Think it was a trip to Afghanistan. Could be wrong.
93 family members, and 45 grounded the plane.
Same weekend Blackhawks landed on Wilshire blvd.
Edit for spelling*
Agreed. Marine here, that was no training exercise.
Going off memory. It was some Guatemalan building to be demo'd within days.
Probable low yield nuke FF.
Indeed. I've seen folks spin this to add in Adam Schiff-like fashion:
“Unfortunately for us, I mean not for us… Unfortunately for the situation, we cannot go in militarily because it will cause WW3.”
That's not what she said. She didn't invoke WWIII until 30 seconds later, after a whole lot of word salad, and needing to go back and call Biden 'President' after she forgot.
If the MIC ATM starts spinning up in Ukraine, all of our Dramatis Personae calling for war ALL get even richer. Their actions are wholly inconsistent with their words. They're not sending troops, because the CANNOT send troops.
It's also why they couldn't stop Russia from getting to the labs. They knew Russia was getting ready to go in, but could do NOTHING to stop it. All they can do now is say, "We stand with Ukraine." That's it.
Everything points to this and seems legit. My only nagging question is how does the horrendous withdrawal from Afghanistan play into it all? Did the Biden Admin make a move before the real generals could stop it, or was it orchestrated to let Biden f-up and his negligence led to the loss of US soldiers? It's the fog of war and lives will be lost, but that whole ordeal seemed so staged with elements of real happenings. Seems like most of America memory-holed that epic failure within a week and moved back to Covid fear porn. Biden couldn't have given two shits about those individuals who paid the ultimate sacrifice and yet, people think he's just a sweet 'ole man. How anyone could look at him and still think he is a good person after the watch incident is beyond my comprehension.
If Putin flings his hypersonic kinzhal missiles around to blow up reddit-merc compounds and arms depots, maybe a catapult on the border of poland can be set up, and nasty nancy flung into ukraine. Perhaps using her fetid mangy ass as ammunition would probably count as a war-crime against whoever was nearby when she landed. Less dangerous than the weaponized biolab agents, certainly.
Right, he's trying to unify the crime families, they are panicking because they have NO military. The Deep State has been cut-off! The Pentagon Generals control the military. Not the TV generals.
President in exile, Military in control, DEVOLUTION in play here...
Yes. The powerlessness of the unifying leader, that can't move his armies. I honestly couldn't watch another second after the word "taunter". Made my head swim with confusion.
Thanks for your words of encouragement. As of right now, my insides are in a constant "mess" with all this crap. I want to really believe that Putin/Russia are doing this to destroy the biolabs, restore water sources to Crimea, eradicate the DS in Ukraine, but everywhere you's only ONE side! I can't tolerate watching/listening to ANY news right now!!! ok...rant over
This is the correct answer. The libs and the normies are blindsided to this possibility. Their worldviews won't allow them to get exposed to the concept.
It's the rabid anti-Q, fake-MAGA crowd who are so apoplectic with rage at Devolution that they don't know whether to shit or go blind over the prospect.
Right!? Talk about an oxymoron! However, since Nancy never makes sense it’s not surprising she would describe humanitarian aid as lethal. 🙄🤦🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️😂 The whole world’s like “Umm, no thanks, you can keep your lethal aid!” 😂
Under the full depth of the Devolution theory, we don't have a true CIC right now. Control of the military is wound down to the 11 combatant commanders, while Puddin' Head plays house.
Remember, there's a metric shit ton of National Security Presidential Memoranda (NPSMs) that DJT filed in the final 2 weeks of his first term. An unprecedented number, in fact. I do believe that some of those, along with the PEADs which set the conditions of responses to specific actions, are tied to the COVID national emergency, which our cast of characters are in no rush to end.
Wouldn't that be interesting to see a few 747's chock full of BLM'ers and send them to the front lines to fight. Heck, even issue them AR15's at the tax payers expense. They so tough in the inner city hoods, I wonder how they would stack up to the Russian army and the Azov brigade. Hahaha
I don’t think Putin would respond kindly to their burning and looting cities and stealing all of the wide screen TVs in Ukraine, and expecting armed citizens to stand down and police to stay away.
