From our own experience in Australia, even those politicians vocally Anti-Vax and calling out the government all the time - yet they never touch on crimes against children. Anyone who does this is a controlled opposition.
I now understand one of the reasons for such a delay in exposing this. This is how you seperate the wheat from the chaff.
BTW, I think the controlled opposition label is waved around too easily, too frequently, and in my view, often incorrectly.
Controlled opposition means an operation that is run by intelligence in order to hold truth seekers, awakened or active members of the community from progressing too much in terms of learning truth, in terms of getting too close to sensitive information, etc.
If a politician, or an activist, avoids the topic because they do not know about it, or because they do not know how to handle it, or because they think its 'too controversial' or not politically expedient, etc, that doesn't make them controlled opposition. It means they are ill-informed, lack moral courage, don't understand the big picture, or are simply less than perfect, etc.
Example, you get a lot of nuffnuffs in the Australian freedom movement who are egotistical, opinionated, unbalanced or immature, and whose influence might be seen as generally unproductive or even damaging, but it doesn't mean they are controlled opposition operatives. It means they are human.
Does controlled opposition exist? Are there operatives out there, whose mission is to muddy the waters, mislead, misdirect, or basically exert influence over the narrative? I don't have direct evidence, but I'm pretty darn certain there are.
But people throw around "controlled opposition" just because they don't like what some people are saying, doing, or because they see ruskies under every bed.
My view.
Oh, shit. I realized, in forwarding this opinion, I'm gonna get labeled "controlled opposition" Sigh. <faceplam> /sarc
Yes, youβre correct that βcontrolled oppositionβ is often misused. It doesnβt mean people who arenβt as based as us or people who donβt go as far. In short, controlled opposition is βcontrolledβ by the enemy. Itβs a bold accusation, pretty much like calling someone a spy.
The tricky part is that I suspect that cabal really has placed many plants on our side, but they arenβt the same people who usually get accused of it, which might be a mechanism of the real controlled opposition framing up fall guys.
I'm sure you're correct. Good controlled opposition is usually managed carefully to be ready at the right time (aka sleepers) or are adept at covering themselves.
Interesting point: I'm persuaded to the opinion that people like Stew Peters, etc, are controlled.
Hmmm... Should really do a write-up on factors to consider and how to analyse if someone is controlled ops or not.
Yeah Iβm sus of people like Peters who come out of nowhere to gain a following during peak cabal censorship, but I donβt have the proof to make an accusation. A red flag might be that some things he says seem outlandish as if to embarrass our side. But maybe even the crazy stuff is true, or a sincere mistake. He could be legit or at least trying to be.
βShould really do a write-up on factors to consider and how to analyse if someone is controlled ops or not.β
Iβd be interested in reading that post.
My best proof is that a lot of shit he talks about especially with vaccine interviews is border line bonkers. The vaccine can have spike protein, maybe it can have some weird graphene, maybe it can have some strange organism, maybe the vax is causing weird patterns like magnets in the blood but having all of it at once in the vax is bonkers and illogical. If this were true we would be seeing far more harm.
I'm not saying the vax isn't bad I'm just saying so far almost every prediction or expert has been flat wrong and the truth of the situation is we won't truly know long term affects for 5 to 10 years which is why trials are typically 10 years. Guessing and dooming saying 1 billion will die is crazy.
Straw man, no one says it's "all of it at once" in any one shot. His guests have pointed out the marked differences in lots and manufacturers. Plus remember it's all experimental, so the batches will differ and CAN BE CHANGED AT THE WHIM OF THE MFG.
The researchers agree that all the shots do have graphene oxide and all mfgs do claim spike proteins are present. Which has now been proven to be the actual most harmful part of the virus, these spikes they carry.
When the rabbit hole runs really deep, we need patriots who work at different levels. The ones at the deepest level always runs the risk of being called crazy.
