JFK JR. …. Vince Fusca ??? I’m not making any claims but this is an incredibly interesting short video!!! 🤯🤯
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When you account for the strange circumstances around his death, the number of people attending his funeral… etc etc then add 20+ years of time, the potential use of prosthetics and one hell of a reason for revenge, I’m in.
I keep remembering that even the most red pulled and awake of us will be in shock when this goes down
I had zero private pilot experience when the crash occurred and was later attributed to pilot error. "These things happen," I thought.
I then took private pilot instruction. 23.5 hours of flight time before I ran out of interest. But I flew over the area he crashed. Takeoff/Landed at Block Island
So now? With my experience?
No friggin way. Clear night. Official explanation makes little sense. The land is not dark. The sea is. Bu that helps. There is a lot of land - he is flying the shoreline. So the night actually makes a HUGE contrast becuase of those light below. And he is flying over his home. The outlines of Montauk, Block, MV, Cape Cod are so fucking clear at night you can taste them. In a way they are even more obvious than a hazy day. For sure. Getting disorientated - it does happen and there are causes to it - but is real hard to get lost when you know where you exactly where you are the entire time.
This is an important anecdote. Thank you for sharing!
Nah. It was super easy for him to have crashed where he crashed. Super super easy. He crossed into open water at dusk without IFR. Then he got spatially disoriented and hucked it. The projected crash even suggested that he had rudder control issues on one side, the side that had a cast on his foot.
Not saying the entire thing wasn’t fake. But he flew VFR when he should have been flying IFR and that kills plenty of people.
That's an impressive video full of effort.
Yet, IFR was not required.
For a reason.
There is no "open water." You can see water. and you see land. You can not mistake the two. That's my point of being up there.
The claim in the video that he lost all visual references just can't be right. That's the thing I think everyone should know. If there were a blackout in the northeast, sure. But it is lit like a frickin Christmas lights. Especially the shorelines. The shorelines are the most obvious.
That video does not accurately depict the conditions. The contrast is intense. Intense. Take a look when on approach to JFK.
I get how spatial disorientation happens. I've experienced it. It can not happen if you know exactly where you are. It's when you brain think there is more than one possibility of where you could be.
Could he have made the mistake without spatial disorientation? That I actually would not rule out. Brain fart & panic can do that alone. But the time he realized he needed to level out the plane to end his steep bank, instead of relieving aileron pressure, he pulled back on the yoke more. The confusion is easy - pulling back does work in gentle/moderate banks no prob, but steep banks your plane has nothing for lift, your ailerons are now working more like a rudder and your rudder no becomes an aileron... that's probably pointed the wrong way.
But assuming he didn't know where he was just can't be right. The stridency in the claim drives me nuts. He could have just made a mistake. Or it could have been sabotage. He didn't need to be spatially disorientated but that line is crammed down our throats so forcefully, I am suspicious because of the players involved.
His dad threatened to end Deep State. We know what happened. Burden is on them to prove they didn't murder his son, daughter-in-law, and her sister.
He wasn’t instrument rated and he flew VFR into IMC. How long do you usually survive when you do that?
If he knew where he was it didn't matter.
IFR/VFR is a red herring. IFR pilots make mistakes too. The mistake he made was he lost control. IFR pilots lose control of planes in IFR conditions.
His mistake was simple and deadly or it was sabotage. I don't buy the official line. If pulling back on a yoke is something that can save your ass, in a panic you'll pull it back even when it can't. Or conversely, his controls could have sabotaged. This simulation would work that way too, you know?
the video makes big deal of him punching in the wrong ATIS for KMVY. LOL. Like it mattered. It tells you - call ATIS is an automated recording. It tell you. Oh hit the wrong frequency. OK. All ATIS identifies itself.
Antfucking the ATIS issue, antfucking the VFR, it's all an anti fucking his life into of some moral narrative that lead to his downfall. And that is what scares me. If it was just an accident, why the antfucking?
And sorry the CIA/FBI has the burden of proof to clear their name. Or perhaps you can explain to me why you trust their word?
But I got to call it as I see it. The FBI/CIA Deep State has not been exonerated for the murder of John Kennedy Junior, his wife and sister in law. Transparency would be the most helpful tool in getting to the bottom. And that is the opposite of what we get from our government thugs.
