Just replace the second line with “Wouldn’t it be cool if...” and read for entertainment. Some things anon said could happen, so each scenario is worth considering based on its own merits, but if he gets anything right it’ll likely be just a lucky guess.
I can vouch that some anon posted that and that you posted it here - that's as far as any one in here can vouch for anything even if Q themself is here - NO OUTSIDE COMMS.
20 days from now. He is being investigated. Thing is, if it is Trump you're going to have 40% of the country cheering and saying "we were right, see" There are many benefits to the DS if this was to happen. Off the top of my head (I.) Immediately takes attention off
the Biden residency. (2.) Whatever alphabet soup agency that is involved in the investigation will be cheered as heroes and maybe given more power to silence the dissent......(3.) That will be triggered for the 85 million who voted for Trump. (4.) If NCSWIC this may already be in the DS playbook. (5.) It would be a tremendous distraction from the audit, the result of which may be the unseating of an AZ Senator. (6.) I've watched one of Majic Eyes Only MJ 12 videos and I'm working on the 2nd one for me (History of MJ 12 ). He did the LoW proof. He posits that the Storm may have started when Trump took office. What if it started when Trump said "A Storm is Coming" in the WH with the military around him? What if Majik Eyes Only is right and we've been in the storm this whole time? Then comes 11.3 as 1st marker. The arrest of the rightful President, DJT would surely justify the intervention mentioned in LoW 11.3. The timing would be right also as the AZ audit may be finishing about that time and they may be able to publish the irrefutable evidence of the treachery.
If team Q wants this to go as peacefully as possible they would avoid this at all costs, seems like common sense. To be clear, not advocating for this myself, but I would imagine that would be the final tipping point for a lot of conservatives to go hot war.
Yes. If Trump is detained and the military don't act then if Patriots go angry it gives DS the excuse to Crack down as never seen since 1861. If Patriots wait then the DS is emboldened to do whatever they want anyway because Patriots won't act even to help Trump. For about 1 week or so it seems to benefit DS either way. But either way we're all in uncharted territory that I don't see either side navigating out of at the moment. But this won't happen in a vacuum and other circumstances may end up influencing things that we haven't considered in these few hours thinking about this. Anyway it's all speculation on an unsourced post, and we really have no idea what either side has planned
Honestly if I were an American, that would be the final straw for me. I have some Minecraft buddies in the States who I know would absolutely act on this.
If team Q wants this to go as peacefully as possible they would avoid this at all costs
Trump getting arrested seems like part of the kind of bullshit "awakening exercise" that Q team would come up with tbh. Q team is never straightforward and they always take the harder route. We expect them to come out guns blazing and arrest pedos on inauguration day and nothing happened. We expect Biden to not get in, and obviously that didn't happen. (Yeah yeah, he's not REALLY the president, but does it matter? I'm talking about the reality that is perceived by normies.) At every stage, we expect that "Okay, now is the time for the plan to go all out" and then it doesn't. I really don't see why a Trump arrest is so out of the question. As someone who has been very disillusioned with the actions of the white hats, Trump getting arrested seems exactly like the sort of bullshit they would let happen because "muh normies are still asleep". I disagree with the approach they've been taking but we have to see if it pays off or not. I don't think it will though. I think ugliness and civil unrest is inevitable, seeing as how Antifa and BLM are still not taken care of. It doesn't matter if you dump everything now or 20 years from now. Riots are inevitable. They should have gone all out in 2016 and revealed the truth then, maybe even stopped this covid bullshit from happening. Every delay ruins lives.
That's assuming the legal system is in a position to accept said evidence. No matter what, at one point, the military has to step in. Even in our current pantomime situation, that has already been implied to happen. It's just not public. We spent the last few years flushing and looking for deep state traitors embedded as good guys. What makes you think their list of turncoats end there? You cannot trust the legal system to see this through to the end. Consider me surprised if we get this done without civil unrest, EBS or outright martial law.
Trump getting arrested seems like part of the kind of bullshit "awakening exercise" that Q team would come up with tbh.
But for real though, when are people going to stop attributing horrible situations to "the white hats" and "a need to wake up the normies"?
When your head is on a pike? Seriously, if Q/White Hats are willing to torture people to those extremes, they aren't the good guys, period.
I remember there were a bunch of EO signed to affect different states months after the different natural storms had passed. I think that's what you mean. Yes.