Its funny how there are a group of people who think Robert Malone, Zelenko, Steve Kirsch etc are controlled opposition since they still believe viruses exists. At the same time another group of people consider Stew Peter, Carrie Madej, Judy Mikovitch etc as controlloed oppo, because their claims are so bold, they think its meant to make us look stupid.
I personally think none of these are controlled oppos.
there is a huge difference between controlled opposition and useful idiots. There are LOTS of useful idiots who get labeled as things much more nefarious, when they really are just repeating what they have been tricked into believing as truth.
Thank you. It passes me off when I see people resort to that label. Or calling someone with an ill informed opinion a shill. Shills do things on purpose to avoid discussion of a topic. People who may not see eye to eye with you aren't de facto shills. Many of us want the truth and we're not all at the same stage.
I think we both understand "controlled opposition" the same way, but you are pointing out that some people are just incompetent / cowards / ignorant and not really controlled opposition.
Out here downunder, I am talking about people like Craig Kelley or Clive Palmer or the other independants who are all experienced politicians and are perfectly aware that there is a list 28 VIP pedophiles that was voted by the senate to be sealed for 60 years. Yet they never talk about that, they never force the issue, they never call for it to be unsealed, and thats deeply disturbing.
On top of that Riccordo Bosi has said that he has been approached by various other political parties that wants to team up with him, however they want him to relax the "working with children" backround check requirement. I mean, c'mon, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to know that they all harbour pedophiles. How much more transparent can you get?
All these people are put in place as a "fail safe" when the coalition and labour gets kicked out of office and probably tried for treason, to ensure the Elites don't lose control. These are controlled opposition.
Imagine how the US Patriots felt when the entire Uniparty made itself visible on Jan 6 and beyond. All the RINOs were exposed, and it was nearly all of the GOP. Before that, on election night, Fox News exposed itself as the main media controlled opposition.
I agree with you. I just posted in another thread about my disappointment in Joe Rogan. I do not think he is controlled opposition. I think he is a mainstream cuck who sometimes tends toward the truth but lacks the moral conviction to fight for it when push comes to shove.
Stop thinking of parties as a thing. There are a few good people on both sidesβ¦ there are also a ton of horrible people on both sides. The only difference is the dems donβt apologize for it
This! Our side SUCKS and I canβt stand them even more than the dems b/c at least the dems are honest about who they are and what their agenda is. We can spot them from a mile away. Our side has been throwing us under the bus and acting like theyβre completely innocent and on the moral high ground for decades. Theyβre a bunch of freaking Judases!!
Our side (RINOS) know exactly what theyβre doing. It is their plan keep the Republicans Patriots from succeeding. They are actually Democrats that have INFILTRATED the Republican party.
McKinney also openly asked for the money Saudi Arabia was offering to NYC after Guliani declined it after 9/11.
At best, McKinney is a communist unaffiliated with the DS. If the club would have let her become a member, she would have never called out the pedos. Feel free to praise her for what she did ... She called out more pedos than 99% of the R party ... Just don't be disappointed when you learn that she's as giddy as a schoolgirl at the prospect of a communist USA.
I watched that on c-span when it happened. It's obvious she is a lefty lib. But at that time practically everyone except Ron Paul was a rino. I don't care if it's octogenarians from the purple gas party asking the question as long as they ask the questions I would ask or better yet the question I hadn't thought of to ask. She shits all over the deepstate by the questions she asks in that video.
Let's try again Bubbles. Cynthia McKinney was some of the opposition to the rino's during the Bush years. She was a major thorn in the side of Darth Cheney in particular. Although she had some really leftist ideas she did stand up for the innocents being trafficked by the military subcontractors that had a green light due to the Patriot Act War on Terror. It was a license to take over the world. The videos of her hard line questions in committee have largely been scrubbed.
The videos of her hard line questions in committee have largely been scrubbed.
If this happened and she continued to be in power, I can think of two possibilities.
One, they found her "price" to shut her up.
