You basically start the sentence, e.g. “The UFO is xxx” and then put different words instead of xxx (e.g. “real”, “true”, “confirmed”, …) until you get the match.
This way you can prove anything, e.g. that Trump is telling us: “Dear Patriots. Don’t waste time on gematria, because it’s rubbish and xxx” (you already know that to do with xxx).
Maybe I'm showing my age, but I can never see the word HAMMER and not think of MC Hammer. And, since it says HAMMER On the clock, all I see for real is HAMMER TIME! LOL.
I thought that had to do with Nancy Pelosi's husband, who was allegedly attacked by a man with a hammer, but you'll notice how no one talks about it anymore. The leftists are trying to cover it up, like they're trying to cover up the President Trump assassination attempt.
"put the hammer down" - trucker term, meaning to go full speed, my guess is this particular term is a reference to the gear shift being the hammer, though I couldn't tell you how precisely.
"bring down the hammer" - to obliterate or defeat someone/something utterly
H.A.M.M.E.R. - acronym for a secret agency meant to be a replacement for S.H.I.E.L.D. in the Marvel Comics during one particular story arc, turned out to be a supervillian doing supervillainy things
M.C. Hammer - hiphop artist, mentioned by someone else in another comment.
"hammer away" - to stubbornly and aggressively work on a project/problem int he hopes of figuring out what's holding you back along the way.
Imo it would be evidence will someday come out on how she soul her soul to be very successful in the industry, and perhaps Q secured the evidence finally. Trump saying he hates T Swift ahead of the evidence (however far out the revela may be) would show Trump knew of her character ahead of time, and was always against the cabal and those who pay tribute within the cabal
It's no coincidence that Elon and Trump both have extremely controversial statements about her so closely together.
Well, she does put on satanic shows to young kids. Maybe Trump wants us to start posting her disgusting satanic bull shit. Along with her nasty friend who gave the satanic gestures with her hands at the super bowl.
She is a 35 year old woman that has an audience that consists of tweens, young teens, and cat ladies over 40 that are done with men and use all of her excuses as to why. She has somehow made far north of a billion dollars singing this shit to the future and the hopeless (i.e. a vast majority of white female Democratic voters).
Her music does have addictive qualities. I once couldn't get her song "Rub one Off" or whatever out of my head after hearing it 8 times during a 6 hour drive on various radio stations. Earworms seem like something they'd use to brainwash people.
I cannot explain how she is that famous! Looks are everything in that industry ... she has absolutely no ass to speak of, is as flat chested as plywood, and seems to really be stuck in her teens mentally and has a following that will never make sense to me. I can usually see a reason why someone gets famous as a singer/performer even if I hate their garbage ... I just can't fucking figure her out. It's like she takes the worst pop sounds from the 80s and makes new songs out of them. You could probably train an AI to create her next 40 songs for her with the parameters "bad 80s pop sound with narcissistic lyrics about hating men".
I think the amount of press following a statement of this will lead her to make a retort, keeping Trump at the top of the headlines. Her millions of followers will be talking about it too. Free publicity. Might even give some fantastic meme materials in the next week.
I’m sorry but I just can’t get behind hate and I don’t agree on everything Trump tweets. I don’t see how this will favor our side in any way. The other side (Biden camp) proclaims unity while our side spurs hate?! Hate is for evil - not the puppets who are possessed by it. They need our prayers more than ever. So imo instead of saying you hate someone - pray for them. 🙏
While I agree on this and am too awaiting for the purpose of this tweet to come to light I still will not be repeating or agreeing with his tweet. If it was truly an emotional response to Swift I think he should apologize and perhaps explain his hate is towards what she stands for and not her personally. Otherwise I guess there’s the chance it could be a risky 5D chess move on his part. Time will tell. ♟️
All Trump’s tweets are deliberated among his peers in a Socratic method, and Scavino is the main one typing the tweets. General Kellogg testified to this in J6 hearings. There is military strategy behind each one, to which we aren’t privy. While none of this is known to us as fact, I’m inclined toward thinking GEOTUS doesn’t tweet anything emotional and off-the-cuff. It all has meaning after rigorous debate.
SaltyArmyAnon, you have to remember that DJT HAS ALL INTEL.........think about that......ALL INTEL . He knows who is setting him up to "take him out". He knows who is killing and trafficking children.........He is privy to things that would keep you and me up at night. His main objective is to SAVE THE CHILDREN and if one statement like this about Ms Swift might trigger her in reveal things she knows, then let's allow him to handle this the way he sees fit. I think you will agree that he knows thousands of things that we have no way of knowing. DJT never makes a random statement.......he has a strategic reason for every public thing he says. He has enough trouble without his supporters pouncing on him also. Give him a break. Of all we know, she is a white hat working behind the scenes and just the fact that DJT comes out "against" her could be of help to her in her roll if in deed she on the "good" side.(which I very much doubt.)
They preach it, so on the surface they at least do. Every thinking person knows they are insincere, but the electorate is mostly made up of those who do not think.
I’m talking about this instance. Right now liberal media has these talking points to advantage with Bidens unity and Trumps Hate. That was my only point. Other than that yes I agree they are the party of Hatred.
Pretending like there's no fire won't stop it from eventually burning you down. Their "unity" is fraud, they're the ones who speak with a jagged tongue. Saying you don't like someone is ok. We have no idea why he said it, but there's obviously a reason.
