If you keep in mind, "Its all a movie" you will get through this a lot easier. Q tried to reinforce this fact because he knew patriots who love their country were going to have a hard time accepting this plan and they could not have us interfering. He told us the military was the only way and for several reasons this is true.
I will try to explain what is going on today, the way I see it and how it plays in to future events. Please read this very carefully and then read it again if you need to. I know its a long post, its hard to put things in to perspective in short sound bites though. I see people really having a hard time with the waiting game but unfortunately its the way it has to be. Let me explain why.
We ARE currently in a war. It may not seem like it but yes, we ARE in a war. There are different types of war. A kinetic war uses bombs. Trump chose not to go that route because they are very messy, extremely traumatizing. Trump and Q chose a information / economic war, (General Flynn has talked about a information war many times) unfortunately this approach takes a little longer but the good part is, cities are not being blown to smithereens, casualties are kept at a minimum.
There are always hardships and loss in war, collateral damage is to be expected. You may notice our country is facing some economic hardships, businesses are going bankrupt, inflation is on the rise, shortages in workforce, talks of a dark winter. This is a intentionally inflicted wound on ourselves.
Right now there are 75 container ships from China sitting outside ports that can not be unloaded due to "labor shortages". They are blaming the virus. They are blaming the unemployment checks, our work force would rather stay home and collect decent wages as opposed to working for it. Also, mandating truck drivers to take the vaccine. All these factors put a kink in the supply chain. You may notice supermarket shelves are looking sparse, food prices are rising. This was all planned. Why you may ask? If Chinese goods are not flowing what happens? China goes bankrupt.
China is a export country, they only get paid when they off load their exported goods here. Guess what? They are not getting paid! At the same time they have the Evergrande situation. Evergrande will lead to a dozen more institutions going bankrupt within China. This will destroy their economy and meanwhile they have no income coming in. Double whammy!! The economic fallout will spread to the USA so prepare, stock up on essential items.
There may be as many as half dozen countries that committed acts of war against the United States (Five Eyes) but the main aggressor is China. They unleashed a bioweapon on us and took part in the election steal. They have bought all of our politicians, judges and AG's. For this reason China became the main target. This is why we see 4 of our battle groups floating in the seas surrounding China.
Q spelled out the plan in the most simple term in Q post 4524. "[D] + China = 11.3" https://qanon.pub/#4524
Democrats + China = 11.3. You have to fill in what this simple equation means. 11.3 is not a date, its a chapter out of the Department of Defense Law of War Manual. If you have not read it, I suggest you do, here is the link. https://dod.defense.gov/Portals/1/Documents/law_war_manual15.pdf
Chapter 11.3 starts on page 750
The fact that democrats joined forces with a foreign country(China) to steal our election from us and now Biden Admin has assumed power, this makes them a Belligerent Occupier. Its like the USA setting down in Iraq 20 years ago, we became a occupier of Iraq. China (with cooperation from the democraps) has become a occupier of the USA. This is a act of war.
There are international codes for war. These are expected to be followed by all nations. If these codes are not followed you can expect United Nations/NATO involvement especially if they see human rights abuses. These codes are called the Geneva Convention Articles (GC). Here is the link. https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.33_GC-IV-EN.pdf
If you look at 11.3 in the DOD manual you see they talk about GC. Trump does everything by the book. You may not like it but in order for us to get to the finish line we must play be the rules set down for us. If we break GC code we risk the globalists getting involved using NATO, remember we are also at war with the globalists and they would not hesitate getting involved if given a reason.
The DOD Law of War Manual (11.3) explains that GC code applies to both the belligerent occupier and the occupied territory(USA). After one year the GC obligation expires for the occupied territory. Remember China and Biden took control on 1/20/2021. One year will be 1/20/2022. After that date our military has the legal authority to take our country back, this is when 11.3 goes in to effect.
Read these Q drops very carefully.
In Q drop 15, you see "11.6 - Huma indicted"
11.6 in the DOD Law of War talks about "protected persons"
We have been told to follow Huma. Read these drops.
When Huma's husband (Anthony Weiner) was arrested for sexting a minor there were some laptops that were confiscated and one of them had a file called "Life Insurance" folder. Huma was Hillary's assistant. Huma knew the things the Clintons were doing was inhumane and she attempted to shield herself from prosecution by collecting a treasure trove of evidence. Huma kept all the incriminating evidence on the Clintons in the event the Clintons were arrested, she could turns states evidence against them and get leniency. This is why Huma is listed as a (11.6) protected person. She will be sitting in a future military tribunal testifying against Hillary and we all will get to watch.
Q says we have everything and they do, Huma gave it to them. The arrests start on 11.3 (1/20/2022) with the most vile creature on the planet, John Podesta.
