This decision can have such long term ramifications. I don’t mean to sound harsh but this is going to affect me now and I am stunned she did this without even consulting me. She knows how strong I feel about this and we could have talked about this together.
I know why she got the vaccine and I know her hands were tied. She didn’t want to get it and I would have held her hand and went through all lawsuits possible to get justice.
I might not be able to have kids with her.
She’s speaking with her actions. Pay attention.
OP, listen to this one.
The medium is the message
This is a betrayal. If there's one thing I've learned wrt relationships, it's to pay attention to the red flags in the beginning, no matter how small. They're a clear warning of what is to come later. You can save yourself a lot of problems now by finding a different woman. One who can be trusted. If you stick with this one, there will be more betrayals later. Guaranteed. Not to mention the sterility/genetics issues.
Yeah, are you really going to stick around and let your children die in her womb, or maybe be born with medical conditions or deformities? Yikes.
LOL, so true!
Ummm. Me too. Game changer. I bet shes a dime
Totally thought you were a bro too tendie! The thumbnail threw me off. This is some serious shenanigans, I think I should have a litre of cola to calm my nerves.
Anyone quoting Farva is my bestie. Frens for life.
Yeah it's hard with some of our names on here, lot of folks think I'm a guy also, but ....Surprise ... I'm a woman. lol ;-)
(can't resist)
Smart Ass! This is the kind of shit my husband would say and that's exactly what I would tell him, haha.
Well ... I'm not a "girl" I'm a grown ass Woman! lol ;-)
There are rules? Who knew? Let's see how many I've broken....
Send bob and vagana! beby I luv U!
Plot twist, might be a based fag.
Kek. More of em running around then anyone realizes.
Maybe “she” IS a dude. Think about it. 🤔
Sadly, I have to agree. It’s a betrayal and red flags the future. Warning Will Robinson!!!
Yup. A pretty momentous decision. She had the right to make it, but OP has rights too - including the right to choose to marry not only a strong woman but one who shares his STRONG convictions and respects his decisions. That's not the same thing as having the same opinion on everything from favorite color to coffee or tea. This is big stuff.
And if anyone wants children...yes, that might be a problem. I just heard this morning that the placentas of women who gave full term birth post-vax were all deformed and blackened. I don't have any more details than that. Shocking. And it's also shocking that someone could be so flippant about something so crucial. Now THAT is an irreconcilable difference.
What have humankind been doing for centuries??
Yeah of you have kids she will run them To get the vax behind your back like this other guys wife did. It all fear and that is a result if unbelief.
If she'll do this behind your back, what else will she do behind your back?
I get that maybe she felt like she had no choice, but she could have at least had the honesty and courage to tell you before she got it.
It comes down to respect— no one who has respect for another would do such— enough said.
Correct ..respect and loyalty is ...LOVE..she failed at both! Saying I love you is like saying I hate you, just different emotions Fren , I’m a female , I’m also a Marriage family therapist .if you don’t run from this , I’ll See you in a few years! Be grateful that you aren’t married .. you are already making excuses for her deceptive betrayal..” said “ I understand why she did it “ I hear that with infidelity issues a lot !
“Her hands were tied” . Her hands are supposed to be tied to you not the establishment ! So her job and money were important enough to her to make the decision to be disloyal to you mention ..she could have spoken to you first you are setting up yourself to dismiss this . You will here I’m so sorry , I didn’t want you to worry , I knew what you would say bla bla .. family turned against each other in other times in history, without TRUST you do not have a commitment....I suggest you listen to WHAT you said and understand that you need to dig deep into your own heart and soul because you are already making excuses for betrayal , disloyalty and STUPIDITY . Dear God man , let that sink in !
Pls OP listen to the above comment if you can't hear any other! I'm writing from experience. I ignored the small betrayals, thinking I was being a good husband. I want to go back in time just to kick the ever living shit out of my younger self for ignoring all the red flags! If you made a post about your misgivings, that should tell you that your situation isn't right.
I also had a fiancé that did things like this without telling me. I also ignored all the red flags until I had about 5+ on my mind. I began to question what I should do and then presented this stuff to someone I knew that would tell me like it is. They said what I thought they would but they had a good perspective and enough info to give good advice. Internet buddies don’t always know enough about the situation but it can still help. I would just add that OP should ask a friend that will be blunt and has years on you.
