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And this should surprise no one....
Well, actually it is surprising. There were multiple opportunities to kill the case quietly before it ever made it to conference... which would have been a much more logical way to do things.
It is not a complex case at all. Why help the case get all the way to a conference vote, only to reject it? That is the surprising part. If it had no merit, it should never have made it far enough through the process to get to a vote in the first place.
What this tells me is that the case serves some other purpose (in the movie) that we don't know about yet.
What do you mean? Not granting cert is the earliest the SCOTUS can kill a case, right? Are you saying they could have rejected it for not paying filing fees or something?
What does the clerk do?
Something similar to what federal court clerks do. Primarily, their role is to sift through the thousands of petitions and mark the cases worthy of being granted time. “It's the most basic task, and the constant thing that you do – during the summer it's practically your only task.” The petitions that lawyers write very cleverly argue why their cases should be granted; the clerk's job is “to screen out those that are legitimate and write bench memos on what we think about the case.”
Exactly - and Brunson did not make it through this initial weed out process. It was disposed of at the earliest opportunity.
The clerk could have denied it even making it into the room with the Judges.
The law clerk of a Justice doesn’t have the power to deny anything - only the court can do that. What they do is sift through the cases and find cases that would likely interest the Justice, then the remains bulk gets summarily denied by the Court. So no opportunity for a law clerk to deny anything. It’s just not the way the process works.
I agree. The clerks, who know how their justices think, look at the hundreds of possible cases and select a few to go to conference. I does not make any sense for everything to be looked at the the justices it would take too long.
They don’t select a few to go to conference - EVERY property filed case goes to conference. What they do it highlight those cases with that they think their justices would be interested in - the rest are summarily thrown out after a conference.
So it’s more like unless the law clerk picks one for a justice to review, it’s going to get thrown out with the trash. No one picked the Brunson case.
Clerk is more powerful than the judge.
You don't think all 9 justices have to vote on every single case that gets submitted to the SC, do you? No, there is a process to weed out the thousands of cases sent to the SC. Only a small percentage are accepted from those thousands to be voted on in conference.
If the case had no merit, the logical thing to do would have been to not accept it (weed it out) before it made it to a conference vote in the first place. That is what most people expected to happen - which is why it was surprising when it was accepted (the first time under Rule 11, before the 10 Circuit made its ruling afterward).
What process is that? The weed out process?
The Justices have clerks who comb through the 7,000 or so petitions brought every year for one of merit, then they summarily vote to deny the rest. Brunson was one of about 300 in the order today.
Look at the docket for the Brunson case. There was no action by the court to do anything, other than the clerk of the court refusing to accept some amicus briefs because they missed the deadline. This is the first actual action SCOTUS has taken on this case - there was no order to accept or any such thing.
Not dooming, just spitting facts.
Fren, I have a few question since you seem to know.
Is there any way to see how each justice voted on this?
a) if we can't know, would it be possible for the military to know (in case this case was a way to see which justices were not compromised)
if it was denied how much of a chance do you think the reconsideration would have?
A. No mechanism that I know of. There would likely be major Constitutional issues with this.
Thank you fren, TY very much! I prefer the hard truth to more delusions of hope. So would you say that it seems like there is no judicial way forward at this point?
Trump, Musk & Gen Flynn all seem to imply something is up soon. Do you think that's the ol' "military is the only way" Would you say that's the only way at this point?
This guy is utterly unhinged and cannot be reasoned with. He has some kind of personal vested interest in lying to himself about how SCOTUS does business. Any argument to the contrary results in complete meltdown. No matter how many times I have told him that every single case properly filed before the Court goes to conference, he has some delusion about how there is a "secret" way they kick cases out before doing the standard operating procedure. Lost cause. Wouldn't bother trying to fix the extreme Dunning-Kruger on display here.
Lol I’m actually a lawyer (though not an appellate lawyer), just trying to help without sounding like a doomer.
It isn't dooming to point out the obvious problems with this case. That is what has been the most frustrating. Pretty damn clear that these guys have grifted off of filing a bogus lawsuit and duped a lot of people into believing in it. I wonder how much they made off of this...couple hundred grand?
Someone insisted it was granted cert already.
