Who knows, but for what it's worth I think the child sacrifice would do it if enough details are leaked all at once. Especially the people killing their own children in gruesome ways. It disturbs me, and I had years to absorb and accept at my own pace. And then when people realize half of what they do to their children - drugs, video games, music - is part of dedicating their OWN children to Satan!
Yes, Ive seen videos that are horrifying and heart breaking for me. I cannot bleach out of my brain. I have to keep on the full armor to deal. I still see those little faces crying and terrified. 😖 Im glad to be awakened but I need that part of this movie to be done it breaks my heart!
Still wouldn't put 99% in the hospital, it wouldn't even have that effect on 0.9%(if it would then news-reels from concentration camps post ww2 would have had a similar effect)
Hint: Flat-earth isn't a thing, the earth is round, however the use of flat-earth as a road-block however..
Road-blocks are put on roads, roads usually lead somewhere, they use 'flat-earth' as a road-block to stop people from continuing down roads leading to things that would cause the majority of people asylum levels of freak out....
(This has a good chance of being downvoted, which sorta proves my point. What if ........)
Unfortunately that is unlikely to cause many to freak out all that much as it is likely to to cause a ho-hum reaction in many, would likely cause a massive shift in consumer/eating/buying habits for many but doubt that would be much more than 50% of the population.
When people see something like 'would put 99% of people in the hospital' the instinct is to take it as some level of hyperbole rather than taking it literally.
Realistically ANYTHING that is anything close to something seen before only much-much more of it/much more extreme would be unlikely to have that effect so it has to be something MORE than any normal horrible or freak-out causing news/truth cranked up to 11...
Bullshit. What Cates wrote here would absolutely crush the peoples understanding of reality. He touches on all of the darkest conspiracy theories. He alludes to secret space programs, advanced techs held back, DUMBs, satan worshipping implying satanic ritual abuse against children and actual Nazis as enforcers for a shadowy underground that seeks to depopulate and enslave.
We here have had time to assimilate these ideas and have done so from a place where they may or may not be true. If this stuff was generally understood as truth I can definitely see 99% of people needing a check up. It would wipe out more than 100 years of history. Reality would be completely altered and the people would be set adrift.
I cant understand how you could downplay the significance of these discoveries being publicly affirmed.
My question is what was Cates motive in writing this and is he being genuine or is this some psyop crap pushed by CIA masters.
Still this is bombshell, mind exploding stuff that is only spoken of openly on boards like this. And even here it is met with skepticism and could get you a vacation or a mod note to take it to conspiracies.win. I cant take anyone seriously who downplays how this would effect people.
Yeah, I think a lot of us will even be struggling with what comes out.... we've had the luxury of time to absorb the parts we do know and "forget" the trauma of learning these lessons,
Plus, with so much going on there has been much to distract ourselves with and not dwell on the absolute horrors of the details of what's been going on.
I'm starting to understand my own frustration with the normies and give them the grace that was given to me.
I agree I think with what anons have uncovered is really bad stuff, now imagine it being multiplied 5x, 10x or even 40x worse. I think we will all be shocked even tho we are battle hardened. It will be hard or even impossible for the normies to grasp and digest a lot of this
I agree. I find him a good source of info. And this info in this Tweet is sort of in line with my thoughts of 20 yrs of research in ancient civilizations, ufos, megalithic structures.
How many boomers have died relatively young in the last 3 years? Well this reality posted above is good reason to cull those that lived through shit and would absolutely lose their shit.
My beloved was taken a year ago, I cannot imagine the pain they would've have endured during this, my parents & brother as well gone in the past 2 years.
I've lost everyone I've needed around me - and have been shown the shallowness and complicatedness of almost everyone around me.... I can't believe I'm still here. it's nothing but the Grace of God for sure (or he's just really pissed off at me for something I'm still blind to)
I'm with you 100%. It truly is evil that has shown itself as of late. Watching family to me go into the hospital for semi routine stuff but ending up in a body bag was a huge shock. I too have lost people very close to me, people that were very instrumental to who I am as a whole. Their being gone has created a vacuum in my life, I feel like a shell of my former self in a way.
I've asked myself WHY after all of this am I the one still standing, all I can figure is Gods plan is never transparent. I have suffered personally too much loss in the last couple years and I am poised to continue going through that pain, others within my circle now have cancer, heart problems, and other cardio issues. It's sickening to think this is all due to pure evil in this world. God wins in the end, He has blessed Me and even though I feel cursed I am still here.
You are not alone, Our purpose has yet to be fulfilled, once it is He will bring us home.
Yes I imagined that is was to do with most being infected with a parasite and that this parasite can be used to control the mind etc. If there was an awakening to it instantly twould be chaos.
The great big lie about no cure for cancer... that alone will drive people berserk. All the suffering!
And anti-parasitics for humans NEVER being routine and then when our eyes open we are told not to use the parasite killers. Really. REALLY???
Those are insidious evils. Pile on top of these the hideous revelations about children being farmed, stolen, sacrificed and eaten? Yes folks.... you have to identify the evils in order to destroy them. No movie has ever been made that is any more horrifying than this. Isn't that just the shits? They make films about their abuses and lies against humanity then sell the entertainment to us to consume so that we are imprisoned by fear.
Q didn't say the truth would put people in the mental hospital.
I believe he's talking about the contamination that they've injected us with, put in our food and water, and dumped in out air and oceans,
If we found out we all have greater abilities then we've been allowed to believe and our brains have been stifled but there is a way to cleanse our bodies of these pollutants and awaken our higher selves with a short hospital treatment then 99% of the population would want to be treated.
I don't think anything he says in this post would put a single person in a hospital or a mental hospital.
"Mom - look - there's still Nazis"
"Oh my God! Call 911. Get me to the hospital now!"
The "Nazis" are not the Truth that would damage peoples brains. It is who the Nazis really are, what the larger group that created them has really done, how far back this really goes, who is really in charge, AND, as you stated, what information has been repressed. However, I do not think your interpretation is correct. I think Q is explicitly stating that the truth about those things would put 99% of the population into a mental hospital if revealed all at once, without being prepared first.
What if, for example, there are underground installations (or cities) that look exactly like Hellraiser (the movie), where children are bred by the millions for sex, sacrifice, blood, and soul consumption? What if the people in charge (who created the Nazis) were regular visitors of these child factories and/or customers? What if the entity in charge of these installations weren't human? What if that entity is Yahweh, a being that may not be from what we think of as "our dimension," but is perfectly capable of promoting itself as "a god" here on earth? This is the same entity that, according to the official narrative (what we call "The Bible"), is a child sacrifice demanding, slavery and rape condoning, eugenics and racist promoting,. genocidal (only the Chosen Race is worthy of survival) entity that sits at the top of the narrative of most of the world's core belief systems for the past two millennia or so. Something like 2/3rds of the planet believes in YHWH as the Source of All Things. What if it is instead an Usurper, a Pretender to the Throne, and ultimately, the creator of all of these, what we call "evil" institutions?
How many people would be able to handle that information if it were true?
I don't know if those statements are true, but there is a fair bit of evidence that supports all of them. Regardless of what the truth is, I bet it's on that level of cognitive dissonance inducing. Some information is just too much to handle. When evidence threatens core beliefs in a way that can't be rectified reasonably, it can instead destroy the brain. I think the nature of our reality, the knowledge that has been hidden (occult knowledge) is information that would do that to 99% of humanity, or would have at the time of the post. Now maybe it's only 95%. Maybe someday it will only be 50%. Maybe there will be avenues to find the truth at that point, for those that choose to look.
most normie morons can't imagine not eating breakfast yesterday. The ability to comprehend a several-thousand-year old death cult (possibly several HUNDRED thousand years old) manipulating and brainwashing society and culture over multiple millennia is totally incomprehensible to them.
It's not just "incomprehensible," it's not even possible for most to consider it right now, even most of those who are "awake." If you can't possibly consider evidence, but evidence is shown to you in a way that you must consider it, that level of cognitive dissonance breaks the brain. That is what "would put 99% of people in the hospital."
I think the information on the true scope of the death cult is being released. I think it will continue to be shown, just slowly. It has to be slowly.
The choice to know what we have found, verified and presented is entirely up to YOU.
I think the whole story, all of the evidence, will be able to be found out by those willing to look, but not everyone alive in this generation will choose to do so. I think it will likely take a generation or two to disseminate the nature of our reality and the source of our belief systems, to the masses.
but god damn is it so fucking tiring. Whoever posted that meme earlier with the "elite" v "normie" v "autistanon" rock paper scissors chart was so right
I think your right, it will take generations to fully grasp what is going on.
I was very naive to the evil.... when they passed the bill in NY to "abort" born babies.... I freaked, they would have untrackable babies to do with as they wish. A gentle anon pointed me towards the truth, and fuck... like a sledgehammer to my soul.
And to be honest even tho I KNOW, there's still a sliver hope I'm wrong, when that tiniest wisp of false hope is finally stripped away.... idk. I spend a lot of effort praying and avoiding the details of thinking on the horrors these poor people endured.
I'm so tired if hearing this idea that we "gotta wait for the herd to awaken"
No we don't. Fuck the herd. We haven't educated ourselves, made the necessary moves and sacrifices and played by all the rules to be governed by the speed of the herd...
We're ready. Let's get it on.
Yeah... I think everyone here knows there's going to be some uncomfortable truths and downright evil possibilities that we haven't fathomed before (because we're not evil bastards) - but if the worst of humanity has been doing their dance under our feet this whole time, we'll be pissed, but hospital? I think not. Maybe the mouth breathers will blow a gasket, but not us.
If the herd isn't ready, then some in the herd will oppose the cure and help hide the evil bastards so they can rise to power again. This can't be like an election where 55% of us impose our ideas on the other 45%. It has to be overwhelmingly supported and implemented in every corner of society. Any herd members remaining with doubts will have to be rolled up with the bad guys.
Like crabs in a bushel basket, pulling anyone who attempts to escape back down into the chaos...
So are the days of our lives...
You have to overcome all this bs - rise above it. Not just believe, but KNOW you are more than your physical body. Discover your place in eternity. Find out who you really are ...WAY more than some character named whatever playing this Earth game.
