Q NOOB MEGATHREAD: New to Q? With the 'Sound of Freedom' movie dominating the box office and giving Hollywood seizures, we have a lot of new eyes on us! What is this "Q anon" thing? ASK US ANYTHING!

I use social media strictly to spread the truth and call out lies. I was recently permanently suspended from Twitter for facts. I also got a warning from Google about a documentary on my personal drive called "The Fall of the Cabal" They didn't like it and blocked access to it.... So I altered the video, changed the name and uploaded it again. Their threats entertain me.
Anyhow, we all see the die hard anti-Trump accounts. Do you think these are real people who really don't get it yet or are they paid to spread lies all day? Maybe both? I would like thoughts on if you think I am wasting my time trying to red pill due to the possibility that they are bots or paid propagandists? And how do I know if I am dealing with a genuine person? I'm trying to do my part in all of this and feel like I may be wasting time that could be better spent elsewhere.
I’m not a “noobie” but do have a question…I have shared my views and experiences as a nurse on GAW throughout the Coof plandemic. What do we see in the future of medicine/healthcare? I want to believe there is better health/healthcare than the pharmaceutical-pill-pushing-put-a-bandaid-on-everything that we currently have. Is there a “Quantum Healing/Health System? Any resources where I can learn/research this for our future? I don’t want to be involved with our current healthcare system any longer; I don’t want to perpetuate sickness ; I want to heal!
Question about the enormous amount of money that should be seized from the cabal during this operation. Trillions of dollars if I'm not mistaken. What happens with all of these assets and all of the money that the 1% has hoarded?
Is it even a possibility that it would be redistributed to the people (us) who have been robbed by these scumbags all of our lives along with our parents and grandparents who were also robbed and oppressed by the scum of the earth? Where does all of this money go?
This is something I think about all the time. There are three executive orders that Trump signed which have to do with confiscating assets or other property as penalties for certain types of serious crimes. These executive orders are:
The executive orders you mentioned, signed by President Trump, address the confiscation of assets or property as penalties for specific types of serious crimes. These orders are part of a legal framework aimed at combatting issues such as human rights abuses, corruption, and foreign interference in U.S. elections.
Executive Order 13818, issued on December 20, 2017, focuses on blocking the property of individuals or entities involved in serious human rights abuses or corruption. It authorizes the confiscation of assets within U.S. jurisdiction to deter and punish such activities.
Executive Order 13848, dated September 12, 2018, primarily imposes sanctions in response to foreign interference in U.S. elections. While it mainly addresses sanctions, it also provides authority for blocking property and assets of foreign individuals, entities, or governments involved in these activities.
Executive Order 13928, issued on June 11, 2020, pertains to the International Criminal Court (ICC) and allows for blocking property and assets of individuals associated with the ICC in the context of potential investigations or prosecutions against U.S. personnel and allies.
Us Q researchers have also receive significant hints and other guidance from our top researchers re: how these EO's would be executed within the bounds of the Department of Defense's Law of War manual. But we're not all West Point lawyers, so, all we have are barely educated guesses.
The EO's are merely the legal justification for doing this. The redistribution of vast wealth on such a scale would require careful planning, legal justification, and societal consensus. As you can see in our sidebar:
This means that the plan must not just successfully attack the enemy, but plan for every societal contingency to keep our civilization together. This means planning for how people perceive the world afterwards, after the arrests. We used to think that the arrests would be the end. No, that's the beginning. We need not just the legal justification, but societal consensus. The redistribution of vast wealth on such a scale would have significant implications for the economy, international relations, and individual rights, and the necessity of this redistribution must be obvious to everyone involved.
It is essential to respect due process, property rights, and the rule of law, even during times of emergency, hence, where Q has said that, essentially, "it must carry weight, it must be legal, by the book."
Thank you very much for that excellent and detailed answer.
I believe it is a team. I think Steve Bannon is the mastermind behind it all.
Military Intelligence. Q has said, less than 10 people total (all but a couple being Military).
Since the suspicion that the Rockefellers have taken over America, and that John D. Rockefellers father was a disreputable character, what are the origins of the Rockefeller Family name before John D Rockefellers old man, are they Kazarian fake jews; and, if so, what is their real name? For instance, we now know Rothschild Family was originally known as Bauer.
