New post from the @Q account on Truth who may or may not be Q decide for yourselves I’m just sharing for those who don’t have access to the app yet
🧐 Research Wanted 🤔

"Is this the real Q?"
The question you should instead be asking yourself is: Would a social media site built literally by Donald Motherfucking Trump, for the sharing of truths no less, featuring an IMPOSSIBLE-TO-GET single character username, that somehow just so happens to be the letter 'Q' (of all things), that then gets brought to people's attention NOT organically but by Devin Fucking Nunes (of all people), for an account that was created on a date -- the letters of which add up to 17 -- and that too PRIOR TO the creation of the account of the literal motherfucking owner of the said platform...
... do I even need to say anything more STILL???
How many "coincidences" before mathematically impossible?
This! 👆
The funny thing is, even if the (Truth Social version of) Q never confirms that this account is indeed them, [as they've already said "NO comms made outside this platform" (are to be considered legit) previously]...this STILL doesn't stop the owner of the account itself from redpilling and truth-bombing left, right, and center.
And if someone from the MSM openly calls out team Truth Social on giving the "dangerous QAnon" a platform, they can straight up call out their lie and link them to the comm made by Q which outright denies the legitimacy of any outside comms.
But alas, the MSM can't ask that question (and risk receiving that answer) because then, they would actually have to LINK PEOPLE to comms from their own biggest enemy, the notorious "QAnon."
Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. Plausible deniability 5D chess checkmate for the win.
Agreed! Read this ABOVE ALL doomers and shills! No outside comms in my opinion means that anyone claiming to have inside knowledge and communication with Q was FAKE. It’s perfectly understandable that Q WOULD be on TS.
It is, but Q also knows that we need proofs, and he knows how to deliver them.. we're waiting Q
this is the first thing this Q has written that actually sounds like old Q tho
I think this is proof enough. Q is back! Can't wait till I'm on Truth. A platform built on Q! Imagine that! And there is nothing the legacy media can do or say about it. lol Brilliant!
Please format your posts even more
It's more distracting than Mike Lindell's ADD.
Need some my pillow kevlar.
To be fair the format flair really helps the voice in my head emphasize the right syllables
I hear you. Its way over the top and theatrical in my opinion. You can write a perfectly good post without all of the extras
Haha ya some people love public speaking amirite
I mean MSM - not sure why need emphasles
Correct me if I'm wrong, and sometimes I can be, but didn't the Pepe memes START on 4 Chan or 8 kun or whatever? And Truth's hosting server is named "Pepe". Would that not indicate Truth's connection to that original board thus making it internal site COMMs?
Pepe is a transcendant-archetype meme, he is essentially an Internet everyman. The meme grew in 4chan but by now is much bigger.
It's not the strongest comm by itself, to me it seems like more of a cutesy in-joke.
Pepe was popularized on 4chan back in the day
Didn’t Trump post on that format only once as Pepe years ago?
Pepe started not only on the chans but also reddit before it was sold.
I sense mockery.
You must also consider the February 9th, 2022 creation date and the February 9th, 2019 delta on post 2677 with the comment -- "Its time to return publicly".
Too many coincidences not to take it very seriously. Confirmation is needed even so.
And the fact that this was well before Truth was opened to public access and the account was created BEFORE both Trump and Nunes
Also Q's reference in post 998:
The "Chair" serves the Master. Who is the Master? P = C. Q
This Truth Social Q account also invoked the "P".
The dilemma for me is that whoever created the account would know all these things also.
I think I'll just continue to practice discernment until there's confirmation - ideally the original Q account will confirm using the official tripcode
Oh yea I am keeping an eye on it but a discerning eye. One thing I have learned over the last 7 years is to be skeptical about everything.
Any bets on how soon the MSM "proves" the account is "linked" to Ron Watkins or that idiot actor-shaman?
Also it is Feb 9 = 2 9 = 119 (911). 2022. There is a 11 11 11 11 in there. Taking back there symbolism.
