Can we have a thread about what the hell to do right now?
First of all, I'm an idiot when it comes to anything financial. I know many of you aren't. What is the safest thing to do with the money (fiat) that we do have right now? Leave it in our local bank? Credit union? Keep it as cash in my sock drawer? Also, the money in my 401k? Switch it over to bonds or something else I don't fully understand? Any thoughts from someone who's been paying better attention to these things than I?
I’d keep $5k cash at home. Within a couple of weeks of shit going down, cash will be worthless. That amount will get you from point A to your apocalypse destination and will buy you essentials that are available. But only for a week or two. Do you think you’re going to walk around with gold and silver nuggets? Think again. Gold and silver are good to have with a functioning economy. If it truly goes down, ammo and food are the true currency kings on the short term.
Just my little take on it all.
You make good points, but I'm hedging my bets.
I have cash (on hand). I have PM's tucked away for when we have a functioning system of barter (beyond immediate survival).
Arms and munitions, and emergency food tucked away, along with fuel and two generators.
Enough to weather a storm and build a new life under new conditions - that's about all it will do - provides a chance at making it through to the other side.
This is the correct answer. The people who poo-poo the idea of precious metals assume that the form of system collapse necessarily takes on the form of Mad Max or Book of Eli or something (in which case bullets and beans will be king). But it could also look like Venezuela or Zimbabwe in which case you'll want valuable commodities (gold, silver, etc) on hand that you can trade with since they'll retain their value as they always have.
Hedging your bets by having all of these things on hand in case of either scenario is the wisest way to go about it.
This is exactly it. Ideally you’d have a diverse physical holding of assets. Gold and silver are great to preserve wealth if you have it, but if you’re on a budget you’d first want to secure food, ammo, tools, fuel, etc. Not only are they useful but they’re easy to barter with.
i love all of the very good and diverse suggestions on this topic! to me, looking at this present situation we find ourselves in, one MUST consider that some of the personal variables would be different for someone in their 20's vs someone already retired...immediate needs of dependents would be primary concern, etc, so all of the suggestions are valuable and valid, but not a 'one size fits all'...just my opinion...
Yeah, it’s easy to say that people should go buy a bunch of precious metal, but that’s not possible for most, and it’s not the first thing they should be buying anyways. First and foremost is being able to survive the first few weeks. It’s -20 here right now. Food, water filtration, and having a place to keep warm are the critical pieces for me to have in place.
Get it into Gold, Silver, and/or certain cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Cardano,...).
For crypto do your research on what you think has the best foundation to take on 1 Billion+ people using it everyday, doesn't have a history of hacks, is consistently developing, and is bringing on projects that follow regulations in certain countries (but isn't forced on the rest of the blockchain network).
Get out of the US monetary system, leaving any wealth in there will leave you poor
John Law and the Mississippi Bubble
Only asset backed cryptos
What are some asset backed Cryptos you'd recommend?
Do you mean like USDT or USDC stablecoins because I would not recommend those...
Blockchain protocols secure your transactions. Some blockchain protocols, like Cardano, have asset backed Crypto tokens running on the Cardano blockchain. Think for example Land Title NFTs, here is just one example on the Cardano Blockchain system:
Crypto seems good but it’s largely vapor. Jury is still out on them so far to me
Cryptos are the asset...Bitcoin for example IS the asset. The whole point is to solve the problem of fiat AND the difficulty of moving physical assets like gold quickly or internationally. The idea that you have to be hold something physical is not the future.
Depends on what the future looks like.
Every currency not backed by a real asset has always failed, and it must always fail. They fail because they are based on faith, on belief. Once faith or belief are shaken, the currency automatically falls. Once there is any reasonable alternative it fails completely.
Bitcoin et al are destined for failure. The moment a real cryptocurrency comes along, one that is backed by real assets, with the infrastructure for exchange between real <--> crypto, it will be adopted. Once it is adopted all others will immediately poof into oblivion, only ever mentioned again in bars with a laugh over beers.
I suggest that will happen as soon as the current standard fiat currencies fail (Federal Reserve note, Euro, Pound, etc.), and people see what money (in the not backed by a real asset sense) really is; an asset transfer vehicle.
With that in mind I will put up a new gate on my vegetable plot and get a better lock. So far we've had equipment stolen, if things get bad the produce will disappear.
Depending on the size of the lock you need, I recommend either an Abloy 362 or a 342 with the Protec2 core.
Grow some of your food in other parts of the yard so that it appears ornamental. Also, you can sow seeds along ditch banks and other public places. If people know it's food, they can stay away from your food. If they don't know it's food, it's another source of food for you.
A large part of my property is going to be random, not in rows. It will be full of food plants but will appear to be just overgrown. It already appears to be a jungle occasionally, as I don't mow out back as often as I mow the front yard.
My good tools and equipment are in my house. The outbuildings have no locks and are full of mostly junk, at least that how it will appear to most people (random pieces of wood, flower pots, empty buckets, jars full of rusty bolts, etc.). I don't have to buy much for home projects, just go out back and scrounge around a bit.
The best thing you can have is property. Land you can bug out to if needed, storable food, and of course some means by which to defend it. What's the thing, beans and bullets...
Trying to keep your money in some liquid state during times like this is hard. Silver and gold are useful once we know where things are going and a new system is being put into place.
Keep some paper cash on hand, keep some silver and/or gold, and items to barter with later if needed. Bullets are a good choice. Or 10k primers for .45, 9mm, .223/5.56, .308... The most popular rounds... .22LR is a good choice.
I’d also comment that if you have any of those rounds to barter with, better meet the potential exchanger somewhere they don’t know where your stash is.
Yes! Never meet a stranger where you live. Always meet at a neutral place. One never knows anothers motives...
Beans, bullets, & band-aids.
Food, ammo, & medicine.
