Fun-fact: the CEO of 23andMe is (((Anne Wojcicki))) who married Google founder (((Sergey Brin))) and is the sister of YouTube CEO (((Susan Wojcicki))).
The odds of starting a multibillion dollar company are less than winning the lottery. The fact that people are related and all own or are associated with these organizations means they are imaginary plants, or severe nepotism.
The "american dream" is a lie because the average person can never achieve these things because they are being held down by tyrants.
Alright, fuck it. But launch doesn’t officially start until price passes $500 then it’s BTFU time. This sub $200 price bs is just them kicking the can... they won’t be able to control the price once $500 is hit.
I wasn’t talking sell price, I was talking the fuse for the rocket gets officially lit after $500 and then we go to the moon, until that time this sub $200 price point is just a stall tactic. Shit, I’m not selling until I see seven digits.
When you’ve spent a whole career entertaining millions I don’t think it’s that outrageous. I clean carpets and I’ll probably have a net worth over 1 million when I retire.
I’m just a dude in a truck with one employee. I don’t make 6 figure income but I live cheap and save.
The American Dream is about a lot more than how much money you have. The idea that we have to do a bunch of stuff to make more money to be free was the lie that people bought into.
I always see people pigeonholing the "American Dream".
IMHO, the American Dream is what you set it to be. My American Dream might be about just having enough security to take a 2 week vacation every year and not be in debt. Others might consider it to be owning a home. It can be what ever their dream of achievement is, not about some prescribed 2.5 kids, a mini van, and a home with lots of money.
"The American Dream" was an advertising campaign started by east coast real estate developers motivating post WW2 to motivate veterans with their saved up pay and any bonuses they had acquired to purchase homes in the newly developing suburbs.
As ar as advertising campaigns go, this one was pretty good. It turns out that owning a house in the Free World with a booming economy is a pretty cool deal.
The Greatest Generation certainly gave their kids a better life than what they had.
Of course their kids turned out to be baby boomers, and we all know how that generation turned out. We are still suffering the aftermath of those spoiled hippie brats.
If you work hard and don't break laws, you'll have a roof over your head, food to eat, a fair justice system, and you won't be sent to gulag for wrong political opinions.
Agreed! Most people that own multi million or billion dollar companies are doing it on family money. That doesn’t mean some where down the line generation’s ago someone didn’t come from nothing & live the American dream.
the second half.... sort of. I think people don't realize that as long as you are a wage earner, you cannot get ahead. the american dream is to be free to pursue happiness. but -- regulations make it much much more difficult to be self employed, especially in certain places.
Imagine the amount of seething hatred that Jews have built up over the past 5,000 years of history.
Some where, some how, the gentile man knew jews were not to be trusted and has spent the last 5,000 years running them off, destroying their cities, killing them, or using them.
If ever there was a reason to want to destroy the world, it would be the amount of hatred jews have for everyone who is NOT THEM.
I appreciate the pics. Info simplified like this is helping me with my mother. She is the type to always see the best in people and naive to the true evil but is beginning to take the tinted glasses off.
A lot of the older generations are like this. My Dad (83) is a Trump guy and sees the dems ruining the country and does believe its merely for power and money. But he refuses to believe in the pedo/satanism or how prevalent it is through government, business, academia, media and organized religion.
He just cant see how so many people could be so evil. His favorite question to ask me is if I think anyone is good or do I trust anyone. Or is Woodys dad (brothers bff whose dad is retired FBI) evil.
I tell him that decades of rot at the top has weeded out the good people and put evil in its place and that today I do not trust a single one of them and that they are all either evil, compromised or complicit.
Its beginning to break through his programming after 5 years of this back and forth and as it becomes more obvious by the day I am right.
He has and still think this stuff is isolated among a few. But like I said events are pushing him to the truth. Its just taking him longer. Its hard to change the worldview of someone who is 83. I think the covid bioweapon is the one thing thats leading him out of the darkness. And once you see the depop/slavery agenda for what it is the pedo/satanism is just a baby step away. Lately Ive been pushing the where are the kids coming across the border going question and why is the government lying about it.
the average person doesn't know that to be able to join the FBI/CIA you have to be a brilliant liar. almost psychotic level of immorality and manipulative. you need to be a good liar in order to not compromise your fellow agents or superiors or plans, etc. there is no room for honest, good-hearted people in that profession and it shows
Who wants to believe that anything satanic is going on, let alone the potential scale? When the average person hears "satanism," they think of heavy metal bands. Anybody that listens to bands heavier than The Who will say "it's black and death metal bands." Someone like me, I understand there are satanic metal bands, and understand that that's barely scratching the surface, even taking into account all the church burnings in the 90's.
Respectfully, if it's not providing any new evidence and moving the story forward, why is this being promoted? Even if the argument was that this is for the newly awakened, it doesn't come with sauce for the hard-to-believe allegations in the screenshot.
Did we forget that the whole Q board was a massive research project? We're supposed to be showing evidence and helping the world learn. It's easy enough to search up Agenda 21/2030, but connecting it to 23-and-me and the Red Cross? What DNA is being selected for? What's being selected against? How do we know? What role is the Red Cross supposed to play here? Aside from being a filthy, self-serving, bloated bureaucracy which is well-documented, where's the proof they were scheduled to be part of some sort of wholesale genocide?
