I’m really surprised no one is talking about who he is or his background.
He’s a now retired Lt Col
He worked as an exchange officer at the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense Atomic Weapons Establishment. AWE designs, produces, maintains and disassembles all UK nuclear weapons. AWE also provides support to her majesty’s government for national nuclear response
It's odd how the plane disappears right before it appears to hit the building. I find it odd also how the explosion happens after the plane has entered the building.
"9/11 Great American Psy-Opera" which shows clearly how they fucked up a mask layer and the CGI plane's nose accidently popped out of the far side of the building unharmed isn't real either. The magic plane somehow made it through 100 steel columns and popped out the other side.
You are correct. Please somebody show me plane parts from any of these crash sites. One episode of Air Disasters confirms any plane hitting a solid object will leave behind plane parts.
I noticed that the people in the crowd aren’t even really watching or looking at what is happening to the towers. People are just walking along or talking idly with no real fear or worry
Notice too the camera is filming the crowd basically from the nose and eyes upwards, so you can’t really see who is talking and saying what. Meanwhile the same ‘oh my god’ is repeated in the exact same tone several times as well as several other phrases and words from the crowd. It sounds like overdubbed crowd noise to me.
The video seems made of three layers: the towers in the distance; a crowd of people watching something (which now are repurposed to ‘watch’ the towers); and the two or three people closest to the person filming and which you do see actually speak some of the words you hear. The rest of the words seem dubbed in.
He said he uploaded it on YouTube way back and just unprivated it, but if he did it would still have the original upload date in the description not 5 days ago.
The first video uploaded to Youtube was in late 2005 I think so there no way he uploaded it in 2001. I mean heck in 2001 you couldn't just upload videos like we do today, there was no just free platforms to upload videos and stream then back then. You had to download everything you watched.
This is true but the MiniDV format (also a cassette format) provided spectacular image quality for the time. It's not HD but it's damn near close depending on the camera - which could run in the multiple thousands of dollars. It was a format that was in use and is still used today by professionals. Brand new cameras are nearly impossible to find today but production houses in Hollywood rent them as well as higher end camera stores.
This footage was either a pro camera or an off the shelf MiniDV. Something is definitely up with this footage being almost too "clean" meaning, it feels like the person recording it was intentionally panning all over the place - trying to look like an amateur but knowing full well what they were trying to achieve. The dialogue especially has a glow to it.
Don't disagree there are issues, but I don't think the tone is one of them. LOTS of people take shock like this in different ways. We are very used to the extreme expressiveness and pacing of TV and movie actors.
Many real people in shock sound overly subdued. They are processing what they just saw / heard, and don't have to worry about expediting into the next scene, keeping people entertained.
Also not a lot of panic in the faces around him. OTOH it's hard to predict how people react in situations like that so it doesn't have to mean anything.
Yes, it boils down to a look that you can’t create with a computer, you can but some directors or directors of photography just want a certain look - not for entire films mind you but say the film requires that “camcorder” look for a scene where an actor is watching a home movie, they’ll use a MiniDV camera to achieve that look. And/or a lot of documentary footage for a “making of” or a documentary itself will use multiple cameras and they might incorporate a MiniDV just to give that extra look to it.
That means this guy converted this video from casette to digital... so he ignore the fact that any news agency from Alaska to Mexico would pay thousands for his footage in 2001 but then when YouTube comes out in 2005 he finds it so important to upload it that he converted it from tape to digital so he can...
It's like someone else said. Maybe he was expecting a second plane? He had inside military knowledge of what was going to happen. Then thought it would be best to not draw attention to himself releasing the video?
Not really. You could easily upload your MiniDV footage to a PC with an AV cable then edit/cut the footage and save it under various formats to be uploaded to YouTube. This is how I used to upload to YT 15+ years ago..
Could a miniDV produce this good of footage back in 2001? Im only 24 years old, lol my first camera was digitial, but i dont remember seeing videos of this quality way back then. The other 911 footage isnt this good.
I just looked that ul online because ive never seen that as a thing and all i see online is that its impossible to change a videos publish date. Like you can still watch unlisted videos if you have a link and it shows the original upload date...
It only changes the first time a video is set to public. You'll see with some youtubers that use patreon they'll have n upload date of like 3/2 but comments going back to like 2/27 because they gave the unlisted link to their patrons and then set it to public on 3/2.
Oh hey that's a good point. I missed that completely since time kinda blurs together these days. And not only that but when then news was frothing and seething for footage from people this guy didn't remember then?
I dont even think you could private list videos back when YouTube started.
If it had been uploaded all them years ago and he reset it to public the date wouldn't say uploaed 5 days ago.
2001 everything was recorded on camcorders.
Digital wasn't very advanced even digital cameras we had at school back then took a floppy disk and we could only get 1 to 5 photos on a disk 😂
Not only that but did you hear that guy yell "It was a 'United' airplane, it just crashed, right into it!" I'm watching that video, from that angle there's no way you could tell what the name on the side of the plane was. Methinks that was dubbed over. I'm guessing this video is fake and will be used to try to debunk whatever info is about to come out about this.
Also, it's not like it's 1080p. As a tangentially related side thing, some of the best headphones are from before even this time, in part because people tend to feel they sound more natural.
