Yes, but its not just myocarditis. Its a whole host of things, including degrading immune system. My mum who was double jabbed recently had a blood test and her immune numbers are completely crazy. Just 6 months ago they were all normal. The doctor is trying to convince her to not worry and forget about it. I am trying to get her to do more tests and figure out how bad things are and what the best way to fix it.
Same here. My rule of thumb is that if I can’t stop the bleeding within an hour or there’s a bone poking through my skin I’ll go to a “doctor”. Otherwise, fuck those ass hats and their pills.
I even set bones twice very successfully. I got broken ribs one time and my employees were all bugged me to go to the Dr. I came back and told everyone yep there broken, just like I thought. They wanted to know what they were going to do and I told them "Nothing". $700 for nothing, and they thought I was crazy.
I had a broken rib a few years ago and read that wrapping your chest was bad because it could lead to lung congestion. I didn't wrap, and each morning when I woke up, there would be an audible "crack!", because it was either re-breaking, or the break line was just rubbing; I don't know for sure. But this continued for a week or two until it finally fused, but fused offset, so now I have a lump where the break happened. I wish I had wrapped it so it would have fused in the correct alignment!
My appendix burst in December 2019. The stupid thing is, I went to my local clinic because I had pain and the doctor said that it was just gas. He gave me some medicine Friday afternoon and by Monday morning, The pain was real bad. I went back and he said my appendix had burst. I drove myself to the ER and later I learned what a bad idea that was. I stumbled towards the hospital and they got me a wheelchair. I had to have it removed along with a few centimeters of my intestine with it because the infection was so bad.
It's a good thing I didn't eat breakfast that morning. Once I got to the hospital and had a scan, I had to lay for a couple hours in the ER. I was able to use the restroom one last time before the pain got too bad to even move. I can't imagine getting shot with a gun and how that must feel, because a burst appendix rendered me immobile.
When I was taken in with a grumbling appendix I had to wait 2 1/2 days for a consultant to get round to seeing me and say 'yep, appendix'. Then had to wait 1/2 day for op.
During that time, no food or liquid (on a drip) during a heatwave (no air-con in UK hospitals) and I was freezing cold and getting greyer by the hour.
Still, the op went well so I'm grateful for that, and my wife being totally awesome.
The ERs now ROUTINELY make patients who complain of pain wait longer than they used to, out of fear that someone is faking pain to get narcotics! I went in for a kidney stone (didn't know it; thought it was appendix) and they had me wait about 45 minutes in extreme pain before they finally did a CT scan to show it was a kidney stone. By that time, the pain had finally started to subside.
It will take at least two full generations to start to clean up all the Rockefeller petroleum allopathic bullshit that has been forced on to the medical community for the last 100+ years. That bloodline needs to be erased from the world.
thank you!
also synergy health saved my son's life when local hospital wouldn't give him monoclonal antibodies.
I found them on dr z's website last fall.
You will get phone calls from different numbers, its ok (don't try calling them).
from time of analysis of his condition to getting all the meds was 1 day. this is their website! They don’t take insurance so it’s out of pocket but they’re worth every penny for what you get out of it.
This is very true. I've stopped going to doctors a long time ago since most of them just became pill peddlers and couldn't diagnose their way out of a paper bag.
Once the old doctors I've known retired, I went to see some younger ones and they were just all over the place and completely untrustworthy.
Take care of your health, because they certainly won't.
My last visit to the doctor ( a very long time ago ) was about gout because I was foolishly drinking too much HFCS from soda. It was hard to walk due to the pain, but the medicine they gave me caused me to bleed when taking a dump. I threw the meds away, never went back and I researched the proper way to cure gout through diet. Just took a little bit of self-discipline to eat the right food and got cured without medicine within a year and hadn't had it back within the last decade.
Funny how a bunch of cherries, eating properly ( food I cooked by myself ) and no soda can work out.
yeah, I have had her on ivm for a whilenow, but I really need to dig deep into the vaxx detox protocols and figure out what does what. NAC sounds like a good idea, but have to dig into it too.
Look into vitamin e supplementation being related to prostate cancer, I'd switch out the vitamin e with vitamin d. That's been working for me anyway I take the same things
The standard dose (246mg) and above is safe on occasion, but when aspirin is taken daily, there becomes a risk of stomach bleeding.
81mg is also known as a “baby aspirin” and is considered a safer dose to take daily to minimize the risk of stomach bleeding, and is the dose typically prescribed for people who would benefit from the blood thinning of a daily aspirin such as heart attack or stroke victims.
Pomegranate juice does the same job as does ginger and garlic side effects.... pomegranate juice is something doctors should prescribe . It's so powerful. Cleans arteries had different level therapy regimens. I printed out the I-Recover plan for a jabbed family member this week, and the I-Protect plan to have on hand for those of us still holding the line. I found them useful as references/guides...very detailed.
More than 5 billion people have been injected with at least one dose of a COVID vaccine — so if we extrapolate a 6% heart injury/hospitalization rate from the survey, that would mean 300 million people have been effected.
If Dr. Malone is correct and a majority of vaccinated people have undiagnosed myocarditis, that would mean 3 billion people are at serious risk of sudden cardiac death.
You can’t imagine it (and I can’t imagine it ) but if that really happens to even a tenth of 3 billion people in the next few years, then we are talking about a world-altering event.
The book of Revelation in the bible speaks of a time when 1/3 of the population will die, and then 1/4 of the remaining people will die. Basically, about half the world's population. The 'end times' always seems like something far off. But knowing what we do about the vaxx, could this be that event?
A funeral I went to did a reading from The Book of Revelation that needed to be heard by the vaxx pushing liberals. Yet they skipped the service by attending the viewing the previous night.
You can make revelations say anything. The world is very old and humans have died off at various points due to ice ages etc
The Bible has been altered to suit agendas for a very long time and was a testament of the tribe of Jacob account of the arrival of elohim..240 odd of them..not very many female... mistranslation and agendas have occurred since then.
Homer and the epic of Gilgamesh and the Mahabharata books also speak of the same event and the Bible was written after not before.
Revelstions has been altered in many ways. Events were only written hundreds of years after events and not by professionals. They were written by hand ..each time they were rewritten more errors and changes happened.
James Tabor is a Christian author and an expert on revelations so it's best you look into his research.
Here is also the matter of a pre Christian will find this research interesting
Cancer is hitting people hard too. I posted this previously, but my waitress's hubby got cancer in his lymph and she noted the doctor had another young female with the same thing. I think the lymph tries to clean out garbage from your system.... seems like a lot of people may be getting that.
Heart attacks or strokes. A stroke is essentially the same as a heart attack, but in the brain. (And amusingly, the Rockefeller medical paradigm claims that cholesterol only affects heart attacks and not strokes, even though they are the same. I teach at an elementary school and one of my 4th grade students' young mother died this year of a stroke, most likely due to the deathjabs.
I think it'll effect more than a few hundred million people. If depopulation was their plan, it'll be a much higher number. Add to that the infertility.... = mission accomplished. :o(
Well, it’s hitting home. Friend of a friend just had a stroke and is not going to make it. Another friend had a heart attack and then surgery last winter. His wife was just medivac’ed (helicopter) with “mystery illness,” dizziness, brain fog, heart not pumping enough oxygen to brain etc.
The trouble is, all of these people were vaxxed, but none of them see a connection.
Everyone is hiring, but every company is still short staffed. The Lowes out where Im at lost 30% of their staff last week. They "quit". Where's everyone going? No company has a surplus of people, they're all short staffed no matter the industry, even though they're all hiring. COVID money has been halted ....... Where is everybody? What are they doing for work?
A couple times a month I make a 10hr long interstate travel and I can tell you the roads are almost empty. Both directions.......pick a day. Even Memorial Day Weekend and July 4th, roads super thinned-out. Is it just gas? Or something else? I don't see any MORE people on foot, or bike, or anything like that.
Are shit tons of people actually dying and were not being told?
