But who has the final word in proclaiming a country did partake in US election fraud? No court has decreed it. Who made that declaration with enough weight that it will be obeyed?
This is the closest text that I can see to what the post is suggesting
(ii) export license restrictions under any statute or regulation that requires the prior review and approval of the United States Government as a condition for the export or re-export of goods or services;
It refers to a person who has been found to be working for a foreign country.
Further clarified:
Sec. 8. For the purposes of this order:
(a) the term “person” means an individual or entity;
(b) the term “entity” means a partnership, association, trust, joint venture, corporation, group, subgroup, or other organization;
(c) the term “United States person” means any United States citizen, permanent resident alien, entity organized under the laws of the United States or any jurisdiction within the United States (including foreign branches), or any person (including a foreign person) in the United States
(b) the Secretary of State and the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the heads of other appropriate agencies, shall jointly prepare a recommendation for the President as to whether additional sanctions against foreign persons may be appropriate in response to the identified foreign interference and in light of the evaluation in the report mandated by section 1(b) of this order, including, as appropriate and consistent with applicable law, proposed sanctions with respect to the largest business entities licensed or domiciled in a country whose government authorized, directed, sponsored, or supported election interference, including at least one entity from each of the following sectors: financial services, defense, energy, technology, and transportation (or, if inapplicable to that country's largest business entities, sectors of comparable strategic significance to that foreign government). The recommendation shall include an assessment of the effect of the recommended sanctions on the economic and national security interests of the United States and its allies. Any recommended sanctions shall be appropriately calibrated to the scope of the foreign interference identified, and may include one or more of the following with respect to each targeted foreign person:
(i) blocking and prohibiting all transactions in a person's property and interests in property subject to United States jurisdiction;
Holy crap...one entity that is currently in a HEAP of turmoil that comes to mind is Italy. A LOT going-on there now, and we know they’re involved in the steal. Imagine a spreadsheet of the largest entities with shipping containers on hold for import, and look at their sources? I’d bet it’s telling.
Even more striking that he would sign this EO in the middle of the Russian election interference hoax. No-one in their right mind would do it unless they knew what was coming.
Beatnet's comment above supports Bitin extending it " no one in their right mind" and "unless they knew what was coming" - that's two scores for Braindead Joe the Pedo, by my count!
"Sec. 2. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in: any foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security:
(i) to have directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election;"
Q, you beauty...
President Trump, sir, we will hold the line!
Pretty sure Chinese made Amazon products are still entering the country through LA despite the delays and shipping to US consumers so ... I'm not onboard with this delusion
Amazon built it's supremecy on the back of a 'JUST IN TIME' delivery model, not a warehousing one. Their warehouses aren't for stockpiling, but for in and out distribution. There is no way they have weeks let alone months stockpiled.
How can they prime one day delivery if they’re waiting for “just in time” product (from China)? They have to have supply to a degree. Granted, maybe they stockpiled for a month or so but with demand they would adjust.
Edit: it’s probably why things like... I don’t know, let’s say horsepaste.. are no longer available two day. They have supply for a certain period, beyond that they have to refill product. My horse was parasite free months... today he’d be in limbo. They’re building warehouses everywhere now.
By being really fucking good at their supply chain. That's the point. That's why Amazon is fucking amazing. It's not their front end shit, it's their backend supply chain.
They may have enough for three days, with additional projected replenishing supply arriving daily, but they definately don't have weeks, let alone months sittign around.
If in general they sell 1,000 units of something a day, they have 3,000 arriving every three days on a boat and keep 4,000 spread in warehouses across the US. So even though it takes two weeks to arrive from China, they can still meet same day shipping.
And I'm probaly over estimating. They probably don't even keep a supply, and only have a projected number arriving daily - and everytime your shipping delays to a two day or a threeday delay, it's because there was a spike their algorithm didn't predict despite showing and guiding you to other products they did have in supply.