Then, regardless of what happens, you'll be strong enough to deal with whatever goes down. It's not called the road less traveled for nothing. You won't "get there" by polling the herd to see if you're "doing it right".
if we go by the American Revolution type stats where 3% of the population was needed to shift the tides; with a global population of ~8.1 Billion, we'd only need roughly 243 million to be alert (theoretically)
Beautifully said, Slyver. THAT would absolutely SHATTER so many people's paradigm - to the point that they wouldn't be able to recover.
There's a certain level of spiritual maturity required to weather this storm and come out one piece on the other side. Sadly, very few have permitted themselves to venture outside of conventional pathways in order to find the real truth. That includes a high percentage of frens here.
I think you are on to something here. I believe there is also so much more. We have to have strong minds and hearts so we will be the percentage of people who do not go insane as truth is revealed. (The 1%).
Don't forget the Luciferians/globalists/fallen ones have manipulated and lied about everything for thousands of years (yes, even the bible has been tampered with). Be strong enough to handle the truth.
ultimately we each have to strive for a relationship with God that will give us spiritual confirmation of whether we have heard something that is the truth or that is a lie. If you receive in your heart the knowledge that you have ascertained something to be true, let those things light your path. Either to move away from something you learn is deception, or towards a truth. Not everyone can hear their own "still, small voice" of intuition, or audibly hear or see something that supports something as true. You might have to get very very quiet to begin to hear.
This ties in with my recent comment on this thread. I think it would have to be religious in nature destroying all major ideas combined with us living in a matrix as a slave colony or something absolutely wild.
Maybe we are in hell/pergutory and that’s why shit is so messed up. And will be biblical is the end of this nonsense.
I have even gone so deep down the rabbit hole that the Illuminati may actually be worshipping the real creator and everything else is a lie. I don’t believe this but I think it would take something that level of crazy
Speaking of that, did you know that there is a form of gnosticism that seems to say that there is this goddess, Pistis Sophia, that created a Demiurge god & hid him in a cloud, because she didn't create him with the consent of the highest father god that carries no name?
Some would say this Demiurge was called Yaldabaoth (& there may be some that believe he has some connection to, or even is YHWH) In Christian gnosticism some believe that Christ came down to free people from this god, etc
Have you heard of all that or did you just think of this on your own? Anyways, there was a time when I was curious of gnosticsm but then the group of them I was with, went all woke on me & kicked me out! Can you believe that? (Long story - we were talking politics, not religion but politics. They are incredibly woke libtards. In a calm voice I pointed to a simple contradiction which made the priest resign on the spot! lol! Then the bishop came in & kicked me out)
After that I began to wonder about all that stuff & went back to a more conventional church. Of course now even they are going all woke too so IDK! I figured I should point that out though, since you seemed to stumble upon this.
I am aware of Gnosticism and Sophia (AKA the "Holy Spirit" in Christian doctrine), and the Demiurge (which has origins 500 to possibly thousands of years before the Gnostics came online). I study all the ancient religions, as well as the more recent ones, not to find "the truth" but to find the similarities and the differences in their dogma. I use these ideas as references to dig deeper.
There is great scholarship out there, but if you restrict yourself to one ideal you will not see it. I recommend not looking to any one source for the Truth about Source, rather let your intuition guide you through all of the controversy. Recognize that pretty much all religions have the same source (the Cabal), or they have been taken over by them after the fact, and are thus controlled by them today.
I suggest the Truth can't be found in any "religion," rather the Truth Is Whatever It Is, and learning how to listen to it will help you to understand that it has already revealed itself.
Of course that doesn't necessarily help with some of the details, but the details of history aren't nearly as important as learning how to listen to Source when it speaks, which is all the time.
Beautifully said Slyver, IDK why you got the downvote. I'm curious which religions you think are cabal source vs the ones taken over by them. I had the sense that. before Constantine, Christianity was a bunch of independent churches honestly seeking the truth to at least some degree. Of course, there are some who would question Paul or even Peter but certainly not Jesus. I have had my own experience which tells me exactly how divine he truly is.
IDK if I have studied as much as you but I marvel at similarities between cultures which had no history of ever being in contact. For instance, the Orthodox Christians have a "40 day mass" for the dead. (Which in practice is usually performed a little more than 40 days after death but never before) and I have heard that the Tibetan Buddhists have a 49 day period after death, both of these periods have to do with the soul's journey after death to prepare for the next phase.
I've also thought of things like, since Abraham spoke a sematic and that the preface a' in those languages usually means 'of' or 'son of'. His name could have been: a'Braham and Brahan is very similar to Brahmin, which is the name of the highest god in the neighboring country (India) So it seems like there is some ancient connection between those 2 very different cultures.
Anyways, I'm just curious what else you may have noticed.
I'm curious which religions you think are cabal source vs the ones taken over by them
This is difficult to say. I could go through a list, but then I'd have to justify them, and that is a book length endeavor. In addition it would be largely speculative. I am constantly finding new evidence on these things that makes me lean one way or another. Not about everything, some are pretty clear cut, but some are so clouded in history, taking any sort of stand one way or the other seems foolish.
Christianity was a bunch of independent churches honestly seeking the truth to at least some degree.
I have that sense as well. My research suggests there was a lot of controversy of ideas, a lot of debate. Constantine ended that debate by making specific tenets (some taken from other religions, like Mithraism) into Roman Law (believe these things or else!).
I marvel at similarities between cultures which had no history of ever being in contact.
Those cultures had a lot of contact. The idea that there was no contact between East and West is a lie. Not only did they have contact (travel) between all those areas, their cultures were all founded (or subsumed) by the same group of people, the people we call the Scythians (or their progenitors).
The Scythians have been effectively removed from history, with nothing but lies, largely in the form of purposeful disconnections, left in its place. Until people understand who they were, it is impossible to understand the ancient world. You might know the Scythians as the Tartarians. They are the same group of people. People who look into Tartary are all forced to look into the wrong thing (giants, free energy, "Tartarians in America" and all that other bullshit). By keeping Tartary researchers focused on these mostly unrelated topics, it steers people away from that realization: Tartary was just Scythia, and Scythia ruled about 25% of the planet (approximately the area known as the USSR, though at times extending far beyond that) for 3000 to 5000 years.
Their removal from history in the early 20th century is, imo, the greatest scam of our Age, and likely the key to understanding everything.
You mean the people from the land which is in the middle between China, Russia, Europe, Middle East and India? It makes sense that there would have been something there. Especially since we barely know of much history from there.
Looking at this map, it shows some of the Scythian territory. You will find many different maps for "Scythia" because it has been purposefully obfuscated in history. My research suggests that the Scythians controlled the entire area going north (all of northern Europe and Asia to the Arctic Sea), and at many points in history, going south to the Indian Ocean, east to the Pacific (including China as a vassal) and west, generally to the Baltic (the Amber Road was their creation I think), but often all the way to the UK. What we call "Russia" today was just one of the Scythian vassal states (a Khanate). Indeed, the Russians were the Scythians, or a subgroup of the larger empire, for a few thousand years. China was a vassal at several different times. India, Sumer, Iran, Iraq, the Levant, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Prussia (Poland/Germany), Gaul (France), Greece, and possibly even Rome (not sure about that one) began as Scythian colonies. While many of them fell away over time due to distance from the controlling center (not Russia, but the others), in many cases they were later “reconquered” and made into vassal states (paying tribute) over and over again through the millennia, with constant interchanges of culture, religion, language, and genetics between this multi-ethnic Empire (just like the Roman Empire, but much bigger and for far longer).
The area I call "Scythia proper” is almost exactly the same as the USSR (which is not a coincidence) and is the area that they held for, according to my research, from at least 1000BC, and likely since at least 3300BC**, all the way until about 1500AD, or even to today, if you think of the Russians as just the Scythians, but since they have forgotten their heritage, that's probably not appropriate, and it would be more appropriate to say they were completely gone in the early 20th century.
**The Corded Ware civilization was either the exact same culture and governmental system as Scythia, or were proper progenitors.
The begining of the end of Tartary (AKA Scythian culture and history) began in the 16th century when the vassal state, the Rus Khanate, began to initiate its conquest of Scythia (then called Tartary). This was really an internal dispute, since the Russians were always a vassal state, though they had some genetic influx in their Nobility from the Holy Roman Empire, so it was somewhat external as well.
Walter Kolartz wrote about how the USSR finally eliminated all Tartarian culture and history through their alphabet revolutions (starts on page 31).
For a specific statement on page 32 he says:
The Tartars, unlike many other peoples of Russia, produced a fairly strong merchant class which evolved a very outspoken nationalist ideology. The Tartar bourgeoisie and the Tartar intelligentsia, particularly since the 1905 revolution, considered pan-Turkism and pan-Islamism as their political ideals. After the October Revolution the Tartars felt confident that the time had come to revive in a new form the Tartar Khanate of kazan by the creation of a ‘Volga-Ural State’, or, as they themselves called it, the ‘Idel-Ural State’
It elaborates how the history of the Tartars was subsequently destroyed by burning all the Tartarian books, through the forced changing of the alphabet, and through forced “reeducation,” making any books that may have survived the purge unreadable by new generations.
From that point on, the Tartarians were wiped out of history, and thus their connection to the Scythians. There's more to it than that, because there is a lot of effort to ensure they remain disconnected and a "conspiracy theory," but it's a good start of the story.
The connection between the Scythians and the Tartarians is ubiquitous in history all the way up until the early 20th century. Looking at absolutely any historian prior to about 1850 or so, if you look up “Tartary” it says, “These are the Scythians.”
Andronicus hired the Alani that dwelt along the coast of the Euxine Sea, against the Turks: These Alani being impatient of the slavery they were in under the Scythian Tartars, repair in great multitudes to Andronicus, for some new habitations within his Dominions
The first of the great Chams or Emperours of Tartarie was Cingis or Zingis in 1162, who subduing Uncham the last King of Tenduch and Cathaia, changed the name of Scythia into Tartaria:
There are numerous other references, both within the books here presented, and other books, that show that the people of that time considered “Tartary” to just be “Scythia,” and the people the same.
