CANADA/USA ANNEXATION SUPER-THREAD! RumoUrs are that Trump isn't just blustering about making Canada the 51st state! What do you guys think? Let's all put on our 'big boy pants' and share serious details on what you think will need to make this marriage work!
🍁 Marriage Proposal? 🍁

Why???? Who wants 40M additional liberals added to the voting roles.
Dominion Voting Machines are used here too.
This post is not about what problems you guys see that should prevent this marriage. This post is about what radical changes will be negotiated before everyone signs on the dotted line. In other words, you guys raise really great points:
get rid of the Dominion voting machines (And I believe that Dominion is located headquarters in Toronto)
how do we prevent adding more fagots to the United States? Answer: we only provisionally accept British Columbia
If you can get Quebec to treat English territories as equals, we can talk.
Alberta (Calgary) and Montreal are totally different propositions. (Yes, I know who you are). As a matter of fact, Montreal is a deal breaker even though the rest of Canada gets a green light from me.
We're in the same spot Canada & the US. We both need to kick the globalists out and return to our base. We are both awesome, and as sovereigns, standing together, we are unbeatable.
BTW, You'll like our chocolate a lot more after RFK Jr gets done. I'm an old man, but I'd love to learn to ski before I die. Maybe you could teach me and we could share some laughs at my expense. I'm from Texas so I promise you a good laugh as I've never seen REAL snow.
I dont see Quebec ever consenting to this. Quebec is much more likely to declare their own independence. Perhaps Ontario too. Those are the only two provinces that could go it on their own.
Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba are probably good fits. Perhaps the Maritimes too. I dont know what to do with BC. They might be more likely to join China.
The maritimes would fit, definitely, you are right, but you are going to have to find a way to drag swipe them down to the south because, they are absolutely 100% the equivalent of our West Virginia, Alabama, Louisiana 😎
Hey now my family is from Ireland via Joggins NS lol. Many still live there. A lot of fisherman. Id say NS is more like Maine and Massachussets than Alabamy.
Newfies are definitely a breed apart. And the frogs in Quebec arent the same frogs as at GAW lol. My moms family is all French Canadian though.
No - leave them up there. It will help us surround our northeast.
This was my first thought. Quebec hates the English speakers, so we are just bringing on all the problems Canada has with them. Other thing I see is having that as one state is odd. We have 50 for an even smaller land mass. So my thoughts are: Boot Quebec from the deal. And plan on multiple states from the addition.
All of Canada will be treated as Territories until you act in such a way that you can apply for statehood.
Let them split up into their own smaller territories to form future states and each such area apply for statehood separately. Those that don't can remain as a US territory.
Yeah, exactly. That's how it was done originally. You know, with Territories and expanding into the West, so why would it be any different now?
nooooooooo!!!! don't leave me behind!!!!!! (non-faggot BC boy here)
Justine Trudeauont Extra Delicate Sanitary Wipes for Burdensome People. Napkins dispensed through the piehole of his blackface photo.
Manufactured by a publicly governed trust whose board can consist only of people kicked off their native lands, on a limited rotation, and exclusively uses resources from property seized from J.D. Irving as part of a long-term nature restoration project.
Advertising Campaign to star Dave Foley and Broken Lizard. “They’re so soft, even a Treasonous Cuban Bastard could use them.”
Cut to footage of Justin wearing an ankle weight in Guantanamo next to his prison daddy, “I’m Justin Castro, and I endorse this message”.
BC is the worst of canadians... most are not even Canadian.
This has not been my experience
It depends on whether you are writing this from, say, Revelstoke, or Granville Island
Continental US. Only visited
sure there are a lot of libtards here, but there are also a LOT of amazing non-libtard people here as well.
Got to negotiate football rules. CFL has some crazy rules but maybe we can merge them with the NCAA's top division to form one AAA pro league just below the NFL. jk
Why would we give them automatic citizenship and voting rights? Haven't we already learned this lesson? It's super simple, we just put them through the immigration system like everyone else, no free passes. Once they demonstrate a thorough understanding of what it means to be an American, they can be given citizenship. This will weed out most of the lazy liberals and French speakers.
Hell, our own people have absolutely NO idea how our Constitutional Republic is supposed to work and we want a nation of even more ignorance (not an insult) about how our gov is SUPPOSED TO WORK to be added?
I am all for every country to have the ability to retain their sovereignty and UNIQUENESS that's been largely lost due to the filthy globalists. Why in the world would we want the US to become a gargantuan-sized land mass? I think this is a very bad idea.
