Can't be a fan of X22 without believing something is going on. Thats like saying you're a fan of people that go out looking for Bigfoot but you don't believe in Bigfoot. Let me ask this: Why would someone who claims something is not real, not only admit they are a fan of a podcast that discusses its workings but they have accepted to be involved in said podcast MULTIPLE TIMES! Common sense tells you it just doesn't add up.
That being said, there are still alot of folks that could be getting involved that aren't. Most do not reside on this forum. But we can all benefit from small acts. Minor wins are still wins and every God-fearing patriot can do something. Even Trump constantly tells us the ball is in our court. ALOT of normies that are on the fence about Q think we are just sitting around with our thumb in our asses waiting for some Deus ex Machina. I have those discussions literally all the time. Couldn't be further from the truth. I am inspired to put in more work when I can BECAUSE I have hope that it's all going to break eventually and we will come out on the other side victorious.
If you have people that want this country saved and aren't involved in some way, work on them. Get them out there!
One Thing comes to mind.... "Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak”
Sun Tzu, The Art of War.
As much as we see the patriots, the White Hats and even the Anon community apparently in despair, its completely the opposite. We are getting stronger...🙏🏻
"Some disinformation necessary", I think is the quote
Until the Big T-man stops confirming Q with every freakin' statement he makes, and until Dan stops hitting the posts with every comm, I will continue to comfort my neighbors and friends with this information revealed to me, giving them hope and encouraging all of us to act locally, be poll-watchers or candidates, and vote like hell!
Black-pilled Patriots tend to do nothing but rock softly back and forth, which is what the Deep State and Cabal want. White Pill yourself and others, and take action!
Earlier before the truth about the Deep State was widespread it was vital that we not take up arms. Anyone who did would have been locked away or killed and the public would not have understood what is going on.
Now that everything is out there in the public domain perhaps it is time for a shift in strategy.
Perhaps this is his way of telling us to enter the new phase.
Believing in the military kept us from action and thus safe. Perhaps that was a disinformation needed to get us to here.
Took me a minute to follow your comment, but I'm with you.
To keep us from going off and forming militia all over, storming after the corrupt, and getting ourselves killed and making our side look like crazy murderers, there was a certain ammount of disinformation needed to keep us from doing just that.
Basically taught us patience and to not fly off the handle, so we don't all get rounded up as "domestic terrorists".
There is a lot of truth to this. I remember people around jan 6 were so riled, many took their guns with them, but left them at the hotels.
There was so many FBI on the you could spot em by the dozen.
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them.
Yes, and even mentioning "Q" and X22 gets people curious as to what it is all about. As things get worse, people will start asking more questions and become naturally curious in desperate search of answers.
All those times Trump hinted of Q and "Air Q's" and pointing at people holding Q signs etc etc etc.... There was direct action with the 8chan/kun boards. You can't tell me it's a psyop without saying Trump is in on the psyop.
Totally agree with you. Trump is 100% in on the plan. It’s a hard fact. There is no way the Trump Twitter posts could line up so perfect timed with Q posts. Maybe once by chance but how many times did it happen? Far too many to be remotely possible. Therefore Trump is 100% involved.
This is why I’m on the fence with Flynn. Is he trying to split and divide folks? Or is it like purposeful disinformation? I think he’s playing a part and he’s a good guy, or that’s what I want to believe, if for no other reason, because so many military folks have gone woke, I want to believe someone out there is still useful.
No shame in that at all! Every single person here can probably speak to how much ground can be made digitally. For some, social media is the only news they consume. We need to be out there too. Memes, redpills and good digging! Thank you for doing what you can- we are proud of you! 🐸7
He's a spook. They lie to the point that whatever they say is useless. Yes, he could be a good guy, but he's still a lying spook. That's just the reality. Q is, too. Just the reality. Best to keep it in mind.
I don't give a rat's ass what Flynn says. If he thinks we are sitting on our butts doing nothing, he's got another thing coming. And the simple fact is is that the continuity government legal framework we've seen through devolution exists. Nothing's going to change that. The idea that any of us are just sitting around waiting for the military to rescue people is crazy
Many of us who were researching and digging through the shit disseminated it across Reddit like a tsunami, hitting so many people that Reddit had to find any reason to ban the subreddit.
Many man hours went into those digs. Many discussions, verification, and more peer review than a climate change study.
Many of us have ran -- and in a lot of cases, failed -- in local elections against entrenched people.
Others participated to help put Trump in office not once but twice -- which is where he should be right now.
Many sleepless and stressful nights followed in the wake of Pizzagate. A lot of people ended up spooked too, whether from paranoia or actual reasoning.
Many people show up to Trump's rallies and events, to show numbers and fight against the propaganda.
Devaluing that is awful. Even if it were someone a part of the Q team, which I have never been convinced about Flynn being a part of.
It has always been too in our faces from him, which ran completely contrary to Q posts themselves which have subtlety and nuance. Flynn didn't.
Muh Jews is irrelevant to my post. That is a separate discussion that focuses on the incorrect targets by encompassing a massive group of people who have no part in it.
It is a highly complex discussion that is easily derailed because of headlines like "Jew World Order", headlines that seem deliberately stated to disarm any criticism of the powers that be.
When Flynn says things like he did on X22, I always get the sense he's not talking to informed, motivated patriots like we have here on GAW. He's talking to people who do nothing but pass around low-quality hopium on Telegram.
Even still, maybe some of us even here could be doing more.
I agree and think he’s talking to a different level of ‘followers’. he’s spreading disinformation to stir the pot, make it look like patriots are divided. which to me, would mean he’s extra trustworthy; to be able to cast doubt like he does.
Patriots are divided. Divided between those who care about America first and those who care about Israel first and what ever is left over for Americans.
I concur we need the military. They have tons of training, practice and history, and a trillion dollar budget. If they won't help, or are working for the other side, it will be the end. But you know what they say about faith without works. We need to help out where we can.
