That is cute, but no one will ever convince me that the earth isn't flat.
Our house has a courtyard, and one of our exhaust pipes is lined up exactly below the north star. No matter what time of year it is, or what time it is, the north star is still there in that same exact spot. How is this possible if we are spinning at 1037 mph, speeding around the sun at 66,660 mph, at a tilt of 66.6 degrees (90-23.4), and EDIT: SHOOTING THROUGH SPACE somewhere between 526,282 mph and 457,970.
According to several online calculators...if I set a lazer 6 inches above the water level on one side of Lake Texoma, the lazer will be 42 inches above the water level three miles away. (6+36 due to curvature). Yet this doesn't happen for some reason. Almost as if level actually means level. Go figure.
Why do flight manuals and NASA training materials clearly read "assume a flat earth with zero rotation"?
Why on the Red Bull extreme high jump does the horizon look flat when they open the door to the capsule and only shows curvature when looking through a fish eyed go pro?
These examples can go on and on.
I always wondered why the airlines sometimes made us put our shades down on takeoff and only let us put them up after we were above the clouds. I believe that this is to block our view of reality and what we could possibly see during takeoff.
BTW..can someone show me an actual experiment that shows how gravity works and makes it a fact rather than theory? I can sure show you a million reproducible experiments using Archimedes Principle, Buoyancy and Density.
Also what a coincidence that a lot of these numbers they give us are Satanic: tilt of 66.6 degrees, moving through space at 66,600 MPH and also the curvature they say is 8 inches per mile (or .666 feet per mile). Honestly how can anyone who datefags or looks up deltas and matches up other numerical things miss or ignore these kinda blatant, in-your-face numbers...
Exactly. I wanted to make that in bold but am pretty clueless. According to everything I have read, which makes the calculator wrong, you would figure it at 8 inches X miles squared. In this case 8X(3*3) or 72 inches. Which one calculator did give me. That's a lot of drop over three miles...
But but you forgot to add the math of how the universe is ever expanding, so that surely, somehow accounts for your exhaust pipe/North Star dilemma... no?
Blinded me with Science.
Now, can we talk firmament... and then NASA? Or how about the fact that earth's moon is the ONLY known "satellite" in the observable uni-verse that doesn't rotate on an axis (we see the SAME side of the moon- always) as any planet, moon, asterois, meteor etc doea? And how a lunar or solar eclipse casts an exact size shadow of each other? Odds are flat out astronomical
All major moons of Jupiter are tidal locked and even one of Saturns. There's more, but just de-boonking your ONLY know "satellite" nonsense. Have a great flat-Earth day. LOL
Yeah, its almost like someone set it up that I dont think most people here would dispute that. What does that prove though besides intelligent design? There is literally more conclusive evidence that the earth is round than there is that England had Kings and still no one flat earther can explain why the sun is up in china when its down in the continental united states.
Cancer for the big spinning lie. Polaris is 400M miles away. Why is it tidal locked to earth. What speed is Polaris flying to keep pace with the earth rotating, spiraling, and flying through space.
The moon does rotate on its axis, it just does so in sync with its orbit around the earth, thus presenting the same side to the earth at all times. This is called tidal locking. Io is tidally locked to Jupiter as well, as Enceladus is to Saturn. Those moon’s rotations are more obvious because we’re not observing them from their respective planet’s surfaces.
If you’re going to spout about how evil and incorrect NASA is, at least educate yourself on the topic first before you embarrass yourself on the internet.
Earths axial tilt is not 66.6 degrees, it is defined as 23.4 degrees.
Earths orbital velocity is an average figure since earth slightly speeds up and slows down over its orbit. This number can also be expressed as 107,183 km/h.
Earths curvature can also be expressed as 20.32 cm/1.6 km, or 12.6 cm/km.
The number of the beast is 666. Not 66,600, not 0.666, not 66.6. Also, just because the number of the beast is 666 doesn’t mean everything with 666 in it is satanic. This is one of the most common and egregious misinterpretations of Revelation.
You’re deliberately cherry picking data and units to make 666 appear where you want it to be. The fact that you go actively looking for 666 says more about you than it does NASA.
your argument is disingenuous. masons (NASA) use the imperial system. These measurements are derived from their supposed science. why is the number 666 a recurring theme here? This list is far longer than just these 3 examples.
Incorrect, NASA has used the metric system since 1990.
Also, my point is that which measurement system you use is arbitrary, so you’re arbitrarily using the imperial system to make 666 show up because you think that proves something.
Also, if Freemasons were in charge of NASA and/or the govt in general, why would they lie about something that should be so easy to disprove? Why not tell the truth about the big stuff to earn more credibility to cover their lies about things more important to their agenda, like Covid?
What on earth does the cabal gain by lying to people about the earths shape? I have not heard any convincing argument beyond vague, incoherent references to Antarctica, which few if any civilians travel to in the first place.
I dont care that they use the metric system today. I care that all the measurements with 666 in them were derived using the imperial system, by a group of people who I suspect of satanic worship- the freemasons.
I am not using the metric system to do anything. These are the numbers as they've been given to us by our supposed scientists. All I'm doing is engaging in pattern recognition. how can there be 50 examples of 666 or its multiples appearing in measurements of our planet/solar system? Is it just one big coincidence?
NASA and its freemason associations as well as its Nazi associations are all well documented and admitted. The reason WHY theyre lying is not important to me as it can be any number of infinite reasons. What matters is simply that theyre lying and I (we) can prove it.
And someone before me put it quite elegantly: "If you can't figure out why the controllers of this earth making you believe in a false reality is of paramount importance, then you're a fucking idiot." If everything you know is a lie, and you attempt to engage in battle with an entity that knows the truth, are you at a severe disadvantage? What are your odds of victory under these circumstances?
666 does not appear 50 times. 0.666, 66,600, and 66.6 are not 666. 3 6’s appearing in sequence has no significance whatsoever.
50 times, out of how many other measurements we’ve taken in the solar system, much less the observable universe?
You’re not engaging in pattern recognition, you’re grasping at straws desperately trying to prove a failed theory.
The fact that Freemasons have infiltrated our government doesn’t mean that everything they say is a lie. It’s not beneficial for them to lie about something unless it gets them something in return. Especially about round earth, which if it were false would be trivially easy to disprove, and we wouldn’t have this discussion.
I dont have a theory to prove. You do. your theory is that the earth is a ball hurdling through an infinite vacuum. You have no physical evidence you can provide to me to support that theory.
I could show you the list of 50+ instances in which 666 or some variation thereof is prominently shown in measurements of the moon, earth curvature, etc but I dont think youre really interested in that. You seem to enjoy satanic math and fairytales.
choosing to trust people that are deceptive half the time is retarded, no matter the topic. saying "theres no benefit to lying about the shape of the earth" isnt an argument. Its your opinion from your limited perspective. I already said, proving the globular earth incorrect is a rather easy task for some with honest discernment. That is the precise reason we are having this discussion.
Do you think I want to believe the earth is not a ball and be called every name imaginable for this heretical belief? In your own words, "Whats the benefit to me?" I am this way because it is the observational truth, so im committed to it as are many other so called "flat earthers." The same way youre committed to the musings of Freemasons and satanists.
And the earths axial tilt is defined from the vertical, not from the horizontal.
Changing the definition of earths axial tilt to artificially make 666 show up is disingenuous. You flat earthers love 666 so much I’m starting to think y’all are satanic.
the north star is still there in that same exact spot. How is this possible
Because the stars are really, really, REALLY far away, and the motion isn't detectible without extremely precise instruments. But, over time, it moves. The North Star wasn't always our true north. Ancient Sumerian texts describe other stars, such as Sirius and Betelguese. Vega, the brightest star in Lyra the Harp will eventually become our North Star in about 13,000 years.
Did you know? There are Sumerian ceuniform tablets that describe not only past, previous north stars, but describe ALL of them (as in, when they repeat), around one full rotation around the galactic core? ANCIENT knowledge.
Do you guys have any other arguments other than "it dun non gun nebber make sense to me"??
thats what I keep asking myself. I actually do understand astronomy. I understand orbital mechanics and physics and quantum physics. How could all of these things work so perfectly within our current model if theyre wrong?
I think Michio Kaku might have given us a hint when he commented that what surprised him the most, is that the parallels in the texts of the Zohar and Kaballah and physics are astounding.
I also believe there is a quote from Einstein somewhere that "it matters not if you consider the earth to be moving through the universe at break neck speed or if the earth is standing still and everything in the universe revolves around it- with the calculations for relativity working either way." Of course thats my paraphrased understanding of what was said. What this means is that you cannot prove the earth is moving through observation, and it merely becomes a debate on philosophical grounds.
Here's my current line of thinking- would it be possible for a superior intelligence to devise a model of physics that functions for 99.999% of observation, but is still flawed in such a way as to obscure the truth? What do Jews say about their supposed superior intelligence? Who gave us general relativity? Why does the surname Stein seem to be connected to so many of our current worldly problems?
you argument is taking a demonstrably fabricated history and using it as some sort of proof of a moving North Star. you have 0 physical evidence of it having ever moved. and then you use NASA, an organization made up of freemasons and nazis as evidence that it will be moving in the future too. we just need to wait 13000 years kek.
and you call me arrogant. perhaps you need a mirror.
Prove that history has been fabricated. Every argument for this that I’ve heard so far assumes it’s own premise. No, you may not invoke Freemasons (not without evidence). No, you may not call me uneducated or deluded just because I don’t buy your story.
I did not say anything about the North Star changing, that was someone else in this thread. Though his theory is plausible since Earth’s axis precesses over time.
“NASA, an organization of Freemasons and Nazis”
Just because an organization is partially made up of such people does not mean their statements are wrong. This is an inverse of the appeal to authority fallacy. A theory’s plausibility is independent of its source.
No flat earther has ever demonstrated what said Freemasons gain by lying about the shape of the earth. Round earth does not disprove God, creation, or the Bible.
Round earth advocates gladly publish all their findings and evidence for the public to check out. People who aren’t Freemasons or Nazis have double checked the work and it all checks out. Kind of hard to lie to people when your research is open source.
watch that and then reevaluate what you think you know about the world. If they can make you believe a fake reality about events as recent as 100 years ago, imagine what they'll make you believe about stuff from thousands of years ago.
1- the organization is not just made up of these types of people, it was founded by them. They are the progenitors. Its akin to trusting the mafia because they inducted some regular citizens.
2- We dont have to demonstrate the pros and cons of their agenda of lies. what good would that do anybody? it would be a waste of time. Your repeated mention of it right now is a waste of time. The WHY holds no importance.
3- Round earth advocates to this day, are unable to demonstrate any sort of curvature of the earths surface, other than through photos from NASA; an organization started by Nazi scientists and Freemasonic cult followers. Do you see why I dont trust them? Would you use a Nigerian prince as your source of proof for how big that check you want me to cash for you is? Similarly, the motion of earth has never been demonstrated by anyone (because it cant be). So the "Trust the science!" crowd can publish all the findings they want. And more "Trust the science!" people can go ahead and confirm their findings. Just like they did with the covid vaccine. None of those people have been or will be going to space.
Oh, great, you’re a flat earther AND a Hitler worshipper. That just makes you so much more trustworthy! /s
“Hitler wasn’t bad, he was just misunderstood!” GFY
You attempt to prove that history has been fabricated… with a documentary who’s fundamental assumption is that history is fabricated. That’s called a circular argument. You’re also assuming that the “evidence” that Hitler was a good guy weren’t also fabricated. Evidence for your worldview is legit, evidence for everyone else is fabricated. That’s called hypocrisy.
Also, even if parts of WWII were fabricated, that does not mean that other parts are fabricated as well. That’s called a non sequitur.
The why absolutely holds importance. Especially when you want to dodge the question because you can’t answer it.
The motion of earth has been clearly demonstrated in the motion of the other planets and the parallax of stars as earth goes through its orbit. The evidence for a round earth and heliocentrism is overwhelming. You don’t want to view the evidence because it contradicts your worldview.
I am not a “trust the science” guy, I am a “follow the evidence” guy. “Trust the science” is anathema to science itself. The “trust the science” crowd wasn’t asking you to trust science, they were asking you to trust govt’s and corporations who were actively withholding evidence. Round earth advocates, far from withholding evidence, have openly published their findings and evidence for anyone to debunk at any time. A feat that none of you flat earthers can accomplish.
Those windows you are looking out of probably distorted and curved. Most all of them are. Watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped.
why does it look just as curved when you're on a high mountain? it must be because your eyeballs are round...lmfao. Ok, back to reality: watch a ship go over the horizon and try to get a laser sight to maintain contact. If it was flat this would be possible. No need to believe me. Try it your self and learn something first hand.
This is the exact illustration of sheer ignorance informed by stupid arrogance. You certainly don't know enough about optics or airplane windows to prove that this is true---for if you did, you would quickly realize that it isn't true. (Speaking as a former optical engineer who worked on intraocular lenses.)
Those windows you are looking out of probably distorted and curved. Most all of them are. Watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped.
Observable facts..what I go on are exactly that. What are your observable facts? I'm not the one depending on lab coats and 13 years MINIMUM spent in a government indoctrination facility.
I was home-schooled so i have less indoctrination than someone like you who believes people who tell him the earth is flat when he could have just gone outside and said to himself "hmmm the sun is down and its night time now. Where is it daytime now? What part of the flat earth is it daytime now? Wait if its flat shouldn't it be nighttime everywhere? Is that true? Hmmmmm?"
Aristotle around 350 BC "observed" the world to be a sphere from lunar eclipses - that and other things it was generally accepted among the educated way back then. Now a bit later on in 240 BC we had Eratosthenes do his shadow compares on the summer solstice from two different cities a known distance apart. Easy to look up the exact simple calculations for this and do it yourself even... he was pretty close to the actual circumference we know it to be now. Despite the uneducated flat earthers... NCSWIC!!!