Two, she teamed up with the white hats to be a sleeper.
Either way, I get the point you are making - that just because someone is vocal about crimes against children, does not mean they are true patriots.
The counter point is that - yes that would be true historically, but we are at a point where lines are drawn in the sand and the enemy does not have years to finesse people like her - so in this moment in history I would bet on those who are vocal than those who stay silent about the issue.
She is not in power, and she has never shut up. She was painted as a nutjob by the media so severely that most people actually now think she is mentally ill. I imagine this was done so the public would dismiss anything she says as "crazy talk". You can find recent videos online of her calling shit out.
Cynthia McKinney. Dyncorp. Rumsfeld. Haliburton. Please don't ask for sauce and then complain when people deliver it. She grilled Rumsfeld for child trafficking, and the DNC had her replaced with Hank Johnson, who thinks that islands float.
What the hell is a sauce to you then? Please enlighten?
Your not going to get a big flashing billboard that says HERE IS THE TRUTH. You seem lazy as hell
Heβs most likely referring to the Afghani βchai boysβ. If you were outside the wire doing VSO you were basically told to leave that stuff alone, to the fury of everyone involved.
I can't argue with the need. But there's truth that has never been revealed before that's going to make people freak the fuck out. We here know it but many don't...yet.
They shouldn't continue to remain shielded from scary things, If the evil isn't confronted head on it will never entirely end. The confrontation must begin with the very sick media.
We are at war, and our weapon is information. Our task is getting it out. People die in war, but more people die if soldiers don't fight.
Risking our lives is just what has to happen. Of course only if you want to. There is no shame in any choice you make for yourself or your family.
However, I suggest we don't discourage others from taking risks, using information to help save the world.
We all know the risks. I think the Q team took out a lot of the hazards, so it's probably less risky than it would have been before. I have no doubt many hazards still remain though, so caution is warranted.
If you do choose to fight, be unafraid. The worst that can happen is death, and that is ultimately inevitable anyways. Better to die fighting to save the world, then old and toothless, scared and afraid in a world you chose not to help when you had the chance.
Yes, I've heard. Kills men by the hundreds, and if he were here he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his arse. I AM William Wallace. And I see a whole army of my countrymen here in defiance of tyranny. You have come to fight as free men, and free men you are. What would you do with that freedom? Will you fight?
Veteran soldier:
Fight? Against that? No, we will run; and we will live.
Aye, fight and you may die. Run and you'll live -- at least a while. And dying in your beds many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance to come back here and tell our enemies that they may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!!!
I wonder if he was in Iraq witnessing the child trafficking of boys to the leaders. I read somewhere there were soldiers trying to protect the children who were told to stand down and allow the abuse.
Hey Jason we hear you man, got some great things going on,.but , Congress is not a nice place, theres some good people ,but some real bad ones as well, who dont like Truthers,.honest people ,its not what they want in there,.so , careful,.
Is he the one who was in the military until they kicked him out for not taking the vaccine? If not, then who's he? I mean I'm glad he's coming out to speak against the cabal, but what's so significant about him that we should know, other than him speaking up for the victims?
I'll tell ya, I know of a former S.f. contractor who killed a Muslim man to stop him from raping a boy. It was a ball buster to get him out of rhe country before he could be arrested by the Iraqis.
This was over 10 years ago.
It's about time we address this and the Hillary Clinton state departments bullshit trafficking program.
Never saw someone running for congress talking about child rape being ignored.
Shits heating up for sure.
From our own experience in Australia, even those politicians vocally Anti-Vax and calling out the government all the time - yet they never touch on crimes against children. Anyone who does this is a controlled opposition.
I now understand one of the reasons for such a delay in exposing this. This is how you seperate the wheat from the chaff.
I saw and listened to Bosi yesterday. Top value.
BTW, I think the controlled opposition label is waved around too easily, too frequently, and in my view, often incorrectly.
