We all knew it would happen; that it would have to be this way.
If the Cabal is on the run, and they are being hunted like wild dogs, then they can't charter private flights.
They can't hop on their yachts.
They would be easily rounded up.
They have to go by public transport.
Their only chance is to hide among the crowds. They have to lose their identity, and go for broke with alternate identification.
That's why the mask mandate for planes was upheld. So they can disguise themselves a bit better.
That story about illegal immigrants being able to use their warrants as ID?
You really think that is real? I know we are in clown world, but come on!
Nope, those are comms. To what end, I'm still trying to decipher.
But rest assured, the only reason they would lift travel restrictions and mandates so quickly would be in order to make a mad dash for the exit.
Think about it logically.
This is their only chance to do so. It's not like they are gonna be stupid enough to push another pandemic on us just to do this all again, just to have the same opening. I'm excessively doubtful that another pandemic will ever happen.
Color me optimistic, but...
The hunt is on, my dudes!
5G shutting down flights another reason to corner fleeing cabal minions
That's a great point. My pilot hubby said there's no way they didn't know before yesterday that the airplanes would be affected by 5G.
Facts and logical thinking ! 👍🇺🇸
A lost art.
Have you asked/did he explain why 5G is bad for airplanes?
Something to do with the computer recognizing where the ground actually is(altitude) when coming in for a landing is what I understand.some how it gives a false reading.
It's called the "Radar Altimeter" and unlike the altimeter that a pilot would use in the cruise, it reads the height of the ground as the flight is approaching landing. It's needed more when the weather is bad and they are carrying out ILS approaches in cloud. It's the only true way of knowing exactly how high off the ground you are as you approach.
when approaching your minimum landing height (missed approach point) where you need to visually see the runway, if not you go around again or divert. Even using full automated landing systems if the "Radar altimeter" is not accurate, you run the real risk of hitting the dirt before the runway. I've tried to explain this in laymans terms, and hope you get the idea. It's crucial it is operating properly in bad weather especially.
You did a good job of explaining 👍
Didn't we see that in Die Hard 2?
And now I have a machine gun.
This. One of the frequencies used in 5G is the same or similar enough to that used by the altimeter whereby it cannot accurately measure altitude when landing.
Part of it was also how the antennas are pointed vertically and not offset at an angle from what I've read.
Also the US had its 5g cranked up multitudes higher than other 5g countries.
That was my thought as well.
Thank you, I forgot to add that.
iirc they are only turning off instrumental landing
yes that's what he said, still, it's improbable that was learned yesterday
True .. thanks for sharing info !
I don't know what percentage of flights are ILS but I would imagine it is pretty high. If you have rain, snow, night you are most likely using it. They use it at altitude (instrument flight rules). Are they saying there is only danger on landing?
ILS is basically utilized whenever available. Visual approaches are often backed up with an ILS. They are saying 5G can potentially affect the radar altimeter, and radar altimeter is used for multiple safety features that includes Traffic And Collision Avoidance System (TCAS), Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS), and wind shear warning… things like that
You wouldn't use your "Radar Altimeter" in the cruise or at a decent height, you rely on your barometric altimeter set on a standard that everyone uses, for seperation reasons. The "Rad Alt" comes into play when flying IMC and landing, it'll read out your actual height above ground level rather than the barometric altimeter set on the airfield QFE.
Thanks. I stopped flying with just a VFR ticket.
Well danger is only in certain airports, so I assume take off and landing.
Predominately. These systems are basically more common under 5k feet.
