Suddenly Netflix is a source for valid information. This is like the Trump supporters who know CNN is lying about everything, but then trust them 100% on everything they report about Q.
Being on netflix is an indication, but not the one you think, they put it out there, to make it even more of a target of ridicule, so their well poisoning with it is more effective.
FIRST thing my liberal brainwashed sister said to me when I made it clear I would not be taking any fucking vaccine some 2 years ago:
"So what now?!? you believe in flat earth too?!?!?!?"
And so it was all the more clear to me why absurd stuff like this get seeded all around.
The main proponent of the current Flat Earther movement is Eric Dubay, who has numerous ties to the C_A (I'm not at my computer at the moment or I'd give a link or two).
The "truther" people get their beliefs from the C_A. EVERYONE gets their beliefs from the same source. Thus, The Matrix.
This allows those who see the larger scope of the truth to be controlled; made to look foolish, thus the rest of what they have to say is also "foolish nonsense".
This doesn't address whether or not the Earth is flat, it only addresses the specific present day arguments put forth about Flat Earth. Those specific arguments come from the C_A via Eric Dubay.
Yeah, I've thought that too. The idea of Flat Earth being real is depressingly boring and stupid, and goes against all common sense. Hollow Earth, however, is fascinating, be it true or not.
From what I've seen through telescopes the planets appear round. I can't tell from the telescope image whether they are a disc or a sphere. If I didn't know anything and science said they were discs, that's what I would see.
Why are all these supposed discs oriented so that they are facing us? If they are discs shouldn't they be oriented randomly? If the disc is not facing toward us it would appear as an oval shape, so either all the discs are inexplicably facing toward us for an unknown reason or they are not discs.
I didn't say they were discs. I'm saying that they don't look like spheres to me, as the comment I replied to insinuated they do. They are probably spheres, that's the most reasonable explanation. Perhaps they are all discs facing toward us for an unknown reason. Probably not.
If you look at the moon through a telescope you can see differences in light and shadows between the center and edges, similar to our perceptions of closer, more familiar spheres.
I'm not stating that Eric has all his facts straight... but please post links that show his numerous ties to the C_A. Searching I found some blog posts from people who claim he is C_A and use lots of words but don't actually provide any evidence whatsoever. Saying something doesn't make it is so.
I found a video of a guy saying Dubay is C_A and then rather poorly attempts to debunk Dubay's claims. This does not make Dubay C_A.
I found videos that possibly expose him as an abusive, lying, cheating boyfriend. One showing a possible piece of evidence that he may have lived in D.C. for a time. None of these lead to 'ties to the C_A' so far.
The important thing is clamping down when something is demonstrably flat earthers.
Hard disagree. It is important to clamp down on evil (like pedophilia), NOT on stupidity. Clamping down on stupidity will invariably be used by evil to clamp down on good people.
Stupidity allows evil to thrive...and also you can clamp down on more than one thing at once. Weird that you seem to be in the camp that society can only do one thing at a time.
Flat Earth bullshit has derailed so many conversations on this forum in the past it's actually not even funny.
You slide the bs in real fast on a few key topics.
Cool story my dude.
Firstly, his experiment was retarded.
I'm sure it was, since his experiment was to prove flat earth as real.
Secondly, the positioning of his failure to go "viral" in record time in conjunction with Netflix is extremely suspicious.
Irrelevant when it comes to clamping down on actual stupidity. Also, obligatory "lol Netflix" too, as if most of us haven't already unsubbed from it and will remain that way.
There are some real suck my balls kind of logic with heliocentric earth that no one can reconcile and same with flat earth.
Feel free to explain the logic that you believe is shit, and feel free to counter it. Because this is an insertion of an entirely unrelated topic ("heliocentric earth") to a topic that already doesn't need to be here ("flat Earth") which is further proving my point, thanks.
Not really, it's almost laughed out of the room anytime someone is dumb enough to mention it. Source: been here since day 1 and make fun of flat earth every chance I can... Which hasn't been much
Sometimes this site(the mods) are frustrating. The other day I asked for help finding "American made" Amazon style websites... my request was removed within 5 mins. Really disheartening... Always thought this was the best place to put "America First".... destroy the cabal. Now... not so sure... sad.
Hypocritical af if you ask me. This is still a flat earther post, just the opposite side of the argument. If flat earther comments warrant bans for mods like you and catsfive, then this should receive the same energy. "This is a Q board"... What a load of shit.
How do the mods "know" Brent? There's a 3 bitcoin reward for one single proof of the globe waiting to be claimed. Just one proof. There should literally be dozens, if not hundreds, if not thousands of proofs.
I myself looked for that one proof for over 3 years to shut down a buddy of mine that kept nagging me about FE. Much to my surprise, I was never able to find one.
If you've got the proof but are unwilling to try and collect the 3 bitcoin (~$90K), share it with me and I'll submit it and split the prize with you.
What do flat earthers define as "flat", anyway? Perhaps they need better marketing.
As any civilian boater or ship navigator knows, looking out towards the horizon of an open, calm sea does not lend itself to the FE's use of commonly understood adjectives. They need to do better from the get go.
Well I tend to agree with your sentiment. And to wit, most legit "flat earthers" don't think the realm we live in is "flat". We just know that there's no evidence of the curvature lie anywhere we look.
But I don't understand your example? Looking out over the sea shows nothing but "flatness". You are literally at "sea LEVEL", because everything is indeed LEVEL, as water always finds its LEVEL.
So I'm not sure what you're driving at with this example?
What SHOULD BE available if we lived on a globe are pictures and videos of ginormous water BULGES due to the so-called moon's "gravity" (also fake and no proof). Based on all the establishment measurements they give us, we should have water bulges as high as 13 miles in certain parts of the ocean due to the moon's alleged gravitation pull at its peak. But we've never seen a picture or video of any water bulge of even 100 feet, let alone miles.
Everywhere you look, water always finds its level - even amidst the fictional tale of the alleged massive moon gravitation pull. Quite a head-scratcher, eh?
Now ad-hominen attacks? What a sad state of affairs.
Where does all the water go at low tide... dummy? Shouldn't there be a mountain of water out in the ocean that has incorporated all that excess water?
This is what the great globe god Neil DeGrass Tyson tell his blindly trusting followers. Or weren't you aware of this defining feature of your globe as presented by your globe gods?
You blindly call me a dummy when you don't even know the idiotic lies your side tells. Bravo good sir, bravo.
In the Med there is hardly eb and flood as tides. Maybe a couple of inches. From west to east we are talking 3000 miles or so. The interesting part is: it differs from place to place. In some places it can reach a difference of 1 meter or 3 feet.
The same goes for other places around the world having 3 or 4 tides a day instead of 2.
So, what we learned at school, that the moon is responsible for the tides (think spring-tide = storm + tide) may be somewhat questionable. The model generally works so no one thinks about it.
For instance, does it matter if a coast line is under a certain angle with the moon making the tide there more or less?
Why does the North Sea have a tide but the East-Sea, or the Baltic sea does not? What's the difference? Does it make a difference if the water is salty or sweet? How much water column do you need to get tidal effects? How about the Caspian Sea?
I dunno the answer to these questions. I looked for them somewhat, and learned quite a lot. But the questions are still valid.
1- You can see the curve from an airplane. 2- If it was flat you could see Everest from anywhere with a good enough telescope. I'll take my payment in USD.
The plane windows are curved. Hard to believe it's this easy to fool people. Go check out the globe king Neil The-Grass-Fed-Bison talk about Felix Baumgartner's famous Red Bull jump from like 128,000 feet (24 miles) which is basically 4x higher than commercial planes ever fly. Mr Bison had to do damage control on this one and let everyone know that everyting looks 100% FLAT even from that height, despite Baumgartner's fish-eye lens GoPro camera which made everything look curved, just like your airplane window. Turns out the balloon had a camera mounted to it as well that wasn't a GoPro fish-eye lens that captured all the action with a nice FLAT & LEVEL horizon with zero curvature to be found.