It was not; the docket is not secret and is publicly available. You can see it was never granted cert on the docket.
Oh I know, I’m referring to the person you’re replying to
Rejecting it at that point is a better fake news story for their devotees. They venerate the Supreme Court and its actors way too much.
Yes, maybe I don’t understand the process but I was thinking the same thing.
But thet would not have had the emotional payoff this has. They wanted your hopes up so the maximum payoff for the black pills would be greatest. This is like a tug of war...the WH pull and we get some wins and then the DS pulls and we lose some. All performative.
The theory suggested by some was that it served as a loaded gun deterrent for a desperate lame duck Congress who might try a last minute court packing or term limits. If Nancy tried something like that then scotus could send Congress home. Not all but just the corrupt ones.
From the court’s filing rules: the only basis for rehearing is “intervening circumstances of a substantial or controlling effect or to other substantial grounds not previously presented.”
I’m not seeing either one being applicable. Clearly there are no “intervening circumstances” and it is implausible that Brunson has been deliberately sabotaging his case so far by holding back instead of submitting any “substantial grounds”.
So asking the same people that just rejected it to reconsider? Perfect.
2 weeks
Anyone shocked by this doesn't know how anything works.
This is how it works: Military is the only way.
You know it. Glad to see someone else does. :)
Can you explain a bit? What comes next and should we still be following this case? Seems like most here including yourself can't commit to what is distractions vs what isnt. But hey, its all content for you right?
LOL. Unavailable for comment.
I am concerned that militia, not the military will be the only way
"You and your families are safe"
We are at WAR [@].
They're doing their best, not denying that. But it's anything goes at this point.
I think they disabled all major threats like nukes.
You'll get ze ban
Can confirm.
Well, look at it this way. We see what may happen to us if we do like Brazil and rise up. Hundreds get arrested and we get dispersed and called nazis and terrorists and nothing is accomplished.
So even if we rise up we’re powerless. If we sit here and wait to be saved we’re powerless. May as well trust in the plan. It’s all we have outside of taking the black pill.
Civil War would be section v. section.
A people who rightfully own the government taking control of their government is not a civil war.
They have no supporters.
of course most of us are too busy trying to make a living so we can buy eggs and gas to survive... so not sure how significant of a militia we can have.
No it is going to be us.
Leave the Corporate "Government" en masse. Break their backs by refusing to participate in the scam. Stop thinking that fixing the corporation is how we fix the country. OPT OUT.
Become an American State National
So, I guess this proves all three branches of government are corrupt!
Or that the case itself, as presented, was ultimately shitty. Though aspects of it, such as the national security angle, were decent, overall the primary claim about Congress failing to investigate (the case terms to be "due diligence") the disputes over the Electoral votes (technically, the fraud is the Electoral appointments), was completely lacking in any constitutional basis. Congress is a legislative body and is nowhere in the Constitution, explicitly authorized with any investigative or adjudication power regarding Electorl disputes.
And yet, Congress ""Investigates"" everything else they come across....
Even down to how fast Shrimp can run....
Indeed. They don't do what they are authorized to do, and constantly do what they aren't authorized to do. And somehow they allegedly keep getting voted in. We're told that the majority puts them there, but we all know that is a lie.
Kissinger: “The illegal we do immediately; the unconstitutional takes a little longer.”
And that's why we don't Want or Need members of the Professional Victims Nation in any of our Legislatures, or anywheres near them....
All the way up and down. Infiltration was happening right in front of our eyes AND under our noses. For most people, it was and maybe still is unimaginable that humans in power would do such things to the rest. The thing is, though, that at the core of the evil on this planet, we're not talking about humans.
How many in positions of 'authority' are matrix creations, AI or demonically possessed? That makes it ever more vital that we keep shining Light on everything that we can. We're all Communications Officers in here.
God wins in the end. I just pray that we actually ARE in the "final stage." We grow weary...
I am SHOCKED I tell you!
Lol🤣 i do wonder why so many expected something to come of this. If it were going to be that easy the plan and Q would have been unnecessary. I'm guessing the most disappointed are newbies
<shocked face>
Whooooaaa! find gambling going in this establishment.
I guess criminals are free to be criminals, final answer.
Have been for a long time.
