I am the only one in my whole family, including my extended family of over 30 people who didn't fall for the scam.
My father is declining RAPIDLY. Dementia-like symptoms, terrible memory, recall, cognitive performance, and unfettered emotional outbursts for no reason at all. My mother is having terrible memory issues and weird physical stuff happening.
My mom and dad couldn't even check in for a fucking flight after teaching them 4 times.
My brother, who is around 40yrs old, is making horrendous, stupid mistakes. I won't go into it, but it is just plain idiotic.
My sister is acting and behaving increasingly weird and outbursts emotionally as well. She doesn't even call me anymore for no apparent reason.
I know there is cognitive bias and I am careful to not let my bias about the obvious evil get to me about the effects. I've been crossing my fingers and hoping they got the placebo.
Multiple extended family members have stents or new heart issues. I know that is definitely from the vax.
But the weird cognitive and memory issues are becoming quite clear. I got a bottle of Nattokinase with hopes that this will help them, but man, this is becoming fucking scary. I know many of you have been hit with deaths and worse things from this evil. Sorry for your losses.
Many of my friends don't even call me anymore. This might be from being a "conspiracy" theorist, but I've always thought outside of the box. This never bothered them before.
It's just getting darker. Not sure why I wrote this because I already know the reason why this is all happening. Just trying to make sure I'm not the only crazy one noticing all of this crap.
All three of my daughters who have gotten it have all mentioned how brain dead they have seemed to have gotten lately. The one I live with and who is slightly less “woke” constantly worries she’s become less healthy and I can tell she thinks it’s the vax but can’t talk about it. (It’s the fear). I have got her into taking supplements to counter it without specifically saying that. On a side note, the daughter who vaxxed all three of her children was worriedly asking us all why her children are constantly ill. I pray nightly on this…
I can only imagine what you must be going through....🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
I can relate. Vaxxed daughter and son-in-law vaxxed five-year-old as soon as vax was approved. They vaxxed their six-month-old in January. Both kids are always sick, and daughter complains of being tired all the time. I have learned to not give my opinion as well as no comments to any part of their lives. She delivered her “kill shot” to me on 12/18/21, when she stated, “You and Dad are dead to me.”
I am so sorry your daughter said that to you. I am sorry your daughter is so lost. This world is fallen and it is hurting so many.
I’m praying for them. 🙏
Back in Spring 2021 Del Bigtree (The Highwire) hosted a neuro doc, hopefully someone can help me with the name, I want to say Richards or Richardson, or maybe it was Richard something-son but I digress. He explained that the mRNA animal testing was really bad. All rats died in two weeks and they tested McCack monkeys, closest genetics to humans, and they killed them after I think two months and they had already developed rotted holes in their brains and he said it was similar to mad cow disease. He was the first I had heard that called the vaxx a bio-weapon (I think bio-weapon was in the title of the video and it was before Bigtree went to his own platform) and was able to explain the crisper inserts and that aids was among the chemistry makeup of C19.
So ya, mad cow disease or similar brain function problems may very well develop widespread if not already. Going off of memory for all this but supposedly the mice dead in two weeks equates to two years of human lifespan. So it may start getting a lot worse here real quick.
Edit: It was Dr. Richard Flemming I believe.
We are literally watching the worlds slow-motion stumble into idiocracy.............
Biden said hospitals were going to be full with Alzheimer's patients in 15-20 years (edit) and even the mainstream media laughed at him.
However, I think he was right.
People seem to have "holes in their heads." They forget basic things. They forget important things they've said. And those are people who have either been jabbed or in close proximity to jabbees.
Right, but there's also the second hand effects, where it gets transmitted to a second party via Body Fluids....
I think my Current GF, of 23 years, her son either got one Vax, or has been having Homo Sex with his Vaxxxed friends, because he seems to be getting a few ODD Illnesses....
Last one is, about four days ago, some Intestinal Virus that he claimed was very painful, it added Nausea, and he has been doing some ODD things, like turning the Dash Light option all the way off, and driving like he's on almost autopilot or something, spends lots of Money on the New Fake Weed, Puts no money into his own Truck....
And then She had the same thing, but milder yesterday....
I intended to stay a Pure Blood, and still do/am, really don't want to get Vaxxxed on a via....
They have found DNA in the jabs also. Interesting info on this blog. https://www.coffeeandcovid.com/p/bio-shocks-monday-june-5-2023-c-and
Dr. Virtual's Vax Detox recording using Rife freqencies.
Not specific to the depop shot but a glance through the comment section indicates it helps people to feel better.
I'm listening to it for shedding and for shots I took as a child and young adult.
Play it when others are around -- they should benefit from it.
Wow! Thank you for sharing this.
I've seen more people run red lights in the last 3 months than I have my entire driving career. It's like watching people's thinking capacities slowly get diminished.
I now check both directions after the light turns green as I expect someone will run the opposing red.
That should be regular practice lol it’s common sense fren (baseline safety).
I live in FL sooo... standard practice as avg drivers are either elderly, on illegal drugs, prescibed schedule II narcs, drunk, uninsured, a lost tourist, unlicensed driver, undoc'd alien, or my fave- an overheated redneck w broken A/C in oversized truck, outta smokes & Mountain Dew drivin' agressively while pissed off at all the above
I think messing with phones tops the list.