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
Otherwise, we end up getting written off as Alex Jones-level psychopaths. If you're going to claim it's not a fringe conspiracy, we need to see evidence. The burden of proof is on the OP, not on me to go try and trawl through the cesspit of Google-curated search results hoping to find whatever Tweet or random blog the OP read prior to making that image.
I know the old Q boards had done some digs on FEMA and UN soldiers. I think the guillotine purchase was also public record, but later they changed the codes for that. Not sure I remember about the Redcross buses, but sounds very plausible.
Also, I never understood what kind of idiot goes and does those home DNA tests. Like, really?
Oh man, more than you think. I worked in healthcare and I remember talking to a nurse practitioner that did the home DNA test.
I said I didn't feel comfortable giving my DNA to a random company because I didn't know how it would be used. For example, they are using it in criminal activity tracing. That could go so wrong.
The np's reaction resembled a dog that hears an unfamiliar noice.
I've tried so many times on that front... "see that plane over there leaving a contrails that dissipates after a couple seconds? How come that other plane over there has a super long trail behind it that takes all day to dissipate?"
Yes, agreed about what will they really do with it? What if the state pays them for a little sample before they process and save the cord blood. It’s also seems like freezing your body so that when the technology can save your life, they will defrost you and save your life. Scam.
The criminal tracing thing - they’ve already caught criminals who never did a DNA test. A couple relatives had taken a test, some crime scene DNA was similar, they contact the relatives and interpolate who it was and bang! Got the guy.
At this point, they have so much DNA data I bet they can tell what everyone’s background is, whether you’ve taken the test or not. I guess if you don’t know your actual parents - adopted, bastard children etc, you might have some level of genetic anonymity.
Golden State Killer was caught by genealogy DNA. I don’t what company. If it helped take him off the streets I say it’s a win. I’m not saying I agree with using it for evil towards good people.
This is why they have Alex Jones and others. Alex posts about large government coffins, FEMA camps, and such. They spend their time discrediting him and others like Joe Rogan.
Normies believe that everything is a conspiracy theory. Big foot, time travel, government spying, UFOs, Elites want to kill/enslave us. The elites back it all up with heavy metals, poisoned food, poisoned meds, MSM, small squads of people to cover up events, sightings, bodies, crash sites. It is all kinds of tidy.
My grandma has always been into genealogy because she never knew who her grandma was until about 20 years ago. So she's always bene into genetics so everyone in the family has gotten a test. I'm sure I'm on the "deplorable" list.
But in all seriousness, I have 0.00001% Jewish ancestry and there is nobody in the family tree that mingled with them. I'm basically 100% English/Cornish/Scottish with tiny bits of Dutch, German, and French.
Better that kind of royal blood than having one of the lower branches after the 13 families. I never cared about any ancestry until just recently, when I saw another list of "royal" families from Italy.
I understand that the gnomic dataset available for the ashkenazi are readily referenced only because of the diligent DNA tests from the mass-graves in that area. *I was hoping for a response from @OperationRudyRusso.
If you are alive you are private on a person’s online family tree. That doesn’t mean you are private to the owner of the online family tree company. Most people advise not to add living relatives.
It really doesn’t matter if you are registered to vote your information is online accessible to anyone. You can look up anyone by name online and get last address, age, relatives (even X in laws).
I mean on the family tree they are working on if they are putting it online. I don’t mean your DNA. Only you have access to your DNA unless you give someone access.
For random suspicion / curiosity but I don't think that DNA analysis would hold up in court. The DNA lab ones are frighteningly thorough - goes right into which genes gave the child their eye color. It's kinda cool but also terrifying :)
Covid testing firm ‘selling swabs carrying customers’ DNA’ to third parties
Cignpost - which sells £35 tests for holidaymakers - sells DNA from Covid swabs on to third parties.
A government-approved Covid testing firm is being investigated by the UK’s data privacy watchdog after it emerged that it plans to sell customers’ DNA to third parties.
Cignpost Diagnostics, which trades as ExpressTest and offers £35 tests for holidaymakers, said it holds the right to analyse samples from seals to “learn more about human health” – and sell information on to third parties.
Individuals are required to give informed consent for their sensitive medical data to be used – but customers’ consent for their DNA to be sold now as buried in Cignpost’s online documents.
When buying tests, customers were asked to tick a box agreeing to a 4,876 privacy policy which links to a separate document outlining the research programme, The Sunday Times reported.
Communism is globalism, as they are anti-national identity. Nazism was based in the belief that Germans were the ubermenschen. Overlords, if you will. The remainder were considered sub-human, or Untermenschen. Communism takes everyone under their big iron umbrella. You can't get out.
I had it done ( to verify what I already knew :) It turns out that they don't really use DNA to determine your roots; they take the known information associated with people, look for what they think are the markers for that, and then "poof", they tell you your roots. What is funny is the first report for me totally got one of my two ancestry lines wrong, but a few months later, after I guess more people submitted their samples (and real data by association), the ancestry I knew to be true was verified.
I did it because we found out after my grandparents passed, my grandfather wasn't my dad's biological father. It messed with my head because you have an identity predicated on what you have been told your whole life and 'poof' - gone.