DC Uncovered did a good piece about this, and got thoroughly smeared among the "patriots" for "buzz killing."
"A denial of a certiorari petition ends all review of a case and finalizes the decision of the lower court."
Can’t they appeal to a military tribunal?
No, there is no mechanism in the Constitution to appeal a decision of the Supreme Court - the SCOTUS is the last and final word.
Brunson said two weeks ago, and again today, that if this is shot down they have other avenues and to hang in there. This possibility was apparently accounted for. We will see what’s next.
The Brunsons knew it would be shot down, and said so, but were not believed by anons clinging like barnacles to the thin raft of hope that SCOTUS would "save the Republic"
They repeatedly said it had a good chance.
Raland Brunson
The Petition was denied. We will now make our next move. A petition for reconsideration. Hang in there everyone.
Yes, a motion for reconsideration to the same justices that just refused to hear it. Expect the same result.
Exactly this is concerning that a new carrot A B C D on and on will continue
Should we be logical and see that many with no legal experience will continue to get mesmerized by the process of a possible grift here ..imho very concerning
Thoughts from a lawyer friend in intial case was the denial will most likely be based that it was a civil filing request of a criminal outcome ..
So this leaves me to believe as with your comments of knowledge ..nothing will occur and no appeal will be granted ( being SCOTUS) highest appeal How do we state this going forward to normies who are 100 going to state
Reality sometimes doesn’t want to be heard imho (:
Yes, but might as well tack on the Elon line "please pay $8" to every statement coming from those people. Because that's all they are doing. Fundraising.
something something same thing and expecting different results
Whether or not Jackson actually said it, the truism remains.
The power of SCOTUS rulings are dependent on who is in control of the other branches of the federal government, particularly the Executive branch which controls the military. Can't enforce anything without a POTUS willing to do so.
Also depends on who controls States governments. States can attempt to resist SCOTUS rulings. For instance, D controlled states labeling themselves "sanctuaries" where they not only refuse to enforce federal immigration law, but actively impede it. Or R controlled states who prior to the recent abortion ruling, continued to pass and enforce abortion bans despite the Court precedent of claiming that abortion was a constitutional right. Can you now see what the Left is freaking out over the possibility that Obergefell is overturned, which would embolden R states to support their marriage laws already on the books banning same-sex "marriage"?
Again, boils down to who has control of the real POWER... the military... or rather, the militia... the PEOPLE. All the world is in chess... moves, countermoves... risk assessment
There is also no mechanism in the Constitution that give the SCOTUS the power to remove legislatures from either house or the Executive. This was the relief Brunson V Adams was looking for, and that's why the SCOTUS didn't even entertain the case. It was totally flawed from the start. If the SCOTUS had the power to remove the POTUS then Trump would have been gone in his first term.
No argument here
I honestly don't know
I’ll probably be accused of twisted logic, but here it goes. This case never stood a chance, but it served a purpose. Scheduling it for January 6th was not a coincidence and may well have been comms.
One was to give the Uniparty something extra to worry about during the Speaker of the House drama. While they all felt Brunson would be denied, they couldn’t completely rule out the possibility the conservatives might do something surprising and take it up.
But, it’s the comms that are more important. Why would you review a case on the very day of its significance? A case that claims the real insurrectionists that day are 385 members of Congress? Seems like straightforward comm on who the real insurrectionists are.
Here’s where I’m stretching and need to dig when I have time. Could certiorari be denied because the case belongs in the Military Justice System? I keep waiting for something to link to Q Post 2523 about Enemy Combatants, but need to find if there is a link here.
No. If the case belonged in the military justice system (which would also mean that Brunson had really cosmically screwed up every step of the way so far) the court would have issued an order appropriate for that. But this is a civil case asking for civil remedies - the military criminal justice system would not have jurisdiction.
Thanks, I can see how what I asked makes no sense, a civil case can’t move into a military court.
You made me clarify my real question. Where does the authority to enforce this part of the 14th Amendment reside?
From the January 6th Unselect Committee, to some low-level Uniparty people in Georgia trying to disqualify MGT, and the Brunson Case, there seems to be an effort to answer this question.
Good take
I tried to tell people it was foolish, but I got banned for a week.
A disturbing trend:
Skeptism = dooming + misinformation >> ban.
