If I tagged you here it's because I thought some of you might find the following interesting...
John Titor wrote the following in 2001: 'Yes there are a great many people in 2036 that believe the book of Revelation played out [...] and that Christ returned [...] If or when Christ returns, do you think he'll be a lamb or a Lion?'
Who the fuck would ask a question like that? Someone who might have an actual idea? COY as fuck.
Thanks u/isnotreal - Reading your post made me consider the possibility of everyone's ego suddenly dying, revealing their own Conscious Presence, which some call Christ Consciousness. This is everyone's natural state before we've been shellacked with endless layers of lies and bullshit our entire lives.
In this state, you have genuine love and compassion for every living creature and human on this planet, effortlessly. "It" doesn't judge, lie or engage in deceit. It would be like heaven on earth... and honor Christ's highest commandment of loving your neighbor as yourself, because the character... the STRAWMAN, the pretend made up "person" we're all walking around pretending to be would cease to exist. (Don't forget... somebody gave you a name... that's not really "you")
Now THAT would be a GREAT awakening!
I realize few will get what I am saying, having never tasted this experience of knowing for themselves, and others may erroneously think what I speak of is some new age horseshit...I assure you, what I speak of is anything but...
Completely nuts… Yes I know the feeling but then I remember this quote from Jesus:
"Let one who seeks not stop seeking until he finds. For when he finds, he will be troubled, then he will be amazed, then he will reign over The All."
We must unlearn what we have learned.
The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be." Jesus said, "Have you discovered the beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning; he will know the end and will not experience death." 👇🏽
Isaac Kappy's last stream before he was killed: "...are we living in the end times? No! We are living in the BEGINNING Times !"
(emphasis his)
Daniel 12:11–12“From the time that the daily sacrifice (human/child) is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation (Biden) is set up, there will be 1,290 days. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.”
Mark 13:15 "When you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where he ought not to be..."
Allow me to explain:
You can look this up on Congress' website.
You're looking for July 10, 2017...
The Bill going after "human trafficking" was introduced into Congress' SCHEDULE exactly July 10, 2017.
Exactly 1290 days later was Biden's inauguration. ('set up')
Exactly 1335 days from Biden's inauguration [Sep-16- 2024]
The abomination of desolation was Rome. The holist of holies was the temple. Rome's armies surrounded the temple and started to lay siege to it in 70 AD. (Christians fled to the mountains as scripture instructed) That's when the sacrifice was ended and the temple was destroyed. Rome went inside the temple behind the veil were only the high priest was allowed (the holiest of holies)
All your destruction language and bowls of wrath were clearly poured out upon Jerusalem during that time if you read the secular accounts. Really crazy, scary, and gruesome stuff. There was even a comet hanging above the city like a sword in the sky for days and days.
Before His death Jesus said this generation shall not pass till all these things take place. It did.
The parallels are very obvious. The seven-headed, 10 horned beast = Rome had seven hills with 10 governors. Caesars claimed to be God above all other gods and didn't care who you worshiped as long as you submitted and said
“Kaiser kurios” which translates to “Caesar is Lord.” And if you refuse to say that, which many Christians did because Jesus is Lord, you would be executed. I could go on and on.
Could there be a second event that resembles it? Maybe. God sometimes does that. But you need to understand that it definitely already was fulfilled which by definition means there could be no future fulfillment, but there can be events that resemble it or mirror it.
My point being don't get your expectations up and don't think that God failed in prophecy some way, He nailed it long ago. So much so that It caused Christianity to explode because people of that time certainly saw and understood just how accurate those prophecies had been and how specifically they had been fulfilled.
Jesus said this generation shall not pass till all these things take place.
I believe Jesus' words were 100% accurate and He returned in 70 A.D. Exactly as he said countless times in the New Testament he would and we are merely in Satan's little season after he was let out of the pit. Look at the Statue of Liberty. It's Lucifer with the chains broken at his feet.
Awesome stuff. This is where I am at myself too. And how I got there was about a year ago I was reading revelation and just tired and confused about all the theories (futuristic), so I stopped analyzing and just prayed and asked God what is the actual truth here. And when I was reading over the trumpets I heard as clear as day, “these already happened”. And then it all kind of clicked and felt something was really off with dispensationalism. Did some research going down that rabbit hole and realized we are much farther in the timeline than the church teaches us. Once you see it, you can’t unsee. It’s been wild living in this matrix lol.
It would be the equivalent of books written today in 2024 prophesying that the savior would return in the year 4024… completely ridiculous. it already happened and Satan has the world fooled.
"Full picture would put 99% of people in the hospital" ~Q
I sometimes wonder if we are already at the end of the point when God let Satan out 1000 years later....Christianity rules Europe for 1000 years, it might have been called the dark ages & etc but it doesn't mean it was dark. One thing is for sure: Many churches were built in those days....
Exactly! I think I heard of a king once maybe 6th or 7th century who did a lot of things the beast was suppose to do witb the mark & buying & selling & etc. Maybe after him were those 1000 years & now we are at the time when Satan is let loose for a little longer....
Yepp I can absolutely see that. And according to our history books the “enlightenment” period happened next after the dark ages. Enlightenment could mean Lucifer. Basically when “the science” changed everything we thought we knew about the world and the cosmos. And the old world buildings/cathedrals makes no sense how they were built with the technology of the time. Like the pyramids, I believe there was another type of energy source has now been hidden/destroyed.
I believe those old buildings hold the key to the truth. If you research who built them and how short of a period it took, it doesn't make any sense. Many buildings were found, cleaned up and the robber barons claimed them for their own.
There was a second coming. Jesus came on the clouds in judgment on time and as promised and destroyed the city of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Exactly when He promised He would.
All that's left is final judgment. That's when the wicked will be swept off the Earth just as in the days of Noah.
You maybe under the influence of premillennial dispensationalism, aka the believe in the rapture, which is an eschatological position that Only became popular over the last couple hundred years with the publication of the Schofield reference Bible which was the first Bible to have eschatological footnotes and it was widely adopted by pastors and seminaries spreading this very fringe view of the end times (also known as darbyism). It is not what Christians believed or understood for about 1800 years.
Arguably the greatest lie the devil's ever interjected into the church. No one polishes brass on a sinking ship.
God wins down here. We don't get a big L and get yeeted up into heaven.
But could there be a second event that resembles it of some type? Yes that's absolutely possible. I'm not going to put God in a box. But it's important to first understand that this has indeed been fulfilled. And by definition fulfilled means when it's done once it is completely fulfilled It cannot be "fulfilled" again. A similar event can transpire that is exactly the same or that resembles it but that is no longer called fulfilling anything. It's just showing what a masterful and sovereign storyteller God is.
Oh I’m on the warpath against premillennial dispensationalism myself, but as I noted to someone else a few days ago, my scriptural depth of knowledge is not the deepest, which can be both an advantage (fresh eyes of a child) and an obvious disadvantage.
Jesus came on the clouds in judgment on time and as promised and destroyed the city of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Exactly when He promised He would.
Which verses foretell and document this? I was under the impression Rome did that.
All that's left is final judgment. That's when the wicked will be swept off the Earth just as in the days of Noah.
Several Bible verses speak about Jesus coming on the clouds and the theme of judgment. Here are some key passages:
1. Matthew 24:30
"Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."
This verse is part of Jesus' Olivet Discourse, where He describes His second coming.
2. Revelation 1:7
"Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen."
This verse speaks of Jesus' return and the universal visibility of His coming, highlighting the response of mourning from those who rejected Him.
3. Daniel 7:13-14
"I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed."
This Old Testament prophecy in Daniel is a foundational text that speaks of the Messiah's coming in judgment and glory, which Jesus references in the New Testament.
4. Mark 14:61-62
"But he remained silent and made no answer. Again the high priest asked him, 'Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?' And Jesus said, 'I am, and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.'"
Here, Jesus explicitly identifies Himself as the Son of Man who will come with the clouds, affirming His role in judgment.
5. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
"For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord."