Antibiotics, as well. Many forget medical needs. Very valuable and scarce during a crisis. Prescriptions you personally need to live (asthma inhaler, insulin, etc...) are also worth trying to stock up on.
Water filter.
Solar panels.
Colloidal Silver.
Vit C.
Armor of God.
One YouTuber has said you need lots of Bibles and hide most of them just in case of attempted confiscation. Also having lots of Bibles means you have some to give away to those who need one. I have some I bought just for that.
Great idea! I should have thought about that! Thanks fren!
Got a few months of insulin in the fridge, already.
That's the ticket!!!
alcohol and cigarettes are also good.
Very true. Alcohol especially, since it is functionally useful in the fuel and medical category, as well. Vices are always valuable.
My grandfather found ways to run vehicles on alcohol and charcoal during WWII. I think they were called gasifiers in English.
I don't have alcohol, but I have the supplies necessary to construct a small still. I learned how in 10th grade biology. We fermented raisins and distilled almost pure alcohol. The teacher put some in a watch glass and lit it. You couldn't see the flame, but you could feel the heat with your hand.
That’s pretty dope……
Ammo and food are nice,but people don't need hundreds of thousands of dollers of it.
I have my 401in the safest place I can put it,I borrowed the max against it and bought shiny metal. And I have a lot of stonks I expect to go up very well.
Can’t eat the stonks. Need the ammo to protect the food. My bet is on beans and bullets.
What stonks specifically you thinking will be good and worthwhile?
Their are several they shorted the heck out of before covid hit. Bed bath and beyond is extremely shorted right now. 127% at the minum right now. GME is good . Amc I don't like,but it's in their.
Bbby is the cheapest right now,they were fighting off bankruptcy. These stocks are heavily manipulated and fuked with,but have the most potential to hurt the banks and hedge funds.....
Know what you are getting into first.
Great strategy!
100% THIS
For what it's worth: I fell for the "sky is about to fall" pushed by a friend; even though I had no witness to it. I stocked up - a lot of the stuff went out of date. Got some silver and stashed some cash. Still have a freezer filled, larder stocked and got loads of vegetable seeds.
What next? No idea, but I am at peace. I pray for the satanic system to fall and proclaim Ps 94 daily. Whatever comes, I know the Lord will see me through. Rest and trust in Him, stay alert and listen out for the still small voice.
This is the best advice one could give. The PRIMARY point.
When evil is crashing all around you, turn your heart to the good above all else.
I feel oddly calm right now.
There is a church across the street from my house. Seventh Day Adventist. Their practice for funerals- at least this parish- is to have basically a wake/viewing but the body remains at the church and loved ones stay overnight with it and then the funeral is the following morning.
The church has a stained glass window that is beautiful, especially at night. It is rare to see it back-lit at night though simply because usually no one is there at night. Last night, they had a wake so there will be a funeral this AM, thus they have been there all night. I got up early because my body clock is off from the time change. But I just looked out the window and enjoyed the peace of it.
Knowing this is going to be a wild week, I found it grounding. Yes, it will be rough, but basically, God has this. I would encourage all of us to find that little thing to hold onto because the news will be flying fast and it is easy to get caught up in the panic. But also find the peace of the "unconnected world". Play with the dog and watch him smile. Let your cat sit on you and listen to her low contented purr. Enjoy the first cup of coffee as the sun rises. Whatever does it for you....just remember - WWG1WGA!
💕 to my fellow 🐸.
I can assure you this is not their practice. It's the practice of that church.
I think Catholics practice that too.
You are correct.
And Jews sit shiva, also not relevant
SDA's do not and it's likely that church not The Church.
The definition of wake is "sittin' up with the dead." My grandfather's viewing was in his living room, as it was next door to the church where the funeral was held.
Here's a funny recording about "Sittin' Up With The Dead" by Jerry Clower.
Ok since you said turn hour heart to good when evil is crashing around. I've thought about this scenario for a while and Im not sure what is the right way. What are your thoughts...
Ok shit hit the fan, there's only chaos and every man for himself. You have your stash and some ammo. Someone tries to come in and ask for food and shelter. You only have enough for you for lets say a month. Adding the extra person will cut that into two weeks. What do you do?
Or lets say you run through your food and only have ammo, you see someone else with food, what would you do? Go rob them or starve?
Only Do what you can live with. Keep in mind that whatever you choose to do, there are repercussions. If you always do what is right, and you die doing it, I don't consider that a life wasted. If you do what is wrong, you may continue to live, but at what cost? Just something to think about. I have enough stored for a bunch of my neighbors and friends. Not enough to survive forever, but enough to give some breathing room to find the next solution.
Thanks for the thoughtful reply. It’s a Good answer. I thought about the last scenario a lot. Would I ever hurt someone else in order to survive? I guess I can only truly find out who I am when those primal instincts kick in. At this point in time I seriously think I’d rather starve than hurt someone else. But then when you have to care for your young what do you do then? I pray these questions only stay a philosophical exercise.
Every situation is different and in extreme circumstances we all make decisions with the information we have. The one thing I will caveat is that defense is paramount; of yourself, your loved ones and those that cannot defend themselves. This is the one area that I would not have any hesitation about. If an attack is unprovoked and the response results in injury or worse, there is nothing that I would feel guilty about. The decision was made for me by the aggressor. Ultimately it is their decision that led to their injury, not mine. The attempt to make someone acting purely in self-defense as a culpable crime is reprehensible.
Romans 8:28. ALL things work to good for those who love the Lord.
We’ve been prepping since Obama. We try to rotate stock but some things pass the date stamped on the item. We grew up before expiration dates were put on foods. We learned to tell if something has gone ‘bad’. This is something everyone should learn. Know too that you can freeze eggs. I used to just put them in baggies. Now I freeze in muffin tins, pop out and put in baggies…just something good to know. Cheers!
