Note - I am not a lawyer. Someone who is needs to weigh in also...
The other night I posted a reply to someone about Trump's $200,000 bail he will have in the GA case. I couldn't understand why he would even need bail since he is surrounded by federal agents at all times - he ain't going anywhere. Then I heard about the terms of the bail... Number 4(e) specifically worries me.
(4) The Defendant shall perform no act to intimidate any person known to him or her to be a codefendant or witness in this case or to otherwise obstruct the administration of justice. Id. This shall include, but is not limited to, the following:
a. The Defendant shall make no direct or indirect threat of any nature against any codefendant;
b. The Defendant shall make no direct or indirect threat of any nature against any witness including, but not limited to, the individuals designated in the Indictment as an unindicated co-conspirators Individual 1 through Individual 30;
c. The Defendant shall make no direct or indirect threat of any nature against any victim;
d. The Defendant shall make no direct or indirect threat of any nature against the community or to any property in the community;
e. **The above shall include, but are not limited to, posts on social media or reposts of posts made by another individual on social media; **
The terms are wide open with the "but is not limited to". I think they are going to either frame him with social media posts, or just wait for a "mean tweet" and put him in jail. Worse yet - his team is asking for a 2026 trial date. If the judge suddenly and magically agrees and the DA also magically agrees then they are planning to put him away through the election.
Someone on his team needs to know this.
Here are his actual bail terms:
Watch how many roads and interstates they shut down in Atlanta today.
Then ask yourself if that's in line with a "former" president. When have you EVER seen that much effort for a previous president? The answer is never.
You're watching a movie... anything that happens is purely optics - even if he winds up behind bars - patriots are still in control.
You KNOW this. Don't let evil and doubt creep into your mind.
The bottom line is this: Trump was selected for this role. The fact he won in 16 was divine intervention - through the good and righteous men and women of our military, acting on behalf of God. Trump is on a mission from God. In the end, God wins.
How do I know God wins? Because if evil won, we'd already be wiped out. Keep the faith. It's all part of the big game. We're going to win, even if things get ugly, dark and dicey, shine your light and don't give up.
Use your mind to project our victory as a co-creator into the future. Believe we've already won. Build it in your mind, resonate that vision and believe it's happening. This is 5th gen+ warfare. This is exactly what you need to do as a soldier.
I remember the great purge of top military officers during the Obama years. I'm convinced those were the true patriots. Then I thought to myself I can't believe, even after being purged from the military, that they would just sit back and allow the treason/coup to happen. I wondered why they didn't ban together and resist in some shape or fashion. I believe they have and that's what we are seeing.
I often myself wonder if Trump reinstated many of those purged, in a clandestine manner...
Space Force, sky is not even the limit
If you are a fan of history, look at what Oliver Cromwell did.
The militia has more authority than the military ever will, since the militia is made of the people and reports only to the people.
By being a member of the military, you lose all sorts of rights, freedoms and privileges.
Being kicked out of the military allows you to do things you cannot do otherwise.
The same for cops. Cops have fewer rights than citizens do, and citizens have WAY more power to prosecute criminals than cops ever wll.
Interesting 🤔 That's pretty cool
Now they work from home…
Avoiding a civil war is important because I keep seeing this being tossed around. Jan Halper-Hayes recently brought up this point again of avoiding a civil war so that only reinforces what we have been discussing some time.
Well this is the first time any president has gotten arrested, so there isn’t really anything else to compare their efforts to. The answer couldn’t be never, because again this is the first time a president arrested. Now if another president has gotten arrested then we could compare the reactions, but that hasn’t happened yet.
Here's my hope. Arresting a duly elected POTUS is about as treasonous as you can get. The second they try, they themselves have the tables turned. It's when all is revealed, and THEY are arrested. Why did Trump say the last indictment would ensure his election? This was the last one. Georgia has some of the most damning evidence, and easiest to prove, Buckle up.
Jailing Trump for a tweet would wake up enough normies and be a clear enough signal for the military to finally swoop in and sweep it all out. Dan bonginos show yesterday was on fire. He suggested that secret service clear out the prison and let Trump set up camp. They have Federal Law that allows them to protect him anywhere. Georgia doesn’t Trump that law.
