DTC instructed brokers this GameStop was a split NOT a dividend! (BIG difference! One splits shares the other receives NEW shares) They didn't have enough shares to distribute! This is HUGE! MASSIVE FRAUD by the regulating agency! MILLIONS of shares are owed to investors on brokers in the US and overseas. This is like your government job paying you in counterfeit bills.
This is the end of the DTC and current stock market system. Blockchain stock system coming soon! Financial revolution! MSM Silent.
The financial arm of the plan is becoming clear!
This is just the tip of the iceberg. For years now, Exchange Traded Funds have "owned" many, many multiples of shares outstanding of the selected indexes. Completely unregulated. If all the shares in all the ETFs were sold, there would be a crash beyond comprehension.
Not only that, but these ETFs purchase all the shares in an index in proportion to those companies relative value to the index. So, a lot of dogs that aren't worth owning are purchased in massive amounts to feed the ETF mania. Just ponder a moment what all these worthless stocks are doing to the inflated overvalue of the indexes, by themselves...
Its a controlled demolition. The house of cards will come down
How will they keep DWAC shareholders from getting pooched?
Well until the blockchain based stock market system get started and dwac moves over there I would suggest for any stocks that you want to actually own in your name you move to computershare.com to directly register them in your name and remove them from your broker's name.
Those shares were "HYPOTHECATED"----BEEN going since the 2008 market crash. Left Merrill-Lynch when they were bought out under BofA!!!!!
So, is it still a BUY?
Why so many deleted messages? What was it?
All the deleted comments imply yes.
Shit I didn't make it on time to read the last deleted comment. Workout time.. I guess deletition because of financial advice?
See the sticky up top. Those were all wildly off topic.
Ou, I missed that.. thanks
ANOTHER great thing the germans did.
I'm not going to contemplate in a vacuum, do you have any evidence to justify the questions you asked? I'm open to checking it out.
Who cares what Luther wanted to do. He made a statement that we don't need a pope. Christ is the intercession amd we have direct access to God through the gift of holy spirit.
Tell me you're a duped Papist without telling me you're a duped Papist. The irony here, is beyond astounding.
Still holding with my five minuscule DRS'd shares. Waiting for that ride to the moon.
Should be 20 now if you have been holding longer than a week.
I still have 5 for the past month into today
Where are they held? Some brokers haven’t updated with the new shares yet because there aren’t enough yo go around.
E trade
Best way is to get them out of ETrade and into Computershare via DRS, so you are the owner of the shares and not the broker.
Not sure how to do that. If I google it will I find easy instructions,
I used this site's instructions and selected my broker.
Took 3-5 days but they made it to Computershare. When they transfer successfully you can register your CS login. Also i received CS snail mail about it too.
Go look over at r/superstonk, they have instructions
Before you transfer, make sure you get your extra shares first.
That said, the easiest path to DRS is to open a Fidelity account.
Transfer the shares from eTrade to Fidelity, and then call Fidelity to have them direct register the shares.
Should take one week total (4 days to ACAT and settle and then 3 days Fidelity to Computershare)
Someone posted on here recently, in /new about it. You just contact your broker and tell them you want to direct register (DRS) your shares with GameStops agent Computershare and that gets the ball rolling.
I had 11 then I had 44 and bought a share to make it 45 in honor of our president and because the price is so cheap.
Cute. I hope that brings you luck. Those 45 shares could be worth hundreds or thousands a share.
*hundreds of thousands
It's quite possible unless these people and we know who they are, bails Wall Street out. They deserve to be tortured in every possible way starting with losing all their money times negative trillions before they meet the Lord God at the gates of hell.
I got 11 :)
Called Fidelity to DRS
Was told since my account is 'cash' instead of 'margin', they can't lend out my shares anyway, so there is no need to DRS and have to deal with two entities instead of one
This entire thread is seriously screwed up by all the deletes but I echo your post. I used the above link and got an agent within minutes. Here's the link for anyone needing to do this and if you hold GME shares you do need to DRS the shares. This keeps the bastards from replicating them to short Game Stop.
Here's my post that got buried off the page. Interesting transaction....
"Ok I just did this and your link worked perfectly. Thank you. I got through very promptly to a representative at Fidelity and he assisted me with the transfer out to computer share.
