Cabal infiltrated security and wanted Trump to be killed.
It was staged as part of the movie, and no one was actually hurt (like the Ashli Babbit thing).
There was an actual mistake or confusion and that building was left unattended.
Personally, I give #3 a -89% (yes, that is a minus).
The fact that the shooter's last name is Violet and Trump misspelled violence as violent the other day (yesterday?) leads me to hope that it was #2... otherwise, if the Cabal is able to infiltrate the current Secret Service detail around Trump, then the game has changed.
If the white hats through webs of intrigue caused the death of an innocent rallygoer, just to validate their 'shot heard around the world' prophecy, they're even worse pieces of shit than the deep state.
I'm not ok with that which is why, even though I don't think the WHs have been very clean, I also don't think they'll fall that low. Because at that point, they are indistinguishable from the deep state.
Are you saying deaths can’t be faked, and fake reports of deaths can’t be issued?
There’s been sunk boats to fake things, and run fake charges to blow up buildings, and fake fake fake fake fake fake fake, but “dead rallygoer” can’t be faked?
Multiple reports from people at the rally. Videos on phones.
This is not faked. Video recording devices everywhere make faking actual casualties from such an event much much harder.
And EVEN IF it is faked, that makes it doubly bad for the WH. They are satanic intrigue weavers AND liars. And for what? Why would they fake an attempt on Trump? He can't win without this?
Nothing to gain from faking this, besides our utter contempt for their "white hatness". So no, I don't think they are responsible for this.
Devolution theory. Familiar with it? Imitation game. Familiar with it? All war is deception. This is war. They will fake all sorts of things. We’re watching a movie.
A physician attending the rally helped the man who was shot. He described very graphically what he witnessed, such as brain matter all over the bench. The doctor had blood alll over his clothes.
The brains were visible on some footage - when the cops or soldiers (who can even tell anymore) were carrying him down the bleacher stairs. Trump was shot through the ear, and possibly in the chest if the pic of the bullet hole in his jacket is actually a hole and not blood from his ear. The shooter was killed and pics are circulating.
Unfortunately I believe this to be largely naive thinking. I used to say the same but something could have gone awry or it could be staged orrrr there is more to the story. Maybe it wasn't an innocent rally goer. But either way to think there won't be deaths of innocent people with the WH plan is clearly not true or the past 6 or 7 years would be smooth not full of violent illegals, etc.
Yeah. To posit that this was somehow a white hat staged event is to propose that the White Hats are just as bad as the Black Hats, but hey, "They are on our side....."
I applaud people's willingness to question everything, but the "staged" proposition is about as flawed logically as anything we've seen (theories) over the past few years.
And yet I read less than a month ago to expect a Trump "assassination attempt" that would not be successful. And also that the election would not be held as scheduled this year.
Well, then I guess it's option 1. The Cabal has infiltrated the secret service and/or other security.
More importantly, I am sorry for your personal loss. I cannot imagine the sadness, frustration, anger, and loss that you are dealing with. I hope you can hang in there.
Nobody is saying you are making anything up. Only that people can be deceived and manipulated. We all have been for our entire lives.
The question is, could the whitehats be just as good at deception and psychological manipulation as the deep state?
Unless I had a very close relationship with the people involved, I would not even believe something that I saw with my own eyes at this point. Wait and see how this develops before jumping to conclusions.
If staged blood packet was in Trumps MAGA hat. Trump grabs for his ear as he is ducking for cover pops blood packet - blood trickles onto ear and face.
Trump gets up up without hat - Secret Service Agent seen with hat in his right hand helping GEOTUS (thus removing evidence from crime scene so FBI can fuck up) Patriots that got shot had packets as well. Taken away via ambulance and medical helicopter. Only way I can see it as FF from the WH.
Or was an assassination attempt by DS and GEOTuS is pissed!
Sad you got down votes. You're approaching this from a critical thinking perspective. Nothing wrong with that.
Personally, I think there is 0.000001% possibility that this was staged, but it's not wrong, in fact its good to exercise the mind and work through the dimensions.
I do not think this is a decisive factor. The entire thing about obtaining a winning position on the game board ala game theory is that you force the opposition into a position where the steps they take do them harm and ultimately accelerate or advance their losing.
Anyone and everyone is going to acknowledge how much this incident will become an advantage to Trump. But if it had been successful? I don't think we can overestimate how close a narrow shave this has been. Losing Trump would have been catastrophic, imo.
To imagine that a real incident could have been HW orchestrated makes no sense, but I find it highly implausible that this was 'staged' ie that Trump is acting, his detail is acting, and its all bull.
Perhaps you might write up a post with what your friends relayed to you. A frog on the ground is worth 10 in the bush.
I don't blame anyone for questioning. We are trained to question. But people need to look inside and reflect on what motivates their thinking or conclusions.
I think its a rather ..... distracted .... worldview that could logically think that DJT and team 'staged' this.
What they said the shooting was 50 yards behind them. The person near them fell and was hit in the head. They stated someone in the crowd came to help. I believe they stated he was a doctor who was at the rally.
They went into hiding mode until it was over.
They said sheer mayhem occurred.
They left as soon as it was safe.
They have nothing more.
Choose to believe it or not.
My opinion is he was Deep State.
No way would anyone just know where to show up and know where on the roof to go.
So we are supposed to believe a random person on the internet? Bottom line is we don't know you and you don't know us. I certainly wouldn't bet my life on what you are saying is true. Understand? It is extremely difficult to verify what you are saying.
My wife thought the cute blonde woman behind Trump (over his left shoulder) was shot because when Trump went down she disappeared from view. Completely. I think if she was shot the people around would've noticed it when they got up and she didn't.
The guy that was killed was to our TV right, Trump's left, in the bleachers right where they put Trump in that crappy SUV. I don't know if anyone else noticed this, but the doors on that vehicle were nowhere near as thick as the bulletproof executive vehicles I've seen in the past. Maybe it was half the thickness.
IMO, the best way to look at whether or not an event was organic, and/or who was in charge of an event is to look at the actual outcome of the event, i.e., who actually benefits.
In this case, there was an attempted "assassination" on Trump, where the shooter hit, but in the most visible, yet least harmful way possible.
How many coincidences...
Most visible, least harmful.
I mean, this "gunshot wound" won't even slow him down from shaving, yet the streak of blood that everyone in the world will see makes it very dramatic and "real".
Trump is now the "victim" of a violent attack. That is a position of incredible power politically. There was also all sorts of other suspicious stuff going on (no SS on the roof, etc.), and yet even people here are insisting their belief that "this wasn't staged." How will normies see it if there are even people here who don't get it?
