I was a freemason in canada. I left. Never saw or heard anything bad. Masons can be good or evil. There are 5 million worldwide. In USA many are In a service. If there is shenanigans its not all masons.. also each lodge can be somewhat unique. Ours specialized in beer drinking and watching sports.
We're talking about 2 totally different Freemasons. You at the local chapter is never going to get near any true knowledge or power. It's just a chapter to help gives guys so ething to do, bring on funds, smokescreen to the secret shit.
The other Freemason is a select group that recruits from their bloodlines and circles.
There is something sinister going on with all the powerful elite that have been photos with their 1 eye covered pose, the hush 1 finger over lips pose.
Well considering I was being taken to local chapters to be raped and tortured, you are very wrong.
Every time the masons are called out they come out of the woodwork like the spiders they are to lie and plead innocent.
I was drugged and raped and tortured countless times along with countless other children.
The upside down world that the masons have built alongside our own is falling apart.
We just have to keep ours from falling apart before theirs.
In the Great Awakening, the Freemasons will be destroyed.
My mothers step dad was a mason police/fireman. His father was an electrical engineer for nasa.
My mother was tortured by them since she was twelve and I was tortured from birth until around twelve.
I was made to sleep in a tank of spiders as a three year old.
Made to do ritualistic killings and cannibalism.
My “mind” was intentionally shattered.
They do this to create mind/sex slaves.
I met three Rothschild.
Billy Graham.
George h w Bush.
Harry Nilsson. He helped save me though.
Herschel walker. I met him when I was given to a Black mason family.
You can believe me or not but this is what I was told by them, almost always on acid.
With the rape, torture, and acid children are not usually able to stay lucid enough to remember.
That or they are too traumatized to remember. Either way it protects the masons.
But a few remember.
The trick is to understand all thoughts are lies.
Their entire power relies on you believing the things they tell you.
But there is one reality and it’s not in our heads.
It’s in gods hands.
They told me that all the races are genetic experiments.
Red heads are the descendants of giants.
That American blacks were American royalty that wanted to distinguish themselves from peasants so they changed the color of their skin through genetic manipulation.
They had a shrine to George Washington and told me that he could create buildings with his mind.
I was told that we are in the little season.
I was told that Christ would not let the world come to America because the people that lived here would be harmed. Whites blacks and Asians lived here.
But after Christ’s 1000 year reign the masons came to America and changed it in their image.
They told me Texas had electricity still as the entire state got its electricity from a Galveston ocean power plant that still worked.
They told me that they reverse engineered all the tech found in America and that’s why the industrial revolution happened.
They told me there were canals that ran all over the world that anyone could reach almost any city in the world with a boat.
They told me there was no terra firma.
They told me that there were airships that the rich would use that would take you to “uptown” where the rich would live and the poor would live on the ground in “downtowns”
They told me the earth is flat and there is a dome.
They told me the sun and moon go around the flat earth like a rollercoaster, up and down, and that the lowest place they go in the US is Tucson so they consider Tucson to be the stupidest people.
That’s what I was told, mostly, by the Freemasons.
They liked to get things off their chest and since they didn’t think I’d remember I was perfect.
I hope I can ask you to elaborate a little. You said all races were experiments. By who?
Whats the little season?
There was civilizations with electricity in America before what we are taught?
Airships that take you to Uptown, now that sounds like a movie.
Hey I'm intrigued
One of my closest friends was a Mason. He joined them because they encouraged community involvement and individual spiritual/religious engagement. There's nothing nefarious about most of the people in the lower levels. It's the higher levels that are the problem.
the problem is the secret society, period. An organization that commoditizes secrecy may have plenty of well meaning lower degree members, but being a member of a secret society is still a problem. If information is actively discouraged from being freely exchanged, that means trust without verification is the ethos. Being a member of, contributing to, propagating, defending on anon boards... ALL a problem for the non-secret society.
Exactly. So I don't understand why people get so mad at blue lodge masons. They genuinely don't know we you and I do. People love giving blood to the Red Cross or working for them. People love working for Samaritans Purse or giving money to them. They just don't know.
Problem is we have to take your word for it. Unfortunately, because you're secret, then how do you expect anything a freemason say and do is trustable?
I understand what you mean, but they legitimately don't know. Even in the first three levels you know nothing about the next. So when you're a first degree you can't enter the lodge when it's opened in a second or third degree state. So you literally don't hear or see anything related to the next levels.
Lodge placement is key but most people are too asleep to actually grasp the puzzle pieces. I knew a guy who knew a guy who used to dabble in certain tradecraft and he dealt directly with some pretty high level masons.
Try this. Google your city // masonic lodges. Click maps. Click street view. Walk around a few block radius of the lodge. Take a look around. What is around you? Notice any symbols? Notice any specific types of buildings or businesses????
Its hilarious how in your face it all is when you're asleep to it. Scary, once you know what you're looking at.
Never trust a mason of any initiation. For any reason. Ever.
Anyone telling you otherwise is the enemy of common sense.
