Anyone who doesn't get that the Supreme Court is NOT going to "do the right thing to save America" because literally THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT is corrupt and dysfunctional beyond repair just doesn't get it. The entire thing needs to be completely overthrown and not overhauled but burned to the ground, acid poured on the ashes, the ashes scattered at sea, and a replacement Republic established on the foundational concepts in the original Constitution.
And those of us who keep making statements that "we have it all" doesnt mean shit (because not one single person in the position to use said "have it all" will do shit because they are just as complicit in crimes) get called dOoMeRs even when time and time again evil people get to walk free while everyone else suffers through the downfall of society.
I will be more direct is anything the Brunsons are doing harming you that you need to say that they or he is grifting? The meaning of grifting is being swindled by means of deception or fraud. How in the world can you say that any of this is grift?
it was pretty clear. like it or not attorney general barr said it was legit. sadly it had to be this way could you imagine what the left would do if they thought they could do this. the same with pence even though i dont like it could you imagine POTUS winning in 24 and kamala harris says she wont certify the election?
We're so used to screaming about non-violence and peacefulness, and how awesome we are for being so nonviolent and peaceful, even totally peaceful and nonviolent in the face of a treasonous insurrection on Jan 6 committed by a Congress full of traitors conducting a coup d'etat, that I don't see how we'd ever mount another violent revolution.
If the Jan 6 insurrection by those politicians, FBI, and Capitol cops didn't cause a violent revolt, what will? Nothing. We're all just going to continue watching and waiting for Q and the team to do something. I mean we know they must be out there somewhere and they mean well, just...will we live to see it
The way I understand it every possible legal avenue has to be tried and has to fail before martial law can be declared. I think that's probably what's going on.
The SCOTUS, even with its shiny new Trump justices is corrupt.
Now there is no recourse and - after the scare event - the military phase will begin.
Trump is shielded from looking like a tyrant-usurper by being an established candidate for President in "24, so when the time is right the military can place him in office on the basis of the election having been stolen. They have all the evidence they need to do so.
That's all fine by me. I just look forward to explaining what's going on to my libtard niece and her husband. I'll have to start of by saying, "OK, everything you know... is wrong."
Women who lied under oath about Kavanaugh are admitting now to being liars. The honest Justices will be separated from the crooked ones. Optics are important. Q said Military was the only way. One bad thing happens and people get angry and want to throw everyone under the bus. We gotta buck up and put on our big kid pants. And (this will not be popular), some of us need to learn some other vocabulary words to express our frustrations because sometimes here it feels like our ears have become garbage cans.
Anon is not wrong. Additionally, it's not the jannies fault persay either. They can't help that one or two of them keep falling for the same old cheese in the same old mousetrap...
Your link just shows people being hopeful about it. Almost nobody would have bet even money that SCOTUS was about to save the world and remove hundreds of people from congress, etc.
But there's nothing wrong with hoping. Nothing wrong with posting updates about the case. Nothing wrong with discussing the case. For some reason any talking about this case is shamed.
That link is the aggregated search for "Brunson" across the win-verse.
It's figuratively an archived timeline, which paints a very different picture than how you simplify and lump together very different anon opinions and positions.
To your second point, yep agreed, nothing wrong with hoping. But something is very wrong with deriving hope from known disinformation paytriot streams.
How many times does Ward, Nino, Herms, Savin, Parkes, Santa, et al need to rope you folks along (cashing in the whole ride to boot) before you realize the elephant in the room: if these faggots are promoting or prophecizing anything, then it's a load of hot garbage
This has to be one of the largest snake hopium grifts we’ve seen yet. No serious legal mind would actually think that principles of contract and tort law are applicable to the certification of the electoral college. And that is a huge part of the issue.
Jim Bob Cooter Brunson & fellow snake hopium vendors did a fairly good job of hiding the grift. Memory is a bit foggy on this, but my recollection is fairly damn close if not totally accurate - the complaint was like 24 pages long, and the first 19 pages were a long winded rant illustrating various egregious shenanigans in the 2020 election. I might take issue with the way they characterized some of the shenanigans, but overall I don’t really disagree with the sentiment. However…
When you get to the meat and potatoes, these fags actually tried making claims arising out of contract and tort law. And they did a piss poor job of it. The average guy has no idea how to read a lawsuit. So they think that the first 19 pages are the causes of action. But they are not. Just a long winded diatribe that is not really consequential to what the court is tasked with sorting through.