I can 'observe' a boat on the water on a clear day miles out..see more of the actual boat when you view from a higher location than from a lower location on the shoreline. That's pretty 'observable' proof right there.
The 66,600 orbital velocity number is an average figure. Orbital mechanics demonstrates that the Earth will slow down a bit at its aphelion (furthest point from the sun) and speed up a bit at perihelion (closest point to the sun). This is true for all orbits as they’re all slightly elliptical.
Axial tilt is 23.4 degrees, not 66.6. Taking the complement of axial tilt and calling it axial tilt just so that you can get a 666 somewhere is inaccurate and disingenuous.
Just because Revelation says that 666 is the number of the beast does not mean that every number with 666 in it is satanic. By necessity at some point in human history there were 666 humans on the planet. Does that mean we’re satanic?
The North Star actually moves ever so slightly in the sky, your eye just isn’t sensitive enough to detect this. The North Star is very closely aligned to Earths spin axis and is also 323 light years away, that’s why it doesn’t appear to move very much.
I obviously can’t see the result from your laser experiment, but other flat earthers have performed similar experiments and accidentally proven that the earth is round.
NASA and flight trainers sometimes assume that the earth is flat because it simplifies calculations in situations that don’t require that level of precision. They don’t make this assumption all the time, and it’s called an assumption for a reason.
The earths curvature is clearly visible from a plane at cruising altitude, and one’s view is not always obstructed by clouds. Airlines are not trying to hide anything from you except the fact that their pilots are dropping dead from the jab.
I would encourage everyone to watch on Rumble What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Part 1 - 13. They are 20-30 long and will explain how we have been duped.
Dude, 90 degrees minus 23.4 is 66.6 degrees. Is that a coincidence? Do you believe in coincidences now?
They made up the tilt- and it directly relates to the number of the beast. Along with a plethora of other numbers involving space and a round earth.
I know, it’s a hard one to wrap your head around. The cognitive dissonance is tough with this subject. My advise is to dive into what flat earthers believe and try to prove a globe.
66.6 is the decimal representation of two thirds!! OMG math is satanic! Any one who understands math is satanic. Better burn them, they're definitely witches!
If you want to be precise, earths axial tilt is 23.43634 degrees, the complement of which is 66.56366. No 666 there!
Seriously, you’re cherry picking data and twisting it to make it say 666 because you want it to be there. If anything your obsession with 666 makes you satanic.
Also, if I’ve said this once I’ve said this a thousand times, just because 666 is the number of the beast doesn’t mean that every instance of 666 is satanic. Revelation does not provide us clear clues as to what the significance of this number is, and there is certainly no indication in Scripture that it has anything to do with space or the fact that the earth is round. We don’t even have to worry about the beast because he comes on the scene after the Rapture.
Also also, it’s 666; not 66.6, not .666, and not 66,600. Those are not the same numbers, and pretending otherwise is disingenuous.
“Dive into what flat earthers believe and try to prove a globe”
Don’t need to, flat earthers have already proven a round earth for me. So nice of them.
they don't even understand that in their system of relativity, 66.6 degrees = 23.4 degrees based on perspective. they argue that its just a fucking coincidence that all these maths line up this way. didnt Q teach these people "how many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?"
Q’s quote was about how many times he predicted Trump would tweet X number of minutes after a Q drop. You’re taking his quote out of context to mean something that it wasn’t intended for.
no buddy. that quote was not only meant for that twitter post. the whole idea of compounding coincidences is a major theme of Q. "Do you believe in coincidences?" What does future proves past mean? How do you force coincidental occurrences over and over? What is the looking glass? What is the relationship between probability and compounding coincidences?
That’s the thing that gets me. Why I refuse to fight is they want us to fight over it. If they wanted to end the argument with their trillions they would.
That's fake buddy. Crank the brightness levels up and you'll see all kinds of trickery. How did they film through the van Allen radiation belt without exposing the film? Use your brain.
No trickery. You have to go to the original exposure. Anything found on the internet is digitized (duh). The cameras were hardened against radiation---including the film canisters (duh). The photo was not taken when the camera was within the Van Allen belts. I think you should use YOUR brain before you ask me to use mine. But the point remains: we have the photos and they are not digital creations.
BINGO! There is no picture of our round earth - NASA tells you it’s a composite.
Watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped.
Strangley enough there are some who believe that the 'end times' of Revelations has already happened, as has Jesus's 1000 year reign. Some believe we are in the 'short season' that Satan was released to tempt man again. If that's true then the 'Great Awakening' may be just that.
Who knows eh? My guess is just be a decent person who serves the lord Jesus Christ. Take care of others and fight for the right thing. If you should come across the Tribulation then know that the lord has come and even in the midst of all the trials, that's a good thing,
Sorry incorrect - just read the first three verses.
It is a single revelation because God wants us to know what will happen during the end times so that those caught up in it need not be afraid. It is a process and you will note that God is making a final attempt to bring people to repentance Rev 9:21.
He is also bringing the justice to deal with all the wickedness of temporal time.
Just because it is presented over 22 chapters - though when given there were no chapters - doesn't mean there are 'many revelations' it all the same revelation.
We do. We know that's bullshit for a multitude of reasons, the least of which is that Rapture hasn't occurred yet. The Church is not present at all throughout The Tribulation, but is present before and after.
Anyone who is saying that The Revelation of Jesus Christ can't be understood with a fairly clear meaning is lying to you, or they're too stupid to deserve your attention.
Scripture clearly teaches a pre Trib rapture, with a millennial reign happening afterwards. Biblical prophecy can be initially confusing, but patient study will render its meaning clear. The Bible is not written to confuse people, all you have to do is study what it says.
The Revelation of Christ comes with spiritual discernment; when one humbly accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Until that point one only has natural or flesh discernment (earth/clay/dust). God is Spirit.. Christ is Truth/Spirit. Ask God yourself who He is if you really want to know..
You have to keep looking, friend. The lies are everywhere. Not all is as it seems. Why accept covid as a lie and the rest as truth? The lies go back centuries.
When you are ready.
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped.
The inconsistency you have is astounding. Science shows us that covid and the vaccines are lies. Science also shows us that the Earth is (roughly) a sphere.
Flat Earth "science" is entirely based around complete ignorance of actual science from the very fundamental principles. It's a complete non-sequitur.
It is not just ignorance of science, it is abject rejection of science. Flat earthers practice zetetecism, not scientific method. It is science, not zetetecism, that has built the modern world. If they had their way they would drag the entire world back into the dark ages.
I understand your perspective, and I’m more on the earth is toroidal bandwagon, but I don’t dismiss the science at all.
I do a lot of research, i study the math and the history. And I won’t say anything for sure because I don’t feel we have enough proof.
Question everything - you obviously haven’t seen this: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped.
Then prove it. Just saying that everyone else is lying is not an argument. If they’ve literally lied about everything, then it should be pretty easy to expose it all.
Only place I've seen this theory mentioned was by AEWAR (YouTube channel) where his first 3 videos (LHFE 2:1, LHFE 2:2, LHFE 2:3) we're extremely interesting (some of the most eye opening videos/evidences I've ever seen), and I believe towards the end of his LHFE 2:3 video he hinted at the possibility of Jesus Christ' millennial reign already taking place during what we we're taught as the "Dark Ages" (or rather around years 50 - 1250 or so). When in reality, the Dark Ages was actually where Christ reigned, the world was at peace, people flourished/prospered, and where much of the magnificent architecture we see today (that never should've been possible back then) came from. And that everything we are taught in our history about the "Dark Ages" is a lie, and that is the ultimate cover up. And that we are now living through Satan's final deception.
Then oddly enough, AEWARs very next video (LHFE 2:END) he completely did a 180, and made a long video apologizing for his biases, and that everything he said previously just doesn't make sense. It was clear as day that someone got to him.
However, I don't believe in that theory. It just doesn't line up biblically for me and way too many gaps in the theory. With that being said, there's something very interesting about AEWAR's first few videos, and how he did a complete 180. He provides a lot of compelling evidence that will make you question the first ~1500 years after Jesus Christ died and rose again, and also whether or not Earth is a sphere.
Aristotle mentioned that the Earth was round in 350 BC. Eratosthenes computed the radius of the spherical Earth in ~240 BC. Dante Alighieri presented the Earth as being spherical in his "Divine Comedy" in 1320. Magellan proved the Earth was spherical by circumnavigation in 1521 AD. The Society of Jesus (Jesuits) was formed in 1540, late to the party by nearly two millennia.
Since then, of course, we have continually circumnavigated the globe by sea and air and space travel. (The stars cover the heavens in all directions, and we can see them all simultaneously at different locations on the globe.)
The only thing that is here debunked is your ignorant allegation that it all came from the Jesuits and not from actual observation and discovery. Moreover, there is nothing in the Book of Genesis that speaks against the truth of a spherical Earth. Nor has Jesus arrived to herald the End Times. You are so filled with what you want to be true, you have no room in mind and heart for the truth itself.
"You are so filled with what you want to be true, you have no room in mind and heart for the truth itself."
Might this be describing you as well? I am not saying it's either flat or round. I have seen evidence of both. There is a third answer we can all agree on though. We have our beliefs but we truly can't know. The truth has been so polluted over the centuries that I don't think we can really say anything we can't observe is fact and then even some things we observe may not be what they seem.
Fear. We faced it with trump. With covid. People screeching. Be rational. Find God. Find truth. See the majesty of life. The fact that you can see so much evidence of both makes it even more exciting.
You were brainwashed ever since you were a kid to make fun of flat earthers. It's the only group of people school encouraged making fun of.... huh. Weird.
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped.
Seen it. Not impressed. Why does the sun never change size even when flat earthers think its at its farthest? You can cover the sun with your thumb at any point during the day. And the entire distance of space between the sun and the horizon supposedly disappears due to perspective but the diameter of the sun doesnt change at all.
Give me a distance the sun is above the plane of the earth and we can do the math to determine its size other fun stuff.
There is only one fact, the roundness of the Earth. You can't deny it when people have gone AROUND it. And did so on the basis of a firm understanding that it was round. Magellan accomplished the incontrovertible proof and that was 500 years ago. There has been no room for doubt ever since.
An Earth sufficiently large will look "flat" over small portions. There is no "third answer" except maybe to clarify misunderstandings (and explain atmospheric refraction). This truth has never been "polluted over the centuries." We base our international travel on it, and the whole enterprise of space travel.
I repeat my statement. The truth is stark and immutable. You are trying to run away from it in order to satisfy your paranoia.
TPTB gain from it, because along with a ball Earth they can also sell us space and the endless possibilities that come with that. They can fake an alien invasion in order to bring about a one world government. Ronald Reagan said numerous times that he often wondered if an outside invading force would cause all nations to unify into a New World Order.
Why is there a treaty that no one can go to Antarctica? What are the elite protecting there? Are there pyramids in Antarctica? And why can’t we fly over it?
You need to answer these questions to understand what we are to gain. There is so much about this earth with healing and magnetic fields that we don’t know.
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped.
This comment is so thoroughly bullshit I cannot repress my disgust.
The fact of the matter is that there has been tourist air flights over Antarctica since the 1970s (a half century, for those who are mathematically impaired). Here is a summary of the tourism history.
What this proves is that Mr. Chandler15 doesn't know enough about his own statement to see whether it is true or not. The only thing we should question is what he posts on this page. I would suggest that the moderators consider sponging him from the page, as he seems to be only a shill for his own point of view and a general nuisance posting in every sub-thread.
I am generally tolerant on points of view, but not on points of fact.
I merely suggested watching a documentary that would help answer frens questions. I should be sponged for that? I thought this was a place to share research material. I happen to find that documentary answered a lot of my questions. Several people had some of the same questions I had a few months ago. This documentary answered them.
No, you said the Antarctic Treaty prohibited anyone from going to Antarctica or flying over it. Whereas, there are companies offering exactly such tourist trips. There are no questions to be answered, except why you are promoting falsehoods. I don't take advice on how not to be duped by a shill trying to dupe people into taking his advice.
The existence of a round earth and outer space does not disprove the existence of God. Yes evolutionists have tried to explain the universe without God, yet they consistently fail to do so. If anything round earth and the universe perfectly display God’s handiwork, and creation science explains it all perfectly without having to invoke flat earth.
NASA was nothing more than another government agency laundering our tax payer money. That alone should you put everyone on a fact finding mission for the truth!
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped.
The Jesuits did not invent the globe. Humans have known and measure the earths diameter for thousands of years.
Why else does the Great Pyramid’s height and base precisely match the Earth’s radius and diameter to a scale of 1:43200? And even if you ignored the Egyptians, the Greeks accurately measured the earths diameter before Jesus was born. Not as accurately as the Egyptians, but with less than 5% error. Not bad for 2,000+ years ago, when people were already smarter than you.
1 Samuel 2:8---Playing with words. If you construe the mantle as the world's foundations, there is no problem. No requirement for flatness.
Job 38:4-6---Same wordplay. Compatible with the Earth as we know it. And the language is conspicuously metaphorical. (Job 26:7 clearly supports the Earth as hanging in space ["over nothing"].)
Psalm 139:13-16---Spoken by a human being, clearly metaphorical. But "depths of the Earth" are especially consistent with a spherical Earth. (How one could be woven there is yet to be explained.)
Isaiah 40:22---The "circle of the Earth" is simply the view of the Earth that we see from on high.
No, all you are doing is seizing on straws and pouring lots of your own bias into words that are mainly metaphorical. In any case, the Earth IS as God made it---unless you are prepared to argue that God did not make it.