This is just a rough idea, i used seattle, spokane, bellevue, and portland as examples because these are areas I'm familiar with. (Just to give you an idea.)
nah. Masonry served an incredibly important purpose, and that was overthrowing the world's monarchies. It now has devolved into factions (including infiltrations by those royal families) who are using it to control in the same exact ways the monarchs did.
It needs to be exposed and disbanded. Their teachings are good and can be done publicly instead of in secret.
When the Illuminati organization was discovered in Bavaria, and outlawed, they just went underground by infiltrating the masons. Masonry started out as a great idea -- get new apprentices to learn the building trade (back before even the horse and buggy days).
But the scum corrupted it, like they corrupt everything, because they are a cancer on society.
Wow .. good find ! , unbelievable! I didn't know that they are usually on the scene , however they are always where evil flows , so I guess that makes sense , but I'm sure Q and many on this board could explain "why " much better than my generic answer !
If you think about it... the only way a false flag fake shooting can occur is if the parents are actively involved in the coverup. One has to wonder in many of these situations if any students were killed at all, or if the entire shooting was a staged production put on by the mason families and the CIA at the behest of the Deep State operatives.
Not always. Some of the dead are real...and innocent. The parents grieve. Do you think the cabal just pretends to kill people every time one of these events occur? The masonic cabal is evil enough to not give a $hit about anyone's life...even their own spawn can be sacrificed if it gives them more power.
You are correct. I was being unintentionally hyperbolic with my statement.
Perhaps it is a bit of both scenarios. Some kids die, others are relocated.
I don't know how willing the mason families would be to have their own children killed. I suppose if they think it will bring them power and long life, they might be willing do anything. Alternatively, perhaps it is the mason families children who commit the mass murder and are then relocated.
Regardless, the one certainty is that masons are clearly involved in the planning and execution of these events.
FWIW, my late father was a Mason. It was the thing to do in the late 1940s and 50s. Interestingly, he told my brothers not to enter DeMolay or bother joining the Masons. He also wouldn't allow me and my sister to join Rainbow girls. My older brother believes our dad was just a pancake turner at fund-raisers, never got to a high degree, but maybe knew some darker stuff, hence his not getting his children involved.
No hints until much later when my siblings and I discussed it after his death when we were going through his things. I do know from my Mom that Dad didn't care for some of the higher-up Masonic members - one of whom my sister suspected molested his daughter's friend who she knew from high school! Dad was with the organization for about 20 years, basically turning pancakes at fund raisers, but stopped being active well before he passed.
Rainbow was for the girls. I think it had another name - something with a star in it. I remember a neighbor lady whose Mason husband knew my dad coming to our home trying to convince me to join Rainbow Girls. She emphasized that it would make me a lady...and they had dance balls and other social opportunities with the DeMolay boys! I thought it sounded lame. Totally uncool. My parents found out about her visit and said no to my joining. Not that I was interested. :-)
I personally believe all the people are made up and the few who speak to the media are actors. In every fake attack it seems there are only a couple parents/siblings who speak for all the others. It’s easier that way, you don’t have to deal with any lawsuits or criminal investigations that come from killing innocent people and which might go on for a decade or more, causing more attention and money to deal with.
Plus, pretending to kill people on the news and claim it happens is not even really a crime anymore. No crime is actually committed. Yet it achieves the exact same results as actually killing people, maybe even in their minds ‘better results’ since you have actual actors trained to emotionally convince people to give up guns, give money, etc
Although I think most people can sniff out the phoniness. That’s why these events fade away so quickly. Even 9/11 fades away, with not a single person grieving or caring for the dead. Compare this to WWII or similar real events, where the dead are still remembered and had real names and family and interests and lives.
I know the parents is what I can't figure out and friends of the supposed dead , they probably kill a couple kids wtf do they care they kill kids everyday , my God there's not enough rope Firing squad ? but theyre not worth wasting ammo Honestly I think they should dig a huge hole and bury alive and put a sign on the site dedicated to the innocent that they killed . No mercy what so ever , bury alive !
The last time there was a school shooting in Texas, the man that the media interviewed was wearing a hat or something that had the Freemason logo on it.
I wanna run a quick theory by ya. Water (watch the water) freezing at 32° once you reach the 33rd degree of masonry you are no longer Frozen in the worlds laws and free to operate because you are now above any law on Earth ...??
Consider checking out RCM-usa.org and their ministry to trauma survivors.
There is a way to deal with the intolerable conflict that can resolve the PTSD...I agree, hesitant to do EMDR.
I was in private practice when Francine Shapiro presented her theories. She said that she learned it while walking through the woods, and noticed that as she was walking and seeing the light and dark fluctuate that she began to feel "better" than she 'had felt before. She did her PhD dissertation on this.
Later on, not only alternating light, but also alternating "tapping" one leg and the other was added.... and later yet, there was more added that it also had a lot to do with the therapeutic relationship the client had with the practitioner.
My Christian psychologist in my clinic, and I, were pretty much alone in our area in our concern that it just seems like a type of programming.
Yes, I agree, it is all too vague for me.
I highly recommend brainspotting over edmr. Edmr is like activing every PTSD trigger all at once, and is kinda overload. If you can find a good brainspotting therapist it's much easier. The therapist is in tune with your emotions and state of mind and you can tackle one piece of trauma at a time instead of all of it hitting you at once with the edmr lights.