There's way too much distortion in the atmosphere for that. It's like looking through 1000 windows. You can see through 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13. stacked windows but things get hazier and hazier the more you add. There are scratches, imperfections, clouding, etc. in the glass as well. Just like the atmosphere is full of gases, moisture, humidity, smoke, fog, rain, snow, etc. This is why you can't "see forever" and never will be able to no matter the technology.
1- Funny how you can see it from a Cessna with the doors taken off then. You know, as in, no windows. That's a bullshit excuse anyways because it would distort at all times and look like playing a video game at 120FOV even on the ground.
2- No, the reason you can't see forever is because the Earth is curved.
You would think a guy like that could afford a singular skydive if he really cared about the truth, and actually thinks airplane windows only distort your vision at altitude... It's almost like they don't care about the truth and just want to create a conspiracy theory so nutty that it makes anyone who believes any conspiracy theory look bad...
You can watch ships drop below the horizon, you can’t see the North Star in the southern hemisphere, water spirals counter clockwise in the north, clockwise in the south. It flows straight down on the equator, great circle paths fall southerly in the southern hemisphere- give me my 3 bitcoins.
There's a limit to the angular resolution of the lens of your eye. Get yourself a Nikon P900 camera with telescopic lens and you can zoom right back in to those ships you can no longer see with your naked eye. And to wit, there's a limit to the angular resolution of the lens of the camera too.
you can’t see the North Star in the southern hemisphere
All observational claims are subject to the "law of perspective" which is simple and obvious to understand. You can't see everything, everywhere forever which is what this weak claim suggests. Instead, you can see what is near you but not what is far from you. Look it up if you don't understand.
water spirals counter clockwise in the north, clockwise in the south
No it doesn't. The "Coriolis effect" is a fallacy, a wives tale, 100% debunked. No such phenomenon occurs. The water spiral depends EXCLUSIVELY on the shape and design of the drain holding the water, and/or the momentum given to the water when the drain is opened up.
It flows straight down on the equator, great circle paths fall southerly in the southern hemisphere
This sentence doesn't even make sense.
Sorry, you lose, as all GLOBALISTS lose. Once again, zero science, all you've provided are nothing but fully debunked arguments.
Where's the SCIENCE? Zero scientific proofs of the globe? How can that be? Things that make you go hmmmmmmm?
No goof. There was some good gained from this. 2-3 new threads after popped up and some good insights were shared. But for the Mod Team, the Shills and Doomers love to follow the swarm. Like Spring Cleaning. ;)
So we're trusting daily mail and Netflix as a source for deboonking now? Lolll what a fucking joke. The amount of cognitive dissonance here, just because you're chomping at the bits to slam dunk on something you find untrue.
I mean if you don’t believe Q just say that. Because it was a Q drop too, but you want to focus on Netflix and dailymail instead because then you can just blindly claim it’s false without lifting a finger. The irony in talking about cognitive dissonance, while refuting Q drops on a Q board.
I'm not claiming any belief in my comment. I am merely pointing out the issues of citing sources we'd normally hold suspect, just because they so happen to align with OP's preferred take on the matter.
Also you're creating a false dichotomy on an opinion you're assuming that I have. Even if I were to argue for the case of flat earth, that doesn't mean I can't believe Q. That is fucking absurd and lacks any sort of logical thinking.
Q also said misinformation is necessary. Q also had to be extremely smart and focused on what message they were transmitting. It would be tactically idiotic for Q to also promote flat earth even if they knew it to be true. That would only serve to drag down the movement and add another major point of detraction against them.
I mean it doesn’t just align with OP’s preferred take, that’s a very skewed and neglectful portrayal. Most importantly, it aligns with Q post as well, and again being that this a Q board - it should be discussed. What would necessitate misinformation of the shape of the Earth? Cant you make the same claim that you made of OP, that you are designating this particular Q post misinformation because it doesn’t align with your take?
It’s not a false dichotomy, you either follow and believe Q posts or you partially do by picking and choosing the ones (Q posts) you want to follow or substantiates your prior personal beliefs.
Okay maybe not OP specifically, as I haven't seen his posts on the matter, nor did he present an opinion along with the post. However, I agree with you on the "it should be discussed part", but what you're missing is the open hypocrisy of the mods. Idk if you've noticed, but mods such as catsfive are very aggressive with mocking and banning people talking about this subject. Then the reasoning provided is, "This is a Q focused board" and to take these sorts of subjects to
Yet, in this case we have someone posting about the same exact topic, to a mainstream news source with the only major difference being that the source is mocking the flat earther viewpoint. However, instead of removing the post or issuing a ban because "This is a Q focused board", the post is instead stickied by a mod. That's outright hypocrisy. I don't think any case should result in a removal or a ban, and I damn sure don't think either case for or against should be stickied. I agree with you, it should be open for discussion.
"What would necessitate misinformation of the shape of the Earth?"
I already explained this. Even if Q believed the Earth to be flat, they gain no benefit by talking about it. It doesn't help serve the main purpose of the movement, and it only adds even more negative weight. Its the same thing with JFK Jr. being alive. Even if that theory were true, Q would gain no benefit and only negatives in perpetuating it. Because optics are something Q repeatedly said to be important.
Not really. Even Q states the earth is not flat. It’s more the conspiracists that laugh at ‘Qanon’ or discredit it, that believe flat earth conspiracies
Q also says disinformation is necessary. There's a post here today on Trump's comments about Musk and posts there are saying disinformation is necessary.
When it comes from people who really don't know much about the world, it is not credible. When it goes contrary to all known facts, it is simply ignorant.
Of course, I would be the last one to deny them the opportunity to proof their premise correct. Working towards proving a premise is better than simply creating a solution to an health emergency that did not exist but yet being pushed by all the governments in the world because of contracts with the WHO.
The earth isnt flat. Why is it so important for some of you to propagate this? What exactly are you trying to prove? What difference does it make for humanity if you are right?
Its being used against the movement to show that we are all crazy. Use some discernment.
Most creation scientists are not flat earthers (because they’re actually intelligent). Globe models of the earth predate evolution and Big Bang models by centuries if not millennia.
Stop pretending that flat earth has a monopoly on creation science or religious thought.
If an eternal, omnipotent God created the universe (which I believe is the case as a universe can’t cause itself into existence), then it would be trivially easy for such a being to simultaneously create a vast universe and a planet capable of sustaining life, no? It has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with God’s creative benevolence.
Some basic questions to challenge globe earth model:
The earth movement can be easily felt during an earthquake. Why not otherwise?
With so much advancement in technology, why is Flat Earth even a theory? Why don't we see millions of photos/videos/live feed of Earth's curvature from space stations/satellites/airplanes?
Earthquakes can be felt because that’s the only time the earth actually moves relative to you. Flat earthers complain all the time about how fast the earth spins and how fast it travels around the sun, claiming that we should be able to feel it. They fail to grasp the concept of relative motion, usually because they dismiss the concept of relativity outright.
As for why flat earth is still a theory, that’s because a lot of people think emotionally rather than logically. Outraged that the govt has lied about some things, they swing to the opposite extreme to distrust everything ever said by the govt. Then, when people point out that they are wrong, they develop a persecution complex, combined with a superiority complex that they know secret knowledge that everyone else is too stupid or brainwashed to comprehend. That’s why flat earth is still popular.
I love the smug know-it -all attitude. Dude, sit on it. You don’t know Jack. Maybe do a dive on the subject then type your gay wisdom. Unlearn the relearn.
I’ve debated flat earthers for years. I’ve watched every video and read every article that they’ve thrown at me, and it’s all chock full of ignorance and illiteracy. Their models do not match reality at all, and they can’t even agree on what their model actually is.