My thoughts.... How would you get from the west coast to say Japan or China without going all the way across the USA if the earth was indeed flat? Or from the east coast to Europe if the cut off point is on that side of a flat earth? Maybe it's not a sphere, maybe it's more of an egg shape, maybe it's closer to the shape of a D20, I personally don't know. But in my opinion, it's not flat. Anyone can feel free to disagree with me but I'm not a subscriber to this theory at this point in time
They have a flat Earth picture where you go around the middle ring so you can still get West to East. But then they have zero explanation for how all longitude latitude is fake and all gps systems are in on it, how airplanes can fly from Australia to New Zealand without hours and hours and hours of travel (remember they are flying around the outer ring in their model!), how all airline pilots are in on it, how all scientists are in on it, how the sun and moon just randomly oscillate for no reason, how satellites work and stay up in the sky.
Funny that’s the same argument that people made about the covid hoax. Surely not EVERYONE across the globe is in on it! That’s impossible!
The reality is that no one has to “be in on it”, 99% of people don’t question, and the ones who do are ridiculed. It’s pretty easy and you should be intimately familiar with it
No, if you thought about it you would know this is different because the shape of the Earth actively affects how you would operationally carry out each of the aforementioned products or tasks.
Meanwhile with covid thousands of doctors and nurses stood up and said no this is wrong.
Some will never accept it until they do the work themselves. Get off your high horse built on nothing but indoctrination and expand your thinking. Are you so full of yourself that you know the world to be round because that’s what you were taught. Don’t you think we all were taught the same shit? Maybe these Flat Earth people did the same amount of research as maybe you have done with Q. Maybe.
There is no "information" on something that is not true. There is no point in spending time to "dig" into someone's idle fantasy. Or I guess you don't use the GPS system to find your way around.
So a flat earth isn't really flat. Ok, but you gotta answer me this one: Is it really a turtle that its resting on or something else? I've always wondered about that one.
Just imagine you split the globe map at Antarctica and folded it flat. Then how would you get there? You will find the flight paths they already take make more sense that way.
All they did to create the globe is stretch the flat earth map around a ball.
All "flat" maps are projections of a sphere, as was known from their origination. The Mercator projection, with which we are all familiar, was first presented in 1569. It is more accurate to say that the projection unwrapped the Earth surface from a ball to a plane.
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped. The earth is flat and he proves it.
Has anyone EVER observed the horizon or movement of the sun or tides or satellites or seasons or time zones or peak sun angles at different latitudes or the Arctic midnight sun or flight routes or night skies on opposing hemispheres or a hundred other things that irrefutably prove we're on a globe?
Yes. They are called astronomers. We have satellites that transmit live images of a round Earth. Our terrestrial maps are incompatible with a flat Earth; they conform only to the geometry of a sphere. This was discovered a very long time ago, when nationwide survey grids were attempted---and could not be fit together unless spherical corrections were made.
The proofs are abounding. Your ignorance of them is deplorable.
Sorry. I took your question at face value, not as irony or sarcasm. It was not obvious that you were opposing Flat Earthism. Sad to say, their mode of argument is indistinguishable from your sarcasm.
I have seen a lot of stuff about flat earth vs. round earth. My only question is the flight patterns. Why would I have to take an entire day to fly all the way around the world to Australia? When Australia is seemingly so close to hawaii. Perhaps I’m ignorant to flight regulations. But I haven’t found an actual answer for that.
Answer: the jet stream. There are currents of air going around the earth in different directions at different latitudes, and it’s more efficient for the plane to fly with the winds and not against them. Sometimes you can’t avoid flying against the wind, but it’s more fuel efficient to fly with.
Well that might be true also but i think the main reason is emergency landing locations. You have to fly over areas where if something happened, you could land somewhere near or someone could come quick enough to save you.
That may make a little difference, eastbound vs. westbound, but Great Circle routes make a larger difference---and they are impossible if the Earth is flat.
But you are so ignorant. You omit entirely from your mind the hands-on proof of the Earth's roundness by the circumnavigation of Magellan, 500 years ago.
Apologies, but you missed the point of Patriotwoman9's question, which had to do with short flights between places that should be far separated on a Flat Earth. Jet streams are really not the appropriate answer. I am sorry that I mistook you.
Look at a Auckland to Santiago flight route. It is a 10 hour flight. That would be impossible if earth was flat. And you can see plane on this route. It should be longer than US to AUS if the earth was flat.
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped - the earth is flat and this documentary proves it.
Where have Bezos and Musk bumped into the firmament? Seems to me that they get out into space just fine.
Yes, they are evil transhumanist scum, but that doesn’t invalidate round earth.
If they know that the earth is flat and covered by a dome, why would they try getting past the dome? Wouldn’t it have occurred to them that the dome protects the earth from whatever is above?
the flat earth theory doesn't match with all that we know about particle physics and relativity, especially special relativity. How do you fix that ? However, it is true that a flat earth work in a heavily conceptualized space where things aren't what they seem.
Hey flat earth genius: Where does the sun go when it goes down in the united states and why is it always up in china when its down in the united states and vice versa?
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped - the earth is flat and this documentary proves it.
Step 1: Identify some obscure conspiracy item of contention far outside the scope of Q.
Step 2: Weave that topic into all comments with boilerplate copypasta drivel, even on completely unrelated threads.
Step 3: Pretend that conspiracy is common knowledge, berating and using ad hominem in response to anyone who objects, defending the position 20 comments deep if necessary.
Step 4: Conflate that conspiracy with Q, so that newcomers to Q believe that everyone also believes the obscure conspiracy.
For instance, take a look at HuntersCrackDealinHo's comment below. Boilerplate copypasta 95% of their post. Then a handshake bot John_Mac_n_Cheese agrees, with 100% boilerplate. Then HuntersCrack responds with 100% more boilerplate.
You've seen it with flat earth shills, the insistence that all bad guys are "Khazarians" shills, or the bad guys are only _____ (insert Freemasons, Jews, Jesuits, etc.), pro-Naziism shills, anti-Russian shills, hostile pro-Catholics, even hostile pro-Christians.
If you look, their grammar, word usage is practically the same. They'll go 30 posts deep defending their ideology. They never actually respond to any rebuttals directly. They inject copious amounts of unrelated boilerplate drivel supporting their points while completely ignoring any counter-arguments.
I actually believe most of these are DARPA AI bots. I work alot with AI and it's beyond impressive how it can formulate sentences that seem like they're from a native English speaker. DARPA's budget for 2022/2023 is over 7 billion dollars ... certainly they have capabilities light years beyond anything available to the public.
Personally I would argue that Khazarians, Freemasons, and Jesuits are legit bad guys, but I certainly don’t think they’re the only bad actors or that everything can be attributed to them. Q didn’t seem to spend much time talking about them.
I have slowly been red pilling a few family members and a friend by telling them how worried I am about the "Khazarian Mafia." Of course they have no idea what Khazaria is but listen to all my stories of how horrible these people are... I simply say it's an ancient country near Russia... I never mention "jew." I am hoping once they are hooked and start to research further they will make the connection to the jews... seems to be working but will have to see.
Basically, every muh Khazarian shill would be saying muh Jews if they could get away with it. But knowing they can't, they use Khazarian as a synonym.
But khazarians are different from Jews. Khazarians are imposter Jews , allegedly. So you’re proposing that people made up the khazarian story as a proxy for Jews? I thought they made It to clear up the anti semitism.
They, uh, fly around up there. The fact that mainstream science can predict solar and lunar movements down to the second anywhere on the globe is evil black magic that's deceiving your lying eyes.
This really is your only argument isn't it. I've seen you post these links at least a dozen times. How about putting it in your own words, prove you know facts rather than repeat lies.
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped - the earth is flat and this documentary proves it.
I like hollow earth, but hey man, I don't shit on other theories.
In my experience, everything is a lie.
What I do find curious though, is there has been an influx of nitwitted threads complaining about this board being inundated with flat earth stuf. From what I can tell, this post included, it's all people complaining about it, but no actual threads are being started discussing it
I've been lead mod of GA, a job I do for free, for seven years. We didn't put JWST in LaGrange Point 2 to tolerate you arrogant faggots.
This is why I'm always grateful when the inevitable flat earth thread comes up for this exact reason. Normally I perma-ban flat earth retards. There is no dealing with you fuckwits. Why? Because I don't work for you; I work for critical thinkers and researchers, literally the best of the best minds, not mental midgets who can't be arsed two shits to figure anything out.
Move along. Lurk, or take this time to find a new home on a different WIN.
EDIT: my earlier comment was going by your spelling. I see now that 'rule' was a typo. So..with that change made. How do you feel about politicians, BLM, and woke crowd when they say that if we simply kept our mouths shut then they wouldn't beat and assault us for having different perspectives? Shouldn't a half intelligent person be able to not get riled up by hearing a different viewpoint? Or better yet, maybe even just ignore it and move on? No, these people seek out those who have different viewpoints and start spewing filth and hatred. No skin off my back because I am a very tolerant person.
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped - the earth is flat and this documentary proves it.
It’s so crazy though, different shaped earths. It stops you from looking into everything else. The earth shape is like a mental prison. If you can get past it, you can start to see all the lies everywhere
So funny how many people here believe nothing that is pushed on them except this. DS is all lies, constructed our reality, but yet this is the one thing they're honest about.
Yes, the CIA started this "conspiracy theory" to make us look bad. No way they started it as a conspiracy theory to cast doubt on its legitimacy. The CIA, just like the DS, is only lying about FE.
We've been indoctrinated since birth, but nope, no way the earth isn't a globe.
The DS had centuries to perfect their indoctrination, building "evidence" to support it. Each century their confidence builds as they pull off bigger and bigger narratives. Honestly, it has nothing to do with FE vs RE, they're dividing us further and further from God.
Just another wedge driven in between We The People that entertain "conspiracy theories". Regardless of your belief we shouldn't be insulting and casting aspersions on others because they believe in "conspiracy theories" you disagree with. That just makes you sound like a dem/libtard, can't converse or discuss, only call names and regurgitate what others have said.
And it should really be the easiest conspiracy theory to believe. But instead they believe all these mind-numbing numbers that are thrown at us, and a complete fantasy world of endless space and planets (all of which look more like balls of shimmering gas in photos).
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped - the earth is flat and he proves it.
How do you know this? It would actually be strategically important for them to tell the truth about most things, and save the lies for things that are more important to their agenda or easier to conceal.
The more lies you tell, the harder it is to keep the lies straight and the easier it is to get exposed.
And if you’re going to insist that anyone’s lying about anything, you have to actually provide proof. Just saying that someone lies about everything isn’t a sufficient argument.
By that logic then God is probably the devil and the devil is god and Jesus was probably just made up by the 6000 year old death cult DS to troll us. See, I can shit on any reality that requires a little bit of extra knowledge to fully understand and explain. Everyone who isn't completely delusional can figure out for themselves that the earth is round just by thinking about where the sun goes at night and why the sun is out on the other side of the GLOBE. Get a grip. Never go full flat earth.
Ok First disclaimer is I don’t subscribe to FE so I also don’t know how they define “flat” but I was just thinking about your example if the earth wasn’t a globe, the sun could still orbit around a flat rectangle? Or is the theory that there is nothing orbiting around a flat earth? serious question
No, we should be rejecting lunacy that defies proven facts. The "Deep State" hasn't existed as a continuous entity for centuries, capable of subverting all knowledge. If that were true, scientific and technological progress would not be possible, because they rely on the existence of reality and would not work based on falsehood.
The inability to recognize reality is insanity. And the inability (or unwillingness) to defend the recognition of reality is capitulation to insanity---otherwise known as evil. Pick a side---but don't pick lunacy.
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped - the earth is flat and this documentary proves it.
BBC did one similar called "Space Cadets," where they took brainiacs like we see in this thread and told them they were going to space. Instead put them on the exact space shuttle set from Space Cowboys. Hilarity ensued.
sigh. OK flat earth pedes. I’m going to spill the beans. I work in defense/aerospace for the evil military industrial complex. I’ve worked several projects that require precise math to determine very accurate locations. We’re talking use of satellites in ORBIT. To triage anything useful out of a set of satellites you have to account for earth’s curvature.
As someone else said in this thread, for small areas you can “cheat” by pretending the earth is flat when performing calculations. But for large areas and anything else requiring precision, you must account for the earth’s curvature, otherwise coordinates will cease to be even remotely accurate. I worked on a project some years ago where the system cheated when determining coordinates for radar plots. The customer provided funding to convert to whole earth coordinates instead (i.e. account for curvature) to get more accurate coordinates.
But don’t take my word for it. Get out of the house, book a flight or cruise around the world, and go see for yourself. You can see the curvature from a higher altitude. Shucks, take up mountain climbing. You kids need to get out more.
I have a collection of about a thousand albums so no. Have you not noticed to go around the surface of a disk you have to be constantly turning? You go around the globe going straight ahead.
This shit is turning into noise. Q said the Earth isn't flat "bUt DiSiNfO iS nEsCeSaRy". No. That just gives the op plausible deniability. It is not an open broadstroke that you can play to back up your retard theories. Here are a couple of sources where you can prove the facts for yourself:
Not good enough? If you have a camera that can take long exposure shots, take a picture facing north one night and then take a picture facing south and compare the images. If the Earth is flat, they should be relatively the same. They won't be.
