How is it possible every nation in the Antarctic treaty has held up their end of the deal? No oil exploration? Nothing? Seriously? Why does John Kerry keep going there? He may be a Globalist climate radical, but seriously? He's not a scientist! Why is every thing these people have done exactly like Nazis? Even down to medical experimentation?Where did those 43,000 german women who were shipped to Antarctica at the end of WWII go? Is it possible we are actually dealing with the 4th Reich? Did Nazis really escape to Antarctica? Why can't a plane traverse it? Why are all plane paths set to completely avoid it? Environmental reasons? For real? If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you! What is our reality? WHO or WHAT is in Antarctica?
Comments (632)
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Big American business funded the Nazi's. Rockefeller's anyone? Explains why the unacceptable Nazi's ended up in Rockefeller countries South of the Border.
Gates is distantly related to Rockefellers on his mothers side.
2nd or 3rd cousins, if I recall.
Dont forget the Bush family (Prescott Bush) was a part of IBM and gave the machines needed to brand the jews in the camps.
you ever read any miles mathis?
Speaking of, I bet Manlinda would have really enjoyed getting to know Nelson Rockefeller's "wife".
Another tranny? I swear I can’t keep up these days, too much craziness and things that are just so bizarre they’re probably true but who the heck knows!!? ??♀️?
so is Fauci
I don't believe that, but I do find it funny when we treat each other or others with derision about some theory that sounds "crazy"... when so much of the country think "WE" all sound crazy. :)
I think by now we should realize that anything is possible, but, yes, people do need to cite their evidence, even if it's thin.
"Anybody got any new conspiracy theories?
All of mine came true."
Considering that the Nazis went to Antarctica with antigravity technology, imagine the technology they must have now without having inventors continually paid-off or suicided, as they are elsewhere.
I bet they've had medbeds for decades. I bet they have unlimited energy sources without using oil, gas or even solar.
what they said is not as ridiculous as you may think; the bible refers to many of these "extraterrestrials" as annunaki / nephilim and the seed of the serpent.
10 years ago, I would've said this was guano loco, but now? Now, I don't think I can be surprised by anything that ends up being the truth. Whatever that ends up being, I just wish it would hurry up and come out already!
No, it doesn't.
"Annunaki" is not a word in the Bible; it is neither Hebrew nor Greek. It comes from the Sumerian language and refers to the highest-ranking gods in their pantheon. It is also found in the languages of the Akkadians and later the Assyrians and Babylonians, who displaced the Sumerians.
"Nephilim" is in the Bible, but it does not refer to extraterrestrials. In Hebrew, it simply means "giants" and refers to humans prior to the Flood as well as some people who were of large stature that the Israelites encountered in Canaan (Numbers 13:33). Two such individuals were Goliath and King Og of Bashan (1 Samuel 17:4; Deuteronomy 3:11).
The "seed of the serpent" isn't found word-for-word in the Bible, but I presume you're referring to Genesis 3:14-15, which says:
Who is the serpent? According to Revelation 20:2, it's Satan.
Who are the seed, or children, of Satan? According to John 8:42-44, they are wicked people, just as righteous people are called the sons and daughters of God (2 Corinthians 6:17-18).
The confusion regarding the term nephilim comes from the unbiblical Book of Enoch, which claims that the "sons of God" mentioned in Genesis 6:4 were angels that had sex with human women and that the giants were their offspring.
There are multiple problems with this interpretation. Firstly, while the term "sons of God" can be applied to angels, this only appears to be the case in three places (Job 1:6; 2:1; 38:7). Even then, it's not entirely clear whether the beings spoken of in those verses are angels or extraterrestrials from unfallen worlds. Meanwhile, all other instances of the phrase "sons of God" in the Bible refer to righteous humans.
Secondly, we know that angels do not marry (Matthew 22:30; Mark 12:25; Luke 20:35-36) but according to Genesis 6:2, the "sons of God" took the "daughters of men" as wives for themselves. If we then still assume that these "sons of God" were angels, then by marrying human women they would be going against the will of God and would've became fallen angels. However, there are no accounts of any more angels having fallen after the War in Heaven, which took place prior to the time period recorded in Genesis 6. Also, fallen angels, like wicked humans, are never referred to as "sons of God."
In actuality, the "sons of God" and the "daughters of men" are the descendants of Seth and Cain, respectively. Just like today, the children of each generation took after their parents; the descendants of Seth were righteous (Genesis 4:25-26; 5:1-32), while the descendants of Cain were wicked (Genesis 4:1-24). Over time, members of these two bloodlines mingled and the righteous compromised with the wicked, which led to nearly all of humanity becoming thoroughly evil (Genesis 6:5, 11-12). Noah, who was a descendant of Seth, was an exception to this (Genesis 6:8-9).
The BIGGEST deceptions on earth are all for one purpose: to hide the working and existence of the Nephilim.
No the bible doesnt.
The delusion here is off the charts, dont attach your nonsense to the Truth.
LOL I wish I was getting paid to post dank red pills like this. Q itself said that the closer to the truth the more risk of "conspiracy" label... Open your mind.
I do think that when everything is revealed we'll find that the truth is way more bizarre than anything we could have imagined.
I'm in "wait and see" mode with everything that sounds super crazy?
Sauce or GTFO
I can’t deal with the reptilian story line. Just too nonsensical for me
Is it a specific sequence or gene in our DNA that connects us to the Creator?
The God connection is missing or in sociopaths?
Then say that. There are people walking around thinking half lizards from space are living in Antarctica
Humans are the reptilians..
Remember that it could be partially true or beyond what we can comprehend. The spiritual world/realm is very real. Nephillum, Satan, evil etc... exist but so do Angels and Light
I buy some version of it.
Isn't that what the devil looks like?
And then there's the Vatican Audience Hall. Very reptilian.
In Revelation, Satan is referred to as "the dragon" and "that old serpent," however those terms are not a physical description, but rather hearken back to the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Ezekiel 28:11-19 essentially says that he was beautiful before he fell.
Indeed. To be specific, it looks like a snake's head.
Perhaps snake-like, ode to satan or the original sin. Not Lizards from outer space
LOL. I'm with you on that.
Antarctica is larger than Europe. Imagine flying over it and having to do an emergency landing. How the hell would you survive?
Seems like a plausible reason to never send aircraft over it as a means of transportation. No reason to, and plenty of reason not to.
People should drop this "argument" because nobody will take it seriously.
As for the rest, I dunno ...
I wonder if they are not really going to Antarctica, but rather either someplace in New Zealand or possibly Pine Gap, Australia (there is a US satellite surveillance base there), or maybe a ship named Antarctica.
See for yourself
I don't know.
Sure, and lots of ships, islands, rescue teams, etc. that at least have a chance of getting to them.
Yep. It's all a pro/con calculation. No real reason to fly over, no real benefit, and plenty of reason not to.
Not with the temperatures much of the year. This is not exactly Hawaii we're talking about here.
Simply think about the resources that could exist there. What could they build and traffic there without any knowledge. Epstein could be there in a fucking palace and we'd have no clue. They take and hide everything from us and it must end now. Also, lets say they have knowledge of an event coming or they are creating a natural disaster. What if Antarctica was the safest place to be
When the pole shift happens and the earth wobbles to the side, Antarctica will be on the equator, the U.S. will be the new south pole and Russia and China will be the North Pole. Antarctica will be on the equator. Future real estate deals going on with the powers that be?