I see only two possibilities here:
The Cabal were behind this and Trump was never intended to be killed, but is intended to be discredited by being blamed for a Smollett like false flag
The WHs were behind this for whatever reasons they have (which will become apparent after the fallout).
I suggest we will have to wait and see what actually happens in the coming days and weeks (who gets blamed, hidden evidence, who gets woken up by this, etc.) to determine the most likely scenario. But whatever happens, thinking that it is playing out organically is utterly foolish. All the world's a stage. Everything that makes it to "headline news" is wagging the dog to one extent or another. People must learn how unbelievably true that is before any real awakening can occur.
Or, you could go with Occam's Razor and say that the assassin was just a terrible shot.
Outcomes do not necessarily equate to intent.
EDIT -- just to be clear, I subscribe to the idea that it was a DeepState op but the guy just missed. The inexplicable lack of SS coverage on that rooftop is a giveaway.
Occam's Razor and say that the assassin was just a terrible shot.
First, Occam's Razor is almost never accurate in any complicated system. Things turn out to be always more complicated than the first accepted, "least complex" proposal (in the realm of science, where it is intended to be applied). Occam's Razor is a decision making concept (which path do I take on this decision tree?). It has nothing to do with the actual truth of anything.
Regardless, him being a "terrible shot" would not be according to Occam's Razor.
Occam's Razor requires taking all of the evidence into account. The evidence that presents itself suggests that he was hit, but barely hit. That is just shy of impossible unless it is either intended or completely faked. I'm not saying "it's impossible," I'm speaking statistically. There is the whole of the area that isn't Trump (all the world but Trump), and there is all of Trump. Hitting him precisely on the boundary between those two spaces (on just the very surface of his skin) in a place that would seem extremely life threatening, but would turn out to actually be almost completely harmless, and yet also be where the camera would pick it up perfectly without trying (the side of his face that would face the camera as he was led away) is the hardest shot in the world.
Statistically speaking, it is the least likely outcome by about a hundred orders of magnitude. Thus if we were to apply Occam's Razor as you suggest, the most likely outcome is that something else happened than that the shooter was a "bad shot" as you suggest.
This detail would be unbelievably hard to script and perform. I’m willing to believe there was some amount of divine intervention here, this is exactly the sort of thing you hear people talking about in “guardian angel” stories.
This is not an example of the principle of parsimony that underlies Occam's razor.
Occam's Razor requires taking all of the evidence into account. The evidence that presents itself suggests that he was hit, but barely hit. That is just shy of impossible unless it is either intended or completely faked. I'm not saying "it's impossible," I'm speaking statistically. There is the whole of the area that isn't Trump (all the world but Trump), and there is all of Trump. Hitting him precisely on the boundary between those two spaces (on just the very surface of his skin) in a place that would seem extremely life threatening, but would turn out to actually be almost completely harmless, and yet also be where the camera would pick it up perfectly without trying (the side of his face that would face the camera as he was led away) is the hardest shot in the world.
The principle of parsimony states that the solution set with the fewest assumptions is the most likely best solution.
The hypothesis is that the shot that resulted was an accident.
The alternative hypothesis would be that the apparent result was not an accident.
Let's look at the first hypothesis. I am looking at this from a statistical mechanics perspective. Let's assume that the shooter was aiming for the center of Trump's head. The actual shot (assuming there was any bullet at all) appears to have had a minimal impact on Trump. I think it's safe to assume that a greater than 2mm deep impact would not have been so minimal. It also hit him in a spot that had maximal dramatic impact. If it had grazed his cheek for example, it wouldn't have caused anywhere near as much blood. It probably would have self-cauterized. That pretty much leaves the left ear (the one that would face the camera) as the only place for minimal impact but maximal drama. But again, it can only graze the ear. Any more and we would see his ear dangling, or blown off, etc. But it also has to get enough of a chunk to cause all the blood and not self-cauterize.
So how many 2mm squares (4 sq mm) are there that would have maximal drama, but minimal health impact? Maybe 20? 50? We'll call it 50 for simplicity. Now, assuming he was aiming for the center of Trump's head but missed, how many squares are there total between the center of his head, and twice the distance to the border of his head where the bullet (if it existed) appears to have hit? That total area has an about equal chance of being hit assuming a miss from center, so all are weighted equally. A bit of quick napkin math gives me about 50,000 possible 2mm boxes he could have hit, each with the same probability. If we were to expand that out to include his body, or the larger air around him there would be a great many more place he could have hit, but they would have a lesser probability, so I will not include them for simplicity.
In order for it to be an accident, we have to assume that he just so happened to hit one of the 50 choices for minimal health, maximal drama impact instead of one of the other 49,950 others. Each of those choices (akin to a microstate) is an individual assumption, because each is individually equally likely.
For the alternative hypothesis we really just need one assumption in this regard. That assumption is that the outcome was what was intended.
Thus, choosing the set with the fewest assumptions demands we choose the alternative hypothesis.
If we then consider Q this becomes more dramatic.
For example, Q stated:
False flag(s).
Expect fireworks.
POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment.
In order for this to have been an accident, we must believe Q lied or is otherwise completely incompetent. There are thousands of reasons to not believe that, so that requires a new assumption for each piece of contraindicating evidence.
For the alternative hypothesis on the other hand, we only need one assumption. Q was telling the truth.
The shot was deliberate but barely missed it's target resulting in minimal damage.
Your example is over 300 words and says a shot involving the cheek wouldn't involve much blood and would be less dramatic. Which not only increase the complexity of the situation but involve assumptions on your part.
Your example also claims Trump was shot in the ear facing the camera. And of course Trump could move his head and that ear was facing away when it was hit. It was his right ear by the way. It was camera left but his right.
Another way your example reduces parsimony, is you claim that tiny 2 mm area was the target. This would require expert precision in the shot.
For the alternative hypothesis we really just need one assumption in this regard. That assumption is that the outcome was what was intended.
I find this assumption to be completely wrong.
I assume the tire the shooter intended to kill Trump and missed. You reduce parsimony again and increase complexity by assuming a deliberate specificity to how he missed.
In short, I think your statistical mechanical approach es leads you astray.
Your example is over 300 words and says a shot involving the cheek wouldn't involve much blood and would be less dramatic. Which not only increase the complexity of the situation but involve assumptions on your part.
Fair, but not overly relevant. A cheek wound would either have to be extremely shallow (less than the 2mm window I suggested), or would be very devastating. That was really what I meant. I should have been more careful. That isn't really an assumption, but is a conclusion based on just looking it up. (Sorry, that's a bit graphic. NSFW)
Regardless, this assumption is irrelevant in that even if it is not granted (or you don't want to examine the pictures), it doesn't change the argument. It only allows for a few extra boxes to be considered "pro" hypothesis, but not enough to impact the argument in a meaningful way.
of course Trump could move his head and that ear was facing away when it was hit.