This is fucking noise that needs to be shit down. If you believe FE, that is your business to be fucking stupid on purpose. It serves NO purpose in this group expect to perpetuate the stupidity. It is a FRINGE conspiracy that has NO basis in fact and is only being propped up by "muh Bible". The Bible isn't perfect. It has been perverted, bastardized and exploited by assholes who used it to control people. It is not some sacred, incorruptible magic text. For whatever reason Jesus DIDN'T put any magic protections probably to further prove our free will and so no, it's not a base for absolute fact. Observing the world around us IS how we expand our thinking. The Earth isn't flat. This is FACT. You cannot change fact no matter how hard you want to "believe" or no matter how hard you try to convince yourself it's all lies. Not everything is a fucking conspiracy. The cabal's lies are not as airtight as they have successfully fooled you into believing. But I don't have time or patience for you fucking morons anymore. No one here should. Take your crap to other fringe subs. It doesn't belong here.
The Bible doesn’t even say the earth is flat. There’s one passage in Isaiah about God sitting above the circle of the earth that FE runs with without thinking.
Round earth is perfectly compatible with the Bible. FE thinks they’re incompatible for… whatever retarded reason.
The earth is not a spinning spiraling hurling ball in a vacuum of space that can't seem to fling the water and air away from our tiny rock. That is fact. I mean FACT so it counts. Make your High School science fair model of the solar system in motion then add Polaris on a long metal spoke attached to the earth. Calculate composite velocities. Traverse Antarctica and post coordinates each night until you reach the other side. Better yet just circumnavigate without going ashore
Did your mommy not breastfeed you long enough? You know if you keep calling people names like that you are going to have retarded kids. Better watch out.
I’m dead🤣 That’s exactly what my last cat did every night. My husband would leave his glass on the bar. By the time everyone but me had gone to bed. (Glass was sweating) I’d hear something sliding. Most of the time I caught her. A few times she knocked it off & boom, glass & liquid everywhere. I almost lost an entire set of glasses. She was adventurous for sure.
Lol... I had one that would knock 32oz plastic cups full of water on my head while I was sleeping. What was brilliant is she would wait for months to do it again...until she'd lulled me into a false sense of security🐸
peepeesee you still haven’t done your research yet I see. Such a shame that someone who knows nothing about flat earth can continually push against it.
Everyone who does the research on flat earth NEVER goes back to the Satantic globe prison. That is 100% fact. Take that to the bank, Jack!
So true! Can’t go back! I’m definitely a non-glober now. Guess what everyone.. the beauty of being freed from a big lie is so liberating! You Just feel free, and laughter ensues..
They can't help it. Most people are able to tolerate other people having different beliefs, some people can't. I would use the typical unhinged leftist as an example.
And isn’t it funny how people on TGA act very similarly to leftists. Rude, name calling, never understanding the other position. It’s amazing. I think discovering the flat earth is part of the Great Awakening.
“I think discovering the flat earth is part of the Great Awakening.”
I believe you are correct. Question everything. NASA is fake. The Earth is flat….and I have a T-shirt to prove it. KEK.
Actually, no. The understanding that the Earth is round has been around for over two millennia. It was known in the time of Christ, and he did not dispute it.
Way to parrot something you read that someone else wrote on some board that one time. They demonize the things they don’t want you to learn. Flat Earth, Q, God.
Excuse me, who’s calling who a retard? You pull out wikihow as your fucking proof? Plus a Netflix doc? Omg dude. You really need to expand your research. You are not worth discussing this with until you’ve done some basic research that doesn’t have the globie spin on it (no pun intended). Read up, retard.
100%. The spinning spiraling zooming insignificant rock hoax feeds the Satanists agenda hide clear proof of creation and the Bible. Hundreds of biblical texts describe a fixed earth with a dome firmament that separates us from Gods throne.
Flat earthers go too far, they start to think everything is a lie and every conspiracy theory is true. It's important to exercise critical thinking even with alternative sources. In your list, only Q and God are true.
It’s not that they think everything is a lie, it’s that they think everything is a lie without evidence.
If you have evidence that the earth is flat and that all of history has been fabricated by Freemasons, then that’s great, let’s hear it out. But FE advocates just make those assertions and then expect you to go along with it.
On point. As well as NASA being nothing but lying Freemason Nazis...
Their mental state is clinical paranoia, which is a serious delusion about their environment, history, and society. It is a form of psychosis (an inability to recognize reality). It is more important to them than truth (honesty and knowledge).
To be fair, there are things that our institutions have lied to us about, so it’s healthy to have some skepticism of the mainstream narrative. However, this skepticism has to be backed by evidence. Flat Earthers are contrarians for the sake of being contrarians, which doesn’t help anyone.
Nor have you, since you can present no key point---and refuse to believe Magellan circumnavigated the world. Or anyone since, either by sea, air, or outer space. I find it puzzling that you can function without understanding so much about the world. You don't fly anywhere? Maybe not.
Because no one ever saw the sun getting smaller and smaller at evening and then disappearing out of sight. You know, like a street lamp.
Have you ever seen a single sunset or sunrise in your life? The sun rising up from the horizon?
Do you even think for yourself, see nature with your own eyes? Or do you sit in your room all day, watching videos to feed your dogmatic thinking, only to repeat the lies you listened to?
One more dumb question bc I need help understanding. The following is copied straight from google search by scientific America. I asked how fast is earth moving through space. This is the answer:
It covers this route at a speed of nearly 30 kilometers per second, or 67,000 miles per hour. In addition, our solar system--Earth and all--whirls around the center of our galaxy at some 220 kilometers per second, or 490,000 miles per hour.
NOW, my dumb question is. How the heck do we take still pictures of a huge giant ball moving 490,000 miles per hr into the universe? Our satellites or whatever we use to take “pictures/video” would have to be so far away! Right? Like when we see an airplane moving 400 miles per hour way up in the sky. We are how far away? Now the size of earth is what and moving at the 490,000 miles per hr. How is that even possible? Please someone help me here
Moving at speeds Mach 88 and still seeing the same constellations every year in the same spots is all the proof we need.
Also, why isn’t the moon pulled around the sun with its magical gravity power?
Here’s my favorite. Sun is rocketing straight at around 500,000 miles per hour and the earth (that’s spinning around the sun at 66,600 mph) must speed up to 566,600 mph at times and then slow down other times. Never once do we feel any of these speed changes. Not once.
Centrifugal forces do not fling things off the earth because of… wait for it… gravity!
Why do flat earthers not stop to think about these things? Rule #1 of physics is to consider ALL forces that are in play, not just the ones you like or think support your theory.
“Why isn’t the moon pulled around the sun with its magic gravitic power?”
Because the sun is 93 million miles away while the moon is 238000 miles away. Gravitational force is inversely proportional to distance squared, so the farther you’re away from something, the less force it exerts on you.
The sun and earth travel at those speeds relative to the center of the galaxy. You don’t feel speed changes because a). The changes are slow, and b) you don’t move relative to earth.
TL;DR: flat earthers don’t understand or flat out ignore relative motion.
The same way you can take a selfie in your car while on the highway. Your phone is going 70mph taking a picture of something else going 70mph yet its not motion blurred
We have cameras that can capture the entire earth in the lens? Going at speeds we can’t even fathom.. still can’t grasp this... even if one thinks we are within the orbital speed... thx for the example
No we don’t have a photo of the entire earth in a lens. NASA tells you the entire earth photo is a composite (made from different photos).
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped - the earth is flat and this documentary proves it.
This was taken by a chemical film camera. Photoshop wasn't created until 1988.
Current photos have to be assembled from many close-range photos taken at low orbital altitude. (Like a fly taking pictures of your automobile at a distance of an inch.) A camera needs to be at many multiples of the Earth's diameter distant in order to view an entire hemisphere completely.
Oh, but this is "Chandler15" ! I hadn't noticed. The notorious know-nothing, who spouts certainty when he is totally ignorant. HE is the one who should be questioned, before you question anyone else.
Answer: we can take pictures of earth from space because satellites orbit around the earth. They go around the earth, but travel with it, so the earth as a whole isn’t speeding away from them. In short, the answer is relative motion. The earth only moves at 67000 mph relative to the sun.
That is cute, but no one will ever convince me that the earth isn't flat.
Our house has a courtyard, and one of our exhaust pipes is lined up exactly below the north star. No matter what time of year it is, or what time it is, the north star is still there in that same exact spot. How is this possible if we are spinning at 1037 mph, speeding around the sun at 66,660 mph, at a tilt of 66.6 degrees (90-23.4), and EDIT: SHOOTING THROUGH SPACE somewhere between 526,282 mph and 457,970.
According to several online calculators...if I set a lazer 6 inches above the water level on one side of Lake Texoma, the lazer will be 42 inches above the water level three miles away. (6+36 due to curvature). Yet this doesn't happen for some reason. Almost as if level actually means level. Go figure.
Why do flight manuals and NASA training materials clearly read "assume a flat earth with zero rotation"?
Why on the Red Bull extreme high jump does the horizon look flat when they open the door to the capsule and only shows curvature when looking through a fish eyed go pro?
These examples can go on and on.
I always wondered why the airlines sometimes made us put our shades down on takeoff and only let us put them up after we were above the clouds. I believe that this is to block our view of reality and what we could possibly see during takeoff.
BTW..can someone show me an actual experiment that shows how gravity works and makes it a fact rather than theory? I can sure show you a million reproducible experiments using Archimedes Principle, Buoyancy and Density.
Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining.
Also what a coincidence that a lot of these numbers they give us are Satanic: tilt of 66.6 degrees, moving through space at 66,600 MPH and also the curvature they say is 8 inches per mile (or .666 feet per mile). Honestly how can anyone who datefags or looks up deltas and matches up other numerical things miss or ignore these kinda blatant, in-your-face numbers...
Exactly. I wanted to make that in bold but am pretty clueless. According to everything I have read, which makes the calculator wrong, you would figure it at 8 inches X miles squared. In this case 8X(3*3) or 72 inches. Which one calculator did give me. That's a lot of drop over three miles...
But but you forgot to add the math of how the universe is ever expanding, so that surely, somehow accounts for your exhaust pipe/North Star dilemma... no?
Blinded me with Science.
Now, can we talk firmament... and then NASA? Or how about the fact that earth's moon is the ONLY known "satellite" in the observable uni-verse that doesn't rotate on an axis (we see the SAME side of the moon- always) as any planet, moon, asterois, meteor etc doea? And how a lunar or solar eclipse casts an exact size shadow of each other? Odds are flat out astronomical
I somehow forgot the "shooting through space" part in "and somewhere between 526,282 mph and 457,970." oops
All major moons of Jupiter are tidal locked and even one of Saturns. There's more, but just de-boonking your ONLY know "satellite" nonsense. Have a great flat-Earth day. LOL
Yeah, its almost like someone set it up that I dont think most people here would dispute that. What does that prove though besides intelligent design? There is literally more conclusive evidence that the earth is round than there is that England had Kings and still no one flat earther can explain why the sun is up in china when its down in the continental united states.
It's called tidal lock. That's what keeps the moon locked that way. Because, science.
Cancer for the big spinning lie. Polaris is 400M miles away. Why is it tidal locked to earth. What speed is Polaris flying to keep pace with the earth rotating, spiraling, and flying through space.
The moon does rotate on its axis, it just does so in sync with its orbit around the earth, thus presenting the same side to the earth at all times. This is called tidal locking. Io is tidally locked to Jupiter as well, as Enceladus is to Saturn. Those moon’s rotations are more obvious because we’re not observing them from their respective planet’s surfaces.
If you’re going to spout about how evil and incorrect NASA is, at least educate yourself on the topic first before you embarrass yourself on the internet.
Earths axial tilt is not 66.6 degrees, it is defined as 23.4 degrees.
Earths orbital velocity is an average figure since earth slightly speeds up and slows down over its orbit. This number can also be expressed as 107,183 km/h.
Earths curvature can also be expressed as 20.32 cm/1.6 km, or 12.6 cm/km.
The number of the beast is 666. Not 66,600, not 0.666, not 66.6. Also, just because the number of the beast is 666 doesn’t mean everything with 666 in it is satanic. This is one of the most common and egregious misinterpretations of Revelation.
You’re deliberately cherry picking data and units to make 666 appear where you want it to be. The fact that you go actively looking for 666 says more about you than it does NASA.
your argument is disingenuous. masons (NASA) use the imperial system. These measurements are derived from their supposed science. why is the number 666 a recurring theme here? This list is far longer than just these 3 examples.
Incorrect, NASA has used the metric system since 1990.
Also, my point is that which measurement system you use is arbitrary, so you’re arbitrarily using the imperial system to make 666 show up because you think that proves something.
Also, if Freemasons were in charge of NASA and/or the govt in general, why would they lie about something that should be so easy to disprove? Why not tell the truth about the big stuff to earn more credibility to cover their lies about things more important to their agenda, like Covid?
What on earth does the cabal gain by lying to people about the earths shape? I have not heard any convincing argument beyond vague, incoherent references to Antarctica, which few if any civilians travel to in the first place.
I dont care that they use the metric system today. I care that all the measurements with 666 in them were derived using the imperial system, by a group of people who I suspect of satanic worship- the freemasons.
I am not using the metric system to do anything. These are the numbers as they've been given to us by our supposed scientists. All I'm doing is engaging in pattern recognition. how can there be 50 examples of 666 or its multiples appearing in measurements of our planet/solar system? Is it just one big coincidence?
NASA and its freemason associations as well as its Nazi associations are all well documented and admitted. The reason WHY theyre lying is not important to me as it can be any number of infinite reasons. What matters is simply that theyre lying and I (we) can prove it.
And someone before me put it quite elegantly: "If you can't figure out why the controllers of this earth making you believe in a false reality is of paramount importance, then you're a fucking idiot." If everything you know is a lie, and you attempt to engage in battle with an entity that knows the truth, are you at a severe disadvantage? What are your odds of victory under these circumstances?
that's niggerfaggot to you, private.
