Sorry, but I say we just cut the head off this critter and burn the carcass, be done with it!
I'll provide the marshmallows, AND the razor sharp hatchet which has been used to de-head at least 15/9ft-10ft gators at 300-350 pounds (Florida gators are little on the skinny side)
If fighting to be free from tierney, communism, oppression, whipes out our species then that's where we were headed anyway. I would much rather die fighting against it than capitulating to it.
If the species is annihilated, our souls are still intact. Think of the human body as a nice new shiny car that you have to take care of until old age, assuming you make it that far. Your body is a temple, according to the bible. Why a temple? What's inside of the temple? That's where God resides - in your soul. You can crash the car, blow up the temple, but your soul and God will never die.
Some day, and it could be in 7 years or it could be in 7 billion years, an extinction-level event will occur on this planet. It's statistically guaranteed. Eventually, our species will be annihilated, either by our own hand or by God's. Don't fret about that. Just be the best YOU that you can be, continue to fight the good fight, continue to shine your good light. There's a 100 percent chance of death at the end of our journey so let's make it a great journey.
Our sun is also estimated reach the end of it's life in about 5 billion years. In the process it will expand and engulf the inner planets before completely running out of fuel and collapsing (but probably not into a black hole). So not quite within 7 billion years unless we have colonized other solar systems like you mentioned. I'm being pedantic though lol
Added: Can't do the "cut off the head and the body dies" bullshit either (never ever worked anyway. there's always someone waiting in the wings to step up and be the new head).
This has to be full disassembly down to the basic atoms and particles of the entire body, simultaniously. it's a self reparing system we're at war with. Leave any part in tact and the entire thing just grows again in short order.
As a person who has recently had an infected tooth pulled I can tell you that sometimes the infection lingers even after the root is gone.
People misunderstand me when I comment on why it's taking so long so I'll be more clear. We should hunt these people and kill them on sight until they are all dead. I'm talking make a list and have an F-22 drop a JDAM on the fuckers if need be. Anyone that is nearby isn't an innocent.
What if I told you that the reason why Trump got ANY Media attention at the beginning of the 2016 Republican Primary is because Clowns thought Trump was on his side. And that his primary goal was to ensure Jeb! didn't win.
Reconcile with how chummy Trump + Morning Joe was before the NH Primary. Reconcile the fallout later. Understand all the algorithm boosted "Trump Ownz Jeb at debate" videos that were created and pushed. Those channels are now barren/videos are deleted.
You underestimate the vastness of Clown World if you believe Trump could've held his fortune and fame while openly being against them.
You underestimate the vastness of Clown World if you believe Trump could've held his fortune and fame while openly being against them. He is obviously not loved by Clowns now given every effort made to destroy him the last 6 years
Why did Trump have some Clowns in the cabinet? He couldn't get an entire clean crew appointal through Congressional approval. Not how Washington worked. Tit for tat, he got some whitehats, for putting some blackhats up. Trump did incredible despite all that, and by 2019, whitehats were all around.
That's why there are many EM fanbois
So, Elon's rise to fame. 1000% Clown doing. He was in charge of Clown Funding Ops. His, precursor to Paypal, came out 1.5 months before Columbine. Very dark stuff. Clowns don't make him a comic-book type young CEO of 4 seperate industries if they weren't confident he was in their pocket.
He Flipped, March 2018. Anons would rather say, "Once a Clown, always a Clown". Why? Because anons are lazy. It takes active decoding to track Flips in Comms.
I like to picture a marionet being controlled by another marionet being controlled by a human.
Where the middle marionet would be public facing scumbags like 0bama and co. Def scumbags, def not the scumbags in charge. All the public scumbags are too stupid imo.
The biggest player is The Devil himself. Aka Your Ego. And he hides in the last place you will ever look. Inside you. Regardless how the current drama resolves, The Devil will hardly be beat until we look inside ourselves.
This is what will take our lifetimes to reveal to everyday people. I think that's why things will get really bad. Really really bad. People are in need of a spiritual awakening that they zealously deny, rebuke and accost. So it is going to take an reality shattering shock to knock these people awake. People like us will suffer to wake them, I pray it is my repentance to sit in the kingdom of God one day. The hardest discipline to get there is loving all and having compassion. I'm but a human trying to ascend lol.
Well said...the only devil is the one you project from your mind. The Egyptian book of thread understand this and warns of the devil's you meet in the after death states are from your own mind.
That Q drop was interesting. Why would the Jwwws be so into bad things? They are God's chosen people and one would think they would have the world by the nads. God gave them everything, yet they continually do the wrong thing!! Why? Is their faith not too deep? Or do they think they are better than God? But a lot of bad people are in Israel and I'm sure Q and the crew are going to clean that house, too.
Full disclosure: I'm not religious, so take this for what it's worth.
I'm reminded of Revelation 2:9:
I know your afflictions and your poverty—yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.