Provided it's livable, you're right.
I wouldn't want to live in northern Alaska, or the Arctic Circle, or Antarctica. But then, we don't know what they might have built there.
With that logic flying over the oceans is dangerous. No its weird that NO ONE flys over Antarctica? Something is there but what???
It’s just this stuff if real is X Files that were done that you just go hmmmm? What?
There was a time I would have thought this to be over the top, but now, after all I have heard and read, I believe we should be prepared for any of this to be true. The government is capable of anything especially evil. What we are seeing now is manifestations coming to light. The demons or aliens , as people like to. Call them are manifesting. At lunch yesterday a friend was telling me about videos of people just coming up out of the blue and beating the crap out of someone and walking away. I said people are exposing what is in their hearts. The Bible says all will be brought into the light. The hordes of chaos have been released. Be sure to put on the Armor of God everyday and pray Psalm 91 over yourself and family. Let God protect you because it is going to get worse before better.
Uh huh.
The old nasa logo had the Draco, Pleiades and Orion constellations. The new Space Force logo has Draco, Pleiades and Sirius. Coincidence?
The end result of your musing is not one you want to arrive at.
You dont know what you are talking about.
And WHO ARE YOU to tell me what I know and don't know? Sounds like a threat youre making.
Cool story bruh.
Can't forget the DuPonts, the Bush family, the Hiltons, the Vanderbilts, the Astors, and the British Royal Family.
WTF, the more I read the crazier this sounds. I will have to wait and see. Trouble is, I can't even believe my eyes. So much is manipulated.
Ford as well.
Federal Reserve, IBM, etc., etc.
the germans were not the bad guys. the jews owned the world's media just like they do today. germany didnt want the jewish banks in their country, so the jews used their fake media to call hitler a monster; they would broadcast soviet mass grave sites and say the germans were responsible...
jewish fake news became jewish fake history.
The "Jewish Question" was basically made radioactive, which explains the downvotes people are getting on this thread, kek. No one even wants to broach the subject for fear of being accused of being an anti-semite or a nazi. That theory for ww2 makes a lot of sense.
Shakespeare's Merchant of Venice, for example, has the Jewish moneylender Shylock as the villain of the story. But he's an antagonist who also happens to be Jewish, not the other way around. I don't think Shakespeare was an anti-semite, he wrote stories based on the times. And at that time, the catholic church forbade usury and that was an area that jews could operate in freely. Nowadays, no one really delves into why the jews were treated with animosity mainly in Europe, they just write it off as jew hate and move on. Which is why when I finally learned about the Khazarian mafia, a lot of things finally made sense to me.
Shakespeare's play was originally called The Jew of Venice, and was inspired by the play The Jew of Malta, written a few years earlier.
Totally agree. No one ever asks why these people have been kicked out of 109 countries, they just feel bad for them.
These people have perfected the art of playing the victim because they have gained so much from it.
This history is why the Khazar/Jew/Gypsy argument is plausable.
If the Khazars where a bunch of scumbags, and they fled the Caucasus region to move west to Europe and north to Russia, and there was a split that resulted in Gypsies going one way and Ashkenazi going the other, then it all makes sense.
Both Gypsies and Jews have been despised for their behavior in multiple societies.
They have a lot in common, including looks.
Of course, there are a lot of people who dispute this, but then they might just have an agenda that isn't necessarily about discovering the truth of history.
Great comment. I totally agree. I've been saying for years that the best thing that ever happened to these people was the second world war. Look what they've gained from it.
Yup, and there are still sheep that believe it as gospel. Its insane.
The biggest lie and deception is that these "Jews" were the actual Jews. They were actually Hazarians and they infiltrated both Judaism and Christianity through Catholicism.
Yup. The jews declared financial war on the Germans.
That's THE BIG LIE, isn't it? Th Nazi's didn't lose, they infiltrated the world BEFORE WWII. Look at all th major Intel agencies and how they're set up. They're the Nazi SS Gestapo in disguise. You can thank Freemasonry and Aleister Crowley for that.
there is a big lie involved, but not the one you said..... the big lie is that the nazis were never the bad guys... the jews/bolsheviks who became israel were the bad guys, which is why the evil never ended.
Please. The Nazis of "Jude star" fame were not evil? Who murdered indiscriminately for different beliefs?
There can be more than one evil competing for the pie. Stalin for example was also evil, but was fighting another evil.
I said making people wear a Jude star is evil. We would condemn it today. Like vaccine passports. Don't change the subject to your own shilling for holocaust denial, it has nothing to do with my argument.
The Germans did to the Jewish-Germans what the Americans did to the Japanese-Americans.
And they did it for the same reasons: they didn't know who's side they were on. An argument can be made that both were wrong in doing so, but at least the Germans had real evidence of treason within, whereas FDR did not.
Lots of people in history. Mao in China. The Jews in Russia/Soviet Union (against the Ukrainians). The Jews in Poland (against the Germans). To name a few.
And all of that is evil. Why do people feel the need to point out "well, other people did it" whenever evil is correctly identified?
No disagreement that it is all evil. Having said that, nobody in western society disputes that the Chinese were evil (except for the commies), but many dispute that the Jews were also evil in what they did. Pointing out that nobody gets a free pass to be thought of as holier-than-thou is important.
I'm questioning how much you know about Nazi Germany, or are you just parroting the narrative that the average person knows
you are wrong. the star that they made jews wear is the 5 pointed star of satan... the jews call it the star of david because they think we are stupid and will associate it with king david
No, that is ignorant and incorrect. The star of satan is the upside down pentagram. The star of david symbolizes the equality of male (triangle up, penis) and female (triangle down, uterus).
so youre jewish?
Q said they are saving Israel for last for reasons we dont know yet.
One of those reasons is because the jewish church is the head of the cabal. Get over it.
watch that documentary series and stop spreading lies
Hitler didn't send troops during winter. It just took much longer than expected and ran into winter.
You don't know wtf you're talkin' about, plain and simple. Quit being a sheep and believing everything the jew written history has taught you.
Well, Russia did invade, and that's when Hitler began planning Operation Barbarossa. They invaded Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina, an area that was loaded with ethnic Germans who were basically slaves under the Communist system. By doing so, they betrayed the German-Soviet Non-Agression Pact. Most areas welcomed the Germans in since their quality of life was much higher under the Nazi regime.
There are theories that Hitler was a Rothschild.
They like to breed out, so there are many who don't have the name.
Maybe he was just an actor, pushing the R agenda.
Its sad that you think you know what you're talkin' about. Every time you comment on the subject, you just show more of your ignorance.
Yup, that too!
Correct...and he didn't even plan that operation until the Communists betrayed the Germans and invaded Bukovina, an area that was full of ethnic Germans. Hitler actually played defense for most of his reign, only reacting to each betrayal accordingly. His "plan" was not to exterminate Jews or anyone else, but to save ethnic Germans everywhere and bring them together into one unified nation. Things just got out of hand beginning around 1936-37, and the rest is up for debate.