Been there, done that. Amen. THIS.
Sorry, but I think this is a big betrayal. It's not like: "Honey I bought the purple shoes even though we're short for bills this month".
It's literally a matter of life and death. It's also a big dent in trust.
Some things to consider:
-You and she were going to spend a life together. Is she your soulmate?
-How long will she be healthy? If she becomes an invalid will you take care of her?
-Will you be exposed to the spike protein?
-Do you want a family?
-Can she get pregnant in the future? Will there be miscarriages or birth defects? (The jab knocks out Syncytin which women need to make and maintain a placenta).
-Can you trust her? Does she make wise decisions? Will she be a smart wife?
The information is still new and evolving. A brilliant finding may reverse the jab. Right now it doesn't look too good. Perhaps they'll find a way of blocking the mRNA from making cells CONTINUOSLY churn out spike proteins. NAC will help the body remove the Graphene Oxide from the jab. Good Luck, fren.
I agree
I hope he listens to wisdom because we are told find wisdom above all else ,, you gave him wisdom if this young man can't understand that he'll someday also wish he could go back in time! I too would smack the piss out of my young self for my mistakes, I didn't listen to advice and regret is a powerful destructive force. "If only " that's our mantra and will be his as well if he doesn't heed to your wisdom !
It's hard for someone to respect others when they have no respect for themselves.....
They think they're being honest by telling you after they get it, when they know no matter the argument what's done is done.
Rather apologize after the fact instead of having the discussion before hand and given the chance to make a different decision. So in other words it's what she wanted to do in the first place because she didn't say anything upfront, and figures she will be forgiven after the deed was done and can't be changed.
Yup. Definitely a red flag from someone you are planning on marrying.
Asking for forgiveness instead of permission. I forgive you now pack your shit.
You mean WHO else will she do.
This is the best, balanced answer. The big problem is the fact that she did it behind your back. I'd be very careful from now on.
My gf got the vaccine, but we talked about it first. Told her she could quit, I'd support 100% emotionally and financially. She's not a fighter at all, her doctor boss made her crack up. I'm not happy at all about this, but there was no secrecy
You most definitely do NOT want to have kids with her. Even if possible you have no idea how that would play out genetically
I have to agree with this friend. Plus the fact she has broken your trust so this is a symptom of something much worse in your relationship I’m afraid. Godspeed
Exactly. Trust is gone. Time to find a real patriot wifey.
Ok so .. no matter how I tried to phrase this in my head there's no way my question won't have an opening for some jokes (even though this isn't a joking matter but still), so here it goes.
Not only that but could she shed onto him if they have sex?
Wellit wouldn't be good. Bodily fluids aren't usually a good thing to mix if someone's infected with something. I'm not sure it's been studied or even if they'd tell us if it had. Better to play that one safe than sorry. On a plus note there is not any lack of patriot women out there!
She could get an abortion behind your back too :(
I think that might be a redundant statement now, but I get your point.
Why would anyone have kids with the world on fire? I do not understand.
Vax Doomers are the worst. Family works in hospital, there are more fetal deaths than usual, but the majority deliver seemingly healthy babies as usual.
If your fiance don't want to fight the vax, and strongly disagree with you but still love you, then her behavior makes sense.
There are Anons and there are also Qtards, mass hallucinations can happen to both sides. They want us to submit, so there is no point in making the vax super deadly/sterile. No one will submit if the vaccine is obviously bad. So while they may still want to depopulate, they won't start out with a death shot. They want to first train us to accept yearly shots and accept deaths/sterility from adverse effects, like its common place and worth it, for a few years first before increasing the deadliness.
Don't get married so quickly though, this does show communication and trust issues.
More vaccine deaths in one year than in the last 30 years combined seems pretty deadly to me
And that's not even a drop in the bucket of the lives that will be drastically shortened by clotting, organ failure, and myriad other known and unknown direct and disqualifying side effects of this dangerous and ineffective vaccine.
the amount of vaccine given is also more than ever in the history of the world. 1billion doses today = 100 million doses every year for 10 years. Assuming the same vaccine, then in 1 year you would see 10x the deaths since you give 10x the doses.