Surprised you only got a week.
I posted links to Court Listener proving a different sacred cow was telling lies and got permabanned.
I can count the number of deep digs sauce anons that no longer post here on considerably more than two hands.
We will continue to see more cows worshipped until this trend is resolved and skeptism is allowed again without it being considered dooming.
I’m going to need to sit quietly with this awhile to be honest.
Dooming or not, we need to work together and plan for our families
You called?
I was downvoted like crazy for saying it's very unlikely anything would come of this case.
The truth is its own reward.
Lots of division in here on this one.
I said the same thing but didn't get downvoted for it.
That's only because everybody loves you and thinks you're pretty.
Neither of those statements is true, although I wish they were ;p
Those who disagreed with you never said getting a hearing was certain, only a maybe.
That is objectively false. Many people did in fact say it was certain.
How many is “many”?
I didn’t see anyone on this forum saying it was “certain.”
They accused me of "dooming."
I didn't argue the matter.
and i am sure we are all just so shocked
So much for law and order. Trump is always screeching about it. But if only one side adheres to it, it’s a dead end.
I’m enjoying watching the world burn. That means Jesus I’ll be here quickly.
Note that Trump ignored this case. He does this a lot. Look over here, not there. And the “there” stuff suddenly pops up and becomes part of the plan.
I fully expected this to get turned down. Hopefully the Bryson’s will prevail eventually…
Amen. Come Jesus, I think we're ready.
There will be a rapture, I will be in it. The seven year tribulation I will not be part of. I am grateful.
I’m in a position where if I’m not here, it’s not going to affect a bunch of people. So I’m ready to move on at any time and I don’t covet being alive in this world. I’m ready for the next.
God bless you and have a great day!
You know, in the days of Noah, it was Noah and his family who were "raptured"... the rest were taken away ("raptured").
Follow what the people of Brazil are doing!
No. This is not the plan. We must wait on the military industrial complex to save us. It's the only way.
well i would say they are up next. if they do not do anything then it is up to WE THE PEOPLE!!!
We the people would do what, exactly?
Yeah, making veiled threats against justices on the Supreme Court on a public forum known to be monitored by various federal agencies isn't the smartest thing a person could do.
Up next? Not one person has been taken out.
You are dumb too. When all else fails are you just going to fall to your knees or are you going to fight? We are not there yet but it will be likely in time. No idea how much but think years.
I never claimed brains. I think it is up to the people. But I think the plan is to slowly trickle our rights away so that there isn't that moment of rising up to fight. It's like the boiled frog theory. And I don't think it's healthy to sit back resigned that years of downward spiral are what we should expect.
I think it's funny, but not really funny at all, that a woke government institution that gets trillions in taxpayer dollars is expected to all of sudden turn around and bite the hand that feeds them.
Get arrested for waving flags? KEK
Rule 44 of the SCOTUS allows for a rehearing within 25 days. The Brunsons also stated they weren't finished and to hang in there.
They're not done fundraising
Quick! Someone go back and get a shit load of dimes!
Did they raise funds before submitting the case? No.
Fuck off with that accusatory BS!
Even Trump raises funds for our cause!
They had donation buttons all over their sites.
Requesting a rehearing by the same Justices who just denied cert? Why would the result be any different?
By the rejection of this case, doesn't that mean that the Supreme Court is aiding and abetting treasonous behavior? Shouldn't they be taken out?
I mean...sure...if you think they should have heard the intentional infliction of emotional distress claim that Brunson made...
Just FYI, Brunson made zero claims of treason or election fraud. But he sure filled up the preceding pages with it. Then he tried to throw 6 bogus tort claims as his basis for relief from all of this. Which is why he got tossed in district court, affirmed on appeal, and denied by SCOTUS.
You’re wrong. He certainly made the claim about treason.
I. Promissory Estoppel - (p.15)
II. Promissory Estoppel - (p.17)
III. Breach of duty - (p. 18)
IV. Intentional infliction of emotional distress - (p.19)
V. Fraud - (p. 20)
VI. Civil conspiracy - (p.23)
Those are all tort claims. None of them are constitutional. None of them are "treason."
