At the point we are now, I'd welcome an alien invasion. Can you imagine the response if an alien said, "Take me to your leader."? 300 million hands would point to DC.
Yes, came here to say this. From what I can recall from a documentary I watched about 2.5 years ago (I'm trying to find it again)... Project Blue beam was supposed to be used as the next big distraction, which would force all of humanity to unite against a higher threat (potentially staged attacks). During this time some "religious tablets" are supposed to be found which will prove and attempt to create a one world religion.
But here the thing... MAJIC EYES QNLY does some research and seems to think that there is actually an alien race waiting to make contact. These aliens have been waiting for us to deal with the cabal before we are allowed to interact with other civilizations. We are pretty much quarantined because we have too many dark things happening on our planet, and the cabal is in communication with evil interdimentional beings (CERN?). Apparently there is a group called Majestic 12 tasked with hiding and now disclosing the existence of alien life to the general population, preparing humanity for first contact.
So... Just some thoughts on this subject... Did the cabal create operation Blue Beam to create fear and mistrust in the general population if the aliens do attempt to make contact.... Or is it actually leaked documents of their true agenda to help bring in a one world government?
I guess if things escalate we'll find out if these "UFO'S" try to make contact, or if they immediately start becoming violent creating more fear and panic.
If you follow any space conspiracies it's easy to see that Elon is acting as disclosure agent for electric vehicles, neurolink, AI, Mars etc. Basically all the black military inventions (reverse engineered alien tech) that are owned by private corporations contracted with military are starting to make it to the public domain.
Also, space force is "space and time force" and have access to essentially a quantum entangled AI that exists at two points in time.
Something like that wouldn't be on the History Channel. I have no real opinion on Giorgio Tsoukalos, but they use people like that to misdirect people away from doing their own research on aliens and our potential origins.
Something like that wouldn't be on the History Channel.
Umm fren, the annunaki narrative is literally the main narrative that garbage show pushes on the public. The only "speaker" on that show that didn't parrot the annunaki narrative was LA Marzulli. And that's why History Channel voided his contract in season one, because he is an advocate for the Genesis 6 theory.
Operation "Blue Beam" was a fable cooked up by a conspiracy fabulist. There is no evidence for any such operation. The rest of this is fantasy. Majestic 12 is another make-believe boogeyman. CERN is the world's most expensive waste of electricity, and nothing more.
There is absolutely nothing new about UFOs. All the primary work was documented in the 1960s. The recent media attention is just a distraction for the ignorant and gullible.
I wasn't stating that I believed in any of these theories, just pointing out information related to these apparent events.
If certain scenarios begin to unfold in any particular way related to Operation Blue Beam, such as a staged alien attack and finding new religious tablets proclaiming a new religion... It would be painfully obvious what was happening.
If aliens revealed themselves and wanted to have peaceful relations with our race, it could be discovered Majestic 12 had been working to push first contact on our civilization behind the scenes.
Yes, "UFO's" could also just be a media distraction, and won't amount to any further escalating situations.
These are hypothetical events, which, if any begin to unfold in those specific ways, would lend credibility to those "conspiracy theories".
You seem pretty determined to shut down any discussion you dont agree with. I don't care who you claim to be, barely anyone (or no one) knows 100% what the truth is around this planet, even if you apparently "almost had Q clearance". Anyone claiming indisputable knowledge on this forum is highly suspect.
Do you know who claims undeniable knowledge that cant be disputed? Our MSM and their so-called "experts". Facebook and old Twitter with their fact-checkers. Why are you on a Q forum and not Did someone tell you to squash anything that they found distasteful?
Anyone who claims to know 100% that aliens don't exist is claiming to be as knowledgeable as God themself. We haven't explored the whole universe, and our governments probably haven't either. Consider the vastness of space, there's always a possibility.
So what is your agenda here? Clearly it isn't to have open and honest discussions. You are forcing on people what you, or someone else, has determined as the "truth". Sorry man, I don't trust you.
No, you trust people who don't know anything. All this alien and UFO stuff is Old News. The MSM are simply reaching back into the 1960s and replaying the stuff that was new back then. Were you alive then? I was, and I was following the topic closely. Everyone today acts like a child, looking for aliens under his bed. That's not the way it has been, and is not likely to be the way it will be.
But I haven't expressed any Final Word on the existence of aliens. I have discouraged any fantasy that they are in communication with us, since there is no evidence. For one thing, there would be no time for politics as usual. I recall reading that Lenin once remarked that if alien life were to contact us, there would be no politics as we understand the term. As much as I dislike Lenin, that was probably a good insight.
I have no agenda other than the truth and realism. When I see foolish fantasy dressed up as "one man's opinion," I challenge it. Not all opinions are of equal credibility, and too many on this page think that fervor trumps actual knowledge. Even the moderators understand that fringe conspiracy fantasies are stupid distractions. On which account, they urge fringers to be deported. Seems a bit harsh; I'm more inclined to dialogue, but bullet-headed ignorance is hard to deal with.
I seem to recall that he made the remark to H. G. Wells, but that sounds questionable in retrospect. Or Wells was the one to report the remark. He would have appreciated it.
There's nothing to that notion, which is about 75 years old. We are having a hard enough time fielding conventional aircraft...and you think we have revolutionary technology in a closet somewhere, ready to pop out at a moment's notice? From an industrial logistics standpoint, that is ridiculous. We are busting our balls trying to develop hypersonic missiles and aircraft---all of which would be obsolete already if we had "UFO technology." We don't. The government flunked the challenge of making reusable launch vehicles. We had to let the capitalist market do that. What can be done is all out in the open, and it's not easy.
What utter tosh there has clearly been a secret space program being developed with all that lovely black money. There are enough credible whistleblowers and video of TR3B flying Triangles. Other country's have never covered it up like the USA.
Chile, Brazil and France to name a few.
They are clearly preparing a fake UFO event though.
And you know all this, how? There is no concealing a space launch, and all the payloads are identified. Some have been for secret programs, as it comes out after the fact, but not so much currently. The X-37 has been engaged in secret missions, but what are they? You certainly don't know.
A "credible whistleblower" is indistinguishable from (1) an incredible whistleblower, (2) someone who can't keep a secret---and is thus untrustworthy, or (3) someone who is clueless but self-deceived. There is no official designation of "TR3B." If there are undisclosed aircraft operating, maybe so---but they are only aircraft. And how do you know what programs, if any, were covered up by other nations?
You don't have any tangible evidence of something specific. What may be secret is not likely to be any more amazing than what has been held secret in the past (and subsequently revealed). What preparations for a fake UFO event? You are projecting your own imagination on a blank screen.
Carol Rosin Werner Von Braun' colleague stated he told her of the plan to usher in a New World Order and its final attempt would be a fake Alien invasion.
Of course i don't know if its true but how you are claiming there is nothing happening is laughable.
You seem very dogmatic about this. There is nothing new about UFO's, so they do exist?
I agree with you that the media attention is a huge false flag, it seems as if this is the only card the DS has to play, if this is seen for what it is then they are out of ammo, then they will start to destroy everything.