Really - at over an hour per episode of X22 one is not an uniformed person to give that level of time!
In regard to MJF I have never warmed to him since I saw him on the first WH Press Room session when he waded in and told some country - Iran I think - that he is putting them on notice. Just come across as a loud mouth. So what is he actually trying to achieve in this latest statement - does he want people to rise up and take things back by force? Didn't say the heavy lifting was their job, and military was the only way.
Nothing is going to change the fact that whatever this Joe Biden creature is, he's doing everything possible to lose support amongst all the Democratic voting bases. Everything. That has to be by design.
Yes, but we need more. I'm working with a audit team and they get a lot done but could use more people and more funding. Look up a audit team in your state and volunteer or donate a little if you have it to spare.
Watching Badlands Media (on Rumble) for the Devolution Power Hour, and Defected, has opened my eyes to so much, but particularly to Kayfabe (however it's spelled). It's basically the personas they build in Pro Wrestling (which, remember, Trump is a huge fan of). MJF's post, Sydney Powell's pleading, even freakin' Lin Wood's action all scream of Kayfabe.
My favorite Badlands show is Eye of the Storm. Go watch that if you haven't. I'm so glad one of you frens from this site turned me onto it.
Kayfabe is all the fictional nonsense that happens in pro wrestling. The term applies outside of wrestling when two celebrities have a "feud" but it's all for show. Usually to drum up support for something or to get attention.
Dave breaks down every Q post like Fauci breaks down a Pharma paycheck, Flynn, Kash….. the Trump boys…. Have all been on x22 multiple times. All of a sudden it’s a psyop? Damn right it’s a psyop.
This isn’t hard to reconcile. When Flynn says Q is a psyop, he isn’t lying. It is a psyop to get us off our butts, to get millions of people asking the correct questions, and building an army of autists. It’s succeeded in that regard. There were clear Q posts that revealed that someone very near Trump was involved.
It was also a psyop in that it messed with the Left something fierce.
But what Flynn is really saying here is that it isn’t enough for us to passively read forums like greatawakening without simultaneously taking action. Go to your city council meetings and speak the truth. School boards. Run for these offices. Expose corruption at the local level. Sue the government for this corruption and selective Justice system. Tell your friends and family the truth. Q wanted us to become warriors, not observers to the battle.
Flynn: "...we have a person in the WH that is there following a constitutional process...note I didn't say fair election (which I don't believe occurred)..." ?
It can't be a constitutional process that put Biden in the WH unless the constitution calls for the election process to be unfair.
I SO sick of this kind of shit.
We can pretend that Biden is in office legitimately according to our constitution even though it wasn't a fair election, but Q is a make believe 'psyop'?
Flynn: "...we have a person in the WH that is there following a constitutional process...note I didn't say fair election (which I don't believe occurred)..." ?
It can't be a constitutional process that put Biden in the WH unless the constitution calls for the election process to be unfair. I [am] SO sick of this kind of shit.
Well put! upvoted
Makes you wonder WTF Flynn is trying to do besides confuse literally everyone listening to him.
This is the problem with our cub scout good guys. If you follow the law while destroying the country, that's fine. They'll even support your right to destroy the country as long as you follow the rules.
This is spiritual warfare at its core. These people worship Moloch and practice Satanism in everything they do. They hijacked every fn aspect of our society from history books to the textbooks to the Church. They kept us dumb and asleep and controlled through things like fluoride in the water etc that shuts down our pineal gland. They practice black magick for real, black magick is MIND CONTROL. They use numerology and astrology etc and perform rituals. We can fight back by getting in tune with the frequency of God, and essentially ascending. This is real wether we like it or not, regardless of which paradigm this shatters.
That being said, General Flynn is right, the military will not help you in ascension. It needs to come from us as individuals and thus replacing the collective consciousness with love and hope vs fear and hate, which these psychopaths feed on to keep us enslaved.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
― Nikola Tesla
You best believe they know this and has been used against us every single fucking day of our lives.
Edit 2: See tweet below to see some triggered Ukraine flag accounts, “Flynn’s cult” 😂
The hermetically sealed secret is quite obvious if you have the ability to see. There is no outside salvation, no one comming to save us. The salvation comes from our own willingness to achieve salvation. Religion takes the power away from you and hands it off to a hypothetical, which in turn hands the power off to the cabal.
Unfortunately, you are 100% right. It is sad because it is indoctrination. Get berated when try and speak of it when trying to help and essentially being for the same common goal. People know they have been lied to in school, MSM, History, technology, medicine etc etc etc. But not the Church. That was not infiltrated. God LOVING not God FEARING. It is too bad imo that people do not want to even research what that means and shut it down completely because THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE TOLD. No fear. All love. Love is the highest frequency we can achieve as humans, fear is the lowest. The higher your frequency, the closer to God.
Fearing God entails respect. Like a child will fear his parents' disapproval and punishment, he will do what is right while unobserved. It is a different fear than "the monster under the bed" or "you better behave because Santa Claus is watching you" since that is not real love. So when we are urged to fear God, it is out of respect and awe. It's not a Freddy Kreuger kind of fear.
Touchy subject. Psychedelics are another thing we have been lied about. They are plants and plant medicine. In ancient history, psychedelic plants were used as a form of currency. They grow in nature, not made in a lab. The “war on drugs” was an absolute sham. Research about Jesus and psychedelics, you’ll be surprised...
That being said, people interested can easily find more info on the subject. They are not something to do at a party or concert etc but by yourself or a shaman, in a safe quiet place and in the right state of mind knowing what you are getting yourself into. They also must be respected.
If done the right way, they certainly can help in numerous ways and take you into the quantum realm of reality. What we do not perceive with our 5 senses in a 3d world. I also have friends who have stopped smoking cigarettes cold turkey, no cravings nothing, after 25+ years of smoking daily with just one trip. Same for alcohol or alcoholics as well as depression.
Based on my research and the research of many others, it makes absolutely no sense how people will take like Lipitor and Xanax and shit encouraging big pharma vs nature.