29 does not equal 119
If it did, I could then also say 29 = 245 or 1145, or 254 or 1136, or almost any number I wanted to highlight as being meaningful
It's "2 convenient" :)
We can take numerology to any extreme and I'm not for that. But 29 does break down clearly to 1+1+9. If you want to flash 911 to people, 29 does the trick.
More clearly than 2+4+5 or 2+6+3 or 1+1+1+8 or...??
That's my point. It's arbitrary.
Flashing 29 to people and really expecting them to think that means 911 would be kinda crazy IMHO.
Regardless, it has meaning to whomever it had meaning. I never liked these endless numerology breakdowns, but looking back at my post above, it doesn‘t seem a reach to say what I did. In particular on a board following a team who said „everything has meaning“ or the like. Lol
I'm way too much of a moron to have planned all this math out years ago 😂😂 glad there's smarter minds trying to rescue this country than me
Keep us informed if Q posts more. Thank you!
I'd like this, differentiate the 2 til we get more.
Q2: The Second Coming
Q2 Electric Qgaloo
I shall call him, Mini Q.
This is @Q
Keep up to date yourself here: https://qagg.news Click the "TRUTH" fan and check-box "others".
You can also reduce it further to just the "Q" account by typing @q in the search field.
Nice ! Thank you
Here is the video. From a different source.
The context of the original twitter post is noteworthy.
Its appearing that a Ukrainian jet fired on a residential area.
If you think about it. Its bad optics for the black hats if the only major damage dealt by RU was on US bio labs within Ukraine. It could create incredibly difficult questions.
So how would they change the narrative...
Logical thinking 👆
We have a lot of unknowns here. The comments in the thread of that post are instructive:
Mig-29s are fighter aircraft, not bombers. They're very, very low even if they're on a bombing run. Reports are the Russia's only fielding their 5th gen fighters (Sukhois) right now, but it's known Russia does have Mig-29s still.
There's a lot we simply don't know and shouldn't assume at this point. We're in an information war, looking at 26 seconds of grainy, shaky video with 5 seconds of relevant content, and very little other context. Probably best to maintain extreme skepticism of anything we see right now.
This conflict is going to become an object lesson in how to think. How do we know what we know? Is our reasoning sound? Do we have corroborating evidence for our inferences? etc. This is potentially a Q post, use discernment.
To be fair MiG-29 can attack.
These clearly are shit videos. No plane will get that low and use a missile. It’s absurd to think it’s possible and the only thing it suits is a video game.
Clearly fake and gay.
Doesn’t need more explanation than that.
Compare https://youtu.be/p0uD6tbfsXE
Indeed and well said
That video looks fake as shit.
Are we seeing pre-prepared deepfakes?
So they're saying it's a false flag conducted by Ukrainians on their own people since it's not equipment used by Russians? Officially they were claiming to be intercepting Russian Aircraft.
So upsetting. It appears they are heading into a basement. There was no explosion, but what was fired?
A rocket is fired from the jet just before it passes over. The rocket flies out of view just before a loud "thump" can be heard. Safe to assume that thump is the rocket detonating whatever ordinance it was propelling. I'm certain the microphone on their device isn't capturing the intensity of how strong a blast it was. I've been around explosions, and you feel them just as much as you hear them. It's terrifying, especially when you don't know if there will be more, and if they are heading right for you. You have no control of the situation, and you are at the mercy of fate. It haunts me to this day.
I watched this before I got out of bed and had to put the phone up. I broke down and cried for the children and the innocents. Too much for a mama to bare. But a good reminder of this reality. A good reminder to protect the children at all costs.
Yeah my eyes welled up a bit watching and im a dude
That poor kid screaming in terror is heartbreaking.
Someone in the comments says that isn't a Russian plane, that they don't use this type of plane. So speculated it could be a Ukrainian plane.
Missle comes from behind & under that aircraft. Near miss !
maybe it will be Biden that says it... about Ukraine...
It will be on Twitter. "Look to twitter"
DWAC has to acquire Twitter first.
Just keep in mind that Q said there are no outside comms so don't be too credulous but wait and see.