This passage speaks of the coming of the Lord and the resurrection of believers, emphasizing the final judgment and gathering of the saints.
These verses collectively emphasize the imagery of Jesus coming on the clouds, a symbol of divine authority, power, and judgment, consistent with both Old and New Testament themes.
I just used my customized theological AI to throw that together really quick. I'm remodeling a house right now so I don't have a lot of time.
But could there be a second event that resembles it of some type? Yes that's absolutely possible. I'm not going to put God in a box. But it's important to first understand that this has indeed been fulfilled. And by definition fulfilled means when it's done once it is completely fulfilled It cannot be "fulfilled" again. A similar event can transpire that is exactly the same or that resembles it but that is no longer called fulfilling anything. It's just showing what a masterful and sovereign storyteller God is.
Agreed, and
Ecclesiastes 1:9
The thing that hath been, it [is that] which shall be; and that which is done [is] that which shall be done: and [there is] no new [thing] under the sun.
u/AmateurExpert look up Josephus the historian's eyewitness account of what happened… "Chariots and men among the clouds around Jerusalem."
That's a wild rabbit hole. There was another contemporary historian that also documented it. Seek and you will find brother.
While you're at it, look up the 1797 painting titled "Lucifer summoning his legions." Spot on match for the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty is complete with broken chains at the base. We are living in Satan's little season. If we were, the first thing to happen when he got out would be for him to crush all knowledge of this merely on principal for the deception to work.
Where did the people go that had knowledge of this? Look up insane asylums. Why does Trump mention insane asylums repeatedly? I think it's Comms. 👀
This scenario makes Luke, Matthew and Gabriel liars. This is not possible. See the Oliver Discourse for the explanation of how the destruction took place in 70 a.d. and will again in the future.
English landscapes completely destroyed and transformed from their intelligent, methodical, productive/bountiful configurations, into non-productive "natural" appearing parks by literally moving thousands of tons of earth and redirecting rivers, streams and waterways... Courtesy of Capability Brown after the old world was conquered... It's well documented, as insanely impossible as it may seem.
No it doesn't necessarily. It could however mean your interpretation wrong. I touched on the olivet discourse in another comment if you'd like to look at my post history.
Maybe try asking questions if you encounter something you're not familiar with.
There is nothing in the olivet discourse that conflicts with post millennialism and Jesus having not only come on the clouds in judgment on Jerusalem in 70 AD with the full acknowledgment that there will be final judgment in the future..... With no rapture in between and not constrained by any timeline that has already been fulfilled previously.
David also had red hair, and his line was promised to rule without end. Supposedly, all our presidents have been related.
Possible and in my mind certain.
This is going to be the most controversial comment I make here but I do it with a deep sense of conviction:
Revelation 4:2-3 "Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne set in heaven, and the one sat on the throne. And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance. "
These are both orange. Who else in the history of history has been famously known to be orange?
A lot of us have to unlearn what we have learned. It is difficult to fill a cup that is already full.
“If your Lord was standing before you, how would you know Him?”
He came once, most of His people missed Him, and history rhymes and repeats, like a song.
At the same time, there are Antichrists, who
Mark 13:22
For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if [it were] possible, even the elect.
So the means by which we discern Him is of utmost importance. What we are seeing now are indeed signs and wonders. Are they His?. The right people certainly seem to hate him, but is that the means by which we know His works? He wants us to know and recognize His CHARACTER, how he ACTS, what he VALUES, and to IMITATE it.
The current Orange Man does not appear to have been sinless, but does appear to be pursuing God’s designs and character, and restoring awareness of Him to the people, and it seems as though he’s been walking righteously for some time, and definitely while he’s been before us. Where could that put him in this story?
… We’ll see. I don’t think it was a drop, but someone, at some point, said to get right with God.
Who else in the history of history has been famously known to be orange?
The House of Hohenzollern seems to be an old title, relegated to the history books. Would it surprise you to learn that the head of this House still have claim to the title, Prince of Orange? SauceBTW, Substack REALLY doesn't want you reading the PrussiaGate.Substack.com series... they hide it from search, make other suggestions like "Russia", and of course... the all important "check if you're human" bullshit. It's a series well worth reading... and it'll take several days to complete... this series will open your eyes to many aspects of history that have been purposely hidden and obscured...As a kid, rolling thru King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, I always wondered who that was exactly...it took the Internet and a hunger to know to answer that question from my childhood. I just never knew how significant the answer would be...
These are both orange. Who else in the history of history has been famously known to be orange?
William III of England was known as William of Orange. He was married to Queen Mary II, and after invading England and deposing his Catholic Uncle (and father-in-law ugh), King James, he was King of Ireland, Scotland and England from 1689 until his death in 1702 . Collectively, during their joint reign, they were known as William and Mary.
Just answering the question of who else in history was known as Orange, havent fully digested the information and I dont see a connection from your post or Revelation to William.
But one thing I have trouble with is the use of Revelation itself. It is prophecy already fulfilled and its meaning intentionally altered with the advent of the Scofield Bible.
One other thing, the Hand of God may guide and protect him but Trump is neither the second coming nor the antichrist. It is Mans battle to wage to prove our worth. Its my opinion that this is how this war becomes biblical. Will we prove our worth and ascend? Or will we fail and doom ourselves to the eternal misery of damnation?
Let’s not forget the Orange Woman who stood at the Precipice with her fellows during a Hurricane after surviving an Assassin (who purposefully missed).
So will Trump be reinstated on Sept 16th? That would be awesome. Just the anxiety alone, going into election season is, is off the charts. Would be nice for the rest of the world too, the way Brazil, UK & France are already totalitarian, I've been wondering if we'd make it to November...
If so though, then I would expect the 10 days of darkness to come just before, so that would be Sept 5th. I know someone gave the swamp a deadline of Sept 3 to give up. I must say it does make sense. 12 days to round them all up, the 1st 2 will be televised....
Ahh u/penisse I actually thought of you while I was make this... for the last 4 hours lol. And I remember reading that post the day you put it out. You were the first poster that I followed and looked for regularly when I arrived on GAW about seven months ago.
I understand where you're coming from and I enjoy your posts! However, I am going by a different start day. A biblical day; it may seem absurd, but when you look into it, the coincidental dates are astounding.
I like your theory. My count is based upon the stolen election. I just took over Doug Kenan when Biden was put in charge as it was clear the line had to be held at any cost.
LoL... prolly my fault. I remember posting a few bars...
For the youngsters or anyone with it stuck in their head wanting to make sure you've got the lyrics properly committed to memory: https://youtu.be/htgr3pvBr-I
Damn u/LBTrumplican2 I wish I had you with me for the past four hours chain smoking cigars while I researched & made that graphic… I could've made it way better!
Thanks u/LBTrumplican2!
I had forgotten about that Qpost! Incidentally, if you use the vertical fold method, Q2188 lands directly on Sep-17-2024.
An incredible 'coincidence'.
From not shining at all (Dark) to giving off these 'new' toroidal solar flares that will affect human consciousness ☀️
Consider how many of Q's Great Awakening pictures featured the Sun... 👀
This is from my belief that Jesus is the personification of the Sun.
I did check various astronomy websites to see if anything was going on during September 16 and 17. With the moon there is a full harvest supermoon with a partial eclipse as well as Saturn. Not really enough to get me excited about anything at night. (yes I do know about the Saturn hexagon and such) Something happening with the Sun would definitely grab my attention; more than other people.
Malichi 4:2
New International Version
But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its rays. And you will go out and frolic like well-fed calves.
Website if you want to know more about solar mythology. (not my website)
Check out Heliofant's YT channel… His video is the reason I initially noticed the September 16 date. I then went scouring the Q posts and found incredible confirmations.
Helio = Sun
Fant = Talk
He predicted the October 7 attack in Israel to the exact day. He is a white hat.
Plus the abomination that causes desolation 1335 days to the day Biden was set up by the white hats.