For depression, big pharma 💊 temporary block receptors of the neurons or synapses in your brain, hence why people are repeat customers. Plant medicine like mushrooms actually reconnect these neurons therefore attack the root of the problem vs masking it temporarily. (FF to 4:03:15 👇)
Again I urge people to truly do their research and know what they are getting into if considering psychedelics.
Edit: to answer your question, yes. Because they also give you an ego death. When that happens you have more love to give and to receive. Feel more grateful about life in general. Feel more empathetic. Can make you not fear death as they help understand the soul. Therefore all these are love frequencies vs fear frequencies.
Edit2: here are just a couple recent examples from friends of mine who either have stopped smoking or really really woke up after having an “ego death”
Even those who know it to be true in theory do not sense or feel it, but continue to be aware of themselves as isolated “egos” inside bags of skin.
Irrevocable commitment to any religion is not only intellectual suicide; it is positive unfaith because it closes the mind to any new vision of the world. Faith is, above all, open-ness — an act of trust in the unknown.
Religions are divisive and quarrelsome. They are a form of one-upmanship because they depend upon separating the “saved” from the “damned,” the true believers from the heretics, the in-group from the out-group… All belief is fervent hope, and thus a cover-up for doubt and uncertainty.
Seemed like a brilliant man from what I have read of and about him. The universe and our connection to it is so complex.
There’s definitely debate there. Some don’t believe in micro dosing and only in macro doses or hero doses.
I have gotten most my family who won’t “trip” to micro dose (brothers sisters cousins etc) even my parents who are in their mid 60’s. My sister was able to cure herself from depression and get rid of daily 💊 after a few months. The rest (all of them) tell me they all sleep better and feel less stressed And ALL say they are more kind, loving, patient, empathetic and understanding which essentially is your ego slowly dissolving vs a hero dose where 2 days later you’re like shit yeah lesss goooo feeling great everybody love everybody lol
Anyone telling you they had an ego death is lying. The ego is something can be he controlled and held back but it is a part of each and everyone. Even Jesus Christ had an ego he constantly battled and was victorious against. This is Satan, and each and every time you overcome your self interest, your control becomes stronger and better.
Their whole goal is to keep us off balance, angry or afraid, it makes everything a struggle. Accept your not going to understand somethings and fighting to figure it out. You'll understand when you do.
Fight the FOMO, the hunger for answers & the understanding your missing, it will come. Enjoy your life and the ones you love around you. Smile at your neighbors, however they feel about anything doesn't matter, they are not your enemy ❤️
Perhaps this falls into the "There's no such things as bad publicity" bucket. Flynn discounts Q and X22 which, with his large following, draws more attention to both...
Yeah LOCAL ACTION will surely fix an internationally coordinated effort to steal elections (successfully). I fail to see how community engagement can fix our election system after it's already been lost. If that's the way forward then we are beyond fucked.
Flynn should stick to selling books and grifting, because that's quite literally all he's been good for since his pardon. Many of us expected big things from Flynn after he escaped the corrupt persecution of Judge Emmet Sullivan. Nothing happened, instead we received the opposite, Flynn routinely denying and shitting all over the Q movement.
Flynn may have been used as an unwitting (or witting) patsy as means to capture illegal FISA procedures, that remains to be seen, but I'm fairly certain he has never been IN on the Q op. I appreciate his service, but he has nothing of value to contribute anymore.
I think of his post like this: Is Q a psyop? Well, yeah, if we think about it. What is a psychological operation? An effort to shape or steer a mass of people in a certain direction. Q is attempting to wake the populace the fuck up. And that operation has been largely successful.
Flynn says Q has done a "major disservice:. A disservice to who? The DS, that's who.
Flynn is compelling all to get off our asses and get involved in saving our republic. That is happening. How many anons out there knew there was bullshit afoot and quit voting because they rightly felt the elections were rigged. But Trump needs to win in a landslide that can't be overcome by their traditional cheating. I doubt there is a single anon on this board that isn't voting at every opportunity now.
And lastly I doubt Flynn is stupid enough to advertise his or their future actions and disinformation is necessary.
Flynn’s telling us the number 1 blocker to civil war and taking control from the DS is to take over our local governments- peacefully of course. We need to be involved in elections, city counsels, local LE, school boards, maybe even state level legislation whether that’s as activists or elected voting blocks. Probably wouldn’t hurt to infiltrate local political parties.
It’s the “waiting” part that he’s railing against.
Flynn is s good guy. He is right that we need to take real action and not wait to be saved. However, just because many have speculated he is part of the Q team, does not make it a certainty. He might not be part of the operation and just voicing his personal opinion. There is no guarantee he has been formally part of the Q operation. Just my two cents.
I hope the General understands the 1,000's if not more of man power hours we've put into red-pilling people around us and getting liberals, normies, RINO conservatives and the like to vote MAGA all the way down the card. Most of us on this forum and the many on QResearch have devoted their whole lives these past 7 years to digging, finding truth and presenting it to digest. Think about how often you are putting effort into this whole Awakening? I know for SURE mine adds up to more time than my actual job (that I do remotely).
Does anyone honestly believe that Pres. Trump or Gen. Flynn is going to present a Tony Stark press conference saying "I am Q(+)" ? The 5th gen warfare has to be as subtle and contain as much misdirection as the cabals has been for centuries. The fact that he is even addressing it, is something in and of itself.
The only part that I take exception to is saying that people are sitting around waiting for something to happen. On that note I beg to differ, people are taking action by running for office, going to school board meetings, striking up conversations, or responding to people who push lefty ideas and not staying silent for the sake of being polite or avoiding being controversial.
Truth be told, how many of those that were on this board from the start have pointed people here for information, or seen a change in family/friends/neighbors/co-workers by being consistent with the information or more accurately, a different perspective on things by being the "local conspiracy theorist" aka truth seeker? More people are doing their part than we know I imagine, we can see the results from the upswing in pushback and rhetoric of the left/cabal, they are ramping shit up b/c the usual modis operandi is NOT working. We know how bad things are, and have a pretty decent idea of what the cabal will push before this is all over.