Probably not credible, but I have often assumed that if there is a big, first arrest that wakes people up, it will be Trump. And that "My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us" quote, if uttered verbatim, will be from Biden, not Trump, as the establishment goes into full panic mode.
Recently I've also been thinking about the arrest, and more and more I end up at the logical conclusion of Trump getting arrested spurs the Precipice of Distruction for the military.
that will be the final straw for patriots who have had to endure this much gaslighting for 7 months from media family and friends. Trumps arrest and I TOLD YOU SO from libtards would either create a mass slate of suicides in patriots or an all out civil war.
Us + the rest of the 80 million people who voted for him and know his arrest would be the transition into a full communist regime where the party gets to arrest any political opponents.
Heaven help us if true. The poundings those of us who are fighting the good fight on FB will take from the rabid liberals? Yeesh! To have to listen to all their gloating again when they’ve been eerily quiet as of late? Just ugh...
And you have two choices, take it and keep the fact you think this is part of the plan to yourself or speak up and have them look at you with pity like my husband does to me. Both options suck.
We have everything.
How can we use what we know?
How do you ‘legally’ inject/make public/use as evidence?
What are you witnessing unfold?
Trust the plan.
On Telegram I saw a quote which might have been from his Newsmax interview: “Things are happening at a much faster pace than most people understand” - DJT
Well to be fair...there are alot of brilliant researchers and inside sources there as well. Some of the best in the world...that’s why we are here..because of them.
The truth of this will come out in the wash...it always does, but it would explain [their] most recent attack on Trump with their so called “criminal” investigation.
This phony investigation does two things.
Continues to discredit Trump to the normies....as per Russia, Russia, Russia.
Gives the mockingbirds something to squawk about instead of real news....as per Russia, Russia, Russia.
But datefagging is never wise, as we all know. It creates disappointment and doomers.
We need more faithful patient PRAYER WARRIORS...not doomers.
Trust God, Trust Jesus, Trust Trump, Trust Q, Trust The Fucking PLAN, Remember The Key To Everything In Life is Patience, Patience, Patience !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah. There was one that nailed Epstein being "dead" though ... It was posted an hour before the news broke.
There was another that claimed to have been an employee of Epstein and had worked on Epstein Island. I can't remember the details, but some of it made some sense. Still tough to believe though ... These also have been the exceptions, not the rules.
Still, who knows. Something is going to happen soon with the audits and the overall state of the country. While I won't derive any hopium from a post like this, I'm willing to listen to anything at this point. Something has to give soon.
I remember that shit. Roger Stone with the back tat of Nixon gettin' his knob polished by some dude. That wouldn't not surprise me in the least. Roger Stone NEVER sat well with me. He's a creepy, shady mother fucker.
I’m sorry for being thick, but could you explain to me how arresting The President would get the traitors out? And how would the military respond? Many thanks! ???
I'm not sure if that's true. How could one provide evidence of something else entirely unrelated, in a criminal investigation?
This is the rub for me. He's being investigated for conduct prior to his presidency, like tax evasion etc. Why would a judge allow the defense to submit evidence unrelated to those things?
Something about "Trump being the first arrest" just doesn't seem right to me. It would only incentivize the left and "prove them right." They would never believe he's innocent even if all evidence is shoved in their faces. This just doesn't make a lot of logical sense. 1st arrest that would shock them more would be Fauci, Biden, or Obammy.
And a lot of conservatives would probably respond very violently - if Q wanted to avoid mass casualties and bloodshed that's the wrong way of doing it.
I'm okay with some kind of plot twist where Trump wasn't actually on our side after all, as long as both sides go down. Trump's behavior at the end of his term was odd with his choice of pardoning rappers over Assange. All politicians seem to have a common interest in Israel and in my opinion that's where a lot of the weird transgender and race baiting stuff gets funded from.
Probably a LARP but definitely plausible. It would fit with Lindell's August prediction and would also explain the timing of that recent letter from generals saying Biden should not be president.
You can call me a dreamer or let's hope prophetic but here goes.
I did read that SDNY were finishing up an indictment against Trump.
But after reading the Q drop which reads:
First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.
First ARREST will verify action and confirm future direction.
They will fight but you are ready.
Marker [9].
I like to believe the indictment will be for Trump which will initiate the first arrest by the Military of Obama and Biden and the implementation of Martial Law which negates all current judicial actions.