Keep in mind 9/11 was a remote hijack of the aircraft. That’s why the Hijackers kept being found later. Most planes were remote pilotable after 1998
We can all probably expect "rare" plane crashes that will most probably be attributed to global warming
Unknown quote easily checked
'Something HUGE and really scary is going on with aviation. You can see for yourself. I am a former airline captain, I am out of the industry but I still keep tabs of what is going on. I have an app on my phone, it's a free app that you can download yourself, it is called flightradar24. One of the really cool features of this app is you can have alerts set up so if an aircraft somewhere in the world declares an emergency, in the industry we call it squawking 7700, you can get a notification. I've had this app for years and usually you would see one to four emergencies pop up every month. That's how it's always been, aviation is pretty safe, there's not a whole lot of emergencies worldwide on the monthly basis. But over the last couple of months I have been getting notifications sometimes up to 10 times a day. I've already had four this morning! Something huge and scary is going on out there and nobody is talking about it. I am seeing so many aircraft declaring emergencies on a daily basis, and I don't know what is going on. You don't have to believe me, you can download the app for yourself and set up the notifications. A lot of emergencies happening these days, I don't know if I want to fly commercially anymore.'
emergencies due to clot shots
This should be it’s own post with a link to that app. Very scary.
Honestly that is very likely.
What I expect more is for air travel to become so expensive and unpleasant that people decide to largely not fly. Airlines are hardly following a trend of catering to flyers anymore. They tend to only take and then shit on flyers while appealing to government wants. I wouldn’t be surprised if they get largely nationalized in the next rigged financial crisis. I mean they get bailed out enough.
RE: Downed Flights - research the margin of error on aircraft. It’s literally the most exemplary record of safety standardization in the Quality Assurance. The engines alone have a fault tolerance level measures in _how many decimals behind %99 uptime they were tested. ( D^4 vs D^7 for example: %99.99997 vs %99.99999995 )
I agree with you for slightly different reasons. I also think the cabal are on the run from justice. Something has happened in the background. They have lost power and they are now subject to arrest and justice, It may be the 1 year anniversary or the inauguration, it may be something else.
They are lifting restrictions so that the tyranny is reduced so that they can claim they are not currently tyrants but were only temporarily "following the science" and always planned to return to normal. We know it's not true, but they will claim it in court.
They also want the public to be less angry and more relieved so that they don't get torn apart when the public recognises them. They wish they had never started this great reset because they got caught and they want the maximum distance from it that they can get. They will fight like rats in a barrel to blame each other for it so that they may avoid justice.
They are also banking on the 48 hour news cycle. Hoping that we will be distracted by the lifting of restrictions and be so happy we will forget the last two years in a very short time period.
There will be a lot of people that will forget the last 2 years while still using face diapers.
Can’t wait for the post-COVID masker NPC retards.
I haven't been sick in 2 years. Masks are staying, and my cosmetic surgery expenses are much lower.
It's gonna be hilarious but sad at the same time.
This is my optimistic view. I still don't believe they have played their last card however. I'm reminded back to the time last summer when temporarily, mask mandates were lifted, and things seem to ease back up. Then, suddenly a new variant appeared and allowed them to push even stricter measures then before and normalized mask wearing again (at least in my area). I fear that this is, yet again, another temporary pull back. Then, as people start to die from the shots, they might say it's due to Marburg's disease. Then, since many will die, they will impose stricter lockdowns, blame those unvaxxed and the easing of restrictions as to what caused it, then really try to push through their Digital ID, complete surveillence type of society. I do remain optimistic though as the tides seem to truly be shifting.
Doesn't explain how New Jersey lifted its mandates in June of 2021, then the veritas video came out that after the election Murphy would come back guns blazing (ironically as he's a gun tyrant), yet he "won" the election and no restrictions as of yet.
Yeah, a lot of this is about keeping as many normies pacified as possible. Pacified normies sit on their couches and act as dead weight for those seeking justice.
It's like slow boiling the frog. Somebody messed up the heat, and so they are turning it down quick and hoping the whole frog doesn't jump out.
It was a hot tub, we weren't trying to actually boil you. You liked it, right? No? Oh really? Well then why didn't you say something?
Dark-triad pilled.
“We only did it because that’s what you wanted”
I surely hope this is true. The cabal backtracking is the best way. We can save more innocent lives.
This is what I was thinking too.