I think Q has done their job, and we will be hitting the precipice very soon. Anons have all the information needed. We got through, arguably, the hardest part of The Plan. The Q booster rockets can now be jettisoned. LFG!
Why did you and Trump let them steal the fucking election and commit treason then General? You have the audacity to tell the public we are doing nothing yet you allowed the biggest crime ever to take place. And acting like Trump himself isn't/hasn't directly interacted many times to the Q boards.
Flynn said trump may have gotten 400 electoral votes. So we did our job right? Do we need Potus to get every electoral vote? Who stops this when the people in charge of counting and ensuring a fair election are rigging elections?
Yes, I believe we did our job which makes it hard to say "let's all get out there and vote Trump into office in 2024!" However as time has passed I understand how this could have all been part of the plan.
People were to brainwashed and MSM had full control. They let Biden take the office to avoid mass anarchy and let them run the ship into the ground themselves. The past 3 years has been so painful but so many people have awaken. If 2024 goes the same way I would be shocked and would not know what to say.
Also I’ve noticed the media narrative is decoupling from the real world. Cant keep saying this is the strongest economic time ever when people are laying in the streets. But this is what happens at the end of communism. People turn off the news and go out side like the end of V for vendetta.
Psyop is obvious. Unfortunately I don’t believe doing anything local will help us avoid the inevitable war and terrorist attack once Iran gets involved. Maybe help avoid the damages to the children with the schools and possibly try to get deportations out of state at least, these palastinians, African UN soldiers out…Zion don, which blindly or blackmailed or naive support Israel. And will follow suit rallying the ignorant to finally get the last peice of the puzzle. Iran. Trumps kids won’t be the one drafted. Yes I believe there will be a draft. People are waking up and not joining the woke welfare brigade with guns anymore. But Israel needs a White blood sacrifice again, so beat way to do that is kick Iran, then go head to head with Russia Iran China and North Korea. Possibly India as well. Not sure. Recruiters I heard were thousands behind in quotas.
Devolution makes the most sense. Trump knew Biden was compromised before he left office. If he didn’t devolve the govt he would’ve been derelict in his duties. Period.
He's right..Trump is not President -He is our CIC and the military is not "coming" to the rescue-they are already in control. Trump and Flynn both backed-up Dr Jan Halpar's tweet which said the same
I believe moass is imminent, and I believe part of that wealth shift will be for people that make money from it will need use that money to proactively help fix this nation
Mark “is have a new chin” Cuban is adjoining and SEC Lawsuit with Elon Musk.
London Exchange shut down temporarily today
USDebt clock trolling central banks 3 times a week bitcoin halveing
Seems like the only thing that can stop the next banker war is to make sure we have no more bakers.
Trump being tried for fraud, Flynn denounces Q, Sydney Powell pleads guilty, Jordan backs off the SOTH and I have a case of Diarrhea where I can crap over a 3 rail fence!!!!!!!!!!!! What else can happen on such a lovely day? KEK
I'm going to be completely honest, I figured out that it was not true in about December of 20. I didn't but the flair on this post or even know how to.........
Q said think for yourselves. Ask questions.
“We work for you”. So when the rabble start bitching and moaning…. We get banned. I get it. I’ve gotten the love tap a few times
But we have a right to ask questions. We’re told this movement is about us. Ask questions get answers.
This forum needs to get together and PIN some questions and demand answers.
Yea, like Flynn is going to admit 'Q' is legitimate. 'Q' tells us that DISINFO is necessary, but Flynn is right (and 'Q' agrees) about people being active instead of sitting around waiting for the cavalry to save us..... Pssss. That's only in the movies. This is a war. It took a long time for the DS to set everything up... and they did so with layers of safeguards.It's a tough nut to crack. Everyone should expect a war that is long and drawn out. We should expect battles lost, but we can never give up. We need to fight, fight, fight.
Can't be a fan of X22 without believing something is going on. Thats like saying you're a fan of people that go out looking for Bigfoot but you don't believe in Bigfoot. Let me ask this: Why would someone who claims something is not real, not only admit they are a fan of a podcast that discusses its workings but they have accepted to be involved in said podcast MULTIPLE TIMES! Common sense tells you it just doesn't add up.
That being said, there are still alot of folks that could be getting involved that aren't. Most do not reside on this forum. But we can all benefit from small acts. Minor wins are still wins and every God-fearing patriot can do something. Even Trump constantly tells us the ball is in our court. ALOT of normies that are on the fence about Q think we are just sitting around with our thumb in our asses waiting for some Deus ex Machina. I have those discussions literally all the time. Couldn't be further from the truth. I am inspired to put in more work when I can BECAUSE I have hope that it's all going to break eventually and we will come out on the other side victorious.
If you have people that want this country saved and aren't involved in some way, work on them. Get them out there!
One Thing comes to mind.... "Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak” Sun Tzu, The Art of War.
As much as we see the patriots, the White Hats and even the Anon community apparently in despair, its completely the opposite. We are getting stronger...🙏🏻
"Some disinformation necessary", I think is the quote
Until the Big T-man stops confirming Q with every freakin' statement he makes, and until Dan stops hitting the posts with every comm, I will continue to comfort my neighbors and friends with this information revealed to me, giving them hope and encouraging all of us to act locally, be poll-watchers or candidates, and vote like hell!
Black-pilled Patriots tend to do nothing but rock softly back and forth, which is what the Deep State and Cabal want. White Pill yourself and others, and take action!
Earlier before the truth about the Deep State was widespread it was vital that we not take up arms. Anyone who did would have been locked away or killed and the public would not have understood what is going on.
Now that everything is out there in the public domain perhaps it is time for a shift in strategy.
Perhaps this is his way of telling us to enter the new phase.