I think he uses it as a signature of sorts. One Trump speech, a few months back, Trump said "fake, phony, and incorrect" or something like that. He used fake phony and then a different third word. I considered it a tip of the hat to Dave.
Their rhetoric is wholly inconsistent with the lack of activity to support it. The 11 combatant commanders in the US Armed Forces have likely told them to fuck off.
NATO takes weeks and weeks to approve anything militarily. That's my guess. Just because Zelensky signed on to NATO, doesn't mean it's done quickly for NATO to comply/respond with military reinforcements so easily. All allies must be on board, they meet, confer, approve/disapprove, etc, etc.
Ooh—I bet he is—I bet the global mafia and elite pedophiles have never felt so cozy together under the shade of his blatant corruption. But we’re seeing cracks now. Rats being rats…
Do you remember these headlines in the days following the stolen election? Still lives true today. The military was the only way and that day is fast approaching.
BREAKING: Pentagon Abruptly Stops Biden Transition Defense Briefings, Biden Team Caught Off Guard
She must bathe in Plexiderm. And you'd think she'd spend a little of that ice cream money on getting a wig that covers her hairline.
I have that necklace. $19.99 at TJ Maxx.
Sorry, my inner cat took over. Meow. Now that I have that out of my system, I can wallow in the fact that she's admitting the resident and she have no control over what Putin is doing in Ukraine.
Here you go. There are incessant ads on tv showing these people with saggy, wrinkled skin and undereye bags (calling George Soros) smearing on Plexiderm cream and their sags, bags and wrinkles miraculously go away. For a while.
lol... that silly old bitch!!!! biden being a unifier????? lol... that corrupt girl-sniffing pervert can't form a complete sentence!! ..... yet he is managing to unify the country in thinking that he needs to be at gitmo for his tribunal.
It's a huge ask to challenge someone to get caught up on 18 Devolution articles, 4 Addenda and myriad pieces published in between the proper articles, but if you want to understand the depth and breadth of the solution that many of us have embraced by an embarrassment of Trump Executive Orders and more, I highly encourage any/everyone to commit to doing the work and make their way through all of PP's articles.
Holy shit, look at her face!
Nancy, remember when President Trump cancelled your trip to Egypt?
Heard Big Don had your family's luggage dumped off in front of your congressional door.
Poor, poor demonic Mafia Nan
didn't hear bout the luggage. top kek.
And it was reported Melania used the plane that same day to Mar-a-Lago. I bet Pelosi was steaming when she got that news!
Think it was a trip to Afghanistan. Could be wrong. 93 family members, and 45 grounded the plane. Same weekend Blackhawks landed on Wilshire blvd. Edit for spelling*
We're both right.
Choppers were 2 weeks later. Not precise on exact dates. Didn't dig that deep.
That was a week or two later but gut feeling is that
the helo/chopper "exercise" were NOT an exercise and that some nasty sh-t (bioweapon, dirty bomb or the like) was pulled outta there and
that NP's "trip" was to get herself and her family to safety in a land far, far away.
Agreed. Marine here, that was no training exercise. Going off memory. It was some Guatemalan building to be demo'd within days. Probable low yield nuke FF.
Bahaha! I forgot about that! So epic and dang it if I don’t miss the heck out of his mean tweets! Nobody trolls like the Don trolls! 😂❤️
Indeed. I've seen folks spin this to add in Adam Schiff-like fashion:
That's not what she said. She didn't invoke WWIII until 30 seconds later, after a whole lot of word salad, and needing to go back and call Biden 'President' after she forgot.
If the MIC ATM starts spinning up in Ukraine, all of our Dramatis Personae calling for war ALL get even richer. Their actions are wholly inconsistent with their words. They're not sending troops, because the CANNOT send troops.
You'd think they would want WW3. More fear and control.
Not wanting to cause WW3 is their cover for not having the military.
👆 This.
It's not under their control.
