Why is this stickied? Because there's something wrong with you if you don't hear The Pixies'Where is my mind? when you watch the Russian missiles pound the deep state biolabs into dust. If you're frazzled, near the end of your tether, now's the perfect time to take a break with 1999's masterpiece, Fight Club, directed by David Fincher.
And if you're NOT frazzled, wait, what??? Drop and give us 20 memes!!! 🤣👀
lmao just posted about Q music ties and the sublime lyrics "I've got spiritual mind control." Kash'd Out is a band that covers sublime and Q just posted their shirt, and a little bit ago i was saying "LETS F***ING GOOOOOO"
I don’t discount the theory that Putin’s pounding biolabs
But I struggle with why he would lie about it? Thoughts? Putin has never was shy about naming the cabals bullshit before, he’s never been one to hide meanings in fact quite the opposite, so why now?? What do you think??
But wouldn’t that be assuming China isn’t seeing what’s goin on? Chinas blind to the biolabs being attacked? I’m not sure how your answer solves my question fren? Are you implying us and Russia vs China and Putin’s playing double agent?
My whole conundrum with the DS blasting bio labs theory is ... that would send said bioweapons into the air and releasing them? I just don’t think it would be safe to do that.
Tyler Durden: You know why they put oxygen masks on planes?
Narrator: So you can breath.
Tyler Durden: Oxygen makes you high. In a catastrophic emergency, you're taking giant panicked breaths. Suddenly you become euphoric, docile. You accept your fate.
Yeeeees normies. Accept the awakening... Accept that nothing can stop what is coming... Might as well take a hit of that oxygen while you're at it! This ride is just getting started!
So crazy personal story. Last year, went to the dentist to have wisdom teeth removed. They overdosed me on nitrous oxide. I'd haved it used before, just eases the anxiety, makes you a little loopy, but completely conscious. But this time, somebody screwed up. Was either a bad mix or not timed with the right mix. Once the nitrogen started pumping in, I could feel myself going under. It was 5 seconds of this feeling of a complete loss of control over my body. My mind was still completely aware of what was going on. I said in my head, at least what I thought was just in my head, "it's ok to take me now, this world sucks anyway, just take care of my wife." I felt myself go. Was so easy to let go too. Next thing I know, a faint voice yelling at me to wake yup. I was consciously aware of the voice, but was trying to hard to resist it. Within maybe 10 seconds, after 3 or 4 yells, it felt like I had just been traveling 100mph and slammed to a halt, woke up. Was totally alert and conscious, unlike when you come back from anesthesia. Started laughing. Realized, well, guess I'm stuck here a little while longer. The oral surgeon says "we thought we lost you, and you were talking to extraterrestrials!" Apparently when I thought I was just silently talking to God, I said it out loud. Funny stuff really. Of course, it felt like it had been 4 hours, but nope, only 5 minutes. They hadn't even pulled the damn teeth yet. Unpleasant side effect of getting OD'd... started puking everywhere. Thank goodness they got it cleaned up and pulled the damn teeth. Wasn't going back home without the teeth pulled after dealing with this shitshow!
It's hard to really explain the feeling though, of letting go, of that euphoric acceptance of the end, as described by Tyler. I'm guessing others who've had near death experiences will feel similarly, but with that gas going through my nose, it was about as close to a plane crash as I could get.
Happy to be alive, especially in such exciting times
Shit, only two hallucinogens I ever
did were LSD and shrooms. Bad Trip, chased by a fire breathing dragon (sparking wheel toy) up several flights of stairs (in a single floor building) into a room full of skeletons (people wearing adidas while dancing), where I drowned in the music waves before puking out my internal organs.
Last rave I ever went to, and it was years before I could look at tile grout without slipping back into hallucinations because of the depth perception.
Stick to the occasional beer and lots of coffee these days.
Yes! You can make a difference for better, or for worse, the people you come in contact with on a daily basis. A kind word, is much better than a snarky remark.
I'm getting so much better with being kind, even if the other person is acting like an ass. In fact, it becomes a challenge for me. I don't let up with the kindness. And, as a result, the other person mellows out and we end up having a nice conversation.
I grab a shovel and start hardscaping the yard more. I make something beautiful out of nothing with brute stubborn manual labor.
It clears my mind and gives me perspective on what was troubling me.
Shoveling is my meditation time.
I can't do nothing, but I can do something so brainless and automatic as to have effectively the same result. Plus I get to feel like I accomplished something tangible.
"I have always found something in life worth singing about and for that I cannot apologize." - Captain Corelli
Just pop on some music and let the shit fade away...
“Next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise. The gift of language combined with the gift of song was given to man that he should proclaim the Word of God through Music.” - Martin Luther
I’m familiar 😁 My ptsd from 5 wars/conflicts almost rekked me. Psilocybn removed the ptsd completely. Microdosing realigns your subconscious see James Fadiman protocol 👍🏽 He’s the man;
I used to follow LoS back when Mark Vann played banjo. THOSE…were the golden years. He was amazing & I met him & Drew Emmitt once in Cardboro NC. Drew signed my F5 mandolin. 👍🏽 I’m familiar with Great American Taxi but haven’t seen em. Might go to DelFest and/or Peach Festival but I’m getting a bit old for all that. I’m tight with Umphrey’s McGee used to go camping with those guys; before they made it big. 😎
Phishhed I didn't know you were a deadhead? Doesn't that make you like 60 or so?