So what happens here when you attempt to point that out? You get down voted into oblivion. Because people are so righteously pissed off about what happened in 2020, and they never got past the first 19 pages of the bullshit complaint. So they think that SCOTUS has some viable claim that they can do something with. When it is actually the exact opposite. The only thing somewhat amusing about the entire charade is that several cucked judges and their clerks had to figure out the most expedient way of taking out the trash. And that gives me a little bit of joy, because 90% of the judges on either the state or the federal bench are just asshats. It’s rather awesome to think about them having to waste their damn time dealing with this.
But ffs, nobody should be giving these clowns money. In fact, as a pro se plaintiff, what real costs do these guys have besides filing fees? There should be no reason for them to need money; unless of course the entire purpose was fund raising…If they basically had to quit working in order to manage this case, that’s on them. A real lawyer would have less than a weeks worth of billable hours on this case. Stop sending money to anyone asking who has not produced. That is a fairly safe rule of thumb.
You mis- interpreted what I said, it is the court that has or will be giving away their power, not the dems. By packing the court, the dems would put in more justices and you could bet they would be democrats. If the court accepted the Brunson case, they would have the power to actually throw out politicians by declaring that they did treason because it was their duty to at least look at vote cheating.
I have been vehemently voicing concern over this case. When known disinfo outlets are your primary voice to the public, that in itself should be an enormous red flag.
Hopefully through their failure, some anons may realize this truth and stop sucking from the tits of boar expecting milk.
NO SHIT! The remedy is beyond SCOTUS jurisdiction, and that didn't change from the first time it was rejected. Why the hell are people surprised it was rejected again?!
I've shared this several times in multiple threads and was downvoted into oblivion. This is the problem with their filing.
Their "complaint" cannot succeed. They're trying to use the "legal" system as degraded chattel property (U.S. Citizens) to usurp their bosses (The United States of America corporation) which is the current "de facto government".
They need to file a CLAIM as a SOVEREIGN "American Citizen" using our LAWFUL system against the background, barely operating "de jure American government".
The legal system operates only with dead, fictional entities (citizens, corporations). The Brunson brothers need to ACT like MEN and file a CLAIM (not a compliant, whining and complaining) against other MEN, i.e. the man Mike Pence, who SOMETIMES ACTED as the Vice President of the de jure American government. The "Vice President" is a fictional entity just as is a "U.S. Citizen" just as is "The United States of America" corporation is.
Men operate within the law. Corporations/Fictions operate within the LEGAL (Leige Lord) system.
This is all good. We knew SCOTUS could be compromised. But they did not deny them re-petitioning again. This is the interesting part. This happens to cases many times. And Q has stated optics are important. The Optics of the Awakened are not in full view yet.
Think about it Anons. This case is a nuclear option, a final scenario. We are not at “America’s Near Death Experience” yet. We are close, but along with our politics, and US events, we have yet to have the Sheeple be scared and Awoken to a real WWIII possibility, and the total collapse of the Stock Market and Federal Reserve, all on top of what conservative news outlets bring on the Vaxx, deaths, Election Fraud, food and supplies destruction, etc.
All of these thing listed above, each one and maybe a few more I’m missing MUST crash together like: the Tsunami wiping Sendai off the map, Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuked, and all Patriots picking up their arms, angered, and together marching on DC. It must Feel like this to nearly EVERYONE. Of course 10-20% won’t Awaken until the first round of trials and executions take place. But I think you get my picture.
So when Optics are like this, SCOTUS could use such a case to act. Until then, Trump has been clear that We Are A Nation Of Laws, and we use up all of the legal options First, before going nuclear. If this all makes sense?
Yes. And your point to post an older response when War perspectives and optics can change? It is still a Biblical case. There is no doubt on Why it was first brought. But God has no desire for direct control over the Freedom of Choice he gifted each of us. And a choice has been decided by the exact same people, that current optics, timing, technicality, or even something darker/Satanic is causing the avoidance of this case. Yes, that I, nor anyone else knows at this time why.