Hairy Nancy has about as much control as her dentures do running away from her eyebrows.
Y'all are hilarious!
Bingo. It's a 'reasonable' position for them to take, since only psychopaths would want WWIII, right?
It's their only play to try and hide their impotence and deflect from the fact that they're holding ZERO cards.
It's also why they couldn't stop Russia from getting to the labs. They knew Russia was getting ready to go in, but could do NOTHING to stop it. All they can do now is say, "We stand with Ukraine." That's it.
Everything points to this and seems legit. My only nagging question is how does the horrendous withdrawal from Afghanistan play into it all? Did the Biden Admin make a move before the real generals could stop it, or was it orchestrated to let Biden f-up and his negligence led to the loss of US soldiers? It's the fog of war and lives will be lost, but that whole ordeal seemed so staged with elements of real happenings. Seems like most of America memory-holed that epic failure within a week and moved back to Covid fear porn. Biden couldn't have given two shits about those individuals who paid the ultimate sacrifice and yet, people think he's just a sweet 'ole man. How anyone could look at him and still think he is a good person after the watch incident is beyond my comprehension.
Because Trump couldn't be president when it, or this Ukraine thing happened.
Let Brandon be the fall guy.
Hence the word "unforunately..."
If Putin flings his hypersonic kinzhal missiles around to blow up reddit-merc compounds and arms depots, maybe a catapult on the border of poland can be set up, and nasty nancy flung into ukraine. Perhaps using her fetid mangy ass as ammunition would probably count as a war-crime against whoever was nearby when she landed. Less dangerous than the weaponized biolab agents, certainly.
She's too fragile. She'd break up on re-entry.
Airburst detonation, increases impact zone
Just littering the landing zone with sun bleached leather and pills everywhere
Ok while its not quite napalm.. there must be enough booze in that wreckage to burn for a while.
All that hate and contempt should burn for a while
They'd immediately deflate. Fake as her face.
Just a shot of her rubbing her knuckles together...
Yeaasssss. (rubbing knuckles evily together)
A booze bomb.
Highly classified and highly ineffective.
Or a "Booze Missle" ?
Right, he's trying to unify the crime families, they are panicking because they have NO military. The Deep State has been cut-off! The Pentagon Generals control the military. Not the TV generals.
President in exile, Military in control, DEVOLUTION in play here...
A Taunter!! Lol, is she freaking drunk again? NVM, of course she is.
Yes. The powerlessness of the unifying leader, that can't move his armies. I honestly couldn't watch another second after the word "taunter". Made my head swim with confusion.
Unifier ✊she says kek
Vodka, then nap.
Just lure her and Biden onto the GITMO bus.
Tell Nancy it’s a party bus, and Joe they are headed to a daycare—to pet kids and eat some rice pudding
Nitter link:
You've heard it enough today in the other stickies: "" > ""
Don't doom folks, shit's happening.
Thanks for your words of encouragement. As of right now, my insides are in a constant "mess" with all this crap. I want to really believe that Putin/Russia are doing this to destroy the biolabs, restore water sources to Crimea, eradicate the DS in Ukraine, but everywhere you's only ONE side! I can't tolerate watching/listening to ANY news right now!!! ok...rant over
devolution baby
This is the correct answer. The libs and the normies are blindsided to this possibility. Their worldviews won't allow them to get exposed to the concept.
It's the rabid anti-Q, fake-MAGA crowd who are so apoplectic with rage at Devolution that they don't know whether to shit or go blind over the prospect.
I miss being a Pearl Jam fan. Loved the music. That band has been so beyond cucked.
Some of their lyrics are revealing. Sadly
It’s been to long, and now I have to ask. How do I pronounce devolution? Is it “dee-evolution” or “dev-olution” or “dee-ev-o-lution”?
I know.
It's like Revolution, only with a 'D'. Revolution War 2.0 is what we're going through.
Maybe in the future this will be called the devolutionary war.