I ran into a whole hotel plaza full of deadheads when I went to Florida for Ultra Music Festival in like 2014. Your people were tripping on acid from dusk til dawn like it was just another day.
From what I observed, alot of the traditional deadhead culture passed onto the younger generations and infiltrated the Electronic Music Festival scene en masse. We call your offspring the bass heads haha. Best needlepoint LSD came from a deadhead hippie chemist who was secretive as fuck and wouldn't even deal with me in person.
Makes sense when you're manufacturing tens of thousands of hits of LSD lol.
Yeah, I’m 60 now. Survived a LOT. The Dead started or were the center of the original scene but Phish & the jamband scene…it’s different. The love is missing. All that was a big part of my world when I was young but I pulled outta it & had a long marriage & career, 3 kids etc. We can slam here all day about dirty hippies etc but it was fun when I was 16-19 or so. Grew up in New England so pretty much covered those tours late 70’s, early 80’s 👍🏽 “The music never stopped” 😎 💕. Edit; try being a Conservative even then & dealing with those liberals? It was all about the music (& party) for me
One time I did a hit of poppers, really went mad, like ten breaths. I saw what was like a pie chart, in each segment was video playing of all my memories, except I could follow all the "slices" at the same time, hundreds of them, each one a clear memory, of childhood, parents, early years, everything. My whole life flashed before me and apparently I passed out. Definitely a near death experience.
OMG! This place is a real education for a sweet Southern girl! LOL
I often read the hilarious pithy comments from my family here to my husband and he just grins and says he's going to take my phone. 😹
most Oral Surgeons would start an IV and give you a deep sedation/general anesthesia for wisdom teeth. Some use nitrous with it, some don't. I preferred not using nitrous as an adjunct which I came to prefer over the years. Propofol works wonders. Are you sure this wasn't a general dentist playing oral surgeon?
Yup, now they recommend full anesthesia. All these funny videos of kids waking up and only being semiconscious, blabbering incoherently afterwards with no memory of acting and talking like a drunk... but that's not what happened with me, I remember everything. The nitrous isn't supposed to knock you out. Just help ease the anxiety, then get your mouth numbed up and yank the suckers. Should have been easy. First time 2 years ago was easy. This time however...
I opted not to go under, not to do anesthesia since the first wisdom tooth I had done 2 years ago was just fine using nitrous. I've always tried to avoid anesthesia whenever possible. Had the idea of going under. Funny thing is the first time I had it done, it was just a general dentist who said she felt comfortable enough to do it. No problems with the nitrous. But this time was an oral surgeon and them craziness happened. It's possible that the assistant just screwed up. I had the thing over my nose running oxygen for what seemed to be way too long. I was listening to music through headphones and the hour long track I was on had gotten at least 2/3 of the way done before they finally came back to get working. Maybe all that oxygen for 35 minutes just didn't react well once the nitrous was kicked on? But it was definitely not supposed to do what it did. The oral surgeon seemed legitimately concerned when I woke up. Texted me throughout the day to keep checking in on how I was doing.
I think the dentist/surgeon/assistants were the most relieved I woke back up... I asked if they had cameras in the room because I really wanted to see the recording so I could laugh at myself appearing talking to God (aliens, according to them) out loud. They dodged the question, probably for good reason to avoid a lawsuit haha
I helped design & build some planes for a mission in Iraq. Flew one of them from Milwaukee to Balad Iraq, all the way VFR at 7,000 feet. When we got over the mountains of Kurdish territory we took her up to 17,000 (to avoid ground—>air missiles) and went on O2. I tried not using the Oxygen to see what it was like…not good. Vision started going towards tunnel-vision so I quit messing around.
Dude!!! Yes, that was so good my mouth’s watering just remembering that. Food was about all the pleasure to be had in the war zones. And I smoked cigarettes like a chimney. ugh
Naahh I’m Norwegian American; flag for color…& pride. I asked mods to add it when everyone was getting their Pepe monikers. It was the coolest trip of my career. So many stories from just those 9-10 days trip. Greenland & Iceland were epic. 3:00AM approach into Reykjavek Iceland there was fog and we did a last second bank to avoid slamming into a church steeple adjacent to airfield. No one knew we were coming and our plane was military grey with no ‘N’ numbers ie no Registration. 2 Customs agents (not happy) met us as we opened door and my first question was what time is it? 3:00AM…but it’s light outside?! Second question where’s the bars? (High rate of alcoholism in Iceland). They pointed the way and by 4:00AM myself & mechanic were 8 blocks away in the bar district. Streets were overflowing with drunks but a Budweiser was $10 so we kept it low key. Had a whale steak the next day…I grounded the plane so we could spend a day as tourists. Icebergs floating in fjord next to runway in Greenland in July…grass & flowers covered the landscape. Mosquitoes so rabid they could knock you down. Scotland, England, Italy Greece, Turkey then the badlands. I fell in love in Troon Scotland but that’s another story 😎
I’m STUCK!! It’s about 80% done. The best stuff …I dunno if I write those events which would explode the book…they might still be sensitive?? 2 stories could get me targeted? I’m not being overly dramatic either…it sucks. Especially in today’s environment!! My children are pushing me too ugh. I gotta pray on it. -tx
Scottish heritage over here. Spent a few weeks there when I was ten, driving through the country and the highlands, visiting the ancestral home turf. Literally.