It does matter. If you can’t see the ground you aren’t flying VFR. Even if he could see lights, you still can’t see the ground and you can’t see the horizon. The average lifespan of a non instrument pilot transitioning from VFR into IMC is 11 minutes. I’m pretty sure it is the number one cause of fatal crashes in non commercial aircraft.
He had no business being in that cockpit past dusk. Suicidal.
Respectfully friend, do you agree with me that he did NOT need to be disorientated in order for this crash to occur in the manner that it did? That is, it is my understanding that investigators conclude or presumed him to be disorientated. But isn't it is possible he knew where he was, what he was doing, but the plane did not respond the way he intended and attempts to correct it only exacerbated the problem. Is this a valid alternative theory?
Appreciate this insight fren. When we look at how much the media covers up and lies today, I’m confident they could have done the same regarding his death, you can’t have the son of a president you murdered coming up through the ranks of political power. I think JFK knew this and got ahead of it.
They want us to look silly and not taken seriously.
The fact this is stickied should be an alarming and noteable for any of us here looking to shake this sort of non-productive distraction.
again - If you want to focus on a Kennedy for your confirmation bias - focus on RFK Jr who is well worth the time and will help Liberty far more than the destructive focus on JFK Jr.
There's also that video of RFK Jr. touching his nose when someone typed to him on an instagram live to "touch your nose if JFK Jr. is alive". I also noticed he had a post on the anniversary of the plane crash with a strange masked man.
RFK Jr is out there killing it every damn day and folks around here would rather speculate on JFK Jr than champion the work RFK Jr does as a complete patriot.
The man is a hero fighting for kids.
I see him.
There were several rallies in 2018 at which Fusca and his wife sat in the crowd behind GEOTUS, visible on broadcast. Many remarked how much like Caroline this woman looked, and theorized her husband is Jr in disguise. The theories were many, and included Fusca being revealed as Jr, who went into hiding after faking his death - at the hands of Hillary, who took the senate seat he was preparing to run for, and she does love plane crashes according to Wikileaks Global Intelligence files. The theory is that hes been working with white hats since, and that included Trump, to avenge his father's deep state murder. Trump and Jr were close friends.
Q Drop 1082
Plane crash 1999.
HRC Senate 2000.
The “Start.”
Enjoy the show.
Did you know JFK Jrs ashes were carried in a Tiffany blue box? What did Melania give Michelle on the White House steps on inauguration day? What was Michelle's reaction? What was the 2020 White House Christmas ornament? There is some sort of connection...
The blue Tiffany box is new to me…and only solidifies my belief that Fusca is Jr.
"In the end, the burial fight proved moot. The bodies were cremated, the remains placed in “Tiffany blue” cardboard boxes, and a burial at sea was planned."
Very symbolic of Melania doing that.
While dressed like Jackie O.
That's insane!!!!! Imagine if the box was empty.
According to Michelle, it contained a picture frame. A frame. Who was Barack trying to frame?
Troll Level: Master
And the 2021 White House Ornament sort of strongly resembles a Blue Q. I wonder why Cho Bai Den's handlers would have chosen that particular ornament?
Unless they didn't?
The dresses Melania wore were to resemble Jackie. The pics of that woman at the rallies & Caroline side by side are an uncanny resemblance. That i believe is my number 1 reason I still believe he may be alive still. I have a video of Fusca on the steps of the Capitol on Jan 6th. He was walking with a big poster that him and another man carried thru the crowd of National Anthem singing patriots.
Yes, both Melania and Ivanka troll with their clothing. It's ballsy to dress like Jackie and hand that tiffany blue box to the deep state. She resembled Diana while visiting England. The day GEOTUS's grab em by the pussy tapes came out, she wore a style of blouse called "pussy bow" to the debate and shook Bills hand. Ivanka's 2019 NYE pictures in Paris were rather interesting, too.
Trump and JFK, Jr. were close friends. Many of the Q posts concern JFK. The aerial of JFK's grave resembles the letter Q, the phrase Where We Go One, We Go All (WWG1WGA) was engraved on the bell of JFK's personal boat. But mostly it was stoked by a post on 4chan by an anon who signed himself off as "R." It was a picture of Trump and JFK, Jr. from years ago, and included this text:...
In 1909, we lost everything.
My father caught on.
1st to the Bilderbergs,
then he caught on the NASA.
He demanded to know who the grey's were and why they were here.
They killed him.
I strategically staged my own death, allied with the one person in this world whom I knew was honorable enough to trust, and we began to build "The Plan."
Penance is coming.