Well, the word evolution is typically spoken as "ev-o-lution" not "eev-o-lution" so I'd think it would be "dev-o-lution" as opposed to "deev-o-lution"
But then again when I say evolve or devolve, I tend to say "ee-volve" and "dee-volve"
Our language is fascinating
Same. Our language is both fascinating and very annoying.
LoL exactly! Fascinating.
It's either, up to the preference of the speaker. Like evolution. Neither is incorrect.
I like dee-volution because it avoids saying "devil", especially for something good. Simple.
I'm also responsible for starting the trend of calling Uranus "You RAN us" for those who prefer to avoid saying anus or urine when it's not necessary.
My choices are no more correct than the other pronunciations, merely esthetic preferences.
True, I've noticed some folks are more keenly interested in, more devoted to the anus than others. ;)
One isn't saying "devil" with devolution - devol last I checked o isn't pronounced like an i.
Unstressed they can sound pretty similar, like a schwa ;)
Luke revolution with a d.
Watching the fall of the old guard is getting good. They are POWERLESS! Also, what in the world is lethal humanitarian aid?
I was wondering the same.
Probably the way government "helped" with the fake vaccine. They're good at that stuff.
She said the quiet part out loud again; it's their bio-weapons of mass destruction from all those Ukrainian labs to be unleashed!
Right!? Talk about an oxymoron! However, since Nancy never makes sense it’s not surprising she would describe humanitarian aid as lethal. 🙄🤦🏼♀️🤷🏼♀️😂 The whole world’s like “Umm, no thanks, you can keep your lethal aid!” 😂
She said the quiet part out loud.
He is not Commander in Chief.
Thanks for saying in rather than and, anon
CIC doesn't stand for Commander "AND" Chief :)
Who the fuck even says Commander and Chief? Kek.
Im gonna start, because i like to troll
So either our military only has trannies with myocarditis left, or the resident isn't CIC and the real president won't let them take military action?
Under the full depth of the Devolution theory, we don't have a true CIC right now. Control of the military is wound down to the 11 combatant commanders, while Puddin' Head plays house.
Remember, there's a metric shit ton of National Security Presidential Memoranda (NPSMs) that DJT filed in the final 2 weeks of his first term. An unprecedented number, in fact. I do believe that some of those, along with the PEADs which set the conditions of responses to specific actions, are tied to the COVID national emergency, which our cast of characters are in no rush to end.
Statutorily, they may be fucked once they do.
Can’t you pay your own Antifa and BLM goons to go?
Wouldn't that be interesting to see a few 747's chock full of BLM'ers and send them to the front lines to fight. Heck, even issue them AR15's at the tax payers expense. They so tough in the inner city hoods, I wonder how they would stack up to the Russian army and the Azov brigade. Hahaha
I don’t think Putin would respond kindly to their burning and looting cities and stealing all of the wide screen TVs in Ukraine, and expecting armed citizens to stand down and police to stay away.
Their shit would be swiftly dealt with.
Who would protect them from getting their cowardly behinds killed?
It.would be a nice clean up.
According to several mercenary legionnaires there, it ain't fun. Russ are not only talking but walking.
To quote Dave: This should tell you all you need to know.
Let's talk about your health...
For a seemingly well educated man, he sure dropped the ball with that one. Redundant much?
I think he uses it as a signature of sorts. One Trump speech, a few months back, Trump said "fake, phony, and incorrect" or something like that. He used fake phony and then a different third word. I considered it a tip of the hat to Dave.
privatewesterncentralbankprivatewesterncentralbankprivatewesterncentralbankprivatewesterncentralbank privatewesterncentralbankprivatewesterncentralbankprivatewesterncentralbankprivatewesterncentralbank
Studies show that...
Try the Lytebug...
Dems finally figure out that Ukraine is not part of NATO, and we can't invade it for the da feelz.
Their rhetoric is wholly inconsistent with the lack of activity to support it. The 11 combatant commanders in the US Armed Forces have likely told them to fuck off.
NATO takes weeks and weeks to approve anything militarily. That's my guess. Just because Zelensky signed on to NATO, doesn't mean it's done quickly for NATO to comply/respond with military reinforcements so easily. All allies must be on board, they meet, confer, approve/disapprove, etc, etc.