Never been back since, but it runs strong through the blood.
Troon? We stayed at the Royal Marine Hotel on the 18th approach. Partied in the village & had the best fish n chips; “the best around” according to the locals. A magical area to be sure.
In enough concentrations it makes you sleepy. The air we breathe has a so.ewhat low concentration of oxygen and is mixed with other gasses. In a more pure form, the effects are different than normal air.
As I understand it, 100% oxygen at sea level pressure is fatal. There can be too much of a good thing. Deep diving gas mixtures are nearly entirely helium, because the oxygen fraction has to be within the safety limit for the depth pressure of operation.
It doesn't make you sleepy, 100% oxygen keeps you awake and alert. This is why military aircraft have a oxygen regulator so the pilot can keep his concentration in times of high stress levels. Its also very good for hangovers.
I used 100% oxygen lots of times from the aircraft I serviced when in the military, it does not get you high. Its very good for hangovers though, which is why me and lots of others used it.
My body is ready and I am not even frazzled. I'm no longer one of the middle children of history, I have a purpose. God gave us the gift of free will and we can choose to love and choose to be free because I know that the world is not my home and I'm grateful for that.
So, often overlooked reality with this closing scene... the quick flash at the end. What is it you ask? The building the narrator is in, with Marla, goes kaboom as well. How do we know this? Because in the opening of the movie, the narrator is disarming the bombs in the vans underneath that very building. And yet, after Tyler knocks him unconscious, 20 minutes have passed. Guess what? Timer on the bomb restarted and counted down to under 3 minutes. Either the Tyler "personality" rearmed it, or the narrator rearmed it. In either case, bomb is active. This building must go down with all the rest. Why? Of only one of the institutions is left, that's just going to create a monopoly, which doesn't solve the problem but would only make it worse. Nope. Have to take it all down. The narrator has resigned himself to accepting this inevitability and that his sacrafice will be worth it.
This makes even more sense within the context of the narrator's apparent guilt over the death of Tyler in a car crash, which the narrator feels responsible for through his knowingly being involved in a system that resulted in vehicle malfunctions causing deaths of innocent people. The narrator isn't hallucinating a split personality, but rather a "ghost" of a real Tyler. In this sense, the narrator avenges Tyler's (and others') death and accepts his atonement for his involvement.
I read one person’s interpretation that pretty much every single person in the movie wasn’t real and they gave many different examples of exactly why. It is a crazy deep movie that you can watch 100 times and pick up on something new each time.
The same reviewer also said this movie was made as a modern day “The Shining.”
Interesting shit. Oh, and nice song at the end u/catsfive. I added it to my collection.
Oh my goodness, flashbacks from childhood and my great granny! God rest her soul.
My cousin was in peewee baseball, one day our gGranny said boy if you worked as hard "in the word" as you do with that ball & stick you could float to the next base and not a soul nor spirit could catch you!
His face kinda contorted, eyes got big as saucers, but he said nothing.
Everyone on that porch, including me!, just new he'd just had a revelation sent straight from the heavens! gGranny finally says "well... Spit it out son!"
He finally says, "I don't think the couch is gonna like that much Ma'am, don't think we're allowed to fly that's why we have to be able to run real fast and slide!".
His Daddy slapped him in the back of the head (which I did not understand because it made pretty good sense to me, at the time!)
God Bless You and all your Cats!
(Wife and I feed and provide a shelter and medical for all the strays in our neighborhood area)
We'll be fighting to take down the House of Rothchild central banker slave masters for generations... and they won't go down without a fight / a world war or two.
We can do it, but a final solution that defeats the richest, most powerful and most influential tribe in human history won't be easy.
I'm glad you said "a" final solution instead of "the" final solution.
On a serious note, I don't think we will be fighting them that long. This storm is going to gut their entire power structure, anyone that wasn't high enough to get picked up had no real power.
Additionally, the blood lines these people believe they belong to that date back to ancient Egypt will be permanently cut. This is a big deal and a big part of why it will be so hard for this to manifest again. Also, people will be extremely vigilant about this type of evil popping up again for a very very long time.
That's it for these guys, we just have to build a new world on the ashes of the old one. Just like a storm, we pick up the pieces and rebuild after it passes.
I am perplexed that this observation got downvoted. As much as it sucks ... this assessment is the most probable. We WILL be fighting that trash, in some form, for many years to come.
Your downvotes only verify what YOU say is also correct.