This is what should have been written in the history books.
That's certainly an opinion lol Quite alot of problems with that idea though
That's certainly an opinion lol Quite alot of problems with that idea though
Germans have been genocided for hundreds of years.. this "white hate" going on inside this country and around the world is just an extension of bolshivism.. this is so scary..
What others have said. Hitler didn't give a shit about the Germans he was a jezuit puppit.
It only take an afternoon’s worth of personal research to figure out what a complete lie that is.
Keep drinkin' that jew koolaid sheep. They prefer it that way.
FFS, have you ever read Mein Kampf? A history professor of mine once told me it was full of nonsensical propaganda written by a madman. He apparently had never read it either.
What makes you think they were the bad guys?
According to Emery Smith there's a lot of other worldly stuff there... Stuff that gives a good indication as to where we are on the "food chain." And it's not as high as many believe.
Highly Recommend "Cosmic Disclosure" Season 1 for a good foundation on the subject.
Where do you find this?
Thanks ?
Maybe the current Season 1. David Wilcock + Corey Goode started that series.
Rothschild Island.
Follow Racine and find The Truth about Antarctica
I still want to know how an 14c map of the world, which was put together using ancient maps of countries and seas .... showed an accurate coastline of the Antarctica along with rivers and mountain peaks.... hundreds of years before it was ‘discovered’ officially......!
I also recall that someone suggested that the location of Antarctica shown on that map was 22 degrees off its current position today.... I remember thinking if that might have anything to do with the 22 / 23 degrees we are off tilt of our axis....
I never looked into it more than that but that was one detail that stuck in my head as a coincidence......!
I don’t buy into the Nazi rumours or Birds later expedition post ww2.... I think that the evidence so far shows that Antarctica has significant resources.... and perhaps in searching for that we have found something that is significant to our history or that proves something ( I don’t know what exactly) that our governments want to keep secret from us publicly....
I think it was the Piri Reis map that showed the accurate coastline. His map was from the 16th century but he said it was based on hundreds of ancient maps that no longer exist today. It's possible that this planet has had civilizations capable of crossing the sea and accurately mapping the planet LONG before Piri Reis' time, but nobody takes the Atlantis story seriously these days it seems. Personally, I think it's the most important "conspiracy theory", "myth", or "legend" that exists today.
I have a folder full of maps on my desktop from the Library of Congress, and many of them from the 17th-18th century have Atlantis labeled. Some show North America as Atlantis, while others have Antarctica as Atlantis. I also found a perfectly drawn Pepsi logo on a map from the 17th century. Strange enough, it's used to label an island known as Hy-Brasil. Someone needs to explain that.
If there was an "Atlantis", it was most likely the area that is now the South China Sea. The South China sea is strange - average depth of 150 feet, which would have been 250 feet above sea level during the ice age.
11,000 years ago, that was a sub-continent sized isthmus that would have been one of the best places to live during the ice age climate. Warm, with a good amount of precipitation.
As the planet warmed up at the start of our current inter-glacial period (Holocene), that sub continent flooded. There is a reason that all ancient civilizations contain some sort of flood mythology in common.
Does a cup filled to the brim with water and ice overflow when the ice melts? Or does the resulting water from the melted ice just reoccupy the space that previously held the ice?
The earth as a system is very much like the glass of water with the ice. If there was a flood, it definitely wasn’t from ice melting.
That doesnt take into account the ice and claciera that are over land that melt and fill into the ocean. If an icecube is on a shelf above a glass of water and the icecube melts and trickles into that water cup, does the water level not rise?
Except, to be more accurate, you're talking about an icecube on a shelf above an olympic sized pool.
It doesn't rise.
Stop falling for the lies.
Don't know the math behind it... just throwing out some numbers I do know.
70% of earth is covered in water.
If I make a toooootally swag guess that 70% of the land is dry so only 30% of 30% would be 9% of land has ice on top of it....
Personally... I just don't see massive sea level changes from it...
here is a site that has some data on it... don't know if they are libtards or conservatives...
I am not sure how you can say "definitely wasn't" about anything that happened 12,000 years ago. If you haven't looked into Randall Carlson's and Graham Hancock's writings on geological evidence of massive catastrophic flooding then I highly recommend them.
*see the Bible
You are talking about sea ice. Continental ice sheets approx. 1 mile thick covered much of the northern hemisphere. Seal level was 400 feet lower than it is today due to all the water locked up in the glaciers on land.
The land bridge between Asia and North America, and the subcontinent that became the South China Sea are two areas of land that flooded when the continental glaciers melted and sea level rose 400 feet (over time).
This is true but not a full comparison, the earth's crust rebounds after the weight of ice (think continental ice shelf) and that melt water has to go somewhere else. The Hudson Bay is a good example of crustal rebounding
Depends. If the meltwater came from ice which, itself, was floating (think North Pole), then I agree.
If the meltwater came from iced-up bedrock (think Antarctica), then sea level must rise. Maybe, with pole-flipping, this is why sea level, globally, has been up and down like a whore's drawers on VE Day.
It might not have been the big island of Atlantis, but likely one of the 10 islands that Plato referred to. I don't think it's a stretch to say that the Sahara desert held several of these islands until the huge flood washed them away. Just look at the NW coast of Africa and notice the evidence for massive flooding from the west. There are striations all over the landscape that suggest floods ravaged the entire top half of Africa thousands of years ago. I think this is related to what Plato described.
Also, we learn that the earliest people to settle Egypt came from the west with skills necessary to build a civilization. After all, even Plato clearly said that the remnants of Atlantis laid where the Moorlands were in his time. The Moorlands are the lands of the Moors, or the region that now makes up NW Africa. It seems pretty clear to me.
I thought Plato said Atlantis was just past the straight of Gibraltar?
He said "beyond the pillars of Heracles (Hercules)"...yet everyone insists that he meant due west into the Atlantic Ocean. In my opinion, beyond could mean NW, W, SW, or any combination of those.
From Plato’s Critias -
“Now first of all we must recall the fact that 9000 is the sum of years since the war occurred (9,600 BC/11,600 years BP), as is recorded, between the dwellers beyond the pillars of Heracles and all that dwelt within them."
Poseidon “begat five pairs of twin sons and reared them up; and when he had divided all the island of Atlantis into ten portions, he assigned to the first-born of the eldest sons his mother’s dwelling and the allotment surrounding it, which was the largest and best; and him he appointed to be king over the rest, and the others to be rulers, granting to each the rule over many men and a large tract of country. And to all of them he gave names, giving to him that was eldest and king the name after which the whole island was called and the sea spoken of as the Atlantic, because the first king who then reigned had the name of Atlas.”
"So all these, themselves and their descendants, dwelt for many generations bearing rule over many other islands throughout the sea, and holding sway besides, as was previously stated, over the Mediterranean peoples as far as Egypt and Tuscany.”
From Plato’s Timaeus -
"The Egyptian priests explain that the ‘myth’ of Phaethon, son of Helios, driving his father’s chariot too close to the sun and burning up the earth, was no myth at all. “That story, as it is told, has the fashion of a legend, but the truth of it lies in the occurrence of a shifting of the bodies in the heavens which move round the earth, and a destruction of the things on the earth by fierce fire, which recurs at long intervals."
