No. This explains why Trump didn't denounce the deadly vaccines back in 2020, but it doesn't explain why he's still doing it: During his August rally, Trump encouraging everyone to kill themselves and their children with the clot-shot and was booed by the audience.
So why is Trump still pushing the deadly vaccines?
That's the question that nobody's answering. They just keep trotting out the reasoning why he couldn't denounce the vaccines in the first place. Fine. we all get that part and don't need some condescending OP to lay it out again. But that explanation does not explain why he is loudly continuing to push the vaccines after they have killed tens or hundreds of thousands of people, and very serious doctors and scientists around the world are calling it a potential extinction event.
Perhaps to keep anti-covid-vaxxers safe from the total narrative destruction of being explicitly aligned with trump.
If trump says no vax, anyone who says no vax is pro-trump, and the no-vax position becomes inextricably linked to Trumpism and the merits of the no-vax position get lost in that noise. The no-vax position is strong enough on its own merits - it is actually stronger and has breathing room as a result of Trump being separated from it.
Trump has said that kids should not be getting the vaccine. He's also said that it should not be mandatory.
Personally, the world after this, is going to be full of critical thinkers - not a bunch of stupid followers. We're going to need leaders and those people are the ones that can discern for themselves regardless of what powerful people say. That data is out there. Think for yourself and you'll be fine.
Perhaps to keep anti-covid-vaxxers safe from the total narrative destruction of being explicitly aligned with trump. If trump says no vax, anyone who says no vax is pro-trump, and the no-vax position becomes inextricably linked to Trumpism and the merits of the no-vax position get lost in that noise. The no-vax position is strong enough on its own merits - it is actually stronger and has breathing room as a result of Trump being separated from it.
Thanks for the fresh take. This is why we come here.
But aren’t we supposed to wake up the normies? Why is Trump afraid of the deep state? If devolution is happening, why allow kids and people to die when it’s already in place for Trump to return soon?
If he has it all, why is he afraid of peoples opinion? Isn’t that all the harm it is? Is that people might think that antivaxxers are following Trump?
I can tell you one thing. They still say antivaxxers are Trump fans. It’s all over the MSM. They don’t at all give Trump credit for pushing the vaccine. In fact they say all the antivaxxers are Trump fans and there’s still hate.
That may be true on some levels, but I know several people who are vehemently against the jab and can't stand Trump. They are lefties through and through but refuse to comply. Bit of an oxymoron they are. We are all our own persons free to be who we want to be. For now....
I'm skeptical that both you and previous poster are actual organic comments - but I have an answer for you anyway.
The reason Trump needs to support the vaccines is the same reason Trump had to have VP Pence and appoint a bunch of swamp dwellers in government when he was in office. The propaganda media could have stopped Trump a lot easier if he was 100% opposed to everything they aligned with. Instead, Trump had to pick and choose carefully where his alignment could be used as momentum to force self-correction in the US.
In case you haven't noticed, Trump chose a different battle line to make a stand - it's your free will to get the vaccine. Those pushing the vaccine are also pushing for it to be law and for those who don't get it to be forcefully injected or removed from society. That's a more defensible position in a propaganda war than saying 'the vaccines are bad' since most people would still have a hard time believing that even the medical establishment is corrupt to the core.
Remember, though, how he had the rallies 'boo' on cue after mentioning Mexico and The Wall. Might be conditioning us on this response too. It is the same trigger/response every time it is addressed in an interview with him.
I wonder if Trump's position on the jab is so that he cannot be accused of acting contrary to the citizens' benefit - somehow the DS could claim he is working antithetical to the benefit of the US (treason charge?). I don't feel that he believes in the jab but is promoting it as a political position.
What bothers me the most is him bragging about “warp speed” and “we made these vaccines happen”, etc. He’s a sitting duck for the BLAME when this vaccine scam finally falls apart. Which it will.
Who cares what the deep state thinks. Aren’t we already taking them down, like very soon? And people will wake up?
This is the point I have questions. If we have it all, devolution will be exposed on Christmas, and people are dying from the vaccine the very week before it’s exposed, it looks like Trump is afraid of the DS and has to be careful or it will hurt him in some way.
If he’s really going to return and nothing can stop that, why would he be afraid of the opinion of people who are about to wake up? And this is certain. They will be told about the evil cabal and the vaccine plan. He could just not say anything because he has it all and nothing can stop what’s coming.
Trump chose a different battle line to make a stand - it's your free will to get the vaccine. Those pushing the vaccine are also pushing for it to be law and for those who don't get it to be forcefully injected or removed from society. That's a more defensible position in a propaganda war than saying 'the vaccines are bad' since most people would still have a hard time believing that even the medical establishment is corrupt to the core.
"That's" a more defensible position
You must mean Trump's position is, not the one immediately preceding the "That's".
Occums razor tends to swing more towards trump made bad picks in his administration and has been fooled by big pharma. Frankly I'd like to see financial statements to ensure he hasn't received any money from them.
Occums razor tends to swing more towards trump made bad picks in his administration and has been fooled by big pharma.
Matter of opinion. The theme of "Trump being fooled again and again and again" IMHO doesn't meet the criteria for most likely scenario.
On one hand he's reputed to be a very stable genius, master of multidimensional game theory, and the leading practitioner of the art of persuasion; and on the other a complete bumbling nincompoop who can't read people even though he's earned billions dealing with them. Occam's Razor favors the former.
Maybe they're not so dangerous and we should just get the vaccine?
^ The above is the question people have to ask themselves when they take one stance, either way.
By staunchly encouraging his audience to get the vaccines, and singling out a "small group" of people that booed him for getting the booster, he has effectively created a group for ostracization - those who aren't cheering him on in the vaccine rhetoric.
The question I posed is of dire urgency - it must be answered by everyone that currently follows him and is debating how to feel regarding his statements. There is no avoiding it.
Are we supposed to ignore the Vaers data? The people we know and have talked about here who were injured by the vaccines? If we can’t trust Anons, what’s left?
I’m sorry, but if it turns out we were wrong about the vaccines, that goes waaaaay beyond “eh maybe they’re not so bad.” That would shatter the trust and faith many of us have in this movement. That would be the straw that broke my back in terms of this all being “just a larp”
As a covid nurse, you don’t want to know what I’ve seen as the vaccination status in covid patients. This is a truth movement so I refuse to lie. I’ve also asked and many have ivermectin that I allow and we tell everyone to let them keep it and just look away. We do care about them. The hospital cares about the regulating agencies who can walk up and slap a sign on the door that they are now closed, or limit payments to them. The doctors and nurses will look away as long as you don’t say it out loud so we could get into trouble. We got into this because we care about people. Most of us anyway. Or at least most do not want to work extra and start a fight.
I personally have come to the conclusion that vaccines do spread the spike protein which is responsible for the body inflammation and the heightened clot risk. But so does the virus because it has the spike protein. Yet at the same time, showing the body the spike protein is exactly like showing the body the spike protein in infection, it leads to some cells recognizing it and therefore mounting an attack quicker.
You have natural immunity because of the spike protein.
You have the same immunity from the spike protein in the vaccine.
And also,
The spike protein in the vaccine causes immunity, but at a cost which raises inflammation, that leads to strokes. Inflammation is your immune system, literally.
And, in natural infections the same, the spike protein causes immune activation, which causes immunity, which raises clotting risk as a side effect of activating your immune system.
From the spike protein.
All of this is consistent across the board.
You get exposed to the spike protein you have some immunity next time.
Also, as your exposed to the spike protein your clotting risk goes up, because of that immune activation.
I have read about the genetic manipulation and totally agree there could be unknown effects from this approach and I’m concerned about them as I took the vaccine before I got my job. Story is I was in my own practice for holistic nursing and a prevention model and that collapsed because of health department regulations. I have a son with autism and we have not depended on state or federal support because I am against it. We take care of ourselves. I personally am not afraid of the vaccine because of my faith and knowledge about health. That’s just how I live.
But essentially, we are seeing natural immunity as a strong defense against the next exposure but at the same time, the vaccine prepares the body in the same way.
Natural infections do lead to strokes and heart attacks and I’ve seen it myself, in person.
Vaccines lead to strokes and heart attacks and I’ve suspected it.
The gene therapy as of yet is an unknown. They have seen this same type of MRNA medicine cause immediate death but since it’s so new, we haven’t had enough time to know long term outcomes.
You could die crossing the street next week. I look both ways.
It's obvious, he's not playing 5D chess. He is playing checkers and like many people who now know the news is bullshit, for some reason they still believe most of it. He clearly believes the bullshit about the vax. Which destories the idea he is some mastermind pulling strings. That is a very disheartening realization most people here do not want to hear. But it is what is it is.
Engage with the enemy in battles where you have overwhelming force whenever possible. To engage in battle where you do not have the superior force invites defeat.
If you apply this to narratives, Trump did not have the force to defeat the medical industrial complex. Thus he did not engage in that battle. If anything he used their force against them by pushing for the vaccine faster and harder than they expected. It was an aikido move.