I can agree on that. Perhaps it’s just calculated collateral damage and we have to accept his strategies in order to win this invisible war. My point is we don’t need to all become haters too. Since we don’t understand it we should remain quiet on the matter and definitely not honor or repeat any hate. We can still support him despite disagreeing or not understanding everything he does. It could be a mistake or could have been a strategy. I lean towards the latter. Everyone is allowed mistakes but if that’s the case I hope he comes out to apologize and correct his statement. Otherwise I’ll have to assume like you that it’s all part of the plan and just laugh at his boldness to say something so unhinged as this which is likely to cause a small earthquake in the liberal camp. 🤣
Yeah I’m not sure either what he will win by using the word “hate”. You can dislike her, hate what she stands for, hate her endorsements etc but hate on a person never seems right. Hate the evil love thy neighbour. Those who are possessed still need saving unless they be proven not to be human at all.
It is but I have learned it’s still ok to hate everything they do that we don’t agree with. Hating another person tarnishes our own hearts with hate. But realizing they are people opens our eyes to see the true evil and the master puppeteer who controls those who are lost or sold out.
i actually think the devil wants you to hate him. It makes him laugh & gives him pleasure b/c hes making you feel what he feels & like attracts like. If you throw love & compassion at the devil- he flees. He cannot take it. I’m not talking about worshipping him. Im saying the devil cannot be in the same place as Gods love is. So spread it far & wide.
There is also the fact that with a lot of people we see only the surface, but don't know all the facts, not necessarily even most of them. I try not to judge because when looking at that surface it's generally way too easy to go and jump to conclusions and reach the wrong one. Become part of the mob who goes and hangs the wrong guy because he was an asshole and near where the murder happened, even if he had nothing to do with that murder.
And in this case, with Trump and Taylor Swift - maybe he really does hate her, as a person, because he knows the facts, or maybe he just hates something he knows she has done but he can't talk about yet. Maybe he said that because he is playing some sort of game, and has a purpose not obvious to us. And maybe he doesn't hate Taylor Swift the person, but Taylor Swift the trademark, the construct that has been built around the person in order to sell the songs and performances, and possibly for some other purposes.
I saw on badlands that General Kellogg said his tweets and such would be approved before posting. Not sure if it's still the case, but I've also seen that only Trump and Scavino post on his accounts. I feel more like comms than him actually "hating" her
It just revealed itself. Another possible assassination attempt.
I know this is shortly after and no one was remotely aware this would happen today, but its for anyone who reads this after the fact. CONNECT THE DOTS.
All theory, no grounded facts but just looking at things here:
We know that Taylor possibly has a much darker identity. Trump has (or at least sticks to being very careful about) said he "hates someone" publicly. Think about what he actually probably hates about her. Doesn't need much explanation, IYKYK. We are still riding a wave of him posting pro life AI generated photos of cats and dogs.. (what were happening to the cats and dogs in Springfield?). Trump doesn't need to explain it at all really, he's never had many reasons to hate someone unless they are very guilty of something. But we can, now with what we know.
He made a direct callout at what may be one of the top DS projects/controllers in the game. Without any hesitancy. Now we get yet another assassination attempt later in the day. In a scenario where whoever the shooter is, knew what Trump's schedule was. It was planned, and the DS didn't abort that plan knowing what he said.
So it makes you think, still, why come out on TS and say something like that? To get attention of course. Something today would happen, and he knew it. As Trump and the WH have been discrete the entire time, this is rare of him to be this direct and short.
What better cover for a sting op than to get the media distracted by a tweet, then have to double back and have to cover another shooting attempt? And how will they handle it? Norms may calculate this as, "well i guess a mad taylor swift fan tried to shoot him". We know that won't be the case, and we know the MSM won't make that connection intentionally, because they know why he made the statement too. I may be wrong and they do exactly this, but something tells me they won't, since that would possibly open Taylor up to investigation if the connection is made.
Again, the matter isn't the shooters identity, how or where it happened, or whatever political rambling devolves into going down that road again. Simply observe that he's got a very tactical PR strategy and he's in no way uninformed of what is going on. He's taunting them, lets see their next move.
He has the right to say any thing but I can’t find the perspective where this helps his campaign. So if this was an emotional move it definitely wasn’t a smart one. However since this is Trump there could be another reason for why he did it….
PRECISELY, fren -- and for him to express this sentiment, I'm absolutely convinced there's a deeper, more strategic reason for saying it. He rarely "pops off" in emo fashion any more...there's almost ALWAYS a reason for saying what he says publicly.
It's just such a low vibrational (I hate myself for using this term) response. It's unlike him to just say something that immature. He isn't winning anyone over with this tweet and reads like she's really underneath his skin.
Trump doesn't come out with this language without a good reason. Who is Taylor swift really? Who are her handlers? Who are her parents? He's asking the digital soldiers to dig deep on this one.
still looking, but found this about one of her early albums;
In 2007, Taylor released a 6-song EP to celebrate Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ. One very interesting song from the EP that adores Jesus Christ is ” Christmas Must Be Something More.” Below is an excerpt from the song:
“You’d see that today holds something special
Something holy, not superficial
So here’s to the birthday boy who saved our lives
It’s something we all try to ignore
And put a wreath up on your door
So here’s something you should know that is for sure. Christmas must be something more”
And there are still plenty of shades possible between good guy spy and evil. She became famous quite young, and isn't the idea that only people who are under some sort of control are allowed to become big in the entertainment industry, or at least they are the only ones getting a true push towards that, even if occasionally some individuals might manage to slip by without getting caught into that control net and become successful on their own?
And while she mostly seems to have gone the usual route of stars who started as teens and seemed quite wholesome for a while, then moved to more sexualized and otherwise "adult" content pretty fast after they became young adults, I have seen claims that there seem to have been a few maybe sort of self-aware songs among hers. As well as a few other comments by her that could perhaps be interpreted in more than one way, even if the surface level looks like what most average celebrities would say.