The Royal Scythians were the Ruling Aristocracy of the Scythians. Their form of government was very much a “Game of Thrones” type of thing, with various tribes (all the leaders of the tribes/Khanates were related, just like today) paying tribute to whoever was the biggest and strongest at the time. Every once in a while, a single “Khan of Khans” would arise, uniting all the various Khanates, and would go border expanding, getting large areas under their control. A couple examples of this border expansion (getting more Tributes) that you have probably heard of were Genghis Khan, and Attila the Hun, though there were several more. Of note, I think the “Bronze Age Collapse” (around 1200BC) was exactly such a Scythian border expansion event as well. There is a fair bit of evidence that supports that, but no one can make that connection, because the Scythians have been completely disconnected, and the Tartarians completely erased.
These Royal Scythians had blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes. You can track the Scythians through history, the same people doing the same thing in the same way in the same area of the world, by following these phenotypes in the Aristocratic leadership class (mummies in royal burial mounds, genetic samples, writing, etc.), . For example, history separates out the “Gokturks” as such a “not Scythians” group even though they were exactly that; the exact same people doing the exact same thing in the same way in the same area as the Scythians they "replaced" with an aristocratic leadership class with blond/red hair, and blue/green eyes. The term “Aryan” means “Iranian.” Iran was originally under the control of the Scythians (later called Parthia, which was just a Scythian Khanate, and eventually called Iran). The term Aryan I think comes from the Royal Scythians, the Nordic phenotype group that ruled the Iranian region way back in the day.
In other words, the Royal Scythians were, I think, the Aryan Race. I think that is why they have been removed from history. Not because they wanted to hide them out of loathing or contempt, but because the current leadership class of the world doesn’t want people to know their own heritage. That is speculative, but it fits all the evidence.
There is probably one other important note I should mention: The Khazarian Khanate was a subgroup of the Scythians. But, I think they were also the Magogians (Gog and Magog of the Bible). I think the Khazarian Khanate may have been a group of Jews that went to Crimea/Ukraine after the Roman diaspora, and set up shop there. They may even be the 13th tribe, going there after the Babylonian diaspora, or even before, during the Bronze Age Collapse. There is a lot of speculation there, but I've found several connections between those groups, and I think it is no coincidence that they decided to become the Ashkenazi Jews.
What is the basis of Gnosticism, the Demiurge? While I agree that is a part of Gnostic teaching, the idea of a "demigod" (non-corporeal self-aware split apart from Source) that ruled the earth while pretending to be Source has origins that go back very far, thousands of years, long before there were people that call themselves "Gnostics," at least according to history.
And it is how people are controlled, in so many cases.
What is how people are controlled?
Negation - what is cannot be named, only what it is not.
I suggest that "naming" anything (in the way we do it) is a false naming in the sense that words have definitions, and definitions are always incomplete.
Gnosticism is what Marx, Rothschilds, Schwab use
Not really. They use what I call The One religion, but a specific sect of it. The One religion is the only religion that actually exists, all other religions are front organizations that lead to that same religion in their occult mysteries. Whether any particular religion started as front organizations, or has been taken over to join them is difficult to say, but that seems to be how it is set up now, and has been for at least two millennia, though likely much longer.
The One religion teaches that "Thou art God" as one of it's primary tenets. Inherent in that tenet is the connectedness of all things. We are all God (Source), thus we are all created equally Divine, created from and inseparably connected to the Fundamental.
Some of the sects of The One religion teach a focus on the "self" aspect of that Divinity, teaching how to rise above the other split-aparts of Source (other people). It is this literally self centered aspect that sets apart the teachings of The One religion of the Cabal and The One religion of other adherents.
Gnosticism does not, at least on the surface, present itself as a self centered cult, it is merely part of The One religion, and that can be confusing at first. There are many similarities between these different sects. The primary difference is the focus on self, or the focus on the connectedness, and the intrinsic respect in that connection. In this other aspect, to respect others is to respect yourself, because everyone is fundamentally Source.
There's a great deal more to it than that. At some point I will write it up formally. It's pretty important to understand The One religion, and the differences in the various associated cults I think.
To be fair, all of my coworkers think I'm a raving lunatic. It probably started in 2005 with Global Warming, then Obama's Birth Certificate in 2007, then vote fraud in 2012, etc etc.......
You know it's bad when your brother comes right out and says I'm a bit worried about you bro. I stopped letting my mind be known without reservation at that point. If it's making him that uncomfortable maybe it's not worth the mental trouble. I will say the whole covid thing has made him wake up quite a bit over the last few years.
if it’s any consolation, you’re fortunate to have a husband listen. mine argues with me & almost seems to sabotage any prepping I do; because he doesn’t ‘see’ anything different. his friends are oblivious & he trusts them🤦🏼♀️ feels like the twilight zone most days, even after I show statistics he shrugs it off.
😇 hopefully I didn't come across as lecturing just have never been in that position where my immediate family understands/every day is a challenge. hearing stories like yours give me hope that it doesn't always have to be difficult.
The Nazi had a huge presence on Antarctica prior to & during WWII. The question is did they have a presence after the war? Theories abound. What was the purpose of "Operation Highjump"? Was it really just a scientific mission? Or was it to clean up the remnants of the Nazi Navy? Reportedly about 100 Nazi submarines were unaccounted for after the war. Interesting rabbit hole to go down. BTW as a young Coast Guard Ensign I made 2 trips on the USCGC Glacier to Antarctica.
Nice find! I hadn't heard of this. I noticed that in the article they didn't speculate the reason that the sub had that large amount of mercury. Was it for anti-gravity craft research in Antarctica? Years ago I had read that there were about 100 nazi subs unaccounted for after WWII.
So what would their purpose be? Keep souls from connection to God? Something about life after death? These people are sick. Did you see that ceremony the Queen did with the lighting of what looked like a DNA strand?
yes probably sounds crazy, but Q mentioned batteries/the Matrix. and when we work backwards from the main objective/who the 'enemy' is (President Trump called it the 'invisible enemy of All of humanity')...
think we're dealing with something 'other' than us/children of darkness/don't have the spark. And 'their' VMAT2 seeking vaccine was the way for Them to identify & manipulate those With a soul. which they want to find because of built in 'enmity'. the way they're wired, to be jealous, etc.
the video said people who have the inner 'connection', have various reactions after reading 'religious' text. also makes it sound like it's aimed at the middleast/Koran, etc. but it could be the Bible/a fundamentalist.
so I think the deep state's plan was to seek Christians. but Q turned it on them and collected All the evidence. and now Q is using the vaccine to do the opposite; find people without the 'spark'/our oppressors. Jesus' parable about the wheat & tares backs it up; the tares need to be separated. and Grassley just mentioned harvest. also, Fauci means 'reaper'...so what does that mean in Q's movie?🤔🕵️
And no, I didn't see that about the Queen/thanks! will have to look it up. so many connections with her too...things definitely aren't what they seem.
yeah it's hard to tell what's going on, but I do think they have some kind of nanotechnology that's able to differentiate between types of people/children of light/children of darkness/hence why Q brings up DNA. fascinating for sure!
Information is power, knowledge is power -- yet finding the correct information is very difficult.... so many lies and misdirections, and me being the type that falls for every red herring, its definitely mind boggling.
While Nazi officers fled to South America, the mission of the Nazis was transferred into their corporations and intelligentsia. The US imported both into influential roles.
This is one reason Fascism relied on state corporatism for it's economic system. The ideology can secretly survive within these corporate hosts and remain operative.
I encourage everyone interested in this topic to watch all three seasons of Hunting Hitler. It's now available on Youtube. It uses a reality TV approach, which can be annoying, but it lays out all the facts and evidence of how thousands of high ranking Nazis including Hitler, Bormann, and Mengele, escaped to Argentina. It also explores evidence of their future plans for a 4th Reich.
The truth does nearly put you in the hospital. The initial shock you get over, it's the ongoing nightmare of living around those who can't/won't believe you. They might suspect you are right and then shun you to maintain their illusion. Not surprising because it feels like falling off a cliff to "real-ize" the shocking truth. It is a dark epiphany that repeats and gets worse.
It’s the fact that humans aren’t running the show here on earth. And that aliens do. And that those aliens are already here. And that they’re supposed to stay underground and not show their face, but they skirted that with advanced bioengineering where they parasitize humans’ bodies. Been doing so for millennia. It’s like the movie They Live. But it’s real.
Operation High Jump and Operation Paperclip! In Paperclip instead of jailing these Nazi scientists we brought them over here and gave them a new identity.
My own theory is that we are not alone. Other civilizations have been here, and may even be using our planet as a biological storehouse. Some are rogue. Maybe Satan and his kind are predatory reptilian aliens who are powerful technologically and can do favors for those who kill for them. But they have to be secretive because they are violating the non interference directive. Something like that.
Yes - the synagogue of satan is mentioned in Rev 2:9 & 3:9. What's interesting is that this is the same bunch of demons that Jesus was fighting. They bragged about being the children of Abraham. Jesus blasted them by saying their father was the devil. But those liars got even that part wrong. Abraham had Ishmael as a son and 6 other sons with his 2nd wife/concubine. So all of the descendants of these 7 men can claim they are the "seed of Abraham". Paul in Romans spoke about this - it's not blood its faith...
"God said it was ok"? Nope - it was Sarah's idea! Abram went along with that faithless idea:
Genesis 16:1-4 - "Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had borne him no children. And she had an Egyptian maidservant whose name was Hagar. 2 So Sarai said to Abram, “See now, the Lord has restrained me from bearing children. Please, go in to my maid; perhaps I shall [a]obtain children by her.” And Abram heeded the voice of Sarai. 3 Then Sarai, Abram’s wife, took Hagar her maid, the Egyptian, and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan. 4 So he went in to Hagar, and she conceived. And when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress became despised in her [b]eyes."
Here's the scripture again: Genesis 16:1-4 - "Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had borne him no children. And she had an Egyptian maidservant whose name was Hagar. 2 So Sarai said to Abram, “See now, the Lord has restrained me from bearing children. Please, go in to my maid; perhaps I shall [a]obtain children by her.” And Abram heeded the voice of Sarai. 3 Then Sarai, Abram’s wife, took Hagar her maid, the Egyptian, and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan. 4 So he went in to Hagar, and she conceived. And when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress became despised in her [b]eyes."
Where did I say that it was it was OK that a young slave girl had sex with an 80 plus year old man? Did you bother read what I said? You obviously did not. God NEVER approved of this molestation. It was Sarah's idea pal. Can you read? Can you read what the scriptures said?