"Biden being a 'UNIFIER'" YEAH OK PIGLOSI keep taking yourself that
Ooh—I bet he is—I bet the global mafia and elite pedophiles have never felt so cozy together under the shade of his blatant corruption. But we’re seeing cracks now. Rats being rats…
And the nuclear football, who exactly is holding that right now? Can this delicate, drunk flower attempt to explain that?
Nukes aren't real.
Why Nancy? Why? Oh...that's right....the MILITARY is in CONTROL! That's why!!!
Do you remember these headlines in the days following the stolen election? Still lives true today. The military was the only way and that day is fast approaching.
BREAKING: Pentagon Abruptly Stops Biden Transition Defense Briefings, Biden Team Caught Off Guard
President Trumps Pentagon Denies Biden Admin Access
Trump officials in the Pentagon reportedly blocked Biden's transition team from accessing information on military operations
Pentagon does not recognize Biden as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces
Pentagon Still Not Giving Biden Team National Security Briefings
😂Drunk Grandma! White Hats In Full Control. And no one said it would be easy to wake the masses.
Holy cow
She must bathe in Plexiderm. And you'd think she'd spend a little of that ice cream money on getting a wig that covers her hairline.
I have that necklace. $19.99 at TJ Maxx.
Sorry, my inner cat took over. Meow. Now that I have that out of my system, I can wallow in the fact that she's admitting the resident and she have no control over what Putin is doing in Ukraine.
Plexiderm…is that some new sort of formaldehyde? Asking cause I might want to pickle some old reptiles too someday.
Here you go. There are incessant ads on tv showing these people with saggy, wrinkled skin and undereye bags (calling George Soros) smearing on Plexiderm cream and their sags, bags and wrinkles miraculously go away. For a while.
All kinds of Freudian slips bubbling up through the alcohol
“Unfortunately for us”
Who is “us” Nancy?
Her ugly minions.
Her demonic familiar.
And the Soros family, who infamously sent that tweet “In Nancy We Trust” back during the 1/6 shitshow. We know you do, Satan.
Nothing ever stopped them from invading foreign countries before. Sounds like patriots are in control.
Let's just accept all female Ukrainian refugees and be done with it.
lol... that silly old bitch!!!! biden being a unifier????? lol... that corrupt girl-sniffing pervert can't form a complete sentence!! ..... yet he is managing to unify the country in thinking that he needs to be at gitmo for his tribunal.
Trump told us she wears the biggest mask he's ever seen ...
Why Nancy? Because the u.s. armed forces are not under your control. Thank God.
I’ve seen bigger fiveheads than those eyebrows
They have power over NOTHING!
So it begins.
When did she decide the Ronald McDonald eyebrows was a good look? It’s fitting that’s for sure
does this reinforce the theory that Trump is still CINC?
In a full Devolution scenario, we currently are without a proper POTUS with full Constitutional authority over the US Military for now.
I am aware of the Devolution series but have not had time to consume that. Can you point me to the list of vids so I can start from the beginning? main splash page. Most articles have a reading link/video, but not all
Devolved video series (produced in conjunction with PatelPatriot Devolved is a little easier to consume, as it's less than 2H for the 3 current episodes
It's a huge ask to challenge someone to get caught up on 18 Devolution articles, 4 Addenda and myriad pieces published in between the proper articles, but if you want to understand the depth and breadth of the solution that many of us have embraced by an embarrassment of Trump Executive Orders and more, I highly encourage any/everyone to commit to doing the work and make their way through all of PP's articles.
Commander and Chief?
yes there are many saying Trump is still commander in chief of the military.
You know, guy who eats ice cream cones, fondles children in public and can't control his bodily functions.
Latin root: UN = no
=> No fy er..... Yeah.... That sounds like.sleepy creepy Joe.
WTF is going on with those eyebrows!?
Justin Castreaus fall off his face sometimes
Somebody....anybody...please....put your fist in this woman's face!
The dumbest mouth hole that ever spoke.