I had CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) to help treat PTSD. Genuinely didn't want to finish my sessions! Helped a hell of a lot! Wish you all the best.
I do emdr with my husband to help him after studying it. It helps him tremendously with his ptsd and mine too. I do it similarly to glompywompy. One thing at a time.
Trump withheld Fed funding from states aka California so that's why all the fires. That being said if Biden gives out our tax dollars (aka Cal.) then I would bank on racial motivated agendas & a push for firearm regulations.imo 🤷
How long is it going to take people to realize EVERY ONE of these things is staged and the work of spooks/mercs/people mind controlled?
PEOPLE DO NOT RANDOMLY SHOOT PEOPLE. People who are crazy kill the people they are angry with. They kill their mothers, their wives, their family members, their boss, their hated coworkers, their bullies, their business partners who screwed them, whatever. There is a connection between the killer and the victim.
This mass shooting thing is ALL FAKE all the time. The difference between reality and some of the conspiracy theories is the victims are real. No crisis actors, only dead innocents. They might have fake actors for the commentary, but the corpses were innocent people.
The elite are kiling people to try and convince you you need to disarm so you will be helpless to stop them from killing you next.
They dumped COVID on the world to coup a president, then followed up with a killer vaccine. Their kill count now makes bad mustache man look like he wasn't trying very hard. They can BET YOUR ASS they shoot random people to try and sell gun banning.
Yep, what does this (from Texas shooting) remind you of ...
Ramos, who attended the town’s high school, reportedly shot his grandmother before driving to the school armed with a handgun and possibly rifle, Abbott said.
From Sandy Hook ...
Adam Lanza kills 20 first graders and six school employees before turning a gun on himself. Earlier that day, he killed his mother at the home they shared.
I’ve always believed Sandy Hook was fake but I live near this one and have every reason to believe it’s real. Between family members teaching in Uvalde and church friends with family affected by this, I can’t believe all of these people would make this up. I also don’t think they’d stage this with a Mexican kid, that hurts their “only white men are evil” narrative.
Here we go ... already looking to grab our guns! Every single time!
The attack also came just 10 days after a deadly, racist rampage at a Buffalo, New York, supermarket that added to a yearslong series of mass killings at churches, schools and stores. And the prospects for any reform of the nation’s gun regulations seemed as dim as in the aftermath of the Sandy Hook deaths.
President Joe Biden appeared ready for a fight, calling for new gun restrictions in an address to the nation hours after the attack.
“As a nation we have to ask, when in God’s name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby? When in God’s name are we going to do what has to be done?” Biden asked. “Why are are willing to live with this carnage?”
The gunman, who was wearing body armor, crashed his car outside the school before going inside, Sgt. Erick Estrada of the Texas Department of Public Safety told CNN.
"Erick Estrada?" You mean the actor that was in the series "CHiPs"? ... California Highway Patrol officer Francis (Frank) Llewelyn "Ponch" Poncherello in the police drama television series CHiPs, which ran from 1977 to 1983.
He killed his grandmother before heading to the school with two military-style rifles he had purchased on his birthday
Sounds alot like Sandy Hook scenario.
A Border Patrol agent who was working nearby when the shooting began rushed into the school without waiting for backup and shot and killed the gunman, who was behind a barricade, according to a law enforcement official speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk about it.
The shooting came days before the National Rifle Association annual convention was set to begin in Houston. Abbott and both of Texas’ U.S. senators were among elected Republican officials who were the scheduled speakers at a Friday leadership forum sponsored by the NRA’s lobbying arm.
Last year, the House passed two bills to expand background checks on firearms purchases. One bill would have closed a loophole for private and online sales. The other would have extended the background check review period. Both languished in the 50-50 Senate, where Democrats need at least 10 Republican votes to overcome objections from a filibuster.
There are some pictures showing fbi on the scene. Wondering how they got there so fast but there is a fbi headquarters about an 1 hour a 30mins away in San Antonio. Not sure what time they arrived to the scene
Yeah, I mapped it because I was curious, it’s exactly an hour and a half drive from the SA FBI office to Uvalde. And it’s a straight shot down Hwy 90 which is just peppered with small towns once you get out of SA so if they had lights and sirens going, they could easily haul ass down that road and not have many issues. I have family there and have spent many hours up and down that road. Two of my cousins and aunt are teachers in Uvalde, one at a private school and the other two at a nearby public school. I don’t live too far away either and know many people connected to this. Everything tells me it’s legit and I’m normally pretty skeptical about these events.
If you are that close and people in your life are that are close to the event then your feelings and their feelings will tell you everything.
Go with your gut. Know the people around you and live life.
The skeptism in not the events are fully fake. The skeptism is the influence behind the shooter and what news chooses to focus on. Also the first words out of politicians mouths.
I don't believe people born evil. I do think if you become spiritually/mentally weak a door opens in which corruption and evil takes advantage or control. Easy prey for an evil agenda.
News will be news. Fear and tragedy fuels their views along with agendas that line their pockets.