That’s not much of a surprise. What would is in fact that ALL people that took the vax or boosters will be dead soon if they don’t treat themselves. If parents realized THEY Forced their children to their poisoned vaxx death, that would for sure put most in a psyc. and/or medical hospital.
I like this response by Q, because it indirectly confirms moon comms referring to secret government projects. Q says 'moon landings' are real, and then follows up with programs existing outside public domain.
THAT IS WHAT THE MOON LANDINGS ARE! making contact with black-ops funded programs or projects that are normally out of reach, untouchable, or otherwise difficult to access.
Ukraine is key in this of course.
As for the rest? If Ukraine gets dismantled and the child trafficking aired fully it will be much faster raising the awareness level to higher than 75%.
All the White Hats and Space force and Navy and the benevolent ET councils above know it is all true. Humanity is only one thin layer of social structures on this planet. The rest is below. Where do you think many of the 800,000 to 1m missing children are. And being farmed like livestock.
Lord above and Archangel Michael show us we are on the path. You can see why so many people will not be able to exist knowing the truth. I find myself saying, why me, why us, ignorance actually was bliss by comparison, but if we find out as we are doing, then being here on Earth at this time becomes our story. We have to make Earth hum with our prayers for divine guidance and strength. Throw yourself and your loved ones on the mercy of God. That is the Light. And this Earth, is the Darkness. Sorry this is long but I just want to include something I read very recently. It said, This Earth is the closest to Hell the righteous will ever have had to experience. And for the evil ones, it is the closest to Heaven the will ever get.
"I find myself saying, why me, why us, ignorance actually was bliss by comparison" - I feel your pain. I am 71 - I believe I started loosing my innocence during the 9/11 false flag. It's gotten steadily worse since. I miss the innocence of my youth.
I said yesterday I believe before our birth we choose our mantel. Our entire lifetimes shown to us if we choose to accept it. We are warriors for this time, selected because we could withstand the horrors of what is to come, fight for the truth and the light. Chosen for a time such as this. We are on the right side of all of this. The choices made during our lifetimes has not always been easy or pleasant, but it was building in us a strength for what was to come. The last few years has totally built up my resolve to fight these demonic entities. I wouldnt have made it through without all my frens here. We were all brought to this place, GAW, to connect from across the globe. To expose all. To help each other get through this. No one said it would be easy but here we are daily ❤️
Pretty much the model of their agenda. Just search for the user trustthetruth and read through the stuff the mods havent deleted yet....is it what we should focus on...I dont know...but it is an interesting read.
I believe the CIA’s MK Ultra program stood for Mein Kampf Ultra, duel meaning. 1. A tribute to Hitler .2 literal meaning “my struggle” and Ultra, the British decoding program during WWII. So MK Ultra literally means “My struggle to decode the mind”. A NAZI CIA operation
most of our enemies are actually humanist, in the MOST STRICT sense. that mankind & nature are to be ruled by MAN, the enlightened man & that there is no need for "faith" in a higher power or other deity.
that's what Freemasonry is about... man becoming god, by conquering both nature & the spirit.
they don't bow down to the Lord God, they don't bow down to Satan, Lucifer, Muhammed, Buddha or anything else. ONLY MAN.
they believe GOD=MAN (ie; that's what "Christ Consciousness is all about; removing the divinity from Christ..... it's all fake, new-age bullshit)
In God We Trust....
rather than "GOD" giving you rights, they want the Enlightened Man to have the RIGHT & the POWER to take life, create "privileges", etc.
these "bloodline" families, Zionists, Fake Jew Bankers, Illuminati factions, etc. all believe in the idea that if "you are not one of them, you are nothing". that we are all useless eaters who get what we deserve, animals who do not or do not know how, to use our brains.
then you have factions of themselves, who fight for total power, because there can only be ONE.
Let me add one more step to this that the TRUE great awakeners understand. It's so heavy that 99% of the "awake" will also end up in the hospital.
The true elite live beyond the Antarctic ice wall, that's why we can't go there. And, the earth is flat. It's true. There never was a moon landing, and there never will be.
You can't say that here... you'll be banished to conspiracy.win and have to clean the litter box for the next 2 weeks...
I agree with the possibility of all points you mentioned. Only a closed minded fool would outright eliminate those possibilities and start the "it's a psyop" tantrum, when the evidence for what you mentioned is just as available and valid as the evidence propping up the official narrative... even moreso in several cases.
Extra land, aka "extra terrestrial" - using earth based technology in these supposed UFOs, makes sense.
There's been a lot of talk about Nazis leading the way towards a breakaway civilization. It's certainly possible. Now, flying der glocke to the moon and all that horseshit, no... for several good reasons. Just like the Roman Empire never really went away, I'm not convinced the Nazis ever really went away either... not just Ukrainian Nazis either.
Imagine if it came out that there was/is a breakaway civilization, that's technologically advanced by 100+ years AND the only way to access them is through Antarctica. It would explain why dbag "needs to be taint tazed" Kerry would have skipped down there on election night 2016 (bitch lost)...and why so many of these satanic bastards go there. (Also timing of antarctic treaty, birth of NASA and other sheit - too coincidental)
Now THAT would screw people up... they're living the good life while we're stuck on a tax farm, where they can print as much money as they want, but we all still have to pay taxes. I would not be surprised if the world as we know it was producing and slaving for that "extra-terrestrial" civilization. If that ever got out, all hell would break loose... You'd probably see dudes in Bayliners try to make it there just to grab ahold of those bastards lol.
I also think there’s more land somewhere, but wonder if maybe it’s inside the earth & that’s why they want us looking at space? Thomas Jefferson pieced together his own version of what he thought should be included in a Bible; the version of the Lord’s Prayer says ‘in earth as it is in Heaven’…native tribes also say people ‘emerged’ from the earth/look up Iktomi and the boulder…
Thr truth comes out about the fatality of the vax, an antidote is declared to be available, 99% of the vaxed go to the hospital, the one's who are not vaxxed are taking them there, panic ensues, hospitals are overwhelmed. - Just a theory
Theory - The medical industry is designed to kill us before we reach ~70. Finding this out would send 99% of the people to the hospital - looking for blood.
"Put in the hospital" as-in forced hospitalization against someone's will conveys mental health collapse / nefarious circumstances. In general, someone seeks medical attention for a problem rather than being subjugated to it.
...and for the love of God, correct English couldn't be used! "The Truth would put 99% of people in hospital". There is more than a single hospital in existence.
Also presumes that the author knows said Truth. And if medical treatment was a remedy to whatever the Truth is, then whats the point in withholding disclosure?? Aside from mass hysteria & demand on healthcare system…. who knows 🤷♂️
While I think this may bother people, I believe finding out that well known people sacrifice and eat children would send 99% to the hospital.
Edited my post because some people might have delicate sensibilities.
Back in the early months of Q, a black hat posted pictures of a ritual meal. It was terrifying. The pictures were seared into my brain. For months afterward, my body would begin to tremble when I thought about it. I really believed that I would have a breakdown. It was the most horrifying thing I've ever seen.
TV / movies / popular culture have caused people to be numb to a lot of things mentioned here. I say the depopulation agenda, presented as irrefutable, would blow most people’s minds. Especially the ones who lost friends or family to a bad vax for no reason.
I don't think THAT would put 99% of people in the hospital. Would people be surprised? Yes, but many wouldn't give a shit.
Child sacrifice and adrenochrome
Yes, this. Hard to comprehend. Almost impossible. My heart bleeds thinking about it.
Doubtful that would.
I'm thinking something along the lines of everyone being mind controlled by ETs or something lol
What are sheep?
Who controls the narrative?
The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital.
Who knows, but for what it's worth I think the child sacrifice would do it if enough details are leaked all at once. Especially the people killing their own children in gruesome ways. It disturbs me, and I had years to absorb and accept at my own pace. And then when people realize half of what they do to their children - drugs, video games, music - is part of dedicating their OWN children to Satan!
Yes, Ive seen videos that are horrifying and heart breaking for me. I cannot bleach out of my brain. I have to keep on the full armor to deal. I still see those little faces crying and terrified. 😖 Im glad to be awakened but I need that part of this movie to be done it breaks my heart!
The answer is that the Wraith are real and here now. If that doesn't scare the shit out of you, then nothing will.
(c.f. Stargate Atlantis.)
Video evidence of such behavior is what would do the trick. Once that leaks, it's over.
Still wouldn't put 99% in the hospital, it wouldn't even have that effect on 0.9%(if it would then news-reels from concentration camps post ww2 would have had a similar effect)
Hint: Flat-earth isn't a thing, the earth is round, however the use of flat-earth as a road-block however..
Road-blocks are put on roads, roads usually lead somewhere, they use 'flat-earth' as a road-block to stop people from continuing down roads leading to things that would cause the majority of people asylum levels of freak out....
(This has a good chance of being downvoted, which sorta proves my point. What if ........)
How about finding out what they have been mixing in our food? Our water? Our air? Our medication?
Unfortunately that is unlikely to cause many to freak out all that much as it is likely to to cause a ho-hum reaction in many, would likely cause a massive shift in consumer/eating/buying habits for many but doubt that would be much more than 50% of the population.
When people see something like 'would put 99% of people in the hospital' the instinct is to take it as some level of hyperbole rather than taking it literally.
Realistically ANYTHING that is anything close to something seen before only much-much more of it/much more extreme would be unlikely to have that effect so it has to be something MORE than any normal horrible or freak-out causing news/truth cranked up to 11...
The industrialization of Child sacrifice and adrenochrome.
Bullshit. What Cates wrote here would absolutely crush the peoples understanding of reality. He touches on all of the darkest conspiracy theories. He alludes to secret space programs, advanced techs held back, DUMBs, satan worshipping implying satanic ritual abuse against children and actual Nazis as enforcers for a shadowy underground that seeks to depopulate and enslave.
We here have had time to assimilate these ideas and have done so from a place where they may or may not be true. If this stuff was generally understood as truth I can definitely see 99% of people needing a check up. It would wipe out more than 100 years of history. Reality would be completely altered and the people would be set adrift.
I cant understand how you could downplay the significance of these discoveries being publicly affirmed.