Yesterday I drove past a graveyard that I pass by everyday.........seemed like a lot of new arrivals. The amount of people with just flower markers, who haven't received their stone yet, were in the hundreds. I drive by there everyday. Its getting packed
My husband and I have noticed the same thing. We can’t get people to apply for anything. Pay rates are through the roof too so it isn’t like the offers are poor. We were discussing months ago what it could be. We feel like the COVID money isn’t it other than people were paid to sit home and are lazy now. But one thing we wondered but don’t know how to confirm is it that so many people are dying and estates are getting settled and inheritance is allowing people to stay home??
I had 5 people quit within 3 weeks of getting their 90 day employment bonus. Never called me, just stopped showing up. I usually run about a 20 person crew. This year I had 12. I had 5 show up yesterday. I paid a 1000 dollar premium for each person to work only 3 months plus way overpaying to begin with. I have guys doing 15 dollar an hour jobs but paying them 25.
If I could find someone to buy my company Id retire tomorrow. I may do so anyway, I can always use the 300k worth of equipment I own, even though a lot of it is duplicates, on the farm. Im thinking I could build another pole barn to store it and use it when the other stuff breaks down and then cannibalize the older stuff for parts. Its all mostly paid for anyway,.
My whole huge company went to permanent work from home. I know of several other large companies in my area that have done the same- that could account for the lower traffic in part
Regarding hiring, there are many people I know (2 of them being my sons) that apply for jobs and never get a call. I met a guy who applied to about 20 restaurants with help wanted signs and never got a call. He told me about 10 of his friends experienced the same thing in different industries. What the hell is behind that!?!?
Funeral homes are swamped. What used to be 1-2 deaths per week average is now 1-2 deaths per day.
On the bright side, I just may be able to afford a beautiful beach-side home in a few years. That’s assuming we still have a country left intact.
In my industry I have never wanted for work (freelance security consultant) but last year marked a clear change.
I can't be certain, but in my case I think HR are getting in the way. My CV is geared up to a) get agents interested in representing me to their clients and b) impress the hiring managers (who are usually technical).
It's not an HR friendly CV and I think they are now getting in the way of my cv reaching the hiring managers.
Chinese is the unspoken "white." Chinese students are suing Harvard over admissions policies ... it's going to the Supreme Court. The same race discrimination model got rolled out hardcore across corporate America over the last 2 years in the name of "equity."
It also depends on which CRT is taught. I’ve seen Asians lumped in with Whites as oppressors and I’ve seen them thrown into the weak and fragile POC victim group.
Yes, what you say about everyone hiring is so true. It has been that way in my area for months now. “Now Hiring. All Shifts/Positions“ signs everywhere!
Where did everybody go?
Another interesting thing I’ve noticed is there are two large graveyards I pass by occasionally. They have had help wanted signs out for months now. Never in my life have I seen such a sign at a graveyard.
Wow. Yeah, same with the graveyard Im talking about. The only reason I actually noticed what seemed to be a large influx of deceased, was because I saw a "Now Hiring" sign right by the graves.
At first I thought, damn, that's kinda rude to be posting your hiring signs next to some head stones. Then I realized, it only said "now hiring", but not by whom, and that the sign was for the graveyard itself.
It is weird. I am familiar with people on both sides of the equation. I know business owners that are short staffed or can't get help, and I know people looking for work that can't seem to get hired. What the hell is the disconnect here? If people are staying home, I would like to know what they are living on. The stimulus money ended early last year and extended unemployment stopped in many states at the same time. So, unless some of these people are living on inheritances from dead baby boomer parents, I don't have a clue where everyone is. However, I have not noticed a slow down in traffic where I live. Rush hour traffic is just as congested as it ever was - if not more so because of the increase in housing. When I first moved to where I am currently located there was hardly anyone. Unfortunately for me, that is not the case any longer.
Our local sheriff was walking down a dock to get into a boat three days ago. He knew how to swim. And the water is shallow. But, he suddenly fell in and drowned. Obviously he had a heart attack or stroke while walking down the dock and was dead or close to dead by the time he hit the water.
I've definitely noticed a huge increase in drownings as well. Assuming it's because people are putting a "strain" on their heart by actively swimming and holding their breath.
A friend of mine was in a car accident because the car going the opposite direction, swerved into my friend's lane and crashed head on. Turned out the driver had a stroke while driving. My friend is fine but has several bruises, especially on the right hand because my friend just had hand surgery.
My friend would have swerved to avoid the accident but the car came out too fast, probably due to the driver pushing the pedal to the metal and gave zero time to react swift enough for my friend.
I dislike this topic because I suffered a death without dying trying to wake up family, friends, and my community. Instead every single one of them too this poisoned jab. I’m about to lose my house through a separation which this scamdemic had a role in and I’m about to start a life of solitude, by myself and move in to a rental in two weeks.
On the other side, despite what seems to be a non-stop mourning for my previous “sleeping” life. I’m also grateful because I feel like a new person. I don’t give a fuck anymore. Any conformity I had left to this sick society, is gone. I might have no friends right now, and half my family might be taken away sooner because everyone of them took the poison, but those things I cannot control. I tried. I tried to the point where I was asking myself if there was a point waking up the next morning. But here I am, now working on myself harder than ever.
To the survivors, I think we just need to work on ourselves. We will be needed by those who rejected and laughed at us.
I made the decision to leave. I tried to teach her how to think for herself, how to research information. Whenever I provided her evidence, she never thought for herself. She always had to get an opinion of someone from her circle of friends, all of whom are virtue signaling brainwashed zombies who did nothing but use her and whisper the narrative in her ears. She's in the nursing field, literally parrots "safe and effective" and "could have been worse" and every other programmed statements that the herd use. And now, just recently, I found her with some prescribed medication for shingles. Since our separation, I have said nothing about this topic anymore. I was tired of the arguments. They made me sad. I respected her field and her beliefs even when I didn't agree with them. But when I went out and spent time fighting this fucking tyranny, all I got was an earful and we argued. I wanted to start a family with her. I proposed to her just after the scamdemic hit, thinking nothing of it and just laughing it off. I was happy despite the clownfuckery. I'm now over 40, I don't know whether I'll be able to start a family. But I'll continue to fight. I'll continue to work on myself physically and mentally.
The algorithm is interesting to me. I am more inclined as you and teeter to the side of faith in what God has created and not in a man made hyped up, clown driven agenda.
I have a family member on the complete opposite side and believes fully that these clowns were and are the good guys. This family was saying things like he cares about my survival and I need to wear double masks and blah blah blah.
His heart very well could of been trying to do the right thing and he still cannot comprehend rejection. At first I was trying to be nice.
The other side of this is us. We have faith in real foundational things and it is foreign and mind boggling to them. I have always noticed this but not to this height.
These people on what we categorize as lefties have washed themselves in the blood of a manmade religion and they are like babies in it. Zealous for their new found manmade religion. Yet is you say this they will still mock you and say they are not.
Do not doubt yourself and be depressed. You are on the sid that actually cares and are just learning how to cope with rejection. That is a thing too.
However all this pans out I would prefer to be on the side of God and that all by itself is frightening because I see the levels of faith and I want to be considered weak in the eyes of God because I know there is torment knowing more.
These lefties are awakened to evil and they are blind as a bat. Some will make it out and honestly I think man kind has had many revelations over the thousands of years of man kind. Only when Gods algorithm is meet to good vs evil and He says it is a wrap—will it be a wrap. Till then we are living in the most exciting time in the history of the world and the USA ;)
My friend had been in remission w/ stage II pancreatic cancer - vaxxed and boosted - came out of remission 2 months ago and killed him a couple weeks ago. Others close to us fighting for their lives against deadly cancers.
Sorry to hear about your friend. My condolences. Sadly, I think this is becoming all too common.
Thankfully, I don't personally know anyone with crazy cancer - at least for now. Everyone I know is having cardiac and blood problems as well as autoimmune issues - RA flareups, Lupus, and Shingles. I know someone right now in the hospital with cardiac clotting. Quad bypass just two years ago. The meds are not working - big surprise. The clotting is in the capillaries and not the main vessels. I have no doubt they are all clogged up with those amyloid plagues that the embalmers have been taking out of bodies. I saw one the other day being removed from a pulmonary artery during an open heart surgery. Of course the surgeons don't have a clue as to why a fibrous clot like that formed. It is a mystery.