September 17, 2024 The Great Awakening
1 Corinthians 15:51-52: "Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."
"I am the LIGHT that is over All. I Am the All. The All comes from me and unfolds toward me. Split a piece of wood, there I am. Lift up the stone, you have found me there." ~Jesus
Check Exodus 3… The name of God is "I AM"
"It is not what goes into your mouth that defiles you, rather it is what comes out of your mouth that will defile you." ~Jesus
"Let the weak say 'I am strong'." ~Jesus
Anything you add to 'I am' is added onto you!
"For the Lord will not hold him guiltless he who takes the name in vain." ~7th commandment
Religious informers believe that the great Rapture or the Great Tribulation starts on September 23rd, 2017 and the Lord would return seven years from this time, that is somewhere around 2024.
OK u/solarsavior hold onto your hat because I've got something I noticed years ago but so few were able to follow me on it...
Revelation 12: "Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. and she travailed in birth because she was about to delivered"
It goes on to say that this is the sign of the birth of the one that would come to rule the nations with a rod of iron... God's man.
Donald Trump was born at 10:52am… In the middle of a full lunar eclipse on the exact opposite side of the Earth ('moon under her feet'). The Sun was in the sky above (clothed in the Sun). And directly behind (read 'above') the Sun was the constellation Orion… The only constellation with 12 planet-bearing stars.
There are websites online that you can enter the date and they will show you on a graphical map exactly where the sun, moon, and Orion were.
'Nothing manifests on earth before it is manifest in heaven(s).'
On June 14, 1946, there was a lunar eclipse visible on the other side of the world.
I do see Trump's time of birth listed as 10:54 AM, but close enough.
In Stellarium Web on Trump's date of birth as viewed from New York City where Trump was born I see the Sun right next to Orion's hand.
I see what you're saying, but these alignments happen all the time. The Sun was almost as close to Orion's hand on my own date of birth; for example. (no Lunar eclipse though)
So I think I made a mistake. I looked at verse again and realized that I had heard JFK Jr say just “trump” and not “trumpet.” Using ChatGPT, I think he may actually have read 1Thessalonians 4:16. Sorry for the confusion. And of course I can’t find the video and ChatGPT wants to lie to me…
Wouldn’t it be hilarious if the Children of Light literally became a light unto the world for a period of time because the sun ceased to shine?
Weird how Steve Gutenberg was in a movie about beings of light with long life who were able to go into a shell to rest and regenerate (medbeds?), after being in a movie where a robot gains sentience after being hit by a falling lightning bolt, then later Neo (One) woke up out of a pod where he was being used to power AI, and turned against the thing that had imprisoned him to wake people up.
Who did make Steve Gutenberg (“Good Town”) a star?
Sure would be nice if HissStory was more His Story.
This is not a fully formed thought just yet...but posting it anyway because there's potentially some tie in here.
SGT Report talking with guest (who allegedly has a "hydrogen telescope") about the Earth's second sun. I haven't gotten through all of it yet... shovel still in ground:
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction comes on them, as travail on a woman with child…
If Scripture did not warrant the figure in which the future coming of the Lord is compared to the act of a felon breaking into a house at night to plunder, we should not have ventured on it. The comparison is suggested by the Lord Himself: "Watch, therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. If the good man of the house had known in what hour the thief would come, he would have watched."
I. THE DAY STATED. By the expression, "the day of the Lord," must be meant a day in some unique sense His day; for all days are really days of the Lord of time.
By the day of the Lord is signified that day on which He will take the first place in the thoughts of His responsible creatures.
It is the day on which He will bring the vast moral account between Himself and His responsible creatures to an end.
II. THE FIGURE EMPLOYED. What are the ideas suggested by the words, "As a thief in the night"?
They are suggestive of fear. The old prophets spoke of the coming day of universal doom as "the great and terrible day of the Lord"; and we cannot but echo their language. But if we will, the Judge may be our Friend and Saviour. It is during the years of time that men decide how they will meet Him.
They are suggestive of suddenness. There is the contrast which it will present to many of God's judgments in the present life. They approach with measured steps. Neither war, nor famine, nor pestilence, come generally like a thief in the night. But not so will be the Second Advent of Christ. A Christian's first practical anxiety should be expressed in his Master's words, "Lest coming suddenly He find me sleeping."
They are suggestive of that which cannot be prevented by our own efforts. We cannot prevent the coming of Christ in the clouds of heaven: all that we can do is to prepare to meet Him by judging ourselves in self-examination. We may erect in our own heart a tribunal, and bid all our life pass before it; and then we may hear, if we will, the echoes of the voice of Christ, in mercy or condemnation, as that voice will sound to us hereafter from the judgment throne. Thus we may make a business like preparation for death; for death, like judgment, comes as a thief. Death is the ante-chamber of the judgment hall of Christ. To prepare, therefore, for death, is a man's true and most serious business during his life. "Ye are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief."
Jesus is the “light of the world”, Again, look at my username and check out solarmythology.com. Jesus is the personification of the Sun.
You will OFTEN see Christian imagery use the Sun in some form. The Sun turns water into wine. (in a way) The Sun “walks on water”.
Now, I am an atheist and believe that the New Testament has to do with capturing stories that describe the movement of heavenly bodies (and pharmacology) via oral tradition that were eventually written down. The stories were set up as memory aids. If you’re Christian, that’s cool. What is undeniable though is there is a link between astronomy (and possibly pharmacology; like mushrooms) and The New Testament. A Christian could argue that well, God is God, and wrote his stories in the sky. I don’t think that a Christian has a good argument that the sky is unrelated to what is in The New Testament. What is clear is that some people believe these things are connected; like the people behind usdebtclock.org.
The imperfect perfection of the QClock is this…
Days/dates can align on a 60 day recurring basis because the clock continually circles. Look at all the time Q said "on the clock" etc...
In T2, Judgment Day, they seem to be trying to present this event as done by … a “Starlink” system, run by AI, which is now there.
They’ve also seeded the narrative that “the sun is just having solar flares”, as if this is what’s going on.
This post is very interesting, there is one other date that seems significant, that I won’t mention, except for
Luke 21:28
“When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift up your heads because your redemption is drawing near.”
Psalm 123:1-2
“I lift up my eyes to you, to you who sit enthroned in heaven. As the eyes of slaves look to the hand of their master, as the eyes of a female slave look to the hand of her mistress, so our eyes look to the Lord our God, till he shows us his mercy.”
Psalm 3:3
“But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.”
Psalm 141:8
“But my eyes are fixed on you, Sovereign Lord; in you, I take refuge—do not give me over to death.”
2 Chronicles 20:12
“We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”
Isaiah 45:22
“Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.”
[They] see this, and those verses won’t help [them], but will help us.
A correct date to watch for, might. Sad!
Hosea 10:8
The high places also of Aven, the sin of Israel, shall be destroyed: the thorn and the thistle shall come up on their altars; and they shall say to the mountains, Cover us; and to the hills, Fall on us.
Luke 23:30
Then shall they begin to say to the mountains, Fall on us; and to the hills, Cover us.
Ezekiel 35:8
And I will fill his mountains with his slain [men]: in thy hills, and in thy valleys, and in all thy rivers, shall they fall that are slain with the sword.
Isaiah 10:3
And what will ye do in the day of visitation, and in the desolation [which] shall come from far? to whom will ye flee for help? and where will ye leave your glory?
Joshua 10:6
And the men of Gibeon sent unto Joshua to the camp to Gilgal, saying, Slack not thy hand from thy servants; come up to us quickly, and save us, and help us: for all the kings of the Amorites that dwell in the mountains are gathered together against us.
Either God wins, or they lose.
I would not have expected anyone here to know what the Monad is! Yes it goes deep. Few here would accept that concept off the bat… It Has to be slowly realized.
To understanding the concept of the Monad, it is best illustrated by Christ's own words.
For anyone who doesn't understand the true hidden meaning of Jesus' teachings, or does not have any questions, the below is not for you...
"I am the Light that is over All. I Am the All. The All comes from me and unfolds toward me. Split a piece of wood, there I am. Lift up the stone, you have found me there." ~Jesus
"When you come to know yourselves, you will be known and you will discover that it is you(!) who are the sons and daughters of the Living Father. But when you do not know yourselves you dwell in poverty and it is you who is that poverty."