The suspicion is that the man that was my dad's biological father was killed in WWII There was a family story that my grandmother has been involved with a pilot before meeting my grandfather. There are a couple of pictures if her with a military pilot. It did not change the fact that the man that was Grandpa to me was a wonderful man - the fact he stepped up to raise a child that was not his own spoke volumes about his character. (At the time, I remember reading that there was something like 25% of the children born during the war years were not raised by the biological father.) But he stressed family ties very heavily and that was a source of confusion. I don't know if that was because they kept up the 'secret ' for so long that it became too hard to reveal the truth or whatever. We will never know. And in the end,, you are correct in that it doesn't change anything but it takes time to process.
My wife had the test because there were some rumors in her family that one of the distant relatives was a Native American. She has some features that some people think she is part Asian. The test revealed no hint of being part Asian or part Native American. Apparently, some people with German ancestry, which applies to her, can show features that have some Native American qualities; perhaps Liawatha is part German :) I later read that the genetic sites don't even have Native American DNA for reference; they use Central American DNA as a surrogate, assuming it has some of the same DNA as Native Americans.
I've been working on mine for over 50 years. The testing has helped me in my work to find further ancestors for a client. Thru-Lines in Ancestry give you some great clues. I'm working on a line right now that I discovered through DNA matches.
No one should really worry about the DNA, because the government already had it, if you've been to any medical provider in the past 10 or 15 years.
Yep, thru-lines helped me verify an parent candidate in an adoption mystery in my tree. Tracing ancestry through DNA is 1000% a real thing and seeing posters that are awake to so much politically but brain dead to these facts is weird, but i guess understandable because intelligence/awareness/ everything is on a spectrum.
I could be wrong but I've heard that they take it when you are born in the hospital..
I was born at home, and my mother said it was illegal during the time, some years later she tried to get me a birth certificate and SSN and they had a fit about it.. although later issuing it.
Fast forward until I joined the military and had major issues with the same "birth certificate" almost to the point they wouldn't issue me a passport. I've always wondered if it's because it didn't have some kind of marker of proof of who I was via DNA... But again who knows, I have no sauce.
They do that now, but not back when I was born, as I was born way before DNA was a thing. Watson and Crick had just discovered the structure of the DNA molecule. It was decades later before DNA was used for crime solving.
I’ve been working at on mine several years. My uncle also did a lot of work before he passed. The family accused him of living in the past. Now when my dad tells them about a grave I’ve found everyone wants to know, including my dad who thought my uncle was crazy. I enjoy learning about the people that came before me.
All those isms.. so often misunderstood and abused.
Everyone should do a search on "holocaust lies" and research why "antisemitism" is the only ism that you wil be fined or jailed for (yes, people are in jail for "antisemitism")
The world war 2 Anne Frank story unveiled as a complete fraud since decades, with more and more proof of it being a sham.
Anti-semitism is fake, because there are other semitic peoples besides real Jews. All Hebrew and Israelite peoples are semitic. Real Jews are just the descendants of Judah, just one tribe of Israel. Most of the ones complaining are as white as I am and have no detectable semitic DNA.
Obfuscated. A perfect word. It's bizarre you can find detailed records of all sorts of things before and after WWII... But during that time there's lots of blank spaces and missing data.
Ever try to find a list of the rank and file SS? Or verify a person who served in the Wermacht? Or a list of Jewish names who were incarcerated in camps, or during a specific timetable? If the data is out there, it's NOT in digital form... It's like it's being purposely hidden. It's like they don't want you to have ready access to that info for research.
No weaponn formed against thee shall prosper. Not even their death camps.
These people are finished. we are to the point that when a comedian mocks God tjey get thrown on the ground. If people don't think their are many huge unseeable spiritual consequences for these people then they are still blind. Most who are awake are still pretty sleepy.
You must be old then. Guarantee they were collecting it at birth since at minimum 10 years after it's discovery. And I guarantee they've collected your DNA whenever you had blood drawn, gotten a swab, or gotten surgery. Many opportunities for doctors to collect your DNA whenever you get any healthcare.
Thank God I and no one in my family have done those DNA tests. We know our ancestry very well because we have photos and documents of where we came from.
I think most white liberals do these tests to find out how "black" or "brown" they are. When they find out they have 0.5% Ghana in them they coom.
I'm so white, I glow. 100% white, with no trace of anything else. Many people in NC, VA, TN, and GA have some Indian ancestry, but it's too far back to show up in the DNA tests.
You are very confused about who's white. White people are descendants of Japheth. Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews are descendants of Shem and thus semitic. Israelites are a subset of Hebrews. Jews are a subset of Israelites, as they are descendants of Judah and are from just one tribe of Israelites.
I used AncestryDNA over six years ago. Of course we can’t be sure if it’s 100% accurate. Neither is playing the slots, lottery, Vegas etc. I don’t gamble & I’ve never been. So this is my big gamble in life. I do believe my results are very close. I’m the years after getting my DNA results I’ve been doing family research. I’m finding people in my family tree that lived in the countries that are part of my ancestry results. AncestryDNA would not know of my family tree. I already knew my family was most likely Scottish because my name is a Scottish name. My mom’s maiden name is a very known old English name. I’ve found royal Irish people in my family tree. It’s my understanding your DNA results might change or fluctuate as more people get into the system. Some of the distant cousins on my account I see, I know they are correct. I know their names, their parents or grandparents.
At present I’m:
48% England & Northwestern Europe
21% Scotland
16% Sweden & Denmark
10% Wales
3% Ireland
2% Norway
Maybe or most likely there’s evil intent with the DNA people submit. It’s my understanding you aren’t protecting by any laws by submitting your information. You can request your DNA be deleted. I highly doubt anything is ever deleted once it’s in the system. They say you are protected by laws when you have medical test, blood work etc. 🤷🏼♀️ Too many people have access and anything can be hacked. At this point in the digital age unless you live in a cave or on a mountain your information is out there. If you have had surgery, given blood, had any type of swab test, etc.