I believe that the people in SDNY will be arrested also as a result of the fake indictment.
Following this I also believe that the Military will be arresting 1000's of people.
I figured something like this would have happened already. I was expecting it to happen at the beginning of this year. Everything seems real strange. Even if Q was just a LARP, not saying it is, it does seem like something is going on. People are conspiring. I don't know if they are conspiring in a good way or a bad way, but there's clearly coordination.
It's not a bad hypothesis. However I really think the first arrest with be Fauci or Fates. We need to kill the Covid narrative before airborne vaccines or we are all dead.
Just like the date in March (was it the 4th?), the day will pass without incident.
In other news, I just got off of a conference call with some co-workers, and, did you hear? They got real cream in the break room now. No more of this powered nonsense. Real cream. But I can't identify anyone on the call and I can't tell you who approved the real cream. I don't even drink coffee. But like, it's totally real though. Even though we all work from home now.
Source: Dude, trust me.
I have no way to prove any of this and never will but you just have to trust me on this one guys
I'm pretty sure "current administration has until X date" has been posted before. Never came to pass.
June 14 is Trump's birthday.
Flag day as well!
Right, the ultimate datefag
Trump's birthday!
So credible it just could be zany enough to work!
and i would have gotten away with it too if it weren't for you meddling kids!
Are you trying to say you are the guy who wrote the 8khun post?
No not at all just echoing what LBtrumplican said
HAHAHA, I was like this guy has had way to many comments to start trolling now.
Our little corner of the internet has the most intelligent group of people I know.
Just replace the second line with “Wouldn’t it be cool if...” and read for entertainment. Some things anon said could happen, so each scenario is worth considering based on its own merits, but if he gets anything right it’ll likely be just a lucky guess.
Yet, as convincing and reliable as that source is, I don't know...
...it still seems fake
I kek'd
Source: Greatawakening.win
I too have an uncle that works for Nintendo.
When's BotW 2 coming?
June 14th
Mine works for the Linux company. Ha, so beat that.
Oldie but goodie
I can vouch that some anon posted that and that you posted it here - that's as far as any one in here can vouch for anything even if Q themself is here - NO OUTSIDE COMMS.
20 days from now. He is being investigated. Thing is, if it is Trump you're going to have 40% of the country cheering and saying "we were right, see" There are many benefits to the DS if this was to happen. Off the top of my head (I.) Immediately takes attention off the Biden residency. (2.) Whatever alphabet soup agency that is involved in the investigation will be cheered as heroes and maybe given more power to silence the dissent......(3.) That will be triggered for the 85 million who voted for Trump. (4.) If NCSWIC this may already be in the DS playbook. (5.) It would be a tremendous distraction from the audit, the result of which may be the unseating of an AZ Senator. (6.) I've watched one of Majic Eyes Only MJ 12 videos and I'm working on the 2nd one for me (History of MJ 12 ). He did the LoW proof. He posits that the Storm may have started when Trump took office. What if it started when Trump said "A Storm is Coming" in the WH with the military around him? What if Majik Eyes Only is right and we've been in the storm this whole time? Then comes 11.3 as 1st marker. The arrest of the rightful President, DJT would surely justify the intervention mentioned in LoW 11.3. The timing would be right also as the AZ audit may be finishing about that time and they may be able to publish the irrefutable evidence of the treachery.
If team Q wants this to go as peacefully as possible they would avoid this at all costs, seems like common sense. To be clear, not advocating for this myself, but I would imagine that would be the final tipping point for a lot of conservatives to go hot war.
Who knows, but it seems like an atrocious play.
Yes. If Trump is detained and the military don't act then if Patriots go angry it gives DS the excuse to Crack down as never seen since 1861. If Patriots wait then the DS is emboldened to do whatever they want anyway because Patriots won't act even to help Trump. For about 1 week or so it seems to benefit DS either way. But either way we're all in uncharted territory that I don't see either side navigating out of at the moment. But this won't happen in a vacuum and other circumstances may end up influencing things that we haven't considered in these few hours thinking about this. Anyway it's all speculation on an unsourced post, and we really have no idea what either side has planned
I could see where that could be possible.
What if the comments "hold the line" were meant for this specific instance?
Honestly if I were an American, that would be the final straw for me. I have some Minecraft buddies in the States who I know would absolutely act on this.