Now that there is nearly adequate narrative support he is in a better position to destroy them. Furthermore, he can say that he was fooled too, just like the majority that got vaxed.
Trump knew about HCQ etc early on. He knew about Fauci early on as evidenced by his signing the animal protection bill and the picture of him holding a beagle. It now comes out he was pushing to get Fauci fired. He knows more than he says.
There were losses, but the battle as it came was un-winnable. It is now winnable even though at great cost. It is like chess. Some pieces are lost to win the war. It hurts, but it is dealing with the reality of narrative warfare.
Essentially: I'm letting Biden in, not so people can appreciate how awful he is, but to spoil their plans for street anarchy and civil war color revolution. Meanwhile we'll take them out on the sly.
Vax version: The vax is shit, but it's better for me to take the high ground and throw it at them than vice versa. High ground = less lockdowns in less places for less time; low ground = more, more, and more. High ground is not perfect, but better than low. Meanwhile we expose cheap and effective cures.
In the real world sometimes the only options on the multiple choice exam are "a) terrible, b) really bad and c) least bad. If nothing else, Trump has real world experience.
I heard a theory… the louder the boos, the more awakened. I also read a cnn article talking about people booing. While they are trying to make it out like people are turning on trump, what it’s actually doing is showing the nation that we’re able to think for ourselves despite the love for trump.
It would also unite us as a country against the vaccines and unconstitutional mandates rather than continuing to make it a left vs right thing. In London, they chanted we stand together. That’s what needs to happen here. I don’t like his stance either but if there’s one thing I’ve learned, he’s usually steps ahead and it eventually makes sense.
Thank you! Ultimate optimist. I commented above but I also think it will be how we unite against the unconstitutional over reach instead of making the vax a left v right thing
I think the majority of us don’t want anything to do with the vax, however, we’re also trying to understand or guess rather than rationalize. Just because trump says he got it or to get doesn’t mean I am going to. So, I am thinking for myself. I’m also not arrogant enough to think I should be privy to everything.
Good question. I suppose it's to keep the "high ground," and continue to throw problems at the DS. Presumably it's still needed, and without the vaccine the DS would immediately double-down on more lockdowns "because there's no alternative" while they ratchet up the smaller control mechanisms making opposition progressively more difficult before re-releasing the vax again.
I think the mere existence of a released thing called a vaccine changed public perception around the world, and changed the battlefield more in our favor. So I think it was a good thing to do at that time. I don't know what the benefits of continuing to push it are.
I don't have the answer, but I think this concept is a part of it. My comment was really my way to summarize the thought in different words, and think about it more.
There's another theory out there that the vax's purpose is primarily a filter for society to somehow find and root out, maybe even neutralize, dangerous MK-ultra players. I'm not sure how that would work, but according to that theory all the people saying the vax is deadly are doing it to promote division and create a different rift for civil war- meaning Trump is prioritizing civil unity and calm by promoting the vax. This theory works best if the vax isn't dangerous, but it could be true even with a dangerous vax: it would be like how chemotherapy (supposedly) works--- poison yourself to kill the cancer, and if your timing is right and the body is otherwise strong, you win despite the poison and because of it. Another commenter made a Q reference which might prove that theory out (search 'sacrifice' on the comments to find it).
But I don't know the answer. Still trying to find out.
Your second theory sounds like it was put out by the DS themselves: "Anybody who objects to the vax is promoting division within society." That is what the DS/Cabal ALWAYS do - accuse the other side of what they are doing themselves. THEY are the ones fomenting division. That is very plain to see. And to suggest that anybody who doesn't buy the Fauci party line about vaxxes is a menace to society is playing the DS's hand for them.
According to that theory, the vax is a process to somehow filter out mk-ultra people. Therefore opposing the vax effort = more mk's floating around, available for ff's and other chaos.
I think it's more like by going in for a vax, they get identified so that whoever is running the show can decide how to handle them, maybe with the second dose. (The whole two-part vax never made much sense to me.) But I don't know.
How can DJT possibly say such things when so many people have already been killed by the shots? That is what people just can't understand. He's not just refraining from criticizing it, he's PUSHING it.
Maybe it's really important to the future of humanity to somewhat reduce the human population. It's not just some green leftist bullshit that the Earth is in trouble. The oceans are way too polluted for instance and natural food chains worldwide are under severe pressure thanks to humanity.
When we manage populations of animals and don't let their numbers grow out of control, we don't do that because we want to do evil. We do that because we care about the long-term.
What's more ethical? Saving as many people in the short-term or is it more ethical to save future generations from an over-populated planet that will buckle under the pressure of too many human beings?
Exactly. EVERY rally without exception he pushes this poison (highly recommend it, miracle drug etc.). No strategic reason at this stage, it's already done.
There is ZERO benefit to continue to push it. More and more people are booing him when he mentions them. He's either tonedeaf all of a sudden or his hands are tied and he's obligated to mention it contractually.
He’s bending like a blade of grass in the wind, and causing the enemy to overstep. If he spoke out against the vaccine, it would be an all out war against him, and the enemy would have had so much more firepower this whole time - because tds is real. Frankly I’m amazed half the country is against the gene serum and 2/3rds are against mandates. That proves that most of the folks who love Trump dearly won’t follow advice from him they disagree with, and that is a reassuring thought. The enemy is fucking up, let them water the tree their noose is tied to. Sun tzu Thesis is minimal loss of life. Trump is not promoting the serum, merely answering the question when he is asked, and promoting medical freedom. People waking up is the prize, and unfortunately we are at war and casualties are abound. That is reality. There is no doubt the serum is more deadly than the sickness, but how deadly remains to be seen. Lockdowns for years? Very deadly.
There's no way he really meant that. Maybe he was lying. He secretly meant something else. Yeah, he doesn't want us to believe him! That's obviously the answer.
He didn't need to elevate Fauci - he didn't need to give Fauci so much air time. But man did he. Fauci should have been silenced. Trump gave him a new megaphone every day.
Well think about it, you may have figured it out. Supporters are booing him for promoting the vaccine. Maybe that’s the point. It’s get this subject attention. When does the media start to report that. When does the media start to side with Trumps vaccine. And support his position. When do they want to interview him about this. And then, Trump gets to promote NO mandates. No forcing of any shots. Businesses get in line because they are tired of the show. They back Trump. Trump supporters show their free thinking, and it spreads like wildfire. Trump becomes the literal Trojan horse to tear this whole thing down, with the virus tyranny.
And that’s only one angle of defeat the cabal has coming. PAIN!
Well entire states have pushed the no mandate, like Florida. Here in Tennessee, I believe it’s the same. There are others as well. Now that doesn’t mean some businesses aren’t still trying to push a mandate, and they are met with lawsuits. But there are thousands of businesses that don’t push the mandate. I know every person that owns a business in my church doesn’t push them.
Exactly! Said something to that effect before scrolling down, plus it begins to separate right (no vax) and left (vax). The vax becomes an uniting factor instead
His hands may be tied as you u/p8triot suggest far above - I have come across the idea before that he had to make a deal with the devil (DS/pharma) to tout the vax.
But that is no reason why anyone should be giving him a free pass for doing it. On the desperately hopeful theory that it's some kind of brilliant strategy. Even if that is what is going on, we should all be loudly condemning him for actively promoting an injection that has killed many people and continues to do so.
This... its getting ugly out there... also consider that if all the truth breaks as we have been told it will... that means the poison and the plans for it will be revealed... which means he will be seen as pushing that... this does not seem like 5D chess to me nor does it seem to be the art of war...
If he came out against the vaccines the media would hammer him and blame all the deaths on him.
Trump supporters aren't generally sheep and we can disagree with him on some things while still generally supporting him, unlike the left where any disagreement with the narrative gets you cast out from the group.
I support people taking the vaccines if they want to, what I will never support are mandates and Trump has been against mandates.
I was careful not to comment to his intentions. He might have had to make a deal with the devil, so to speak, to keep the pieces moving or to create a chaotic battlefield.
Remember early on we knew next to nothing about the Jabs effectiveness or to the extent of the problems.
If they lied to DJT about troops in Syria then they probably lied to him about the jab too.
Once he took the first jab then it's jabs for life (so people keep telling us) so at this point he really doesn't have a choice but to be on the booster subscription for life.
Why would you believe it's jabs for life? You don't have to take the booster if you don't want to. And if the vax is harmful, he shouldn't be talking about how he's continuing to take it as if it's a good thing.
This is what I don't understand. Why would someone point to others for the reason they made a decision instead of a decision being based on ones own self-interest or well-being?
Yes...and then he asked for prayer for the hardest decision of his life.
I've brought this up several times but no one seems to remember POTUS making this glad you remember, too!
Like all great Generals, POTUS made the tough decision. We are in a War for the future of EVERYTHING. Too Many Patriots have Planned, Fought and Died to right the wrongs committed:
Murder of JFK
Endless Wars
Fraudulent Elections
Kidnap, Prostitution and Murder of Children as a Sacrifice to Baal.