"Let one who seeks not stop seeking until he finds. For when he finds he will be troubled, then he will be amazed, then he will reign over The All." ~ Jesus
Here is Jesus right there telling us there's a way for us to 'reign over The All'.
"He was in the world and the world was made by him; for he came unto his own creation and his own creation recognized him not." ~Jesus
The world, reality is created BY YOU and it unfolds TOWARD YOU. But because YOU do not know (are not conscious of) this, the world/reality, (which again is YOU & comes from you), ALSO does not know you are God (having an experience here) either. When one comes to know it on the deepest level, reality around you likewise (and to the an equal degree) recognizes you as God also, and it will bend it to your every will. Jesus knew it. That's why he was conscious of Christ (God) within. "Christ consciousness."
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." ~Jesus
John Titor alluded to this in his post in 2000/2001
To understand the above and the way John Titor explained it, look up the Everett Wheeler model and look at what Jesus said (above) through that lens. There is an infinite number of realities.
You are living in your own reality.
He said we are all "time travelers." in our own universe from our own personal perspective. Everyone else in your life has their own reality and what happens to them in yours does not necessarily happen to them in their own.
Infinite number of universes.
Infinite number of timelines.
If you disagree or don't understand it then no worries, you are in the vast vast majority.
"These miracles you will do and greater still." ~Jesus
Let's be real here: 'the (Roman Catholic) church,' controlled ultimately by the pope and by proxy, Satan, fucked us all. We are living in Satan's season of deception. And before you balk, what makes you so certain YOU of all people would know? By definition, Satan destroyed almost all knowledge of this. If you don't believe it, then you're still in the matrix of deception.
The above is the true exit to the matrix.
You are Neo. You are "the One."
Jesus' teachings all wrapped up in a tiny little gift.
I find it both incredible and disturbing that the literal keys to the Universe can be handed to someone as a gift and at best it will serve as a seed that might grow if nurtured.
I would not have come in to my own understanding without help, but then I did ask for it ;)
Only recently have I started to understand the physical implications of this knowledge, it's hard to use it and still worry about all this other stuff. At times you just want to go home, you know?
I honestly don't think I've ever encountered a living person who understood the Monad, it's gratifying to know there are other true seekers out there :)
Be blessed.
Edit: For anyone else reading this exchange, you should really try to realise just how important Jesus' message is here, it will truly set you free.
I honestly don't think I've ever encountered a living person who understood the Monad, it's gratifying to know there are other true seekers out there :)
Be blessed.
Thanks friend!
The idea of the Monad comes from Monism, that is, the idea that all of reality is made up of just one thing, and there are no distinctions.
That's why I often say in my OP's "agreement and disagreement are both equally welcome and appreciated."
Here it is in one sentence:
"...in which he comprehends that
all this creation is substantially nothing but a mere idea-play of God's own nature, and that NOTHING IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE EXISTS BESIDES YOUR OWN SELF." 👇🏽
That is why...
On a side note, it has always bugged me that Jesus is presented to us (not internally of course) as 'The' Son of God, instead of what Jesus actually meant, which was that he was part of God and that we all share in the capability of realising we are all part of God.
It's like they put him on this pedestal to make it seem impossible for anyone else to achieve, forcing people to go via the church ministers to approach God.
It's the biggest deception of all imho. It stops people even looking within in the first place if He is always placed outside to be found..
The Roman catholic church has convinced us and all the preachers that learn in THEIR schools (that they secretly fund) that Abaddon/Apollyon is evil. But you saw through the bullshit where many others have not. Kudos.
Bonus: go to Wikipedia… Roman catholic doctrine is "the pope(s) represents 'Christ on earth until Christ returns.'"
"For many will come in my name saying 'I am the Christ.'" ~Jesus The Vatican's own Wikipedia page outs themselves. These people are stupid.
I always found it interesting that he said the Olympics after 2004 were cancelled in his timeline due to Civil war. The 2020 Olympics were postponed in our timeline due to Covid. There are other examples like this I could give, but it feels like events in this timeline are taking a little longer to play out and with different variables involved.
U/JohnTitor17 let me share something with you...I have the house to myself for the first time in months. I am an energy worker of sorts. I was able to meditate and tune my vibration for the first time in a very
long time. You replied to a comment I made about chemtrail dooming I made earlier in the day and it raised my vibration, made me not so “doomy.” I’ve really been feeling that way lately. Later on, I went to my archived posts to watch the recent video of the woke he/she pastor and the Trump’s in church. I had this thread archived right below it. I’ve read every single word. I almost feel it was spoken to me to come to this thread.
Your one sentence summary of the Monad really resonated upon my first reading of this post and my reading tonight. It also reminded me of the awakening I had in college when I heard it once in a religions class and never heard it again. I have a knack of knowing truth the moment I hear it. I can only describe it as a vibration sent through the atmosphere to my soul.
"...in which he comprehends that all this creation is substantially nothing but a mere idea-play of God's own nature, and that NOTHING IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE EXISTS BESIDES YOUR OWN SELF." 👇🏽
That is why... Where We Go One, We Go ALL
I’m sure you posted about it somewhere on here but Sept. 16 2024 was the Diddy arrest. Which goes with the verses and the 1335 day prediction.
We vibrate on the same frequency. Keep vibing my friend. WWG1WGA
Thanks u/VERITASAEQUITAS hahaha!
ATTENTION u/IsNotReal u/LongTimeListener u/TaQo u/solarsavior u/AmateurExpert u/queue-anon u/Datasinc u/RandoMando2A u/Munchaussen u/LoneWulf u/LBTrumplican2 u/horseyPatriot u/5DWeBe u/LoneWulf u/Q20191776 u/Not_CeeAreJay
If I tagged you here it's because I thought some of you might find the following interesting...
John Titor wrote the following in 2001:
'Yes there are a great many people in 2036 that believe the book of Revelation played out [...] and that Christ returned [...] If or when Christ returns, do you think he'll be a lamb or a Lion?'
Who the fuck would ask a question like that? Someone who might have an actual idea? COY as fuck.
Thanks u/isnotreal - Reading your post made me consider the possibility of everyone's ego suddenly dying, revealing their own Conscious Presence, which some call Christ Consciousness. This is everyone's natural state before we've been shellacked with endless layers of lies and bullshit our entire lives.
In this state, you have genuine love and compassion for every living creature and human on this planet, effortlessly. "It" doesn't judge, lie or engage in deceit. It would be like heaven on earth... and honor Christ's highest commandment of loving your neighbor as yourself, because the character... the STRAWMAN, the pretend made up "person" we're all walking around pretending to be would cease to exist. (Don't forget... somebody gave you a name... that's not really "you")
Now THAT would be a GREAT awakening!
I realize few will get what I am saying, having never tasted this experience of knowing for themselves, and others may erroneously think what I speak of is some new age horseshit...I assure you, what I speak of is anything but...
Agape Love.
Dark to LIGHT!
Where We Go One, We Go ALL!!!
Completely nuts… Yes I know the feeling but then I remember this quote from Jesus:
"Let one who seeks not stop seeking until he finds. For when he finds, he will be troubled, then he will be amazed, then he will reign over The All."
We must unlearn what we have learned.
The disciples said to Jesus, "Tell us how our end will be."
Jesus said, "Have you discovered the beginning, that you look for the end? For where the beginning is, there will the end be. Blessed is he who will take his place in the beginning; he will know the end and will not experience death." 👇🏽
Isaac Kappy's last stream before he was killed: "...are we living in the end times? No!
We are living in the BEGINNING Times !" (emphasis his)
The Great Awakening
Daniel 12:11–12 “From the time that the daily sacrifice (human/child) is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation (Biden) is set up, there will be 1,290 days. Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days.”
Mark 13:15 "When you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where he ought not to be..."
Allow me to explain:
You can look this up on Congress' website.
You're looking for July 10, 2017...