Your pantry should be your normal food baseline. IOW what you can eat alongside meat & fresh/seasonal produce. This means you need to learn how to cook and meal plan. You should be able to look at your pantry and make a meal based on what you see there and in your fridge. Stock rotation key.
The best way for canned food is take a Sharpie to the label and put the use by date there so you can see it on the shelves. Then the oldest are easily visible when you need to use them. The other thing is "Use By" is really just a suggestion. Most canned goods are good 5+ years (or more) beyond date. Same for pasta, white rice, & grains, that have been kept dry. Taste may be blander and nutritional value less but still safe to eat. Obviously avoid anything that looks bad from the outside (bulged, rusted out cans, strange discoloration, brown rice seepage.)
Excellent information. We keep a sharpie in our prep area too. Husband is in charge of that and he puts the date we purchased the food…that system works for us…Meal planning is important and not as easy as most people think. We go to our cabin in rural Alaska for a month at a time. No stores. I must plan, but have to be flexible. If something freezes that shouldn’t, you have to re-evaluate. That’s what got me to start researching freezing eggs.
Thank you. I didn't get serious about dating until I began evaluating what we had on hand. So many things in the pantry that had been overlooked or just a bad/impulse buy. That was my first clue not to buy what we don't eat. From that I eventually started thinking a week+ out and meal planning came online. I don't do it every week but Sunday night I usually have a rough idea on what we are doing thru Saturday.
You are at a better point than I….At home, I only meal prep for a couple of days at a time - there are only 2 of us - It is hard to pare down meals without having lots of leftovers. My major meal prep is when we go off grid. Interesting timing - this conversation. We had to leave in January soon than we expected. People who said they’d come at Christmas/New Years hadn’t. I didn’t want to bring food back home…no place to put it…So we let most of it freeze. I took inventory though. We are just going back this week. Other than a few fresh things and the makings for a St. Pat’s feast; we are going to eat what we have there…I will need to be creative.
Thanks but if I seem like I have it well sorted it's entirely coincidental.
This biggest impact on our meals was using a crockpot & cocotte (basically same thing for stove top or oven). The other was a rice cooker. I'll do soup, stew, or casseroles because they make leftovers that store well. Usually have a couple different ones and between 3 of us rarely does any get thrown. But, the eaters have to like them so that happens. Some are fresh starts with new ingredients and others make use of leftover meat cuts & older veg that escaped primary use. So far no complaints and we eat well.
In between the leftovers I'll do Thai, Indian, or Mexican with fresh meat & veg as well as using things already have on hand. Cannot recommend highly enough things like curry sauces from the Asian aisle (SB Foods & Maesri). It's no help if you don't like eating that way but we did discover one key point. Much of the "foreign" cooking I do at home is as good and sometimes better than what we've gotten going out. At ~1/3 the price too.
Interesting. I will try your ideas. I’m not into Thai, but have tried some Indian. We rarely go out anymore. In our small town there is not much variety, but I do experiment a little. Cheers!
Canned food will last way past expy if stored in a cool and dry place (basement).
If dents go in most likely its good and only cosmetic from rough handling. If dents go out give it to your enemy cuz there's gonna be some food poisoning.
That's a good tip, thanks.
so you break the egg open, put it in a muffin tin, freeze it, then bag them up?...good for baking?
You have to beat it first I'm pretty sure. We used to beat them (like for scrambling) before freezing.
yes scramble a little before freezing... if you don't still good to thaw and cook with but the yolk will be tough. I use a silicone ice cube tray that makes extra-large ice cubes, lightly spritz with olive oil, add egg, scramble a bit, freeze, pop out and into a freezer bag once frozen....
Great tip.Ty.
And that's all on you. You don't pile it up in a dark corner and stop thinking about it. You make what you bought part of your regular meal plan, eat it, and restock.
That was because I got things I don't usually eat, thought they'd do in an emergency
You wouldn't be the first to have done that either. But, you learned the basic -
Don't Buy What You Don't Already Eat
Hilarious thread on another forum of someone who bought up piles of Datrex bars. They're meant for boating and leaving them stored for true emergency use. They are also expensive. Guy tries one and discovers they are gross, surprise! He wished he'd spent on stuff he liked.
I have a whole slew of dishes I can make up using canned beans (kidney, red, black, & cannelini), canned potatoes, green chilis, tomatoes, corn, cornmeal, oats, other grains & rice, evap & condensed milk, and so on. All (except tomatoes) have long shelf dates and they can be omitted if they fail. Add regular store meat (or squirrel, pigeon, wild turkey, or deer if that's the situation) and you've got chili, soups, Mexican & Thai style dishes, stews, Cajun, you name it.
The key though is learning to cook based on what you have on hand. It takes about 6 months of practice* before it clicks and you start having epiphanies. "Ah, I have this on hand so I can make that." It's great when it happens and you start using up your older stored food and replacing it with newer. Also lay in on the spices, they never go bad and they will transform bland to good. They're cheap in bulk too, look for a market that carries Badia brand.
*Start watching cooking vids on youtube. Search "cooking with canned food", "using oats in cooking", "economy cooking", etc. A great channel is Atomic Shrimp. He has self-challenges like 3 meals on 1 UK pound per day, etc. Much of it is not what I'd want to eat but you'll learn much about the mindset needed to be flexible.
spices do lose a lot of their taste after a few months....BUY SEEDS when you can...pepper, mustard, allspice, etc....grind them as needed...seeds last a long time.
It helps a lot to store spices, herbs in dark bottles or bags that block light. They will take a long time to oxidize this way.
I also transferred them into glass jars and vacuum-sealed them.
Stored in a dark area or light-canceling vessel?
Easy, use more if you actually notice it.
These are all great suggestions, thanks for posting.