False. They agree on the model. The fact that you don't know that is proof you are lying. Further proof is, if you did in fact read every article and watch every video (bit of a stretch right there) then you would 100% not hold the stance you have. Keep digging there "SciFi" (lol) - you just might make it to China.
No, they don’t agree, because every single time I or someone else points out something wrong with something that a flat earther has said, another flerfer comes along saying “that’s not what flat earthers believe!” And proposes a variation of the flat earth model.
“If you [insert requirement here] you would agree with me” is a tacit admission that you don’t have an argument and a gratuitous display of narcissism. In other words, typical flerfer bloviating.
Science is based on provable facts, and if the theory you had proves wrong it is admirable in this day and age that the person revises his theory based on provable facts performed. That is a true scientist. But people now are using science as a cult or religion.. which is not science at all.
This has absolutely NO relevance on this board. For the mods to sticky this post is frustrating, because they do not let us discuss this. If you will promote something, then allow for debate. If we are not to discuss this, then by all means DO NOT STICKY IT. Mods. Thanks.
Is it not true that whether one is in favor or opposed to the notion of a flat earth, its discussion is unwelcome in this particular setting? Such discourse is not conducive to the topic at hand, and has historically served as a diversionary tactic. In fact, the flat earth theory itself can be seen as a contrived conspiracy intended to undermine the credibility of other conspiracy theories.
My argument against flat Earth is that the shortest distance between two objects is a straight line except on a sphere. I have been in airplanes and they have always traveled in an arc. So why would the airline companies be spending all that money on extra fuel to keep the spherical Earth idea alive?
My argument against flat Earth is that the shortest distance between two objects is a straight line except on a sphere. I have been in airplanes and they have always traveled in an arc.
A straight line on a sphere is called great circle distance. It's impossible to represent a sphere on a 2D piece without physical distortion in some way, so on paper, planes trajectory appears curved, but that's just a distortiong of their actual path. Planes don't really constantly turn in real life, they follow a mostly straight line whenever possible.
Why can we see further than we should be able to? We can see further into the distance than the physical horizon of a spherical earth would allow. There's numerous examples of this around the internet. The best (underwhelming) explanation for this that I've heard for this is that it's a mirage. Can anyone explain this? Genuine question, I'm not here to debate. Just searching for answers.
Netflix, whether by accident or not, has put other based information out there. Graham Hancock's Ancient Apocalypse series is one. That really pissed off academia.
The series about Epstein was deep state damage control, but much of the information was still very useful.
This is somewhere between hilarious and deserving disdain. The Flat-Earthers have no maps that can represent the world correctly, nor an astrodynamic theory that represents the solar and lunar motions correctly. They studiously ignore the continuous 500-year history of circumnavigation (because outright denial would put them in the problem of confronting it). They cannot explain the southern hemisphere of constellations. And they cannot find any phenomena that should be possible and evident only on a Flat Earth. They have all the bits and pieces of an ignorant and failed hypothesis...yet they claim superior insight into the world. The occupants of the International Space Station are waiting for the answer to their non-existence...
Another issue, brought to bear on the matter, is the compass sailing circumnavigation. It does proof, the ability to sail around a central point. In and of itself it does not proof the earth to be a globe, as in a flatearth representation is clearly shown. It only means, one could circumnavigate around a central point, this being north pole.
When consulting a traditional Flat earth map, and I am going to go with this one:
It clearly shows how to navigate from Auckland, New Zealand, to the rugged coast of Chili,Prta Isabel, located on the Darwin Canal, or to the Colombian Coast near Buenaventura (about same longitude)
According to navionics, to sail both these destinations:
1.Prta Isabel: Distance: 4923 miles. Heading 97 degrees on the compass.
2.Buenaventura Columbia: 7322 miles, Heading 68 degrees on the compass.
In both cases no, course alterations have to be made, except for maybe an Island or two.
In your flat Earth representation, for the shortest route, I would have to go North -easterly 41 on the compass and it would take several alterations in course to reach destination by default. The route, in both cases, is to go all the way up to California, en than down south to either Chili or Colombia. I would say, at least double the distance.
As an alternative, it is possible to maintain a easterly course along the 33 parallel South, and I would then end up in Ptra Isabel, however, the distance is at least double the distance as calculated by Navionics.
I'd dare you to take a boat and test your FE hypothesis and take that trip. I would be interested in knowing your heading and distance covered.
I have repeated that challenge twice on this site with FE-adherent. So far, not one has taken the challenge.
I guess that 20.000 Federal Reserve Notes had been better spent on a voyage like the above then such a demonstration wrought with all kinds of variations.
The Apollo program photos were real. After the Apollo program, we weren't going high enough to get a whole-Earth photo (this was corrected with the recent Artemis flight, which took a picture of the Earth). Take a basketball, which has a 75 cm circumference (23.8 cm diameter). At that scale, a 250-km high orbit would be tantamount to a distance from the ball of about half a centimeter (or 0.18 inch). Put your eye at that distance and tell me how much of the ball you can see. Hardly any of it. That is the problem. So what NASA does is take pictures in a swath along the path of the satellite and then digitally "stitch" the images together on a spherical surface. (Be mindful of the fact that this technique would be impossible for a flat Earth.) Consider it a photo-mosaic. It is done all the time with high-altitude photography.
These are not images that are taken from the theoretical reference position in space, but they are not "fake" either. The land forms and the weather are quite real and accurate.
So, don't accuse others of being a "dumbass" when you own ass is on display.
The accounts are nonsense. No CGI during the Apollo days (hard to do something when the technology is not yet in existence). No "admittedly fake." What would you know about any of this, that you can look down on my 40 years in the industry that accomplished it? You certainly don't know "every fucking thing." You don't even know the facts of the Apollo program.
With unerring precision, I have found that the key signature of a failed argument is the recourse to scorn and insults.
I'm not interested in or impressed by "mysterious deaths," which you do not enumerate. What is a mystery to you may be "none of your business" to the family involved. Spare me the paranoid fantasies.
The land mass sizes are not changing. That would raise hell with air travel, and it obviously is not doing so. The land mass size where I live is not changing. None of my friends around the world are announcing any such problem. You are dreaming, pal.
So, the only people who know anything are already dead? Then how do you know they knew anything? (If they told you, you would be dead, too.) You don't even appreciate the absurdity.
The rest is just scurrilous insult and ranting. Really? Is that all you can say for yourself?
I know flat earth cultists claim to be open minded, but it seems at odds with how any time a subject matter expert in navigation, sailing, aviation, or other jobs tied to moving around the earth and sky...
All of a sudden we don't trust what people experienced because it doesn't line up with preconceived notions.
The scientific method as a concept is a correct approach. The problem currently is the stifling environment caused by money and interest. This is not the first time this happened. Lord Kelvin was quite forward in his opinion on flight. Yet, he was wrong. Who proved him wrong? The Wright brothers. You can't make this shit up.
At best, your premise has grown from emotion connected to these last 3 years. And rightly so. They are fucking around.
Just because the label science is abused, and scientific reasoning is abused, does not mean the method is wrong. Virology is not science, we know that. Climate science (ahem) yeah ... load of bullocks. ESDG's and critical race theory and the list goes on, all pure bullshit.
Yet, it does not negate the fact that 1+1 still equals 2. Meaning when you add 1 orange to 1 apple, it does not mean you get 2 apples or 2 oranges, except under the premise of trans-ideology. It would mean you have 2 fruits.
Has official science hidden the access to artifacts and what they consider "ooparts"? Yes, they have. Especially in Egypt. It is one political mess. Yet, when comparing artifacts of the past and we research them with current technology, we can only stand in amazement of the beauty and technical prowess of certain of the artisans living back then. It does not compute that we today living somehow represent the pinnacle of technological ability. When will official science turn that corner?
