MODS: these posts should be stickied. This is immeasurably more important and informative than the 50 posts a day by the "I hate Trump cause im a vax tard shilling moron" posts.
Maybe Alex's wife got fed up with his bashing President Trump.
Cannot quite see how The Donald proudly bashes Q and autists, while praising the even wilder 'conspiracy theories' of Info Wars and their host? Logic missing?
This. I have many opinions of this matter in which I will not speak, as to not disturb the crowd, but many people here are FAR, FAR closer to the truth in my own personal opinion.
I've seen his name (and links to his stuff) come up on Q boards for 3-4 years now. The few times I checked it out, I never got past the idea that he was probably a paytriot.
You gotta wade through a river of shit to get to the one or three good nuggets that comes from AJ. Im quite content to ignore AJ and if he does come out with something thats not bullshit other sources will pick up on it.
Thanks for the info. There's quite a few platforms I checked out over the last few years, and if they don't hit 3 of 4, or 4 of 5, I move on. My job doesn't allow me to listen to pod casts during the day (problem solving, difficult applications, dealing with people in panic mode, etc).
So an hour an evening is about it for checking out various boards, and catching a podcast or a message at 1.25x speed.
I'm just fortunate to have a bit more time over the holidays with time off and family in town (so not a lot more time).
I am upset at President Trump for pushing the vaxx. I also recognize AJ is Mossad.
The source of the recent division is President Trump pushing the vaxx as we are sacrificing our personal relationships, families, and credibility in a very public way opposing it. It stings.
It's not like, going to make me abandon the fight. I'll never ever get the vaxx. I'm just saying, it'd be nice to have him on our side on this. I mean, a shocking number of people on are vaxxed, and if the vaxx is unsafe, President Trump could have prevented that.
Great stuff... reinforces my opinion AOC was put in to do just what she is doing.
It's important to remember the majority of people living in Israel no nothing of what is people everywhere are being oppressed by a small group of Satanists
Dude. Im gonna go ahead and say that these posts are the most important and informing of anything on GAW. Please consider doing this regularly for topics you think are heavily misunderstood. You are doing a great service to all of us and by extension all the people we share this with.
"open image in new tab" also works for zooming purposes, but downloading is highly recommended, as you can share it decades from now with young people and explain how we won WWIII.
This was a great one! If I may attempt comms, I suspect Bibi gave an early congrats to Joe as a head fake to signal acceptance of the NWO side when Bibi's public words have never formally said that: Israel is always independent for plausible deniability reasons. Then Trump has the opportunity to finally signal that Israel will not escape either. It's clear that Bennett is another Biden, he even put Biden to sleep (i.e. Bennett's career is dead). Bibi's public face is very Trumplike and the narrative is that he'll be back with a vengeance; and takedown of all rogue Mossad would require someone with the (American) training and ability to be recruited for the plan from far back. So while I've ruled a lot of Israel out, I see comms from Bibi too.
"Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away." -- Benjamin Netanyahu
"Every time we do something, you tell me America will do this and do that. I want to tell you something very clear; don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." -- Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, 2001
Was it meganon? who used to post well before Q and said Bibi raped kushner and when he stayed at their house he slept in Jared's bed. I imagine Jared hates him and his parents who allowed it to happen
Read Revelations - Jews who are not real Jews at all were described in this time as ‘Synagogue of Satan’. They have long been plotting and controlling most everything for a long time now.
This is the line of thought I believe. Lots of recent chan threads discussing how modern Jews do not descend from ancient Israelites, but from Canaanites and/or Edomites. Very interesting stuff.
Wow...! Mind blowing and EPiC revelation as to how the Pharisees operated way back then is similar to how current day zionists operate in the shadows and get others to wage wars for them.
That was a hard pill to swallow - that “Jews” were near the head of the snake, Satan being the top. It made it harder with the way shills throw around the blanket term, as if all Jews are Satanists.
What helped me digest it is the New Testament: what nation was evil enough that it would crucify its own God? Only one (not “all” Jews but those with power). From there it’s not that big a stretch to believe that the Pharisees and Sadducees continued their secret works of darkness for the next two millennia (or however much time has transpired since then).
I think his reminder to you about typing the name of the book correctly is worthwhile.