Thanks, life is a learning process. I think back 10 years when my wife wasn't around to feed me. Despite cupboards & fridge full of raw material I was eating processed snacks from boxes or getting fast food.
Which is why I don't stock beans no matter what anyone says, I hate them and won't eat them unless I'm already starving so they'll just sit there and go bad. Find out ways to long-term store foods that you will actually want to eat so that they don't go bad and you end up rotating the stock.
Sardines here. Despite them being a fantastic protein & mineral source I just cannot stomach the idea of eating them. Love sushi but deenz, gag reflex.
Amen. The peace that you have knowing God has your back is amazing.
First all, breathe. Calm yourself.
Do NOT jump into financial instruments you do NOT understand.
By now, you should have cash on hand. Cash will still be useful for quite a while. The dollar still holds its status as the petro dollar.
If, you do not have cash on hand, I would start there. Another post said 5K, sound advice.
Over the past year, this is the strategy I have been following:
Get out of debt. House, vehicles, etc. All paid off. Debt will be the killer as vehicles can be repossessed or you could lose your home.
Major appliances and repairs purchased or completed. This includes back up heating and water filtration. All done with cash.
Silver. I have converted a chunk of fiat into silver. I don't plan on using it.
Health. What do I need on hand, what do I need to learn?
Food prep stocked up.
Barter skills. What skills do I have to barter and what do I need to improve or sharpen here? Steps taken.
Hydroponic gardening. Stated this on a small scale. Also, I have seeds for spring.
My 401K. It's numbers on paper. I am not near retirement age. I am letting it ride.
My bank. I bank at WF and a local bank. WF has 12 trillion in derivatives - which is somewhat concerning. Given WF being part of the CBDC pilot earlier this year, I am betting they wont let it fail. Plus, my accounts are under 250K which make them FDIC insured.
My local bank. Zero derivatives. No need to panic here. Again, FDIC covers the account.
I do not understand bitcoin, so I avoid it. Sounds like fiat but untangible. I could be missing out. So be it.
Bonds. I avoid. These are debt instruments. I am expecting defaults during this time. Losing proposition - even the municipal bonds (city bonds).
I expect things to turn south for a while as people panic. I expect atms to be shut down and bank doors to be shut. I have been working to prepare so I can ride out the storm.
Banking strategy is one part of prep. Good luck.
Good post, but 1 point that I believe could be a problem. FDIC doesn't have the resources to underwrite a full-scale economic collapse. Keep money in banks at your own peril.
Yes. Trying to divest risk as much as possible while keeping panic at bay.
The FED is propping this up as much as possible. We are in free fall. We have not landed, yet. We are in the middle right now, today. Fear is the mind killer.
Looks like the FED is will be printing like crazy, we will bail out FDIC via inflation.
This means that even if your money is in a credit union, it's not "safe". The dollars are still there, but they are worth substantially less due to the impending inflation.
Ty for your warning. ☺
It's the least I can do. I may not be that smart but I know enough to listen to based people who are. The info I got was that FDIC has $41B in assets vs 6Tr in deposit accounts, just in the US. What a mind job
I hear ya.
No one should ever INVEST in Bitcoin, unless they understand the technology.
However, I would recommend to anyone to consider INVESTING a few hours of their life into watching Andreas Antonopoulos videos. He's the geek that puts the Bitcoin technology and how it functions into plain english. You'll be glad you did. Once you wrap your head around it, you'll be informed. There is no 'missing out'. It is NOT an investment. It is NOT a diGiTaL aSseT that gets bought/traded/valued in terms of [their] fiat...... That is simply what the bankster media has most people believing.
Watch Andreas' talks. It is very entertaining as well.
Ty. Obviously I haven't even done the bare minimum in this space - which is why I avoid it. ☺
I will take a look. Thanks.
For those of us that likely won’t get to watch the videos, what is bitcoin if it’s not a digital asset? I low-key assumed that it was created as an outlet to divert investment away from bullion as the currency crashes.
Please, do yourself a favour and invest time into understanding what Bitcoin really is..... what the tech is, how it works.
What hard money vs easy money is etc.
Then you'll understand why it is NOT a digital asset. Unless you understand the tech, it is simply impossible for me to explain to you why it is NOT a digital asset.
How does that work? So if the bank doesn’t have your money that you think you stored there, how can they repossess your house or vehicles? Or does that only apply to loans with banks you don’t have your money saved at?
If you dont make your mortgage payment or car payment, your loans go into default.
This would also happen under "normal" times.
If you default on your loan(s), you lose the asset(s).
Edit. Even if the bank you have your loan with crashes, the loan is sold as an asset to another bank. The loan has value. YOU however, still need to make the payments.
Dee, as I have been reading through these comments, it seems you have a pretty good background in finance. Glad to read your comments and thoughts. Thanks.
But if the reason I wouldn’t make my mortgage payment is because my money stored in said bank is gone, how can it be my fault it defaulted?
You took out the loan. You need to make the payment.
It is no different than if you had all your money in your sock drawer and somebody broke in and stole it.
The entity holding the loan doesn't care. They just want your payment.
This is why I stated that debt will be a killer.
I'm sorry. I don't mean to come across as flippant about this.
I think that the way our economy has been running as a debt economy we are poised for a massive awaking.
Yeah. Lots of people won’t understand this. If the bank you owe money to, loses your life’s savings and says hey, you still owe us money borrowed against your farm and takes the farm, I think there’d be violence.
Yes. Expect that as part of the bank being liquidated it would be obfuscated.
Let's say you bank (savings and mortgage) at Happy Bank and it goes down.
Happy Bank gets liquidated. All assets are sold off.
You get a letter from Sad Bank stating that they now own your mortgage (which they bought from Happy Bank liquidation).
Sad Bank now holds and services the loan as Happy Bank no longer exists.