I am forced to bite my tongue because my friends just don't want to hear the truth. The narrative is strong with those two. Both are jabbed and double boosted. The one at home is also having chest pain. The recommended treatment for the one in the hospital is to be on nitrates and to keep his heart rate below a certain level to avoid SADS. This is insanity. In other words.... we don't have a clue as to what to do here.... so,... don't do anything strenuous. What a joke.
I suggested they look into IV chelation therapy. I have no idea whether this type of therapy will dissolve these kinds of clots. But hey, it would be worth a try. As far as I know, no one has offered any possible treatments for this artery clogging stuff. Even these fast moving cancers have got them scratching their heads while at the same time continuing to ignore what is right under their noses. My fren, the thought of what may be waiting down the road for them and us is too horrible to consider. Take care.
Honestly, it would take a whole lot of juice to have the beneficial effects that people think they are deriving from drinking any kind of store bought juice - and the increased sugar is no good. Unless someone is juicing themselves, store bought juice is a waste of money, and in the end is more than likely going to deliver far more unintended consequence from the high simple carb amount than any perceived benefit. Most of the products by law have to be pasteurized in order to be sold. That kills the enzymes, destroys many of the vitamins and phytonutrients, and concentrates the sugars.
Nattokinase, Vitamin K2 in the form of MK-4 and MK-7, are much better supplements to take to keep blood from clotting. Good fish oils are also helpful in this area. In addition, fish oils help to keep the vascular tone subtle in order to be able to have more youthful flexibility with changing vascular pressure. It is like the difference between a water hose that is new versus an older one that has gotten brittle. Which one is likely to burst with increased pressure? The supplements I mentioned work by helping to inhibit platelet aggregation which causes things to get sticky. K2 is also helpful for bone health.
These amyloid plagues are a whole different biological phenomenon that has never been seen before. We are not even sure what this stuff is much less know what to do in order to treat it. None of the normal clot busing therapies are seeming to have any effect. Which does not surprise me because these are not regular blood clots. They are something else entirely.
The book of Revelation in the bible speaks of a time when 1/3 of the population will die, and then 1/4 of the remaining people will die. Basically, about half the world's population. The 'end times' always seems like something far off. But knowing what we do about the vaxx, could this be that event?
This might sound crass, but now would be the time, with our stock market in the crapper, to be looking at funeral homes as a stock pick. This story makes it clear that a lot of people will be dying and in large amounts. So the workload at funeral homes will increase, thus the stock prices ought to catch the rise.
Did you see that Chinese translated video from a year or so ago that someone posted on their twitter? I captured screen shots from it before it got purged.
The video was blurry enough that I couldn't determine who the well-dressed important-looking official was that was standing at a podium speaking. The audio was in Chinese, and the Chinese closed captioning was also scrolling across the bottom of the screen. Below that, there was also an English translation. I have to assume the translation was correct.
Quickly Twitter banned the twitter member, and wiped the video from discovery. But not before I screen-shot a record of it, sentence by sentence. Here is what I captured:
The Chinese man was at a podium and speaking to a group of unseen people along with other officials that were shown on the side panel like a zoom call.
He said that the vax propaganda push was working and that in the U.S. (their top adversary) the Hollywood crowd and DC politicians and celebrities were lining up to take it, using peer pressure to force the normal people to take it also. He said soon that the U.S. military would be mandating that their soldiers take the vax and after that was done, the U.S. military would be decimated and, "China would be victorious."
He then said that of course "ONLY CHINA HAS THE ANTIDOTE", but would be withholding it and using it as a bargaining chip with the U. S. and other countries.
He was asked if the 'antidote' would fully cure the vax-sickened people. He smugly replied, "No. They cannot be cured. But, it will stop them from transmitting the disease to others."
If killing half the living population will get people to cherish life again then I say It will be a fair trade. After all, alive they couldn't stop all the baby killing.
Except a lot of the deaths are young people who just spent a ton on medical care. I've been to lots of funerals in homes and small church's. The Funeral home just gets to sell the cheapest coffin so they aren't getting rich.
Honestly I don’t think so fren. You didn’t choose to be in this game but you are a player. I made good money on Pfizer and Moderna and sold the day after the Supreme Court OSHA ruling.
I couldn’t stop millions of duped normies from injecting themselves with poison so might as well make money on it.
Not quite at the point yet where "everybody" knows somebody who dropped dead.
But it's bad. People like pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole (vax researcher in Idaho?)
saying a rare cancer he'd see maybe a few cases a decade are now more like half dozen cases the past year.
They aren't admitting it's the vax yet. They want to blame it on climate change. Or coffee. Yes, this is the idiocy the vax globalists are spewing.
Just my thoughts here. I think anyone that has been vaxxed will have any underlying dormant illness in there bodies spring to life, anything from cancer to shingles. I think this vax triggers and amplifies illness as it degrades the immune system. I also think this vax does something to the mind like dulls the cognitive thinking aspect. I also think it must have something in it that possibly makes their body crave the next booster as they jump anytime it is suggested regardless of how sick they are getting. There is no reasoning with them past a certain point. Sadly one of my sisters is one of them. Ive tried to send her documentation on the side effects and she asked me not to send her those things anymore. It is sad and honestly heartbreaking knowing what we know as the sheep go on to their slaughter 😔
This has given me extreme anxiety. 3 of my 4 daughters got these jabs (one while pregnant). 1 is constantly sick, as are her husband (vaxxed) and children. They just recently had a 2 week long stomach virus. (WTH?). Other 2 daughters have constantly weird health issues popping up. And my grandson (Mom vaxxed while carrying him) has a consistent health problem. Every twerk health issue any of them get has me so stressed that it’s that damn vax and it’s gonna kill them. Only one of them I can convince to take the supplements that can help.
Just recently a friend of ours had lost their son (just turned 13 or 14?), who apparently died from having a seizure. He did have a history of seizures but the family said they got his seizures under control for a long time and his last one was a few years ago.
We didn't ask if they were vaccinated, as it was clearly the wrong time to ask, but we do have our suspicions that they were. They were kind of submissive and would believe anything anyone with higher authority tell them what to do, i.e. take the clotshot.
Truly a sad time for them.
Additionally, another friend of ours, who has a long history of health issues, is also vaccinated because they had to undergo an operation and being vaccinated is required. Their immune system is somewhat compromised and I think it has gotten worse since the vaccine because they keep on getting a cold (the most recent one was a week or two ago and that's probably their 7th or 8th "cold" since the start of 2022) and they are complaining about chest pain and numbness in their left side.
They went to see the doctor and you know what the doctor said? "Found nothing wrong with you so come back about a few months later and we will run some more tests to make sure you're OK".
I asked them if they're still experiencing these symptoms and they still are. They're also the kind who will not listen to anyone other than a "licensed doctor" so if I were to suggest ivermectin, they most likely won't take it.
I've recommended antacids to them (this was way before I've learned about all of these stuff health-related) and they refuse to take it then the doctor said to take antacids and they took it, which was literally the same thing I told them to take. That tells you how submissive they are to people of higher authority and resistant they are to suggestions from "outsiders".
Funny you say that about refusing your advice and then doctor gives same advice.
Bought my wife some quercetin and MIL thought that was ridiculous, even when I explained it can help reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system.
MIL gets her second jab and ends up getting a doctor recommended IV Drip to boost her immune system, which contained quercetin, zinc, and Vitamins C, D, and Vitamin B Complex.
Yep that was because I had the same thing my friend had, so I thought to recommend what I was already taking but they refused and saw the dr. Dr told them to take literally exactly the same thing I was already taking.
They didn't say, "Sorry I didn't listen to you" or the like. I was saying "I told you so!" deep inside but I just smiled at them when they told me what the Dr said.