The vax is still shit, just stop dooming.
When reports are saying only 2% of jab related deaths are being reported properly (fact, you would know this if you read this board more) then no, it is not dooming.
Yes, it is lethal and has high confidence of genetic mutation/damage/illness/reproductive harm. According to thousands of reports, again source the board. Several studies and/or reports this week alone from doctors and national agencies (I forget which....both?) report the jab is no longer recommended for pregnant women, and those wishing to become one IIRC, I could be wrong on that part.
Reproduction is of high importance for the OP.
There are trust issues with this situation as said by the OP.
You are correct, there is lots hinkey with the jab, including saline shots. Why on God's green earth would anyone want to gamble their future with all of that?
To protect myself from a deadly virus with a 99.99999% recovery rate!
Quoting the survival rate for the china virus will soon be a “hate fact” that gets you banned off social media.
I love this site, but people here are dumb as shit about the vaccine risks.
The mandates are evil, unconstitutional, and the beginning of fascism.
The vaccines are stupid to get if you're healthy/young.
But if you're old/obese/have diabetes, it's a good gamble.
*My brother's friend got long-haul symptoms after having covid, and he's not able to breathe as well now. (was obese)
After ~160million people got vaccinated, having 10-20,000 dead isn't bad. (And these are sick people on the edge of death.)
We've had multiple mutations come into the US, and there hasn't been a mass die-off like the people predict would happen to the vaccinated.
*OP's wife will be fine. If he wants to turn the vaccine into a political issue instead of a personal risk-management choice, then he's a loser and she's better off without him.
No it isn't, you innumerate, arrogant, retarded faggot.
They do not work for shit, all the high vaccination rate states and countries prove it beyond a shadow of doubt. And each shot increases your risk of death.
Bingo! I'm out of shape and over weight. The Wuflu lasted about three days with me. The vaccine effects last a lifetime.
Only a fucking idiot regardless of age or condition would roll up a sleeve to be part of the experiment for people whose stated goal is the depopulation of the world.
Your comment is pretty embarrassing.
Come back when you can articulate a well-reasoned argument, instead of resorting to generic platitudes.
Perhaps consider working on your reading comprehension skills before embarrassing yourself.
You think independent thinkers like to communicate in a reddit format? lmao
The format is made by the weak minded for the weak minded.
Wouldn't you assume that in an event a robust mind would be able to figure out the the meaning and solution quickly and that it would mostly be in agreement with most other good minds as well?
What is there to debate when most things are obvious. Weak minds always debate too much and too long.
Only commented to help this OP relationship from getting destroyed by Qtards
You're calling OP a loser and trying to help him?
u/#Clownworld is better than 99% of other places.
Independent thinkers can communicate in a format like this (if it isn't moderated)
*You just have to have balls and not give a shit about shilling for upvotes.
I'm not a total Q-follower, but many Q posts have been insightful.
You should be here tomorrow, when the Audit report is released.
If it's nothing, then feel free to gloat. But if the votes don't line up as people are alluding....
Oh I'm here more than other sites for sure. For the macro view and a heads up of what stupid stuff is coming from both sides.
The format and shit like shilling for upvotes is what I'm referring to, when I spoke of made for the weak minded.
Q never asked for followers also, and Anons are really Truth follower. It can be P or Z or V if its legit and significant I'm there.
Q-tards are also the worst DateFAgs, they fucks with my own thinking cause date fagging is a form of symbolism which may have significance. Used to be 75% trash, now its 98% with all the pay to know paytriots.
She KNOWS you’re against it....and still did it. It just says so much.
I noticed that also, what an absolutely asinine comment......
Your precious FDA even admitted that it kills five people for every one life it saves.
for the last time the asterisk means its not significant.... did you not notice the asterisk and read under the image that it means???
And its not my precious FDA and it wasn't the official FDA statement its a panel of people presenting.
This is not least not Anon level research when you couldn't figure out what the * means...
I would re think any engagement, sorry but deception at this stage is a red flag of what's to come.
NPC. Go find a true blood 🩸
This doesn’t end well for the vaccinated. I know this in my heart - the drive to stab everyone simply doesn’t match up with common sense rationalization of the threat compared to the risk of experimental gene modifying substances.