I thanked him and wished him and Fidelity luck and thanked him for the great service. I also mentioned I sincerely hope Fidelity doesn't get caught up in the rif raf because we need you guys. He literally got choked up. So there's fear. "It's afraid"."
Definitely still DRS your shares. Until you do that Fidelity technically owns them.
This is what I assumed
Need some source for this before we can sticky this
DTC telling brokers to issue a split https://preview.redd.it/3j3ka2sdk5f91.png?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=31b3887aaf1e8fdaae457c7b8a7a8282f8743268
Love to see this.
My lil 3/4 share is now at 3 shares!
Buy. DRS. Hold, and Hodl, and hopefully all of us will reap the rewards of what has been stolen from us and the generations before us.
How much per share are anons thinking will eventually be the price? I read over a million dollars someplace LOL
Nobody knows... There's already stocks out there worth hundreds of thousands per share.
GME will do that and then some. This has never happened before... But the math works out, believe it or not.
This I did not know
GAW for the "win" :)
Gotta learn maaaaaan, we got in this situation because nobody cared.
They do the same thing with printing fake ballots and manipulating our elections.
The bankers the same by giving out loans by typing them into the system and sticking us with the debt. It isn't real money backed by anything. They never lend us their money or investors money. They don't even have to print money anymore.
There was a OP here not long ago how it's nearly impossible to find any currency date stamped beyond 2017.
Pray for German apes.
I understand that these stocks are big news, I just wish I understood it more. It seems so confusing to me. Hope y'all do well with it!
I tell everyone, just buy 1. It’s like $35 now. Best odds lottery ticket you can buy and you’ll be helping take down the financial arm of the cabal.
That's what I've been telling people for over a year now... They don't need to do hundreds of hours of research like those of us who spend at least an hour a day on SS, just buy a couple shares, a very minimal investment.
I think at the pre-split price it still seemed like too much to a lot of people, but now, like you said, it's $35 so literally anyone can buy a share or two.
What is the conservative estimate of how much a share of GME should be worth when "it happens"?
Also a bit confused, but I am interested in buying, if nothing else just to be part of it.
But what’s all this Computershare stuff I’ve heard about? Do I buy directly from them? Do they have an online consumer site for that?
See the "How to Buy & DRS" here:
Basically you go to computershare.com, setup your checking account and buy shares directly there. Alternatively you can call your broker (e.g. Fidelity or Schwab) and tell them to move your shares to computershare.
Computershare is the agent of record for GME and many other companies. It essentially means they manage GMEs shares, send out paperwork, perform corporate actions (splits, merges, etc.). Having your shares registered with the agent of record gives you direct ownership rather than indirect ownership through your broker and DTCC (two middlemen who engage in accounting fraud).
I highly advise everyone to buy a few shares and perform the registration process. It is as valuable a financial learning experience as buying gold or crypto.
This is a guide if you want to DRS shares you buy at a broker.
Thank you very much.
Thank you! Would you consider making a “how to” post for those of us who don’t understand this?
When you buy with computershare (which is not an instant, simple process) then the shares you own are registered and held in your name. Buying any other way, you have a theoretical amount of shares in the 'pool' of whatever other company you use. They are supposedly assigned to you (by the broker) but are registered to the broker, not you.
Which is like the difference between actually holding the gold and silver you own vs holding IOUs in some unallocated vault somewhere where you likely share a bar of metal with a dozen other people.
You can buy directly with them(Computershare). Their interface is a little confusing imo.
I find it easier to buy at my broker fidelity. I wait a day, then i pull up their support chat and ask to drs my shares.
Lots of info at Superstonk reddit page.
Open an account with Computershare.com and buy a share!!!! You won’t regret it do it today!!!
Same here. I need to get the shares over to computer share and DRS'd. All the brokers across the earth are flooded with ghost shares with the intent of confusion and Wall Street shorting to stall out Game Stop. Theoretically Game Stop shares could end up being worth hundreds if not thousands per share.
I cleaned up a huge amount of off topic comments. Please stay fairly on topic. If things start sliding, take it to PM's or start a new post (if appropriate to the site). Always be civil, we are all frens!
We appreciate your efforts but the OP is wrecked and almost every reply is buried off the main page. This topic is too important for that to happen. All the posts should be shown on the primary page. If it's possible wipe the deletes off the page. Thank you for your service. 👍
Thanks fren.
I agree with what you are saying, but there is nothing in my tool set to allow me to do that. Unfortunately.