I said explicitly, "when he was being led away*, which would be, as you correctly state, his right ear (which I did confuse because of camera left<-> right inversion, my bad). The actual wound (assuming there was one) was not only something the camera couldn't see as it happened (so no possible analysis), it was the side that would be in the focus of the camera when he was led away after the fact. The point is, if the opposite were true on either count, it would have been easier to analyze for the first part, and far less dramatic for the second. Both of those facts of facing support the assumptions of the alternative hypothesis and not the "accident" hypothesis. In neither case however does it have anything to do with the core of the argument. It only changes the number of boxes.
Another way your example reduces parsimony, is you claim that tiny 2 mm area was the target. This would require expert precision in the shot.
Not true. I do not assume there was a shot. I only assume that the outcome was not accidental. It could have been a faked wound. In addition, it is not that hard of a shot to make (for an expert marksman). I say that not as an assumption, but based on the knowledge that I could make that shot. I couldn't do it all the time (I'd give myself one in ten at best), but I have made plenty of shots like that hunting or at the range, and I am NOT an "expert" by any measure (I know people who are much better than me). Regardless, I know it can be done intentionally, so no "assumption" required.
Regardless, there is no parsimony reduction here. That claim of a 2mm area was simply a guesstimate to set up the statistical argument. ANY assumption of target size works for the argument. It only changes the number of microstates. The argument itself is the same. If you want to say that assuming there is a target is an "assumption," well, sure, but it's the same for both hypotheses, so we'll call it a wash. Personally, I think it's more appropriately labeled a statement of known starting conditions than an "assumption" in the sense of parsimony.
You reduce parsimony again and increase complexity by assuming a deliberate specificity to how he missed.
It is not me who increased complexity, it is the number of possible end states that increases the complexity. That is the foundation of statistical mechanics and/or probability and/or information theory. The analysis is statistical. The number of end states is relevant to the analysis. You refusing to consider the number of states does not change that this type of analysis exists, is common, is a part of decision trees (the only place where Occam's Razor is relevant), and is considered both relevant and reasonable by many analysts.
From my perspective, you are reducing complexity in a contrived way by ignoring the number of possible end-states for each hypothesis.
I can't make you allow for my analysis, I can't make you consider the possible end states as relevant in the claim of the "accident" hypothesis, but I CAN say that you have not properly addressed the argument as presented, and have instead chosen to ignore it rather than addressing it.
It was done in a very high profile public way, the same way JFK and RFK were both assassinated. That right there says CIA/Deep State. Compare it to Reagan’s failed assassination attempt.
This is what we are supposed to believe. We receive constant training to make us believe that; from the media, from school, etc. I suggest that this is false more often than not on anything that makes it into the broad media. At least that is what my (very deep dive) investigation suggests.
All the world really is a stage. Getting people to see that is hard, because the evidence is hidden deep. If you don't believe me, but want to be sure I'm wrong, read my report. It might change your mind (like it has thousands of other people).
"Or, you could go with Occam's Razor and say that the assassin was just a terrible shot."
RSBN was reporting that the killer was 150 yards away. Yeah, I know -- there are military sharpshooters for whom that would be no probem. But for just about anyone else, 150 yards is a long way off.
Point is, even a military-level sniper is likely to have problems with a moving target at 150 yards. More than one bystander would likely be hit.
even a military-level sniper is likely to have problems with a moving target at 150 yards
First, he was NOT a "moving target." On the contrary he was as stationary as a deer drinking water. In the hunting world, that's basically the deer jumping into your freezer.
Second, standard practice distance for hunting is 100 yards (at least where I grew up). That's the range were we calibrate our sights, because you know if you miss the bullseye at that range, your sights are off. Common long range practice is 200 yards. Hitting 150 yards may seem like a lot for anyone who doesn't shoot, but for anyone who spends time at the range on a semi-regular basis (or grew up hunting), they will have ZERO issues hitting a standing target at 150 yards. Hell, it wouldn't even be hard to hit someone in the eye at that range, much less "anywhere in the head area".
The hardest shot would be scratching the ear.
Now if you put your target out to 500 yards, then it starts getting a little bit "military-level sniper" range. Under 200, and your just talking anyone who grew up in Texas.
Sharpshooters are typically deployed in pairs. One acts as the spotter, who does the calculations, and one is the triggerman, who is responsible for adjusting the rifle and taking the shot. Trained marksmen also do not usually aim for the head if the center of mass is exposed.
For anyone who doesn't realize how far 150 yards is and how difficult a shot is at a distance, a target that would be 6ft tall at 1 yard shrinks to just under half an inch (31/64ths) in size to the naked eye at 150 yards, and that's the size of the target from head to toe, not just the head.
The human head, meanwhile, is about 9 inches from chin to crown for someone 6ft tall, which reduces to less than 0.05 inches at 150 yards, assuming you have no magnification. An untrained shooter would probably need at least 10x magnification to make the shot, and that's assuming they account for wind and have their scope properly zero'd in for that distance.
EDIT: To make one thing clear, I think we are all collectively very lucky that the shooter did not account for wind direction and speed, because that is the most likely reason that Trump wasn't killed.
EDIT: To make one thing clear, I think we are all collectively very lucky that the shooter did not account for wind direction and speed, because that is the most likely reason that Trump wasn't killed.
I just heard the shooter was a flat earther and didn’t take the earths curvature into consideration. That’s why he missed 😬
There are plenty of teenagers out there that could hit a target at 150 yards with a high powered rifle and a scope. I haven't shot that far in many months and am pretty confident I could hit a man-sized target under the right conditions.
The fact that this kid was from Bethel Park though...not an area known for breeding hunters. I have questions. Also "what was the caliber" and "did he have a scope" and "was there wind"? Many variables in play here.
Ultimately its why I think the hypothesis that he was aiming for a "near-kill but not an actual kill" is hilariously bad.
Possible. Yet Team Trump didn't anticipate this? Hasn't Team Trump publicly complained about the lack of SS resources? Doesn't Team Trump "have it all"? DJT is a multi-billionaire yet he can't pay for additional private security? Sorry but I have more questions than answers on this one.
Exactly. This is war. No one can be 100% insulated. While I hear your point all it takes is one or two dirty SS acting on orders from above. They stand down at post. Or stupidity plays a part; we all know people who do there jobs well and those that don't. Lets say SS went to take a piss figuring area secure for that split second (I don't believe the case just throwing out there).
Point is nothing is ever 100% secure; that's why I only put all my faith in God which is 100% secure & it is only by the grace of God sniper missed.
To all who say how couldn't he miss. He knew second he pulled that trigger he was dead, think of the adrenaline rush. Only missed by a couple inches too. Trump moved just a bit, wind, phones, light flashes, not knowing if SS snipers had bead on him, all factors that would contribute to a miss even for a skilled shooter.