Of course things can change, but you were acting all surprised when months ago there were several stickies a day claiming that the Brunson case was the endgame winning scenario when 75% of people knew those guys were grifters.
No. We aren’t. But we all must follow the rules. What you’re attempting to do is obvious. Griefing just to do it because you see a Mod talking isn’t smart at all. Only Shills and Glowies with new accounts pull that kind of shit. Try not to be so obvious next time. And that is an unfortunately public and friendly warning.
Several of us here have been vocal in our opinions against the sham suit. However, we have at least one jannie and a subset of the community that have been mesmerized by the illusions and pernicious speech-craft of a handful of nocuous PAYtriot streams... In which they vehently defend any kind of notions these infotainer sophists regurgitate.
It's all deja vu. George News. Shammy defense initiative. JFK Jr. Neon Revolt infiltration. Muh Microchip. AJ exposed. Same as any of those habbenings and countless others to boot.
All I can say is we always come out on top of these COINTELPRO ops and greedy grifters. The more they roll the dice and lose the more anons catch on to their game. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Even dubious paytriots wake people up, even if through illgotten gains at the sake of their audience.
To correct your analogy, this is like predicting that a golfer is going to miss a hole in one twice in a row, and being correct both times.
Except the Brunson case was more like getting a hole in one on all 18 holes. Anyone with a shred of common sense knows it’s not going to happen.
Overturning Roe v Wade was awesome, but outside of that the SC has not ruled in our favor very consistently, or for that matter very much at all. Counting on them or any other branch of the govt to save you or work in your favor is utter foolishness.
My point is that it's incredibly easy to predict that someone will not get a hold in one twice in a row. You really shouldn't derive any pride from "calling it" that SCOTUS did not remove hundreds of members from congress and save the world.
Because zero people thought that would happen. Even the Brunsons themselves. But that doesn't mean you don't try.
So upholding your oath of any office doesn't matter one bit and those "swearing in ceremonies" are all for show, just a stage upon which pedos like FJB can sniff the children of those taking their meaningless "oaths."
Once it's filed the [supreme] court has full power, under rule 11, to judge and execute the whole complaint, even if they deny hearing, they can behind closed doors, execute this at any time they want...
They can go back as long as they're still justices, they can go back and pull this off the shelf and execute it, even without a hearing, even without a public date docketed...
Once it's filed the [supreme] court has full power, under rule 11, to judge and execute the whole complaint, even if they deny hearing, they can behind closed doors, execute this at any time they want...
They can go back as long as they're still justices, they can go back and pull this off the shelf and execute it, even without a hearing, even without a public date docketed...
Hillary Clinton is more likely to be arrested tomorrow at 8:30 am than this happening though
Just sayin - courts and entire govt are irrevocably, irredeemably corrupt
We are living on borrowed time, friends
Hope it's going to be Biblical because we could really use that
Sorry to bother you Madrashro, but I'd like to clarify that the words in my comment were copied verbatim from what Loy Brunson actually said himself (in the linked video). If you have a few spare minutes later today, maybe you could get in contact with Loy Brunson, and advise of him where he is going wrong. His twitter handle is: @BrunsonSCOTUS I fully understand if the hourly rate you normally bill for your services precludes you from offering free advice. Thanks for any help you can give.
I understand the excitement over the Brunson case, but I’m of the mind (shared by others here) that the Brunsons are acting in bad faith to solicit donations, so I doubt correcting him on Twitter (which I don’t use) would move the needle.
Not surprising. Intuitively the case only makes so much sense and seems to leave open the door to lots of needless suits (consider how often people categorize their political opponents as traitors and then imagine those people filing a "Brunson" for each instance).
I think the case exists as an improbable white hat backstop plan. SC can hear the case at any time and cause lots of issues for black hats. Right now it's just getting legally shuffled around for as long as possible.