Q was always good at proving and protecting his ID. We should expect that relatively soon in this case as well.
For now... wow at those coincidences!
Yep. It’s an incredible coincidence. But they do happen and q said no outside comms so I’m preparing to be disappointed but hoping for some booms
I wouldn't call Q comms private I would call them public. If someone who knows about deltas decides to co-opt Q on Truth social I believe truth social would shut the account down.
The no private comms was a reaction to Alex Jones and others saying they were in contact with Q.
What happened to that moron "Zach" or whatever?
I am not as good as others but on the surface I traceroute to truthsocial.com equals 26
For post 513 the time stamp equals 26.
Then post 26.
Like I said not as good as others not as intelligent. I enjoy watching and reading but maybe something there.
NO private comms past/present/future.
NO comms made outside of this platform.
Any claims that contradict the above should be considered FAKE NEWS and disregarded immediately.
It's hard to imagine him making it any clearer. "Past/present/future"? Not exactly a lot of wiggle room in there to satisfy comm-starved anons
Maybe right now is not past, present or future but a parallel dimension, so the whole no private comms thing is out the window!
Except he only says that for "private" comms. @Q is public comms.
If he verifies on 8kun there will be no doubt.
Around that time there were many impostors anon and people claiming to be Q.
KYou had me at platform...
Off topic but, what formatting did you use to make the text superbold?
Sorry Don, look at your posts...in good conscience I feel giving you that info would be like telling a heroin addict where to score some fentanyl
:p Qeq
Got it!
Thinking is fine but he literally word for word says it is the latter: "NO private comms past/present/future. NO comms made outside of this platform."
This is true BUT this is a site founded by whitehats LIKELY to be Q or part of Q AND the account was created under Beta testing and would have been invite only AND no fucking way they would allow anyone to hijack @Q that has nothing to do with Q or larping as Q. I think what was posted about no outside comms was misdirection for the media and outsiders for plausible denial while at the same time, for those of us that understand Q and are intelligent can read between all the lines and figure out Q is back. We'll see what the account posts and gives us and im sure disect the hell out of it.
Devin would ban a fake Q on his platform. Plus explain how that Q account had an account name with less than 3 characters.
One of the coders/creators farting around?
I'm not sure I would trust that.
The trip code is all we have to trust its Q
its an 8kun identifier... the platform is completely anonymous, but a user can create a custom unique tripcode to serve as a form of identifier. Q has a specific tripcode, so that a post can be proven to have been posted by him. His tripcode is still active on 8kun, but hasnt posted since Dec 8, 2020
Exactly. Until then, it is all speculative.
I would not expect Q to stay only on 4chan, forever and ever. That's not reasonable.
Q had to verify identity when 8chan went down and the switch had to be made to 8kun - through the trip code. The same process must take place now somehow. Hopium and coincidence proves nothing.
And Q would know that better than anyone. No indication any of that happened or is happening...so.....
No Outside Comms
Yes, that is exactly my stance on the issue until shown otherwise - and frankly, I do not see that changing anytime soon. This leaves me with a lingering question. Why would TS throw this out there knowing what kind of uproar it would create within the Patriot movement? This does not settle well with me.
Its stickied with "research wanted" flair. Maybe they just want some digging.
Okay, I can fly with that. I just desire that people move forward with caution before trying to read too much into this. We need more information before we come to wrong conclusions.
Upvoted to 17
For those of us still on the waitlist, can you post the video?
I did. Check my post history.
You would think Q would link to it from the 8Kun site and say ‘changing platforms’ or something
This is what keeps me from completely believing. 8Kun confirmed a few months ago that Q's tripcode was still active and could be used.
I feel like at some point they would simply have to do it (regardless of how many truth bombs they're dropping each new day or how authentic they really are) or it will only create more confusion amongst Q's actual followers, who have been clearly told not to trust any outside comms.
Unless of course, that WAS the original plan all along; to keep all sorts of plausible deniability regarding whether this IS the real Q or ISN'T the real Q, and let the hype generate for itself as more and more normies get wind of the matter and there's all sorts of media debate and shit going down while the massive TRUTH BOMBS keep dropping on here with Each. Passing. Day!