Then when they show the proof, people will then go, "Wow! We didn't know!" Well, remember when he got on TV on December 2, 2020? He told the world what went down. Many didn't comprehend the severity of it, and thought he was a sore loser. Well, once they see the other side getting arrested, many will snap out of it. How could that happen if he wasn't indeed the duly elected President? It's wakey wakey time in Slumberland USA.
Oh this is funny.
This indictment claims "Trump knew he lost because he was told so by dozens of his staffers."
What's gonna happen when it turns around and Trump can say "You all knew I won because I told you.'
And drops the receipts....
IMHO the military is never going to be doing any swooping and sweeping.
I believe their contribution will be the proof from Space Force that 2020 was stolen, with the help of China. Treason.
The only proof of it that will be FINALLY accepted and believed in their gut by the entire nation has to come from the US military.
I believe their data will prove conclusively that Trump won, something like 410 to 128 (as OAN reported the Scytl data seized by the US Army showed). And that he won 49 or 50 states.
The proof can't come from Trump, or any Trump surrogate like Dinesh, Mike Flynn, Mike Lindell, etc. Coming from them, it won't be believed by the brainwashed, no matter how skull-crushingly obvious, blatant and undeniable the proof is.
Military is the only way.
^^^THIS! I could see this as the perfect Segway for Military intervention… popcorn 🍿 READY!
Just For Fun
segue = transition
Segway = personal transportation device
Both pronounced the same! What?!?
Lmao 🤣 whoops
Words like segue, albeit, misled...
they look totally different from how they sound!
pain in the ass :)
I may just be wishful thinking out loud, but you don't let your leader be taken by enemy forces.
He's already been arrested for the previous indictments. You probably meant detainment.
Yes, and thank you.
They were talking about indictments and arrest in Arizona. Maybe that is the last one?
That’s what I’ve seen too, glancing at MSM
I hope so too, however I heard there’s another potential indictment in Arizona
Right. VP Agnew was arrested, but he signed a plea deal and there was no trial
Nixon was pardoned by Ford before any charges were filed.
If he says anything that can be twisted into a threat in violation of 4e above, they can arrest him. Maybe that's what he's getting at. 5D chess, always a move ahead. He can lay it all on the line by mouthing the phrase we've all been waiting for:
Impressive post, especially that last paragraph. As a species, we haven't yet learned the power of our minds to choose reality. That's more of an 8th generation warfare, but we're getting there.
I assure you the left has learned this power. It is why it triumphs over the right so easily.
I think a large part of that is that we prefer the higher ground, we despise the idea of ourselves cheating and lying. The liberals have not much more than that in their playbook. So it's going to take some time while they fully expose themselves for what they are.
Any books you’d rec on the subject?
Listen to "The Secret" by Ronda Byrne. It's about the Law of Attraction. I've used the methods and they absolutely work. It's crazy, but true.
Add in the Power of God and ALL things are possible.
That’s an EXCELLENT book series!! Everyone uses the Law of attraction everyday of their lives, most people just don’t realize it.
It’s also hilarious to me that ignorant people down vote your comment because they literally have no idea what the Law of Attraction is!!!
Thanks u/Moman 👈🏻
I would not have even noticed down votes without your saying so. LOL.
I feel a minimum of 17 upvotes coming my way!
I thought the law and the Lord were opposed to each other? I am rethinking the matter and thinking that I need more of both
I've been getting good results following the YouTube channel by Quazi Johir. Highly recommended!
Thank you for this! Looks super interesting. First video I see is "Identity Shifting: the final key to the "God frequency".
Plus he mentions Nikola Tesla.
Quazi does a great job of presenting the subject matter from several angles, and with a minimum of fluff. He has earned my respect.
I’ve heard “quazi here” several times. I haven’t applied it. Thx for the energy!
Anything by Neville Goddard. Also look into the Gateway Tapes from The Monroe Institute
Great comment..... HOLD THE LINE!
