"Landed Skittles in court' makes it sound like they were charged with a crime. A civil lawsuit was filed after Europe banned it. It's still legal in the US. If it's poison, I'm doomed because it's in the sunscreen I've used for years, the makeup I've used for years, the lip balm, etc. Zinc and titanium dioxide are safer and more natural than the chemical sunscreens, I believe. Anyway, I'm not panicking.
Interesting. I was just saying to my husband, Adam, Noah… lived to he how old? They plowed fields (out in the sun with NO SUNSCREEN). I think the very products used to keep us safe from cancer, are the very products giving it to us. This is just my thought. I have not research it yet.
We NEED to be in the sun. What sunlight gets through to us here on earth has been greatly blocked by our "benefactors." That sunscreens and blocks are unhealthy has been known for years but like most things, the propaganda and lies cover most of the information.
The only true way to get your vitamin D. I never use sunscreen makeup..nothing that blocks sunlight. Even at 57 I dont use makeup..eyes that's it. Frankly no need to when you're getting sun .
My grandfather plowed with mules - he never owned a tractor. He also would shove aside the meat and eat every scrap of the fat from his own country hams. Chewed tobacco, grown in his own fields and dried in his own barn, every day from his teens. He never had any kind of cancer and lived to be nearly 100.
But he didn't have my extremely pale, never tan, burn in minutes skin. I don't believe sunscreen causes cancer, especially the ones with zinc and titanium oxide and not chemical screens. I do believe people like me get cancer from too many bad sunburns. I have the sun damage from all the burns when I was a kid and had no sunscreen to prove how bad it can be.
yeah - in oz TGA have recalled cancer council sunscreen (of all brands) due to cancer causing chemicals - yet they still scream for money to apparently "dont let cancer people face cancer alone" hogwash!
That sounds like the plot to the 1980s Batman movie with Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson as the Joker. He laced everyday products with dangerous chemicals. When you combined multiple products in your daily routine, it was a recipe for death, joker style. Truth in movies huh.
When the alternative is blistering sunburns and sun poisoning, I'll stick with sunscreen. And please save your advice on makeup when you have no idea what's in the makeup I rarely wear. There are poisons (naturally) in kale, but I still eat it for the other good things in it.
Been remaking low resolution memes in higher quality when it takes 30 seconds or less. Don't believe they deserve their own thread though, so posting it here.
Go to Piping Rock for the best vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to use. I use no OTC (CVS, GNC, Walgreens, etc). Carried me through these past 2 years
Also don’t assume multi-vitamins are the best. There is no such thing as one size fits all. Only take what your body needs otherwise harm can be done and/or you just eliminate what is not needed which translates to wasting money.
For makeup look at the site thinkdirty.com to find and compare ingredients. Been using “100% pure” makeup for quite a while and was originally surprised how good it was (colors derived from plants and fruits).
And, while you're at it, you can kiss your powdered sugar donuts goodbye, too. They put titanium dioxide in the powdered sugar to give it that bright white color.
Known this for years, how could you trust a corporation with your health? Corporation are there for 1 purpose, to make money not good products, if they can cheat then they have to cheat. They owe it to their stock holders not to the clients they service
Multi vitamins are a scam… most of the vitamin can’t be absorbed by the body…. Only like 10% of vitamin if lucky.
You want vitamins, eat fruits and veggies and get it that way…. But then again? Pesticides and UV’ing of produce is another story…
Yeah if your multi vitamins aren't expensive as hell and consist of a whole pack of different vitamins you're suppose to take at once then don't bother. The other shit is just toxic
I have a good friend (former teacher) tell me that a good way you can tell if your multivitamin actually dissolves in the stomach was to test it in a dish of vinegar, since the acidity of vinegar is the closest to stomach acid.
I remember her telling me, that when her student did this experiment, a Centrum multivitamin never dissolved, and actually performed the worst out of the other vitamins she tested.
Try this experiment with your own vitamins to see if yours is working.
I would never buy vitamins from a drug store, grocery stores pretty much the same. Most of what is sold is synthetic forms of the various nutrients. The chemicals in the meme above are present in most preparations. There are good companies but, like anything else, we must be discerning, ask questions and research. The "gummy" forms are a steaming pile. Why would I buy something with sugar in it while trying to support my health?