Believing in the military kept us from action and thus safe. Perhaps that was a disinformation needed to get us to here.
Took me a minute to follow your comment, but I'm with you.
To keep us from going off and forming militia all over, storming after the corrupt, and getting ourselves killed and making our side look like crazy murderers, there was a certain ammount of disinformation needed to keep us from doing just that.
Basically taught us patience and to not fly off the handle, so we don't all get rounded up as "domestic terrorists".
There is a lot of truth to this. I remember people around jan 6 were so riled, many took their guns with them, but left them at the hotels. There was so many FBI on the you could spot em by the dozen.
We litterally dodged the bullet on that one.
Yes, and even mentioning "Q" and X22 gets people curious as to what it is all about. As things get worse, people will start asking more questions and become naturally curious in desperate search of answers.
All those times Trump hinted of Q and "Air Q's" and pointing at people holding Q signs etc etc etc.... There was direct action with the 8chan/kun boards. You can't tell me it's a psyop without saying Trump is in on the psyop.
Totally agree with you. Trump is 100% in on the plan. It’s a hard fact. There is no way the Trump Twitter posts could line up so perfect timed with Q posts. Maybe once by chance but how many times did it happen? Far too many to be remotely possible. Therefore Trump is 100% involved.
This is why I’m on the fence with Flynn. Is he trying to split and divide folks? Or is it like purposeful disinformation? I think he’s playing a part and he’s a good guy, or that’s what I want to believe, if for no other reason, because so many military folks have gone woke, I want to believe someone out there is still useful.
I think GenFlynn is playing his part, disinformation, appear weak while leaving us frogs clues as to such
Then the tippy top request being fulfilled.
No shame in that at all! Every single person here can probably speak to how much ground can be made digitally. For some, social media is the only news they consume. We need to be out there too. Memes, redpills and good digging! Thank you for doing what you can- we are proud of you! 🐸7
Why do you always make inane comments?
He's a spook. They lie to the point that whatever they say is useless. Yes, he could be a good guy, but he's still a lying spook. That's just the reality. Q is, too. Just the reality. Best to keep it in mind.
Absolutes and Hyperbole does not an anon make.
Yes, we need people run in their local elections, man the polling stations, get involved with local audit teams.... there's a lot going on.
Sitting on asses waiting for someone else to step up isn't gonna work. He has always held that position.
I don't give a rat's ass what Flynn says. If he thinks we are sitting on our butts doing nothing, he's got another thing coming. And the simple fact is is that the continuity government legal framework we've seen through devolution exists. Nothing's going to change that. The idea that any of us are just sitting around waiting for the military to rescue people is crazy
Anons have been putting in the good work since b4 Q drops began. Shit, the 2016 wikileaks drops and subsequent research prove as much.
Smoke meet mirrors.
We did a lot of exposure from Pizzagate.
Many of us who were researching and digging through the shit disseminated it across Reddit like a tsunami, hitting so many people that Reddit had to find any reason to ban the subreddit.
Many man hours went into those digs. Many discussions, verification, and more peer review than a climate change study.
Many of us have ran -- and in a lot of cases, failed -- in local elections against entrenched people.
Others participated to help put Trump in office not once but twice -- which is where he should be right now.
Many sleepless and stressful nights followed in the wake of Pizzagate. A lot of people ended up spooked too, whether from paranoia or actual reasoning.
Many people show up to Trump's rallies and events, to show numbers and fight against the propaganda.
Devaluing that is awful. Even if it were someone a part of the Q team, which I have never been convinced about Flynn being a part of.
It has always been too in our faces from him, which ran completely contrary to Q posts themselves which have subtlety and nuance. Flynn didn't.
All that digging and you still haven't put it all together yet.
Muh Jews is irrelevant to my post. That is a separate discussion that focuses on the incorrect targets by encompassing a massive group of people who have no part in it.
It is a highly complex discussion that is easily derailed because of headlines like "Jew World Order", headlines that seem deliberately stated to disarm any criticism of the powers that be.
It does not surprise me in the slightest that you haven't put it together.
Not really, it was all lined out quite clearly in John 8:44, Revelation 2:9, and Revelation 3:9.
When Flynn says things like he did on X22, I always get the sense he's not talking to informed, motivated patriots like we have here on GAW. He's talking to people who do nothing but pass around low-quality hopium on Telegram.
Even still, maybe some of us even here could be doing more.
I agree and think he’s talking to a different level of ‘followers’. he’s spreading disinformation to stir the pot, make it look like patriots are divided. which to me, would mean he’s extra trustworthy; to be able to cast doubt like he does.
Patriots are divided. Divided between those who care about America first and those who care about Israel first and what ever is left over for Americans.
No they are not
If you care about Isreal first, by definition, you are not a US Patriot.
Exactly my point.
Are you two referring to Israel the nation or Israel the political entity or Israel the geographical demarcation?
It’s all so confusing . All the choices
Only God can save us from the real enemy.
Ultimately, yes. But proximately we need the military legal system. Get these criminal civilians under martial law and wipe them out. It must be done.
I concur we need the military. They have tons of training, practice and history, and a trillion dollar budget. If they won't help, or are working for the other side, it will be the end. But you know what they say about faith without works. We need to help out where we can.
Really - at over an hour per episode of X22 one is not an uniformed person to give that level of time!
In regard to MJF I have never warmed to him since I saw him on the first WH Press Room session when he waded in and told some country - Iran I think - that he is putting them on notice. Just come across as a loud mouth. So what is he actually trying to achieve in this latest statement - does he want people to rise up and take things back by force? Didn't say the heavy lifting was their job, and military was the only way.
It’s dismissive and condescending.
Nothing is going to change the fact that whatever this Joe Biden creature is, he's doing everything possible to lose support amongst all the Democratic voting bases. Everything. That has to be by design.
Yes, but we need more. I'm working with a audit team and they get a lot done but could use more people and more funding. Look up a audit team in your state and volunteer or donate a little if you have it to spare.