Heck a huge decorative fad is putting your fingerprint on the wall as art or on jewelry. You submit your fingerprint to a place like a store on Etsy & they make a print. Maybe your child or couples prints in a heart. (I think it’s crazy)
My point is DNA for Ancestry may have a hidden evil agenda. If we start avoiding everything in life that “they” are trying to use as a tool to get to the good people is that really living?
I trust God to take care of me in this life until I leave this world. I can’t live in fear!
I signed up for AncestryDNA because I was curious about the people that came before me. If it’s all lies, I’ve thrown away $50.00 & it’s been fun.
We aren't out of the woods yet. And won't be until we hold ALL these asshats responsible. This doesn't just end with or 23&Me. Remember, these corps are tied to YouTube's boss, also. YT catalogs EVERYONE, along with the rest of the social media sites.
Don't sit back and just expect FEMA to NOT do anything with those camps, gallows, and plastic coffins. There is STILL ver much a plan to "deal" with dissidents and "insurrectionists" like us. It's just not on the front burner right now.
Hitler jumped the gun by 80 years. They made him privy to the long term plan, and he decided he was going to run with it. All the people he went to war with were once his friends. They turned on him because he refused to wait.
Wow - what a waste. I mean, hundreds of thousands of coffins? If I was a deep state caballer that sucked a goatman-person's teet & penis, I'd just dig a hole, dump some gas to worship that fire and save some money.
There needs to be another planet wide cleansing to rid this scum.
I’m not disagreeing with this post. However just because some random person post their opinions on Twitter or other social media that doesn’t make it true or factual. Do you have sources to back this up? I’m genuinely interested.
Are we really out of the woods yet? Many seem to not even realize that they are in the woods, or that the woods even exists. Ending not for everyone, but the choice has been theirs, with the exception of children.
Fun-fact: the CEO of 23andMe is (((Anne Wojcicki))) who married Google founder (((Sergey Brin))) and is the sister of YouTube CEO (((Susan Wojcicki))).
And these are the CEOs of the companies authorized to provide America with Covid-19 vaccines.
And this is the Democrat Party leadership.
Q encourages us to notice "coincidences" so please don't blame me for following the research wherever it leads.
The odds of starting a multibillion dollar company are less than winning the lottery. The fact that people are related and all own or are associated with these organizations means they are imaginary plants, or severe nepotism.
The "american dream" is a lie because the average person can never achieve these things because they are being held down by tyrants.
Checks GME price
No cell no sell
💎 🙌 🚀 🌙
Diamond-hands 👍🏽
DRS THAT *****
But the whole partnership with Microsoft speculation…..? Might sell mine. Cant be a part of that.
Ooof!! I haven’t been paying attention. Oh dangit. Think I’ll sell mine after I look more into this. Nobody touches my DWAC tho!!
Alright, fuck it. But launch doesn’t officially start until price passes $500 then it’s BTFU time. This sub $200 price bs is just them kicking the can... they won’t be able to control the price once $500 is hit.
500? I'm talking 20k
I wasn’t talking sell price, I was talking the fuse for the rocket gets officially lit after $500 and then we go to the moon, until that time this sub $200 price point is just a stall tactic. Shit, I’m not selling until I see seven digits.
7 digits doesn’t even begin to tickle my tummy anymore. I’ve already made too many plans to have $150M+, I CAN NOT settle for anything less!
George Carlin said they call it the American Dream cuz you have to be asleep to believe it.
Of all those years working his net worth was just 10 million. He wasnt in the club either. The more you know.
When you’ve spent a whole career entertaining millions I don’t think it’s that outrageous. I clean carpets and I’ll probably have a net worth over 1 million when I retire.
I’m just a dude in a truck with one employee. I don’t make 6 figure income but I live cheap and save.
Not in NYC it isnt!
The American Dream is about a lot more than how much money you have. The idea that we have to do a bunch of stuff to make more money to be free was the lie that people bought into.
I have to agree with you.
I always see people pigeonholing the "American Dream".
IMHO, the American Dream is what you set it to be. My American Dream might be about just having enough security to take a 2 week vacation every year and not be in debt. Others might consider it to be owning a home. It can be what ever their dream of achievement is, not about some prescribed 2.5 kids, a mini van, and a home with lots of money.
I seriously can’t argue with him about “stuff” because yes it’s true! Sorry Y T
he was so right.
"The American Dream" was an advertising campaign started by east coast real estate developers motivating post WW2 to motivate veterans with their saved up pay and any bonuses they had acquired to purchase homes in the newly developing suburbs.
As ar as advertising campaigns go, this one was pretty good. It turns out that owning a house in the Free World with a booming economy is a pretty cool deal.
The Greatest Generation certainly gave their kids a better life than what they had.
Of course their kids turned out to be baby boomers, and we all know how that generation turned out. We are still suffering the aftermath of those spoiled hippie brats.
Young people are nuts.
The ”American dream” is the notion that if you work hard and live a good life you will be moderately more successful than the generation before you.
It’s not “if I get good grades like everyone else I deserve to be a billionaire”.
No... that's not what I said.