Manifest Destiny wasn't just about reaching the West Coast. American should take the entire continent of North America. One nations, from east to west, top to bottom. Imagine how easy it would be to defend our border if that border was basically the Panama Canal.
Because the amount of raw materials and rare earth minerals, plus having control of the Arctic sea north of Canada is a major trade route would make the USA virtually unstoppable.
We know how your republic is supposed to work. We live pretty much right along your northern boarder and know a surprising amount of things about you guys.
Well, then perhaps you will do a better job of actually participating, educating, watching, holding accountable, and the rest. We Americans never paid enough attention, going back at least 100+ years.
I blame the education system and the lack of any sort of civics education and would put your 100+ years at more like 50. My HS government class in 1980 spent an entire semester on the Constitution. Im not sure government is even a requirement anymore and if it is Id hate to see what they are teaching.
What about like the Puerto Rico model to start out. Part of the USA but no voting until everything is in place.
No, we don't need more islands. We should have learned that lesson with Hawaii.
Additionally half their country is Chinese and Indians after their mad immigration rush. No thanks.
just in the cities.
What they do have is a strong First Nation tribes. The Canadians give far better consideration to the indigenous people. And there are a lot of them.
I have 1 Canadian born ancestor so had to give a +1 for this as this is an important virtue now and for the future, as USA has a tragic history in this regard. My adoptive grandfather knew and treated Ojibwe friends well, thankfully.
We are not all liberals. Remember the trucker convoy? Like the first beacon of hope and resistance.
True. Don’t mean to paint with too braid of a brush, but as a society Canada is quite liberal and entrenched in socialism- more so than the US, and that is the problem. The Socialists/Communist are entrenched in the US government leading us to ruin. We certainly don’t need any help.
Im sure the distribution is not very different than in the US.
Yes, and, who is signing up for their crap spade medical system?
You guys would. It's totally a crap system. But nobody spends more on medical care than the United States. You guys spend more per capita than the next 10 countries combined.
MY POINT? LET'S STOP PLACING BLAME. GOVERNMENT BUREAUCRACY FUCKS UP EVERYTHING. So let's trash both systems, that's what Trump would do! And start something that actually works. 😎
It’s not our medical system. It’s our insurance system fucking up medicine. All the the good Canadian doctors came here. So your medical system is jacked both ways. Plus, Canada is so far down tyranny road it’s euthanizing its citizens. Nothing is more fucked than that.
That's right, and in addition to that, it's because the insurance companies can buy up providers where they get to be the provider and the insurance company. And in some cases, big pharma as well. They're like the trio of f****** evil running our medical system. It's insane.
CVS Caremark.
Which reminds me - there are no gifs we can embed that have someone spitting on the floor. I felt I needed one after uttering the above name.
It's both.
Yup, the USA is messed up from laws around insurance and big pharma. Lobbyists need to be hung.
But going to socialism and social medical programs is not a forward step. Socialism is good until you run out of someone else’s money, then you’re too broke to realize the trap and get out.
Government is only to blame to the point of those voting in socialists into government. Socialism is a cancer of the mind and a step towards other failed ways like communism. Look at China, they clearly can’t survive without riding on the USA back, tariffs will ruin them.
My Canadian friends come to the US for any serious medical issues.
My condo in Florida in full of snowbirds that spend their winter paying out of pocket getting procedures and tests done they are on waiting lists for years in Canada.
My wifes sister had to bring her own diapers and formula to the hospital when the children were born.
And now they just push you to the assisted suicide clinic dont they? And death panels? No thanks.
I’ll take Banff if you don’t want it.
Hey, now. Back off. At least buy us dinner first. You don't go straight for the bra strap!
Banff?? That isn't the bra strap, he went right for unbuttoning the jeans.
As an American, getting married there was awesome!
Stop with this Hopium. My heart can't take this. I have been living beside you Patriots for 8 years now and if I could fast track my family, I would without a second thought. I dream of having the opportunity one day to be an American. If I'm being honest, it's part of my prayers. I am a Master in my trade and I would be a net positive, of that I am sure. I think if the voting was legit, you'd see the majority of Canadians think the exact same way. God Bless America and God Bless Donald J Trump.
edit: Love you Catsfive. I however see Canada as being a fake country. It was established, solely to combat the Americans. The British needed a colony nearby. Canada has always been under British rule. It's fucking embarrassing. We pretend to be so much over here but have never realized we've never been anything more than slaves to the British Empire. And we never will be anything more until we have our own Declaration of Independence or by the grace of God, are offered the chance to be the 51st State of the US. My view is that we are so close to the US, it does not make sense to have a separate country. Let's just fucking crush the Commies together. Canadians, of the non-Gamma denomination, are badass. We'll all be prosperous. We'll all fight against Commies, all day, every day. Is it July 5th yet? LET'S GO !!!!!