There is surely a manevolent reason for the vaccines that is simply not fully understood yet, but will be soon. And the obvious coverup of all of the harmful side effects known already should be enough to make 99% of the population realize the risks of vaccination are greater than the risk of the rona.
Bullshit. Anyone that lied about it would keep their mouth shut as certainly you would not be privy to their misdoings. It’s human nature.
Imagine believing that people would announce that they've faked their vaccination record in a time where government openly asks to rat out "domestic terrorists" in people's families.
They vaccinated all health care providers before the general population. It actually makes perfect sense to initially give healthcare “soft” vaccines or saline so there would be little or no adverse reactions among the population. If all the docs got sick at once then no one would get the shot. And they have a captured audience to promote the “safe and effective” vaccine to everyone.
A criminal mastermind wouldn’t let on what he knows… he’s poisoning people slowly and randomly. Which is what these shots are doing.
The destruction of the west's medical system before invasion is a strong tactic.
God I hope this is not the case as I had many friends and co-workers rush into it early. I only surmise this as there is no other logical explanation for something that has been proven treatable with therapeutics in so many other studies and countries.! Ivermectin / hydroxychloroquin need I say more?
OK just one more thing; how could any rational person let alone experts and your trusted medical professionals review the recent results and come to any other conclusion. (1). The province in India that has 0 cases and had been distributing Ivermectin and not prescribing the vax while a neighboring province has massive Covid cases where they only prescribe the jab? And (2) new studies out of Israel (highest vax rate in world) now suffering the highest Covid case rates in the world? Not to mention their new epidemic of cardiac failures and heart complications in all age groups?
And the media rages on about the safety and effectiveness of these vaccines despite all the contradictory evidence saying the opposite? Something fishy going on here.
Mind control through emotional manipulation with graphene oxide quantum dot technology.
Stickying for support. I know many of us here would take this very hard. Stay strong, fren. Pray...
She didn’t want to do it...and she still did it....without telling her future husband.
She’s weak. I’m sorry bud.
Yeah, what else will she cave on?
Anything and everything, whenever convenient, and especially if she had proof her fiancee would just take it.
She probably has alot of NPC vaccined "guy friends" hitting that cave.
Probably looks like roastbeef down south.
Yeah that is a huge problem
May have to find another woman you can trust... and that can have your children with you.
This one you have now has 1-1/2 strikes going against her and you’re not even married yet.
I agree. You need a woman who will honor your wishes.
Agreed and I’m a woman— marriage is a partnership and covenant— if she went behind your back knowing your stance she isn’t a person who will put her marriage/ spouse/ kids first over pressure from outside sources— this is why many marriages fail— I’ve been married 31 years and we disagree but the good of the unit is the final decision— no major life changing decisions without discussion and mutual understanding and agreement— jobs are a dime a dozen now so if she used that excuse— bs— if she just buckled to peer pressure — you don’t want her raising your kids
🙏 God Bless You & Women Like You, Jackjet10! 🙏
Well gotta say I was married at 19 and stayed 15 years but he refused to be a partner and consistently did things behind my back ( purchases etc ) — I told him it was disrespectful to me and made me know he had no regard for our partnership— for years— I left ( bad for kids but did it anyway) remarried and prior to current marriage made a pact to NEVER divorce— discuss- disagree - resolve and respect- works— not easy but has to be a pact that’s upheld Meanwhile kid from first marriage has been married 15 years because I told him this has to be for life - it’s not a throwaway covenant that it’s become — destroys kids and most kids nowadays parents don’t even marry — so sad
Good correct comment ..woman here too ! Totally 100 percent agree
Agreed 100% fren
Yes! Been married one time, and we are still together after 33 years. Kids are grown and on their own. Now it's just us and pups. Have to talk even if it becomes heated discussions. Once your done discussing it's over and you move on. Don't hide or keep anything from each other, be open books.
My wife has been this way too. We argue and fight, but family health and wellbeing second only to God.
She comes from a matriarchical family, as do I and I was a middle child (peace, peace everywhere I must make!)
When it comes down to it, though. Safety first, God first, Family.
Yep. Not marriage material. Cut and run.