If they have to die they will take us with them, we have to be careful.
It's just that I have seen it all before, but the press is playing it like it was all newborn. Where do you think the "The X-Files" got its story lines from? And that was 30 years ago.
Trick question. What does it mean to say "UFOs exist"? Plenty of strange things have been observed and photographed. But if they are anything tangible remains a mystery, particularly if they have any origin or creators.
It's the farthest thing from a "false flag." It is pop trivia, a distraction. "For what it is?" How can that be determined? They are as real now as they were 75 years ago, and just as unexplained. There is no reason a distraction cannot be honest events. And there is no basis for anticipating apocalypse. Don't get carried away with your imagination.
You are the one who is not paying attention---at least to what I wrote. I have been paying attention for the past 60 years. And I have a solid scientific background. You don't know enough about the subject or my background to justify your statement. Everything I said is factual.
Sorry. No sale. I've been watching for over 60 years and it hasn't gotten any more convincing than Commando Cody serials. As popular as it was, Star Trek was perhaps the least convincing. The sets could have been cardboard cut-outs, but we forgave all that with our willingness to suspend belief. And every alien was identified by a distinctive wrinkly forehead.
It always bothered me that ET's only ever want to deal with the worst elements of humanity, work from the shadows and never reveal themselves to the public.
Theres no way an ET could make it all the way to Earth and not have the surveillance technology to know the humans they are making deals with are totally corrupt scumbags.
Like a day or so after I believe. Russian Orathadox pope and Catholic pope from what I remember at the same time. A few others which were probably memory holed
I've studied the UFO/Abduction phenomenon for 30 years. Project Blue Beam is the hypothesis of a french author and nothing more. Unclear to me why it has become part of the consciousness, but there's nothing substantive behind it. And I would directly challenge anyone to substantiate it with anything beyond the musings of that author.
That's like trying to tell us to prove that the government would mass sacrifice thousands of people to get us into a war in the middle east on September 10th, 2001. If there's no information out there, then it cannot be proven.
He didn't ask for proof, just evidence. There's plenty of evidence for 9/11 being the government, and plenty of logical explanation to back up the idea with. The only evidence isn't hard "proof". This is the lie of modern science. Is there ANY type of proof for project blue beam outside of what the other guy said?
To be clear, I don't know a lot about the topic and don't have my mind made up either way, just pointing out that there are levels and types of evidence between "some guy said it" and "concrete, undeniable proof". It doesn't have to be 2 to convince people who aren't convinced by 1.
It is psychology. Wishful thinking will take any suggestion and elevate it to accepted fact ("Is it so? It might be so. It should be so. It must be so."). And then get offended when the reality of the fantasy is mentioned. The crowd on this site have a great need for an earthly savior, whether it is Q, White Hats, secret technology, or Aliens. It is wish-fulfillment fantasy.
I share your concern. But I advise against thinking of this as a "clown world." We are not up against ridiculous boobs; we are up against genocidal psychopaths. They are like the Joker character in Batman stories---except they do not favor fancy clothes or bizarre makeup. However, considering Rachel Levine and the now-fired Sam Brinton, the bizarre aspects are coming out for viewing. This is not funny. It is pathological, and extremely dangerous. But I don't think you disagree.
The people in control aren't clowns, but they made the world into a "clown world" to make it easier to destroy.
But I generally agree with what you say here. The people we're fighting against are very, very evil, and very competent at executing that evil. Not clowns themselves by any means.
I was talking to JackieDaytona74 about people who insist that their fantasy is real. I have no problem with the uncommitted. I am one myself (but I don't bother with fantasies). Psychology is revealed by what people say and the arguments they make. It doesn't require telepathy.
It's assuming that people who directly argue a position believe the position, and are committed. I've presented plenty of arguments I'm not fully convinced on, without making explicitly clear I'm not a full believer in the theory/idea.
Devil's advocate has value, and pushing discussion forward does as well. One need not say this is what they're doing for that to be true.
Yes. It is taking people at their word. Otherwise, they are liars and frauds. But I am talking about people who insist their fantasy is real...not that it is some kind of hypothetical horse for a sophomoric bullshit session.
One need not say anything for all manner of facts to be true. What is the meaning of that point? It is like saying "the sky is blue" or "two plus two equals four."
I don't need to preface every comment I make with a big fat disclaimer stating I'm playing Devil's Advocate, or am simply attempting to open up discussion on theories, to not be a liar or fraud.
And you're making a difference where I see none. You say you're talking about people specifically insisting something is true with no proof. I'm saying that you're conflating people who do this with people who don't, but who both present their posts in a similar way.
Edit: To be clear, I don't even do this regularly if at all, but the people who do are not your punching bag.
They stuck me in Langley the entire time I was in the service and injected me with God knows what. Maybe their mind control bobbledegook, kek. I'm sure I've always been on some kind of list, not being a sheep and whatnot.
The Twitter bans seem like they extend well past just being on a list, the people who have been banned under musk are under active federal investigation for "crimes", watch your back, be prepared to defend yourself against arrest with force. They are coming for you.
I'm looking back through my tweets now and I'm wondering if it's because of the New Vegas Legion "degenerates like you belong on a cross" GIF in response to the Reddit Lies account posting a screenshot of a redditor/teacher defending grooming.
Seems they took down the GIF entirely. :(
spez: nvm, it doesn't let me load any of my meme responses.
A fake “alien Invasion” is part of the Deep State plan as the very last ditch effort to get people in line. There absolutely is an extraterrestrial presence in this world however they are not harming or doing “butt probes”. If you want the real story follow Dr. Steven Greer. If you want to make contact yourself, use his app ‘CE5 Contact’. I am waiting to be beamed up out this freaking place! Bahahahaha.
The account is verified, because… They paid eight dollars. And it’s not Elon musk that’s personally proving all of these accounts. I just find it interesting that a lot either takes credit for anything on Twitter now, or gets blamed for anything on Twitter now. It just doesn’t work that way.
I too was wondering what the original poster was referencing when he said verified by Elon Musk. I was hovering my mouse pointer over the blue checkmark waiting for a footnote to appear saying, "verified by Elon," but that never happened. Still, Elon may have endorsed this account in a Tweet or something. After all, it's claiming to be a Tesla AI bot. Its Tweets feel human to me, but perhaps it's that good.
Was thinking the same as you at first, but if it's really a bot it obviously can't pay 8 dollars to be verified. And if the rule is that you can't impersonate or make parody accounts without being listed as such, I'd think describing your account as "The Official Account of Tesla AI Bot" and making your handle @TeslaAIBot would get you banned if found out.
So what do we see with telescopes? What do we see with the naked eye? Are they stars whose light takes thousands of years to reach us, or are they lights as we know them and have developed them here on Earth?
They are stars. Too far away (measured by triangulation) to be terrestrial. This was settled when heliocentrism won out over geocentrism. Please read a text on astronomy.
Most don't even know how deep their religion goes beyond going to church and bible study. There are many, many unanswered questions, and the biggest one for me is the canonization of the holy bible. They can point to the pope and catholic church and call them demons yet still believe they have the authority from God to decide what is inerrant scripture and what isnt.