We know that government uses subtle and deceptive terms to conceal the distinctions between what appear to be two “forms” of government. For example,
“District Courts of the United States” are the Article III, judicial courts where virtually all federal litigants assume their cases are heard. However, virtually all “federal” cases are heard in “United States District Courts” which are administrative (rather than judicial) and operate under the 1st (legislative) or 4th (territorial) Articles of the Constitution – but not under the 3rd (judicial) Article. Note the subtle difference in terms: Not one man in 100 would dream that those two terms identified different courts, with different jurisdictions and different duties to recognize (or ignore) a litigant’s unalienable Rights. A similar distinction exists between the “Supreme Court of the United States” and “United States Supreme Court”. The two terms are not synonymous. Each term identifies an entirely different court.
"The term 'District Courts of the United States' as used in the rules without an addition expressing a wider connotation, has its historic significance. It describes the constitutional courts created under Article 3 of the Constitution. Courts of the Territories are Legislative Courts, properly speaking, and are not district courts of the United States. We have often held that vesting a territorial court with jurisdiction similar to that vested in the district courts of the United States (98 U.S. 145) does not make it a 'District Court of the United States'.
"Not only did the promulgating order use the term District Courts of the United States in its historic and proper sense, but the omission of provision for the application of the rules the territorial court and other courts mentioned in the authorizing act clearly shows the limitation that was intended."
The highest form of complaint-even higher than a grand jury indictment-is a sworn affidavit placed into the public record by one of the sovereign People. Actions commence in the county court (common law) by affidavit of the sovereign. There is no need for a grand jury to be convened and no cause for the police to go out and investigate-all that's required is for a sovereign to write an affidavit and declare "This crime occurred to me" and put it into the county recorder's office.
What conditions do you think would have to prevail for them to decide to hear it, and what do you think the likely results would be of a decision against the status quo?
Like no one saw this coming…
You would be surprised at the number of people who think doing the same exact thing over and over again would give them a different result.
Loy said the SCOTUS can still enact this and provide the requested relief without taking up the case.
Tired of the self delusion
Anyone who doesn't get that the Supreme Court is NOT going to "do the right thing to save America" because literally THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT is corrupt and dysfunctional beyond repair just doesn't get it. The entire thing needs to be completely overthrown and not overhauled but burned to the ground, acid poured on the ashes, the ashes scattered at sea, and a replacement Republic established on the foundational concepts in the original Constitution.
You forgot the part about demolishing DC and relocating government throughout the 50 states.
most of dc is boarded up now
I didn't forget...I still dream about it getting flooded and devoured by the Potomac.
That too
And those of us who keep making statements that "we have it all" doesnt mean shit (because not one single person in the position to use said "have it all" will do shit because they are just as complicit in crimes) get called dOoMeRs even when time and time again evil people get to walk free while everyone else suffers through the downfall of society.
Operation Trust has been going on for far too long now. Time to get off the keyboard and start making a difference. How you do that is not up to me.
Seems like everyone is saying this. If everyone says it, nothing will ever get done.
Where is the self delusion there? He simply stated a truth. He didn't say it would happen. He said that Loy said it could.
I'm amazed at the amount of binary thinking from people on this board.
Chances of this happening is Zero.
Loy's said a lot and keeps grifting...
And you have been swindled by means of deception or fraud......HOW?
I didn't fall victim to the grift, so not sure if you're making assumptions here.
I will be more direct is anything the Brunsons are doing harming you that you need to say that they or he is grifting? The meaning of grifting is being swindled by means of deception or fraud. How in the world can you say that any of this is grift?
They may have put in the circular file cabinet instead of the denied pile.
I'm telling you this is not done - they need enough people on board first
Qthestormrider said way back it would take 3 tries
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
But when you take the shot from outside the stadium you look kinda silly
If you're worried about looking silly, you're doing it wrong.
If you were offered a shot from outside the stadium to save the world, would you really not take it, because you didn't want to look silly?
insanity noun in·san·i·ty - doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
ie: Voting
As per Albert Einstein, that is insanity.
Einstein was right about a lot but he was wrong about several fundamental things too so citing him in this way doesn't do anything for your argument.
Lol not an argument. It's a statement of the fact that AE coined the phrase. That statement is not the actual definition of insanity.
it was pretty clear. like it or not attorney general barr said it was legit. sadly it had to be this way could you imagine what the left would do if they thought they could do this. the same with pence even though i dont like it could you imagine POTUS winning in 24 and kamala harris says she wont certify the election?
i hate it though
Didn't JFK once say, "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable"?