Universal prosperity is a drug that will wreck a nation. People are inherently lazy, so when they become comfortable and without concern, then the next generation becomes complacent. The condition of the nation is then at risk of infiltration by evil. The evil slowly takes over while the people entertain themselves with pleasure. That leads to opression and slavery. Finally, the suffering causes them to lift their heads from the feeding trough and ask "what happened"? This is the Awakening, and it will not come about until people suffer. This is the change that Q is talking about. If Trump and the patriots just fixed everything and handed it to the people, then they wouldn't be able to keep it. Evil never ever stops, so the people must fight evil without end. This cycle also must run its course.
Just ask any cow.
The devil finds work for idle hands
I just want to say that I am a long time lurker and am 100% on board and have been since 2017. This awakening is extremely important to me. I have successfully red-pilled many former Trump haters. Sometimes I get worked up and swear a lot. I get frustrated and that's not constructive. I want to apologize to the mods for my past rants although I have never doomed. My intentions are good.
That being said I do have a couple of questions. Let me explain. We have a major drug problem in this country and it's obvious to me how to solve it. It won't stop all drug use but it will greatly reduce cartel carnage in Mexico and on our streets. I believe making everything illegal is not a solution. It has never worked and never will. Can we agree on that? Legalizing the drugs puts the cartels out of business right? So instead of having a war on drugs which is the actual cause of most of the harm in the first place, use the money and resources for treatment.
Making people criminals for something that the cabal created in the first place is stupid... Am I out of line in saying this? Making a plant illegal for example is one of the most ridiculous things imaginable. If they make cocaine legal tomorrow not myself or anyone I know are going to run out and start doing drugs. Legalization seems like a common sense solution if regulated by a government that is not corrupt.
Am I missing something? Thoughts?
Get the right people to buy the drugs and destroy them secretly, continually.
You are fine on your view, but we need to listen to Trump to know the direction. Because the CIA was Always involved with the drug trades, we could Never burn the fields. Since 2020 theft, (where he had to “lose” because there are systems that need to fail, why should they fail on the good guys watch), Trump is calling for the death penalty for all drug dealers.
In Mexico 2 of the 7 cartels stated that they will go legit if they can get amnesty. Ecuador has built the huge MS-13/cartel facility to help rehabilitate the cartel underlings, because that lifestyle is all they ever knew.
Since 2020, Trump has talked about having tent cities outside of our major cities, to get the afflicted medical & mental help that they need. Once the cabal is out, our food supply will be cleaned up, causing less need for medical help long term
Trump’s older brother, Fred Jr was an alcoholic, and died from the disease. Help is on the way. Drugs (like LSD) open a spiritual doorway that we as mortal mankind are not mentally prepared for. There is a reason why even alcohol is called “spirits”, (which I haven’t taken part of since last night 🥴). WWG1WGA
Get the governments and elite families out of the drug business and collapse their ruse: The war on drugs, which is just a wealth transfer. Lets start with the Texas Bush Family and secure the southern border.
I recently found a post here on gaw the led me a video by Walter Veith about the Jesuit Order etc etc Never heard of him before but now I've been bingeing his vids In several of his videos, which are from years ago he's mentioned Jim Caviezel and the Passion of the Christ, dissecting the symbolism in the movie. Which is kind of disturbing. Then I got sucked down a rabbit hole of pictures of Jim Caviezel kneeling and kissing the popes hand which led to pictures of Angel studios people doing the same sort of thing including the guy that plays Jesus in the Chosen which is a favorite shiw of mine. Obviously there's a lot of rabbit holes to get sucked down with the pope, catholic church etc etc. I want to believe that these people that made SoF are good people and have good intentions...buuut... Is something fishy going on or am I missing something ???
Amazing Polly lays out the suspicions, worth a listen. Polly suspects normalization effort in play perpetuated by Mormons. I have to say, Mormons are a large part of the problem, they are tools for the elite. https://www.bitchute.com/video/QQI2lCqAcQ9V/
How come the only parent threads are deleted seem to be the only ones asking questions?
Anything that isn’t deleted is just someone posting an article. Isn’t this supposed to be a noob questions thread?
There should be a DAILY noob thread. Just a thought. 372 comments is a lot
When this thread gets more new comments, I think that'll be helpful. For now, we have no data on how many people are randomly wandering in to check us out. Maybe we could rename the daily chat to add something, there? I see this one, unified, singular thread as a way to capture their newbie questions and maybe let some folks read some of the more common new questions & answers. I also think that having the links to all sorts of the video resources is a good thing to have as well.
Bill Cooper's 2.5 hour lecture on the NWO plan was prophetic. A must listen for noobs. https://www.bitchute.com/video/ryZab5Bs9jSZ/
Q became known in 2017 but not widely til much later. The Movie Sound of Freedom was made 5 years ago and held from release by Disney. They would mean the movie was in production before Q was popularly known. This movie is not Q, Qanon, or MAGA .