Throughout recorded History all over the globe for thousands of years and in EVERY culture known, there have been "those from the stars" to help guide and teach mankind. There are good and there are bad; the Ying-Yang is throughout the universe.
The US does have space-faring crafts backward designed from "others", but they are still limited compared to whats out there. The black triangle shaped crafts are ours. The rest, aren't.
Deprogram the bullshit, fren. There's much deeper explanations than what shallow minds have told you to believe.
There are UFO encounters and beings from other places in the Bible.
I would suggest you get to know it better.
Also, I never criticized God, that was your doing in weak defense of ignorance. I said, specifically, to "Deprogram the bullshit"; i.e. look beyond what you were told to believe by others. Break the control. Question everything. Learn. Understand beyond the box you're in. They want you dumb. Dont let them have that control.
I haven't even been to a church since before I can remember. I do listen to what others say on certain interpretations in the attempt to find what makes the most sense. My view is that the Bible is mostly literal, so the interpretations can't be too separated from what the words say and mean.
So, lets look at it this way: The Bible is an amalgamation of Historical fact, and allegories, meant to give spiritual compromise to many cultures the Church wished to subsume over the centuries. "Those in charge" have altered the Bible throughout History to ensure these outcomes and continues even today.
Is the Bible a literal source? Well, that's subjective to the reader/believer that is tempered and governed by their own knowledge of historical fact that went into the Bible from it's beginning. Yes, there are many literal Historical facts that have been revealed by Archaeology and Anthropology. There are also some...embellishments...meant to force a culture into Christianity or just to simply make a point.
Brief Examples:
Christmas has nothing to do with the literal Birth of Christ. It has everything to do with converting ancient Roman Pagan rituals (Saturnalia, specifically) and the people who practiced them into the Christian fold by Constantine's Newly formed Roman Catholic Church. It was meant to celebrate the Winter Solstice. Archaeology, Anthropology, Astronomers, and Theologic experts have all agreed that Christs birth was in September, not December, and is based on every old original text they could find describing the times, the stars, and cultures surrounding "the birth". So, to get them (the traditional pagans) into the fold they forced the new narrative to replace the old with the new....even though it was a lie...and even enacted harsh penalty upon those who would not convert.
Easter is the same as it has nothing to do with the death/resurrection of Christ. Easter is a pagan holiday of birth and renewal, of the Spring Equinox celebrated by the Anglo Saxon cultures. This is why you see Eggs, rabbits, and new chicks: these all represent birth and renewal in the original Anglo Saxon worship of the Goddess Eostre. Similarly, a forced narrative to replace an old Pagan ritual with the new Christian one to bring them into the Roman Catholic Church.
I chose these two as examples because they are universally well known as uniquely "Christian" Holidays, but there are many more all subsumed by those controlling Christianity and those who practice it by THEIR standard, not true Christianity.
It is difficult for the layman to know which is truth and which is fiction and just rely on "faith". Faith, coincidentally, is the constant drum beat lay-christians are told to believe in. This is fine, but it demands context which is never given to keep them from the truths of what they are placing faith, which is bad. The Bible has been altered into its current form countless times to be more palatable to the audience in which it is being used to control.
Proof? Look at how man versions of the Bible there are in just the Western World alone. If the Bible is infallible, and one true word of God, why isn't there ONE Bible everyone uses/agrees upon? Why splinter into so many fractional churches preaching their interpretations, rules, and penalties for not following "their" brand of faith with their own quirky rituals or rites of passage? Roman Catholic Church is a massive example of this with so many rituals, idols, and conditions for acceptance that it's more closely aligned with being a cult or secret organization.
Anyway, some fat to chew on that, perhaps, may lead to better understanding that will allow a more true path of faith: That God is within us all...not some brick and mortar building or some ordained interpreter (pastor) to lead us to God all the while preaching from a fractured and flawed position forced/handed to them from a few hundred years of careful manipulation.
All of this, plus more, can be researched by an inquisitive mind to fully understand the truths, and lies, that have been foisted upon Humanity by the Church and their minions for millennia. These are a microscopic sample of the things that I have found in my56 years of being here and I continue to seek for greater understanding of this world we live in. I believe, truly, this is what we are all here to do for greater expansion of spiritual growth as deigned by God. No, this is not "New Wave" (a slur used by those in control), but ancient Christian practice hidden and suppressed by the very ones "in control".
Last word: I do not expect anyone to take any of this at face value, so don't. Seek the truth of things. I have given only a step from which to begin and it is up to the individual to climb the entire stairway.
Doesn't answer any of my questions. Not even clear what the circumstances or location of the imagery was. It looks like technology, and that's about as far as one can go. Whose, or how, are unknown. Classic UFO, with no answers. (The written text is scientific gibberish.) It is not excluded that this is a hoax. A purported UFO contactee by the name of George Adamski made quite a reputation for himself before he was found out. This was back in the 1950s. Very compelling account with breathtaking photos and illustrative diagrams.
The link is just one they allowed you (us) to know. There are many more out there if you decide to pursue this rabbit hole. I wont do the work for you. Been there done that and I'm not being paid to teach you.
Sate your own skepticism like I had to do. It's the only way.
Boy, you really believe in dragons, don't you? Easily led by hoaxes or mysteries? What "work" is there to do, when the end product is ignorance? Major Donald Keyhoe did much more "work" than you have even hinted at, but I doubt you have read him. I am skeptical of fantastic interpretations, not of the existence of real phenomena. But real phenomena are the subject of science and must stand up to scientific scrutiny and standards of expectation.
An actual religious statement when we're not talking about actual religion, and also instantly denying something without thinking it through, because the Sky Man told you so.
Spoiler alert, if "aliens" are real at all, they're manifestations of satanic beings.
Any anyone here thinking they have actual knowledge about anything real in regards to aliens come across as nut jobs.
In regards to Q post 2222 ... Q says aliens are the highest classification and proceeds to tell you anything about it?
Use your brain. Fact: We know Q has to abide by laws. But somehow Q can verify the existence of something that has the "highest classification" security clearance? How does that make sense? How can Q break the law by telling you about it?
It's hypothesized that our galaxy alone has anywhere from 100 million to 400 million stars. Some won't have any planets orbiting, others will have twice the number as our solar system, and others even more. It would actually be disappointing if we're the only life in the entire universe.
We are a tiny spec in an ocean of stars. The universe is vast and created by the hand of God. There are many things that God did not tell us, He told us exactly as much as we needed to know. This does not mean that we are not supposed to learn more, it was simply the beginning. As the Children of God, we are supposed to grow, learn and stand up on our own. What he taught us must guide our actions throughout our growth. Remember the lessons and abide by them and they will carry you through all trials. The Universe is vast and God is infinite, how vain are we to assume we are his only children? IF there are extraterrestrials, they are simply siblings. Treat and respond to them as we have been instructed and whatever comes, will be. Of course, it would be awfully nice if we get our own house clean before guests arrive.
"This twitter account was verified by Elon Musk..."