You probably know exactly what you’re talking about. I think we tend to agree on this issue in particular. But it’s very easy to dismiss anything someone has to say when they can’t even get the name of the book right.
First sentence is totally accurate, second totally speculative. Rather, evidence shows the multinational consortium of anyone Satan can steal was active for thousands of years before and after the moment when among its membership were included two tiny local cabals at Izmir and Alasehir. Name the true enemy, Satanists by any name of any race.
A few posts back i made the statement "Israel is the containment state".
This VERY well put together infograph explains even more what I meant by that. It CONTAINS the military secrets, the blackmail, the taxpayers money, the congressional influence, private information of American citizens, etc.. all while the history books say "well we needed to find a place for the jews to go they were going to get murdered by le nazis and those angry christians and muslims that are there now". Bull fucking shit, they had much bigger and evil intentions than that when they created "the containment state".
Precisely. Truman (Mr. "anti-semitism") is also one of the reasons why the 3 letter agencies went global. FDR negotiated the contract, Truman carried it out. They wanted globohomo in every aspect and the big banks were already in their pocket.
Israel or England? Mary Maxwell bill gatess mother so him and Ghislaine relatives so mi6 would have known ab out Epstein island and the underground tunnels and the murder of babies and children there. Robert ma well was a spy for mossad and the Rothschilds married into all EU royalty are Jewish... Robert ma well owned newspapers got a knighthood..was welcome at the was nt just Andrew at Epstein island and his mother would have known as her spies would have had to tell her..but it seems they were all a nest of Satanists there anyway
On liberal forums I monitor, one extremely common pattern is schadenfreude as small fish conservative talk radio people get COVID. It's completely unreported here but it was happening so often that I wondered if they were being offed or arrested, and getting COVID was the cover?
No one here seems to be aware of it, but perhaps they were lower grade disinfo, of maybe aimed specifically at evangelicals? Maybe AJ is being arrested and that's why his wife freaked out?
Evangelicals are definitely a target. In Ohio, a Senate candidate is running his campaign almost entirely through Evangelical churches. He is Jewish. No coincidences.
In the old days when you bought certain Chevy’s if you got the Super Sport, or SS model you got high powered jacked up raw hot rod beauty. (I had a 69 Chevelle SS AND an SS El-Camino). Anyway, I sometimes call SemperSupra “SS” cuz he brings the raw high powered goods. We have the BEST Anons!!! (This post is 💰).
My first car was a 69 Chevelle SS with a metallic flake paint job and custom pinstripe upholstery... countless times I've wished I still had that fantastic car.
While I love this type of infograph, please note that for us cell phone users it is completely impossible to read and thus the impact is lost. Perhaps a summary or link in the comments?
I'm phone fagging, too. Easy fix: from the dot dot dot drop down in upper right, on Android, select Desktop site. This allows you to view as desktop. Just scroll around to read.
Q said use graphics for a reason. I agree on the slight clunkiness of interface but OP is better at compiling them than most anyone and makes it worthwhile. They make more sense after you get used to them.
Zoom and move around is about all you can do that I'm aware of. I had a hard time seeing it on my 15" laptop, now that I'm down to a 10" I'm not going to bother lol
Israel also stole the hydrogen bomb tech from us - all the while Soviet spies that infiltrated the Israeli nuke program passed the info to the USSR giving them the tech.
Try reading jay Weidners take on it. He said Kennedy faked his death and as a movie guy he explained how he did it and how he could prove it.
So many were gunning for him maybe he got out before being taken out. He was told not to ride open top car as it was too dangerous..and then again presidents have clones don't they?
Endless speculation..the only certainty is Oswald didn't kill him
If I am reading this correctly, it seems to reinforce the theory that Trump has some Judas goats in the far left wing of the Dem party, or at the very least he is using AOC, Illhan OMarryYourBroMar and others in a strategic way. There is no way to attack the Israeli deep state through the R party, or through the centrist wing of the D party. How do you do so while maintaining the facade of being 200% pro Israel?
I have thought the same thing for a few years now. I do not believe that it was an accident that Trump went to a rally and called her "the new leader of the Democratic Party" as soon as she won her house seat in 2018.
