ALERT: GreatAwakening.WIN is officially at CONDITION ORANGE. False flag danger HIGH. Every gov't 3-letter agency has eyes on this board. The mod team respectfully asks all patriots to come together, observe the sidebar, be civil, and, most importantly, DEPORT GLOWFAGS ON SIGHT! Ban hammer OUT. 😎📣

All our hard work over the last six long years of hardship and sacrifice may come down to this battle. It's time to form ranks, come together, and each do our small part. There are still battles to come. The end of this war is not yet in sight. But this battle is a key step forward in proving the massive election fraud we all know took place. Let's do this!
Please note: The mod team will be extra decisive in its modding decisions for the duration of this event. THE BAN HAMMER IS HUNGRY! We will do everything in our power to protect our patriot decoders and researchers and defend their ability to do what they do best, unimpeded by shills, glowies, and the rest of the deep state losers. Please don't end up watching this event from the sidelines. We need ALL of you!
Ready? Let's gooooo
EDIT: Three faggots have already fallen to the perma-bans. EDIT ten, now EDIT OK we've stopped counting
Our hard work would mean nothing without you patriots. It's an honour to serve alongside y'all.
u guys logging glowie IPs or noticing an uptick in shills?
We can't but we can nuke by IP.
So I guess this wouldn't be the best time to call for mass death of evil political, medical, and bureacratic demons, to fill the streets with their blood, or to see them ground up and fed to dogs.
Just kick back, keep cool, trust the Plan, and enjoy the show? Got it.
Yes. Haha. Most definitely.
I'm only posting because I like the term "Glowfag."
It's so applicable to the FBI
Which is BS on the face of it because we'll either be at the symposium, or watching it...or WORKING. Because Trump-supporting patriots are typically self-sufficient types who have businesses or jobs. (sorry, libs...facts are facts)
We will record everything as always
^^^^^^ THIS. They change the story, they alter things. Record all. Video all. Drone video if you got it. They catch themselves out and can't keep the story straight. Document anything you are close enough to document, it proves lies
We don't get paid to protest so we don't get to do it as often, it makes us seem less numerous than we are!
Yeah, can we get some damn funding around here?
Well, except when taking that 10 min bathroom break. Prime time for a quick forum read! Or a (literal) shitpost!
What 👆said.
I am not going or doing anything but sitting back in my comfy recliner and eat some popcorn. I am self sufficient but retired.
Same, expect I am self sufficient but retarded, so I'm definitely not doing anything here!
Its basically how they ban boards in reddit, right? Make account, post something racist, then point to the thing you posted as evidence of the whole board being racist.
Yeps or post porn
I swear there's a Psaki reference in there to be made ...
Well if it's Psaki , ain't no one circling back.
There it is! Thank you :)
Bride of chucky
When I saw this post go up right below it was a questionable one that vanished a few seconds later.
Exactly how TMOR brought down r/greatawakening after r/cbts_stream self imploded.
Make fake accts calling for violence. Self report those accts to admin.
Their playbook is old and predictable.
I can promise no digital soldiers or patriots have planned or planning violence everywhere I would have seen it.
Also everyone of us know we can do much more damage to the Cabal doing what we do best in-front of a computer
There has also been an increase of aggressive concern trolls of late. Whether they are glowies or qult knuckleheads remains to be seen, but this is a multi-pronged action.
Several recent posts have been pushing these as "calls to action". I saw the same thing happen on the Donald before January 6th. Same pattern. It's "if you aren't willing to defend your country then you're a coward". If people call them out, others whine, "We're at the precipice and you want to let the country die!"
The posts get major upvotes which is shady and out of character for the site and are full of concern trolls all promoting this. I could tell we were getting hit with another shill wave.
Yeah I have seen a lot of handshakes raising questions about when we take action, and get physical in a lot of posts lately.