My question is what was Cates motive in writing this and is he being genuine or is this some psyop crap pushed by CIA masters.
I’ve followed him a very long time and find him credible with good analysis. My two cents for those that might not know him well.
5 Years ago, Cates would have never written, uttered, thought, or stated those words. I think he red pilled himself in a very big way.
I also tend in that direction.
Still this is bombshell, mind exploding stuff that is only spoken of openly on boards like this. And even here it is met with skepticism and could get you a vacation or a mod note to take it to conspiracies.win. I cant take anyone seriously who downplays how this would effect people.
Yeah, I think a lot of us will even be struggling with what comes out.... we've had the luxury of time to absorb the parts we do know and "forget" the trauma of learning these lessons,
Plus, with so much going on there has been much to distract ourselves with and not dwell on the absolute horrors of the details of what's been going on.
I'm starting to understand my own frustration with the normies and give them the grace that was given to me.
I agree I think with what anons have uncovered is really bad stuff, now imagine it being multiplied 5x, 10x or even 40x worse. I think we will all be shocked even tho we are battle hardened. It will be hard or even impossible for the normies to grasp and digest a lot of this
I agree. I find him a good source of info. And this info in this Tweet is sort of in line with my thoughts of 20 yrs of research in ancient civilizations, ufos, megalithic structures.
Maybe he is WH controlled ?
Many people think WWII happened in the 1970’s. These “man on the street” interviews are down right depressing.
How many boomers have died relatively young in the last 3 years? Well this reality posted above is good reason to cull those that lived through shit and would absolutely lose their shit.
Just sayin....
My beloved was taken a year ago, I cannot imagine the pain they would've have endured during this, my parents & brother as well gone in the past 2 years.
I've lost everyone I've needed around me - and have been shown the shallowness and complicatedness of almost everyone around me.... I can't believe I'm still here. it's nothing but the Grace of God for sure (or he's just really pissed off at me for something I'm still blind to)
I'm with you 100%. It truly is evil that has shown itself as of late. Watching family to me go into the hospital for semi routine stuff but ending up in a body bag was a huge shock. I too have lost people very close to me, people that were very instrumental to who I am as a whole. Their being gone has created a vacuum in my life, I feel like a shell of my former self in a way.
I've asked myself WHY after all of this am I the one still standing, all I can figure is Gods plan is never transparent. I have suffered personally too much loss in the last couple years and I am poised to continue going through that pain, others within my circle now have cancer, heart problems, and other cardio issues. It's sickening to think this is all due to pure evil in this world. God wins in the end, He has blessed Me and even though I feel cursed I am still here.
You are not alone, Our purpose has yet to be fulfilled, once it is He will bring us home.
Hang in there, Were in this together.
Much love to you fren ❤️
You always have family here ❤️ Weve got u fren!!!
Thank you ❤️. This place has gotten me through many a rough patch.
Me too and Im grateful! If u ever need to vent, scream, cry dm me. ❤️
And the "Great Experiment" was to make the USA their thug "enforcers" while keeping us like farm animals
^^^thinking the same.
Yeah that’s not even the worst thing. I always thought it had something to do with parasites or child sacrifices.
Yes I imagined that is was to do with most being infected with a parasite and that this parasite can be used to control the mind etc. If there was an awakening to it instantly twould be chaos.
I think parasites, cancer, vaccinations, big pharma and child sacrifice/cannibalism
The great big lie about no cure for cancer... that alone will drive people berserk. All the suffering! And anti-parasitics for humans NEVER being routine and then when our eyes open we are told not to use the parasite killers. Really. REALLY??? Those are insidious evils. Pile on top of these the hideous revelations about children being farmed, stolen, sacrificed and eaten? Yes folks.... you have to identify the evils in order to destroy them. No movie has ever been made that is any more horrifying than this. Isn't that just the shits? They make films about their abuses and lies against humanity then sell the entertainment to us to consume so that we are imprisoned by fear.
Even worse that before vaccines, household chemicals and packaged foods there was no cancer.
I imagine it would be the revelation that 99% of the people on earth are all poisoned, the 1% being who have all the cures.
Q didn't say the truth would put people in the mental hospital.
I believe he's talking about the contamination that they've injected us with, put in our food and water, and dumped in out air and oceans,
If we found out we all have greater abilities then we've been allowed to believe and our brains have been stifled but there is a way to cleanse our bodies of these pollutants and awaken our higher selves with a short hospital treatment then 99% of the population would want to be treated.
I don't think anything he says in this post would put a single person in a hospital or a mental hospital.
"Mom - look - there's still Nazis" "Oh my God! Call 911. Get me to the hospital now!"
The "Nazis" are not the Truth that would damage peoples brains. It is who the Nazis really are, what the larger group that created them has really done, how far back this really goes, who is really in charge, AND, as you stated, what information has been repressed. However, I do not think your interpretation is correct. I think Q is explicitly stating that the truth about those things would put 99% of the population into a mental hospital if revealed all at once, without being prepared first.
What if, for example, there are underground installations (or cities) that look exactly like Hellraiser (the movie), where children are bred by the millions for sex, sacrifice, blood, and soul consumption? What if the people in charge (who created the Nazis) were regular visitors of these child factories and/or customers? What if the entity in charge of these installations weren't human? What if that entity is Yahweh, a being that may not be from what we think of as "our dimension," but is perfectly capable of promoting itself as "a god" here on earth? This is the same entity that, according to the official narrative (what we call "The Bible"), is a child sacrifice demanding, slavery and rape condoning, eugenics and racist promoting,. genocidal (only the Chosen Race is worthy of survival) entity that sits at the top of the narrative of most of the world's core belief systems for the past two millennia or so. Something like 2/3rds of the planet believes in YHWH as the Source of All Things. What if it is instead an Usurper, a Pretender to the Throne, and ultimately, the creator of all of these, what we call "evil" institutions?
How many people would be able to handle that information if it were true?
I don't know if those statements are true, but there is a fair bit of evidence that supports all of them. Regardless of what the truth is, I bet it's on that level of cognitive dissonance inducing. Some information is just too much to handle. When evidence threatens core beliefs in a way that can't be rectified reasonably, it can instead destroy the brain. I think the nature of our reality, the knowledge that has been hidden (occult knowledge) is information that would do that to 99% of humanity, or would have at the time of the post. Now maybe it's only 95%. Maybe someday it will only be 50%. Maybe there will be avenues to find the truth at that point, for those that choose to look.
most normie morons can't imagine not eating breakfast yesterday. The ability to comprehend a several-thousand-year old death cult (possibly several HUNDRED thousand years old) manipulating and brainwashing society and culture over multiple millennia is totally incomprehensible to them.
It's not just "incomprehensible," it's not even possible for most to consider it right now, even most of those who are "awake." If you can't possibly consider evidence, but evidence is shown to you in a way that you must consider it, that level of cognitive dissonance breaks the brain. That is what "would put 99% of people in the hospital."
I think the information on the true scope of the death cult is being released. I think it will continue to be shown, just slowly. It has to be slowly.
I think the whole story, all of the evidence, will be able to be found out by those willing to look, but not everyone alive in this generation will choose to do so. I think it will likely take a generation or two to disseminate the nature of our reality and the source of our belief systems, to the masses.
but god damn is it so fucking tiring. Whoever posted that meme earlier with the "elite" v "normie" v "autistanon" rock paper scissors chart was so right
I think your right, it will take generations to fully grasp what is going on.
I was very naive to the evil.... when they passed the bill in NY to "abort" born babies.... I freaked, they would have untrackable babies to do with as they wish. A gentle anon pointed me towards the truth, and fuck... like a sledgehammer to my soul.
And to be honest even tho I KNOW, there's still a sliver hope I'm wrong, when that tiniest wisp of false hope is finally stripped away.... idk. I spend a lot of effort praying and avoiding the details of thinking on the horrors these poor people endured.
But do they need to?
I'm so tired if hearing this idea that we "gotta wait for the herd to awaken"
No we don't. Fuck the herd. We haven't educated ourselves, made the necessary moves and sacrifices and played by all the rules to be governed by the speed of the herd...
We're ready. Let's get it on.
Yeah... I think everyone here knows there's going to be some uncomfortable truths and downright evil possibilities that we haven't fathomed before (because we're not evil bastards) - but if the worst of humanity has been doing their dance under our feet this whole time, we'll be pissed, but hospital? I think not. Maybe the mouth breathers will blow a gasket, but not us.
If the herd isn't ready, then some in the herd will oppose the cure and help hide the evil bastards so they can rise to power again. This can't be like an election where 55% of us impose our ideas on the other 45%. It has to be overwhelmingly supported and implemented in every corner of society. Any herd members remaining with doubts will have to be rolled up with the bad guys.
Like crabs in a bushel basket, pulling anyone who attempts to escape back down into the chaos...
So are the days of our lives...
You have to overcome all this bs - rise above it. Not just believe, but KNOW you are more than your physical body. Discover your place in eternity. Find out who you really are ...WAY more than some character named whatever playing this Earth game.
Then, regardless of what happens, you'll be strong enough to deal with whatever goes down. It's not called the road less traveled for nothing. You won't "get there" by polling the herd to see if you're "doing it right".
The herd will awaken at the beginning of the stampede.
only need 3%
if we go by the American Revolution type stats where 3% of the population was needed to shift the tides; with a global population of ~8.1 Billion, we'd only need roughly 243 million to be alert (theoretically)
Beautifully said, Slyver. THAT would absolutely SHATTER so many people's paradigm - to the point that they wouldn't be able to recover.
There's a certain level of spiritual maturity required to weather this storm and come out one piece on the other side. Sadly, very few have permitted themselves to venture outside of conventional pathways in order to find the real truth. That includes a high percentage of frens here.
I think you are on to something here. I believe there is also so much more. We have to have strong minds and hearts so we will be the percentage of people who do not go insane as truth is revealed. (The 1%).
Don't forget the Luciferians/globalists/fallen ones have manipulated and lied about everything for thousands of years (yes, even the bible has been tampered with). Be strong enough to handle the truth.
ultimately we each have to strive for a relationship with God that will give us spiritual confirmation of whether we have heard something that is the truth or that is a lie. If you receive in your heart the knowledge that you have ascertained something to be true, let those things light your path. Either to move away from something you learn is deception, or towards a truth. Not everyone can hear their own "still, small voice" of intuition, or audibly hear or see something that supports something as true. You might have to get very very quiet to begin to hear.