Yet he’s always on X22, whos hundreds of thousands of followers follow Q and believe there is a plan.
And there has been way too many signs that Devolution is real and in effect as well.
Watching Badlands Media (on Rumble) for the Devolution Power Hour, and Defected, has opened my eyes to so much, but particularly to Kayfabe (however it's spelled). It's basically the personas they build in Pro Wrestling (which, remember, Trump is a huge fan of). MJF's post, Sydney Powell's pleading, even freakin' Lin Wood's action all scream of Kayfabe.
My favorite Badlands show is Eye of the Storm. Go watch that if you haven't. I'm so glad one of you frens from this site turned me onto it.
wtf is kayfabe
Kayfabe is all the fictional nonsense that happens in pro wrestling. The term applies outside of wrestling when two celebrities have a "feud" but it's all for show. Usually to drum up support for something or to get attention.
Multilayered deception
ah ok thanks!
Dave breaks down every Q post like Fauci breaks down a Pharma paycheck, Flynn, Kash….. the Trump boys…. Have all been on x22 multiple times. All of a sudden it’s a psyop? Damn right it’s a psyop.
This isn’t hard to reconcile. When Flynn says Q is a psyop, he isn’t lying. It is a psyop to get us off our butts, to get millions of people asking the correct questions, and building an army of autists. It’s succeeded in that regard. There were clear Q posts that revealed that someone very near Trump was involved.
It was also a psyop in that it messed with the Left something fierce.
But what Flynn is really saying here is that it isn’t enough for us to passively read forums like greatawakening without simultaneously taking action. Go to your city council meetings and speak the truth. School boards. Run for these offices. Expose corruption at the local level. Sue the government for this corruption and selective Justice system. Tell your friends and family the truth. Q wanted us to become warriors, not observers to the battle.
This Anon Wins.
You kinda glossed over the "major disservice" part
Flynn: "...we have a person in the WH that is there following a constitutional process...note I didn't say fair election (which I don't believe occurred)..." ?
It can't be a constitutional process that put Biden in the WH unless the constitution calls for the election process to be unfair.
I SO sick of this kind of shit.
We can pretend that Biden is in office legitimately according to our constitution even though it wasn't a fair election, but Q is a make believe 'psyop'?
He said person, not president. And he didn't say who the person is 😉
I agree. Words matter.
So then who is in the White House, and who got there because of an unfair election? Trump? C'mon man. He's talking about Biden.
How about someone else entirely? It is code, after all. Just sayin.
Well put! upvoted
Makes you wonder WTF Flynn is trying to do besides confuse literally everyone listening to him.
This is the problem with our cub scout good guys. If you follow the law while destroying the country, that's fine. They'll even support your right to destroy the country as long as you follow the rules.
Ascension saves is a topic that isnt discussed enough amongst frogs imo. It is literally what Q left us with..
This is spiritual warfare at its core. These people worship Moloch and practice Satanism in everything they do. They hijacked every fn aspect of our society from history books to the textbooks to the Church. They kept us dumb and asleep and controlled through things like fluoride in the water etc that shuts down our pineal gland. They practice black magick for real, black magick is MIND CONTROL. They use numerology and astrology etc and perform rituals. We can fight back by getting in tune with the frequency of God, and essentially ascending. This is real wether we like it or not, regardless of which paradigm this shatters.
That being said, General Flynn is right, the military will not help you in ascension. It needs to come from us as individuals and thus replacing the collective consciousness with love and hope vs fear and hate, which these psychopaths feed on to keep us enslaved.
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” ― Nikola Tesla
You best believe they know this and has been used against us every single fucking day of our lives.
Edit 2: See tweet below to see some triggered Ukraine flag accounts, “Flynn’s cult” 😂 -------------------->>>>>
Agreed and well said. This psyop has been used before - Operation Trust.
Thanks Mac 👊🏻
Back at you fren.
Juan’s last FluffTube video with David Nino mirrored your point exactly! Nice Anon!
Thanks Brent, I have never listened to them tbh so not sure if it is meant as a good thing or bad thing lol
The hermetically sealed secret is quite obvious if you have the ability to see. There is no outside salvation, no one comming to save us. The salvation comes from our own willingness to achieve salvation. Religion takes the power away from you and hands it off to a hypothetical, which in turn hands the power off to the cabal.
Unfortunately, you are 100% right. It is sad because it is indoctrination. Get berated when try and speak of it when trying to help and essentially being for the same common goal. People know they have been lied to in school, MSM, History, technology, medicine etc etc etc. But not the Church. That was not infiltrated. God LOVING not God FEARING. It is too bad imo that people do not want to even research what that means and shut it down completely because THAT'S WHAT THEY ARE TOLD. No fear. All love. Love is the highest frequency we can achieve as humans, fear is the lowest. The higher your frequency, the closer to God.
Great insight. Blessing to you in the love and light of the infinite Creator.
Thanks WM. God Bless brother.
Yes! I always thought "God fearing" was so bass ackwards.
It is. Thats not love.
Fearing God entails respect. Like a child will fear his parents' disapproval and punishment, he will do what is right while unobserved. It is a different fear than "the monster under the bed" or "you better behave because Santa Claus is watching you" since that is not real love. So when we are urged to fear God, it is out of respect and awe. It's not a Freddy Kreuger kind of fear.
Btw, do you think psychedelics increase one's frequency?
Touchy subject. Psychedelics are another thing we have been lied about. They are plants and plant medicine. In ancient history, psychedelic plants were used as a form of currency. They grow in nature, not made in a lab. The “war on drugs” was an absolute sham. Research about Jesus and psychedelics, you’ll be surprised...
That being said, people interested can easily find more info on the subject. They are not something to do at a party or concert etc but by yourself or a shaman, in a safe quiet place and in the right state of mind knowing what you are getting yourself into. They also must be respected.