666 does not appear 50 times. 0.666, 66,600, and 66.6 are not 666. 3 6’s appearing in sequence has no significance whatsoever.
50 times, out of how many other measurements we’ve taken in the solar system, much less the observable universe?
You’re not engaging in pattern recognition, you’re grasping at straws desperately trying to prove a failed theory.
The fact that Freemasons have infiltrated our government doesn’t mean that everything they say is a lie. It’s not beneficial for them to lie about something unless it gets them something in return. Especially about round earth, which if it were false would be trivially easy to disprove, and we wouldn’t have this discussion.
I dont have a theory to prove. You do. your theory is that the earth is a ball hurdling through an infinite vacuum. You have no physical evidence you can provide to me to support that theory.
I could show you the list of 50+ instances in which 666 or some variation thereof is prominently shown in measurements of the moon, earth curvature, etc but I dont think youre really interested in that. You seem to enjoy satanic math and fairytales.
choosing to trust people that are deceptive half the time is retarded, no matter the topic. saying "theres no benefit to lying about the shape of the earth" isnt an argument. Its your opinion from your limited perspective. I already said, proving the globular earth incorrect is a rather easy task for some with honest discernment. That is the precise reason we are having this discussion.
Do you think I want to believe the earth is not a ball and be called every name imaginable for this heretical belief? In your own words, "Whats the benefit to me?" I am this way because it is the observational truth, so im committed to it as are many other so called "flat earthers." The same way youre committed to the musings of Freemasons and satanists.
And the earths axial tilt is defined from the vertical, not from the horizontal.
Changing the definition of earths axial tilt to artificially make 666 show up is disingenuous. You flat earthers love 666 so much I’m starting to think y’all are satanic.
For one this number is associated with one man, one time….Period. It isn’t magical. It has NO power. It isn’t bad luck.
Because the stars are really, really, REALLY far away, and the motion isn't detectible without extremely precise instruments. But, over time, it moves. The North Star wasn't always our true north. Ancient Sumerian texts describe other stars, such as Sirius and Betelguese. Vega, the brightest star in Lyra the Harp will eventually become our North Star in about 13,000 years.
Did you know? There are Sumerian ceuniform tablets that describe not only past, previous north stars, but describe ALL of them (as in, when they repeat), around one full rotation around the galactic core? ANCIENT knowledge.
Do you guys have any other arguments other than "it dun non gun nebber make sense to me"??
That's not true at all. Don't lie.
Watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped.
be careful about what you believe from our fabricated history lol. "Ancient knowledge" kek
Then why does it all add up if you actually understand astronomy?
thats what I keep asking myself. I actually do understand astronomy. I understand orbital mechanics and physics and quantum physics. How could all of these things work so perfectly within our current model if theyre wrong?
I think Michio Kaku might have given us a hint when he commented that what surprised him the most, is that the parallels in the texts of the Zohar and Kaballah and physics are astounding.
I also believe there is a quote from Einstein somewhere that "it matters not if you consider the earth to be moving through the universe at break neck speed or if the earth is standing still and everything in the universe revolves around it- with the calculations for relativity working either way." Of course thats my paraphrased understanding of what was said. What this means is that you cannot prove the earth is moving through observation, and it merely becomes a debate on philosophical grounds.
Here's my current line of thinking- would it be possible for a superior intelligence to devise a model of physics that functions for 99.999% of observation, but is still flawed in such a way as to obscure the truth? What do Jews say about their supposed superior intelligence? Who gave us general relativity? Why does the surname Stein seem to be connected to so many of our current worldly problems?
That’s your argument?
“I’m right because all of history is wrong!”
That is the most arrogant argument I have ever heard. That’s as arrogant as commies saying: “well that wasn’t real communism! I can do better!”
you argument is taking a demonstrably fabricated history and using it as some sort of proof of a moving North Star. you have 0 physical evidence of it having ever moved. and then you use NASA, an organization made up of freemasons and nazis as evidence that it will be moving in the future too. we just need to wait 13000 years kek.
and you call me arrogant. perhaps you need a mirror.
“Demonstrably fabricated history”
Prove that history has been fabricated. Every argument for this that I’ve heard so far assumes it’s own premise. No, you may not invoke Freemasons (not without evidence). No, you may not call me uneducated or deluded just because I don’t buy your story.
I did not say anything about the North Star changing, that was someone else in this thread. Though his theory is plausible since Earth’s axis precesses over time.
“NASA, an organization of Freemasons and Nazis”
Just because an organization is partially made up of such people does not mean their statements are wrong. This is an inverse of the appeal to authority fallacy. A theory’s plausibility is independent of its source.
No flat earther has ever demonstrated what said Freemasons gain by lying about the shape of the earth. Round earth does not disprove God, creation, or the Bible.
Round earth advocates gladly publish all their findings and evidence for the public to check out. People who aren’t Freemasons or Nazis have double checked the work and it all checks out. Kind of hard to lie to people when your research is open source.
Arguing with you is clearly going to get me nowhere but ill do my best again anyway.
You want me to prove that history has been fabricated? Lets start with world war 2 if you'd like.
watch that and then reevaluate what you think you know about the world. If they can make you believe a fake reality about events as recent as 100 years ago, imagine what they'll make you believe about stuff from thousands of years ago.
1- the organization is not just made up of these types of people, it was founded by them. They are the progenitors. Its akin to trusting the mafia because they inducted some regular citizens.
2- We dont have to demonstrate the pros and cons of their agenda of lies. what good would that do anybody? it would be a waste of time. Your repeated mention of it right now is a waste of time. The WHY holds no importance.
3- Round earth advocates to this day, are unable to demonstrate any sort of curvature of the earths surface, other than through photos from NASA; an organization started by Nazi scientists and Freemasonic cult followers. Do you see why I dont trust them? Would you use a Nigerian prince as your source of proof for how big that check you want me to cash for you is? Similarly, the motion of earth has never been demonstrated by anyone (because it cant be). So the "Trust the science!" crowd can publish all the findings they want. And more "Trust the science!" people can go ahead and confirm their findings. Just like they did with the covid vaccine. None of those people have been or will be going to space.
Oh, great, you’re a flat earther AND a Hitler worshipper. That just makes you so much more trustworthy! /s
“Hitler wasn’t bad, he was just misunderstood!” GFY
You attempt to prove that history has been fabricated… with a documentary who’s fundamental assumption is that history is fabricated. That’s called a circular argument. You’re also assuming that the “evidence” that Hitler was a good guy weren’t also fabricated. Evidence for your worldview is legit, evidence for everyone else is fabricated. That’s called hypocrisy.
Also, even if parts of WWII were fabricated, that does not mean that other parts are fabricated as well. That’s called a non sequitur.
The why absolutely holds importance. Especially when you want to dodge the question because you can’t answer it.
The motion of earth has been clearly demonstrated in the motion of the other planets and the parallax of stars as earth goes through its orbit. The evidence for a round earth and heliocentrism is overwhelming. You don’t want to view the evidence because it contradicts your worldview.
I am not a “trust the science” guy, I am a “follow the evidence” guy. “Trust the science” is anathema to science itself. The “trust the science” crowd wasn’t asking you to trust science, they were asking you to trust govt’s and corporations who were actively withholding evidence. Round earth advocates, far from withholding evidence, have openly published their findings and evidence for anyone to debunk at any time. A feat that none of you flat earthers can accomplish.
I have been in a corporate jet. Flying above 33,000 feet. I have seen the curvature of the earth. Or should I not believe my own eyes..
Same here. I used to get on an airplane twice a month. The earth was curved each time. Don't know why this is up for debate.
Guess you have never noticed the shape of your windows either.
Curved windows do not distort light nearly as much as you think they do.
Source: studied optics in a college physics class.
Those windows you are looking out of probably distorted and curved. Most all of them are. Watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped.
Stop, please stop. Earth is not flat
You can even see the curvature in pictures flat earthers point to saying "sEe LoOk YoU cAnT sEe ThE cUrVaTuRe!"
Let the flerf hate RAIN REEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!! u/#peperee u/#peperain u/#feelsgood
The windows in airplanes are all curved, like looking through a fishbowl.
why does it look just as curved when you're on a high mountain? it must be because your eyeballs are round...lmfao. Ok, back to reality: watch a ship go over the horizon and try to get a laser sight to maintain contact. If it was flat this would be possible. No need to believe me. Try it your self and learn something first hand.
Doesn’t look curved at all from high mountains. Looks flat.
This is the exact illustration of sheer ignorance informed by stupid arrogance. You certainly don't know enough about optics or airplane windows to prove that this is true---for if you did, you would quickly realize that it isn't true. (Speaking as a former optical engineer who worked on intraocular lenses.)
Well, I ain't never seen no fish while meh.
That because it's stronger,the plane is pressurized.
Those windows you are looking out of probably distorted and curved. Most all of them are. Watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped.
If you are above a disc the edge will appear curved. The illusion of a globe can be achieved.
What illusion is preventing you from thinking about where the sun is in china when its up in the united states?
Many questions. Few answers. Mostly emotional denials. Let's launch some nukes at the sky, Dominic.
Many stupid questions, many smart answers, all of them ignored because flat earthers aren't interested in observable facts. They're simply too stupid.
Observable facts..what I go on are exactly that. What are your observable facts? I'm not the one depending on lab coats and 13 years MINIMUM spent in a government indoctrination facility.
I was home-schooled so i have less indoctrination than someone like you who believes people who tell him the earth is flat when he could have just gone outside and said to himself "hmmm the sun is down and its night time now. Where is it daytime now? What part of the flat earth is it daytime now? Wait if its flat shouldn't it be nighttime everywhere? Is that true? Hmmmmm?"
Nobody is depending on lab coats, when they have known the truth since Magellan's circumnavigation, 500 years ago. Join the party.
Aristotle around 350 BC "observed" the world to be a sphere from lunar eclipses - that and other things it was generally accepted among the educated way back then. Now a bit later on in 240 BC we had Eratosthenes do his shadow compares on the summer solstice from two different cities a known distance apart. Easy to look up the exact simple calculations for this and do it yourself even... he was pretty close to the actual circumference we know it to be now. Despite the uneducated flat earthers... NCSWIC!!!
I can 'observe' a boat on the water on a clear day miles out..see more of the actual boat when you view from a higher location than from a lower location on the shoreline. That's pretty 'observable' proof right there.
The 66,600 orbital velocity number is an average figure. Orbital mechanics demonstrates that the Earth will slow down a bit at its aphelion (furthest point from the sun) and speed up a bit at perihelion (closest point to the sun). This is true for all orbits as they’re all slightly elliptical.
Axial tilt is 23.4 degrees, not 66.6. Taking the complement of axial tilt and calling it axial tilt just so that you can get a 666 somewhere is inaccurate and disingenuous.
Just because Revelation says that 666 is the number of the beast does not mean that every number with 666 in it is satanic. By necessity at some point in human history there were 666 humans on the planet. Does that mean we’re satanic?
The North Star actually moves ever so slightly in the sky, your eye just isn’t sensitive enough to detect this. The North Star is very closely aligned to Earths spin axis and is also 323 light years away, that’s why it doesn’t appear to move very much.
I obviously can’t see the result from your laser experiment, but other flat earthers have performed similar experiments and accidentally proven that the earth is round.
NASA and flight trainers sometimes assume that the earth is flat because it simplifies calculations in situations that don’t require that level of precision. They don’t make this assumption all the time, and it’s called an assumption for a reason.
The earths curvature is clearly visible from a plane at cruising altitude, and one’s view is not always obstructed by clouds. Airlines are not trying to hide anything from you except the fact that their pilots are dropping dead from the jab.
Flat Earthers are at least blowing their own money and proving with each every attempt to vindicate their stupidity that the Earth is indeed round.
But those are some solid, indisputable facts!
And yet you offer none? Surprise surprise..btw..some of you need to look up the definition of facts.
He doesn’t have to offer facts. Flat earthers already proved the earth is round for us. How generous of them!
Where? serious question.
"Thanks Bob!"
I hope you meant Marley
I would encourage everyone to watch on Rumble What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Part 1 - 13. They are 20-30 long and will explain how we have been duped.
You’ve copy pasted this comment dozens of times in this thread.
Copy pasting pseudoscience from Rumble isn’t going to get you anywhere.
What is 90 degrees minus 23.4?
Not earths axial tilt, that’s for sure.
Dude, 90 degrees minus 23.4 is 66.6 degrees. Is that a coincidence? Do you believe in coincidences now? They made up the tilt- and it directly relates to the number of the beast. Along with a plethora of other numbers involving space and a round earth.
I know, it’s a hard one to wrap your head around. The cognitive dissonance is tough with this subject. My advise is to dive into what flat earthers believe and try to prove a globe.
66.6 is the decimal representation of two thirds!! OMG math is satanic! Any one who understands math is satanic. Better burn them, they're definitely witches!
Well, math has already been deemed racist, may as well call it satanic too. Logic and reason? What’s that?
If you want to be precise, earths axial tilt is 23.43634 degrees, the complement of which is 66.56366. No 666 there!
Seriously, you’re cherry picking data and twisting it to make it say 666 because you want it to be there. If anything your obsession with 666 makes you satanic.
Also, if I’ve said this once I’ve said this a thousand times, just because 666 is the number of the beast doesn’t mean that every instance of 666 is satanic. Revelation does not provide us clear clues as to what the significance of this number is, and there is certainly no indication in Scripture that it has anything to do with space or the fact that the earth is round. We don’t even have to worry about the beast because he comes on the scene after the Rapture.
Also also, it’s 666; not 66.6, not .666, and not 66,600. Those are not the same numbers, and pretending otherwise is disingenuous.