I think it is at this point we will see the 10 days of darnkess, it is at this stage we will see suicide weekend, it is at this stage we will see the emergency broadcast system go in to effect. In the meantime, things are going to heat up. In the meantime we could possibly see more forensic audits, Ghislaine Maxwell's coconspirators, declass from Durham, but the main clean up of bad actors here domestically begins after January 20th.
I think the Q dissemination platform was designed to keep patriots calm. Q knows we are heavily armed and we could force our government officials out of office at a moments notice. What we could not accomplish though is the takedown of China and the globalists. We could effect change here domestically but we could never take down the real bad guys. Q had a plan and if we engaged we could have compromised the plan. So they gave us the clues we needed to see things are being dealt with. You can see on the world stage that the Q plan is working. China will soon fall. They are rattling their swords against Taiwan, this is a last ditch attempt to seem like a force to be reckoned with, they are not.
The globalists are also trying to push forward their Great Reset agenda using the pandemic. This will fail also, the people are pushing back. In six months from now the world will be a different place. Evil will be dead. Globalist organizations will crumble. One by one they will be exposed for crimes against humanity and the leaders will be executed. Just hang in there, get by the best you can. I know this shit sucks but its better than a kinetic war, we will get through this.
Stay safe and healthy my patriot frens!!
May God be by your side.
I pray to GOD and Heaven above you are correct.
My issue with this all is whether many of us survive that long with the jab mandates and the threat that those of us without the jab will no longer be insured or covered by Medicare.
And, I fear for Canada as the POS there is mandating the jab and going door to door to enforce it
I honestly fear waiting 3 1/2 months will lead to those of us who believe in Trump and the Constitution will be gone.
I had a triple bypass in 2014 - hubby had 3 stents a year later.
We now eat healthy and live healthy but we both agree if anything happens that would at an earlier time include a 911 call - we will pass and die in our home for fear that admission to the hospital would include the jab and I refuse to have fetal tissue, graphene, and all the other crap in the serum injected into my body.
I struggle hourly with what is going on and I told GOD I WILL die for HIM and if this how we die - so be it.
I sincerely hope that you and your loved ones will not be in an emergency situation but in case you are, I have an idea for you if you want to stay home.
Do you know of anyone in your community who is a nurse being laid off for not taking the jab? If so, you might consider getting together with a few other at risk families to see if you can pay her (or him! Sorry male nurses, I had a specific female nurse in mind when writing this) a monthly stipend to be on call for your group if any of you fall ill and want the comfort of someone with experience overseeing your meds.
The next thing I would do is research the likely treatment protocols the hospital would use if you were to be admitted. You can order any drugs you might need for an emergency health situation with no prescription needed from buy-pharma.md. You need to plan in advance. It takes 15-20 days for meds to arrive from Mumbai based on an order I made on 9/20. (I received the order, NP). You will have to sign at the delivery address for the meds.
I hope this helps you or someone you love! Even if you can't find or afford a nurse to be on call for you, you could maybe do some research and learn as much as possible to help yourself.
That's terrific, possibly life-saving advice, Carrie. A version of your reply [or even a copy/paste] would make an excellent stand-alone post, given the number of us who want to avoid hospitals at all costs these days, even aside from COVID and Vax-related issues.
Great idea. If anyone in this situation is near Klamath Falls OR I have two nieces who are certified nurses aids and are trying to avoid the jab. The other is in Reno NV area.
How reliable is that site? I placed an order from a different site where others have had success. They accepted my payment, dispensed, and shipped so I'm waiting to receive my ivermectin.
I can only speak from my own experience but I ordered meds on 9/20 and received them within 18 days, no problem. Someone will have to be home to sign for them. Thanks for sharing the site you've had success with too. There are actually several people can choose from but it is always good to hear from someone who successfully received their order:
In ordered from buyivermectin24.com. Received inn less than 3 weeks.
Hell yeah, chief!
Shit dude, I ordered my IM from Amazon :)
I have some tubes, I take 16mg of paste weekly lol. Got them for $6 a tube.
Nice work neigh-bor!
Thank you! That is a great idea and I will see if I can find someone. I do have a lot of medical books here because I am interested in the medical field myself.
How did you buy from that website? Do they really only take MasterCard / Amex credit cards? I have 2 VISA cards and it's rejecting it.
Yes, they really only accept the payment methods they list as accepted. I use DNA mastercard, no problem
don't know what that is but damnit
Create an account with Privacy. Com and use a virtual card thru them. That may be your work-a-round.
ended up making an order at another line pharmacy, but didnt get everything i wanted. but thank you for that information.
Please be aware that Canada has mandated the vaxx for all federal employees and in order to get on a plane or train, but, to the best of my knowledge (I live in Canada), no one is going door to door.
Other than the steps described above, the vaxx mandates are provincially controlled, and different provinces have different rules. None of the mandates are based on health, and all are in place to coerce.