Even Herodotus mentions this in his famous "Histories" (450 BC/150 years after Solon learned of Atlantis and roughly 100 years before Plato famously wrote it down again) – After naming off several ‘tribes’ that span from Egypt to Mauritania, Herodotus eventually gets to the last of these people, the Atlantes. Right after describing the salt mountain called Atlas he says,
“The people is called Atlantes after the mountain. It is said that they neither eat anything that has life nor have any dreams.” And, “As far as this people, the Atlantes, I can tell the names of all who live on this brow; but from them onwards I can do so no more. But the brow goes on as far as the Pillars of Heracles and beyond them.”
Seems like the name "Atlantis" necessarily implies that it was somehow linked to the Atlantic Ocean.
What about the area of the Canary Islands, or anything off the coast of Africa?
Have those areas been explored?
I believe you can learn just about every subject there is just by studying Atlantis. Perhaps there should be an all-encompassing history course based on this. To truly understand it, you have to dive into history, geography, anthropology (cultural and physical), archaeology, astronomy, climatology, astrology, math, linguistics, and politics at the very least.
This comment alone tells me that I know nothing. This group blows my mind!!!!!
It's also interesting that the Germans came up with a word to describe the unique landscape of Africa in the early 1900's. "Inselberg" literally means "mountain island", describing the random pieces of land that rise out of the desert. I have to ask...why does everyone assume that islands have to be surrounded by water? Perhaps the 10 kingdoms of Atlantis were "islands" that dotted the Sahara at one time. Or maybe they were surrounded by water in the past, and all we see now are the remnants of a former ocean.
mudflood is the best theory imho
Or, there really was a global flood. The stories spread into the families as they spread around the world. The account in Genesis is the most accurate and all other versions have varying elements in common.
During the past 2,000,000 years, the Earth has been in an ice age.
Although there is no known written documentation of those long ago times, there should be no doubt that one generation passed along stories of their elders to the next generation. Stories get blown out of proportion over time, but the fundamental root of the story is likely true.
The Earth goes through a series of glacial and intergalcial periods during an ice age. We are currently in an interglacial period.
Stories of floods would be common because previous generations experienced such things and passed those stories down through the generations.
How could it be any other way?
He also said they'd find the Atlantis archives buried underneath the Sphinx. I think they've already found it and haven't told anyone. It turns out they've been digging under the Sphinx for quite some time now, and chambers have been discovered.
Something like these off Japan?
Yonaguni Jima:
Solon was given the story of Atlantis while he was in Egypt around 600 BC. That story was passed on to Plato around 350 BC. Herodotus also mentions it around 440 BC, and many others have written about it since then. The Egyptian priests were clear that Atlantis was real, and that it existed 9,000 years before their time (9600 BC). They even said that Athenians were the first great civilization, 1,000 years older than even the Atlanteans, yet they were wiped out by a stronger army.
Look up the Atlantis videos from Bright Insight on youtube. Lots of evidence suggesting it’s the Eye of the Sahara.
I could talk about that all day. He has some good info but also leaves out a lot of important context. For example, he quotes Plato when talking about where Atlantis might have been, but he fails to quote Plato saying that Atlantis was an island kingdom consisting of 10 islands that stretched from the west coast of Africa to Egypt. To me, that's a pretty big clue to leave out. I think he's just in the early stages of learning about this stuff. I wrote a paper in college about the Eye of the Sahara about a year before Bright Insight ever put out a video about it. It's gaining popularity finally.
That’s interesting, I appreciate the info! Got any good articles or links to send my way? I love learning about this kind of stuff and I’m open to any ideas.
What are you interested in? I could send you plenty of stuff.
Anything on Atlantis and pre-cataclysm civilizations ;)
If you haven't seen any of Graham Hancock or Randall Carlson, here's every Joe Rogan Podcast they did. I'd start here if you're not too familiar with their work:
Atlantis is mentioned at certain points in these podcasts, but it's never really the focus. For that, I'd start with Plato. Grab a copy of Plato's "Timaeus" and "Critias" to see exactly what he said about it all. The main point to take home is that he leads the story by saying it's not a story at all, but rather an event that took place around 9,000 years before Solon's time (roughly 9,600 BC). Solon was a famous Greek lawman to whom the story was originally told by Egyptian priests, then passed down to Plato.
In the mid 1980's there was a guy who claimed he found Atlantis. The story appeared on national news (ABC or CBS) and it showed video of a man made rectangular structure underwater in the middle of the Mediterranean (closer to Agean) roughly 200' below the surface.
Of course, it could not be confirmed as the actual city Atlantis. But it was definitely a man made stone structure, roughly the size of a football field, and underwater imaging was able to see it clearly. Long story short- I've never seen, nor heard a single thing about that guy, nor what that rectangle structure is to this day. And I have looked for info about it too.
to that point, the word "Island" is a mistranslation, the original word used to mean much more than just that, he pointed that out in his most recent "Secret Files on The Eye of The Sahara" video.
if that was your only big counterpoint, you might want to reconsider it. (also, supposed Atlantean mythological names were/are popular in the western sahara region, and actually name some of them.
I just did a German to English translation of inselberg and it says "island mountain". That is far from my only counterpoint. I just found it interesting. Are you familiar with an atlas? Mercator published the first atlas in the 16th century, and in the first pages of it he explains why he named it atlas. He said it was to commemorate the first king of Libya who was named Atlas, a man that "taught" civilization to the people. He also drew a very detailed family tree titled "Stemma Atlantis" that names the kings of each island and their children. I have a hard time believing Atlantis didn't exist when such a text exists in the Library of Congress today. Here's the original. Download this and turn to page 14-15:
oh, i didn't mean our current translation, but the actual translation of the word Plato himself used to describe it, and people translated it as an island.
quotes from the Bright Insight video: (a bit past the 30 minute mark)
"He used the Greek words for island, namely 'nesos' and "neson' "
"Gilles le Noan, quoted by Papamarinopoulos, has offered evidence that there was no differentiation in greek between 'island' and 'peninsula' until the time of Herodotus in the 5th century BC, In a conversation with Mark Adams he explains that in the sixth century BC, when Solon lived, nesos had five geographic meanings. "One, and island as we know it. Two, a promontory. Three, a penunsula. Four, a coast. Five, a land within a continent, surrounded by lakes, rivers or springs." "
I Believe no further explanation is needed on this point, but yes, the thing about "first king of Lybia" is a good point, but people usually ignore it.
Jimmy points it (plus MULTIPLE other cases like this, of kings and queens in western africa) in his video.
Go watch it, its worth it.
But its good seeing someone like-minded here, its kinda hard to find people who know the work of Randall and Graham (even tho Graham is a bit crazy, his rights far outweigh his wrongs, not saying i dont like him, because i do).
Now I understand what you meant. I've seen all the Bright Insight videos about this, and you're right, he does say that the word used to mean several things. All of those definitions could be describing Atlantis though.
There isa reason no one knows about this stuff. Trade routes would have been highly classified information, hundreds of years ago.
Agartha is real, fren. It IS important or that slime Kerry wouldn’t be there, eh?