Maybe she realized at some point how tightly under somebody's thumb she really is, no matter how famous, rich, and popular she may be. And doesn't really like it. Or she realized she isn't happy, even if she mostly seems to have everything any young woman is supposed to be dreaming of (apart from steady boyfriends...). If so whether she is actually trying to do anything about that - like having become that spy - or not remains to be seen.
This kind of statement is not helping in my house, where my wife is currently blasting Taylor at full volume, as she does frequently. Saying things like this does the polar opposite of opening Swifties’ minds to questioning anything. But i know DJT does and says nothing without a plan in mind.
I PRAY TayTay is either a deep undercover good guy or else something shocking enough to break the damn spell is revealed.
Woah…you sound tough and based as fuck! Problem is I love my wife with my entire heart and our kids probably wouldn’t understand why I kicked their mom out because of her fandom of a pop star.
Don’t underestimate your kids, they might be there right behind you.😎 I guess Rush Limbaugh was right, you get what you tolerate. Start with baby steps, and ask your wife if she could please turn down the Taylor Swift music rather than blast it.😎
I don't. I don't exactly like her either, but she is among those stars who started quite young, and most likely were caught by the bad guys perhaps without realizing what was really happening, both they and the people, like their parents, who were supposed to look after them. So I can't hate her because to at least some extent she is probably a victim.
As well as her parents who may have also been tricked, unless her parents are the real degenerates ones who willingly sold their daughter in order to benefit from what she could bring to them.
And it probably isn't at all easy to get out of that trap when you have basically grown up in it. Now whether she is among the ones who have been also wholly corrupted by it, or is in it with still at least some part of her soul intact, who knows. But she still didn't walk into that life as an adult who fully realized what she was doing, or start to pursue it as an adult knowing what she would have to pay for it.
Sorry don't pull a single quote to justify this woman's Satanic behavior.
1 Corinthians 15:33
Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good.
3 John 1:11
Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen.
At the same time, we should note that a believer will not pursue a lifestyle of habitual and continual sin (1 John 3:8–9).
1 John 3:8-9
New International Version
8 The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. 9 No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God.
I used that one because at least some interpretations say that the point why Jesus didn't condemn her was that there weren't any impartial witnesses to her sin. The people who brought her to him were trying to trap him. So perhaps it wasn't so much about forgiving her sin as it was the lack of that kind of proof for her sin which would have stood in a court of mere humans because the only witnesses present (at the court) were biased.
So, if you combine that with that part of the sermon on the mount: “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged. And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own? How can you think of saying to your friend, ‘Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye? Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye” (Matthew 7:1–3, NLT)
I don't know, perhaps avoid jumping to conclusion based on what you see on MSM, social media, and so on? How much do we really know of any of those people? Sure, some like the Clintons seem to have so many incidences in their past that they can't be innocents or even close to it in any way or form, but with people like Swift what we see is mostly Taylor Swift, the trademark, not so much Taylor Swift, the person. Maybe they are alike, or maybe Taylor Swift, the person, is somebody who is mostly just doing what her handlers tell her to do, and her public character is more of an act played by an actress than it is the real her. There doesn't seem to be all that much actual proof pointing towards either direction. If her public persona is an act recommended, or pushed, on her she certainly is guilty of at least greed, but would that make her evil?
... some interpretations say that the point why Jesus didn't condemn her was that there weren't any impartial witnesses to her sin. The people who brought her to him were trying to trap him.
Jesus said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." He was ok with stoning her to death, as it is written in the Old Testament, BUT ... he was making a point.
One by one, they each dropped their stone and walked away.
The point is: How can YOU punish a sinner when you are also a sinner, yourself?
IMO, the purpose of Jesus was to deal with the fundamental problem that His people had a hard time following The Law, completely.
God gave His people free will. This means that they will make choices that are not what God really wants, but He made them the way they are, so what to do?
First, His people were not doing what He wanted them to do, so He taught them a lesson by having a flood.
But they still sinned.
So, He made a special promise with one man, Abram/Abraham, to bless his specific lineage, in the idea that this particular family would do as they should, due to this special, more personal relationship with God.
God wants His people to not only do the right thing, but to UNDERSTAND what the right thing is, and to WANT to do the right thing. He doesn't want robots with no free will. What good is doing the right thing if you have no other choice?
But they still sinned. Problem was, they didn't fully understand what sin was.
So, He sent Moses to write down The Law. Still, many sinned.
The OT says that people must die when they sin.
Combined with free will, this is a problem.
So, God came to Earth in the form of Jesus to wipe away the death penalty that so many of His people had built up over their lifetimes, by dying Himself, for them. He served their death penalty.
This wiped away the OT death penalty for His people who were living at the time. It maintained the OT rule that sin must be punished by death, but that penalty was served by Jesus. It also set a new rule.
Sin was no longer punished by death in the current world. Instead, sinners will have a lower rank in the Kingdom of Heaven, or not get in at all.
It makes it easier to follow The Law. One can even fall off the wagon, and get back on track. This is a good thing for people who are imperfect, as we all are. But there is still a penalty for sin, having to do with Heaven.
In 1 John, it says that sin is the transgression of The Law. That is what sin is. It is not something that we don't like. It is simply transgressing The Law.
In Matthew, Jesus says that those who follow and teach The Law will have a high rank in Heaven, and those who evade and teach the evasion of The Law will have a low rank.
The point is to do what is right because you KNOW what to do and WANT to do it (which is what is meant by following The Law).