Yet, their unwillingness to confront facts that do not suit them, should not suggest they are right. Far from it. It often happens that those who espouse a different view are vehemently attacked and defunded. Canceled as it were.
Money promoting commie ideology. The irony. Yet, we see this in our lives everyday: the effects of the Bolshevik Billionaires (HT: Laura Ingraham).
To address the issue of thousands of years and navigation:
Phoenicians already knew more about circum-navigation and it is quite clear they have gone further than we might think.
The peoples of the Americas often talk about white guys teaching culture having come there from across the sea.
Polynesians have navigated to many islands in the pacific.
So, at the very least, since the Kon-Tiki expedition, we know for a fact circum-navigation was possible and probable.
This also addresses the issue of science. The Great pyramids, and these buildings are not unique, there are hundreds and thousands of them around the world (China is hiding them, because then they would have to admit, Han Chinese are not the smart guys and that does not sit well with the CCP) are a factual testament to science in terms of how they were built (we still don't know) the dimensions, representing all kinds of coincidences with the size of the moon, distance of the moon from earth, size of the earth, size of the sun etc, and the sheer precision with which it is built.
History generally is written by the victors and especially the propagandist. If you can't trust Julius Ceasar's account, who can you trust to tell the truth about things ....;-)
Well, the city fell. Several times at the hands of the Goths.
What happened afterwards was a quite staggering. The infrastructure till then stayed, but no longer an emperor was reigning over all, and a split was made between wordly power and spiritual power i.e. Pontifex Maximus position. The latter was claimed by the pope based on quite a dubious heritage.
This split left the Roman Church in tact and gave rise to the system we have seen, where monarchs were kissing pope ass: Federick, King John, King of France, the rise of the Holy Roman Empire, Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation and the antagonism against the Prusian State within the context of rivalry and title-inheritance.
The Earth is not round. It is actually a little pear shaped. And the gravitational anomalies are called J Terms. When you want to calculate a line of site communication method (radio (FM and up) or laser) you use a 4/3rds Earth formula. Important for drones and military communications. I am an Astronautical Engineer.
Within normal expectations, the Earth is round. It has a slight oblateness due to rotational effects. There is an even slighter "pear-shaped-ness" due to the facts of life, but we are well below the level at which anything would be noticeable on a basketball-sized globe. There are higher order terms varying in latitude and longitude, relevant for low-Earth orbit determination.
The 4/3-Earth propagation model is a handy approximation to the atmospheric refraction of radio waves, but it is valid only at low altitude and low elevation angles. The refraction effect dwindles with increasing altitude. I don't think that visible light and radio have identical refraction effects, though they could be close.
We're on the same page. I am also an aeronautical / astronautical engineer.
You are correct. Just wanted to make it more layman friendly. Good to find a fellow Astro person. Love your handle. It was one of my many program initiatives while at the Pentagon.
My last hurrah was YAL-1A. Successful target engagement on 11 Feb 2010. Not that I pushed any buttons, but I did edit the winning proposal and did preliminary designs in the 1970s.
My connection was mostly through the SDIO and Air Force programs. Did you perhaps ever encounter Colonel Roger Lenard? I also worked in the area of kinetic energy weapons. At Boeing, we developed the Lightweight Exo-Atmospheric Projectile (LEAP), which was the first 3-axis-stabilized solid-propellant KEW (successfully flight-tested in laboratory). We weren't able to market it and had to let it lapse. The Thiokol propulsion technology was picked up by Hughes, which was later absorbed into Raytheon. The Standard SM-3 warhead is a spitting image of our 2nd-generation design concept.
I always liked LEAP. Col. Lenard doesn't ring a bell, but me and names don't get along. I use that part of my brain for other things. I was a contractor advising the SDIO office for a while and did several budgets for them (for just one budget round), then I moved on. Wasted tremendous amounts of money.
Plenty of uncertainty about the direction of programs and how they would pan out. Particle beams were promising, until they realized that it would be impossible to aim them accurately through the Earth's magnetic field. Space-based lasers were interesting, until they realized it would mean storing huge quantities of liquid hydrogen and liquid fluorine in space for the lifetime of the system. Railguns were interesting, until they uncovered all the problems with rail erosion and the fact that the high-Mach projectile would start decelerating from the muzzle immediately at about 10 gs. But, as the Russians say, you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs!
Based 9n the pear shape of the earth and the gravitational pull of the sun, the milky way and other larger bodies, how does the moon stay in a perfectly synchronize orbit?
I really wish I'd see someone finally prove once and for all the Earth is round by using holonomy, a side effect of curved spaces that increases an object rotation when its only moving in translations. This is possible on a sphere but impossible on a flat surface, and a purely mathematical concept (so no reliance on photoshopped pictures, or various kind of light pollution in the atmosphere, or weird optical illusion like on water). Determining whether or not holonomy is a thing on Earth will 100% prove if its a curved space or not.
Suddenly Netflix is a source for valid information. This is like the Trump supporters who know CNN is lying about everything, but then trust them 100% on everything they report about Q.
You're looking at this the wrong way.
Being on netflix is an indication, but not the one you think, they put it out there, to make it even more of a target of ridicule, so their well poisoning with it is more effective.
FIRST thing my liberal brainwashed sister said to me when I made it clear I would not be taking any fucking vaccine some 2 years ago:
"So what now?!? you believe in flat earth too?!?!?!?"
And so it was all the more clear to me why absurd stuff like this get seeded all around.
The main proponent of the current Flat Earther movement is Eric Dubay, who has numerous ties to the C_A (I'm not at my computer at the moment or I'd give a link or two).
The "truther" people get their beliefs from the C_A. EVERYONE gets their beliefs from the same source. Thus, The Matrix.
This allows those who see the larger scope of the truth to be controlled; made to look foolish, thus the rest of what they have to say is also "foolish nonsense".
This doesn't address whether or not the Earth is flat, it only addresses the specific present day arguments put forth about Flat Earth. Those specific arguments come from the C_A via Eric Dubay.
Don't even need a telescope. You can see the shadow of the Earth on the moon with the naked eye and it's clearly round.
That argument is always met with “round like a pancake” from FEs.
But I agree with the premises. Flat Earth is a “meta” conspiracy theory, created by CIA for other “conspiracy theories “ to look dumb.
Ah you believe 9/11 was a false flag, guess you believe the Earth is flat as well.
Hollow Earth is a million times more plausible theory than Flat Earth.
Yeah, I've thought that too. The idea of Flat Earth being real is depressingly boring and stupid, and goes against all common sense. Hollow Earth, however, is fascinating, be it true or not.
I agree. It would make more sense for Hollow Earth to be real
If the Cabal were to have underground bases
From what I've seen through telescopes the planets appear round. I can't tell from the telescope image whether they are a disc or a sphere. If I didn't know anything and science said they were discs, that's what I would see.
Why are all these supposed discs oriented so that they are facing us? If they are discs shouldn't they be oriented randomly? If the disc is not facing toward us it would appear as an oval shape, so either all the discs are inexplicably facing toward us for an unknown reason or they are not discs.
I didn't say they were discs. I'm saying that they don't look like spheres to me, as the comment I replied to insinuated they do. They are probably spheres, that's the most reasonable explanation. Perhaps they are all discs facing toward us for an unknown reason. Probably not.
If you look at the moon through a telescope you can see differences in light and shadows between the center and edges, similar to our perceptions of closer, more familiar spheres.
Well poisoning. Saw it play out while q was posting on 8chan. We have the same thing going on on this board with the "viruses aren't real" posters.