This comment needs to be it's own post. o7
That sounds right. I have a gut feeling that something will happen to stop the election from happening at all.
In a "normal" election year there would by now already be plenty of feel-good being pumped into people's lives. Instead we have the ever-unfolding Biden family disasters, the artificial support of the expensive and unpopular Ukraine war, wages falling way behind inflation, so much bad stuff.
I suspect they don't feel they can stop Trump from winning, not even with the fake criminal charges, so their only alternative is to shut everything down and they want a Yuuge false flag to do it.
It's not conjecture. Several msm outlets started floating anti-election editorials at the same time last week. Whenever they coordinate themes like this they are laying the groundwork for the next psyop. Mainstreet America is being groomed to consider Democracy the unassailable American value, and Elections as a threat to it. Just as Rush Limbaugh always used to say.
But Democrats are, for once, telling the truth: Elections—which to them means exclusively "rigged, stolen, fake elections"—are indeed a threat to democracy; while free and fair elections, which Trump is fighting for, are the proof of it.
Well yeah the entire thing is nonsensical. "Elections are a threat to democracy" is like saying "kings are a threat to monarchies"
Certainly feels that way with the masks coming back
Juan O Savin and Jan Halper - both of them also believe there may not be a 2024 election.
Juan is #1 on my list... of people who are consistently wrong on absolutely everything. Having that track record is impressive, so I will say he is wrong on this as well.
Who sits there talking but filming their boots
It's like he doesn't know about that little button on the phone....
He does this for two reasons: to help obfuscate his sullied identity and it's also a form of narrative film mystique to better "captivate" his audience.
Juano is about as big a loser as they come in regards to paytriots. The folks who are roped into his sophistry are no different than normies blindly trusting the MSM.
He predicted Biden will. be inaugurated in 2021. He was the only one who espoused that idea and I hated him. But he turned out to be right.
He predicted that Trump would be arrested on not one or two but multiple different charged and I mocked him and bet against that happening, but ultimately he was proven corect.
Very specifically, recently he claimed some important election fraud information will be coming out in michigan and couple weeks later it happened.
I have no doubt at this point that, while he is no where near fully clued in, he is probably more clued in than most people who are not in any pubicly official position.
This guy is a clown.
He drove around in his super car convincing everyone to put bets on Trump being President in 2021 and said he had $500K bets in Vegas on it.
He is probably an owner of a casino in Vegas and was laughing at all the fools all the way to the bank.
Fren if you got convinced to bet on anything by any guy on the internet you have to think hard about your analytic skills
"Fren if you got convinced to bet on anything by any guy on the internet"
-From a guy who is on the Q board - convinced about a plan from an anonymous guy on the internet.
Juan is a POS. No one should listen to him. He is an anonymous clown who said Trump would be back into office in April of 2021 and he encouraged hundreds of thousands of people to bet money in Vegas on it. Dont beat around the facts. He is a fucktard.
Dont be mad at people for not giving you exact information. if you have not figured out the value of raw intel from various sources that you can analyze for yourself and match it with reality, thats your loss. If you lost money, blame your own foolishness alone.
Juan has more insight into the situation than most others. That does not mean he is privvy to the timing or every detail. He just has an idea of whats brewing behind the curtain, and thats enough for a discerning Anon to process.
I dont think so also. With a demented resident anything is possible even a war.
The left knows how bad he is but notice they are not worried by putting up another candidate just in case.
I believe there won't be because DJT will be reinstated before then.
Even if he's reinstated, there would need to be an election. My money is on the election going forward, because they always do.
It's a trap. But the kind of trap that comes with a BOOMERANG
Q post 3588
“Increase in attacks (de-platform, shill infiltration, MSM/Fake MAGA direct, link(s) to terrorism/acts of violence) only demonstrates validity and close proximity to JUSTICE [PAIN].” - Q
1st amendment is absolute. He'll take the arrows on this. And the punishments. He will bait them regularly. He has to
Yep - that's what I think as well. Trump will not be silenced and any attempt to do so by the local DA, will prompt the case being removed and reassigned to Federal court.