As for your MIL, yeah, people can be that feeble enough to trust anyone who have a degree/diploma and is an "expert" at what they do, without even trying to do the research on their own. Little does they know that people can be an "expert" just because they memorized everything in the book but they may not understand 1/2 of it!
There has to be something going on we don't know because Trump is still bragging about how quickly he rolled them out. After bragging, he just said in Alaska, "someday we're going to have to sit down and have a little talk (about the vaccines)".
I have a vaxxed friend with intermittent severe vertigo lasting several hours or a day each time. She never had it before and was a normally healthy gal. Another vaxxed friend just had a brain bleed. Fortunately it didn't kill him but he's pretty incapacitated. Several other vaxxed friends have had covid. None of my unvaxxed friends or I have been sick or had any unusual problems. So in my micro world, the explanation is pretty clear. Stay away from the vax.
I did my best to warn family and friends with documentaries and articles talking about the unreliability of the vaccine as well as the expose on Pfizer and others. That's about the best I could do so those that still took it, I'll just pray that God watches over them.
I think the vaccine was the best possible outcome of the choices they had. Sad to say, but they were seriously going to put us into death camps. He did tell people it was their choice. I get it, it's horrific, but he saved the people he could. If he had not had the vaccine fast tracked, the lockdowns were going to last forever. I hope there is a way to save the vaxxed that will come out sooner rather than later. 🙏
Also recommend ed regeneron..buying up all stock for Americans to have as a vaccine and they are using regeneron as a cancer cure. When he said he recommended vaccines hecmeant his not theirs but couldn't say that
So far many that I know stopped at two seem to be fine or have returned to normal, dunno though if they had received saline instead or if it was the real thing but not a hot batch and the effects wear off with time if boosters are not taken.
A question still I'm not able to answer completely because I hope not .. How big is big pharma and what could take them down forever ? Not saying billions will have to die in this reply.. It's so complicated that we don't have the where, who's , or why's . You get my drift.
Yes. It was force the vaccine early and thus under emergency conditions, therefore not able to be made mandatory. They would have pushed 10 year lock downs while we waited for a tested vaccine.
Trump remember was being forced to OK the vax by the MSM, big pharma, big medicine - they were poised to strike if he refused, so he compromised and gave people what they wanted if they wanted it and always said BUT you have the right to choose to take it - no mandates. Under Trump, no one was forcing people to get jabbed or lose their job. It was still in discussion. Trump cautioned against such harsh measures. The MSM REEEd that that World Death-o-meter demanded forced jabs, which began in other nations besides the US while Trump was in office. Then Hidey came in.
I don't know if it is true, but a friend who works in D.C. three letter agency stuff said that Trump told them, essentially, that the people taking it would take it regardless. It just is what it is.
If anyone has the time, and a local newspaper that publishes daily or weekly obituaries, the trend could be analyzed. I just did a very quick look at our local newspaper (Poughkeepsie Journal), and used the past week, Wed through Tuesday, to get a weekly number, and then compared it to previous years:
30 per week in mid July 2022
47 per week in mid July 2021
35 per week in mid July 2020
57 per week in mid July 2019
The data only went back to Dec of 2018, and of course, this is a VERY limited look. The variability is probably pretty high per given week, so my quick analysis is just illustrating that variability. I think I can do another quick look where I just take the page number of the obituaries vs the date of the page. The length of the obituary effects how many pages a given day takes up, but it should show a somewhat meaningful trend.
I just finished an analysis of the data from the local paper, and there has been no change in the trend of the number of obituary pages published per time interval, but...the newspaper cut off the start of old obituaries at the end of 2019, so there is no way to look at the trend prior to covid and post covid. Is this coincidental? This newspaper has had an online presence for about 20 years. They are definitely leftist in what they cover (mostly just reprinted stuff from AP and their parent, leftist news service), and it wouldn't surprise me if they saw the trend and decided they better cut it off the way they did.
my X and child - vaxx free. my mother one and done - started putting magnets on her. my GF - 3 shots, no boosters. my brother and his wife - full boosters and shots, they are waiting to put their two year old with the poison when allowed.
My brother is a dick, so not much of a loss for society. I am going to miss him though.
I've kept track of family members that took it. I'm just hoping that they didn't have enough poison to ship to the third world country I live in and that most of them got lucky and just got placebo shots.
Still, I'm already preparing myself for the worst case scenarios.
I had a cousin tell me almost 50 years ago that medical doctors don't actually cure ANY disease! It took me a few decades to finally realize how right he was! They are great at TREATING all sorts of things, but when it comes to actual disease; lupus, cancer, diabetes, etc., they can't cure you, and now, with the Big Pharma link, likely make you worse than no treatment at all.
I want to add that I like to inform anyone I can that medical doctors are essentially trade school graduates. They learn the parts, how they work, clues to what part may be malfunctioning, and then how to address those malfunctions. Sound like auto mechanic trade school to anyone? :)
Yes, but its not just myocarditis. Its a whole host of things, including degrading immune system. My mum who was double jabbed recently had a blood test and her immune numbers are completely crazy. Just 6 months ago they were all normal. The doctor is trying to convince her to not worry and forget about it. I am trying to get her to do more tests and figure out how bad things are and what the best way to fix it.
The Doctor telling her not to worry about it is the worst advice possible. Something clearly is wrong and the Doctor isn't interested in saying what.
Their are no real doctors anymore only prescribers. I'm up in age and never been to see a "doctor". Only stiches from time to time..
Same here. My rule of thumb is that if I can’t stop the bleeding within an hour or there’s a bone poking through my skin I’ll go to a “doctor”. Otherwise, fuck those ass hats and their pills.
I even set bones twice very successfully. I got broken ribs one time and my employees were all bugged me to go to the Dr. I came back and told everyone yep there broken, just like I thought. They wanted to know what they were going to do and I told them "Nothing". $700 for nothing, and they thought I was crazy.
Not much you can do for broken ribs except try not to laugh or sneeze :)
I had a broken rib a few years ago and read that wrapping your chest was bad because it could lead to lung congestion. I didn't wrap, and each morning when I woke up, there would be an audible "crack!", because it was either re-breaking, or the break line was just rubbing; I don't know for sure. But this continued for a week or two until it finally fused, but fused offset, so now I have a lump where the break happened. I wish I had wrapped it so it would have fused in the correct alignment!
Sounds like a pretty bad break in the first place.
It's a totally 50-50 choice as to whether wrapping is worth it, especially if the instinct is to wrap it tightly.
My appendix burst in December 2019. The stupid thing is, I went to my local clinic because I had pain and the doctor said that it was just gas. He gave me some medicine Friday afternoon and by Monday morning, The pain was real bad. I went back and he said my appendix had burst. I drove myself to the ER and later I learned what a bad idea that was. I stumbled towards the hospital and they got me a wheelchair. I had to have it removed along with a few centimeters of my intestine with it because the infection was so bad.
You were lucky, once it bursts you are definitely on the clock.
It's a good thing I didn't eat breakfast that morning. Once I got to the hospital and had a scan, I had to lay for a couple hours in the ER. I was able to use the restroom one last time before the pain got too bad to even move. I can't imagine getting shot with a gun and how that must feel, because a burst appendix rendered me immobile.
When I was taken in with a grumbling appendix I had to wait 2 1/2 days for a consultant to get round to seeing me and say 'yep, appendix'. Then had to wait 1/2 day for op.
During that time, no food or liquid (on a drip) during a heatwave (no air-con in UK hospitals) and I was freezing cold and getting greyer by the hour.
Still, the op went well so I'm grateful for that, and my wife being totally awesome.
The ERs now ROUTINELY make patients who complain of pain wait longer than they used to, out of fear that someone is faking pain to get narcotics! I went in for a kidney stone (didn't know it; thought it was appendix) and they had me wait about 45 minutes in extreme pain before they finally did a CT scan to show it was a kidney stone. By that time, the pain had finally started to subside.
Doctors will never recover from going ALL IN with the Covid psyop.
It will take at least two full generations to start to clean up all the Rockefeller petroleum allopathic bullshit that has been forced on to the medical community for the last 100+ years. That bloodline needs to be erased from the world.