They will eventually have « out-of-stocks ».!They are currently fulfilling from U.S. based warehouses, (and other U.S. based fulfillment options but eventually they have to replenish the inventory. That is when it really hits the fan. Plus the beauty of those container ships just floating hurts China because they only get paid upon receipt of good at the warehouse. So they are not paid, and probably won’t ever be paid because of the EO, According to a fren.
When you click 'buy', the item that they shipped 2 weeks in advance (because they sell on average x units per day) that just arrived in port yesterday and arrived in the warehouse 3 hours earlier is allocated to you and shipped out. It arrives at your local distribution hub 1 dday later, and your home same day or the next (1-2 day shiping)
And had you waited 24 hours before buying, you'd have gotten the item that arrived on the ship the following day. They order and receive constantly, in advance.
If enough orders are placed for that item from that warehouse, the supply tally will decrease to a preset replenishment level
No. They do not keep 10,000 units on hand, then place an 8k order when it hits 5,000, so they get back up to to 10,000 when their 2 week shipment finally arrives when they are then below 2k units and running real low. That's 90's fullfillment. Amazon broke the model by going 'just in time' and being able to offer lower prices in part due to needing a tiny fraction of the amount of warehouse space.
If they sell 500 units a day. They have 500 units arrive every day, with maybe a few hunded more as a buffer. The consequence is an insanely lowered warehouse footprint which saves a ton of money and allows them to redirect and instead open ton of region 'distribution' centers rather than larger stocking facilities - this regionality then allows for 1-2 day shipping.
All because they do what you can't fathom as actually being possible - have the item you purchase ordered and on a boat two weeks before you hit the buy button, using predictive statistical modeling, dynamic pricing, and product nudging (they order too much of something, it shows up in your feed for less, they order two few and it shows up costing more and you get shown alternatives first)
Amazon does notoperate using a 90's fullfillment model where you maintain a large stock and reorder as it gets low. Theyutilize a just in time fullfillment system which reduces footprint massively. They don't keep stock. Those Amazon warehouses are distribution hubs for receiving and quickly distributing out.
They could not last a week, let alone months. Their just in time fulfillment model is literally what their business model relies on, (partly) why they smoked their competitors, and is entirely incompatible with the hypothesis that chinese goods are being denied offloading at US ports due to an EO from Trump.
Since Bill Gates aided and abetted Chyna in their nefarious election interference, would not all his wealth be forfeit to the US Department of Treasury?
asking for a fren...
Each of the above locations is it's own legal entity, surrounded by the host country. Set up this way to control the World. Right front of our eyes (((they))) normalize their evil plans.
This admin hasn’t had one good reason for the ships delays. Sketchy answers at best. Butt Ranger is too busy with man-lactating to gaf. This is all making sense now!
Leftist Shills won't like this post. It proves without a doubt who the real president is. If Biden had ANY authority at all, he would have rescinded E.O.13848 on day one.
it would take weeks and months to get all the ships through the Panama canal or around the Cape to get up to the east coast... sometimes, mis-information is necessary - Q
Even if he could get the goods imported through Florida, it would have to travel by rail across the US to the west coast. There is not enough rail capacity to handle the additional load, nor can the cost of transporting by rail make it economical anymore.
They have to unload where they were destined to unload, if they are going to unload at all. If they can't unload there, they might as well dump it in the ocean.
I have thought it might be a jab in the optics war. Even if it is a white hat op, this whole crisis is already being blamed on Biden regardless, so why not play for a few more points?
Come to think of it, it would look even worse for Biden if they are made to look like they refused to re-route the ships to Florida.
It would definitely increase the cost, The Asian trade route would have to go through the Panama Canal. I remember reading an article that it wasn’t just LA but also Europe ports that are backlogged. UK pedes?
Not from UK, but my Mom follows European news closely and just mentioned to me the other day that there's backlogged ports in Europe and fake shortages.
My local LandRover dealership in England is overflowing with stock and yet along with Mercedes they are suggesting a chip shortage is causing delays of a YEAR.
If U.K. built goods such as Mini and LandRover are in short supply in the US this could be an easy knock on effect to follow from the EO.
It would let the goods that AREN'T blocked by the EO through and alleviate the traffic from the boats that aren't from interfering countries through.