Tons of crimes involve speech. Including making threats. You can get a misdemeanor felony depending on circumstance. In NY, there's a crime called Menacing that involves threats.
You obviously can't make death threats as some woman in Illinois just found out
You can also get hit with a civil lawsuit if you commit Libel or Slander.
It's very difficult if the person is a public figure in any form. Then, if they sue, they have to definitively prove actual malice.
True. Absolutely true.
But a separate issue. Defamation still involves speech.
Many other crimes involved speech.
That’s right. So each laws.
I knew absolute was a bit loose, but you get the gist.
They’ll take anything he says and spin it.
The fight here will be a speech issue . The Supreme Court should knock it down in the long run.
If they want a first amendment fight Trump should deliver one. He already won
The terms are so vague, they want to nail him on a mean tweet. They thought the word rigger was an indirect threat.
Riggers ruin everything
Fo' shizzle, muh rizzle!!
Riggers Are Always Causing Problems.
Absolutely. They will revoke bail and send him to jail. That's the plan.
All he has to do to make this happen is campaign.
I believe it is a strong possibility that President Trump will be jailed. He is setting precedents for future arrests. In my mind, there are still moves on the chess board and I don't think this show for the un-woke will be over until many more are forced to awake from their sleep. My guess is that it will be 2024 and maybe into 2025. We still need the nuclear war scare, the market crash, the riots and who knows what else. Dave, X22, made a great point in last night podcast that I had not thought of was that the stores being looted in CA, etc. are being allowed to happen because it is a way to pay Antifa. Since no new money is being printed and with Congress holding the purse strings, it resonated with me. Stay in faith and know God is in control.
If they "arrest" him it will only be because it is part of the plan. If he is in "jail" it will only be because it is part of the plan.
I am expecting him to go to "jail".
I am thinking that it may be too dangerous for him to be in public as their time is slipping away. So he will be in "jail" as far as the media is concerned.
Hopefully it will not get that dangerous but I am not counting on it.
There is zero chance that the black hats will control any part of his "jail"
I hope they try. The Secret Service can turn any building into a Federally protected Presidential space. They can put President Trump in jail and then the SS can kick everyone out except Trump. He would have a small army of protection. They can't touch him.
Do you think the Cabal will be bold enough to pull their final moves with Trump on the loose?
And, if this is going to be Biblical, does Trump need to be completely buried (figuratively) before his resurrection? And would this be in the form of an arrest (and perhaps news that he died) ?
Hope you are enjoying the show, fren.
Just because it’s biblical, doesn’t mean it’s following the story of Jesus. The comparison to Jesus and talking about Trump and “resurrection” in the same sentence, is off putting.
Symbology is everything to these people. To what extent, we are yet to see.
And THAT is exactly why they would not put forth the Jesus resurrection/Trump resurrection symbology if they were in control.
I think Trump, as a Christian, would also not promote that comparison.
Symbolism is very different from the religious view point you are seeing. Whether we consider Jesus to be a God or Son of God or infact a benign alien who came to save humanity, the role he played is exactly the same role Trump is playing.
Jesus exposed the banksters of that time who were using usury to enslave people, and they made sure to get him killed. They rejoiced, but then much to their horror, he was back from the dead and awoke people to the point that it took another 1666 years before they could start getting back in control.
If Jesus did not die and then ressurect, the people of that day would have never woken up.
Trump is exposing the banksters of this time who are using central banking to enslave people, and they have to believe they have him completely destroyed, before the same awakening can happen again.
Trump ressurection symbology is not about equating him to God. Its about equating the awakening of people to the awakening of people 2000 years ago, and hopefully this one would be longer lasting.
Well ... now that you mention it, I think "suicide weekend" is this weekend. Is it possible (optically) Trump will be "suicided" after his arrest (but not really - he'll be safe and comfy somewhere)? The rats all come out of their closets because they think they're finally safe from justice, but really they'll be walking into a trap. Maybe there will even be pictures of him "dead" (like Epstein jail pics) but anons will be able to pick out the discrepancies and realize it's either a double or we are watching a movie.