It's not like our technology couldn't capture video, and it wasn't uncommon to have a camera for family outings.
Yeah, plus you can tell its not current tech... Look at the trees, look at the primitive focus adjustment and choppy frames. It's not bad for digital, but it doesn't compare to what even a $150 smartphone can record.
Technology today is impressive in the same way technology back then was. The Nikon d1x for example, the 2001 model, was 2.74 megapixels.
For reference, the S21+ is 12 megapixels per camera.
A megapixel is one million pixels.
Almost like most of what you saw on television was incredibly compressed for transmission, then on subpar displays. So when people look at old VHS recordings and think it's the same as raw, lossless files it shows their incapability to actually understand technology.
Planes make sound, and that sound may not make it through to the microphone in the same way we hear it in our ears. Also, someone else could end up pointing it out. Also, just because a camera is pointing somewhere doesn't mean eyes aren't pointing elsewhere.
I will never cease to be amazed at people's abilities here to put together the most out there theories with such incredible thought put into them... But then fail at such basic concepts as these.
Especially when there are more credible theories to focus on. There is a reason I immediately shoot down the possibility of lazor beams and hologram planes. Those are CIA disinfo campaigns used to muddy the water of credible and sound skepticism.
"9/11 Great American Psy-Opera" which shows clearly how they fucked up a mask layer and the CGI plane's nose accidently popped out of the far side of the building unharmed isn't real either. The magic plane somehow made it through 100 steel columns and popped out the other side.
I think the planes were CGI. The second plane in the footage we known about for ages has the left wing disappearing behind a building in the background right before impact.
That has been explained that from that angle and quality of camera was the way the image was picked up in the light.
So millions of other people who saw the plane were lying? They cabal technology is so good they inserted the plane on all the witness footage?
Were the planes actually missile drones? Very likely. A lot of witnesses have said things that it looked commercial but had no windows and so forth. But CGI is CIA bullshit to paint all skeptics as idiots.
"9/11 Great American Psy-Opera" which shows clearly how they fucked up a mask layer and the CGI plane's nose accidently popped out of the far side of the building unharmed isn't real either. The magic plane somehow made it through 100 steel columns and popped out the other side.
Noticed that, came out within 24 hours of Ukraine starting...
Fairly certain there is more stuff like this, quietly being made available after having been put in place a long time ago(established existence and distributed spread).
How do you put more info into place than you could if doing it overtly and in a short time span, you squirrel it away over time, all there but completely hidden until people are told where to look.
Sorta like a information DDOS, too many fires in too many places for DS to snuff out....
Yeah, unless you're an autistic airplane enthusiast you are not gonna identify a United airlines 737 that far away. When he said that my mouth dropped like it was someone reading lines in a shitty middle school play.
Yep. Anyone who flies just a moderate amount recognizes carriers. United had a distinct livery then, as recognizable as Southwest is today. It's not some spook skill like some in this thread are implying. And on that note, he's definitely not a planefag because he called it a 737 - it was a 767.
So the guy recording just happened to also have that skill? Flying at that speed in broad daylight? At that year? Localized entirely within your kitchen?
Yep, just like the random dude in the ball hat who, also randomly, just happens to know way too much about free fall / building collapse physics on the spot to a reporter.
That guy says later he was a cop. I get you people are paranoid but there is such a thing as taking it too far. Cops notice stuff others don't. I think you also seem clueless about what he just saw. Think about it... that plane was only 50 stories up in open sky over the water. It went right past them only 1-3 hundred yards away. Its a freaking airplane. The letters on the side are 8-10+ freaking feet tall. Of course he saw the giant United Airlines painted on the side. The damn plane would have given him a hair cut if it had been flying any lower. Shaking my head...
But weren't we told that all planes were 757's as all were headed to the west coast from Boston and Newark? 737's back then probably could not have flown over 3000 miles as the newer generations were not available until 2006
"9/11 Great American Psy-Opera" which shows clearly how they fucked up a mask layer and the CGI plane's nose accidently popped out of the far side of the building unharmed isn't real either. The magic plane somehow made it through 100 steel columns and popped out the other side.
So this guy is a military man and he captures unique footage of the planes, that nobody has seen on the news or in documentaries. He uploads it to the internet and for years doesn't wonder why nobody is viewing or commenting on his incredible video. He goes through life having to listen to conspiracy theories about how there were no planes and despite being in the military felt no urgency to come forward and say hey I got this footage nobody has seen, lemme check my Youtube settings..oh its been private all this time.
But suddenly now with Biden trying to start WW3, now he remembers he has the video. A likely story.
It's just full of holes. You would think that at some point he'd remember he had it and drag it out. Like when Osama Bin Laden was "killed". Or on the 10th anniversary. Or last year on the 20th.
I’m afraid they will never receive a “new take” It’s like 50/50 on if people think as far as “Bush knew about 9/11”. There are many levels of conspiracy in there, so no one will “wake up”. I think it’s a slow “ah I guess they were right”. People have been shouting that 9/11 was faked since near the beginning, Michael Moore’s movie was in theaters (of course it was-it was made to control the conspiracy). And everyone knows someone who has told them about building 7. No one cares. It will be the one of the least satisfying “I-told-you-so’s” ever.