As far as the awakened ones go, they are awakened enough already in any case so a non-confirmation of authenticity (from Q) does little to nothing for them, per se. And regardless of that, they'll REGARDLESS be getting access to (what I presume are) authentic Q comms anyways, so this is a win-win for ALL!
And, as far as the sleepers themselves are concerned, many of them have been awakened/awaken-ing lately to a LOT of the goings-on within our world, ESPECIALLY SO all of that rampant Censorship and Bannings and Cancel Culture shit...so I take it that MANY of them would be super-curious about the (in)famed "QAnon" and what all of this hype / hiding is even all about. So this account would be a good way for Q to finally start dropping some exclusive truth bombs, teach normies how to connect the dots and decode comms and so on and so forth...giving them all a glimpse into this whole wild ride of ours. And last (but by no means the least), the chans and the kuns are not everyone's cup of tea to understand / navigate / comprehend...so a more Twatter like feed will give the sleepers a more normie-fied version of the Great Awakening, so to speak.
All of the above is all conjecture of course, and Q may very well confirm the whole thang tomorrow making everything I wrote above pointless. But then again, such is life.
P.S. I'm 10000000000000000000000000000000% CERTAIN that Q (and even Q+) know about this platform and hang out on here in some capacity or the other at the very least, whether they communicate on here or not. Anything lesser sounds just VERY, very unlikely to me, given the circumstances.
Well if this isn't the real Q we might as well call it bullshits social.
Underrated comment.
Exactly lol. Trump and Nunes are absolutely knee deep in Q. NO FUCKING WAY this is a larp account. It was created under beta and would have been invite only. Q can be on Truth Social because whitehats run it and control it unlike twatter, etc.
Trump wouldn't allow this if it wasnt Q, its Q. Now is it the same Q we all learned from over these past years? I don't know, Q told us operators are constantly in danger, and Q is a very high value target.
I'm sure things will be made more clear in time
Q also told us in no uncertain terms, NO outside comms on any other platform, past present or future.
Things are going to get very interesting. MSM going to,attack Truth Social for starters, if there is anything left of them.
Maybe Q confirms and moves to next part of project.
Daan daan daan!
This Q account was created a day before Nunes and Trump. Also a delta from when Q posted about returning to public. That's control. I think it's Q.
I'm sold that this is Q. I am always a very skeptical person. I'll eat my shoe if this turns out not to be Q!
Well, shipwreck confirmed it folks!
Lol, smart arse
Oh Im watching Q!
Elliptic keep us updated on these new Q posts so we can follow. Thx.
Thx for sharing!
I know he said no outside comms but I do not think Truth Social counts as outside. Plus I think Nunes would have deleted it by now if they found out it was a larp. But im mentally ready if it is discovered that it is not real.
Its not outside comms because the whitehats literally created, run and control it🤣 I cant get over half the people on here, who are smart, intelligent, follow Q and based not comprehending this fact. Its mindnumbing reading many of these comments. Wake up folks.
The identity of Q does not matter and never did because anyone working with Q could have access to the same intel and anyone within that team could type of a message online. People used to say Trump was Q+ but we'll probably never know because the truth of it probably is that different people within that group have likely posted as Q because they're working together.
If they restricted posting as Q to just one person then that would be stupid because what if something happened to that one person? Anyone can post online as someone else if they have access. Presidents, even Trump, has had staffers post on his twitter account before. It shouldn't matter if it's the same person or not because we've all known it's more than just one person.
I would think that a Q post would have multiple people involved as to avoid any chance of mistakes in a post. I do believe it is Q and I believe it further causes things to lean toward Trump himself being directly involved with Q since the posts went silent until Trump created his own platform. It does not matter and never matter who Q is and it never mattered if Q was posting as one person or multiple people posting as Q.
The purpose of Q has remained the same. The Q posts were started as a means to show those of us that were already awake that we were not alone and also to spread information, to give enough breadcrumbs to get people digging in the right places. We'll probably never know who Q is and we'll probably never know if it was only one person or multiple people posting as Q but none of that will ever matter.