I love you too, frog! Right back at you. Okay, your comment has so many good points that it deserves to be broken down into its component parts.
I'm sorry to give you a heart attack this morning, my frog friend. But, we have to pass through the fire to get to the other side. Let's do this!
The royal structure and monarchy is gone. The Commonwealth is history. We’re in totally new waters now. See Trumps capitulation tour 2019
I thought the Constitution was signed in 1982??? I remember it because I was dating a Canadian girl at college who would later become my wife.
I agree with your first point and would say the difference here is that its been open in Canada and secretly done here.
Sadly the u.s.a. has had British control through banking and property taxation stilll going on since 1812. We really didn't win that war, it stopped when we re-signed with the rothchilds bank in 1816. We've since had the illusion of an independent country and by 1871 they formed the good old corporation amd hired our leaders but controlled them. MAGA is about breaking that cycle that got worse as time went on. You poor Canadians were just ruled into oblivion without the illusion. Since the British crown was usurped by bankers when the British monarchy went bankrupt over 200 years ago and thenfake monarchy of German Windsor came into the picture who were all ashkanazi controlled agents the entire world has been deceived. This is what God now delivers us from at least for a period if we can manage to stay free of their evil money amd control.
My wife (a Canadian) and I have discussed this for decades. I always tell her that the difference between Americans and Canadians is that we had to fight for our Independence and that Canada just kinda sorta had it given to them. (She hates this but she cant refute it)
Canada is still UK light. Growing up when wed travel to NS, or go to Windsor for a Saturday or a hockey tourney in Brampton wed fill our gas tank in Imperial gallons. I know its ceremonial now but they still have laws approved by the Governor General. The Queen is still on their money. Even the food they eat and the Church they attend is English.
I know the Canadians among us know this but the Maple Leaf Flag wasnt adopted until 1965. I was already born by then. They were given Commonwealth status and autonomy in only 1931 but it took decades to cut the cord (well mostly, you could argue they still havent 100%). They didnt adopt a Constitution of their own until 1982. I graduated HS in 1982. Charles is the King of Canada.
First, le sauce (Time to download French on your Duolingo, frogs?):
Okay, so, let's get down to brass tacks, as my father would say. What would it actually take to make this work? I did something about this, and here are my thoughts.
First off, and within just a few billion dollars, Canada's economy, although small, is not tiny. It is roughly equivalent to that of Texas. So, considering the size of this merger, speaking as a Canadian and former Albertan that has for all of my life been absolutely sick of getting ass raped by Ottawa, I'm not willing to fully "dive into the deep end right away" and merge with the United States. I am, however, willing to start out as an autonomous region within the United States.
I am not happy with this "initial" offer (which, we all know is a joke, but we are just having a fun thought experiment, here). I also want Canada to also have ICE deportations, homes cannot be owned by corporations, both the IRS and the CRA are disbanded, the RCMP is first merged with the FBI and then either reformed or disbanded so that all new territories have to establish their own internal investigatory agencies and police forces. I want guarantees that our stock exchange will operate free and independently and list only Canadian companies (with a plan to merge the stock markets, say, 15 years from now, once cryptocurrency has taken over) The Central Bank of Canada is merged with the Federal reserve, and then disbanded. Provinces may be reorganized according to resources and economic output and culture/faggotry (IE, British Columbia is split into two provinces, Alberta and Saskatchewan are joined), but the 'notwithstanding clause' (allowing provinces to opt out of sweeping federal mandates) is preserved for a period of 30 years. Certain provinces which are not heavily populated must negotiate their own electoral college rights to maintain their voice within the Republic...
Doesn’t the UK have an interest in Canada?
Royal Assent: Every Canadian federal law requires royal assent to become law.
Role Today:
Impact: Once royal assent is granted, the bill becomes law.
Yes, Canada is owned by The Crown. But don't forget how much The Crown owes America. In lieu payment, we'll take Canada.
I must have hit a nerve.
That 'legal entity' version of the crown is dead and mulched so it is unlikely that it's replacement has any valid legal clam to the land....
I would really like to understand this more and go down that rabbit hole as it were. Do you have any good starting points for me?
UK royal family was co-opted and infiltrated by Kazahrians centuries ago, don't know how far back but middle-ages should be around the time this started and the split happened.