Controlled opposition means an operation that is run by intelligence in order to hold truth seekers, awakened or active members of the community from progressing too much in terms of learning truth, in terms of getting too close to sensitive information, etc.
If a politician, or an activist, avoids the topic because they do not know about it, or because they do not know how to handle it, or because they think its 'too controversial' or not politically expedient, etc, that doesn't make them controlled opposition. It means they are ill-informed, lack moral courage, don't understand the big picture, or are simply less than perfect, etc.
Example, you get a lot of nuffnuffs in the Australian freedom movement who are egotistical, opinionated, unbalanced or immature, and whose influence might be seen as generally unproductive or even damaging, but it doesn't mean they are controlled opposition operatives. It means they are human.
Does controlled opposition exist? Are there operatives out there, whose mission is to muddy the waters, mislead, misdirect, or basically exert influence over the narrative? I don't have direct evidence, but I'm pretty darn certain there are.
But people throw around "controlled opposition" just because they don't like what some people are saying, doing, or because they see ruskies under every bed.
My view.
Oh, shit. I realized, in forwarding this opinion, I'm gonna get labeled "controlled opposition" Sigh. <faceplam> /sarc
Yes, youβre correct that βcontrolled oppositionβ is often misused. It doesnβt mean people who arenβt as based as us or people who donβt go as far. In short, controlled opposition is βcontrolledβ by the enemy. Itβs a bold accusation, pretty much like calling someone a spy.
The tricky part is that I suspect that cabal really has placed many plants on our side, but they arenβt the same people who usually get accused of it, which might be a mechanism of the real controlled opposition framing up fall guys.
I'm sure you're correct. Good controlled opposition is usually managed carefully to be ready at the right time (aka sleepers) or are adept at covering themselves.
Interesting point: I'm persuaded to the opinion that people like Stew Peters, etc, are controlled.
Hmmm... Should really do a write-up on factors to consider and how to analyse if someone is controlled ops or not.
Yeah Iβm sus of people like Peters who come out of nowhere to gain a following during peak cabal censorship, but I donβt have the proof to make an accusation. A red flag might be that some things he says seem outlandish as if to embarrass our side. But maybe even the crazy stuff is true, or a sincere mistake. He could be legit or at least trying to be.
βShould really do a write-up on factors to consider and how to analyse if someone is controlled ops or not.β Iβd be interested in reading that post.
My best proof is that a lot of shit he talks about especially with vaccine interviews is border line bonkers. The vaccine can have spike protein, maybe it can have some weird graphene, maybe it can have some strange organism, maybe the vax is causing weird patterns like magnets in the blood but having all of it at once in the vax is bonkers and illogical. If this were true we would be seeing far more harm.
I'm not saying the vax isn't bad I'm just saying so far almost every prediction or expert has been flat wrong and the truth of the situation is we won't truly know long term affects for 5 to 10 years which is why trials are typically 10 years. Guessing and dooming saying 1 billion will die is crazy.
Straw man, no one says it's "all of it at once" in any one shot. His guests have pointed out the marked differences in lots and manufacturers. Plus remember it's all experimental, so the batches will differ and CAN BE CHANGED AT THE WHIM OF THE MFG.
The researchers agree that all the shots do have graphene oxide and all mfgs do claim spike proteins are present. Which has now been proven to be the actual most harmful part of the virus, these spikes they carry.
When the rabbit hole runs really deep, we need patriots who work at different levels. The ones at the deepest level always runs the risk of being called crazy.
Hear! Here!
Its funny how there are a group of people who think Robert Malone, Zelenko, Steve Kirsch etc are controlled opposition since they still believe viruses exists. At the same time another group of people consider Stew Peter, Carrie Madej, Judy Mikovitch etc as controlloed oppo, because their claims are so bold, they think its meant to make us look stupid.
I personally think none of these are controlled oppos.
there is a huge difference between controlled opposition and useful idiots. There are LOTS of useful idiots who get labeled as things much more nefarious, when they really are just repeating what they have been tricked into believing as truth.