Then, we can identify which boats need to have their cargo Boston Tea Party 2ed off into the ocean (including any missiles people keep worrying about).
Consider, it’s the Asian trade route. They would have to go through the Panama Canal to get to FL. The cost and time for the captain and cre plus the docs that would need to be obtained. Cheaper to let them sit.
That's what I was gonna ask. Last I check Florida was still part of the US and it sounds like they are ramping up for more traffic from China, not slowing down.
Also, our recent joint military exercises in the Pacific- South Chyna Sea region with Japan and Canada...
So Chyna cannot easily recoup all the goods floating outside our ports?
Coincidence or coordinated?
All these goods being held up isnt hurting the US… its crippling china, since they cant offload and sell their cheap shit here in the states… they are losing money 10 fold more than us
What if the goods and containers from Chyna are actually being impounded, because of the EO, as they are offloaded and that is another major unreported factor creating the logjam at the ports of LA/ Long Beach? Of course, the administration and the mockingbird media are not going to let that get out until they can find a way to spin it to their narrative.
There's also asset forfeiture for those involved in crimes against humanity/child sex trafficking, etc. So there could ostensibly be ships stuck off shore owned by entities that cannot even afford to return home.
I just ordered something from a Chinese seller on etsy day before yesterday, and he canceled my order saying that: due to covid-19, he couldn't ship to Canada right now.
There should be some 'clean' goods coming from places other than Chyna. So the CA regulatory issue is adding to the confusion, but some goods can find a work around.
I mean if you steal something from a store, change your name the next day, then are caught 2 weeks later, do they still hold you responsible? Likely. You still have the same genes and SSN
Is Facebook a corporation? Then yes, closing shop on one and opening another can get him out of some hot water, though the new entity would have to have someone else at the helm.
While it would be a welcome scenario, the fact the ships are waiting suggests it isn’t the case. If they were barred from importing the items on board there would be a mad scramble to redirect them to another country that will buy them.
Perhaps this is why the retailers are saying ..get your stuff from China now because nothing new is coming in ?.. I’m with you I hope we are right ..we are due for a big win or two ...I have a feeling once stuff hits the fan it’s goin* to be like confetti dropping from the ceilings on New Year’s Eve ,, NCSWIC and it’s going to be one punch in the face after another ! God there’s so many heads I want knocked off necks can’t decide who’s first , but o demon and Fauci are in top 10;
WOW! That is reassuring. I need to hear that.
I like reassuring too
But who has the final word in proclaiming a country did partake in US election fraud? No court has decreed it. Who made that declaration with enough weight that it will be obeyed?
If you are in radio range and know the frequency of his earbug you're in control. Salute the Marines.
Suggesting the US present supply problem is really a sanction on China and Xiden is not in control?
Correct. This is the assumption.
Let's keep blaming Brandon anyway. The lefties are lapping it up.
I like your approach. LGB.
Except chinese crap is flooding in.
I heard that the cans are not…. Or got really expensive
Wild as fuck
Here is the Executive Order 13848
This is the closest text that I can see to what the post is suggesting
It refers to a person who has been found to be working for a foreign country. Further clarified:
Read the whole paragraph above that.
This one?
Holy crap...one entity that is currently in a HEAP of turmoil that comes to mind is Italy. A LOT going-on there now, and we know they’re involved in the steal. Imagine a spreadsheet of the largest entities with shipping containers on hold for import, and look at their sources? I’d bet it’s telling.
Sounds spot-on to me. I won't have time to check til this weekend, but would be interested to study the ships' countries of origin.
Even more striking that he would sign this EO in the middle of the Russian election interference hoax. No-one in their right mind would do it unless they knew what was coming.
And isn't this the one Biden just renewed this September?
Yes. "Biden" renewed it. ;-)
With Jill's signature? ;)
...Cause we are watching a movie! 🍿
I’ve been wondering WHY he would? Is that proof WH’s ARE in control?
Beatnet's comment above supports Bitin extending it " no one in their right mind" and "unless they knew what was coming" - that's two scores for Braindead Joe the Pedo, by my count!