However the movie represents one of the reasons that Q became active. Remember Trump after being elected made this an issue and took actions against it. I do not know the number of pedophiles caught during his tenure, but I remember hearing something like 1500 caught at one point
How many children saved? I do not know. I’m sure someone on this board may know. Several years back there’s an article about a ring taken down and a few hundred children saved. It involved several countries. Even North Korea was acknowledged in their help….now that is amazing!
If someone is willing to do the research, I remember at one point keeping a running tally in my head and it was thousands and thousands arrested and tens of thousands rescued during his presidency. Especially during the end. My tally was from news from every state, most was CA, and criteria was trafficking/slavery for women or children. I lost track after 10,000+ arrests.
Tons in CA every month or so
Thank you
What was that doj sealed indictments website? Badboys. Something?
Guys just found out what Joe Biden whispers in kids ears. Woman left phone on video not photo. Recorded it as close as humanly possible. 🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮
JSYK, the sniffing was added afterwards...still creepy AF...
Has anyone brought up the idea or has it been talked about already if Q talks about computer programming files? I'll do my best to explain. This is something that I've been wanting to ask about but not sure if it's a stupid question or not and I've been stuck in handshake mode for awhile because I'm just not active enough, I lurk. Also forgive me because I am not a programmer. And if anyone thinks this deserves it's own post, please feel free to copy and make one so more eyes can get on it.
I will be using Q post #4414 June 4, 2020 as an example - the post about the Red Lines or Red1, Red2, etc.
There are brackets and underscores being used. It's been bugging me on why it's written this way or what the significance is so I was trying to figure out what else uses that type of written wording. It's deliberately written that way for a reason right? Are these files? So from digging around a bit this is what I found.
Words between underscores is called "snake casing" to create identifiers and indicate emphasis for developers who write code, it's known as Markdown. https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/424827/usage-of-words-between-underscores
Underscores use to be mandatory in file names. https://forums.evga.com/Why-do-people-still-use-an-underscore-in-file-names-isn39t-that-antiquated-m2014045.aspx
Underscores are used in the programming language Python. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15778601/when-should-i-use-underscores-between-words-in-python-function-names-according
Python is used by the Government in American electric utilities, Open Data, and Air Traffic Control. https://www.python.org/success-stories/category/government/
Python is also one of the languages used in AI. https://www.tristatetechnology.com/blog/why-is-python-the-best-for-artificial-intelligence-and-machine-learning
Now as a Christian, some things stick out to me as red flags but I am mostly just wanting to know if there was any talk of computer programming, files or the such or if anyone has related any of the formatted wording in connection to anything of the sort. If you could please link any previous discussions that'd be great too.
I am a software engineer and have programmed in many languages. I also notice the underscores and brackets and attempted to discern if there is some kind of programming language involved. Looking at the what could be considered code, only in the individual post, I couldn't discern anything from it. But as I was typing this comment, I wonder what it would look like if everything thing that could be code related, was pulled from every q post and laid out. I now wonder if something discernable could come from that...
With your eye for the languages and knowledge of how it all works, I hope you find something!
All programming languages use underscores. Spaces are not permitted for variables, functions, you name it.
Python—-very interesting in context with Trump’s “snake poem.”
Who is the snake in that poem?
Open to interpretation.
I completely forgot about that.
If you make a post on this as u/catsfive suggests, then please send a modmail to alert us to it.
Will do.
Pls make this its own post? Needs more eyes, more discussion.
Will do.
Rather than create a new post, I thought I would ask here. Can any of you anons give me an opinion on Andrew Tate. I'm being pushed to watch Tucker's interview with him and it is over 2 hours long so I thought I would ask before taking the time as I haven't been following any news on him at all. Thanks in advance.
I personally think it’s the best 1 on 1 interview I have ever seen. Never knew much about AT, or really cared too tbh. 2 intellectuals with completely different personalities. Toxic masculinity is lacking big time in society imo. I’ll take him over some tranny faggot leftist pussy all day long
I always try to give an honest listen to every person who is attacked by the deep state. Julian Assange, Gal Luft, the Tates, Tim Ballard, Roger Stone, Jordan Peterson, etc., then I can make up my own mind.
The first I listened to Tate was the Carlson interview, and the man has an ego, but he's faced incredible challenges as well and overcome, so, like Mohammed Ali, I am inclined to give him a little leeway. He's opinionated and he's educated himself on the state of the world, and he's an effective communicator. Worth watching. You don't have to agree with all he says but you will come out with new ways of expressing logical observations to normies.