There used to be a funny Joke about that....
I've noticed this too! I thought it was just in my general area and people being real idiots lately or them thinking "Well I know where I'm going so that means if you're in my way you're going to regret it!" People have always been selfish with driving but I've noticed more nonsense lately.
I thought it was bc they legalized weed in Mt and it slows a persons reaction time…
I definitely think that's another factor. Also I've noticed more and more idiots looking at their phones and not the road at all.
If they're not running reds they're ignoring the green as they're probably on their phone as soon as they stopped. Then the people behind them aren't paying attention and I'm the one honking from four cars back in line.
I think this also has something to do with legalized pot.
Legalized pot is more likely gonna make people paranoid about driving safe.
Makes one drive a lot slower
In my youth, a car of us got pulled over for going 25mph.
On the freeway! 😂
We would have been frens then 🍁
Mmmmm, red was one of my favorite colors of green!
Nah, this new stuff just doesn't smell like any of that....
LOL The good old days, fren
🎶🎵We thought they'd never end...🎵🎶
Lol, that was funny!
We sure did freak out. You never saw people scramble so fast to stash the stash! 😄
For the majority of people that get anxiety smoking pot, it's going to make them not drive at all.
It's made me stop at green lights.
It also alters your sense of the passage of time (everything seems to slow down). I was stopped at a traffic light once, waited for the regulation amount of time for the light to change, and then reflexively started across... To my horror, about a car length into crossing, I realized I had started out when my light was still red. I got across without incident, but then found a side street and parked and waited for an hour or so to come down. Vowed "never again."
with the number of illegal drivers from mexico here in CA, that is a good idea actually.
Believe me, you don't want responsibility while stoned. Typically you run out and buy your drinks and food and then go home and then smoke up to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
If only it were Real Pot, this new stuff smells like Burning Dog Hair....
It wasn't legalized just in the last 3 months,.......
Neither was the vaccine though, they started testing in June of 2020, so it's been 3 years at this point.
Yeah while this has gotten worse in the past two years it was already getting bad five years ago when this state legalized it.
Yes, I’m seeing this too. Also, people coming up to green lights and stopping, or just not going when the light turns green. It’s getting scary.
Roundabouts, people are stopping when inside the Roundabouts. Totally destroyed their purpose.
Part of it could also be from stress and lack of sleeping. Whether they say it or not, most people know this country had its election stolen and is being destroyed by them. A true feeling of helplessness. Without believing that white hats will win.
White hats give me hope, but I think we all agree that there are no guarantees. We just don't know God's plan or how everything will go down.
I do 100% know that God wins this fight. It just sucks horrendously watching family members decline in health and well-being. I couldn't imagine the pain some of you are going through with actual death or super cancers.
These pieces of filth have destroyed so many innocent lives. I try not to hate, but admit, I have seething hatred for these demonic people. I hope the worst for them. I know that isn't very Godly of me, I am a mere human witnessing the destruction of humanity in real time.
Frikken seething right now.
Hey - I get it. They killed my mom, and that's hard to forgive.
Can't prove it but my mom died 3 months after taking the 2nd Moderna shot. Will never ever forget or forgive what these evil people did to us!
My father in law too! About 2 months after his second moderna
How so? They’re in the process of it with mine with their “health care” AKA endless administration of poisons.
Yeah my dad too he wasnt vaxed but i think they gave him remdesivir in the hospital
Am so sorry that happened to you and your family.
NO! Do NOT hate them! Pray for them instead. Pray for your enemy to have the Power of God sweep through them and change them forever like he did to me and my massage therapists who was seven months pregnant at the time, and through her unborn son still in her womb. Read "The Rosalyn Incident" at the top of my Facebook page and pray for the Power of God to sweep through your enemy just like that. https://www.facebook.com/tony.woody.524
The Light is coming. And nobody can stop It. Nobody.
It is difficult not to hate them. I've struggled with that over the past several months as we see more people die or get deathly ill. I know not only does it harm me physically but is not in God's plan for me to hate anyone.
Trying to hate the evil, not the person. Got some good advice here on where to turn that hatred towards.
As much as we hate Hillary or even Hunter Biden, I realize that they are a product of abuse. It's easy to hate them for their current actions, but I now know that Satan uses trauma cyclically to create the evil in this world.
I hate their actions, but I do feel somewhat bad that they had to turn to this evil because of their upbringing. Might be controversial, but I think that's how God wants me to think about these people.
If there's one thing to hate, it would be evil. And I think it's OK to hate evil. Just imagine it like Jesus casting out demons. Or when he kicked the moneychanger's collective asses in the temple.
Many vaxed seem like they are aging faster. Maybe it’s stree from worry and the vax was necessary for them to function at all
I've noticed for at least 10 years now that leftists and the mentally deranged (again, more leftists) age faster than regular people, or more specifically people who have faith and more conservative values. Because let's be honest, the leftist lifestyle is all about having as much pleasure as possible, being as lazy as possible, and letting your mind and body rot away as quickly as possible. But conservatives work physically and mentally hard each day so they are in shape and as sharp as a knife.
The trauma of being awake is almost as equally physically and emotionally devastating as being a blind and sleeping sheep. We are suffering far more than we choose to admit. It’s almost a coping mechanism for many because they do not change anything about their lives to combat the natural but harmful affects of being awake and resisting at every level and on every front. War, in every context, takes its toll on every person involved.