Address on the first Anniversary of the Alliance for Progress.
March 13, 1962
Don't know but I sure do like that quote
We're so used to screaming about non-violence and peacefulness, and how awesome we are for being so nonviolent and peaceful, even totally peaceful and nonviolent in the face of a treasonous insurrection on Jan 6 committed by a Congress full of traitors conducting a coup d'etat, that I don't see how we'd ever mount another violent revolution.
If the Jan 6 insurrection by those politicians, FBI, and Capitol cops didn't cause a violent revolt, what will? Nothing. We're all just going to continue watching and waiting for Q and the team to do something. I mean we know they must be out there somewhere and they mean well, just...will we live to see it
Nothing is going to happen if people don't do shit.
This whole system needs to be eradicated.
The way I understand it every possible legal avenue has to be tried and has to fail before martial law can be declared. I think that's probably what's going on.
The SCOTUS, even with its shiny new Trump justices is corrupt.
Now there is no recourse and - after the scare event - the military phase will begin.
Trump is shielded from looking like a tyrant-usurper by being an established candidate for President in "24, so when the time is right the military can place him in office on the basis of the election having been stolen. They have all the evidence they need to do so.
That's all fine by me. I just look forward to explaining what's going on to my libtard niece and her husband. I'll have to start of by saying, "OK, everything you know... is wrong."
Women who lied under oath about Kavanaugh are admitting now to being liars. The honest Justices will be separated from the crooked ones. Optics are important. Q said Military was the only way. One bad thing happens and people get angry and want to throw everyone under the bus. We gotta buck up and put on our big kid pants. And (this will not be popular), some of us need to learn some other vocabulary words to express our frustrations because sometimes here it feels like our ears have become garbage cans.
doh, my fault I updooted before I looked at the number...
Seems like military is the only way now. SCOTUS compromised.
All avenues of legal recourse must be exhausted.
It's exhausting.
The military is a bunch of trannies, faggots and political henchman. Meh.
You know anyone in? Or are you just going off of what the MSM is telling you?
and foreigners. The military is packed with foreigners.
Are we sure the military isn't compromised? Because a whole lot of it sure looks totally compromised.
So compromised they can't shoot down spy balloons because the pilots can't make target locks with their glittery finger nail extensions .
Who is shocked by this
It's a little surprising, there were endless stickies about how this was going to be the real deal.
No there weren't. Every post I've seen on it presupposes that it's a longshot.
Oh, but there was.
Anon is not wrong. Additionally, it's not the jannies fault persay either. They can't help that one or two of them keep falling for the same old cheese in the same old mousetrap...
Your link just shows people being hopeful about it. Almost nobody would have bet even money that SCOTUS was about to save the world and remove hundreds of people from congress, etc.
But there's nothing wrong with hoping. Nothing wrong with posting updates about the case. Nothing wrong with discussing the case. For some reason any talking about this case is shamed.
That link is the aggregated search for "Brunson" across the win-verse.
It's figuratively an archived timeline, which paints a very different picture than how you simplify and lump together very different anon opinions and positions.
To your second point, yep agreed, nothing wrong with hoping. But something is very wrong with deriving hope from known disinformation paytriot streams.
How many times does Ward, Nino, Herms, Savin, Parkes, Santa, et al need to rope you folks along (cashing in the whole ride to boot) before you realize the elephant in the room: if these faggots are promoting or prophecizing anything, then it's a load of hot garbage
People here don't really ever learn from the endless paytriot gifting
This has to be one of the largest snake hopium grifts we’ve seen yet. No serious legal mind would actually think that principles of contract and tort law are applicable to the certification of the electoral college. And that is a huge part of the issue.
Jim Bob Cooter Brunson & fellow snake hopium vendors did a fairly good job of hiding the grift. Memory is a bit foggy on this, but my recollection is fairly damn close if not totally accurate - the complaint was like 24 pages long, and the first 19 pages were a long winded rant illustrating various egregious shenanigans in the 2020 election. I might take issue with the way they characterized some of the shenanigans, but overall I don’t really disagree with the sentiment. However…
When you get to the meat and potatoes, these fags actually tried making claims arising out of contract and tort law. And they did a piss poor job of it. The average guy has no idea how to read a lawsuit. So they think that the first 19 pages are the causes of action. But they are not. Just a long winded diatribe that is not really consequential to what the court is tasked with sorting through.