If Q is a true patriot then Q does not care about being known or having any recognition. A true patriot will do their part without caring if anyone knows they did anything. That's probably the harder part about being a true patriot is doing things that no one will ever know it was you doing them. People want recognition but sometimes it's best to not ever have that recognition.
Subjectively from a linguistic perspective the impression given is that most of the narrative messages from Q were written by the same person. The style, tone, diction, syntax, grammar, phrasing, construction, capitalization, spelling and punctuation, etc., would be too hard to keep ALL consistent across a large number of people IMHO.
When the drops consist of a lot of military code, links to websites, images, etc., it can be different people, hard to tell.
Very well said. So even if this Q was indeed "fake" (i.e. NOT verified by the real Q), as long as they're dropping redpills...
... they're nevertheless doing their intended job.
That of making The Great Awakening happen for ONE and for ALL.
We'll probably never know if Q was 1 person or a group of people but it's more likely it was a group of people. Whoever posts at Q doesn't matter that much as long as its from the group of people putting together the information for a post by Q. They probably made sure a post was worded exactly the way they wanted and one of them would post it. Restricting Q to one person would be a surefire way to fail so I've always believed Q was a group of people posting just as Q rather than one person. Also what if that 1 person died then Q would have vanished.
Imagine if this actually turned out to be the reason Q vanished lmao.
DJT: Alright team. What's our next plan? And oh, by the way, why have our Q comms been so silent lately?
Team Member: (super nervous): Well, sir, it's just that, the guy who was posting those drops...? Well, he...er...he's dead.
DJT: Dafuq? What do you mean he's dead? And then, why hasn't anyone else taken over the account yet?
Team Member: (pissing his pants now): A...a...actually, sir, we don't have the login info for it.
DJT: That's it. You're fired. As a matter of fact, you're all fired.
Alright personal secretary #17. Time for you to take over this whole thing...and...get the new Q guy on Truth Social ASAP. Am I clear on this?
DJT's Personal Secretary #17: (now literally trembling): Y...y...yessir!!! I'll get Mr. Nunes on the line right away!
(P.S. The above d̶r̶e̶a̶m̶ meme conversation is a work of fiction and is for entertainment purposes ONLY).
Truly any person could type up a Q post so the identity of who types up the Q post and posts it never should matter. I like the secretary #17 addition lol. If DJT and others were directly part of Q, I doubt we'll ever know and it's probably best if no one ever knows the human or humans behind the Q posts. The Q posts served the purpose they needed to serve and that's what's important.
Bombing in Ukraine
No outside comms
Thank you!
Post everything unless larp is proven ..
I have a feeling it's not a larp but who knows
"No outside comms."
Thank you Curveball. I appreciate it.
I'm not even trying to register right now, too much kerfuffle going on.
Jun 11, 2018 12:27:44 AM EDT
Q !CbboFOtcZs
FF weather alert (WW).
STAY VIGILANT and maintain situational awareness. Q
"who may or may not be Q" but joined TS before Trump and Nunes...
If there ever was an actual Q, it's just as likely this Q is one and the same!
Did you see this? You can get to truth social posts and timestamps here.
► Shortcut for those without iPhones◄
Maybe a green screen. Pause the video at 5 secs and 6 secs and you'll can see clearly the first missile is coming from no where because the trailof smoke is ONLY showing at 6th secs,while the 2nd missile is going up (and his trail is showing up from the start ). Beside the sound of the explosion is a F* joke.
posted the fake video? lmao!~
What is the probability that Trump is using this "new appearance of Q" as a way to market the new social platform?
Prior to the @Q account being noticed, there is already close to 1m people signed up, it's #1 in the appstore
And I don't mean, "Let's get Q on here to increase interest", but rather, "Let's make it seem like Q is on here to increase interest"
Very interesting, I just posted a question on this. the 'fog of war' is quite thick indeed, nothing is as it seems...
Keep us informed Anon! I'm at 777,473. :-(