I started my awakening in 2020 when the plandemic was cast upon us. A little over 3 years in I am mentally exhausted! Somedays I wish I was oblivious to the corruption and evil in the world because watching the destruction of our country on a daily basis is so infuriating!
Now try having been awake since 2014.
Would have already lost my damn mind!
Look at how much presidents aged in office: Clinton, GWB, Obomber, etc. Then look at how Trump looks like he hardly aged a day.
They are usually vegans/vegetarians. That's also a reason for accelerated aging.
They age faster also because they are full of hate and anger. You can't generate that much ill will and not let it affect you.
Studies have shown that people who meditate, that is, who learn to manage being calm, can look up to 15 years younger.
Furthermore, the effort it takes to deny reality and to stop yourself from looking inward is energy that your body could use to help it run better.
No, I see this at work. I don't see the engineers every day but occasionally every few months. HOLY smokes are they aging fast. Black hair to gray spots. Now completely white. I wish I had done before and after photos. But, yes they are aging fast. My sister took the shot and she's aging really fast. Shockingly so. She didn't get the saline shot, she got the nasty one. She can no longer stand more than a little bit. Lost her job, she just doesn't have strength anymore.
There's one guy at work who developed the worst alopecia I've ever seen in just two years. I don't know why he didn't just shave his head rather than let everyone see his hair literally falling out in patches. Multiple bald spots all over his scalp, it's hard to even look at.
My wife who is 56 got vaxed and she has ocular damage. The ophthalmologist mentioned that her eyes are aging so quickly. Her eyes are like someone who is in their 70s.
They age faster because their immune systems are being destroyed -- because they are being poisoned. Bioweapon.
And you've got the woketards who lose sleep because they're terrified that Trump is going to return in 2024.
Be prepared that no-one will forgive you for being right, especially when it both proves them wrong and they will pay a price for being wrong.
Forgive or apologize? Am not expecting any apologies from loved ones even though I know we’ll deserve them. The amount of seething anger I’ve received just for asking questions has been something else.
They know they fucked up. Even if they got a “clean” shot they still know they fucked up. They may never admit to it, but they know. And as more vax info becomes mainstream it will only reinforce the fact they made a terrible decision.
I naively DO expect apologies and the worst "you were right" of all time.
Resentment and the accompanying anger rarely comes from those who were proven right....
Yes...yes...yes...and ...yes...my immediate family was not vaxxed but I am hearing about MANY changes from extended family and friends...it is tragic to say the least...
It brings me relief that I know most of these Satanic mofos will swim in a lake of fire for eternity for bringing this on humanity.
Anger is spewing from me right now. Can only rely on God, everything is changing rapidly. Just gotta trust Jesus.
Im angry as hell right now.
I agree. It is so hard far me not to want to wreak vengeance on all of them.
It's also hard for me not to think about ways to completely obliterate their world. For some reason, I feel like that is Satan trying to get a hold of me through this trick.
He always creates trauma for an innocent person to start committing trauma upon others. It's one of his great tricks he uses to get good people to do evil things.
Vengeance will come.
God's vengeance will be way better than anything I could come up with. Just have to fight God's fight, not Satan's. This is hard to do.
My Mom is on the “health care” merry-go-round as we speak. Watching these doctors (AKA educated drug dealers) “treat her” is sickening. Our systems are so broken and it’s exhausting watching innocents voluntarily subject themselves to it.
All we can do is be patient.
All the pills they have my dad on is egregious. Proven that the meds that he takes do not result in better outcomes. They don't listen to me. I'm just the weird conspiracy theorist that was desperately trying to save their lives.
Hard to just let things play out when we knew the truth. Feeling helpless has been a natural state of mind lately.
Feeling helpless here as well. I can totally relate. It’s tough getting called a “conspiracy theorist” after reading hours of material, watching multiple documentaries that cite their sources, and seeing first hand the effects natural remedies can have on my own health.
I tried talking my Mom out of her latest bout with chemo but I failed. I was ready to help her go all in on a natural path but failed at influencing. Was told by a spiritual teacher to “surrender” to the situation, easier said than done.
I was told surrendering is sometimes the best thing to do. I feel like this situation is one of those times where we just have to trust God.
This life is nothing but a quick wisp of smoke, then it's gone. I hope and pray that your mom can get through it. Sorry that you're going through this. Pain is everywhere and abundant.
I think this is an example of what Jesus meant when he said,” because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold…..”
That def sounds like satanic thinking. If a person willingly commits trauma on others, then I would say they were never innocent. They were just waiting for an opportunity.
I agree. We’re often pushed nearly to the brink of wishing ill on them. Taking thoughts captive will be an ever-increasing and necessary exercise of the mind and the will as things progress.
Do you often find yourself wishing harm or ill will towards others?
But I would be dishonest to say it does not occur. If we are dealing seriously with our hearts and minds, these thoughts take place.
No, but the sinful flesh will seize opportunities of the mind to think of it, especially for those who are awakened, as the end times unfold. The more righteous indignation there is against sin, the greater the need to guard against resentment and hostility, beginning with the heart and then the second step, the mind (and so on).
Ahem. Jesus in the temple routing and beating the moneychangers and sellers. Yet He was still Innocent. Righteous wrath is not evil. Violence is not evil in and if itself, wise Jesus would have told soldiers to lay down their arms instead of be content with their pay.