I can give you the info for a team of based naturopathic doctors who work remotely and do detox from vaccines.
This should be it’s own post for everyone to benefit this is their website!
thank you! also synergy health saved my son's life when local hospital wouldn't give him monoclonal antibodies. I found them on dr z's website last fall. You will get phone calls from different numbers, its ok (don't try calling them). from time of analysis of his condition to getting all the meds was 1 day. very legit for me
Is that in UK?
No but they work out of pocket as opposed to with insurance anyway.
yes, I would really appreciate this info. this is their website! They don’t take insurance so it’s out of pocket but they’re worth every penny for what you get out of it.
This is very true. I've stopped going to doctors a long time ago since most of them just became pill peddlers and couldn't diagnose their way out of a paper bag.
Once the old doctors I've known retired, I went to see some younger ones and they were just all over the place and completely untrustworthy.
Take care of your health, because they certainly won't.
My last visit to the doctor ( a very long time ago ) was about gout because I was foolishly drinking too much HFCS from soda. It was hard to walk due to the pain, but the medicine they gave me caused me to bleed when taking a dump. I threw the meds away, never went back and I researched the proper way to cure gout through diet. Just took a little bit of self-discipline to eat the right food and got cured without medicine within a year and hadn't had it back within the last decade.
Funny how a bunch of cherries, eating properly ( food I cooked by myself ) and no soda can work out.
Multiply this by tens of thousands, and you have a clear picture of what happened, and what is still happening.
Get her on NAC if you can
yeah, I have had her on ivm for a whilenow, but I really need to dig deep into the vaxx detox protocols and figure out what does what. NAC sounds like a good idea, but have to dig into it too.
just an internet person but: NAC, aspirin 81 daily, daily vit C, vit E
Look into vitamin e supplementation being related to prostate cancer, I'd switch out the vitamin e with vitamin d. That's been working for me anyway I take the same things
Why 81 milligrams? That's oddly specific.
I just looked at the pills I have, and they're 246mg, three times the size.
The standard dose (246mg) and above is safe on occasion, but when aspirin is taken daily, there becomes a risk of stomach bleeding.
81mg is also known as a “baby aspirin” and is considered a safer dose to take daily to minimize the risk of stomach bleeding, and is the dose typically prescribed for people who would benefit from the blood thinning of a daily aspirin such as heart attack or stroke victims.
Pomegranate juice does the same job as does ginger and garlic side effects.... pomegranate juice is something doctors should prescribe . It's so powerful. Cleans arteries
But then they can't get a few dollars in kickbacks for that.
Stomach bleeding? Damn, thanks for the heads-up.
I'll get the smaller ones the next time I'm at the store. Thank you.
81 mg is the low dose "baby" asprin that is often taken by patients with heart problems or stroke risk. had different level therapy regimens. I printed out the I-Recover plan for a jabbed family member this week, and the I-Protect plan to have on hand for those of us still holding the line. I found them useful as references/guides...very detailed.
Zingle's book is very short and easy to use as a shopping list.
What? He told her not to worry about it? That sounds like medical malpractice. But then, he probably encouraged her to get the shots.
That's not a "doctor," that's a fucking quack.
Changing your diet is very important. Processed food and sugar will only complicate things more.
More than 5 billion people have been injected with at least one dose of a COVID vaccine — so if we extrapolate a 6% heart injury/hospitalization rate from the survey, that would mean 300 million people have been effected.
If Dr. Malone is correct and a majority of vaccinated people have undiagnosed myocarditis, that would mean 3 billion people are at serious risk of sudden cardiac death.
You can’t imagine it (and I can’t imagine it ) but if that really happens to even a tenth of 3 billion people in the next few years, then we are talking about a world-altering event.
The book of Revelation in the bible speaks of a time when 1/3 of the population will die, and then 1/4 of the remaining people will die. Basically, about half the world's population. The 'end times' always seems like something far off. But knowing what we do about the vaxx, could this be that event?
I think it could. I'm praying for humanity, but know God is in control. 🙏
A funeral I went to did a reading from The Book of Revelation that needed to be heard by the vaxx pushing liberals. Yet they skipped the service by attending the viewing the previous night.
At this point, I am convinced that the Bible was written by Time Traveling Aliens.
You can make revelations say anything. The world is very old and humans have died off at various points due to ice ages etc
The Bible has been altered to suit agendas for a very long time and was a testament of the tribe of Jacob account of the arrival of elohim..240 odd of them..not very many female... mistranslation and agendas have occurred since then.
Homer and the epic of Gilgamesh and the Mahabharata books also speak of the same event and the Bible was written after not before.
How was the book of Revelation altered?
Revelstions has been altered in many ways. Events were only written hundreds of years after events and not by professionals. They were written by hand ..each time they were rewritten more errors and changes happened.
James Tabor is a Christian author and an expert on revelations so it's best you look into his research.
Here is also the matter of a pre Christian will find this research interesting
Revelation (not RevelationS) was written by the Apostle John on the island of Patmos. Not hundreds of years later.
Who are the “professionals”? Lol
Where is the proof that earlier versions are different than later?
As I said you are better doing your own research..or if you are happy with your beliefs then don't bother
Did it allude to what would cause it, such as a world catastrophe or an actual disease not manufactured by man (like bubonic plague)?
Bring on 5G and find just the right frequency to overload their nervous systems.
Cancer is hitting people hard too. I posted this previously, but my waitress's hubby got cancer in his lymph and she noted the doctor had another young female with the same thing. I think the lymph tries to clean out garbage from your system.... seems like a lot of people may be getting that.
Heart attacks or strokes. A stroke is essentially the same as a heart attack, but in the brain. (And amusingly, the Rockefeller medical paradigm claims that cholesterol only affects heart attacks and not strokes, even though they are the same. I teach at an elementary school and one of my 4th grade students' young mother died this year of a stroke, most likely due to the deathjabs.
I think it'll effect more than a few hundred million people. If depopulation was their plan, it'll be a much higher number. Add to that the infertility.... = mission accomplished. :o(
Well, it’s hitting home. Friend of a friend just had a stroke and is not going to make it. Another friend had a heart attack and then surgery last winter. His wife was just medivac’ed (helicopter) with “mystery illness,” dizziness, brain fog, heart not pumping enough oxygen to brain etc.
The trouble is, all of these people were vaxxed, but none of them see a connection.
Everyone is hiring, but every company is still short staffed. The Lowes out where Im at lost 30% of their staff last week. They "quit". Where's everyone going? No company has a surplus of people, they're all short staffed no matter the industry, even though they're all hiring. COVID money has been halted ....... Where is everybody? What are they doing for work?
A couple times a month I make a 10hr long interstate travel and I can tell you the roads are almost empty. Both directions.......pick a day. Even Memorial Day Weekend and July 4th, roads super thinned-out. Is it just gas? Or something else? I don't see any MORE people on foot, or bike, or anything like that.
Are shit tons of people actually dying and were not being told?
Yesterday I drove past a graveyard that I pass by everyday.........seemed like a lot of new arrivals. The amount of people with just flower markers, who haven't received their stone yet, were in the hundreds. I drive by there everyday. Its getting packed
My husband and I have noticed the same thing. We can’t get people to apply for anything. Pay rates are through the roof too so it isn’t like the offers are poor. We were discussing months ago what it could be. We feel like the COVID money isn’t it other than people were paid to sit home and are lazy now. But one thing we wondered but don’t know how to confirm is it that so many people are dying and estates are getting settled and inheritance is allowing people to stay home??
I had 5 people quit within 3 weeks of getting their 90 day employment bonus. Never called me, just stopped showing up. I usually run about a 20 person crew. This year I had 12. I had 5 show up yesterday. I paid a 1000 dollar premium for each person to work only 3 months plus way overpaying to begin with. I have guys doing 15 dollar an hour jobs but paying them 25.