One or both of the Tates pointed out that Sean Penn giving his Oscar to Zelensky was disclosure that Z is the best actor of the year. After that, the shit hit the fan for the Tates.
They may break important revelations and provide good advice to a lost generation, but overall, the materialistic focus of their content is not my cup of tea.
very empowering.
that's not what's alleged
If Trump is in control, why are we blaming Biden for all the bad policies?
Sometimes you can’t tell the people, you have to show them!
Because Trump isn't President. He's CiC. He's not President. Please see:
The above link is hard work. Crawl into it. Once you understand, you will understand.
Agree with the other responses. Sometimes people have to see something with their own eyes to believe.
This post was just before the 2020 presidential election. Trump knew they would steal the election and install Biden and all his corrupt cronies. We can now see all the FBI/DOJ, big tech, border issues, human trafficking, election interference, corrupt judges/judicial, etc, etc.
Let's see how 2024 goes. Will they be so blatant with their cheating to maintain power in the WH & gov't?
Trump and the patriots are not in control of everything.
It's possible that, due to ongoing COG operations resultant from the Nov 3 2020 coup d'état against President Trump, the military placed limits on the Biden admin's power. His puppeteer Obama can do some bad things, but not the really bad things and definitely not the worst things.
That's a popular theory, which I happen to agree with.
... Cheyenne Mtn.
Combatant commanders
Could be Trump, Chris Miller, or any of a number of people.
I have a question, might be hard to phrase or gauge response...
on a scale between of 0-10, 0 being no one awake, 10 being everyone, where do people feel we are at? Personally, 1-2. 4 or higher would be 'mass pop awakening' in my books
also, scale of 0-10 in terms of 'momentum', 0 being stationary, 10 being unstoppable, where do people feel we are at? Personally, 9-10
My circle of friends and family is small, liberal sheep on my side of the ocean, and my wife's family are 99% in the Philippines and just live their lives. My wife is a non-combatant in that she doesn't believe their bullshit, but just doesn't let it concern her.
However I'm a talkative person, working in an Urban setting, and use mass transit... I red-pill when and were I can, often discussing topics with someone, but directed at those people close by. On the 1-10 scale i'd say in 2020 we were at a 1.5 and today we are at a 3.0. I'm hoping that the Sound of Freedom is just the warmup, note: Jim goes much further now when interviewed than what they show in the movie.
There are several documentaries in the works and they might blow the roof off. Just the photos from the Q posts are the most disturbing things, and I'm sure there will be much more come to light. White Hats probably have footage.
Maybe 6. I'm still on Instagram and sometimes read comments just to see what the majority think. There's way more awake today than a year ago. But I'm still seeing negative comments about MAGA or orange man worship. They might be legitimate people or trolls, IDK so it's hard to put a number on it. The people I know, family and in laws are in the dark. They don't want to hear the truth so I stopped talking. I'm the crazy one. My mother in law has talked negative about Biden but still thinks Trump is bad. I can't have a conversation with her about this subject. They and my parents are 77-80 and that generation is going to shocked when things come out. They still believe the doctor and big pharma are helping them. They all get flu shots and most are fully vaccinated. A friend known since kindergarten got the vaccine just to travel as well as in laws. If any of them know they made a mistake it hasn't been discussed.
I'm thankful my husband, daughter, son in law and new baby aren't vaccinated.
On the other hand I'm seeing changes for the positive. I watch reaction music videos. It's something that was started when people were out of work. Mostly black men that grew up on hip hop do the reactions on country and old rock music. Two accounts I've watched have started doing reactions on videos by people like Joe Rogan, Russell Brand types on current things we discuss here.
6 seems about right. I went to a real life event that traditionally would have more people on the left than the right. The people working, organizing or standing out in any way at the event all seemed to tout the narrative but in conversations with the rest, there was real concern about the wef & stuff like that. It was not a political event at all but RFK was mentioned more than once (but not Biden or Trump)
There's clearly a majority who are at least becoming aware. Factoring in the ones that stand out & those stubbornly stupid, yeah 6 is about right
I will say this, Instagram and by extension facebook aren't the most accurate at representing the overall due to censorship and left-dominated peer pressure. It's especially true of reddit. Every account I make gets banned quickly because I can't hold back my opinions, and the 'majority' there strongly disagree lol
I occasionally repost to my story from red pill accounts. About two years ago I started posting "red pill" type posts a lot on my story and regular post. My account has been public since 2013. When I started posting that content I got a lot of followers I didn't want. They were either bots or sex selling accounts. I spent to much time blocking these accounts and reporting them. Years ago when I reported spam or worse on instagram I usually got a reply the account was removed. They don't police this type of accounts maybe it's part of the pedo accounts on insta, IDK. I noticed a huge change about three years after Facebook bought insta. Once I started getting these XXX account's seeing my story and post I became private and removed any accounts I didn't know personally. Now follow herbal medicine and cooking accounts only. As soon as I finish getting some saved posts I'll be deleting the account. It's not what it once was for me.