Thank you. It passes me off when I see people resort to that label. Or calling someone with an ill informed opinion a shill. Shills do things on purpose to avoid discussion of a topic. People who may not see eye to eye with you aren't de facto shills. Many of us want the truth and we're not all at the same stage.
I think we both understand "controlled opposition" the same way, but you are pointing out that some people are just incompetent / cowards / ignorant and not really controlled opposition.
Out here downunder, I am talking about people like Craig Kelley or Clive Palmer or the other independants who are all experienced politicians and are perfectly aware that there is a list 28 VIP pedophiles that was voted by the senate to be sealed for 60 years. Yet they never talk about that, they never force the issue, they never call for it to be unsealed, and thats deeply disturbing.
On top of that Riccordo Bosi has said that he has been approached by various other political parties that wants to team up with him, however they want him to relax the "working with children" backround check requirement. I mean, c'mon, it doesnt take a rocket scientist to know that they all harbour pedophiles. How much more transparent can you get?
All these people are put in place as a "fail safe" when the coalition and labour gets kicked out of office and probably tried for treason, to ensure the Elites don't lose control. These are controlled opposition.
Imagine how the US Patriots felt when the entire Uniparty made itself visible on Jan 6 and beyond. All the RINOs were exposed, and it was nearly all of the GOP. Before that, on election night, Fox News exposed itself as the main media controlled opposition.
Yep. To see the truth you have to expose the ugly.
I'm not fully convinced, to be honest.
"out here downunder" ... we're both downunder, broh.
I agree with you. I just posted in another thread about my disappointment in Joe Rogan. I do not think he is controlled opposition. I think he is a mainstream cuck who sometimes tends toward the truth but lacks the moral conviction to fight for it when push comes to shove.
He's still new, we will never have another Rush.
Having children to satisfy their horrific desires always takes precedence over population control.
Or scared.
Her name is Cynthia McKinney. A democrat. Let that one simmer a bit.
Stop thinking of parties as a thing. There are a few good people on both sidesβ¦ there are also a ton of horrible people on both sides. The only difference is the dems donβt apologize for it
This! Our side SUCKS and I canβt stand them even more than the dems b/c at least the dems are honest about who they are and what their agenda is. We can spot them from a mile away. Our side has been throwing us under the bus and acting like theyβre completely innocent and on the moral high ground for decades. Theyβre a bunch of freaking Judases!!
Our side (RINOS) know exactly what theyβre doing. It is their plan keep the Republicans Patriots from succeeding. They are actually Democrats that have INFILTRATED the Republican party.
Exactly! They did a masterful job of it too. Hopefully enough people have woken up/are waking up so that we can start flushing them out!
They always need money to fight the democrat agenda while they wine and dine with them
She was unseated by island flippin' Hank Johnson. That tells me all I need to know.
Fucking retard. A military presence on an island can cause or to flip over because some humans are standing on it?
Oh but he's sick! Then maybe he shouldn't be in a position of power..
EXCEPTIONALLY few democrats. (Iβve been non-affiliated with ANY party for years)
McKinney also openly asked for the money Saudi Arabia was offering to NYC after Guliani declined it after 9/11.
At best, McKinney is a communist unaffiliated with the DS. If the club would have let her become a member, she would have never called out the pedos. Feel free to praise her for what she did ... She called out more pedos than 99% of the R party ... Just don't be disappointed when you learn that she's as giddy as a schoolgirl at the prospect of a communist USA.
I watched that on c-span when it happened. It's obvious she is a lefty lib. But at that time practically everyone except Ron Paul was a rino. I don't care if it's octogenarians from the purple gas party asking the question as long as they ask the questions I would ask or better yet the question I hadn't thought of to ask. She shits all over the deepstate by the questions she asks in that video.
Whose name?