Politicians are full of shit. First words ban guns and let's stop this from ever happening again. Fucking broken records. These events have happened and keep happening, taking guns won't solve the issue at all. Never will.
I am wondering how this shooter got there. How did he afford the guns? What made him crazy? I do think he is a pawn and was likely just a foot soldier in a much bigger battle. The idea that he worked alone is bullshit. His girlfriend took a gun to the high school and tried to start shooting there before police captured her. The news hasn’t covered that at all. But the police told my cousin that while her school down the street was in lockdown. So there’s one for sure thing they are covering up. But the death is real. These kids and teachers have really been killed. They aren’t “on a bus to Delaware” like some callous person suggested earlier. It’s shocking to me how many people I know that are in mourning right now. I’ve never experienced this much sadness all at once.
My girlfriends cousin is in Ulvade with elementary grandchildren- awaiting to hear all is ok 🙏 / I have a few choice words I’ll refrain except pray for those families if all accurate and those babies / horrific EVIL
Lemme guess: all cameras were broken, we'll get pictures of different schools, crisis actors and no clear motivation, but we must of course ban guns and think of the children or some dumb shit.
Dear Fed boi faggots, no matter how many children you murder, we aren't disarming.
I've been sick for a week so haven't been a part of society for a while but today I look on here and there's a slew of apparent reported jab side effects and suddenly we have another mass shooting with freemasons running around and every talking head on tv is climbing up on their soap boxes to spew their usual shit.
Yes, T/u. Initial reports from officers on scene said he was in custody. I saw a list of pictures of the “victims”…I swear one looks just like a young…who was the red headed girl Obama liked? The grand daughter of As The World Turns actress? Maggie? Sorry, brain is mush right now.
That's the truth behind symbols being the language of the powerful. It tells everything the viewer needs to know if they have eyes to see. No matter what the words say, the symbols are placed to reveal the real truth.
Where else in Tejas can a beaner open up on a bunch of innocent kids like that?
Everywhere else in TX, the shooter would get off 4-5 shots and then be blasted by citizens from three directions....so now the shooters go to "gun free zones".
I believe this is correct. My grandfather was a police officer. While going through his things I found many Masonic pins. I was very curious and asked my dad if he knew of him joining the masons. He said from his knowledge he never did. I think the pins were apart of his badge.
That's the strange thing, this is the article. It was posted through my local new affiliate onto Facebook. The image it displays on Facebook is this image, but the image doesn't appear elsewhere on the article. Another GAW user actually posted this same image as being circulated in their local news affiliate story about it.
Every. Fucking. Time.
Up to no good as usual.
They need to be dismantled and tried. Every single Mason.
I was a freemason in canada. I left. Never saw or heard anything bad. Masons can be good or evil. There are 5 million worldwide. In USA many are In a service. If there is shenanigans its not all masons.. also each lodge can be somewhat unique. Ours specialized in beer drinking and watching sports.
We're talking about 2 totally different Freemasons. You at the local chapter is never going to get near any true knowledge or power. It's just a chapter to help gives guys so ething to do, bring on funds, smokescreen to the secret shit. The other Freemason is a select group that recruits from their bloodlines and circles. There is something sinister going on with all the powerful elite that have been photos with their 1 eye covered pose, the hush 1 finger over lips pose.
Well considering I was being taken to local chapters to be raped and tortured, you are very wrong. Every time the masons are called out they come out of the woodwork like the spiders they are to lie and plead innocent. I was drugged and raped and tortured countless times along with countless other children. The upside down world that the masons have built alongside our own is falling apart. We just have to keep ours from falling apart before theirs. In the Great Awakening, the Freemasons will be destroyed.
My mothers step dad was a mason police/fireman. His father was an electrical engineer for nasa. My mother was tortured by them since she was twelve and I was tortured from birth until around twelve. I was made to sleep in a tank of spiders as a three year old. Made to do ritualistic killings and cannibalism. My “mind” was intentionally shattered. They do this to create mind/sex slaves. I met three Rothschild. Billy Graham. George h w Bush. Harry Nilsson. He helped save me though. Herschel walker. I met him when I was given to a Black mason family.
You can believe me or not but this is what I was told by them, almost always on acid. With the rape, torture, and acid children are not usually able to stay lucid enough to remember. That or they are too traumatized to remember. Either way it protects the masons. But a few remember. The trick is to understand all thoughts are lies. Their entire power relies on you believing the things they tell you. But there is one reality and it’s not in our heads. It’s in gods hands.
They told me that all the races are genetic experiments. Red heads are the descendants of giants. That American blacks were American royalty that wanted to distinguish themselves from peasants so they changed the color of their skin through genetic manipulation. They had a shrine to George Washington and told me that he could create buildings with his mind. I was told that we are in the little season. I was told that Christ would not let the world come to America because the people that lived here would be harmed. Whites blacks and Asians lived here. But after Christ’s 1000 year reign the masons came to America and changed it in their image. They told me Texas had electricity still as the entire state got its electricity from a Galveston ocean power plant that still worked. They told me that they reverse engineered all the tech found in America and that’s why the industrial revolution happened. They told me there were canals that ran all over the world that anyone could reach almost any city in the world with a boat. They told me there was no terra firma. They told me that there were airships that the rich would use that would take you to “uptown” where the rich would live and the poor would live on the ground in “downtowns” They told me the earth is flat and there is a dome. They told me the sun and moon go around the flat earth like a rollercoaster, up and down, and that the lowest place they go in the US is Tucson so they consider Tucson to be the stupidest people. That’s what I was told, mostly, by the Freemasons. They liked to get things off their chest and since they didn’t think I’d remember I was perfect.