There is nothing left to bear the brunt of the anger.
This is assuming that FDIC protections fail. SVB depositors only had 250K protected by FDIC, but now the gov't will protect the depositors at 100%. Depositors who had millions deposited. It's off the rails.
Preach it brother!
Sister. 😄
Carry on!
FDIC just used the money that’s supposed to protect the little accounts to bail out the rich silicon valley depositors.
Saw that this morning. My understanding is that there wasn't even enough FDIC money to pay out SVB depositors at 100%. Which means they are printing because there are two other banks where the depositors need to be bailed out at 100%.
EDIT: Keep in mind these depositors got reimbursed at well over the 250K limit. Oprah supposedly had over 1/2 billion in SVB.
Build a layered defense.
And the first line of defense should be taking savings and cash that you don't specifically need in banks aka liquid assets, and buying silver and gold. Fiat currency will ALWAYS decline in value over time, but precious metals generally speaking don't (at least, not when the globalist bankers aren't manipulating the markets).
Start learning about silver stacking and gold stacking NOW. There are plenty of beginner videos on youtube that will help you get your feet quickly. (If things crash hard, or hyperinflation hits, then silver will be much easier than gold to use on a daily basis. Diversify your silver, buy buying 1oz coins (Around $30 these days), 2oz, or larger blocks for more longer term asset protection (10oz, 1kg, etc)
Keep only enough cash in the bank to cover expenses and immediate fees. If you have to have any significant amount (say more than $5k) in banks, then spread it out into several different banks.
Withdraw a very good portion of the rest of your cash to keep as cash. When the crash comes, many people simply won't be able to withdraw cash, even if it's 'guaranteed' or still 'theirs'. Keep enough cash to last your for a few weeks to a few months, just in case.
Buy resources that will retain value if and when the crisis hits and everything goes into meltdown. Use your ready cash to stock up on non-perishable food and water that will last you at least 3 months. Some folks also use their money to buy liquor, ammo, and other things that can be used for bartering if the shit hits the fan.
The above are all defensive measures. If you are going to find other places as an offensive measure, then investing in precious metal-based stocks is another way to go. You'd have to do some research, or find the right people. Some of those companies, for example, are globalist run. But others are not.
(In the era of the great depression, when the stock market completely crashed, companies that were involved in precious metals actually survived and then thrived, because PM stand the test of time.)
Some will recommend crypto, but I personally would stay away from that. blockchain is going to be important in the future, but I don't think it's time has yet come. By and large, crypto has similarities to fiat, inasmuch as most of it, anyway, is not based on any tangible value. (yes, yes, yes, crypto lovers will argue the point, but this is just my opinion).
We know that the Central bankers will be pushing their move to CBDC as soon as they can. And there is a lot of dodgy stuff in the crypto world at the moment. FTX being the tip of the iceberg. Signature bank being another.
Anyway, this is simply a description of my own approach, and not financial advice, obviously.
Some references
Precious metal venture co's Stocks are not expensive, but if and when gold, silver etc, jump, their value could massively explode. These companies' assets are in the ground, in the form of precious metals not yet dug. So, they are very solid, unlike many other companies, etc. However, putting monty here is not a defensive measure, but an offensive one. It may take a few years to pay off. Make sure your other measures are in place before going down this one. Some that I think are noteworthy:
Good luck, anon.
Always a good move. Diversified silver holdings is the way.
Great post, thank you.
If I may... buy your silver from your LOCAL dealer (find a good/trustworthy one). Use cash. You can buy online, but those transactions are tracked, where cash is not.
Have backup power. Solar and/or generator.
Have a covered trailer so that when you bug out, you can haul stuff. If needed, you can sleep in it. Also, have a bug-out plan too.
Does anyone have a take on a Precious Metals IRA?
Buy GameStop. DRS that shit
Shall we play a game?
[N]othing [C]an [S]top [W]hat [I]s [C]oming
Spelled Bobby wrong.
Bbby is gonna moon
I'm ready 8300 shares and 45 calls for April and 17 calls for aug.
Which is why I only have some to make a profit and will wash my hands of them once it's time to sell. No reason not to make some money off of them in the meantime, don't have to hold it forever.
That was the ceo and board put in to bankrupt the company. Ryan Cohen replace the ceo and several board members last summer.
They do shit like that when they are trying to cellar box the company.
Is there an answer to be found in any of the Q posts? No posts seem to warn us the financial system will collapse.
There are posts that tell us there will be no civil war or civil unrest in the United States. A collapse of the financial system would almost assuredly lead to civil unrest. So, how do we reconcile our fears with what Q has told us over the years?
Still, it’s always good to be prepared. The most important preparation is being stocked up on food and items you can use to barter. I think alcohol is a good bartering tool, but trading labor can be too. Total agreement too on growing your own food, I’ve been chomping at the bit to till my garden. And, being able to protect yourself is wise.
Excellent observation and question
You stole my poast theif! Was going to type up exactly this. kek.
People forget this it seems.
Wut? Q135. Start there and keep scrolling from A-Z.
"This is bigger than you can possibly imagine".
"Expand your thinking".
Maybe gen up on NESARA/GESARA, ISO20022, Basel 4 & XRP/XLM, to start with. Best of luck to us all.
You're right about Q not warning of a financial collapse. I don't think any plan would be complete without a big part of that plan being the smooth transition back to sound money and a functioning financial system. Anything short of that is an open invitation for chaos which the cabal would love.
If the whitehats are not making these moves against the cabal's money, then you can almost bet it is the cabal trying to panic the people into their 'great reset'.
I fully believe this. If we are putting our trust in the whitehats, it just wouldn't make sense that part of the plan is complete and utter collapse. Oh sure it's going to get rough, and this will be hard, but complete break down.... no. Not in my opinion. Unless of course "we" have lost. Then, well, bets off.