Okay, but why promote your hardest decision at seemingly every opportunity. It seems less hard and more, you wanted it.
All he simply needs to do is stop pushing the death jab. He doesn't need to separate himself from us (Us as in those who wish not to take the Vaccine), we're not a cult. I don't care what opinions the other side has of me anyways, they're pedophiles.
I wish I knew the answer Ginger, but I still have faith in God and I trust POTUS.
My husband and I are pure bloods and have been on ivermectin for over a year along with one of our children. Unfortunately, our other 3 kids took the jab. 💔 We pray for them.
I’m very frustrated that Trump and others continue to push the vax. Having said that, my life would be a nightmare if he did speak out against it. It would have become even more of a political issue and (being in Canada) I would be labelled as not just an anti-vaxxer, but a Trump fascist.
It’s amazing that those around me claim anyone that supports Trump is brainwashed. These same people are the one’s trying to push the vax by trying to sell it as something Trump supports. Ha then they get frustrated that I don’t listen to him. If you think I’m going to take medical advice from any politician then you’re insane.
It's ridiculous that this is even a question. So what, let em push. They're pushing anyways, whether you get there tomorrow or a week from now, you're still getting there.
Or they'd withdraw the vaccines from the market to promote longer lockdowns "because there's no safe alternative." Obviously they ignore and block the actual treatments, even though they're clearly effective. Him advocating the vax lets them take a lesser victory as a distraction while devolution mops is working up to a big uppercut from the other side.
He doesn't have to speak out against the vaccines. That is a false choice - speak in favor or speak out against. There is a third option - he could just not take every opportunity to actively and loudly PUSH the vaccines, going on about how safe they are and everybody should get them. He could just STFU.
“A lie makes it around the world while the truth is still lacing up its shoes” well, it seems like Trump is tying the truth’s laces together. I don’t see how any of what he has said about the vaccine lately helps awaken people in any way
It doesn't, they just keep coming up with reasons as to how it can relate to Q.
Trumps dumb for promoting this vaccine. For whatever reason it is. Not that this is going to make me stop liking him or anything, but it's a bit ridiculous at this point.
Also, the biggest reason Trump “supports” the vaccines - it’s pretty obvious - is that there are a number of people who still live in fear and brainwashed by the MSM re: COVID. If they see publicly that Trump “supports” the vaccines then they’ll most likely be less critical of him and more critical of the “science”. That maybe, just maybe Trump isn’t a bad guy after all... and maybe the media and Fauci have it all wrong. It’s part of the greater awakening process for those who have bought the lies of the left.
Thank you for saying this. The shills and trolls at Patriots dot win are getting wild and annoying.
May I pitch in an idea of my own?
Like I have mentioned many times before: If Trump comes out wholly against the clot shots tomorrow, the enemy would not stop what they are doing. They will not throw their hands up in the air and say
"Welp, he's right. We surrender and lift all restrictions."
The more likely situation will be that they will say:
And, with the TDS fully reactivated, we will be in a world of pain as any effort to educate the public about the clot shots will be washed away against the TDS.
Are the clot shots bad? Obviously. However, if we are to teach the normies that the clot shots are bad as well, it will have to not come from Trump. It will have to come from elsewhere. Experience, personal research, whatever, but this is a journey each normie must undertake on their own without TDS blinding them.
This angle doesn't really add up with his actions though. Trump goes out of his way to talk about how great the "vaccines" are at every opportunity. To avoid mentioning them would achieve the same thing with the added bonus of possibly preventing some of his supporters from choosing to get the shot
They’re killing off their next generation of libtards while us pro-lifers continue to grow in power into the next generation because we’re not killing off our offspring.
So if Trump promotes the jab to his base, and many become sick and/or die, they’re going to blame him and hate him.
No chance for a future for him or his family if he’s responsible for wiping out part of his base.
Is it possible he made the ultimate sacrifice? Optics are important. He would align with the entire vaxed population. That would be a powerful pulpit, for however long he lives.
The Soldier was unarmed and knew they would most certainly die (as did most who fought), but understood that the fight, that their lives, was worth the cost (self-sacrifice).
Either way, the sacrifices of all our Patriots will be remembered
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/29/2018 11:11:22 ID: 09b0d5
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Be careful who you are following.
Some are profiting off this movement.
Some are building a big following off this movement only then to retreat and go mainstream.
Patriots make sacrifices.
Some, the ultimate sacrifice.
Shall we play a game?
[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming
Who stepped down today [forced]?
More coming?
Why is this relevant?
How do you 'show' the public the truth?
How do you 'safeguard' US elections post-POTUS?
How do you 'remove' foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned voter ID law(s) and other safeguards?
It had to be this way.
Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light.
Eh. Possibly. I think that’s part of the story. When he mentioned HCQ in March 2020, [they] actually banned it. So he pushed to make the vaccine approved, as the OP on the boards says, but then—being Trump and needing to always be right—won’t back down and admit that they aren’t working and are even dangerous. I mean, I love the guy—don’t get me wrong—but when you know people like him, you realize that they will never turn a previous victory into a defeat. They will defend a bad decision to the end.
This is basically it. All the Fauchidiots and vaxwhores generalize everyone who wont take the jab as "trump worshipping Qtards", and say we're all in a cult who follow everything Trump says.
Him doing this, and us not listening - even booing him, cuts that argument off at the knees.
They cant blame Trump for us not getting the jab when his administration made them, and he advocates for them.
They cant say we're indoctrinated into a cult if we're not listening to our "leader".
They fear not being able to peg our refusal on Trump because it will mean that the anti-jab movement is larger than the pro-trump movement (which is already huge).
It also destroys the misplaced hero worship. Yes I appreciate what he's done and has been doing. But that doesn't mean he's better than me or someone I should trust blindly. Ever. And that's the best part, he doesn't need anyone's trust to do the right thing.
He has been very clear about being pro vax choice. THAT is what matters. Who cares if he believes in them or not?
Those moments do also have the benefit of showing the Derp State that even Trump doesn't have control of us and then if they push too far, there's nothing he can do to stop us.
The only thing they never fault trump on….the vaccine. Any libtard with a brain should seriously be questioned trumps vaccine since he’s such a retard.
You're so right. He supports choice. Biden and the Dems support mandates and fearmongering, including threatening the unvaxxed with illness and death. I think this is the only point. Like you said, who cares if he believes in them. He's not shoving them down our unwilling throats. Anything else is just discussion.
Also prevented clear lines from being formed for civil war. Probably even kept Trump alive since he isn’t the leader of all bad things including antivax. The Vaxxers are sounding a bit unhinged lately.
I disagree. I understand why he did it intially, but it is clear that these "vaccines" do not work. They are dangerous and killing so many people. AND there are therapeutics that undoubtably work. If he keeps pushing these death shots, he is simply a part of the genocide. This is a fact.
There are ways to communicate that can be delivered in a way where the MSM cannot do much. I'll give you an example.
" Although what we did in delivering these vaccines was a feat that no one thought was possible, it is clear from the data that therapeutics are extremely effective in treating covid.
We learn from data. The data is clear now. We should shift to therapeutics. The vaccines are not preventing infection or the spread of covid variants.
Early in the covid disaster, I told you about hydroxychloroquine. The lying fake media told you that this was dangerous. In attacking these therapeutics, hundreds of thousands have died because of their lies. Now they have destroyed families because of money. Please be warned of these devils.
Japan and India have gone to therapeutics. I was right about this. It is clear from their data that this is what we should shift to."
Correct this if you think this is something they can attack? If Trump keeps pushing these vaccines, it alarms me greatly. I cannot trust in any man as the Bible states. This really could be the greatest deception ever. I know many of us are questioning this from Trump. Or Trump cannot admit that these vaccines are a disaster. I hope it is the latter, but it makes me question a ton. This has been genocide, and him recommending it is BS. He is a part of the genocide if he keeps doing this. I don't accept the 5D chess shit. This is simply a fact. He needs to do something quickly.
It's not like they get to manipulate the releases he keeps putting out. At least for the sake of the people that believe in him, why not at least take the stance of "it's your choice". Why is he at rallies touting it to people who know exactly how bad it is? You know he knows how bad it is and how pissed people across the world are that it's being forced on them and especially their children.
He shouldn't say the vax is good, or safe, or anything positive or that it's bad, or unsafe, or anything negative.
From the beginning he should've been saying: "I had the vaccine created. You can choose to take it or not. It's your choice. Look into it and decide. You should not have it forced on you, but you shouldn't stop others from getting it if they want it."
Good thinking, but maybe it is still too soon for him to take a different approach. If a majority conclude the vax is bad based on critical thinking, the globalists can’t recover and shift to a different strategy while blaming the vax failure on mindless Trumptards.
It definitely is confusing. The question of why is important and we are both asking it.