The American dream is:
If you work hard and don't break laws, you'll have a roof over your head, food to eat, a fair justice system, and you won't be sent to gulag for wrong political opinions.
2 out of four ain't bad, right?
I never heard of the moderately more successful than the generation before you part.
To be left alone to raise my family as I see fit.
The ability to become very successful solely due to hard work and determination, likely.
Agreed! Most people that own multi million or billion dollar companies are doing it on family money. That doesn’t mean some where down the line generation’s ago someone didn’t come from nothing & live the American dream.
The ability to succeed based solely on hard work is what the international Surveillance State has long worked hard to destroy.
Perhaps George Carlin was eliminated because of his self-determined success.
Dusty Rhodes.
The ability to take part in the economic system with equal opportunity.
totally agree with the first half of your post.
the second half.... sort of. I think people don't realize that as long as you are a wage earner, you cannot get ahead. the american dream is to be free to pursue happiness. but -- regulations make it much much more difficult to be self employed, especially in certain places.
And retards on here will say muh anti semitism.
Imagine the amount of seething hatred that Jews have built up over the past 5,000 years of history.
Some where, some how, the gentile man knew jews were not to be trusted and has spent the last 5,000 years running them off, destroying their cities, killing them, or using them.
If ever there was a reason to want to destroy the world, it would be the amount of hatred jews have for everyone who is NOT THEM.
Watch yourself, goyim!
I appreciate the pics. Info simplified like this is helping me with my mother. She is the type to always see the best in people and naive to the true evil but is beginning to take the tinted glasses off.
A lot of the older generations are like this. My Dad (83) is a Trump guy and sees the dems ruining the country and does believe its merely for power and money. But he refuses to believe in the pedo/satanism or how prevalent it is through government, business, academia, media and organized religion.
He just cant see how so many people could be so evil. His favorite question to ask me is if I think anyone is good or do I trust anyone. Or is Woodys dad (brothers bff whose dad is retired FBI) evil.
I tell him that decades of rot at the top has weeded out the good people and put evil in its place and that today I do not trust a single one of them and that they are all either evil, compromised or complicit.
Its beginning to break through his programming after 5 years of this back and forth and as it becomes more obvious by the day I am right.
Podesta’s emails re: spirit cooking will convince him. Then point out Microsoft using Marina Abramovic for a product launch promotion.
Has he not been seeing the Epstein and jizzlane stuff going down?!? And the pictures of all the powerful people on his flight logs and at parties?
He has and still think this stuff is isolated among a few. But like I said events are pushing him to the truth. Its just taking him longer. Its hard to change the worldview of someone who is 83. I think the covid bioweapon is the one thing thats leading him out of the darkness. And once you see the depop/slavery agenda for what it is the pedo/satanism is just a baby step away. Lately Ive been pushing the where are the kids coming across the border going question and why is the government lying about it.
the average person doesn't know that to be able to join the FBI/CIA you have to be a brilliant liar. almost psychotic level of immorality and manipulative. you need to be a good liar in order to not compromise your fellow agents or superiors or plans, etc. there is no room for honest, good-hearted people in that profession and it shows
Explains my ex.
Tell him to read the story in the Bible about Sodom and Gomorrah. Those towns were just eat up with it. Some places are worse than that now.
Who wants to believe that anything satanic is going on, let alone the potential scale? When the average person hears "satanism," they think of heavy metal bands. Anybody that listens to bands heavier than The Who will say "it's black and death metal bands." Someone like me, I understand there are satanic metal bands, and understand that that's barely scratching the surface, even taking into account all the church burnings in the 90's.
There are no coincidences.
Easy there, goyim!
Why is this stickied? this is not a fringe conspiracy. Period.
Respectfully, if it's not providing any new evidence and moving the story forward, why is this being promoted? Even if the argument was that this is for the newly awakened, it doesn't come with sauce for the hard-to-believe allegations in the screenshot.
Did we forget that the whole Q board was a massive research project? We're supposed to be showing evidence and helping the world learn. It's easy enough to search up Agenda 21/2030, but connecting it to 23-and-me and the Red Cross? What DNA is being selected for? What's being selected against? How do we know? What role is the Red Cross supposed to play here? Aside from being a filthy, self-serving, bloated bureaucracy which is well-documented, where's the proof they were scheduled to be part of some sort of wholesale genocide?
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.
Otherwise, we end up getting written off as Alex Jones-level psychopaths. If you're going to claim it's not a fringe conspiracy, we need to see evidence. The burden of proof is on the OP, not on me to go try and trawl through the cesspit of Google-curated search results hoping to find whatever Tweet or random blog the OP read prior to making that image.
Read the comments.
The difference between a conspiracy theory and the truth is 6-12 months.
At least we can agree on this much.
Someday you'll see where chem trails fit into the depop agenda. :)
I know the old Q boards had done some digs on FEMA and UN soldiers. I think the guillotine purchase was also public record, but later they changed the codes for that. Not sure I remember about the Redcross buses, but sounds very plausible.
Also, I never understood what kind of idiot goes and does those home DNA tests. Like, really?
Oh man, more than you think. I worked in healthcare and I remember talking to a nurse practitioner that did the home DNA test.
I said I didn't feel comfortable giving my DNA to a random company because I didn't know how it would be used. For example, they are using it in criminal activity tracing. That could go so wrong.
The np's reaction resembled a dog that hears an unfamiliar noice.