The Bill going after "human trafficking" was introduced into Congress' SCHEDULE exactly July 10, 2017.
Exactly 1290 days later was Biden's inauguration. ('set up')
Exactly 1335 days from Biden's inauguration [Sep-16- 2024]
These all fall exactly to the day.
You can check here: https://www.timeanddate.com/date/dateadded.html
This prophecy was 100% already "fulfilled"
The abomination of desolation was Rome. The holist of holies was the temple. Rome's armies surrounded the temple and started to lay siege to it in 70 AD. (Christians fled to the mountains as scripture instructed) That's when the sacrifice was ended and the temple was destroyed. Rome went inside the temple behind the veil were only the high priest was allowed (the holiest of holies)
All your destruction language and bowls of wrath were clearly poured out upon Jerusalem during that time if you read the secular accounts. Really crazy, scary, and gruesome stuff. There was even a comet hanging above the city like a sword in the sky for days and days.
Before His death Jesus said this generation shall not pass till all these things take place. It did.
The parallels are very obvious. The seven-headed, 10 horned beast = Rome had seven hills with 10 governors. Caesars claimed to be God above all other gods and didn't care who you worshiped as long as you submitted and said “Kaiser kurios” which translates to “Caesar is Lord.” And if you refuse to say that, which many Christians did because Jesus is Lord, you would be executed. I could go on and on.
Could there be a second event that resembles it? Maybe. God sometimes does that. But you need to understand that it definitely already was fulfilled which by definition means there could be no future fulfillment, but there can be events that resemble it or mirror it.
My point being don't get your expectations up and don't think that God failed in prophecy some way, He nailed it long ago. So much so that It caused Christianity to explode because people of that time certainly saw and understood just how accurate those prophecies had been and how specifically they had been fulfilled.
I believe Jesus' words were 100% accurate and He returned in 70 A.D. Exactly as he said countless times in the New Testament he would and we are merely in Satan's little season after he was let out of the pit. Look at the Statue of Liberty. It's Lucifer with the chains broken at his feet.
Thank you. I thought I was the only one who could see it.
Awesome stuff. This is where I am at myself too. And how I got there was about a year ago I was reading revelation and just tired and confused about all the theories (futuristic), so I stopped analyzing and just prayed and asked God what is the actual truth here. And when I was reading over the trumpets I heard as clear as day, “these already happened”. And then it all kind of clicked and felt something was really off with dispensationalism. Did some research going down that rabbit hole and realized we are much farther in the timeline than the church teaches us. Once you see it, you can’t unsee. It’s been wild living in this matrix lol.
Agreed u/ShakeAndBake1776!
It would be the equivalent of books written today in 2024 prophesying that the savior would return in the year 4024… completely ridiculous. it already happened and Satan has the world fooled.
"Full picture would put 99% of people in the hospital" ~Q
Welcome to reality. Only Satan's little season could have this much evil.
I sometimes wonder if we are already at the end of the point when God let Satan out 1000 years later....Christianity rules Europe for 1000 years, it might have been called the dark ages & etc but it doesn't mean it was dark. One thing is for sure: Many churches were built in those days....
It's called the dark ages because there aren't many records of the era.
Exactly! I think I heard of a king once maybe 6th or 7th century who did a lot of things the beast was suppose to do witb the mark & buying & selling & etc. Maybe after him were those 1000 years & now we are at the time when Satan is let loose for a little longer....
Yepp I can absolutely see that. And according to our history books the “enlightenment” period happened next after the dark ages. Enlightenment could mean Lucifer. Basically when “the science” changed everything we thought we knew about the world and the cosmos. And the old world buildings/cathedrals makes no sense how they were built with the technology of the time. Like the pyramids, I believe there was another type of energy source has now been hidden/destroyed.
I believe those old buildings hold the key to the truth. If you research who built them and how short of a period it took, it doesn't make any sense. Many buildings were found, cleaned up and the robber barons claimed them for their own.
If there is a second coming, widely accepted, why could there not be a second fulfillment?
This is not to say that we should not remain skeptical of everything until proven and in a mindset of prayer and seeking repentance.
There was a second coming. Jesus came on the clouds in judgment on time and as promised and destroyed the city of Jerusalem in 70 AD. Exactly when He promised He would.
All that's left is final judgment. That's when the wicked will be swept off the Earth just as in the days of Noah.
You maybe under the influence of premillennial dispensationalism, aka the believe in the rapture, which is an eschatological position that Only became popular over the last couple hundred years with the publication of the Schofield reference Bible which was the first Bible to have eschatological footnotes and it was widely adopted by pastors and seminaries spreading this very fringe view of the end times (also known as darbyism). It is not what Christians believed or understood for about 1800 years.
Arguably the greatest lie the devil's ever interjected into the church. No one polishes brass on a sinking ship.
God wins down here. We don't get a big L and get yeeted up into heaven.
But could there be a second event that resembles it of some type? Yes that's absolutely possible. I'm not going to put God in a box. But it's important to first understand that this has indeed been fulfilled. And by definition fulfilled means when it's done once it is completely fulfilled It cannot be "fulfilled" again. A similar event can transpire that is exactly the same or that resembles it but that is no longer called fulfilling anything. It's just showing what a masterful and sovereign storyteller God is.
Oh I’m on the warpath against premillennial dispensationalism myself, but as I noted to someone else a few days ago, my scriptural depth of knowledge is not the deepest, which can be both an advantage (fresh eyes of a child) and an obvious disadvantage.
Which verses foretell and document this? I was under the impression Rome did that.
Again, which verses point to this?
Several Bible verses speak about Jesus coming on the clouds and the theme of judgment. Here are some key passages:
1. Matthew 24:30
"Then will appear in heaven the sign of the Son of Man, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory."
2. Revelation 1:7
"Behold, he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him, and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of him. Even so. Amen."
3. Daniel 7:13-14
"I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him. And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed."
4. Mark 14:61-62
"But he remained silent and made no answer. Again the high priest asked him, 'Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?' And Jesus said, 'I am, and you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.'"
5. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
"For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord."
These verses collectively emphasize the imagery of Jesus coming on the clouds, a symbol of divine authority, power, and judgment, consistent with both Old and New Testament themes.
I just used my customized theological AI to throw that together really quick. I'm remodeling a house right now so I don't have a lot of time.
I've curated a YouTube playlist with extensive resources about post-millennialism and all the timelines the versus the debates the sermons here if you want to go through and pick out whatever interests you. These are the best of the best https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLm4vxYfDpoYaWjqK76eZukIyKtyX5Xa-J&si=1KlDrtcw7B6wm3Zn
Agreed, and
Thanks for the info!
Future event… not 70 a.d.
u/AmateurExpert look up Josephus the historian's eyewitness account of what happened… "Chariots and men among the clouds around Jerusalem."
That's a wild rabbit hole. There was another contemporary historian that also documented it. Seek and you will find brother.
While you're at it, look up the 1797 painting titled "Lucifer summoning his legions." Spot on match for the Statue of Liberty. The Statue of Liberty is complete with broken chains at the base. We are living in Satan's little season. If we were, the first thing to happen when he got out would be for him to crush all knowledge of this merely on principal for the deception to work.
Where did the people go that had knowledge of this? Look up insane asylums. Why does Trump mention insane asylums repeatedly? I think it's Comms. 👀
The posts in here are why I say I do not have an answer for this, but am only trying to connect the dots.
Unfortunately the Bible offers little detailed information about how the end of Satan's little season will go.
We wake up to the truth. All lies exposed. We break the bondage of deception and live in harmony and frequency.
This scenario makes Luke, Matthew and Gabriel liars. This is not possible. See the Oliver Discourse for the explanation of how the destruction took place in 70 a.d. and will again in the future.
I think we all understand and can agree on one point… Satan's tentacles of deception have left no establishment, party, or book unadulterated.
Q pointed this out.
We must unlearn what we have been taught.