I don't recall any verse where Jesus was beating and routing the moneychangers and sellers. Flipping tables, sure. Driving them out, sure. Beating? That seems like your own interpretation.
It definitely is not the right way to think. Obviously I won't do anything. Just mad at the damn world.
If it when we are called on to fulfill justice, righteous wrath will fuel us, so that we will not pursue vengeance nor retribution.
Don't feel too badly about natural anger or a thirst for justice. Someone has to man the woodchippers or guillotines eventually. Someone will have to remove "experts" from their livelihoods and arrest the ones who knowingly killed people for power or money.
It is not time yet, but it will be soon, #YDAK Your Doctor Always Knew
#YDGP Your Doctor Got Paid
I don't wish harm on them. How easily I could have been in their position if I'd had different parents.
My plan is to ascend. That is, raise my vibrations as high as I can and invite others to join me.
If we lift the vibes of the planet by lifting our own, it will be like shaking off dust. Dust being evil. It will slip off because we'll be too high for them to reach us.
If your presumption were true, there would never be a good child from bad parents, or vice versa. We ALL become self aware and ALL take over our choices.
You can't ascend without truth, you can just pretend not to care but that doesn't absolve anyone of anything, nor does it cleanse. You can't walk away from messes and pretend they don't exist and call it ascension. Someone has to clean up, help repair the broken souls, sweep up the dust, save the children. Get your hands dirty.
The rapid change is VERY unsettling and the only immovable foundation is God...otherwise we would ALL go bonkers...
Prov. 3:5-6 KJV [5] Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. [6] In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Yes ty u/tweety51A
Treading the line of righteous anger and sin is dangerous, but I’m right beside you on that. It’s awful and wears on the heart.
If we trust God with our hearts I don't think it will be that hard. Seeking justice is not sinful, while retribution and vengeance would be. Keeping our eyes on justice and preventing future victims would be the goal.
Yes, my wife got 3 shots (dammit, didn't listen), stepdaughter, don't know how many she got (didn't listen). Wife feels like shit all the time now, stays more sickly than usual. My stepdaughter has had covid 4 times and stays feeling like shit. I'm over here side eyeing them while feeling great. I wish they'd listened, I really don't want to lose them to this vax BS. I am thankful my 2 daughters listened. My in-laws are vaxed up, mother in law just had a stint put in her heart, then a blood clot formed (she's still dealing with that atm). When it all first started, I wasn't allowed to go to my in-laws house for a long time (about a year), now I think they're all upset that they should have listened, I tried.
I'm glad that mine stopped with the first two, the booster finally made her suspicious and given that she was in the first wave as a healthcare worker hopefully she only received a placebo like many of them probably did (can't have all of your initial advocates dropping dead after all.)
I'm pretty sure mine decided she was messing up after the 3rd, she didn't tell me she was getting that one, her and her sister went while I was at work, wasn't real pleased that she hid that one. I can only hope that her Dr looked out for her.
I have a coworker who admitted that they were soured on the jabs when they caught COVID the day after getting the first booster.
But I thought you were supposed to get sick after getting the shot, because "ThAt MeAnS ItS WoRkInG".
And then these people start thinking they "caught the real thing" in spite of being "vaccinated", not the obvious explanation that the shot is what's making them sick.
There's information to suggest the Vax (S1 spike) attacks and deletes the 1P36 gene in the frontal lobe area of the brain that keeps dementia at bay, as well as cognitive ability.
The other thing you may be seeing more of is ageing, or people suddenly looking very old, as well as unwell or ashen looking. Prof Arne Burkhardt a German pathologist says the reason for this is the attacking by the vax on the endothelial lining of the veins, and the removal of elasticity of the skin making people age rapidly. I sure am seeing signs of this, and will often see people in town and think how unwell they look.
It seems to me most who stopped at the first two jabs are mostly acting normal, some who stopped after the first booster have gone back to normal over time. It's those who kept going who are obviously in trouble.
I'm in the camp that many of the initial rollouts were placebo to get people on the "safe and effective" train with the boosters being the actual killshots.
ohhh yes, excellent point - had not thought of that one - make it seem like it's all perfectly fine and then start rolling out the literal killshots
The vaccine companies also coordinated the release dates of their "hot" batches so that adverse reactions looked totally random.
There is a video from about a year ago (it was on Bitchute) of someone going through VAERS data and it's clear as day when you trace which lots had the most reported reactions, they were distributed in a staggered schedule alternating the manufacturers.
Is see that as well in many people, I've even seen it in kids as well, especially around the eyes.
vaxxed ayes ....
I've noticed that my jab-addict coworkers in their late-50s/early-60s are acting as forgetful as my grandma was in her 80s before she died. I've got engineers with twenty years of seniority on me making newbie mistakes on a regular basis.
Indeed, I believe it to be a serious side effect from the vax (bio weapon). It would never have been designed to wipe out many within days, the chaos that would ensue would have been big trouble for the DS. So they mixed it up, cancer is also rapidly rising in cases, most likely due to the precursor SV40 found within some of the vials.
The trouble is the people it is affecting will not see it in themselves. I've been through sepsis several times, and I can now see when it is starting, my skin colour changes, muscle mass goes, and I look like shit, it's only because I have gone through it multiple times tho that I can spot it starting. These people will not, they will just see themselves in the mirror and not the changes.