That is what God wants in the Kingdom of Heaven: People who follow The Law, because they understand it and want to do the right thing.
Should a sin, like adultery, be punished with death, as the OT says? If so, then those holding the stones and ready to dish out the punishment should also be killed because they are also sinners.
Eventually, almost everyone gets wiped out, and what is the point in that?
I realize this is a different perspective than what mainstream churches push, but then they have a lot of things wrong, and this perspective fits the story we read in the Bible.
COVFEFE! The other day I read that Taylor lost a bunch of followers after the Kamala endorsement. He could just simply be separating the wheat from the chaff for solid polling numbers. I'd like to think there's a deeper significance, or it could be simple. Simple usually wins.
With recent cat voo doo sacrifices, it segues into child sacrifices. He know something that will be revealed shortly? That's my take. No way it's bc she came out for kommie. My goodness, the level of hate he has endured, she's a gnat on the screen to him.
Not to be too negative but I really don't understand the purpose of this. We're in an information war where popularity plays a major role.
Why go to war with one of the biggest pop stars on the planet who commands the sway of over 200M followers? Where's the logic here?
I know she already came out for Kamala, but doubling down on vitriol for one of the biggest cultural influencers for the next generation who we need to win over in some way going forward does not seem like a smart or logical move to me.
This just does absolutely nothing but further entrench the Gen Z/Alpha and even Millennial swing voters against him and our cause, and of course just reinforces the narrative that he is a petulant "hateful" person by tweeting that he "hates" these people's beloved idol etc.
In a culture war, we underestimate Swifties and their ilk, at our peril.
WRONG. Trump would say something like this without an ulterior motive. And Swifties and their ilk? Well, let's just say they'll have some major cognitive dissonance to process in the coming months.
At first glance, who gives a rat's patoot about this little puppet? The boss has his reasons for expending any energy on such a statement, though, I'm sure.
The wife says Toby Keith gave Swift her start. I always think of Toby Keith as a patriot.
However, I have come to realize this war is full of double agents. You would need a program from the writers of this script to know where the loyalty is for any particular character.
Thinking on it too, old Toby recently died of cancer. A whole lot of folks on the blackhat team seem to have a knack for dying of cancer.
Uh, no. President Trump has tweeted or said things about people he dislikes, but I don’t think he’s point blank stated he hated someone like that. And of all people. I think she old and is a 35 year old woman who prances around & dresses like a teenager. She is not a good role model for preteens or teenage girls.
This could be psychologically prepping the public for disclosure of the guardians of the pedophiles.
As is the cat/voodoo/blood drinking stuff.
Taylors a lesbo.
Heard a lot of stuff about her on CDAN and Beyond the Blinds
What are CDAN and Beyond the Blinds?
Crazy Days and Nights. Beyond the Blinds is a podcast that discusses random Hollywood dirt/rumors/gossip about A-Listers.
Including link to CDAN:
more likely scenario this individual transitioned early in life.
Looks like it also means "youre going down cabal k' in Gematria
The Gematria entries are entered by others.
The gematria is rubbish and waste of time.
You basically start the sentence, e.g. “The UFO is xxx” and then put different words instead of xxx (e.g. “real”, “true”, “confirmed”, …) until you get the match.
This way you can prove anything, e.g. that Trump is telling us: “Dear Patriots. Don’t waste time on gematria, because it’s rubbish and xxx” (you already know that to do with xxx).
Exactly, gematria is just confirmation bias.
I got, "live nude review" for that one...🙄
Yup ^^^
With YET ANOTHER POSSIBLE ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT just now developing. When i saw him post this i knew something yuge was about to happen
How the two are related?
Taylor Swift sent out a hit man.
It's going to be fun to watch the lefties get all frothed up about this, and the irony of their bile won't even click in their puny minds.
As an aside, he has to be drawing attention to her for some reason...
Also, timestamp 10:44 EST:
🧐🧐🧐 Did we ever find the meaning of “HAMMER”?
Maybe I'm showing my age, but I can never see the word HAMMER and not think of MC Hammer. And, since it says HAMMER On the clock, all I see for real is HAMMER TIME! LOL.
I'll take that one further kek -
MC Hammer is best known for what? the phrase "cant touch this"
Which could make HAMMER a reference to "we have it all"... checkmate. you've already lost
I'm convinced we just figured it out lol!
I’ve seen the Hammer and Scorecard software contemplated.
I thought that had to do with Nancy Pelosi's husband, who was allegedly attacked by a man with a hammer, but you'll notice how no one talks about it anymore. The leftists are trying to cover it up, like they're trying to cover up the President Trump assassination attempt.
Net will be paused to reset using HAMMER! You must figure this on your own! The truth would put 99% in a hospital! Mental hospital!
"put the hammer down" - trucker term, meaning to go full speed, my guess is this particular term is a reference to the gear shift being the hammer, though I couldn't tell you how precisely.
"bring down the hammer" - to obliterate or defeat someone/something utterly
H.A.M.M.E.R. - acronym for a secret agency meant to be a replacement for S.H.I.E.L.D. in the Marvel Comics during one particular story arc, turned out to be a supervillian doing supervillainy things
M.C. Hammer - hiphop artist, mentioned by someone else in another comment.
"hammer away" - to stubbornly and aggressively work on a project/problem int he hopes of figuring out what's holding you back along the way.
that's all I got.
Whenever Trump makes a shocking/outrageous statement, it's because he wants to turn attention to something.
He clearly wants attention on Swift right now.
Has to be larger than that.