On the funny side Trump is blood-line Scottish royalty and Melania is a Romanov so Baron is in the blodline of TWO actual royal families.....
"UK royal family was co-opted and infiltrated by Kazahrians centuries ago"
Understood. Rothschild owned the Bank of England in the 1800's? This happened as a result of Napoleonic wars. Maybe earlier but I am pretty sure the 1800's. At that point the Crown of England was owned by Rothschild (Khazarian Mafia).
Melania is a Romanov? Really? A distant cousin? How so? What do you have to back that? Not that I am doubting but things like this cannot be taken at face value. Again, where can I start digging?
Look at the video starting at point I indicate. Norm Traversy is the expert on this.
Correction:used to, the monarchy is no more
First thing Canada would have to do is separate from the crown. We may have to do the same thing by dissolving the US Corporation and returning to a true republic.
Lol. I advocated for this exact same thing over two years ago. Future proves the past, I guess.
“Homes cannot be owned by corporations.”
Curious what all the ramifications to something loud this would be. Here in the U.S., if you want to own multiple properties in order to rent them out (extremely common) it usually makes sense to incorporate with an LLC or an S Corp. Not sure individuals looking to muse money that way would be able to stomach the risk otherwise. What’s the thought process on this? Just trying to keep Blackrock out of it? (understandably)
I am not sure.
I think fusing large countries is in the direction of globalism and it makes for less competition between governance styles.
The NWO wanted to erase all borders so that there is only a one world government and no ability to vote with your feet (as you are doing).
countries' borders are a firebreak for tyranny.
I agree...absolutely on point...are we moving towards global governance...does one world government/religion ring a bell?
You are aware that the idea of Canada joining the USA goes back 250 years, with even the Articles of Confederation having an explicit clause for allowing Canada to join the then USA.
No...not aware...very interesting...I am only aware of the discussions for a North American Union that have been bantered around. It all seems to point to world federalism which then can become a one world government.
"While the concept of a "One World Government" generally refers to a single unified political entity, some philosophies within the idea of world government, particularly "world federalism," envision a structure where the political world is divided into sections, with different regions maintaining some level of autonomy while still being part of a larger global governing body; essentially creating a system with different political "zones" under a unified framework.
Key points about this concept:
Division of power: Within a world federalist model, different regions or blocs could have their own legislative bodies and governance structures, while certain key issues like global security or environmental protection would be handled by a central world government.
Regional representation: This division could be based on geographic proximity, cultural similarities, or economic interests, with representatives from each region participating in the central governing body.
Example of "zones": Some might envision continents as separate zones, while others could propose more complex divisions based on economic or political alignments."
It seems that the push for this "one world government" is like a snowball heading downhill that becomes an avalanche. Nothing can stop it.
Seems like a description of the US - Fed gov and State gov
Within a
world federalistNational model, differentregions or blocsStates could have their own legislative bodies and governance structures, while certain key issues likeglobalNational security or environmental protection would be handled bya central worldthe Federal government.Very astute...the Overton window is what I see in play here...step by step...inch by inch...the sheeple won't even notice the changes and before you realize what is happening...boom...one world government. I don't trust the UN one bit...
Anyone learning Michigan History understands this and the battles that were fought from Mackinac Island to the Invasion of Canada, the Siege of Detroit, and the great naval battle on Lake Erie at Put-in-Bay during the War of 1812.
So what?
Now we get all the Indians, Chinese, and illegals that Canada vigorously pumped into Canada the last couple of years?
Now we get brainwashed liberal leaning voters?
Fuck that.
But yeah wow, 250 years ago there was talk about it.
Who cares.
Great point, here is some additional context:
Canada and the American Revolution
Sounds like "Le Bostonnias" ruined the opportunity for the merger to happen.
Maybe we should consult with Nigel Farage, and the idiots in Brussels before we go too far.
Exactly. Doesn't anyone remember the NAU (North American Union) push or the suggested introduction of the "Amero" currency back about 20-25 years ago? This is right out of the deep state playbook. I'm not willing to believe that this is all one big psyop to further that agenda, at least not yet. I don't think Trump is THAT guy.
Exactly. I remember a while back the globohomos wanted the US, Mexico, and Canada to be one big "country" (or area, or whatever they called it) as a step to erasing borders. I don't care whose idea this is, but no thanks. We need to protect our borders, not erase them and welcome in a bunch of liberal nutbags. We have enough of those as it is. eyes Commiefornia
Given what the globe is going through right now, in this case I think it would work geographically and culturally (that last word I even write with a twinge as it's been so twisted over the years!). Huge lengthy border with them, we have Alaska at the other end but still have to do international travel to get there. If they're good with it, I would be.