When they try to call me names for saying and claim "You're going to let Biden destroy the country" I just explain that Trump's stance has not changed. Our commander and chief has urged us to remain peaceful. Trump has the highest clearance of any of us and knows best what the enemy is up to. I trust Trump. I trust the Plan. If it's the time for physical action, then Trump will tell us. As long as Trump continues to urge us to peacefully protest, I will do so. Q urged fighting through the system (get involved in school board, town halls ect.).
I will follow Trump's lead and my own instincts. I do not feel this is the time. We would endanger everything and play into the enemies hands if we became violent. Which is why the glowies and shills are desperate for us to do that. They'll continue their false flags though. Little we can do to prevent that. It does look like a lot of their false flags are being prevented (which is probably why they want to trick us).
k... concern troll - and handshake. Hmmm...
Act locally instead of hand wringing. We aren't sitting around waiting for someone to save us.
I mean I’ve already accepted this bullshit. I’m just working on myself and letting whatever the fuck happen. I’m not going to kill myself for a country that allowed this take over.
We all allowed it to take root and now the reckoning is upon us. You must act locally and you must act now. There is no one coming to save us, only you and me are standing in their path.
We are the plan.
"non violence" - says handshake
"other side of the coin" - says handshake
Lol is that all you have
Just…be smart here. That was just an example of watching words. They have power.
We got a taker here. FuQQ-OFF.
The handshake still provoking violence.
Thanks for the reminder. I've seen several in various comments calling for not "violence" per say, but insinuate that we need to "take things into our own hands". I'm of the opinion that the DS/Dems will do everything in their power to attack Lindell's work and symposium. Just keeping eyes on the target and watching my back.
I have been calling out for peaceful protest I think its a good idea to avoid making people feel alone. We got a lot of people waking up now
Not a bad idea.
Hope I dont get labeled a glowie but my stance recently has been just that it kinda feels like we're not doing enough. Not calling for violence by any means but, starting to see the possibility that sooner or later we're gonna run outta popcorn while Biden remains in office (or Kamala if they 25th amendment him).
Trump has called for "peaceful protests". He has been very clear on this. As long as the true president is urging us to use peaceful means (protesting, demonstrating, elections, getting involved in school boards, ect.) then so be it. I trust his judgement. He knows a lot more of what is really going on than we do. We get mislead by shills.
Being prepared for shit hiting the fan would be nice. Doing anything when there is big hope and no need of our action is just stupid.
Have to prove hope to people who have been beaten down with no real support first.
Choose hope (chew soap) didn't really work out so great with Obama, so people are going to need much more concrete.
Let's hope the symposium is the turning point for that.
You’d be banning your own countrymen. Many of whom are service members or previous service members.
In my opinion the plan has to have accounted for the amount of bullishit Americans who had their election and lives stolen will take...so unless Q happens within the year I will have to make the assumption that life will move forward without someone coming to save us.
For me that’s a logical and rational time period. Because there are many who are not Q followers who are damn near about to go ape shit.
"Q followers who are damn near about to go ape shit" - says handshake
"Followers"...I don't follow anyone. I am grateful for the awareness & watchfulness of the mods and old-timers on here. I saw what happened on reddit a couple of years ago, that was sickening. This truly is spiritual warfare. Buckle up that armor.
Actually, he said "many who are not Q followers".....I'd say that is a true statement.
I’ve already been saved. And I hope He comes and saves us all. No man can take from me that belongs to Him. No man, no government, nothing. So why would I need violence? So I can please Satan? Don’t play a fools game. Be at peace. Rejoice in your relationship with Jesus. He loves us so much. The only thing I’m going ape over is Jesus Christ. Join me friend.
That fellas said people are gonna go ape poop...I said the only thing to go ape for is Jesus.
going ape means going crazy, right? I may be old, but didn’t think I’m that old, lol.
It's not a religion and Q is not an event. It's a movement of truth and it starts at the local level.
V for vendetta
Vatch the Vater
Q gave us secret, inside information. He was to wake us up and give us information. And what he did is working. Americans know more about the corruption in government and are getting involved in politics more than ever before. So, in my opinion, Q's plan has worked.