I can't rule out that Trump is a double agent. To be in the upper echelons of the elite, getting TV shows on the deep state's platform, there needs to be some sort of coherence to it for them.
Now, I know people can change. People change all the time. I know Trump could be one of these people.
But also, studying the way the deep state works, they are the son's of Satan. They play both sides very well. Controlled opposition is one of their strategies in dealing with public opinion. Tell 99% truth and 1% lies.
IF depop is the main agenda, which I think it is, then this would make sense. Killing the vast majority of people, then all of this doesn't matter. Once the depop is complete, there won't be enough of us to fight back. BUT, since A LOT of us aren't getting the shot, this is the big problem for them.
This vaccine recommendation from Trump is going to be a huge downfall for Trump. This is why this makes no sense from a political standpoint. The data is clear. Right now. There is no argument that he didn't know because of this data. When he did Operation Warp Speed, he had this argument. He didn't know they would do this. But now, he does. And him continuing on this is setting a precedent that he may not be able to come back from. 5D chess isn't an argument anymore.
I stay very skeptical. Looking at the Flynn/Wood events, it becomes all too clear that we the people must stay skeptical. No one is going to save us, we have to do it ourselves That is the only conclusion I can come to now.
Bingo... just STFU and let it ride... dont pimp the shit.. as I said when it breaks that crap is deliberate poison .. he will have that huge shit sandwich to eat... "media will have a field day" wont even scratch the surface
I just think that saying he still can’t speak out against things is a little too kind, from where I’m standing, given he explicitly stated why he couldn’t fire Fauci on that interview last Sunday.
There is the case that public opinion against Fauci may be stronger than public opinion against vaccination at this time. Perhaps he doesn’t want to poke the bear too much to avoid it biting back.
Maybe you should go and read his books. He openly owns up to huge mistakes and missteps THEN tells you how he kept on fighting and overcame them...doesn’t dwell on it and learns from it...pretty dang good advice when you think about it...
Maybe it's a lesson in critical thinking & a way to make people realize that we should not idolize and put on a pedestal any politician. Nobody is perfect and I'm not going to agree with anyone on everything. Assess someone by their actions... I have to say I am unsure about Trump and the vaccine... I know there used to be a theory about "vaccine" meaning something else "comms" but I don't think that's the case. Maybe Trump doesn't realize the danger of the shots or maybe he's not as perfect as we'd like him to be.
Also, what if the vax isn't meant to kill you but just to alter your DNA in a certain way. The deaths are merely because long term testing hasn't been done and safety testing was rushed & incomplete.
We don't have any way of knowing the reason there are deaths. There is no guarantee that testing would have changed anything. The recently released Pfizer docs show that they were aware of adverse events from the get-go and they just hushed it up.
That's true. Maybe that's the cover story - the SPARS scenario comes to mind, where people start realizing the shot has serious side effects. So, they (people participating and organizers) must have known this is how it would turn out or at least they have been aware of that possibility.
What would be the consequences if President Trump came out forcefully against the poison? Would anyones mind be changed?
Those who support the President have known all along that the shots are poison, designed to kill and enslave. They also know of effective therapeutics.
Those who oppose President Trump wouldnt listen.
Those on the fence needed to learn a hard lesson.
So would there be any less of the poisoned? Would there be less children poisoned?
I dont think the numbers would be significantly different. The only result of his forceful condemnation would be ammunition for the propagandists and the hardening of the stances of those that may be otherwise swayed by the dramatic and conslusive information that can be found with the slightest bit of curiosity and openmindedness.
Optics are still important. It's your choice to take the vax. Don't listen to what a person tells you to do...even POTUS. People need to do their OWN research then make their OWN decisions.
I also believe this to be the most likely scenario because the only alternative would be Trump is DS there is no other option.
That being said we should demand and continue to demand accountability. Part of being awake is never allowing people to lie and gaslight you again. Demand action not just words.
I agree. People have to take responsibility for their own bodies. It will be a hard lesson for some but for humanity it will be an awakening that will last a very very long time. It's like this idea that Durham just started investigating HRC campaign. Come on, really? ONLY normies should believe that. We know Durham has been on the case for years and HRC was probably executed around the same time as McNoname.
But if people are being executed secretly, then justice isn't served in the eyes of the American public.
Are the "white hats" just another deep state faction then, if they are doing the exact same things? The deep state also does dark things behind the scenes in the name of something good
I agree. He hesitated for a nanosecond when O'Reilly put him on the spot, then said he'd gotten it.
So, does this mean that O'Reilly is working for the DS, and DJT is being forced to say these things - like the terrified Las Vegas sheriff who had a very dangerous looking thug standing a few feet away from him at every press conference? Remember that? Poor sheriff looked like they told him they'd kill him on the spot if he went off-script and he was very nervous.
Two possible explanations for Trump supporting the vaccines:
Saved millions of lives by ending lockdowns and avoiding economic crisis
The vaccines are actually safe (remember white hats in control) and the adverse effects are happening in relatively smaller numbers and my guess is that those people suffering from vaccine side effects would have suffered the same and may be more if they contracted COVID without getting the vaccine. For others, the vaccine could have actually saved their life or at worst had no effect on their body.
At the same time, Trump is against mandates and people are free to decide on getting vaccinated based on their own personal circumstances.
do you have a source for this please, also with dates going back. We have a son born 1994 with autism/severe learning difficulty/etc which we trace back to the MMR so information in our continual battle would be helpful. Thanks
The Art of War.
No. This explains why Trump didn't denounce the deadly vaccines back in 2020, but it doesn't explain why he's still doing it: During his August rally, Trump encouraging everyone to kill themselves and their children with the clot-shot and was booed by the audience.
So why is Trump still pushing the deadly vaccines?
That's the question that nobody's answering. They just keep trotting out the reasoning why he couldn't denounce the vaccines in the first place. Fine. we all get that part and don't need some condescending OP to lay it out again. But that explanation does not explain why he is loudly continuing to push the vaccines after they have killed tens or hundreds of thousands of people, and very serious doctors and scientists around the world are calling it a potential extinction event.
Perhaps to keep anti-covid-vaxxers safe from the total narrative destruction of being explicitly aligned with trump.
If trump says no vax, anyone who says no vax is pro-trump, and the no-vax position becomes inextricably linked to Trumpism and the merits of the no-vax position get lost in that noise. The no-vax position is strong enough on its own merits - it is actually stronger and has breathing room as a result of Trump being separated from it.
And your point is - what exactly?
He still doesn't have to address the Vax at all.... Period.
Trump has said that kids should not be getting the vaccine. He's also said that it should not be mandatory.
Personally, the world after this, is going to be full of critical thinkers - not a bunch of stupid followers. We're going to need leaders and those people are the ones that can discern for themselves regardless of what powerful people say. That data is out there. Think for yourself and you'll be fine.
This is a pretty good explanation, but then why did he say he got his booster...?
Thanks for the fresh take. This is why we come here.
But aren’t we supposed to wake up the normies? Why is Trump afraid of the deep state? If devolution is happening, why allow kids and people to die when it’s already in place for Trump to return soon?
If he has it all, why is he afraid of peoples opinion? Isn’t that all the harm it is? Is that people might think that antivaxxers are following Trump?
I can tell you one thing. They still say antivaxxers are Trump fans. It’s all over the MSM. They don’t at all give Trump credit for pushing the vaccine. In fact they say all the antivaxxers are Trump fans and there’s still hate.
That may be true on some levels, but I know several people who are vehemently against the jab and can't stand Trump. They are lefties through and through but refuse to comply. Bit of an oxymoron they are. We are all our own persons free to be who we want to be. For now....
And when someone says that you can point out the utter incongruity of that statement by pointing out that trump is a major vaccine spokesperson
I'm skeptical that both you and previous poster are actual organic comments - but I have an answer for you anyway.
The reason Trump needs to support the vaccines is the same reason Trump had to have VP Pence and appoint a bunch of swamp dwellers in government when he was in office. The propaganda media could have stopped Trump a lot easier if he was 100% opposed to everything they aligned with. Instead, Trump had to pick and choose carefully where his alignment could be used as momentum to force self-correction in the US.
In case you haven't noticed, Trump chose a different battle line to make a stand - it's your free will to get the vaccine. Those pushing the vaccine are also pushing for it to be law and for those who don't get it to be forcefully injected or removed from society. That's a more defensible position in a propaganda war than saying 'the vaccines are bad' since most people would still have a hard time believing that even the medical establishment is corrupt to the core.
Remember, though, how he had the rallies 'boo' on cue after mentioning Mexico and The Wall. Might be conditioning us on this response too. It is the same trigger/response every time it is addressed in an interview with him.
I wonder if Trump's position on the jab is so that he cannot be accused of acting contrary to the citizens' benefit - somehow the DS could claim he is working antithetical to the benefit of the US (treason charge?). I don't feel that he believes in the jab but is promoting it as a political position.