I'm not stating that Eric has all his facts straight... but please post links that show his numerous ties to the C_A. Searching I found some blog posts from people who claim he is C_A and use lots of words but don't actually provide any evidence whatsoever. Saying something doesn't make it is so. I found a video of a guy saying Dubay is C_A and then rather poorly attempts to debunk Dubay's claims. This does not make Dubay C_A.
I found videos that possibly expose him as an abusive, lying, cheating boyfriend. One showing a possible piece of evidence that he may have lived in D.C. for a time. None of these lead to 'ties to the C_A' so far.
It's also stupidity to believe that they are wrong about literally everything just because they're a leftist/leftists.
Leftists can be right, right leaning people can be wrong. Reality doesn't give a shit about how we feel or our politics.
The important thing is clamping down when something is demonstrably flat earthers.
Hard disagree. It is important to clamp down on evil (like pedophilia), NOT on stupidity. Clamping down on stupidity will invariably be used by evil to clamp down on good people.
Stupidity allows evil to thrive...and also you can clamp down on more than one thing at once. Weird that you seem to be in the camp that society can only do one thing at a time.
Flat Earth bullshit has derailed so many conversations on this forum in the past it's actually not even funny.
You slide the bs in real fast on a few key topics.
Firstly, his experiment was retarded.
Secondly, the positioning of his failure to go "viral" in record time in conjunction with Netflix is extremely suspicious.
There are some real suck my balls kind of logic with heliocentric earth that no one can reconcile and same with flat earth.
So, the hell with both lets talk about D-wave if you really want to blow your load on reality checking rhetoric.
Cool story my dude.
I'm sure it was, since his experiment was to prove flat earth as real.
Irrelevant when it comes to clamping down on actual stupidity. Also, obligatory "lol Netflix" too, as if most of us haven't already unsubbed from it and will remain that way.
Feel free to explain the logic that you believe is shit, and feel free to counter it. Because this is an insertion of an entirely unrelated topic ("heliocentric earth") to a topic that already doesn't need to be here ("flat Earth") which is further proving my point, thanks.
Whatevr, bro lol
Not really, it's almost laughed out of the room anytime someone is dumb enough to mention it. Source: been here since day 1 and make fun of flat earth every chance I can... Which hasn't been much
The fact that you're "laughing it out of the room" instead of discussing the topics at hand is proving my point, and I guess you don't even see it.
I discuss topics worth discussing.
If I told you that I would like to hunt for a unicorn, would you waste your time entertaining this notion?
You're also assuming that I didn't look into it with an open mind previously. Which I did. And it's nonsense.
Stupidity and evil are the same thing.
Very wise
now insert various other "alt-media" narratives, such as clones, lizard people, arcturuan galactic federation of nonsense etc.
I thought the same thing too at one point, but now I think otherwise.
Wolf, good way of saying it kindly.
Why is this stickied on a site that tells everyone to go to Oh I know why.
Sometimes this site(the mods) are frustrating. The other day I asked for help finding "American made" Amazon style websites... my request was removed within 5 mins. Really disheartening... Always thought this was the best place to put "America First".... destroy the cabal. Now... not so sure... sad.
Because the Mods know the Earth is a fracking spherical object that’s why. Oh whoa!! Dude my nametag is flashing Mod! Kek Kek.
Hypocritical af if you ask me. This is still a flat earther post, just the opposite side of the argument. If flat earther comments warrant bans for mods like you and catsfive, then this should receive the same energy. "This is a Q board"... What a load of shit.
Exactly right.
100%. One is not allowed to discuss or defend fe or be banned, but they can jerk each other off insulting if np.
How do the mods "know" Brent? There's a 3 bitcoin reward for one single proof of the globe waiting to be claimed. Just one proof. There should literally be dozens, if not hundreds, if not thousands of proofs.
I myself looked for that one proof for over 3 years to shut down a buddy of mine that kept nagging me about FE. Much to my surprise, I was never able to find one.
If you've got the proof but are unwilling to try and collect the 3 bitcoin (~$90K), share it with me and I'll submit it and split the prize with you.
Whadaya say?
What do flat earthers define as "flat", anyway? Perhaps they need better marketing.
As any civilian boater or ship navigator knows, looking out towards the horizon of an open, calm sea does not lend itself to the FE's use of commonly understood adjectives. They need to do better from the get go.
Well I tend to agree with your sentiment. And to wit, most legit "flat earthers" don't think the realm we live in is "flat". We just know that there's no evidence of the curvature lie anywhere we look.
But I don't understand your example? Looking out over the sea shows nothing but "flatness". You are literally at "sea LEVEL", because everything is indeed LEVEL, as water always finds its LEVEL.
So I'm not sure what you're driving at with this example?
What SHOULD BE available if we lived on a globe are pictures and videos of ginormous water BULGES due to the so-called moon's "gravity" (also fake and no proof). Based on all the establishment measurements they give us, we should have water bulges as high as 13 miles in certain parts of the ocean due to the moon's alleged gravitation pull at its peak. But we've never seen a picture or video of any water bulge of even 100 feet, let alone miles.
Everywhere you look, water always finds its level - even amidst the fictional tale of the alleged massive moon gravitation pull. Quite a head-scratcher, eh?
We've been observing the water bulges forever. They're called tides. Dummy.
Now ad-hominen attacks? What a sad state of affairs.
Where does all the water go at low tide... dummy? Shouldn't there be a mountain of water out in the ocean that has incorporated all that excess water?
This is what the great globe god Neil DeGrass Tyson tell his blindly trusting followers. Or weren't you aware of this defining feature of your globe as presented by your globe gods?
You blindly call me a dummy when you don't even know the idiotic lies your side tells. Bravo good sir, bravo.
Here's your globe god spreading his great wisdom ->
I'll just head back to dummyville now....
Just to be clear, he refuted your argument.
The "dummy" was added merely as an exclamation, not as an ad-hominem argument against your comment. There's a difference.
Fuck off fed.
I think Morpheus has a point .... somewhat.
In the Med there is hardly eb and flood as tides. Maybe a couple of inches. From west to east we are talking 3000 miles or so. The interesting part is: it differs from place to place. In some places it can reach a difference of 1 meter or 3 feet.
The same goes for other places around the world having 3 or 4 tides a day instead of 2.
So, what we learned at school, that the moon is responsible for the tides (think spring-tide = storm + tide) may be somewhat questionable. The model generally works so no one thinks about it.
For instance, does it matter if a coast line is under a certain angle with the moon making the tide there more or less?
Why does the North Sea have a tide but the East-Sea, or the Baltic sea does not? What's the difference? Does it make a difference if the water is salty or sweet? How much water column do you need to get tidal effects? How about the Caspian Sea?
I dunno the answer to these questions. I looked for them somewhat, and learned quite a lot. But the questions are still valid.
Flat Earth is the ultimate in goal post moving: every time you show proof or refute their argument they move the goal posts again.
Can you provide an example or is this your way of avoiding looking into it for yourself?
1- You can see the curve from an airplane. 2- If it was flat you could see Everest from anywhere with a good enough telescope. I'll take my payment in USD.
LOL, hilarious. You get an F for effort!
The plane windows are curved. Hard to believe it's this easy to fool people. Go check out the globe king Neil The-Grass-Fed-Bison talk about Felix Baumgartner's famous Red Bull jump from like 128,000 feet (24 miles) which is basically 4x higher than commercial planes ever fly. Mr Bison had to do damage control on this one and let everyone know that everyting looks 100% FLAT even from that height, despite Baumgartner's fish-eye lens GoPro camera which made everything look curved, just like your airplane window. Turns out the balloon had a camera mounted to it as well that wasn't a GoPro fish-eye lens that captured all the action with a nice FLAT & LEVEL horizon with zero curvature to be found.
There's way too much distortion in the atmosphere for that. It's like looking through 1000 windows. You can see through 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13. stacked windows but things get hazier and hazier the more you add. There are scratches, imperfections, clouding, etc. in the glass as well. Just like the atmosphere is full of gases, moisture, humidity, smoke, fog, rain, snow, etc. This is why you can't "see forever" and never will be able to no matter the technology.