Forgive. Having no hate is the only way.
Thank you for sharing. A lot of these things ring true to me
Interesting dream you had friend.
I hope I can ask you to elaborate a little. You said all races were experiments. By who? Whats the little season? There was civilizations with electricity in America before what we are taught? Airships that take you to Uptown, now that sounds like a movie. Hey I'm intrigued
This freaking sub, I swear sometimes
Sorry about your trauma. Child preds are everywhere, but the local chapters are no where near the same as the elitist Freemasons.
One of my closest friends was a Mason. He joined them because they encouraged community involvement and individual spiritual/religious engagement. There's nothing nefarious about most of the people in the lower levels. It's the higher levels that are the problem.
the problem is the secret society, period. An organization that commoditizes secrecy may have plenty of well meaning lower degree members, but being a member of a secret society is still a problem. If information is actively discouraged from being freely exchanged, that means trust without verification is the ethos. Being a member of, contributing to, propagating, defending on anon boards... ALL a problem for the non-secret society.
So you never seen or heard anything bad from Masons, yet you’re sure masons can be good or evil? Something doesn’t add up here.
Blue lodges aren't bad people, which is why masonry has a good public image. The lower people don't know anything about the mid to top levels
Like the Red Cross or so many other charities.
Exactly. So I don't understand why people get so mad at blue lodge masons. They genuinely don't know we you and I do. People love giving blood to the Red Cross or working for them. People love working for Samaritans Purse or giving money to them. They just don't know.
Yet they sport the pentagram on the front window.
Problem is we have to take your word for it. Unfortunately, because you're secret, then how do you expect anything a freemason say and do is trustable?
See my point?
I understand what you mean, but they legitimately don't know. Even in the first three levels you know nothing about the next. So when you're a first degree you can't enter the lodge when it's opened in a second or third degree state. So you literally don't hear or see anything related to the next levels.
Don't see what you're getting at here? What about that is contradictory or off?
Lodge placement is key but most people are too asleep to actually grasp the puzzle pieces. I knew a guy who knew a guy who used to dabble in certain tradecraft and he dealt directly with some pretty high level masons.
Try this. Google your city // masonic lodges. Click maps. Click street view. Walk around a few block radius of the lodge. Take a look around. What is around you? Notice any symbols? Notice any specific types of buildings or businesses????
Its hilarious how in your face it all is when you're asleep to it. Scary, once you know what you're looking at.
Never trust a mason of any initiation. For any reason. Ever.
Anyone telling you otherwise is the enemy of common sense.
in florida central I see these very unimaginative looking Block buildings with Mason logos. Not like the lodges I see up north.
I forgot to add, try it for a few cities//lodges... see if you dont start noticing a pattern. I've already said too much.
Symbolism will be their downfall.
These people are stupid.
Yada yada.
They also like to draw things out on maps.
This is just a rough idea, i used seattle, spokane, bellevue, and portland as examples because these are areas I'm familiar with. (Just to give you an idea.)
Just approximations, didnt want to spend forever on bread crumbs. (I know portland looks whack, but portland IS whack)
Glendale Country club Gabriel Park Green Lake Chief Garry park
The first 4 cities I looked at all have very similar configurations.
This is in addition to the point I hinted at earlier.
Username checks out ^^^
I want to see the prozac fueled npc.
And right on cue here come the false flags and distractions.
My anger is palpable.
This shit has to end. Enough is enough.
God bless the families of the loved ones lost. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Yeah, I'm over them. Whatever it takes to destroy their evil asses. It's long overdue.
This right here shows us this was a false flag. I can’t believe this shit
Q Post 1630
Now peep 1632 “Make Freemasonry Great Again!”
I think the masons need an influx of new blood, good people.
A bad apple doesn't spoil the bunch, just the ones near it.
nah. Masonry served an incredibly important purpose, and that was overthrowing the world's monarchies. It now has devolved into factions (including infiltrations by those royal families) who are using it to control in the same exact ways the monarchs did.
It needs to be exposed and disbanded. Their teachings are good and can be done publicly instead of in secret.
When the Illuminati organization was discovered in Bavaria, and outlawed, they just went underground by infiltrating the masons. Masonry started out as a great idea -- get new apprentices to learn the building trade (back before even the horse and buggy days).
But the scum corrupted it, like they corrupt everything, because they are a cancer on society.
someone always takes the money under the table
I actually agree with you.
Disbanded or not, that's why I said what I said.
Root out the bad actors, like all other groups and agencies.
Shine light on it. If it deserves to exist, it'll withstand the light of day.
And I think it might. Just from some of the things ive researched over the years.
No I'm not a mason. Don't know any either. And I'm not pro or against them.