Regardless of what you think, you are not yet awake.
You do not know how deep this goes.
If you knew, you could not sleep.
Many of you could never go on.
You need each other.
You need every ONE of you.
Learn to play nice with each other or be left behind.
If one stumbles, pick them up.
If one asks a question, give them the answer.
That is how we grow.
There's no more room in the plan for arrogance and self importance.
If you turn ONE away, you've hurt the plan.
If you hurt the plan, you'll be left behind.
We are watching.
We see it all.
There are no secrets.
You would never believe the files kept on everyone of you, for that matter, you'd never believe WHERE they are kept.
Prepare for the next phase.
Prepare each other.
You are one.
Whoa, do you have a link on that? ThankQ.
I have a Stupid question BettyLiberty: who’s “R”?
Dunno. It was an anonymous post. R purported to be JFK, Jr.
I archived the original link
Aside from mentioning greys, this made the hair on my arm stand...
"There are no secrets.
You would never believe the files kept on everyone of you, for that matter, you'd never believe WHERE they are kept.
Prepare for the next phase."
Emphasis on "WHERE" as if to perhaps suggest off planet? The moon?...or a giant spaceship built with Tesla tech (remember, Tesla's right hand man was Trump grandfather!)?
Either way, "penance" is coming and what better time than now to repent? They...someone, apparently really does have it ALL,-- so no use deleting your porn history
Everything is stored in dna. Your dna.
What year was this? Does this pre-date Q drops? If not then probably a LARPER
No it didn't pre-date the Q drops, not sure exactly what date.
Drop # 2611
An anon asks Q during one of the Q&A’s,
“Is JFK Jr. alive?”
Q responds, “No.”
This ^^^^^^
And [R] touched his nose…
I thought that was very deliberate
Disinfo is necessary.
Don’t make the mistake of connecting JFK Jr to Q … the theory that he is alive and will return has NOTHING to do with Q … Distraction
Incorrect. Drop 1082. Q connects Trump and Jr and "the start".
You are correct that Jr's return and being Fusca is just that, a theory.
I also hate the implication that the Qanon Shaman is related to Q operation - this guy is a ‘useful idiot’ has nothing to do w/ Q operation - but every msm news outlet reports he is part of Q …
No he’s not - he’s a glowie likely
I like to call him JewAnon Strawman.
Can you translate glowie to simple english for a simpleton (me) please
Glowie, glowfag, glowworm = an FBI or CIA plant or any other type of agent provocateur. Glowfags are people who come on here acting like they're one of us, trying to stoke violence, or discord, they try to bait you, goad you into talking about your 'plans for civil war,' and other touchy subjects, etc. - you learn to pick them out by what they say, and we refer to them as glowing. We can see them because they glow in the dark.
I hope this helps.
Ahh, got it. Thanks Aren’t mods trying to remove those people??
Three letter agency Clowns In America …
The news started the lie that he's directly connected to the movement. Unfortunately, it's near impossible to force a correction to that.
Have you even read the drops??
Q Drop 1082
Plane crash 1999.
HRC Senate 2000.
The “Start.”
Enjoy the show.
Editing to add here that the person I'm responding to was referring to the shaman, not jr, and is correct!
I should've clarified "QAnon Shaman."
He also uses the term “Q supporters” and not “Q-anon” . Vincent at least knows the proper terms.
If it turns out not to be a big fat lie… so what?! Shame on me for indulging.
If however it turns out to be true.. we’ll I’ll have to pick myself up off the floor, with the realization that real life is way more interest than anyone ever thought.
I know I would be laughing and crying if they took over the signal on all the TVs and JFK Jr. revealed himself and everything was revealed.
Rather belated, apologies.
If that scenario happened... I mean shit, I think I would go absolutely mental, like running up and down the streets shouting something to get the attention of all my neighbours.
Obviously positive but it ouldn't matter what I shouted, I would just want to share that insanely amazing moment with as many people as I could. Lol
He was also an actor capable of playing different characters.
An actor with a hell of a motive!
I feel like the people who don’t objectively research topics, who don’t accept new information and are then willing to revise their opinion based on such, well they are always going to say Q is ridiculous and a LARP etc. etc.
I can’t prove I’m right or your wrong but why worry about people’s opinions when they aren’t even willing to engage in like an impartial adult?
To think a secret group is silently taking down the worlds satanic/ pedophile cabal of bloodlines is crazy on it’s face… for me the JFK Jr is not much of a leap if you give the information an objective chance.