Do you keep food grade hydrogen peroxide at hand?
Just put a few drops in your water daily -- really cleans out cellular debris. That includes bacteria, funguses, viruses -- whatever we call those toxic things.
One person I knew got an infection at a hospital. Taking a few drops of the stuff over a few days got him feeling better. The antibiotics weren't doing the trick but this works like a natural antibiotic.
Interesting. Can you elaborate please. A few drops into a gallon or 8 oz glass? Is food grade the stuff at drug stores? How often should you drink this stuff, always in water or like once a week? Thanks.
Thanks for that, no I didn't use it, I battled through the hard way with months in hospital, PIC line to the heart and daily antibiotics which of course eventually failed.
It was this episode that made me realise that Dr's, whilst generally decent people, only know of one way to try make people better (pharma) and when that fails they have no where to turn.
I will look into your research in case what I do currently fails.
Also, if you're not already, consider boosting your natural gut flora with honest clean yogurt. Have a family member who always had digestive system issues but now has almost none, eats whole milk Greek yogurt a couple times a week. Might not solve everything, but at minimum helps strengthen one wall of defense.
Gut health yes very important! That was part of the problem, celiac disease so my nutrition was never great either!
This is my experience as well.
I worked closely with a team of engineers (I was the senior one so I was used to getting all escalations, I knew their skillets and abilities well) out of the entire company I was the only one that flat out refused the vax and subsequent boosters. I worked with many of the people for at least 4 years prior to the jabs.
After the jabs these people were not only physically increasingly lethargic looking but would express out loud how they were just 'not all here today'. It is like they became perpetually hung over. I'm still seeing this all around. There are only 4 people I know of including myself that remain unjabbed and they are all seeing similar things.
Yeah and they're slower than ever, everything seems to take forever to get done compared to a few years ago and schedules are continually blown. My own productivity has decreased because why should I be in a rush just to end up waiting?
Dude at my work in his late 50’s early 60’s was healthy as can be last year. Looking at him you’d never guess he was that old. He got vaxed and now walks around like he’s 80. His energy is not the same; no more smiles and he struggles to form sentences. It’s both scary and sad. He’s about as nice a parson you’d ever meet.
My mom, who's always been an emotional person, is definitely losing cognitive ability when under stress. She is older, 73, but this has gotten worse. I have a friend who is a few years younger than I and she pretty much dropped me since getting the shots and Trump wasn't put back in (she gave up on Q because it didn't happen when datefags said it would right after the selection.) :(
We lost them all (the fence sitting anons) after the inuaguration. I feel ya. But I think our job was to just plant the seeds. Now they are privy for when the Storm hits. It will be an INSTANT change in thought since they are keen ahead of time they've been notified about this. The shock will be lessened when they go "LucilleBrawl fukkin told me this shit!!! holy fak!"
My mom has always been a stone hearted nearly sociopathic woman. Now, every time we get on the phone she's crying about something. I could count on one hand before the vax how many times I've seen/heard her cry. It's fuqed up man.
I am so distraught right now, I've lost friends to heart attacks, turbo cancers. Two other friends have blood clots, one with throat cancer. All vaccinated. My daughter, who didn't listen is experiencing hair loss and my heart is absolutely breaking right now. All this distraction of LBQRST crap and illegals and nothing about people who are dying from the shot. I feel so helpless..
Can you get your daughter on a vax detox schedule?
Thank you for replying, i appreciate it. She won't listen or ask for any help. Independent. Unfortunately, just like me.
We're all like that here!
Yes. All.
Many are now coming right out and saying “You were right. I should’ve listened to you..”. Sad, but true. I wish them the best.
Stay strong. We will weather this.
This is an excerpt from a book analyzing Sartre's writing from the decade from 1950-1960 after his time in occupied France. This is long but worth the read if you care about history. Sorry to piggyback here.
From Reason and Violence, R.D. Laing & D.G. Cooper, 1964:
Here is an excerpt from a piece about "The Pledge" as described above (my opinion of what Sartre/Laing/Cooper meant) in the Weimar Republic (coerced) versus National Socialist (voluntary) Germany. Maybe why some people have been called "nazis" for questioning said "Pledge" - they meant it literally.
I might be wrong but the information is interesting nonetheless. Anyone feel free to check my translation of the original German for inaccuracies.
My wife and I (both shotless) just returned from a trip to OH to see some of her family. They all got the shots, boosters, etc. They were coaxed into it by the fear machine that inundated society in 2020-22. They felt obligated due to their age (or at least that's the reasoning they gave when we tried to dissuade them from following through).
Her uncle and I get along great. We can sit and talk for hours about music, bourbon, baseball, and classic movies. Her aunt is (err was) sharp as a tack as well. Very educated engineer who held interesting ideas and could converse about them fluidly with zero issues.
We (wife and I) both - almost immediately - recognized a SHARP mental decline in both her aunt and uncle. Her aunt did not speak much. She refused to hold a general conversation with either of us. My wife finally asked her if everything was okay and the aunt outright admitted that she thinks she has dementia. She said she's constantly in a fog. She can't remember much, if anything, and it has caused her to become antisocial (due to embarrassment, or maybe just a side effect from whatever condition she has).