Not sure how we'd come up with a new flag design though. Same star pattern, just add a slightly larger one above the top in the shape of a maple leaf?? :D
Maybe, fren.
I was just making a general point.
No worries, and it's a good point. Whether people realize it or not, Trump/Musk appear to be for the most part managing the reins of a one world government at the moment, but for the betterment of everyone. Using "whitemail" instead of "blackmail" to get non-conforming leaders into being part of the good plan. Scarry point we're at for sure.
When you think about it, individual states in the US allowed people to "vote with their feet" and move to another state if they didn't like how their state was run. Rough to do, but this theoretically took power away from the state not managing their government properly, reducing their power. Obviously we've gotten to the point where there was so much corruption, there were few "clean" states you could move to, but at least you were still a US citizen going this route.
I'm still trying to wrap my head around "okay, what do we do different NOW that didn't work before?". It's clear that the early concept of the US model for government really shook the established monarchies/dictatorships for a loop. Even with secret society types apparently scattered within the original US leadership, it took the global cabal 3 worldwide meetings and almost 100 years of manipulation to regain a foothold in the US via the Organic Act of 1871 after bankrupting us with a Civil War. Now we appear to have much of the worldwide cabal outed and facing justice. If we tweak our original US model correctly, other countries could potentially copy and tweak it as well for their own independent model. Just thinking out loud here.
I mean Canada's pretty big. I think we'd have to make it at least 10 states or it wouldn't look right on the new maps
100% agree. And, since we could basically do this with the blank slate, can we use cookie cutter shapes? I want at least three provinces that are shaped like a dinosaur cookie cutter, a star, and a heart. I think Quebec could be the heart, What do you think? Alberta could be like, a T-rex, with a huge tail that goes all the way up through BC and into Yukon, a huge body that would cover Alberta and most of Saskatchewan, most of Northern Manitoba, with tiny little T-Rex arms they would end just outside of Ottawa, implying that if Ottawa doesn't fall into line, we will absolutely fuck them up.
Nunavut gets the polar bear cookie shape to match their license plates.
Heck yes, here we go, this guy gets exactly what I'm talking about. Behind my seemingly immature logic is actually a very interesting strategy. We need to increase the birth rate. For that, we need to increase our appeal to children. That's why all provinces should be cut into cookie shapes.
Imagine how jealous Putin would be if America had a bear shaped state in the taiga
+1. Creative! Would it be honorable to set a squirrel shaped area of New York apart for based New Yorkers, and a huge peanut shaped section of California for non-Commie Californians?
They don't grow peanuts in California, but I don't know better shapes, because avocados and oranges make for boring map shapes. Maybe the commies can have an alfalfa sprout shaped sliver in the middle somewhere.
Maybe the team is watching, only a couple hours after this thread was made, Trump posted about making Canada the 51st state 😆 https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/113672861551554010
I might use a few "other" shapes for somewhere like Quebec or Montreal.
Edited after seeing cats5 comment - A couple of those "other" shapes could promote having more kids.
That’s a lot of electoral votes and senate seats for a country that has a disappointing voting record.
No, we have a disappointing electoral fraud record.
Agreed. After "Clean-up on Aisle 17" happens, every country is going to have to re-evaluate themselves and where they want to go in the future. Present time treachery excluded, Canada has always had some pretty great people from my experiences with them in the Windsor/Ontario area.
Yup no different than the US.
Yeah, it's already got 10, and a couple of them are enormous
Good point. Nice name, btw
I vote no.
Booo! This isn't our proposal, it's yours. You have to do better than that!
This somehow makes sense as Trump needs direct access to Greenland to annex it too.
You raise a very good point. This requires Gander Newfoundland to be converted into a massive Air Force base. I happen to know that the people of Gander would totally go for it.
Bonus: if this went through, Americans would finally learn how to pronounce Newfoundland.
"Newf'n'LAND. Understand?"
I really love the « Come from away » musical, there seem to be really nice people there.🤓
Those plans could have landed anywhere in Canada and what happened would have happened there
It took me a minute to realise you meant "those planes", but yes, Canadians are renowned for being nice people. I would have kissed the bar fish.
Then once this completed, we can annex Mexico and the One World government will complete the North American region. No thanks. I'd rather we stay our own sovereign nation.
Exactly; I am mystified why so many miss this humongous elephant in the room.