It is true that too often dissention of opinion on these threads gets a mass of downvotes. Happened to me a few months ago too. I was debating the efficacy of Remdezivir and some of the claims being made with zero sauce. I got downvoted into oblivion. There is one massive asshole on here that is a frequent poster that DM'd me directly talking shit.
I’m forever caught between the shill-compromised, artificial pessimism (which is somewhat not as bad lately) of PW, and the irrational, enforced exuberance of GAW. I’m a “Qtard” over there and a doomer over here.
The only way to deal with it is to not give a rat’s ass what anyone thinks. And they’re still the top two places on the Internet.
I tried to convince this board that vaccines aren't as bad as they're made out to be. If you're going to go against the grain and narrative, you're going to take some flak. Feed off it, don't let it tilt you.
It's all social engineering trying to sexualize our kids. I was watching old episodes of Agents of Shield which is supposed to be for teens or something and they just throw in these random sex scenes with scantily clad characters. Need to bring back some form of media censorship or decency board. Kill hollywood with fire.
I hate the gratuitous sex scenes, especially when they add nothing to the story. Understated is so much more powerful. Perfect example is The Postman Always Rings Twice. Lana Turner in the original vs. Jessica Lange in the remake. There is no comparison.
That’s one of the reasons my hubby and I could never watch anything that Netflix did, seriously 5 minutes into any movie or series and I felt like a degenerate watching a porno. No thanks.
David Fincher would only sign up to direct if 1) he got 100% creative control and 2) Pitt played Tyler. 3) Pitt said he'd only sign to do it if Fincher directed. Perfect script. Fincher, one of only a handful of directors that could have truly captured Palahniuk's novel properly. Perfect storm. Perfect movie.
The world runs on leverage, not loyalty. Fincher had them by the balls and he dunked it.
Yeah this is a weird thread. Like I'd somehow feel like a Debbie downer saying "Guys there's at least one for sure kid fucker in this movie that you're all jizzing all over the thread about" even tho they're jizzing all over the thread to thoughts of a movie starring at least one kid fucker.
Yeah, I know. We here all do. A lot of these movies and stories are part of our collective consciousness though. It sucks that the overwhelming percentage of our pop culture and entertainment in general (including sportsballs) has been found to be perverted by evil forces. I no longer watch anything from the big movie houses, of course no TV, nor any sports. It's all ruined. Hopefully a new era of story telling and celebration of physical talents can come about that is untainted by deceptive and satanic forces.
Same here. Thankfully, I was already starting to prefer regular content creators over Hollywood movies, which I just stopped having the attention span for.
Why is this stickied? Because there's something wrong with you if you don't hear The Pixies' Where is my mind? when you watch the Russian missiles pound the deep state biolabs into dust. If you're frazzled, near the end of your tether, now's the perfect time to take a break with 1999's masterpiece, Fight Club, directed by David Fincher.
And if you're NOT frazzled, wait, what??? Drop and give us 20 memes!!! 🤣👀
lmao just posted about Q music ties and the sublime lyrics "I've got spiritual mind control." Kash'd Out is a band that covers sublime and Q just posted their shirt, and a little bit ago i was saying "LETS F***ING GOOOOOO"
I don’t discount the theory that Putin’s pounding biolabs
But I struggle with why he would lie about it? Thoughts? Putin has never was shy about naming the cabals bullshit before, he’s never been one to hide meanings in fact quite the opposite, so why now?? What do you think??
Because there is another stage after this—China.
All the operations must be revealed only after the kinetic phase has closed. Military precision. Operators currently active.
But wouldn’t that be assuming China isn’t seeing what’s goin on? Chinas blind to the biolabs being attacked? I’m not sure how your answer solves my question fren? Are you implying us and Russia vs China and Putin’s playing double agent?
Im ready to hear some Gouge Away by The Pixies. Time to crank these knobs to 11.
My whole conundrum with the DS blasting bio labs theory is ... that would send said bioweapons into the air and releasing them? I just don’t think it would be safe to do that.
Just my two cents before the coffee kicks in :-/
Tyler Durden: You know why they put oxygen masks on planes?
Narrator: So you can breath.
Tyler Durden: Oxygen makes you high. In a catastrophic emergency, you're taking giant panicked breaths. Suddenly you become euphoric, docile. You accept your fate.
Yeeeees normies. Accept the awakening... Accept that nothing can stop what is coming... Might as well take a hit of that oxygen while you're at it! This ride is just getting started!