"9/11 Great American Psy-Opera" which shows clearly how they fucked up a mask layer and the CGI plane's nose accidently popped out of the far side of the building unharmed isn't real either. The magic plane somehow made it through 100 steel columns and popped out the other side.
In the comments “ And the battleship. And the #666 train (well #6 kept passing by over and over). How about the hand signs in the same scene with “enjoy the performance”? Haven’t been able to decode. Or the Lyrics playing “While the storm clouds gather far across the sea…” The “amazing race” on the bus. The white horse carriage. Oh and the guy that hadn’t been to NYC for 23 years. What else did I miss? 🤔”
This is why I believe this was an Mossad/USA planned attack...
I was there on 9/11. I had just started working as a corporate pilot for an Oakland, CA based company and they had meetings in Manhattan. My first trip to Manhattan was 9/10/01. We actually landed in NJ on 9/9, but didn't get a chance to take the bus into Manhattan until 9/10. At 6pm on September 10th, I was at the base of WTC I looking up at this incredible building. Was bummed because it was closed and we couldn't go up to the top.
Myself and the other pilot were staying at a hotel in the Meadowlands Complex in NJ as we had landed and our aircraft was being hangered at the Teterboro Airport.
I was on the 8th floor of the hotel and on the morning of 9/11 at around 8:50 am I turned on the TV and the first image I saw of what was going down that day was the first building on fire. Initially the news said it was a small business jet that hit. I went over to my hotel room window and there it was...the first plane had hit WTC I.
While continuing to watch the CNN reporting I called the other pilot and told him someone had flown an aircraft into the WTC. His response was "It probably was a terrorist!" He no sooner got the words out and as I'm watching the TV I see the second airplane fly into WTC II (South Tower). Of course his response was, "See, I told you so!"
At around 10am we decided to go to the Teterboro Airport and put fuel on our aircraft in case the boss wanted to get out of dodge that day.
2 miles from Teterboro we are stopped by the FBI/Local Police, who tells us to turn around...the airport is on lockdown.
We turn around and we are maybe 1/2 mile from the Meadowlands Complex and we are again stopped by an FBI roadblock and told to exit via the cloverleaf ahead and pull off into the grass by the guard rail. We will need to sit there until they give us the Ok to leave...!
I tried to explain we are staying at a hotel just up the road, would he let us go, but he wasn't having it and ultimately he explained there was a police action going on at the Sheraton Hotel...which was up ahead of us maybe 200 yards.
We sat in our car, off the cloverleaf, 200 yards from the Sheraton in NJ and watched and listened on the car radio as the entire days 9/11 events played out.
Listening to the radio, we found out the police action going on at the Sheraton was started when patrons of the hotel say "Arab looking" men in a white van high-fiving and filming the attack on the WTC buildings. They got the van license plate and call a tip into the FBI.
The FBI tracks the van to a dry cleaners in NJ that's a known front for Mossad activity (this is all being reported on the radio at the time!). Over the next several hours it's reported that they arrested 5 Israeli nationals (same ones driving the white van from the Sheraton), but were now driving a moving van full of explosives heading for the Lincoln Tunnel. Although it wasn't reported at the time, I later found out that the van had a mural painted on the side that depicted the airplanes flying into the WTC buildings!
The next day the 5 Israelis were deported back to Israel and the story was never mentioned again in the MSM of course. I guess it didn't fit the government narrative that Arabs with box cutters were responsible?
To this day...many people know about the 5 "Dancing Israelis" who were most likely part of the planning and carrying out of the 9/11 attacks. 9/11 was definitely a Mossad strike and Israel (of all nations) benefitted most from these attacks on our nation! Fuck the Khazarian mafia!...we didn't get back to our hotel until 2 in the morning!
For the sake of hypothetical argument, let's assume video is authentic, taken on the day.
Observation: at 1:39-40 in the video, there seems to have been a "skip", a non seamless transition. Either he stopped recording and restarted, or the recording itself had been edited before being uploaded.
Query: after the first plane had already hit and the building has drawn the full attention of seemingly everyone else on the boat, why is he so fixated on panning around in the sky as if he's looking for another plane???
Makes me think of the Japanese tourists from The Spanish Prisoner...
Where is the plain out in the sky when the camera man pans around? He would have seen it coming when he panned the sky. This is so pathetically an attempt at reminding the normies of the narrative because mah war with Russia isn't catching on like it needs to for them to get it going. [They] are trying to beat the information and suggest Russia is trying to cover their tracks by producing evidence of who really did it so that [they] can blame Russia and fuel the warmongering. Look for an ICBM scar event here sooner or later.
And just a coincidence that Putin is threatening to realse iron clad evidence that the US intelligence services and Israel were the ones who did 9/11? No, because there are no such things as coincidence.
Hoping he does. (Already know most of the story but wanna see the hard evidence and, of course, want it for red pill ammo.) Would be ironic if "muh Russia, Russia, Russia" were the one to prove the level and insidiousness of the US government's/agencies''/politicians' corruption to the world.
Lots of slow drips about various ops/lies/hoaxes/ffs are being dropped to wake up the normies/sleeping/sheeple. Different drips will jostle different people out of their ignorance/slumber. Every bit of truth that's exposed is valuable because it prompts more Awakening.