So what happens here when you attempt to point that out? You get down voted into oblivion. Because people are so righteously pissed off about what happened in 2020, and they never got past the first 19 pages of the bullshit complaint. So they think that SCOTUS has some viable claim that they can do something with. When it is actually the exact opposite. The only thing somewhat amusing about the entire charade is that several cucked judges and their clerks had to figure out the most expedient way of taking out the trash. And that gives me a little bit of joy, because 90% of the judges on either the state or the federal bench are just asshats. It’s rather awesome to think about them having to waste their damn time dealing with this.
But ffs, nobody should be giving these clowns money. In fact, as a pro se plaintiff, what real costs do these guys have besides filing fees? There should be no reason for them to need money; unless of course the entire purpose was fund raising…If they basically had to quit working in order to manage this case, that’s on them. A real lawyer would have less than a weeks worth of billable hours on this case. Stop sending money to anyone asking who has not produced. That is a fairly safe rule of thumb.
I feel like we've been looking at two different boards entirely.
Kinda shocked by how many pedes think the result would be anything but this...
Actually, no. I lie. Not shocked by that either, unfortunately.
So, now they have given away their power, the dems will pack the court and by doing so, their voice will become irrelevant.
Get ready for more jumanji tards in control of courts everywhere.
You mis- interpreted what I said, it is the court that has or will be giving away their power, not the dems. By packing the court, the dems would put in more justices and you could bet they would be democrats. If the court accepted the Brunson case, they would have the power to actually throw out politicians by declaring that they did treason because it was their duty to at least look at vote cheating.
Ok sorry
No prob, Fren
I was just wondering what that outcome was.
So now what? Are the Brunsons going to make any statements? I know the military. . .
Brunson said they have another legal path for this.....
Ahh, so they need moar anon fun-bucks?
Quick! Cue the paytriot streamz!
But its true! They took in hundreds of thousands of dollars for "legal fees" yet self represented in court.
They put this case together with a legal team.
This was always the way. The most thoroughly-written piece of Legalese I've ever seen.
Here's a video of what Loy Brunson said on the 17th of February.
What he said from 2:30 onwards was very interesting. All may not be lost
Sorry America - Military is too busy playing with balloon animals.
Fun fact: It is listed on page 17 of the pdf above!
How did I know Brunson was going to be denied? Geee, was I prophesizing? Nah. Well, I'll just wait for the next amendment and appeal.
As far as the "military is the only way" is concerned, I'm starting to think it's 'someone elses'.
Someone in another thread said Putin will save us all.
No one is going to save us. It is up to The People and they don't appear interested right now.
Raises hand.
I have been vehemently voicing concern over this case. When known disinfo outlets are your primary voice to the public, that in itself should be an enormous red flag.
Hopefully through their failure, some anons may realize this truth and stop sucking from the tits of boar expecting milk.
NO SHIT! The remedy is beyond SCOTUS jurisdiction, and that didn't change from the first time it was rejected. Why the hell are people surprised it was rejected again?!
Not surprising to anyone
I've shared this several times in multiple threads and was downvoted into oblivion. This is the problem with their filing.
Their "complaint" cannot succeed. They're trying to use the "legal" system as degraded chattel property (U.S. Citizens) to usurp their bosses (The United States of America corporation) which is the current "de facto government".
They need to file a CLAIM as a SOVEREIGN "American Citizen" using our LAWFUL system against the background, barely operating "de jure American government".
The legal system operates only with dead, fictional entities (citizens, corporations). The Brunson brothers need to ACT like MEN and file a CLAIM (not a compliant, whining and complaining) against other MEN, i.e. the man Mike Pence, who SOMETIMES ACTED as the Vice President of the de jure American government. The "Vice President" is a fictional entity just as is a "U.S. Citizen" just as is "The United States of America" corporation is.
Men operate within the law. Corporations/Fictions operate within the LEGAL (Leige Lord) system.
This guy watched War Castles with Robert Horton
This is all good. We knew SCOTUS could be compromised. But they did not deny them re-petitioning again. This is the interesting part. This happens to cases many times. And Q has stated optics are important. The Optics of the Awakened are not in full view yet.