You need to find a way to become self sufficient. And we very well may have to die for Gods will to prevail on a select few will make it to heaven. If it were easy everyone would do it. I whole heartedly believe we are children of God on this page.
God bless you and yours. May he keep you safe and comforted in these times.
I also believe, though, 11/3 refers to the date as well as the military code. 11/3/20 was the true insurrection of this country and the line in the sand for patriots.
I sure hope so
11/3/20 was the steal, the insurrection officially didn't take place until Xiden took office. We all saw the line crossed but it did not seem like the D's and most of the R's gave a hoot at what we saw. I believe that they believe they can get away with plausible deniability when in fact common sense would tell us otherwise.
The long periods if delay I struggle with as well. Going by one extreme mandate after another, it's as though they are pushing for us to take action, like, what's it gonna take, patriots?? I watch with horror as the military and riot police take down Australian citizens and morn for them having given up their guns but we here are armed but are like sitting ducks they can pick off with various mandates.
Good post. We should never sit idle as we are watching a movie though. The white hats are fighting on a different front from what we are engaged in. We should not depend on the military saving the day either. The cavalry saves the day only in the movies. It seldom happens in real life. We must not be a casualty of the war being waged. We must resist and not comply to the tyranny that is steadily unfolding. We must be united and reach out to others for coordinating mass non-compliance. Q said himself we must fight, fight, fight to save our Rights. We must fight, fight, fight for our lives until the last breath. We must fight, fight, fight to save our souls. Do not comply with the vaxxine mandate or the masks. This is the only option. Otherwise, the oppression will end up far worse than it is now.
I will not comply with shit......but many of my loved ones are complying with the jab mandate.
MJ12 says there are cures for the vaccines. (But if myocarditis scars your heart muscle, that's permanent.) I've heard that the remedies are liposomal glutathione and n-acetyl cysteine (NAC). NAC has been taken off the market in many places.
Eat grass fed beef and broccoli (ir any brassica) together, pump up your glutathione
NAC lost OTC (Over The Counter) status when it was outed as a prophylactic for the damage from the clot shot. NAC is still available from a few good online pharmacies…Amazon pulled it months ago.
Same here. Unfortunately, they made their decision and are lost. On a slightly different subject, have you been seeing more road accidents, ambulances, and paramedics? I think it would be a good thing to discuss this. I have noticed more road accidents and ambulances.
Another more sirens. Guess up by 20% here in Northern IL.
I was just wondering the other day why I'm hearing more sirens than ever before?
When we lived in a bigger city, it was common, but not where we live now. Usually it would be months before I would hear an ambulance or fire truck siren and now it seems to be almost daily.
I don't spend heaps of time in my local town but I've noticed more road rage and accidents than previous years.
I recall Cliff High saying to expect this with the COVID vaxxed. I think it needs to be discussed because its happening............
It s time to begin looking out for one another by forming a network as it should be
Quite right. Do you have any suggestions to do this? Or do we 'put it out there' as a post to find a solution? I mean, the good news for me is knowing I am fighting a good fight. I'm constantly asking myself am I doing enough? A thread for reporting local network startups and engagements would be of interest to many people. My wife and I attended a local BoE candidate's lecture held in my neighbor's driveway. The candidate told us he was a first time candidate and abhorred the CRA and porn being taught to children in public schools. He was dead center 20-some people who showed up. He also said as soon as the NEA found out he was running they threw their support behind the liberal democrat.
So yes we need to get engaged and start networking together all the groups.
I agree. It may be cool to see how many unique people/ids are on WIN/GAB and a scattershot of locations. Logical locations mapped out with optional participation of course.
Perhaps that is not possible or legal to do...it might have more downside and risk tho 🤔 Hmmm. Not sure I would even participate!!
Well, for example; I asked around on one of the Missouri Homesteading groups that I’m on on Facecommie about meeting in groups to learn and teach in person and suddenly I am put in touch with a group, then I noticed on the rules that no religious talk was allowed and I have been charged by God to speak out and share him and his word. So, I asked if there was a Missouri Christian Homesteading group. There wasn’t so one member formed one and people are already beginning to look out for one another and trying to arrange in person meetings and expos.
School boards, local elections, etc.
Yes, see my response to u/Callmejuls below.
Exactly right. Compliance versus Resistance is what determines how many of our loved ones get messed up in the mix. The same with Preparation versus Stagnation.
Q made our orders clear. Spread information. Stay frosty. Be prepared. Remain calm. Watch the movie. When it all goes down, be the shepherd to guide the lost masses.
So an occupied nation has to wait 1 year to fight back?
Fuck that
No you can fight back but your actions are limited by the GC. After 1 year GC goes out the window and the occupied territory now has permission to chimp out without restriction.