If I could find someone to buy my company Id retire tomorrow. I may do so anyway, I can always use the 300k worth of equipment I own, even though a lot of it is duplicates, on the farm. Im thinking I could build another pole barn to store it and use it when the other stuff breaks down and then cannibalize the older stuff for parts. Its all mostly paid for anyway,.
My whole huge company went to permanent work from home. I know of several other large companies in my area that have done the same- that could account for the lower traffic in part
Interesting thought. Baby boomers' money.
Not good I tell ya not good at all.
Regarding hiring, there are many people I know (2 of them being my sons) that apply for jobs and never get a call. I met a guy who applied to about 20 restaurants with help wanted signs and never got a call. He told me about 10 of his friends experienced the same thing in different industries. What the hell is behind that!?!?
Funeral homes are swamped. What used to be 1-2 deaths per week average is now 1-2 deaths per day.
On the bright side, I just may be able to afford a beautiful beach-side home in a few years. That’s assuming we still have a country left intact.
In my industry I have never wanted for work (freelance security consultant) but last year marked a clear change.
I can't be certain, but in my case I think HR are getting in the way. My CV is geared up to a) get agents interested in representing me to their clients and b) impress the hiring managers (who are usually technical).
It's not an HR friendly CV and I think they are now getting in the way of my cv reaching the hiring managers.
Are your sons white males? Because diversity hiring is now a huge thing.
One is white and the other Chinese.
Chinese is the unspoken "white." Chinese students are suing Harvard over admissions policies ... it's going to the Supreme Court. The same race discrimination model got rolled out hardcore across corporate America over the last 2 years in the name of "equity."
It also depends on which CRT is taught. I’ve seen Asians lumped in with Whites as oppressors and I’ve seen them thrown into the weak and fragile POC victim group.
Yes, what you say about everyone hiring is so true. It has been that way in my area for months now. “Now Hiring. All Shifts/Positions“ signs everywhere!
Where did everybody go?
Another interesting thing I’ve noticed is there are two large graveyards I pass by occasionally. They have had help wanted signs out for months now. Never in my life have I seen such a sign at a graveyard.
Wow. Yeah, same with the graveyard Im talking about. The only reason I actually noticed what seemed to be a large influx of deceased, was because I saw a "Now Hiring" sign right by the graves.
At first I thought, damn, that's kinda rude to be posting your hiring signs next to some head stones. Then I realized, it only said "now hiring", but not by whom, and that the sign was for the graveyard itself.
It is weird. I am familiar with people on both sides of the equation. I know business owners that are short staffed or can't get help, and I know people looking for work that can't seem to get hired. What the hell is the disconnect here? If people are staying home, I would like to know what they are living on. The stimulus money ended early last year and extended unemployment stopped in many states at the same time. So, unless some of these people are living on inheritances from dead baby boomer parents, I don't have a clue where everyone is. However, I have not noticed a slow down in traffic where I live. Rush hour traffic is just as congested as it ever was - if not more so because of the increase in housing. When I first moved to where I am currently located there was hardly anyone. Unfortunately for me, that is not the case any longer.
There are definitely strange unexplainable things going on everywhere we turn.
Yes indeed, and most of it does not make sense - or at least I have not been able to come up with a logical explanation for it.
Belt Parkway is still busy as usual, so is the Gowanus.
Has anyone noticed an increase in single vehicle fatal car crashes recently? I have.
And drownings.
Our local sheriff was walking down a dock to get into a boat three days ago. He knew how to swim. And the water is shallow. But, he suddenly fell in and drowned. Obviously he had a heart attack or stroke while walking down the dock and was dead or close to dead by the time he hit the water.
I've definitely noticed a huge increase in drownings as well. Assuming it's because people are putting a "strain" on their heart by actively swimming and holding their breath.
So many in daytime, people in their 30s, 40s, 50s, without excessive speed. I’m sure they are “medical events”.
yeah was skyrocketing a short while ago in oz - vic state etc but now its either hush hush or stopped
A friend of mine was in a car accident because the car going the opposite direction, swerved into my friend's lane and crashed head on. Turned out the driver had a stroke while driving. My friend is fine but has several bruises, especially on the right hand because my friend just had hand surgery.
My friend would have swerved to avoid the accident but the car came out too fast, probably due to the driver pushing the pedal to the metal and gave zero time to react swift enough for my friend.
So glad your friend is okay!
I dislike this topic because I suffered a death without dying trying to wake up family, friends, and my community. Instead every single one of them too this poisoned jab. I’m about to lose my house through a separation which this scamdemic had a role in and I’m about to start a life of solitude, by myself and move in to a rental in two weeks.
On the other side, despite what seems to be a non-stop mourning for my previous “sleeping” life. I’m also grateful because I feel like a new person. I don’t give a fuck anymore. Any conformity I had left to this sick society, is gone. I might have no friends right now, and half my family might be taken away sooner because everyone of them took the poison, but those things I cannot control. I tried. I tried to the point where I was asking myself if there was a point waking up the next morning. But here I am, now working on myself harder than ever.
To the survivors, I think we just need to work on ourselves. We will be needed by those who rejected and laughed at us.
I love you all.
God bless you for trying. I had a similar thing with my mother, who's now had 4 jabs and getting sicker by the day.
At the outset she didn't like the information I was giving her because it scared her.
I hope you and your spouse can come back together. I know it's hard, but I am always rooting for marriages.
I made the decision to leave. I tried to teach her how to think for herself, how to research information. Whenever I provided her evidence, she never thought for herself. She always had to get an opinion of someone from her circle of friends, all of whom are virtue signaling brainwashed zombies who did nothing but use her and whisper the narrative in her ears. She's in the nursing field, literally parrots "safe and effective" and "could have been worse" and every other programmed statements that the herd use. And now, just recently, I found her with some prescribed medication for shingles. Since our separation, I have said nothing about this topic anymore. I was tired of the arguments. They made me sad. I respected her field and her beliefs even when I didn't agree with them. But when I went out and spent time fighting this fucking tyranny, all I got was an earful and we argued. I wanted to start a family with her. I proposed to her just after the scamdemic hit, thinking nothing of it and just laughing it off. I was happy despite the clownfuckery. I'm now over 40, I don't know whether I'll be able to start a family. But I'll continue to fight. I'll continue to work on myself physically and mentally.
I know that feel fren. If anything, this experience has made us warriors.
The algorithm is interesting to me. I am more inclined as you and teeter to the side of faith in what God has created and not in a man made hyped up, clown driven agenda.
I have a family member on the complete opposite side and believes fully that these clowns were and are the good guys. This family was saying things like he cares about my survival and I need to wear double masks and blah blah blah.
His heart very well could of been trying to do the right thing and he still cannot comprehend rejection. At first I was trying to be nice.
The other side of this is us. We have faith in real foundational things and it is foreign and mind boggling to them. I have always noticed this but not to this height.
These people on what we categorize as lefties have washed themselves in the blood of a manmade religion and they are like babies in it. Zealous for their new found manmade religion. Yet is you say this they will still mock you and say they are not.
Do not doubt yourself and be depressed. You are on the sid that actually cares and are just learning how to cope with rejection. That is a thing too.
However all this pans out I would prefer to be on the side of God and that all by itself is frightening because I see the levels of faith and I want to be considered weak in the eyes of God because I know there is torment knowing more.
These lefties are awakened to evil and they are blind as a bat. Some will make it out and honestly I think man kind has had many revelations over the thousands of years of man kind. Only when Gods algorithm is meet to good vs evil and He says it is a wrap—will it be a wrap. Till then we are living in the most exciting time in the history of the world and the USA ;)
My friend had been in remission w/ stage II pancreatic cancer - vaxxed and boosted - came out of remission 2 months ago and killed him a couple weeks ago. Others close to us fighting for their lives against deadly cancers.
Sorry to hear about your friend. My condolences. Sadly, I think this is becoming all too common.