I hope the DS is not posting things like these videos just to avoid stuff that are happening right now like the Wisconsin nursing homes scandals with the special counsel Michael Gableman or maybe they planning something else for us? Keep an eye on everything. God bless. BTW sometimes I go away because I am sick.
So we're supposed to believe this guy joined Youtube on Dec 31 2006 during the height of the 911 truth movement, and for 15 years sat on this incredibly clear video of flight 175's final trajectory, impact and explosion, taken from almost the exact angle as Hezarkhani (whose video was replayed immediately the night of 9/11 on CNN) and this guy was also a Flight Test Engineer for Boeing and a Nuclear Weapons Engineer for the Air Force who just happened to be in the right place at the right time to capture this?
It sure sounds like an obvious propagandist. He claims the plane was a United Airline passenger plane. Then he focuses on the fact that it was from the airport. Was he insinuating (planting) the thought that the planes came from a nearby airport? After this he further defines it as being a 737.
All too conveniently knowledgeable I think except UA planes are white and this plane obviously was a darker color.
Fakest fake that ever faked, just a modern take with WAY better fakery.
Slowing the speed down to .25x, it still appears to more or less disappear at collision, not penetrating.
Another thought comes to mind too, the body of the "airplane" hits the building fairly close to the corner, now I'm no airplane or crash ologist, but the right side wing wouldn't have penetrated the building, wouldn't it have sheared at some point along the wing with the sheared off section flinging forward?
The towers had well constructed steel girder exoskeletons, Steel is stronger than aluminum: "However, in focusing just on shear strength, steel has a high amount of carbon contributing to its general strength advantage." *
I'd be surprised if the "plane" would have even been able to make a plane shaped hole in the building,
False Flag operation to distract from:
a) Changing back to gold standard currency
b) Stealing gold from under Tower 7
c) Distract from report by Department of Defences that a couple trillion dollars were unaccounted for just the day before
d) Create a new enemy to unite the people behind and distract from the real enemy
"9/11 Great American Psy-Opera" which shows clearly how they fucked up a mask layer and the CGI plane's nose accidently popped out of the far side of the building unharmed isn't real either. The magic plane somehow made it through 100 steel columns and popped out the other side.
Dude has a video of his military experiences called "Horned Owl"
And 1.7k subscribers. 👀
The owl of minerva flies at dusk.
Someone archive this video.
Already did-
I’m really surprised no one is talking about who he is or his background.
He’s a now retired Lt Col
He worked as an exchange officer at the United Kingdom Ministry of Defense Atomic Weapons Establishment. AWE designs, produces, maintains and disassembles all UK nuclear weapons. AWE also provides support to her majesty’s government for national nuclear response
This! This is so fake. There were no planes
It's odd how the plane disappears right before it appears to hit the building. I find it odd also how the explosion happens after the plane has entered the building.
Eye-witness saying no plane
"9/11 Great American Psy-Opera" which shows clearly how they fucked up a mask layer and the CGI plane's nose accidently popped out of the far side of the building unharmed isn't real either. The magic plane somehow made it through 100 steel columns and popped out the other side.
You are correct. Please somebody show me plane parts from any of these crash sites. One episode of Air Disasters confirms any plane hitting a solid object will leave behind plane parts.
read this
Yep 🤘
I had a flip phone. Which I left on my desk a half block away that day
Flip phones were the most satisfying hang ups when angry.
I noticed that the people in the crowd aren’t even really watching or looking at what is happening to the towers. People are just walking along or talking idly with no real fear or worry
Notice too the camera is filming the crowd basically from the nose and eyes upwards, so you can’t really see who is talking and saying what. Meanwhile the same ‘oh my god’ is repeated in the exact same tone several times as well as several other phrases and words from the crowd. It sounds like overdubbed crowd noise to me.
The video seems made of three layers: the towers in the distance; a crowd of people watching something (which now are repurposed to ‘watch’ the towers); and the two or three people closest to the person filming and which you do see actually speak some of the words you hear. The rest of the words seem dubbed in.
Also notice that the building face explodes outward almost at the same instant that the plane hits the adjacent face. Faster than light travel?
I noticed that to. And what about the plane appearing directly over head.
100 eyewitnesses on the boardwalk and not one noticed it coming until directly overhead.
Like the thing spawned into view. Just weird.
You must be young?
Yeah I was in biology
Yeah that video is better quality than the quality of what they have in their News archives. Something stinks.
Where did he upload certianly not YouTube as it wasnt even a thing in 2001
He said he uploaded it on YouTube way back and just unprivated it, but if he did it would still have the original upload date in the description not 5 days ago.
The first video uploaded to Youtube was in late 2005 I think so there no way he uploaded it in 2001. I mean heck in 2001 you couldn't just upload videos like we do today, there was no just free platforms to upload videos and stream then back then. You had to download everything you watched.
most camcorders were still cassette tape
This is true but the MiniDV format (also a cassette format) provided spectacular image quality for the time. It's not HD but it's damn near close depending on the camera - which could run in the multiple thousands of dollars. It was a format that was in use and is still used today by professionals. Brand new cameras are nearly impossible to find today but production houses in Hollywood rent them as well as higher end camera stores.