Trump getting arrested seems like part of the kind of bullshit "awakening exercise" that Q team would come up with tbh. Q team is never straightforward and they always take the harder route. We expect them to come out guns blazing and arrest pedos on inauguration day and nothing happened. We expect Biden to not get in, and obviously that didn't happen. (Yeah yeah, he's not REALLY the president, but does it matter? I'm talking about the reality that is perceived by normies.) At every stage, we expect that "Okay, now is the time for the plan to go all out" and then it doesn't. I really don't see why a Trump arrest is so out of the question. As someone who has been very disillusioned with the actions of the white hats, Trump getting arrested seems exactly like the sort of bullshit they would let happen because "muh normies are still asleep". I disagree with the approach they've been taking but we have to see if it pays off or not. I don't think it will though. I think ugliness and civil unrest is inevitable, seeing as how Antifa and BLM are still not taken care of. It doesn't matter if you dump everything now or 20 years from now. Riots are inevitable. They should have gone all out in 2016 and revealed the truth then, maybe even stopped this covid bullshit from happening. Every delay ruins lives.
How do you legally introduce evidence?
That's assuming the legal system is in a position to accept said evidence. No matter what, at one point, the military has to step in. Even in our current pantomime situation, that has already been implied to happen. It's just not public. We spent the last few years flushing and looking for deep state traitors embedded as good guys. What makes you think their list of turncoats end there? You cannot trust the legal system to see this through to the end. Consider me surprised if we get this done without civil unrest, EBS or outright martial law.
yawn Yeah, just like every other time people have tried to equate that saying with something. It's beyond tiresome now.
There's a point where you have to admit that a Q post isn't for every occasion and perhaps something is very wrong.
Yes, but didn't we see that every court, even the highest in the land, chose not to hear it.
But for real though, when are people going to stop attributing horrible situations to "the white hats" and "a need to wake up the normies"? When your head is on a pike? Seriously, if Q/White Hats are willing to torture people to those extremes, they aren't the good guys, period.
I would agree. Arresting Trump would be a clear dirty political move that might well ignite a war.
Doesn’t it seem likely the storm started when he signed the Storm Act?
Did everyone miss that? Safeguarding Tomorrow something it was called.
I remember there were a bunch of EO signed to affect different states months after the different natural storms had passed. I think that's what you mean. Yes.
It’s a FEMA funding bill signed Jan 1 2021. What are the odds?
Solid thesis.
What he actually said is "maybe this is the calm before the storm". Just for clarity.
And when media asked him "what storm?" He told them "youll see"
I’ve had strange storm dreams since 2018 ;). The kind that reflect what trump is meaning and point towards God’s plan in this.
And flag day.
June 14, date OP says he is gettimg arrested.
That's some pretty fancy datefagging you got going on there, pede.
Probably not credible, but I have often assumed that if there is a big, first arrest that wakes people up, it will be Trump. And that "My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us" quote, if uttered verbatim, will be from Biden, not Trump, as the establishment goes into full panic mode.
Recently I've also been thinking about the arrest, and more and more I end up at the logical conclusion of Trump getting arrested spurs the Precipice of Distruction for the military.
More and more, good or bad, it seems to be looking this way to me.
The foreign, occupying force (D.C.) arresting the true President is an unmistakable act of war.
Except "First arrest" that will "shock" was never said by Q, it was said by X22.
So a first arrest doesn't need to wake anyone up and like fuck arresting Trump would wake anyone up, be realistic. It'd confirm the bias of the left.
First arrest predicts future direction
So how could Trump getting arrested help us? If it shows the future direction?
I don’t think it will be Trump - am just reiterating post 3717: First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
Jeffery Epstein.
Yeah. It could go a lot of ways. As long as it GOES I don't care who it is!
evidence and discovery!
I am aware. Never claimed that was said in a Q drop. Also why I said if.
I also predicted Trump here a few weeks ago. But that would only shock us....would it shock the libtards?
It would only embolden them. Not looking forward to it, if that is truly where the road leads.
that will be the final straw for patriots who have had to endure this much gaslighting for 7 months from media family and friends. Trumps arrest and I TOLD YOU SO from libtards would either create a mass slate of suicides in patriots or an all out civil war.
This would be the dumbest plan Q could do.