We definitely are not strong enough for the truth, we need God with us.
This ties in with my recent comment on this thread. I think it would have to be religious in nature destroying all major ideas combined with us living in a matrix as a slave colony or something absolutely wild.
Maybe we are in hell/pergutory and that’s why shit is so messed up. And will be biblical is the end of this nonsense.
I have even gone so deep down the rabbit hole that the Illuminati may actually be worshipping the real creator and everything else is a lie. I don’t believe this but I think it would take something that level of crazy
Speaking of that, did you know that there is a form of gnosticism that seems to say that there is this goddess, Pistis Sophia, that created a Demiurge god & hid him in a cloud, because she didn't create him with the consent of the highest father god that carries no name?
Some would say this Demiurge was called Yaldabaoth (& there may be some that believe he has some connection to, or even is YHWH) In Christian gnosticism some believe that Christ came down to free people from this god, etc
Have you heard of all that or did you just think of this on your own? Anyways, there was a time when I was curious of gnosticsm but then the group of them I was with, went all woke on me & kicked me out! Can you believe that? (Long story - we were talking politics, not religion but politics. They are incredibly woke libtards. In a calm voice I pointed to a simple contradiction which made the priest resign on the spot! lol! Then the bishop came in & kicked me out)
After that I began to wonder about all that stuff & went back to a more conventional church. Of course now even they are going all woke too so IDK! I figured I should point that out though, since you seemed to stumble upon this.
I am aware of Gnosticism and Sophia (AKA the "Holy Spirit" in Christian doctrine), and the Demiurge (which has origins 500 to possibly thousands of years before the Gnostics came online). I study all the ancient religions, as well as the more recent ones, not to find "the truth" but to find the similarities and the differences in their dogma. I use these ideas as references to dig deeper.
There is great scholarship out there, but if you restrict yourself to one ideal you will not see it. I recommend not looking to any one source for the Truth about Source, rather let your intuition guide you through all of the controversy. Recognize that pretty much all religions have the same source (the Cabal), or they have been taken over by them after the fact, and are thus controlled by them today.
I suggest the Truth can't be found in any "religion," rather the Truth Is Whatever It Is, and learning how to listen to it will help you to understand that it has already revealed itself.
Of course that doesn't necessarily help with some of the details, but the details of history aren't nearly as important as learning how to listen to Source when it speaks, which is all the time.
Beautifully said Slyver, IDK why you got the downvote. I'm curious which religions you think are cabal source vs the ones taken over by them. I had the sense that. before Constantine, Christianity was a bunch of independent churches honestly seeking the truth to at least some degree. Of course, there are some who would question Paul or even Peter but certainly not Jesus. I have had my own experience which tells me exactly how divine he truly is.
IDK if I have studied as much as you but I marvel at similarities between cultures which had no history of ever being in contact. For instance, the Orthodox Christians have a "40 day mass" for the dead. (Which in practice is usually performed a little more than 40 days after death but never before) and I have heard that the Tibetan Buddhists have a 49 day period after death, both of these periods have to do with the soul's journey after death to prepare for the next phase.
I've also thought of things like, since Abraham spoke a sematic and that the preface a' in those languages usually means 'of' or 'son of'. His name could have been: a'Braham and Brahan is very similar to Brahmin, which is the name of the highest god in the neighboring country (India) So it seems like there is some ancient connection between those 2 very different cultures.
Anyways, I'm just curious what else you may have noticed.
This is difficult to say. I could go through a list, but then I'd have to justify them, and that is a book length endeavor. In addition it would be largely speculative. I am constantly finding new evidence on these things that makes me lean one way or another. Not about everything, some are pretty clear cut, but some are so clouded in history, taking any sort of stand one way or the other seems foolish.
I have that sense as well. My research suggests there was a lot of controversy of ideas, a lot of debate. Constantine ended that debate by making specific tenets (some taken from other religions, like Mithraism) into Roman Law (believe these things or else!).
Those cultures had a lot of contact. The idea that there was no contact between East and West is a lie. Not only did they have contact (travel) between all those areas, their cultures were all founded (or subsumed) by the same group of people, the people we call the Scythians (or their progenitors).
The Scythians have been effectively removed from history, with nothing but lies, largely in the form of purposeful disconnections, left in its place. Until people understand who they were, it is impossible to understand the ancient world. You might know the Scythians as the Tartarians. They are the same group of people. People who look into Tartary are all forced to look into the wrong thing (giants, free energy, "Tartarians in America" and all that other bullshit). By keeping Tartary researchers focused on these mostly unrelated topics, it steers people away from that realization: Tartary was just Scythia, and Scythia ruled about 25% of the planet (approximately the area known as the USSR, though at times extending far beyond that) for 3000 to 5000 years.
Their removal from history in the early 20th century is, imo, the greatest scam of our Age, and likely the key to understanding everything.
You mean the people from the land which is in the middle between China, Russia, Europe, Middle East and India? It makes sense that there would have been something there. Especially since we barely know of much history from there.
Looking at this map, it shows some of the Scythian territory. You will find many different maps for "Scythia" because it has been purposefully obfuscated in history. My research suggests that the Scythians controlled the entire area going north (all of northern Europe and Asia to the Arctic Sea), and at many points in history, going south to the Indian Ocean, east to the Pacific (including China as a vassal) and west, generally to the Baltic (the Amber Road was their creation I think), but often all the way to the UK. What we call "Russia" today was just one of the Scythian vassal states (a Khanate). Indeed, the Russians were the Scythians, or a subgroup of the larger empire, for a few thousand years. China was a vassal at several different times. India, Sumer, Iran, Iraq, the Levant, Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Prussia (Poland/Germany), Gaul (France), Greece, and possibly even Rome (not sure about that one) began as Scythian colonies. While many of them fell away over time due to distance from the controlling center (not Russia, but the others), in many cases they were later “reconquered” and made into vassal states (paying tribute) over and over again through the millennia, with constant interchanges of culture, religion, language, and genetics between this multi-ethnic Empire (just like the Roman Empire, but much bigger and for far longer).
The area I call "Scythia proper” is almost exactly the same as the USSR (which is not a coincidence) and is the area that they held for, according to my research, from at least 1000BC, and likely since at least 3300BC**, all the way until about 1500AD, or even to today, if you think of the Russians as just the Scythians, but since they have forgotten their heritage, that's probably not appropriate, and it would be more appropriate to say they were completely gone in the early 20th century.
**The Corded Ware civilization was either the exact same culture and governmental system as Scythia, or were proper progenitors.
The begining of the end of Tartary (AKA Scythian culture and history) began in the 16th century when the vassal state, the Rus Khanate, began to initiate its conquest of Scythia (then called Tartary). This was really an internal dispute, since the Russians were always a vassal state, though they had some genetic influx in their Nobility from the Holy Roman Empire, so it was somewhat external as well.
Walter Kolartz wrote about how the USSR finally eliminated all Tartarian culture and history through their alphabet revolutions (starts on page 31).
For a specific statement on page 32 he says:
It elaborates how the history of the Tartars was subsequently destroyed by burning all the Tartarian books, through the forced changing of the alphabet, and through forced “reeducation,” making any books that may have survived the purge unreadable by new generations.
From that point on, the Tartarians were wiped out of history, and thus their connection to the Scythians. There's more to it than that, because there is a lot of effort to ensure they remain disconnected and a "conspiracy theory," but it's a good start of the story.
The connection between the Scythians and the Tartarians is ubiquitous in history all the way up until the early 20th century. Looking at absolutely any historian prior to about 1850 or so, if you look up “Tartary” it says, “These are the Scythians.”
For example, the 1773 Encyclopedia Britannica:
Petes, History of Ghengizcan the Great, 1722, page 15 (and many other places in the book):
Sir Walter Raleigh, History of the World, ~1560 (page 247):
Denis Petau, The History of the World, or, An Account of Time, 1659 (page 760):
There are numerous other references, both within the books here presented, and other books, that show that the people of that time considered “Tartary” to just be “Scythia,” and the people the same.
The Royal Scythians were the Ruling Aristocracy of the Scythians. Their form of government was very much a “Game of Thrones” type of thing, with various tribes (all the leaders of the tribes/Khanates were related, just like today) paying tribute to whoever was the biggest and strongest at the time. Every once in a while, a single “Khan of Khans” would arise, uniting all the various Khanates, and would go border expanding, getting large areas under their control. A couple examples of this border expansion (getting more Tributes) that you have probably heard of were Genghis Khan, and Attila the Hun, though there were several more. Of note, I think the “Bronze Age Collapse” (around 1200BC) was exactly such a Scythian border expansion event as well. There is a fair bit of evidence that supports that, but no one can make that connection, because the Scythians have been completely disconnected, and the Tartarians completely erased.
These Royal Scythians had blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes. You can track the Scythians through history, the same people doing the same thing in the same way in the same area of the world, by following these phenotypes in the Aristocratic leadership class (mummies in royal burial mounds, genetic samples, writing, etc.), . For example, history separates out the “Gokturks” as such a “not Scythians” group even though they were exactly that; the exact same people doing the exact same thing in the same way in the same area as the Scythians they "replaced" with an aristocratic leadership class with blond/red hair, and blue/green eyes. The term “Aryan” means “Iranian.” Iran was originally under the control of the Scythians (later called Parthia, which was just a Scythian Khanate, and eventually called Iran). The term Aryan I think comes from the Royal Scythians, the Nordic phenotype group that ruled the Iranian region way back in the day.
In other words, the Royal Scythians were, I think, the Aryan Race. I think that is why they have been removed from history. Not because they wanted to hide them out of loathing or contempt, but because the current leadership class of the world doesn’t want people to know their own heritage. That is speculative, but it fits all the evidence.
There is probably one other important note I should mention: The Khazarian Khanate was a subgroup of the Scythians. But, I think they were also the Magogians (Gog and Magog of the Bible). I think the Khazarian Khanate may have been a group of Jews that went to Crimea/Ukraine after the Roman diaspora, and set up shop there. They may even be the 13th tribe, going there after the Babylonian diaspora, or even before, during the Bronze Age Collapse. There is a lot of speculation there, but I've found several connections between those groups, and I think it is no coincidence that they decided to become the Ashkenazi Jews.