1- Funny how you can see it from a Cessna with the doors taken off then. You know, as in, no windows. That's a bullshit excuse anyways because it would distort at all times and look like playing a video game at 120FOV even on the ground.
2- No, the reason you can't see forever is because the Earth is curved.
That guy is an idiot. Why isn’t the horizon curved when you are on the ground, why is it magically only refracting in the air? Morons
You should let Neil DeGrass Tyson he's wrong then...
You would think a guy like that could afford a singular skydive if he really cared about the truth, and actually thinks airplane windows only distort your vision at altitude... It's almost like they don't care about the truth and just want to create a conspiracy theory so nutty that it makes anyone who believes any conspiracy theory look bad...
There are lots of proofs, but if you offer a reward, it doesn't mean anything if you dismiss all evidence presented as fake.
You can't deny science, and as luck would have it, there's zero science backing up the globe. What a coincidence!
You can watch ships drop below the horizon, you can’t see the North Star in the southern hemisphere, water spirals counter clockwise in the north, clockwise in the south. It flows straight down on the equator, great circle paths fall southerly in the southern hemisphere- give me my 3 bitcoins.
There's a limit to the angular resolution of the lens of your eye. Get yourself a Nikon P900 camera with telescopic lens and you can zoom right back in to those ships you can no longer see with your naked eye. And to wit, there's a limit to the angular resolution of the lens of the camera too.
All observational claims are subject to the "law of perspective" which is simple and obvious to understand. You can't see everything, everywhere forever which is what this weak claim suggests. Instead, you can see what is near you but not what is far from you. Look it up if you don't understand.
No it doesn't. The "Coriolis effect" is a fallacy, a wives tale, 100% debunked. No such phenomenon occurs. The water spiral depends EXCLUSIVELY on the shape and design of the drain holding the water, and/or the momentum given to the water when the drain is opened up.
This sentence doesn't even make sense.
Sorry, you lose, as all GLOBALISTS lose. Once again, zero science, all you've provided are nothing but fully debunked arguments.
Where's the SCIENCE? Zero scientific proofs of the globe? How can that be? Things that make you go hmmmmmmm?
You kinda goofed here, Brent. Exhibit A: all the ensuing discussion and argument about plana terra.
No goof. There was some good gained from this. 2-3 new threads after popped up and some good insights were shared. But for the Mod Team, the Shills and Doomers love to follow the swarm. Like Spring Cleaning. ;)
Then, I defer to the modification. Rock on, please!
Thank you brother. And God bless you and your family always.
This behavior makes this place no different than reddit. Unbelievable.
What's unbelievable is that there are so many flat earthers in this generally intelligent and critically thinking community.
Unbelievable? No. incredible? Yes.
wait, what...?
So we're trusting daily mail and Netflix as a source for deboonking now? Lolll what a fucking joke. The amount of cognitive dissonance here, just because you're chomping at the bits to slam dunk on something you find untrue.
I mean if you don’t believe Q just say that. Because it was a Q drop too, but you want to focus on Netflix and dailymail instead because then you can just blindly claim it’s false without lifting a finger. The irony in talking about cognitive dissonance, while refuting Q drops on a Q board.
I'm not claiming any belief in my comment. I am merely pointing out the issues of citing sources we'd normally hold suspect, just because they so happen to align with OP's preferred take on the matter.
Also you're creating a false dichotomy on an opinion you're assuming that I have. Even if I were to argue for the case of flat earth, that doesn't mean I can't believe Q. That is fucking absurd and lacks any sort of logical thinking.
Q also said misinformation is necessary. Q also had to be extremely smart and focused on what message they were transmitting. It would be tactically idiotic for Q to also promote flat earth even if they knew it to be true. That would only serve to drag down the movement and add another major point of detraction against them.
I mean it doesn’t just align with OP’s preferred take, that’s a very skewed and neglectful portrayal. Most importantly, it aligns with Q post as well, and again being that this a Q board - it should be discussed. What would necessitate misinformation of the shape of the Earth? Cant you make the same claim that you made of OP, that you are designating this particular Q post misinformation because it doesn’t align with your take? It’s not a false dichotomy, you either follow and believe Q posts or you partially do by picking and choosing the ones (Q posts) you want to follow or substantiates your prior personal beliefs.
Okay maybe not OP specifically, as I haven't seen his posts on the matter, nor did he present an opinion along with the post. However, I agree with you on the "it should be discussed part", but what you're missing is the open hypocrisy of the mods. Idk if you've noticed, but mods such as catsfive are very aggressive with mocking and banning people talking about this subject. Then the reasoning provided is, "This is a Q focused board" and to take these sorts of subjects to
Yet, in this case we have someone posting about the same exact topic, to a mainstream news source with the only major difference being that the source is mocking the flat earther viewpoint. However, instead of removing the post or issuing a ban because "This is a Q focused board", the post is instead stickied by a mod. That's outright hypocrisy. I don't think any case should result in a removal or a ban, and I damn sure don't think either case for or against should be stickied. I agree with you, it should be open for discussion.
"What would necessitate misinformation of the shape of the Earth?"
I already explained this. Even if Q believed the Earth to be flat, they gain no benefit by talking about it. It doesn't help serve the main purpose of the movement, and it only adds even more negative weight. Its the same thing with JFK Jr. being alive. Even if that theory were true, Q would gain no benefit and only negatives in perpetuating it. Because optics are something Q repeatedly said to be important.
The same people who hate on flat Earthers hate on "Qanon conspiracy theorists"
Why is it so hard for people to admit that there's more that they don't know about the world?
Not really. Even Q states the earth is not flat. It’s more the conspiracists that laugh at ‘Qanon’ or discredit it, that believe flat earth conspiracies
Agreed. Fet is a cia psyop used to discredit other theories that touch too close to the truth.
There is no qanon.
That is what the quotations are for...
Missed that one. Eyes wide shut. ;-)
Q also says disinformation is necessary. There's a post here today on Trump's comments about Musk and posts there are saying disinformation is necessary.
When it comes from people who really don't know much about the world, it is not credible. When it goes contrary to all known facts, it is simply ignorant.
Of course, I would be the last one to deny them the opportunity to proof their premise correct. Working towards proving a premise is better than simply creating a solution to an health emergency that did not exist but yet being pushed by all the governments in the world because of contracts with the WHO.
I would love to debate you again but last time I did I was banned. Very pre-Musk Twitter
Be sure to tell them on the conspiracy sub, because we don't talk about flat earth stuff here.
Technically, this is anti flat earth stuff, but I get your point.
Technically, last fall I got a 23 day ban from GAW (my one & only) for engaging a thread re: FE... as a non FE'er
Correct. Only spherical stuff. Kek.
Just to shut the Flat Earthers up Q, Is the Earth flat?
No. Q
Q also says disinformation is necessary. Post on site today about Trump on Musk people saying disinformation is necessary.
Gonzalo whatshisface was talking about well-poisoning and used mood-landings as his example when flat-earth is THE well-poisoning leader-of-the-pack.
Fake and gay documentary, netflix is the enemy.
I was so excited until I saw Netflix.
Now you dun it.
He dun goofed?
The earth isnt flat. Why is it so important for some of you to propagate this? What exactly are you trying to prove? What difference does it make for humanity if you are right?
Its being used against the movement to show that we are all crazy. Use some discernment.
Which movement and how is it being used against it?
They are hiding God and His perfect creation. Because they are demonic.
Most creation scientists are not flat earthers (because they’re actually intelligent). Globe models of the earth predate evolution and Big Bang models by centuries if not millennia.
Stop pretending that flat earth has a monopoly on creation science or religious thought.