“Dive into what flat earthers believe and try to prove a globe”
Don’t need to, flat earthers have already proven a round earth for me. So nice of them.
they don't even understand that in their system of relativity, 66.6 degrees = 23.4 degrees based on perspective. they argue that its just a fucking coincidence that all these maths line up this way. didnt Q teach these people "how many coincidences before it becomes mathematically impossible?"
Q’s quote was about how many times he predicted Trump would tweet X number of minutes after a Q drop. You’re taking his quote out of context to mean something that it wasn’t intended for.
no buddy. that quote was not only meant for that twitter post. the whole idea of compounding coincidences is a major theme of Q. "Do you believe in coincidences?" What does future proves past mean? How do you force coincidental occurrences over and over? What is the looking glass? What is the relationship between probability and compounding coincidences?
Exactly!. Thank you.
If the earth was a globe we should have a real picture of it at this point.
We have a NaSa artist for that.
“It’s photoshopped because it’s, it’s, has to be”.
Observable and ignored by the globies
That’s the thing that gets me. Why I refuse to fight is they want us to fight over it. If they wanted to end the argument with their trillions they would.
The only truth is we are being lied to.
If you are orbiting earth in Low earth orbit, you cant see the entire earth
We do have real pictures, you retards just insist without evidence that they’re fake.
“We want evidence!”
“No wait, not that evidence! That goes against our beliefs, so it must be photoshop! RRREEEEE!!”
"Ain't no photographs of Earth!"
Here's one from Apollo 17.
When we had only chemical film cameras and Photoshop was still far in the future.
That's fake buddy. Crank the brightness levels up and you'll see all kinds of trickery. How did they film through the van Allen radiation belt without exposing the film? Use your brain.
No trickery. You have to go to the original exposure. Anything found on the internet is digitized (duh). The cameras were hardened against radiation---including the film canisters (duh). The photo was not taken when the camera was within the Van Allen belts. I think you should use YOUR brain before you ask me to use mine. But the point remains: we have the photos and they are not digital creations.
BINGO! There is no picture of our round earth - NASA tells you it’s a composite.
Watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped.
A global treaty that has never been broken. It’s amazing. Start here.
Antarctica has many secrets but an ice wall ain't it.
You’ve been? Do embellish.
We are in the End Times and living through the Apocalypse - everything will be revealed and will be Biblical.
But just toss out Genesis and the description how God created the earth that has been debunked since the Jesuits invented the globe.
All astronauts were freemasons. Jesuits foot soldiers.
Strangley enough there are some who believe that the 'end times' of Revelations has already happened, as has Jesus's 1000 year reign. Some believe we are in the 'short season' that Satan was released to tempt man again. If that's true then the 'Great Awakening' may be just that.
Who knows eh? My guess is just be a decent person who serves the lord Jesus Christ. Take care of others and fight for the right thing. If you should come across the Tribulation then know that the lord has come and even in the midst of all the trials, that's a good thing,
Revelation* it's singular. That bugs me so hard.
Prolly because the book of Revelation has many revelations. 🤔
Sorry incorrect - just read the first three verses.
It is a single revelation because God wants us to know what will happen during the end times so that those caught up in it need not be afraid. It is a process and you will note that God is making a final attempt to bring people to repentance Rev 9:21.
He is also bringing the justice to deal with all the wickedness of temporal time.
Just because it is presented over 22 chapters - though when given there were no chapters - doesn't mean there are 'many revelations' it all the same revelation.
"Hey...Shut the fuck up" -probably Isaiah
If you don't have anything sensible to say, why be offensive?
If Jesus’ 1,000 year reign has already happened, then it sucked and He tolerated way too much sin in the world.
You won’t have to guess when the millennial reign was or is. You will know.
Hello fellow stolen historian. It’s nice to see the knowledge leaking and spreading. It truly is a great awakening
We do. We know that's bullshit for a multitude of reasons, the least of which is that Rapture hasn't occurred yet. The Church is not present at all throughout The Tribulation, but is present before and after.
Anyone who is saying that The Revelation of Jesus Christ can't be understood with a fairly clear meaning is lying to you, or they're too stupid to deserve your attention.
Scripture clearly teaches a pre Trib rapture, with a millennial reign happening afterwards. Biblical prophecy can be initially confusing, but patient study will render its meaning clear. The Bible is not written to confuse people, all you have to do is study what it says.
The Revelation of Christ comes with spiritual discernment; when one humbly accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Until that point one only has natural or flesh discernment (earth/clay/dust). God is Spirit.. Christ is Truth/Spirit. Ask God yourself who He is if you really want to know..
You have to keep looking, friend. The lies are everywhere. Not all is as it seems. Why accept covid as a lie and the rest as truth? The lies go back centuries. When you are ready.
Just because my parents lied about Santa Claus when I was a kid, does not mean everything else they told me were lies.
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped.
It does. And it is…full of lies
But everything they were taught was.
The inconsistency you have is astounding. Science shows us that covid and the vaccines are lies. Science also shows us that the Earth is (roughly) a sphere.
Flat Earth "science" is entirely based around complete ignorance of actual science from the very fundamental principles. It's a complete non-sequitur.
It is not just ignorance of science, it is abject rejection of science. Flat earthers practice zetetecism, not scientific method. It is science, not zetetecism, that has built the modern world. If they had their way they would drag the entire world back into the dark ages.
I understand your perspective, and I’m more on the earth is toroidal bandwagon, but I don’t dismiss the science at all. I do a lot of research, i study the math and the history. And I won’t say anything for sure because I don’t feel we have enough proof.
That only shows your lack of understanding of basic physics more than it speaks to anything else.
Question everything - you obviously haven’t seen this: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped.
“The lies are everywhere!”
Then prove it. Just saying that everyone else is lying is not an argument. If they’ve literally lied about everything, then it should be pretty easy to expose it all.
Only place I've seen this theory mentioned was by AEWAR (YouTube channel) where his first 3 videos (LHFE 2:1, LHFE 2:2, LHFE 2:3) we're extremely interesting (some of the most eye opening videos/evidences I've ever seen), and I believe towards the end of his LHFE 2:3 video he hinted at the possibility of Jesus Christ' millennial reign already taking place during what we we're taught as the "Dark Ages" (or rather around years 50 - 1250 or so). When in reality, the Dark Ages was actually where Christ reigned, the world was at peace, people flourished/prospered, and where much of the magnificent architecture we see today (that never should've been possible back then) came from. And that everything we are taught in our history about the "Dark Ages" is a lie, and that is the ultimate cover up. And that we are now living through Satan's final deception.
Then oddly enough, AEWARs very next video (LHFE 2:END) he completely did a 180, and made a long video apologizing for his biases, and that everything he said previously just doesn't make sense. It was clear as day that someone got to him.
However, I don't believe in that theory. It just doesn't line up biblically for me and way too many gaps in the theory. With that being said, there's something very interesting about AEWAR's first few videos, and how he did a complete 180. He provides a lot of compelling evidence that will make you question the first ~1500 years after Jesus Christ died and rose again, and also whether or not Earth is a sphere.
Aristotle mentioned that the Earth was round in 350 BC. Eratosthenes computed the radius of the spherical Earth in ~240 BC. Dante Alighieri presented the Earth as being spherical in his "Divine Comedy" in 1320. Magellan proved the Earth was spherical by circumnavigation in 1521 AD. The Society of Jesus (Jesuits) was formed in 1540, late to the party by nearly two millennia.
Since then, of course, we have continually circumnavigated the globe by sea and air and space travel. (The stars cover the heavens in all directions, and we can see them all simultaneously at different locations on the globe.)
The only thing that is here debunked is your ignorant allegation that it all came from the Jesuits and not from actual observation and discovery. Moreover, there is nothing in the Book of Genesis that speaks against the truth of a spherical Earth. Nor has Jesus arrived to herald the End Times. You are so filled with what you want to be true, you have no room in mind and heart for the truth itself.
"You are so filled with what you want to be true, you have no room in mind and heart for the truth itself."
Might this be describing you as well? I am not saying it's either flat or round. I have seen evidence of both. There is a third answer we can all agree on though. We have our beliefs but we truly can't know. The truth has been so polluted over the centuries that I don't think we can really say anything we can't observe is fact and then even some things we observe may not be what they seem.
How does this have so many downvotes? Seems like the most open-minded answer possible.
Fear. We faced it with trump. With covid. People screeching. Be rational. Find God. Find truth. See the majesty of life. The fact that you can see so much evidence of both makes it even more exciting.
You were brainwashed ever since you were a kid to make fun of flat earthers. It's the only group of people school encouraged making fun of.... huh. Weird.
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped.
Seen it. Not impressed. Why does the sun never change size even when flat earthers think its at its farthest? You can cover the sun with your thumb at any point during the day. And the entire distance of space between the sun and the horizon supposedly disappears due to perspective but the diameter of the sun doesnt change at all. Give me a distance the sun is above the plane of the earth and we can do the math to determine its size other fun stuff.
Atmospheric lensing? Water vapors magnify the sun. The sun changes size all throughout the day in case you didn't know.
It's the "we truly can't know" part. We truly can know, and it's round.
There is only one fact, the roundness of the Earth. You can't deny it when people have gone AROUND it. And did so on the basis of a firm understanding that it was round. Magellan accomplished the incontrovertible proof and that was 500 years ago. There has been no room for doubt ever since.
An Earth sufficiently large will look "flat" over small portions. There is no "third answer" except maybe to clarify misunderstandings (and explain atmospheric refraction). This truth has never been "polluted over the centuries." We base our international travel on it, and the whole enterprise of space travel.
I repeat my statement. The truth is stark and immutable. You are trying to run away from it in order to satisfy your paranoia.
Same here.
You sure as shit haven't seen valid evidence that it's flat. It's such a ridiculously tired argument, only parroted by true idiots.
Let me ask the simple question: Who is to gain if Earth is flat, but is thought to be round?
TPTB gain from it, because along with a ball Earth they can also sell us space and the endless possibilities that come with that. They can fake an alien invasion in order to bring about a one world government. Ronald Reagan said numerous times that he often wondered if an outside invading force would cause all nations to unify into a New World Order.
Why is there a treaty that no one can go to Antarctica? What are the elite protecting there? Are there pyramids in Antarctica? And why can’t we fly over it?
You need to answer these questions to understand what we are to gain. There is so much about this earth with healing and magnetic fields that we don’t know.
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped.
This comment is so thoroughly bullshit I cannot repress my disgust.
The fact of the matter is that there has been tourist air flights over Antarctica since the 1970s (a half century, for those who are mathematically impaired). Here is a summary of the tourism history.
What this proves is that Mr. Chandler15 doesn't know enough about his own statement to see whether it is true or not. The only thing we should question is what he posts on this page. I would suggest that the moderators consider sponging him from the page, as he seems to be only a shill for his own point of view and a general nuisance posting in every sub-thread.
I am generally tolerant on points of view, but not on points of fact.
There are also no pyramids in the Antarctic, those are nunataqs.
I merely suggested watching a documentary that would help answer frens questions. I should be sponged for that? I thought this was a place to share research material. I happen to find that documentary answered a lot of my questions. Several people had some of the same questions I had a few months ago. This documentary answered them.
No, you said the Antarctic Treaty prohibited anyone from going to Antarctica or flying over it. Whereas, there are companies offering exactly such tourist trips. There are no questions to be answered, except why you are promoting falsehoods. I don't take advice on how not to be duped by a shill trying to dupe people into taking his advice.
No safe emergency landing spots over Antartica.
Other lands beyond Antarctica for one. But the real reason they hide flat earth under the firmament is to hide the existence of God.
The existence of a round earth and outer space does not disprove the existence of God. Yes evolutionists have tried to explain the universe without God, yet they consistently fail to do so. If anything round earth and the universe perfectly display God’s handiwork, and creation science explains it all perfectly without having to invoke flat earth.
The Bible supports a spherical Earth, not a flat one. Let's stop with the retard speak.
The Bible does not support sphere earth.
NASA was nothing more than another government agency laundering our tax payer money. That alone should you put everyone on a fact finding mission for the truth!
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped.
The Jesuits did not invent the globe. Humans have known and measure the earths diameter for thousands of years.
Why else does the Great Pyramid’s height and base precisely match the Earth’s radius and diameter to a scale of 1:43200? And even if you ignored the Egyptians, the Greeks accurately measured the earths diameter before Jesus was born. Not as accurately as the Egyptians, but with less than 5% error. Not bad for 2,000+ years ago, when people were already smarter than you.
I always wondered how "every eye shall see him coming in the clouds.
Globe earth= impossible Flat earth = easy
Oh, like multiple appearances are impossible for Christ? Please explain where in the Bible that limitation exists.
Meanwhile, the Earth is round, as God made it and we know by circumnavigation and orbital mechanics.
'as God made it' Show us a scripture to support this statement.
There are many which say otherwise eg 1 Sam 2:8, Job 38:4-6, Psalm 139:13-16, Isaiah 40:22 and many more
The first book of Genesis is good enough for me.
1 Samuel 2:8---Playing with words. If you construe the mantle as the world's foundations, there is no problem. No requirement for flatness.
Job 38:4-6---Same wordplay. Compatible with the Earth as we know it. And the language is conspicuously metaphorical. (Job 26:7 clearly supports the Earth as hanging in space ["over nothing"].)
Psalm 139:13-16---Spoken by a human being, clearly metaphorical. But "depths of the Earth" are especially consistent with a spherical Earth. (How one could be woven there is yet to be explained.)
Isaiah 40:22---The "circle of the Earth" is simply the view of the Earth that we see from on high.
No, all you are doing is seizing on straws and pouring lots of your own bias into words that are mainly metaphorical. In any case, the Earth IS as God made it---unless you are prepared to argue that God did not make it.