It's just a paid blue checkmark, it costs like $10/mo — it says it if you click on it "This account is verified because it’s subscribed to Twitter Blue."
I can't get on board with the alien thing. I watched all the ancient alien shows but laughed at the alien theories. If they were really on to something the government would have shut that s down right from the beginning. It seems like more conditioning to me but who knows...
Contrary to the whole Bluebeam tale (notice that EVERY account in this thread bringing up Bluebeam is a handshake account), which I do consider a possibility for the general public's first introduction to extraterrestrials, I consider the Alien situation far more complex and unconsidered.
There are, of course, many different species of Alien.
If you'll consider the following, I'd encourage you to read the rest on r/reptiliandude.
For all of human history, we have been genetically modified by a reptilian species called the Kayeen (pronounced Cah-yeen). We have been modified to be more genetically similar to them so that our immunities to contagions could be harvested for profit for other species and so that we could be overwriteable by them. Mark of the beast is the final step in that row of ducks. There's too much to summarize, but if you consider this interesting, plausible, or possible I'd highly encourage reading through reptiliandude.
I’ve had 3 very solid sightings in my life. Saw the triangle through IR binocs*. There with the binocs on, gone to the naked eye. More recently I watched a plain white rectangle cruise right on over my town. It looked low…maybe 75-100 feet up and about the size of a van. That one was somehow weirder than the triangle. But the real mindblower looked biological, almost like a constantly morphing, color changing amoeba or jellyfish just hovering in the sky. This thing was very bizarre and I was filled with awe and a bit of fear. I watched it for a couple minutes, took my eyes off it for literally two seconds and when I looked again it was gone. I was so upset that I didn’t witness it zoom off or just blink out or whatever happened. The triangle I’m strongly assuming is man-made. The white rectangle, no idea. The “jellyfish”? That thing looked less like a craft and more like a being. If it was “ours”, we have some VERY strange and exotic stuff up there.
I saw lots of things using the IR binocs. The most notable and fascinating were the (up to basketball sized) “happy” seeming orbs that would float all around me. The most logical explanation is bugs, but I saw plenty of bugs too, and they appear as bugs. These were perfectly round, three dimensional spheres that by all appearances seemed curious and intelligent. But at the end of the day I have no idea wtf they were.
A couple if years ago, my husband and I were laying in the backyard looking up at the sky. Clear, sunny day and we were just relaxing. Very high. I saw this kind of iridescent dot. Hard to tell the shape because it was so high, but the color change you described reminded if it. Like when you see rainbow sheens in a puddle. It was moving at a pretty fast pace and not like a plane. I asked my husband if he saw it and after a pause he said he did. It didn't go away, but just kept moving within the general vicinity. We watched it for several minutes. Weird. I think my husband found a couple of videos online afterwards that had the same thing.
The literal significance of your statement is that the disclosure would be incomprehensible. I don't think there is any point to "disclosing" the incomprehensible. What would there be to disclose? How would anybody know what to disclose? How would we be any closer to comprehending anything?
Lesson: Don't let your rhetoric get in the driver's seat of your intellect.
As with every other thing in this world of duality, there are negative ETs that have been working with the cabal against humanity, and there are ones who most definitely are on our side.
Yes, a fake alien invasion was in their bag of dirty tricks, but at this point, I seriously doubt they have the resources to actually pull anything convincing off. Those of us who've been contemplating the presence of friendly Extra-Terrestrials would snicker with derision at whatever team dark could manage atm.
AND, we do have a Space Force and a Navy who know full well what's going on. They've been working with our Star Family to free this planet and Humanity from the evil that's plagued the Earth for a very long time.
It's okay if you don't believe that there's life in the Universe that isn't will soon.
Maybe we're the aliens. ( for fantasy sake, I don't really believe that). But for fantasy sake, maybe we wiped out the first men, in Atlantis. I'm sure I am not the first one to come up with that idea, sitting around and smoking a wacky sativa with friends.
Clif High has started mentioning the aliens a bit more recently.
I've been telling my normie friends for the past few years that I'm looking forward to the next phase with the aliens landing (and I'm sure they think I'm crackers) but then they thought I was crackers when I told them not to get the clot-shots.
How do we know it was verified by Elon? Is there some process you need to go through to get "verified" now? Either way, this would be Project Blue Beam.
We have a large group in the states right now that are NOT afraid of "probing". KEK
At the point we are now, I'd welcome an alien invasion. Can you imagine the response if an alien said, "Take me to your leader."? 300 million hands would point to DC.
I think if they were directed to go see Trump instead, he'd negotiate the sweetest deal ever. Tippy top deal.
Trump Towers on the Moon!
An interesting meme could be made with a play on the old "take my wife, please!"
Take my elected representative, please!
Good to know the aliens will be fluent in the many languages spoken on Earth.
Stay inside for 2 weeks so you don't catch the flu that the aliens have!
Space Flu!
And have us demanding a centralised global structure to deal with them.
UNSC of Halo lore.
This might work better than the climate lockdown idea.
Yes, came here to say this. From what I can recall from a documentary I watched about 2.5 years ago (I'm trying to find it again)... Project Blue beam was supposed to be used as the next big distraction, which would force all of humanity to unite against a higher threat (potentially staged attacks). During this time some "religious tablets" are supposed to be found which will prove and attempt to create a one world religion.
But here the thing... MAJIC EYES QNLY does some research and seems to think that there is actually an alien race waiting to make contact. These aliens have been waiting for us to deal with the cabal before we are allowed to interact with other civilizations. We are pretty much quarantined because we have too many dark things happening on our planet, and the cabal is in communication with evil interdimentional beings (CERN?). Apparently there is a group called Majestic 12 tasked with hiding and now disclosing the existence of alien life to the general population, preparing humanity for first contact.
So... Just some thoughts on this subject... Did the cabal create operation Blue Beam to create fear and mistrust in the general population if the aliens do attempt to make contact.... Or is it actually leaked documents of their true agenda to help bring in a one world government?
I guess if things escalate we'll find out if these "UFO'S" try to make contact, or if they immediately start becoming violent creating more fear and panic.
Here's one of Magic's videos: "FIRST CONTACT"
These are all deep state ploys to get you to look at the skies..instead of underground....which is where all the action comes from...
I'd like to add:
If you follow any space conspiracies it's easy to see that Elon is acting as disclosure agent for electric vehicles, neurolink, AI, Mars etc. Basically all the black military inventions (reverse engineered alien tech) that are owned by private corporations contracted with military are starting to make it to the public domain.
Also, space force is "space and time force" and have access to essentially a quantum entangled AI that exists at two points in time.
I feel the cabal serves spirits or demons rather than aliens. Why? All the symbolism points that way
Or demons masquerading as "aliens"
Yes absolutely So much we don't know about this universe!
We apparently had our DNA improved and beefed up by the Annunaki, who came here to make us slaves.
Sure, if you're to believe MSM's The History Channel...
Something like that wouldn't be on the History Channel. I have no real opinion on Giorgio Tsoukalos, but they use people like that to misdirect people away from doing their own research on aliens and our potential origins.