Then biblically, Trump is alive (will it be 3 days later?). I need to go back to the Q posts and reread with that scenario in mind.
Please post your findings.
Dan Bongino is informed about the Secret Service, too. He has specifically said that they will have an entire jail carved out just for them. LOL -- however....
"The military is the only way"
Said everyone at one point or another.
This is for those last sleeping people to see - arrested for asking for a phone number? arrested for making a hotel reservation?
Come on, man.
I hope it IS from The Return of the Jedi but I fear it could be from The Empire Strikes Back!
Hope is a loser word. Reeks of possible failure. Always hated the word. Know it. Believe it. That’s the way.
I will have to take issue with your statement.
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. - Romans 15:13
And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us. - Romans 5:5
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. - Hebrews 11:1
For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. - 1 Corinthians 12-13
Don’t need faith. I know God is real. I don’t need hope. I believe.
Humility is the truth, but I know where you are coming from.
By the way, cool username :D
Self delusion—claiming to know and believe something that even YOU know in your heart you don't actually yet know or believe, but only hope to be true—is not the way.
Hope is biblical.
Hope springs eternal.
Trying to crush hope is evil.
Oh fuck off
Oh I'll fuck on and on and on, trust me. That isn't just hope or belief either, Hot Snake. (Got me one of them myself. :)
“evil”!!! That’s what was annoying to me. Just to be clear. I apologize for being bitchy. Maybe Obama made me hate the word. Lol. Sorry fren.
ok then
This is the way!
Trump is President. This is all to set PRECEDENT. Trump is and will be fine.
Trump is CIC.
If the election was stolen, then the presidency was stolen from him.
It's very obvious that he's not president right now, because of the fraud he (rightly) says was committed against him.
I haven't read the comments but would like to point out the USSS' role in protecting 45. Bongino posted on IG this morning that 45 should NOT post the bond. By NOT posting it, and according to the USSS' authority in protecting him, the court would have to shut down the entire area where he would be housed, meaning the jail. Are they ready to do that?
I don't think anyone has REALLY thought this through. FAFO is about to happen!
They are dealing with a former president, not Joey Bag of Donuts from the corner.
In my opinion, this is just to set a precedent that former Presidents can be arrested.
You never know what Trump next move gonna be
I guess what matters is who's interpretation of "intimidation" they use. I think it will prompt a removal from the local DA and send case to Federal court.
I hope so
Well, how about that a sitting president who will run the country from his jail cell. Won't that be a first for America. The Commies want to make this country 3rd world and are doing their level best. They can't defeat Trump and us, as long as we stay strong. Once he is president he will then pardon himself.
I don't want Trump to set the precedent of presidents pardoning themselves.
Most especially because HE HAS COMMITTED NO CRIME.
Well, you are certainly right about not committing a crime. As for pardoning himself, it was kind of a joke, but seriously, what could he do if he is in jail and is elected to the presidency while in there?
I'm of the mind that there will be no normal election in 2024. They're going to do something to postpone it or outright cancel it and it's possible that the blue helmets get involved.
I don't think you would want to be a "blue helmet" in the U.S. :) (too many find those an easy target)
It's not going to ge bad for our team. It's still year of the boomerang. Stay tuned.....
The best way to answer this, “Patriots are in control.”
if you dont believe the military is in control then thats bad
Someone on his team would already know this.
Trump is innocent. They literally put out the J6 movie to frame him for trying to overthrow the government. They could've arrested him back then. Done a J6 on him. Flight risk. Insurrection. Too much power over the public. Too much influence. Too much access to people and documents. Can't be trusted. Must be locked away until he can prove his innocence.
Could've done all that. But they didn't. They hoped he'd be ashamed and go silent. Give up. Even be scared by the accusations. He forced their hand at every turn to keep up the pretence that they were following some kind of unbiased lawful investigation when everyone knows its just lies, projection and propaganda. But again he goes along with it. They must hate him for going along with it because they have to go along with it too!