If done the right way, they certainly can help in numerous ways and take you into the quantum realm of reality. What we do not perceive with our 5 senses in a 3d world. I also have friends who have stopped smoking cigarettes cold turkey, no cravings nothing, after 25+ years of smoking daily with just one trip. Same for alcohol or alcoholics as well as depression.
Based on my research and the research of many others, it makes absolutely no sense how people will take like Lipitor and Xanax and shit encouraging big pharma vs nature.
For depression, big pharma 💊 temporary block receptors of the neurons or synapses in your brain, hence why people are repeat customers. Plant medicine like mushrooms actually reconnect these neurons therefore attack the root of the problem vs masking it temporarily. (FF to 4:03:15 👇)
Again I urge people to truly do their research and know what they are getting into if considering psychedelics.
Edit: to answer your question, yes. Because they also give you an ego death. When that happens you have more love to give and to receive. Feel more grateful about life in general. Feel more empathetic. Can make you not fear death as they help understand the soul. Therefore all these are love frequencies vs fear frequencies.
Edit2: here are just a couple recent examples from friends of mine who either have stopped smoking or really really woke up after having an “ego death”
Very interesting. Question, do you actually have to experience ego death to benefit? Can not micro dosing help raise your vibration as well?
Side note, have you ever listened to Alan Watts?
Seemed like a brilliant man from what I have read of and about him. The universe and our connection to it is so complex.
There’s definitely debate there. Some don’t believe in micro dosing and only in macro doses or hero doses.
I have gotten most my family who won’t “trip” to micro dose (brothers sisters cousins etc) even my parents who are in their mid 60’s. My sister was able to cure herself from depression and get rid of daily 💊 after a few months. The rest (all of them) tell me they all sleep better and feel less stressed And ALL say they are more kind, loving, patient, empathetic and understanding which essentially is your ego slowly dissolving vs a hero dose where 2 days later you’re like shit yeah lesss goooo feeling great everybody love everybody lol
Heroic dose is the way.
Anyone telling you they had an ego death is lying. The ego is something can be he controlled and held back but it is a part of each and everyone. Even Jesus Christ had an ego he constantly battled and was victorious against. This is Satan, and each and every time you overcome your self interest, your control becomes stronger and better.
Some like DMT can allow you to peak behind the veil. And can allow for a shortcut to one’s spiritual awakening.
Direct contradiction of Q:
"Miitary is the only way."
What ever helps you to cope.
Their whole goal is to keep us off balance, angry or afraid, it makes everything a struggle. Accept your not going to understand somethings and fighting to figure it out. You'll understand when you do.
Fight the FOMO, the hunger for answers & the understanding your missing, it will come. Enjoy your life and the ones you love around you. Smile at your neighbors, however they feel about anything doesn't matter, they are not your enemy ❤️
💯 ❤️
I am that I am is in the Bible soooooo
Perhaps this falls into the "There's no such things as bad publicity" bucket. Flynn discounts Q and X22 which, with his large following, draws more attention to both...
yes^ General Flynn is like a jester, getting people to question the narrative.
Or a clown.
Appear weak when you are strong.
Yeah LOCAL ACTION will surely fix an internationally coordinated effort to steal elections (successfully). I fail to see how community engagement can fix our election system after it's already been lost. If that's the way forward then we are beyond fucked.
Flynn should stick to selling books and grifting, because that's quite literally all he's been good for since his pardon. Many of us expected big things from Flynn after he escaped the corrupt persecution of Judge Emmet Sullivan. Nothing happened, instead we received the opposite, Flynn routinely denying and shitting all over the Q movement.
Flynn may have been used as an unwitting (or witting) patsy as means to capture illegal FISA procedures, that remains to be seen, but I'm fairly certain he has never been IN on the Q op. I appreciate his service, but he has nothing of value to contribute anymore.
^This. 100%.
I think of his post like this: Is Q a psyop? Well, yeah, if we think about it. What is a psychological operation? An effort to shape or steer a mass of people in a certain direction. Q is attempting to wake the populace the fuck up. And that operation has been largely successful.
Flynn says Q has done a "major disservice:. A disservice to who? The DS, that's who.
Flynn is compelling all to get off our asses and get involved in saving our republic. That is happening. How many anons out there knew there was bullshit afoot and quit voting because they rightly felt the elections were rigged. But Trump needs to win in a landslide that can't be overcome by their traditional cheating. I doubt there is a single anon on this board that isn't voting at every opportunity now.
And lastly I doubt Flynn is stupid enough to advertise his or their future actions and disinformation is necessary.
Re landslide winn, RFK Jr. Backing reparations just split the Dem vote. Check ;-)
And Flynn took the oath on Twitter. That big Q thing, remember?
I remember him taking the Q oath a while back.
Flynn’s telling us the number 1 blocker to civil war and taking control from the DS is to take over our local governments- peacefully of course. We need to be involved in elections, city counsels, local LE, school boards, maybe even state level legislation whether that’s as activists or elected voting blocks. Probably wouldn’t hurt to infiltrate local political parties.
It’s the “waiting” part that he’s railing against.
Basically do 2020 again.
There's not much to read between the lines here. I mean, he knows where the bodies are buried.
Black Ops.... Go. It's time the "good guys' in the military bury bodies that deserve to be buried.
Flynn is s good guy. He is right that we need to take real action and not wait to be saved. However, just because many have speculated he is part of the Q team, does not make it a certainty. He might not be part of the operation and just voicing his personal opinion. There is no guarantee he has been formally part of the Q operation. Just my two cents.
I hope the General understands the 1,000's if not more of man power hours we've put into red-pilling people around us and getting liberals, normies, RINO conservatives and the like to vote MAGA all the way down the card. Most of us on this forum and the many on QResearch have devoted their whole lives these past 7 years to digging, finding truth and presenting it to digest. Think about how often you are putting effort into this whole Awakening? I know for SURE mine adds up to more time than my actual job (that I do remotely).
Does anyone honestly believe that Pres. Trump or Gen. Flynn is going to present a Tony Stark press conference saying "I am Q(+)" ? The 5th gen warfare has to be as subtle and contain as much misdirection as the cabals has been for centuries. The fact that he is even addressing it, is something in and of itself.