If we have lost it won't matter what happens financially. We were headed toward slavery and extinction as it was. It will just hasten a physical fight to the end.
Post 2619 "Gold shall destroy FED."
The Q-plan is about preventing chaos, it's about preventing a collapse. This is obvious when Q talks about other countries like China and Russia who will take advantage of unrest in the US when it occurs.
I don't believe for one minute that white hats will allow the economy to crash.
The precipice will include either total economic collapse, or the perception that it is inevitable.
As Fat_Butted_Man points out, Q told us "GOLD WILL DESTROY THE FED"
How bad it will get, and for how long, is anyone's guess.
Q said ""Gold shall destroy FED." - not THE Fed. So what does that mean?
Open to interpretation.
I have invested in a great layer of fat on my body. I have an extra 200lbs, and can fast through the apocalypse:)
This is sound planning. Just remember: if the next plandemic involves a zombie virus, the fatties will be the first to be eaten—because of well, speed.
So get a fast set of wheels.
I don't know about anybody else, but I have had a couple of pay checks come in all at once and I now have enough to pay the second installment of my real estate taxes that aren't actually due until the end of July. I'm going to pay those today. This is, of course, after having food and other items on hand. If cash is going to become even temporarily worthless in the near future--then in my mind, use it on what will continue to have value while you can. Pay any bills that if left unpaid could jeopardize your well-being: utilities, real estate taxes, fuel up the vehicles, fill your freezer and pantry, etc. I'm probably being overly cautious with the RE taxes, but I'd rather have that bill paid if suddenly our bank accounts get drained and my money to pay it is gone.
I'm a proponent of "junk" silver. This is basically pre-1965 US coins. They're not 100% silver but they have several advantages.
Problem with gold in general and silver bars in particular is they're too valuable for common exchange and they're also not something that most people are going to want unless they have the means to verify that they're not counterfeit. Great for storing wealth, but that doesn't help you to buy food, fuel, or exchange for other things. Gold eagles are the most likely to be recognized and accepted, but it won't be long in SHTF before those are counterfeited.
Everyone recognizes US currency, and the pre-65 cutoff and the different feel and appearance of the silver coins makes them pretty usable for exchange.
Best thing is you can get into it with very little investment. Can even buy a bag of coins on ebay if you don't have local coin shops.
I don't know if I'd got with junk silver for 100% of my stash, but it's a great start and likely will be one of the first things you liquidate in a pinch. Just make sure your family knows what they are and don't end up spending it at face value in the meantime.
A one oz silver round is only worth $20- $25. Not at all too valuable for everyday use. They can be cut in half or quarters if needed as well. 1/2 oz rounds are readily available too. Gold is another story, and is the exact reason I'm mostly silver.
O.k. so you asked for help. When we had the housing crisis in 2007 alot of my coworkers pulled their 401k investments into bonds. What did this do. I tricked the blue collar workers into buying high and. Selling low. I did my best and white knuckled through this. Workers were working their butts off 7 days a week for 30+ years. Got scared by MSM and sold their shares for pennies. The wealthy laughing their ass off came in and bought everything for pennies. The next day the manipulated stock market bounced back to normal. You just got smoked and your lifelong savings was stolen from you. All due to MOCKINGBIRD MANIPULATION. The largest transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich just happened. It was trillions of dollars from the poor to wealthy. The wealthy blew their load and orgasmed at the instant wealth they just trick the financial illiterate into giving their lifelong savings away. Today is different? The fiat currency is in a shambles. IDK, I have no idea how we are going to survive this insanity???
Post 2619 "Gold shall destroy FED."
I still remember Y2K, so. Let's just say that I have a STACK of O'Reilly of COBOL/FORTRAN books stashed.... next to my fireplace, haha
🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭😩😭🤣 <-------- mood
Wow! I don't code anymore, but... that sounds fun! I remember getting a memory error writing a game on a Vic20.
As a young man before the y2k scare I had enough money to fill my gas tank and an extra gas can. I'm in the upper south so weather is mostly tolerable year round but my plan was to drive south as far as my gas would take me since it was January and cold. That was the extent of my prepping! Haha I'm much better prepped now and am confident most people around me are not very well prepped at all.
Relatively recently, an interviewer asked Robert Kiyosaki (rich dad, poor dad author) where we should be putting our money right now, and he answered something to the effect of "canned tuna" because you cannot eat money. We've moved investments to real estate and instruments that are nearly independent of stock markets, metals in hand (lead is still a metal, right?) and outside of that? Things that will be harder to find in the near future or which will be much more expensive. If you want to keep cash at home, remember to assemble small denominations and coins, if you expect to buy or trade for small goods.
Canned food and things that can be vacuum packed for long term storage, for example. Extra little containers of (clean) gasoline. Heirloom seeds. Foreign coffee. Thinking about barter items, especially easily stored and carried items, you might consider cigarettes, whiskey, protein bars, first aid supplies (antibiotics, bandages, anti-diarrhea), batteries. Baby formula or other powdered milk, lighters/matches, camping items like water purifiers, camo stoves and small propane canisters, it all depends which way you want to go.
I might add...invest in a tray of lighters. As rudimentary as it might seem, if the SHTF this will be a valuable commodity for yourself and to barter.
Maybe I've played to many survival games, but the ability to light a fire is essential and they will never lose value and last forever so no loss whatsoever.
It doesn't keep for long so this needs to be a last-minute purchase. I just keep a couple gallons for my little motorbike and rotate. In other words I always fill the tank from my containers and then refil the containers at the filling station. Diesel lasts longer and propane even longer.
Non-ethanol gas does keep, tho, and yes on diesel and propane. We have those too...
Feminine products will be in great demand too. Right up there with diapers,toilet paper, cigarettes and alcohol. I suggest a book or two that describe native plants in your area that are edible, could be used for medicine, poisonous etc.