We are talking hammer of dawn level chimp out. Scorched earth. Rods of god. Bioweapons. Nanobots. Chuck Norris clones. Fallout 1776 level chaos.
No longer any protected persons on the battlefield. Non combatants are now on the menu. Red Cross is now target practice. You now have permission to touch both the hair and face when going 1v1 with bugmen in the streets.
In case I'm not making myself clear...
Deus Vult!
Dogs and cats living together? Real Wrath of God type stuff?
why? why 1 year? so arbritrary
The kind of warfare that birthed this document was SO horrific, they must have figured memory would last longer than one year...
You don't need to wait for anything. You can start organizing in your community
You’re missing the point entirely. We are fighting back. This isn’t the war you see in the video games you play all day. Wake the fuck up
If this is correct, then it sounds like a foreign power can occupy the USA for 1 year before the US Military can "take our country back."
I'm unclear on whether that means the US Military can do anything at all, or if that means action taken before the 1-year period triggers the UN, etc. to come in and "help." In either case, I think that's bullshit. If China, Canada, Mexico, whoever begins occupying any part of the USA, I want the US Military to expel them ASAP by any means necessary.
Agreed. Why the hell would countries adopt these laws? I mean in 1 year, there may not be a country left.
A little clarification: within that time period, combatants have to abide by the GC in combat. That means uniforms, no hollowpoint bullets, no targeting civilians, etc., otherwise you can be executed as a spy or otherwise lose all GC protections (aka can be treated as a terrorist).
Counterterrorism units do not need to obey the same laws as regular soldiers, so SOF forces still have latitude until then. The flipside is if Blue helmets step foot on US soil and start jerking around with us civilians, it's game on as well.
Thank you for the clarification. I can see how the DS is provoking for UN forces. Some are already here, as I understand. And in Aus well?
Excuse my ignorance but with regards to the blue helmets, do we know exactly what their uniform is currently, does it change, are there a few main scenario dependent uniforms?
Most of the time, UN peacekeepers wear the duty uniform of the country they originated from, but are always identified by blue helmets or a blue beret and badge.
Counterterrorism forces have no standard uniform, but the UN does not deploy their own "badged" fighters- they provide C2, and when necessary to deploy kinetic resources, they call on a nation that is part of the counterterrorism compact to deploy their forces under operational control of UN "advisors".
I think the US military has the option of forcibly expelling foreign invaders any time, but that also removes GC restrictions from the invader and the war goes full kinetic while sparking a civil war. By doing it by GC code, a clandestine strategy can be imposed on the invaders and their puppet figureheads that politically ruins him and his puppet party forever, which achieves the primary objective: Avoiding civil war.
Antifa. BLM. Hundreds of thousands of military age males coming in illegally.
I believe the takeover occurred 11-3 2020 with the blatant steal that has been proven to be from several foreign governments, one of which had a change of government, Italy. I would hope 11-3-21 would apply in spite of my date fagging 😁
Didn't POTUS Trump recently (I think in his Save America posting) say that the "real" insurrection happened on 11/3/20?
Hopefully this is the real date and this November is the 1 year from that insurrection.
I remember that, too.. Since Trump was in that SCIF in the Eisenhower building watching it all go down, I'll bet he activated several steps to ensure total legality of all moves a year later..
Yes, I'm hoping this, too.
Another thought here: Jan 6th sealed the congress's fate and Jan. 20th sealed the dem/chicoms fate with that bogus inauguration and "celebration".. both were but an extension of the initial crime Nov. 3rd..
1/20/2022? Idk but that sounds a little like date fagging to me. However, interesting read.
Page 752 of the Law of War has the one-year time limit.
The language is that the "one-year time limit for cessation of application of the geneva conventions" was proposed. And then says GC ceases to apply on termination of occupation. So does propose imply that the one-year time period is definite??
why is there a one year time limit? We let them trash the place for a year because...??
So it's a time limit that may or may not be concrete. Cessation of the GC could occur before or after that limit.
Datefagging is the only objection I have to this otherwise fantastic post.
This and it’s not “10 days of darkness”. Is it not 10 days, darkness?
It's actually darnkess.
It's only fantastic because it reinforces your complacency whilst ignoring all the massive and obvious signs that the ENTIRE thing is designed against you.
Go on...the constructive part of your observation is? I am genuinely interested ti hear it.
The constructive part is to graduate from another delusion, relinquish false hope, to give up the Pollyanna, to know that there will be massive death and satanic communist rule for some years, to search for the truth and not just rest on your laurels betting the house that Q is a goodie.
The constructive part is that you have witnessed time and time again the betrayal of the people from those whom you thought were on your side. The penny should drop that not a single one of them are.
Q said he’s going to show you a brave new world. That isa nod to the book and means he wants you to become an automaton transhumanist serf.