What bothers me the most is him bragging about “warp speed” and “we made these vaccines happen”, etc. He’s a sitting duck for the BLAME when this vaccine scam finally falls apart. Which it will.
Unless the 'rushing' of the vaccine development actually fouled up their more lethal plans.
Who cares what the deep state thinks. Aren’t we already taking them down, like very soon? And people will wake up?
This is the point I have questions. If we have it all, devolution will be exposed on Christmas, and people are dying from the vaccine the very week before it’s exposed, it looks like Trump is afraid of the DS and has to be careful or it will hurt him in some way.
If he’s really going to return and nothing can stop that, why would he be afraid of the opinion of people who are about to wake up? And this is certain. They will be told about the evil cabal and the vaccine plan. He could just not say anything because he has it all and nothing can stop what’s coming.
You must mean Trump's position is, not the one immediately preceding the "That's".
So if people will still believe the vaccines are good, why are we hoping that they will wake up?
Occums razor tends to swing more towards trump made bad picks in his administration and has been fooled by big pharma. Frankly I'd like to see financial statements to ensure he hasn't received any money from them.
I agree, “trust, but verify”.
Matter of opinion. The theme of "Trump being fooled again and again and again" IMHO doesn't meet the criteria for most likely scenario.
On one hand he's reputed to be a very stable genius, master of multidimensional game theory, and the leading practitioner of the art of persuasion; and on the other a complete bumbling nincompoop who can't read people even though he's earned billions dealing with them. Occam's Razor favors the former.
I believe he did receive about 2 mill from big pharma in campaign donations if i remember correctly.
“killed tens or hundreds of thousands of people“
Lmfao. Well first off the vaccines haven’t killed that many people. Stop listening to Alex Jones.
I haven’t seen anyone with a vaccine injury yet. To what I hear on the internet, no one has had any health problems.
He only took the vaccine so anti vaccine ppl wouldn't immediately be labeled racist Trump supporters.
But they still are. It’s all over the MSM. They won’t take the vaccine because they support Trump. Despite him plugging it, they still say that.
Which is mostly true. Trump may support it but the people fighting the mandates are Trump supporters.
Yes but the media specifically don't call them Trump supporters. That's the important distinction
^ The above is the question people have to ask themselves when they take one stance, either way.
By staunchly encouraging his audience to get the vaccines, and singling out a "small group" of people that booed him for getting the booster, he has effectively created a group for ostracization - those who aren't cheering him on in the vaccine rhetoric.
The question I posed is of dire urgency - it must be answered by everyone that currently follows him and is debating how to feel regarding his statements. There is no avoiding it.
Are we supposed to ignore the Vaers data? The people we know and have talked about here who were injured by the vaccines? If we can’t trust Anons, what’s left?
I’m sorry, but if it turns out we were wrong about the vaccines, that goes waaaaay beyond “eh maybe they’re not so bad.” That would shatter the trust and faith many of us have in this movement. That would be the straw that broke my back in terms of this all being “just a larp”
This is way bigger than us.
The only way to be wrong about the safety of the vaxx is if the VAERS data is 99.998% fake.
meaning what....that the vaccines are actually good?
He's got a terrible position and he is attempting to delegitimize valid criticism. Trying to "otherize" us? Wow.
Operation Warp Speed accomplished nothing but legitimizing an already-existing and completely invalid "vaccine." Trump wants to brag about that? Sad.
As a covid nurse, you don’t want to know what I’ve seen as the vaccination status in covid patients. This is a truth movement so I refuse to lie. I’ve also asked and many have ivermectin that I allow and we tell everyone to let them keep it and just look away. We do care about them. The hospital cares about the regulating agencies who can walk up and slap a sign on the door that they are now closed, or limit payments to them. The doctors and nurses will look away as long as you don’t say it out loud so we could get into trouble. We got into this because we care about people. Most of us anyway. Or at least most do not want to work extra and start a fight.
I personally have come to the conclusion that vaccines do spread the spike protein which is responsible for the body inflammation and the heightened clot risk. But so does the virus because it has the spike protein. Yet at the same time, showing the body the spike protein is exactly like showing the body the spike protein in infection, it leads to some cells recognizing it and therefore mounting an attack quicker.
You have natural immunity because of the spike protein.
You have the same immunity from the spike protein in the vaccine.
And also,
The spike protein in the vaccine causes immunity, but at a cost which raises inflammation, that leads to strokes. Inflammation is your immune system, literally.
And, in natural infections the same, the spike protein causes immune activation, which causes immunity, which raises clotting risk as a side effect of activating your immune system.
From the spike protein.
All of this is consistent across the board.
You get exposed to the spike protein you have some immunity next time.
Also, as your exposed to the spike protein your clotting risk goes up, because of that immune activation.
I have read about the genetic manipulation and totally agree there could be unknown effects from this approach and I’m concerned about them as I took the vaccine before I got my job. Story is I was in my own practice for holistic nursing and a prevention model and that collapsed because of health department regulations. I have a son with autism and we have not depended on state or federal support because I am against it. We take care of ourselves. I personally am not afraid of the vaccine because of my faith and knowledge about health. That’s just how I live.
But essentially, we are seeing natural immunity as a strong defense against the next exposure but at the same time, the vaccine prepares the body in the same way.
Natural infections do lead to strokes and heart attacks and I’ve seen it myself, in person.
Vaccines lead to strokes and heart attacks and I’ve suspected it.
The gene therapy as of yet is an unknown. They have seen this same type of MRNA medicine cause immediate death but since it’s so new, we haven’t had enough time to know long term outcomes.
You could die crossing the street next week. I look both ways.
It's obvious, he's not playing 5D chess. He is playing checkers and like many people who now know the news is bullshit, for some reason they still believe most of it. He clearly believes the bullshit about the vax. Which destories the idea he is some mastermind pulling strings. That is a very disheartening realization most people here do not want to hear. But it is what is it is.
30 year plan or 30 months?
As long as it takes to get it done and done right so that our grandkids can grow up the way we did.
You're right. And if we don't win imagine how much worse it is going to be.
At a certain point, though we aren't there yet, there will be a time that no matter if we win or lose, the end result will be the same.
See the flaw in your logic? I do.
Dont understand my point? You don't
Impossible. We have already won. NCSWIC.
Hmmmmm...a raft of downvotes for "We have already won, NCSWIC"....
Panicked shills on brigade?
Ha ha we have already won, indeed.
No shills here. It just gets annoying when people say that as a failsafe without adding any actual positive evidence showing that its true.
Our grandkids may not end up born at this pace though.
Maybe Trump knows something we don’t.
I’m the end, maybe it will save more than it will kill.
Engage with the enemy in battles where you have overwhelming force whenever possible. To engage in battle where you do not have the superior force invites defeat.
If you apply this to narratives, Trump did not have the force to defeat the medical industrial complex. Thus he did not engage in that battle. If anything he used their force against them by pushing for the vaccine faster and harder than they expected. It was an aikido move.
Now that there is nearly adequate narrative support he is in a better position to destroy them. Furthermore, he can say that he was fooled too, just like the majority that got vaxed.
Trump knew about HCQ etc early on. He knew about Fauci early on as evidenced by his signing the animal protection bill and the picture of him holding a beagle. It now comes out he was pushing to get Fauci fired. He knows more than he says.
There were losses, but the battle as it came was un-winnable. It is now winnable even though at great cost. It is like chess. Some pieces are lost to win the war. It hurts, but it is dealing with the reality of narrative warfare.
Essentially: I'm letting Biden in, not so people can appreciate how awful he is, but to spoil their plans for street anarchy and civil war color revolution. Meanwhile we'll take them out on the sly.
Vax version: The vax is shit, but it's better for me to take the high ground and throw it at them than vice versa. High ground = less lockdowns in less places for less time; low ground = more, more, and more. High ground is not perfect, but better than low. Meanwhile we expose cheap and effective cures.
In the real world sometimes the only options on the multiple choice exam are "a) terrible, b) really bad and c) least bad. If nothing else, Trump has real world experience.
5D chess isn’t working here
How so?
Have you fully considered the alternative?
I heard a theory… the louder the boos, the more awakened. I also read a cnn article talking about people booing. While they are trying to make it out like people are turning on trump, what it’s actually doing is showing the nation that we’re able to think for ourselves despite the love for trump.
I like the theory and it does prove that we can think for ourselves.
But it is disheartening to hear someone we trust continuously lie to us in either respect
It would also unite us as a country against the vaccines and unconstitutional mandates rather than continuing to make it a left vs right thing. In London, they chanted we stand together. That’s what needs to happen here. I don’t like his stance either but if there’s one thing I’ve learned, he’s usually steps ahead and it eventually makes sense.
I love your thinking once again nolagirl!
Thank you! Ultimate optimist. I commented above but I also think it will be how we unite against the unconstitutional over reach instead of making the vax a left v right thing
One can only hope! I too am a diehard optimist
I think the majority of us don’t want anything to do with the vax, however, we’re also trying to understand or guess rather than rationalize. Just because trump says he got it or to get doesn’t mean I am going to. So, I am thinking for myself. I’m also not arrogant enough to think I should be privy to everything.