Oh man can't believe I overlooked that- absolutely true! I learned about the humble gooseberry this year, were looking to plant it- it was unfairly blamed for a tree sickness and wiped out of our country at the time, when it's really beneficial and hardy etc. Return the gooseberry, and heck, the chestnut too!
But hey pedes, let me introduce you to the wonderful BIDET- you can buy them as just seats you install on existing toilets, so you won't need a whole new appliance. The ones I've seen do require electricity, so if there's no outlet handy you may have to do a bit of work to split off from an existing one.
But- seriously, it's a game changer, most especially for the ladies. You won't worry about toilet paper much ever again, and they will be grateful to you all over again every time they use it.
This is the big question for me. My 401k. I'm still kinda young, and it's mid 5 digits, but it's servely limited in what I can invest in. Is it worth that tax burden to go ahead and pull it out and put it into something that could survive? Pull it out and put it into an IRA with many more options to buy cheaper as the market goes down? .. So many questions.
I am saving...this looks like good info...
PSLV is a Canadian silver ETF that has actual silver. You might be able to invest some in that. Don't buy SLV it's just paper silver.
Maybe you can borrow against your 401 k .
I’m not sure about the US, but in Canada you can buy and hold physical silver and gold with your RRSP’s. There are a few hoops to jump through, but it can be done.
Not available to me, unfortunately. I've got 20 options to invest in, which includes the target date funds lol.
Same which is why I put most of my 401k into the money market when the Fed people started selling off in late 2021 and missed much of the big decline.
My 401k took quite a hit like most folks did. At that point I starting watching and waiting for the right time when the market had rebounded a little. That time was only a few weeks ago but I moved EVERYTHING to stable value within my 401k and it saved me from the hit last week. Not sure if it'll last but it feels better for now.
Don't take a tax hit but I would move it to something not reliant on the S&P... We've got a money manager who's ready to pull from the different markets at the flex points, saved their peeps a ton by holding cash at the right times (instead of reinvesting constantly, as is the prevailing "wisdom").
Scare event
Trust the plan
God Wins
I have no advice because we all need to listen to our God. What one frog does in this collapse might not be what another frog is called to do. I guarantee everyone is waking up today with anxiety and we need to pray together that God keeps us free from harm. When Israel left Egypt God gave them all the wealth there yet they still wandered the desert for 40 years. Keep this in mind.
I do believe they wandered in the desert for 40 years as punishment for not trusting God to help them defeat the inhabitants of Canaan, and grumbled and whined against God, forgetting that He delivered them and provided for them after they left Egypt. Numbers 14:33-34 Yes they had everything they needed and much more, but they took their hearts and minds off God and panic and disobedience ensued. Let us not repeat their mistake in light of the crazy evil state our country and world are in right now. I appreciate all the advice, ideas and suggestions listed in this post.
Thanks for posting...I am with is hard to know how to keep your financial assets safe...will have to make some hard decisions soon. Hopefully we will see some good advice...
regarding retired people with 401ks.....mine is split half stocks half bonds and I am assured that the stocks are defensive, conservative stocks......
what else would you do with it?....withdraw and pay huge tax and then what?...keep it in your top drawer?...
the govt has done very well to put us in knots and full wise brother, the one killed by the covid protocol, said decades ago that the govt doesn't give away anything free and now we know......try to use your own savings and they'll tax the hell out of it.... either withdraw and pay huge taxes or keep it all in and perhaps lose it all. We are retirement age but husband is still working at is crazy to have a nice 401K that seems somewhat unusable...taxes and then limits on amount of is all very frustrating...
My advice, which is to be taken with a jar of salt, is to not panic. There's been multiple "panic events" over the last couple of years where anons ran to the banks, spent a lot of money on emergency food etc but no collapse of society occurred. Use common sense and don't let the fearful attitude on this board & on MSM influence you. Put your life in the hands of your Lord and savior and have no fear.
I think balanced preparedness is key. Preparedness is simply an insurance policy. You don't want to have a bad car accident with no insurance. You don't want to have a house fire and no insurance. You don't want to be in a situation where you WISH you had prepared generally, but did not. Use GOOD sense and do some general preparedness, simply because you don't want to be in a situation where you SHOULD HAVE but did not.
Others have already mentioned great things to stock up on. In addition to the typical beans and rice, let's not forget the value of toilet paper, both for barter and for personal use, but especially barter. Also, if you can safely store it, gasoline will likely be a great barter item. Cigarettes or anything nicotine for the addicted going through withdrawals.
Bullets, bullets, bullets (and the guns that use them). When the SHTF we are going to see some wild shit going down. Remember the craziness at the pumps when there was a so-called gasoline shortage? People pumping it into plastic bags and lined pickup truck beds? That times a thousand on everything, especially food. There will be riots (but they will end quickly because Military). Don't put yourself in the situation where you have to go out for anything at all.
Edit to add: what do you guys think of going to the USPS (US post office) and purchasing a bunch of $200 money orders? You then use those to pay your bills when the banks close, because you know those bills are going to keep on coming (I'm thinking mortage). "U.S. Postal Service money orders are affordable, widely accepted, and never expire."
“Pistols put holes in people. Rifles put holes through people. Shotguns, the right load at the right range will physically remove a chunk from your opponent and throw it on the floor behind him, and you will have to get someone to come clean it up with a shovel.”
-Clint Smith
Interesting idea with the postal money orders. My question tho, what are the advantages, if any, over keeping cash?
Also, don't forget salt! You can cure meat for long term storage without refrigeration with only salt
Good idea on the salt! I have a 50 lb bucket of it. I remember the day the UPS driver delivered that sucker, he was not pleased lol.