Trump, father of the vaccines, also says that soon you will be happy - also a reference to Brave New World and to that Great Reset advert, despite folks eagerness to interpret it only as they wish it to be.
Trump said it all in his favourite poem the Snake. Snakes deliver venom through their bite. Trump is the father of the vaccines. The woman took the Snake into her home and he bit her. USA took Trump into the White House and he brought them venomous vaccines. Why? Well, as the poem goes “you knew I was a Snake before you took me in” Future proves past.
That is just one little reason you have to view the entire Q and Trump phenomenon through properly sceptical eyes but there are many more reasons, many more signs.
Thank you. After the delusion is dashed, the false hope is relinquished, the politicians (and media and global corporations) are mistrusted, and Q and Mr. Trump are rejected...then what?
Organize? Parallel economy? How do we scale up? How do we uphold our values when our group is larger and more dispersed?
Not arguing. Genuinely looking for good ideas to support. Thanks
I honestly don't know. I just gave the page number to what the OP was talking about.
WTF!? Half of us will be out of jobs by then? And they’ll be pushing the vax on the kids via school mandates.
Seems like “just a little further, just a little further”(into the trap).
Those jobs you work perpetuate a satanic system that rapes children. We need a complete and total demolition of this evil system.
Before you get mad at Trump, he isn't the one who put us in this situation.
People are going to have to accept...things aren't going to be as easy as they have been. We can no longer rely on big corporations for goods / services. We cannot rely on them for jobs, either.
Only two or three generations ago, it was considered a basic life skill to be able to land on your feet after losing work and find some other way to support yourself. We have to get back to that mentality of independence. We all have skills and talents that we can channel into something of value.
And of course the Church back then would fill in the gaps where people are truly desperate. All part of the world we have to rebuild...
This is a reasonable view….ditch the bureaucrats and everything their work produced.
Not quite. Close.
We do need more regulation... CORPORATE regulation. We developed Anti-Trust laws (a socialist concept, btw) to break the tyranny of the industrial Trusts. Complete deregulation is not an option however current regs are designed to choke small business and keep them down as you correctly identified.
We also need ethics laws and insensitives. Cutthroat Capitalism is morally bankrupt and so are we for accepting it.
Yes. Except I think you meant to say incentives.
Well shit, argument defeated.
Although... some stand-by insensitives might be necessary. Like sorry your cat died, but it is not unreasonable to expect you back at work after a day.
LOL. I will volunteer as a stand-by.
It was possible back then because industry hadn't turned the middle class into debt slaves yet. Maybe that will be resolved when this all goes down.
in some weird way, the BLM and critical theory mob are right - systems DO need to be dismantled. Oppressors DO need to be overthrown. There is institutional and systemic wickedness. It's just not in the manner they describe.
The most effective lies are always laced with truth. They aren't entirely wrong. Cops are corrupt and need to be held accountable. And are technically an Unconstitutional authority. They do need better education.
counterpoint: Cass Sunstein wrote in 2008 or thereabouts of the need to cognitively infiltrate conspiracy theorists groups and places where they congregate, like the chans, in order to steer them into supporting government plans. Previous iterations of Q/Q prototypes included FBI anon, CIA anon, WH Insider anon before alighting upon Q clearance patriot.
Both the Soros-funded globalist shill groups AND anons want to see the US Government and lots of US institutions dismantled.
The globalist agenda is to dismantle sovereign governments in order for a new one world government to be installed.
Q has successfully convinced a large swathe of 'conspiracy theorists' to support the governments plans to destroy the USA (in the same way that is happening to every other western country across the globe).
Anons are desperate to see the military impose order. Look at Australia. They will do it and they will tell you it's what you wanted because they cognitively infiltrated you and steered you into such beliefs.
Look at my like to dislike ration on the comment you're replying to - that is completely unheard of for me on this board. See how you're gradually being 'nudged' into alignment with BLM?
Did you not both protest the vaccine too? I used the word 'nudge' advisedly. It is the title of Cass Sunsteins book on how to manipulate the choices that people make, much as a magician would - through subtle, imperceptible cues and 'nudges'.
People should direct some attention to Sunstein and his plans and writings.
I'm not being nudged into anything. They're protesting tyrannical overreach. The only reason NOT to agree with them is because of engineered biases.
I see where you're trying to come from, but you are way off. I don't disagree with Bill Gates in that it's time for a reset. However his idea and mine are two completely different ways of doing this.
You can make all the assumptions about who controls what all you want, but rest assumed, I make my own decisions.
"I have sworn upon the alter of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny on the mind of man."
If I believe in this quote, then I must accept that cops are a form of tyranny and a lot of the inner city precincts are corrupt. However, it is also because they are not an accountable authority. We don't elect police chiefs and at the very least we should be able to.