The NWO is going ahead but with a facelift. It was always going to happen. Will it be controlled by a few families and wealthy elites or by humanity itself.
I don’t think people understand what NCSWIC means. Klaus and Yuval vs Trump and Elon. Brain chip from Bill gates or from Elon. Either way it’s coming. Cbdc or bitcoin. Eitherway it’s coming. We’re just here suffering as a planet while these societies fight over power. I still feel we’re in the best timeline. The least painful timeline is still painful. The culture of this planet has to change. The solutions to the COVD fallout was to take us into absolute never ending tyranny. Maybe we glitched the matrix enough to have a chance at freedom.
The amount of natural resources Canada brings to the table is considerable. Lumber/energy/petroleum in many others. And in return their citizens & businesses get access to what will quickly become the richest, fastest growing economy in human history. How much do you want to bet they would love to gain our second amendment eh...?
This could also give all those uppity maple syrup people in Vermont a little smackdown.
As a Canadian, that sounds like a sweet deal!
Canada (and US) likely has half the world’s remaining precious metal deposits (especially silver). This is why mining has been “slow-walked” for nearly 100 years now (since around 1909-1913). People forget that most of Central Canada was locked up as private “Hudson Bay Company” (Crown-controlled) until the late 1800s. Ref “Mining Acts” of 1866 and 1872: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Mining_Act_of_1872
Speculated reason for large deposits remaining is historical lack of access to North and South America mining sites compared to Africa, Mid-East, Europe, and Asia (Per our currently published history).
Please no
We aren't the ones that proposed it, you Americans did
No offense to my Canadian neighbors but I would clearly and vehemently vote no on something like this. The US in its current state has enough internal problems. We don’t need to inherit any more issues, land, and people to cover with our own severely deteriorated Econ and funds for our own people. Heck most of our money outside of just overhead has been sent to Ukraine! I’d personally like to get a check for my share stolen from me, back. I want my stolen diamonds too. I’m not looking to support any other Country until the shit here in the US is fixed, Citizens refunded, and we’re economically stable once again.
I dunno...I love moose stroganoff and maple syrup as much as the next guy, but don't want any of the liberal or Chinese culture from there, here ...
Besides, step back for a second... This is like an episode of Hoarders with the garage roof falling in, but they just got a "really good deal", too good to pass up on beanie babies and we'll stuff em in there with the rest of the shit... it'll be worth something someday...
This country is completely f'd up right now... the corporation is 35T in the hole and we're just gonna waltz down the street in the hood, woofin how we gonna just "get Canada" and make it the 51st?
Dude... we're on fire right now... yeah, Trump is almost here... but we're burning right now. Makes no sense to start building an addition to a place already on fire.
We need to fix our own crap before we add on anything else...
Practically speaking, the only practical things in an acquisition/merger I see right now are along the lines of, oil - the oil sands, transportation opportunities like rail, roads and pipelines for oil from AK further east, lumber and minerals - but nothing I see right now that's "gotta have"...
Are those enough for a dowry per se?
Canada is a sovereign nation. If she needs support, no problem. Other than that, she's got this. Wish we could say the same for other countries around the world.
The part that sucks, however, about this statement is that the 'sovereign' is the queen
No Dude. YOU are sovereign. The queen is dead. King sausage fingers wears the crown. None of them were ever worthy of you.
Please forgive me, I don't want to cause a problem, but I don't want you to become a US state. I love you just the way you were before the globalists invaded. I want you to be Canadians. Please send us more of your music and comedians when you're done beating up the communists. Society needs an awesome soundtrack to rebound.
Nope, she gone, royal structure gone, commonwealth bye bye. See trumps 2019 capitulation tour. Why do you think he was walking in front of lil ol queenie. Trump da boss now
Serious detail: socialized medicine there doesn’t work. I don’t know the answer, but their medical system is far more broken than ours. I live in SOUTH MISSISSIPPI and we have Canadian patients that travel to US for cancer treatment.
Why would they do that when they can just order Ivermectin and fenbendazole from the internet
I can’t answer that because it’s exactly what I would do. But, we have several.
RFKJR needs to work with customs and the FDA to stop confiscating drugs they find during inspections, and instead work with reputable pharmacies in those countries to ship directly to one (or a few regional) customs location where those drugs will be sniffed for illegal narcotics. That way they can catch abuse of the system while also catching fake pills loaded with fentanyl. Then the prices would plummet and the drugs would be safer.
The land mass of a combined Canada + United States would be 7.65 million square miles, eclipsing Russia at 6.6 million square miles, making it the largest land mass of a single sovereign nation in the world.