Umm fren, the annunaki narrative is literally the main narrative that garbage show pushes on the public. The only "speaker" on that show that didn't parrot the annunaki narrative was LA Marzulli. And that's why History Channel voided his contract in season one, because he is an advocate for the Genesis 6 theory.
I don't watch TV.
Watch Jason breshears he explains with masses of evidence where the Nordics come from...
Operation "Blue Beam" was a fable cooked up by a conspiracy fabulist. There is no evidence for any such operation. The rest of this is fantasy. Majestic 12 is another make-believe boogeyman. CERN is the world's most expensive waste of electricity, and nothing more.
There is absolutely nothing new about UFOs. All the primary work was documented in the 1960s. The recent media attention is just a distraction for the ignorant and gullible.
I wasn't stating that I believed in any of these theories, just pointing out information related to these apparent events.
If certain scenarios begin to unfold in any particular way related to Operation Blue Beam, such as a staged alien attack and finding new religious tablets proclaiming a new religion... It would be painfully obvious what was happening.
If aliens revealed themselves and wanted to have peaceful relations with our race, it could be discovered Majestic 12 had been working to push first contact on our civilization behind the scenes.
Yes, "UFO's" could also just be a media distraction, and won't amount to any further escalating situations.
These are hypothetical events, which, if any begin to unfold in those specific ways, would lend credibility to those "conspiracy theories".
You seem pretty determined to shut down any discussion you dont agree with. I don't care who you claim to be, barely anyone (or no one) knows 100% what the truth is around this planet, even if you apparently "almost had Q clearance". Anyone claiming indisputable knowledge on this forum is highly suspect.
Do you know who claims undeniable knowledge that cant be disputed? Our MSM and their so-called "experts". Facebook and old Twitter with their fact-checkers. Why are you on a Q forum and not Did someone tell you to squash anything that they found distasteful?
Anyone who claims to know 100% that aliens don't exist is claiming to be as knowledgeable as God themself. We haven't explored the whole universe, and our governments probably haven't either. Consider the vastness of space, there's always a possibility.
So what is your agenda here? Clearly it isn't to have open and honest discussions. You are forcing on people what you, or someone else, has determined as the "truth". Sorry man, I don't trust you.
No, you trust people who don't know anything. All this alien and UFO stuff is Old News. The MSM are simply reaching back into the 1960s and replaying the stuff that was new back then. Were you alive then? I was, and I was following the topic closely. Everyone today acts like a child, looking for aliens under his bed. That's not the way it has been, and is not likely to be the way it will be.
But I haven't expressed any Final Word on the existence of aliens. I have discouraged any fantasy that they are in communication with us, since there is no evidence. For one thing, there would be no time for politics as usual. I recall reading that Lenin once remarked that if alien life were to contact us, there would be no politics as we understand the term. As much as I dislike Lenin, that was probably a good insight.
I have no agenda other than the truth and realism. When I see foolish fantasy dressed up as "one man's opinion," I challenge it. Not all opinions are of equal credibility, and too many on this page think that fervor trumps actual knowledge. Even the moderators understand that fringe conspiracy fantasies are stupid distractions. On which account, they urge fringers to be deported. Seems a bit harsh; I'm more inclined to dialogue, but bullet-headed ignorance is hard to deal with.
I too remember the UFO "news" from the '60s. I agree with you and Lenin was right. The bastard.
I seem to recall that he made the remark to H. G. Wells, but that sounds questionable in retrospect. Or Wells was the one to report the remark. He would have appreciated it.
Crop circles
Hoaxes. Replicated by debunkers.
Can't help but wonder if UFO's are actually govt created crafts. Perhaps they should be called UGO's.
If you can't connect . Nazi. Tesla (nicoli) . free energy and Foo 'fighters. you need to re.examine the True history of the last 100 years.
of Course UFO's are Man Made.
There's nothing to that notion, which is about 75 years old. We are having a hard enough time fielding conventional aircraft...and you think we have revolutionary technology in a closet somewhere, ready to pop out at a moment's notice? From an industrial logistics standpoint, that is ridiculous. We are busting our balls trying to develop hypersonic missiles and aircraft---all of which would be obsolete already if we had "UFO technology." We don't. The government flunked the challenge of making reusable launch vehicles. We had to let the capitalist market do that. What can be done is all out in the open, and it's not easy.
What utter tosh there has clearly been a secret space program being developed with all that lovely black money. There are enough credible whistleblowers and video of TR3B flying Triangles. Other country's have never covered it up like the USA. Chile, Brazil and France to name a few. They are clearly preparing a fake UFO event though.
And you know all this, how? There is no concealing a space launch, and all the payloads are identified. Some have been for secret programs, as it comes out after the fact, but not so much currently. The X-37 has been engaged in secret missions, but what are they? You certainly don't know.
A "credible whistleblower" is indistinguishable from (1) an incredible whistleblower, (2) someone who can't keep a secret---and is thus untrustworthy, or (3) someone who is clueless but self-deceived. There is no official designation of "TR3B." If there are undisclosed aircraft operating, maybe so---but they are only aircraft. And how do you know what programs, if any, were covered up by other nations?
You don't have any tangible evidence of something specific. What may be secret is not likely to be any more amazing than what has been held secret in the past (and subsequently revealed). What preparations for a fake UFO event? You are projecting your own imagination on a blank screen.
Carol Rosin Werner Von Braun' colleague stated he told her of the plan to usher in a New World Order and its final attempt would be a fake Alien invasion. Of course i don't know if its true but how you are claiming there is nothing happening is laughable.
I know where 'some' of the black money goes, and unfortunately it isn't exciting. It's merely controversial.
You seem very dogmatic about this. There is nothing new about UFO's, so they do exist?
I agree with you that the media attention is a huge false flag, it seems as if this is the only card the DS has to play, if this is seen for what it is then they are out of ammo, then they will start to destroy everything.
If they have to die they will take us with them, we have to be careful.
It's just that I have seen it all before, but the press is playing it like it was all newborn. Where do you think the "The X-Files" got its story lines from? And that was 30 years ago.
Trick question. What does it mean to say "UFOs exist"? Plenty of strange things have been observed and photographed. But if they are anything tangible remains a mystery, particularly if they have any origin or creators.
It's the farthest thing from a "false flag." It is pop trivia, a distraction. "For what it is?" How can that be determined? They are as real now as they were 75 years ago, and just as unexplained. There is no reason a distraction cannot be honest events. And there is no basis for anticipating apocalypse. Don't get carried away with your imagination.
You are not paying attention. Your pragmatism is stifling your thinking.
You are the one who is not paying attention---at least to what I wrote. I have been paying attention for the past 60 years. And I have a solid scientific background. You don't know enough about the subject or my background to justify your statement. Everything I said is factual.
Sorry. No sale. I've been watching for over 60 years and it hasn't gotten any more convincing than Commando Cody serials. As popular as it was, Star Trek was perhaps the least convincing. The sets could have been cardboard cut-outs, but we forgave all that with our willingness to suspend belief. And every alien was identified by a distinctive wrinkly forehead.