Hundreds of maps we are told no longer exist.
Also seen Atlantis depicted on maps, one off the coast of Africa.
This is theorised to be the layout of Atlantis in Mauritania (the eye of the Sahara- The Richat Structure).
Also heard 'Mu' mentioned, haven't investigated yet though, stuck down a dozen other rabbit holes as usual..
The secret societies have been making smoke and mirror stories since they needed to conceal the secrets. Maybe we could trace that back through history.
Antarctica is 100% wrong on the modern map. Its an ice shelf that circles the whole earth. Older humans knew.
What is beyond the shelf?
apparently nothing until you get to the firmament
People say that, but (conveniently) nobody ever seems able to provide video proof of this.
Actually everything on a map is wrong that's not directly on the equator. The further away you get from the equator, all land masses look bigger than they really are. It's called "Mercator Projection" if you're interested.
One of many types of projections. Some show accurate to scale across the whole projection. Most show landmass to scale. Nautical charts show the water to scale.
It's an historical fact that bird went there. You saying they made it up?
The Piri Reis map has been debunked, it shows the coastline of South America, not Antarctica.
That's one interpretation. I happen to believe many people knew about Antarctica. Here's a map from 1565 showing Antarctica and it's even labeled as "Antartico"...who knows?
I try not to use that word in front of the kids haha.
43000 German women in Antarctica?? Haven’t heard that one yet
Edit: The only thing I don’t understand is why john Kerry has been to Antarctica multiple times
Wait.. What?
Where r all the women at?
LOL that is the first time I heard that 43,000 German women were sent to Antarctica.
What kind of clown world are we living in, anyway?
They were probably part of a witch breeding program.
You HAVE heard the term "cold as a witches' titty" right?
Bob, excellent point. There is no better place in the world to make women's breasts cold than Antarctica. Why anybody would want them to be cold is a different matter that remains a mystery to me.
How are milkshakes made?
Is cold required?
Reconcile. -- F(ucked in the head)
Do milkshakes bring boys to the yard?
Mine do
6 boys max cause covid
Damn right
Go ask the old men who hang around the open freezers at Walmart to watch the young women shoppers' nipples harden.
It's a little like the cold side of the pillow I think.
Well, nobody really likes warm milk do they?
Nothing colder than a witch's kiss.
Did someone just ask... "Hey, where all the white women at?"
was there any farting around a camp fire?
Which dating app do they use? Asking for a friend ....
Witch app do they use? I know not.
See what I did there?
Kek Level 8.
Ja. Sounds like an uber efficient mating app.
Look up Robert Sepeher. He explains it using actual Nazi records.
for me the jury is out still on him - he does produce some good content but as usual its not all 100% there is some disinfo in there
It’s probably for the Nazis to continue their original goal of super humans or Ubermenschen through eugenics
Check out the Documentaries "Europa" and "The Greatest Story Never Told", it talks about what happened during WW2. We have all been lied to about Hitler.
He may or may not be a Rothschild, I don't know for sure because there are conflicting stories. Those 2 documentaries say he isn't, and Janet Ossebaard (Creator of Fall of the Cabal) says he is a Rothschild so I don't know.
I hope that Trump or someone declassifies everything when the Q plan happens so we can really know what happened during WW2 and not the holohax lie we were taught in school.
On spot! I know several people who say, the Cabal thought they had Hitler in the pocket, but their plan has gone wrong.
Fun fact about Germany, all older people who lived during 1930s-40s we're always amazed about that time, saying it was the best time ever, despite the horrors of the war. For sure you were not able to state that publicly, but it private it was always told.
Yes sir! You nailed it
I think fall of the cabal just wanted to avoid the "ANTISEMITE" label - it is illegal in half of europe to say anything against the official holocaust narative; I dont believe she was American.
That should tell us everything we need to know..
Exactly. 100%
She's Dutch, and the Dutch were treated just as bad as anyone by the Germans during the 1930's. They have many reasons to hate Hitler, but also a lot of reasons to want to learn more about him.
Europa > greatest story never told.. europa documentarian has the receipts.. check out this theory tho that postulates aliens visited the 3rd reich because their technology was the most advance on earth .. hitler didnt kill himself?
Thanks for the link fren
Have an open mind fren, at this point, anything is a possibility. Everything is a conspiracy until proven true, and there is more and more proven true everyday.
I remember years ago digging on the 5 star trust and an auzzie who had a lot of info on it. It was/is a wild story of trillions of dollars in investments, involving the old families, Royalty the lot.
But what struck me was a telephone conversation between this Auzzie guy and a Senator I think who was speaking to him from Antartica. There seems to be a definite connection between Nazi's, money and Antartica.
Oh and did you know there are pyramid type structures in Antartica as well?
I find the pyramid topic extremely interesting. What are they hiding from us? Why can pyramids be found all over the world, in placed like Antarctica, underwater areas, China, etc?
Popular opinion seems to be they are "free" power generators but who knows.
You can actually see some of them on google earth.
What degree Mason was buzz aldrin?
Damn, that dude was my hero.
You should look into the lat\long and date of every landing. Every one of them has Masonic symbolism.
My close buddy (Colonel in AF flying LC-130 Skiplanes) has been to both North and South poles dozens of times. Other than a strategic military position and scientific research region, not much else is exciting or secret there.
He either doesn’t know or won/can’t talk. Checkout the story of the C-130 crew that disobeyed orders rushing to get evacuees back to McMurdo for first aid. They flew over the pole and there was a giant opening. Look into Agartha. Byrd knew.
He's ignorant or lying to you
No he hasn't been to the south pole.
No, they have not.
Do you feel like this is all by chance? Or is there a deeper agenda at play? Math works no matter the model. Gravity can exist as a downward force, or as a result rather than a cause.
The fact is we can't find the curvature that the accepted trigonometric description of the earth predicts, even when we take instructions from Steven Hawking on how to do so One hypothesis is that the earth is simply bigger than they've told us and elites are hiding a continent for themselves somewhere below -60 degrees longitude. Why? One reason could be that the last time a "new world" was discovered it became the super power and nearly destabilized all seats of power. If you've already got control would you wanna risk that again?
Not agreeing with flat earth, but always wondered with my friends about the failings of math and how we perceive it.
It seems odd that our precision requires decimals. Would that be an indication that the base 10 system is inadequate or worse than some other unknown or previously known systems? Why is distance a measure of time?
We can think of numbers as being points on a continuous number line (or plane, if we want to include lateral/imaginary numbers like “i”). There are so many of them that we can’t possibly think of all of them individually at once, or have a unique symbol for each and every one of them. So we choose a few numbers (0, 1, and the natural numbers all the way up to but not including the chosen base), and some symbols to show relationships, and now we have the tools to describe every number we can possibly think of. But we only have finitely many symbols. The continuum of real numbers is infinite, so there are always going to be some numbers (that do exist) that require an infinite number of symbols to represent.
Decimals are one such system that can technically describe any number with a finite selection of symbols used infinitely many times. If you think about what decimals and the place value system really mean, it’s the sum of an infinite power series that converges to the number we want to represent. The complexity of numbers in general is one of the things that makes mathematics beautiful, in my opinion.