English landscapes completely destroyed and transformed from their intelligent, methodical, productive/bountiful configurations, into non-productive "natural" appearing parks by literally moving thousands of tons of earth and redirecting rivers, streams and waterways... Courtesy of Capability Brown after the old world was conquered... It's well documented, as insanely impossible as it may seem.
Right on the money as usual u/TaQo!
The only thing we can be sure of is whatever the main stream belief/understanding is, is absolutely not the TRUTH.
No it doesn't necessarily. It could however mean your interpretation wrong. I touched on the olivet discourse in another comment if you'd like to look at my post history.
Maybe try asking questions if you encounter something you're not familiar with.
There is nothing in the olivet discourse that conflicts with post millennialism and Jesus having not only come on the clouds in judgment on Jerusalem in 70 AD with the full acknowledgment that there will be final judgment in the future..... With no rapture in between and not constrained by any timeline that has already been fulfilled previously.
It was also 42 months, to the day, between Biden taking office and dropping out of the presidential race.
Confirmed u/AmateurExpert
I really appreciate all the contributions other users have made… There are several throughout the thread.
It’s also seemed potentially significant that “Adam” means “ruddy”, “earthy” or, one could say, an “Orange Man”.
David also had red hair, and his line was promised to rule without end. Supposedly, all our presidents have been related, as are the kings of Europe.
Is it possible?
What are we seeing happen, here?
Possible and in my mind certain.
This is going to be the most controversial comment I make here but I do it with a deep sense of conviction:
Revelation 4:2-3
"Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne set in heaven, and the one sat on the throne. And He who sat there was like a jasper and a sardius stone in appearance. "
These are both orange. Who else in the history of history has been famously known to be orange?
A lot of us have to unlearn what we have learned. It is difficult to fill a cup that is already full.
I asked a question before:
“If your Lord was standing before you, how would you know Him?”
He came once, most of His people missed Him, and history rhymes and repeats, like a song.
At the same time, there are Antichrists, who
So the means by which we discern Him is of utmost importance. What we are seeing now are indeed signs and wonders. Are they His?. The right people certainly seem to hate him, but is that the means by which we know His works? He wants us to know and recognize His CHARACTER, how he ACTS, what he VALUES, and to IMITATE it.
The current Orange Man does not appear to have been sinless, but does appear to be pursuing God’s designs and character, and restoring awareness of Him to the people, and it seems as though he’s been walking righteously for some time, and definitely while he’s been before us. Where could that put him in this story?
… We’ll see. I don’t think it was a drop, but someone, at some point, said to get right with God.
Good advice, no matter what happens.
The Antichrist doesn’t have the wounds of crucifixion. Christ does.
Most underrated comment. +1
BOOM u/AmateurExpert
Questions reveal answers.
I wish I could pin this at the top.
u/RandoMando2A yes Indeed the most underrated comment.
The House of Hohenzollern seems to be an old title, relegated to the history books. Would it surprise you to learn that the head of this House still have claim to the title, Prince of Orange? Sauce BTW, Substack REALLY doesn't want you reading the PrussiaGate.Substack.com series... they hide it from search, make other suggestions like "Russia", and of course... the all important "check if you're human" bullshit. It's a series well worth reading... and it'll take several days to complete... this series will open your eyes to many aspects of history that have been purposely hidden and obscured...As a kid, rolling thru King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, I always wondered who that was exactly...it took the Internet and a hunger to know to answer that question from my childhood. I just never knew how significant the answer would be...
Trump asks to look into the 'oranges' of the Mueller investigation...
Now, ponder these questions:
1)Was there perhaps much more to Scavino’s Tweet declaring, ‘BTC for the Trump Train?’
2)Was Scavino pointing towards the peaceful weapon of COIN, Digital 1776, and Softwar?
3)Why did Q never mention Bitcoin or the color orange?
4)Have you noticed Trump’s recent narrative shift regarding Bitcoin?
5)Did Trump have to say that Bitcoin [seems] like a scam, to protect the winning strategy?
The Deplorables Guide to the Orangest of Oranges
Isn't. That. Interesting.
u/TaQo I'm so glad to see you here giving your input.
William III of England was known as William of Orange. He was married to Queen Mary II, and after invading England and deposing his Catholic Uncle (and father-in-law ugh), King James, he was King of Ireland, Scotland and England from 1689 until his death in 1702 . Collectively, during their joint reign, they were known as William and Mary.
Just answering the question of who else in history was known as Orange, havent fully digested the information and I dont see a connection from your post or Revelation to William.
But one thing I have trouble with is the use of Revelation itself. It is prophecy already fulfilled and its meaning intentionally altered with the advent of the Scofield Bible.
One other thing, the Hand of God may guide and protect him but Trump is neither the second coming nor the antichrist. It is Mans battle to wage to prove our worth. Its my opinion that this is how this war becomes biblical. Will we prove our worth and ascend? Or will we fail and doom ourselves to the eternal misery of damnation?
Ill continue to ruminate.
You just beat me out...by 5 minutes 😁
Let’s not forget the Orange Woman who stood at the Precipice with her fellows during a Hurricane after surviving an Assassin (who purposefully missed).
So will Trump be reinstated on Sept 16th? That would be awesome. Just the anxiety alone, going into election season is, is off the charts. Would be nice for the rest of the world too, the way Brazil, UK & France are already totalitarian, I've been wondering if we'd make it to November...
If so though, then I would expect the 10 days of darkness to come just before, so that would be Sept 5th. I know someone gave the swamp a deadline of Sept 3 to give up. I must say it does make sense. 12 days to round them all up, the 1st 2 will be televised....
The is the Sept event I was referring to: https://greatawakening.win/p/1994fVrLkL/ivan-raiklin-predicts-elon-musk-/c/
Ahh u/penisse I actually thought of you while I was make this... for the last 4 hours lol. And I remember reading that post the day you put it out. You were the first poster that I followed and looked for regularly when I arrived on GAW about seven months ago.
I understand where you're coming from and I enjoy your posts! However, I am going by a different start day. A biblical day; it may seem absurd, but when you look into it, the coincidental dates are astounding.
Thanks for commenting.
this is great. much clearer than the post.
also i love that it's ~2 weeks from now. this is a man who knows how to datefag.
Haha thanks, u/15th_dimension.
I chose the username for a reason.
Incidentally, Heliofant has a video on his channel that directly points to that exact same date. Crazy.
Maybe you chose this username because this is your origin story as the John Titor of old.
Hahaha that's exactly what my wife says u/Wtf_socialismreally!
Two weeks to flatten the curve.
Trump is scheduled for court on Sept. 18, two days before...coincidence?
2 days ahead of schedule. Q
I like your theory. My count is based upon the stolen election. I just took over Doug Kenan when Biden was put in charge as it was clear the line had to be held at any cost.
I just looked at my calendar, and coincidentally, Sept. 16th is Independence Day for Mexico.
IL Donaldo!!!
Man I've had that Toto song stuck in my head for a couple days now.
Yes I totally aged myself with that one. Lol
As I go to my piano and begin playing it.
LoL... prolly my fault. I remember posting a few bars...
For the youngsters or anyone with it stuck in their head wanting to make sure you've got the lyrics properly committed to memory: https://youtu.be/htgr3pvBr-I
Used to cover this in bands many years ago. Always went over well.. White Sister was another.
Damn u/LBTrumplican2 I wish I had you with me for the past four hours chain smoking cigars while I researched & made that graphic… I could've made it way better!
Q4686 is exactly opposite (points to) Sep-22-2024 on the QClock.
u/#q4730 u/#q2188
Thanks u/LBTrumplican2!
I had forgotten about that Qpost!
Incidentally, if you use the vertical fold method, Q2188 lands directly on Sep-17-2024.
An incredible 'coincidence'.
**Edit: vertical, not 180°
What is the damn Sky Event gonna be?
Been like a sliver in my mind since it was first posted.
I thought maybe UFOs but now I’m thinking flying nukes. Probably neither.
I believe it will be related to the Sun u/jmkjr2.
From not shining at all (Dark) to giving off these 'new' toroidal solar flares that will affect human consciousness ☀️ Consider how many of Q's Great Awakening pictures featured the Sun... 👀
You can monitor solar activity here:
Check out my username.