I don't know how widespread this is, but I take Smarty Pants. It has all the nutrients and none of the synthetic stuff. It even has real folate! (which has basically stopped my stutter) The entire ingredients list is "Organic [insert fruit]", with Gelatin, Pectin, and Citric Acid. The flavors and colors are also organic. It doesn't have any added sugar, though it's a very sweet vitamin. The side of the container says "FREE OF: GMOs, synthetic colors, artificial flavors and preservatives, yeast, wheat, milk, eggs, soy, gluten, tree nut allergens, fish allergens, peanuts, shellfish, and salicylates."
Idk how much healthier you can get without going back in time and living in Eden.
Well, when my hubby and I had the China Flu, my son was only sick for two days and the most he had was a headache. Never ran fever. And knock on wood, we've all been good since. The only other thing my son takes is a probiotic. So, make of that what you will.
Methylfolation. My genetics have a deficiency in methylfolates because my cells can't get enough folate to work properly. And Folic Acid is just about the worst thing for a stutter if its caused by a lack of methylfolation..
If you can afford it, Athletic Greens have been awesome, it's a powder made of a bunch of good shit that you mix with water and drink first thing in the morning. Look up AG1
First, start with brands that are tested by a third party.
The FDA does not regulate multivitamins, so what they say in what amounts end up not being in the product.
It's up to third parties to test to ensure that what you're paying for, you get, nothing more and nothing less. No cyanide, for example, and your full 1200 IU of D.
Yeah fuck the fact they aren’t involved is a GOOD thing. Do your research on the ingredients and go with whole food supplements or a company you trust - like Dr Zelenko. If the fda gives it a thumbs up RUN
I've taken Thorne Research Basic Nutrients 2/Day in the past and had no complaints, other than the price...$34 for a month supply. I've been avoiding multivitamins lately because they have Vitamin K in them, which interferes with blood thinners/increases blood clot chances. I'm not on blood thinners, or vaxxed, but I'm around vaxxed people and still trying to figure out if "shedding" is a thing or not. Yes, I am paranoid. 🙃
I believe shedding was confirmed in some fashion. Which makes sense; if you can have intranasal vaccination, vaccinations can spread through air. If the function of the virus is to produce spike proteins, and the vaccine causes you to produce spike proteins, shedding makes sense.
Vitamin sources of calcium, I think it was, also increases the chance of kidney stones. It's recommended to get a lot of things through a balanced diet rather than through supplements. IIRC similar doses from food products didn't show any increases in kidney stone formation, while supplements did.
I believe I've heard more negatives than just blood clotting for K as well, but cannot recall for sure.
I am glad that someone made a post regarding this subject -vitamins/supplements- especially when i see lots of people here recommending vitamins against COVID.
Most of them if not all are toxic since they are synthetic and they most of them times do not really represent the real vitamin structure but they are lookalike compared to the real one while also they can't be really absorbed by the body easily/totally since they are... not the real deal but synthetic. The body does not really recognize them the way it would with the real one from the natural source.
I know what it would be convenient to just shallow 2-3 pills per day in a few seconds and cover all your needs but we are more complicated than that.
Humans at the end of the day are primal creatures who are guided by their senses which they do not control, by their body which works on its own to sustain them, they are part of nature. Whatever is part of nature is easy to consume and absorb, for example meat. Not processed or overcooked meat, normal meat like Liver for example. Processed or overcooked kill almost all the nutrional value of it so whats the point?
Taking Vitamins to perform is like when a sick man gets his pills otherwise he will die. If you need supplements it means - as the word suggests - what you need nutrients because your diet is shιt and its not enough to provide you with what you need so you have to make up somehow with synthetic inferior products.
There is no point eating like a pig junk food and then getting "supplements". Not good in the long run. Revisit your diet, start from somewhere, i would suggest sv3rige/goatis on Youtube.
The fact it was listed makes the tweet a joke. The fact you're upset I pointed it out mockingly means you have no humor in your life and need to take a break from this site.
These are not the kind of vitamins you should be buying. These are synthetic vitamins, which your body rejects. You can't buy vitamins at Walmart, Costco or pharmacies. You have to get good stuff!!