Those are good analogies. I still think math can be perfect (maybe not literally) but our systems in math to be imperfect. That said, is there a perfect system or more perfect system?
Edit: before anyone asks, perfect literally means finished.
Depends what you mean by perfect. If your problem with decimals is that some of them need an infinite number of digits to be perfectly precise, then that’s unavoidable unless you want to write infinity many unique symbols down.
My herb-based brain has a theory… math is a way to approximate ‘perfection’ hence Math in itself is not complete/absolute.
My odd reasoning is around description. If one can describe ‘perfection’ or completeness, then the language is ‘sound / perfect’. The issue is we as a species, currently, do not have the tools or language to describe this at this time…. Math is close, and Math is ‘universal’ in the sense that we all agree on the symbols and bases used. We could very well come up with an alternate for of mathematical descriptions/language.
I have no answer, I just find certain things about math to be very odd. But I guess a partial point is that math is largely taught in one manner when there are several other ways and probably ways that are unknown to humanity.
I’d liken it to how the greeks had actually figured calculus long before newton or leibniz. Their system however was a but rigid and took forever comparatively.
I just posted a reply on my theory on Math… I do think there are several systems or languages we could use, we just happen to all use the same system of math.
Bega the question — what if the math we know of now is, by design, incomplete? This would fundamentally hinder human progress. What if there was a more advanced form of ‘language’ used that is not necessary more advanced than our math but rather an entirely different system all together?
It’s not even in the same realm of Apples vs Oranges.
Math is the apple, this more advances form is a jet.
Seems like Flat Earth cannot explain how it can be daylight (high noon) in one part of the world and dark night (midnight) in another part of the world, at the same time.
Round Earth explains it. How would Flat Earth?
Seems like Flat Earth would require the Sun to somehow revolve around the Earth, which brings up a whole other slew of problems.
Well... I did my research, and found a bunch of verifiable facts that flat earth can’t explain that round earth can. For example, why do we all see the same moon as a circle, and not an ellipse? Why does the sun rise and set, instead of just getting smaller when not overhead? Why do different hemispheres see different stars at night (people in australia and argentina both see the same stars that europeans can’t, and can’t see north-only stars like Polaris)? What on earth is a lunar eclipse? Without curving the earth, the only way to explain a lot of these things is to curve space, or curve light. If you think this is what’s happening, provide equations. And also provide a map of the world, with conversions from latitude and longitude to polar coordinates. And the paths of the sun and moon, spherical or cylindrical coordinates, your choice. Give something testable. Something that can predict eclipses, predict what the night sky will look like down to the locations of stars, and something to explain why the sun’s light won’t reach me at night (any “spotlight” explanation comes with its own problems too). And also, I’d like to see a map that preserves both the distances and angles between places that we see in real life.
Don’t try to use that tired “do your own research” line to hide from questions you can’t answer. The globe model has a simple set of equations and can make verifiable predictions. If you want to prove flat earth is legitimate, give a mathematical model.
Agreed. I would be happy to just have someone give THEIR OWN BRIEF explanation of how it supposedly works if the Earth was really flat.
Nobody ever does that.
I don't expect everyone to have worked out equations. I do expect that SOMEBODY in that community has worked out the equations that others can check out, but let's start with a BRIEF explanation of how it supposedly works.
Just "do your research" or "we been lied to" doesn't cut it. It never will cut it.
If they can't convince people like us to check it out and consider the "evidence" then they will never convince 90% of the population to even give it a passing thought.
That is harmful to the truth movement, not helpful.
Give a brief explanation. I have not gone fully down that rabbit hole. You are right.
And the main reason is it does not make sense on the surface level, and NOBODY has EVER given me even so much as a brief explanation of how it could satisfy my questions.
I find that odd.
Maybe you will be the first. Rather than just dismiss what I said, what is the basic explanation of how my question could be answered?
This is the problem I am talking about. There is WAY too much info out there on multiple topics to absorb it all. Too much to learn, too little time to learn it.
So, I asked for a brief overview, but you only gave me a link to 3 videos to watch.
No time, man. Give me YOUR brief explanation.
If you really believe it is worth checking out, you should be able to explain it in a short paragraph or three.
Nobody has EVER done that, so I don't take it seriously. If the people who believe it can't give some sort of brief overview, then why should I bother diving into something that would take hours, if not much longer to really dig into it?
Especially, when it makes no sense on the surface level.
How can it be both day and night at the same time, on a flat surface?
Doesn't it necessarily mean the Sun revolves around the Earth in some why? If not, then how does it work?
I'm just asking for some basics to get me past the "not worth the time" that I am seeing.
We should of course be aware that much of what we have been taught is false. But that does not mean that EVERYTHING we've been taught is false. More importantly, it does not mean we should believe (or even spend much time on) pursuing EVERY possibility that someone can come up with.
The burden of proof is on he who makes the assertion.
I tend to believe you are an engineer with poor punctuation and usage skills. But you flat earthers need to provide more convincing proof if you want most of us to take you seriously.
They won't. They can't. They just want to argue. But, have they actually done an experiment? P900? Nope. Sheep to the end.
How about a hollow earth theory? it could explain flat earth in a way because to the explorer you essentially be sailing to the 'end of the earth' and 'fall' towards a new world, etc.
Seems like the physics holds up in the hollow earth world as well? (geomagnetism, rotations, etc).
Thanks. Could you point me to a specific video ?
How is this a secret? I'm not seeing how this differs from what we currently "know".
Sorry guys, DEBUNKED!!!! Morgan Freeman has already showed us everything we need to know. Only penguins and elephant seals down there...
I bet you can trace a lot of those missing pentagon trillions spent on it.
Second stargate under the antarctic ice confirmed!
Antarctica is and exotic playground and spaceport. Allegedly the remnants of a flash frozen ancient civilization was found with intact specimens and high tech. Pot bellied elongated skull remains 7 to 15 feet tall.
Don't forget Alien vs that one.
I know people personally who have done a few 6 month stints in Antarctic research stations. They didn't see anything interesting, but it's a big place and you don't venture very far from base. Who knows what other nations are doing with their slice of the pie. Qantas also do tourist fly overs as well. It's a full day tour there and back.
It's permitted too. Easy to hide anything if you KNOW people are coming.
If you winter over in the Antarctica the average person never leaves the station.
They don't fly over the pole.
This is an incredibly naive conclusion. Even if you could fly over it in a civilian plane (and not once have I seen any proof this is true), flight paths are known and published in advance, and anything in the Antarctic would be of sufficiently advanced technology that they can hide these things if given advance notice. And they always have advance notice.
I've started wondering what's going on in Antarctica as well. Ever since I heard that John Kerry traveled there. I thought, well, that's weird.
Buzz Aldrin travelled there too a few years back.. pretty sure he had a cardiac issue and had to be evacuated.
Interestingly the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox church (Kirill) went there in 2016.
It's likely that many things are still buried in the ice that humans haven't seen for thousands or even millions of years. Lake Vostok in Antarctica is a good example. They estimate that the water has been untouched for maybe 15-20 million years. The ice sheets can get up to 2-3 miles thick in some places, so it's not hard to imagine that we haven't had the technology to find this stuff until now, yet it still evades us.
we have giant boring machines yet cant penetrate a few miles of ice? Dont we have lasers? Ice melts, a laser could dig a hole in ice far easier than a drill can bore a hole in rock. I dont get the issue.