This is from my belief that Jesus is the personification of the Sun.
I did check various astronomy websites to see if anything was going on during September 16 and 17. With the moon there is a full harvest supermoon with a partial eclipse as well as Saturn. Not really enough to get me excited about anything at night. (yes I do know about the Saturn hexagon and such) Something happening with the Sun would definitely grab my attention; more than other people.
Malichi 4:2
New International Version
Website if you want to know more about solar mythology. (not my website)
I remember doing some research about another astronomical thing and Q. It had to do with Virgo. I will endeavor to find a link to it.
YES u/solarsavior!
Check out Heliofant's YT channel… His video is the reason I initially noticed the September 16 date. I then went scouring the Q posts and found incredible confirmations.
Helio = Sun Fant = Talk
He predicted the October 7 attack in Israel to the exact day. He is a white hat.
Plus the abomination that causes desolation 1335 days to the day Biden was set up by the white hats.
September 17, 2024
The Great Awakening
1 Corinthians 15:51-52:
"Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."
"I am the LIGHT that is over All. I Am the All. The All comes from me and unfolds toward me. Split a piece of wood, there I am. Lift up the stone, you have found me there." ~Jesus
Check Exodus 3… The name of God is "I AM"
"It is not what goes into your mouth that defiles you, rather it is what comes out of your mouth that will defile you." ~Jesus
"Let the weak say 'I am strong'." ~Jesus
Anything you add to 'I am' is added onto you!
"For the Lord will not hold him guiltless he who takes the name in vain." ~7th commandment
"Isn't it written 'ye are gods'?" ~Jesus
Edit: 3rd commandment*
Found what I was looking for. It has to do with the birth of Jesus being played out in the stars. It was a secret window on usdebtclock.org.
I’ll check out Heliofant’s YT channel.
Here’s a YT channel I find fascinating that you might like.
“Exposing the esoteric codes and symbolism in movies.”
Hi John. I was looking back through my comment in the link above and was reminded of this.
In the second link in my comment, https://www.findyourfate.com/planets/september23-revelation.html, you will find the following which ties in nicely to what you have found.
OK u/solarsavior hold onto your hat because I've got something I noticed years ago but so few were able to follow me on it...
Revelation 12: "Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars. and she travailed in birth because she was about to delivered"
It goes on to say that this is the sign of the birth of the one that would come to rule the nations with a rod of iron... God's man.
Donald Trump was born at 10:52am… In the middle of a full lunar eclipse on the exact opposite side of the Earth ('moon under her feet'). The Sun was in the sky above (clothed in the Sun). And directly behind (read 'above') the Sun was the constellation Orion… The only constellation with 12 planet-bearing stars.
There are websites online that you can enter the date and they will show you on a graphical map exactly where the sun, moon, and Orion were.
'Nothing manifests on earth before it is manifest in heaven(s).'
On June 14, 1946, there was a lunar eclipse visible on the other side of the world.
I do see Trump's time of birth listed as 10:54 AM, but close enough.
In Stellarium Web on Trump's date of birth as viewed from New York City where Trump was born I see the Sun right next to Orion's hand.
I see what you're saying, but these alignments happen all the time. The Sun was almost as close to Orion's hand on my own date of birth; for example. (no Lunar eclipse though)
True… u/solarsavior But are you trying to save the world AND on the cusp of doing it?
JFK Jr read this verse at his mother’s funeral!
u/horseyPatriot Are you fucking kidding me!? The comments in this thread are what has made it greater than the OP itself! Thank you!
Anyone else think maybe perhaps he knew something…? 👀
Has anyone seen the IL Donaldo posts where he says "God is here."?
So I think I made a mistake. I looked at verse again and realized that I had heard JFK Jr say just “trump” and not “trumpet.” Using ChatGPT, I think he may actually have read 1Thessalonians 4:16. Sorry for the confusion. And of course I can’t find the video and ChatGPT wants to lie to me…
The verse you quoted above does wonderful things to my soul. My username says it all.
The symbolism of the Sun is that of clarity of vision.
Seems to fit.
Wouldn’t it be hilarious if the Children of Light literally became a light unto the world for a period of time because the sun ceased to shine?
Weird how Steve Gutenberg was in a movie about beings of light with long life who were able to go into a shell to rest and regenerate (medbeds?), after being in a movie where a robot gains sentience after being hit by a falling lightning bolt, then later Neo (One) woke up out of a pod where he was being used to power AI, and turned against the thing that had imprisoned him to wake people up.
Who did make Steve Gutenberg (“Good Town”) a star?
Sure would be nice if HissStory was more His Story.
This is not a fully formed thought just yet...but posting it anyway because there's potentially some tie in here.
SGT Report talking with guest (who allegedly has a "hydrogen telescope") about the Earth's second sun. I haven't gotten through all of it yet... shovel still in ground: https://www.bitchute.com/video/reJOgP4ze3Em
The final scene of 2010 The Year We Make Contact - where Jupiter collapses into a black hole, then a sun-like star: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38EDhpxzn2g
It was communicated on the screen:
Thank you for this u/TaQu
I'm shockingly unfamiliar with many many movies of the last 20 years or so that people often reference here.
Edit: Watched the clip.
I'm thinking it's gonna be both... The enemy launches nukes, and we use our HAUCs (Hybrid Aerospace/Undersea Craft) to detonate them in outer space.
Talk about fireworks!!!
Holy crap, that's my niece's b'day! She is never going to let us forget!
Btw, the first Q drop happened in my wife's bday and she still doesn't let me forget it. Can't catch a break lol.
Interesting. The first drop was on my 28th anniversary.
Quite cool! I am still waiting for the Awakening to happen on my B'day, kek!
Qposts mentioned in the OP:
u/#q1335 u/#q3106 u/#q3950
The Day of Days
1 Thessalonians 5:3
For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction comes on them, as travail on a woman with child…
If Scripture did not warrant the figure in which the future coming of the Lord is compared to the act of a felon breaking into a house at night to plunder, we should not have ventured on it. The comparison is suggested by the Lord Himself: "Watch, therefore, for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. If the good man of the house had known in what hour the thief would come, he would have watched."
I. THE DAY STATED. By the expression, "the day of the Lord," must be meant a day in some unique sense His day; for all days are really days of the Lord of time.
By the day of the Lord is signified that day on which He will take the first place in the thoughts of His responsible creatures.
It is the day on which He will bring the vast moral account between Himself and His responsible creatures to an end.
II. THE FIGURE EMPLOYED. What are the ideas suggested by the words, "As a thief in the night"?
They are suggestive of fear. The old prophets spoke of the coming day of universal doom as "the great and terrible day of the Lord"; and we cannot but echo their language. But if we will, the Judge may be our Friend and Saviour. It is during the years of time that men decide how they will meet Him.
They are suggestive of suddenness. There is the contrast which it will present to many of God's judgments in the present life. They approach with measured steps. Neither war, nor famine, nor pestilence, come generally like a thief in the night. But not so will be the Second Advent of Christ. A Christian's first practical anxiety should be expressed in his Master's words, "Lest coming suddenly He find me sleeping."
They are suggestive of that which cannot be prevented by our own efforts. We cannot prevent the coming of Christ in the clouds of heaven: all that we can do is to prepare to meet Him by judging ourselves in self-examination. We may erect in our own heart a tribunal, and bid all our life pass before it; and then we may hear, if we will, the echoes of the voice of Christ, in mercy or condemnation, as that voice will sound to us hereafter from the judgment throne. Thus we may make a business like preparation for death; for death, like judgment, comes as a thief. Death is the ante-chamber of the judgment hall of Christ. To prepare, therefore, for death, is a man's true and most serious business during his life. "Ye are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief."
(Canon Liddon.)
Did anyone else notice the recurring Sun theme to many of Q's Great Awakening posts?
We have to unlearn what we have learned about reality.
Look at everyone in Q3950...
What are they staring at?