I've tried so many times on that front... "see that plane over there leaving a contrails that dissipates after a couple seconds? How come that other plane over there has a super long trail behind it that takes all day to dissipate?"
People just don't want to hear it. It's incredible though, how often they spray the whole sky full of that shit.
I feel similarly about newborn cord blood donation.
Technically its put away for that childs needs later but yes creepy and easily abused.
There is banking for your kid but also donation, to be used for research and treatments for others. That is spooky.
Yes, agreed about what will they really do with it? What if the state pays them for a little sample before they process and save the cord blood. It’s also seems like freezing your body so that when the technology can save your life, they will defrost you and save your life. Scam.
The criminal tracing thing - they’ve already caught criminals who never did a DNA test. A couple relatives had taken a test, some crime scene DNA was similar, they contact the relatives and interpolate who it was and bang! Got the guy.
At this point, they have so much DNA data I bet they can tell what everyone’s background is, whether you’ve taken the test or not. I guess if you don’t know your actual parents - adopted, bastard children etc, you might have some level of genetic anonymity.
Golden State Killer was caught by genealogy DNA. I don’t what company. If it helped take him off the streets I say it’s a win. I’m not saying I agree with using it for evil towards good people.
This is why they have Alex Jones and others. Alex posts about large government coffins, FEMA camps, and such. They spend their time discrediting him and others like Joe Rogan.
Normies believe that everything is a conspiracy theory. Big foot, time travel, government spying, UFOs, Elites want to kill/enslave us. The elites back it all up with heavy metals, poisoned food, poisoned meds, MSM, small squads of people to cover up events, sightings, bodies, crash sites. It is all kinds of tidy.
You can show them pictures of the camps. There's also Islamberg in NY, a literal training ground for the saracens.
Funny thing about theories, sometimes they're true. In the case of what this post is about, it's all a conspiracy.
My grandma has always been into genealogy because she never knew who her grandma was until about 20 years ago. So she's always bene into genetics so everyone in the family has gotten a test. I'm sure I'm on the "deplorable" list.
Is Ashkenazi saved for a purposeful reason?
Because JOO
But in all seriousness, I have 0.00001% Jewish ancestry and there is nobody in the family tree that mingled with them. I'm basically 100% English/Cornish/Scottish with tiny bits of Dutch, German, and French.
Ashkenaz was a descendant of Japheth and white, white, white.
There was a random DNA study in Israel, and the finding was that Semitic ancestry was extremely rare there.
Better that kind of royal blood than having one of the lower branches after the 13 families. I never cared about any ancestry until just recently, when I saw another list of "royal" families from Italy.
I understand that the gnomic dataset available for the ashkenazi are readily referenced only because of the diligent DNA tests from the mass-graves in that area. *I was hoping for a response from @OperationRudyRusso.
You and I can hang in the deplorable dorm. You'll know it because it is green. 🐸
If you are alive you are private on a person’s online family tree. That doesn’t mean you are private to the owner of the online family tree company. Most people advise not to add living relatives. It really doesn’t matter if you are registered to vote your information is online accessible to anyone. You can look up anyone by name online and get last address, age, relatives (even X in laws). I mean on the family tree they are working on if they are putting it online. I don’t mean your DNA. Only you have access to your DNA unless you give someone access.
I saw a document years ago that had Janet Reno’s signature on it. It was for the procurement of 5000 guillotines.
Some might do it for paternity tests.
For random suspicion / curiosity but I don't think that DNA analysis would hold up in court. The DNA lab ones are frighteningly thorough - goes right into which genes gave the child their eye color. It's kinda cool but also terrifying :)
So what is the “right DNA”?
Globohomo satanic DNA
I don't want to give you an upvote because you're already at 17, so consider this comment one. 👍
Ashkenazi Jew ancestry from the khazarian empire of the caucus mountain region circa 700 AD
Cain bloodline - as in Cain and Able
Ashkenaz was a descendant of Japheth, not Shem.
that's it
In the news during Nov. 2021:
Covid testing firm ‘selling swabs carrying customers’ DNA’ to third parties Cignpost - which sells £35 tests for holidaymakers - sells DNA from Covid swabs on to third parties.
A government-approved Covid testing firm is being investigated by the UK’s data privacy watchdog after it emerged that it plans to sell customers’ DNA to third parties.
Cignpost Diagnostics, which trades as ExpressTest and offers £35 tests for holidaymakers, said it holds the right to analyse samples from seals to “learn more about human health” – and sell information on to third parties.
Individuals are required to give informed consent for their sensitive medical data to be used – but customers’ consent for their DNA to be sold now as buried in Cignpost’s online documents.
When buying tests, customers were asked to tick a box agreeing to a 4,876 privacy policy which links to a separate document outlining the research programme, The Sunday Times reported.
Wtf mate... This is not good news. 🙁
What has stopped this from happening?
Q group and the Great Awakening
"if she won it would have been hell on earth"
My question as well.
American 2A for one. They can't take people away to those camps when every household would be shooting back.
Beautifully stated fren
Can't really call it national socialism can you? Its more like Globalist socialism
Also known as COMMUNISM. The literal only difference between communism and nazism is the locality of nazism as compared to communism.
Communism is globalism, as they are anti-national identity. Nazism was based in the belief that Germans were the ubermenschen. Overlords, if you will. The remainder were considered sub-human, or Untermenschen. Communism takes everyone under their big iron umbrella. You can't get out.