Just left Wells Fargo to close my account. Lobby was full. All offices full of people. I had to make an appointment for tomorrow to even see somebody to close the account. Teller was so frazzled and practically in tears. She apologized and said, " it's been a day". Get in the car to hear Biden say our banking systems are safe. Now with that I'm not sure I will have a bank with an open door tomorrow. I was feeling ok until I heard our liar resident. Edit to say atm is down too.
Chat GPT:
New chat As an ordinary person, what should I do to protect my money when, say, theoretically, trading has been halted and deposits and withdrawals will be next week Frozen across the country? In the hypothetical scenario that you have described, there are a few steps you can take to protect your money:
Stay calm and don't panic: It's important to avoid making any rash decisions during a crisis. Panic can lead to hasty decisions that can ultimately harm your finances.
Keep an eye on the news: Stay informed about the situation by following news updates from reliable sources. This will help you make informed decisions about your money.
Assess your financial situation: Take stock of your finances and determine how much money you have in your accounts and what bills or expenses you may need to cover in the short term.
Contact your bank or financial institution: Reach out to your bank or financial institution to get more information about the situation and how it may affect your accounts. Ask if there are any steps you need to take to protect your money.
Consider alternative options: If your bank or financial institution is not able to provide you with the assistance you need, consider looking for alternative options such as prepaid debit cards or other financial services that are not affected by the trading halt or deposit freeze.
Stay vigilant against scams: Unfortunately, times of crisis can bring out scammers looking to take advantage of people. Be wary of any unsolicited calls or emails asking for your personal or financial information.
Plan for the future: Once the crisis has passed, take some time to evaluate your financial situation and make a plan for how you can better protect your money in the future. This may include building an emergency fund, diversifying your investments, and being more proactive about monitoring your accounts.
Keeping cash, but if the whole economy implodes it also becomes useless for a while. You should stack some hard assets, food security, home security, water and seeds
A couple panels of plywood for windows, jic. Cut to fit.
What for? Security? Don't think that would hold, only deter.
Yah, security. In case you get a brick or bullets thru your window. A few holes to see out, boom stick sized, nailed in place/secured with 2 x 4s.
Won’t hold back a hoard, not much would, but you look at a house with plywood up and metal sticking out pointed in your direction…you’d move on.
Grab your cash out of your accounts while you can. This bank meltdown seems to have skipped the small banks and gone straight to the regional banks. When that happens, all it takes is just a few of the hos banks to shit th bbed before one of th Big 4 has issues with solvency. When one of those shows signs of failure, the People will finally notice and make runs on the rest, even the small banks and credit unions.
In my opinion, if you haven't bought physical precious metals, it's most likely too late. There isn't enough left in the market to do you want good in the short term.
So, take your cash out, keep some hidden in your house somewhere, and use the rest to buy up seeds for planting food. Buy some firearms and ammo. Buy the supplies you'll need to continue surviving. This is gonna get a helluva lot worse before it gets any better.
If you are squared away and able to survive for a while with food and essentials, I am betting heavy on twitter and doge coin.
If Trump is the future, then Musk certainly is a certainty.
So why would Musk allow Twitter to fail?
If Twitter is here to stay, you can be for sure it will be a platform everyone flocks to, and uses for unfettered free speech, from all around the world.
Now, imagine, each tweet, which is genuine and factful, can even be a edgy meme, or even digital art, get paid with doge coin. Wouldn't that make the platform free and clean, because the tweeters want to be paid, right?
Imo, it is only the start.
Will the everyday person of modest means have a financial calamity. Or, are we going to see EO 13818 in action? I am so tired of the sky is falling, Trump says the best is yet to come. He also stated currently that the crash will be worse than 1929. I personally do not have but maybe 10% of my assets in the market. I have always seen it as gambling and have seen people's wealth diminish overnight. Maybe, just maybe the time has come to take from those who have made billions profiting from their evil deeds. I hope it fails so bad that a new system will be created. This country folk will do what needs to be done when it's time to do it. You can only control what you can control. You give the rest to God.
Get right spiritually. Tell those who you love that you love them often. Know where your line is. Be prepared. Dig your heels in. Don't bend in a direction that moves you away from your line. Oh yeah, get to know your neighbors.
Imo the only folks ever pushing apocalypse is the deep state media. They feed off of fear.
That's true for the most part. But, Ron Paul has been warning of an inevitable financial collapse for decades. We just don't know exactly which financial crisis will really be the big one.
Keep cash, gold and silver at home. Makes sure you are stocked up with food, water, gas etc to last you a few weeks.
I've got a bit of cash, plenty of food, water, some gas, various survival kits, and a generator (not to mention large garden/seeds). Question is: How does one buy PM? I see adds online all the time. Who do I trust? (Edit: I also have guns and ammo)
It depends on where you are situated.
You can always pick up small quantities of PMs from your local jewelry shop and probably buy from many places. There are places that can test the metals and give you a report - worth doing that when you are not sure.
In some countries, they have mints that sell PMs. In US I keep hearing that Miles Franklin is a good place to buy from, but cannot vouch for it first hand.
Great, thank you. I'm in the US.
I found a US based bullion supplier that doesn't charge me tax or shipping on my purchases. I buy online, wait a few days for the order to process and it's at my door via UPS a few days later.
Do a google search to determine if a seller is legit. People have no problem speaking up when they've been ripped off. To determine their fees, add some silver to your cart and go to checkout. This is where you'll see tax, shipping, etc.. Do this at 3 or 4 online sellers and compare prices between them. When you find one you like, place a smallish test order to make sure the process works for you. My first order was like $160 worth of silver rounds.
Thank you! That was very helpful.
Also, don't forget to cancel any orders you don't actually place. If not, they will pester the crap out of you and some places may try to charge you for lost sales.
I would say have enough food and water to last 3 months and most of all: Luk_21:36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
Ammo,fuel,food,and a Bible