My thoughts.... How would you get from the west coast to say Japan or China without going all the way across the USA if the earth was indeed flat? Or from the east coast to Europe if the cut off point is on that side of a flat earth? Maybe it's not a sphere, maybe it's more of an egg shape, maybe it's closer to the shape of a D20, I personally don't know. But in my opinion, it's not flat. Anyone can feel free to disagree with me but I'm not a subscriber to this theory at this point in time
They have a flat Earth picture where you go around the middle ring so you can still get West to East. But then they have zero explanation for how all longitude latitude is fake and all gps systems are in on it, how airplanes can fly from Australia to New Zealand without hours and hours and hours of travel (remember they are flying around the outer ring in their model!), how all airline pilots are in on it, how all scientists are in on it, how the sun and moon just randomly oscillate for no reason, how satellites work and stay up in the sky.
Nope everyone is just wrong ! /s
Most of you have not done the actual research.
Funny that’s the same argument that people made about the covid hoax. Surely not EVERYONE across the globe is in on it! That’s impossible!
The reality is that no one has to “be in on it”, 99% of people don’t question, and the ones who do are ridiculed. It’s pretty easy and you should be intimately familiar with it
No, if you thought about it you would know this is different because the shape of the Earth actively affects how you would operationally carry out each of the aforementioned products or tasks.
Meanwhile with covid thousands of doctors and nurses stood up and said no this is wrong.
It’s obvious you have zero clue what the flat earth looks like. The information is out there. Dig for 10 mins.
"Do my job for me."
Some will never accept it until they do the work themselves. Get off your high horse built on nothing but indoctrination and expand your thinking. Are you so full of yourself that you know the world to be round because that’s what you were taught. Don’t you think we all were taught the same shit? Maybe these Flat Earth people did the same amount of research as maybe you have done with Q. Maybe.
It doesn't matter how much research they've done if they're so stupid as to not understand the topic in question.
So many fundamental things in our life wouldn't function whatsoever if the Earth was flat.
They won’t do the research
Lunar eclipse
gravitational acceleration
Sunrise and sunset. Next question.
Maybe they never asked the question: "Where does the sun go in china when its up in the united states?"
There is no "information" on something that is not true. There is no point in spending time to "dig" into someone's idle fantasy. Or I guess you don't use the GPS system to find your way around.
So a flat earth isn't really flat. Ok, but you gotta answer me this one: Is it really a turtle that its resting on or something else? I've always wondered about that one.
Just imagine you split the globe map at Antarctica and folded it flat. Then how would you get there? You will find the flight paths they already take make more sense that way.
All they did to create the globe is stretch the flat earth map around a ball.
or rather think that the north pole is in the middle of everything.
And Antarctica is the ice wall.
All "flat" maps are projections of a sphere, as was known from their origination. The Mercator projection, with which we are all familiar, was first presented in 1569. It is more accurate to say that the projection unwrapped the Earth surface from a ball to a plane.
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped. The earth is flat and he proves it.
Has anyone on here EVER been off the earth to view it for themselves?
Has anyone EVER observed the horizon or movement of the sun or tides or satellites or seasons or time zones or peak sun angles at different latitudes or the Arctic midnight sun or flight routes or night skies on opposing hemispheres or a hundred other things that irrefutably prove we're on a globe?
Exactly. I have dumb questions I guess...
Yes. They are called astronomers. We have satellites that transmit live images of a round Earth. Our terrestrial maps are incompatible with a flat Earth; they conform only to the geometry of a sphere. This was discovered a very long time ago, when nationwide survey grids were attempted---and could not be fit together unless spherical corrections were made.
The proofs are abounding. Your ignorance of them is deplorable.
Read my comment again and realize I'm not a flat earther.
Sorry. I took your question at face value, not as irony or sarcasm. It was not obvious that you were opposing Flat Earthism. Sad to say, their mode of argument is indistinguishable from your sarcasm.
No problem, we're all friends here on this round earth.
You haven’t done the research
Oh Hing. Learn my boy. Learn.
Why can a sunset be observed at different times from different floors of a hotel?
I have seen a lot of stuff about flat earth vs. round earth. My only question is the flight patterns. Why would I have to take an entire day to fly all the way around the world to Australia? When Australia is seemingly so close to hawaii. Perhaps I’m ignorant to flight regulations. But I haven’t found an actual answer for that.
Answer: the jet stream. There are currents of air going around the earth in different directions at different latitudes, and it’s more efficient for the plane to fly with the winds and not against them. Sometimes you can’t avoid flying against the wind, but it’s more fuel efficient to fly with.
Well that might be true also but i think the main reason is emergency landing locations. You have to fly over areas where if something happened, you could land somewhere near or someone could come quick enough to save you.
That may make a little difference, eastbound vs. westbound, but Great Circle routes make a larger difference---and they are impossible if the Earth is flat.
But you are so ignorant. You omit entirely from your mind the hands-on proof of the Earth's roundness by the circumnavigation of Magellan, 500 years ago.
Did you mean to respond to someone else? I’ve been advocating for round earth.
Apologies, but you missed the point of Patriotwoman9's question, which had to do with short flights between places that should be far separated on a Flat Earth. Jet streams are really not the appropriate answer. I am sorry that I mistook you.
Look at a Auckland to Santiago flight route. It is a 10 hour flight. That would be impossible if earth was flat. And you can see plane on this route. It should be longer than US to AUS if the earth was flat.
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped - the earth is flat and this documentary proves it.
Flat Earth kitty. All arguments settled.
.... what does Ceiling Cat think of this. Or is this a Basement Cat ploy?
Another conspiracy
"a TV reality show where flat earthers have unlimited budget to go to the edge of the earth."
Satanwood gunna produce that? We actually do see Bezos and Musk scrape against the firmament. Never in space. My word. Lol. It’s fucking obvious.
Where have Bezos and Musk bumped into the firmament? Seems to me that they get out into space just fine.
Yes, they are evil transhumanist scum, but that doesn’t invalidate round earth.
If they know that the earth is flat and covered by a dome, why would they try getting past the dome? Wouldn’t it have occurred to them that the dome protects the earth from whatever is above?
the flat earth theory doesn't match with all that we know about particle physics and relativity, especially special relativity. How do you fix that ? However, it is true that a flat earth work in a heavily conceptualized space where things aren't what they seem.
Space isn’t real either. Learn basic flat earth concepts. You have no idea what they even think. Here. Start here.
Hey flat earth genius: Where does the sun go when it goes down in the united states and why is it always up in china when its down in the united states and vice versa?
if there is no Higgs field there is no electronics.How do you explain electronics?
Research Tartarian power stations
but can i walk and reach the edge?
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped - the earth is flat and this documentary proves it.
There's a pattern to shilling.
Step 1: Identify some obscure conspiracy item of contention far outside the scope of Q.
Step 2: Weave that topic into all comments with boilerplate copypasta drivel, even on completely unrelated threads.
Step 3: Pretend that conspiracy is common knowledge, berating and using ad hominem in response to anyone who objects, defending the position 20 comments deep if necessary.
Step 4: Conflate that conspiracy with Q, so that newcomers to Q believe that everyone also believes the obscure conspiracy.
For instance, take a look at HuntersCrackDealinHo's comment below. Boilerplate copypasta 95% of their post. Then a handshake bot John_Mac_n_Cheese agrees, with 100% boilerplate. Then HuntersCrack responds with 100% more boilerplate.
You've seen it with flat earth shills, the insistence that all bad guys are "Khazarians" shills, or the bad guys are only _____ (insert Freemasons, Jews, Jesuits, etc.), pro-Naziism shills, anti-Russian shills, hostile pro-Catholics, even hostile pro-Christians.
If you look, their grammar, word usage is practically the same. They'll go 30 posts deep defending their ideology. They never actually respond to any rebuttals directly. They inject copious amounts of unrelated boilerplate drivel supporting their points while completely ignoring any counter-arguments.
I actually believe most of these are DARPA AI bots. I work alot with AI and it's beyond impressive how it can formulate sentences that seem like they're from a native English speaker. DARPA's budget for 2022/2023 is over 7 billion dollars ... certainly they have capabilities light years beyond anything available to the public.
Personally I would argue that Khazarians, Freemasons, and Jesuits are legit bad guys, but I certainly don’t think they’re the only bad actors or that everything can be attributed to them. Q didn’t seem to spend much time talking about them.
100% agree with everything else.
I agree that all secret societies are bad.
If you want to know why I'm against the muh Khazarian shills, this is the thread that represents the general gist of it:
Basically, every muh Khazarian shill would be saying muh Jews if they could get away with it. But knowing they can't, they use Khazarian as a synonym.
But khazarians are different from Jews. Khazarians are imposter Jews , allegedly. So you’re proposing that people made up the khazarian story as a proxy for Jews? I thought they made It to clear up the anti semitism.
99% of the general population have no idea what muh "khazarians" are.
Here on GAW, there is no consensus, even among the biggest khazarian shills, if they are Jews or not Jews.
If you want to talk to someone who is absolutely convinced they're all Jews, go send u/Zeitreise a message.
Because being vague is the only thing that lets them fly under the radar.
I didn't write the quote in my last response.
There's only one thing that cleared up the Jew hatred around here. That was the ban hammer.
Hmm..I see…
They still fail to tell us how the sun and moon work.
They, uh, fly around up there. The fact that mainstream science can predict solar and lunar movements down to the second anywhere on the globe is evil black magic that's deceiving your lying eyes.
No, dumb ass.
You're the dumbass if you think I'm a flat earther. Read the comment.
This really is your only argument isn't it. I've seen you post these links at least a dozen times. How about putting it in your own words, prove you know facts rather than repeat lies.
It is a good one though
“I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.”
Richard Feynman
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped - the earth is flat and this documentary proves it.
I like hollow earth, but hey man, I don't shit on other theories.
In my experience, everything is a lie.
What I do find curious though, is there has been an influx of nitwitted threads complaining about this board being inundated with flat earth stuf. From what I can tell, this post included, it's all people complaining about it, but no actual threads are being started discussing it
From C5*:
I've been lead mod of GA, a job I do for free, for seven years. We didn't put JWST in LaGrange Point 2 to tolerate you arrogant faggots.
This is why I'm always grateful when the inevitable flat earth thread comes up for this exact reason. Normally I perma-ban flat earth retards. There is no dealing with you fuckwits. Why? Because I don't work for you; I work for critical thinkers and researchers, literally the best of the best minds, not mental midgets who can't be arsed two shits to figure anything out.
Move along. Lurk, or take this time to find a new home on a different WIN.
You’re not wasting your time, but you sure are hoping to rule people up in a forum that has nothing to do with FE
EDIT: my earlier comment was going by your spelling. I see now that 'rule' was a typo. So..with that change made. How do you feel about politicians, BLM, and woke crowd when they say that if we simply kept our mouths shut then they wouldn't beat and assault us for having different perspectives? Shouldn't a half intelligent person be able to not get riled up by hearing a different viewpoint? Or better yet, maybe even just ignore it and move on? No, these people seek out those who have different viewpoints and start spewing filth and hatred. No skin off my back because I am a very tolerant person.
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped - the earth is flat and this documentary proves it.
It’s so crazy though, different shaped earths. It stops you from looking into everything else. The earth shape is like a mental prison. If you can get past it, you can start to see all the lies everywhere
Yes, and under your bed would be a convenient place to look. When nothing is true, everything is false. This includes you.
These threads are doing God's work. I value them greatly—and every flat earther in here is about to see why.
There is more evidence for this than what they provide lol.
8kun: "Just to shut the Flat Earthers up Q: Is the Earth flat?"
Q: "No."
Inb4 "Of course it's not flat. It has mountains and valleys."
No changing definitions. We know EXACTLY what you fucking meant.
Q 88 Disinformation is necessary Q 158 Disinformation is necessary Q 1685 Disinformation is necessary
and there are others!
"Nothing can stop what is coming."
"Disinformation is necessary."
Why believe Q at all if you can cop-out your way out of anything they say?
Future proves past - until the outcome of everything Q has said is made plain we don't know. The Art of War - requires deceptions!
Sometimes disinformation is necessary
So funny how many people here believe nothing that is pushed on them except this. DS is all lies, constructed our reality, but yet this is the one thing they're honest about.
Yes, the CIA started this "conspiracy theory" to make us look bad. No way they started it as a conspiracy theory to cast doubt on its legitimacy. The CIA, just like the DS, is only lying about FE.
We've been indoctrinated since birth, but nope, no way the earth isn't a globe.
The DS had centuries to perfect their indoctrination, building "evidence" to support it. Each century their confidence builds as they pull off bigger and bigger narratives. Honestly, it has nothing to do with FE vs RE, they're dividing us further and further from God.
Just another wedge driven in between We The People that entertain "conspiracy theories". Regardless of your belief we shouldn't be insulting and casting aspersions on others because they believe in "conspiracy theories" you disagree with. That just makes you sound like a dem/libtard, can't converse or discuss, only call names and regurgitate what others have said.
And it should really be the easiest conspiracy theory to believe. But instead they believe all these mind-numbing numbers that are thrown at us, and a complete fantasy world of endless space and planets (all of which look more like balls of shimmering gas in photos).
Is that what the moon looks like?
But go ahead and keep wasting money, retard. With each experiment you dopes come up with the more round earth FACT gets bolstered.
You haven't done anything but spam those two links, one being a reddit link, and call names. You sound super duper intelligent to me.
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped - the earth is flat and he proves it.
“The DS is all lies”
How do you know this? It would actually be strategically important for them to tell the truth about most things, and save the lies for things that are more important to their agenda or easier to conceal.
The more lies you tell, the harder it is to keep the lies straight and the easier it is to get exposed.