I guess we live on God's favorite planet, in God's favorite solar system, in God's favorite galaxy. How lucky are we?
If an eternal, omnipotent God created the universe (which I believe is the case as a universe can’t cause itself into existence), then it would be trivially easy for such a being to simultaneously create a vast universe and a planet capable of sustaining life, no? It has nothing to do with luck and everything to do with God’s creative benevolence.
Uh huh.
Some basic questions to challenge globe earth model:
The earth movement can be easily felt during an earthquake. Why not otherwise?
With so much advancement in technology, why is Flat Earth even a theory? Why don't we see millions of photos/videos/live feed of Earth's curvature from space stations/satellites/airplanes?
Because every photo is dismissed as cgi.
Lots of stuff fron NASA is cgi
Earthquakes can be felt because that’s the only time the earth actually moves relative to you. Flat earthers complain all the time about how fast the earth spins and how fast it travels around the sun, claiming that we should be able to feel it. They fail to grasp the concept of relative motion, usually because they dismiss the concept of relativity outright.
As for why flat earth is still a theory, that’s because a lot of people think emotionally rather than logically. Outraged that the govt has lied about some things, they swing to the opposite extreme to distrust everything ever said by the govt. Then, when people point out that they are wrong, they develop a persecution complex, combined with a superiority complex that they know secret knowledge that everyone else is too stupid or brainwashed to comprehend. That’s why flat earth is still popular.
I love the smug know-it -all attitude. Dude, sit on it. You don’t know Jack. Maybe do a dive on the subject then type your gay wisdom. Unlearn the relearn.
I’ve debated flat earthers for years. I’ve watched every video and read every article that they’ve thrown at me, and it’s all chock full of ignorance and illiteracy. Their models do not match reality at all, and they can’t even agree on what their model actually is.
False. They agree on the model. The fact that you don't know that is proof you are lying. Further proof is, if you did in fact read every article and watch every video (bit of a stretch right there) then you would 100% not hold the stance you have. Keep digging there "SciFi" (lol) - you just might make it to China.
No, they don’t agree, because every single time I or someone else points out something wrong with something that a flat earther has said, another flerfer comes along saying “that’s not what flat earthers believe!” And proposes a variation of the flat earth model.
“If you [insert requirement here] you would agree with me” is a tacit admission that you don’t have an argument and a gratuitous display of narcissism. In other words, typical flerfer bloviating.
Science is based on provable facts, and if the theory you had proves wrong it is admirable in this day and age that the person revises his theory based on provable facts performed. That is a true scientist. But people now are using science as a cult or religion.. which is not science at all.
This has absolutely NO relevance on this board. For the mods to sticky this post is frustrating, because they do not let us discuss this. If you will promote something, then allow for debate. If we are not to discuss this, then by all means DO NOT STICKY IT. Mods. Thanks.
Incorrect. Q post #2622 is about flat earth. When Q was asked by an Anon if the earth is flat, Q responds: "No."
Replying no doesn't equal spinning globe.
The thing is: it was a yes or no question, or closed question. No was the only suitable answer. That leaves several other options open.
The question is: Did Q answer no on his demand or on his question? I mean you can demand me to do something but doesn't mean I'll say "Yes" on it.
Saying "No" on shutting them up is a very highly likely possiblity here.
Q also says disinformation is necessary
Because they do not respect debate.
Is it not true that whether one is in favor or opposed to the notion of a flat earth, its discussion is unwelcome in this particular setting? Such discourse is not conducive to the topic at hand, and has historically served as a diversionary tactic. In fact, the flat earth theory itself can be seen as a contrived conspiracy intended to undermine the credibility of other conspiracy theories.
My argument against flat Earth is that the shortest distance between two objects is a straight line except on a sphere. I have been in airplanes and they have always traveled in an arc. So why would the airline companies be spending all that money on extra fuel to keep the spherical Earth idea alive?
A straight line on a sphere is called great circle distance. It's impossible to represent a sphere on a 2D piece without physical distortion in some way, so on paper, planes trajectory appears curved, but that's just a distortiong of their actual path. Planes don't really constantly turn in real life, they follow a mostly straight line whenever possible.
On a sphere, a Great Circle arc is the counterpart of a straight line.
Personally I'd prefer they simply learn the truth and live to tell the tale
Why can we see further than we should be able to? We can see further into the distance than the physical horizon of a spherical earth would allow. There's numerous examples of this around the internet. The best (underwhelming) explanation for this that I've heard for this is that it's a mirage. Can anyone explain this? Genuine question, I'm not here to debate. Just searching for answers.
Came to see how many downvotes you got. Wasn't disappointed. Eat a bag of dicks flerfs. 🤣
$20K on an experiment means nothing to me.
Netflix, whether by accident or not, has put other based information out there. Graham Hancock's Ancient Apocalypse series is one. That really pissed off academia.
The series about Epstein was deep state damage control, but much of the information was still very useful.
No idea why the down votes... This post is accurate
The cia shills are out in force any time fet is challenged here. Annoying but it's all too common on every fet thread started on gaw
Some people need things to remain simple. The complication of garnering good info from Netflix is too much for them.
This is somewhere between hilarious and deserving disdain. The Flat-Earthers have no maps that can represent the world correctly, nor an astrodynamic theory that represents the solar and lunar motions correctly. They studiously ignore the continuous 500-year history of circumnavigation (because outright denial would put them in the problem of confronting it). They cannot explain the southern hemisphere of constellations. And they cannot find any phenomena that should be possible and evident only on a Flat Earth. They have all the bits and pieces of an ignorant and failed hypothesis...yet they claim superior insight into the world. The occupants of the International Space Station are waiting for the answer to their non-existence...
They also can't explain why God made would make the Earth flat yet everything else in space including the moon is obviously round.
They never said the earth isn't round... they said it's not a sphere. Not the same thing.
Here was my challenge to FE-adherents:
I have repeated that challenge twice on this site with FE-adherent. So far, not one has taken the challenge.
I guess that 20.000 Federal Reserve Notes had been better spent on a voyage like the above then such a demonstration wrought with all kinds of variations.
Or that the circumnavigation of Antarctica takes maybe a quarter of the circumference at the equator. Good example, fren.
Good one to!
This is genetic fallacy.
The photos 60 years ago were photos. Digital imagery didn't exist back then. You are kind of dating your own ignorance. How old are you, anyway?
No. That is the dumbass explanation.
The Apollo program photos were real. After the Apollo program, we weren't going high enough to get a whole-Earth photo (this was corrected with the recent Artemis flight, which took a picture of the Earth). Take a basketball, which has a 75 cm circumference (23.8 cm diameter). At that scale, a 250-km high orbit would be tantamount to a distance from the ball of about half a centimeter (or 0.18 inch). Put your eye at that distance and tell me how much of the ball you can see. Hardly any of it. That is the problem. So what NASA does is take pictures in a swath along the path of the satellite and then digitally "stitch" the images together on a spherical surface. (Be mindful of the fact that this technique would be impossible for a flat Earth.) Consider it a photo-mosaic. It is done all the time with high-altitude photography.
These are not images that are taken from the theoretical reference position in space, but they are not "fake" either. The land forms and the weather are quite real and accurate.
So, don't accuse others of being a "dumbass" when you own ass is on display.
The accounts are nonsense. No CGI during the Apollo days (hard to do something when the technology is not yet in existence). No "admittedly fake." What would you know about any of this, that you can look down on my 40 years in the industry that accomplished it? You certainly don't know "every fucking thing." You don't even know the facts of the Apollo program.
With unerring precision, I have found that the key signature of a failed argument is the recourse to scorn and insults.
I'm not interested in or impressed by "mysterious deaths," which you do not enumerate. What is a mystery to you may be "none of your business" to the family involved. Spare me the paranoid fantasies.