Looking at it from a natural resource perspective, the combined country would have plenty of energy, forestry, and educated people who are innovative and able to manufacture and advance technologies for the benefit of all of humanity.
Canadian "snowbirds" often spend months in "the states" in places like Arizona, and traveling on vacation in the United States is a common pastime for Canadians.
Having a commonly spoken English language and compatible culture certainly helps. Many Canadians consume American media, and many Canadian musicians and actors have found career success in the United States.
Questions around what system of measurement to use (metric or standard), whether to adopt English as the official language, and whether each Canadian province should actually be its own state would need to be answered. Of note, many Canadians actually still use Fahrenheit for their home thermostats.
Returning the United States to a true federalist constitutional system would benefit not only the current 50 American States but also any new additions from Canada, as each State and Province would in many respects operate as their own sovereign nations under the banner of a common union as originally intended by the Framers.
All people in this newly formed union would benefit from the strong provisions of individual liberty found in the United States Constitution.
We also share the longest un-defended border in the world, and many families have members who live on both sides of the border. Major border crossings like the Peace Arch in Blaine, Washington, commemorate our relationship as more like family than friendship under the phrase inscribed on the arch "brothers from a common mother".
The majority of the Canadian population lives within 100 miles of the US border, and even more interestingly, most Canadians live south of the 49th parallel. Several American cities like Seattle, Minneapolis, and Detroit, are north or equal in parallel to a couple of Canada's most densely populated cities, Toronto and Montreal.
The idea of Canada joining the United States makes more sense than not.
Canada would have to ditch Metric for American for sure.
Another step closer to NAU?
thank you for calling that out. Not a fan of heading that way.
Me either. You're welcome. I mean, it's cute and funny, at first. Now we see it may be more than a joke... which leads me to suspect that. Fuck the NAU. We should stay the good Ole USA!
Look. If Trump wants to be serious, he doesn't want or need to take all of Canada.
All he needs to do is approach Alberta and Saskatchewan and make a damn good deal to the citizens of those provinces to want to leave Canada. Believe me, the treatment we get from Ottawa got so bad that we started have parties form with the purpose of western separation. They came in at some places in second place in the provincial elections too so the appetite to leave is strong.
Losing those two provinces will start an avalanche of remaining territories and provinces clawing to get out and get their own deals. The other provinces get fucked over by Ontario and Quebec so much they're practically ready to leave.
Wait a minute….healthcare continuity with expanded access in all 51 states.!? So Canadians once integrated would get free healthcare in the US while original citizens still have to pay? Doesn’t seem right.
Canadians are so polite that we would insist that everyone be treated fairly.
Where the Mounties catch criminals by shouting "Stop!....Or I'll say "Stop" again!!"
Uh - have you not noticed that's what we have now? We have to pay, but illegals just go to the ER for free.
Side note - I live in Texas. The only time I've ever been to the ER and bypassed the huge waiting room full of invaders in the last 30 years was when I was struck by lightning. I went to the triage nurse and told her that I was struck by lightning and felt all buzzy. They put me directly on a stretcher and wheeled me back. (mild heart attack that fixed itself and no lasting damage).
I think we need to get our house in order first. My USA is failing and if we dont get rid of crooked self serving "leaders" and "representatives" my country will fall into past memories.
We're "over the hump" of this chain reaction starting. HYUGE things will happen by June, as most of the US population begrudgingly admits outwardly to what many have only been thinking to themselves so far. It will be very important for individual countries to be "self-cleaning", but when people have had the weight of the oppression we've been under removed, it'll be like pressing the nitrous button on a hot rod.
Dangling that 2nd Ammendment carrot on the stick.
I’d really prefer that Trump focus on bring California into the U.S.A., since it seems to have been taken over by China, etc.
Canada has a pajeet problem. They need to deport a couple million people as well.
I think he was just joking. This can't actually be happening. Do you realize how many democrats would be added fo the house and senate if Canada became the 51st state!
Okay, not all of us accept, but who cares?
Canada relies on the US for defense.
If you have to deny us the right to vote, I'm fine with that too.
My only stipulation is FORESTRY.
Canada is very good at not logging forests faster than we can regrow them.
We like air. So that practise has to continue.
That's it. If you can do that, it's all yours.
Forestry AND fishery, otherwise I agree!
As long as there is a government edict to bring a bunch of people up from Texas to consult with Canadians on creating big game hunting experiences with easy shipping of the meat back to our home addresses I'm in. There are a lot of these setup in south/east/west Texas and people pay thousands of dollars for a chance of getting a big trophy animal. Similar to an African safari.