Good question. I suppose it's to keep the "high ground," and continue to throw problems at the DS. Presumably it's still needed, and without the vaccine the DS would immediately double-down on more lockdowns "because there's no alternative" while they ratchet up the smaller control mechanisms making opposition progressively more difficult before re-releasing the vax again.
I think the mere existence of a released thing called a vaccine changed public perception around the world, and changed the battlefield more in our favor. So I think it was a good thing to do at that time. I don't know what the benefits of continuing to push it are.
I don't have the answer, but I think this concept is a part of it. My comment was really my way to summarize the thought in different words, and think about it more.
There's another theory out there that the vax's purpose is primarily a filter for society to somehow find and root out, maybe even neutralize, dangerous MK-ultra players. I'm not sure how that would work, but according to that theory all the people saying the vax is deadly are doing it to promote division and create a different rift for civil war- meaning Trump is prioritizing civil unity and calm by promoting the vax. This theory works best if the vax isn't dangerous, but it could be true even with a dangerous vax: it would be like how chemotherapy (supposedly) works--- poison yourself to kill the cancer, and if your timing is right and the body is otherwise strong, you win despite the poison and because of it. Another commenter made a Q reference which might prove that theory out (search 'sacrifice' on the comments to find it).
But I don't know the answer. Still trying to find out.
Your second theory sounds like it was put out by the DS themselves: "Anybody who objects to the vax is promoting division within society." That is what the DS/Cabal ALWAYS do - accuse the other side of what they are doing themselves. THEY are the ones fomenting division. That is very plain to see. And to suggest that anybody who doesn't buy the Fauci party line about vaxxes is a menace to society is playing the DS's hand for them.
If you listen to the clip, your last sentence is close to what Trump said.
According to that theory, the vax is a process to somehow filter out mk-ultra people. Therefore opposing the vax effort = more mk's floating around, available for ff's and other chaos.
I think it's more like by going in for a vax, they get identified so that whoever is running the show can decide how to handle them, maybe with the second dose. (The whole two-part vax never made much sense to me.) But I don't know.
“ "I would recommend it, and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it. And a lot of those people voted for me, frankly”
“ But it's a great vaccine, it's a safe vaccine, and it's something that works."
How can DJT possibly say such things when so many people have already been killed by the shots? That is what people just can't understand. He's not just refraining from criticizing it, he's PUSHING it.
He’s reminding us that we need to be free thinkers, I think. We need to know whom to trust. Trump won’t always be around to lead the way.
No, thats some mental gymnastics right there.
If the vaccines are killing people, and trump tells people to take it, its unforgivable - there's no 5D chess possible that justifies that
Just thinking out loud here:
Maybe it's really important to the future of humanity to somewhat reduce the human population. It's not just some green leftist bullshit that the Earth is in trouble. The oceans are way too polluted for instance and natural food chains worldwide are under severe pressure thanks to humanity.
When we manage populations of animals and don't let their numbers grow out of control, we don't do that because we want to do evil. We do that because we care about the long-term.
What's more ethical? Saving as many people in the short-term or is it more ethical to save future generations from an over-populated planet that will buckle under the pressure of too many human beings?
Works for what? Certainly not for what it was purported to do. Trump saying things like that are what confound me.
Ok he made the decision. Why does he have to keep pushing it though!
Exactly. EVERY rally without exception he pushes this poison (highly recommend it, miracle drug etc.). No strategic reason at this stage, it's already done.
There is ZERO benefit to continue to push it. More and more people are booing him when he mentions them. He's either tonedeaf all of a sudden or his hands are tied and he's obligated to mention it contractually.
He did have that meeting with Bill Gates after which he scrapped plans for the Vaccine Safety Commission.
Yea a lot of people in here are just being delusional at this point, it’s getting embarrassing
"I would recommend it, and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it. And a lot of those people voted for me, frankly.
“But it's a great vaccine, it's a safe vaccine, and it's something that works."
He’s bending like a blade of grass in the wind, and causing the enemy to overstep. If he spoke out against the vaccine, it would be an all out war against him, and the enemy would have had so much more firepower this whole time - because tds is real. Frankly I’m amazed half the country is against the gene serum and 2/3rds are against mandates. That proves that most of the folks who love Trump dearly won’t follow advice from him they disagree with, and that is a reassuring thought. The enemy is fucking up, let them water the tree their noose is tied to. Sun tzu Thesis is minimal loss of life. Trump is not promoting the serum, merely answering the question when he is asked, and promoting medical freedom. People waking up is the prize, and unfortunately we are at war and casualties are abound. That is reality. There is no doubt the serum is more deadly than the sickness, but how deadly remains to be seen. Lockdowns for years? Very deadly.
How is the enemy screwing up and what is it going to accomplish for us?
The nice way to put it is "In denial."
There's no way he really meant that. Maybe he was lying. He secretly meant something else. Yeah, he doesn't want us to believe him! That's obviously the answer.
No, he wasn't! Stop buying into that garbage!
What should I buy into friend
It’s comms. That’s the only explanation that makes sense. I’m sure all will be revealed at the right time.
He didn't need to elevate Fauci - he didn't need to give Fauci so much air time. But man did he. Fauci should have been silenced. Trump gave him a new megaphone every day.
Well think about it, you may have figured it out. Supporters are booing him for promoting the vaccine. Maybe that’s the point. It’s get this subject attention. When does the media start to report that. When does the media start to side with Trumps vaccine. And support his position. When do they want to interview him about this. And then, Trump gets to promote NO mandates. No forcing of any shots. Businesses get in line because they are tired of the show. They back Trump. Trump supporters show their free thinking, and it spreads like wildfire. Trump becomes the literal Trojan horse to tear this whole thing down, with the virus tyranny.
And that’s only one angle of defeat the cabal has coming. PAIN!
Well entire states have pushed the no mandate, like Florida. Here in Tennessee, I believe it’s the same. There are others as well. Now that doesn’t mean some businesses aren’t still trying to push a mandate, and they are met with lawsuits. But there are thousands of businesses that don’t push the mandate. I know every person that owns a business in my church doesn’t push them.
Exactly! Said something to that effect before scrolling down, plus it begins to separate right (no vax) and left (vax). The vax becomes an uniting factor instead
His hands may be tied as you u/p8triot suggest far above - I have come across the idea before that he had to make a deal with the devil (DS/pharma) to tout the vax.
But that is no reason why anyone should be giving him a free pass for doing it. On the desperately hopeful theory that it's some kind of brilliant strategy. Even if that is what is going on, we should all be loudly condemning him for actively promoting an injection that has killed many people and continues to do so.
This... its getting ugly out there... also consider that if all the truth breaks as we have been told it will... that means the poison and the plans for it will be revealed... which means he will be seen as pushing that... this does not seem like 5D chess to me nor does it seem to be the art of war...
If he came out against the vaccines the media would hammer him and blame all the deaths on him.
Trump supporters aren't generally sheep and we can disagree with him on some things while still generally supporting him, unlike the left where any disagreement with the narrative gets you cast out from the group.
I support people taking the vaccines if they want to, what I will never support are mandates and Trump has been against mandates.
Yeah that makes no sense they’re already blaming him for people not taking it
I was careful not to comment to his intentions. He might have had to make a deal with the devil, so to speak, to keep the pieces moving or to create a chaotic battlefield.
AND he just said he took the booster, and told the people booing that to stop!
He not only took the double jab, but the booster too AFTER recovering from The Coof.
5D chutes and ladders?
Which part and why?
Ultimately it's an IQ test. Many will fail.
A Darwin award.
He just said he got the booster though. Why??
You don't really think he got the booster do you? Come on man!
He said he did. And he told the people who were booing not to boo
This whole thread is a debate on why trump won't denounce the vaccine. The comment I replied to said that
Thus, if DT takes the jab, then he's failed the IQ test. That's my whole point.
If the vaccine is so harmful, then why has trump not taken it once, not twice, but three times?
Remember early on we knew next to nothing about the Jabs effectiveness or to the extent of the problems.
If they lied to DJT about troops in Syria then they probably lied to him about the jab too.
Once he took the first jab then it's jabs for life (so people keep telling us) so at this point he really doesn't have a choice but to be on the booster subscription for life.
Why would you believe it's jabs for life? You don't have to take the booster if you don't want to. And if the vax is harmful, he shouldn't be talking about how he's continuing to take it as if it's a good thing.
Exactly. This isn't some 5d chess move. Millions have taken the clot shot because Trump told them to take it.
If Trump tells people to shoot their neighbour and people listen to him, is Trump then responsible or the idiots who blindly followed his advice?
No but I'd really start wondering why Trump is telling his loyal followers to destroy their lives by committing murder.
Comms. We can’t take everything so literally.