Think about it Anons. This case is a nuclear option, a final scenario. We are not at “America’s Near Death Experience” yet. We are close, but along with our politics, and US events, we have yet to have the Sheeple be scared and Awoken to a real WWIII possibility, and the total collapse of the Stock Market and Federal Reserve, all on top of what conservative news outlets bring on the Vaxx, deaths, Election Fraud, food and supplies destruction, etc.
All of these thing listed above, each one and maybe a few more I’m missing MUST crash together like: the Tsunami wiping Sendai off the map, Hiroshima and Nagasaki nuked, and all Patriots picking up their arms, angered, and together marching on DC. It must Feel like this to nearly EVERYONE. Of course 10-20% won’t Awaken until the first round of trials and executions take place. But I think you get my picture.
So when Optics are like this, SCOTUS could use such a case to act. Until then, Trump has been clear that We Are A Nation Of Laws, and we use up all of the legal options First, before going nuclear. If this all makes sense?
Yes. And your point to post an older response when War perspectives and optics can change? It is still a Biblical case. There is no doubt on Why it was first brought. But God has no desire for direct control over the Freedom of Choice he gifted each of us. And a choice has been decided by the exact same people, that current optics, timing, technicality, or even something darker/Satanic is causing the avoidance of this case. Yes, that I, nor anyone else knows at this time why.
Of course things can change, but you were acting all surprised when months ago there were several stickies a day claiming that the Brunson case was the endgame winning scenario when 75% of people knew those guys were grifters.
Are you choosing to ass-grief me? Not very wise if so.They are not grifters nor do you know what you’re saying my very new account Padawan.
No. We aren’t. But we all must follow the rules. What you’re attempting to do is obvious. Griefing just to do it because you see a Mod talking isn’t smart at all. Only Shills and Glowies with new accounts pull that kind of shit. Try not to be so obvious next time. And that is an unfortunately public and friendly warning.
Not a good look here for you, I'm going to he honest.
And when the legal system has run its course than the military may be the last resort to restoring law and order from the chaos.
I wish you were wrong, but you make a lot of sense. Most of the normies are still oblivous, unfortunately.
This is not remotely the way the SCOTUS works lol
Denied suddenly
I saw what you did there
There's always Judge Judy on Television...
Brunson: "Arrest the government and throw them in jail."
Supreme Court: "Ah...we'll pass."
People should follow Rattletrap 1776 on telegram because he's been calling this SCOTUS case out since the beginning as a grift.
Good advice.
Several of us here have been vocal in our opinions against the sham suit. However, we have at least one jannie and a subset of the community that have been mesmerized by the illusions and pernicious speech-craft of a handful of nocuous PAYtriot streams... In which they vehently defend any kind of notions these infotainer sophists regurgitate.
It's all deja vu. George News. Shammy defense initiative. JFK Jr. Neon Revolt infiltration. Muh Microchip. AJ exposed. Same as any of those habbenings and countless others to boot.
All I can say is we always come out on top of these COINTELPRO ops and greedy grifters. The more they roll the dice and lose the more anons catch on to their game. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Even dubious paytriots wake people up, even if through illgotten gains at the sake of their audience.
It's all rather karmic when ya think about it.
100%. The more they screw over well-meaning patriots the more the patriot community wakes up. It's perfect karma.
Called it. Some people here and on PDW get way too excited over obvious dead ends like this.
That's like saying, "he's not going to hit a hole in one on this hole, watch!"
After he swings you exclaim, "called it!"
To correct your analogy, this is like predicting that a golfer is going to miss a hole in one twice in a row, and being correct both times.
Except the Brunson case was more like getting a hole in one on all 18 holes. Anyone with a shred of common sense knows it’s not going to happen.
Overturning Roe v Wade was awesome, but outside of that the SC has not ruled in our favor very consistently, or for that matter very much at all. Counting on them or any other branch of the govt to save you or work in your favor is utter foolishness.
My point is that it's incredibly easy to predict that someone will not get a hold in one twice in a row. You really shouldn't derive any pride from "calling it" that SCOTUS did not remove hundreds of members from congress and save the world.