What is the basis of Gnosticism, the Demiurge? While I agree that is a part of Gnostic teaching, the idea of a "demigod" (non-corporeal self-aware split apart from Source) that ruled the earth while pretending to be Source has origins that go back very far, thousands of years, long before there were people that call themselves "Gnostics," at least according to history.
What is how people are controlled?
I suggest that "naming" anything (in the way we do it) is a false naming in the sense that words have definitions, and definitions are always incomplete.
Not really. They use what I call The One religion, but a specific sect of it. The One religion is the only religion that actually exists, all other religions are front organizations that lead to that same religion in their occult mysteries. Whether any particular religion started as front organizations, or has been taken over to join them is difficult to say, but that seems to be how it is set up now, and has been for at least two millennia, though likely much longer.
The One religion teaches that "Thou art God" as one of it's primary tenets. Inherent in that tenet is the connectedness of all things. We are all God (Source), thus we are all created equally Divine, created from and inseparably connected to the Fundamental.
Some of the sects of The One religion teach a focus on the "self" aspect of that Divinity, teaching how to rise above the other split-aparts of Source (other people). It is this literally self centered aspect that sets apart the teachings of The One religion of the Cabal and The One religion of other adherents.
Gnosticism does not, at least on the surface, present itself as a self centered cult, it is merely part of The One religion, and that can be confusing at first. There are many similarities between these different sects. The primary difference is the focus on self, or the focus on the connectedness, and the intrinsic respect in that connection. In this other aspect, to respect others is to respect yourself, because everyone is fundamentally Source.
There's a great deal more to it than that. At some point I will write it up formally. It's pretty important to understand The One religion, and the differences in the various associated cults I think.
Med beds would be amazing if they exist.
I agree with you.
But if 99% of us has a heart attack from being so pissed. At this point, I’d believe it.
I come close with a rather unsettling regularity
100% agree
Yes exactly
To be fair, all of my coworkers think I'm a raving lunatic. It probably started in 2005 with Global Warming, then Obama's Birth Certificate in 2007, then vote fraud in 2012, etc etc.......
What a long strange trip it's been.
Know the feeling fren. Everyone in our family believes hubby and I have gone over the cliff
You know it's bad when your brother comes right out and says I'm a bit worried about you bro. I stopped letting my mind be known without reservation at that point. If it's making him that uncomfortable maybe it's not worth the mental trouble. I will say the whole covid thing has made him wake up quite a bit over the last few years.
Never surrender. WTF Stick to your convictions.
if it’s any consolation, you’re fortunate to have a husband listen. mine argues with me & almost seems to sabotage any prepping I do; because he doesn’t ‘see’ anything different. his friends are oblivious & he trusts them🤦🏼♀️ feels like the twilight zone most days, even after I show statistics he shrugs it off.
I am keenly aware of how blessed I am to have a partner in this life who’s in step with me every day. Oh yes, blessed indeed.
😇 hopefully I didn't come across as lecturing just have never been in that position where my immediate family understands/every day is a challenge. hearing stories like yours give me hope that it doesn't always have to be difficult.
Lol alot of days thats how the hubs looks at me 😉
But would the contents of the tweet being posted put them in the hospital?
The Nazi had a huge presence on Antarctica prior to & during WWII. The question is did they have a presence after the war? Theories abound. What was the purpose of "Operation Highjump"? Was it really just a scientific mission? Or was it to clean up the remnants of the Nazi Navy? Reportedly about 100 Nazi submarines were unaccounted for after the war. Interesting rabbit hole to go down. BTW as a young Coast Guard Ensign I made 2 trips on the USCGC Glacier to Antarctica.
It's more than a rabbit hole. I've been stuck researching this topic over a year now.
Nazi submarines full of mercury...
Mercury from WWII submarine wreck pollutes sediments off Norway
Nice find! I hadn't heard of this. I noticed that in the article they didn't speculate the reason that the sub had that large amount of mercury. Was it for anti-gravity craft research in Antarctica? Years ago I had read that there were about 100 nazi subs unaccounted for after WWII.
New Swabia/Neu Schawbenland. This info used to be in textbooks & on maps until recent decades.
Maybe Q was alluding to this.... What is coded in your DNA? | Who put it there?
The jab changed their dna didn't it?
yep, it affects the God gene. they’re able to block the Vmat2 gene & the connection to God.
starts at :25
also think there’s only certain percentage that have it to begin with; the divine spark. so maybe the 99% is referring to them🤔
So what would their purpose be? Keep souls from connection to God? Something about life after death? These people are sick. Did you see that ceremony the Queen did with the lighting of what looked like a DNA strand?
yes probably sounds crazy, but Q mentioned batteries/the Matrix. and when we work backwards from the main objective/who the 'enemy' is (President Trump called it the 'invisible enemy of All of humanity')...
think we're dealing with something 'other' than us/children of darkness/don't have the spark. And 'their' VMAT2 seeking vaccine was the way for Them to identify & manipulate those With a soul. which they want to find because of built in 'enmity'. the way they're wired, to be jealous, etc.
the video said people who have the inner 'connection', have various reactions after reading 'religious' text. also makes it sound like it's aimed at the middleast/Koran, etc. but it could be the Bible/a fundamentalist.
so I think the deep state's plan was to seek Christians. but Q turned it on them and collected All the evidence. and now Q is using the vaccine to do the opposite; find people without the 'spark'/our oppressors. Jesus' parable about the wheat & tares backs it up; the tares need to be separated. and Grassley just mentioned harvest. also, Fauci means 'reaper'...so what does that mean in Q's movie?🤔🕵️
And no, I didn't see that about the Queen/thanks! will have to look it up. so many connections with her too...things definitely aren't what they seem.
I don't believe they found the God gene .... they may believe they did but they have been deceived.
yeah it's hard to tell what's going on, but I do think they have some kind of nanotechnology that's able to differentiate between types of people/children of light/children of darkness/hence why Q brings up DNA. fascinating for sure!
All life belong a to the Lord. Only He can create it.
The others can only mutilate His creations and they get immense joy in doing so.
The shots are doing great harm now, and I think the harm will continue for centuries through the damage passed on by the parents who took it.
Interesting angle. I never thought of that. People surging hospitals trying to get their DNA repaired.
We probably have a limiter placed there by our slave owners
Information is power, knowledge is power -- yet finding the correct information is very difficult.... so many lies and misdirections, and me being the type that falls for every red herring, its definitely mind boggling.
Was the Nazi party ever truly destroyed (eradicated)?
Was 'Nazism' ever truly destroyed? Was it merely a sub-division within a larger organization?
While Nazi officers fled to South America, the mission of the Nazis was transferred into their corporations and intelligentsia. The US imported both into influential roles.
This is one reason Fascism relied on state corporatism for it's economic system. The ideology can secretly survive within these corporate hosts and remain operative.
One important part about the top Nazis being smuggled into South America that is often left out is who did the smuggling?
Most people still don't know or refuse to believe that it was the Catholic Church that did it.
Yep, the Catholic Church, the Red Cross, and various military resources who made up "die spinne" network.
Both the Nazis and the Bolsheviks were funded from Wall Street and the City of London. There were no winners in WWII except the banks.
Can't forget about Prescott Bush funding Hitler as the director of Union Banking Corporation.
Both Kharzarian controlled.
The Illuminati Nazi World Order (NWO): Obama Is Hitler's Biological Grandson, A Khazar Rothschild
These people are sick. Bunch of luciferian pedovores and worse. Christ is King!
From that article "Hitler died of natural causes in a car crash" cause that makes sense.
I encourage everyone interested in this topic to watch all three seasons of Hunting Hitler. It's now available on Youtube. It uses a reality TV approach, which can be annoying, but it lays out all the facts and evidence of how thousands of high ranking Nazis including Hitler, Bormann, and Mengele, escaped to Argentina. It also explores evidence of their future plans for a 4th Reich.
The evidence is undeniable.
If they don't mention that it was the Catholic Church that smuggled most of them into South America it may not be worth watching.
That is a huge point to leave out of any documentary.
They do address the catholic church’s involvement and falsified papers and the Red Cross…
I will have to see about making time to watch it.
The truth does nearly put you in the hospital. The initial shock you get over, it's the ongoing nightmare of living around those who can't/won't believe you. They might suspect you are right and then shun you to maintain their illusion. Not surprising because it feels like falling off a cliff to "real-ize" the shocking truth. It is a dark epiphany that repeats and gets worse.
No wonder "the choice, to KNOW, is yours"
It’s the fact that humans aren’t running the show here on earth. And that aliens do. And that those aliens are already here. And that they’re supposed to stay underground and not show their face, but they skirted that with advanced bioengineering where they parasitize humans’ bodies. Been doing so for millennia. It’s like the movie They Live. But it’s real.
100 percent, yes.
Operation High Jump and Operation Paperclip! In Paperclip instead of jailing these Nazi scientists we brought them over here and gave them a new identity.
My own theory is that we are not alone. Other civilizations have been here, and may even be using our planet as a biological storehouse. Some are rogue. Maybe Satan and his kind are predatory reptilian aliens who are powerful technologically and can do favors for those who kill for them. But they have to be secretive because they are violating the non interference directive. Something like that.
“Prometheus” was a documentary.
Yes - the synagogue of satan is mentioned in Rev 2:9 & 3:9. What's interesting is that this is the same bunch of demons that Jesus was fighting. They bragged about being the children of Abraham. Jesus blasted them by saying their father was the devil. But those liars got even that part wrong. Abraham had Ishmael as a son and 6 other sons with his 2nd wife/concubine. So all of the descendants of these 7 men can claim they are the "seed of Abraham". Paul in Romans spoke about this - it's not blood its faith...
"God said it was ok"? Nope - it was Sarah's idea! Abram went along with that faithless idea:
Genesis 16:1-4 - "Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had borne him no children. And she had an Egyptian maidservant whose name was Hagar. 2 So Sarai said to Abram, “See now, the Lord has restrained me from bearing children. Please, go in to my maid; perhaps I shall [a]obtain children by her.” And Abram heeded the voice of Sarai. 3 Then Sarai, Abram’s wife, took Hagar her maid, the Egyptian, and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan. 4 So he went in to Hagar, and she conceived. And when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress became despised in her [b]eyes."