This footage was either a pro camera or an off the shelf MiniDV. Something is definitely up with this footage being almost too "clean" meaning, it feels like the person recording it was intentionally panning all over the place - trying to look like an amateur but knowing full well what they were trying to achieve. The dialogue especially has a glow to it.
Yeah, the almost deadpan, "Oh my Lord." raises red flags for me.
That really sounded fake! Was he praying to Satan? That really made me think this was remade.
Yes, Hearing the person keep saying oh my lord over and over was pretty cringy in my opinion. It honestly didn't sound like he was shocked or upset.
Don't disagree there are issues, but I don't think the tone is one of them. LOTS of people take shock like this in different ways. We are very used to the extreme expressiveness and pacing of TV and movie actors.
Many real people in shock sound overly subdued. They are processing what they just saw / heard, and don't have to worry about expediting into the next scene, keeping people entertained.
Also not a lot of panic in the faces around him. OTOH it's hard to predict how people react in situations like that so it doesn't have to mean anything.
Cameraman: It was a united airplane! He flew it right into the building on purpose!"
Great eye to catch the brand of airplane lol
He also said “that was the second plane” but the inflection in his voice was like he was expecting and knew there was going to be two planes
I had a high 8 that wasn't bad
MiniDV is still in use!?! Isn't it all interlaced etc
Yes, it boils down to a look that you can’t create with a computer, you can but some directors or directors of photography just want a certain look - not for entire films mind you but say the film requires that “camcorder” look for a scene where an actor is watching a home movie, they’ll use a MiniDV camera to achieve that look. And/or a lot of documentary footage for a “making of” or a documentary itself will use multiple cameras and they might incorporate a MiniDV just to give that extra look to it.
Minidv was 'hd' and even though used little tapes they were digital, not analog.
I had one. The video WAS excellent for the time.
All my home videos back then were great, then when we switched to early smart phones, the video sucked, until it progressively got better.
We used them for snowboarding the took pretty good videos we could slow down and study our technique.
That means this guy converted this video from casette to digital... so he ignore the fact that any news agency from Alaska to Mexico would pay thousands for his footage in 2001 but then when YouTube comes out in 2005 he finds it so important to upload it that he converted it from tape to digital so he can...
Thats not suspicious at all.
It's like someone else said. Maybe he was expecting a second plane? He had inside military knowledge of what was going to happen. Then thought it would be best to not draw attention to himself releasing the video?
Not really. You could easily upload your MiniDV footage to a PC with an AV cable then edit/cut the footage and save it under various formats to be uploaded to YouTube. This is how I used to upload to YT 15+ years ago..
Could a miniDV produce this good of footage back in 2001? Im only 24 years old, lol my first camera was digitial, but i dont remember seeing videos of this quality way back then. The other 911 footage isnt this good.
If you private or unlist a video during the upload process, the upload date resets once it's made public.
I just looked that ul online because ive never seen that as a thing and all i see online is that its impossible to change a videos publish date. Like you can still watch unlisted videos if you have a link and it shows the original upload date...
It only changes the first time a video is set to public. You'll see with some youtubers that use patreon they'll have n upload date of like 3/2 but comments going back to like 2/27 because they gave the unlisted link to their patrons and then set it to public on 3/2.
He posted it to his geocities page. :)
Nice... completely forgot about Geocities!
Oh hey that's a good point. I missed that completely since time kinda blurs together these days. And not only that but when then news was frothing and seething for footage from people this guy didn't remember then?
I dont even think you could private list videos back when YouTube started. If it had been uploaded all them years ago and he reset it to public the date wouldn't say uploaed 5 days ago.
2001 everything was recorded on camcorders. Digital wasn't very advanced even digital cameras we had at school back then took a floppy disk and we could only get 1 to 5 photos on a disk 😂
Reminds me of the whiterabbitmanifesto, that was also put online ages ago and went completely unnoticed until someone told people about it...
Not only that but did you hear that guy yell "It was a 'United' airplane, it just crashed, right into it!" I'm watching that video, from that angle there's no way you could tell what the name on the side of the plane was. Methinks that was dubbed over. I'm guessing this video is fake and will be used to try to debunk whatever info is about to come out about this.
Also, it's not like it's 1080p. As a tangentially related side thing, some of the best headphones are from before even this time, in part because people tend to feel they sound more natural.
It's not like our technology couldn't capture video, and it wasn't uncommon to have a camera for family outings.
Yeah, plus you can tell its not current tech... Look at the trees, look at the primitive focus adjustment and choppy frames. It's not bad for digital, but it doesn't compare to what even a $150 smartphone can record.
It's because he is using an actual video camera, not a cell phone.
It’s a tourist boat in NYC…
Questioning why he has a camera is ticking retarded.
It’s not all ultra low quality
I had a compact video camera back in 2003 that fit in my pocket. The quality was excellent. It recorded to mini digital tape or to an SD card.
This is why technology today doesn't impress Gen X'ers.
Technology today is impressive in the same way technology back then was. The Nikon d1x for example, the 2001 model, was 2.74 megapixels.
For reference, the S21+ is 12 megapixels per camera.