I understand this perspective, but "QAnon" is already not very appealing to normies anyway. It's a nice thought to think that JFK Jr. is still alive and getting revenge. We'll just have to see if it pans out.
That's a first! Are we now finally going to hear the truth. Can we please end this misery.
I found Bidens GAW.win account!
Tendie you've snapped! Lol this is brilliant.
Absolutely agreed 👍!
don't think this is jfk jr. seriously
Absolutely suits me. And I am ready and more than ready.
What...the...fuck. It's true. Or he's been waiting for this trolling scene for 5 years.
I did an eyeball scan of that photo he flashes up with JFK Jr's dad holding him with Jackie by his side and it doesn't pull up in my DDG searches. May try to tin-eye it and see if it's a widely shared photo, or a rare one that only private family would have privy to. How did that whole thing get started, anyway, where Fusca became synonymous with being Jr?
People saw (Fusca) behind POTUS at multiple rallies, and the woman next.
Then doing comparison of the faces with changing alpha APPEARED to match JFK Jr. And the woman matched his wife.
It was a close enough match (in spite of age differences) to be compelling. Seeing him talk and remembering Jr appearances on TV, the mannerisms appear to be consistent that, IMO, I wouldn't throw it off the table.
This is my feeling as well. I’m not going to say he is or isn’t, but if he did turn out to be Jr. I wouldn’t be overly shocked. And if he isn’t, well, it was a fun game to distract the cabal yah?
Thank you for the answer. I'll have to go back and watch them
Found one :
Thanks. There are likenesses about each
Exactly. Close enough to be compelling, but different enough to be deniable.
He's face switches to Seinfeld at the end of the clip!
longer clip
The Gunner's wife used to have an excellent video showing the similarities of Fusca and JFK JR, but it might have been taken down. It had me convinced, so I wish it was still available.
But she has some interesting stuff on Fusca in this video and even refutes the "Is JFK JR Alive" Q question:
She also refers to this Q Post:
One part that people forget is that there are two different Fusca's. One is more broad shouldered and the other is narrow shouldered and has a thicker Italian accent.
I was not aware of that development.
You can check it out in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFUK4xZ8prY
The first guy shown has broader shoulders and the second guy doesn't and you can tell the accent changes.
just rabbit holes
It's a pretty common photo
That guy looks NOTHING like JFK Jr. and also, "Q" already said JFKJ is not alive.
In the iconic George Magazine 2020 issue, JFKjr signed his name as JFK
You are incorrect. Q was asked if JFK Jr. is alive. Q said no. But JFK Jr. is no longer Jr., with the prior Sr. being dead. Go back and watch Fall of the Cabal part 10 one more time please.
that’s not how it works, dude. Jr is always Jr
That is how it works. If you have the same name as your father, you are designated "Junior" to differentiate between the father and son. Once the father passes, the junior designation is dropped.
This is exactly how it works.
Ken griffey jr
All juniors
u/Rainspa is a dumb
Don Jr. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
one exception though, George Bush Sr. and then ya got "dubya".
Different birth names: GHWB and GWB.
Dale Earnhardt Jr
Those are also brand names. They aren't gonna drop the Jr cause their consumers are too stupid to know who they are otherwise.
Whipping out my PEOPLE magazine of Aug 2, 1999 front cover "John F. Kennedy Jr." The general public knows him as such. Always has always will, period.
Bingo!! You are correct Anon! Some people just don’t get it no matter how wrong they are. Kinda Lefty-like isn’t it?
Scarily similar.
Man now that’s an obvious statement Anon. Good for you.
No, this is not correct at all! As a member of a family whose nephew is the V (5th), the designation never changes from birth to death and death of the previous does not "move you up"!
This is not how it works for everyone bro
Source: Dad was Jr. til he died at 94. Sr. had long since passed.
yes, he was technically a jr., but he didn't call himself that.
he introduced himself as John Kennedy AND signed his name that way.
scroll down halfway. also read some of the articles, mathematically impossible to have that many coincidences...
Oh Suzy Q I love you! A wise and studied Anon you are.
🧡 you too! glad you guys are willing to listen to my ramblings. real life family can't see it, yet.
Oh wow. That magazine is full of hints.
you got that right, the magazines are FULL of clues. for example; the edition with Garth Brooks on cover. On the table of contents page, there's an article about Rudy Giuliani on page 98, which equals 17 & the title is "Rudy Awakening"
what are the chances...really is mathematically impossible. no other way to explain it other than it was planned.