So crazy personal story. Last year, went to the dentist to have wisdom teeth removed. They overdosed me on nitrous oxide. I'd haved it used before, just eases the anxiety, makes you a little loopy, but completely conscious. But this time, somebody screwed up. Was either a bad mix or not timed with the right mix. Once the nitrogen started pumping in, I could feel myself going under. It was 5 seconds of this feeling of a complete loss of control over my body. My mind was still completely aware of what was going on. I said in my head, at least what I thought was just in my head, "it's ok to take me now, this world sucks anyway, just take care of my wife." I felt myself go. Was so easy to let go too. Next thing I know, a faint voice yelling at me to wake yup. I was consciously aware of the voice, but was trying to hard to resist it. Within maybe 10 seconds, after 3 or 4 yells, it felt like I had just been traveling 100mph and slammed to a halt, woke up. Was totally alert and conscious, unlike when you come back from anesthesia. Started laughing. Realized, well, guess I'm stuck here a little while longer. The oral surgeon says "we thought we lost you, and you were talking to extraterrestrials!" Apparently when I thought I was just silently talking to God, I said it out loud. Funny stuff really. Of course, it felt like it had been 4 hours, but nope, only 5 minutes. They hadn't even pulled the damn teeth yet. Unpleasant side effect of getting OD'd... started puking everywhere. Thank goodness they got it cleaned up and pulled the damn teeth. Wasn't going back home without the teeth pulled after dealing with this shitshow!
It's hard to really explain the feeling though, of letting go, of that euphoric acceptance of the end, as described by Tyler. I'm guessing others who've had near death experiences will feel similarly, but with that gas going through my nose, it was about as close to a plane crash as I could get.
Happy to be alive, especially in such exciting times
joe? is that you?
It's entirely possible!
Shit, only two hallucinogens I ever did were LSD and shrooms. Bad Trip, chased by a fire breathing dragon (sparking wheel toy) up several flights of stairs (in a single floor building) into a room full of skeletons (people wearing adidas while dancing), where I drowned in the music waves before puking out my internal organs.
Last rave I ever went to, and it was years before I could look at tile grout without slipping back into hallucinations because of the depth perception.
Stick to the occasional beer and lots of coffee these days.
Never tried anything past weed, but now I'm the same. Coffee only for me,
Yes! You can make a difference for better, or for worse, the people you come in contact with on a daily basis. A kind word, is much better than a snarky remark.
I'm getting so much better with being kind, even if the other person is acting like an ass. In fact, it becomes a challenge for me. I don't let up with the kindness. And, as a result, the other person mellows out and we end up having a nice conversation.
Funny how that works isn't it.
The crazier someone gets the calmer I become. It's a fun game. Hasn't ever backfired yet.
What do you do when life has sucked the life out of you?
I grab a shovel and start hardscaping the yard more. I make something beautiful out of nothing with brute stubborn manual labor.
It clears my mind and gives me perspective on what was troubling me.
Shoveling is my meditation time.
I can't do nothing, but I can do something so brainless and automatic as to have effectively the same result. Plus I get to feel like I accomplished something tangible.
"I have always found something in life worth singing about and for that I cannot apologize." - Captain Corelli
Just pop on some music and let the shit fade away...
“Next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise. The gift of language combined with the gift of song was given to man that he should proclaim the Word of God through Music.” - Martin Luther
And plenty more gems from the good Martin
These quotes are very uplifting. Thank you!
Everyone is happy, everyone is kind
Feel good music
I talk to toads 🐸 👍🏽
God Bless. -Demitri
God bless you too fren :)
Ex-Deadhead (& by my name I didn’t quit there)…mushys for the win. Several obe’s…silver thread, outer space man o man.
I’m familiar 😁 My ptsd from 5 wars/conflicts almost rekked me. Psilocybn removed the ptsd completely. Microdosing realigns your subconscious see James Fadiman protocol 👍🏽 He’s the man;
I ate 15gs of mushrooms one time by myself and had crazy ego death. Pretty sure I found the meaning of life during that trip. Super intense
If you like those bands - try these two:
I used to follow LoS back when Mark Vann played banjo. THOSE…were the golden years. He was amazing & I met him & Drew Emmitt once in Cardboro NC. Drew signed my F5 mandolin. 👍🏽 I’m familiar with Great American Taxi but haven’t seen em. Might go to DelFest and/or Peach Festival but I’m getting a bit old for all that. I’m tight with Umphrey’s McGee used to go camping with those guys; before they made it big. 😎
Phishhed I didn't know you were a deadhead? Doesn't that make you like 60 or so?
I ran into a whole hotel plaza full of deadheads when I went to Florida for Ultra Music Festival in like 2014. Your people were tripping on acid from dusk til dawn like it was just another day.
From what I observed, alot of the traditional deadhead culture passed onto the younger generations and infiltrated the Electronic Music Festival scene en masse. We call your offspring the bass heads haha. Best needlepoint LSD came from a deadhead hippie chemist who was secretive as fuck and wouldn't even deal with me in person.
Makes sense when you're manufacturing tens of thousands of hits of LSD lol.
Yeah, I’m 60 now. Survived a LOT. The Dead started or were the center of the original scene but Phish & the jamband scene…it’s different. The love is missing. All that was a big part of my world when I was young but I pulled outta it & had a long marriage & career, 3 kids etc. We can slam here all day about dirty hippies etc but it was fun when I was 16-19 or so. Grew up in New England so pretty much covered those tours late 70’s, early 80’s 👍🏽 “The music never stopped” 😎 💕. Edit; try being a Conservative even then & dealing with those liberals? It was all about the music (& party) for me
I'm in my 40s and I knew plenty of Phish fans my age and younger.