I might be ignorantly speculating here but could this have something to do with the recent collapse of the bitcoin mining industry in China?
Description of Sanctions:
"Sec. 2. (a) All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in: any foreign person determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security:
(i) to have directly or indirectly engaged in, sponsored, concealed, or otherwise been complicit in foreign interference in a United States election;"
Q, you beauty... President Trump, sir, we will hold the line!
Pretty sure Chinese made Amazon products are still entering the country through LA despite the delays and shipping to US consumers so ... I'm not onboard with this delusion
They could have a stockpile? Already here?
Amazon built it's supremecy on the back of a 'JUST IN TIME' delivery model, not a warehousing one. Their warehouses aren't for stockpiling, but for in and out distribution. There is no way they have weeks let alone months stockpiled.
How can they prime one day delivery if they’re waiting for “just in time” product (from China)? They have to have supply to a degree. Granted, maybe they stockpiled for a month or so but with demand they would adjust.
Edit: it’s probably why things like... I don’t know, let’s say horsepaste.. are no longer available two day. They have supply for a certain period, beyond that they have to refill product. My horse was parasite free months... today he’d be in limbo. They’re building warehouses everywhere now.
Easy. Tons of distribution centers. One in town doesn’t have it or ran out? Well then one nearby likely does.
By being really fucking good at their supply chain. That's the point. That's why Amazon is fucking amazing. It's not their front end shit, it's their backend supply chain.
They may have enough for three days, with additional projected replenishing supply arriving daily, but they definately don't have weeks, let alone months sittign around.
If in general they sell 1,000 units of something a day, they have 3,000 arriving every three days on a boat and keep 4,000 spread in warehouses across the US. So even though it takes two weeks to arrive from China, they can still meet same day shipping.
And I'm probaly over estimating. They probably don't even keep a supply, and only have a projected number arriving daily - and everytime your shipping delays to a two day or a threeday delay, it's because there was a spike their algorithm didn't predict despite showing and guiding you to other products they did have in supply.
They will eventually have « out-of-stocks ».!They are currently fulfilling from U.S. based warehouses, (and other U.S. based fulfillment options but eventually they have to replenish the inventory. That is when it really hits the fan. Plus the beauty of those container ships just floating hurts China because they only get paid upon receipt of good at the warehouse. So they are not paid, and probably won’t ever be paid because of the EO, According to a fren.
No dude.
When you click 'buy', the item that they shipped 2 weeks in advance (because they sell on average x units per day) that just arrived in port yesterday and arrived in the warehouse 3 hours earlier is allocated to you and shipped out. It arrives at your local distribution hub 1 dday later, and your home same day or the next (1-2 day shiping)
And had you waited 24 hours before buying, you'd have gotten the item that arrived on the ship the following day. They order and receive constantly, in advance.
No. They do not keep 10,000 units on hand, then place an 8k order when it hits 5,000, so they get back up to to 10,000 when their 2 week shipment finally arrives when they are then below 2k units and running real low. That's 90's fullfillment. Amazon broke the model by going 'just in time' and being able to offer lower prices in part due to needing a tiny fraction of the amount of warehouse space.
If they sell 500 units a day. They have 500 units arrive every day, with maybe a few hunded more as a buffer. The consequence is an insanely lowered warehouse footprint which saves a ton of money and allows them to redirect and instead open ton of region 'distribution' centers rather than larger stocking facilities - this regionality then allows for 1-2 day shipping.
All because they do what you can't fathom as actually being possible - have the item you purchase ordered and on a boat two weeks before you hit the buy button, using predictive statistical modeling, dynamic pricing, and product nudging (they order too much of something, it shows up in your feed for less, they order two few and it shows up costing more and you get shown alternatives first)
This is (in part) how Amazon stole the market.
Weren’t they trying to gain control of the Port of LA? I recall our troops being staged there at one point, but I forget why?
lolz, yer killin me Tendie!! ☝🏼😂
It’s the crap they already have in the warehouse or coming by air. They have a lot of useless crap in those amazon warehouses.