Imo it would be evidence will someday come out on how she soul her soul to be very successful in the industry, and perhaps Q secured the evidence finally. Trump saying he hates T Swift ahead of the evidence (however far out the revela may be) would show Trump knew of her character ahead of time, and was always against the cabal and those who pay tribute within the cabal
It's no coincidence that Elon and Trump both have extremely controversial statements about her so closely together.
Well, she does put on satanic shows to young kids. Maybe Trump wants us to start posting her disgusting satanic bull shit. Along with her nasty friend who gave the satanic gestures with her hands at the super bowl.
She is a 35 year old woman that has an audience that consists of tweens, young teens, and cat ladies over 40 that are done with men and use all of her excuses as to why. She has somehow made far north of a billion dollars singing this shit to the future and the hopeless (i.e. a vast majority of white female Democratic voters).
Her music does have addictive qualities. I once couldn't get her song "Rub one Off" or whatever out of my head after hearing it 8 times during a 6 hour drive on various radio stations. Earworms seem like something they'd use to brainwash people.
I cannot explain how she is that famous! Looks are everything in that industry ... she has absolutely no ass to speak of, is as flat chested as plywood, and seems to really be stuck in her teens mentally and has a following that will never make sense to me. I can usually see a reason why someone gets famous as a singer/performer even if I hate their garbage ... I just can't fucking figure her out. It's like she takes the worst pop sounds from the 80s and makes new songs out of them. You could probably train an AI to create her next 40 songs for her with the parameters "bad 80s pop sound with narcissistic lyrics about hating men".
I think the amount of press following a statement of this will lead her to make a retort, keeping Trump at the top of the headlines. Her millions of followers will be talking about it too. Free publicity. Might even give some fantastic meme materials in the next week.
It looks like the President's hate for Taylor Swift is going to be the narrative this week. Time to fire up those memes.
I’m sorry but I just can’t get behind hate and I don’t agree on everything Trump tweets. I don’t see how this will favor our side in any way. The other side (Biden camp) proclaims unity while our side spurs hate?! Hate is for evil - not the puppets who are possessed by it. They need our prayers more than ever. So imo instead of saying you hate someone - pray for them. 🙏
While I agree on this and am too awaiting for the purpose of this tweet to come to light I still will not be repeating or agreeing with his tweet. If it was truly an emotional response to Swift I think he should apologize and perhaps explain his hate is towards what she stands for and not her personally. Otherwise I guess there’s the chance it could be a risky 5D chess move on his part. Time will tell. ♟️
All Trump’s tweets are deliberated among his peers in a Socratic method, and Scavino is the main one typing the tweets. General Kellogg testified to this in J6 hearings. There is military strategy behind each one, to which we aren’t privy. While none of this is known to us as fact, I’m inclined toward thinking GEOTUS doesn’t tweet anything emotional and off-the-cuff. It all has meaning after rigorous debate.
SaltyArmyAnon, you have to remember that DJT HAS ALL INTEL.........think about that......ALL INTEL . He knows who is setting him up to "take him out". He knows who is killing and trafficking children.........He is privy to things that would keep you and me up at night. His main objective is to SAVE THE CHILDREN and if one statement like this about Ms Swift might trigger her in reveal things she knows, then let's allow him to handle this the way he sees fit. I think you will agree that he knows thousands of things that we have no way of knowing. DJT never makes a random statement.......he has a strategic reason for every public thing he says. He has enough trouble without his supporters pouncing on him also. Give him a break. Of all we know, she is a white hat working behind the scenes and just the fact that DJT comes out "against" her could be of help to her in her roll if in deed she on the "good" side.(which I very much doubt.)
They do nothing but spew hate.
They preach it, so on the surface they at least do. Every thinking person knows they are insincere, but the electorate is mostly made up of those who do not think.
Don't know why you got down voted, but I gave you a vote to balance it out
I’m talking about this instance. Right now liberal media has these talking points to advantage with Bidens unity and Trumps Hate. That was my only point. Other than that yes I agree they are the party of Hatred.
It doesn't matter at this point. Military is in control. Harris is controlled. It's all a show to wake up the public.
Pretending like there's no fire won't stop it from eventually burning you down. Their "unity" is fraud, they're the ones who speak with a jagged tongue. Saying you don't like someone is ok. We have no idea why he said it, but there's obviously a reason.
I don't either, but it is a way for the President to control the narrative.
I can agree on that. Perhaps it’s just calculated collateral damage and we have to accept his strategies in order to win this invisible war. My point is we don’t need to all become haters too. Since we don’t understand it we should remain quiet on the matter and definitely not honor or repeat any hate. We can still support him despite disagreeing or not understanding everything he does. It could be a mistake or could have been a strategy. I lean towards the latter. Everyone is allowed mistakes but if that’s the case I hope he comes out to apologize and correct his statement. Otherwise I’ll have to assume like you that it’s all part of the plan and just laugh at his boldness to say something so unhinged as this which is likely to cause a small earthquake in the liberal camp. 🤣
We know why he hates Taylor Swift, and it is because of the endorsement.
Do you really think he hates her? Would he say that publicly?
He doesn't even write 90% of his truth's, as was told by other anons in this thread.
I am pretty sure President Trump only hates Taylor Swift's endorsement of Kamala Harris.
No he doesn't. This is a scripted movie.
Agree. Trump's tweet comes off pithy, immature, and spiteful. I'm not getting behind this one bit.
Hmmmm...... I don't see the strategic move in this play with such language.
Will be interesting to see what comes out in the next few days.
This is going to bring more traffic to Truth if anything else.
He's gonna separate the country loving swifties from those who love their celebrity idol more than they should
Yeah I’m not sure either what he will win by using the word “hate”. You can dislike her, hate what she stands for, hate her endorsements etc but hate on a person never seems right. Hate the evil love thy neighbour. Those who are possessed still need saving unless they be proven not to be human at all.