A megapixel is one million pixels.
Almost like most of what you saw on television was incredibly compressed for transmission, then on subpar displays. So when people look at old VHS recordings and think it's the same as raw, lossless files it shows their incapability to actually understand technology.
Was gonna say.. Pretty good camera for the day..!!
Me, watching this 10 years ago: Wow, there is new footage of a plane striking the towers. Interesting.
Me watching this now: How did this guy know to point his camera in the direct path of the plane that no one else saw?
Planes make sound, and that sound may not make it through to the microphone in the same way we hear it in our ears. Also, someone else could end up pointing it out. Also, just because a camera is pointing somewhere doesn't mean eyes aren't pointing elsewhere.
I will never cease to be amazed at people's abilities here to put together the most out there theories with such incredible thought put into them... But then fail at such basic concepts as these.
Especially when there are more credible theories to focus on. There is a reason I immediately shoot down the possibility of lazor beams and hologram planes. Those are CIA disinfo campaigns used to muddy the water of credible and sound skepticism.
Eye-witness saying no plane
"9/11 Great American Psy-Opera" which shows clearly how they fucked up a mask layer and the CGI plane's nose accidently popped out of the far side of the building unharmed isn't real either. The magic plane somehow made it through 100 steel columns and popped out the other side.
One person out of millions. And they compositied ALL of the ground footage of what happened?
I've talked to people who were there that watched both planes make impact and both towers go down. This is confirmed bullshit.
I think the planes were CGI. The second plane in the footage we known about for ages has the left wing disappearing behind a building in the background right before impact.
That has been explained that from that angle and quality of camera was the way the image was picked up in the light.
So millions of other people who saw the plane were lying? They cabal technology is so good they inserted the plane on all the witness footage?
Were the planes actually missile drones? Very likely. A lot of witnesses have said things that it looked commercial but had no windows and so forth. But CGI is CIA bullshit to paint all skeptics as idiots.
I see the wing disappearing behind the building, doubt you will change my mind on that.
GWB saw a plane hit the first tower where millions of people didnt. Does that make it true then?
the helicopter is heard clearly for minutes, yet the jet is only heard moments before. Microphone seems to be selective, then? Right.
Your counter point is is moot.
I am also extremely curious to know how not one person point out yelled out an approaching 747 until it was directly over head??
How is that not a valid question??
Unironically comparing a hovering, slow moving vehicle to a jet...
In the context of sound waves, both are relative. Try to keep up.
Btw using the word unironically interchangeably with the word literally is incorrect.
Eye-witness saying no plane
"9/11 Great American Psy-Opera" which shows clearly how they fucked up a mask layer and the CGI plane's nose accidently popped out of the far side of the building unharmed isn't real either. The magic plane somehow made it through 100 steel columns and popped out the other side.
So millions of other people who saw the plane were lying? They cabal technology is so good they inserted the plane on all the witness footage?
Please let me know how he knew it was the United flight. I'm waiting.
The colors.
here's are some basic concepts for you to grasp:
his camera was pointed in the exact location the plane appears moments later.
he "forgot" to share this video publicly - for 20 years. He uploaded it to YT, but just set it to private.
I will never cease to be amazed at people turning a blind eye to things that make zero sense.
Noticed that, came out within 24 hours of Ukraine starting...
Fairly certain there is more stuff like this, quietly being made available after having been put in place a long time ago(established existence and distributed spread).
How do you put more info into place than you could if doing it overtly and in a short time span, you squirrel it away over time, all there but completely hidden until people are told where to look.
Sorta like a information DDOS, too many fires in too many places for DS to snuff out....
Is another example of them doing this(was low-key mentioned a few places as 'info for anons' maybe 2 years ago)....
Yeah, unless you're an autistic airplane enthusiast you are not gonna identify a United airlines 737 that far away. When he said that my mouth dropped like it was someone reading lines in a shitty middle school play.
I live by an airport and can identify 90% of all airlines. United would have been easy to determine.
Yep. Anyone who flies just a moderate amount recognizes carriers. United had a distinct livery then, as recognizable as Southwest is today. It's not some spook skill like some in this thread are implying. And on that note, he's definitely not a planefag because he called it a 737 - it was a 767.
So the guy recording just happened to also have that skill? Flying at that speed in broad daylight? At that year? Localized entirely within your kitchen?
Yes, I've never made an effort to memorize the paint schemes or aircraft type but I somehow know. Maybe I'm rainman?
How many airlines use silver colored planes?
Yep, just like the random dude in the ball hat who, also randomly, just happens to know way too much about free fall / building collapse physics on the spot to a reporter.
Except it wasn't a 737 and United had a very obvious livery
It was a 767, and that dark grey and blue United flew was very unique.
That guy says later he was a cop. I get you people are paranoid but there is such a thing as taking it too far. Cops notice stuff others don't. I think you also seem clueless about what he just saw. Think about it... that plane was only 50 stories up in open sky over the water. It went right past them only 1-3 hundred yards away. Its a freaking airplane. The letters on the side are 8-10+ freaking feet tall. Of course he saw the giant United Airlines painted on the side. The damn plane would have given him a hair cut if it had been flying any lower. Shaking my head...
GWB has entered the chat.