This chapter (kind of unfortunately?) goes on to say in verse 10:
Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown.
However, while looking this up, I was interested to see the same phrasing in the next chapter, with an interesting coincidence(?) in the name of the church being written to. From Chapter 3:
7 “To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write:
These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. 8 I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. 9 I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liars—I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you. 10 Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth.
11 I am coming soon. Hold on to what you have, so that no one will take your crown. 12 The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name. 13 Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches.
(All emphasis mine.)
It seems to me that many of the cabal fit the description of "those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan." They certainly don't care about following the laws of the Old Testament or being a good person, but simply gaining power by any sick means possible.
It is conceivable -- but this is just something that occurred to me, and by no means am I claiming this is definitely the case -- that the name Philadelphia is not just a coincidence. As we all know, it was where the first Congress met to draft the Constitution -- the metaphorical birthplace of America. I will say that this scenario seems to work out more happily than the last one. I will also add that we "Philadelphians" could certainly use such a resounding victory over the "Synagogue of Satan."
All that said, I want to reiterate that I'm not religious. Even if you are, nobody can be sure if my half baked theory is correct, or if Earth actually has another 5,000 years before the real Apocalypse. Either way, it would be unwise to just count on the cavalry to come save the day. There's a reason that "God helps those who helps themselves" became a saying. Thanks for coming to my talk.
... or so we’ve been told or led to believe that they are God’s chosen people. I’m going to go with everything that we’ve been told up until this point has been a manipulation and a lie. So who knows exactly.
The chosen people are the Israelites who departed the holy land, many thousands of years ago. They became the Rus, the Vikings, The Celts, etc etc.
Fair and ruddy, they departed as families and went their separate ways, establishing themselves to the far north. The history was forgotten until Christ Jesus came along and his word was received by them, once again they thrived anew, building the great kingdoms of the last two thousand years...
The modern Jews are something else entirely. Our (European) heritage is glorious and godly, but hidden, usurped, and those adversaries seek to completely destroy any hope of its rediscovery... plotting for example, great wars between us... etc. etc.
No they were not gods chosen people. The elohim said they could choose which commander they wanted to be under...slaves of...and Jacobs tribe..part of is ra el chose yahweh ..the war commander and if you look at the book of Psalms it is there in black and white what this wicked alien promised to do to for these people..
.the money system gave them dominion over the it and weep.rothschilds banks etc...only now being defeated and countries going on the gold standard.
JFK had just signed for the American green backed gold dollar two days before he was publically shot and it was quietly shelved. Who do you think ordered the death of JFK?
Who ordered gadaffi killed...lots of gold ..was going against Rothschild and building an African nation on gold standard.
Russia threw the Rothschilds banking system you think it's a coincidence boris Johnson talking about nuking Russia? Now they are on the gold standard as are other Brics countries....the end of the aliens? Hi hope so
The only way to stop those puppet masters is to cut the strings of their puppets. Obama and Hillary must absolutely be made to pay, it doesn't matter if they were just following orders. The puppets being thrown into the rubbish lets those in the shadows know we're not gonna let them get away with it any more.
No thanks, just take out the puppets and then their masters will be powerless. If people try to make the argument that Obama and Hillary were just taking orders from someone above them I'm going to lose my shit. They 100% better see life in prison, at a MINIMUM. We have the evidence on them, make a freakin move already.
For clarification, the puppets include the entirety of Congress and anyone in DC at this point. They all have to go to make their puppeteers powerless. Same goes for the EU.
WOW....big thanks fren for supplying this link...the March 30 episide...starting at 37 minutes and running....NEXT 10 MINUTES are literally CLIFF NOTES on how Hillary, Comey-struck-baker, etc IN ADDITION TO Hillary's ATTY are all interwoven to CONCOCT & RUN WITH "RUSSIA RUSSIA" to try to take down Trump's ability to be #45....quite interesting all the tentacles....
The power structure of Evil looks something like this: Satan -> Demons/Minons not of our World, possibly even Evil Extra Terrestrials. Then the Paysuers, Rothschilds, Saudi Royalty, etc. (the 13 families). Then pawns of these families like Presidents, Prime ministers, Supreme Court members, CEO’s of companies, Heads of 3 letter organizations and militaries, Hollywood, Professional musicians and athletes, etc. then it spews on down to more local authorities like local lawyers, judges, cops, teachers, doctors, etc. who are on their payroll.
Maybe investigate the Summerian tablets, where all the Bible stories originate, and see how our civilization was formed. Why it was formed, and who wants it ruined to their advantage. Really eye opening information, but must be read with a completely open mind. Remember, for years many of us were happy with our life. When this info started coming out, it was tough to fathom, but proof is showing us even though it may be far fetched, it is still the truth. WWG1WGA!!!!!
Maybe do a little research to find the Sumerian tablets were written well before the bible. Now, I can also use your wording on the mythology of the Bible. When Constantine assembled the books of the Bible in 425AD, why didn’t he include all of them?