A side note about instagram and other social media. Since they introduced reels (short videos) I've seen a lot of influencer accounts, grandma's posting stupid videos, moms posting every minute of their child's life all in the name of fame, likes and money. I applaud those posting true info but it's just not for me anymore. I will miss some good accounts.
7-8, just because my own family still not awaken after me trying to wake them up for 4yrs
They don’t even watch SoF even if it is free
They won't even take vitamin D, they won't even take ivermectin, even if you offer it for free.
I divorced my retarded wife over that
3 - Sound of Freedom has started a shift in collective consciousness.
8 - When we hit 9 and 10 you'll be hearing Q / MAGA phrases being shouted every time you go out. Something like celebrations on VE-Day and V-Day.
interesting, not so far off my estimations, and with reasoning I agree with.
I think your scale is bang on.
I believe this is why a massive financial collapse is in the cards.
No one cares until it drastically affects them personally.
Finance is a part of everyone's life.
Does anyone have the video that was about two minutes long but it showed how the flag Trump put up up at Mar-a-Lago blocks the view of Guantánamo Bay from the balcony when you look at it on a map?
I believe it's in this thread, frog!
It’s not. I’ve looked at every link on here unless it is buried inside another video…
Meta Threads logo looks like the squiggly line version of the Boy Lover logo from PizzaGate. Ive seen people alert it about 666, but there's no denying this is a copy/paste of the boy Lover logo so why aren't more people saying that?
Normies see us saying 666 and think coincidence. Copying a pedophile logo on the other hand is pretty fukin blatent
As if that made any sense. Do you never get off on a 13th floor? Or do you simply outlaw evil numbers? (I've heard of a practice of never naming a 13th floor. The sequence goes directly from the 12th floor to the 14th floor. Civilized people call this superstition.) If the Beast took his name to be "Jesus," what would you do then? Abjure anyone named Jesus? Not wear black? Shun five-pointed stars (such as on our flag)? This is worse than astrology.
Symbolism may be "their" downfall, but it doesn't have to be our downfall.
You've missed the point, but I understand what you are saying.
Evil many times uses symbols BECAUSE they are a reference to evil, not necessarily because the symbol grants some supernatural power, nore are they the actual beast or whatever it references.
On top of that, it is not always evil people who use the symbols, could be someone wanting to mess with people.
Ultimately, it often comes down to it being a form of gas-lighting.
I react to this as I react to my African compadres who are famously church-going, yet terrified of black magic and witchcraft: "How can you be this way? Don't you realize how you are protected by baptism?" As for me, if I were measuring out distance, I would not flinch at the 666th foot. I would move on to the 667th and onward. It's very much like the Hindus rejecting the Nazi expropriation of the swastika. Just because the evil side has taken things to symbolize their evil does not mean they own them, nor should we think so.
Yeah they think we are stupid i guess. Triple 6’s everywhere. I believe it’s why they use lowercase in alot of logos and trademarks nowadays. A lowercase ‘e’ is just written to look like a 6. They know words have power. But they’re too unwise to realize that God controls all power and who He allows to have it for a time. He’ll flip the rug out from underneath them and their symbolism will be their downfall. The ending of this movie is going to be fantastic!
Neither are coincedence!
Actually, he lives within us. Each and every one of us. He doesn't need to move around, except in our restless spirit. (This is, by the way, the great error of Pentecostalism. By looking for God within us, we are doomed to find the only thing that God has allowed to be there.)
Don't disparage the Red Pill. (By the way, I don't really know what your beliefs are. I was only expounding my own observation of reality.)
Exactly the attitude that needs a red pill. I would be curious to know how you would "know" the answer?