My theory is this was definitely a BH attempt. Shooter was identified for 2-3 minutes on roof; he knew where to go. Someone was purposely not at post. We can blame SS snipers for not taking shot earlier, but that I'm 50/50 on. Perhaps didn't identify weapon, or couldn't identify if fellow LE/SS or threat...I don't know. People are not perfect, nor are all same level of training/awareness. He sure was neutralized quickly after the shot, but yes its all very odd. One thing we know is the truth always comes out; just takes time. I'm with you though pede, I have many questions too.
Probably SS negligence, maybe deliberate. But the thing that I don't get is Vincent Fusco acting like nothing was wrong! Is he really DJT's friend? Something's not right there.
Went to a Clinton speech shortly after he won the presidency in 1993. Every rooftop teeming with armed men and pizza-sized binoculars. This is too big to be an oversight. Are we sure there isn’t an incapacitated agent or two at the bottom of that building?
I told my husband tonight that when I went to the Trump rally in Richmond Va every building had several armed guards on them. Security was top notch in every direction. I said no way was that a mistake on Trump's secret service detail. The building was supposedly only 150 yards away. I can shoot that far. If an every day girl like me can do it, no way Trump's detail wouldn't be prepared for that. I agree, something had to go Massively wrong, or this was planned. Just my opinion.
I live 20 min from the location. There is also a water tower you can see in the screenshot that could be used as an overlook, not to mention why would there not be at least 1 drone in the sky providing over watch? Houston we have a problem.
If you do not believe the SS is as compromised as the other federal agencies, then you are truly gullible. President Trump needs to keep his personal security team around him at all times.
There is no way this was an "oversight". This is all the SS protection detail do for a living.
With two Q drops in the past comes to mind…. Shot heard round the world, and scare necessary event… if these two drops referwnce the shooting today, then either #2 staged…. Or he truly is a time traveler
Who was the guy with JFK assassination who basically said "assassinations don't happen...they are ALLOWED to happen" he was a colonel or lt or something iirc
Exactly what I thought of too. This was either an unacceptable random failure or this was 100% allowed to happen. I think this was absolutely a set up.
The jfk similarities are part of the humiliation ritual.
Also, let's not be too sure of the wild, red-headed bloke wearing a Trump hat and coincidentally finding a bbc useful idiot to tell the story of a lone gunman!
I read the guy used an ar-15, any comment on the ammo type?
A standard nato round should be accurate to 400+ yards, which makes the shooter an awful shot and a poor choice of assassin if this was an organised hit.
There are certainly questions about the rooftop not being cover by snipers, but I don't see this being a professional (ds) hit. If they went for him like they did JFK then then Trump would almost certainly be dead.
When I watched the video last night, someone above and to the right of Trump (as we viewed it on TV) disappeared out of shot very quickly if it was a survival reaction. I've read since that the civilians who were shot were to the left of Trump as we viewed the scene, so it's hard to be sure.
We have numerous people in this thread stating that they knew witnesses to the event, people who have a seemingly genuine post history, then we would have all the various witnesses in the audience of the rally who would have to be in on it if it were staged.
I do risk analysis and troubleshooting for a living, and at the moment the balance of probability is that this was a genuine attack on Trump by an amateur.
The question of the SS failure however is a factor that has still to be accounted for in my analysis.
note: I have factored in the possibility that posters have been planted in this community for just this moment, assuming the event was staged. No offence to anyone, this is possible, but doesn't seem likely when taking all the potential eye witnesses into account at the scene.
I don't think the shooter was necessarily an amateur, but they definitely weren't a professional sniper. If the perp was aiming for roughly nose-height and center, they missed the follow-up shot (the first one missed completely) by a matter of inches, meaning that the #1 thing that fucked up the attempt was probably failure to account for wind.
I didn't use the term amateur to denote someone who couldn't shoot, I used it to describe someone who doesn't shoot for a living, i.e. who doesn't get paid to shoot.
So... three options I can think of.
Cabal infiltrated security and wanted Trump to be killed.
It was staged as part of the movie, and no one was actually hurt (like the Ashli Babbit thing).
There was an actual mistake or confusion and that building was left unattended.
Personally, I give #3 a -89% (yes, that is a minus).
The fact that the shooter's last name is Violet and Trump misspelled violence as violent the other day (yesterday?) leads me to hope that it was #2... otherwise, if the Cabal is able to infiltrate the current Secret Service detail around Trump, then the game has changed.
It's #1. A person has died.
If the white hats through webs of intrigue caused the death of an innocent rallygoer, just to validate their 'shot heard around the world' prophecy, they're even worse pieces of shit than the deep state.
I'm not ok with that which is why, even though I don't think the WHs have been very clean, I also don't think they'll fall that low. Because at that point, they are indistinguishable from the deep state.
Are you saying deaths can’t be faked, and fake reports of deaths can’t be issued?
There’s been sunk boats to fake things, and run fake charges to blow up buildings, and fake fake fake fake fake fake fake, but “dead rallygoer” can’t be faked?
Multiple reports from people at the rally. Videos on phones.
This is not faked. Video recording devices everywhere make faking actual casualties from such an event much much harder.
And EVEN IF it is faked, that makes it doubly bad for the WH. They are satanic intrigue weavers AND liars. And for what? Why would they fake an attempt on Trump? He can't win without this?
Nothing to gain from faking this, besides our utter contempt for their "white hatness". So no, I don't think they are responsible for this.
The debate won Trump the election. They wouldn't need to pull a stunt right now like this.
I hope to God this speeds things up, and I mean a lot. He can't be making public appearances after this, as far as I'm concerned.
It's time the military stands up and takes out the damn trash already. Show the world 2020 was rigged, and let the trials begin. NOW.
Fair points.
Seems real to me & the "book repository" thing would be that hallmark "fuck you losers - We got away with it once and will again" signature.
Devolution theory. Familiar with it? Imitation game. Familiar with it? All war is deception. This is war. They will fake all sorts of things. We’re watching a movie.
A physician attending the rally helped the man who was shot. He described very graphically what he witnessed, such as brain matter all over the bench. The doctor had blood alll over his clothes.
Don’t worry. I trust both doctors and people who get interviewed by news reports.
You should trust the massive numbers of cameras from the crowd, unless you are prepared to claim every single person there was in on it.
The brains were visible on some footage - when the cops or soldiers (who can even tell anymore) were carrying him down the bleacher stairs. Trump was shot through the ear, and possibly in the chest if the pic of the bullet hole in his jacket is actually a hole and not blood from his ear. The shooter was killed and pics are circulating.
This was not staged.