Iirc there were accounts that hildabeest and also the pope had been there too??
Wasn’t Forrestal part of MJ-12 and got suicided? He wanted disclosure...I think it was him?
Right. Sad story.
Admiral Byrd had his ass handed to him in Operation High Jump. The First Secretary of Defense, James Forrestal, decided to take a dive out the window of the looney bin. He didnt suicide himself, but from what I read, tried to disclose certain information and "had an accident".
As for "Source" on this. I have watched several UToob videos, documentaries on Gaia and live streams of "insiders" give testimony. When you can go back and see declassed docs about paper clip, high jump, video interview of Admiral Byrd returning to Argentina discussing craft that can go pole to pole in seconds etc... its a start. A tangible start. But that when things get burried and hushed up.
Then you get Gary McKinnon and Solar Waren. Again, Tangible action, perhaps reaction and over reaction of Bush.
Oohh, well if they say it!
This is correct.
thats a good question...inquiring anons want to know.....digging here
The single largest D.U.M.B. in the world, housing the Vril and maybe the Aesir, aka the original Aryans.
Also possibly houses the actual prison Lucifer is trapped in. Just ask Buzz Aldrin.
you had me in the first part, not gonna lie.
lol if they found Lucifer's prison, presuming its physical, they would have got him out by now surely
Buried Nephalim tombs.
Yep, giant skeletons
There's a mother ship there.... The ice is melting and it's going to impossible to hide. I believe the ship is believed to be about 33 miles in diameter.
This is according to Emery Smith who I believe is credible.
I personally believe the Q movement has a lot to do with Disclosure.
Yup. Entrance to white hat ET base is under water via subs, I hear. ?
Conspiracy theory.....Maybe it's the Lost City of Atlantis (you know the city lost to water, then it was frozen) where the the fallen angels and Nephilim live, and maybe not.
You do realize that the solving of ALL crimes begins with an educated Conspiracy Theory and then it gains definition through the process of elimination, right? Or did they NOT teach you the scientific method at all in your millennial communist steeple indoctrination camp?
Nana's grumpy today! The only thing we know definitively is that they are hiding something down there. As to what it could be, the sky's the limit since no one is allowed to snoop around.
Really, you attacked me for suggesting something that I also acknowledge has little factual
Look up Bodhidharma. Gives credence to a certain group of mysterious people bringing Buddhism to the east.
Luftwaffe woyuldn't make sense as they were just the Gernam Airforce - mainly non Nazi. The Waffen SS oh yes, I can see that.
There was a lot of spulation re Antarica after the war and I think if they did go there (I think they did) they they would have had a lot of time to develop technology and human experimentation without any restraint. They may be so far ahead of the rest of the world that we would have no chance. They could have bred millions down there in the intervening years.
Something is down there though, and there is often a lot of 'ufo' activity around the area, which are likely there's. Maybe that who is pulling the strings?
Then there's the whole Admiral Byrd thing. Baron Trumps Adventures in Antartica (forget what the book was titled).
So many mysteries!
GWAR is in Antarctica!
Hey Metallica did a concert there just so they could say they've played on all 7 continents.
No but they should have!
Now you’re talkin ??
seed vault / vault of genetic information on every species before they started fucking with everything
That's between Norway and the North Pole on an island:
Look into Agartha. Admiral Byrd knew. It’s something to it?!!
In this very interesting video, it claims Rothcgilds own an island in Antarctica where the real Hitler escaped to. You don't have to believe it but the video was very entertaining. Sorry for the FB link
I think the Hitler Rothschild connection is fake news to make him took bad after the fact. He three three Rothschild in jail and kicked he central banks out of Germany.
Hugely entertaining. ?
Research. The answers will be quite shocking once you connect the dots. An ecyclopedias worth of dig on this subject.
Nazis, ancient advanced civilization, and other worldly artifacts are just the tip of the iceberg.
Start with US Navy strike group getting their asses handed to them on an expedition after WWII.
Antarctica: Proves that the earth is not a globe. Proves NASA is a money-laundering operation. Proves the world is controlled by the lying elite.
huh? how does it 'prove' the earth isnt a globe? the Earth definitely isnt flat by the way, I truly can't believe that people unironically think that
Like you, all of us flat-earth believers once believed that the earth was a globe. Honest research is what convinced us otherwise.
Like Copernicus, all proponents of the globe earth were members of secret societies. NASA continues this ungodly tradition.
Unless you honestly research the flat earth arguments for yourself, you are not honestly supporting the globe earth model you hold so dear. And you remain willingly indoctrinated.
But I hope you'll take a look.
I've researched both, and I assure you the earth is a globe. There is simply no evidence that lends credence to the earth being flat, and nobody in this thread has even attempted to provide any. Another comment in this thread I posed many questions, the answers to which point to the earth being a globe. You are welcome to attempt to answer my questions, and even provide whatever "evidence" you have that proves the earth is flat
There is MUCH evidence that the earth is not a globe.
The No. 1 proof to me: Telephoto lenses bring objects into view that could not be seen if the earth had a curvature.
No. 2: Water seeks its own LEVEL, not its own curvature.
No. 3: Earth is referred to as a PLANET (plane), not a GLOBET.
No. 4: Aircraft flight plans follow plane earth map, not globe earth map.
Keep searching. Keep an open mind. Find the truth.
P.S. Thanks for being nice about our disagreement on this subject.
There is no telescope on earth that can show you what lies on the other side of the ocean, what you are referring to is just being able to see things the naked eye cant - you cant see past the curvature, even with a monstrously powerful telescope.
Physics is an incredible thing, and our ocean is a frothy mess of activity being pulled on by the moons gravitational pull (giving us tides). Have you ever seen the ocean just flatten itself out? It cant, theres too much of it on the planet and it's being pulled around by the orbiting body and held down by the earth's gravity.
Really? You are claiming what we call something as evidence of its physical nature? Planet comes from a Greek word that means "wanderer"
This is not true. When you look at flight plans they look curved because that's the fastest route - they must follow the curvature to be efficient. If the earth were flat, planes would just fly in straight lines everywhere.
How do you explain tides? GPS? Horizons? The moon? The sun? Timezones? Meteorites (shooting stars)? Global wind patterns? Temperature differences across the globe, warmer at the equator and colder at the poles? Seasons? Solar eclipses? Lunar eclipses? Shadows? Have you ever seen a rocket launch in person? Why do other planets look like globes in telescopes? Are we the only flat object? Do you just not believe in space at all? How do you explain auroras? Seeing the curvature in a plane when high up?
Jeez, I could go on all day
I challenge you to dispute these questions or answer as to how you explain them for there being a flat earth. This stuff is good for me cause I plan on starting an asteroid mining company (yes really) in the future and need some refreshers on my physics :)
Also, I'm really not kidding when I say, the flat earth theory is so absurdly retarded that I still dont truly know if you are being serious or trolling me... I just care about all the frens on this site and if you do really believe it, I dont want to see you led astray. Its dangerous to just go, "I've been lied to about a lot of things, so clearly I've been lied to about everything"
Well, I sure wish you were more open-minded:
Telescopes: A telescope will show the light at Cape Hatteras lighthouse at distances beyond 40 miles, when the light OUGHT to be hidden from sight 900 feet below the curvature!