So what I'm hearing here, is that we're in the end game and gonna be getting pay-per-view lynchings soon? Cause I would actually freaking pay to see some of these people swing live.
I wouldn't go that far.
Think about it logically. Too many normies still won't accept it at this stage.
And by "it" I mean all the celebrities they grew up idolizing all being sick child-eating pedophiles.
Read the winds, we aren't ready for that disclosure just yet.
Instead, I'd wager this period is just the round up. We got a long way to go until the bulls come out in this rodeo.
The clowns are running around now doing their little act and the bull is still caged up.
But I've got a sense that they are about to snap the rubber band on the bull's scrotum pretty damn soon.
Shock and awe has a way of changing people. Combine that with a world shut-down and currency/money change-over, people will wake right up. We aren’t waiting on normies, they’ve proven they’re easy sheep well enough. We’re waiting on taking out enough of the list that I assume keeps growing….
For those who receive the death penalty I mandate that they be "vaccinated" once a day with a shot from their most lethal batches. Deny them health care and hospital access as they develop blood clots, Bell's Palsy and heart attacks until they agree to take the latest "booster" in addition to the daily injections. Continue until it kills them.
When they beg to die, hang them in front of firing squads.
I’d give my next paycheck. Kek
Pay per view?
I want my pound of flesh hand carved fresh off the bone
This shit is going to play out over the next year, at least.
Queue the alien invasion!
The pope and the queen funeral distractions will be first I think. When the aliens come then we KNow it's over!
Funeral is possible !
This assumes that the Cabal has any sort of control at all of the larger narrative.
It could be happening this way because it's the only way to show the fraud. It isn't all coming apart at once. On the contrary, those at the top are still pushing the restrictions. It is those not at the top that are ignoring the "authorities." This exposes the system. Consider:
The FDA pushes boosters, but only one guy at the FDA pushes boosters. Everyone else says "fuck no," and the whole world knows it.
The CDC pushes boosters, but only one woman at the CDC pushes boosters. Most of the rest say "fuck no," and the whole world knows it.
The Dems, Rinos, and President push all the same shit, but the states are saying "fuck no," and the whole world knows it.
Britain said Fuck No and the whole world knows it.
Austria says Fuck Yes and the whole world knows it.
It is this dissention that causes people to start asking questions. When everyone is in Lockstep, then everyone is in Lockstep, but when its a separation of "elite" and "We The People" and people see it, they start to see both the Elite (or who they think of as the Elite) and We The People. This is a huge concept, and this is what is happening right now.
I do not think this is black hat desperation, but a part of The Plan.
It’s obvious the Black hats are in disarray. They are not moving in a cohesive formation as they normally do.
Appear weak when you are strong. Everyone looks at it from ‘their’ perspective. You want Q and the WH plan to be real so you decipher what you are seeing in such a way to make that appear the most plausible answer.
Could the DS appearance of disarray actually mean they are strong but pretending to be weak? Just playing devils advocate here. Trump ain’t the only one who has read the Art of War, right?
Maybe the controllers are being taken out. So commands aren't being passed down.
EDIT: TIL Austria has fallen 😢
Austria just announced a vaxx mandate for everybody above 18.
Yeah do they have second amendment rights over there too?
Just looked it up - they have approximately 30 civilian firearms per 100 people in the country, good for the 14th most armed citizenry in the world. This could get interesting over these next couple weeks
Awesome info. thx nice dig.
Glockland gonna be lit
Har. They're always trying to distance themselves from Hitler.
It's both. It wasn't intended to be a comprehensive list.
Austria literally plans on fining people for not getting vaxxed, large fines in the thousands of Euros.
They also had cops asking for papers in stores.
Greece is already fining the over-60 vax-free.
Greece has kind of been in deep shit for a long time and beholden to Europe (Germany) for their debt. Such a shame. Beautiful country with such history..
Interesting. Could that be the reason why Trump is shilling so hard for the vaccine? Is he presented as the "authority figure" that we need to dissent against?