I've done plenty of research, and the Sumerians are the Babylonians. There's a reason secular scholars are terrified to call them by their real name and stick with Sumerians and Mesopotamians.
Book of Enoch and Gensis state the fallen angels played around with DNA.
The Babylonians don't exactly deny that.
When Constantine assembled the books of the Bible in 425AD, why didn’t he include all of them?
Because he wasn't truly Christian. He incorporated pagan traditions, including sun worship, into Christianity.
Having been involved in an evangelical Baptist church for over 10 years, I then woke up to realize the mythology of the Bible. After learning of the knowledge in the Summerian tablets, I can now see where the Bible stories come from. As my sister is still a believer, I will say to you what I say to her. We will agree to disagree. I do not hold your beliefs against you, nor will I mock you. Have a great day. WWG1WGA!
I was raised Roman Catholic. In my teenage years, I came to the conclusion Christianity was fake because of countless contradictions I found between the Bible and the traditions. The "one true Church" taught Mary was the Queen of Heaven and was assumed into heaven, which is nowhere to be found in the Bible.
I still remember the day I made up my mind about this.
We were singing the following hymn during the May Crowning Ceremony-
1 Immaculate Mary, your praises we sing.
You reign now in splendor with Jesus our King.
Ave, Ave, Ave, Maria!
Ave, Ave, Maria!
2 In heaven the blessed your glory proclaim;
On earth we your children invoke your fair name. [Refrain]
3 We pray for our Mother, the Church upon earth,
And bless, Holy Mary, the land of our birth. [Refrain]
We were placing a crown of roses on a statue of Mary as part of the ceremony. Even though the Bible specifically bans the worship of graven images, we were taught this ceremony wasn't worship, but merely "veneration."
Crowning the statue seemed ridiculous to me once I actually thought about it. Realizing the Pope could just declare something ex cathedra such as Mary's supposed Assumption and it would be declared true without any Biblical support led me to believe it was all a sham.
In my college years, I studied world religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Confucianism, Shintoism, etc., and eventually became an agnostic who was into conspiracy theories as a hobby.
Note- I never looked into Protestantism because I assumed the various denominations were simply splinter groups from the "one true Church" composed of people who wanted to eat steak on Fridays during Lent, get remarried without obtaining an anullment, etc.
It was actually an atheist who asked me what NIV stood for that led me back to the Bible.
He assumed I was Christian for some reason and attacked me for being a poor excuse for a Christian after I told him I knew NIV was an acronym for a specific Bible translation but I didn't know what it stood for.
I explained I wasn't a Christian, which stopped the discussion in its tracks.
However, now I just had to know what NIV stood for, because that's the kind of person I am. As soon as I got home (no smart phones in those days), I Googled NIV and discovered a rabbit hole I'd never seen before. People battling over which version of the Bible was correct, etc.
My search ultimately led to a video which highlighted verses which had been changed in the "modern" Bibles based on the "oldest, most reliable" translations. I discovered many of the changed verses contained contradictions which were what led me to reject Christianity in the first place.
I was angered and outraged by this discovery. I had been lied to.
Ultimately, I began to study the Bible again, but what truly convinced me of the truth contained in Scripture was the Isaiah 46 challenge.
Isaiah 46:9-11
9 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,
10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:
11 Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.
I began to study prophecy.
One of the already fulfilled prophecies I discovered absolutely blew me away.
Ezekiel 26:1-6
1 And it came to pass in the eleventh year, in the first day of the month, that the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
2 Son of man, because that Tyrus hath said against Jerusalem, Aha, she is broken that was the gates of the people: she is turned unto me: I shall be replenished, now she is laid waste:
3 Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Tyrus, and will cause many nations to come up against thee, as the sea causeth his waves to come up.
4 And they shall destroy the walls of Tyrus, and break down her towers: I will also scrape her dust from her, and make her like the top of a rock.
5 It shall be a place for the spreading of nets in the midst of the sea: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord God: and it shall become a spoil to the nations.
6 And her daughters which are in the field shall be slain by the sword; and they shall know that I am the Lord.
It's one thing to predict the destruction of a city. It's something else to predict the remains of the city would be cast into the sea and become a premium fishing spot.
Tyre was destroyed by Babylon but was not tossed into the sea. Nearly 200 years passed, but then this happened-
Many gods. One over each Sumerian city. That's why the Bible is sometimes so oddly worded. Like this:
I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name
Oh that would be glorious. King Faud giving it to Bathhouse Barry while a whole like of sheep fuckers stand in line waiting. And the fluffers are goats
Aldobrandini (Swiss Bank), Borja, Breakspear (Broke it, didn't like shake it), Chigi, Conti, Colonna (Columbus, Collins, Cohen, Kohn, Khan etc.), Este, Farnese (Most powerful at least prior to Trump takedown), Gaetani, Medici, Orsini (Rothschilds, Rockefellers etc would be here as would offshoots the Toms Cruise and Hanks), Pamphili & Somaglia.