You are not seeing people manipulated into the same goal. You seeing an awakening. Nice try (not really) in trying to convince us that bringing down the system is exactly what Soros wants. That is not at all what he wants and you could not be more wrong. Soros wants complete chaos. We want as peaceful a transition and collapse of the demonic system as possible and if we can't have that then so be it.
Believe what you want at the end of the day. This is a free exchange of ideas and you are free to exchange them no matter how wrong or misguided.
You don't even know the forces acting upon you.
Read Sunsteins ideas. It's called :Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures. Here it is: https://poseidon01.ssrn.com/delivery.php?ID=452119066123069026023124102120090071116022007047022001077094097023122127121096021000107007021119049029017098090123098101021125122012004035040069068125066006064006025080044001023017025000065107107108092084124090068076066028101109112010098115122104069&EXT=pdf&INDEX=TRUE
written in 2009 for Obama.
Even if you don't want to consider anything I've said (and it looks like you don't), then reading this will at least give you a heads up in the tactics governments use against you. It should be required reading for the mods here because they will learn the playbook of the notorious 'shill'
Yeah yeah and I'm secretly a racist whether I know it or not yatta yatta yatta. Heard it all before.
Your arrogance is astounding. First you try to dumb things down and then try to say that things are also more complex to the point where I am not even aware of what influences me and so forth. It's a nice comfort if you are one seeking to release yourself of personal responsibility, but in the end is more pseudo science garbage.
While you are entitled to speak, you're not entitle to be heard. My life will be better off without you in it.
This is my only hesitancy with Q and the plan at this point. I'm still clinging to the last few strands of hope but over the past 10 months I've increasingly become suspicious, beginning to wonder if this all an American version of the Soviet's "Operation Trust". I can still wait and see but only for a bit longer. My patience is rapidly running out and I'm getting to the point where I simply won't tolerate any more waiting as people around me are murdered.
At SOME point these white hats either need to put up or shut up.
Find new jobs. Network. Rebuild. The businesses and entities that played along with these mandates don't deserve the time and effort of good, honest Patriots to begin with.
Pull your kids out of school, find other parents who think they same and hire a based teacher that's been let go from the corrupt system and start a small home school.
Best things we can at this point in time while we continue to "wait and see".
yep. 70% of us population jabbed is ''collateral damage'' only?
Also, every-single-time someone date fag, we are deceived.
Lol. You believe the numbers?
You throw the word "China" around, when you owe it to Q to be more specific. Q has never mentioned China as an enemy, only a potential ally.
Q is worldwide. Reconcile Xi's invitation for Trump, a foreigner, to dine in the Forbidden City (unheard of), with that of Saudi Arabia's swords dance as a prelude to rounding up Al-Waleed.
Xi grew up poor in a cave. Do you believe his ban of Whinnie the Pooh in 2017 was in response to a 4 year old meme, or a signal that China was now off limits to Clowns?
What if the last event that occured pre-COVID, the 2019 Hong Kong Extradition Law attempt, was actually a sincere attempt by Patriot China to rid themselves of their equivalent of MS-13? We rallied with Mainstream Reddit, crying of totalitarian overreach. The brainwashing of us all allowing Clown Cells to thrive in that area of the world. Optics are very important.
Actually Q does mention China, I gave you the link, Q post 4524, "[D] + China = 11.3"
I agree with you, I should have substituted CCP for China. Xi had nothing to do with what happened. Xi may be working behind the scenes with Trump to take down the CCP. The relationship between Xi and the CCP is similar to the relationship between President Trump and the CIA. I have made that argument on this board several times.
Yes, I've tried to offer that explanation to many people as well, that CCP is the enemy, and not China itself.
There are some convincing clues that XJP is working with what I call "the squad" (Trump, Putin, Kim Jong Un, Mohammed bin Salman). The latest being the feud between XJP and Soros.
This is what I wanted. Edit your original post to reflect this and I think you have an excellent summary and theory of the upcoming events. Nice work.
I find Q post 192 very interesting knowing what I've learned of Clowns
So whats the plan with Trump promoting the covid vaccines and remaining totally silent on vaccine mandates at all of his rallies? Lots of people are getting seriously hurt from these vaccines, and dying. Most people here will be unemployed soon, and their children are being forced into taking vaccines.
How does this all fit into the Trump/Q plan?
Not saying that this is the correct answer, but this vaccine fiasco has raised a HUGE awareness with the previously oblivious sheep. Most people, more by the day, are now seeing with their own eyes....
How corrupt big pharma is.
How corrupt our Rockefeller medical establishment is. (administrative, not individual doctors/nurses)
How corrupt our mockingbird media is, that is blatantly lying on behalf of pharma.
How corrupt our uni-party politicians are, that are bribed/lobbied by pharma.
How pharma controls CDC and FDA, and essentially our gov.