Notice that this case is such a sacred cow, even citing their own claims for relief and pointing out how none of them are "treason" results in a downvote tantrum. This is truly remarkable.
They all add up t treason.
Is the Supreme Court supposed to act as their lawyer in completely reforming/rewriting their claims to some legally sufficient level? No. They are the dumbasses that decided to write this themselves. They sure exacted enough money from people duped into sending some to them that they could afford to get a real lawyer to try and put something viable into this diatribe. But they didn't. When your claim fails, it fails.
Court can't rule on arguments not made. Have to make the right arguments. Even if the underlying claim is valid (election manipulation and fraud), Brunson failed to make the right arguments to support said claim.
Courts are corrupt or did you not get the memo?
I'm not trying to be disrespectful. I'm trying to tell you that you could take this case before Jesus Christ and you would lose. It has no merit. This is nothing more than a generalized grievance that we all have about the 2020 election. Slapping some treason and "aid and comfort" buzzwords onto a shit sandwich worth of tort claims doesn't change that the claims are a shit sandwich. They are grifting off people's righteous indignation about 2020 fraud. Nothing more.
Yep and still are.
Yup. It's amazing that "Follow the money" is rarely applied to anyone other than libs.
yea and not it will be up to the military because all options are dead but who the fuck knows what is really going on.
It shouldn’t surprise us, no. Disappointment is appropriate but despair is not. We know how the game ends. We just don’t know how we get there. Keep the faith. Stay positive. One way or another. The world is waking up. It’s only a matter of time.
Holy shit if you go to his Facebook, the Democrat Propaganda accounts are hammering his post with mocking and demoralization. Get over there and fight back by mocking and calling out the trolls.
Why isn't this stickied??
With all the money Brunson got through donations, you'd think he could hire a real lawyer to make the right arguments. Granted, the better plaintiffs in these cases would be the Electors who should have been appointed, but had their elections stolen and their opposing Electors unlawfully appointed.
They submitted the case before they raised any money.
Yet they seem to have gotten money now. Take that money to finance a legitimate, winnable case. I'd start by finding Republican Electors from GA, WI, AZ etc who got fucked.
Is "the plan" still in effect or not?
The Plan is and always was an INFORMATION/AWAKENING CAMPAIGN.
DateFags always like to come up with some 'magic pill' that will cure the US.
Trump is still in play. As is the Space Force and other patriots.
IMO: We need to EXHAUST ALL OPTIONS to show a MILITARY TRIBUNAL COURT there is not remedy through normal means.
As someone already posted, and it's why it got tossed:
"The remedy the Brunson case is asking for is not constitutional.
The Legislative Branch (Congress) is the only one with the power to remove sitting members of the other two branches—or sitting members of Congress itself.
Imagine if SCOTUS could remove members of the other two branches?
Trump wouldn’t have last a second as POTUS."
This post makes a very good point.
2 weeks
Military is the only way . . .
The Bruson bros will appeal. But it won't change the fact that some Justices are deep state tools.
To whom will they appeal? It’s the Supreme Court - they are the last stop.
I meant re-submit.
The super duper secret and serial Supreme Court of the Supreme Court. Their clerks are already helping Brunson set it all up. Loy told me how nice they were on the phone. ItS hAbBeNiNg!!!
The whole "The clerk was super helpful, so there's no way they can lose!" theory was one of the most bizarre things I've ever come across.
I still don't know why so many people thought that was significant. 🤷♀️
Regardless of whether there is standing or not ( I believe there is), this case is way too big for the SC to even touch with a 100ft pole. The removal of hundreds of politicians for essentially deeming their actions treasonous is what we all want to see because of what they did.
To uphold the constitution is what the SC is here for but we know as a collective, they are chicken shit and ruling in favor of this would put their lives at greater stake than Row v. Wade ever did. They don't have it in them and we on GAW should know (and accept) this by now so to doom about this seems silly. Time to keep grounded and realistic Frens.
No you see frens, it's all movie. Go make more popcorn
lol... I feel u fren.
AS I said before and was being accused of being a doomer, the Supremes used the Brunson's as leverage against the Democrats in They passed bills to have term limits for the Supremes, and stack the deck, neither one occured, so now the Supremes denied their case once the Republicans took power in Congress. Clear and simple.