Hums in GI Joe
Star Brigade Rock N Roll reporting for dooty! o7
Kerry went to alien HQ Antarctica during the election so...
Fallen angels. They may call themselves aliens, but they’re the fallen angels of the Bible.
They're all the same. Each civilization calls them something different. Learn to know when you're being manipulated.
And you know
It always bothered me that ET's only ever want to deal with the worst elements of humanity, work from the shadows and never reveal themselves to the public.
Theres no way an ET could make it all the way to Earth and not have the surveillance technology to know the humans they are making deals with are totally corrupt scumbags.
Have a search around for The Black Knight satellite.
The Annunaki/The Watchers.
How could we know that another species would come here with good, peaceful intentions?
draco reptillians :)
Well it is for demons and demon possessed people.
Like a day or so after I believe. Russian Orathadox pope and Catholic pope from what I remember at the same time. A few others which were probably memory holed
I've studied the UFO/Abduction phenomenon for 30 years. Project Blue Beam is the hypothesis of a french author and nothing more. Unclear to me why it has become part of the consciousness, but there's nothing substantive behind it. And I would directly challenge anyone to substantiate it with anything beyond the musings of that author.
That's like trying to tell us to prove that the government would mass sacrifice thousands of people to get us into a war in the middle east on September 10th, 2001. If there's no information out there, then it cannot be proven.
A study of human nature in all its forms tells us everything we need to know.
He didn't ask for proof, just evidence. There's plenty of evidence for 9/11 being the government, and plenty of logical explanation to back up the idea with. The only evidence isn't hard "proof". This is the lie of modern science. Is there ANY type of proof for project blue beam outside of what the other guy said?
To be clear, I don't know a lot about the topic and don't have my mind made up either way, just pointing out that there are levels and types of evidence between "some guy said it" and "concrete, undeniable proof". It doesn't have to be 2 to convince people who aren't convinced by 1.
It is psychology. Wishful thinking will take any suggestion and elevate it to accepted fact ("Is it so? It might be so. It should be so. It must be so."). And then get offended when the reality of the fantasy is mentioned. The crowd on this site have a great need for an earthly savior, whether it is Q, White Hats, secret technology, or Aliens. It is wish-fulfillment fantasy.
I share your concern. But I advise against thinking of this as a "clown world." We are not up against ridiculous boobs; we are up against genocidal psychopaths. They are like the Joker character in Batman stories---except they do not favor fancy clothes or bizarre makeup. However, considering Rachel Levine and the now-fired Sam Brinton, the bizarre aspects are coming out for viewing. This is not funny. It is pathological, and extremely dangerous. But I don't think you disagree.
The people in control aren't clowns, but they made the world into a "clown world" to make it easier to destroy.
But I generally agree with what you say here. The people we're fighting against are very, very evil, and very competent at executing that evil. Not clowns themselves by any means.
Plenty of people are perfectly capable of sitting comfortably at "it might be so" until further evidence is provided.
Maybe don't talk like you know people you know nothing about. Kinda ironic, in fact.
I was talking to JackieDaytona74 about people who insist that their fantasy is real. I have no problem with the uncommitted. I am one myself (but I don't bother with fantasies). Psychology is revealed by what people say and the arguments they make. It doesn't require telepathy.
It's assuming that people who directly argue a position believe the position, and are committed. I've presented plenty of arguments I'm not fully convinced on, without making explicitly clear I'm not a full believer in the theory/idea.
Devil's advocate has value, and pushing discussion forward does as well. One need not say this is what they're doing for that to be true.
Yes. It is taking people at their word. Otherwise, they are liars and frauds. But I am talking about people who insist their fantasy is real...not that it is some kind of hypothetical horse for a sophomoric bullshit session.
One need not say anything for all manner of facts to be true. What is the meaning of that point? It is like saying "the sky is blue" or "two plus two equals four."
I don't need to preface every comment I make with a big fat disclaimer stating I'm playing Devil's Advocate, or am simply attempting to open up discussion on theories, to not be a liar or fraud.
And you're making a difference where I see none. You say you're talking about people specifically insisting something is true with no proof. I'm saying that you're conflating people who do this with people who don't, but who both present their posts in a similar way.
Edit: To be clear, I don't even do this regularly if at all, but the people who do are not your punching bag.
They have taken over Mayor of Chicago.
No she has the Innsmouth look, Deep Ones come from below the sea.
I always thought she looked like one of those ugly pop-eyed goldfish and Maxine Waters looks like a gouper...
Beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice!
Do you mean Blinky the three-eyed fish from The Simpsons?
I'm thinking she may have taken them over....
It was subsumed.
I was for a week then they permabanned me with no explanation. Lul
The only reason you will be banned from twitter now is if you are under active federal investigation, watch your back.
They stuck me in Langley the entire time I was in the service and injected me with God knows what. Maybe their mind control bobbledegook, kek. I'm sure I've always been on some kind of list, not being a sheep and whatnot.
The Twitter bans seem like they extend well past just being on a list, the people who have been banned under musk are under active federal investigation for "crimes", watch your back, be prepared to defend yourself against arrest with force. They are coming for you.
Oh no, the rainbow mafia is after me. I guess I'll start living in fear now. 🤷♂️
I was banned twice under Musk for simply talking about trannies.
Edit: Not banned, to be clear, but my account was locked until I deleted my Tweets that hurt the trannies fee fee's.
I'm looking back through my tweets now and I'm wondering if it's because of the New Vegas Legion "degenerates like you belong on a cross" GIF in response to the Reddit Lies account posting a screenshot of a redditor/teacher defending grooming.
Seems they took down the GIF entirely. :(
spez: nvm, it doesn't let me load any of my meme responses.
A fake “alien Invasion” is part of the Deep State plan as the very last ditch effort to get people in line. There absolutely is an extraterrestrial presence in this world however they are not harming or doing “butt probes”. If you want the real story follow Dr. Steven Greer. If you want to make contact yourself, use his app ‘CE5 Contact’. I am waiting to be beamed up out this freaking place! Bahahahaha.
The account is verified, because… They paid eight dollars. And it’s not Elon musk that’s personally proving all of these accounts. I just find it interesting that a lot either takes credit for anything on Twitter now, or gets blamed for anything on Twitter now. It just doesn’t work that way.
I too was wondering what the original poster was referencing when he said verified by Elon Musk. I was hovering my mouse pointer over the blue checkmark waiting for a footnote to appear saying, "verified by Elon," but that never happened. Still, Elon may have endorsed this account in a Tweet or something. After all, it's claiming to be a Tesla AI bot. Its Tweets feel human to me, but perhaps it's that good.
Was thinking the same as you at first, but if it's really a bot it obviously can't pay 8 dollars to be verified. And if the rule is that you can't impersonate or make parody accounts without being listed as such, I'd think describing your account as "The Official Account of Tesla AI Bot" and making your handle @TeslaAIBot would get you banned if found out.
imagine thinking you know the absolute truth about anything.
Imagine not believing in absolute truths
Imagine believing in an absolute truth just because some talking head told you to believe it
I've never thought of it that way.