Unless a person changes their name, it's their name.
Some people never have read a genealogy chart. People don't drop all the Jr's and III's and IV's just because everyone on the chart is dead. If they did it would be hard as hell to keep everyone straight!
LOL the proclamation of "The Jr. is dropped automatically!" as if by royal decree
I’m not discussing his birth certificate “dude”. You don’t seem to understand what Q meant regarding this.
no, YOU don’t.
No, you don’t clearly. That’s why you are not a Mod or get behind scenes Intel. Sometimes you should admit you run into people that know more than you. Today is one of those days.
Thank you my friend but I’m good. I’m just educating tonight, but sometimes you must wack the ruler on student’s desks.
Jr. may be dropped when Sr. dies.
Key word
read george magazine. he didn't use Jr.
Key word
The people saying he CAN'T or SHOULDN'T use Jr. after his father dies, as if "it drops off" by some sort of decree, are mistaken
Anyone MAY choose to use or not use their suffix
Either of you guys have a source? I want a winner.
He didn't use the Jr. during his entire adult life for what it's worth. Signed all letters from the Editor in George Magazine "John Kennedy."
yes! and for a second, I thought this was my comment since I say this ^ a lot. happy you noticed too.
And my advice to everyone, buy some George Magazines while you still can. SO many clues and fun memorabilia.
Jr. is Jr. Until he's not.
Reality is what you make it to be.
My source is Miss Manners (AKA etiquette author and columnist Judith Martin). What prize did I win?
Winner = the names stay the same. Read a genealogy chart, people.
My brother the third didn't move up to Jr. when Dad died. And Dad didn't drop the Jr. when Sr. died. The suffixes remain to keep the relationships straight.
It is not the name itself, it is a title. As such it changes with circumstances because it is a title that designates a person as they relate to someone else.
All Miss title persons change to Mrs after they are wed.
Suffixes are not titles, and people don't have to drop their suffix just because someone dies.
If there is a John Smith III and IV, and III's dad Jr. dies, they are still III and IV. Same if Sr. dies, they don't all move up a spot or all have to change their names.
Did you really think they did? Because that's pretty funny.
I’m not discussing his birth certificate. You don’t seem to understand what Q meant regarding this
FOC is shite propaganda that makes anyone referencing it look like an idiot
This is true. JFK, Jr ceased to exist upon the death of JFK. The press continued to call him by this title for clarity and to sell papers. I believe the same about the nickname "JohnJohn" his father said his name twice in rapid succession, and the press caught up on it, and he was called this in the press ever after. I don't think it was something his family called him.
Ding ding ding! Winner winner chicken dinner!
To be fair, Q posted JFK Jr is not alive. Note, only JFK was underlined but we don't have this option, thus, I italicized it. Much was made about just JFK being underlined. Whether Fusca is JFK, Jr. or even if JFK, Jr. is alive no one knows but we are allowed to hope.
What exactly would you expect Q to say? "Yes, he's alive but we were saving that for later, but you caught us and I can not lie."
Q has told us disinformation is necessary which, sadly, makes his answers to any question, useless. How have people not understood this?
Yes, this! The movie isn’t over yet, got to have some surprise endings, which if this is true, not so much of a surprise now, but a lot more believable to the normies if they have heard rumors beforehand, yeah?
Bill Maher looks more like the proboscis monkey
Q said what he said, but it could have been misdirection of the deepstate, in the event JFK jr is alive.
I've watched this a couple of times and it is interesting. Curious as to why some may believe he is Jr? I've seen the video comparisons of him and the blonde lady at the rallies. She looks like an older Carolyn, but he (Vincent) seems too short to be JFK Jr and his nose is different, but that could be prosthesis.
He is too short. I've posted several times over the year that I stood next to Vincent Fusca at the trump rally in Hershey PA. Literally next to him. I am 5'6" and he was only a couple of inches taller and very thin. It's also been said that there are 2 different Fuscas. I don't know on that, but I do know that the VF I stood next to was not JFK Jr. Yet the pictures of the blonde woman look pretty similar to Carolyn.
The blond lady has been identified as a campaign worker.
Of course!....[she] would be.
And I can't find it anywhere, now.
There was an article about her with photos and everything.
I hear you. It sucks with the censorship by Google because it will take me forever to find it, if it still exists.