Yes they all sound Italian because they've been residing in Italy for the past 500+ years. Made Venezia from the ashes of Phoenecia.
I did a deep dive maybe 5 years ago involving the Venetians and your post tickles me. I have never ever seen or heard anyone else point out who the Venetians really are.
About the time these boards were heavy into discussing US the nation vs US the corporation, and who else is a corporation, and which corp owns which other corps, etc., I started researching this and admirity law. Both led me to the Venetians.
And a deep dive on them revealed Phoenecia. Amazing. Great post!
Maritime Admiralty Law is the lie which we've been subject to the past 200+ years. It's time to return us to the law of the land or God's laws. Any laws made by man are fraudulent!
I don't think it's admiralty law, I think it's British Common Law in-fact. It's my belief that "judges" are lesser British nobility. Whenever someone here wants to become a "lawyer" to "practice" "law," they must register with the British Accredited Registry/Registrar, thus becoming a British agent. Who really won in 1812? We might be captured.
I really had no knowledge of Phoenicia before reading your comment. So I looked it up, turns out Tyre used to be its most prominent city, now Tyre, I have heard about. Ezekiel 28: 1-19. The prophecy is directed to the king of Tyre/Phoenicia and his future destructions. What’s interesting is the first half describes the current king while the second half sort of jumps to a description of Satan himself, giving an impression that the king of Tyre and Satan were one in the same or at least the king of Tyre/Phoenicia was invoking the power of Satan for his own power….
They have to tell us what they're doing. They've been doing it via tv shows and movies for decades. Even in the silents. As long as we pay to see it they take it that we give our assent. Look how they shovel out 'Walking Dead' tv and similar movies all the time. Those stories are like watching their playbook.
I should add the British Royal Family the Windsors are also Orsini.
Farneses have had the most white Popes (the public one) while the Orsinis have had most Grey Popes (true power). Farneses own the Pentagon and most militaries across the world.
The Colonna family owns (owned) the corporation of the US.
thanks for the ADDITIONAL NAMES and connecting the dots to "who actually runs the world"...AND COUNTRIES and ELECTIONS...OMG...had no idea this was so extensive and for how long this crap has been going on (like forever)
It is time to take them down, if they are that evil; and they appear to be that evil. If we, the good guys, know the players what is stopping us. Or are there many, many more we don't know about yet?
KEEP PUTTING IT OUT well as "new interest items" so the rest of us who have no clue...CAN BE INFORMED & share the heck out of this stuff :-)
This is honestly something everyone here needs to understand but they don't. Obama and Hillary are not puppet-masters, they are the puppets.
I suspect Musk was one that has had his strings cut. Possibly Trump too, to a lesser extent. I suspect he had fewer strings to begin with.
THIS is why the "Arrest somebody! Anybody!" faggots get long vacations around here.
Just arresting one or two or ten of these fuckers won't change anything. This infected tooth has to be pulled up by root. This one's going to hurt.
Sorry, but I say we just cut the head off this critter and burn the carcass, be done with it!
I'll provide the marshmallows, AND the razor sharp hatchet which has been used to de-head at least 15/9ft-10ft gators at 300-350 pounds (Florida gators are little on the skinny side)
If fighting to be free from tierney, communism, oppression, whipes out our species then that's where we were headed anyway. I would much rather die fighting against it than capitulating to it.
If the species is annihilated, our souls are still intact. Think of the human body as a nice new shiny car that you have to take care of until old age, assuming you make it that far. Your body is a temple, according to the bible. Why a temple? What's inside of the temple? That's where God resides - in your soul. You can crash the car, blow up the temple, but your soul and God will never die.
Some day, and it could be in 7 years or it could be in 7 billion years, an extinction-level event will occur on this planet. It's statistically guaranteed. Eventually, our species will be annihilated, either by our own hand or by God's. Don't fret about that. Just be the best YOU that you can be, continue to fight the good fight, continue to shine your good light. There's a 100 percent chance of death at the end of our journey so let's make it a great journey.
Nice and poetic!
Well said!!
We would migrate from this planet long before then...there are millions of them
Our sun is also estimated reach the end of it's life in about 5 billion years. In the process it will expand and engulf the inner planets before completely running out of fuel and collapsing (but probably not into a black hole). So not quite within 7 billion years unless we have colonized other solar systems like you mentioned. I'm being pedantic though lol
I really don't mind scorched earth at this point.
Curtis Lemay once said of nuclear holocaust: "if there are two of us left and only one of them, we still win."
This is on target. This corruption has been going on a LONG time. Getting rid of a few puppets doesn't solve anything.
Added: Can't do the "cut off the head and the body dies" bullshit either (never ever worked anyway. there's always someone waiting in the wings to step up and be the new head).