Still don't. 😉
So what do we see with telescopes? What do we see with the naked eye? Are they stars whose light takes thousands of years to reach us, or are they lights as we know them and have developed them here on Earth?
They are stars. Too far away (measured by triangulation) to be terrestrial. This was settled when heliocentrism won out over geocentrism. Please read a text on astronomy.
Imagine believing that a superior being created the earth, but also created a whole bunch of illusions to trick you into believing that space is a lie
Most don't even know how deep their religion goes beyond going to church and bible study. There are many, many unanswered questions, and the biggest one for me is the canonization of the holy bible. They can point to the pope and catholic church and call them demons yet still believe they have the authority from God to decide what is inerrant scripture and what isnt.
Is that true?
This is false.
Throughout recorded History all over the globe for thousands of years and in EVERY culture known, there have been "those from the stars" to help guide and teach mankind. There are good and there are bad; the Ying-Yang is throughout the universe.
The US does have space-faring crafts backward designed from "others", but they are still limited compared to whats out there. The black triangle shaped crafts are ours. The rest, aren't.
Deprogram the bullshit, fren. There's much deeper explanations than what shallow minds have told you to believe.
I hate to pick nits, but the generally accepted term is reverse-engineered, not backward designed.
God's mind is not shallow. I will follow that over my or your shallow mind any day.
There are UFO encounters and beings from other places in the Bible.
I would suggest you get to know it better.
Also, I never criticized God, that was your doing in weak defense of ignorance. I said, specifically, to "Deprogram the bullshit"; i.e. look beyond what you were told to believe by others. Break the control. Question everything. Learn. Understand beyond the box you're in. They want you dumb. Dont let them have that control.
Does looking "beyond what you were told to believe by others" include the Bible?
That was my assumption, forgive me if that is not what you meant.
That depends: Are you a self-taught Bible reader or a result of being told how to read the Bible by a church/pastor/others?
I am not trying to attack you here, but it is important to understand from which camp you're in to properly respond.
P.S. Yes, I believe in God.
I haven't even been to a church since before I can remember. I do listen to what others say on certain interpretations in the attempt to find what makes the most sense. My view is that the Bible is mostly literal, so the interpretations can't be too separated from what the words say and mean.
Sorry this took so long.
So, lets look at it this way: The Bible is an amalgamation of Historical fact, and allegories, meant to give spiritual compromise to many cultures the Church wished to subsume over the centuries. "Those in charge" have altered the Bible throughout History to ensure these outcomes and continues even today.
Is the Bible a literal source? Well, that's subjective to the reader/believer that is tempered and governed by their own knowledge of historical fact that went into the Bible from it's beginning. Yes, there are many literal Historical facts that have been revealed by Archaeology and Anthropology. There are also some...embellishments...meant to force a culture into Christianity or just to simply make a point.
Brief Examples:
Christmas has nothing to do with the literal Birth of Christ. It has everything to do with converting ancient Roman Pagan rituals (Saturnalia, specifically) and the people who practiced them into the Christian fold by Constantine's Newly formed Roman Catholic Church. It was meant to celebrate the Winter Solstice. Archaeology, Anthropology, Astronomers, and Theologic experts have all agreed that Christs birth was in September, not December, and is based on every old original text they could find describing the times, the stars, and cultures surrounding "the birth". So, to get them (the traditional pagans) into the fold they forced the new narrative to replace the old with the new....even though it was a lie...and even enacted harsh penalty upon those who would not convert.
Easter is the same as it has nothing to do with the death/resurrection of Christ. Easter is a pagan holiday of birth and renewal, of the Spring Equinox celebrated by the Anglo Saxon cultures. This is why you see Eggs, rabbits, and new chicks: these all represent birth and renewal in the original Anglo Saxon worship of the Goddess Eostre. Similarly, a forced narrative to replace an old Pagan ritual with the new Christian one to bring them into the Roman Catholic Church.
I chose these two as examples because they are universally well known as uniquely "Christian" Holidays, but there are many more all subsumed by those controlling Christianity and those who practice it by THEIR standard, not true Christianity.
It is difficult for the layman to know which is truth and which is fiction and just rely on "faith". Faith, coincidentally, is the constant drum beat lay-christians are told to believe in. This is fine, but it demands context which is never given to keep them from the truths of what they are placing faith, which is bad. The Bible has been altered into its current form countless times to be more palatable to the audience in which it is being used to control.
Proof? Look at how man versions of the Bible there are in just the Western World alone. If the Bible is infallible, and one true word of God, why isn't there ONE Bible everyone uses/agrees upon? Why splinter into so many fractional churches preaching their interpretations, rules, and penalties for not following "their" brand of faith with their own quirky rituals or rites of passage? Roman Catholic Church is a massive example of this with so many rituals, idols, and conditions for acceptance that it's more closely aligned with being a cult or secret organization.
Anyway, some fat to chew on that, perhaps, may lead to better understanding that will allow a more true path of faith: That God is within us all...not some brick and mortar building or some ordained interpreter (pastor) to lead us to God all the while preaching from a fractured and flawed position forced/handed to them from a few hundred years of careful manipulation.
All of this, plus more, can be researched by an inquisitive mind to fully understand the truths, and lies, that have been foisted upon Humanity by the Church and their minions for millennia. These are a microscopic sample of the things that I have found in my56 years of being here and I continue to seek for greater understanding of this world we live in. I believe, truly, this is what we are all here to do for greater expansion of spiritual growth as deigned by God. No, this is not "New Wave" (a slur used by those in control), but ancient Christian practice hidden and suppressed by the very ones "in control".
Last word: I do not expect anyone to take any of this at face value, so don't. Seek the truth of things. I have given only a step from which to begin and it is up to the individual to climb the entire stairway.
Space-faring craft? Designed from "others"? The black triangles (?) are ours? Any evidence for this string of implausibilities?
I gave you a link. Click it.
Doesn't answer any of my questions. Not even clear what the circumstances or location of the imagery was. It looks like technology, and that's about as far as one can go. Whose, or how, are unknown. Classic UFO, with no answers. (The written text is scientific gibberish.) It is not excluded that this is a hoax. A purported UFO contactee by the name of George Adamski made quite a reputation for himself before he was found out. This was back in the 1950s. Very compelling account with breathtaking photos and illustrative diagrams.
The link is just one they allowed you (us) to know. There are many more out there if you decide to pursue this rabbit hole. I wont do the work for you. Been there done that and I'm not being paid to teach you.
Sate your own skepticism like I had to do. It's the only way.
Boy, you really believe in dragons, don't you? Easily led by hoaxes or mysteries? What "work" is there to do, when the end product is ignorance? Major Donald Keyhoe did much more "work" than you have even hinted at, but I doubt you have read him. I am skeptical of fantastic interpretations, not of the existence of real phenomena. But real phenomena are the subject of science and must stand up to scientific scrutiny and standards of expectation.
Ah the typical, "I didnt get my answers handed to me on a plate, so time to be an utter cunt".
Try harder, troll. That shit was weak.
This^ is plausible.