But I would like to know more about them and their heritage. The link to our nations foundation, when good or bad, etc.
Just sheer curiosity. No different than learning the truth about history of religion, Egypt, aliens, God, all the unknowns or little knowns.
Wow .. good find ! , unbelievable! I didn't know that they are usually on the scene , however they are always where evil flows , so I guess that makes sense , but I'm sure Q and many on this board could explain "why " much better than my generic answer !
If you think about it... the only way a false flag fake shooting can occur is if the parents are actively involved in the coverup. One has to wonder in many of these situations if any students were killed at all, or if the entire shooting was a staged production put on by the mason families and the CIA at the behest of the Deep State operatives.
Not always. Some of the dead are real...and innocent. The parents grieve. Do you think the cabal just pretends to kill people every time one of these events occur? The masonic cabal is evil enough to not give a $hit about anyone's life...even their own spawn can be sacrificed if it gives them more power.
You are correct. I was being unintentionally hyperbolic with my statement.
Perhaps it is a bit of both scenarios. Some kids die, others are relocated.
I don't know how willing the mason families would be to have their own children killed. I suppose if they think it will bring them power and long life, they might be willing do anything. Alternatively, perhaps it is the mason families children who commit the mass murder and are then relocated.
Regardless, the one certainty is that masons are clearly involved in the planning and execution of these events.
Masons indeed!
FWIW, my late father was a Mason. It was the thing to do in the late 1940s and 50s. Interestingly, he told my brothers not to enter DeMolay or bother joining the Masons. He also wouldn't allow me and my sister to join Rainbow girls. My older brother believes our dad was just a pancake turner at fund-raisers, never got to a high degree, but maybe knew some darker stuff, hence his not getting his children involved.
How comes you weren't allowed to join Rainbows out of interest? Or did you get no hint at all as to why you shouldn't?
No hints until much later when my siblings and I discussed it after his death when we were going through his things. I do know from my Mom that Dad didn't care for some of the higher-up Masonic members - one of whom my sister suspected molested his daughter's friend who she knew from high school! Dad was with the organization for about 20 years, basically turning pancakes at fund raisers, but stopped being active well before he passed.
Yup. That's what it is.
Rainbow was for the girls. I think it had another name - something with a star in it. I remember a neighbor lady whose Mason husband knew my dad coming to our home trying to convince me to join Rainbow Girls. She emphasized that it would make me a lady...and they had dance balls and other social opportunities with the DeMolay boys! I thought it sounded lame. Totally uncool. My parents found out about her visit and said no to my joining. Not that I was interested. :-)
Thatbis strange because the masons have a saying, if you wanna be one ask one.
They don't profess tondonoutreaxh unless someone wants to ask them about it.
This makes a lot of sense.
There is a ton of bullshit at hand, but there are also real deaths.
Column A, column B.
I live near this one, I can guarantee it’s real. The shooter was Hispanic, they wouldn’t plan that. It goes against their “evil white man” narrative.
I personally believe all the people are made up and the few who speak to the media are actors. In every fake attack it seems there are only a couple parents/siblings who speak for all the others. It’s easier that way, you don’t have to deal with any lawsuits or criminal investigations that come from killing innocent people and which might go on for a decade or more, causing more attention and money to deal with.
Plus, pretending to kill people on the news and claim it happens is not even really a crime anymore. No crime is actually committed. Yet it achieves the exact same results as actually killing people, maybe even in their minds ‘better results’ since you have actual actors trained to emotionally convince people to give up guns, give money, etc
Although I think most people can sniff out the phoniness. That’s why these events fade away so quickly. Even 9/11 fades away, with not a single person grieving or caring for the dead. Compare this to WWII or similar real events, where the dead are still remembered and had real names and family and interests and lives.
Those kids are probably on a bus to Delaware
I know the parents is what I can't figure out and friends of the supposed dead , they probably kill a couple kids wtf do they care they kill kids everyday , my God there's not enough rope Firing squad ? but theyre not worth wasting ammo Honestly I think they should dig a huge hole and bury alive and put a sign on the site dedicated to the innocent that they killed . No mercy what so ever , bury alive !
The last time there was a school shooting in Texas, the man that the media interviewed was wearing a hat or something that had the Freemason logo on it.
I wanna run a quick theory by ya. Water (watch the water) freezing at 32° once you reach the 33rd degree of masonry you are no longer Frozen in the worlds laws and free to operate because you are now above any law on Earth ...??
Wow...multiple meanings exist...
This makes me so hesitant to do EMDR. But my PTSD is leaving me in fight or flight 24/7, and it’s no way to live.
Consider checking out RCM-usa.org and their ministry to trauma survivors. There is a way to deal with the intolerable conflict that can resolve the PTSD...I agree, hesitant to do EMDR.
I was in private practice when Francine Shapiro presented her theories. She said that she learned it while walking through the woods, and noticed that as she was walking and seeing the light and dark fluctuate that she began to feel "better" than she 'had felt before. She did her PhD dissertation on this. Later on, not only alternating light, but also alternating "tapping" one leg and the other was added.... and later yet, there was more added that it also had a lot to do with the therapeutic relationship the client had with the practitioner.