And if you’re going to insist that anyone’s lying about anything, you have to actually provide proof. Just saying that someone lies about everything isn’t a sufficient argument.
By that logic then God is probably the devil and the devil is god and Jesus was probably just made up by the 6000 year old death cult DS to troll us. See, I can shit on any reality that requires a little bit of extra knowledge to fully understand and explain. Everyone who isn't completely delusional can figure out for themselves that the earth is round just by thinking about where the sun goes at night and why the sun is out on the other side of the GLOBE. Get a grip. Never go full flat earth.
Ok First disclaimer is I don’t subscribe to FE so I also don’t know how they define “flat” but I was just thinking about your example if the earth wasn’t a globe, the sun could still orbit around a flat rectangle? Or is the theory that there is nothing orbiting around a flat earth? serious question
This guy gets it.
“I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.” Richard Feynman
No, we should be rejecting lunacy that defies proven facts. The "Deep State" hasn't existed as a continuous entity for centuries, capable of subverting all knowledge. If that were true, scientific and technological progress would not be possible, because they rely on the existence of reality and would not work based on falsehood.
The inability to recognize reality is insanity. And the inability (or unwillingness) to defend the recognition of reality is capitulation to insanity---otherwise known as evil. Pick a side---but don't pick lunacy.
Definitely not.
Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped - the earth is flat and this documentary proves it.
I'd like to see a reality TV show where people go find the edge of the earth
BBC did one similar called "Space Cadets," where they took brainiacs like we see in this thread and told them they were going to space. Instead put them on the exact space shuttle set from Space Cowboys. Hilarity ensued.
haha that sounds awesome.
Kek 😸
sigh. OK flat earth pedes. I’m going to spill the beans. I work in defense/aerospace for the evil military industrial complex. I’ve worked several projects that require precise math to determine very accurate locations. We’re talking use of satellites in ORBIT. To triage anything useful out of a set of satellites you have to account for earth’s curvature.
As someone else said in this thread, for small areas you can “cheat” by pretending the earth is flat when performing calculations. But for large areas and anything else requiring precision, you must account for the earth’s curvature, otherwise coordinates will cease to be even remotely accurate. I worked on a project some years ago where the system cheated when determining coordinates for radar plots. The customer provided funding to convert to whole earth coordinates instead (i.e. account for curvature) to get more accurate coordinates.
But don’t take my word for it. Get out of the house, book a flight or cruise around the world, and go see for yourself. You can see the curvature from a higher altitude. Shucks, take up mountain climbing. You kids need to get out more.
I’m often at 12,000 and 13,000 ft elevation in the mountains. Always looks flat, don’t see the curve.
If the Earth was flat you wouldn't be able to...go around it.
I have a collection of about a thousand albums so no. Have you not noticed to go around the surface of a disk you have to be constantly turning? You go around the globe going straight ahead.
Simple truth that ends OP's cat pic: The cat can't get to the walls of Antarctica without being chastised by the military.
Well shit. I guess I know the truth now!
There is no amount of proof that will satisfy a flat-earther.
Or toddlers 😂😂😂😂😂
Without a doubt!
This shit is turning into noise. Q said the Earth isn't flat "bUt DiSiNfO iS nEsCeSaRy". No. That just gives the op plausible deniability. It is not an open broadstroke that you can play to back up your retard theories. Here are a couple of sources where you can prove the facts for yourself:
Not good enough? If you have a camera that can take long exposure shots, take a picture facing north one night and then take a picture facing south and compare the images. If the Earth is flat, they should be relatively the same. They won't be.
This is fucking noise that needs to be shit down. If you believe FE, that is your business to be fucking stupid on purpose. It serves NO purpose in this group expect to perpetuate the stupidity. It is a FRINGE conspiracy that has NO basis in fact and is only being propped up by "muh Bible". The Bible isn't perfect. It has been perverted, bastardized and exploited by assholes who used it to control people. It is not some sacred, incorruptible magic text. For whatever reason Jesus DIDN'T put any magic protections probably to further prove our free will and so no, it's not a base for absolute fact. Observing the world around us IS how we expand our thinking. The Earth isn't flat. This is FACT. You cannot change fact no matter how hard you want to "believe" or no matter how hard you try to convince yourself it's all lies. Not everything is a fucking conspiracy. The cabal's lies are not as airtight as they have successfully fooled you into believing. But I don't have time or patience for you fucking morons anymore. No one here should. Take your crap to other fringe subs. It doesn't belong here.
The Bible doesn’t even say the earth is flat. There’s one passage in Isaiah about God sitting above the circle of the earth that FE runs with without thinking.
Round earth is perfectly compatible with the Bible. FE thinks they’re incompatible for… whatever retarded reason.
Read it again
The earth is not a spinning spiraling hurling ball in a vacuum of space that can't seem to fling the water and air away from our tiny rock. That is fact. I mean FACT so it counts. Make your High School science fair model of the solar system in motion then add Polaris on a long metal spoke attached to the earth. Calculate composite velocities. Traverse Antarctica and post coordinates each night until you reach the other side. Better yet just circumnavigate without going ashore
Did your mommy not breastfeed you long enough? You know if you keep calling people names like that you are going to have retarded kids. Better watch out.
As someone who lives with two cats, I can vouch for this.
I’m dead🤣 That’s exactly what my last cat did every night. My husband would leave his glass on the bar. By the time everyone but me had gone to bed. (Glass was sweating) I’d hear something sliding. Most of the time I caught her. A few times she knocked it off & boom, glass & liquid everywhere. I almost lost an entire set of glasses. She was adventurous for sure.
Lol... I had one that would knock 32oz plastic cups full of water on my head while I was sleeping. What was brilliant is she would wait for months to do it again...until she'd lulled me into a false sense of security🐸
I have a set that’s 34 years old. Nothing is cat proof. It was only on the bar.
Serious question…why do they do that? (I don’t know anything about cats.)
Cats are assholes?
As an owner of a cat I can confirm.
peepeesee you still haven’t done your research yet I see. Such a shame that someone who knows nothing about flat earth can continually push against it.
Everyone who does the research on flat earth NEVER goes back to the Satantic globe prison. That is 100% fact. Take that to the bank, Jack!
So true! Can’t go back! I’m definitely a non-glober now. Guess what everyone.. the beauty of being freed from a big lie is so liberating! You Just feel free, and laughter ensues..
I did the research. Most arguments arent actually tested. What test did you do yourself that I could repeat, proves it, or at least convinced you?
Wake up. Don’t be such know-it-alls about something you’ve never researched.
They can't help it. Most people are able to tolerate other people having different beliefs, some people can't. I would use the typical unhinged leftist as an example.
And isn’t it funny how people on TGA act very similarly to leftists. Rude, name calling, never understanding the other position. It’s amazing. I think discovering the flat earth is part of the Great Awakening.
“I think discovering the flat earth is part of the Great Awakening.” I believe you are correct. Question everything. NASA is fake. The Earth is flat….and I have a T-shirt to prove it. KEK.
FE is a theory created by the CIA and it's used to slide / derail any thread they don't want to be continued.
No, the idea has been around for centuries. The CIA has been around for decades.
Actually, no. The understanding that the Earth is round has been around for over two millennia. It was known in the time of Christ, and he did not dispute it.
The Freemasons have been around for centuries. Ask your flerf prophet, Parallax.
Way to parrot something you read that someone else wrote on some board that one time. They demonize the things they don’t want you to learn. Flat Earth, Q, God.
Q confirmed the Earth isn't flat, retard.
Excuse me, who’s calling who a retard? You pull out wikihow as your fucking proof? Plus a Netflix doc? Omg dude. You really need to expand your research. You are not worth discussing this with until you’ve done some basic research that doesn’t have the globie spin on it (no pun intended). Read up, retard.
God. It’s all God.
100%. The spinning spiraling zooming insignificant rock hoax feeds the Satanists agenda hide clear proof of creation and the Bible. Hundreds of biblical texts describe a fixed earth with a dome firmament that separates us from Gods throne.
Flat earthers go too far, they start to think everything is a lie and every conspiracy theory is true. It's important to exercise critical thinking even with alternative sources. In your list, only Q and God are true.
It’s not that they think everything is a lie, it’s that they think everything is a lie without evidence.
If you have evidence that the earth is flat and that all of history has been fabricated by Freemasons, then that’s great, let’s hear it out. But FE advocates just make those assertions and then expect you to go along with it.
“NASA is lying to you, Bro!”
“How do you know?”
“They just are bro! They’re Freemasons!”
“How do you know they’re Freemasons?”
“Because they lie about everything, man!”
This circular reasoning is their MO
On point. As well as NASA being nothing but lying Freemason Nazis...
Their mental state is clinical paranoia, which is a serious delusion about their environment, history, and society. It is a form of psychosis (an inability to recognize reality). It is more important to them than truth (honesty and knowledge).
Spot on.
To be fair, there are things that our institutions have lied to us about, so it’s healthy to have some skepticism of the mainstream narrative. However, this skepticism has to be backed by evidence. Flat Earthers are contrarians for the sake of being contrarians, which doesn’t help anyone.
Stubborn. I promise you, research it and you will come away believing the earth is flat. Guaranteed. You have never researched any of it…and it shows.
Nor have you, since you can present no key point---and refuse to believe Magellan circumnavigated the world. Or anyone since, either by sea, air, or outer space. I find it puzzling that you can function without understanding so much about the world. You don't fly anywhere? Maybe not.
Did they create the old maps?
If the earth is flat, what is explanation for sunrise and sunset?
I won’t down vote but this makes no sense at all. Doppler effect. Appreciate the effort though.
Any evidence for that claim?
Because no one ever saw the sun getting smaller and smaller at evening and then disappearing out of sight. You know, like a street lamp.
Have you ever seen a single sunset or sunrise in your life? The sun rising up from the horizon?
Do you even think for yourself, see nature with your own eyes? Or do you sit in your room all day, watching videos to feed your dogmatic thinking, only to repeat the lies you listened to?
Open your eyes
I can’t even fathom what point you’re trying to make here
That's retarded.
One more dumb question bc I need help understanding. The following is copied straight from google search by scientific America. I asked how fast is earth moving through space. This is the answer: It covers this route at a speed of nearly 30 kilometers per second, or 67,000 miles per hour. In addition, our solar system--Earth and all--whirls around the center of our galaxy at some 220 kilometers per second, or 490,000 miles per hour. NOW, my dumb question is. How the heck do we take still pictures of a huge giant ball moving 490,000 miles per hr into the universe? Our satellites or whatever we use to take “pictures/video” would have to be so far away! Right? Like when we see an airplane moving 400 miles per hour way up in the sky. We are how far away? Now the size of earth is what and moving at the 490,000 miles per hr. How is that even possible? Please someone help me here
Moving at speeds Mach 88 and still seeing the same constellations every year in the same spots is all the proof we need.
Also, why isn’t the moon pulled around the sun with its magical gravity power?
Here’s my favorite. Sun is rocketing straight at around 500,000 miles per hour and the earth (that’s spinning around the sun at 66,600 mph) must speed up to 566,600 mph at times and then slow down other times. Never once do we feel any of these speed changes. Not once.
And the fact at that speed centrifugal force must be extreme, yet water rains down while bodies of water aren't flung off.
None of it "holds water" when you break all the various aspects down that support this narrative.
Centrifugal forces do not fling things off the earth because of… wait for it… gravity!
Why do flat earthers not stop to think about these things? Rule #1 of physics is to consider ALL forces that are in play, not just the ones you like or think support your theory.
Quit using OBSERVABLE facts. The ONLY facts that matter come from wikiknow and indiatimes.
“Why isn’t the moon pulled around the sun with its magic gravitic power?”
Because the sun is 93 million miles away while the moon is 238000 miles away. Gravitational force is inversely proportional to distance squared, so the farther you’re away from something, the less force it exerts on you.
The sun and earth travel at those speeds relative to the center of the galaxy. You don’t feel speed changes because a). The changes are slow, and b) you don’t move relative to earth.
TL;DR: flat earthers don’t understand or flat out ignore relative motion.
The same way you can take a selfie in your car while on the highway. Your phone is going 70mph taking a picture of something else going 70mph yet its not motion blurred
We have cameras that can capture the entire earth in the lens? Going at speeds we can’t even fathom.. still can’t grasp this... even if one thinks we are within the orbital speed... thx for the example
yes, it's hard to 'grasp' because it doesn't make sense, it's not logical.
listen to JFK break it down; can tell he's mocking them/thinks it's ludicrous...
No we don’t have a photo of the entire earth in a lens. NASA tells you the entire earth photo is a composite (made from different photos). Question everything folks: please watch on Rumble: What on Earth Happened - Full Documentary or Parts 1 - 13. They are 20-30 min segments that will tell you how you have been duped - the earth is flat and this documentary proves it.
Of course we have a photo of the entire Earth in a single frame. Here is one from Apollo 17 in 1972.
This was taken by a chemical film camera. Photoshop wasn't created until 1988.
Current photos have to be assembled from many close-range photos taken at low orbital altitude. (Like a fly taking pictures of your automobile at a distance of an inch.) A camera needs to be at many multiples of the Earth's diameter distant in order to view an entire hemisphere completely.
Oh, but this is "Chandler15" ! I hadn't noticed. The notorious know-nothing, who spouts certainty when he is totally ignorant. HE is the one who should be questioned, before you question anyone else.
Answer: we can take pictures of earth from space because satellites orbit around the earth. They go around the earth, but travel with it, so the earth as a whole isn’t speeding away from them. In short, the answer is relative motion. The earth only moves at 67000 mph relative to the sun.
All in a magical universe infinitely expanding that started from essentially nothing that decided to go BANG!
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