I watched them doing CPR on a guy with his face blown off, until troopers grabbed him and carried him from the blood-drenched bleachers.
in person?
White Hats would never shed the blood of innocents. not in 1 million trillion years
But they can’t prevent all negative outcomes.
Exactly, Q did say not everything would be clean. Patriots are in the line of fire and risking their lives.
You are the sanist human on the internet right now. My God.
Are the victims 10000% confirmed. Total proof?
You have a lot to learn about how reality works. Idealism is called IDEAlism for a reason.
Unfortunately I believe this to be largely naive thinking. I used to say the same but something could have gone awry or it could be staged orrrr there is more to the story. Maybe it wasn't an innocent rally goer. But either way to think there won't be deaths of innocent people with the WH plan is clearly not true or the past 6 or 7 years would be smooth not full of violent illegals, etc.
War is brutal even when you have a plan.
The WHs couldn’t fake a death?
Died? How do you know this as fact? Were you there as an eye witness? We only "know" what we see & hear on the "news" and social media.
If it is proven that this was "staged" Trump would be DONE! I don't think this was staged at all.
It's not staged. I think SS was infiltrated. The stakes are getting higher just like a later part of a movie.
When you see the full moment Trump shouts "Fight, Fight, Fight", you see how damn angry he is. That speaks for your theory.
Yeah. To posit that this was somehow a white hat staged event is to propose that the White Hats are just as bad as the Black Hats, but hey, "They are on our side....."
I applaud people's willingness to question everything, but the "staged" proposition is about as flawed logically as anything we've seen (theories) over the past few years.
And yet I read less than a month ago to expect a Trump "assassination attempt" that would not be successful. And also that the election would not be held as scheduled this year.
Well I guess we'll find out.
The people behind him gawked like they couldnt believe it
But then there is the guy sitting there, shrugging with his Slurpee in his hand, like the film at the movie theater stopped
You'd be surprised how calm you can be when someone gets shot or a gun goes off next to you.
Ask me how I know 😬
How do you know??
Standing 6 feet away from a negligent discharge of a hunting rifle inside a retail store.
I calmly turned and said to dad "what the F*** was that" and in that time the entire store had emptied as if by magic lmao.
Some people are hot blooded and some of us have ice water in our veins 🤷♂️
I know how I know, and it’s not an easy feeling…
Username checks out 😉
That was my reaction.
The caddy shack guy?
The Wife and I have had this exact conversation tonight.
If is a huge word
People were killed.
Were they? Were the alleged children from Sandy Hook killed?
We know people who were there and saw it.
I live right outside of there and I am not making this up.
I have no reason to make this up I've suffered tremendous grief in the last couple months with family members . who passed away because of the vax.
Read all of my posts in my comments.
Well, then I guess it's option 1. The Cabal has infiltrated the secret service and/or other security.
More importantly, I am sorry for your personal loss. I cannot imagine the sadness, frustration, anger, and loss that you are dealing with. I hope you can hang in there.
Secret Service leadership was already compromised. We knew this already. It's a Bidenite.
Thank you.
Read Q….HE TELLS YOU!!!!!
Nobody is saying you are making anything up. Only that people can be deceived and manipulated. We all have been for our entire lives.
The question is, could the whitehats be just as good at deception and psychological manipulation as the deep state?
Unless I had a very close relationship with the people involved, I would not even believe something that I saw with my own eyes at this point. Wait and see how this develops before jumping to conclusions.
Here it is. I have been on the Farm Show grounds many times.
How did anyone know to walk up with a rifle and know exactly where to go?
This did happen and it is Deep State.
You might have seen a ghost Army psyop. Even Chris Angel can fool people.
The gunman:
Believe what you will, nobody knows. But if a MAGA supporter’s head popped to justify this show….im out
I don’t understand how you can just trust what you see online. Were people killed? Can WHs fake as good or better than BHs?
I live 25 minutes away. I have been there.
My friends were there.
I was supposed to go but couldn't.
They were 50 yards from shooter.
So they got to see the movie up close? Perhaps you don’t understand what Q means by movie?
This was an orchestrated scene by our own Government.
People were killed one the less.
If staged blood packet was in Trumps MAGA hat. Trump grabs for his ear as he is ducking for cover pops blood packet - blood trickles onto ear and face.
Trump gets up up without hat - Secret Service Agent seen with hat in his right hand helping GEOTUS (thus removing evidence from crime scene so FBI can fuck up) Patriots that got shot had packets as well. Taken away via ambulance and medical helicopter. Only way I can see it as FF from the WH.
Or was an assassination attempt by DS and GEOTuS is pissed!
Sad you got down votes. You're approaching this from a critical thinking perspective. Nothing wrong with that.
Personally, I think there is 0.000001% possibility that this was staged, but it's not wrong, in fact its good to exercise the mind and work through the dimensions.
Right - I have more questions than answers on this one! Ultimately which side benefits from this event?
I do not think this is a decisive factor. The entire thing about obtaining a winning position on the game board ala game theory is that you force the opposition into a position where the steps they take do them harm and ultimately accelerate or advance their losing.
Anyone and everyone is going to acknowledge how much this incident will become an advantage to Trump. But if it had been successful? I don't think we can overestimate how close a narrow shave this has been. Losing Trump would have been catastrophic, imo.
To imagine that a real incident could have been HW orchestrated makes no sense, but I find it highly implausible that this was 'staged' ie that Trump is acting, his detail is acting, and its all bull.
We had friends there and saw it.
They were right next to the person shot in the head.
Stop it.
Perhaps you might write up a post with what your friends relayed to you. A frog on the ground is worth 10 in the bush.
I don't blame anyone for questioning. We are trained to question. But people need to look inside and reflect on what motivates their thinking or conclusions.
I think its a rather ..... distracted .... worldview that could logically think that DJT and team 'staged' this.
What they said the shooting was 50 yards behind them. The person near them fell and was hit in the head. They stated someone in the crowd came to help. I believe they stated he was a doctor who was at the rally.
They went into hiding mode until it was over.
They said sheer mayhem occurred.
They left as soon as it was safe.
They have nothing more.
Choose to believe it or not.
My opinion is he was Deep State.
No way would anyone just know where to show up and know where on the roof to go.
Prayers to the victims and to those who have to live with all of this. Send my best to your friends.
So we are supposed to believe a random person on the internet? Bottom line is we don't know you and you don't know us. I certainly wouldn't bet my life on what you are saying is true. Understand? It is extremely difficult to verify what you are saying.
You should have intelligence enough to research what "some random" person is writing over time and figure it out.
The dr who gave the deceased cpr said he saw brain matter from the head wound and someone else is critically injured.
A man interviewed said it was a woman who got shot in the hand and forearm.
There were two people injured, one was killed.