Her uncle was the same. We did have a couple of pours from his bourbon bar, and talk about college baseball, but I could tell something was off. These two visited us around the holidays, just a few months ago. They were fine then. Neither had the cognitive impairments that they were presenting this go-round.
Thankfully, those are my only anecdotes. No one in my family got that shit, and my in-laws (wife's parents and her brother) refrained as well. I'm convinced that the shots did irreparable damage to my wife's aunt/uncle tho. It's sad and infuriating, but self-inflicted. I wish they'd have had a bit more forethought beforehand.
Hey, I'm really sorry to hear and read this. I've never been the most religious, but have found God recently. I've been dealing with lots of anger from the vaxxtortion and the job/financial loss it has cost me to avoid it. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to dragging those at my former employer who I consider to be complicit in genocide. Your post reminds me that the real victims are our loved ones, the good people who submitted out of fear from the propaganda campaign. Thanks for sharing and all the best to them
Biden said in 15-20 years the hospitals would be full of Alzheimer patients.
That is sad as heck.
I feel like that is exactly my dad. Just quiet, memoryless, etc.
I got him Nattokinase. Maybe you can get it for your aunt and uncle. Maybe it can help. I don't know... I'm out of ideas after that.
Wow. It sounds like I could've written this. Not quite as bad with family and friends, but noticeable nonetheless.
Well, I saw an old friend last week, he had bought a new car and put some very (very) subtle decals on the back windows advertising his business. He claimed the brand new car would "pay for itself" due to the marketing decals. I just thought this was the most ludicrous reason I had ever heard for buying a new car. Best friend ghosted me after he got problems from the vax. I talked him through the whole scam before, he still did it though.
I am not sure whether they were stupid to begin with and I never noticed (you have to be stupid to take a government injection) or whether they got stupider after taking it, hard to say.
Yes it is hard to deal with, I hope you can feel some level of support here or elsewhere and hang in there.
The decals maybe allow him to deduct the car as a business expense.
Ah, yes he did mention something about that, thanks.
I had a friend ghost me too. He was the person who made me question the flu shot, but then completely disappeared when I expressed doubt about the shot.
One of my mother in law's friends died of CJD this year. It was very fast, a matter of months. She was around 70. I think she was vaxxed.
CJD is one of the diseases which has risen since the vax was introduced.
Sounds like the vaxx and the blood brain barrier penetration discussions that we heard about early in the vaccine warnings from the brave doctors that spoke out about it. They talked about how they found traces of the vax building up in places it shouldnt such as the reproductive system and they speculated it could enter the brain.
That's what I concluded too.
My wife talks about this every other day. There is definitely some issues going on with those who are vaxxed. It’s noticeable.
Had a guy I went to school with, known my whole life die this past weekend “suddenly “. I know they were vaxed. His mom was a big advocate for the death jab. Especially on social media. She’ll be burying “another” son today. All this sucks.
Why they call it a 'booster'........................
Gullible, easily manipulated, hypnotized by mass media and mad formation psychosis, after years of being trained not to think or criticize in givens indoctrination centers, in a social bubble without strong faith in God but with high arrogance and sense of elite knowledge (again, from the indoctrination). Not necessarily retarded, but perhaps we're kind of rebellious geniuses for fighting the indoctrination.
Not sure about the cognitive issues since none of those family who took the jabs live close enough for me to observe them. However, my fully jabbed and boosted sister and her family are sick again. And they cant seem to shake it. They certainly have wrecked their immune systems at the very least.
There was a pharmacist who had to go to the specified area (right behind her), pick a bag that had my last name on it and bring it up for me to pay for.
It took her almost ten minutes, even though there weren't that many bags.
I wonder if she was vaxxed.
Wonder not, fren. The pharmacists are some of the biggest believers in the rat juice. I'd say it's a certainty
I see things like that too, just a basic lack of brain function.
Obviously vaxxed
I've watched the company I work for go from an incredible lean effective place that got shit done punching above our weight for years up to 2020. Vax rolls out in 2021 we started our decent to hell...currently 20 months post vax we are a blubbering mess of chaos, confusion, failure, and incompetence. it's very depressing to say the least.
Same at my organization. Boss is circling the drain, all the jabbies are progressively doing less and less, and the things they complete are all broken to hell. The 30% of staff that resisted are holding it together, but it's a lot of pressure.
Look into internal buyouts of small to midsize companies. Once the value drops enough, a band of you purebloods can buy it out. Make sure there's some solid management and leadership material in your group for a clean succession and rebuild.
Yes. All my in laws are vaxxed. And crazy, memory issues. Husband who is constantly around his vaxxed mom is also having increased memory issues and had a superficial blood clot in his left several months ago (really no preexisting risk factors) I blame it on Vax shedding but he won't hear it so I don't bring it up anymore. I feel the vaxxed are lost.
Get him (and you) some nattokinase and NAC anyway, for "general respiratory health" - will help detox spike proteins and now from the blood.
I've been taking NAC, and a bunch of other stuff going on 2 years. He isn't good about taking anything I suggest.
Sorry to hear that, my spouse wasn't big on pills of any sort either. Until Co-workers were getting sick All The Time, and I got the Z-stack which is pretty much all in one, as opposed to the individual pills I was taking. I wish you luck, hope you find that One Thing that turns the page for him.