This has to be full disassembly down to the basic atoms and particles of the entire body, simultaniously. it's a self reparing system we're at war with. Leave any part in tact and the entire thing just grows again in short order.
As a person who has recently had an infected tooth pulled I can tell you that sometimes the infection lingers even after the root is gone.
People misunderstand me when I comment on why it's taking so long so I'll be more clear. We should hunt these people and kill them on sight until they are all dead. I'm talking make a list and have an F-22 drop a JDAM on the fuckers if need be. Anyone that is nearby isn't an innocent.
But I guess I'm a little bit of a hawk... :)
Yesss it's like killing off all the baby aliens that are in the egg sacs without killing off the Queen Bitch that's laying all those eggs.
Although it's possible that one of the overlords may be possessing Hillary's body.
Not Trump. The Trump family have been working for the white hats for generations.
What if I told you that the reason why Trump got ANY Media attention at the beginning of the 2016 Republican Primary is because Clowns thought Trump was on his side. And that his primary goal was to ensure Jeb! didn't win.
Reconcile with how chummy Trump + Morning Joe was before the NH Primary. Reconcile the fallout later. Understand all the algorithm boosted "Trump Ownz Jeb at debate" videos that were created and pushed. Those channels are now barren/videos are deleted.
You underestimate the vastness of Clown World if you believe Trump could've held his fortune and fame while openly being against them.
Wait wait wait.
Guess I need to complete the thought process.
Why did Trump have some Clowns in the cabinet? He couldn't get an entire clean crew appointal through Congressional approval. Not how Washington worked. Tit for tat, he got some whitehats, for putting some blackhats up. Trump did incredible despite all that, and by 2019, whitehats were all around.
So, Elon's rise to fame. 1000% Clown doing. He was in charge of Clown Funding Ops. His, precursor to Paypal, came out 1.5 months before Columbine. Very dark stuff. Clowns don't make him a comic-book type young CEO of 4 seperate industries if they weren't confident he was in their pocket.
He Flipped, March 2018. Anons would rather say, "Once a Clown, always a Clown". Why? Because anons are lazy. It takes active decoding to track Flips in Comms.
How much research have you done on the Trump family? On Donald Trump himself? Here is a link to a sample of what you may not know.
I like to picture a marionet being controlled by another marionet being controlled by a human.
Where the middle marionet would be public facing scumbags like 0bama and co. Def scumbags, def not the scumbags in charge. All the public scumbags are too stupid imo.
The truth, as we've been shown rather comprehensively, is that national personalities, of any nation, are never more than chump level minions.
The biggest player is The Devil himself. Aka Your Ego. And he hides in the last place you will ever look. Inside you. Regardless how the current drama resolves, The Devil will hardly be beat until we look inside ourselves.
^^^This anon knows.
This is what will take our lifetimes to reveal to everyday people. I think that's why things will get really bad. Really really bad. People are in need of a spiritual awakening that they zealously deny, rebuke and accost. So it is going to take an reality shattering shock to knock these people awake. People like us will suffer to wake them, I pray it is my repentance to sit in the kingdom of God one day. The hardest discipline to get there is loving all and having compassion. I'm but a human trying to ascend lol.
Yep I looked and he’s in there, so what do I do about it? Arrrggg!
Play chess with him. You can only get better by playing someone better.
So... we should all play with ourselves?
This board never disappoints when we’re grappling with life and death and the war of all time I can still get a laugh.
Well said...the only devil is the one you project from your mind. The Egyptian book of thread understand this and warns of the devil's you meet in the after death states are from your own mind.
Something something Israel is being saved for last
That Q drop was interesting. Why would the Jwwws be so into bad things? They are God's chosen people and one would think they would have the world by the nads. God gave them everything, yet they continually do the wrong thing!! Why? Is their faith not too deep? Or do they think they are better than God? But a lot of bad people are in Israel and I'm sure Q and the crew are going to clean that house, too.
Full disclosure: I'm not religious, so take this for what it's worth.
I'm reminded of Revelation 2:9:
This chapter (kind of unfortunately?) goes on to say in verse 10:
However, while looking this up, I was interested to see the same phrasing in the next chapter, with an interesting coincidence(?) in the name of the church being written to. From Chapter 3:
(All emphasis mine.)
It seems to me that many of the cabal fit the description of "those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan." They certainly don't care about following the laws of the Old Testament or being a good person, but simply gaining power by any sick means possible.
It is conceivable -- but this is just something that occurred to me, and by no means am I claiming this is definitely the case -- that the name Philadelphia is not just a coincidence. As we all know, it was where the first Congress met to draft the Constitution -- the metaphorical birthplace of America. I will say that this scenario seems to work out more happily than the last one. I will also add that we "Philadelphians" could certainly use such a resounding victory over the "Synagogue of Satan."