So you can prove this for yourself, here is a site that will calculate the Earth's curve, if there were one:
Tides: Isaac Newton admitted it was mere conjecture that the Earth’s ocean tides are caused by gravitational lunar attraction, because the Moon is only 2,160 miles in diameter while the Earth is 8,000 miles. Using their own mathematical conjecture, it follows that the Earth is 87 times more massive. Therefore the larger object should attract the smaller to it, and not the other way around.
If the Earth’s greater gravity is what keeps the Moon in orbit, it is then impossible for the Moon’s lesser gravity to supersede the Earth’s gravity at sea-level. Not to mention, the velocity and path of the Moon are uniform and should therefore exert a uniform influence on the Earth’s tides, when in actuality the Earth’s tides vary greatly.
Furthermore, if ocean tides are caused by the Moon’s gravitational pull, how is it that lakes, ponds, and other smaller bodies of standing water remain outside the the Moon's pull, while the gigantic oceans are so affected!?
GPS: Earth-based cell towers. If GPS were satellite-based, why do we still have a need for those ugly cell towers?
Flight plans: You cannot book a direct flight from Australia to South Africa, even though the global map shows a distance of just 6,837 miles.
No, you must first travel from Australia NORTH to Dubai (7,847 miles) and then from Dubai SOUTH to South Africa (4,752 miles).
However, on a FLAT EARTH MAP Dubai is on a straight line between Australia and South Africa, and that's why planes must land there.
I can just as easily explain all the rest of your questions, but since you are too "absurdly indoctrinated" to do your own research, I am wasting my time.
Stay as blindly indoctrinated as you are, and best of luck!
Oddly enough, I find that both arguments are sound in some way… this leads me to believe that the models can be adjusted, can be explained if the underlayimg principles fit.
For example there are equal very intriguing arguments that the round earth is at the center while the sun and planets revolves around the earth. I watched some video presentation on this, can’t recall the name.
So, I believe that we are missing an entirely new principle of science and understanding. Why is it kept hidden? Who knows… but the fact that Antarctica is shrouded in immense secretary and all we now about secret societies, cabal, elites, etc … there is something so profound, so deep, that if known it will change us forever. Just like when Adam ate the fruit in the Garden of Eden.
If you are "awakening" and can't atleast say "oh wow the same people who say the earth is round also worship the devil and tell 1000000 other lies; maybe its flat" - then you arent doing it right.
The earth is flat; you'll get nowhere until you accept that you were programmed to laugh at flat-earthers. NASA was a satanic lie from day 1.
The earth being flat makes absolutely no sense. If its flat, where does it lay? On a turtle's back? How do you explain the moon and sun? Constellations?
You are just trolling. It's impossible to actually believe the earth is flat, you just take the fact that we've been lied to to extreme levels, where you doubt everything.
It's easy to observe the features of the globe - horizons is a real basic one. Fly up high enough in a plane and you can see the curvature. Why do we have timezones? How does GPS work, if not using satellites? Where do meteorites come from? Tides?
You cant consider yourself awakened if you can't observe basic reality. You still have some work to do if you think the earth is actually flat, its physically impossible
A simple online search of every famous astronomer going back to newton, including ALL of NASA, will show you that they all belonged to satanic cults.
up is up and down is down, because god made it that way. Your ball flying a billion mph, spinning a billion mph, and expanding with the universe at a billion mph is the truly laughable story.
You did not respond to the question.
i think these people are trolling me, theres no way we have this many retards on this forum
i like to keep an open mind about everything; can you answer the point about where meteorites come from and GPS etc as it does seem strange these can exist on a flat earth; but then again i am convinced the moon is far closer to earth than they say.
I can see the craters in decent detail with my own eyeballs on a clear night. How is that possible if its like 200,000 miles away??
It’s only “impossible” if you believe the “science” malarkey the cabal teaches in schools these days. Once you free yourself from those chains, you realize the flat earth is easily possible.
You also did not respond to the question.
its not "science" its "physics" and I've personally engaged in a fuck ton of physics experiments and labs at school. it is honestly difficult for me to know if you are trolling me or being serious, because it's that retarded of a theory
flat is an over simplification, yes it is hollow and most of the interesting stuff is allegedly underground; the "aliens" come from underground as nothing can penetrate the firmament above our heads (like a snow globe)
The rumor is that stargates or the firmament will be opening up in the near future for a major events of sorts, this is why ancient civiliations calendars ended around this time (mayans etc...). I am still learning about this aspect.
Interesting for sure. Q-related? Maybe. For all we know, Atlantis could have been the original deep state. If it makes you question the truth about our world, I think you could argue it's Q-related.
Was a story i read about Newt Gingrinch going there and after starting to mention nasa needs to get heavy into space exploration??
We're going balls deep in this one!
Well if you get past the mountains of madness and reach the Leng Plateau you can watch the shoggoths play.
Search for "New Swabia" and "Operation Highjump".
And Agartha.
That was amazing f’real. They got an underwater base out near Catalina but yeah that’s common knowledge now.
I watched "The Battle of Los Angeles" recently and after about three quarters of it I threw up my hands.
"OK, I give up. Everything I was taught is a lie. I know nothing."
This from someone who has been seeking out "minority report" history for most of my life.
I saw a disk in Florida once and have been watching the skies since I was little. Part of why I got into Aerospace.
I was in AZ for this one.
And yes I saw it with my own eyes.
I also was in the East Bay, CA and out at night to see a lit object proceed to go straight up in the sky what was clearly thousands of feet, and do it in seconds. And then once it got up to about 30 degrees up, BLOOP. It just went sideways at Mach 543. ZOOM. Gone. That definitely made an impression.
Wow dude. Very cool. Just saw a new one last nite on Third Phase caught by several cameras in Mexico. Reminds me of what you just described. Check this out start at 3:03:
I saw the same thing in Oct 2019 over Los Angeles. I had two other witnesses with me, jaws dropped. Two objects darted all over the skyline, literally the fastest thing I’ve ever seen. They danced around the sky for over an hour one darted off to the west and disappeared the other went straight up where it literally blended in with the stars above. Obviously it didn’t travel that far but from our perspective it looked like another star in the sky with one exception, it was moving around in every direction. It was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen, I believe they were man made, but the propulsion tech was out of this world.
The East Bay sighting was back in the early '90s.
This is my favorite thread/ post of all time!!! Thank you!!!!!
YW. It's all just WAY too secretive. No way I believe it's just about preservation. These idiots couldn't preserve a salad in the fridge if it was sellable.
It's a round circle of ice that encloses the earth, around it is the base of the crystal glass firmament that covers our sky. It is the single greatest proof that we have a creator, and the satanic elite that run the world want to hide it from us.
It also allegedly has a complex tunnel cave system where possibly the annunaki / nephilim live
Ps the nazis were the good guys so if they've been hiding there with UFOs they probably intend to destroy the cabal.