I also think things are still going on behind the scenes, because Trump keeps signaling Q to us in his speeches and interviews.
If there ever comes a time to act with violence we will know. Now this is not the time, and this board is not the place.
For thouest has been gifted the Hammer of Ban, swing it freely and often, smiting those of the infiltration of glowies.
Uf Da!!
What is best in life?
Crush glowies with ban hammer! See them driven before you! Hear the lamentations of their soy boys!
Go get 'em mods!
To all of the feds that are lurking here - I will admit that you guys would look amazing in orange outfits.
Like this?
What's up with your obsession with trannies?
Also, if you're born with a dick, you're not a chick.
Some people are born with an extra leg. Or albino. Or other carnival style "freaks".
There was a guy on reddit AMA who was born with two dicks and showed pictures.
If all of that is possible, shouldn't we consider the possibility that there are at least a handful of legitimate "wires got crossed" trans mutants?
Sometimes nature fucks things up a little bit but those fuck ups are still real and deserve compassion and understanding.
Honestly I think they are all likely victims of too much soy in our foods, plastics, vaccines and pharmaceuticals, as well as just enough social influence to drive them over the edge.
Nature? ...Who is the creator? Who brings life. Who takes it? You’re giving credit to nature for creating life. God is the creator. He doesn’t mess up anything. What’s messed up in your eyes is perfect in Gods eyes. No wires crossed, no abominations, perfect brothers and sisters. If a man chooses to be something he isn’t, that’s his choice, Satan in his head, not how he was created. Understand this.
Male homosexuals raped by Uncle Ed or father Nelson lesbians too homely to get dudes so they switch trannies just being outrageous for attench Bruce Jenner not trannies just homo couldn't take the stigma
Are you saying that person you linked isn’t beautiful? How do you know their heart? How do you know anything about them? All you see is what’s on the outside. The vessel. Jesus see’s the heart. See of you can find a link to their heart. Show me what Jesus can see. That’s right, you can’t. I question yours though, brother. And that’s probably wrong of me, and I apologize, but it needs to be said. That person you linked is beautiful. Once again, God doesn’t make anything less than perfect. Even you.
How is saying
a straw man?
I think Wang or someone else proved that the double dick guy was a hoax...
All caps! That's a glowie tactic! :)
But I thought caps lock was cruise control for cool..
I think the best thing we can all do is just stay home this week and watch the symposium... don't attend protests, demonstrations, etc. Let them expose themselves!
I agree totally. Stay home or at work and go about your usual business until this has passed. Make them spend their ammo.
Exactly! I’m too afraid to go to anything peaceful. After Jan 6, we all know they’re capable of vilifying our movement. I sense a FF for sure. Guns are the last obstacle. See something, say something. Record and post everything.
They want to take our guns when they're the ones shooting people!
Good idea. They are planning something. Any event is a target and they have been releasing biologicals at Patriot events. Hell, they did it to Trump. They want to blame antivaxers for spread and make people sick to sideline them. What a bunch of sick #&*@%!s. I even heard they have managed to infiltrate some of our Patriot security teams. I pray G-d's safety on Mike and all those attending. Heads on a swivel Patriots.
Popping the corn drinking the suds and watching them squirm 👀👀👀👀 🚀💥👌
Exactly! Invite a friend to watch with you. That's what I'm doing. Already got my snacks prepared! Haha
Yes^^^ I have read questionable posts and will think that it's from a handshake account. I look and no handshake. Then I'm wondering, with a comment like that, how in the hell did they make it through the handshake period with that view?
Ya. I'm going to start doing that. Thanks
AKA sleeper...
Look through their comments. Often sus accounts are suddenly active but when you go back a page or two they didn't post for over two months. They make a bunch of sleeper accounts to get rid of the handshakes and then activate them when needed to shill and push an agenda. The huge time gap between comments is a give away.
Or both. I've seen some handshakes just today... on this thread... who are glowing brightly.