Amazon does notoperate using a 90's fullfillment model where you maintain a large stock and reorder as it gets low. Theyutilize a just in time fullfillment system which reduces footprint massively. They don't keep stock. Those Amazon warehouses are distribution hubs for receiving and quickly distributing out.
They could not last a week, let alone months. Their just in time fulfillment model is literally what their business model relies on, (partly) why they smoked their competitors, and is entirely incompatible with the hypothesis that chinese goods are being denied offloading at US ports due to an EO from Trump.
Since Bill Gates aided and abetted Chyna in their nefarious election interference, would not all his wealth be forfeit to the US Department of Treasury?
asking for a fren...
And don't forget the Vatican and Germany!
...And the British Royal family!
Three sides of the Pyramid:
London - Banking center of power
Vatican City - Religious center of power
Washington, D. C. - Political center of power
Each of the above locations is it's own legal entity, surrounded by the host country. Set up this way to control the World. Right front of our eyes (((they))) normalize their evil plans.
Day of God's Justice is coming.
Thé U.S. keeps it all. We have it all!
Now you know why he got divorced.
that would be sooo sweet if GATES THE MULTI billioniare who's buying all the farm land gets his fortune frozen, HOws that lookin MR BILL lol
Dont we have to prove it first?
And to stop bullying buttijudge for fucking things up because of maternity leave and homophobia
And because he is an incompetent communist fool.
This admin hasn’t had one good reason for the ships delays. Sketchy answers at best. Butt Ranger is too busy with man-lactating to gaf. This is all making sense now!
my body is ready
Leftist Shills won't like this post. It proves without a doubt who the real president is. If Biden had ANY authority at all, he would have rescinded E.O.13848 on day one.
This should be stickied
We won.
Damn straight! 👍🎉🇺🇸
And we won big
laughs in NCSWIC
Thanks for the reminder. It explains things bigly.
How does this fit in with DeSantis opening Florida's ports to ease the backlog?
it would take weeks and months to get all the ships through the Panama canal or around the Cape to get up to the east coast... sometimes, mis-information is necessary - Q
Desantis is essentially shitposting, amirght?
Even if he could get the goods imported through Florida, it would have to travel by rail across the US to the west coast. There is not enough rail capacity to handle the additional load, nor can the cost of transporting by rail make it economical anymore.
They have to unload where they were destined to unload, if they are going to unload at all. If they can't unload there, they might as well dump it in the ocean.
I learn a lot in dis place. Thank you.
patriots setting up DeSantis to inherit our beloveds mantle in the future. #elijahElisha #TrumpDeSantis
Should’ve read further... I just repeated your comment!
I have thought it might be a jab in the optics war. Even if it is a white hat op, this whole crisis is already being blamed on Biden regardless, so why not play for a few more points?
Come to think of it, it would look even worse for Biden if they are made to look like they refused to re-route the ships to Florida.
China isn’t going that way!
I too would like an answer to this question. Is DeSantis putting up a ruse?
It would definitely increase the cost, The Asian trade route would have to go through the Panama Canal. I remember reading an article that it wasn’t just LA but also Europe ports that are backlogged. UK pedes?
Not from UK, but my Mom follows European news closely and just mentioned to me the other day that there's backlogged ports in Europe and fake shortages.
Asian route?
My local LandRover dealership in England is overflowing with stock and yet along with Mercedes they are suggesting a chip shortage is causing delays of a YEAR.
If U.K. built goods such as Mini and LandRover are in short supply in the US this could be an easy knock on effect to follow from the EO.
It would let the goods that AREN'T blocked by the EO through and alleviate the traffic from the boats that aren't from interfering countries through.
Then, we can identify which boats need to have their cargo Boston Tea Party 2ed off into the ocean (including any missiles people keep worrying about).
Consider, it’s the Asian trade route. They would have to go through the Panama Canal to get to FL. The cost and time for the captain and cre plus the docs that would need to be obtained. Cheaper to let them sit.