This is what I don't understand. Why would someone point to others for the reason they made a decision instead of a decision being based on ones own self-interest or well-being?
So what's the comm for him saying he got the booster???
The end won't be for everyone
“Today I made the hardest decision of my life.” Trump circa beginning of COVID, but well after mentioning HCQ at every possible opportunity.
Yes...and then he asked for prayer for the hardest decision of his life.
I've brought this up several times but no one seems to remember POTUS making this glad you remember, too!
Like all great Generals, POTUS made the tough decision. We are in a War for the future of EVERYTHING. Too Many Patriots have Planned, Fought and Died to right the wrongs committed:
Murder of JFK
Endless Wars
Fraudulent Elections
Kidnap, Prostitution and Murder of Children as a Sacrifice to Baal.
And on, and on and on. So. Much. Evil.
The end won't be for everyone.
Okay, but why promote your hardest decision at seemingly every opportunity. It seems less hard and more, you wanted it.
All he simply needs to do is stop pushing the death jab. He doesn't need to separate himself from us (Us as in those who wish not to take the Vaccine), we're not a cult. I don't care what opinions the other side has of me anyways, they're pedophiles.
I wish I knew the answer Ginger, but I still have faith in God and I trust POTUS.
My husband and I are pure bloods and have been on ivermectin for over a year along with one of our children. Unfortunately, our other 3 kids took the jab. 💔 We pray for them.
God is the way!
Yes! We must turn to Him...
I’m very frustrated that Trump and others continue to push the vax. Having said that, my life would be a nightmare if he did speak out against it. It would have become even more of a political issue and (being in Canada) I would be labelled as not just an anti-vaxxer, but a Trump fascist.
It’s amazing that those around me claim anyone that supports Trump is brainwashed. These same people are the one’s trying to push the vax by trying to sell it as something Trump supports. Ha then they get frustrated that I don’t listen to him. If you think I’m going to take medical advice from any politician then you’re insane.
It's ridiculous that this is even a question. So what, let em push. They're pushing anyways, whether you get there tomorrow or a week from now, you're still getting there.
Or they'd withdraw the vaccines from the market to promote longer lockdowns "because there's no safe alternative." Obviously they ignore and block the actual treatments, even though they're clearly effective. Him advocating the vax lets them take a lesser victory as a distraction while devolution mops is working up to a big uppercut from the other side.
He doesn't have to speak out against the vaccines. That is a false choice - speak in favor or speak out against. There is a third option - he could just not take every opportunity to actively and loudly PUSH the vaccines, going on about how safe they are and everybody should get them. He could just STFU.
I think this is a likely scenario.
The TRUTH is good enough. There is no need to concoct this 5d chess fantasy when the TRUTH would suffice.
Sometimes the truth takes time.
“A lie makes it around the world while the truth is still lacing up its shoes” well, it seems like Trump is tying the truth’s laces together. I don’t see how any of what he has said about the vaccine lately helps awaken people in any way
It doesn't, they just keep coming up with reasons as to how it can relate to Q.
Trumps dumb for promoting this vaccine. For whatever reason it is. Not that this is going to make me stop liking him or anything, but it's a bit ridiculous at this point.
Also, the biggest reason Trump “supports” the vaccines - it’s pretty obvious - is that there are a number of people who still live in fear and brainwashed by the MSM re: COVID. If they see publicly that Trump “supports” the vaccines then they’ll most likely be less critical of him and more critical of the “science”. That maybe, just maybe Trump isn’t a bad guy after all... and maybe the media and Fauci have it all wrong. It’s part of the greater awakening process for those who have bought the lies of the left.
Thank you for saying this. The shills and trolls at Patriots dot win are getting wild and annoying.
May I pitch in an idea of my own?
Like I have mentioned many times before: If Trump comes out wholly against the clot shots tomorrow, the enemy would not stop what they are doing. They will not throw their hands up in the air and say
The more likely situation will be that they will say:
And, with the TDS fully reactivated, we will be in a world of pain as any effort to educate the public about the clot shots will be washed away against the TDS.
Are the clot shots bad? Obviously. However, if we are to teach the normies that the clot shots are bad as well, it will have to not come from Trump. It will have to come from elsewhere. Experience, personal research, whatever, but this is a journey each normie must undertake on their own without TDS blinding them.
This angle doesn't really add up with his actions though. Trump goes out of his way to talk about how great the "vaccines" are at every opportunity. To avoid mentioning them would achieve the same thing with the added bonus of possibly preventing some of his supporters from choosing to get the shot
Agreed @antonlevay
It’s like the libtards that promote abortion.
They’re killing off their next generation of libtards while us pro-lifers continue to grow in power into the next generation because we’re not killing off our offspring.
So if Trump promotes the jab to his base, and many become sick and/or die, they’re going to blame him and hate him.
No chance for a future for him or his family if he’s responsible for wiping out part of his base.
Trump-Derangement Syndrome.
Is it possible he made the ultimate sacrifice? Optics are important. He would align with the entire vaxed population. That would be a powerful pulpit, for however long he lives.
The Soldier was unarmed and knew they would most certainly die (as did most who fought), but understood that the fight, that their lives, was worth the cost (self-sacrifice).
Either way, the sacrifices of all our Patriots will be remembered
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/29/2018 11:11:22 ID: 09b0d5 Archive Bread/Post Links: 1233188 / 1233458 Direct Link: 1233458 Be careful who you are following. Some are profiting off this movement. Some are building a big following off this movement only then to retreat and go mainstream. Patriots make sacrifices. Some, the ultimate sacrifice.
Trump could easily be called a flag-bearer.
I hadn't thought of that. Good point.
I guess future will prove past.
Sometimes you must sacrifice yourself for the greater good. "I will gladly take all those slings and arrows for you." - POTUS
Shall we play a game? [N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming NCSWIC Who stepped down today [forced]? More coming? Why is this relevant? How do you 'show' the public the truth? How do you 'safeguard' US elections post-POTUS? How do you 'remove' foreign interference and corruption and install US-owned voter ID law(s) and other safeguards? It had to be this way. Sometimes you must walk through the darkness before you see the light. Q
He doesn't need to save his true constituents because we can think for ourselves.
He is saving the NPCs who automatically reject anything he supports.
The rest would take it anyway.
Eh. Possibly. I think that’s part of the story. When he mentioned HCQ in March 2020, [they] actually banned it. So he pushed to make the vaccine approved, as the OP on the boards says, but then—being Trump and needing to always be right—won’t back down and admit that they aren’t working and are even dangerous. I mean, I love the guy—don’t get me wrong—but when you know people like him, you realize that they will never turn a previous victory into a defeat. They will defend a bad decision to the end.
If he starts speaking out against the vax now they will have a field day. He'll be targeted on the news and social media night and day again.
This is basically it. All the Fauchidiots and vaxwhores generalize everyone who wont take the jab as "trump worshipping Qtards", and say we're all in a cult who follow everything Trump says.
Him doing this, and us not listening - even booing him, cuts that argument off at the knees.
They cant blame Trump for us not getting the jab when his administration made them, and he advocates for them.
They cant say we're indoctrinated into a cult if we're not listening to our "leader".
They fear not being able to peg our refusal on Trump because it will mean that the anti-jab movement is larger than the pro-trump movement (which is already huge).
It also destroys the misplaced hero worship. Yes I appreciate what he's done and has been doing. But that doesn't mean he's better than me or someone I should trust blindly. Ever. And that's the best part, he doesn't need anyone's trust to do the right thing.
He has been very clear about being pro vax choice. THAT is what matters. Who cares if he believes in them or not?
Those moments do also have the benefit of showing the Derp State that even Trump doesn't have control of us and then if they push too far, there's nothing he can do to stop us.
The only thing they never fault trump on….the vaccine. Any libtard with a brain should seriously be questioned trumps vaccine since he’s such a retard.
You're so right. He supports choice. Biden and the Dems support mandates and fearmongering, including threatening the unvaxxed with illness and death. I think this is the only point. Like you said, who cares if he believes in them. He's not shoving them down our unwilling throats. Anything else is just discussion.
Also prevented clear lines from being formed for civil war. Probably even kept Trump alive since he isn’t the leader of all bad things including antivax. The Vaxxers are sounding a bit unhinged lately.
I disagree. I understand why he did it intially, but it is clear that these "vaccines" do not work. They are dangerous and killing so many people. AND there are therapeutics that undoubtably work. If he keeps pushing these death shots, he is simply a part of the genocide. This is a fact.
There are ways to communicate that can be delivered in a way where the MSM cannot do much. I'll give you an example.
" Although what we did in delivering these vaccines was a feat that no one thought was possible, it is clear from the data that therapeutics are extremely effective in treating covid.
We learn from data. The data is clear now. We should shift to therapeutics. The vaccines are not preventing infection or the spread of covid variants.
Early in the covid disaster, I told you about hydroxychloroquine. The lying fake media told you that this was dangerous. In attacking these therapeutics, hundreds of thousands have died because of their lies. Now they have destroyed families because of money. Please be warned of these devils.