Q did not say shock, so your theory is incorrect and based on pure fallacy.
Us + the rest of the 80 million people who voted for him and know his arrest would be the transition into a full communist regime where the party gets to arrest any political opponents.
Regardless of the "source", what if Trump is the first arrest? Take the LARP out of the post and it is something to consider.
Heaven help us if true. The poundings those of us who are fighting the good fight on FB will take from the rabid liberals? Yeesh! To have to listen to all their gloating again when they’ve been eerily quiet as of late? Just ugh...
And you have two choices, take it and keep the fact you think this is part of the plan to yourself or speak up and have them look at you with pity like my husband does to me. Both options suck.
You married a liberal?
Yikes. Not something I could live with!
Absolutely not. He just doesn't believe anything is going to change. He is blackpilled
Oh. That’s actually not as bad, to be honest. Leftist have dead souls, it’s better to feel like a perpetually wet cat as he does than to be a liberal.
I haven't seen them go quiet. I get attacked on FB all the time. For simple comments
Indeed. It would make sense if he was the first arrest. Best movie ever. :)
We have everything. How can we use what we know? How do you ‘legally’ inject/make public/use as evidence? What are you witnessing unfold? Trust the plan. Q
Then a civil war will start unless the military steps in to stop it
I have also wondered if Trump will be the first arrest. The DS can't resist it and they have to silence his voice.
He's been taunting them.
Until now, ex-presidents have been off limits. This would cross a red line and set a precedent to go after Bush, Clinton, Obummer and Biden.
They ain't got shit on Trump but what do the white hats have on them?
But would Trump’s safety be guaranteed if/when he was arrested?
Yep, they'd arrest his body double.
On Telegram I saw a quote which might have been from his Newsmax interview: “Things are happening at a much faster pace than most people understand” - DJT
As larped as this is. The way things are going it seems at least feasible.
It's all a larp... until it's not a larp.
Lotta larps over there
Well to be fair...there are alot of brilliant researchers and inside sources there as well. Some of the best in the world...that’s why we are here..because of them.
The truth of this will come out in the wash...it always does, but it would explain [their] most recent attack on Trump with their so called “criminal” investigation.
This phony investigation does two things.
Continues to discredit Trump to the normies....as per Russia, Russia, Russia.
Gives the mockingbirds something to squawk about instead of real news....as per Russia, Russia, Russia.
But datefagging is never wise, as we all know. It creates disappointment and doomers.
We need more faithful patient PRAYER WARRIORS...not doomers.
Trust God, Trust Jesus, Trust Trump, Trust Q, Trust The Fucking PLAN, Remember The Key To Everything In Life is Patience, Patience, Patience !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also note: Q never said the arrest would be successful ....
He said the first (arrest) would send a shock wave. Military retaliation maybe?
Yeah. There was one that nailed Epstein being "dead" though ... It was posted an hour before the news broke.
There was another that claimed to have been an employee of Epstein and had worked on Epstein Island. I can't remember the details, but some of it made some sense. Still tough to believe though ... These also have been the exceptions, not the rules.
Still, who knows. Something is going to happen soon with the audits and the overall state of the country. While I won't derive any hopium from a post like this, I'm willing to listen to anything at this point. Something has to give soon.
Here's your first one:
here's your second:
I remember that shit. Roger Stone with the back tat of Nixon gettin' his knob polished by some dude. That wouldn't not surprise me in the least. Roger Stone NEVER sat well with me. He's a creepy, shady mother fucker.
If it doesn't we have to find out the truth for ourselves; not through violence but through subversion of our own.
Well, if true it’ll happen soon. I did hear I think here that it’ll probably start hitting the rotary ventilator after school is out.
The fecal matter is about to be spread by a rotary ventilator
Koreans fear fan death...ventilators kill patients...koreans always knew!
I’m sorry for being thick, but could you explain to me how arresting The President would get the traitors out? And how would the military respond? Many thanks! ???
It's the most surefire way to ensure that evidence is presented in a court of law, and that the public will be able to see it.
I'm not sure if that's true. How could one provide evidence of something else entirely unrelated, in a criminal investigation?
This is the rub for me. He's being investigated for conduct prior to his presidency, like tax evasion etc. Why would a judge allow the defense to submit evidence unrelated to those things?
Oh my God. Seriously, I have been so down in the dumps since January 6, I don't think I can take any more of this.