I don't know how this ends and yes I am enjoying a copium and hopium cocktail. But for me I don't believe they ever wanted things to get this far. They really hoped he would slink away into the sunset never to bother them again and I can't wait to see what he does next.
Top Phraseology...
"copium and hopium cocktail" 🍸👏
Yes, these trials are exceptionally serious.
I know there's a lot of hopium going around, but the fact is he is a defendant in two federal trials and two state trials and will have to defend himself against dozens of federal charges.
What you point out are the terms of release Trump's lawyers negotiated with the Atlanta prosecutors. Which means these are terms Trump has agreed do as condition of release. So Trump needs to abide by these. He needs to listen to his lawyers and he doesn't have a good history of doing that.
If none of his tweets violate A through D he's OK. But defendants don't get to threaten witnesses and he's a defendant. That's reality. That's facts.
This is for the DC Jan 6 case, not the GA case. The judge will set the trial date next Monday. It's not going to be 2026. That's was just Trump's lawyers trolling the court.
If he violates his bail conditions in GA, the Georgia trial date which has not been set would be the issue.
These are serious cases. The GA case lists 30 unindicted co-conspirators. That means 30 possible witnesses.
Look what was just revealed in the FL case. One witness "Trump employee #4"
He had testified he had no conversations about the security footage. The prosecutors then informed he was a target and might be indicted. He got a new lawyer. And retracted his testimony saying it was false. And that led to the superseding indictment and another charge against Trump and Nauta and the new defendant in the case.
Since everyone is a witness to the 2020 election, if Trump makes a comment that offends any of these victims of his words, and since words are violence, they can convict him of making threats to their feelings.
"The President said bad words that made me feel threatened."
All this so they can try to get him separate from his secret service for just a couple of minutes.
Well worth the time.
Since they've tried everything else in their black bag-o-tricks to get MAGA to lash out and have failed, they will likely try this... because they want civil war. They may get it after all.
This feels like excess hand-wringing of the PDW sort.
The thing only it mentions is THREATS. He can say whatever he likes without threatening anyone. He is a spectacularly effective communicator.
Of course the other side will claim that his saying the sky is blue constitutes a threat against clouds. But I think this goes nowhere except to bolster his case that the ruling party (which committed TREASON when it stole the 2020 election and executed the coup d'etat) has simply weaponized the DOJ against their political opponent, the runaway favorite for president (still). The harder they mash on him, the harder he pushes back. Every time.
I'm not a lawyer or Constitutional expert, but if President Trump is re elected while serving a prison term, can he pardon himself?
I sincerely believe if an honest vote would take place, he would only pick up support from the public after this obvious stunt to block the will of the voters.
Tons of "constitutional experts" have weighed in on this over the past 8 years and all of them say a President can't pardon himself.
Truth is - nobody really knows until it is tried and SCOTUS weighs in. Comments above talk about it possibly setting a precedent and I agree - it should not be tried.
Personally I think all of his cases will be thrown out due to a mix of Presidential Immunity and the DS realizing what will happen when he introduces his evidence as part of his defense.
I also believe that if and when he is elected, regardless of whether he is in jail, he will serve like every other POTUS at the White House. Any case in progress at that point will have to pause as well.
It is my understanding that he can still run for president even if he is in jail.
He can but won't have to
Yes but how will he campaign and what about the rallys? I'm not worried about him winning the case. I'm worried about them tieing him up for years.
Jr. can go rally on his behalf...?
Being in prison is more publicity than 50 rallies. No one going to a Trump rally is on the fence
On the other hand, last election there were already some blacks walking away and voting Trump
You will have Trump in jail, the big bad racist man who was above the law and evil beyond evil locked up like anyone else...
Now he's one of them, he doesn't just go to bat for them for prison reform and the drug crisis and the he's in jail like many relatives or friends are, now he knows it..he gets it..from personal experience
If the black vote goes completely Trump, and Trump does not get elected, the riots will be 1000x worse than BLM
They will have to pull the Big Mike trigger to take that vote from Trump...and then they will be absolutely screwed with every other voting bloc