The other was a headshot, the man who was next to the deceased helped carry his body down, they covered his face with a towel.
My wife thought the cute blonde woman behind Trump (over his left shoulder) was shot because when Trump went down she disappeared from view. Completely. I think if she was shot the people around would've noticed it when they got up and she didn't.
The guy that was killed was to our TV right, Trump's left, in the bleachers right where they put Trump in that crappy SUV. I don't know if anyone else noticed this, but the doors on that vehicle were nowhere near as thick as the bulletproof executive vehicles I've seen in the past. Maybe it was half the thickness.
The SUV might've been the closest vehicle to Trump at the time.
Thank you
IMO, the best way to look at whether or not an event was organic, and/or who was in charge of an event is to look at the actual outcome of the event, i.e., who actually benefits.
In this case, there was an attempted "assassination" on Trump, where the shooter hit, but in the most visible, yet least harmful way possible.
Most visible, least harmful.
I mean, this "gunshot wound" won't even slow him down from shaving, yet the streak of blood that everyone in the world will see makes it very dramatic and "real".
Trump is now the "victim" of a violent attack. That is a position of incredible power politically. There was also all sorts of other suspicious stuff going on (no SS on the roof, etc.), and yet even people here are insisting their belief that "this wasn't staged." How will normies see it if there are even people here who don't get it?
I see only two possibilities here:
I suggest we will have to wait and see what actually happens in the coming days and weeks (who gets blamed, hidden evidence, who gets woken up by this, etc.) to determine the most likely scenario. But whatever happens, thinking that it is playing out organically is utterly foolish. All the world's a stage. Everything that makes it to "headline news" is wagging the dog to one extent or another. People must learn how unbelievably true that is before any real awakening can occur.
Or, you could go with Occam's Razor and say that the assassin was just a terrible shot.
Outcomes do not necessarily equate to intent.
EDIT -- just to be clear, I subscribe to the idea that it was a DeepState op but the guy just missed. The inexplicable lack of SS coverage on that rooftop is a giveaway.
First, Occam's Razor is almost never accurate in any complicated system. Things turn out to be always more complicated than the first accepted, "least complex" proposal (in the realm of science, where it is intended to be applied). Occam's Razor is a decision making concept (which path do I take on this decision tree?). It has nothing to do with the actual truth of anything.
Regardless, him being a "terrible shot" would not be according to Occam's Razor.
Occam's Razor requires taking all of the evidence into account. The evidence that presents itself suggests that he was hit, but barely hit. That is just shy of impossible unless it is either intended or completely faked. I'm not saying "it's impossible," I'm speaking statistically. There is the whole of the area that isn't Trump (all the world but Trump), and there is all of Trump. Hitting him precisely on the boundary between those two spaces (on just the very surface of his skin) in a place that would seem extremely life threatening, but would turn out to actually be almost completely harmless, and yet also be where the camera would pick it up perfectly without trying (the side of his face that would face the camera as he was led away) is the hardest shot in the world.
Statistically speaking, it is the least likely outcome by about a hundred orders of magnitude. Thus if we were to apply Occam's Razor as you suggest, the most likely outcome is that something else happened than that the shooter was a "bad shot" as you suggest.
I heard he turned his head or would have been hit.
This detail would be unbelievably hard to script and perform. I’m willing to believe there was some amount of divine intervention here, this is exactly the sort of thing you hear people talking about in “guardian angel” stories.
This is not an example of the principle of parsimony that underlies Occam's razor.
The principle of parsimony states that the solution set with the fewest assumptions is the most likely best solution.
The hypothesis is that the shot that resulted was an accident.
The alternative hypothesis would be that the apparent result was not an accident.
Let's look at the first hypothesis. I am looking at this from a statistical mechanics perspective. Let's assume that the shooter was aiming for the center of Trump's head. The actual shot (assuming there was any bullet at all) appears to have had a minimal impact on Trump. I think it's safe to assume that a greater than 2mm deep impact would not have been so minimal. It also hit him in a spot that had maximal dramatic impact. If it had grazed his cheek for example, it wouldn't have caused anywhere near as much blood. It probably would have self-cauterized. That pretty much leaves the left ear (the one that would face the camera) as the only place for minimal impact but maximal drama. But again, it can only graze the ear. Any more and we would see his ear dangling, or blown off, etc. But it also has to get enough of a chunk to cause all the blood and not self-cauterize.
So how many 2mm squares (4 sq mm) are there that would have maximal drama, but minimal health impact? Maybe 20? 50? We'll call it 50 for simplicity. Now, assuming he was aiming for the center of Trump's head but missed, how many squares are there total between the center of his head, and twice the distance to the border of his head where the bullet (if it existed) appears to have hit? That total area has an about equal chance of being hit assuming a miss from center, so all are weighted equally. A bit of quick napkin math gives me about 50,000 possible 2mm boxes he could have hit, each with the same probability. If we were to expand that out to include his body, or the larger air around him there would be a great many more place he could have hit, but they would have a lesser probability, so I will not include them for simplicity.
In order for it to be an accident, we have to assume that he just so happened to hit one of the 50 choices for minimal health, maximal drama impact instead of one of the other 49,950 others. Each of those choices (akin to a microstate) is an individual assumption, because each is individually equally likely.
For the alternative hypothesis we really just need one assumption in this regard. That assumption is that the outcome was what was intended.
Thus, choosing the set with the fewest assumptions demands we choose the alternative hypothesis.
If we then consider Q this becomes more dramatic.
For example, Q stated:
83 different q posts
In order for this to have been an accident, we must believe Q lied or is otherwise completely incompetent. There are thousands of reasons to not believe that, so that requires a new assumption for each piece of contraindicating evidence.
For the alternative hypothesis on the other hand, we only need one assumption. Q was telling the truth.
Here's an example of parsimony.
The shot was deliberate but barely missed it's target resulting in minimal damage.
Your example is over 300 words and says a shot involving the cheek wouldn't involve much blood and would be less dramatic. Which not only increase the complexity of the situation but involve assumptions on your part.
Your example also claims Trump was shot in the ear facing the camera. And of course Trump could move his head and that ear was facing away when it was hit. It was his right ear by the way. It was camera left but his right.
Another way your example reduces parsimony, is you claim that tiny 2 mm area was the target. This would require expert precision in the shot.
I find this assumption to be completely wrong.
I assume the tire the shooter intended to kill Trump and missed. You reduce parsimony again and increase complexity by assuming a deliberate specificity to how he missed.
In short, I think your statistical mechanical approach es leads you astray.