Sometimes you can't tell the people, they have to be shown. Trump talked about having to make the toughest decision of his life. Many think it involves this vaccine situation. Sometimes you have to go with the lesser of two evils, war isn't easy or clean. I don't have a crystal ball, but I think this approaching cold/flu season will see a lot of illness and death, and it will be obvious to everyone that those suffering will be the vax'd, and that is when this ends. I can't imagine how extreme the outrage is going to be among the population, when everyone finds out the truth... all of our corrupt institutions will be torn down and rebuilt from scratch. This is my personal opinion of where we're headed.
The cabal has controlled the world since ancient civilizations (the sequel to Fall of Cabal covers this in great detail) and their power has only grown over time. After all these thousands of years, it looks as if they may finally be defeated, and it amazes me that it's happening in my lifetime. Our best days lie ahead.
This is the goal. And even one step further than that I would add. Just getting them awake enough to see it is one thing, but they need to reach the place people who visit this board and the donald are at or at least close to it.
Amazing comment there!
I can see a couple reasons why he would take this position.
1.) If Trump was anti-vax, that would give MSM enough ammo/content to keep pumping out anti-Trump nonsense. The message would get eclipsed by Trump hate. It wouldn't be about the vax, it would be about Trump/Trump Supporters all being anti-vax. Notice there's a new class "anti-vaxers" as opposed to continuing to demonize just Trump Supporters?
2.) It shows we think for ourselves. We don't mindlessly follow whatever he says. Can't be called a cult now if we think critically for ourselves.
You burn the deadwood to make the forest thrive later. If you'd rather live on your knees than die on your feet, you have no place in this country. Perhaps that's Trump's ultimate plan to ensure this country survives for future generations.
Interesting take... i like it!
He talked about the mandates on Hannity's clown show
What did he say? I can't watch Hannity
Thanks fren. Your analysis was definitely needed and I appreciate the effort you put into it. I feel like I’m losing my mind at times, but it’s posts like these that help steady the wheel.
God be with you and yours! ❤️
Nice write up, appreciate the perspective.
Omg I have to wait till 1/20/22!? I was just wrapping my head around hilldogs arrest 10/30 & podesta’s 11/3. Your theory makes sense & a very dark winter would become very interesting.
don't worry. When 1/20/22 get's here you'll be prepped for the coming Red October
Thank your for the write-up!
“Just hang in there…” Top KEK at the traitors.
And by waiting so long...you destroy and alienate those on your team.
Many are suffering losses and TRUMP is still pimping the death jab which my wife being mandated to take by the end of the month.
Even if we win.......there will be a lot of pissed of teammates on your hand if the death jab kills loved ones.
pimping the jab while ALWAYS saying "keep it a choice", "other treatments and preventatives work" etc
Troll army has been working "Trump promotes da Jab too!!" for 5-6 months now. Don't imitate them.
Trump CAN'T say run from the jab ...Trump's the one who told us about HCQ etc...and infuriated the MSM and DS when he did it.
Ive heard there will be a cure. I’ll try and find where I read it.
He said he would take arrows to service the plan and save the country. We just never thought the arrows could be from our side.
Thats true courage. A true leader.
This is wonderful thank you. Saving this.
“China” is a deep state asset. China the people does not equal the CCP. The CCP is the true asset. I have a feeling Xi is working with Trump and Putin to pull this off.
The long march is a leftist strategy. The irony, and amazing heroism, if it turns out that some world leaders built themselves power, from nothing, within a corrupt system, all while harboring a drive to create an honorable system. If they succeed at that, they will be talked about for centuries. It really would make a great movie.
I somehow missed the one year marker to keep UN out. I will have to reread the Act. On what pretext could the UN interfere in an invasion of our country? Why aren't they in Burma? Why would we sign onto something that completely overturns our right to fight an invasion? much of what you write makes sense, but why would any country allow an occupation for a year before it could take action?
The UN doesn't care what happens to Burma. The UN selectively applies the laws when it fits their need. Burma is not a big prize, the USA would be.
Plus its conceivable that since she was an incumbent she had overstayed her 1 year period already.
I question that too. Why would countries agree to this law that a foreign occupier can do whatever for a year??
infiltration, not invasion
Truly amazing, thank you. This made my day!
"Some people seem distressed" Understatement of all time! Saving this post to keep my sanity. Thank you. God bless us all.🙏
Great Post, very well done.
I had a question, but re-reading helped, thanks!
Just a note, Trumps interview within the past weekish (can't recall exactly, sure another pede knows) where Trump said 'The real insurrection was Nov 3rd) and that seems to indicate it began 11.3 so perhaps 11/3/2021 is the one year GC.
Let's hope 'close of military operations' was actually last November (the election).
At that point, the votes were switched ('active operations' completed?).
The only reason to think the inauguration is the marker is if you include the propaganda campaign. But then (logically) we would also have to include the ongoing propaganda campaign, which means the one-year deadline does not end.