Sure, I'll try. Royal Rife knew that organs and tissue have their own frequencies. When that frequency is disrupted, the body experiences dis ease. Rife thought by listening to specific frequencies, the frequency of that tissue or organ can be restored. That's the way I understand it. It's been really great for me for gi issues, generalized back pain, but also pineal gland decalcification, remove negative energy, all kinds of stuff like that. PM me if you want more details.
on the phone, at the top, click the little bell. Then you'll see a bunch of options. Click create message. Remember to type u/ then the user name. You can send me one to practice, if you want.
I’m going to have to research this. Your pineal glad pretty much works when you are young. I believe I red in pubmed that is looses function the older you get.
There's a lot of info out there about fluoride and the pineal gland. Anyway, don't stop there, just research Rife Frequencies and try a few of them - it's great! Drink a lot of water.
Majority of them. I just went through all the multivitamins at the store the other day due to getting on the keto diet and wanting to take my health seriously.... So many vitamins have this toxic ingredient. I only found one that didn't have this ingredient or some other ingredient that's poisonous.
Anyone looking for health tips, or info on bad ingredients in vitamins, HIGHLY recommend Dr. Berg. He has thousands of educational videos on YouTube that not only talk about doing a keto lifestyle but what can CURE you of any ailments. 🙏
I'm only on my second week. Don't really need to lose weight just wanting to get rid of some ailments and feel energized like I did when I was younger.
My parents have been on it for over a year and it's been helping them lose weight and get off their prescriptions though. So I figured I would try it. The more I learn the more I feel like I should just stay on it for a long time.
The ingredients are long words. Also, the government allows companies to make up nicer sounding names for some of them. For example, carrageenan is actually seaweed, and canola oil is actually rapeseed oil.
People nowadays don't know what most of the ingredients are anyway.
"Landed Skittles in court' makes it sound like they were charged with a crime. A civil lawsuit was filed after Europe banned it. It's still legal in the US. If it's poison, I'm doomed because it's in the sunscreen I've used for years, the makeup I've used for years, the lip balm, etc. Zinc and titanium dioxide are safer and more natural than the chemical sunscreens, I believe. Anyway, I'm not panicking.
Interesting. I was just saying to my husband, Adam, Noah… lived to he how old? They plowed fields (out in the sun with NO SUNSCREEN). I think the very products used to keep us safe from cancer, are the very products giving it to us. This is just my thought. I have not research it yet.
There is a theory that sunburn is effectively killing off the fungus that permeates our bodies. Bringing Darkness to Light, in more ways than one.
There are a lot of theories about a lot of things, but theories don't mean anything until they can be substantiated in some fashion.
Recommend looking into this de-fungus protocol that's been making rounds on 4chan's /x/ forum the last couple months:
Reconcile Trump getting mocked for suggesting shining UV light in the body to cure COVID.
Thank you! I've been using black seed oil for almost 8 months and I saw this protocol a couple months ago, but I haven't seen all of this yet🙏
We NEED to be in the sun. What sunlight gets through to us here on earth has been greatly blocked by our "benefactors." That sunscreens and blocks are unhealthy has been known for years but like most things, the propaganda and lies cover most of the information.
The only true way to get your vitamin D. I never use sunscreen makeup..nothing that blocks sunlight. Even at 57 I dont use makeup..eyes that's it. Frankly no need to when you're getting sun .
My grandfather plowed with mules - he never owned a tractor. He also would shove aside the meat and eat every scrap of the fat from his own country hams. Chewed tobacco, grown in his own fields and dried in his own barn, every day from his teens. He never had any kind of cancer and lived to be nearly 100.
But he didn't have my extremely pale, never tan, burn in minutes skin. I don't believe sunscreen causes cancer, especially the ones with zinc and titanium oxide and not chemical screens. I do believe people like me get cancer from too many bad sunburns. I have the sun damage from all the burns when I was a kid and had no sunscreen to prove how bad it can be.
Be careful with sunscreen. It causes skin cancer. Makeup has some other poisons in it.
yeah - in oz TGA have recalled cancer council sunscreen (of all brands) due to cancer causing chemicals - yet they still scream for money to apparently "dont let cancer people face cancer alone" hogwash!
Yes very true that sunscreen is carcinogenic.
That sounds like the plot to the 1980s Batman movie with Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson as the Joker. He laced everyday products with dangerous chemicals. When you combined multiple products in your daily routine, it was a recipe for death, joker style. Truth in movies huh.