The only part that I take exception to is saying that people are sitting around waiting for something to happen. On that note I beg to differ, people are taking action by running for office, going to school board meetings, striking up conversations, or responding to people who push lefty ideas and not staying silent for the sake of being polite or avoiding being controversial.
Truth be told, how many of those that were on this board from the start have pointed people here for information, or seen a change in family/friends/neighbors/co-workers by being consistent with the information or more accurately, a different perspective on things by being the "local conspiracy theorist" aka truth seeker? More people are doing their part than we know I imagine, we can see the results from the upswing in pushback and rhetoric of the left/cabal, they are ramping shit up b/c the usual modis operandi is NOT working. We know how bad things are, and have a pretty decent idea of what the cabal will push before this is all over.
Operators never divulge. u/#q4610
I think Q has done their job, and we will be hitting the precipice very soon. Anons have all the information needed. We got through, arguably, the hardest part of The Plan. The Q booster rockets can now be jettisoned. LFG!
Fud from Flynn an SidPow at the same time. Coincidence?
Q always says it was a mil-civ collaboration.
Civs, that means you, need to have sharp elbows and take up space.
How many of you reading this are on a school or select board? Election volunteer? Using your business to spread Patriot influence? etc etc etc
Don't tell people what you want them to hear, lead by example.
Why did you and Trump let them steal the fucking election and commit treason then General? You have the audacity to tell the public we are doing nothing yet you allowed the biggest crime ever to take place. And acting like Trump himself isn't/hasn't directly interacted many times to the Q boards.
Flynn said trump may have gotten 400 electoral votes. So we did our job right? Do we need Potus to get every electoral vote? Who stops this when the people in charge of counting and ensuring a fair election are rigging elections?
Yes, I believe we did our job which makes it hard to say "let's all get out there and vote Trump into office in 2024!" However as time has passed I understand how this could have all been part of the plan.
People were to brainwashed and MSM had full control. They let Biden take the office to avoid mass anarchy and let them run the ship into the ground themselves. The past 3 years has been so painful but so many people have awaken. If 2024 goes the same way I would be shocked and would not know what to say.
Also I’ve noticed the media narrative is decoupling from the real world. Cant keep saying this is the strongest economic time ever when people are laying in the streets. But this is what happens at the end of communism. People turn off the news and go out side like the end of V for vendetta.
What if it's a call to get off our asses?
We are Q.
Time to pick one?
Psyop is obvious. Unfortunately I don’t believe doing anything local will help us avoid the inevitable war and terrorist attack once Iran gets involved. Maybe help avoid the damages to the children with the schools and possibly try to get deportations out of state at least, these palastinians, African UN soldiers out…Zion don, which blindly or blackmailed or naive support Israel. And will follow suit rallying the ignorant to finally get the last peice of the puzzle. Iran. Trumps kids won’t be the one drafted. Yes I believe there will be a draft. People are waking up and not joining the woke welfare brigade with guns anymore. But Israel needs a White blood sacrifice again, so beat way to do that is kick Iran, then go head to head with Russia Iran China and North Korea. Possibly India as well. Not sure. Recruiters I heard were thousands behind in quotas.
Devolution makes the most sense. Trump knew Biden was compromised before he left office. If he didn’t devolve the govt he would’ve been derelict in his duties. Period.
at least he knows there is no such things a qanon
He's right..Trump is not President -He is our CIC and the military is not "coming" to the rescue-they are already in control. Trump and Flynn both backed-up Dr Jan Halpar's tweet which said the same
"I believe it is a major psyop" - not a conspiracy theory.
Flynn is bringing focus and direction to what is important. How do you marshal the troops without admitting you're the commander?
Nice flair.
I believe moass is imminent, and I believe part of that wealth shift will be for people that make money from it will need use that money to proactively help fix this nation
SEC dropped the lawsuit on XRP just now
Mark “is have a new chin” Cuban is adjoining and SEC Lawsuit with Elon Musk. London Exchange shut down temporarily today USDebt clock trolling central banks 3 times a week bitcoin halveing
Seems like the only thing that can stop the next banker war is to make sure we have no more bakers.
The message here is for us to get involved locally. He doesn't think we are doing enough. Too many just waiting for the plan to fix things.
Trump being tried for fraud, Flynn denounces Q, Sydney Powell pleads guilty, Jordan backs off the SOTH and I have a case of Diarrhea where I can crap over a 3 rail fence!!!!!!!!!!!! What else can happen on such a lovely day? KEK
Does 'think mirror' apply here?
So, according to Flynn, the military answers to a group of people who stole the election.
GenFlynn contradicts himself a bit - saying mil is not coming to the rescue - yet he calls us all digital soldiers. Hmm..
... "It is a psyop."
I got banned for saying this and asking questions.
... cause people to wait for someone else to act.
I got banned for saying this and asking questions.
... develution is crap ...
I got banned for saying this and asking questions.
In other words, I got banned for standing with the general.
An honor.
I'm going to be completely honest, I figured out that it was not true in about December of 20. I didn't but the flair on this post or even know how to.........
Q said think for yourselves. Ask questions.
“We work for you”. So when the rabble start bitching and moaning…. We get banned. I get it. I’ve gotten the love tap a few times
But we have a right to ask questions. We’re told this movement is about us. Ask questions get answers.
This forum needs to get together and PIN some questions and demand answers.
Yea, like Flynn is going to admit 'Q' is legitimate. 'Q' tells us that DISINFO is necessary, but Flynn is right (and 'Q' agrees) about people being active instead of sitting around waiting for the cavalry to save us..... Pssss. That's only in the movies. This is a war. It took a long time for the DS to set everything up... and they did so with layers of safeguards.It's a tough nut to crack. Everyone should expect a war that is long and drawn out. We should expect battles lost, but we can never give up. We need to fight, fight, fight.