To be fair, the underside was obviously blue even from the video. United is the only airline company I know that uses that much blue on their planes.
montagraph explains this if you are willing to watch thru
"They did that on purpose" was exactly the thought that MILLIONS of New Yorkers and I'm sure other Americans had when the second plane hit
Are you literally a child?
But weren't we told that all planes were 757's as all were headed to the west coast from Boston and Newark? 737's back then probably could not have flown over 3000 miles as the newer generations were not available until 2006
Your lack of understanding of the technology we had at the time disqualifies you entirely from this sort of analysis.
This feels like a threat. Proving they have the goods.
First YT video was uploaded in 2005.
Eye-witness saying no plane
"9/11 Great American Psy-Opera" which shows clearly how they fucked up a mask layer and the CGI plane's nose accidently popped out of the far side of the building unharmed isn't real either. The magic plane somehow made it through 100 steel columns and popped out the other side.
Nice redpill analysis for the normies
Never forget.
I ripped the video and uploaded to catbox.moe for those who hate YouTube-
So this guy is a military man and he captures unique footage of the planes, that nobody has seen on the news or in documentaries. He uploads it to the internet and for years doesn't wonder why nobody is viewing or commenting on his incredible video. He goes through life having to listen to conspiracy theories about how there were no planes and despite being in the military felt no urgency to come forward and say hey I got this footage nobody has seen, lemme check my Youtube settings..oh its been private all this time.
But suddenly now with Biden trying to start WW3, now he remembers he has the video. A likely story.
It's just full of holes. You would think that at some point he'd remember he had it and drag it out. Like when Osama Bin Laden was "killed". Or on the 10th anniversary. Or last year on the 20th.
It smells.
There's no way that most of the fuel from this plane made it to the center of that building to go down the elevator shafts.
I can assure you that if the general public receives a "new take" on 9/11, things will begin to move very quickly.
I’m afraid they will never receive a “new take” It’s like 50/50 on if people think as far as “Bush knew about 9/11”. There are many levels of conspiracy in there, so no one will “wake up”. I think it’s a slow “ah I guess they were right”. People have been shouting that 9/11 was faked since near the beginning, Michael Moore’s movie was in theaters (of course it was-it was made to control the conspiracy). And everyone knows someone who has told them about building 7. No one cares. It will be the one of the least satisfying “I-told-you-so’s” ever.
Sorry, guess I’m gonna have a doomy day.
Not a hologram.
Eye-witness saying no plane
"9/11 Great American Psy-Opera" which shows clearly how they fucked up a mask layer and the CGI plane's nose accidently popped out of the far side of the building unharmed isn't real either. The magic plane somehow made it through 100 steel columns and popped out the other side.
Yeah that’s what I’m referring to.
In the comments “ And the battleship. And the #666 train (well #6 kept passing by over and over). How about the hand signs in the same scene with “enjoy the performance”? Haven’t been able to decode. Or the Lyrics playing “While the storm clouds gather far across the sea…” The “amazing race” on the bus. The white horse carriage. Oh and the guy that hadn’t been to NYC for 23 years. What else did I miss? 🤔”
This is why I believe this was an Mossad/USA planned attack...
Myself and the other pilot were staying at a hotel in the Meadowlands Complex in NJ as we had landed and our aircraft was being hangered at the Teterboro Airport.
I was on the 8th floor of the hotel and on the morning of 9/11 at around 8:50 am I turned on the TV and the first image I saw of what was going down that day was the first building on fire. Initially the news said it was a small business jet that hit. I went over to my hotel room window and there it was...the first plane had hit WTC I.
While continuing to watch the CNN reporting I called the other pilot and told him someone had flown an aircraft into the WTC. His response was "It probably was a terrorist!" He no sooner got the words out and as I'm watching the TV I see the second airplane fly into WTC II (South Tower). Of course his response was, "See, I told you so!"
At around 10am we decided to go to the Teterboro Airport and put fuel on our aircraft in case the boss wanted to get out of dodge that day.
2 miles from Teterboro we are stopped by the FBI/Local Police, who tells us to turn around...the airport is on lockdown.
We turn around and we are maybe 1/2 mile from the Meadowlands Complex and we are again stopped by an FBI roadblock and told to exit via the cloverleaf ahead and pull off into the grass by the guard rail. We will need to sit there until they give us the Ok to leave...!
I tried to explain we are staying at a hotel just up the road, would he let us go, but he wasn't having it and ultimately he explained there was a police action going on at the Sheraton Hotel...which was up ahead of us maybe 200 yards.
We sat in our car, off the cloverleaf, 200 yards from the Sheraton in NJ and watched and listened on the car radio as the entire days 9/11 events played out.
Listening to the radio, we found out the police action going on at the Sheraton was started when patrons of the hotel say "Arab looking" men in a white van high-fiving and filming the attack on the WTC buildings. They got the van license plate and call a tip into the FBI.
The FBI tracks the van to a dry cleaners in NJ that's a known front for Mossad activity (this is all being reported on the radio at the time!). Over the next several hours it's reported that they arrested 5 Israeli nationals (same ones driving the white van from the Sheraton), but were now driving a moving van full of explosives heading for the Lincoln Tunnel. Although it wasn't reported at the time, I later found out that the van had a mural painted on the side that depicted the airplanes flying into the WTC buildings!