When the alternative is blistering sunburns and sun poisoning, I'll stick with sunscreen. And please save your advice on makeup when you have no idea what's in the makeup I rarely wear. There are poisons (naturally) in kale, but I still eat it for the other good things in it.
That shit is everywhere in so many OTC medications like Tylenol.
Tylenol is shit and kills your liver
Been remaking low resolution memes in higher quality when it takes 30 seconds or less. Don't believe they deserve their own thread though, so posting it here.
Dose makes the poison.
Apples contain cyanide. Not much, but they do.
Dose makes the poison.
It's the seeds within the apple that contain the cyanide. So don't eat the seeds.
Go to Piping Rock for the best vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to use. I use no OTC (CVS, GNC, Walgreens, etc). Carried me through these past 2 years
Life extension, iherb, thorne pharmaceuticals, many others also
Also don’t assume multi-vitamins are the best. There is no such thing as one size fits all. Only take what your body needs otherwise harm can be done and/or you just eliminate what is not needed which translates to wasting money.
For makeup look at the site thinkdirty.com to find and compare ingredients. Been using “100% pure” makeup for quite a while and was originally surprised how good it was (colors derived from plants and fruits).
Remember that post talking about how bad phthlates are?
Wanna get rid of phthlates?
Say goodbye to all flexible plastics.
Some things aren't worth the effort.
And, while you're at it, you can kiss your powdered sugar donuts goodbye, too. They put titanium dioxide in the powdered sugar to give it that bright white color.
White sugar is extremely dangerous and it feeds cancer too. Brown sugar is better but Stevia is the best.
Look how much sugar they pack in convenient store drinks. Sugar free stuff has aspartame which is even more dangerous.
Brown sugar is white sugar with some of the molasses mixed back in….it’s still processed white sugar.
Ah let's stick to stevia then.
The processing of Stevia into powder is the problem
Isn't that in breads as well?
This book explains how 80% of the food is poisoned. Warning: Rage Inducing.
Should have kissed those goodbye long before Hostess went bankrupt the first time. Kek.
The only thing big pharma is, is a waste dump for industrial byproduct that wasnt marketable or of use.
Big Pharma pills come from chemical waste from the Petroleum Industry.
Known this for years, how could you trust a corporation with your health? Corporation are there for 1 purpose, to make money not good products, if they can cheat then they have to cheat. They owe it to their stock holders not to the clients they service
Multi vitamins are a scam… most of the vitamin can’t be absorbed by the body…. Only like 10% of vitamin if lucky. You want vitamins, eat fruits and veggies and get it that way…. But then again? Pesticides and UV’ing of produce is another story…
Then why do I feel so damn tired and lethargic when I don't take my supplements in the morning?
Placebo effect?
I got over my last illness in 24 hours by doubling my C intake.
They fucking work.
Can attest to that.
However even if it is placebo effect, it still works.
If you believe it's working that's just as good as it actually working in my opinion
He said multi vitamin. Like Centrum. Single vitamins like c complex is different.
Could also be whoever makes it.
For what it's worth, my C is made by Spring Valley. 1000 milligrams per day, minimum.
I'm sure they're not perfect, but it's what works for me.
I think for the keto diet, you need 4x or 5x the recommended amount of micronutrients, like minerals and electrolytes.
Ok. Keep taking them
Tell that to Dr Zelenko.
I take his
Same here. I took everything separately until I found a company here in the US making a cheaper Z-stack
Note the Q and the 17. 😉
Yeah if your multi vitamins aren't expensive as hell and consist of a whole pack of different vitamins you're suppose to take at once then don't bother. The other shit is just toxic
Most people are magnesium deficient due to our soil being depleted. All the vegetables in the world won’t be enough.
If you’re Vitamin D deficient you will never get enough from food.
There are high quality supplements made by reputable companies, but the garbage you find at CVS is not it.
Know of any reputable companies?
I have a good friend (former teacher) tell me that a good way you can tell if your multivitamin actually dissolves in the stomach was to test it in a dish of vinegar, since the acidity of vinegar is the closest to stomach acid.
I remember her telling me, that when her student did this experiment, a Centrum multivitamin never dissolved, and actually performed the worst out of the other vitamins she tested.
Try this experiment with your own vitamins to see if yours is working.