Yeah not sure the issue. He was what we thought Bin Laden to be: the brains of thousands of operations against us causing thousands of American deaths and injury
Yeah. The visual of the woman telling her story about being his sex slave is haunting. I was amazed at the ferocity our president took care of this man. It showed an example to us: look what we have had the ability to do to these bastards for years? Look? We can take someone out with swift precision. It looks like Trump was appeasing the Mossad, yes, because they are saved for last. Had to make them believe Trump would do their bidding till the end. Its making sense to me now. It was a huge flex with little to no consequence
I think for myself. A post filled with source information is a beautiful thing. I can verify what I want / need too and allow my thinking to change. I never met Q, but all of this is about asking the question. Answering the question, and allowing the accumulation of knowledge guide personal opinions.
I would suggest reading the Q drops. Start from drop 1 and read until you reach at least 80. It shouldn't take more than 30 mins. Its okay if you dont understand something, keep going. By the time you reach 80, and when you reconcile what you read with the news / happenings around that time and later, if you dont come to the conclusion that Q is legit, then perhaps this place is not for you.
After that, watch Trump's inauguration speech, paying careful attention to the military people who line up behind him in the middle. Try and understand the message he says - unlike most political speeches, this speech is intended directly to the people and he means every word he says, and he pretty much explains the plan.
Nothing here is based on blind beliefs. Most of us who have been following Q for a while have come to the logical conclusion that Q being legit and Trump working with the White Hats is the only explanation.
You should not believe in anything blindly as well. Catch up on Q posts, and if that is too hard, you can watch a bunch of videos people have made over the years discussing various parts of the Q drops and the Plan. There is one by Bonfire Guy called The Great Awakening. Another one called "Q Save the World"
The challenge is many don't want a trackable financial connection going on, and bitcoin is very trackable. You'd need something like monero and I don't even know if that's very safe and not some kind of honey pot.
MODS: these posts should be stickied. This is immeasurably more important and informative than the 50 posts a day by the "I hate Trump cause im a vax tard shilling moron" posts.
EDIT: whatever mod stickied this is a hero.. lol
Did you see aLex Jones shitting on Trump becauze of the Candace interview?
Pretty sure he's the source of this recent division
Maybe Alex's wife got fed up with his bashing President Trump.
Cannot quite see how The Donald proudly bashes Q and autists, while praising the even wilder 'conspiracy theories' of Info Wars and their host? Logic missing?
This. I have many opinions of this matter in which I will not speak, as to not disturb the crowd, but many people here are FAR, FAR closer to the truth in my own personal opinion.
I've seen his name (and links to his stuff) come up on Q boards for 3-4 years now. The few times I checked it out, I never got past the idea that he was probably a paytriot.
You gotta wade through a river of shit to get to the one or three good nuggets that comes from AJ. Im quite content to ignore AJ and if he does come out with something thats not bullshit other sources will pick up on it.
David Knight is a living breathing black pill..
Thanks for the info. There's quite a few platforms I checked out over the last few years, and if they don't hit 3 of 4, or 4 of 5, I move on. My job doesn't allow me to listen to pod casts during the day (problem solving, difficult applications, dealing with people in panic mode, etc).
So an hour an evening is about it for checking out various boards, and catching a podcast or a message at 1.25x speed.
I'm just fortunate to have a bit more time over the holidays with time off and family in town (so not a lot more time).
I am upset at President Trump for pushing the vaxx. I also recognize AJ is Mossad.
The source of the recent division is President Trump pushing the vaxx as we are sacrificing our personal relationships, families, and credibility in a very public way opposing it. It stings.
It's not like, going to make me abandon the fight. I'll never ever get the vaxx. I'm just saying, it'd be nice to have him on our side on this. I mean, a shocking number of people on are vaxxed, and if the vaxx is unsafe, President Trump could have prevented that.
After four years of Trump appointments, my faith in the existence of a 4D chess plan is waning.
How about the newbies who come on and make fun of Q and Autists? It's the worst on the weekend.
Great stuff... reinforces my opinion AOC was put in to do just what she is doing. It's important to remember the majority of people living in Israel no nothing of what is people everywhere are being oppressed by a small group of Satanists
Not even sure if she herself is aware of why she was picked and who is coaching her! But then I think surely no one could be that stupid
Dude. Im gonna go ahead and say that these posts are the most important and informing of anything on GAW. Please consider doing this regularly for topics you think are heavily misunderstood. You are doing a great service to all of us and by extension all the people we share this with.