HOLY SHIT FREN ... That's one hell of a story.
One time I did a hit of poppers, really went mad, like ten breaths. I saw what was like a pie chart, in each segment was video playing of all my memories, except I could follow all the "slices" at the same time, hundreds of them, each one a clear memory, of childhood, parents, early years, everything. My whole life flashed before me and apparently I passed out. Definitely a near death experience.
amyl nitrate - basically a very volatile aromatic solvent. Not big or clever, just headaches
AKA anal nitrate. Ask your local homo why they use it.
OMG! This place is a real education for a sweet Southern girl! LOL I often read the hilarious pithy comments from my family here to my husband and he just grins and says he's going to take my phone. 😹
Hahaha. I try not to be too graphic, but I couldn't help myself on that one.
obooboo knows . . .
There's probably a 6 oz bottle of the stuff in Big Mike's handbag.
most Oral Surgeons would start an IV and give you a deep sedation/general anesthesia for wisdom teeth. Some use nitrous with it, some don't. I preferred not using nitrous as an adjunct which I came to prefer over the years. Propofol works wonders. Are you sure this wasn't a general dentist playing oral surgeon?
I guess things have changed. 35 years ago I was numbed up locally, they pulled all 4, and I drove myself home.
Whoa you’re lucky!! The USAF pulled all 4 of mine & they used IV valium. Massive pain for 24 hours in Hospital on Demerol. Yikes!!
Me too...all 4 out at the school of dentistry, drove myself home. Had to wait until Dad got home to go fetch my painkillers. Brutal.
Yup, now they recommend full anesthesia. All these funny videos of kids waking up and only being semiconscious, blabbering incoherently afterwards with no memory of acting and talking like a drunk... but that's not what happened with me, I remember everything. The nitrous isn't supposed to knock you out. Just help ease the anxiety, then get your mouth numbed up and yank the suckers. Should have been easy. First time 2 years ago was easy. This time however...
Mine were removed many years ago, and they knocked me out with Sodium Pentothol.
I opted not to go under, not to do anesthesia since the first wisdom tooth I had done 2 years ago was just fine using nitrous. I've always tried to avoid anesthesia whenever possible. Had the idea of going under. Funny thing is the first time I had it done, it was just a general dentist who said she felt comfortable enough to do it. No problems with the nitrous. But this time was an oral surgeon and them craziness happened. It's possible that the assistant just screwed up. I had the thing over my nose running oxygen for what seemed to be way too long. I was listening to music through headphones and the hour long track I was on had gotten at least 2/3 of the way done before they finally came back to get working. Maybe all that oxygen for 35 minutes just didn't react well once the nitrous was kicked on? But it was definitely not supposed to do what it did. The oral surgeon seemed legitimately concerned when I woke up. Texted me throughout the day to keep checking in on how I was doing.
Glad you made it fren!
I think the dentist/surgeon/assistants were the most relieved I woke back up... I asked if they had cameras in the room because I really wanted to see the recording so I could laugh at myself appearing talking to God (aliens, according to them) out loud. They dodged the question, probably for good reason to avoid a lawsuit haha
I'll bet they were nervous!! These kinds of events are scary!
Interesting post. Thanks for sharing
No, they put oxygen masks on planes because if the cabin depressurizes, you don't have enough oxygen partial pressure to breathe and die from anoxia.
Oxygen makes you high? No it doesn't.
LOL, tylers spin fits the mod of the movie well, but let's remember, the lad was a little bonkers.
The oxygen is there cos like, 20 km up, there's really not much of that stuff around. And in most cases, humans need oxygen for sustain living.
I helped design & build some planes for a mission in Iraq. Flew one of them from Milwaukee to Balad Iraq, all the way VFR at 7,000 feet. When we got over the mountains of Kurdish territory we took her up to 17,000 (to avoid ground—>air missiles) and went on O2. I tried not using the Oxygen to see what it was like…not good. Vision started going towards tunnel-vision so I quit messing around.
I was in Balad for a year, had great dining facilities.
Yes!! We left and took our Ops to Tikrit (Camp Speicher) and I didn’t think I’d see better chow than Balad but Speicher was the bomb.
Hmm, didn’t think it could get any better than Anaconda. I especially loved Mongolian stir fry night, I think it was Thursday’s.
Dude!!! Yes, that was so good my mouth’s watering just remembering that. Food was about all the pleasure to be had in the war zones. And I smoked cigarettes like a chimney. ugh
Exciting story. What happened? Did you make it back?
Is you currently located in Norway? What's with the flag?