Because zero people thought that would happen. Even the Brunsons themselves. But that doesn't mean you don't try.
So upholding your oath of any office doesn't matter one bit and those "swearing in ceremonies" are all for show, just a stage upon which pedos like FJB can sniff the children of those taking their meaningless "oaths."
Got it.
Loy Brunson:(Watch video from 2:30 onwards)
Once it's filed the [supreme] court has full power, under rule 11, to judge and execute the whole complaint, even if they deny hearing, they can behind closed doors, execute this at any time they want...
They can go back as long as they're still justices, they can go back and pull this off the shelf and execute it, even without a hearing, even without a public date docketed...
Hillary Clinton is more likely to be arrested tomorrow at 8:30 am than this happening though
Just sayin - courts and entire govt are irrevocably, irredeemably corrupt
We are living on borrowed time, friends
Hope it's going to be Biblical because we could really use that
None of that is true. That’s not the way the rules of appellate procedure work.
Sorry to bother you Madrashro, but I'd like to clarify that the words in my comment were copied verbatim from what Loy Brunson actually said himself (in the linked video). If you have a few spare minutes later today, maybe you could get in contact with Loy Brunson, and advise of him where he is going wrong. His twitter handle is: @BrunsonSCOTUS I fully understand if the hourly rate you normally bill for your services precludes you from offering free advice. Thanks for any help you can give.
I understand the excitement over the Brunson case, but I’m of the mind (shared by others here) that the Brunsons are acting in bad faith to solicit donations, so I doubt correcting him on Twitter (which I don’t use) would move the needle.
And they can also show up in rainbow-colored robes "at any time they want." So, which is the more likely?
Not surprising. Intuitively the case only makes so much sense and seems to leave open the door to lots of needless suits (consider how often people categorize their political opponents as traitors and then imagine those people filing a "Brunson" for each instance).
I think the case exists as an improbable white hat backstop plan. SC can hear the case at any time and cause lots of issues for black hats. Right now it's just getting legally shuffled around for as long as possible.
the military is the only way.
fake shocked face
We know that government uses subtle and deceptive terms to conceal the distinctions between what appear to be two “forms” of government. For example, “District Courts of the United States” are the Article III, judicial courts where virtually all federal litigants assume their cases are heard. However, virtually all “federal” cases are heard in “United States District Courts” which are administrative (rather than judicial) and operate under the 1st (legislative) or 4th (territorial) Articles of the Constitution – but not under the 3rd (judicial) Article. Note the subtle difference in terms: Not one man in 100 would dream that those two terms identified different courts, with different jurisdictions and different duties to recognize (or ignore) a litigant’s unalienable Rights. A similar distinction exists between the “Supreme Court of the United States” and “United States Supreme Court”. The two terms are not synonymous. Each term identifies an entirely different court.
"The term 'District Courts of the United States' as used in the rules without an addition expressing a wider connotation, has its historic significance. It describes the constitutional courts created under Article 3 of the Constitution. Courts of the Territories are Legislative Courts, properly speaking, and are not district courts of the United States. We have often held that vesting a territorial court with jurisdiction similar to that vested in the district courts of the United States (98 U.S. 145) does not make it a 'District Court of the United States'. "Not only did the promulgating order use the term District Courts of the United States in its historic and proper sense, but the omission of provision for the application of the rules the territorial court and other courts mentioned in the authorizing act clearly shows the limitation that was intended."
Mookini v. U.S., 303 U.S. 201 (1938)
The highest form of complaint-even higher than a grand jury indictment-is a sworn affidavit placed into the public record by one of the sovereign People. Actions commence in the county court (common law) by affidavit of the sovereign. There is no need for a grand jury to be convened and no cause for the police to go out and investigate-all that's required is for a sovereign to write an affidavit and declare "This crime occurred to me" and put it into the county recorder's office.
You expected different?
What conditions do you think would have to prevail for them to decide to hear it, and what do you think the likely results would be of a decision against the status quo?
The SCOTUS is of no help to protect this country at this point. It's fooked; totally compromised.
wow im shocked...LOL
no one with common sense wasnt buying this bs case.
Oh well. Long shot anyway. Man all the other 5G weapons, pedes.