All that said, I want to reiterate that I'm not religious. Even if you are, nobody can be sure if my half baked theory is correct, or if Earth actually has another 5,000 years before the real Apocalypse. Either way, it would be unwise to just count on the cavalry to come save the day. There's a reason that "God helps those who helps themselves" became a saying. Thanks for coming to my talk.
Rev 3:9 says the same thing
The gates of hell won't stand before the Church of Christ - Jesus doesn't say there's a religion that will stand against the gates of hell.
Good for you not being religious, religion makes God look bad and divides his peoples.
... or so we’ve been told or led to believe that they are God’s chosen people. I’m going to go with everything that we’ve been told up until this point has been a manipulation and a lie. So who knows exactly.
The chosen people are the Israelites who departed the holy land, many thousands of years ago. They became the Rus, the Vikings, The Celts, etc etc.
Fair and ruddy, they departed as families and went their separate ways, establishing themselves to the far north. The history was forgotten until Christ Jesus came along and his word was received by them, once again they thrived anew, building the great kingdoms of the last two thousand years...
The modern Jews are something else entirely. Our (European) heritage is glorious and godly, but hidden, usurped, and those adversaries seek to completely destroy any hope of its rediscovery... plotting for example, great wars between us... etc. etc.
The people of God are the ones of followed God (Christ). The rest are leftover people who rejected God and followed the world.
No they were not gods chosen people. The elohim said they could choose which commander they wanted to be under...slaves of...and Jacobs tribe..part of is ra el chose yahweh ..the war commander and if you look at the book of Psalms it is there in black and white what this wicked alien promised to do to for these people..
.the money system gave them dominion over the it and weep.rothschilds banks etc...only now being defeated and countries going on the gold standard.
JFK had just signed for the American green backed gold dollar two days before he was publically shot and it was quietly shelved. Who do you think ordered the death of JFK?
Who ordered gadaffi killed...lots of gold ..was going against Rothschild and building an African nation on gold standard.
Russia threw the Rothschilds banking system you think it's a coincidence boris Johnson talking about nuking Russia? Now they are on the gold standard as are other Brics countries....the end of the aliens? Hi hope so
Twitter Link
Hillary in the young Hill and Bill photo looks like that scrambled-faced queen on the playing card - those bizarre lines under her eyes.
Intriguing point. Comms? Their symbology will be their downfall. She who would be queen has fallen.
Well I could have told you that...
If we know who they are, if the public has even heard of them, then they're not the puppeteers.
The only way to stop those puppet masters is to cut the strings of their puppets. Obama and Hillary must absolutely be made to pay, it doesn't matter if they were just following orders. The puppets being thrown into the rubbish lets those in the shadows know we're not gonna let them get away with it any more.
JE Dyer is a woman
Now I know, thanks.
I bet you Gen Michael Flynn knows...
Obama and Hillary are but pawns on the chess board!
Soon they'll be butt pawns in the big house!
Me hopes...
A “Podcast 2.0” link for this show:
Podcasting 2.0 apps:
It's P Aka Pindar / Payseur
P = Pope
Yes I know, we all know. The point is that it's getting out into the public.
No thanks, just take out the puppets and then their masters will be powerless. If people try to make the argument that Obama and Hillary were just taking orders from someone above them I'm going to lose my shit. They 100% better see life in prison, at a MINIMUM. We have the evidence on them, make a freakin move already.
For clarification, the puppets include the entirety of Congress and anyone in DC at this point. They all have to go to make their puppeteers powerless. Same goes for the EU.
Ty fren! Interesting will have to update myself on this one
WOW....big thanks fren for supplying this link...the March 30 episide...starting at 37 minutes and running....NEXT 10 MINUTES are literally CLIFF NOTES on how Hillary, Comey-struck-baker, etc IN ADDITION TO Hillary's ATTY are all interwoven to CONCOCT & RUN WITH "RUSSIA RUSSIA" to try to take down Trump's ability to be #45....quite interesting all the tentacles....
So as a child when I asked my grandfather, "who killed jfk?" all those years ago, he wasn't lying.
"We did" {meaning the Italians}
The CIA ..MI6 ...
The power structure of Evil looks something like this: Satan -> Demons/Minons not of our World, possibly even Evil Extra Terrestrials. Then the Paysuers, Rothschilds, Saudi Royalty, etc. (the 13 families). Then pawns of these families like Presidents, Prime ministers, Supreme Court members, CEO’s of companies, Heads of 3 letter organizations and militaries, Hollywood, Professional musicians and athletes, etc. then it spews on down to more local authorities like local lawyers, judges, cops, teachers, doctors, etc. who are on their payroll.
Damn, I just realized this said Elias and not Elon.
"huge fish"
"bigger than Obama"
What do you do with fish? You fry...
This comes across as:
"There are bigger fish to fry than just Obama"
No. Outside. Comms. Obama is THE fish to fry.... Something here smells... Fishy....