Yes. I have been saying I think that is the reason for months now. :)
We must learn that we have been trained to trust authorities. We must learn to think critically, which is the opposite of trust. That is why Trump is a vaxtard.
The mask mandates can also be used in our favor, the safe movement of witnesses and/ or victims of human trafficking. Remember all those sealed indictments.
Also a way for spooks/clowns to move and hopefully flip and testify
Just another aspect. I do think you're onto something my sleepy fren
great thought
I know, fren. We are all so smart, but muzzled.
That is plausible. I also think they know the pandemic narrative has collapsed and they need to shift the narrative hard. I believe they have a MASSIVE false flag planned. Way bigger then 9/11. Trump said the pandemic would just disappear.
Heads on a swivel. I think the scamdemic is ending but major fuckery is a foot.
I like it ! Unleash the hounds !
I like the way you think!
Idk what to believe anymore.. But, what you just said resonates with me. It made me think that what if these high profile people resigning, or dropping "dead" are fleeing/attempting to flee.. They get caught/killed in the process.. The ones we see pop up with boots maybe gave themselves up.. Lifting restrictions as a last ditch effort to escape makes so much sense.. Maybe the white hats in the US aren't lifting restrictions to try and prevent anyone from leaving, and NOT doing it to make our lives a living hell..? Is that thinking mirror..?
Sorry.. This post got my gears turning... 🤔
It would make sense to ground all air traffic, like the government did in the wake of the biggest false flag in history.
Don't be the dude running around with a flag on the battlefield declaring victory in the midst of war. The war is far from over. Victory is after the enemy's command has been captured and incarcerated, tried, and sentenced. This is when the fat lady sings and not before.
No command conspirators have been arrested. France's President Macron is still in power. UK's Boris Johnson is still in power. For Pete's sakes, Bill gates is still running around implementing his digital ID system. Victory is never at hand when the command conspirators are still running around in power.
I'm suspicious that the chains have only been temporarily loosened. If their narrative has run its course. What is next? Klaus Schwab has been telling us it will be food shortages.
Austria has announced vaxx mandates and Germany is about to follow. We are protesting like crazy, but I agree, the war is far from over.
My parents have been getting regular nosebleeds since they got their jabs. It's been months. And I mean regular as in almost daily
Shit thanks for the info!
I've been looking for a thread on here about food shortages. Yes, I still use FakeBook and for just the last two days I have seen COUNTLESS numbers of photos of empty shelves in all different stores all over the country! I do not go into food stores, I buy on-line, so I don't know if it's some kind of hoax, but the people posting seem legit and are posting dates and times they've taken the photos. There are enough of us here to start a thread showing OUR stores' shelves. I don't know how to start a thread, but I'd be very interested in seeing if the stories are legit based on OUR own findings in OUR own stores. Thoughts?
Haven't been in a grocery store since the new year. Will do tomorrow and report back.
I haven’t been in a grocery store in months. Since early fall. I get all my groceries delivered; and I can say they are out of many things now. Usually about 20-40% of my order gets refunded because they are out of stock of certain items.
I haven't seen shelves that empty but I live by one of the biggest ports in the country with tons of industrial infrastructure.
I haven't seen any shortages at the grocery stores when I've gone in them a couple times in the last couple weeks. Everything seems available and completely normal.
Vax mandates into pissed truckers is the play here. That's what's happening in Canada.
I don't think anyone is saying it's over. Just cracks in the armour.
I don't profess I know what other people are thinking. I'm just commenting on all those 'booms' and 'victories'. No arrests. No prosecutions of the Cabal's leadership means the war is far from over.
I like the way you think Dude!
Great point.
An alternative theory is that Cabal always knew the vaccine story will come unravelling, so they plan to let it be exposed and direct everyone's hange towards the doctors, experts, local governments etc, throwing everything into chaos, and while that is going on they would pull the rug under the economy completely and while people are starving to death they would use their controlled oppositions like AJ etc, to usher in the Great Reset via CDBC.