Naahh I’m Norwegian American; flag for color…& pride. I asked mods to add it when everyone was getting their Pepe monikers. It was the coolest trip of my career. So many stories from just those 9-10 days trip. Greenland & Iceland were epic. 3:00AM approach into Reykjavek Iceland there was fog and we did a last second bank to avoid slamming into a church steeple adjacent to airfield. No one knew we were coming and our plane was military grey with no ‘N’ numbers ie no Registration. 2 Customs agents (not happy) met us as we opened door and my first question was what time is it? 3:00AM…but it’s light outside?! Second question where’s the bars? (High rate of alcoholism in Iceland). They pointed the way and by 4:00AM myself & mechanic were 8 blocks away in the bar district. Streets were overflowing with drunks but a Budweiser was $10 so we kept it low key. Had a whale steak the next day…I grounded the plane so we could spend a day as tourists. Icebergs floating in fjord next to runway in Greenland in July…grass & flowers covered the landscape. Mosquitoes so rabid they could knock you down. Scotland, England, Italy Greece, Turkey then the badlands. I fell in love in Troon Scotland but that’s another story 😎
Hurry up with your book Phish, I'm dying to read about those adventures! 🌎🌍🌏
I’m STUCK!! It’s about 80% done. The best stuff …I dunno if I write those events which would explode the book…they might still be sensitive?? 2 stories could get me targeted? I’m not being overly dramatic either…it sucks. Especially in today’s environment!! My children are pushing me too ugh. I gotta pray on it. -tx
Me, too!
Scottish heritage over here. Spent a few weeks there when I was ten, driving through the country and the highlands, visiting the ancestral home turf. Literally.
Never been back since, but it runs strong through the blood.
Troon? We stayed at the Royal Marine Hotel on the 18th approach. Partied in the village & had the best fish n chips; “the best around” according to the locals. A magical area to be sure.
In enough concentrations it makes you sleepy. The air we breathe has a so.ewhat low concentration of oxygen and is mixed with other gasses. In a more pure form, the effects are different than normal air.
As I understand it, 100% oxygen at sea level pressure is fatal. There can be too much of a good thing. Deep diving gas mixtures are nearly entirely helium, because the oxygen fraction has to be within the safety limit for the depth pressure of operation.
It doesn't make you sleepy, 100% oxygen keeps you awake and alert. This is why military aircraft have a oxygen regulator so the pilot can keep his concentration in times of high stress levels. Its also very good for hangovers.
Thanks for that.
Try hyperventilating. It sure isn't the nitrogen.
I used 100% oxygen lots of times from the aircraft I serviced when in the military, it does not get you high. Its very good for hangovers though, which is why me and lots of others used it.
1st rule, tell as many people you know about "their" club.
1st rule. Noone talks about meme club
Watching fight club tonight.
I am Jacks burning desire to bitch slap Jen Psaki.
Circle Back Girl
You ought to check out Wag the Dog while you're at it.
Oh hell yes! We are watching the live immersion version of it now…
Oh yeah great one as well! Sometimes I wish I didn't hate Hollywood so much, and then I realize no I don't lol
"The Return of the Q"!
And like the Q , it’s the return of the Trump
My body is ready and I am not even frazzled. I'm no longer one of the middle children of history, I have a purpose. God gave us the gift of free will and we can choose to love and choose to be free because I know that the world is not my home and I'm grateful for that.
Been ready for the end since Oct 28th 2017.
And due to how long its taken I've sacrificed a LOT... as many of you have.
Lets wrap this up.
Time. It all took time
I know.
So, often overlooked reality with this closing scene... the quick flash at the end. What is it you ask? The building the narrator is in, with Marla, goes kaboom as well. How do we know this? Because in the opening of the movie, the narrator is disarming the bombs in the vans underneath that very building. And yet, after Tyler knocks him unconscious, 20 minutes have passed. Guess what? Timer on the bomb restarted and counted down to under 3 minutes. Either the Tyler "personality" rearmed it, or the narrator rearmed it. In either case, bomb is active. This building must go down with all the rest. Why? Of only one of the institutions is left, that's just going to create a monopoly, which doesn't solve the problem but would only make it worse. Nope. Have to take it all down. The narrator has resigned himself to accepting this inevitability and that his sacrafice will be worth it.
This makes even more sense within the context of the narrator's apparent guilt over the death of Tyler in a car crash, which the narrator feels responsible for through his knowingly being involved in a system that resulted in vehicle malfunctions causing deaths of innocent people. The narrator isn't hallucinating a split personality, but rather a "ghost" of a real Tyler. In this sense, the narrator avenges Tyler's (and others') death and accepts his atonement for his involvement.
Welcome to the third act boys.
OH yeah. I am READY!
I read one person’s interpretation that pretty much every single person in the movie wasn’t real and they gave many different examples of exactly why. It is a crazy deep movie that you can watch 100 times and pick up on something new each time.
The same reviewer also said this movie was made as a modern day “The Shining.”
Interesting shit. Oh, and nice song at the end u/catsfive. I added it to my collection.
Current vibe status:
More comfy than I've been in months...
Vibe check: right arm sore
Oh my goodness, flashbacks from childhood and my great granny! God rest her soul.
My cousin was in peewee baseball, one day our gGranny said boy if you worked as hard "in the word" as you do with that ball & stick you could float to the next base and not a soul nor spirit could catch you!
His face kinda contorted, eyes got big as saucers, but he said nothing. Everyone on that porch, including me!, just new he'd just had a revelation sent straight from the heavens! gGranny finally says "well... Spit it out son!"