My big thing is the hands. The hands are very similar.
In simple Gematria.
iconic = 53
vince = 53
comeback =53
you can make any message you want this way
actually, i looked it up. Go check for yourself.
go check the other three
clearly you didn't look for yourself.
Yes even that one
Is "bullshit" also 53? Asking for a friend
Tell your friend, no, bullshit is 449, 618, and 103. You can double check here; https://www.gematrix.org/. You're welcome. 😉
Ok, fair. But know what else gives 53? GRAVE.
It seems misleading to pick and choose words that fit a narrative.
Because it is misleading.
Except no one was "picking and choosing" for a narrative. The guy who people think might be JFK Jr pointed it out himself. So at the very least, he is egging it on. It's like the difference between some random dude on the street constantly mentioning the number 17 and Donald Trump constantly mentioning the number 17.
That video looks edited and uploaded to some girl's tik tok. Are you sure he was the one who added that info? Even if he was, it sounds like you're accepting that he could be egging it on.
A specific number like 17 is less likely to be a coincidence than random words whose letters add up to something that are chosen to specifically fit an agenda. I literally only tried 3 or 4 words and already found one that bucked the "jfk alive" narrative (GRAVE).
When you up the points for certain words, you find that there are other words that also add up to the same totals. This gets people excited who don't understand how math and logic work.
I would say there is a crazy phenomenon behind it, which is why it's actually observed in Kabbalah. There is definitely a mysticism associated with it. I find it incredibly intriguing that Fusca used gematria. You can't just write it off in this situation. Heck, even Q referenced gematria.
Gematria does give some strange coincidences, easy to take too far though.
My eyelids get really heavy when these posts start with all the gematria stuff. ‘Lies, damn lies and statistics.’ Kind of like ‘7 degrees of Kevin Bacon.’ I’m related to him, by this measure, but he’s never asked me to Thanksgiving dinner.
Sauce needed, please
There is none. Q never said anything about this.
Can't believe I am getting down votes for this.... yall need to go watch a bunch of Zachary Hubbard on youtube even though he's an asshole sometimes. The clowns do have a nuneric method/code to their madness. Check out post 40, that was the first time. Where Q refers to Trump as 4,10,20, abcde.... there is another one, but not as easy to search for as I thought. Will have to go thru the posts again.
Gematria goes far beyond the common substitution of 4, 10, and 20 for DJT or 1 2 3 for ABC.
Gematria believers hold that when the numerical values they assign to the letters within random phrases they CREATE add up to the same total, that MEANS something, like congruence, or it was planned that way or some other nonsense. So they write silly things like PRESIDENT DJ TRUMP = COMING BACK TO ONE REIGN = LONG AWAITED JUSTICE (please don't waste time adding it up, as if I'm really doing gematria).
Phrases that only work in English LOL
I hear what you are saying, but I don't really follow that type of Gematria because, yes, it can be mistrued with random phrases. I like the way Zachary Hubbard follows it. He takes dates, current and past events, and correlates them. You'd really have to watch a few of his videos to get the idea. In some regard, it very much is like a matrix though I am fully aware of the natural phenomenon it is aswell.
I personally know Vincent. He texted me that video the other day. He is not JFK jr. It’s obvious if you know him and he will tell you that himself. The whole thing has caused him a lot of grief. Q told us. Vincent has told us. Let it go.
its a shill disinfo strategy that won't let go. distractions are sometimes very effective
Yeah. Ill updoot cus I like the video but I think hes just trolling here. Comes off that way. Jfk jr. Thing is a grift to discredit us.
Yerp. Not on social media. Lots of accounts claim to be him but none are.
Then why the transitions to insinuate that he is? If this was his video trying to dispel the rumor, he did it in the worst way possible...
Well everyone isn’t a tactical genius playing 4D chess like 45.
I’ve posted pics of me with Vincent and screenshot our text thread. Beyond that I really don’t give a shit if you deep dive into fantasyland.
Why in the hell is this stickied? Why are we perpetuating this nonsense? Honest to God folks, what in the hell are some of you in this thread thinking? Do you understand how much damage it does to our movement to fixate on this nonsense?
JFK Jr. is sadly dead. DEAD. The bastards murdered him.
Downvotes be damned, pull your heads out of your asses.
You won't get me to believe that JFK Jr. is alive. But this sub definitely got me to believe that he was killed.