Here's my take: In scripture, God sends Satan "into the world." But the "world" is not identical to the Creation, or it would be a usurpation of God's sovereignty. The "world" has an odd usage in the Bible; it pertains to all that is of human making, and the reality we construct for ourselves. A kind of spiritual egg to live within, apart from the omnipresence of God. So, this is where Satan dwells, within us. He has no part in the aspects of nature, the seas, the trees, the winds, the sands. He dwells within us, each and every one of us, for the sake of our corruption. And a chief heresy is for him to convince us that by looking inward we find God. We find him. Works like a charm. We don't need to "find" God. God is all around us. He is present at our elbow, attending. He is present in the beauty of nature. We can always and immediately talk with Him (he urges us to do so). It is NOT a conversation that happens between our ears. In the Bible, Satan is largely impotent when it comes to touching on the Creation. He finds his method to be spiritual possession of God's creatures---mainly man, because man knows sin and therefore is attuned to Satan's temptations and ways of thinking. Anyway, that is what coheres with what the Bible tells us. Please consider it.
Noob here. I've heard of Q anon during the whole voting... Nonsense. But nothing much. What is true, what is false, did Q get it wrong or was that mainstream slander..? Also, why is Q being tacked to an anti pedophilia film, as something 'bad' ?
Hi, fren, sorry for the downvote, mods can't see down voters but I'd love to know who downloaded you. Welcome.
This is a really great beginner question. So, it's a super important that you let Research Drive your judgment on what is true and false regarding queue. In other words, I'm not trying to tell you to disregard the mainstream media. They are actually telling you, kind of in the opposite way that they always do, important things about you. When you get to our level, you basically understand that the MSM just almost rejects the exact polar opposite of what you is actually doing. Basically, what Q is is a counterinsurgency movement driven by one of the defense intelligence agencies, that is DIA, the only intelligence agency that is directly organizationally related to on an org chart directly to the president. During 2020, obviously, that was trump.
Basically, although there are pedophiles out there, etc., don't Focus much on the pedophilia as much as you should focus on the blackmail. There are petals, there are Congressman that sleep with underage girls, I don't know, Congressman like Lindsey Grand is sleep with underage puppies, what an absolute sorry sack of crap he is, but, whatever it is they're doing, they're doing in front of cameras and the Deep state gets blackmail on them and in exchange for power they have to do what their deep State Masters tell them to do. I know that sounds like an oversimplification but it's kind of directly accurate. You do whatever crime, sleep with an underage girl or boy, and they have you for Life by the balls.
Meanwhile, pretty much since Obama was in office, interrupted only by Trump's presidency, but the global scourge of human trafficking has been growing unabated and totally out of control ever since 2008 when Obama got elected. Like it or not, the human trafficking problem is a 600 billion dollar problem now. It is totally not uncommon to go to Vegas, Let's say, and Order yourself up a bunch of children. In fact, Sasha Baron Cohen, who was filming the Borat movie, he was in Vegas and ran into a pedophile ring and reported to the FBI and they chose to do nothing. In other words, the Deep State Justice systems, that is, the DOJ and FBI, are pretty much doing nothing to pursue this terrible crime, they're just covering it up.
And so it goes. Basically this is being tacked on to the movement because the mainstream media is still barely clinging on by their fingernails being able to paint the human trafficking angle as a fringe conspiracy. But we are right now on the cusp of that breaking, where it will no longer be considered a conspiracy but it will be considered a fact. And when that happens, expect all hell to break loose. So anyway, with regards to your question, that's where we are.
Hi cat haven’t t seen you in a while, and I can’t wait for this movie to end.
Ok, not a noob, but am quite curious. You woukf think by now, out-of ALLLL these sick fucks, that have dirt in them, that one would 'stray the path' you would think there would be rando vids released of so and so with a 14 yr old so and so...
I've been here almost three years and I've never seen an explanation like yours, of Q and everything else. It's written very plainly and easy to understand. Thanks
Thank you for the information, that was very helpful
Thank you for the links
Ask us anything?
Ask us why Joe removed child trafficking as an area of concern from the DOJ after this movie came out.
Dasting indeed
Not actually a noob as I am a Q believer but been out of the community for a while as I am trying to live my best life (I come and visit now and again). I'm also not American so it's a little harder to be immersed with no fellow "Patriots" to talk to.
Could you hit me with your best recent videos?
Also can't even watch Sound of Freedom in the UK yet :(
Check these threads, lots of good vids posted. Don't be a stranger, frog. Thanks for living your best life.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned The Fall of the Cabal series yet. I believe all the videos are under 36 minutes each.
Here's the video's page of the ladies who made the series, Janet Ossebaard and Cyntha Koeter. You can scroll through the video's and find the first one in the series or look to see if there are other videos you'd like to view.
Then there is also THE SEQUEL TO THE FALL OF THE CABAL - PART 1, THE BIRTH OF THE CABAL: which so far has 27 parts.
watch the movie “The Matrix”, 1999.