So is it January or (this) November?
It appears that it would be January. Trump was still officially President of the country up to the Inauguration. Once Biden was "sworn in", the occupation began in full.
Hmmm... but the inauguration was fake, and 15 minutes earlier than the Constitution demands making it null and void.
Agree. I watched live. Timing was way too early....not valid as no oath of office was open as Trump was President in effect.
Yes, you make a very good point. I noticed that as well. I just assumed the active push by China to get Biden in the White House would have ended the day he took office. I guess it could be considered that the military operation ended on election day or when the electors cast their vote on Jan 6th, sealing the deal. My dates could be off, it could very well happen sooner and I pray it does.
Q clock ends on 11/16. Dark > Light 3602 11/16. Possibly notable.
Election day was the 3rd - 10 days Darkness. 11/13, so what happens the next 3 days? Beats me, but I like this theory!
Good point. When did the fences go up in DC last year? Before 1/20, but after 1/6. Any other markers that would be military?
work backwards, what happened to the F16 in December?
The incident in Michigan(? Was that the state?) and the house that blew up with 2 people in it? And some weird shit in Maine(?) in an area where Obama closed the waterway and Trump re-opened weirdly. I want to know the truth behind what happened in both of those!
Great read, and it all makes sense...
My only concern is that the DS/Xiden regime can do a LOT more damage between now and 1/20/2022. They understand everything that OP posted just as much as we do, and you can expect they will go for maximum scorched earth. What they have done to date is only the beginning and I think we can all agree that harsher and much more draconian mandates are on the horizon. Millions forced out of their jobs, without income, without food and resources (maybe even forced into hiding?). Not to mention they will come after our kids. I think that's the line for all of us.
Those millions tossed out will not be the normies or libtards...they will be the absolute patriots, and what do these hardened patriots possess? Guns... lots of guns, and the armor of God Himself. Each and every one of them ready and willing to lay down their lives.
You take millions of heavily armed and infuriated patriots and you throw them out on the street, threaten their families, and take away everything they have busted their asses to build, and you have now created millions of pissed off people with nothing to lose. Guess what comes next?
Not saying this is for certain, but it has been discussed here and on TD.win many times, that when asked why haven't we yet stood up and thrown all of these clowns out of office, the answer has always come down to the fact that we still have too much to lose. Once that is taken away, I am not sure even the white hats will be able to stop what is coming.
What you just said basically sums up my frustration. It feels to me like the white hats have thrown us to the wolves and expect us not to take real action as we await the "plan". Meanwhile our loved ones get the jab, we lose our jobs, we're demonized and have our rights taken from us, etc., etc. But god forbid we want to resort to self-defense. Can't have that, just keep waiting for this arbitrary 1 year mark before our military actually fucking does something to protect the country.
The military can act anytime...But after the year is over they can act without the GC getting in the way? Or am I missing something?
This is excellent, I copied it to my notes to read several times.
This is spot on. Thank you for this. Praying for all.
Just six more months
Just have to wait until this arbitrary year deadline is reached then we're permitted to defend ourselves according to the globalist rules, guys!
It will be interesting to see if MajicEyes does a vid on the GC stuff. I think he skimmed over it in previous vids, but it seems way more important than we initially thought.
Sticky please!!!!
DITTO....sticky pppppppppppplease
I'm not convinced that 11.3 and 11.4, and all the other 11's, are referring to the law of war manual. Why would our military have to wait a year in order to be able to arrest the treasonous traitors? Totally nonsensical.
I guess they can be both date and chapter. Lined up in advance for dual meaning.
If Q really is a military intelligence operation my guess is that all the drops are coded in such a way that we'll never figure them out. That's the way it's supposed to be so that the bad guys can't figure them out either. Even when the event has past it seems we need Q to explain the drop that defined the event. For instance the Atlanta airport blackout. I can't remember the Q post but it was some sort of DECLAS message if I remember correctly. My guess is that future proves past is proof to us that the good guys are working behind the scenes and all the attempts at trying to figure out what's going to happen is useless.
Uh... It's right there in the manual
So if Japan decided to occupy Hawaii after invading we'd have to wait a year before we could do anything?
Yeah, if that's really the case, then whoever agreed to adopt these completely arbitrary rules is a complete fucking brainlet. Who in their right mind would agree to such terms?
"Hey, so I know a thief just broke into your house and is plundering your valuables and raping your wife but you have to wait an hour before taking action, okay?"
Thank you jhartz39. I have such a difficult time watching what's happening to our country. Your analysis helps me be more patient.
Outstanding summary! I'm comfy as fuQ, but it felt good to read anyway!
Top notch analysis! The revelation of the one year Geneva Convention scenario is a tremendous insight to the current situation! This should be stickied, if only for that!