I would never buy vitamins from a drug store, grocery stores pretty much the same. Most of what is sold is synthetic forms of the various nutrients. The chemicals in the meme above are present in most preparations. There are good companies but, like anything else, we must be discerning, ask questions and research. The "gummy" forms are a steaming pile. Why would I buy something with sugar in it while trying to support my health?
I knew multivitamins were a scam! They’re full of chalk. They want us taking their chemicals instead of real nutrition from whole foods.
So what is a good brand vitamin to take?
I don't know how widespread this is, but I take Smarty Pants. It has all the nutrients and none of the synthetic stuff. It even has real folate! (which has basically stopped my stutter) The entire ingredients list is "Organic [insert fruit]", with Gelatin, Pectin, and Citric Acid. The flavors and colors are also organic. It doesn't have any added sugar, though it's a very sweet vitamin. The side of the container says "FREE OF: GMOs, synthetic colors, artificial flavors and preservatives, yeast, wheat, milk, eggs, soy, gluten, tree nut allergens, fish allergens, peanuts, shellfish, and salicylates."
Idk how much healthier you can get without going back in time and living in Eden.
I just looked them up.
It says it has "organic flaxseed oil."
Which our very website says is one of the worst oils you can ingest.
Flaxseed Oil is furniture polish. Not food.
I don't see it in the Men's Formula.
I recommend those for prenatal care because of the active folate...and they're delicious.
My son takes the Smarty Pants Teen Guy vitamins.
Are they effective?
Well, when my hubby and I had the China Flu, my son was only sick for two days and the most he had was a headache. Never ran fever. And knock on wood, we've all been good since. The only other thing my son takes is a probiotic. So, make of that what you will.
There ya go!
Excuse my ignorance, but how does folate impact a stutter? Regardless, I'm his you found something that seems to have worked for you. Thanks a bunch.
Methylfolation. My genetics have a deficiency in methylfolates because my cells can't get enough folate to work properly. And Folic Acid is just about the worst thing for a stutter if its caused by a lack of methylfolation..
Hear to a health food store and ask them for a multivitamin. Taking one daily helps a lot.
Iodine daily is good too.
Where do you get iodine?
Amazon or health food store
If you can afford it, Athletic Greens have been awesome, it's a powder made of a bunch of good shit that you mix with water and drink first thing in the morning. Look up AG1
First, start with brands that are tested by a third party.
The FDA does not regulate multivitamins, so what they say in what amounts end up not being in the product.
It's up to third parties to test to ensure that what you're paying for, you get, nothing more and nothing less. No cyanide, for example, and your full 1200 IU of D.
Yeah fuck the fact they aren’t involved is a GOOD thing. Do your research on the ingredients and go with whole food supplements or a company you trust - like Dr Zelenko. If the fda gives it a thumbs up RUN
I've taken Thorne Research Basic Nutrients 2/Day in the past and had no complaints, other than the price...$34 for a month supply. I've been avoiding multivitamins lately because they have Vitamin K in them, which interferes with blood thinners/increases blood clot chances. I'm not on blood thinners, or vaxxed, but I'm around vaxxed people and still trying to figure out if "shedding" is a thing or not. Yes, I am paranoid. 🙃
I believe shedding was confirmed in some fashion. Which makes sense; if you can have intranasal vaccination, vaccinations can spread through air. If the function of the virus is to produce spike proteins, and the vaccine causes you to produce spike proteins, shedding makes sense.
Vitamin sources of calcium, I think it was, also increases the chance of kidney stones. It's recommended to get a lot of things through a balanced diet rather than through supplements. IIRC similar doses from food products didn't show any increases in kidney stone formation, while supplements did.
I believe I've heard more negatives than just blood clotting for K as well, but cannot recall for sure.
Not doing anything other than take your $$.$$
Which type of vitamin is this. I don't use deep state vitamins.
I am glad that someone made a post regarding this subject -vitamins/supplements- especially when i see lots of people here recommending vitamins against COVID.
Most of them if not all are toxic since they are synthetic and they most of them times do not really represent the real vitamin structure but they are lookalike compared to the real one while also they can't be really absorbed by the body easily/totally since they are... not the real deal but synthetic. The body does not really recognize them the way it would with the real one from the natural source.
I know what it would be convenient to just shallow 2-3 pills per day in a few seconds and cover all your needs but we are more complicated than that.