There's other differences, such as a corporate merge with the state with fascism instead of full blown destruction of industry with communism.
I've always been interested in my ancestry & wanted to get the dna test. Now, I'm glad I didn't.
I had it done ( to verify what I already knew :) It turns out that they don't really use DNA to determine your roots; they take the known information associated with people, look for what they think are the markers for that, and then "poof", they tell you your roots. What is funny is the first report for me totally got one of my two ancestry lines wrong, but a few months later, after I guess more people submitted their samples (and real data by association), the ancestry I knew to be true was verified.
I did it because we found out after my grandparents passed, my grandfather wasn't my dad's biological father. It messed with my head because you have an identity predicated on what you have been told your whole life and 'poof' - gone.
The suspicion is that the man that was my dad's biological father was killed in WWII There was a family story that my grandmother has been involved with a pilot before meeting my grandfather. There are a couple of pictures if her with a military pilot. It did not change the fact that the man that was Grandpa to me was a wonderful man - the fact he stepped up to raise a child that was not his own spoke volumes about his character. (At the time, I remember reading that there was something like 25% of the children born during the war years were not raised by the biological father.) But he stressed family ties very heavily and that was a source of confusion. I don't know if that was because they kept up the 'secret ' for so long that it became too hard to reveal the truth or whatever. We will never know. And in the end,, you are correct in that it doesn't change anything but it takes time to process.
My wife had the test because there were some rumors in her family that one of the distant relatives was a Native American. She has some features that some people think she is part Asian. The test revealed no hint of being part Asian or part Native American. Apparently, some people with German ancestry, which applies to her, can show features that have some Native American qualities; perhaps Liawatha is part German :) I later read that the genetic sites don't even have Native American DNA for reference; they use Central American DNA as a surrogate, assuming it has some of the same DNA as Native Americans.
You have a point. I see that now. At the time, when I was thinking about doing it, I didn't know how corrupt these people are.
I've been working my genealogy for 20 years. The ignorance in this thread is reaching super cringe levels.
I've been working on mine for over 50 years. The testing has helped me in my work to find further ancestors for a client. Thru-Lines in Ancestry give you some great clues. I'm working on a line right now that I discovered through DNA matches.
No one should really worry about the DNA, because the government already had it, if you've been to any medical provider in the past 10 or 15 years.
Yep, thru-lines helped me verify an parent candidate in an adoption mystery in my tree. Tracing ancestry through DNA is 1000% a real thing and seeing posters that are awake to so much politically but brain dead to these facts is weird, but i guess understandable because intelligence/awareness/ everything is on a spectrum.
I could be wrong but I've heard that they take it when you are born in the hospital.. I was born at home, and my mother said it was illegal during the time, some years later she tried to get me a birth certificate and SSN and they had a fit about it.. although later issuing it.
Fast forward until I joined the military and had major issues with the same "birth certificate" almost to the point they wouldn't issue me a passport. I've always wondered if it's because it didn't have some kind of marker of proof of who I was via DNA... But again who knows, I have no sauce.
They do that now, but not back when I was born, as I was born way before DNA was a thing. Watson and Crick had just discovered the structure of the DNA molecule. It was decades later before DNA was used for crime solving.
I’ve been working at on mine several years. My uncle also did a lot of work before he passed. The family accused him of living in the past. Now when my dad tells them about a grave I’ve found everyone wants to know, including my dad who thought my uncle was crazy. I enjoy learning about the people that came before me.
Do you know anything about the 13 families or any of their branch families? Maybe the Italian families that go back over 1000 years?
You people have no idea what national socicalism is. Agenda 21 is communism run by jewish communists.
All those isms.. so often misunderstood and abused.
Everyone should do a search on "holocaust lies" and research why "antisemitism" is the only ism that you wil be fined or jailed for (yes, people are in jail for "antisemitism")
The world war 2 Anne Frank story unveiled as a complete fraud since decades, with more and more proof of it being a sham.
Another one: look up the meaning of "loxism".
Anti-semitism is fake, because there are other semitic peoples besides real Jews. All Hebrew and Israelite peoples are semitic. Real Jews are just the descendants of Judah, just one tribe of Israel. Most of the ones complaining are as white as I am and have no detectable semitic DNA.
socialism and communism are synonyms.
Obfuscated. A perfect word. It's bizarre you can find detailed records of all sorts of things before and after WWII... But during that time there's lots of blank spaces and missing data.
Ever try to find a list of the rank and file SS? Or verify a person who served in the Wermacht? Or a list of Jewish names who were incarcerated in camps, or during a specific timetable? If the data is out there, it's NOT in digital form... It's like it's being purposely hidden. It's like they don't want you to have ready access to that info for research.
I feel like this South Park clip NEEDS to be here:
that was so brilliant
The US communists must leave for Cuba, Venezuela or China. They can no longer be trusted to live in a free America.
No weaponn formed against thee shall prosper. Not even their death camps.
These people are finished. we are to the point that when a comedian mocks God tjey get thrown on the ground. If people don't think their are many huge unseeable spiritual consequences for these people then they are still blind. Most who are awake are still pretty sleepy.
#QAnon. ? I see things that makes sense, then I see #Qanon which we are supposed to know is false news. #confused
So genocide is off the table? How do we know it is stopped?
You do realize they collect your DNA at birth right?
Nope. There was no such thing back when I was born. Crick and Watson hadn't even discovered it.