Fight Club is up there as well, really good representation of how anons could be anyone.
Edit: V For Vendetta too, it really brought the idea of "people should not be afraid of their governments, governments should be afraid of their people", into the public's mind.
Is it a coincidence that The Matrix and Fight Club were my most favorite movies when i was younger?
Is it coincidence they came out the same year, along with Office Space?
Hey another coincidence is that Office Space is also in my top 5 movies.
What do these movies have in common? They all have the theme that we are literally slaves
He's a really good video explanation
And They Live, 1988
Bottom line: "Qanon" is the fake news' method of referencing Q in a negative light, but without alerting the public to go reserach what Q actually wrote.
The LAST thing [they] want is for the general public to actually READ the words that Q posted.
Instead, [they] want to tell the sheep what to think about what this mysterious "Qanon" talked about -- so [they] can lie about it to set a narrative.
Yep! There is no QAnon.
There is only Q. And there are anons.
Yesterday at work i casually brought up how disgusting i thought the media was for calling sound of freedom a Qanon adjacent conspiracy theory after my boss was raving about the movie. This morning she cane in and said she had no clue what i was talking about so she went home and researched Qanon and her mind is now blown. I'm glad you made this thread can't wait to show her
the drip becoming a flood!
Oh sweet. Report progress
the qresearch threads themselves on 8kun
When someone who has never bothered to even read a Q post and actually asks "what is Q?", what is a good couple sentence explanation to tell them what it is? After a few years of reading the drops and putting together the crumbs, I still find it difficult to concisely explain what Q is..
40,000 ft view. We are watching the Controlled Demolition of the Swamp which is the Central Banking Fiat Ponzi Scheme. It is a US Military led operation, that drafted Trump and established BRICS.
Not easily done in 2 sentences because there will be push back.
Q is a psyop movement to break us free from the CIA brainwashing of controlled Media and get us to question things for ourselves.
Bankers buy businesses Businesses buy media Businesses & Media control puppets Puppets are politicians, entertainers, influencers. Everyone, from the Bankers on down are controlled via Blackmail. It is how the system works.
Q is a group of individuals, no more than 9, 6 are military.
What is "Q"?
Psychopaths are drawn to power. They've been running the world from the start. Over and over again, you will see elite royalty at the top while everyone else is just serfs and slaves.
The Q team works behind the scenes to take down the psychopaths, especially those connected to human trafficking and slavery. Q communicated to the rest of us so we would not lose hope and would continue to awaken others as to who is really running these worldwide trafficking markets, and why.
Have you ever felt something just isn't right with the world? Have you ever wondered if the media might not be telling the truth? Have you just hoped someone, somewhere was paying attention?
Q team was paying attention, and they brought focus to thing slipping too easily through the cracks of public consciousness.
Here's a decent attempt:
Much appreciated Fren!
That's very good.
Newbie here. Hoping I can ask questions without being banned or flamed.
What happens if Trump doesn’t win 2024? For years elections were being overturned, or he’d be put back in office by the military, or he never left (which is silly)
The system is broken, so no one politician can fix it without the corruption being exposed and stopped. They “took” it from Trump, so how can you think you can elect him in 2024.
Q told us, “Military Is the Only Way”
then we're truly doomed. But I don't believe they can stop it without triggering civil war, a fight they cannot win. It is an undesirable outcome and they lack the support and resources to ever extinguish the flame. The momentum is all with MAGA, it will take a scale of fraud so obvious (yes, more obvious) that I don't believe they have the balls to attempt without triggering said civil war. Think of how many in the armed forces would 'defect'... That's my take
There's no question of trump winning. The question actually should be, will the elections in 2024 be fair? Because in a fair election, Trump would win in a landslide just as he did in 2020. So the answer must turn towards election integrity.
As you may know, our researchers have uncovered compelling evidence that Trump left a legal framework in place that devolved the government. For instance, although he may not be president, Trump may still be in fact Commander in Chief of the military. It's a lot to explain but there are lots of resources around here that explain this concept of devolution. If you want, you can read about the framework, with all receipts and absolutely no mention of Q, here:
Here is a cliff notes version:
https://rumble.com/v1f092f-devolution-for-dummies.html Fast forward to ~17:50 mark to cut out the intro, ~21:30 to get past his ads. If you want to read: https://burningbright.substack.com/p/devolution-for-dummies
There is also the Devolved Series on Rumble that does a decent job for newcomers to the topic:
Once you understand Devolution you will understand why the Q psyop had to come in. It is a counterinsurgency operation run by the white hats, specifically, the army of Northern virginia.