Humans at the end of the day are primal creatures who are guided by their senses which they do not control, by their body which works on its own to sustain them, they are part of nature. Whatever is part of nature is easy to consume and absorb, for example meat. Not processed or overcooked meat, normal meat like Liver for example. Processed or overcooked kill almost all the nutrional value of it so whats the point?
Taking Vitamins to perform is like when a sick man gets his pills otherwise he will die. If you need supplements it means - as the word suggests - what you need nutrients because your diet is shιt and its not enough to provide you with what you need so you have to make up somehow with synthetic inferior products.
There is no point eating like a pig junk food and then getting "supplements". Not good in the long run. Revisit your diet, start from somewhere, i would suggest sv3rige/goatis on Youtube.
yeah nah yeah nah.
If all you got from that Tweet is corn starch is the devil, you're either holding stock in Centrum or you're a useful idiot.
The fact it was listed makes the tweet a joke. The fact you're upset I pointed it out mockingly means you have no humor in your life and need to take a break from this site.
Who gives a FUCK about corn starch?
I'm not upset.
I think you lack reading comprehension and are focusing on a minor detail rather than the big picture.
Corn starch has absolutely no nutritional value. Do you dispute this?
These are not the kind of vitamins you should be buying. These are synthetic vitamins, which your body rejects. You can't buy vitamins at Walmart, Costco or pharmacies. You have to get good stuff!!
It's in Aspirin and Advil as well.
Yellow 6...(gasp!) Is...made... from people!!! 🍜 You can have my yellow 6, when you pry it from my cold dead hands!!!
That’s lovely
Fellow RN, I've been reading about Rife frequencies and playing vids on yt. Check it out. Amazing. Allows the body to heal itself.
What's this all about? Care to educate us a bit?
Sure, I'll try. Royal Rife knew that organs and tissue have their own frequencies. When that frequency is disrupted, the body experiences dis ease. Rife thought by listening to specific frequencies, the frequency of that tissue or organ can be restored. That's the way I understand it. It's been really great for me for gi issues, generalized back pain, but also pineal gland decalcification, remove negative energy, all kinds of stuff like that. PM me if you want more details.
Alright, thanks. I'll pm you.
How do you pm someone?? I’m gobsmacked. I only see reply as an option
on the phone, at the top, click the little bell. Then you'll see a bunch of options. Click create message. Remember to type u/ then the user name. You can send me one to practice, if you want.
I’m going to have to research this. Your pineal glad pretty much works when you are young. I believe I red in pubmed that is looses function the older you get.
There's a lot of info out there about fluoride and the pineal gland. Anyway, don't stop there, just research Rife Frequencies and try a few of them - it's great! Drink a lot of water.
Zeolite can decalcify the pineal gland.
We were told back in nursing school in the 1970’s that Centrum in particular was not absorbed and a waste of money. Now we also know it is harmful.
So what BRAND is the toxic multivitamin?
Majority of them. I just went through all the multivitamins at the store the other day due to getting on the keto diet and wanting to take my health seriously.... So many vitamins have this toxic ingredient. I only found one that didn't have this ingredient or some other ingredient that's poisonous.
Anyone looking for health tips, or info on bad ingredients in vitamins, HIGHLY recommend Dr. Berg. He has thousands of educational videos on YouTube that not only talk about doing a keto lifestyle but what can CURE you of any ailments. 🙏
How long have you been on keto so far?
I'm only on my second week. Don't really need to lose weight just wanting to get rid of some ailments and feel energized like I did when I was younger.
My parents have been on it for over a year and it's been helping them lose weight and get off their prescriptions though. So I figured I would try it. The more I learn the more I feel like I should just stay on it for a long time.
Looks like the frame says Centrum
A better question is why did the Commies poison 80% of our food supply?
You can read labels. It’s not my problem if you’re dumb and trust corporations.
The ingredients are long words. Also, the government allows companies to make up nicer sounding names for some of them. For example, carrageenan is actually seaweed, and canola oil is actually rapeseed oil.
People nowadays don't know what most of the ingredients are anyway.
I think seaweed sounds better than carrageenan. I never knew what carrageenan so I always avoided it. I might have eaten irbid it said kelp or seaweed
Really….a dinner plate regularly contains vitamins that would block each other out then?
I actually had to look up what multivitamin because the bitch didnt say it in the Tweet, and the background was blurry.
It's Centrum.
Why be so cryptic? -_-