The government does have DNA for everyone that has visited any healthcare facility in the past 10 or 15 years.
You must be old then. Guarantee they were collecting it at birth since at minimum 10 years after it's discovery. And I guarantee they've collected your DNA whenever you had blood drawn, gotten a swab, or gotten surgery. Many opportunities for doctors to collect your DNA whenever you get any healthcare.
Thank God I and no one in my family have done those DNA tests. We know our ancestry very well because we have photos and documents of where we came from.
I think most white liberals do these tests to find out how "black" or "brown" they are. When they find out they have 0.5% Ghana in them they coom.
I'm so white, I glow. 100% white, with no trace of anything else. Many people in NC, VA, TN, and GA have some Indian ancestry, but it's too far back to show up in the DNA tests.
Black rock bought Ancestry last summer.
Navy got my DNA swab in mid 90’s. Damn it!
So, based on this, WHO exactly are they looking to exterminate? What gene pools do they want gone?
Freedom-loving troublemakers. They want to cull all challengers and maintain a compliant but not-too-bright slave caste to labor for them.
You are very confused about who's white. White people are descendants of Japheth. Hebrews, Israelites, and Jews are descendants of Shem and thus semitic. Israelites are a subset of Hebrews. Jews are a subset of Israelites, as they are descendants of Judah and are from just one tribe of Israelites.
I don't think they want the white race exterminated. There are variable and desirable traits to every race / ethnicity.
I think they want it diluted and then re-combined. To think the powers that be have given up on creating an Ubermensch is naive.
I don't think they know yet. It's still in the works I imagine. They have a plan though. Gonna make a human machine hybrid I'd wager.
Quite clearly these Chaps have no clue as to what National-Socialism is ...
No, you were almost exterminated by the billionaires-bolsheviks, your brown-nosing politicians, and your completely clueless neighbor.
I’m not sure we are out of the woods yet…
I used AncestryDNA over six years ago. Of course we can’t be sure if it’s 100% accurate. Neither is playing the slots, lottery, Vegas etc. I don’t gamble & I’ve never been. So this is my big gamble in life. I do believe my results are very close. I’m the years after getting my DNA results I’ve been doing family research. I’m finding people in my family tree that lived in the countries that are part of my ancestry results. AncestryDNA would not know of my family tree. I already knew my family was most likely Scottish because my name is a Scottish name. My mom’s maiden name is a very known old English name. I’ve found royal Irish people in my family tree. It’s my understanding your DNA results might change or fluctuate as more people get into the system. Some of the distant cousins on my account I see, I know they are correct. I know their names, their parents or grandparents. At present I’m: 48% England & Northwestern Europe 21% Scotland 16% Sweden & Denmark 10% Wales 3% Ireland 2% Norway
Maybe or most likely there’s evil intent with the DNA people submit. It’s my understanding you aren’t protecting by any laws by submitting your information. You can request your DNA be deleted. I highly doubt anything is ever deleted once it’s in the system. They say you are protected by laws when you have medical test, blood work etc. 🤷🏼♀️ Too many people have access and anything can be hacked. At this point in the digital age unless you live in a cave or on a mountain your information is out there. If you have had surgery, given blood, had any type of swab test, etc. Heck a huge decorative fad is putting your fingerprint on the wall as art or on jewelry. You submit your fingerprint to a place like a store on Etsy & they make a print. Maybe your child or couples prints in a heart. (I think it’s crazy) My point is DNA for Ancestry may have a hidden evil agenda. If we start avoiding everything in life that “they” are trying to use as a tool to get to the good people is that really living? I trust God to take care of me in this life until I leave this world. I can’t live in fear! I signed up for AncestryDNA because I was curious about the people that came before me. If it’s all lies, I’ve thrown away $50.00 & it’s been fun.
We aren't out of the woods yet. And won't be until we hold ALL these asshats responsible. This doesn't just end with or 23&Me. Remember, these corps are tied to YouTube's boss, also. YT catalogs EVERYONE, along with the rest of the social media sites.
Don't sit back and just expect FEMA to NOT do anything with those camps, gallows, and plastic coffins. There is STILL ver much a plan to "deal" with dissidents and "insurrectionists" like us. It's just not on the front burner right now.
Hitler jumped the gun by 80 years. They made him privy to the long term plan, and he decided he was going to run with it. All the people he went to war with were once his friends. They turned on him because he refused to wait.
Wipe out the Druze bloodline (Jesus)
Wow - what a waste. I mean, hundreds of thousands of coffins? If I was a deep state caballer that sucked a goatman-person's teet & penis, I'd just dig a hole, dump some gas to worship that fire and save some money.
There needs to be another planet wide cleansing to rid this scum.
I’m not disagreeing with this post. However just because some random person post their opinions on Twitter or other social media that doesn’t make it true or factual. Do you have sources to back this up? I’m genuinely interested.
Are we really out of the woods yet? Many seem to not even realize that they are in the woods, or that the woods even exists. Ending not for everyone, but the choice has been theirs, with the exception of children.
I haven't seen any of the Walmart centers. Our old Walmart has another store in it now.
One photo I saw purported to be a FEMA camp. The only problem was that the barbed wire at the top of the fence was tipped outwards to keep people out.
I haven't seen any red buses at all. Anywhere. Ever. In over 50 years. I believe I would have noticed.
No, this is NOT national socialism, aka as Nazism. This is COMMUNISM.