Technically she wasn't running for congress. Dr. McKinney was a six term congresswomen from GA. And if she wasn't ignored who the fuck got arrested?
You are talking as if you expect everyone to know everything about her. I haven o idea who she is, what she did and why this is significant.
Let's try again Bubbles. Cynthia McKinney was some of the opposition to the rino's during the Bush years. She was a major thorn in the side of Darth Cheney in particular. Although she had some really leftist ideas she did stand up for the innocents being trafficked by the military subcontractors that had a green light due to the Patriot Act War on Terror. It was a license to take over the world. The videos of her hard line questions in committee have largely been scrubbed.
If this happened and she continued to be in power, I can think of two possibilities.
One, they found her "price" to shut her up.
Two, she teamed up with the white hats to be a sleeper.
Either way, I get the point you are making - that just because someone is vocal about crimes against children, does not mean they are true patriots.
The counter point is that - yes that would be true historically, but we are at a point where lines are drawn in the sand and the enemy does not have years to finesse people like her - so in this moment in history I would bet on those who are vocal than those who stay silent about the issue.
She is not in power, and she has never shut up. She was painted as a nutjob by the media so severely that most people actually now think she is mentally ill. I imagine this was done so the public would dismiss anything she says as "crazy talk". You can find recent videos online of her calling shit out.
Not enough sauce in your post,so nothing to simmer.
You are kinda askin' for it...
Wow thank you. I hadnβt seen this before.
No I don't have time for vidios,provide real sauce or move along I don't know are care wtf your point is.
Cynthia McKinney. Dyncorp. Rumsfeld. Haliburton. Please don't ask for sauce and then complain when people deliver it. She grilled Rumsfeld for child trafficking, and the DNC had her replaced with Hank Johnson, who thinks that islands float.
Fucking Goldilocks over here.
Give me a source I can parse in 5 seconds or don't even bother, pleb! /s
Thank you most sincerely.
She probably figured she could roast Rs with it safely, obviously was very wrong...
Rumsfiend is not my guy,if she's against child trafficking that's good.
And for the record,tossing down a vidio link is not sauce, I've been tricked to many times with worthless vidios,to waste time on them.
If you have a point make it,don't just toss down links like you won.
The Dyncorp scandal is pretty much Pedogate 101 stuff. I hope the link I included can provide plenty of info on this.
What the hell is a sauce to you then? Please enlighten? Your not going to get a big flashing billboard that says HERE IS THE TRUTH. You seem lazy as hell
That's a rabbit hole. Wow
Wow! I'm definitely sharing this all over!
Are you not havin' fun yet? I'll just be humbled by your superior need to know.
Afghan dancing boys.
Bacha Bazi...dancing boys. Forbidden by the Koran but done anyway.
All Major religions are mind control Ops. Time To say bye bye..
Top kek video! Itβs the gift that keeps on giving like the Myanmar aerobic chick. π€£
Heβs most likely referring to the Afghani βchai boysβ. If you were outside the wire doing VSO you were basically told to leave that stuff alone, to the fury of everyone involved.
Did I just wake up in a brand new reality? I like it already.
Full thread:
Guess what district is he running for in Congress?
Thanks for the link.
Poor fellow is clearly suicidal.
Whose district is that?
Pete Sessions current rep.
TX-17 is northeast of Austin, includes Waco.
Warning, don't jump on board his fab club yet- check this thread out from Sept 12:
Apparently a really nasty motel, but WHY would he say this?!: "If I donβt make it, please come rescue the pizza sauce. ππΌ"
Yep smells .. whatβs he waiting on
Love that you are speaking up Jason but you are in territory that could cost your life. Please be careful and stay safe.
Theyβre trying to kill us all, anyway.
And have been for decades. The truth is for the patient.
Naw dude, the truth is for now.
We've already seen where patience gets us. Same destination, actually.
Speaking truth is the only way out of this.
I can't argue with the need. But there's truth that has never been revealed before that's going to make people freak the fuck out. We here know it but many don't...yet.