If you click on the little ' - ' next to the offending thread it will collapse. It helps.
No worries. I kind of figured that was the case. Have a great day!
If you did get your split, DRS them immediately to Computershare to legitimize them.
And on the other hand, we have the silver market. Wonder how many investors realize that many silver ETFs do not allow redemptions in silver? How many are in reality backed by real silver? I'll tell you "There's a ratio of 250 to 1 between paper silver and the metal." So people want cash for their paper silver when they realize there's no silver redemption except oops, the ETF doesn't own enough bullion. There's going to be a massive meltdown.
That's why I frequently lurk in both r/SuperStonk and r/WallStreetSilver.
They failed to regulate synthetic shares and now are stuck. They got 3D chessed into a corner.
Now GameStop can remove their stocks from the DTC Oct 4th (90 days from split) and the DTC has to provide them.
According to the 2022 Proxy Statement (item 5), GameStop is authorized to increase their shares to 1 Billion. This allows them to do a 3:1 Stock Split as Dividend at a moments notice if they want to bring the PAIN.
Red October = stock market crash possibility
...i'm betting on the next 3 day holiday for the collapse
And this:
What's gamestops phrase? "Power to the Players"
Also check Q post 1958
The video and the phrase RED OCTOBER in the same post!
What a coincidence.
I think this is it. GME will rise above the ashes
GameStop’s Ryan Cohen tells investors ‘buckle up’ after being elevated to chairman of the board:
Do a search on a q post aggregator site for "buckle up"
What do you see for the 2nd most recent post Q wrote "buckle up"
Always tomorrow till it's today!
Hi Data, So I have had (3) shares for over a year that I bought on TDamericatrade. They split into (12) as per my account when I log in. Are these legit, am I in danger of being scammed? I do not understand the markets, I did this as a big FU to the hedgies. I only have $1k in the market and opened that account just to buy GME. If you please be so kind to EILI5 to me. I’m reading all these comments and your links to Reddit as well. I get that there is major fuckery, but I don’t get how I will know if I have real shares.. thanks for your input👍🏻
So it looks like TD ameritrade, like other brokers, just split your shares into four instead of receiving a dividend from gamestop because the DTC not only gave them the wrong instructions but didn't issue them the shares that game stop gave them to distribute
Not sure how this will play out with people that leave their shares with brokers. You could be stuck in litigation for years trying to get your money. The only solution is to directly register your shares through computershare.com
I'm on mobile right now but you can Google your broker's name and DSR and you should find the instructions on how to do that. If you're unsure or unclear just shoot me another comment later this evening or a direct message and I will point you to the Reddit thread that has specific instructions for your broker.
Directly registering your shares takes them off the DTC system and puts them directly in your name. It's the equivalent of having paper stock certificates. The shares registered through computer share or the first ones to receive the dividend. They are also the registered transfer agent of gamestop. There's no safer or better way to hold your GameStop then directly registering them in your name and taking them out of your broker's name.
So are we DR the 3 original shares or the split stock of 12 shares?
TD Canada
u/Rpaddymac1 has TD ameriatrade
Great question, I was going to try and drs all 12, but like you ask, and like data said, it should be a 3:1 split when I got a 4:1 split.
Awesome! Thank you, will be calling TD this morning.
I think you may be off with your OCT 4th date sir.
Check this post I created a while back:
Nice! Ty!
I got mine.
You are missing the point.... did you get a split or dividend? It will look the same at this point unless you ask your broker / rep. If you're DRS'd on Computershare you got the split. If you were on a broker they created unauthorized shares. Most of Europe has gotten NOTHING and many US brokers have gotten synthetics that didn't come from GameStop.
I transferred a chunk of new shares from the split from Fidelity to ComputerShare last week and they went through.
Yeah I would recco everyone do this ASAP. It forces them to send shares over and leaves the hot potato in someone elses hands.
I doubt any of the biggies like fidelity or E-Trade etc would be shorting GameStop with the shares that they're brokering for you. It's the hedge funds that are going to have the vast majority of the fake shares.
No offense, but, ya gotta start paying more attention. Every last one is the enemy 🌎 👩🚀 🔫👩🚀
Fidelity is. There is proof. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/wdlhvp/fidelity_confirms_that_they_are_handling_the_gme/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf
lol see source links. DTC instructed them to split and did NOT give them additional shares.