Here's the scripture again: Genesis 16:1-4 - "Now Sarai, Abram’s wife, had borne him no children. And she had an Egyptian maidservant whose name was Hagar. 2 So Sarai said to Abram, “See now, the Lord has restrained me from bearing children. Please, go in to my maid; perhaps I shall [a]obtain children by her.” And Abram heeded the voice of Sarai. 3 Then Sarai, Abram’s wife, took Hagar her maid, the Egyptian, and gave her to her husband Abram to be his wife, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan. 4 So he went in to Hagar, and she conceived. And when she saw that she had conceived, her mistress became despised in her [b]eyes."
Where did I say that it was it was OK that a young slave girl had sex with an 80 plus year old man? Did you bother read what I said? You obviously did not. God NEVER approved of this molestation. It was Sarah's idea pal. Can you read? Can you read what the scriptures said?
You confused me! I was agreeing with what you wrote 100%. Apology graciously accepted.....
That’s not much of a surprise. What would is in fact that ALL people that took the vax or boosters will be dead soon if they don’t treat themselves. If parents realized THEY Forced their children to their poisoned vaxx death, that would for sure put most in a psyc. and/or medical hospital.
I like this response by Q, because it indirectly confirms moon comms referring to secret government projects. Q says 'moon landings' are real, and then follows up with programs existing outside public domain.
THAT IS WHAT THE MOON LANDINGS ARE! making contact with black-ops funded programs or projects that are normally out of reach, untouchable, or otherwise difficult to access.
Perhaps 99% in the hospital is hyperbolic and not to be taken literally.
Ukraine is key in this of course. As for the rest? If Ukraine gets dismantled and the child trafficking aired fully it will be much faster raising the awareness level to higher than 75%.
All the White Hats and Space force and Navy and the benevolent ET councils above know it is all true. Humanity is only one thin layer of social structures on this planet. The rest is below. Where do you think many of the 800,000 to 1m missing children are. And being farmed like livestock. Lord above and Archangel Michael show us we are on the path. You can see why so many people will not be able to exist knowing the truth. I find myself saying, why me, why us, ignorance actually was bliss by comparison, but if we find out as we are doing, then being here on Earth at this time becomes our story. We have to make Earth hum with our prayers for divine guidance and strength. Throw yourself and your loved ones on the mercy of God. That is the Light. And this Earth, is the Darkness. Sorry this is long but I just want to include something I read very recently. It said, This Earth is the closest to Hell the righteous will ever have had to experience. And for the evil ones, it is the closest to Heaven the will ever get.
"I find myself saying, why me, why us, ignorance actually was bliss by comparison" - I feel your pain. I am 71 - I believe I started loosing my innocence during the 9/11 false flag. It's gotten steadily worse since. I miss the innocence of my youth.
I said yesterday I believe before our birth we choose our mantel. Our entire lifetimes shown to us if we choose to accept it. We are warriors for this time, selected because we could withstand the horrors of what is to come, fight for the truth and the light. Chosen for a time such as this. We are on the right side of all of this. The choices made during our lifetimes has not always been easy or pleasant, but it was building in us a strength for what was to come. The last few years has totally built up my resolve to fight these demonic entities. I wouldnt have made it through without all my frens here. We were all brought to this place, GAW, to connect from across the globe. To expose all. To help each other get through this. No one said it would be easy but here we are daily ❤️
Racine....Anyone? Anyone?
What’s the big secret about Racine ??
Some say it is the root. I was hoping trustthetruth would show up and tell us about how the third reich moved to Wisconsin.
Where has that guy been lately? He usually shows up like you just summoned Beetlejuice.
I think the mods pissed him off and now he is on twitter most of the time.....I forget his username
The root of what? What does that mean? Everybody always speaks in code words lol ….
Pretty much the model of their agenda. Just search for the user trustthetruth and read through the stuff the mods havent deleted yet....is it what we should focus on...I dont know...but it is an interesting read.
Maybe the truth is that the hospitals are where some of the worst evil happens.
Now this is why i come to this site. This is why i have been here since 2017.
This thread is fantastic! Loving all the comments
I believe the CIA’s MK Ultra program stood for Mein Kampf Ultra, duel meaning. 1. A tribute to Hitler .2 literal meaning “my struggle” and Ultra, the British decoding program during WWII. So MK Ultra literally means “My struggle to decode the mind”. A NAZI CIA operation
most of our enemies are actually humanist, in the MOST STRICT sense. that mankind & nature are to be ruled by MAN, the enlightened man & that there is no need for "faith" in a higher power or other deity.
that's what Freemasonry is about... man becoming god, by conquering both nature & the spirit.
they don't bow down to the Lord God, they don't bow down to Satan, Lucifer, Muhammed, Buddha or anything else. ONLY MAN.
they believe GOD=MAN (ie; that's what "Christ Consciousness is all about; removing the divinity from Christ..... it's all fake, new-age bullshit)
In God We Trust....
rather than "GOD" giving you rights, they want the Enlightened Man to have the RIGHT & the POWER to take life, create "privileges", etc.
these "bloodline" families, Zionists, Fake Jew Bankers, Illuminati factions, etc. all believe in the idea that if "you are not one of them, you are nothing". that we are all useless eaters who get what we deserve, animals who do not or do not know how, to use our brains.
then you have factions of themselves, who fight for total power, because there can only be ONE.
Let me add one more step to this that the TRUE great awakeners understand. It's so heavy that 99% of the "awake" will also end up in the hospital.
The true elite live beyond the Antarctic ice wall, that's why we can't go there. And, the earth is flat. It's true. There never was a moon landing, and there never will be.
It's not flat, not even close to flat. Anyway Antarctica is still intriguing - it's nearly as big as Russia, plenty of room there.
Antarctica is the surrounding ice wall. It is much, much bigger than russia, and the world outside of it even moreso.
Has anyone drawn a map of the world showing this? (however speculative)
The United Nations logo essentially sums it up.
(I looked at it) I see gridlines, like a target, what do they mean?
Are you serious?
yes, tell me please
You can't say that here... you'll be banished to conspiracy.win and have to clean the litter box for the next 2 weeks...
I agree with the possibility of all points you mentioned. Only a closed minded fool would outright eliminate those possibilities and start the "it's a psyop" tantrum, when the evidence for what you mentioned is just as available and valid as the evidence propping up the official narrative... even moreso in several cases.
Extra land, aka "extra terrestrial" - using earth based technology in these supposed UFOs, makes sense.
There's been a lot of talk about Nazis leading the way towards a breakaway civilization. It's certainly possible. Now, flying der glocke to the moon and all that horseshit, no... for several good reasons. Just like the Roman Empire never really went away, I'm not convinced the Nazis ever really went away either... not just Ukrainian Nazis either.
Imagine if it came out that there was/is a breakaway civilization, that's technologically advanced by 100+ years AND the only way to access them is through Antarctica. It would explain why dbag "needs to be taint tazed" Kerry would have skipped down there on election night 2016 (bitch lost)...and why so many of these satanic bastards go there. (Also timing of antarctic treaty, birth of NASA and other sheit - too coincidental)
Now THAT would screw people up... they're living the good life while we're stuck on a tax farm, where they can print as much money as they want, but we all still have to pay taxes. I would not be surprised if the world as we know it was producing and slaving for that "extra-terrestrial" civilization. If that ever got out, all hell would break loose... You'd probably see dudes in Bayliners try to make it there just to grab ahold of those bastards lol.
The folks on conspiracies.win hate the flat earthers.
Fuck off. Go away. Even the folks on conspiracies.win hate you.
I also think there’s more land somewhere, but wonder if maybe it’s inside the earth & that’s why they want us looking at space? Thomas Jefferson pieced together his own version of what he thought should be included in a Bible; the version of the Lord’s Prayer says ‘in earth as it is in Heaven’…native tribes also say people ‘emerged’ from the earth/look up Iktomi and the boulder…
I'm still leaning towards it's meant to be taken literally.
As in we would have to go to the hospital to have a procedure done to reverse any meddling done to us.
He needs some sauce for that lmao
Hitler in Argentina, via a stealth dump on the FBI.gov website.
The CIA also quietly dumped their info on Hitler in Argentina on their website too.
Thr truth comes out about the fatality of the vax, an antidote is declared to be available, 99% of the vaxed go to the hospital, the one's who are not vaxxed are taking them there, panic ensues, hospitals are overwhelmed. - Just a theory
Argentina, Ukraine..
Need to keep an eye on this discussion! Very interesting!
99% of Covid Doctors and Nurses on Covid ICU Wards Who Followed the CDC's Covid Hospital Orders Are the Same as Nazi Concentration Camp Guards.
Prove me wrong.
Theory - The medical industry is designed to kill us before we reach ~70. Finding this out would send 99% of the people to the hospital - looking for blood.
"Put in the hospital" as-in forced hospitalization against someone's will conveys mental health collapse / nefarious circumstances. In general, someone seeks medical attention for a problem rather than being subjugated to it.
...and for the love of God, correct English couldn't be used! "The Truth would put 99% of people in hospital". There is more than a single hospital in existence.
e.g. you know, like “Trust The Science” /s
Also presumes that the author knows said Truth. And if medical treatment was a remedy to whatever the Truth is, then whats the point in withholding disclosure?? Aside from mass hysteria & demand on healthcare system…. who knows 🤷♂️
Playing devil’s advocate….
"In hospital" is how a Brit would say it, the same way an American would say "in school" and not "in the school."
While I think this may bother people, I believe finding out that well known people sacrifice and eat children would send 99% to the hospital.
Edited my post because some people might have delicate sensibilities. Back in the early months of Q, a black hat posted pictures of a ritual meal. It was terrifying. The pictures were seared into my brain. For months afterward, my body would begin to tremble when I thought about it. I really believed that I would have a breakdown. It was the most horrifying thing I've ever seen.
TV / movies / popular culture have caused people to be numb to a lot of things mentioned here. I say the depopulation agenda, presented as irrefutable, would blow most people’s minds. Especially the ones who lost friends or family to a bad vax for no reason.
Let's say Snow White is Snowden, who would be Iron Eagle? I guess it's been decoded a way back, no? Can you help a fren out? Merci!