Fair, but not overly relevant. A cheek wound would either have to be extremely shallow (less than the 2mm window I suggested), or would be very devastating. That was really what I meant. I should have been more careful. That isn't really an assumption, but is a conclusion based on just looking it up. (Sorry, that's a bit graphic. NSFW)
Regardless, this assumption is irrelevant in that even if it is not granted (or you don't want to examine the pictures), it doesn't change the argument. It only allows for a few extra boxes to be considered "pro" hypothesis, but not enough to impact the argument in a meaningful way.
I said explicitly, "when he was being led away*, which would be, as you correctly state, his right ear (which I did confuse because of camera left<-> right inversion, my bad). The actual wound (assuming there was one) was not only something the camera couldn't see as it happened (so no possible analysis), it was the side that would be in the focus of the camera when he was led away after the fact. The point is, if the opposite were true on either count, it would have been easier to analyze for the first part, and far less dramatic for the second. Both of those facts of facing support the assumptions of the alternative hypothesis and not the "accident" hypothesis. In neither case however does it have anything to do with the core of the argument. It only changes the number of boxes.
Not true. I do not assume there was a shot. I only assume that the outcome was not accidental. It could have been a faked wound. In addition, it is not that hard of a shot to make (for an expert marksman). I say that not as an assumption, but based on the knowledge that I could make that shot. I couldn't do it all the time (I'd give myself one in ten at best), but I have made plenty of shots like that hunting or at the range, and I am NOT an "expert" by any measure (I know people who are much better than me). Regardless, I know it can be done intentionally, so no "assumption" required.
Regardless, there is no parsimony reduction here. That claim of a 2mm area was simply a guesstimate to set up the statistical argument. ANY assumption of target size works for the argument. It only changes the number of microstates. The argument itself is the same. If you want to say that assuming there is a target is an "assumption," well, sure, but it's the same for both hypotheses, so we'll call it a wash. Personally, I think it's more appropriately labeled a statement of known starting conditions than an "assumption" in the sense of parsimony.
It is not me who increased complexity, it is the number of possible end states that increases the complexity. That is the foundation of statistical mechanics and/or probability and/or information theory. The analysis is statistical. The number of end states is relevant to the analysis. You refusing to consider the number of states does not change that this type of analysis exists, is common, is a part of decision trees (the only place where Occam's Razor is relevant), and is considered both relevant and reasonable by many analysts.
From my perspective, you are reducing complexity in a contrived way by ignoring the number of possible end-states for each hypothesis.
I can't make you allow for my analysis, I can't make you consider the possible end states as relevant in the claim of the "accident" hypothesis, but I CAN say that you have not properly addressed the argument as presented, and have instead chosen to ignore it rather than addressing it.
It was done in a very high profile public way, the same way JFK and RFK were both assassinated. That right there says CIA/Deep State. Compare it to Reagan’s failed assassination attempt.
This is what we are supposed to believe. We receive constant training to make us believe that; from the media, from school, etc. I suggest that this is false more often than not on anything that makes it into the broad media. At least that is what my (very deep dive) investigation suggests.
All the world really is a stage. Getting people to see that is hard, because the evidence is hidden deep. If you don't believe me, but want to be sure I'm wrong, read my report. It might change your mind (like it has thousands of other people).
"Or, you could go with Occam's Razor and say that the assassin was just a terrible shot."
RSBN was reporting that the killer was 150 yards away. Yeah, I know -- there are military sharpshooters for whom that would be no probem. But for just about anyone else, 150 yards is a long way off.
Point is, even a military-level sniper is likely to have problems with a moving target at 150 yards. More than one bystander would likely be hit.
First, he was NOT a "moving target." On the contrary he was as stationary as a deer drinking water. In the hunting world, that's basically the deer jumping into your freezer.
Second, standard practice distance for hunting is 100 yards (at least where I grew up). That's the range were we calibrate our sights, because you know if you miss the bullseye at that range, your sights are off. Common long range practice is 200 yards. Hitting 150 yards may seem like a lot for anyone who doesn't shoot, but for anyone who spends time at the range on a semi-regular basis (or grew up hunting), they will have ZERO issues hitting a standing target at 150 yards. Hell, it wouldn't even be hard to hit someone in the eye at that range, much less "anywhere in the head area".
The hardest shot would be scratching the ear.
Now if you put your target out to 500 yards, then it starts getting a little bit "military-level sniper" range. Under 200, and your just talking anyone who grew up in Texas.
No isn't...150 yards is nothing on iron sights using an 81 year old Garand that's been bashed to hell...
Sharpshooters are typically deployed in pairs. One acts as the spotter, who does the calculations, and one is the triggerman, who is responsible for adjusting the rifle and taking the shot. Trained marksmen also do not usually aim for the head if the center of mass is exposed.
For anyone who doesn't realize how far 150 yards is and how difficult a shot is at a distance, a target that would be 6ft tall at 1 yard shrinks to just under half an inch (31/64ths) in size to the naked eye at 150 yards, and that's the size of the target from head to toe, not just the head.
The human head, meanwhile, is about 9 inches from chin to crown for someone 6ft tall, which reduces to less than 0.05 inches at 150 yards, assuming you have no magnification. An untrained shooter would probably need at least 10x magnification to make the shot, and that's assuming they account for wind and have their scope properly zero'd in for that distance.
EDIT: To make one thing clear, I think we are all collectively very lucky that the shooter did not account for wind direction and speed, because that is the most likely reason that Trump wasn't killed.
I just heard the shooter was a flat earther and didn’t take the earths curvature into consideration. That’s why he missed 😬
There are plenty of teenagers out there that could hit a target at 150 yards with a high powered rifle and a scope. I haven't shot that far in many months and am pretty confident I could hit a man-sized target under the right conditions.
The fact that this kid was from Bethel Park though...not an area known for breeding hunters. I have questions. Also "what was the caliber" and "did he have a scope" and "was there wind"? Many variables in play here.
Ultimately its why I think the hypothesis that he was aiming for a "near-kill but not an actual kill" is hilariously bad.
I regret that I have but one doot to give for this posting.
You've out dooted the dooter.
Lost me at Ashli Babbit thing. Ashley babbit was not staged, neither was this shooting today.
Agreed. Ashli is alive= flat earth
SS did not secure. They don’t make these simple mistakes, it’s part of a basic checklist. Therefore it was purposeful
100% purposeful. This is a huge gaffe; most logical explanation is DS infiltration. Same thing that happened to JFK...
Possible. Yet Team Trump didn't anticipate this? Hasn't Team Trump publicly complained about the lack of SS resources? Doesn't Team Trump "have it all"? DJT is a multi-billionaire yet he can't pay for additional private security? Sorry but I have more questions than answers on this one.
Exactly. This is war. No one can be 100% insulated. While I hear your point all it takes is one or two dirty SS acting on orders from above. They stand down at post. Or stupidity plays a part; we all know people who do there jobs well and those that don't. Lets say SS went to take a piss figuring area secure for that split second (I don't believe the case just throwing out there).