Study a bit more Jackie. And it’s stickied because it is indeed important in this forum, and to many. The forum does not revolve around just a few or you. Mods sticky for important reasons. So let it be.
No, I won't "let it be", and whomever the mod was that stickied this made a foolish mistake. This is fantasy. We are all supposed to be dealing with reality.
If one could distill the essence of what Q meant, it was the reveal of reality and how we respond to that reality.
And no, this forum doesn't revolve around me nor should it. But it sure as hell shouldn't revolve around these absurd flights of fancy that harm our name and our movement.
"And it’s stickied because it is indeed important in this forum" Anyone that finds this story "important" hasn't been paying attention for the last four years and should leave.
Fantasy? Just like cabal's child trafficking was until Epstein was exposed? Everything about Q was fantasy at one point.
There is a reason you are not a Mod, as I am, and I stickied it for a 2nd day in a row. You obviously don’t get the importance of hope, faith, and the obvious crumbs in Fall of the Cabal parts 9 and especially 10. Made years ago…. Go back and study some more my Padawan.
You shouldn't be a mod.
So you're saying that VF isn't really John Denver?
Haha.. sun's coming up, I got cakes on the griddle
Let me sticky this one more time for today; In celebration of the message and faith this provides to those that believe, as we progress in God’s blessed offensive warfare. Where We Go One, We Go All.
Anons on the internet claiming to know somebody personally, with no way for anyone to actually verify said alleged relationship. Right. Hey guys, I know the Queen of England. We texted for years. She's totally still alive, because she told me.
You are correct MAGAdeburger, for yourself. Because you don’t personally know these people. Some of us are connected, hence why the forum is even here, and many like yourself, are not. Let’s just leave it at that.
https://files.catbox.moe/975hpv.jpeg https://files.catbox.moe/mgsys9.jpeg https://files.catbox.moe/lv75hd.jpeg
Fusca=Jr NAH
Agreed. Please mods, for the love of all that is holy don't pour sticky fertilizer on this, as it is already a BS narrative.
Nothing wrong with Fusca being a patriot but this ridiculous narrative should've been snuffed out a long time ago, just like on the OG boards when Q settled the matter in one of their many Q&A' s.
The best odds say we are in a simulation.
We are in God's creation no matter what. That I do know.
Your job is not to Sticky nor do you get to pick. This forum revolves around the many, not the few, or just you.
Just keep on pushing slide division narratives there buddy. The many certainly see through this malarkey. Sad that some members of the mod team are so easily duped or simply so stubborn as to ignore Q research history & habbenings.
I'd stress again or a hundred times over that this divisive narrative should not stickied. Discussion (even though moot) is one thing. Propping it up is something else entirely.
Shit. You might as well sticky Simon Parkes, Alex Jones, and Juan O' Shillin'... Seeing as the same type folks who are gullible/stubborn enough to blindly follow their drivel are cut from the same cloth as those that parrot the JFK Jr propaganda.... All of which serve one main goal: Fodder for the enemy to use against us.
This is why you are not a Moderator right here Strelnieks. You have no clue what certain people may know. Especially challenging someone with behind scenes Intel. We aren’t just random Mods.
Never requested nor desired to be a mod.
Lol, what an ego! behind the scenes intel and we aren't just random mods?!
I really hope you forgot the /s
This shit is reminiscent of the RonaldSwansong/Neonrevolt faggotry that crossed over from r/GA to v/GA...
Do tell! What secret evidence does the mod team hide regarding the long settled JFKjr narrative?
Likely none, and if you weren't being sarcastic one can easily hypothesize some mods apparently push whatever they like. Facts, OG board consensus/settlement, and Q teams own Q&A be damned.
I don’t think we up and tell people like you much of anything. Again the reasons you aren’t nor will be. And maybe you’re on the wrong forum with an answer like that.
People like me...? So every anon who's been decoding since the inception of the Q drops and isn't fooled by obvious devisive slide garbage?
Maybe it's you who should take their jannie power trip elsewhere?
Take note of this comment chain folks. Always important to be aware of this type of mod engagement. This kind of mindset and abuse of privilege has been seen in the past on r/GA and v/GA (and a litany of YouTube and discord channels at a time when those were relevant sources of research).
All I know is the JFK grave site is shaped like a Q. Bet my underwear, just like the NWO has legacies executing their plan, the JFK mafia is executing theirs. I am with it, go Q.