"open image in new tab" also works for zooming purposes, but downloading is highly recommended, as you can share it decades from now with young people and explain how we won WWIII.
I have trouble even with a 22 inch screen !
Chans have maximum image size parameters, else it won't let you post. is the archive.
This was a great one! If I may attempt comms, I suspect Bibi gave an early congrats to Joe as a head fake to signal acceptance of the NWO side when Bibi's public words have never formally said that: Israel is always independent for plausible deniability reasons. Then Trump has the opportunity to finally signal that Israel will not escape either. It's clear that Bennett is another Biden, he even put Biden to sleep (i.e. Bennett's career is dead). Bibi's public face is very Trumplike and the narrative is that he'll be back with a vengeance; and takedown of all rogue Mossad would require someone with the (American) training and ability to be recruited for the plan from far back. So while I've ruled a lot of Israel out, I see comms from Bibi too.
After I wrote this I noted Bennett has just self-quarantined.
Not a bad idea.
thanks for putting the time into a post like this
"Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away." -- Benjamin Netanyahu
"Every time we do something, you tell me America will do this and do that. I want to tell you something very clear; don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." -- Ariel Sharon to Shimon Peres, 2001
Or playing double
Was it meganon? who used to post well before Q and said Bibi raped kushner and when he stayed at their house he slept in Jared's bed. I imagine Jared hates him and his parents who allowed it to happen
Read Revelations - Jews who are not real Jews at all were described in this time as ‘Synagogue of Satan’. They have long been plotting and controlling most everything for a long time now.
This is the line of thought I believe. Lots of recent chan threads discussing how modern Jews do not descend from ancient Israelites, but from Canaanites and/or Edomites. Very interesting stuff.
The Pharisees took out Jesus for a reason.
Did they do it themselves? No. They used Rome.
Think that over carefully.
Wow...! Mind blowing and EPiC revelation as to how the Pharisees operated way back then is similar to how current day zionists operate in the shadows and get others to wage wars for them.
But WE see them for who and what they really are.
Very interesting. Have any sauce?
That was a hard pill to swallow - that “Jews” were near the head of the snake, Satan being the top. It made it harder with the way shills throw around the blanket term, as if all Jews are Satanists.
What helped me digest it is the New Testament: what nation was evil enough that it would crucify its own God? Only one (not “all” Jews but those with power). From there it’s not that big a stretch to believe that the Pharisees and Sadducees continued their secret works of darkness for the next two millennia (or however much time has transpired since then).
I didn't bookmark the /pol/ thread last night. I'll edit this comment if I can find it in the archive.
Listening to it right now w Chuck Missler on YouTube. Lol. He makes that point. Love this post sempra supra
Rotflmao 😂. Yes you are correct! Now go slap some old man on a plane for not wearing his mask Karen/Ken....not sure your pronoun(s)
I think his reminder to you about typing the name of the book correctly is worthwhile.
You probably know exactly what you’re talking about. I think we tend to agree on this issue in particular. But it’s very easy to dismiss anything someone has to say when they can’t even get the name of the book right.
The warnings appear repeatedly, not just in Revelations.
Some of them call themselves Christians too.
First sentence is totally accurate, second totally speculative. Rather, evidence shows the multinational consortium of anyone Satan can steal was active for thousands of years before and after the moment when among its membership were included two tiny local cabals at Izmir and Alasehir. Name the true enemy, Satanists by any name of any race.
Jesus said this of the fake Jews in Rev. 2:9 and Rev. 3:9
A few posts back i made the statement "Israel is the containment state". This VERY well put together infograph explains even more what I meant by that. It CONTAINS the military secrets, the blackmail, the taxpayers money, the congressional influence, private information of American citizens, etc.. all while the history books say "well we needed to find a place for the jews to go they were going to get murdered by le nazis and those angry christians and muslims that are there now". Bull fucking shit, they had much bigger and evil intentions than that when they created "the containment state".
This explains why Truman was ready to publish de facto recognition of an 11-minute-old nation.