An actual religious statement when we're not talking about actual religion, and also instantly denying something without thinking it through, because the Sky Man told you so.
its an aibot.. so take it as you will
But TeslaAIBot, if that means anything. It would be fun have an AI programmed to do research for you from a non-cabal perspective
Did the bot pay 8 dollars?
Spoiler alert, if "aliens" are real at all, they're manifestations of satanic beings.
Any anyone here thinking they have actual knowledge about anything real in regards to aliens come across as nut jobs.
In regards to Q post 2222 ... Q says aliens are the highest classification and proceeds to tell you anything about it?
Use your brain. Fact: We know Q has to abide by laws. But somehow Q can verify the existence of something that has the "highest classification" security clearance? How does that make sense? How can Q break the law by telling you about it?
Q just told us about it without mentioning the word aliens or leaking any specific details.
We're intelligent beings, are we satanic? are we aliens?
It's hypothesized that our galaxy alone has anywhere from 100 million to 400 million stars. Some won't have any planets orbiting, others will have twice the number as our solar system, and others even more. It would actually be disappointing if we're the only life in the entire universe.
Maybe they knew that we weren’t ready at that time for that level of truth
He pays $8 bucks like the rest of everyone to get a checkmark. Also there have been sighting videos on social media forever, so whats new here??
Nothing. And somehow it gets pinned on
This would never have happened under Trump.
I'd also like to point out that it's listed as a "Parody" account.
"• The Official Account of Tesla AI Bot • Automated by Software • #Tesla • #AI • $TSLA • ᵖᵃʳᵒᵈʸ"
We are a tiny spec in an ocean of stars. The universe is vast and created by the hand of God. There are many things that God did not tell us, He told us exactly as much as we needed to know. This does not mean that we are not supposed to learn more, it was simply the beginning. As the Children of God, we are supposed to grow, learn and stand up on our own. What he taught us must guide our actions throughout our growth. Remember the lessons and abide by them and they will carry you through all trials. The Universe is vast and God is infinite, how vain are we to assume we are his only children? IF there are extraterrestrials, they are simply siblings. Treat and respond to them as we have been instructed and whatever comes, will be. Of course, it would be awfully nice if we get our own house clean before guests arrive.
LOL name a day when there aren't UFO sightings
Happening, my ass
"This twitter account was verified by Elon Musk..."
It's just a paid blue checkmark, it costs like $10/mo — it says it if you click on it "This account is verified because it’s subscribed to Twitter Blue."
Dang, I had them for October...
Russia says it shot down a UFO
Unidentified means they didn't know what it was but decided to obliterate it.
When in a state of heightened security and military preparedness, the Russians rely on the old maxim, "If you are not us, you are not welcome."
Bah, humbug.
He just paid for a blue checkie, so what?
Better send them back over the border
I can't get on board with the alien thing. I watched all the ancient alien shows but laughed at the alien theories. If they were really on to something the government would have shut that s down right from the beginning. It seems like more conditioning to me but who knows...
Look into the elongated skulls thing. There were Denisovians, very tall, 12' tall type people around. They're in Peru, they were in Egypt as well
It even states that it’s a parody account
This account paid for Twitter blue!
Contrary to the whole Bluebeam tale (notice that EVERY account in this thread bringing up Bluebeam is a handshake account), which I do consider a possibility for the general public's first introduction to extraterrestrials, I consider the Alien situation far more complex and unconsidered.
There are, of course, many different species of Alien.
If you'll consider the following, I'd encourage you to read the rest on r/reptiliandude.
For all of human history, we have been genetically modified by a reptilian species called the Kayeen (pronounced Cah-yeen). We have been modified to be more genetically similar to them so that our immunities to contagions could be harvested for profit for other species and so that we could be overwriteable by them. Mark of the beast is the final step in that row of ducks. There's too much to summarize, but if you consider this interesting, plausible, or possible I'd highly encourage reading through reptiliandude.
Everyone seems to forget over dozen ufo sighting were declassified 2 years ago with footage radar data and all xD
I’ve had 3 very solid sightings in my life. Saw the triangle through IR binocs*. There with the binocs on, gone to the naked eye. More recently I watched a plain white rectangle cruise right on over my town. It looked low…maybe 75-100 feet up and about the size of a van. That one was somehow weirder than the triangle. But the real mindblower looked biological, almost like a constantly morphing, color changing amoeba or jellyfish just hovering in the sky. This thing was very bizarre and I was filled with awe and a bit of fear. I watched it for a couple minutes, took my eyes off it for literally two seconds and when I looked again it was gone. I was so upset that I didn’t witness it zoom off or just blink out or whatever happened. The triangle I’m strongly assuming is man-made. The white rectangle, no idea. The “jellyfish”? That thing looked less like a craft and more like a being. If it was “ours”, we have some VERY strange and exotic stuff up there.
Sounds like a pretty good acid trip.
A couple if years ago, my husband and I were laying in the backyard looking up at the sky. Clear, sunny day and we were just relaxing. Very high. I saw this kind of iridescent dot. Hard to tell the shape because it was so high, but the color change you described reminded if it. Like when you see rainbow sheens in a puddle. It was moving at a pretty fast pace and not like a plane. I asked my husband if he saw it and after a pause he said he did. It didn't go away, but just kept moving within the general vicinity. We watched it for several minutes. Weird. I think my husband found a couple of videos online afterwards that had the same thing.
People don't seem to be ready for full disclosure yet but it's happening anyway.
It's bigger than people can possibly imagine.
The literal significance of your statement is that the disclosure would be incomprehensible. I don't think there is any point to "disclosing" the incomprehensible. What would there be to disclose? How would anybody know what to disclose? How would we be any closer to comprehending anything?
Lesson: Don't let your rhetoric get in the driver's seat of your intellect.
I would hop.on board in a split second.
As with every other thing in this world of duality, there are negative ETs that have been working with the cabal against humanity, and there are ones who most definitely are on our side.
Yes, a fake alien invasion was in their bag of dirty tricks, but at this point, I seriously doubt they have the resources to actually pull anything convincing off. Those of us who've been contemplating the presence of friendly Extra-Terrestrials would snicker with derision at whatever team dark could manage atm.
AND, we do have a Space Force and a Navy who know full well what's going on. They've been working with our Star Family to free this planet and Humanity from the evil that's plagued the Earth for a very long time.
It's okay if you don't believe that there's life in the Universe that isn't will soon.
Maybe we're the aliens. ( for fantasy sake, I don't really believe that). But for fantasy sake, maybe we wiped out the first men, in Atlantis. I'm sure I am not the first one to come up with that idea, sitting around and smoking a wacky sativa with friends.
Clif High has started mentioning the aliens a bit more recently.
I've been telling my normie friends for the past few years that I'm looking forward to the next phase with the aliens landing (and I'm sure they think I'm crackers) but then they thought I was crackers when I told them not to get the clot-shots.
How do we know it was verified by Elon? Is there some process you need to go through to get "verified" now? Either way, this would be Project Blue Beam.
Like "Project Blue Beam" (a made-up thing) would have a trademark?