Hate to say it and this might not be my place but if she did this without talking to you might want to think about breaking off the engagement. If she knows how you feel the least she owes you is to tell you and not do it behind your back. Jab aside, I would consider that a breach of trust which is a big no no, at least to me.
JAB aside is correct ,.,Run Fren ... honor and trust will probably be read in your vows ..she broke both ..promise to love is another ..if you live someone are loyal to them don’t betray them ...again ..RUN
Yes, she knew how strongly he felt about the shot. It's a betrayal of his trust. It's almost as bad as if she cheated on him with another man, that's something he would feel strongly against her doing just like getting the shot. And telling him after the fact ... it's like I'm sorry honey it just happened, oops. And then expect to be forgiven because at least she's being honest now. BS! Next she will say I promise I won't get the second or third or fourth shots. Yeah, next time she won't even tell him.
You Fren just saved urself a shitload of future bullshit. Well done. 6 years and out takes massive guts.
I salute u. o7
The fact that she did it without telling you is a big red flag. What other major life decisions might she decide to make unilaterally and then you're just stuck with the consequences? The fact that she's done it once doesn't bode well for your future and do you want a lifetime of that? How can you ever trust her now?
Exactly, this is like having an abortion without telling your partner. Huge breach of trust
I thought about saying that very thing in my post!
She'd vax the kids with or without your consent.
I understand you are sad, hurt, disappointed, etc.
You need to start thinking logically and rationally.
You are NOT married to her. You need to be THANKFUL that this happened BEFORE your nuptials.
You need to think long and hard about going through with this.
Some men don’t find out about betraying loved ones until years/decades into marriage.
You were just given a second chance, don’t waste it.
I would definitely worry about the fertility issue, but that could be the least of the side effects.
I know how you feel. my woman got the jab and didn't talk it over with me. now I can't watch videos or talk about the poison dart when she is near, she starts crying.
I feel bad that she’s crying, so I’ll share this:
If she’s crying from a feeling of regret, or similar, she should give these cures a try. They are cheap and non-invasive.
Best guess, she regrets the decision, for one reason or another.
That was my question too
Don't put your Willy in her.. don't know the consequences yet!
Marriage is complicated business, which you won’t even fully grasp until you’re years in. This is definitely not a good start to that….
If her hands were tied and getting it was more important than her livelihood and future, the least she could have done was been honest with you.
I'm sorry for your loss.
If they forced my husband to take the jab for work, I would tell him let them fire you.
I'd rather lose the house than have him take the jab.
Off with the marriage! 👎🏼 Don’t start out with a major trust breaker.
If she did this behind your back she doesn't respect you. If you do manage to have kids with her, will she go against you and get them vaxxed behind your back? Sorry, this is a deal breaker. Without trust, you don't have much to build on. Two cannot walk together unless they are in agreement. Better to pack it in now then have to deal with a divorce later. Obviously other people's opinions and wishes are more important to her than yours. Besides, she will be transmitting whatever she was jabbed with so you don't want to be close with her. She not only risked her own health, but now has jeopardized yours as well.
Ex Fiancé
Hate to say it bro, time to break it off. It's very hard. We're all going through some serious life shit over the vax. You are not congruent with your partner. Good thing you found out now vs post-marriage. Speaking as one who has 3 of them under my belt.
Boner killer...
Erection Wrecker
Meat stick grinder
Don't get too close to her for a long time. She'll be shedding.
F’real Fren 👍🏽
Learn about sexually transmitted spike proteins...
Time to separate
A dishonest woman is not worth keeping. If she hid it from you, show her the door.
Agreed trust is the glue that binds a man and woman together. It cannot be broken.
That was obviously your final warning.
Her hands were not tied but yours will be along with half of what you've earned.
Ditch her now.
Time to leave my friend
Divorce, say goodbye and go find yourself a new wife who isn’t gonna do shady shit behind your back.
They say that about 70 or 80 percent might be sterile. But who knows. I would be concerned she might keep aborting or birth defects. Sorry for ya man. My oldest sons girlfriend (they are going to get married, are in university) took it because her parents are liberal morons. Might not have grand kids :(
I am definitely concerned that the children will be sterile or worse if anything.
Been married 3 times. Trust killed the first two. Trust us most important!
ex-fiancé *