Precisely. Truman (Mr. "anti-semitism") is also one of the reasons why the 3 letter agencies went global. FDR negotiated the contract, Truman carried it out. They wanted globohomo in every aspect and the big banks were already in their pocket.
It was the Rothschilds who negotiated and got Israel for favours done...not for humanity you understand.
You only know the (((controlled))) narrative narrative of the 6 day war. Israel was the agressor.
Can you expound on that?
Always instigating conflict between other races and countries, while using them as covers for their own nefarious compulsions.
This is not the Israel of the Bible.
The only parallel there is to the Bible is the tent of Molech and the star of Remphan on Israel's flag warned about by Jesus.
Rejoice in God fulfilling his promises to his disciples and lost sheep.
Who wrote the bible? Always the victors who change stories to suit their agendas
The Epstein "pedophile island" blackmailing scheme as an Israeli operation makes more sense after seeing this!
Right? So many people are caught up in that plce, but what is about to come of it? This Maxwell thing is fucking YUGE…if it habbens
Israel or England? Mary Maxwell bill gatess mother so him and Ghislaine relatives so mi6 would have known ab out Epstein island and the underground tunnels and the murder of babies and children there. Robert ma well was a spy for mossad and the Rothschilds married into all EU royalty are Jewish... Robert ma well owned newspapers got a knighthood..was welcome at the was nt just Andrew at Epstein island and his mother would have known as her spies would have had to tell her..but it seems they were all a nest of Satanists there anyway
Nicely done.
On liberal forums I monitor, one extremely common pattern is schadenfreude as small fish conservative talk radio people get COVID. It's completely unreported here but it was happening so often that I wondered if they were being offed or arrested, and getting COVID was the cover?
No one here seems to be aware of it, but perhaps they were lower grade disinfo, of maybe aimed specifically at evangelicals? Maybe AJ is being arrested and that's why his wife freaked out?
Getting “COVID”
Evangelicals are definitely a target. In Ohio, a Senate candidate is running his campaign almost entirely through Evangelical churches. He is Jewish. No coincidences.
Got a name on this guy? I have a friend running for congress in Ohio. I want to give him a heads up and do some digging myself.
Josh Mandel. Fake, phony, puppet.
Mark Pukita is the only qualified candidate.
Crazy I just ran into him yesterday on Twitter because someone was calling him out.
In the old days when you bought certain Chevy’s if you got the Super Sport, or SS model you got high powered jacked up raw hot rod beauty. (I had a 69 Chevelle SS AND an SS El-Camino). Anyway, I sometimes call SemperSupra “SS” cuz he brings the raw high powered goods. We have the BEST Anons!!! (This post is 💰).
My first car was a 69 Chevelle SS with a metallic flake paint job and custom pinstripe upholstery... countless times I've wished I still had that fantastic car.
Oohhh man. I hear you in STEREO!!
While I love this type of infograph, please note that for us cell phone users it is completely impossible to read and thus the impact is lost. Perhaps a summary or link in the comments?
I'm phone fagging, too. Easy fix: from the dot dot dot drop down in upper right, on Android, select Desktop site. This allows you to view as desktop. Just scroll around to read.
That worked for me! Excellent suggestion. Thank you.
Q said use graphics for a reason. I agree on the slight clunkiness of interface but OP is better at compiling them than most anyone and makes it worthwhile. They make more sense after you get used to them.
Or long click on the image and select preview. Now you can zoom.
Edit: I'm using Brave, that probably matters.
Just click on the title of the post and it opens the photo directly in a media.greatawakening link.
See below:
On phone I long-press the image and select "Open In New Tab", and then scroll around to read the text.
On iPhone, save the image and flip your phone sideways to zoom in and read. Works like a charm!
Just click on the title of the post and it opens the photo directly in a media.greatawakening link.
See below:
Zoom and move around is about all you can do that I'm aware of. I had a hard time seeing it on my 15" laptop, now that I'm down to a 10" I'm not going to bother lol
Just right click image and open in new tab for images like OPs
This is the way. 😁
Israel also stole the hydrogen bomb tech from us - all the while Soviet spies that infiltrated the Israeli nuke program passed the info to the USSR giving them the tech.