Do they usually end their posts in "discuss" "your thoughts" or "explain"?
Come and get it!
Reporting in. I have water balloons, eggs, and toilet paper stacked up at the ready. A meme folder and naming scheme set up. Archiving disks whirring. Seeds of doubt all over the neighborhood sprouting. We are go go go for meme war three. o7
I like the cut of your jib.
I too have been visiting the towns folk and finding fertile ground. Based and ready one might call our neighborhood. Local people who you know live there are your army to spread more truth. It can't be stopped once started.
My state is going to be very late to that party, unfortunately. Not many patriots in my town. Rs are still hiding, not paying attention to the shitshow that's running this sorry town, how the people are being milked of every last penny, the Ag21/2030 is in full swing here. I still speak to the wind. I am grateful to KNOW who is really in control. I am very thankful for the very good people on this site; may God bless all of you who stand for the truth.
Hey glowfags, we don't do violence. We fight with spicy information in a digital battlefield for hearts and minds. Nor are we an organization. I don't know more than 1 or 2 people who even know about Q in real life. I disavow anyone who says or does otherwise. Q SAID TO UNITE AND LOVE ONE ANOTHER and it is good advice. We are the majority. WWG1WGA
We need some more updoots here -- STAT!
Point me where ya want me, I'm in... WWG1WGA... Since my days on 8chan 6+ years ago we have NEVER advocated or condoned violence. WE WLL NOT start now... Stay safe my frens...
I wonder what would have happened if some of you guys who have known for 8 years told us! I'm really disappointed that no one told me. Sooner. I was receptive to learning the moment I was told.
I've been aware of things for 47+ years. When I found 8chan I was amazed at how many people thought like I did. It was the first time in my life that I felt like I was among family. I lurked and learned for the first year on the boards. It takes time to digest everything you "knew" was true really is true. It's a slow and sometimes hard thing to accept. It's hard when your whole life you've been thought of as crazy, mentally unstable etc. Each of us has to discover this for ourselves. That's why as you read the threads you'll see many anons say how hard it is to red pill folks. We've been labeled as nuts for so long we're a little bit gun shy. Please, don't be too harsh on us for that. It's just that we've learned to be on the defensive for so long that sometimes it's hard for us. The best part is, you're here, you're among like minded folks that make up this giant family. You're home and welcome home me fellow pede... God's peace be with you...
I noticed, lots of glowies about. We're not falling into your trap, we are peaceful and patient. Most of us only care about a few things. Peace, Prosperity, Freedom, and Truth. We're not going to get violent, we trust in our plan, we trust our champions. No matter how many false flags you guys commit it only stains you worse when the truth comes out. You can run on for a long time but sooner or later God is going to cut you motherfuckers down. We don't have to do anything violent, we still respect the lessons of Mahatma Gandhi. We still use the same definition of racism as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Keep causing actual deaths and violence you fools, we catch you every evil act you do is being watched and monitored. NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT'S COMING!
That's gonna be a No from me - he did not believe in God almighty, nor the holy Bible, nor Jesus. He was a pagan worshipper - an Hindu and you know what that means.
Otherwise I agree with the rest of your comment.
I don't think there's any thing wrong with him worshipping Hindu gods. Sure he may not believe in our god but i strongly doubt he was sacrificing children, so that's one level above the satanists. The man preached peace and was killed for it, what he was able to accomplish while there were plenty around him wanting to resort to violence. Any how i said the lessons he taught, even if you were to think the worst of him you need to give the devil his due. He lead a peaceful revolution and us Patriots should be looking to him.
Like Abe Lincoln said “Stand with anyone that is right; stand with him while he is right and part with him when he goes wrong.”
That's what we ought to respect.
Whatever, the dude was a perv sleeping in the same bed with his naked grandnieces. He was obsessed with shit and would give them an enema every morning.
I could be wrong, but I was told recently that Gandhi was not always the peaceful protestor he has been presented to us to be. I believe in his younger years he was rather radical. This is based on nothing other than a conversation with a person who generally has better knowledge of historical events than me.