They have no means to make us use their BS crypto and stop people from using gold and silver.
They have no means of halting production either.
They cannot do much to hurt the real economy that badly with money manipulation.
They are essentially pulling the rug out from the fake economy. The real economy will explode when they ditch Fed nites.
And they do not have the force to enforce BS laws or dictates to use their crypto or stop us from trading with real money.
They would fatality themselves by flipping the board.
Historically, contracting money supply can drive business to bankruptcy if they depend too much for their liquidity on credit. I believe the way Trump did the covid stimulus has weaned a lot of businesses from depending on credit for liquidity and instead slow down their operation. This is just one example of "restructuring" the economy to withstand the crash in the money supply. There is much we don't understand, but I also strongly believe that when the money magicians pull the rug under the money supply, the only entities that crash are fed, big banks and other Cabal run operations. How exactly this would happen, we have to wait and see.
Technically even now we can switch to a gold/silver based economy and leave behind the federal reserve slave system, if enough people wanted. Unfortunately enslavement is only possible when people co-operate with the oppressors.
Hopefully when the time comes, not too many people will rush in to accept their BS crypto.
My point <<—— we are still here Your head
Another recent notable to add: MSM pushing narrative cannabis usage prevents C19 infection + Pfizer investing millions into cannabis lab research last month = A convenient exit from the C19 severity.
Think about it. They are going for a two for one public appeasement here. Federally decriminalizing cannabis to satisfy a huge swath of Americans on both sides of the political spectrum.... We're talking 100 million+ that would support this. And two, they can conveniently throw all the vaxxx's out the window when combining cannabis treatment with the other treatments we already know exist (e.g HCQ, IVM, Monoclonal, etc).
The public will perceive that the crooked politicians have finally saved them from the plandemic! Plus, everybody can get stoned too.
This would also explain why figuratively all cannabis stocks have plummeted the past 9 months. They are tanking the market for massive sell off when it skyrockets after decriminalization and efficacy in preventing C19 infection (hello Pfizer brand cannabis and marinol pills).
I suspected both things. Cannabis helps with all sickness. And they'd try decriminalization to pacify the pissed offness.
It helps for some, for others it doesn't. I was a regular smoker for years yet now it gives me unbelievable anxiety whether I vape, smoke, or eat it. All sorts of strains, too.
The anxiety is a portal.
Yeah, and sort of weed was really bad for my mental health for many years. It had been just fine for a while, then it just created bad issues when I used it. After a few years it seems the problems have gone away, and I'm in a better place mentally and enjoy it again. But weed is not a cure all good thing for everyone. Many people do not enjoy it or it creates issues for them. It's still a mind altering substance and should be respected.
Interesting take! Thanks for sharing. There are many ways to see it.
I would say that one thing that happens is black hats schemes also get used by white hats to dismantle. They may think it will help them, but it often blows up in their face.
Black hats locked down the planet to level the economy and push mail in balloting. White Hats used it to arrested massive criminal rings in 2020 across Europe and the US. Criminals couldn't run easily since the borders were shut and flights restricted.
Again a black hat scheme was used against them.
They might think this will help them get away, but I have a feeling it's far too late to escape now.
To me, most black hats tend be on the spectrum of sociopaths and psychopaths. They are everywhere and in a lot of the top places. They have long dominated human society because they don't follow the rules that most humans do. However, their weakness is their inability to form real bonds of trust and understand humans. They can only thing in one way. They know how to manipulate and control people, but they don't understand how we really work.
It's why they can't figure out how everything they do these days blows up in their face.
But I have feeling this is how the black hats also got convinced to let up on the covid regulations. I think they're being duped into thinking it was their idea and this could be their motive.
I believe youre spot on buddy,..and like you say, they want to keep mask mandates on plane trains,.and buses,..so they can hide just that much longer,.theyre running for the exits baby,..!!!!!!!!