Something about "Trump being the first arrest" just doesn't seem right to me. It would only incentivize the left and "prove them right." They would never believe he's innocent even if all evidence is shoved in their faces. This just doesn't make a lot of logical sense. 1st arrest that would shock them more would be Fauci, Biden, or Obammy.
And a lot of conservatives would probably respond very violently - if Q wanted to avoid mass casualties and bloodshed that's the wrong way of doing it.
FACT. Even the level headed and rational are gonna red-line if that happens. That might be the Plan though.
Agreed. It would solidify the brainwashing of alot of people.
I agree. The insane left will gloat and even if he is proven innocent they will still consider him guilty.
You think tds is bad now? Wait until he is arrested thus (in the lefts mind) verifying he’s very bad man.
This is why I have strong feelings regarding X22Report fanboys.
That piece of shit injected this movement with that useless little slogan that has no bearing on reality. Fucking paytriot.
I'm talking about an arrest that would shock the lefties more than Trump's arrest, not the whole world.
Ah. Well that would be George Floyd then, surely.
If any of these rumours involve any (or all) of these names, I call bullshit. Charlie Ward, Simon Parkes, Juan O Savin.
But alien sex has to be real!
Don’t forget Mr. “First arrest will shock the world,” X22Report.
That slogan was injected into this movement on purpose to disrupt and divert.
Sounds too good to be true, but whatever. All signs are pointing to a major happening next month,
Here's hoping this is it
More gun confiscations in NY state began yesterday too
Well that's one way to bring in the last resort -military... Arrest the rightful winner.
My heart literally hurts that is even a possibility
I'm okay with some kind of plot twist where Trump wasn't actually on our side after all, as long as both sides go down. Trump's behavior at the end of his term was odd with his choice of pardoning rappers over Assange. All politicians seem to have a common interest in Israel and in my opinion that's where a lot of the weird transgender and race baiting stuff gets funded from.
Me too
I better go listen to Dave on X22Report to calm myself down.
Let’s talk about our health.
Fake, phony and false
“Trump and the Patriots........”
Now, the mainstream media and the corrupt politicians...
Listen, you know something? So will I.
Probably a LARP but definitely plausible. It would fit with Lindell's August prediction and would also explain the timing of that recent letter from generals saying Biden should not be president.
TwO moRE wEeKs!
"We have a saying in Texas, 'Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me twice.. we won't get fooled again." -- President George Dubya Bush
As with all datefaggings, I will screenshot this, and forget about it in a few weeks..
I remember him saying that. LOL.
Fake and gay
You can call me a dreamer or let's hope prophetic but here goes.
I did read that SDNY were finishing up an indictment against Trump. But after reading the Q drop which reads:
First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening. First ARREST will verify action and confirm future direction. They will fight but you are ready. Marker [9]. Q
I like to believe the indictment will be for Trump which will initiate the first arrest by the Military of Obama and Biden and the implementation of Martial Law which negates all current judicial actions.
I believe that the people in SDNY will be arrested also as a result of the fake indictment.
Following this I also believe that the Military will be arresting 1000's of people.
I figured something like this would have happened already. I was expecting it to happen at the beginning of this year. Everything seems real strange. Even if Q was just a LARP, not saying it is, it does seem like something is going on. People are conspiring. I don't know if they are conspiring in a good way or a bad way, but there's clearly coordination.
Department of Redundancy Department. Like an ATM machine.
I've seen dozens of Chan "insider" posts.
Only ones that panned out to be real was Q and FBIAonn.
High Level Insider.
I heard it was June 12, but who's datefagging?
Woah. If this is true I want a reimbursement on my gas bill for that past 2 months lol
It's not a bad hypothesis. However I really think the first arrest with be Fauci or Fates. We need to kill the Covid narrative before airborne vaccines or we are all dead.
Time will tell.
This is a shot of hopium straight to the carotid artery
Just like the date in March (was it the 4th?), the day will pass without incident.
In other news, I just got off of a conference call with some co-workers, and, did you hear? They got real cream in the break room now. No more of this powered nonsense. Real cream. But I can't identify anyone on the call and I can't tell you who approved the real cream. I don't even drink coffee. But like, it's totally real though. Even though we all work from home now.
June 14th == Flag day and the real POTUS' birthday. Would be a great gift to our country and birthday gift for the real POTUS.