I believe the MI "unrigged" the 16 election which allowed Trump to win fairly. They have the tech to do that, it's probably not that hard. They did NOT "unrig" it in 20, so the fraud could be exposed.
When all institutions break down then it ultimately falls on the people to physically do something about it.
However, that hasn't happened yet and there has been quite a lot of pushback and loss on the other side in the Information War to control peoples minds. The public hates Joe Biden. In order to ensure they stay out of power, they must be hated by the public and it has to be historically big.
One of the Q posts said this will continue until 2025. Said something like "look 2 years back, same 5 years forward" and I think it came out in 2020.
There are 2 types of people. Those who are disgusted by pedophilia, and those who are pedophiles
That's why I don't call them the LGBTQ movement.
I call them the Pedo Movement. They are fckin pedos. Call them what they are.
I call the “movement” the Ts and Ps...trannies and pedos. The LGB part doesn’t have anything to do with the rest of the alphabet, imo.
Demon worshipping scum is a fitting one too.
The Sound of Freedom seems to be US-only at the moment. I have therefore not seen it although have read the reviews. I assume I am correct in thinking that there are no explicit references to Q in the film?
I live in Canada and am going to see it tonight with a bunch of pedes. Other pedes have already seen it here, in sold-out theatres, often with the AC turned off. Huge here, too.
I wouldn't say explicit, but there are definitely implicit references for anons. The grooming scene that brings to mind Balenciaga and LGBTQ drag shows for kids, the Maxwell type character (even though it's based on another, real person), the shipping container scene, the Island scene (even though its not Epstein's island but people will be reminded of it) etc.
So I somewhat disagree the movie has no connection to Q. It does, and those attacking it know it does, but we must pretend that it doesn't. Optics. After everyone has seen it, thanks to the Streisand effect, they will be curious and start digging. Then we can talk about it more openly. That's my take, I advocate for a certain Machiavellianism about it. To me that's just smart strategy. Take it for what it's worth.
It's the legacy media making the connection for people. It's going to Streisand effect so hard it can be argued it has to be a forced play.
All the movie review normies in YouTube land are having their patrion subscribers piling in with requests to watch it. So many reviews starting with "I had never even heard of this movie until the other day...."
Give it time it will get almost complete normies penetration. Media has made ever effort to tie it to Q. Curios people who want to do something will look for ways to help. Inevitably they will find something (ahem) "Q adjacent" lol
It's beautiful.
It is in Canada.
So there are Q drops in it?
Just trying to understand how and why the fake news have associated it with "Qanon" and consequently decided it is Bad, Extremist, and so on.
I think they've associated it with "QANON" because of interviews Jim C has given and how popular the movie has been in forums like this. People here have been talking about the movie for months, and encouraging everyone to go see it. It's not like the excitement over the movie was a big secret.
You know that quite a lot of people in the MSM read through these forums on a regular basis. They would have seen how popular the movie was here.
They're pedos and Guardians of the Pedophiles, they will desperately use Q to discredit. The only way to truly understand evil is to be evil; be happy you can't understand it.
Interesting that when I went to buy tickets for tonight’s show, I had to use a kiosk. What was the movie poster DIRECTLY beside Sound of Freedom on the kiosk selection?...GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY with a massively similar image to the one in the Q-post with Guardians of the Pedophiles, FISA Gate and Panic in DC posters. I laughed!
Wow. Thats cool! Wish you had a picture.
I never carry a smart phone with me, so couldn’t take a photo. I’ll see if I can go back and take one.
Heh. That's awesone.
I've seen the movie and there are no Q drops or anything of that nature mentioned in the movie.
Does anyone have the link to the long Q proofs video? That was pretty good
720p here. And 1080p original from youtube before it was banned here.
This is probably it fren ! https://www.bitchute.com/video/LHcg3CYHLGoR/
Funky fresh posted ☝️ also.
Q proofs.com ... Try that
I believe it's in this thread
Gotchu fam. Trump mentions it in a speech and it's directly referenced in this past day's X22. Scroll FW to about 40 minutes in.
Is there a Q proof discussing what Trump is promising to do. That is remove all illegal aliens who have been tracked since entering the country?? Are they being tracked??
Also want to shout out my deepest gratitude for Q. If it wasn't for Q I would probably be wandering around in the quagmire of political intrigue. When I read the posts my soul cried out "these guys get it! They know what's really going on in high places." After being aware for years about the Fed reserve, 911, corruption and treasonous people in DC what a relief to know that help was on the way.
They all haves phones, so not that hard to track phones.