Because they are losing control f the narrative and need to pull back and set the stage for the next pandemic. Think conditioning. The vaxxed have weakened immune systems which means payday for the pharms. Once they milk that for a while then it’s pandemic 2.0 where the culling of the vaxxed really starts; depopulation achieved.
Why would they kill off all the sheep and leave the fiercely independent and uncontrollable population of people alone? Why would they want their smaller population to be full of people who want them to die and will constantly resist their every move? It just doesn't make sense at all to do it this way, and you'd think they'd want the opposite.
Simple really. They want to depopulate so get the low hanging fruit first. This will reduce the population and eliminate the possibility of the sheep waking up, severely disrupt the economic and social structure creating chaos for those remaining. Then they simply continue with the divide and conquer scheme. Society will sink into tribalism which, without any unity, will be easy to subjugate.
Great post!
"We were just following CDC guidelines as soon as they said 75% comorbidities we shut everything down" Not their fault. Or one day they're terrified of omicron and fight for continued restrictions, next day, cheering that their lifted. Hypocrisy and nonsense help with red pilling. Ireland down, they were pretty hard line. Maybe working towards Australia. Lift restrictions there we might start feeling some relief. That's when Russia and Ukraine finally pop off. We're terrified again. Aren't the bad players tagged and tracked at this point? Masks would still help traffickers and illegals with warrants to get around. They have synagogues to get to.
Woah woah woah. I want these bastards to hang as much or more than anyone. But let's really think about this:
None of the restrictions, even at their most severe would have stopped the wealthy and connected from leaving the country.
Let's apply Occam's Razor. A far simpler, more logical scenario:
-The elites have far better data on corona virus infection rates than we do and they are likely seeing the data point to a dramatic drop in corona virus cases due to the Omicron variant doing exactly what many epidemiologists promised it would: Act as a highly spreadable inoculation.
-People are waking up in massive numbers. We see multiple signs of it daily. People are also at their limit in terms of tolerating federal tyranny.
-The elites/cabal cut their losses and start ending illegal/un-Constitutional restrictions knowing that case #'s are about to drop dramatically. Think people are pissed off now? Imagine if all the same restrictions and mandates were in place in conjunction with corona virus cases at a tiny fraction of what they once were.
This strikes me as nothing more than the cabal trying to stay ahead of the game.
Now the trick is for us to watch carefully for the next game they try to put into play.
I like the way you think, Q did mention that they'd be unsafe on the streets. Maybe that was a hint.
Anyone that believes there is anywhere in the whole solar system these lunatics can hide from what comes next is a fool. Unless these NWO dip-shits really are aliens with interstellar spaceships they are boned beyond imagination. To believe otherwise is insane.
Think about it... between WuFlu and the vaccines they have killed tens of thousands of people in each and every corner of the whole damn planet. Those people have uncles and fathers and sisters etc etc. Even if people don't attack them directly they will turn them in just for the fun of it. The reward would just be a bonus prize.
If these idiots think there is a way out of this they are even dumber than I thought. I'm not saying you wrong... I'm just saying if true... its a desperate and unless attempt at stupid.
Even before that they've been lying to us, poisoning us, playing us against each other, robbing us, etc etc.
They will want the government to get them first.
This should be stickied. This is excellent, pede!
I had thought this as well. They need the crowds to hide and move about in.
Or, the more obvious answer....
... The bad publicity is starting to hurt Biden.
But yeah. Let's go with your idea.
The first high-profile arrests were probably just a message for the rest to make the right decision. I think they gave the bad guys lots of opportunities to help out for A reduced sentence or better conditions. But it appears the arrests are being done systematically. And don't forget the astronomical number of sealed indictments. Enough to pack more than two stadiums.
Who is hunting them?
That's what I want to know. It certainly isn't the Milleytary we have now.
Who always hunt bad guys? Come on! Contractors do.
The plandemic may be unraveling, but the notion of a deadly virus is still very much a useful card that can be played again.
Makes sense