must be somebody important
Normally a handshake member posting something like this would get torn apart
why does it take our government 80 thousand pages to say something?
It will be interesting to see if the release includes this document, and as it is shown here.
That would be amazing as well. I was up late last night pondering if the release today will be what we've all been waiting for...or if it'll be 80k pages of "the expected." I'm very hopeful that we will see at a minimum some very damning oddities that'll make just about anyone question the original narrative. Bonus points if names are dropped.
I just checked the archives link and did a quick search using "death" as the key word. Some interesting stuff came up, but no death certificates of anyone that I could tell (this is a search of the existing documents; does not include the new JFK documents). There are a lot of deaths of various people discussed. I think CIA investigates things to see if the other spook agencies took out one of their own :)
The headshot came from a Remington Fireball XP-100.