My Christian psychologist in my clinic, and I, were pretty much alone in our area in our concern that it just seems like a type of programming. Yes, I agree, it is all too vague for me.
I concur.
I highly recommend brainspotting over edmr. Edmr is like activing every PTSD trigger all at once, and is kinda overload. If you can find a good brainspotting therapist it's much easier. The therapist is in tune with your emotions and state of mind and you can tackle one piece of trauma at a time instead of all of it hitting you at once with the edmr lights.
I had CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) to help treat PTSD. Genuinely didn't want to finish my sessions! Helped a hell of a lot! Wish you all the best.
I do emdr with my husband to help him after studying it. It helps him tremendously with his ptsd and mine too. I do it similarly to glompywompy. One thing at a time.
Well fuck me
I sense a concerted effort to go after firearms this summer. The Deep State knows their only shot at survival at this point is to disarm the populace.
Queue manifesto dropping in 3... 2... 1...
Only white shooters have a manifesto curated for them by the FBI.
Unfortunately you are correct I have a feeling this entire year will be a hot mess ! We will prevail 👍
Trump withheld Fed funding from states aka California so that's why all the fires. That being said if Biden gives out our tax dollars (aka Cal.) then I would bank on racial motivated agendas & a push for firearm regulations.imo 🤷
Last November trump said watch what Biden does with guns. He knows.
It will be the summer of riots and false flags. Should be entertaining to say the least. Summer of love, the remake.
How long is it going to take people to realize EVERY ONE of these things is staged and the work of spooks/mercs/people mind controlled?
PEOPLE DO NOT RANDOMLY SHOOT PEOPLE. People who are crazy kill the people they are angry with. They kill their mothers, their wives, their family members, their boss, their hated coworkers, their bullies, their business partners who screwed them, whatever. There is a connection between the killer and the victim.
This mass shooting thing is ALL FAKE all the time. The difference between reality and some of the conspiracy theories is the victims are real. No crisis actors, only dead innocents. They might have fake actors for the commentary, but the corpses were innocent people.
The elite are kiling people to try and convince you you need to disarm so you will be helpless to stop them from killing you next.
They dumped COVID on the world to coup a president, then followed up with a killer vaccine. Their kill count now makes bad mustache man look like he wasn't trying very hard. They can BET YOUR ASS they shoot random people to try and sell gun banning.
These people are EVIL.
Buy more guns people, we are going to need them.
Stack ammo too, guns are thirsty for it and go dry quickly.
Mostly. Sandy Hook Elementary though. I’m convinced there were zero kids killed that day.
Yep, what does this (from Texas shooting) remind you of ...
From Sandy Hook ...
I’ve always believed Sandy Hook was fake but I live near this one and have every reason to believe it’s real. Between family members teaching in Uvalde and church friends with family affected by this, I can’t believe all of these people would make this up. I also don’t think they’d stage this with a Mexican kid, that hurts their “only white men are evil” narrative.
Here we go ... already looking to grab our guns! Every single time!
"Erick Estrada?" You mean the actor that was in the series "CHiPs"? ... California Highway Patrol officer Francis (Frank) Llewelyn "Ponch" Poncherello in the police drama television series CHiPs, which ran from 1977 to 1983.
Sounds alot like Sandy Hook scenario.
After 13 years of living in Chicago I can say you are flat out WRONG. Get a clue. There is plenty of violence that is not gang violence.
And there have been mass shoutings going back decades, it used to be called “going postal.”
They’re not specifying the shooters race… I wonder that that means 🤔🤔🤔
Also, a friend mentioned… false flags to keep eyes off sussman
Name is Salvador Ramos
Sounds like a Russian. Damn that Putin bastard!
Hispanic according to the guy I’m hanging out with. At least the name sounded Hispanic
Let me guess. The FBI knew this 18-year-old, but somehow he slipped from their radar... and it was a complete surprise to them.
Isn't that how it usually works?
Protocol calls for a shrink and meds to get the whole process marinading, just waiting for that tidbit to break.
Pretty much
There are some pictures showing fbi on the scene. Wondering how they got there so fast but there is a fbi headquarters about an 1 hour a 30mins away in San Antonio. Not sure what time they arrived to the scene
Yeah, I mapped it because I was curious, it’s exactly an hour and a half drive from the SA FBI office to Uvalde. And it’s a straight shot down Hwy 90 which is just peppered with small towns once you get out of SA so if they had lights and sirens going, they could easily haul ass down that road and not have many issues. I have family there and have spent many hours up and down that road. Two of my cousins and aunt are teachers in Uvalde, one at a private school and the other two at a nearby public school. I don’t live too far away either and know many people connected to this. Everything tells me it’s legit and I’m normally pretty skeptical about these events.
If you are that close and people in your life are that are close to the event then your feelings and their feelings will tell you everything. Go with your gut. Know the people around you and live life.
The skeptism in not the events are fully fake. The skeptism is the influence behind the shooter and what news chooses to focus on. Also the first words out of politicians mouths.
I don't believe people born evil. I do think if you become spiritually/mentally weak a door opens in which corruption and evil takes advantage or control. Easy prey for an evil agenda.