I hate the devil.
Yes he deserves all our hatred - every. single. drop.
I replied too quickly. Yes, people need saving. Even me and some people here. It's hard not to hate the ones the devil uses most blatantly.
It is but I have learned it’s still ok to hate everything they do that we don’t agree with. Hating another person tarnishes our own hearts with hate. But realizing they are people opens our eyes to see the true evil and the master puppeteer who controls those who are lost or sold out.
This response will help me forgive my ex-wife. Thank you. I needed this more than you can imagine.
I was abused for years.
i actually think the devil wants you to hate him. It makes him laugh & gives him pleasure b/c hes making you feel what he feels & like attracts like. If you throw love & compassion at the devil- he flees. He cannot take it. I’m not talking about worshipping him. Im saying the devil cannot be in the same place as Gods love is. So spread it far & wide.
The devil wants to be worshipped as God and wants us to believe he does not exist. Jesus hates the devil and so should we.
Jesus doesnt hate - thats an oxymoron
Scripture tells us God loves righteousness and hates wickedness (Hebrews 1:9). Scripture also tells believers to abhor what is evil (Romans 12:9).
Abhor is a better word
There is also the fact that with a lot of people we see only the surface, but don't know all the facts, not necessarily even most of them. I try not to judge because when looking at that surface it's generally way too easy to go and jump to conclusions and reach the wrong one. Become part of the mob who goes and hangs the wrong guy because he was an asshole and near where the murder happened, even if he had nothing to do with that murder.
And in this case, with Trump and Taylor Swift - maybe he really does hate her, as a person, because he knows the facts, or maybe he just hates something he knows she has done but he can't talk about yet. Maybe he said that because he is playing some sort of game, and has a purpose not obvious to us. And maybe he doesn't hate Taylor Swift the person, but Taylor Swift the trademark, the construct that has been built around the person in order to sell the songs and performances, and possibly for some other purposes.
She is EVIL no doubt..... but.... if we're doing this slowly waking the normies thing..... I'm not sure how slow a wake up his statement was.
I guess we are at the precipice.
I saw on badlands that General Kellogg said his tweets and such would be approved before posting. Not sure if it's still the case, but I've also seen that only Trump and Scavino post on his accounts. I feel more like comms than him actually "hating" her
It just revealed itself. Another possible assassination attempt.
I know this is shortly after and no one was remotely aware this would happen today, but its for anyone who reads this after the fact. CONNECT THE DOTS.
I don’t get how it’s connected. Can you elaborate?
All theory, no grounded facts but just looking at things here:
We know that Taylor possibly has a much darker identity. Trump has (or at least sticks to being very careful about) said he "hates someone" publicly. Think about what he actually probably hates about her. Doesn't need much explanation, IYKYK. We are still riding a wave of him posting pro life AI generated photos of cats and dogs.. (what were happening to the cats and dogs in Springfield?). Trump doesn't need to explain it at all really, he's never had many reasons to hate someone unless they are very guilty of something. But we can, now with what we know.
He made a direct callout at what may be one of the top DS projects/controllers in the game. Without any hesitancy. Now we get yet another assassination attempt later in the day. In a scenario where whoever the shooter is, knew what Trump's schedule was. It was planned, and the DS didn't abort that plan knowing what he said.
So it makes you think, still, why come out on TS and say something like that? To get attention of course. Something today would happen, and he knew it. As Trump and the WH have been discrete the entire time, this is rare of him to be this direct and short.
What better cover for a sting op than to get the media distracted by a tweet, then have to double back and have to cover another shooting attempt? And how will they handle it? Norms may calculate this as, "well i guess a mad taylor swift fan tried to shoot him". We know that won't be the case, and we know the MSM won't make that connection intentionally, because they know why he made the statement too. I may be wrong and they do exactly this, but something tells me they won't, since that would possibly open Taylor up to investigation if the connection is made.
Again, the matter isn't the shooters identity, how or where it happened, or whatever political rambling devolves into going down that road again. Simply observe that he's got a very tactical PR strategy and he's in no way uninformed of what is going on. He's taunting them, lets see their next move.
Wow something is brewing.
For those here saying it is bad for him to say he hates someone.
Put it in perspective.
They say hurtful stuff about him constantly.
He has the right to say he hates the useless slut.
He has the right to say any thing but I can’t find the perspective where this helps his campaign. So if this was an emotional move it definitely wasn’t a smart one. However since this is Trump there could be another reason for why he did it….
Amen, brother.
They can trash talk Trump 24/7 but God forbid he says he hates Taylor Swiftless.
PRECISELY, fren -- and for him to express this sentiment, I'm absolutely convinced there's a deeper, more strategic reason for saying it. He rarely "pops off" in emo fashion any more...there's almost ALWAYS a reason for saying what he says publicly.
It's just such a low vibrational (I hate myself for using this term) response. It's unlike him to just say something that immature. He isn't winning anyone over with this tweet and reads like she's really underneath his skin.
They can trash talk Trump 24/7 but God forbid he says he hates Taylor Swiftless.
Yes. He should be the bigger man.
God forbid he says he hates Taylor Swiftless.
I guess you have never heard of, nor practiced, "being the bigger man".
Have a good one.
Not to a Satanist.
We’re not like them and stooping to their level won’t give us any wins
No we constantly take abuse 24/7 but God forbid wr sat anything.
I hate her too.
me either😳
but as always, I'm sure he has a reason behind it, can't wait to find out.
Yeah, I figured it was fake news. Surprised it's real.