Japan and India have gone to therapeutics. I was right about this. It is clear from their data that this is what we should shift to."
Correct this if you think this is something they can attack? If Trump keeps pushing these vaccines, it alarms me greatly. I cannot trust in any man as the Bible states. This really could be the greatest deception ever. I know many of us are questioning this from Trump. Or Trump cannot admit that these vaccines are a disaster. I hope it is the latter, but it makes me question a ton. This has been genocide, and him recommending it is BS. He is a part of the genocide if he keeps doing this. I don't accept the 5D chess shit. This is simply a fact. He needs to do something quickly.
They will simply edit what he said out of context and still smear him.
Similar to:
"Fine people on both sides", accusing him of NEVER denouncing white supremacists when he did dozens of times.
"Inject bleach"
"Incited an insurrection" when he called for peace
It's not like they get to manipulate the releases he keeps putting out. At least for the sake of the people that believe in him, why not at least take the stance of "it's your choice". Why is he at rallies touting it to people who know exactly how bad it is? You know he knows how bad it is and how pissed people across the world are that it's being forced on them and especially their children.
He shouldn't say the vax is good, or safe, or anything positive or that it's bad, or unsafe, or anything negative.
From the beginning he should've been saying: "I had the vaccine created. You can choose to take it or not. It's your choice. Look into it and decide. You should not have it forced on you, but you shouldn't stop others from getting it if they want it."
Agreed... 100000%
Good thinking, but maybe it is still too soon for him to take a different approach. If a majority conclude the vax is bad based on critical thinking, the globalists can’t recover and shift to a different strategy while blaming the vax failure on mindless Trumptards.
It definitely is confusing. The question of why is important and we are both asking it.
I can't rule out that Trump is a double agent. To be in the upper echelons of the elite, getting TV shows on the deep state's platform, there needs to be some sort of coherence to it for them.
Now, I know people can change. People change all the time. I know Trump could be one of these people.
But also, studying the way the deep state works, they are the son's of Satan. They play both sides very well. Controlled opposition is one of their strategies in dealing with public opinion. Tell 99% truth and 1% lies.
IF depop is the main agenda, which I think it is, then this would make sense. Killing the vast majority of people, then all of this doesn't matter. Once the depop is complete, there won't be enough of us to fight back. BUT, since A LOT of us aren't getting the shot, this is the big problem for them.
This vaccine recommendation from Trump is going to be a huge downfall for Trump. This is why this makes no sense from a political standpoint. The data is clear. Right now. There is no argument that he didn't know because of this data. When he did Operation Warp Speed, he had this argument. He didn't know they would do this. But now, he does. And him continuing on this is setting a precedent that he may not be able to come back from. 5D chess isn't an argument anymore.
I stay very skeptical. Looking at the Flynn/Wood events, it becomes all too clear that we the people must stay skeptical. No one is going to save us, we have to do it ourselves That is the only conclusion I can come to now.
God bless you.
This. I just hate the fact that he still brings it up. Like at least leave it alone!!
Bingo... just STFU and let it ride... dont pimp the shit.. as I said when it breaks that crap is deliberate poison .. he will have that huge shit sandwich to eat... "media will have a field day" wont even scratch the surface
The backlash is going to be intense. Wonder how they plan to mitigate the damage?
He doesn't need to sing the praises of the vaccine every time he's in front of a crowd or microphone in order to avoid speaking out against it
He spoke against Fauci. In his interview with Maria.
He literally said he couldn’t fire Fauci because it would’ve cause a firestorm on the Left in his latest interview with her.
This logic doesn’t fly anymore with vaccines because he did come out and say he couldn’t fire Fauci for political and optical reasons.
I understand why he didn’t do it while still in the White House.
I just think that saying he still can’t speak out against things is a little too kind, from where I’m standing, given he explicitly stated why he couldn’t fire Fauci on that interview last Sunday.
There is the case that public opinion against Fauci may be stronger than public opinion against vaccination at this time. Perhaps he doesn’t want to poke the bear too much to avoid it biting back.
Maybe you should go and read his books. He openly owns up to huge mistakes and missteps THEN tells you how he kept on fighting and overcame them...doesn’t dwell on it and learns from it...pretty dang good advice when you think about it...
Yeah. Trump is wrong about these vaccines. The vaccine is their weapon against humanity. And it sets an awful precedent.
This was the toughest updoot of my time here.
The difference between this and the mark of the beast is found in Revelation 14:9-10 God sends an angel to specifically warn against taking the mark.
Those who then take it will do so wilfully!
That angel, along with two others - see full context - will appear before people start to take it!
He just said that he got the booster
Maybe it's a lesson in critical thinking & a way to make people realize that we should not idolize and put on a pedestal any politician. Nobody is perfect and I'm not going to agree with anyone on everything. Assess someone by their actions... I have to say I am unsure about Trump and the vaccine... I know there used to be a theory about "vaccine" meaning something else "comms" but I don't think that's the case. Maybe Trump doesn't realize the danger of the shots or maybe he's not as perfect as we'd like him to be.
Also, what if the vax isn't meant to kill you but just to alter your DNA in a certain way. The deaths are merely because long term testing hasn't been done and safety testing was rushed & incomplete.
We don't have any way of knowing the reason there are deaths. There is no guarantee that testing would have changed anything. The recently released Pfizer docs show that they were aware of adverse events from the get-go and they just hushed it up.
That's true. Maybe that's the cover story - the SPARS scenario comes to mind, where people start realizing the shot has serious side effects. So, they (people participating and organizers) must have known this is how it would turn out or at least they have been aware of that possibility.
I love telling the twitards that they couldn't wait to run out and get Trump's jab asap. They hate it.
What would be the consequences if President Trump came out forcefully against the poison? Would anyones mind be changed?
Those who support the President have known all along that the shots are poison, designed to kill and enslave. They also know of effective therapeutics.
Those who oppose President Trump wouldnt listen.
Those on the fence needed to learn a hard lesson.
So would there be any less of the poisoned? Would there be less children poisoned?
I dont think the numbers would be significantly different. The only result of his forceful condemnation would be ammunition for the propagandists and the hardening of the stances of those that may be otherwise swayed by the dramatic and conslusive information that can be found with the slightest bit of curiosity and openmindedness.
Optics are still important. It's your choice to take the vax. Don't listen to what a person tells you to do...even POTUS. People need to do their OWN research then make their OWN decisions.
I also believe this to be the most likely scenario because the only alternative would be Trump is DS there is no other option.
That being said we should demand and continue to demand accountability. Part of being awake is never allowing people to lie and gaslight you again. Demand action not just words.
I agree. People have to take responsibility for their own bodies. It will be a hard lesson for some but for humanity it will be an awakening that will last a very very long time. It's like this idea that Durham just started investigating HRC campaign. Come on, really? ONLY normies should believe that. We know Durham has been on the case for years and HRC was probably executed around the same time as McNoname.
But if people are being executed secretly, then justice isn't served in the eyes of the American public.
Are the "white hats" just another deep state faction then, if they are doing the exact same things? The deep state also does dark things behind the scenes in the name of something good
Who needs to have someone else's permission to take or refuse any experimental medical treatment? If so, you are not a sovereign individual.
Sterilize them to feed them?
Execute them to provide for them?
Compliance perpetuates.
It seemed like trump was lying when he told o'reilly he got the booster
I agree. He hesitated for a nanosecond when O'Reilly put him on the spot, then said he'd gotten it.
So, does this mean that O'Reilly is working for the DS, and DJT is being forced to say these things - like the terrified Las Vegas sheriff who had a very dangerous looking thug standing a few feet away from him at every press conference? Remember that? Poor sheriff looked like they told him they'd kill him on the spot if he went off-script and he was very nervous.
Wow. I don't remember that sheriff.
Thank you!
He may have reason to say it, but by saying it, I have reason to call him a retard.
Hard to agree.. but I do
Two possible explanations for Trump supporting the vaccines:
Saved millions of lives by ending lockdowns and avoiding economic crisis
The vaccines are actually safe (remember white hats in control) and the adverse effects are happening in relatively smaller numbers and my guess is that those people suffering from vaccine side effects would have suffered the same and may be more if they contracted COVID without getting the vaccine. For others, the vaccine could have actually saved their life or at worst had no effect on their body.
At the same time, Trump is against mandates and people are free to decide on getting vaccinated based on their own personal circumstances.
Q#528 Jan 13, 2018 10:59:16 PM EST
Disinformation is real. Disinformation is necessary.
And now? What’s his reason now?
do you have a source for this please, also with dates going back. We have a son born 1994 with autism/severe learning difficulty/etc which we trace back to the MMR so information in our continual battle would be helpful. Thanks
A couple articles, the first with multiple references, the second may be the one the other poster referenced:
so now they've been exposed, it's time for trump to denounce the death vaxx
Don't buy it myself. Wishful thinking but I'll cross my fingers