Thankfully, I don't personally know anyone with crazy cancer - at least for now. Everyone I know is having cardiac and blood problems as well as autoimmune issues - RA flareups, Lupus, and Shingles. I know someone right now in the hospital with cardiac clotting. Quad bypass just two years ago. The meds are not working - big surprise. The clotting is in the capillaries and not the main vessels. I have no doubt they are all clogged up with those amyloid plagues that the embalmers have been taking out of bodies. I saw one the other day being removed from a pulmonary artery during an open heart surgery. Of course the surgeons don't have a clue as to why a fibrous clot like that formed. It is a mystery.
I am forced to bite my tongue because my friends just don't want to hear the truth. The narrative is strong with those two. Both are jabbed and double boosted. The one at home is also having chest pain. The recommended treatment for the one in the hospital is to be on nitrates and to keep his heart rate below a certain level to avoid SADS. This is insanity. In other words.... we don't have a clue as to what to do here.... so,... don't do anything strenuous. What a joke.
I suggested they look into IV chelation therapy. I have no idea whether this type of therapy will dissolve these kinds of clots. But hey, it would be worth a try. As far as I know, no one has offered any possible treatments for this artery clogging stuff. Even these fast moving cancers have got them scratching their heads while at the same time continuing to ignore what is right under their noses. My fren, the thought of what may be waiting down the road for them and us is too horrible to consider. Take care.
Pomegranate juice is very good to clean the arteries..but not sure if it could remove that fibrous stuff that grows. It's so creepy
Honestly, it would take a whole lot of juice to have the beneficial effects that people think they are deriving from drinking any kind of store bought juice - and the increased sugar is no good. Unless someone is juicing themselves, store bought juice is a waste of money, and in the end is more than likely going to deliver far more unintended consequence from the high simple carb amount than any perceived benefit. Most of the products by law have to be pasteurized in order to be sold. That kills the enzymes, destroys many of the vitamins and phytonutrients, and concentrates the sugars.
Nattokinase, Vitamin K2 in the form of MK-4 and MK-7, are much better supplements to take to keep blood from clotting. Good fish oils are also helpful in this area. In addition, fish oils help to keep the vascular tone subtle in order to be able to have more youthful flexibility with changing vascular pressure. It is like the difference between a water hose that is new versus an older one that has gotten brittle. Which one is likely to burst with increased pressure? The supplements I mentioned work by helping to inhibit platelet aggregation which causes things to get sticky. K2 is also helpful for bone health.
These amyloid plagues are a whole different biological phenomenon that has never been seen before. We are not even sure what this stuff is much less know what to do in order to treat it. None of the normal clot busing therapies are seeming to have any effect. Which does not surprise me because these are not regular blood clots. They are something else entirely.
The book of Revelation in the bible speaks of a time when 1/3 of the population will die, and then 1/4 of the remaining people will die. Basically, about half the world's population. The 'end times' always seems like something far off. But knowing what we do about the vaxx, could this be that event?
It is written ..
My neighbor's friend's sister just died unexpectedly a couple of days ago. Neighbors are jabbed and don't want to talk about it though.
Those mf'ers. I just pray for justice on earth, and before God.
That means it's working.
It's already bad, just varying levels of people who do not want to admit what is happening both to themselves and others. And we tried to tell them.
You, as well as many other anons, are a walking red-pill at this point.
Identical situation for my husband. All others in his segment of the company who gave in are in a revolving sick/unwell routine; but not him. Hmmm...
When people believe their safety is based on not knowing, those who tell the truth become their enemies.
People who believed in something strongly and preached it to the high heavens will be ashamed to admit they were wrong.
This might sound crass, but now would be the time, with our stock market in the crapper, to be looking at funeral homes as a stock pick. This story makes it clear that a lot of people will be dying and in large amounts. So the workload at funeral homes will increase, thus the stock prices ought to catch the rise.
If we have a mass die off event, the bodies will not be going to funeral homes.
We will see funeral pyres in the streets.
Pray that we do not go down that timeline, and that the Military has a cure up their sleeves, because if not, things are going to get ugly.
Agreed 100%
Could that die off be the precipice that Q spoke of?
Did you see that Chinese translated video from a year or so ago that someone posted on their twitter? I captured screen shots from it before it got purged.
The video was blurry enough that I couldn't determine who the well-dressed important-looking official was that was standing at a podium speaking. The audio was in Chinese, and the Chinese closed captioning was also scrolling across the bottom of the screen. Below that, there was also an English translation. I have to assume the translation was correct.
Quickly Twitter banned the twitter member, and wiped the video from discovery. But not before I screen-shot a record of it, sentence by sentence. Here is what I captured:
The Chinese man was at a podium and speaking to a group of unseen people along with other officials that were shown on the side panel like a zoom call.
He said that the vax propaganda push was working and that in the U.S. (their top adversary) the Hollywood crowd and DC politicians and celebrities were lining up to take it, using peer pressure to force the normal people to take it also. He said soon that the U.S. military would be mandating that their soldiers take the vax and after that was done, the U.S. military would be decimated and, "China would be victorious."
He then said that of course "ONLY CHINA HAS THE ANTIDOTE", but would be withholding it and using it as a bargaining chip with the U. S. and other countries.
He was asked if the 'antidote' would fully cure the vax-sickened people. He smugly replied, "No. They cannot be cured. But, it will stop them from transmitting the disease to others."
If killing half the living population will get people to cherish life again then I say It will be a fair trade. After all, alive they couldn't stop all the baby killing.
Killing half the population will cause the other half to kill each other.
It didn't when the black plaque devastated Europe.
Yeah that's grim but analytical minds think about the broad overview of things.
Except a lot of the deaths are young people who just spent a ton on medical care. I've been to lots of funerals in homes and small church's. The Funeral home just gets to sell the cheapest coffin so they aren't getting rich.
Honestly I don’t think so fren. You didn’t choose to be in this game but you are a player. I made good money on Pfizer and Moderna and sold the day after the Supreme Court OSHA ruling.
I couldn’t stop millions of duped normies from injecting themselves with poison so might as well make money on it.
I looked into this about a year ago. I was not sold onto the idea after researching. Here are the main tickers for the industry-
Ivermectin, NAC, hydroxychloroquine will be the cures
The machines they use to collect the antibodies,can filter out the spike protein, the just need the demand and permission to do so.
Not quite at the point yet where "everybody" knows somebody who dropped dead.
But it's bad. People like pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole (vax researcher in Idaho?) saying a rare cancer he'd see maybe a few cases a decade are now more like half dozen cases the past year.
They aren't admitting it's the vax yet. They want to blame it on climate change. Or coffee. Yes, this is the idiocy the vax globalists are spewing.
they ARE thinking it, though
Correct. They just don’t feel like suiciding themselves.
Just my thoughts here. I think anyone that has been vaxxed will have any underlying dormant illness in there bodies spring to life, anything from cancer to shingles. I think this vax triggers and amplifies illness as it degrades the immune system. I also think this vax does something to the mind like dulls the cognitive thinking aspect. I also think it must have something in it that possibly makes their body crave the next booster as they jump anytime it is suggested regardless of how sick they are getting. There is no reasoning with them past a certain point. Sadly one of my sisters is one of them. Ive tried to send her documentation on the side effects and she asked me not to send her those things anymore. It is sad and honestly heartbreaking knowing what we know as the sheep go on to their slaughter 😔
This has given me extreme anxiety. 3 of my 4 daughters got these jabs (one while pregnant). 1 is constantly sick, as are her husband (vaxxed) and children. They just recently had a 2 week long stomach virus. (WTH?). Other 2 daughters have constantly weird health issues popping up. And my grandson (Mom vaxxed while carrying him) has a consistent health problem. Every twerk health issue any of them get has me so stressed that it’s that damn vax and it’s gonna kill them. Only one of them I can convince to take the supplements that can help.
Your not alone in this..🙏
There's only so much you can do. You pray for the rest.
Just recently a friend of ours had lost their son (just turned 13 or 14?), who apparently died from having a seizure. He did have a history of seizures but the family said they got his seizures under control for a long time and his last one was a few years ago.
We didn't ask if they were vaccinated, as it was clearly the wrong time to ask, but we do have our suspicions that they were. They were kind of submissive and would believe anything anyone with higher authority tell them what to do, i.e. take the clotshot.