News will be news. Fear and tragedy fuels their views along with agendas that line their pockets.
Politicians are full of shit. First words ban guns and let's stop this from ever happening again. Fucking broken records. These events have happened and keep happening, taking guns won't solve the issue at all. Never will.
I am wondering how this shooter got there. How did he afford the guns? What made him crazy? I do think he is a pawn and was likely just a foot soldier in a much bigger battle. The idea that he worked alone is bullshit. His girlfriend took a gun to the high school and tried to start shooting there before police captured her. The news hasn’t covered that at all. But the police told my cousin that while her school down the street was in lockdown. So there’s one for sure thing they are covering up. But the death is real. These kids and teachers have really been killed. They aren’t “on a bus to Delaware” like some callous person suggested earlier. It’s shocking to me how many people I know that are in mourning right now. I’ve never experienced this much sadness all at once.
My girlfriends cousin is in Ulvade with elementary grandchildren- awaiting to hear all is ok 🙏 / I have a few choice words I’ll refrain except pray for those families if all accurate and those babies / horrific EVIL
Hang in there fren, hope everyone is ok.
Ty same and appreciate it :)
Prayers up for you and your girlfriend's cousin.
Thank you I haven’t heard anything still but I appreciate that ;)
Lemme guess: all cameras were broken, we'll get pictures of different schools, crisis actors and no clear motivation, but we must of course ban guns and think of the children or some dumb shit.
Dear Fed boi faggots, no matter how many children you murder, we aren't disarming.
This is fucking evil.
I've been sick for a week so haven't been a part of society for a while but today I look on here and there's a slew of apparent reported jab side effects and suddenly we have another mass shooting with freemasons running around and every talking head on tv is climbing up on their soap boxes to spew their usual shit.
Exactly. I just read this as Biden shuffled off (I dunno, I'm in the other room so not watching) after a typical anti-gun speech. Speaking of faggotry
You know it's a manipulated event when google maps already has the school building noted with a location marker.
Yeah, why would google maps know the location of a school….
For real?
18 year-old shooter Salvador Romas now confirmed dead. Another MKUltra FF assassin
Someone on Truth Social posted shooter was transgender.
Question. Police said he was in custody? How did he die?
Shot by a border Patrol swat officer...read many border Patrol agents kids attend this school.
Yes, T/u. Initial reports from officers on scene said he was in custody. I saw a list of pictures of the “victims”…I swear one looks just like a young…who was the red headed girl Obama liked? The grand daughter of As The World Turns actress? Maggie? Sorry, brain is mush right now.
But it looks just like her to me. Weird.
Maggie was the granddaughter of "All My Children" writer and creator...Agnes Nixon.
These people are sick.
Ah, thx again.
Why do they absolutely HAVE to be on the scene?
This is some OCD-level shit. I'm fairly sure it was the Riddler's backstory at least once--the compulsion to leave at least one clue.
That's the truth behind symbols being the language of the powerful. It tells everything the viewer needs to know if they have eyes to see. No matter what the words say, the symbols are placed to reveal the real truth.
Another sandy hook FF
They'll cram as many in as they can before the end of the school year. Evil fucks.
So sad just little kids these disgusting vile pos.
Fuck these faggots! Special ass raping place in hell for people like this
16 plus the grandma
These freakers will DO ANYTHING right now. Including killing children. Damn them.
The news articles are frothing at the mouth and comments are cancer like "thoughts and prayers aren't enough we need gun control "🙄
Where else in Tejas can a beaner open up on a bunch of innocent kids like that?
Everywhere else in TX, the shooter would get off 4-5 shots and then be blasted by citizens from three directions....so now the shooters go to "gun free zones".
Gun-free zones are what need to be eliminated.
A little inside info from TruthSocial.
It seems the Border Patrol may have been trying to catch him before he reached the city.
Isn't the "Fraternal Order of Police" a "free mason" organization effectively?
I don't understand why this is a surprise to people. Part of being a police officer is being a member of the FOP as far as I'm aware...
I believe this is correct. My grandfather was a police officer. While going through his things I found many Masonic pins. I was very curious and asked my dad if he knew of him joining the masons. He said from his knowledge he never did. I think the pins were apart of his badge.
Sauce? I need sauce. My pasta ain’t complete without sauce.
That's the strange thing, this is the article. It was posted through my local new affiliate onto Facebook. The image it displays on Facebook is this image, but the image doesn't appear elsewhere on the article. Another GAW user actually posted this same image as being circulated in their local news affiliate story about it.
14 kids dead apparently. Here's that gun grab push.
I ran the picture through PhotoForensics. No signs of telltale white dithering around the symbol for anyone who thinks that the picture is fake.
Strange but first thing I read was there were injuries. No deaths. Gunman was apprehended. Now 14 dead and gunman dead. Hmm
Ikr as I was typing the post the numbers kept changing, I guess we have to take Abotts word as final for the count, absolutely horrific, sheesh
Surprise, surprise. This is a direct reaction to...(drumroll please)...Durham!
I want a sticker with that symbol x'd out and saying GTFO
Masonic symbol on the van rear windshield.
Can you keep a secret?