Irregardless of him being a Hindi, I’ve met MANY that were the most peaceful humans I’ve ever known. Yeah, their concepts are different but just being against them for being different is against what we preach. Basically it’s [insert label here]. Lastly, in case y’all noticed India is one of our strongest Allies against the CCP and they’re on the front lines with them? Just sayin…
Balderdash. The man didn't move without consulting God.
Except that he was assassinated. If anyone tries to use violence against me I will use violence to protect myself and to a certain degree others as well.
He did get assassinated just like many others but he died a martyr for peace. That's actually a misconception, Gandhi was no pushover. He believed in self defense as well. Here's a quote taken from https://www.mkgandhi.org/nonviolence/phil8.htm
"Though violence is not lawful, when it is offered in self-defence or for the defence of the defenceless, it is an act of bravery far better than cowardly submission. The latter befits neither man nor woman."
Many got assassinated, JFK as well, but he was certainly no pushover
Nice quote.
I'm personally not interested in being a martyr. But if I die in self defense, I don't mind it being meaningful to others in a martyr sense.
Wasn't Gandhi one of the few to object to the establishment of the state of Israel?
What's a glowing and a handshake account?
Handshake is next to your name signifying you’re new here. Glowie is a three-letter agency infiltrator…or Marxist sympathizer. They make hit & run attacks here trying to pollute the Board.
Ahh nobody tell him it will be more funny that way.
Glowing means you like elective dick surgery and need a handshake account (porn) to get hard.
It's ok though you'll get the hang of it after the second post.
But for now there is NO FUCKING REASON to do it. And EVEN if Mike's symposium would be nothingburger - too there would be NO FUCKING REASON still.
Success of "vaccinating" whole army to september 15 or sending people to FEMA camps would look like BIG problem and cause to be scared maybe. But for now no reason to fear,no reason to do such things. WE WILL REMAIN PEACEFUL.
FBI traitors, I pray for your soul and the souls of the kids you've kidnapped, raped, tortured, and murderered.
Although you've betrayed your country and your species, I pray that whatever little bit of goodness is left in you is saved.
exactly^ prayer is so important right now. this is from one of the drops, but also happens to be one of the prayers from the Sayings Gospel of Jesus AKA The Q-Source, so think it's appropriate at a time like this.
Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Q
That's the Lord's Prayer, from the Bible. Matthew 6: 9-13.
Do not attribute God's word to ANY man.
of course i know what prayer it is. And would like to how I'm attributing it to a 'man'?...
You said "this is from one of the drops, but also happens to be ....". Itz the Lord's Prayer. First and foremost. Its not secondary to anything. Straight from God's Word. You also added Q at the end, as people do when they are quoting someone. This is God's word. Q saying the verse is not equal to the verse. And I'm sure Q would agree.
you're sure Q would agree? but you don't recognize one of the drops? I didn't add a Q to The Lord's Prayer, Q included it in one of the drops and signed Q as always. That doesn't mean that Q wrote The Lord's Prayer, or was insinuating such a thing. It just means Q thinks The Lord's Prayer is important.
and not sure you understand what The Q-Source is, so I won't explain that one, there's a symposium to watch🇺🇸
See you on the chopping block, fedboys. You're not immune to treason charges.
Hey glowies, I hope you've fully researched the penalties under federal law for treason and sedition. Maybe buy one of those inverted back tables to elongate your spine and prep your spine for trauma. Toodles, commies.
Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?
Yep, I come here several times a day to see what's new. Best way to keep up is to check around and see what been put out there. Use DISCERNMENT!
My boys watching out for me while I go check the mail. Hahahhaha
Alarms set. They'll scream REEEEEE at 190 Db at any sign of a glowie.
PSA: Attention FBI and all other govt homos: If you think there is terrorism and violence here, lol GAW has your fuckin number. Also, you can all blow me.