My niece now can't drive a car as she "blacks out" from time to time, not realizing where she is. Seems like dementia...she's 35. My brother walks with a limp and says it's not pain, just his "balance". My sister is very irritable. My father in law died. Plus hearing other stories about other family members. The ironic thing is that my mom at 88 is doing great...sharp as a tack!
They all looked at me like I was crazy when I quit my job so not take the vax...I think my wife and kids made the right choice.
I had lots of friends mocking me for moving over a little shot. I am so glad we got out.
We knew it. Of course you made the right decision and praise God that your family trusted you.
I'm just telling people to get on Nattokinase to hopefully dissolve those spike proteins. Maybe you can tell your niece to try it. They might not listen, but remind them what happened the last time they doubted you.
This is such a shit show. I hope the best for your family.
The future is for the survivors.
But what fun will that be if the whole planet is screwed up?
Some people think we're screwed anyway because we are due a pole shift.
Happens roughly every 12,000 years, so they say.
When it happens, almost all human life will be wiped out.
One (unusual) school of thought is that for anyone to survive, we need to lower the numbers, removing those who are 1) least likely to have the gumption needed to survive and 2) most likely to get in the way of rebuilding.
Then there's the other school of thought that states anyone left will be made a slave and they don't need too many, so wipe out all the supernumerary humans.
However, if the plan was to kill off the sheep, that would explain why they left the stubborn, ornery, don't-tell-me-what-to-do types. For the first round, anyway.
What’s the benefit of leaving the “don’t tell me what to do” types?
This same question has bugged me, too
This weird thing mentioned about friends. I haven't had ANY friends left middle or right leave me due to my Q red-pill discussions. Most are curious, some like to poke fun, others just stay off topic. The Vax thing came up at a family function recently and I just went "Oof." to the ones who said they took it and gave them the "that's pretty retarded" look, turned their reaction back on them. I know it hit 'em hard. lol. To answer your question, yes, I have noticed people who are vaxxed having ramped up medical complications and acting aloof.
The friends that I lost where mostly weak friendships to begin with and few are missed. What was more surprising is which people stuck with me.
Spot on. I’ve noticed the same. Everyone is speaking gibberish.
Goes over comment 5 times before pressing save.......................
Seriously though, sorta IQ'ed myself out of dyslexia(long before people even knew the word) as far as the reading bit is concerned, but even though I have a very methodical mind it is also one that is of the map in regard to brain activity so I still make typing/writing error's(like the many I made while typing this out) .
You kinda have to look at what kind of typing/spelling errors people make as on their own they aren't a good metric of lacking cognitive functions without first applying some discernment to them...
(also: English is not my first language...)
Reading all your stories puts me in the same boat with you and I pray for strength in the Lord for all of us and protection from the enemy. I'm not allowed to talk about the vax or politics so I feel I've been cancelled in my own family. We hardly talk. Crying inside because I miss them but how do you reach them?
I don't know. I just keep trying to tell them.
My mom tried to not let me eat beef with fat on it, saying young people are dying from heart attacks from fat.
I looked at her and said, when did this start happening... Recently?
That's the vaccine.
I just keep telling them to wake up as I watch their decline. I want justice.
This! I’m living in isolation now except hubs and kids. Everyone else except good old dad who was tricked into taking the shot by my sister so he could see his wife who was also tricked by my sister into taking the shot after over a year of saying HELL NO. Result is mom is now in a nursing home, isolated since all family is out of state, except dad who is quickly losing cognitive ability only though he only received one shot. My sister and her ilk narcissist husband have now lost his father because old age (the shot). I can no longer speak to her and it’s MY CHOICE. I absolutely don’t care at this point the sickness coming her way, I pray she accepts Jesus and repents do her soul doesn’t burn for eternity. Other than that I’m mad as hell at what has gone on and the deception and trickery from my own sibling.
My father who is 82 and is jabbed and boosted despite my protestations has experienced serious cognitive decline in the last 18 months. I sincerely doubt it's a coincidence.
Both my parents too. Like they fell off a cliff.
And I'm guessing you went through the same misery that I did, trying to convince them that it's dangerous and being politely told to piss off.
Very sorry to hear about your parents, dty6 :(
I am also a Registered Nurse, (you too, right?) so I am extra, extra pissed they ignored me. They don't ever get flu shots or pneumonia shots or any of that stuff. But, they let the teevee scare them, and then they got super defiant about trusting their doctor, and the doctor knows more than me, and why would the doctor lie, etc etc. So off they went. About a week after the booster, my dad called me, crying. He listened to Dr Tenpenny videos and realized that he probably just killed himself (his words.) It's been a very rapid decline, especially with him. His reasoning is out the window, his thought process is non existent, he's frequently angry and unreasonable. It's like he's not even really in there. Which makes me sad. But, it is what it is. My parents are also not Christians (anti-God), so they have no hope or faith or any kind of relief from their own crazy thoughts. Just crazy ass old people. We also care for triple jabbed mother in law. We are both only children. All three of them are in decline. Not the way we envisioned starting retirement. God said honor your parents. He didn't say we have to like it or it would be fun. Anyway, ha, thx for asking. Sometimes we have hard days.
Oh my goodness, dty6. Had to hold my head in my hands for a moment after reading your comment. I am so, so sorry. Your frustration and anguish must exceed even mine.