They shouldn't continue to remain shielded from scary things, If the evil isn't confronted head on it will never entirely end. The confrontation must begin with the very sick media.
I swear, if you are trying to spout more "Galactic Federation" nonsense, then be warned. We are watching.
We are at war, and our weapon is information. Our task is getting it out. People die in war, but more people die if soldiers don't fight.
Risking our lives is just what has to happen. Of course only if you want to. There is no shame in any choice you make for yourself or your family.
However, I suggest we don't discourage others from taking risks, using information to help save the world.
We all know the risks. I think the Q team took out a lot of the hazards, so it's probably less risky than it would have been before. I have no doubt many hazards still remain though, so caution is warranted.
If you do choose to fight, be unafraid. The worst that can happen is death, and that is ultimately inevitable anyways. Better to die fighting to save the world, then old and toothless, scared and afraid in a world you chose not to help when you had the chance.
Young soldier:
Veteran soldier:
Best freaking movie and best inspirational freedom speech!! FREEDOM! π¬ππ»
The ultimate sacrifice
Personally I think the ultimate sacrifice would be living a life of willing slavery.
I canβt argue that; Touche
If they don't make attempts on his life then I call controlled opposition.
Thereβs That Storm word again
The Storm is upon us... kek!
This shit is about to blow wide open I can feel it!
The way he words his thread makes me think he's a Q follower.
My thoughts as well.
I pray for Jasonβs safety, may God and all the Angels and Saints watch over him.
Excellent post! And sadly I saw on Telegram a picture allegedly from NY police chief with caption he will not let this go....frazzledrip is out.
Will other military stand with him and back him up, tell their stories? His questions are very specific
It'll be interesting to watch this unfold for sure.
Edited to add..
WOW!! Holy Shit!!!!
I wonder if he was in Iraq witnessing the child trafficking of boys to the leaders. I read somewhere there were soldiers trying to protect the children who were told to stand down and allow the abuse.
One of those βthe storm is upon usβ things. Would be a great way to introduce him.
this needs more upvotes
Jason didn't kill himself
The βstormβ is upon us?
The "storm" has finally arrived.
What's this all about? Tell us more.
Exactly! Itβs rare that I miss a day on this site and I have no clue what or who this is referring to specifically. π€·πΌββοΈ
Anons need to pray daily for his safety. Lord please protect and guide him
Takes some serious balls to post that stuff.
Most likely, has the goods.
Hey Jason we hear you man, got some great things going on,.but , Congress is not a nice place, theres some good people ,but some real bad ones as well, who dont like Truthers,.honest people ,its not what they want in there,.so , careful,.
Does that mean the storm is upon us?
No check mark..
His official website shows his twitter handle is @Storm4Congress.
His campaign mailing address: China Spring, TX 76633 You do the math. When the People need a hero.....way too convenient for me. I'll pass.
I was wondering about that too.
My fellow Americans! The storm is upon us! calling out his opponent !π
Okay so this guy, Jason "Storm" Nelson is representing TX District 17 out China Spring.
Also reading older posts on Threaderapp. I'm interested in finding out more about this guy.
Seems like this guy better have good protection, and certainly avoid any flights in small planes.
who's this guy?
Is he the one who was in the military until they kicked him out for not taking the vaccine? If not, then who's he? I mean I'm glad he's coming out to speak against the cabal, but what's so significant about him that we should know, other than him speaking up for the victims?
Imagine a faggot like Milley thinking that the military should be used to protect him.
I'll tell ya, I know of a former S.f. contractor who killed a Muslim man to stop him from raping a boy. It was a ball buster to get him out of rhe country before he could be arrested by the Iraqis.
This was over 10 years ago.
It's about time we address this and the Hillary Clinton state departments bullshit trafficking program.
HE Coming in HOT
This is a FAKE account.
No, thatβs his real account.
Yep, I searched the wrong name.