The next day the 5 Israelis were deported back to Israel and the story was never mentioned again in the MSM of course. I guess it didn't fit the government narrative that Arabs with box cutters were responsible?
To this day...many people know about the 5 "Dancing Israelis" who were most likely part of the planning and carrying out of the 9/11 attacks. 9/11 was definitely a Mossad strike and Israel (of all nations) benefitted most from these attacks on our nation! Fuck the Khazarian mafia!...we didn't get back to our hotel until 2 in the morning!
There are no such thing as coincidence. This video was released at this time for a reason. Israel and the DS were all involved. Israel will be last.
When the second plane hit, my first thought was This is War. Terrorism didn't even occur to me.
MSNBC just released this footage as a Russian plane hitting the town square in Kyiv.
For the sake of hypothetical argument, let's assume video is authentic, taken on the day.
Observation: at 1:39-40 in the video, there seems to have been a "skip", a non seamless transition. Either he stopped recording and restarted, or the recording itself had been edited before being uploaded.
Query: after the first plane had already hit and the building has drawn the full attention of seemingly everyone else on the boat, why is he so fixated on panning around in the sky as if he's looking for another plane???
Makes me think of the Japanese tourists from The Spanish Prisoner...
He also states “That was the second plane” but the inflection in his voice sounds like he was expecting it
Where is the plain out in the sky when the camera man pans around? He would have seen it coming when he panned the sky. This is so pathetically an attempt at reminding the normies of the narrative because mah war with Russia isn't catching on like it needs to for them to get it going. [They] are trying to beat the information and suggest Russia is trying to cover their tracks by producing evidence of who really did it so that [they] can blame Russia and fuel the warmongering. Look for an ICBM scar event here sooner or later.
And just a coincidence that Putin is threatening to realse iron clad evidence that the US intelligence services and Israel were the ones who did 9/11? No, because there are no such things as coincidence.
Hoping he does. (Already know most of the story but wanna see the hard evidence and, of course, want it for red pill ammo.) Would be ironic if "muh Russia, Russia, Russia" were the one to prove the level and insidiousness of the US government's/agencies''/politicians' corruption to the world.
Lots of slow drips about various ops/lies/hoaxes/ffs are being dropped to wake up the normies/sleeping/sheeple. Different drips will jostle different people out of their ignorance/slumber. Every bit of truth that's exposed is valuable because it prompts more Awakening.
I hope the DS is not posting things like these videos just to avoid stuff that are happening right now like the Wisconsin nursing homes scandals with the special counsel Michael Gableman or maybe they planning something else for us? Keep an eye on everything. God bless. BTW sometimes I go away because I am sick.
So we're supposed to believe this guy joined Youtube on Dec 31 2006 during the height of the 911 truth movement, and for 15 years sat on this incredibly clear video of flight 175's final trajectory, impact and explosion, taken from almost the exact angle as Hezarkhani (whose video was replayed immediately the night of 9/11 on CNN) and this guy was also a Flight Test Engineer for Boeing and a Nuclear Weapons Engineer for the Air Force who just happened to be in the right place at the right time to capture this?
It sure sounds like an obvious propagandist. He claims the plane was a United Airline passenger plane. Then he focuses on the fact that it was from the airport. Was he insinuating (planting) the thought that the planes came from a nearby airport? After this he further defines it as being a 737.
All too conveniently knowledgeable I think except UA planes are white and this plane obviously was a darker color.
Filthy fucking cabal. Makes my blood boil.
Fakest fake that ever faked, just a modern take with WAY better fakery.
Slowing the speed down to .25x, it still appears to more or less disappear at collision, not penetrating.
Another thought comes to mind too, the body of the "airplane" hits the building fairly close to the corner, now I'm no airplane or crash ologist, but the right side wing wouldn't have penetrated the building, wouldn't it have sheared at some point along the wing with the sheared off section flinging forward?
The towers had well constructed steel girder exoskeletons, Steel is stronger than aluminum: "However, in focusing just on shear strength, steel has a high amount of carbon contributing to its general strength advantage." *
I'd be surprised if the "plane" would have even been able to make a plane shaped hole in the building,
This video timing IMO adds legitimacy to this.
So unbelievably fake lol. Just listen to the Academy Award Winning dialogue and acting chops on these traitors.
"Did you see that?" "Oh my Lord! Oh my Lord! Oh my Lord!"
These people are pathetic
This is suspicious timing since Putin has stated he’s about to release proof of 9/11 lies….
They’re trying to get ahead of the game….
100% correct.
Eye-witness saying no plane
"9/11 Great American Psy-Opera" which shows clearly how they fucked up a mask layer and the CGI plane's nose accidently popped out of the far side of the building unharmed isn't real either. The magic plane somehow made it through 100 steel columns and popped out the other side.
So millions of other people who saw the plane were lying? They cabal technology is so good they inserted the plane on all the witness footage?
Holograms and CGI
There are many witnesses who did not see planes.
Putin will release his satellite imagery that will show the truth.
Jet fuel can NOT MELT steel
Someone please enhance the vid so that we can see the plane in the sky better before it hits.