Try reading jay Weidners take on it. He said Kennedy faked his death and as a movie guy he explained how he did it and how he could prove it.
So many were gunning for him maybe he got out before being taken out. He was told not to ride open top car as it was too dangerous..and then again presidents have clones don't they?
Endless speculation..the only certainty is Oswald didn't kill him
If I am reading this correctly, it seems to reinforce the theory that Trump has some Judas goats in the far left wing of the Dem party, or at the very least he is using AOC, Illhan OMarryYourBroMar and others in a strategic way. There is no way to attack the Israeli deep state through the R party, or through the centrist wing of the D party. How do you do so while maintaining the facade of being 200% pro Israel?
This fascinates me. If true, then this level of chess is way beyond my comprehension.
I have thought the same thing for a few years now. I do not believe that it was an accident that Trump went to a rally and called her "the new leader of the Democratic Party" as soon as she won her house seat in 2018.
Would be a typical alliance move to have AOC working for republicans
This is excellent work and so very valuable to understand. Thank you so much for pulling this together.
A thousand updoots!
I learned a lot from this I didn’t know. Thanks for this..well done!
Interesting to include the Soleimani strike here
Something was way off about that.
Droning leaders is Isreal's style, not Trump's
Trump did say “we took him out like a dog” 🤔
Yeah wow. At the same time we were cool with the mf getting plowed right?
Yeah not sure the issue. He was what we thought Bin Laden to be: the brains of thousands of operations against us causing thousands of American deaths and injury
Yeah. The visual of the woman telling her story about being his sex slave is haunting. I was amazed at the ferocity our president took care of this man. It showed an example to us: look what we have had the ability to do to these bastards for years? Look? We can take someone out with swift precision. It looks like Trump was appeasing the Mossad, yes, because they are saved for last. Had to make them believe Trump would do their bidding till the end. Its making sense to me now. It was a huge flex with little to no consequence
High effort. Thanks Annon.
Great post. Great info. High effort post. Thank you.
This is the sort of thing I miss seeing. Well done, OP.....well done.
glad i can now say fk aj
Watch this. Bill Cooper calling out AJ.
thanks for the link fren
I think for myself. A post filled with source information is a beautiful thing. I can verify what I want / need too and allow my thinking to change. I never met Q, but all of this is about asking the question. Answering the question, and allowing the accumulation of knowledge guide personal opinions.
being reassured is good
I would suggest reading the Q drops. Start from drop 1 and read until you reach at least 80. It shouldn't take more than 30 mins. Its okay if you dont understand something, keep going. By the time you reach 80, and when you reconcile what you read with the news / happenings around that time and later, if you dont come to the conclusion that Q is legit, then perhaps this place is not for you.
After that, watch Trump's inauguration speech, paying careful attention to the military people who line up behind him in the middle. Try and understand the message he says - unlike most political speeches, this speech is intended directly to the people and he means every word he says, and he pretty much explains the plan.
Nothing here is based on blind beliefs. Most of us who have been following Q for a while have come to the logical conclusion that Q being legit and Trump working with the White Hats is the only explanation.
You should not believe in anything blindly as well. Catch up on Q posts, and if that is too hard, you can watch a bunch of videos people have made over the years discussing various parts of the Q drops and the Plan. There is one by Bonfire Guy called The Great Awakening. Another one called "Q Save the World"
i dont think i have met them
Great information @SemperSupra ! Q - Autist ! Thank you.
very good must create a "tip" or patreon like mechanism for posts like this.
The challenge is many don't want a trackable financial connection going on, and bitcoin is very trackable. You'd need something like monero and I don't even know if that's very safe and not some kind of honey pot.
New money system must not be able to be used laundering or trafficking
That's the issue, do we have fully tracked finances where your whole life is tracked by your expenses, or do you give people freedom to do bad things.
Thinking about how we need a non-trackable method of money exchange.
Realizing I just invented cash.
Excellent post OP.
You have put the pieces together so nicely. Archiving this one.
Your digs are of the highest quality, my good sir. Thank you!
read through the posts, great suggestions from different users on how to view it.
Mods! Keep this pinned all week!
They’re everywhere…thanks for the information, especially about all the agreements in place from decades ago. More for the required reading list.
Fantastic, fren!
Wow!!! So well explained!