The land mass sizes are not changing. That would raise hell with air travel, and it obviously is not doing so. The land mass size where I live is not changing. None of my friends around the world are announcing any such problem. You are dreaming, pal.
So, the only people who know anything are already dead? Then how do you know they knew anything? (If they told you, you would be dead, too.) You don't even appreciate the absurdity.
The rest is just scurrilous insult and ranting. Really? Is that all you can say for yourself?
I know flat earth cultists claim to be open minded, but it seems at odds with how any time a subject matter expert in navigation, sailing, aviation, or other jobs tied to moving around the earth and sky...
All of a sudden we don't trust what people experienced because it doesn't line up with preconceived notions.
Oh boy. Spock here is a stubborn brainwashed dick
How is it you think an insult is an argument? I happen to know this subject quite well, as it is a prelude to orbital mechanics.
That would be comparing apples to oranges.
The scientific method as a concept is a correct approach. The problem currently is the stifling environment caused by money and interest. This is not the first time this happened. Lord Kelvin was quite forward in his opinion on flight. Yet, he was wrong. Who proved him wrong? The Wright brothers. You can't make this shit up.
At best, your premise has grown from emotion connected to these last 3 years. And rightly so. They are fucking around.
Just because the label science is abused, and scientific reasoning is abused, does not mean the method is wrong. Virology is not science, we know that. Climate science (ahem) yeah ... load of bullocks. ESDG's and critical race theory and the list goes on, all pure bullshit.
Yet, it does not negate the fact that 1+1 still equals 2. Meaning when you add 1 orange to 1 apple, it does not mean you get 2 apples or 2 oranges, except under the premise of trans-ideology. It would mean you have 2 fruits.
Has official science hidden the access to artifacts and what they consider "ooparts"? Yes, they have. Especially in Egypt. It is one political mess. Yet, when comparing artifacts of the past and we research them with current technology, we can only stand in amazement of the beauty and technical prowess of certain of the artisans living back then. It does not compute that we today living somehow represent the pinnacle of technological ability. When will official science turn that corner?
Yet, their unwillingness to confront facts that do not suit them, should not suggest they are right. Far from it. It often happens that those who espouse a different view are vehemently attacked and defunded. Canceled as it were.
Money promoting commie ideology. The irony. Yet, we see this in our lives everyday: the effects of the Bolshevik Billionaires (HT: Laura Ingraham).
To address the issue of thousands of years and navigation:
So, at the very least, since the Kon-Tiki expedition, we know for a fact circum-navigation was possible and probable.
This also addresses the issue of science. The Great pyramids, and these buildings are not unique, there are hundreds and thousands of them around the world (China is hiding them, because then they would have to admit, Han Chinese are not the smart guys and that does not sit well with the CCP) are a factual testament to science in terms of how they were built (we still don't know) the dimensions, representing all kinds of coincidences with the size of the moon, distance of the moon from earth, size of the earth, size of the sun etc, and the sheer precision with which it is built.
So, yes, I would say: Pepesee's claim is valid.
Good zinger
History generally is written by the victors and especially the propagandist. If you can't trust Julius Ceasar's account, who can you trust to tell the truth about things ....;-)
Well, the city fell. Several times at the hands of the Goths.
What happened afterwards was a quite staggering. The infrastructure till then stayed, but no longer an emperor was reigning over all, and a split was made between wordly power and spiritual power i.e. Pontifex Maximus position. The latter was claimed by the pope based on quite a dubious heritage.
This split left the Roman Church in tact and gave rise to the system we have seen, where monarchs were kissing pope ass: Federick, King John, King of France, the rise of the Holy Roman Empire, Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation and the antagonism against the Prusian State within the context of rivalry and title-inheritance.
Gibbon made a killing with writing about it.
You either believe Q drops or you don’t. If you don’t think that Q is trustworthy, well you know what I’m gonna say.
The Earth is not round. It is actually a little pear shaped. And the gravitational anomalies are called J Terms. When you want to calculate a line of site communication method (radio (FM and up) or laser) you use a 4/3rds Earth formula. Important for drones and military communications. I am an Astronautical Engineer.
Within normal expectations, the Earth is round. It has a slight oblateness due to rotational effects. There is an even slighter "pear-shaped-ness" due to the facts of life, but we are well below the level at which anything would be noticeable on a basketball-sized globe. There are higher order terms varying in latitude and longitude, relevant for low-Earth orbit determination.
The 4/3-Earth propagation model is a handy approximation to the atmospheric refraction of radio waves, but it is valid only at low altitude and low elevation angles. The refraction effect dwindles with increasing altitude. I don't think that visible light and radio have identical refraction effects, though they could be close.
We're on the same page. I am also an aeronautical / astronautical engineer.
You are correct. Just wanted to make it more layman friendly. Good to find a fellow Astro person. Love your handle. It was one of my many program initiatives while at the Pentagon.
My last hurrah was YAL-1A. Successful target engagement on 11 Feb 2010. Not that I pushed any buttons, but I did edit the winning proposal and did preliminary designs in the 1970s.
Cool.! I was the driving force behind several directed energy initiatives. I was also the guy behind a lot of other what I call "cool toys".
My connection was mostly through the SDIO and Air Force programs. Did you perhaps ever encounter Colonel Roger Lenard? I also worked in the area of kinetic energy weapons. At Boeing, we developed the Lightweight Exo-Atmospheric Projectile (LEAP), which was the first 3-axis-stabilized solid-propellant KEW (successfully flight-tested in laboratory). We weren't able to market it and had to let it lapse. The Thiokol propulsion technology was picked up by Hughes, which was later absorbed into Raytheon. The Standard SM-3 warhead is a spitting image of our 2nd-generation design concept.
I always liked LEAP. Col. Lenard doesn't ring a bell, but me and names don't get along. I use that part of my brain for other things. I was a contractor advising the SDIO office for a while and did several budgets for them (for just one budget round), then I moved on. Wasted tremendous amounts of money.
Plenty of uncertainty about the direction of programs and how they would pan out. Particle beams were promising, until they realized that it would be impossible to aim them accurately through the Earth's magnetic field. Space-based lasers were interesting, until they realized it would mean storing huge quantities of liquid hydrogen and liquid fluorine in space for the lifetime of the system. Railguns were interesting, until they uncovered all the problems with rail erosion and the fact that the high-Mach projectile would start decelerating from the muzzle immediately at about 10 gs. But, as the Russians say, you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs!
Really? Which pole is the fat end of the pear? I thought it was the equator that bulged.
Yes the equator is bulged. The North is the slightly smaller end.
Do these pants make my ass look big? What Revo?! Like a Pear?! Why you insensitive Anon-could-be-correct feewing basher! Kek Kek.
See Pepe. See. Kek.
Based 9n the pear shape of the earth and the gravitational pull of the sun, the milky way and other larger bodies, how does the moon stay in a perfectly synchronize orbit?
Oh ya know I’m sticky-ing this shit! Like I keep saying it’s a phucking sphere people!!
i thought i was on the wrong board for a sec
Ohhhh no! You have come to the right told-ya-so board! Kek!
I really wish I'd see someone finally prove once and for all the Earth is round by using holonomy, a side effect of curved spaces that increases an object rotation when its only moving in translations. This is possible on a sphere but impossible on a flat surface, and a purely mathematical concept (so no reliance on photoshopped pictures, or various kind of light pollution in the atmosphere, or weird optical illusion like on water). Determining whether or not holonomy is a thing on Earth will 100% prove if its a curved space or not.
Does anyone consider topography, or just me?
How is this related to GAW? Flat-earth talk is out of bounds but round-earth talk is okay? Really?
This thread has some of the most fascinating comments that I've seen on GAW.
He should go to Lubbock if he wants that to work.
RiP Bob.
Hilariously ignorant headline.