Dark to LIGHT
John 8:12
Jesus is the “light of the world”, Again, look at my username and check out solarmythology.com. Jesus is the personification of the Sun.
You will OFTEN see Christian imagery use the Sun in some form. The Sun turns water into wine. (in a way) The Sun “walks on water”.
Now, I am an atheist and believe that the New Testament has to do with capturing stories that describe the movement of heavenly bodies (and pharmacology) via oral tradition that were eventually written down. The stories were set up as memory aids. If you’re Christian, that’s cool. What is undeniable though is there is a link between astronomy (and possibly pharmacology; like mushrooms) and The New Testament. A Christian could argue that well, God is God, and wrote his stories in the sky. I don’t think that a Christian has a good argument that the sky is unrelated to what is in The New Testament. What is clear is that some people believe these things are connected; like the people behind usdebtclock.org.
Wish I could give you 17 upvotes for putting "Time Travel poser" in the title—classic
Hat tip to any autist who can comprehend the Q clock! I had to give up because (inexplicably) no years are included with the overlapping dates.
How often is the Q clock right?
Depends on how far you want to swing those stretchy arms to spin a connection.
The imperfect perfection of the QClock is this…
Days/dates can align on a 60 day recurring basis because the clock continually circles. Look at all the time Q said "on the clock" etc...
Trump's sentencing date is the 18th....
In T2, Judgment Day, they seem to be trying to present this event as done by … a “Starlink” system, run by AI, which is now there.
They’ve also seeded the narrative that “the sun is just having solar flares”, as if this is what’s going on.
This post is very interesting, there is one other date that seems significant, that I won’t mention, except for
I like your style u/AmateurExpert
[They] see this, and those verses won’t help [them], but will help us.
A correct date to watch for, might. Sad!
Either God wins, or they lose.
Have you ever seen the Monad depicted within an egg?
Powerful stuff once understood.
+1 I would not have expected anyone here to know what the Monad is! Yes it goes deep. Few here would accept that concept off the bat… It Has to be slowly realized.
It took me 20 years to realise I knew from the start :)
But there's knowing the path and then there's walking the path.
To understanding the concept of the Monad, it is best illustrated by Christ's own words.
For anyone who doesn't understand the true hidden meaning of Jesus' teachings, or does not have any questions, the below is not for you...
"I am the Light that is over All. I Am the All. The All comes from me and unfolds toward me. Split a piece of wood, there I am. Lift up the stone, you have found me there." ~Jesus
"When you come to know yourselves, you will be known and you will discover that it is you(!) who are the sons and daughters of the Living Father. But when you do not know yourselves you dwell in poverty and it is you who is that poverty."
"Let one who seeks not stop seeking until he finds. For when he finds he will be troubled, then he will be amazed, then he will reign over The All." ~ Jesus
Here is Jesus right there telling us there's a way for us to 'reign over The All'.
"He was in the world and the world was made by him; for he came unto his own creation and his own creation recognized him not." ~Jesus
The world, reality is created BY YOU and it unfolds TOWARD YOU. But because YOU do not know (are not conscious of) this, the world/reality, (which again is YOU & comes from you), ALSO does not know you are God (having an experience here) either. When one comes to know it on the deepest level, reality around you likewise (and to the an equal degree) recognizes you as God also, and it will bend it to your every will. Jesus knew it. That's why he was conscious of Christ (God) within. "Christ consciousness."
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free." ~Jesus
John Titor alluded to this in his post in 2000/2001
To understand the above and the way John Titor explained it, look up the Everett Wheeler model and look at what Jesus said (above) through that lens. There is an infinite number of realities. You are living in your own reality.
He said we are all "time travelers." in our own universe from our own personal perspective. Everyone else in your life has their own reality and what happens to them in yours does not necessarily happen to them in their own.
Infinite number of universes.
Infinite number of timelines.
If you disagree or don't understand it then no worries, you are in the vast vast majority.
"These miracles you will do and greater still." ~Jesus
Let's be real here: 'the (Roman Catholic) church,' controlled ultimately by the pope and by proxy, Satan, fucked us all. We are living in Satan's season of deception. And before you balk, what makes you so certain YOU of all people would know? By definition, Satan destroyed almost all knowledge of this. If you don't believe it, then you're still in the matrix of deception.
The above is the true exit to the matrix.
You are Neo. You are "the One."
Know yourself.
Jesus' teachings all wrapped up in a tiny little gift.
I find it both incredible and disturbing that the literal keys to the Universe can be handed to someone as a gift and at best it will serve as a seed that might grow if nurtured.
I would not have come in to my own understanding without help, but then I did ask for it ;)
Only recently have I started to understand the physical implications of this knowledge, it's hard to use it and still worry about all this other stuff. At times you just want to go home, you know?
I honestly don't think I've ever encountered a living person who understood the Monad, it's gratifying to know there are other true seekers out there :)
Be blessed.
Edit: For anyone else reading this exchange, you should really try to realise just how important Jesus' message is here, it will truly set you free.
Thanks friend!
The idea of the Monad comes from Monism, that is, the idea that all of reality is made up of just one thing, and there are no distinctions.
That's why I often say in my OP's "agreement and disagreement are both equally welcome and appreciated."
Here it is in one sentence:
"...in which he comprehends that all this creation is substantially nothing but a mere idea-play of God's own nature, and that NOTHING IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE EXISTS BESIDES YOUR OWN SELF." 👇🏽
That is why...
Where We Go One, We Go ALL
Unity Fren, Unity :)
On a side note, it has always bugged me that Jesus is presented to us (not internally of course) as 'The' Son of God, instead of what Jesus actually meant, which was that he was part of God and that we all share in the capability of realising we are all part of God.
It's like they put him on this pedestal to make it seem impossible for anyone else to achieve, forcing people to go via the church ministers to approach God.
It's the biggest deception of all imho. It stops people even looking within in the first place if He is always placed outside to be found..
Precisely friend…
Big church wants us to believe we're the bastard children so we never bother to go looking for the inheritance.
Jesus said "isn't it written, ye are gods?"
"These miracles you will do and greater."
EXACTLY u/IsNotReal!!!
The Roman catholic church has convinced us and all the preachers that learn in THEIR schools (that they secretly fund) that Abaddon/Apollyon is evil. But you saw through the bullshit where many others have not. Kudos.
Bonus: go to Wikipedia… Roman catholic doctrine is "the pope(s) represents 'Christ on earth until Christ returns.'"
"For many will come in my name saying 'I am the Christ.'" ~Jesus
The Vatican's own Wikipedia page outs themselves. These people are stupid.
If I believe Titor was real, id say he came back from the Hillary NWO timeline.
I always found it interesting that he said the Olympics after 2004 were cancelled in his timeline due to Civil war. The 2020 Olympics were postponed in our timeline due to Covid. There are other examples like this I could give, but it feels like events in this timeline are taking a little longer to play out and with different variables involved.
U/JohnTitor17 let me share something with you...I have the house to myself for the first time in months. I am an energy worker of sorts. I was able to meditate and tune my vibration for the first time in a very long time. You replied to a comment I made about chemtrail dooming I made earlier in the day and it raised my vibration, made me not so “doomy.” I’ve really been feeling that way lately. Later on, I went to my archived posts to watch the recent video of the woke he/she pastor and the Trump’s in church. I had this thread archived right below it. I’ve read every single word. I almost feel it was spoken to me to come to this thread.
Your one sentence summary of the Monad really resonated upon my first reading of this post and my reading tonight. It also reminded me of the awakening I had in college when I heard it once in a religions class and never heard it again. I have a knack of knowing truth the moment I hear it. I can only describe it as a vibration sent through the atmosphere to my soul.
I’m sure you posted about it somewhere on here but Sept. 16 2024 was the Diddy arrest. Which goes with the verses and the 1335 day prediction.
We vibrate on the same frequency. Keep vibing my friend. WWG1WGA
Edit: I forgot to add the thread I was talking about. https://greatawakening.win/p/1994fUiPCB/timetravel-poser-johntitor17-dat/