Something is going to come out about her.
Trump will be right again.
Trump doesn't come out with this language without a good reason. Who is Taylor swift really? Who are her handlers? Who are her parents? He's asking the digital soldiers to dig deep on this one.
You know she looks like a family member of Zeena LaVey Schreck
For most of us, Tayor Twit is a nothing burger, don't waste your time on her.
or she's an undercover spy; good guy playing bad guy.
and she's 'acting' with DJT🤔
will have to see what she actually says about Jesus...easy to spot the degenerates that way.
still looking, but found this about one of her early albums;
In 2007, Taylor released a 6-song EP to celebrate Christmas, the birth of Jesus Christ. One very interesting song from the EP that adores Jesus Christ is ” Christmas Must Be Something More.” Below is an excerpt from the song:
“You’d see that today holds something special
Something holy, not superficial
So here’s to the birthday boy who saved our lives
It’s something we all try to ignore
And put a wreath up on your door
So here’s something you should know that is for sure. Christmas must be something more”
This was before she sold her soul. "Look What You Made Me Do" comes to mind. The video tells the tale.
They often don't hide it, but rather glorify it. Rihanna (and Katy) were the devil's cheerleader before Swift, many have came and more will follow.
Seeing is believing, it's going to take a miracle for this do occur, but miracles happen.
And there are still plenty of shades possible between good guy spy and evil. She became famous quite young, and isn't the idea that only people who are under some sort of control are allowed to become big in the entertainment industry, or at least they are the only ones getting a true push towards that, even if occasionally some individuals might manage to slip by without getting caught into that control net and become successful on their own?
And while she mostly seems to have gone the usual route of stars who started as teens and seemed quite wholesome for a while, then moved to more sexualized and otherwise "adult" content pretty fast after they became young adults, I have seen claims that there seem to have been a few maybe sort of self-aware songs among hers. As well as a few other comments by her that could perhaps be interpreted in more than one way, even if the surface level looks like what most average celebrities would say.
Maybe she realized at some point how tightly under somebody's thumb she really is, no matter how famous, rich, and popular she may be. And doesn't really like it. Or she realized she isn't happy, even if she mostly seems to have everything any young woman is supposed to be dreaming of (apart from steady boyfriends...). If so whether she is actually trying to do anything about that - like having become that spy - or not remains to be seen.
This kind of statement is not helping in my house, where my wife is currently blasting Taylor at full volume, as she does frequently. Saying things like this does the polar opposite of opening Swifties’ minds to questioning anything. But i know DJT does and says nothing without a plan in mind.
I PRAY TayTay is either a deep undercover good guy or else something shocking enough to break the damn spell is revealed.
If my wife blasted Taylor Swift music all day long I’d kick her to the curb and get a smarter wife.
Woah…you sound tough and based as fuck! Problem is I love my wife with my entire heart and our kids probably wouldn’t understand why I kicked their mom out because of her fandom of a pop star.
Don’t underestimate your kids, they might be there right behind you.😎 I guess Rush Limbaugh was right, you get what you tolerate. Start with baby steps, and ask your wife if she could please turn down the Taylor Swift music rather than blast it.😎
She's owned.
Here's video of their breakup.
Maga has such a good sense of humor, I love what they come up with
Oh that’s awesome!
Cuz she's a satanic pedophile commie. What's not to hate?
Ok why is he posting this? The left believe he got triggered. And I think it’s childish. Just my 2cents.
Me too!!! Btw might be a him..
I hate her too.
I don't. I don't exactly like her either, but she is among those stars who started quite young, and most likely were caught by the bad guys perhaps without realizing what was really happening, both they and the people, like their parents, who were supposed to look after them. So I can't hate her because to at least some extent she is probably a victim.
As well as her parents who may have also been tricked, unless her parents are the real degenerates ones who willingly sold their daughter in order to benefit from what she could bring to them.
And it probably isn't at all easy to get out of that trap when you have basically grown up in it. Now whether she is among the ones who have been also wholly corrupted by it, or is in it with still at least some part of her soul intact, who knows. But she still didn't walk into that life as an adult who fully realized what she was doing, or start to pursue it as an adult knowing what she would have to pay for it.
Not my problem.
Quit making excuses.
Would you have stoned the woman taken in adultery?
Sorry don't pull a single quote to justify this woman's Satanic behavior.
1 Corinthians 15:33
Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good.
3 John 1:11
Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. The one who does good is of God; the one who does evil has not seen.
At the same time, we should note that a believer will not pursue a lifestyle of habitual and continual sin (1 John 3:8–9).
1 John 3:8-9 New International Version 8 The one who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil’s work. 9 No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God’s seed remains in them; they cannot go on sinning, because they have been born of God.
I used that one because at least some interpretations say that the point why Jesus didn't condemn her was that there weren't any impartial witnesses to her sin. The people who brought her to him were trying to trap him. So perhaps it wasn't so much about forgiving her sin as it was the lack of that kind of proof for her sin which would have stood in a court of mere humans because the only witnesses present (at the court) were biased.
So, if you combine that with that part of the sermon on the mount: “Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged. And why worry about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own? How can you think of saying to your friend, ‘Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,’ when you can’t see past the log in your own eye? Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye” (Matthew 7:1–3, NLT)
I don't know, perhaps avoid jumping to conclusion based on what you see on MSM, social media, and so on? How much do we really know of any of those people? Sure, some like the Clintons seem to have so many incidences in their past that they can't be innocents or even close to it in any way or form, but with people like Swift what we see is mostly Taylor Swift, the trademark, not so much Taylor Swift, the person. Maybe they are alike, or maybe Taylor Swift, the person, is somebody who is mostly just doing what her handlers tell her to do, and her public character is more of an act played by an actress than it is the real her. There doesn't seem to be all that much actual proof pointing towards either direction. If her public persona is an act recommended, or pushed, on her she certainly is guilty of at least greed, but would that make her evil?