I want a finder's fee though - you have no idea how much some of these oil men would pay on one of those hunts up north.
Okay, now I am watching President Trump's Twitter for a tweet stating "on behalf of u/15th_dimension, I am pleased to welcome Canada as our 51st State."
I mean i've honestly been praying and posting about this all over the internet for years.. i even asked a native elder about the idea. so it's pretty much inevitable.
Should be "51st through 60th states"
To a large extent, yes. But don't sell yourselves short. NORAD is a joint thing. I worked there for a year before leaving for the 1st gulf war. Canada was an important part.
It's the globalists' dream. We voted for Trump to stop globalism, not promote it.
But doesn’t this align with the globalist agenda? North American Union alarms are ringing.
Doesn't matter what Canadians think. It was already negotiated directly with the British Crown. What did you think Harry and Megan were really doing all this time anyway? Stealth intermediaries like Dennis Rodman in NK. Done deal. Like the Louisiana purchase, the president (Trump) just did it on his own. The Senate will go along with it, just like Louisiana Purchase and the Alaska acquisition. Nothing else is necessary.
The 19th century phrase "Go west young man" will inspire its modern replacement: "Take off to the Great White North; take off, it's the beauty way to go."
The whole place will be managed as a collection of territories, not states. If Canadians actually notice the switch, they will be invited to organize a republican government within their province or region and apply for statehood. (Statehood will actually be better than being a territory for the next century.) The Mohawk nation already applied, so they'll probably be first. Columbia will no longer be British Columbia, just plain and beautiful Columbia.
The Mounties will still be Mounties because the fedbois at the F-B-with-their-wandering-I always love mounties and envy their northern glowy lights. They'll all get to guard the northern passage with their new HQ somewhere close to Yellowknife. (Trump was feeling good that day and generously threw them a bone.)
Long-term healthcare will all be fixed by medbeds, but in the short term US citizens can get hip replacements and other planned surgeries for only one-fourth of the US cost and one-half the cost of a flight + surgery in India. They will, however, be allowed the option of Indian food in Canada on request. Canada's drug prices will be available to all US citizens, and insulin will be free. Canadians will be able to make specialist appointments in record time and can skip their GP. Assisted suicides will end, only exceptions being former traitorous politicians.
In honor of the purchase, the US will mint souvenir quarters with a loon on one face. The artwork will be spectacular and nobody will notice.
Um, no. Just...No. To be clear: No, nada, negatory, NOT a good idea on so many levels. To list and enumerate them all would be mental masturbation.
Probably one of the most complex questions you could have asked. I believe any method chosen would take at least 100 years to implement and would not happen without much resistance. I love my northern brothers but have a hard time thinking they don't love being Canadian even though they have perhaps a shittier corrupt government worse than our own in terms of how they get treated. Perhaps if they could adopt our Constitution and get their rights protected espescially the 1st and second amendments it may be helpful tongo the rest of the way. Maybe each province throwing off the crown by their own choice. A couple of western provinces already seem to have more backbone that way more so than others. Plus most of Canada is still WAY too liberal for me. We've more than enough of that dog shit thinking to deal with already
Let’s fix America First before we try fixing other countries ffs.
Oh God, I hope not.
Pretty much everything in the eastern half of the country is a woke shithole, and that does not consider the clusterfuck that is Ontario/Quebec. Gov't (i.e. 'free') healthcare, incompetent quota hires holding most of the levers of institutional power, and a bloated public sector are a money pit looking for the next fix.
Canada will never be a state for the same reason Puerto Rico will never be a state - English is not the (sole) official language.
Well, those fagots are only voting for their government jobs. Once that's eliminated? Then you have a whole new ballgame
Puerto Rico needs to be jettisoned; enough with that crap.
According to South Park we need to go to war with Canada first
Do Canadians still have those beady little eyes and flappy heads so full of lies?
Maybe they should not get to vote in a US election until they have been annexed for 5 years, or something. TIme to see that being a liberal is retarded.
Having a constitution is one thing but rights are NEVER respected unless (1) the people KNOW them, (2) they are paying attention, (3) they are participating as constitutionally-informed citizens, (4) they KNOW their duties and responsibilities, (5) watch each and every public servant's behavior and adherence to the Constitution, (6) use their power in common law to hold each and every one of them to total accountability. This is where we are....we have command of none of the above.
How could we even consider adding to our country another country that's totally ignorant of these things?
I am not sure about this.