He finally says, "I don't think the couch is gonna like that much Ma'am, don't think we're allowed to fly that's why we have to be able to run real fast and slide!".
His Daddy slapped him in the back of the head (which I did not understand because it made pretty good sense to me, at the time!)
God Bless You and all your Cats! (Wife and I feed and provide a shelter and medical for all the strays in our neighborhood area)
Yes… that’s it..
China edited Fight Club and completely took this scene https://www.insider.com/China-edits-fight-club-ending-scene-tencent-video-2022-1
Posted 17 hrs ago!
Vibe is confirmed:
"YOU'RE FUCKIN PATHETIC. LET GO! .... Alright..". crash flip. All get out okay.
Gentlemen, your engines please.
Yes, another 911 predicitive program foreshadow in movies. Fight Club 1999
Awesome. I feel the same.
Let's roll.
This isn't the beginning of the end.
We'll be fighting to take down the House of Rothchild central banker slave masters for generations... and they won't go down without a fight / a world war or two.
We can do it, but a final solution that defeats the richest, most powerful and most influential tribe in human history won't be easy.
I'm glad you said "a" final solution instead of "the" final solution.
On a serious note, I don't think we will be fighting them that long. This storm is going to gut their entire power structure, anyone that wasn't high enough to get picked up had no real power.
Additionally, the blood lines these people believe they belong to that date back to ancient Egypt will be permanently cut. This is a big deal and a big part of why it will be so hard for this to manifest again. Also, people will be extremely vigilant about this type of evil popping up again for a very very long time.
That's it for these guys, we just have to build a new world on the ashes of the old one. Just like a storm, we pick up the pieces and rebuild after it passes.
Yea WWII wasn’t that long ago and people forgot about papers please real fast.
Easy there, goyim!
exactly^ Patriots have been in control, and will be forever vigilant.
we're already free, just waiting for stragglers to catch up, and really don't think that many are left🤔
I am perplexed that this observation got downvoted. As much as it sucks ... this assessment is the most probable. We WILL be fighting that trash, in some form, for many years to come.
Your downvotes only verify what YOU say is also correct.
It is true that too often dissention of opinion on these threads gets a mass of downvotes. Happened to me a few months ago too. I was debating the efficacy of Remdezivir and some of the claims being made with zero sauce. I got downvoted into oblivion. There is one massive asshole on here that is a frequent poster that DM'd me directly talking shit.
I’m forever caught between the shill-compromised, artificial pessimism (which is somewhat not as bad lately) of PW, and the irrational, enforced exuberance of GAW. I’m a “Qtard” over there and a doomer over here.
The only way to deal with it is to not give a rat’s ass what anyone thinks. And they’re still the top two places on the Internet.
I tried to convince this board that vaccines aren't as bad as they're made out to be. If you're going to go against the grain and narrative, you're going to take some flak. Feed off it, don't let it tilt you.
It's all social engineering trying to sexualize our kids. I was watching old episodes of Agents of Shield which is supposed to be for teens or something and they just throw in these random sex scenes with scantily clad characters. Need to bring back some form of media censorship or decency board. Kill hollywood with fire.
Yea what happened to the decency act. Wasn’t that a thing. They must have infiltrated that board too
I hate the gratuitous sex scenes, especially when they add nothing to the story. Understated is so much more powerful. Perfect example is The Postman Always Rings Twice. Lana Turner in the original vs. Jessica Lange in the remake. There is no comparison.
That’s one of the reasons my hubby and I could never watch anything that Netflix did, seriously 5 minutes into any movie or series and I felt like a degenerate watching a porno. No thanks.
Same-exact-here. Bless you 👏🏼
Absolutely. Just like the old James Bond films. Understated. Beautiful women but always clothed. Classy. Some things are best left to the imagination.
David Fincher would only sign up to direct if 1) he got 100% creative control and 2) Pitt played Tyler. 3) Pitt said he'd only sign to do it if Fincher directed. Perfect script. Fincher, one of only a handful of directors that could have truly captured Palahniuk's novel properly. Perfect storm. Perfect movie.
The world runs on leverage, not loyalty. Fincher had them by the balls and he dunked it.
I love how the book gives three recipes for Napalm in the first chapter. LOL.
Palanuik's books are so twisted and entertaining🐸
Yeah this is a weird thread. Like I'd somehow feel like a Debbie downer saying "Guys there's at least one for sure kid fucker in this movie that you're all jizzing all over the thread about" even tho they're jizzing all over the thread to thoughts of a movie starring at least one kid fucker.
Yeah, I know. We here all do. A lot of these movies and stories are part of our collective consciousness though. It sucks that the overwhelming percentage of our pop culture and entertainment in general (including sportsballs) has been found to be perverted by evil forces. I no longer watch anything from the big movie houses, of course no TV, nor any sports. It's all ruined. Hopefully a new era of story telling and celebration of physical talents can come about that is untainted by deceptive and satanic forces.
Same here. Thankfully, I was already starting to prefer regular content creators over Hollywood movies, which I just stopped having the attention span for.