Point is nothing is ever 100% secure; that's why I only put all my faith in God which is 100% secure & it is only by the grace of God sniper missed.
To all who say how couldn't he miss. He knew second he pulled that trigger he was dead, think of the adrenaline rush. Only missed by a couple inches too. Trump moved just a bit, wind, phones, light flashes, not knowing if SS snipers had bead on him, all factors that would contribute to a miss even for a skilled shooter.
My theory is this was definitely a BH attempt. Shooter was identified for 2-3 minutes on roof; he knew where to go. Someone was purposely not at post. We can blame SS snipers for not taking shot earlier, but that I'm 50/50 on. Perhaps didn't identify weapon, or couldn't identify if fellow LE/SS or threat...I don't know. People are not perfect, nor are all same level of training/awareness. He sure was neutralized quickly after the shot, but yes its all very odd. One thing we know is the truth always comes out; just takes time. I'm with you though pede, I have many questions too.
Probably SS negligence, maybe deliberate. But the thing that I don't get is Vincent Fusco acting like nothing was wrong! Is he really DJT's friend? Something's not right there.
Totally agree, that guy is such an anomaly
Went to a Clinton speech shortly after he won the presidency in 1993. Every rooftop teeming with armed men and pizza-sized binoculars. This is too big to be an oversight. Are we sure there isn’t an incapacitated agent or two at the bottom of that building?
I told my husband tonight that when I went to the Trump rally in Richmond Va every building had several armed guards on them. Security was top notch in every direction. I said no way was that a mistake on Trump's secret service detail. The building was supposedly only 150 yards away. I can shoot that far. If an every day girl like me can do it, no way Trump's detail wouldn't be prepared for that. I agree, something had to go Massively wrong, or this was planned. Just my opinion.
I don't think that a guy who gets seen is some Solid Snake type. I highly doubt he'd be able to incapacitate someone.
I need scissors! 61!
MGSV virus before COVID
Death Stranding = Eating Babies
Hideo Kojima is in the secret club
Well, he always did have an extreme fascination with Hollywood.
Death Stranding is so pretentious even the actors don't know what it's about lol.
Darmok and Gilad at Tanagra.
wat excuses...
DEI at the SS?
I live 20 min from the location. There is also a water tower you can see in the screenshot that could be used as an overlook, not to mention why would there not be at least 1 drone in the sky providing over watch? Houston we have a problem.
If you do not believe the SS is as compromised as the other federal agencies, then you are truly gullible. President Trump needs to keep his personal security team around him at all times.
There is no way this was an "oversight". This is all the SS protection detail do for a living.
Planned by are own Government.
Well duh...
Like every other political assasination attempt, successful or unsuccessful.
With two Q drops in the past comes to mind…. Shot heard round the world, and scare necessary event… if these two drops referwnce the shooting today, then either #2 staged…. Or he truly is a time traveler
"Fight, Fight, Fight" is another
Its almost like they wanted this to happen...
Who was the guy with JFK assassination who basically said "assassinations don't happen...they are ALLOWED to happen" he was a colonel or lt or something iirc
Does it remind you of how hang gliders got through Israeli defense?
And box cutters got through metal detectors on 9/11
Box cutters and Swiss Army knives were allowed. Always took them to trade shows.
Exactly what I thought of too. This was either an unacceptable random failure or this was 100% allowed to happen. I think this was absolutely a set up.
A set-up for Trump's benefit by an agency (Secret Service) under control of President Biden. Plausibility fail.
Any time it's a "conservative" we learn all about them within minutes.
They need time to scrub and manufacture the antifa/trans/mk shooters.
I find it unusual that we have a name so fast and his social media wasn't already scrubbed.
Well the first guy seems to be a fake. This is kind of why names shouldn't be spread so quickly until a positive identification really.
Underrated comment
You know when Trump said let me get my shoes? Any shoes comm from Q post?
Cabal-Involved Assassination
Every rooftop in a 1/2 mile radius should be swept and in real time monitored for and during, a presidential rally.
No fucking excuse for this kind of oversight.
“You’re watching a movie”
100% this . So obvious
SS epic failure. Someone needs to be fired!
They’re playing the BBC interview on Newsmax with the guy that saw the shooter. This will not go away quietly. Worst security lapse since JFK.
Was my very first thought. How the hell was it left unsecured.
I wonder if this gets people talking about how the official explanation for the JFK assassination was bullshit.
Where was the perimeter security?
they went for the head
clear shot. this was allowed God has not allowed it to take place.
What happened was real and nothing but divine intervention.
Let’s also remember that JFK wasn’t shot by someone in the book depository.
This was a grave security failure and it almost cost us our President. There will be a full investigation and heads will roll! RIGHT Q?
The jfk similarities are part of the humiliation ritual.
Also, let's not be too sure of the wild, red-headed bloke wearing a Trump hat and coincidentally finding a bbc useful idiot to tell the story of a lone gunman!
don't trust anything!
This whole thing has me scared to be quite honest. Q told us POTUS was 100% insulated in post 326.
This doesn’t seem insulated to me. Maybe the game has changed?
I read the guy used an ar-15, any comment on the ammo type?
A standard nato round should be accurate to 400+ yards, which makes the shooter an awful shot and a poor choice of assassin if this was an organised hit.
There are certainly questions about the rooftop not being cover by snipers, but I don't see this being a professional (ds) hit. If they went for him like they did JFK then then Trump would almost certainly be dead.
When I watched the video last night, someone above and to the right of Trump (as we viewed it on TV) disappeared out of shot very quickly if it was a survival reaction. I've read since that the civilians who were shot were to the left of Trump as we viewed the scene, so it's hard to be sure.
We have numerous people in this thread stating that they knew witnesses to the event, people who have a seemingly genuine post history, then we would have all the various witnesses in the audience of the rally who would have to be in on it if it were staged.
I do risk analysis and troubleshooting for a living, and at the moment the balance of probability is that this was a genuine attack on Trump by an amateur.
The question of the SS failure however is a factor that has still to be accounted for in my analysis.
note: I have factored in the possibility that posters have been planted in this community for just this moment, assuming the event was staged. No offence to anyone, this is possible, but doesn't seem likely when taking all the potential eye witnesses into account at the scene.
I don't think the shooter was necessarily an amateur, but they definitely weren't a professional sniper. If the perp was aiming for roughly nose-height and center, they missed the follow-up shot (the first one missed completely) by a matter of inches, meaning that the #1 thing that fucked up the attempt was probably failure to account for wind.
I didn't use the term amateur to denote someone who couldn't shoot, I used it to describe someone who doesn't shoot for a living, i.e. who doesn't get paid to shoot.