We’re talking JFK, Jr - not his father, President Kennedy. President Kennedy’s gravesite is “shaped like a Q”. Jr was cremated and his ashes scattered at sea.
Which, for Catholics, makes that supposition very suspect...
Exactly. The Kennedy’s were good practicing Catholics. They would never scatter their ashes at Sea.
So the lying media told you. So you go ahead and “enjoy the show”, while the rest here enjoy truth coming into the light.
Who's the guy on twat doing a countdown to tonight sometime?
Wtf is this
He has a great temperament, all facts.
Wow, I remember a video a while back on shared identity that said Jr could be borrowing Fusca's identity to travel around. I'm not going to get my hopes up but I'm not ruling out the possibility.
I remember many videos from Conquering Dark and rallies , but judging from the reactions here, I won't inject anything but "the best is yet to come" and I know this is a very nice part of it.. J/S
Fusca is about 5 inches shorter eh?
I'll leave this here https://www.bitchute.com/video/8UOYRugs9Z6J/
JFK might be alive (I hope he is) but he’s not Fusca.
oh I love me some General Flynn
I've never heard him speak before. Where the heck did this come from? He's a Trump supporter and Q supporter. Thank you, Fusca! He's not JFK Jr, though. That's okay, he is who he is.
Huge Trump/ Q supporter! Check out his ride and the signatures on the hood.
Where did the video originate from?
Was this made by Vincent Fusca, or was it made by him and heavily edited by someone else?
The text above and below seemed like added by someone else.
He made it himself. Here is the screenshot of our text thread where he sent it to me.
What in the fuck mods? Stickied to provide hope? HOPE? This is false hope.
Qpost 3907 + 2436
"We allowed EVIL to prey on us. Those who claimed to represent us gave us FALSE HOPE, made false promises. The evil and corruption only grew."
This is such garbage.
I don't understand, what's the 53 thing?
I asked the same thing,, but apparently someone will downvote you for asking this.
Iconic = 53 if a=1, b=2 etc. All words add to 53.
Did anyone else notice his shirt changed? I couldn't make it out in my phone
Best Message Ever!!!! WWG1WGA! Juan O’Savin and Vincent Fusca with different weight make-up packages, clothing, and using a varied voice……. Things that make ya go hmmmm. No Brent, it’s not JFK Jr., it’s just another kid by the side of the road.
The last 5 seconds is the cement.
I'm trying to understand. Is it because of the gematria and significance of 53?
Not sure why I'm downvoted for asking a real question?
The real question is why do you give a fuck about imaginary points. It's not reddit. Your comment will not be hidden because you asked a question or went against the group think.
The real JFK Jr is being protected by the U.S. Army (military), I think. Based on 1 pic I have.
The Army pic?
Go on Twitter search for "Jfk Jr army." 👍
I've seen it! I love it!
Holy shit I love this
The way I see it, it’s irrelevant to “the plan” and to what’s happening in our world today. Every time someone asks the question, the answer is evasive. Doesn’t mean he’s alive or dead - it means they (Trump, Flynn, Q, whomever) don’t want to (or can’t) talk about it. He’s supposed to be dead and it’s about 99.9% certain his “death” was not an accident. So even if he is alive - does anybody really think they’d confirm it right now? All will be revealed when the time is right. For now Patriots need to just let the question “Rest In Peace” and focus on more important things.
At this point all I can say is, yay, that's fucking great. Now what do we do about the crapload of us rotting in prison and being tortured at the hands of the communists that are destroying our country right under our feet?
Be happy you know this man somewhere has survived because it’s all about him and not you or your family?
Michael from Negative 48 is JFK Jr.
As soon as i heard his voice, i knew it was him
Q team told us JFK jr. wasn't alive. I'll just leave it at that.
Glad you posted this…great discussion point. So many questions remain. It’s funny, lately I’ve been wondering what he’s up to? As I look back at that “era” I recall that his wife sold me as much to these theories as he did, as did their interactions while seated behind 45.
Is it Plausible that JR faked his own death after a threat was discovered? Sure
I always laugh when I see people here shoo shoo this away as possibility,..... His Father and UNCLE were killed by the Deep State>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
I don’t really buy this, however, where was that weird shit where supposed anons planned some rally where hundreds of people showed up to Dallas waiting for Jr. to show up or something supposedly planned? That was never mentioned once on here, TG, Gab that I saw.
That would spread very quickly amongst lefty’s though. Get them at least thinking and talking about it.