Truly a sad time for them.
Additionally, another friend of ours, who has a long history of health issues, is also vaccinated because they had to undergo an operation and being vaccinated is required. Their immune system is somewhat compromised and I think it has gotten worse since the vaccine because they keep on getting a cold (the most recent one was a week or two ago and that's probably their 7th or 8th "cold" since the start of 2022) and they are complaining about chest pain and numbness in their left side.
They went to see the doctor and you know what the doctor said? "Found nothing wrong with you so come back about a few months later and we will run some more tests to make sure you're OK".
I asked them if they're still experiencing these symptoms and they still are. They're also the kind who will not listen to anyone other than a "licensed doctor" so if I were to suggest ivermectin, they most likely won't take it.
I've recommended antacids to them (this was way before I've learned about all of these stuff health-related) and they refuse to take it then the doctor said to take antacids and they took it, which was literally the same thing I told them to take. That tells you how submissive they are to people of higher authority and resistant they are to suggestions from "outsiders".
Funny you say that about refusing your advice and then doctor gives same advice.
Bought my wife some quercetin and MIL thought that was ridiculous, even when I explained it can help reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system.
MIL gets her second jab and ends up getting a doctor recommended IV Drip to boost her immune system, which contained quercetin, zinc, and Vitamins C, D, and Vitamin B Complex.
Yep that was because I had the same thing my friend had, so I thought to recommend what I was already taking but they refused and saw the dr. Dr told them to take literally exactly the same thing I was already taking.
They didn't say, "Sorry I didn't listen to you" or the like. I was saying "I told you so!" deep inside but I just smiled at them when they told me what the Dr said.
As for your MIL, yeah, people can be that feeble enough to trust anyone who have a degree/diploma and is an "expert" at what they do, without even trying to do the research on their own. Little does they know that people can be an "expert" just because they memorized everything in the book but they may not understand 1/2 of it!
But to each their own!
It will be worse even.
There has to be something going on we don't know because Trump is still bragging about how quickly he rolled them out. After bragging, he just said in Alaska, "someday we're going to have to sit down and have a little talk (about the vaccines)".
That comment stood out to me, glad someone else caught it too.
I've been attending the world's longest funeral, began Dec 2019...
Wait till they find out that they are all sterile. 🙄
Husband's cousin and his wife were first in line to get it for themselves. Once it came out for kids, we think they got it for their 12 year old.
12 year old boy was just in hospital for 3 days. He woke up and couldn't move and thought his name was "dad".
He was released and was sent for an MRI. He is #72 on the waiting list for MRI in a major metro area. ????
So sad.
Yes, people will die off quite rapidly. I am not looking forward to this at all, it will be horrific for all involved. May God deliver us from evil.
I have a vaxxed friend with intermittent severe vertigo lasting several hours or a day each time. She never had it before and was a normally healthy gal. Another vaxxed friend just had a brain bleed. Fortunately it didn't kill him but he's pretty incapacitated. Several other vaxxed friends have had covid. None of my unvaxxed friends or I have been sick or had any unusual problems. So in my micro world, the explanation is pretty clear. Stay away from the vax.
I did my best to warn family and friends with documentaries and articles talking about the unreliability of the vaccine as well as the expose on Pfizer and others. That's about the best I could do so those that still took it, I'll just pray that God watches over them.
The brainwashing done to generations of humans cannot be undone by simpler means! Some will have to die for others to awaken!
Non covid excess deaths in the UK. Deaths are up.
Would Trump promote the vaccine if it were going to cause billions of people to die?
I think the vaccine was the best possible outcome of the choices they had. Sad to say, but they were seriously going to put us into death camps. He did tell people it was their choice. I get it, it's horrific, but he saved the people he could. If he had not had the vaccine fast tracked, the lockdowns were going to last forever. I hope there is a way to save the vaxxed that will come out sooner rather than later. 🙏
He also told us about ivermectin and Zelenko. He saved many lives that way.
Also recommend ed regeneron..buying up all stock for Americans to have as a vaccine and they are using regeneron as a cancer cure. When he said he recommended vaccines hecmeant his not theirs but couldn't say that
So far many that I know stopped at two seem to be fine or have returned to normal, dunno though if they had received saline instead or if it was the real thing but not a hot batch and the effects wear off with time if boosters are not taken.
A question still I'm not able to answer completely because I hope not .. How big is big pharma and what could take them down forever ? Not saying billions will have to die in this reply.. It's so complicated that we don't have the where, who's , or why's . You get my drift.
They are about to be exposed for the massive deaths. No one will ever trust them again and lawsuits will take them down. I have no doubt about that.
I honestly hope your correct fren !!
Manhunts and removal of bloodlines from the Earth.
Yes. It was force the vaccine early and thus under emergency conditions, therefore not able to be made mandatory. They would have pushed 10 year lock downs while we waited for a tested vaccine.
No one is infallible. Probably fooled his ass too.
Nah he knows, military intelligence knows all.
Trump remember was being forced to OK the vax by the MSM, big pharma, big medicine - they were poised to strike if he refused, so he compromised and gave people what they wanted if they wanted it and always said BUT you have the right to choose to take it - no mandates. Under Trump, no one was forcing people to get jabbed or lose their job. It was still in discussion. Trump cautioned against such harsh measures. The MSM REEEd that that World Death-o-meter demanded forced jabs, which began in other nations besides the US while Trump was in office. Then Hidey came in.
Of course they laughed at him, because they couldn't make billions off of it.
Brought to you by Pfizer
I don't know if it is true, but a friend who works in D.C. three letter agency stuff said that Trump told them, essentially, that the people taking it would take it regardless. It just is what it is.
If anyone has the time, and a local newspaper that publishes daily or weekly obituaries, the trend could be analyzed. I just did a very quick look at our local newspaper (Poughkeepsie Journal), and used the past week, Wed through Tuesday, to get a weekly number, and then compared it to previous years:
30 per week in mid July 2022 47 per week in mid July 2021 35 per week in mid July 2020 57 per week in mid July 2019
The data only went back to Dec of 2018, and of course, this is a VERY limited look. The variability is probably pretty high per given week, so my quick analysis is just illustrating that variability. I think I can do another quick look where I just take the page number of the obituaries vs the date of the page. The length of the obituary effects how many pages a given day takes up, but it should show a somewhat meaningful trend.
I just finished an analysis of the data from the local paper, and there has been no change in the trend of the number of obituary pages published per time interval, but...the newspaper cut off the start of old obituaries at the end of 2019, so there is no way to look at the trend prior to covid and post covid. Is this coincidental? This newspaper has had an online presence for about 20 years. They are definitely leftist in what they cover (mostly just reprinted stuff from AP and their parent, leftist news service), and it wouldn't surprise me if they saw the trend and decided they better cut it off the way they did.
I now know 4 friends all have the same throat/lymph cancer.
I commented on this further up- know someone with throat/lymph cancer. The lymph is how the body detoxes itself.... poor thing. It's trying.
Mother in law was just diagnosed with "post covid" myocarditis.
my X and child - vaxx free. my mother one and done - started putting magnets on her. my GF - 3 shots, no boosters. my brother and his wife - full boosters and shots, they are waiting to put their two year old with the poison when allowed.
My brother is a dick, so not much of a loss for society. I am going to miss him though.
I've kept track of family members that took it. I'm just hoping that they didn't have enough poison to ship to the third world country I live in and that most of them got lucky and just got placebo shots.
Still, I'm already preparing myself for the worst case scenarios.
I had a cousin tell me almost 50 years ago that medical doctors don't actually cure ANY disease! It took me a few decades to finally realize how right he was! They are great at TREATING all sorts of things, but when it comes to actual disease; lupus, cancer, diabetes, etc., they can't cure you, and now, with the Big Pharma link, likely make you worse than no treatment at all.
I want to add that I like to inform anyone I can that medical doctors are essentially trade school graduates. They learn the parts, how they work, clues to what part may be malfunctioning, and then how to address those malfunctions. Sound like auto mechanic trade school to anyone? :)