You know, maybe I'm a big softy and a fool, but I believe God loves all of us, even the misguided. Perhaps your parents will have to work a little harder for salvation in the afterlife, but I still think they'll get there.
My father refuses to admit he made a mistake. But I'm honestly not sure which is worse. It might make me even angrier (and sadder) if he finally came to his senses about the mistake he made.
I have long wondered if my retirement years would be similar to what it seems you may be heading into. I'm 48 right now so I'm in my prime earning years with the goal to retire at 55. It's been very difficult for my brother and I to juggle their constant doctor appt's, mishaps and crazy decisions while maintaining our work at two very demanding jobs. And he's starting to do crazy, irresponsible things with his money.
I wish I had some good advice, dty6. All I can say is:
-I pray a lot. That makes me feel better.
-I've learned to disconnect from the state of the world for a short while every day and do something dumb. Last night it was watching an episode of Family Guy. Doesn't get much dumber than that, but it made me feel better.
-Know that I care about your well being and have enormous respect for what you are going through and the strength you are showing. I doubt either one of us was ready to become parents to our parents. But I guess this is the hand we were dealt.
Awww thank you, that is very kind of you. Not to add too much to the drama, but two of them live in TN and one lives in TX, so we have that added opportunity of traveling back and forth! And seeing our beautiful country and spending a lot of close time together in the car! 😁 They are 87, 85 and 83, so this won't go on forever. It is fortunate that we are both capable and qualified for this task! Not every adult is an adult! I did spend a good amount of time in prayer this morning and I'm sure I'm going to have a good day! Thank you again, I really felt your heart in your comment and it did lift me up! 🩷
Tossing this out here:
Vax detox, rife audio: https://youtu.be/cRhrpKyxebA
that's awesome! thank you! am a huge fan of rife frequencies!
Same here.
Yep in 2021 I had three healthy grandparents now none of them remember the great-grandkids names or where they are. They are old enough but it seems weird that it is all of them at the same time. None of the younger family got shots.
Angela I'm so sorry.
My grandparents are sadly all gone but my sister's mother-in-law got jabbed and boosted (that family are all hardcore dem voters). Last November she was diagnosed with liver, lung and brain cancer.
Currently she's due to pass any day. Another one of those "turbo cancer" cases that rapidly progressed despite treatments.
I know why this happened and of course, I can't say anything because my extended family would go into hysterics.
My dad is 71. The last 1.5 years has been the downside of a rollercoaster in terms of cognition, memory, and behavior.
It's the vax. My mom is also losing memory and I have to constantly help them with everything.
As annoying and angry as I get that they brought this on themselves, I have a feeling that they won't be here very long. Terrible for me to say this, but this thing was a kill shot.
I hope the best for your dad. Try to buy him nattokinase and make him take it. That's what I'm doing with my parents. Hope it helps. Gotta dissolve those spike proteins.
I'm so sorry, JJ. I've got my mom taking nattokinase but my dad refuses to take it because (and I shit you not), he says he "needs to research it, and that he's not willing to just put anything into his body without making sure it's safe".
I swear, we need to start a support group for children of elderly parents that decided to end their lives with the jab.
I just want a way I can connect with others who are awake.
The only people I can actually talk to are on this site.
A long time friend who had the jans now has permanent brain fog and has had two TIAs... one of which I'm sure was a stroke.
My brother thinks satanists are "good people" and pentagrams are cool. He used to be a Christian. He's gone full retard.
Said a prayer for him. Hopefully you can steer him back to Jesus.
Oddly my immediate family and GF listened to me and didn’t get the vax. GF’s daughter has been multi-vaxed and has Covid multiple times.
Also the daughter and husband are planning on having children soon. I pray a lot it.
My cousin and her husband got the vax after me pleading with them and showing them proof. Previous mRNA studies that resulted in death of every single mammal.
They said they wouldn't. Then they got it. I just rolled my eyes when they told me.
Now she's had 2-3 miscarriages. Had a son before the vax. Sad as hell to see all of this.
Depop was obviously their mission.
Very sorry to hear about the miscarriages. It makes me sad and very mad.
It's terrible. She's got a ton of trauma from miscarriages, I don't have the heart to tell her why. I think inside, she knows. I told them depop was the agenda.
I noticed a guy at work making a lot of mistakes, he didn't usually make. I told the boss it must be vaxine related.
My fren you are not alone here. I think we all have had either fam or “friends” that got the vax and it is very similar. You can also see this just out and about in public. People have no sense anymore. Zombied. I have maybe 20 people in my world other than here that I interact with. Lots of people just dont talk to me anymore.
I’m acquainted with my ex husband who not only get the jab 2x, but encouraged my son to get it also…
I screamed “you just killed my son!” But now..He seems ok, just slightly off..,
As for my husband… he’s ill.. isn’t getting better..
Does he realize it was the vax?
I think that, as the world continues to dive further and further into clown world, we are just seeing people for who they are. Trump allowed us to see the most rabid lefties when he ran. His election allowed us to see the foolishness in the rest of the left and many independents. Covid and the Biden years have shown us how stupid the average citizen is these days. At this point, the closer we get to the precipice, the closer we get to seeing the areas where those closest to our mindset are most lacking. Each step seems to have revealed just how much the cabal has orchestrated the dumbing down of the world.