The hedge funds that are classified as market makers are the primary sources of the fraud, though I bet DTCC is involved also.
Fidelity/E-Trade/et al. are involved in the fraud in two ways:
They are participants in a RICO scheme to steal our shares by lending them out for massive profit to the market makers, knowing that when MOASS hits they won't get those shares back.
They are participants in a RICO scheme to suppress GME's price by sending all buy orders to the dark pools (Shitadel and Vertu) and all sell orders to the lit exchange. A second part of this scheme is brokers colluding to keep trade activity off IEX.
The worst possible outcome for Fidelity/E-Trade/Vanguard/Schwab apes is the IOU scene from Dumb and Dumber. I hope those apes are made whole but there's just no telling how it will go down.
Hedge funds and market makers are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS.
No, the prime brokers, who ARE market makers, are the source of the fraud.
You might have a point regrading the retail brokers. I have no doubt they understand that naked shorting happens, in general, but they are not the ones doing it. It is the prime brokers, with Goldman Sachs being the prime suspect.
No. You guys do not understand how the system works.
IF there is a massive naked short position out there (I do not believe there is, but let's just say if ...), then there are NO "synthetic long shares" out there in brokerage accounts to offset the naked shorts.
Such "fake long shares" would not exist in your brokerage account OR in the hedge funds' brokerage accounts. The brokers wouldn't know anything about the naked shorts.
The naked shorts are CREATED (from nothing, just like the Federal Reserve does) by the PRIME BROKERS (Goldman Sachs, JPM, etc.) and held ON THEIR OWN BOOKS.
It would be the same exact scam as what the Federal Reserve does, but by the prime brokers. Nobody else would even know.
The prime brokers are the ones who make money from lending shares (real or imaginary), and they would be the ones on the hook, and forced to unwind.
They would be easily able to do it, IMO, and Goldman Sachs, being also a bank, could just borrow from the Federal Reserve.
The Superstonk board is full of shit.
Notice, there is no SAUCE by the OP. Just a claim made, with nothing to back it up.
The 'synthetic longs' are from the 'infinite liquidity' that they brag about. It's essentially a share printer and they have definitely oversold the stock.
When SHTF there will be a large amount of oversold longs, naked shorts, swaps, and tons of other illegal activities.
Just like every other deep state scam (election fraud, vaccines, war mongering, etc). They cheat and over leverage themselves in a bunch of different ways.
Time will tell how it plays out but I expect it to be exciting and profitable for retail and the world to be a better place for everyone else.
r/Superstonk is full of SAUCE. I appreciate a controversial opinion but u/MAG768720 is just shilling FUD on every GME post.
That is an oxymoron. You can't have an "oversold" long. That would be a sell.
Not shilling. Putting up real facts that almost nobody here will make an effort to refute (I think one person actually responded to the substance of my posts on GME, and everyone else resorts to ... RACIST!!! ... or the stupid equivalent ad hominem).
I was right in January 2021, here on GME.
I have been right so far in 2022.
I was right about the split doing nothing to help the longs.
You guys might turn out right in the long run ... but I doubt it.
Superstonk is just a stock tout site, with a lot of what-if's and maybe-super-secret-bad-stuff-happening with no REAL substance. Most of you just believe the hype and bullshit and ASSUME that the bullshit means something.
A legit counter opinion is not a "shill," it is a counter opinion.
So ... umm ... excuse me, but ... fuck you.
Think of it like airline tickets. There is a finite number of seats. Airlines sell more tickets than seats all the time. When they get caught they are forced to pay over market price to buy that seat back.
If you believe in the cause and want to participate in bringing down the financial arm of the deep state and profit from it then buy, DRS, and hold.
If you don't believe in the cause then do nothing or if you are over confident then short or buy puts.
Legit counter opinions are great but the last thing anyone needs is another snopes or facebook fact checker.
I got mine via E*Trade…all came through
They’re likely a result of a forward split and not a split via dividend. I’m with Fidelity and they confirmed it was the case with them. They said the DTCC instructed them to do it that way. I moved 50 more shares over to Computershare today.
I will soon have 450 DRSed and 26 with Fidelity.
I’m waiting to hear GameStop’s response.
Did you catch Gamestops response? RC tweeted it "Ask not what your company can do for you, but what you can do for your company"
Basically, DRS.