This ⬆️
That's what I was gonna ask. Last I check Florida was still part of the US and it sounds like they are ramping up for more traffic from China, not slowing down.
Indeed SkiSki !!!
Yes, it is included in that EO.
Interesting twist…
Food or lack of food will be the greatest red pill.
A wise man once told me when a loaf of bread hits $20 keep your head low because shits about to pop off
I got a loaf of bread in the freezer in case I need to trade it for a gallon of gas and flee the city.
Hey, get some frozen bread dough. Takes up less space. Tortillas as well. Pitas, etc. its all bread.
I'll raise you one roll of toilet paper.
I’ll tuck away this wisdom for safe keeping fren. Lets pray we never have to use it.
Also, our recent joint military exercises in the Pacific- South Chyna Sea region with Japan and Canada... So Chyna cannot easily recoup all the goods floating outside our ports?
Coincidence or coordinated?
Hoptium at the highest level on this find. 😎
All these goods being held up isnt hurting the US… its crippling china, since they cant offload and sell their cheap shit here in the states… they are losing money 10 fold more than us
What if the goods and containers from Chyna are actually being impounded, because of the EO, as they are offloaded and that is another major unreported factor creating the logjam at the ports of LA/ Long Beach? Of course, the administration and the mockingbird media are not going to let that get out until they can find a way to spin it to their narrative.
There's also asset forfeiture for those involved in crimes against humanity/child sex trafficking, etc. So there could ostensibly be ships stuck off shore owned by entities that cannot even afford to return home.
Nice angle ! Respect.
I just ordered something from a Chinese seller on etsy day before yesterday, and he canceled my order saying that: due to covid-19, he couldn't ship to Canada right now.
I have one it says in transit.
Sweet Lord.. This actually makes sense!
How much of these countries GDP comes from US purchases.......
Wow...this kind of slapped me awake! I hadn't even thought of this and for some reason it rings as extremely likely.
If this is true what are we to make of De Santis' "work around" of having his ports open?
Personally, I think he's trolling.
There should be some 'clean' goods coming from places other than Chyna. So the CA regulatory issue is adding to the confusion, but some goods can find a work around.
Don't forget that Zuckcuck donated several hundred million of his own money to the steal...
Speaking of Zuckercuck, does him changing the name of his company evade any of the issues addressed in the EO??
Just trying to figure out why the sudden need to change Facebook's namesake.
I would say no... a crime is a crime no matter what the company name is... The owner of the company is still liable... imho
I mean if you steal something from a store, change your name the next day, then are caught 2 weeks later, do they still hold you responsible? Likely. You still have the same genes and SSN
Maybe back to the original Lifelog?
Is Facebook a corporation? Then yes, closing shop on one and opening another can get him out of some hot water, though the new entity would have to have someone else at the helm.
Wouldn’t you die if he renamed it Truth Social 😂
This is great. And here’s an article that Biden administration extended this EO
He also extended the national war on terror EO for another year as well.
Paints a different picture, don’t it?
The moron could have included the freaking eo number to help normies ffs
Makes sense
While it would be a welcome scenario, the fact the ships are waiting suggests it isn’t the case. If they were barred from importing the items on board there would be a mad scramble to redirect them to another country that will buy them.
Not if they were ordered by USCG to drop anchor for inspections.
i doubt it would be economically feasible. everything is on razor thin margins.
Aren't we way past all the applicable timelines? 45 days then 45 days - 30 days, etc. Want to understand.
I hope your right here pede
Perhaps this is why the retailers are saying ..get your stuff from China now because nothing new is coming in ?.. I’m with you I hope we are right ..we are due for a big win or two ...I have a feeling once stuff hits the fan it’s goin* to be like confetti dropping from the ceilings on New Year’s Eve ,, NCSWIC and it’s going to be one punch in the face after another ! God there’s so many heads I want knocked off necks can’t decide who’s first , but o demon and Fauci are in top 10;
We're all so damn ready for some good news. Lord, please let this be the case.🙏
Need to bring back those "Buy made in the USA" commercials from the 90s
True fauxi is the public face of the Carona bullshit.
Mmmmm good find