The devil probably is the mastermind.
Sounds like they are trying to give Hillary and Obama a pass to me.
Following orders is not an excuse.
Can you post a link to this?
unfettered brick layers
Maybe investigate the Summerian tablets, where all the Bible stories originate, and see how our civilization was formed. Why it was formed, and who wants it ruined to their advantage. Really eye opening information, but must be read with a completely open mind. Remember, for years many of us were happy with our life. When this info started coming out, it was tough to fathom, but proof is showing us even though it may be far fetched, it is still the truth. WWG1WGA!!!!!
If you read the Book of Enoch, you'll see Sumerian mythology changed up the stories to make the bad guys look good and the good guys look bad.
Maybe do a little research to find the Sumerian tablets were written well before the bible. Now, I can also use your wording on the mythology of the Bible. When Constantine assembled the books of the Bible in 425AD, why didn’t he include all of them?
I've done plenty of research, and the Sumerians are the Babylonians. There's a reason secular scholars are terrified to call them by their real name and stick with Sumerians and Mesopotamians.
Book of Enoch and Gensis state the fallen angels played around with DNA. The Babylonians don't exactly deny that.
Because he wasn't truly Christian. He incorporated pagan traditions, including sun worship, into Christianity.
Book of Enoch. Are you Morman?
Not at all.
The Mormons have a book in their Bible called the Book of Moses which mentions Enoch but has nothing to do with the actual Book of Enoch.
Looks like you've got more digging to do.
Having been involved in an evangelical Baptist church for over 10 years, I then woke up to realize the mythology of the Bible. After learning of the knowledge in the Summerian tablets, I can now see where the Bible stories come from. As my sister is still a believer, I will say to you what I say to her. We will agree to disagree. I do not hold your beliefs against you, nor will I mock you. Have a great day. WWG1WGA!
It's funny you say that.
I was raised Roman Catholic. In my teenage years, I came to the conclusion Christianity was fake because of countless contradictions I found between the Bible and the traditions. The "one true Church" taught Mary was the Queen of Heaven and was assumed into heaven, which is nowhere to be found in the Bible.
I still remember the day I made up my mind about this.
We were singing the following hymn during the May Crowning Ceremony-
I can still hear this music in my head and still know all the lyrics over 30 years later.
We were placing a crown of roses on a statue of Mary as part of the ceremony. Even though the Bible specifically bans the worship of graven images, we were taught this ceremony wasn't worship, but merely "veneration."
Crowning the statue seemed ridiculous to me once I actually thought about it. Realizing the Pope could just declare something ex cathedra such as Mary's supposed Assumption and it would be declared true without any Biblical support led me to believe it was all a sham.
In my college years, I studied world religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Confucianism, Shintoism, etc., and eventually became an agnostic who was into conspiracy theories as a hobby.
Note- I never looked into Protestantism because I assumed the various denominations were simply splinter groups from the "one true Church" composed of people who wanted to eat steak on Fridays during Lent, get remarried without obtaining an anullment, etc.
It was actually an atheist who asked me what NIV stood for that led me back to the Bible.
He assumed I was Christian for some reason and attacked me for being a poor excuse for a Christian after I told him I knew NIV was an acronym for a specific Bible translation but I didn't know what it stood for.
I explained I wasn't a Christian, which stopped the discussion in its tracks.
However, now I just had to know what NIV stood for, because that's the kind of person I am. As soon as I got home (no smart phones in those days), I Googled NIV and discovered a rabbit hole I'd never seen before. People battling over which version of the Bible was correct, etc.
My search ultimately led to a video which highlighted verses which had been changed in the "modern" Bibles based on the "oldest, most reliable" translations. I discovered many of the changed verses contained contradictions which were what led me to reject Christianity in the first place.
I was angered and outraged by this discovery. I had been lied to.
Ultimately, I began to study the Bible again, but what truly convinced me of the truth contained in Scripture was the Isaiah 46 challenge.
Isaiah 46:9-11
9 Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me,
10 Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:
11 Calling a ravenous bird from the east, the man that executeth my counsel from a far country: yea, I have spoken it, I will also bring it to pass; I have purposed it, I will also do it.
I began to study prophecy.
One of the already fulfilled prophecies I discovered absolutely blew me away.
Ezekiel 26:1-6
1 And it came to pass in the eleventh year, in the first day of the month, that the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,
2 Son of man, because that Tyrus hath said against Jerusalem, Aha, she is broken that was the gates of the people: she is turned unto me: I shall be replenished, now she is laid waste:
3 Therefore thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Tyrus, and will cause many nations to come up against thee, as the sea causeth his waves to come up.
4 And they shall destroy the walls of Tyrus, and break down her towers: I will also scrape her dust from her, and make her like the top of a rock.
5 It shall be a place for the spreading of nets in the midst of the sea: for I have spoken it, saith the Lord God: and it shall become a spoil to the nations.