Jesus said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." He was ok with stoning her to death, as it is written in the Old Testament, BUT ... he was making a point.
One by one, they each dropped their stone and walked away.
The point is: How can YOU punish a sinner when you are also a sinner, yourself?
IMO, the purpose of Jesus was to deal with the fundamental problem that His people had a hard time following The Law, completely.
God gave His people free will. This means that they will make choices that are not what God really wants, but He made them the way they are, so what to do?
First, His people were not doing what He wanted them to do, so He taught them a lesson by having a flood.
But they still sinned.
So, He made a special promise with one man, Abram/Abraham, to bless his specific lineage, in the idea that this particular family would do as they should, due to this special, more personal relationship with God.
God wants His people to not only do the right thing, but to UNDERSTAND what the right thing is, and to WANT to do the right thing. He doesn't want robots with no free will. What good is doing the right thing if you have no other choice?
But they still sinned. Problem was, they didn't fully understand what sin was.
So, He sent Moses to write down The Law. Still, many sinned.
The OT says that people must die when they sin.
Combined with free will, this is a problem.
So, God came to Earth in the form of Jesus to wipe away the death penalty that so many of His people had built up over their lifetimes, by dying Himself, for them. He served their death penalty.
This wiped away the OT death penalty for His people who were living at the time. It maintained the OT rule that sin must be punished by death, but that penalty was served by Jesus. It also set a new rule.
Sin was no longer punished by death in the current world. Instead, sinners will have a lower rank in the Kingdom of Heaven, or not get in at all.
It makes it easier to follow The Law. One can even fall off the wagon, and get back on track. This is a good thing for people who are imperfect, as we all are. But there is still a penalty for sin, having to do with Heaven.
In 1 John, it says that sin is the transgression of The Law. That is what sin is. It is not something that we don't like. It is simply transgressing The Law.
In Matthew, Jesus says that those who follow and teach The Law will have a high rank in Heaven, and those who evade and teach the evasion of The Law will have a low rank.
The point is to do what is right because you KNOW what to do and WANT to do it (which is what is meant by following The Law).
That is what God wants in the Kingdom of Heaven: People who follow The Law, because they understand it and want to do the right thing.
Should a sin, like adultery, be punished with death, as the OT says? If so, then those holding the stones and ready to dish out the punishment should also be killed because they are also sinners.
Eventually, almost everyone gets wiped out, and what is the point in that?
I realize this is a different perspective than what mainstream churches push, but then they have a lot of things wrong, and this perspective fits the story we read in the Bible.
Sounds like he is getting ahead of something!
Wow, thats interesting he said that.
This seems odd.
It's about time President Trump said that.
TS is a CIA asset.
hahahaha .... Swifties for Trump all of a sudden have a choice to make .....
Something about cake and eat it to .... and those sort of things ...
COVFEFE! The other day I read that Taylor lost a bunch of followers after the Kamala endorsement. He could just simply be separating the wheat from the chaff for solid polling numbers. I'd like to think there's a deeper significance, or it could be simple. Simple usually wins.
With recent cat voo doo sacrifices, it segues into child sacrifices. He know something that will be revealed shortly? That's my take. No way it's bc she came out for kommie. My goodness, the level of hate he has endured, she's a gnat on the screen to him.
Exactly. Some anons are still living in the Matrix.
And now, after what just happened at the golf course, this tweet goes to the back burner.
Fair enough, here music is total shit.
He might as well go kick a Bees nest
Not to be too negative but I really don't understand the purpose of this. We're in an information war where popularity plays a major role.
Why go to war with one of the biggest pop stars on the planet who commands the sway of over 200M followers? Where's the logic here?
I know she already came out for Kamala, but doubling down on vitriol for one of the biggest cultural influencers for the next generation who we need to win over in some way going forward does not seem like a smart or logical move to me.
This just does absolutely nothing but further entrench the Gen Z/Alpha and even Millennial swing voters against him and our cause, and of course just reinforces the narrative that he is a petulant "hateful" person by tweeting that he "hates" these people's beloved idol etc.
In a culture war, we underestimate Swifties and their ilk, at our peril.
WRONG. Trump would say something like this without an ulterior motive. And Swifties and their ilk? Well, let's just say they'll have some major cognitive dissonance to process in the coming months.
I hope so.
I laughed out loud! I hope this is a real tweet 🤣🤣
At first glance, who gives a rat's patoot about this little puppet? The boss has his reasons for expending any energy on such a statement, though, I'm sure.
The wife says Toby Keith gave Swift her start. I always think of Toby Keith as a patriot.
However, I have come to realize this war is full of double agents. You would need a program from the writers of this script to know where the loyalty is for any particular character.
Thinking on it too, old Toby recently died of cancer. A whole lot of folks on the blackhat team seem to have a knack for dying of cancer.
Who doesn't hate Taylor Swift?
Uh, no. President Trump has tweeted or said things about people he dislikes, but I don’t think he’s point blank stated he hated someone like that. And of all people. I think she old and is a 35 year old woman who prances around & dresses like a teenager. She is not a good role model for preteens or teenage girls.
I think her act is demonic.
I agree.
This video used the song “I can see you”:
Taylor Swift version of this song:
But … the version used in the video wasn’t Taylor Swift. Just observation.
OUCH! Taylor, I would STFU if I were you!!!