This doesn't mean that Fidelity even has to care about it. They didn't go to the market and buy fake shares on your behalf. The shares that they bought we're authentic GameStop shares. Only a Roman Catholic Babylonian lunatic deals in fake GameStop shares, and most of them are located in Italy and it's beloved ally Germany. Rest easy pede.
I love reading that! LOL.... we gonna bring the whole system down.
There was some 90 day conditional if DTC did not honor what they were supposed to do, which was issue a dividend.
Bingo. GameStop included the trap clause essentially if the DTC doesn't do their job they get to move everything.
If you check the date they issued the shares + 90 days you will arrive on an Oct something date. Check the Q post that date :)
I just want to pray to God and Jesus and someone can help me to understand more what is going on. God and Jesus is the only thing we have in this world nothing else matters. Pray pray and pray, God is all love and he reminds me of that everyday. Love you all and God bless you.
Just nabbed another 45 shares
This is the way.
So when do we moon?
Bend over ...
Same as buy paper gold. They just keepr printing more of it.
Even the idea of a "stock market" is stupid as far as I'm concerned. The only people that "own" a company are the people on record. Whoever created it, bought it, inherited it, or took it over. Not some person like me.
Win/lose with the stock market. No pun intended. Win huge corporations with the resources to create awesome products. Lose huge corporations come with huge profits, power, and influence. I would rather live a simpler life with simpler products and leave the all the evil behind.
Other countries like south korea actively support their corporations, giving them an edge. Its a competitive global market
Good luck trying to sell your shares if there is no market.
Sounds more like a communist idea than a capitalist one.
How does that remotely sound communist?
Say the shorting hedgies take it in the ass and GME moons. What are we talking about here with regards to price per share? What is realistic?
Infinity. The theory is that GME is shorted with nonexisting shares, to an extent that there are more "fake" shares than acutal shares in existence. These shorted, fake shares, will in theory have to be bought back at some point. That means that any shares you have will HAVE to be bought, AT ANY PRICE. What price is that? Well, what do you want for it? 100k? A million? 10 million? This is the theory. Will it be that easy? Probably not, as lawmakers and regulators are in no way interested in upholding their own laws, so expect major fuckery. But something is gonna happen, and a couple of GME shares will probably make you very rich someday, so just buy some, and hold them, and see what happens
Potentially prices that look like phone numbers.
The highest price stock is roughly $500,000 a share. Bertha Hathaway. Want to see how the government can step in and have the price of anything below that to resolve this.
But we are in completely uncharted territories. 500%+ naked shorting means that every share that exists needs to be bought and rebought at least five times. And that assumes everyone sells all their shares. Personally I've got 50 of my 1080 shares set aside for the infinity pool that I'm not selling under any condition. There are many like me with infinity pool shares to help x share holders get more for theirs.
I'd love to get rich but I'm in this for the financial revolution more than anything. Bring the current rigged system down and take power away from the gatekeepers.
You can sell for any price you want if you are able to hold long enough. According to the DD the floor is 20 million.
False. It is a split, a dividend is a taxable event. Dividend is stated because GME wants it to come from verifiable shares, which is important and adds to the case.
In the end, they must cover no matter what. DRS your shares and be patient. They must cover,
Cash dividends are taxable, this was a stock dividend.
Correct. Should've clarified that it was a stock div.
I need to get through to computer share and figure out what the hell is going on. Unfortunately my two past attempts landing me in the Philippines and as expected I didn't get anywhere.
I bought shares on the 22 the day the stock split at Fidelity. I need to find out if it was legit because I never owned the shares before the 18th those supposedly are the entitled recipients of the dividend shares. Then if I can Direct Register with Computer Share.
Yeah wish I understood the DRS stuff more. From what I read can cost hundreds to do this?
I have some GME through SAXO, when split happened I got the additional shares, from what I can tell.
Does that mean I've actually got them then?
There was some auto action on there, sold my shares at old price, then purchased 4 for each share at the new price.
They should NOT have done that. That's a taxable event. Your shares should have never been sold. You should have simply been given more.
I dunno about DRSing through SAXO, but you can ask on superstonk or another GME subreddit. I'd get on that if I were you.
No worries, will have to.
I just assumed it was just the mechanism they were using to get to the new price of 25% of the original.
But I guess what you're saying is they should have just provided 3 more, and price on all should have been adjusted to 25% of what it was before.