6 And her daughters which are in the field shall be slain by the sword; and they shall know that I am the Lord.
It's one thing to predict the destruction of a city. It's something else to predict the remains of the city would be cast into the sea and become a premium fishing spot.
Tyre was destroyed by Babylon but was not tossed into the sea. Nearly 200 years passed, but then this happened-
Prophecy fulfilled.
Is there a "God"? Or was "God" made up to unite peoples? Inquiring minds want to know without having to resort to reading the Summerian tablets.
Many gods. One over each Sumerian city. That's why the Bible is sometimes so oddly worded. Like this:
I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name
Yeah, it's name is SATAN
Astronaut pointing gun meme
Is that the meme that ends all memes?
Always has been
Oh that would be glorious. King Faud giving it to Bathhouse Barry while a whole like of sheep fuckers stand in line waiting. And the fluffers are goats
Please name them.
Aldobrandini (Swiss Bank), Borja, Breakspear (Broke it, didn't like shake it), Chigi, Conti, Colonna (Columbus, Collins, Cohen, Kohn, Khan etc.), Este, Farnese (Most powerful at least prior to Trump takedown), Gaetani, Medici, Orsini (Rothschilds, Rockefellers etc would be here as would offshoots the Toms Cruise and Hanks), Pamphili & Somaglia.
Yes they all sound Italian because they've been residing in Italy for the past 500+ years. Made Venezia from the ashes of Phoenecia.
I did a deep dive maybe 5 years ago involving the Venetians and your post tickles me. I have never ever seen or heard anyone else point out who the Venetians really are.
About the time these boards were heavy into discussing US the nation vs US the corporation, and who else is a corporation, and which corp owns which other corps, etc., I started researching this and admirity law. Both led me to the Venetians.
And a deep dive on them revealed Phoenecia. Amazing. Great post!
Maritime Admiralty Law is the lie which we've been subject to the past 200+ years. It's time to return us to the law of the land or God's laws. Any laws made by man are fraudulent!
I don't think it's admiralty law, I think it's British Common Law in-fact. It's my belief that "judges" are lesser British nobility. Whenever someone here wants to become a "lawyer" to "practice" "law," they must register with the British Accredited Registry/Registrar, thus becoming a British agent. Who really won in 1812? We might be captured.
Your flag being that of the East India Company through and through was a subtle hint.
Wow. This is an eye-opener. I never knew this:
My flag?
Esquire, a title of nobility. Could certainly be British.
I really had no knowledge of Phoenicia before reading your comment. So I looked it up, turns out Tyre used to be its most prominent city, now Tyre, I have heard about. Ezekiel 28: 1-19. The prophecy is directed to the king of Tyre/Phoenicia and his future destructions. What’s interesting is the first half describes the current king while the second half sort of jumps to a description of Satan himself, giving an impression that the king of Tyre and Satan were one in the same or at least the king of Tyre/Phoenicia was invoking the power of Satan for his own power….
Miles Mathis writes a lot about the Phoenicians.
This is east vs west. The war is truly time immemorial.
Any links were retards like me can learn and spread this great info?
Thank you for listing them! I've never seen them listed anywhere before.
I read them off to my husband, and he said these are the same families that are evil in the Assassin's Creed video game series.
Hiding truth in plain sight (as their belief system requires)
Also means if you bring any of this info up to people normies can just fall back on "that's the plot of Assassin's Creed you moron!" as a defense.
They have to tell us what they're doing. They've been doing it via tv shows and movies for decades. Even in the silents. As long as we pay to see it they take it that we give our assent. Look how they shovel out 'Walking Dead' tv and similar movies all the time. Those stories are like watching their playbook.
Hook, line, and sinker.
I would recommend your husband plays Trails of Cold Steel. So much hidden info in that game.
Assassins is good too.
Thank you! I let him know. He said he's not played that game before, but it sounds familiar.
I should add the British Royal Family the Windsors are also Orsini.
Farneses have had the most white Popes (the public one) while the Orsinis have had most Grey Popes (true power). Farneses own the Pentagon and most militaries across the world.
The Colonna family owns (owned) the corporation of the US.
thanks for the ADDITIONAL NAMES and connecting the dots to "who actually runs the world"...AND COUNTRIES and ELECTIONS...OMG...had no idea this was so extensive and for how long this crap has been going on (like forever)
It is time to take them down, if they are that evil; and they appear to be that evil. If we, the good guys, know the players what is stopping us. Or are there many, many more we don't know about yet?
The black nobility as it were
Interesting and informative!
Thank you! I tried to pack as much as I could with a short post. :)
KEEP PUTTING IT OUT well as "new interest items" so the rest of us who have no clue...CAN BE INFORMED & share the heck out of this stuff :-)
13th Ghost.
The visual of Saudi Princes running a Houston 500 on Obama is glorious. If only I had the artistic genius of memery...
Ty for being specific and non racial.