Puffit…!! 😂🤣
Buying gme and silver is my war strategy
hahahaha smart patriot. Money where your mouth is. Let's just say the past few days have been good for those trading crypto into PM and GME. Might have to go celebrate on our boats!
Gme up 9.00 today,if we can break the banks it's game over.
I’m in, starting to hate banks. Any suggestions as to how to get started in investing? I also don’t trust financial advisors
So If you would learn already about the market and the clients, what to buy,how increase its worth and where to sell it there is next thing:
And if you think thing above,and previous post is too easy,too complex or too stupid - it is not.
Success on Gamestop required:
It is not one book or two.It is understanding how it (economy or only stock market - still requiring basic economy knowledge) all works,recognising opportunity,way to use this opportunity,its legality and taking risk to act. Or following advise what is risky unless you have trusty person.
Invested in gun and ammo already (at least 8 magazines) and storing it ? Invested in yourself to learn basic survival and gardening to have some food ?/some food rations ? Already have all most probable needs secured ? Or learning things allowing you to earn more money ?
Ok. So if you have those things and some fuel already secured you can start PROFITABLE investing. But first learn what investing is:
So what is investing ? ** Buying cheap and selling it for more or producing something from resources you bought so you earn money. It is whole art of investing.** In fact creating your own company or borrowing money for some company IS already INVESTING.
It is so simple in words,but EXTREMELY COMPLICATED IN PRACTICE.
Banking by the way is in fact about borrowing&storing money and money transfers. Borrowing money isn't traditionally named "investing" but is quite similar. But current problem with banking is they are PRINTING money and creating DERIVATIVES (being like fake check for money) - it is obvious kind of FORGERY,but unfortunately legal as those thieves have their people in government. Also banking is regulated especially to give those scums monopoly. (But of course some people who would have a bank would run with people money just stealing them - this is another,official reason of banking regulations)
To do INVESTING you have to get so many informations about the market as you can (especially what need clients) and trends on it.And process to get data where you would have profit. Or if you are unable to do that - you have to hope you would have luck. (But it is extremely risky hope).
If you for example invest like president Trump in real estate:
You burn ruined one.Renew to make it worth more.Sell or rent. Or: you build one.Sell or rent.
In fact things are complicated.You have to do many things or employ right people to do this for yourself.
But you can do it with practically anything (best things are things you know lot about).Cars,machines,even ideas sometimes... The only problem is you must have clients (people who buy) for it. But problem with clients is already BIG AND CRUCIAL one. No clients no money (or even loss of money).
Stock market is already those risky and controlled part of the market looking more like casino, basing more on informations,gossips, predicting trends, and demands knowledge what those thieves are doing to outsmart them like in case of GameStop.Only thing sure about it is there would be a client - but you still have a problem you get price allowing you to earn or not (as it is manipulated - usually not).
Damn, I have a lot of research to do. Thanks for the advice. No gun yet, looking currently, but my parents and I have started gardening which will be larger next growing season now we know what to do. I no longer trust anything federal so yeah I’m tempted to remove my money from the banks.. but then I won’t have the debit/credit card (not TOO bad a thought since that’s where everyone gets hacked).
Me too!
I've seen way more glowie comments recently and have even called some out. Seems like something is going on.
We have clearance, Clarence.
I got your six good buddy, do you copy? Over
Wait you mean i have to say over even when the sentence ends in over??
If I see anyone promoting violence, I will deport.
Here glowie glowie glowie🔨......come to Daddy
Then CIA and FBI kiss my ass!
Hi three letter agencies!!
Hope you're having fun planning your FF with mentally unstable people. I hope the people you harm – both the people and the mentally unstable/families – get justice for all your evil deeds.
So, I actually hope your planning is going very poorly and all of them is defeated by Patriots and White hats who care for our county.
Well let’s all say hello to the folks who want to create “Trumped” up charges so they can jail domestic terrorists in order to get a promotion.
History will show that you were in the wrong side.
Federal Bureau of Insurrection and Ass To Face agency always glowfaggin...