If you do not hold it, you do not own it.
Digits on a computerscreen are not holding shares, silver or currency. It is all based on hope the counterparty will honor the contracted commitments.
With what you know today, do you really trust the financial sector?
Us crypto retards don't sound so retarded anymore, eh?
Sorry for my ignorance, but what is DTC?
DTC is a member of the U.S. Federal Reserve System, and a registered clearing agency with the Securities and Exchange Commission. They facilitate the inter-trading of stocks between the brokerages. They MUST know that fraud is occurring, but they do nothing since they are part of the problem.
In other words, just another corrupt gubmint agency stealing from the citizens.
I was over at my sister's yesterday spending the day with her for her birthday and GME came up. I have my shares DRS'd and got my splividend shares and she mentioned she had a few, 3 or 4 so she checked hers and still the original amount. Her brokerage account is with Wells Fargo.
If there's as many faux shares out there as purported there's no way to DTC can hand out all the required shares to brokers.
They'll find a way around it, demons always do.
Blockchain doesn't address nearly all major problems with stocks.
What about blockchain prevents a senator from acquiring stock in a company and then creating laws or policy that influences the value of the stock? Nothing.
What about blockchain prevents those with insider data from abusing it and acquiring stocks in a company they know will increase or selling/shorting stocks they know will decrease? Nothing.
And then throw on top the lack of regulation, which sounds like a good thing until someone steals your passwords and you have no recourse to get your wealth back.
Blockchain and nft stocks addresses some of the largest most fundamental problems with the stock market system itself. I listed those issues already but they include synthetic shares, naked shorting, invisible dark pool training or most trades are actually going so your stock sales and purchases aren't really affecting the stock price as they should, payment for order flow, failures to deliver, and much more.
Senators trading stocks isn't a problem with the stock market system it's a problem with our government. You're making a category error. But if it was on blockchain all the trades would be completely transparent and you would have Bloomberg terminal level information at your fingertips without paying thousands of dollars a month for it so a regular retail investor like you or I could respond to something like that that we see.
And as far as insider trading is concerned I don't believe it should be illegal. You'd be surprised to find out that if you eliminate that portion of the law and you give everybody the same level of information access and not just the people with Bloomberg terminals, that the market can reflect and adjust rapidly without the need for government oversight.
The stocks will be tokenized nfts. They would be attached to your wallet. You can either have custodial access yourself or with an institution. The loop ring layer to protocol this is built on already allows you to set up a wallet recovery. Stolen securities would be completely transparent on the blockchain. That would be an absolutely idiotic thing for someone to steal. It would be like writing your phone number and address on a house you burglars. You should familiarize yourself with this technology.. What you don't realize is you don't have much of a recourse if and when the current system fails. Verses a system that's fail proof in comparison that requires ZERO trust in gov and institutions.
The stock market functions as a resource for the deep state and elites to control the populations of the world.
It's a means of pegging the wealth of elites to the wealth of the population at a percentage, where the wealth of elites cannot be touched without simultaneously harming the population.
At its core, it's nothing more than gambling. It serves no purpose to society to allow people to speculate whether companies or industries will prosper or fail. More than 90% of those who invest in the stock market lose money, and the same is probably true of NFTs.
Either there are external authorities who enforce how trades are made through the blockchain, or there aren't.
If there are external authorities who enforce what happens on the blockchain, it's literally no different than today's system. If an external authority can demand shares be given back because they were stolen, then an external authority can demand shares be divided instead of paid dividend. You're left to the whim of the regulating agency.
If there aren't external authorities who enforce how trades happen on the blockchain, then your point about theft is unenforceable.
Over 140 billion dollars has been lost on bitcoins with forgotten passwords.
How much has been stolen by "institutions" tasked with managing bitcoin for users?
Until you're able to at least acknowledge the stated flaws with the technology, you're the one that has familiarization to contend with.
Oh God, please no.
This would be worse.
The only financial revolution is gold.
theoretical question: let's say if you had extra paper dollars laying around, would you put them into physical metals ownership gold only, or gold/silver mix, or just silver...asking for a friend...and if g/s mix, what would be your ratio?
If you are doing it for a SHTF scenario, then you want both.
Gold is more important than silver, but both have a role. If you wanted to buy something for $10, tough to do with gold, but easy with silver, due to difference in price per ounce, and how many coins you would need.